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tv   Election Night 2016  NBC  November 9, 2016 2:00am-4:00am EST

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around and choose somebody more serious. they talked about ted cruz's ground game. they talked about marco rubio's perceived depths on foreign policy. policy. donald trump won the nomination and now primed to potentially win the presidency. >> all right. we've got a katy, wve we go to side of rock center, and nbc news projects when all the votes are counted, maine. and the raw count vote. the electoral map there to 218
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neither still in reach of the 270 needed to secure the presidency. all right. steve smith, you just popped in next to me. i didn't see you. a campaign veteran, how will, how will democrats assuming hillary clinton loses here, where will the finger pointing be? >> well, you know, you don't know where to begin. i mean first off, you will have the democratic party out of power with all congress, very weak bench. a massive repudiation personally of secretary clinton by the lek tort. it will have been a close election. for republicans will have 100% of the political power here. and right away, they're going to have the votes to repeal and replace obamacare to dismantle dodd frank. and i think you're going to see
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>> yes, he is going to speak. we understand that this is not going to be a final statement. the friends, the donors, the supporters have all reassembled. the other people here, the large crowd has been here. the music came back up. and here -- here's the it will not be the clintons. [ applause ] >> thank you. well folks, i know you've been here a long time. and it's been a long night. and it's been a long campaign.
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little longer, can't we? they're still counting votes and every vote should count. several states are too close to call. so we're not going to have anything more to say tonight. [ applause ] so listen, listen to me, everybody should head home, we should get some sleep, we'll have more to say tomorrow. i want you to person in this hall to know and i want every person across the country who's supporting hillary to know that your voices and your enthusiasm means so much to her and to tim and to all of us. we are so proud of you.
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she's done amazing job, and he is not done yet. so thank you for being with her. she has always been with you. i have to say this tonight, good night, we will be back, we'll have more to say. let's get those votes counted and let's bring this home. thank you so much for all of you have done. you are in all of our hearts. thank you. [ applause ] podesta addressing the crowd gathered at the jacob javitz center on behalf of hillary clinton saying every vote should count, we can wait a little longer and telling the crowd go home. it's not going to happen tonight. there will be no speeches tonight. andrea mitchell, did you see that coming? >> reporter: well, what i was suggesting to you just a bit ago was that hillary clinton saw what happened with al gore and
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especially given her verbal indictment going all the way back, but certainly in that san diego foreign policy speech last summer, the fact is, she has said she is not qualified to be commander in chief. that he is not qualified to hand the nuclear codes. he is not qualified to run our military. it would be very difficult for her to concede until every vote is counted. that said, this contradicts ev recently as last night about being gracious and listening to the voters, but they're basically saying that there are some states that are still, they think, within the recount range. and they want to use every legal procedure that they can and they're going to fight on. at least legally, as long as they can. as long as they have any argument. this is an extraordinarily role reversal sflp yeah, and let me
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doesn't play by the rules. so what's the betting that he comes out? >> i think he comes out. >> by the way, if i were him, i would. he's leading in pennsylvania, leading in michigan, and leading wisconsin, he only has to win. he can win both wisconsin and michigan, donte, our data guy, he's running out of -- he's run out of a path for her to carry michigan. and it looked like it was, but there's wayne county didn't turn out. >> does he come out and declare victory? >> i hope not. look, there's a choreography to this, in our system, and i was critical of donald trump earlier in the campaign, but now the burden will likely fall on secretary clinton here to commence the process where we transfer power peacefully this in this country. and that begins with a concession phone call. and the first person who will address donald trump in the next
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and i think the choreography. and into the next afternoon and elections and this will probably be one of them. >> we don't know if any phone call transpired. >> clearly not yet. >> yeah. and most people seem to be heading for the exit, but there are long, sad faces here because even though john podesta is dlaekt it's should count, clearly the folks have been watching what we've all been watching here and that path to victory all but closed. >> look, there is -- if we were talking about one state where they -- they needed to find a counting error or missing that or precinct here, she needs it in three states. >> just imagine if trump were refusing to concede under these circumstances.
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it has happened, again, she is trying to do something we've never seen which is find that missing -- whatever it is. that in three states where she's down essentially anywhere from a half percentage point. >> at the end of the night, she could still win the popular vote which gets the debate that comes up every four years or so, why do we do this electoral college thing? >> these are the to these rules. >> exactly. but it comes up. >> just try amending the constitution. you think a presidential election -- >> that -- let's go to the trump headquarters, are they away of what john podest adjust gsd. >> the crowd is aware. i have reached out to the
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plan to coming out to see him tell his crowd to go home and not make a decision tonight for the clinton campaign. i still have not heard back. what i have heard going on is conversations about whether donald trump should come out and decide whether he's going to declare himself a winner or wait it out until they get to 270. at least wait for one news network to officially call him the winner and the president you can hear this crowd behind me. they are yelling call it, call it. obviously people are getting quite tired. it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning and many of them have been here for hours. the doors opened here at 3:00 p.m. these are folks who have been waiting to see donald trump win the presidency. they want to see it happen as
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when he will come out. we do know he does want to come out. he has been preparing his remarks. as of now, the last we heard, he is still waiting for 270. >> thanks. chuck? >> 2004 john kerry did not concede the night of. and you guys did not declare victory. you made the decision we'll give kerry, if he wants a day, give hi >> absolutely. give him time. the psychological impact of this is not only all of us but certainly everyone on the clinton campaign went into the peninsula hotel today believing that she would be the president-elect of the united states. giving your opponent some time to get used to the new reality is an okay thing to do. >> let's make it official the
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alaska holds on. this is want a surprise. puts a fine point on the night. it is a republican night and everything turns out the way i think we anticipate that it will, stays in republican hands, the house we know and it looks like donald trump will be president-elect the. >> this is already a more powerful con congressional majority than george w. bush. in fact, basically 50/50 senate when he came into office in 2000. he's got, if h he's got the ability to do it. we're all -- i think everybody is trying to figure out how is that going to work? >> they have an r by their name. >> let me quickly make another projection. it is the state of alaska. nbc news predicts that donald trump will win the state of
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54% to 37%, trump over clinton right now in alaska. as we come down and look at that race to 270 it inches trump closer but not quite there. look at that map. a sea of red with illinois kind of breaking it up there in the middle. >> lester, arizona, 11, leads in pennsylvania, leads in michigan, he leadsn new hampshire. any combination of his encounter leads i believe does it. >> kevin tibbles is in michigan. he can count some of those votes or the people around him. >> reporter: well, you know, lester, this has been such an initial roller coaster ride evening here in grand rapids.
