tv Today NBC July 19, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it's booze day tuesday. spanky tuesday. >> it is today. >> it is. it's july 19th. that's called "make me" by britney spears. >> make me what? >> you know. >> oh, my god. >> by the way, i want to sample some stuff. this is new stuff. we sometimes have the same stuff. this is a different kind of --
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>> new baby. i want to try it for the first time on the air. oh, no, that's so good. oh! the new stuff is so good. >> it's like nectar, isn't it? >> it's like nectar. >> new stuff. seamus, i'm going to bring you new stuff. >> it's going to go great with the halibut. >> seven time winning actress allison jenny is here. she has a new show called delula. >> love her. if you're looking for something healthy for dinner, our friend seamus mullen is back. >> seamus can do it, we can do it in 5. >> together, in 5 minutes. >> louis licari will show you how to choose the right hair color and cut based on the shape of your face. yeah, makes sense. >> so often i think people who are cutting hair thinks
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don't care what your face looks like and when you get a cut it looks funky. >> they see one that they love. >> it's not so good. >> don't miss the before and after reveal. >> plus, there a's something about country music that takes the stress level down about ten notches. this country singer craig campbell is going to do that. he's going to perform his single called outskirts of heaven. it's been called real country at the finest. by the way, just a nice, nice man. >> i saw him downstairs. i wanted to say hello. i didn't want to interrupt. >> yeah. >> breaking news. >> yes. >> we love when we have breaking news on our program. >> pippa middleton is going to be a bride. the most famous bridesmaid behind is going to be the bride this time. >> yes, she is. >> she made quite the statement. all she did was walk. >> everybody talked about that walk. she's 32 years old, by the way. you guys know she's the younger sister of kate. she was -- she -- how long
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>> i don't know. his name is james matthews. they used to date. >> he's 40. that's him. let's look. is this wimbledon? yeah, looks like wimbledon. >> he's all dressed up. >> so wasn't bradley cooper that day at wimbledon. >> that's what i love about wimbledon. people go dressed. >> that's him. >> there were some rumors that were started about a possible engagement when she was photographed at an event this week and she hit her left hand so we hear from our sources -- >> oh, like that. >> he popped the question. >> maybe she had a weggie and she was fixing it. >> who hasn't done that? >> by the way, that's the most awkward thing to do when you're out somewhere. >> you've got a weg. >> you've got to get it. you've got to get it. >> i'd rather pick my own weggie than have someone else doing it. >> you want to be in control of your weggie. >> you feel like if you walk a certain way it will unjar itself. sometimes that haen
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last saturday while they were on vacation in northern england. good for them. >> here's what we need to know. he's 40. >> a baby. >> said they dated briefly in 2012 and they reunited this year. she was dating someone else? >> she dated a guy named rico. >> nico. >> yeah. we hope she'll be very, very happy. >> he's a hedge fund guy. he manages a hedge fund. >> she'll be pretty happy in one department at least, you know? she's adorable. i picture her being so nice. remember she was here. >> i didn't meet her. >> yeah. >> okay. >> anyway. >> then we have -- i don't know what we've got. enough about him. >> we did it. >> the new instagram trend and we never like them. remember the duck face everybody did. >> first of all, the duck face should have never been a thing. >> have you ever met an attractive duck? >> no.
