tv News4 Today NBC November 20, 2016 6:00am-8:00am EST
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oh, yeah. the cold, the wind. make it a "storm team 4" weather alert day on this sunday. >> now on "news4 today," we are tracking a major temperature drop that could cause a lot of damage. >> good morning to you. hope you're having a good morning so far. i'm adam tuss. >> and i'm >> let's check in with tom kierein. tom. >> there's a threat with strong winds developing later this afternoon. right now our peak wind guests are 30. right now around the region as we take a look at this wind advisory zone, it has been expanded. it include all of northern virginia. high wind warnings all along the
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in effect for the rest of the day and in to tonight. the peak wind gusts are as much as 50 to 55 miles an hour. that's going to be later this morning and into the middle part of this afternoon. expect some tree damage. might get some trees blowing down, maybe some limbs coming down, unfortunately causing more spotty outages like we had yesterday, and the latest wind gusts are generally around up to 30 miles an hour. martinsburg hat temperatures are hovering in the 30s. look at our feels like temperature. our windchills are in the 20s and 30 degrees. if you're heading out, you definitely need your warm winter coat. our windchills are going to be freezing. the temperatures are going to be in the 30s and climbing into the 40s. a look at that.
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that. a young woman is in the hospital critically injured after a branch hit her early yesterday afternoon. she was walk in the woods behind the shopping center when the wind brought that branch down. we want to make sure you're prepared for this changing forecast today. we want to keep you up to date minute by minute with our nbc washington app. under way for a man who set a woman on fire. he set a 64-year-old woman on fire at their home on cooler court after an argument. she was badly burned and rushed to the hospital. police want people to be very careful if they spot rueter. >> considering what we think he did at the home, i would say, yes, of course, he's a danks person.
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caution. i certainly don't want them to approach him. if they see him, please, call us and let us know where. >> police say they've responded to the home before because of domestic issues. let's turn our attention to president-elect trump. he's expected to meet today. this comes one day after he met school chancellor michelle rhee. >> reporter: the trump transition kicking into high gear over the weekend, the pretty elect meeting with more than 100 people saturday as he tries to round out his administration. among them former massachusetts governor mitt romney who led a blistering campaign to defeat donald trump. >> here's what i know.
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fraud. >> reporter: romney has been mentioned as a potential pick for secretary of state but others characterize it as an exchange of ideas. >> i appreciate the chance to speak with the president-elect and look forward to the coming administration. >> reporter: trump has announced his picks for three others but has been coy whether more announcements are imminent. many more meetings are scheduled chris christie and former new york mayor rudy giuliani expected to meet with trump. despite being busy saturday morning trump managed to tweet he attended the broadway musical "hamilton." >> we, sir, are the united
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said pence was harassed. they respond speaking isn't harassment. >> he'll talk with senator bernie sanders and chuck succor and also speak with president-elect trump's pick, reince peas by. workers are cutting through twisted steel trying to rescue survivors after a horrible train accident. at least 96 people died in that crash early this morning. more than 150 were injured as the railcars crumpled trapping hundreds of people inside. terrible story there. well, nbc 4 is working for you in the community by making sure those who need it will have a warm thanksgiving meal. >> indeed.
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bank and the nurses at georgetown university hospital. we want to feed more than 4,000 families here at home. that is our goal. you can stop out by our storm rangers truck. we'll collect any canned or boxed food items you may have. you can drop off donations all day at verizon center tomorrow. if you cannot make it, donate online at all of y >> i can't believe thanksgiving is this thursday. >> i know. it snuck up on us. >> are you cooking? >> please. >> come on. >> i'll bring you a dessert from the store. >> tom, yesterday took a turn. >> that is for sure. it was 72 and dropped into the 40s last evening and now in the 30s. the winds have diminished
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take a look at the wind advisory zone. it encovers a lot of virginia, east and west virginia and maryland, all those areas in tan. wind gusts of 50 miles an hour. the peak gusts right now are around 25 to 30 miles an hour around the metro area. our temperatures hovering in the 30s but the feels with the winds. our windchills only in the 20s. it will be 30s later today. air temperatures are above freezing. reagan national right now is at 40 degree. so the impact today for the strong winds is going to be in the high range as we'll have perhaps some tree limbs coming down and the power outages certainly are annoying. my power went out.