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from talking to the several hundred people that were here earlier, obviously the crowd has thinned out as has across the country, but the people here are just sort of flabbergasted by what has taken place with regards to this election this evening. i spoke to some people who said when they had their first sort of trump organizational meeting, you know, you could have held it in a phone booth here in grand last night, mr. trump had more than 4,000 people in the local convention center here after midnight. so things have really changed here. i can honestly say, and i'm looking across the room, that people are very surprised. i'm getting a nod that it has gone down this way. but at the end of the day, i think that people here are
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cubs last week to be honest with you. how many innings is this thing going to go tonight, lester? >> and in the same week we saw the end of day late saving time. none of us is going to get enough sleep right now at least on this end. savannah, the morning papers are probably being produced even as we speak. we'll hear a lot of talk about brexit and drawing the comparison. >> well, on a couple of levels. first because brexit was a complete rejection of conventional wisdom and what the establishment thought should happen. this is the voters of the great brit an deciding to pull out of the european union. that was a political earthquake. then also many people felt that the polls got it wrong. i think if you look a little more deeply into that it might have been the analysis of the polls that was an error. so we have a lot in common in the sense that if this election
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the establishment, polls that aren't getting it right, media conventional wisdom being rejected, it's all there if you want to make those connections. donald trump has been making that connection himself actually quite a bit. saying we got a brexit situation. he's been using it as something of a shorthand, a way of saying this is a moment that all the people are supposed to know everything. soon it's going to be >> brexit hasn't played out yet but people can look over there and say -- >> well, there was this immediate regret that people felt. you see the financial markets. we already are seeing some of that happening. the dow future is crashing and you're seeing some of the overseas stock markets that are already open dropping significantly. but then there's also as the months go on you start to see that life goes on. >> the world didn't end. >> yeah.
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>> i find it fascinating we talk about rejection of the establishesment. in every state even the makeup of these states, they're slightly different. it is very rural urban. it's like she did -- look at texas. she actually did it better than texas because she did well in urban areas. but it's the rural vote that came out. it is every state essentially shows the -- those that feel as if they were feeling left whatever the big city is in that state, they voted clinton and rurals of that state said no. >> senators get returned to office, blur and blunt to name a couple. >> we're going to take a break f. you've been flipping by, just to be clear, the party essentially ended at the what was the viewing party for the
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go home, this isn't over. we want all the votes to be counted but we're not going to do anything tonight. we're still waiting on a couple of states too close to call. we'll update you after a short break. is is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough.
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. it 2:20 in the morning eastern time. watching the cameras in the trump headquarters trying to figure out if we're going to hear from anybody in the campaign. hillary clinton's folks have left their viewing party. not certainly throwing in the towel because this isn't over, but we'll keep an eye on what's happen tlg at the trump headquarters. why we do that let me go back over to chuck todd.
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go over the votes. tell us what they're looking at. >> i can tell you what we're looking. number one, we don't know what the total absentee vote is in milwaukee. then we will know what the absentee vote is and we'll figure it out. then a few and that's why we haven't called those. move over to michigan and explain where we are there. still some vote out in detroit. in wayne county, when all of the precincts are counted in detroit, then they tell us what the absentee vote it. we don't know what that number is and our guys want to know what the number is until they feel comfortable making a
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as you can see, it is a trump lead there. let me take us over to pennsylvania. there it is. here in pennsylvania, again, between provisional ballots and the extraneous ones that are around, and some provisional ballots, our folks don't think we'll be able to call that's available. we know a few other news organizes have. our guys don't want to do it considering how many provisionals or out there. >> can he win without -- >> he can win with any pairing, any combination. he can win with just pennsylvania and arizona. he's 22 short. so both wisconsin and michigan
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i think wisconsin looks of all these i think the biggest reach for clinton is wisconsin. we'll throw ten in there. that's 258. michigan would put him over or pennsylvania. so look, we are -- i'll get to the what if in a minute and make sure it's all working well. she's got to win all of this point. pennsylvania puts him there. he just needs that. arizona would put him over the top. he could lose both wisconsin and michigan. or let's do. give her both of those. then he could win michigan and wisconsin. talk about all those paths she had. donald trump has them all now. he's the one with all the paths. >> but the fact is those combinations are still possible.
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the clinton folks have gone home. and the question is now, what will donald trump do? it would almost seem in character that he would want to come out now. >> i have to say, look, when they decided not to declare victory that night with john kerry, we were talking about one state. we are talking about three states here. they basically, they need a miracle in two of those three ballots that are missing or provisional b from -- or a bigger absentee vote that was expected. obviously, you wait. but i can see why the trump people are irritated. >> hillary clinton had talked so much about healing in her final remarks. as andrea pointed out, if she had to concede, you almost wonder what can she say in a healing way given the way she
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democracy and many other things? >> she's laid out the homework assignment pretty well because she's been telling him what is required, what our democracy is required when there's a peaceful transfer of power. she's going to have to fine the words if she finds herself in that situation, to put the country first, to say this man is our president. there is a script to follow. but i mean, these speeches to give. >> not to interrupt, spokes person for the republican party says donald trump is about to take the stage at the hilton. >> let's go to katie then. katie are you hearing the same thing that we're about to see donald trump on stage? >> yeah, i am. donald trump is in the building and there is a bit of a frenzied
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lineup a couple minutes ago. now secret service are on either side of donald trump's podium. we are expecting him to come out. it is unclear at this point what donald trump will say. will he declare victory? will he chastise hillary clinton for not conceding? will he chastise the news organizations for not calling it? this crowd you hear them yelling at times behind me, yelling at fox news which is standing right next to me to call this race and wondering why they are not doing it. of course fox news is on the monitors here at headquarters. it is late. many of these folks have been drinking. there are bars here. they want to see their candidate come out and they want to hear what he has to say. and what donald trump has to say frankly is anybody's guess.
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campaign trail for this last 17, 18 month, you never predict what donald trump is going to do. >> i think you appreciate the restlessness of folks. they have seen this thing turn around in ways that not even members of the campaign could acknowledge. >> look, the right thing -- the right way to handle this if you're donald trump and you think you're going to be president of the united states is to go out there. you thank everybody. it's close. we don't want to assume the winner soon. something like that. can he restrain himself? >> call for a moment of grace. >> that's right. this is his first presidential moment. how he handles this will be an interesting test. >> i remember having a conversation with him in new hampshire at the beginning of all this. he had said something that raised eyebrows. i remember asking the question that at some point will you switch into a presidential mode? i said it's hard for people to
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seal in front of you. he acknowledged there's a certain amount of showmanship and he in fact would. we've seen moments along the campaign where he has but then he reverts back to the primary donald trump. >> you're right. he says i know how to be presidential. >> there's just no question. he's treated this as a steel cage death match from the first hour that he descended the is he capable of showing that level of restraint? >> this could be that moment. >> look, he's going to have -- he's got a very divided country on his hands. he's going to have it the same way, no matter which one of these candidates won tonight, they had a divided country. he's got one that's going to feel more divided by race than perhaps there was an expectation.