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>> it doesn't show all the lines on your lips. >> who needs help with that? >> or the fish? >> you did the fish. what's the duck? >> the duck is like out. >> and the fish is sucking in your cheeks? >> yes. >> all right. >> so now the new one is called finger mouthing. >> what did you say it's called? >> sorry. it's called finger mouthing and it's like when you pose with your fingers draped over your lips. >> that's it. here's other examples. kathie lee so far is the best. we have kylie jenner. selena gomez. >> that's selena. >> haley baldwin. >> it's all the posse. >> they say if you put your hands in front of your face, i only know because i do it all the time, that you're embarrassed or highly insecure. when i started doing the show with you i was all hands in front of me. remember, you said move
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>> really? >> i was always like -- >> insecurity. >> you want to cover it all up. >> why would you want to cover up that face? is that not one of the most beautiful faces you've ever seen in your life? >> you want to hide behind -- >> yes, yes, you are. >> are you ever going to do the finger -- >> no. i hate the name of it. >> finger what? >> mouthing. all right. so there's this woman on "dynasty," celebrity mom. she likes to sort of lovingly mock some of the big celebrity moms. she has two sons at the age of 6 and two teenage stepdaughters. she's a mom herself. >> this is kristie teigen. she's cooking with -- cute. she does kim k imitating the new look. >> from the fergie video. >> okay. >> all right. we've got coco. >> oh, my
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that coco is something. >> you can rest a drink on her rear end. >> you could eat her lunch on your -- >> you can. >> yeah. yeah. >> jennifer lopez. >> she's so nice. here's j. lo. i love how she's getting massaged by her kid. her feet are in her face. >> i did go to see my eye doctor yesterday. >> what happened? >> nothing. >> oh, really? he gave you an exam? >> he did. he did. you know what, for whatever reason the rest of my body has gone to, you know, shot, but my eyesight and my ears are sharp. >> razor sharp? >> razor sharp. >> it is time for the -- >> bachelor ret. >> come on over here. >> last night we were in the final four. >> you missed a lot of junk. people went home. it was drama. >> okay. >> this week it's the final four the hometown visits where they go and visit the families of the guys. big g.
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report that i think she's attracted to the guys with a lot of drama in their lives? >> oh, she is? >> here's jordan. his brother is aaron rodgers. >> that was so horrible last week. i'm sorry. >> you did see that? >> forgot all about him last week. they go on the hometown visit. it's like the elephant in the room. >> he wasn't there. >> he wasn't there. the other brother luke was though so it became the topic of conversation. take a look at a little bit of what they talked about last night. >> so i know your brother aaron's not going to be here. >> right. >> what is -- like is that something that we don't talk about? >> no, i mean, yeah? >> will it come up? >> no. it doesn't need to be -- it doesn't need to be a topic. i'll tell them we talked about it. >> you're home. you've got jojo. sweetheart. >> such an amazing family. so much love. so much character. but sitting down at the table there's two empty seats and i know t
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aaron was sitting in one of them. >> i think your family really misses aaron but he doesn't like talking about it really. >> something we don't really talk about a lot. you're paying both of us not to have that relationship. like we miss our brother. you know, we just -- i trust that god brings things full circle and have to wish that everybody would just get back to, you know, us being a family. >> yeah. >> i feel so uncomfortable about that story line. >> i don't even know anything about aaron rodgers except he's a football player. >> everybody loves aaron rodgers. >> he's said nothing which i think is a classy move. he's been silent. he's been interviewed since the show started. >> must be so uncomfortable to watch your brothers -- >> every family has two sides or more and we're not seeing the other side. i feel bad for aaron. >> i do, too. anyway, her front-runner is robb
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swimmer. drama with him, too, though. >> what? >> he had told her before he came on the show he dated her for four years. they broke up before he went on the show. >> not good. >> they go to the hometown visit and his mom has to pull robby aside and say you need to know about rumors that are circulating on the internet and in tabloids about you. take a look at their conversation. >> okay. >> his roommate has made it look like you broke up to go on the show and there's -- it's -- it's rumored. >> alex? >> yes. >> why would she say that? >> i mean, i don't know but we know it's not true. we know the background of it. >> i have worked hard and been honest with her to let her know that that is such a part of my past and it's never going to come up again and if that's going to be the chink in the armor that doesn't make this work, i'm going to be
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devastated. >> what would be the benefit of your ex as a roommate saying stuff if it's not true? >> i have no idea. >> did you break up with her when you found out you were going on the show? >> no. no. no. not even close. >> robby, just be honest. >> i am being dead honest with you. >> i would rather know now than later down. so if you guys have been off and on, like just tell me now. >> so he's denied it. >> i think you're right. i think she likes drama. i think you're so right. unless they're saying dig deeper into that thing, that seems weird. >> i kind of believe that. for the mother to defend him, i thought that was nice. i don't know. the show ended though with a lot of tears. she goes into the final rose ceremony. >> i'm going to cry in a second. >> she knows she's going to knock off this guy luke because he's the only one who hasn't said he loves her. >> at the very last minute he stops the ceremony. >> of course he
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>> he says, please, i want to come outside and talk to you. s he says i'm in love with you. she spent the very end of the show crying in an airplane hanger. >> wait, she's crng. >> oh, yeah, i think every single one of them has to pass the hair test. every single one of them has this huge head of hair. >> they do. they all look alike. >> thank you. >> so when is this ending? >> when do they get the rose? tomorrow? >> next week. it's going to be the overnight date, fantasy suite date. we don't know who the final three are. >> and some of us don't care. >> love you, amanda. >> thank you, amanda. >> make sure you're all ears because we may call your name when we give it away. >> maybe not, too. >> plus, emmy winning from the first moment you met it was love at first touch and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and
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that's why only pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: "oh hi baby" so all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers the sensational news? new lash sensational luscious mascara from maybelline new york. oil-infused formula softens. fanning brush reveals layers and layers of denser lashes. the full fan effect goes luscious!