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we'll be be in the mid-40s. and 50s by 2:00. still a bit windy by 6:00 p.m. and then back down to near 40 by 10:00. breezy and cold overnight tonight and then by dawn on monday, we'll be right down into the mid-30s. during the day tomorrow, the upper 40s and still a bit breezy and mostly sunny. good travel weather on tuesday and wednesday. as we head toward thanksgiving day, showers. then sun back in the afterno nice and then drying out into next weekend. that's the way it looks. >> thank you, tom. "reporter's notebook" is up next. >> we're back in 15 minutes with more of the top stories. good morning. welcome to "reporter's notebook." i'm pat lawson muse. the next few days will be busy days as more people will be traveling for thanksgiving than we've seen since 2007. people l be traveling on the
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nearly nine of ten people tend to travel despite the rise of grass. joining us, adam tuss and travel reporter melissa mollet. it's a 6% increase over last year. so what's your best advice to all these people that are going to be on the roads. >> go now. >> sunday. that gives you three days. >> just expect that it's going to be busy. this way if it's not, then you're pleasantly surprised. but the reality is every year we've seen a shift in transportation, whether it was the wednesday before thanksgiving being -- used to be very busy and now it's kind of shifted to tuesday. some people even leave on monday. some people have probably already left, to be honest, just because this whole week gets
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do some sort of off-peak travel if you can and expect that it's going to be busy. >> a lot of people say they travel on thanksgiving. that's not my favorite. i'd rather be cooking. >> i know. if you have to go out of town and you have a small window, really it's a good time to leave, early on thanksgiving morning. i've worked on thanksgiving morning and there's nothing on the krams. people have already left or they're not going anywhere. sometimes you see a little bit oflu day with people going to and from houses but i would say off peak. i'm talking early in the morning. i have a friend who lives in centreville and she leaves at 3:00 a.m. if you leave in the middle of the night, trust me, there woen be anyone on the roads. it's easier to put your kids in the car. they're going to be sleeping,
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they create traffic jams instead of trying to beat it. >> i think that's right, but also you find ways to get creative and make it work. again, bottom line, a lot of people are going to be on the roads and expect that you're going to be hitting some traffic. >> i think on wednesday thinking you'll skip out at lunch, bad idea. you need to leave earlier. 4:00 p.m. on wednesday is going to be one of the wst around town. if i leave a few hours early,'ll get something in, but it's going to be bad. >> are the travel passersby different in maryland and virginia? >> i mean i think it depends on where you're going and depends every year. the normal spots are going to be slow. both 95 corridors will be slammed. 66 headed west toward the mountains will be tough, 50 toward the bay bridge will be
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going that way. >> the normal hot spots will be places where you'll see congestion and you have to look out. the bottom line, we're all trying to get someplace for a good reason, so this is a time to take an extra second to make sure you're getting there safely. >> all right. i'm going to do your advice and leave today, sunday. >> right. like after the show. there are going to be that? >> you're going see a pickup, starting tonight you'll see more and more people at the airports that will progressively pick up. thanksgiving week itself is really busy and coming home, the week after thanksgiving is incredibly busy. the good news is the tsa says they're stacking up. i think they learned lessons from the past about what has worked and what hasn't worked. specifically at some of the airports.
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kinds of places. so they figured out,000 get people through the lines a little easier. >> i would say coming back, don't come back on sunday. everybody's going to be coming back on sunday coming north. you're going to see them coming south near 32. 5:00 p.m. on sunday is going to be tear about. if you can wait until monday, do that. but you're right. when you're talking about the airports with tsa and eth have to allow for the extra time. if you normally got there earlier, maybe a couple more minutes just for parking. >> the tsa really encourages people to use precheck and the services that will get you through the lines a lot faster and don't take your dinner. >> especially when you have five kids and you're trying to get everyone through.