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million people, not the 122 that voted. >> one of the interviews we saw earlier down in the plaza was with someone who said this is -- you've got to remember this is in many ways more about hillary clinton than it was donald trump. the vote against -- >> i hear you. i'm not fully convinced of that. >> there was a lot of hate, you you don't think that would -- >> there's no doubt. but these folks were gravitated towards trump. if this were always anti-hillary, i think he would have done better in the suburbs. this was different. this is rural america. this is them saying you know what, stop trying to leave us behind. >> it was like in some way it almost is beyond any one candidate. it's like who most effectively sends the message that we've had
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the candidate that prevails. >> by the way, what is enough? you've got to define that. >> it's just a massive re -- >> katie, seeing any further movement. >> we are seeing a number of his staff from his campaign and governor pence's campaign. we really could be waiting any minute now for donald trump to take the stage. just to reflect a little bit on how he has questions that still remain around donald trump, i think it's worth noting that he still hasn't addressed the conflict of interest between himself and his business. he said that he would hand it over to his kids and give it to them in a blind trust, but that's not quite how a blind trust work, especially since many of his holdings are so public and it's very clear to find out what would be going on with them.
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still faces and fraud charges having to do with his university. there are also questions surrounding his conduct with women. women alleging that he has groped them. he has gotten this far by defying political norm, by defying the system, by breaking the rules. by doing. that's what his supporters have liked about him. now, the question is, he has made s them. he's promised that he is going to build a wall. he's promised that he would immediately end obamacare. he promised that he would tear up the iran deal, get rid of the epa. these are difficult things to get done alone. but donald trump could potentially and does actually have a republican-controlled senate and a republican-controlled house if he were to win. that certainly would help him.
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country right now. as much as he energized his own supporters, he revolted millions of americans and we saw this from city to city especially in the urban areas, especially the areas that were closer to the border with mexico. large crowds of people that would come out and protest defiantly reviewing to accept donald trump as a legitimate candidate and getting into confrontations with we saw riot police in city after city in this country in the lead up to donald trump's nomination for the republican party. that died down a little bit after he won the nomination and after it seemed that many folks who supported hillary clinton just didn't see the prospect of donald trump actually winning to be plausible. i wonder what happens tomorrow if donald trump does, in fact, get to 270, what sort of
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enfranchised by donald trump or targeted, excuse me, by donald trump, what sort of reaction will they have tomorrow? >> there is so many ways this could fall. think of all the republicans running for senate who distanced themselves from him. those who publicly were part of the stop trump movement. you know, there's a saying about payback and how much will they see? >> i think first candidate voiced to win who defeated two parties. so he defeated the democratic party tonight but also the republican party, the establishment of it. it lays in ruins. this is the party of ronald reagan and both president bushes. it's something new and different. as katie said, that campaign has functioned far outside the normally boundaries of what's
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>> he is going to have the rational to give the victory speech. there is one news organization that has call the president. that is call he may be looking for is one major news organize to do it. one has. >> and we are guided by our decision desk and they're not there. >> by the way, i stick by our guys. we've been, you know, after going through the ringer i >> the one thing john podesta it right, we can wait until we see how this plays out. >> no reason why you don't count the votes. >> clearly there is a high sense of expect -- expectation. they have seen the reports that we all had and the confidence in the clinton campaign. poll numbers that had her
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points ahead. multiple paths to 270 and we have watched here seven or eight hours we've been out here watching that wall crumble apart in a reversal of fortune. it is clinton who has been left with a singular path, if you will, to the 270 and right now we watch and wait. we look at the numbers. keep seeing these are the states that are all too close to call. clinton holding on to a slight lead there in minnesota. there's wisconsin trump ahead. >> trump didn't plan a bash for tonight. in fact, his aides were saying he didn't want to have a big party because he didn't want to jinx it. meanwhile the javits center is a huge convention center. >> their transition was in full gear. i mean, there was coordination beginning with the white house
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first. they were measuring the drinks. >> there's been certainly discussion about what a trump cabinet would look like. >> could be in charge at least nominally. >> he has not been as much of a factor and a force as he was as early on. >> part of it is the bridgegate he said he had nothing to do with it. they're about to serve time they thought -- sos that was the reason why he had been sort of staying away. >> nicole wallace is back with us. you had a little insight into what a trump cabinet might look
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very reason of what we're seeing tonight. the outcome is uncertain. that work sort of goes on in private. chris christie and his staff had vetted cabinet members. there was a list. i think we just didn't ask a lot of questions because we trusted what we were seeing in the polls. and didn't think we'd be talking about a trump cabinet. but all that work that goes on on both sides has gone on on the trump side. >> camera continuing to pan the crowd there. all eyes on the stage. folks waiting and hoping for a call. certainly waiting to see their candidate donald trump who will have a lot to say when he comes out here. because though he had predicted victory, most of the polls largely pointed against that happening. this will be a stunning upset if it in fact how it all plays out. continue to watch those states
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close to call. katie, what are they seeing on the screen? what are they hearing? >> they're watching fox news and they are waiting just like everybody else here. you can see there's a woman right there who is even yawning. many of these people have been here since 3:00 this afternoon. from what we've seen around the country is that donald trump supporters will wait hours on end for h we are seeing some movement up on the balcony, people shaking hands. we're seeing members of donald trump's staff down by the buffer area where the stage is. also the whole crew has been pacing back and forth unclear at this point whether he will come in from the left side or the right side. although we do believe it will probably be from the left side.
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this is all extraordinarily preliminary at this point because donald trump didn't want to have these conversations behind the scenes with his staff because he was very -- he didn't want to jinx his chances. staff members told me that he would tell the story of 2012 having a conversation with mitt romney and romney saying he was too busy to talk b donald trump reacting by what do you mean transition, you haven't won the election yet. who knows if he had that conversation, but that is the story that his campaign had relayed to me. his campaign was behind the scenes -- i had conversations with folks were telling me i don't know, what have you heard about me, what do you think i should do, i think i'd like to do this, that, or the other, but
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campaign and even one in the national security realm, nbc news heard, was that general mike flynn. we got that from a few different sources. also newt gingrich for secretary of state. rudy juliana for attorney general. these are names that we are very familiar with at this point because they travel with donald p who knows if they will be ultimately on this whittled down list. but what i can tell you is that donald trump does like loyalty above anything else and these men have been very loyal to donald trump through the thick and thin of this campaign, through the roller coaster right
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their endorsement, then coming back around. at some point even newt gingrich chastised donald trump for his responses or behavior. ryan frebis would go quiet at point. we just heard a huge cheer from the crowd. they're reacting to what they're seeing on fox news. essentially, though,t campaign is still very much an unknown, guys. that's going to be the big question that dominates the news cycle for the next three months. >> all right. we're watching celebration at trump headquarters. they're not reacting to anything that we have reported. let's go to nbc's kelly o'donnell. kelly. >> sources tell me that hillary
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it is now president-elect donald trump the phone called was placed just a short time ago where the former secretary of state has conceded the general election to donald trump. who has never held elective office and is now president-elect. >> if that is the case, that occurred less than an hour after john podesta came before the crowd and said all the votes need to be the same data drawing conclusions perhaps at a different pace, but it's becoming clearer and clearer where this is all pointing. right now we have donald trump at 248. 218 for hillary clinton. there's the breakdown for you of the electoral votes in the race to 270. nonetheless, there is excitement here. as we said, others interpret data differently.