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luscious make it happen. maybelline new york give them a universe of knowledge with this 11.6" samsung chromebook for just $189. save money. live better. walmart. 9-10, rwhat am i doing?ait... >>you're searching!! oh, that's right! here i come!!! ohhh. i bet someone is hiding in that house... ouch!!! ohhh. oh, i bet someone is hiding in that... ahhh!!!
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>> we are talking about seven-time emmy winning actress allison jennings. >> we love her. one of allison's most memorable roles began back in 1999 when she played press secretary. >> on the hit show "the west wing." when that series wrapped allison hit the big stage as ellen paige's stepmother in "juno." before playing the over bearing mom in "the help." now she delivers the laughs week after week on the hit tv series "mom." >> and her latest film "tulula" she teams up with margot. >> aren't they all lonely? >> this is my home. it's not a joke. you can't just do anything you want. >> i just thought that you wanted -- >> don't -- stop it. stop. stop. you don't know what i want. you're -- you're like a pharaoh
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>> things aren't even yours. >> don't do that. i took you in off the street. i won't be taken advantage of. >> it's personal, march gee. >> of course it's personal. get your filthy fingers off of that. i will not let some crazy kid come in and destroy my life for her own amusement. >> whoa! that's what i say to hoda every day. she's messy. i will not allow this. >> wow. fun. >> yeah, fun times. love getting to work with ellen paige again. we have a lot of fun together. it's so funny. i play her mother on camera but off camera she's my mother. she's so divine. she's so present and -- >> zen. >> -- connected to so many things. ellen, where should i go in new york? she's recommending restaurants, artists to go see, she's an extraordinary person. >> is she the reason you did the project because she was connected? when i heard -- i'm like, i'm on
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board. the script. shaun wrote the script he writes for "orange is a new black." it's an amazing story about mothers, women. these three women's lives who converge. their family lives are shattered and their lives come together over one incident. ellen's character takes a baby from a mother who she feels is not fit to be a mother. it raises a lot of questions about mothering and shaun who wrote it had judgments about this one particular mother played by tammy blanchard who is so brilliant. >> she is so -- >> oh, my gosh. she's a divine creature and she's the mother who ellen paige's character takes the baby from. and it's a beautiful story. beautifully drawn characters. >> she was so good in another movie similar called "bella." you will love it with eduardo. >> you should watch that movie. >> i saw her do the judy garland. >> so talented. yeah. yeah. >> it's a beautiful movie. >> i love those movies sch
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better than when things are blowing up. >> yeah. yeah. >> we need more movies about humani humanity, real struggles. >> wanting to find connection. >> do you keep getting great projects, great scripts or do you seek them out? do people say -- >> they all come lining up. >> all, not. >> so many i don't. >> i would have dreamed to have played. >> i go through the same thing. like why wasn't i -- why didn't i get seen for that? >> name one you didn't get seen for. >> i know some that are coming down the pike that i'm not being seen for. i'm very upset. >> you know what it is, it's in your craw. >> biologically speaking i think the craw is -- >> there are things i don't get. you know, gosh, i was trying to think of the one really -- >> what got away from you? what did you say no to that became a huge hit. >> oh, i don't think i should say that. >> yes, you should.