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on a bag on a flight. listen. there's no real secrets here anymore. even has tried to be creative with how they travel. it's about how you plan the amount of time you give yourself and what your expectation is. don't just think you're going to zip through places. >> how about if you take the train? is it any faster? any more convenient? >> it may be easier if you're talking about getting somewhere quickly and convenient, i don't know. it's just going depend on what time you need to leave. if you're leaving on thursday morning and you're saying, do i want to drive, it might be easier. by the time you get to union station and park, it might be about equal. >> the thing about that is you don't have the airport security to go through. it may take a little longer, but it's very scenic, which has made traffic so difficult and
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i had to ride between it. you know, the part where you press the door and it opens up? yeah, it's great. am track is slammed on thanksgiving. even though they're not projecting a huge increase, that's their busiest time. if you're going to be in new york, those are places that get really crowded really quickly. >> something interesting i s airlines. they're saying if you're going to the airport, you can tweet them and ask tsa with any questions about lines. >> i never knew that before.
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people are complaining about how tough it is just to get around the city. what in the world is ddot doing about this. >> you're missing tom sherwood. this is his thing right here. >> he's off for thanksgiving. >> he tweets about it every day. there's no doubt about it. it's become harder to get around, but it's not necessarily that ddot is doing something different or mpd isn't doing something dien you know, there are different forms of transportation, and it's not all geared toward the car right now. if you're trying to get to d.c. from one end to the next during rush hour and you're in your car, you can't just expect it ooh going work. we have bike lanes, street car systems, bus lanes being opened up, certain routes that are pedestrian-only and those kinds of things. the city has thought outside the
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around. the bottom line is i don't think they're planning for cars anymore. they're planning for the movement of people. if they start doing that, your car doesn't take priority. that being said there are some double parked fedex trucks, those kinds of things and people not following the right rules. >> but they have no place to park. >> that's just it. this is what i'm talking about. maybe parking spots have been taken away a little bit. maybe things have been taken away because they're giving biking systems priority. you can't expect to zip around in your car anymore. i have to say that's the right mode for a city to be taking these days. if you plan a city for people and places, you're going get a city for people and places. >> melissa, you report on this every day. do you see where the trouble spots are?
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massachusetts avenue, new york avenue, really just a disaster in the morning. but i get so many tweets in the morning saying there's this problem, what's going on, construction hasn't wrapped up yet. can you tell me when it's going to end? i wish. i wish i had a crystal ball. i'd be a very rich woman. sadly it's something we have to work ow way through and maybe these people down the line start thinking about the fact that we're dealing with a closure from till donn street to rock creek parkway, that's really such a cut-through for so many people in d.c., milliliter, and virginia, that that's going to work its way through stages. yes, that's having an impact. there are other projects going on too. it's a tough time. >> speaking of tough times, metro is still in the midst of safe track and now i understand
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>> the earlier projections that paul wiedefeld has was late spring. now early summer. it might go beyond that. because the g.m. is focusing on comments that go beyond the track when he talks about potentially shutting down the system or opening it later post this late track. so a lot of people kind of see that as a safe track 2.0. has to get fixed. look. are we going to make tough decisions and fix it or let it be the way it is. he's a general manager taking a stand that that a lot of general managers wouldn't have done. he's trying to fix the system. whether it works or not, he's gonlt got to watch quality control and make sure the money is spent the right way. only time will tell there. >> melissa, many have gotten off the system and into their cars.