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trump in a few moments. he'll have a lot to say. rightfully so. he will have pulled off, if in fact he is victorious, he will have pulled off the equivalent of a ten magnitude political earthquake in this country on every level. but you can see the smiles, the waves, the signs in the air at the trump headquarters. all this by the way taking place just about four blocks from i'm channeling, people have spoken. we all -- everybody needs to accept it. you know, you can be frustrated by it. >> that's the way it works. >> that's right. this is american democracy. it's at its best. people turned out. you would feel worse about a situation like this if this was a low turnout election. everybody has their say in this.
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call to a lot of establishments of both parties. it's a wake up call to the news media. i go back to -- i thought about this and how we covered the great recession and how we covered the economic downturn. we covered it statistically both as it was going down and we covered it statistically as it was going up. we never touched it. and look, i -- i know i'm going to go through this and pley other people will go through this, but we've got to acknowledge this. it is -- this is the populace. we're in which economic transition. no doubt about it. going from this industrial economy where jobs, people knew what their job was going to be -- nobody knows. i'll tell you something steve said.
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employees. they want to go driverless. >> what's being is trump's making big promises, i'm going to bring those jobs back and i'm going to reverse those and i'm going to make your lives closer to what they were before. that is a huge promise. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the vice president-elect of the united states, governor mike pence. >> you heard the words vice president-elect to the introduction to governor mike pence. in looking live here, trump headquarters in midtown manhattan, there is governor mike pence introduced as the
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>> even in the close inner circle didn't know how tonight was going to turnout so i doubt all these speeches were ready. >> i spoke with someone who said we've got -- >> and the headline kelly o'donnell reporting a source saying that clinton has called trump to concedes the election. >> didn't often seem on the same page with his running mate. >> this is a historic night. the american people have spoken and the american people have elected their new champion. america has elected a new
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for me to express the honor that i and my family feel, that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. i come to this moment, i this moment deeply humbled. greatful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my family, my wonderful wife karen. our son michael and his fiancee sarah. our daughter audrey far away and
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i could not be here without them. i'm deeply grateful to the american people for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve. and i'm mostly grateful to our president-elect whose leadership and vision will make america great so let me say it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president-elect of the united
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[ applause ]
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>> thank you. thank you very much, everybody. sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business. complicated. thank you very much. i've just received a call from secretary she congratulated us. it's about us on our victory. and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and
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of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now it's time for america to bind the wounds of division. have to get together. to all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one people. it's time. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i'm
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we can work together and unify our great country. as i've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, it's a movement comprised much americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people it will. working together we will begin
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american dream. i've spent my entire life in business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i've gotten to know our country so well. tremendous potential t. it's going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. [ applause ] >> we are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals.
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infrastructure. which will become, by the way, second to none. and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. we will also finally take care of our great veterans. [ applause ] >> who have been so loyal and i've gotten to know so many this 18-month journey. the time i've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. we will embark upon natural growth and renewal. we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. it's going to happen.
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we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. we will. we'll have great relationships . we expect to have great, great relationships. no dream is too big. no challenge is too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. we must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. we have to do this. we're going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again. i want to tell the world community that while we will always put america's interest
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everyone, with everyone. all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership. not conflict. and now i'd like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this what they are calling tonight very, very historic victory. first i want to thank my parents who i know are looking d great people. i've learned so much from them. they were wonderful in every regard. i had truly great parents. i also want to thank my sisters, maryann and elizabeth who are here tonight. where are they? they are here someplace. they're very shy actually.
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friend. my brother robert. and they should all be on this stage. but that's okay. and also my late brother fred. great guy. fantastic family. i was very lucky. great brothers, sisters. great unbelievable parents. to and eric and tiffany and baron, i love and you and i thank you and especially for putting up with all of those hours. this was tough. this was tough.
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and it's tough. so i want to thank my family very much. really fantastic. thank you all. vanessa, thank you. thank you very much. what a great group. you've all given me such incredible support and i will tell you that we have a large group of people. they kept saying we have a small staff. not so small. look at you will the people that we have. ok and kellyanne and chris and rudy and steve and david. we have got -- we have got tremendously talented people up here. i will tell you it's been very accident very special. i want to give a very special
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he traveled with us and he went through meetings. never change. where is rudy? governor chris christie, folks, was unbelievable. thank you, chris. the first man, first senator, first major, major poti washington, because he's as smart as they get, senator jeff sessions. great man. another great man, very tough competitor. he was not easy. he was not easy. who is that?
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up? is that rudy? rudy got up here. another great man who has been really a friend to me but i'll tell you i got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating tooing against those democrats, dr. ben carson. mike and his family sarah. general mike flynn. where is mike? general kellogg. we have over 200 generals and
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campaign. we have just tremendous people. look at all those there. he's a superstar. if secretary came in second, he will not have that big beautiful bronze bust. rights is really a star. he is the hardest working guy.
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about time you did this.
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law enforcement in new york city, they're here tonight. these are spectacular people. sometimes underappreciated unfortunately. but we appreciate them. we know what they go thr historic event. but to be really historic, we have to do a great job. and i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. we will do a great job. i look very much forward to being your and hopefully at the end of two years or three years
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us. >> as donald trump continues to speak to the excited crowd here in new york, we can tell you our decision desk has now put wisconsin and pennsylvania in the trump col limb to be the apparent winner. it makes trump the president-elect. of course as he noted, secretary clinton had already called and conceded. let's listen now do donald for the american people. we're going to be doing a job that hopefully you'll be so proud of your president. you'll be so proud. again, it's my hon are. it's an amazing evening. it's been an amazing two-year period and i love this country. thank you. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you to mike pence.
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[ applause ] >> donald trump thanking his running mate. what a dramatic evening. a nail biter and then donald trs way. a political earthquake, a come from behind story for the ages. a man who defied political gravity to walk on that stage tonight as the president-elect of the united states. savannah guthrie, you have been with me all evening. i don't think any of us at this table imagined the evening would end in quite the way it has. >> this is the rise to the occasion moment foral the really hard work begins now. because it's the hard work of uniting the country, it's the hard work of facing some very complex problems. and i think he struck the right tone in his remarks there. and said secretary clinton had called and graciously conceded and now i think all americans are exhausted by this campaign and hoping that somehow, some way, we can find a way to move
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that's the order of business now. >> we're going to wake up in the morning to a brexit-like reaction in the stock market. that's going to rattle a lot of americans. president-elect trump, that was, i agree, i think he rose to the occasion tonight and did what you do for your supporters, secretary clinton did the right thing and what she needed to do. he's now quickly got to address sort of this financial markets. and so that's what a president has to do. he's now president-elect, he needs to stabilize this economy quickly before that whole thing collapses. >> i had more than one person text me, there goes my retirement again. when you see dow futures down multiple hundreds of points. we'll see if that settles down as we talked about earlier. wall street hadn't exactly priced this into the market. we'll see what the long-term effect is. >> we're going to continue this
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you. you've got to be on the "today" show. >> 6:00 or 7:00, i don't even know. >> you have been a trouper. >> start a nap. >> tell matt to sleep in i'm here, i'm awake, i'm all dressed up. >> i think you're all going to be here tomorrow. thank you. >> i know we're going to let you get out of here. >> tuck me in. >> we'll bring over hallie jackson here. >> thanks, partner. >> thank you. >> i want to get andrea's reaction. which feels like it was years ago. this was an upbeat clinton campaign. they felt good. pennsylvania was part of this firewall. we watched it all collapse over the last several hours. >> and it crumbles very quickly, really. when we saw the tightening very early on in several key areas. but that was early data. very little raw vote. but those early indicators were alarm bells certainly. and then when i was told by a
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michigan, this is really making us nervous, we're not seeing that vote turnout in detroit and flint, that was pretty early. and everybody was saying, this couldn't be happening. look. chuck just alluded to the markets. it's global markets that have been collapsing overnight. and the fact is that donald trump has to rectify that. he could be facing the kind of economic collapse that barack obama inherited when he took office. he's got up with a plan that is completely different from his economic plan. the $5 trillion debt hole that all independent observers have said is his economic plan. he has got to reassure markets very, very quickly. >> he has promised a lot. before we go to katy, i ask you this. i think if we had had this discussion earlier today we'd have said, gee, will we be waiting to hear a donald trump concession? will he concede?