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what was it, darling? >> well, someone, let's just say, i turned down something at the advice of my old agents -- >> who are now old agents. >> and she got an oscar nomination for that role. >> oh. >> i'm not going to wonder who's going to get someone into the "today" show and say, i know what that was. >> oscar nomination. >> we will think of that. >> we will rip it out of her during commercial break. >> we will. >> i can't wait to see this. "tulula" premiers on netflix. >> is your face oval, round, all of the above? >> no matter your cut and shape, we've got the cut for you. >> who was it? what was
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it's time for brainteaser tuesday when we put your mind to work with a fun riddle. this one came to us from ridless >> here it is. >> yeah. >> i can be cracked, i can be made, i can be told, i can be played, what am i? >> think about it. we're going to reveal the answer right after the break. >> and singing his hit "outskirts of heaven" for the very first time on tv, our friend, craig campbell. >> it's time for a change. the right haircut and color for the flattering of your face. >> plus, we're giving it
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but how did we end up here? his mom thought he had the flu and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis... vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were... no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can... lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease. trumenba should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects were injection-site pain, fatigue... headache, muscle pain, and chills. ask your doctor about... all the risks and benefits of trumenba and tell them if you've received any other meningitis b vaccines. meningitis b can be spread by typical sharing behaviors. a drink... a spoon...
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we are back on brainteaser tuesday, and thank you tuesday. before the break we asked this question. >> i can be cracked. i can be made, i can be told, i can be played. what am i? before we could even think about it. >> david e. told us the answer. >> it's a joke. >> davie, good for you. >> yeah, davie. excellent. >> we love you, baby. >> as hoda knows too well, when your hair looks good you look good. >> how do you know? >> our friends from the licari cutlery salon. ♪ lewis licari,a
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la la la la la la ♪ >> the hardest person to look at is yourself. >> if you look -- just put your hair off your face every day. >> all the way back. >> off everything. everything. and you'll see the shape. >> what you want to do is find that feature that you love and bring it out with the haircut, all the color. that simple. identify the shape and look for the feature. >> we have three different shapes. first up is an tone yeah. tell us about the cut she had and why it wasn't working. >> well, the cut is really -- there's not a lot really going on. what it's doing, the center part is elongating it even more. this is all about side ward movement. we've added some bangs. >> we're going to swivel her around. >> it really does make a difference. >> antonia -- >> beautiful. >> we want to match the balance between the eyes and the chin, go a little wider with the shape and some bangs. >> what i did here if you notice,
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lighter on the sides which does two things. number one, it takes away from the longness of the face and it also emphasizes her cheek bones. >> picking it up like that is so chic. >> brightens her eyes. >> she's a beautiful woman. >> she is. >> thank you, antonia. >> teddy has a round face. let's take a look at teddy's before shot. let's look at what was up there. >> the problem is, it's so long and heavy, her eyes are drawn to her cheeks. we want to pull it away. >> okay. >> then what i did -- >> we're going to turn her. you saw the before picture. >> are you ready? >> are you ready, teddy? >> okay. >> wow. you see what we did, this is a very is subtle thing. >> wow, it does make such a difference. darker in the front now. >> that cut -- that cut is something. >> lighter in the back. >> so pretty. >> by putting the darkness in the front, you see
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difference. >> hair color acting like makeup. >> it's not always about how much hair we cut off, it's about layers that blend in with the roundness. your eyes go to her eyes and her cheek bones away from her. lots of movement. the color adding dimension and texture again to blend in. >> beautiful. >> lastly, that was great. >> okay. we have anita. she has an oval face. >> oval. >> let's look at her before picture. all right. now we're going to spin her around and see what we've done. >> right. this is the face shape everyone wants. >> right. >> the oval shape. you can have anything. you're very blessed. she was open to change. she's like, my husband likes me to have a big change. we went with this. it's a very simple shape, very chic and easy to manage. it's simple and modern. >> beautiful. >> emphasize the oval, i made her slightly lighter around the face. remember, if you add color here, you have to add a pinch of color here so she has very
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highlights. >> your husband is going to like it. and you did everybody's makeup. >> thank you, gentlemen. >> rising country star craig campbell gets ready to sing us a brand-new ballad. >> and we have a light summer supper coming [ tires screech ] ♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! ahh! this is probably more of a breakroom activity. ya think? ♪ they give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese.s. cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni & cheese. can you spell delicious? delicious. d. e. l...