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system or maybe they will. >> perhaps they will. people get upset. i think it feels very personal to a lot of people. you just changed my day. now i have to go to work this way or pick my child up that way. i think it's going to take some time, even when all of this is done for people to go back and say i'm going go back or try this. that works for a while. again, you take that crystal ball and you see paul wiedefeld do the right thing a couple of years out. will lot of people are upset about it. you have to understand if you want it fixed, you're got to take this hard line. >> she's right. the danger is metro continues to shed rider and they don't come back because they have to find a different way. metro is down 100,000 trips per day, during the weekday. they used to carry 750,000 people a day. >> it's a lot of money. >> it's levels they haven't seen before. >> we're getting ready to
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since first track started. >> this shouldn't be too controversial of an inauguration. >> it should be very smooth, very smooth. that day they're putting brakes, no pun intended, on that. they will be opening early. but we're also going to talk about so many road closures. there could be protests. you just don't know how many things could be planned to be closed because of the actual -- you know, the pomp and circumstance and how many other things may be s if people perhaps march. you don't know. >> people can plan to take metro to the inauguration. >> 100%, absolutely. they're going to be beefing up service throughout the day. they're calling for extra law enforcement from around the country. they do that with the inauguration. i don't think anything will beat the first obama inauguration. i stood outside the metro
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get on the trains. it was amazing. metro pulled they off. i don't think we're going to be anywhere near that level with people coming to the city. the thing about this inauguration as melissa has said is we don't know the predictability. we don't know if there will be rolling road closures. i think that becomes the issue. >> it could cripple things. as anything pops up, you could have a suspicious package where that shut you're locked. nobody can move. and that really adds to the day. >> that's the day not to come into the city. as much as you want to be a part of it, you're not working downtown that day. >> stay home. >> exactly. that's right. >> melissa and adam, thank you. >> thank you. >> that's reporter's notebook. stay with us as "news4 today"
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and as we begin this half hour, we start with the cold. add in that wind, and we are in for a "storm team 4" weather alert day. >> yep. it's a big change in the last 24 hours. i'm sure you've noticed. temperatures are dropping and you might need to dig out your winter coat. actually if you haven't done that -- i'm all choked up. if you haven't dug out your winter coat, you're way behind. this thing blew through. >> yeah. definitely femt it. good morning, everyone. i'm angie goss. >> let's check in with "storm team 4" meteorologist tom kierein. hey, tom. >> the wind brought down limbs and scattered power outages. unfortunately we're going to see more of that. take a look. this is the wind advisory. this is in effect through the
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some tree damage, and, yes, more scattered power outages. right now the peak wind gusts up are to 30 miles an hour and they're going to be increasing as we get into the later part of the morning. it feels like the 20s with the windchill. a look toward weather on thanksgiving day with up-and-down temperatures, that's coming up in a few minutes. >> tom, thanks so much. right now the northeast is preparing for a storm. more than a foot ofno dumped across parts of the midwest. now parts of western new york could be pounded with up to 2 feet of snow and very cold temperatures. the heavy snow is expected through monday night in the adirondacks, eastern great lakes as well as northern new england. >> today president obama is going to take part in the opening session of the asia-pacific economic forum. this is in peru. he's also expected to meet with canada's prime minister. it comes as he's urging people
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incoming president-elect donald trump. nbc's ron allen has more. >> reporter: it's no surprise that his last trip ended here in peru with a number of american allies. the pretty, of course, was asked a lot about donald trump, what his administration will mean to america and its partners around the world. the president taking a philosophical view of this saying not to assume the worst. >> wait until the and then you can make your judgments. >> reporter: the president saying there's a big difference between campaigning and governing. in this part of the world, the importance is, of course, trade. mr. trump said he's against the but trade agreement that the united states is trying to work out with many nations in this part of the world. the president i length has said