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december sta said, look, it's not done, go home, we're not giving up. then she makes the call to donald trump. what happened? >> from the inner saik sanctum at the hotel sent out with that message, we're not giving up, we have to do more reporting on this very frankly. because clearly the numbers came in. and whether they were called by ed rendell in pennsylvania and other leaders in other states, they saw that there was no margin for error. what she didn't want to do was automatic recount margin because she'd seen what happened with al gore and that set a train of events into action. which for a variety of reasons which we all know about never came back. so she wanted to see i'm sure that that was the advice. >> when do we hear from her? >> we'll hear from her tomorrow, clearly. they are staying in town. at least as i was coming over here -- >> not chappaqua? >> they are not at chappaqua,
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make a statement. she's going to have to address the american peek. >> president-elect donald trump now working the crowd. folks taking selfies. enjoying the moment. wife melania. katy tur is also in the room. katy, we couldn't get a sense of the crowd, did some folks go home? >> no, no, no, nobody has gone home. they're starting to file out now after donald trump left the stage. but there are still a large number of people here and m a picture with now president-elect donald trump. he took the stage with a number of his top aides but also his family by his side. his wife medical lawn yeah his son baron, daughter evaung character her husband jared kushner, his sons eric and don and their wives as well. it was a very jubilant moment for them. you could almost -- maybe it's just me, you could almost see the surprise, the shock, the
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faces. and if you ask me to predict if donald trump would come out and give a speech as gracious as that just was, especially towards hillary clinton, i would point towards what he did in iowa after he lost to ted cruz, he did surprise everybody by coming out and give quite a gracious speech. the question is what donald trump do we see tomorrow and going forward and where do the very many policiese' forth during this campaign season, what happens to them? and does he follow through with the promises of building a wall? remember, it was only a few days ago that donald trump was promising to put hillary clinton in jail. he was promising to investigate the investigation into the fbi. he was calling the system rigged. he was saying, obviously they were out to get him. obviously the system was rigged
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donald trump, as he has won this election. i wonder how he continues to react towards hillary clinton and how he reacts to whether or not hillary clinton does take some sort of stage tomorrow to address the american public. it is quite a reversal. for the past few months everybody had been wondering if donald trump were to lose this election, how would he concede? a lot of scrutiny around him about whethe graciously as the polls showed him behind. and now what we are seeing is that donald trump came out and graciously accepted the president-elect title and hillary clinton still has not addressed the american public. he says that she did call him and that she congratulated "us." he made a point to say us. >> katy, it was interesting watching him, you're right, so much humility.
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reaching out to those who did not support him. hallie jackson is with us right now. that was a very presidential speech. and those of us who watched him, certainly you watched him during the primary, during the general election. were all left to wonder, is that president trump we saw? >> he has had presidential moments through this campaign. he has moments his critics would argue would very not presidential. trump the last 45 minutes or so is him trying to set the tone. remember what happened the last couple of weeks of this campaign. his campaign was i would almost say defiantly confident in their projections and mapping. he'd been talking about michigan before a lot of folks had been talking about and seeing michigan. they had identified some of these places that were going to be key battlegrounds. talking about pennsylvania. talking about wisconsin. some of these key states. look back not just in the last couple of weeks but to what we saw this entire primary season from the day that he announced,
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became the candidate to get into the race 600 days ago. donald trump defeated all his primary challengers. he has been the unexpected candidate from the beginning. there are republican sources on capitol hill tonight who are saying things like, now he's going to have to learn how to fall in line with congress. >> oh yeah? >> does he? says who? donald trump would have something to say about that. >> look, i never thought somebody who may or may not win the popular vote, may not cross 300 electoral votes, i never thought ild has a mandate. but this person has a mandate. >> have you look the at that map lately? >> donald trump has a mandate because of how he won and because it was in defiance of the republican party, the democratic party, the professional nelg gent sea yeah, whether we in the news media, the academics, you name it. he is -- he does -- he owes nothing to those folks. now, you want to get something
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but he doesn't owe anybody anything. it is a fascinating -- i'm trying to think of the last president, andrea, that didn't owe -- didn't owe a political party, a lot of fund-raisers. he comes in without owing a lot of people much. >> andrew jackson? >> exactly, go back to andrew jackson. i think this is a modern-day andrew jackson. >> james carville, when do you suspect we would hear from and how does she craft a message, given the way she positioned donald trump as an enemy of democracy? >> right, i think that hillary clinton -- it wasn't conveyed to me but i don't have any doubt she thinks donald trump is totally unprepared to be president that he really doesn't know anything about what it takes to run the country.
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it's going to be very, very tough for her. we live in a democracy. the election is in. he won the election. you're right, he doesn't owe anybody anything. he's not even a republican. he pretty much won on his own terms. the problem is people elected him because he did that, he won on his own terms. it will be unbelievably difficult time for secretary clinton -- >> is there going to be an those vehemently gilbert arenas -- against him, an acceptance period, and allow him a honeymoon, okay, let's see? >> you know, if you're a person accused of president obama not being born here, a lot things, you go back and say -- i mean, things happened in this campaign, he said things in this campaign that had never been
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you know, i don't know. there are a lot of, you know, going to be very -- yeah, people say, they'll have to rally around him. we live in a democracy. he's won the election. it has consequences. >> by the way, look, we've had jesse ventura as a governor of minnesota out of nowhere, arnold schwarzenegger. james, i'm curious that when you look at that, there was some predictions of these people doing. california didn't fall into the ocean. minnesota didn't get taken over by canada. he struggled to govern, ventura did. ventura comes in very similar to donald trump. ventura struggled, he didn't get along with either party, doesn't get along with the learn tour, it was tough to get things done. trump ought to look at that and say, be careful. when you come in with owing nobody anything, you still need
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but, you know. we've got -- >> no state falls off the face of the earth, all right? it's a little bit different when you're talking about a country. the last time we had a president, people would say a disaster, a catastrophic recession -- there was real, real consequences here. and i mean, yeah, minnesota can survive a lot. the united states is not going to seese to exist. but there are all kinds of issues. if you take what he said, you know, he wants to every climate agreement we're in. this is going to be the end of the system of health insurance we have. all of these things are things that descend. you have to take him serious. the people have validated that. >> when you talk to his support others the campaign trail, when you speak with folks at his rallies about some of his policies and messaging, they say, we know that he'll listen to the smart people around him once he is president-elect, once
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every single one, they believe he'll listen to his advisers -- >> what evidence do we have donald trump has ever listened to anybody? i mean, he hasn't even -- i'm being just honest here. people may say that. there is no evidence that he -- he is a man that said, i know more about isis than the generals. there's no evidence. let's don't delude ourselves here. we know who just got elected in this country. >> i would know about his judgment in choosing people and staff, that's all in choosing cabinet, choosing staff. >> he listened to somebody in mike pence. that wasn't his first choice. he got talked into mike pence. a more, go pick yourself a traditional republican. >> that was a very odd relationship. because he ended up -- sometimes they would give different answers to the same question. >> let's not forget, it was did he wait 24 hours, hallie, before saying he was reaffirming he was
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pence had some internal struggles with trump's morality and some of those things. but i go back to that because james, to answer your question, he did listen to somebody on pence. >> okay. >> i guess the question is, is that how he picks his cabinet? that he is going to listen to more traditional -- >> one thing i know about smart people, they never agree on anything. if you get five smart people in i get that it smart people somehow or another, you know, have a consensus or something like that. and look, i hope i'm wrong. i don't want to be sour grapes, i'm obviously devastated but i hope i'm wrong. but everything i've seen about his conduct, about things that he's said, leads me to believe -- >> james, who's the leader of the democratic party right now? >> no one.