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every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. the tempur-breeze makes me, not cold, but not hot... it's amazing! ah, it's like a summer breeze cracked window. it's that perfect cooling effect when you sleep. i can sleep the way that i sleep, and he sleeps the way that he sleeps, and we don't disrupt each other.
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appy. my tempur-breeze makes me happier! (laughs) discover the new tempur-breeze. to sleep happy guaranteed, and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm. america's number one tempur-pedic retailer. it's that time of the year when summer fruits and veggies are at their peak. so eating healthy is not only easy but it's very delicious. >> our today food team has a guilt-free meal you can whip up in ten minutes. here is seamus mullen. >> hello, seamus. >> it's a shame about that seamus. >> nice to see you. >> we love you. >> what we're going to do, we're going to do a really simple summer meal with grilled halibut with some healthy
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it. >> we have some pine nuts, some cherry tomatoes, bunch of herbs, chilly flakes to make it spicy. >> mint. >> garlic. >> mint. i love to throw lots of herbs together. >> okay. >> when i was traveling in vietnam -- >> my son just got back from vietnam. he said it was unbelievable. >> it was the first time i ever had mint and basil together. it was awesome. we're going to start with some halibut. season it with kosher salt or sea salt. a little bit of cracked pepper and -- >> pepper could be cracked, too. >> oh, that's right. not just a joke, right? >> that's right. >> little lemon zest which i love to do. hoda, if you can get in there -- >> you know i will. >> that will go right on the grill. we'll grill it for two minutes on each side. >> perfect. you can get another one down. >> okay. what we're looking at on the end, nice beautiful grilled halibut. chimicuri on top. >> how do you make that
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totally. all of that stuff we're just going to mix it together in a bowl. go ahead and throw all of these ingredients in. >> the herbs and things. >> perfect. >> i'll start mixing if you start adding. >> okay. how much oil? >> go by eyeball. we have it measured here. a cup and a half? >> yes. >> the whole thing? >> yes. >> lemon zest, lemon juice. >> oh, okay. >> garlic. >> i love watching hoda do things. >> it's so rare. >> pine nuts. and that's all it is. this you can make ahead of time. >> this is it? >> that's all we've got. >> i'm going to grab these. >> okay. the next thing i'm going to show you, everybody loves gauacamole and chips. >> yes. >> i'm going to show you a dip using avocado. everyone loves avocado. instead of using tortilla chips i'm going to use this. ha
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beautiful, delicious. >> tastes like a regular carrot? >> yes. >> i didn't know that existed. >> me either. >> these are the things we're going to put into the crutete. i have yogurt, avocado. we have some papitos which are squash seeds. >> pumpkin seeds. add all of that in and i have olive oil. >> can you grab that? >> which one is this? >> lime zest and lime juice. all of that stuff goes in? chiles. >> sour cream. >> that's greek yogurt. >> if you don't have a food processor you can do it by hand. >> the old-fashioned way. >> just kind of pulse it up. >> she's cooking. >> perfect. you can use that. >> you could if you wanted to. >> it's beautiful. >> you try this. >> i have the mint.
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>> i like it with the mint and the basil. >> is it so good? >> oh, seamus. >> i'm going to get this. >> it's delicious. to get these recipes go to >> oh, my gosh. >> you've got to try that. >> alan jackson and the band perry. >> craig campbell taking the stage with a song that's cathy's gotten used to the smell of lingering garbage in her kitchen yup, she's gone noseblind. she thinks it smells fine, but her guests smell this... sfx: ding, flies, meow (after cat lands) music starts febreze air effects heavy duty has up to... ...two times the odor-eliminating power to remove odors you've done noseblind to [inhales] mmm. use febreze air effects, till it's fresh and try febreze small spaces... continuously eliminate up to two times the odors for 30 days. febreze small spaces and air effects, two more ways [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy.