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looking forward to transition of power. the president might meet with russian leader vladimir putin, someone who he's had a difficult relationship with to say the least. wrapping it up saying, again, give the president-elect a chance. now back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. well, west virginia's governor says he hopes the normalization between the united states and cuba will continue. governor earl ray tomblin made the statements yesterday in cuba. he spent the last few days in the country leading an institutional and business meeting exploring business opportunity ostown island. president-elect donald trump has been openly opposed to the changes president obama made. nunez wants the chief and secretary to answer to the firing. reporting that the
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admiral mike rodgers has led the nsa since 2014. he's also been mentioned as a potential pick for national intelligence direct never the trump administration. well, developing right now, iraqi troops are facing fierce opposition from isis militants as they try to push into mosul. just yesterday a car bomb went off. nbc's >> reporter: they continue the rye sis stance they've been seeing on the ground. it's been strong. it's been intense. isis fighters have been using car bombs, ieds, all kinds of resistance to slow down the defensive and really bog down the troops in urban warfare. we receive also the number of civilians fleeing the city
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people. and it's very difficult for them because many have relatives who continue to remain behind enemy lines, effectively used as human shields. >> we would not know which direction the bullets would come from. we were scared, so we left. >> reporter: and so even though some of those 60,000 have been able to escape through the relative safety and refuge of the camps on the outskirts of the city, they're still they'll be able to return back to their homes. this is going to be a long and hard battle. we're hearing weeks if not months to fight too take the city of mosul. army officials are trying to find out why a decorated soldier was found dealt in his fort brag barracks. they say he was found on wednesday. the army said the 21-year-old
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including global war on terrorism service wisdom. focus and grace. that's how former colleagues of gwen ifill are remembering the late journalist's life. thousands passing in d.c. to honor ifill. she's prominently known as the co-anchor of the pbs news hour but her first job was here at nbc news. she started her career as a print ifill died of cancer on monday. now to a developing story. a suspect is dead and two new york police officers hurt during a shoot-out. police say the officers responded to a call for a suspicious man that. i found him roaming the halls of an apartment building, approached him, and a fight broke out. they suffered head trauma but they're both okay. the police have not confirmed the suspect's identity.
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120-year-old monument began yesterday morning. it's located in front of the university campus. that has been at the center of recent controversy saying it con doens slavery. it honors the kentuckians who died in the civil war. the statue being moved to another town about 45 miles away. it will be moved later this month. a georgia firefighter died after attempting to ramp. it happened while he was working to rescue about 55 people who fell into the savannah river after the exit ramp collapsed. they say 30 people were hurt, including 13 who had to go to the hospital. just days before thanksgiving police investigating a pop murder/suicide involving a family. three family members were found dead inside of their house northeast of atlanta.
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his mom and 10-year-old sister before turning the gun on himself. a possible motive has not been released. another developing story for you. the medical flight that crashed in nevada late friday night apparently had mechanical issues. three members and the patient were killed. they were climbing after a it crashed. in an opinion piece in today's "washington post" the federal city council says metro's compact should be rewritten. they say it should include a smaller one. the board's role would be limited to focus on only critical issues. local governments would also be
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nbc 4 is working for you and the community to help children find forever homes. saturday marks the 30th annual adoption day. 20 adoptions were finalized in the northwest d.c. and they're urging you to adopt a child. it's a cause that is close to our very own barbara harrison's heart and she spoke at this year's event. >> as many have said, like all kids, they can be a handful times, but they're a heart full of joy. >> well, you may not -- or you may know our own melissa mollet recently adopted a little girl. she shared her very personal experience with us last week and you can watch her story on our app. just search "adoption." >> if you watch that story, you're going to need tissue us. a tear jerker from melissa but a great story. check that out. >> well, it is game day, everybody.