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it doesn't have the federal court, the congress, the presidency, 30 or 31 state legislatures. you know. we're a party in search of a leader. it's a very, very tough time to be a democrat. >> we talked about the senate remaining republican. this was supposed to be the cycle for democrats. two years from now, the democrats have more exposure and more seats at stake. >> midterms. by the way, midterms, they've midterms -- >> it's a tougher trail. >> no doubt but midterms do get flipped over. >> it's almost certain that she's going to win the popular vote. >> california. >> right. david washman -- it's almost certain. >> you know what, you know, this
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the election would have been the same without that. but how can i prove it? i can't. it's -- what do you say? >> a lot of democrats are never going to believe -- you know what i mean? that's never going to go away. >> i understand. >> hallie's the expert but it seems to me in the nine days, the rhetoric, the lock her up, it had been there, then it kind of died down a bit. >> remember the obamacare thing blew up, the premiums. in the same window. >> that is the the comey announcement came out that friday, his campaign privately talked about seeing the polls tighten even before that. because he was on that health care message. i would say this. in those nine days here's what i think was one of the more significant developments. donald trump seeing what was happening when he was staying on message. and listening, to your point, to some of the people around him who said, stay on script, talk about the affordable care act, go after hillary clinton. he saw the polls begin to tighten. and it was kind of a
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respect. >> a big story -- >> breitbart or kelly ann conway, president -- the variety, the diversity of voices. >> right, that he's listening to. >> big story coming out of this campaign and what happened is going to be people in the clinton campaign said, we need to have an economic message, you need to close on this. and there were people that said, if we close on temperament and we have this unbelievable get out the vote effort is what it's going to take to win. that is going to be something that is going to be going over a thousand times. >> i need to get to kelly o'donnell in wisconsin with reporting for us, kelly? >> one of the things we need to think about, lester, that is now that he is president-elect, within days donald trump and mike pence will get higher-level intelligence briefings to prepare them in transition to take office.
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this will now be amped up. one of the things that one can expect when you move from that point of being candidate to president-elect is the sober nature of everything that becomes a responsibility on his shoulders. so he will be informed at a greater level now to prepare. and that of course will be involved in the decisions that he has to make to set up a new administration. in conversations i've had with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, he has talked about a willingness to try to work with trump a policy ideas prepared for him and hope that they can work together to get some of these things done. now with republicans in control of the white house, the house of representatives, and the united states senate. >> all right, kelly. this headline has been written as we're on the air. we can show you some of the headlines as we continue our conversation. the folks who are not with us who will be waking up to trump stuns the world. andrea, let me ask you about
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in this campaign. this was an argument not only for hillary clinton's candidacy but for his legacy. >> i have been thinking about that very thing, lester. we had been led to believe that whoever was elected, president obama would greet them, welcome them to the white house on thursday of this week. that wasn't announced, but that was what sources were saying was going to happen. and i was just thinking a couple of days ago, what if it's president tr the man he says, and his wife believes profoundly, was trying to delegitimize him, questioning his -- whether he was the legitimate president, his birth, his ancestry. they believe he is racist. >> michelle obama had given that amazing speech. >> at the convention. they had to raise their children in this atmosphere. there is passion about the
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personal. for him and for michelle obama to do everything that they did for hillary clinton was motivated not just by policy, but by the emotion of countering donald trump and of defeating donald trump. and now we're going to see the majesty of our democracy. what is it going to take for barack obama to welcome the trumps? for mrs. obama to show melania trump around the white house? for that image that we've seen on inauguration day when they come for coffee and the two men -- now it will be a male president -- get in the back seat of that limo and ride up to capitol hill for an inaugural ceremony. it's just stunning when you think of the drama of it. it's a narrative you could not begin to imagine. >> especially because of the relationship the two have. >> exactly. >> or whatever you want to call it. >> not a relationship. >> yes, the -- >> it's poisonous.
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for many african-americans in this country what he did with birtherism is an unforgivable sin. my guess is for many members of the obama family, what he did was an unforgivable sin. >> remind me, he never answered the question of what changed his mind, what ultimately brought him to -- >> he never apologized to the president of the united states. and i always thought -- now that he's about to become, it's late, but that's another thing. we talked about om a country that is going to feel more divided by race than we've had probably since -- before i was born in the '60s. and donald trump's got to preside over that too. it's in his best interests to perhaps repair a personal relationship with the outgoing president if he even has a chance. >> plus foreign policy, vladimir putin. >> yeah. >> i think a lot of people feel
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exactly, african-americans, latinos, muslims, you name it, asians, i think a lot of people tonight are feeling like, you know, united states told them exactly what they think of me. and i think a lot of people are really feeling down. >> i had an african-american woman say that to me earlier. >> people like myself who really believe in a plural istic nation, really think it's really part of our character. i'm like, gee. did we just really do this? i'll be fine, come to grips with it. but it is a -- it is hard, it is impossible to overestimate the magnitude of this as a political story. it just cannot be overestimated. >> i can't underscore enough your point, this is not just about policy, this is deeply personal for a lot of americans. for probably half of americans out there. members of the african-american community, members of the hispanic community, who are looking at their neighbors
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>> all right, hallie and james carville and chuck todd and andrea mitchell, great to have all of you here as part of our coverage. that's going to do it for nbc news coverage on this decision night in america. a night that will go down in history. a stunning upset as donald trump triumphs over hillary clinton, defying the polls, the pundits and the political class once again this time elected president of the united states. coverage continues on many of these nbc stations, on msnbc, on cable, and all the reaction coming in with matt and savannah on "today." for chuck todd, tom brokaw and our election night team, i'm lester holt. good night, everyone, from new
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time-out because we are welcoming some audience from our nbc stations now that we have reached the -- really the start of the morning. the day after election day. we welcome those joining our live coverage continuing here on msnbc. we look at our electronic superimposed map of the nation on home ice here out back "30 rock" fell ler plaza in new york where the sun will be rising on the president-elect donald john trump of queens new york and fifth avenue new york more recently. one of the things we'll have to get used to, the northern white house, i guess, will be here in mid town manhattan unambiguously
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secret service location and donald trump and the extended family we saw tonight will be moving into 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> the suspense is over in a big way. there are still some things. minnesota, michigan, new hampshire, arizona. we don't have a bottom line in terms of the popular vote. it is possible as we're into these late -- these last calls, these last tallies coming in that hillary clinton may have won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote which has its own sort of -- you see how close they are there in the national popular vote. less than 1 million votes between them. still a lot of votes to count, itically on the west coast where hillary clinton did really well.