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...enough to fill the empire state building...twice. toss the tube for good with scott tube-free. lawyers use these! i love it! so cool! two pocket character backpack for back to school, $9.88 save money. live better. walmart. go sensationally bold! new color sensational loaded bolds from maybelline new york. loaded with hyper-color pigments... for one-stroke intensity... and honey nectar. sumptuous feel. maybelline's new loaded bolds. make it happen. ♪ maybelline new york. are how clear windexith makes your windows? introducing...schmindex! look! windex makes glass too spotless and too dangerous... but shmindex makes it dirty shmindex. order yours today
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> georgia native craig campbell is one of country music's brightest rising stars known for hits like the one you're hearing now "keep them kisses coming" and "family man." >> and he's climbing the charts with a ballad called "outskirts
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>> i'm doing well. >> good title is part of the key. >> if you can get a good title to get people's attention, you've done good so far. >> you're getting lots of people's attention. you're going on a uso tour, is that right? >> my very first uso tour. going to be in melbourne, florida and flying to washington state. i'm fired up about it. >> give our people love for us. so appreciate what they do. here he is, he's going to sing "outskirts of heaven." >> craig campbell. ♪ my grandpa taught me about buck knives and shotguns, how to cast an old zebco and how to work a stick shift ♪ ♪ he taught me the bible, about all 12 disciples and he made sure that i know there's life after death ♪
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♪ streets of gold ♪ said if i just believe that's where i'll go ♪ ♪ lord, when i die i want to live on the outskirts of heaven ♪ ♪ where there's dirt roads for miles, hay in the fields, fish in the river ♪ ♪ where there's dogwood trees and honeybees and blue skies and green grass forever ♪ ♪ so, lord, when i die i want to live on the outskirts of heaven ♪
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♪ now it says in the king james the almighty's kingdom, he mentions a mansion that he built just for me ♪ ♪ now i'd gladly trade it for a farmhouse with acreage and a backyard that's shaded and a squeaky front porch swing ♪ ♪ that's where i want to hang my wings ♪ ♪ when i die i want to live on the outskirts of heaven ♪ ♪ where there's dirt roads for miles, hay in the fields and fish in the river ♪ ♪ and where there's dogwood trees, honeybees and blue skies and green grass forever ♪
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all right. we are about to make five of our voting fans really happy because you know why? it's time to give it away. >> this week's prize is. >> what? >> a summer prize pack worth $500. hoda, tell them what they can win. >> this is what you're going to get. the ultimate ears. the ue megaboom. wireless, blue tooth speaker. get this. it's waterproof, it's duck proof, it's shock proof. 100 foot wireless range. it's available in several colors. you take it to the beach. >> i know it. >> t
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>> how awesome. >> jay bird's smallest most advanced buds. they have a secure and comfortable fit and you can listen while you charge. >> what, you can listen while you charge. >> quit stalling. >> where's the key? the key's not here. >> quit stalling, hoda woman. all right. first one is -- >> who is it? >> susan fletcher from arcdale. >> so many entrants. i've got to find the right one. >> oh, yes. hoda! >> i'm going to qualify. >> spanky. >> i can. hey, there's mine. >> lewis braut from lindbrook, new york. >> it's a girl. >> stefan, west palm beach, florida. >> lois. >> mine was lois. >> would you wait until i read mine. >> please, don't rush me. heidi worker from upper marlboro, mass. >> i love her and laurie
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from aurora, illinois. >> we shred the non-winning entries. we're sorry. make sure you enter again. go to complete rules and regulations. >> hoda, it's a competition. >> okay. hit the connect. >> tomorrow we're going to learn how to rap. >> oh, my god, you're wearing too much -- >> feels good. >> i don't want that. >> too bad. >> i want my hoda butt. >> there it is. >> plus wine. wines day wednesday. >> i like your new stuff. >> bye, everybody. >> see you for
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right now the comparisons pouring in between melania trump's speech at the republican national conventional and michelle to obama's speech at the democratic national convention in 2008. and i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell outside right now. we have a few fair weather clouds drifting by. coming up, i'll let you know whether they turn into thunderstorms like they did yesterday. stay with us. the race for the whiteo
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