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the redskins are set to take on the green bay parkers. >> although kirk cousins is having a good season, he looks at aaron rodgers who booted him out last year. the redskins player wants to polish his resume with some of those same accolades. >> fortunately i don't have to worry about trying to contain him or stop him but at the same time we know we have to put >> you can catch the game right here on nbc 4. it should be a good one. a conflict with added controversy. a religious figure with new power from pope francis who's publicly challenged the vice president-elect. tom is tracking a major cold front and what you can expect to head for a busy travel week as the sun starts to rise here over
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good morning. a weather alert day. we have blustery clouds moving through a tangerine sky on this sunday. temperatures by 10:00 will be into the mid-40s, and by 2:00, 50 degrees. very windy. gusts will diminish. dropping back to 40 by 10:00. then for we'll have dry roads. it will be cold in the morn, mid-30s. temperatures in the mid-40s. by late afternoon when you're heading back home, back to the mid-40s. sunshine during the day tomorrow. a look at the weather as we head toward thanksgiving, that's coming in just a few minutes. >> all right. thank you so much, tom. well, president-elect donald
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joining us to break it down, moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd. very busy man. what do you make of the meeting with mitt romney? >> they spent 90 minutes together, no aides, just the two of them behind closed doors. it was a tour of the world essentially. look. it depends on your point of view and where you sit in the trump world. to perfunctory position to try to bring the world together. it was treated as a job interview for that by trump, but nothing was offered, nothing was said. romney didn't say in either direction whether he would consider anything. here's the way it was said. rudy giuliani is still in the
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options. >> do you think it was a strategic move considering who he's appointed so far? >> it's interesting. that's sort of the way to look at this, right? i think he is -- until he names one of these folks who was a rival of his to a post, i think it is nothing more than -- you can't interpret this as something more than him throwing out olive branches publicly because so far t he's actually made have sort of fallen in line to where he's at. so it's sort of like he's floated ideas that he might reach out and go moderate, but so far the track record says he is not. until he appoints one of these folks, i think it's hard to view thisny other way than a trouble lance. >> romney basically called him a con man. >> right. >> we'll see. >> i can't imagine, particularly
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that you could appoint -- that mitt romney and flynn and trump can get on the same page. >> yeah. >> if your secretary of state can't defend your foreign policy on that, i don't know how that's going to change. >> who's on your show? >> ryan priebus, and chuck schumer and bernie nd it's interesting. i have the operational leader in chuck schumer and intellectual in bernie sanders j and this past week it's difficult. we lost someone near and dear not only to the public but to nbc news. gwen ifill. >> look. i considered her a friend, an adviser. look, we went through -- we spent a lot of time together, seven with tim.
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this is -- this has been excruciatingly difficult. i'll be honest. i'm personally heart broken. she worked in the building a lot of time. a lot of people were close with her incluing pete williams. it's been tough. yesterday was a wonderful celebration of her life, but i have to say, i'm not happy about going through this next couple of years without -- knowing that gwen ifill is not there anymore. that's hard. >> 61, too >> we'll stay tuned for your show. you can see "meet the press" every sunday. it comes up at 10:30 after anonymous 4 today. amp bishop william tobin was elevated to cardinal saturday by pope francis. now, in an interview last week, tobin said the church has for difficult years ahead.
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vice president-elect mike pence over his order as governor of indiana to prevent aid groups from helping resettle syrian refugees in the state. >> i have a lot of faith in the american people and i think the greatest gift that the catholic church can do is to put a face on refugees, put a face, because obviously every american catholic traces his or origin to a refuge or immigrant june less you've been living under a rock, you should know duch won the presidential election. >> but did you know that's one person in the u.s. who has no clue, has no idea, we're seous. this is joe chandler. this cartoonist said he needed a break from the divisive campaign, so he actually shut off the television and computer
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election coverage what soefrm he actually wears headphones outdoors and tells people to keep the results to themselves. >> when i approach people, i'll say, listen. before we begin the conversation, i don't know who won and i don't want to, so please don't tell me. >> well, chandler says he wants to keep this going on until the next election that is four years from now obviously in 2020. how is he going to do that? >> i don't more so than us. >> ignorance is bliss. >> that's right. for some kids who want to spend more time with santa, here's your chance. they will open to let kids with autism take pictures with san tachlt the crowds can be overwhelming so fairfax county says the calm environmental lets children have their moments with santa. it's definitely going to be time to get our christmas
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lights. i passed a couple of lights. >> that right. and santas are up and at it across malls in the area. we already made our visit. >> we can thank the weather for putting us in the christmas spirit. >> yes. ushering in the christmas season. >> actually there were a few snowflakes flying through the air yesterday evening. changed the snow to wetness. keep up with it with the nbc washington app. means we'll have storm team for updates. we've got a big area under a wind advisory. all these areas in the beigish color under a wind visary through this evening. peak gusts. later this evening tree damage and spotty outages can be expect as this system is going to be quickly moving onnen through as question get through the afternoon hours.