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donald trump winning the electoral vote. in 2016 they won the popular vote but not the presidency. >> katie tur who was along for all of the ride in this campaign is at the new york hilton where the crowd is breaking up and the flags will be taken down. katie, your rio >> oh, what a long, strange trip it's been, brian. i've been doing this now, as you mentioned, for 17, 18 months. frankly, i've lost track of the months that i've been on the campaign trail. i've been a witness what donald trump wants to call, likes to call a movement. that movement coming into fruition tonight. from city to city, from crowd to crowd, the anger was palpable. the frustration was palpable but
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crowds who were jubilant. it was kind of like a rock concert meets religious revival. for the most part the crowds were made up of white people, very few hispanics, very few african-americans along the way. as we got closer to election day they got very angry. these crowds were not pleased and the chance we heard and some of the rhetoric we heard, not just from donald trump but from his supporters really shocked the political system. yesterday in manchester, new hampshire, at his penultimate rally, a man while governor pence was speaking talking about hillary clinton, a man yelled out assassinate that "b" word. even following trump and hearing all that i have heard certainly sent shock waves through me, assassinate somebody. and that sort of rhetoric wasn't
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because we've seen so much of that on the campaign trail. i've tried to talk to the campaign about it and i've tried to talk to rudy giuliani today about that sort of anger and where it goes and how do they harness it? is donald trump able to do that by coming on stage and giving a gracious concession speech and saying that we all do need to work together and inviting those who disagree with him to talk to him about it and talk to him why. is that going t long, hard process in mending the chasm in this country? i don't know what will happen next because frankly donald trump is so hard to predict. the campaign can't quite give a clear answer to that either. also, when it comes to his supporters, remember, donald trump has made some pretty grand promises on the campaign trail, especially for the first few days to 100 days that he's been in office. the other day in gettysburg he
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the female accusers who have come out and accused him of inappropriate behavior or grabbing him in a sexual way. he has said policy wise he wants to build a wall. he's talked about a muslim ban. he's talked about ripping up the iran deal. ending obamacare on day one. these are things that are difficult to do alone, even with executive orders. he does now have a republican congress on his side, both something of a mandate because he's defied all political norms and defied politics, period. hasn't really taken with the republican party or the democrats for that matter. where does he go? can he fulfill those promises? if he does not, do his supporters hold it against him? >> katie tur at the new york hilton. thank you for that. casey hunt is here with us in our new york newsroom doing her
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we haven't talked about too much yet tonight is what happens to the democratic party going forward? there was a lot of, you know, angst and discussion of republicans, their autopsy, they were never going to win another presidential election. now we're waking up and they control the white house and the house and the senate still. and it's the democrats who are lot of leaders in place for a long time. i would argue hillary clinton represents that same vein of leadership. not a terribly deep bench of young, dynamic people. there are a handful. swromp on her vice presidential strong hold.
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this -- honestly, what's left of the clintonian democratic party. >> casey, let's talk about mike pence who suddenly takes on so much power and prestige. yes, in a titular way because he is vice president-elect but also as current contacts. >> i think mike pence has a chance to make the vice presidency something that, quite frankly, it hasn't been at least in recent memory. he is somebody who, as you say, understands these institutions. i covered him. he thought about running for president back in 2012. at that point he was kind of the favorite of religious
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trump, that donald trump doesn't have a natural feel for. i think he and paul ryan are likely to spend a lot of time crafting policy. as katie just walked through, part of why the markets are so uncertain, is that he has talked in mostly vague terms about what he will actually do. there are a lot of questions will how that gets executed. the people are going to help fill in those blanks are going to be mike pence working hand in going forward. >> casey, thank you. for viewers just joining us or still with us, we are not ignoring the other elephant in the room still occurring to all of the people for whom this news is fresh. that is the total failure of all modes, methods of prediction, the total failure of infect participant measurement politically in this country.
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will be time to deconstruct that as well. steve kornacki is at the board to tell us how donald trump won and was tonight declared the president-elect. >> i was just thinking back to when we were at this board a few months ago when donald trump got declared the presumptive republican nominee. we were asking the question that night could donald trump actually get elected president? one of the things we were talking about, well, if he does win, he'd probably have t republican cut before. taking a big picture look at the red/blue map. first of all, donald trump is over 270. he's the president-elect. take a look at virginia. virginia's blue tonight. this was a bastian of the republican south for generations. it wasn't until 2008 when barack obama flipped virginia. that was a huge achievement for democrats. they barely held onto it four years ago. if you had said four years ago
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win back the white house in 2016 and not carry the state of virginia, that would have been unfathomable. check this out, pennsylvania, the upper midwest here, pennsylvania has gone republican. 1988 is the last time pennsylvania went for a republican. they have all gone in that state. george bush sr. in 1992, bob dole in '96, george w. bush, john mccain, excuse me, mitt romney have all said i'm going to be the republican who flips it's donald trump. michigan, right now hillary clinton is losing in michigan. it's not official. we haven't called it yet. michigan, 1988, last time. george butch sr. wisconsin, donald trump has won it. ronald regan over walter mondale. donald trump is within a point in minnesota. it's doubtful donald trump is
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a republican hasn't won minnesota since 1972. donald trump needed the south. donald trump needed florida and traditional states. we have seen a brand-new way of thinking about looking at this electoral map. it goes through the rust belt and upper midwest. this is a white working class path that donald trump forged. >> that's fascinating. the thing i think we're all reflecting now is that all of us here sitting at this desk, we've all heard couple of months saying that maine second congressional district, there's a reason we keep going to maine. to see them take pa, to see them take wisconsin, to see them within a shot at minnesota, it's not true that everybody's polling was wrong. theirs was right apparently because they knew to go to those places. there's a reason donald trump went to minneapolis and told
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scared of their so he molly immigrants this week. he thought he had a chance at spiking that white vote. whatever else was going on in public polling that made that look ridiculous, that was right. >> casey hunt has heard from the democrats. it sounds like we are going to hear from hillary clinton tomorrow morning or i guess today. >> today. little later. >> in a morning on wednesday morning to hear what we presume will be a concession speech. she called donald trump to concede this race. we don't have any more details at this point but we do know she's overnighting in manhattan. we can imagine it's likely to be somewhere nearby. >> casey, thank you. back to rachel's point. we heard all of this on conference calls with officials
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it was countered by the clinton campaign and by public polling. >> he stiffed his official public pollster to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. i think one other thing, this will go down as an interesting side bar of this election reporting, but one of the things that happened today whi way we handle exit polls and how careful we are with that information, making sure there are no projections before all polls are closed. this year a couple of medium -- i will say in almost every instance, those numbers that they put out in terms of who was going to win those states based
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that people were trying to model a day of result was bust. >> this campaign got hit with a couple of rockets that we've never seen in the history of presidential campaigning. we've had exactly one candidate who was under a publicly announced fbi investigation. exactly one. that's a liability and softening
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that goes. then we have the director of the fbi make an entrance into the campaign. it's so late in the campaign that it's impossible for polling to grab whatever just happened and did something just happen to reverse the first effect of the first fbi letter? we don't know. so the idea that polling could track exactly what was going on with the fbi effect on this >> especially with the amount of early voting happening while that was going on. >> don't you think that -- you know, a lot of those people who voted for trump weren't voting for trump. they weren't voting against hillary clinton. >> well, the word is this depressing news for people leaning towards clinton and so that's the part that you don't know. >> seems to me, we'll look at the numbers, seemed to me the clinton side kind of got out the vote.