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because of the strong winds with those occasional power outages. you've got to be watching out for that. current wind gusts, they're right around the upper 20s to near 30 miles an hour. these wind gusts will stay strong your next couple of hours and get even stronger. temperatures in the 30s to near 40 degree. that's where reagan national is. they'll begin to climb into the 40s at 10:00 and into the upper 40s and very windy. back to school, 30s in the morning. highs in the upper 40s with wind. then thanksgiving day might get a few sprinkles in the morning. sun back in the afternoon with highs around 60. drying out after that as we get into next weekend. that's the way it looks. >> thank you, tom. breaking high barriers.
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nasa astronaut peggy whitson is the oldest to fly into space. whitson will spend the next six months at the international space station. good for here. here'som college football running back. >> joe thomas sr. made history by appearing in his first ever collegiate football game, 55 years old. he's the oldest to ever be seen playing the game. it has been his dream for a while now. in the closing minutes of south carolina's game against savannah state the game came true. >> felt like 20 years old.
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i'm the oldest guy to play college football. >> well, thomas took a hand-off and only gained three yards in a 32-0 victory against the tigers. >> yeah, but he got in the game. >> he did, and they won. >> i know. awesome. >> nice. >> very inspiring. we do have much more ahead for you on "news today." >> that includes an hour-by-hour look at your fast with "storm team 4" meteorologist tom kierein. wind. we'll be back in a minute. it's 6:57. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me,
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oh, yeah. cold, wind makes it a "storm team 4" weather alert day. >> strong damage. >> take a look at these people here. they are cold. yesterday the cold blew in like nobody's business. it blew in yesterday afternoon. shivering, bundling up. we're dealing with more of it today. i'm adam tuss. >> and i'm angie goss. finally a reason to break out the scarf. we want to check in with tom kear riechblt hey, tom. >> we were at 70. two hours later it was down into the 40s with rain coming through. even got sleet and a little bit
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through. take a look at the sunrise, live view of the "storm team 4" towercam. the sun coming up in a partly cloudy sky. big area under an advisory. shenandoah valley, panhandle of virginia. through the area, gusts of 50 miles an hour later this morning. into the afternoon, tree damage possible, spotty power outages as well. a look at changes in the week ahead. that's coming up in a few >> thank you very much, tom. this morning a young woman remains in the hospital critic will i hurt after branch hit her early yesterday morning. montgomery county rescue officials say she was walking in the woods behind the captain john shopping center. you can keep up with the weather minute by minute with the nbc 4
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a fire. a manhunt is under way to find a person they say set a woman on fire. lewis rueter is the man police are looking for. police say he set a woman on fire in their home after an geenlt. she was badly burned and then rushed to the hospital. police want people to be very careful if they do spot rueter. >> what he did at the home, i would say, yes, of course, a dangerous person. i want folks to use caution. i certainly don't want them to approach him. if they see him, call us and let us know where. >> police say they've responded to the couple's home before for a domestic issue. time now, 7:02. donald trump is expected to meet with new jersey governor chris christie and former new york mayor rudy di giuliani.
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of "hamilton" the apologize to mike pence for what he calls their terrible behavior. we have more. >> reporter: the trump campaign kicking into high gear over the weekend, meeting with a half dozen people saturday as he tries to round out his administration. among them former massachusetts governor mitt romney who led a blistering effort to defeat the campaign. >> here's what i know. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. >> reporter: the pair buried a hatchet in an hour and a half-long meeting. romney has been mentioned as a potential pick for secretary of state but trup p calls the meeting an exchange of ideas. >> i appreciate the chance to speak with the president-elect and look forward to the coming administration. >> reporter: trump has announced his picks for attorney general, national security advise eric and cia director, but has been
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more meetings are scheduled for sunday with new jersey governor chris christie and former new york mayor rudy giuliani. despite his busy schedule, trump managed to tweet over the broadway musical "hamilton." vice president-elect mike pence attended. >> we, sir, are the diverse america who are alarmed and age shus that your new us. >> reporter: trump demanded an apology saying mike pence was harassment. they said speaking is not harassment. well, it was a chaotic scene saturday outside of the ronald reagan building in washington as people protested against a meeting of white nationalists. the group meeting inside, they actually met inside the national policy institute.