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in terms of the numbers of people that turned out. we don't yet know. starting to look like it may be an overall low turnout election. >> what trump did, you used the way he used somali immigrants as a foil. he was talking to people of duluth, in the hinter lands of minnesota who have a different idea about minneapolis and what's hapni he did that with chicago the way he referred to violence in chicago and the inner cities as -- you know, as a way of appealing to people who didn't live anywhere near inner cities. but he sort of used people of color as a foil during the entire campaign. >> the other thing the trump campaign always understood is there is no such thing as a
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trump campaign. they're all nationally televised events. when you're going to talk about somalis in minnesota, that's being heard everywhere else you want it to be heard. >> what happened tonight, a repudiation of let's discuss 2012 rnc autopsy report. there is a vision, one that i subscribe to, if you want to win a presidential election, it's the george w. bush model. you have to be up hispanic votes, dismiss out of hand the notion that there was a population of white ruling voters that could be brought to bear outside their normal turnout numbers. it was just wrong. so an colter, people have said we're a bunch of losers, weak. >> rhinos. >> they were right about it, but
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all of the people -- if you said to george w. bush, mr. president, i think we should go to minneapolis and scare up the white voters with the somali -- he would have thrown you out of the oval office. all of the normal boundaries are off. it was politics as warfare at a level that this was not ever seen before. >> chris matthews, how come w argument, you say it's okay. >> which one? >> the one he just did. >> it is what he did. he did spike the white vote. >> when you mentioned about that reporter, the comments from the pittsburgh paper, what people heard and acted upon, they wanted a better country. i want to talk about that in a mt. i have a big thought here. it has to do with that. >> i am told we are going to
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>> we've always counted on in our democracy our basic host to democracy is skill and winning the presidency would be applicable to being president. we thought we saw this with roosevelt, with everybody since in the modern media since teddy roosevelt. if you have the equipment to win the presidential election, you put it together to figure out what you need. that would be the best way to pick the best pr so here we are with a guy who's done it in a totally awful way. my determination to be optimistic is to try to say -- to try to figure it is the talent he's showing raw talent stirring up hatred and all the other things in terms of identifying markets, finding out if there's a market for anti-trade, market for anti-immigration, stupid wars. in putting all of that together
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electrically. i got a call last night from kellyanne. are they going to carry pennsylvania? i'm not sure they did have a sophisticated system. >> asking if they were going to win the city. the fact that they were polling this way, what do you hear, what do you hear? that's pretty old time. i know we are going to disagree about some of these things. i am determined to find some there must be some talent here. i'm going to wait and see the next couple of days, is he going to recoil everything he said because it was a game. all of the ethnic antagonism that he made, is he going to pull back on that, that got me where i want to get. i don't need that anymore. what i need now is calm,
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chance of building this economy back up again. he has to change the number of partners. do the brains that got this guy elected president tonight apply to being president? i leave it as a president. i hope there's some connection. otherwise we have a ding bat as president. we're just in to doomsday right no my head. i have to think there's got to be a pony in this crap pile. >> because somebody had to create the crap? >> don't forget, he was a celebrity. eisenhower, the last non-politician elected -- >> right. >> -- won the titanic struggle for the planet and came home a
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this network devoted years of programming and promotional support to a reality show that was mold breaking for the time and contributed largely to making this new york developer, builder, licensor, landlord, investor successful guy into a global celebrity and brand, a brand. products with his name on t. just one of the things we've never seen. >> let me put one to you, general electric theater. he was number three one year. he used that. so i think media celebrity,
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he eluded and evaded the mainstream media of the time who didn't see him coming in many of the same ways. we have three minutes remaining. this is the time for real wisdom. lightning round. >> you're going to want to skip me. if you want real wisdom, i don't have that to offer at this hour. i will say though that i do think that this is a moment, however you feel about this election, to keep in your heart. some of the communities that are not represented here on this set who have been directly threatened by donald trump in a wa t position of power has ever threatened groups of americans before. muslim americans, latino americans, immigrants documented and otherwise are in fear for what this country did and what the country needs. that's a responsibility we have on all of us now regardless of what trump does with this power he's just been given. >> rachel, america is crying
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america, but a significant portion. i mean literally crying. i've gotten phone calls about a daughter in tears. i know of another one i'm hearing from elsewhere and some of the people you were just talking about are crying from california to massachusetts about this. this is a sadness. this is a mourning moment for those people. and it is a moment filled with donald trump, thankfully i don't think instilled any more fear tonight in his speech. it wasn't one of those speeches that have that kind of stuff in it, but he has a job to do. what we saw happen in the stock market is happening in the hearts of americans. they are afraid. donald trump has to address that. >> steve? >> he's no longer the "celebrity apprentice" guy. he's no longer the bomb bass stick nonsense spewing presidential nominee.
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awesome powers and responsibilities that will come with that office. and we've seen a side of him in this campaign that gives pause to worry greatly, but now maybe we'll see another side of donald j. trump as he gets ready to assume this office and we just have to hope that's the case. >> some of the supporters, not all the people that voted for him, took donald trump he was saying as a license for bigotry. they saw him providing an umbrella under which they could be as racist as they wanted to be to be perfectly blunt. he needs to cut that out and he needs to cut that out now. >> i was just going to say, i had this at my side, the bible of american politics. the almanac of american politics. how much of this has been just
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>> let it be the first book we burn. >> what new chapter have we written here together? ari melburg continues our live coverage. thank you, partner. >> appreciate it. >> thank you to all our family
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i just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. it's about congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. >> in a stunning turn of events, america has elected billionaire businessman donald trump as our 45ing president of the united states. a shocking outcome for hillary clinton and her shell shocked supporters who appear to have momentum and polls on their side.


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