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center and it's part of the so-called out right movement. mayor bowser attended the news conference yesterday. >> it's alarming to see. i see it as the country going backward, not outward. people fielt as a way to demonstration. >> police took at least two people away in handcuffs but they say no arrests were actually made. be sure to catch "meet the press" later the this morning. moderator chuck todd will speak with two leading democrats. bernie sanders and chuck shum ler be on. he'll also speak with president-elect donald trump's incoming staff reince priebus.
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as president trump. >> he gave his version of the president-elect starting with isis. >> what is isis? oh, my, 59 million results. siri, how do i kill isis? this is blackberry. >> the writers also poked fun at trump's meeting yesterday with mitt romney but they also saved this moment between the fake trump and fake mike pence. >> sir, being president is not going to be easy, but we'll get through it if we work hard together. >> thank you, mike. oh, and mike, you're going to do everything, right? >> yes, sir.
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kellyanne conway. baldwin says he plans to appear every now and then. i think he's locked in. >> he deaf nutley felt how much everybody missed his absence last week. >> it was just last week. he's back. >> he is. well, it is cold. so is the cold, right? the temperatures, they are dipping. and it's the wind that you're going to have to watch auto for today. be prepared. developing right now, more than 100 people killed and many more injured. massive search is under way as a
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well, that is the brand-new high-tech tool that's going help bring you a more accurate broadcast. it is the most advanced american weather satellite ever. weather satellites help meteorologists see snowstorms, hurricanes, and severe weather. the mission is part of an $11 billion effort by the u.s. to revolutionalize forecasting and also save lives. over 100 people killed after a horrific train crash. the 14-car train rolled off. they crumbled when they crashed into others trapping hundreds of people inside. rescue workers used cutting torches to try to pull survivors out of there. >> it's awful. you're going to want to grab your heavy coat on your way out the door.
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lake-effect snow in pennsylvania. even at home we're getting a little flurries, even a dusting of snow. there are fast-moving snow showers for the game at fedex field for tonight as the redskins take on the packers. it will be in the low 40s to upper 30s by the end of the game with a blustery wind under a mostly clear sky. a look at the changes under way toward thanksgiving in just a few minutes. >> tom, thank you very much. today nbc 4 is working in the cni have a warm thanksgiving meal. >> this is a tradition we do every year. were teaming up with washington first bang and nurses at med star hospital. we want to feed 4,000 families at home locally. to help out you can stop by our storm ranger truck at the redskins game. all you have to do is head over to gate h with any canned or boxed food items.
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the verizon center. >> thanksgiving day approaching. >> right around the corner. last thursday was a special day in the district. >> this comes as miss gibson who's given back to the didn't for decades is ending the holiday tradition. "news4's" chris gordon was there as the mayors and police officers gave her a big surprise. d.c. police officers lined the entrance to surprise shirley gibson as she arrived at costco to shop. >> oh, my gosh. this will be the 20th and final year mrs. gibson and her husband harrison will host their holiday dinner for area law enforcement in memory of their son officer brian gibson. he was gunned down on february
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to kill a police officer. >> we want to provide you and your family with 15 tickets to go to the african-american museum of history and culture. god bless you. >> she has dedicated her life since the loss of her son to helping other families who have lost their sons in law enforcement. carts with enough food to serve 300 or more. >> it's the love, the peace t unity, and you can tell it's truly from the heart. >> reporter: i asked mrs. gibson why she decided this would be her final holiday dinner ending such a wonderful tradition. she said it's just gotten too big for her. >> we've decide thad we'll also
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enforcement always. they'll have our love, they'll have our prayers, but we think we're going to let it go at our house. >> reporter: she said the dinner has helped with healing from the loss of her son brian. she feels like all d.c. police officers are family. chris gordon, "news4." >> great story there. >> you can feel the love. >> yes, absolutely. this year's election could make for some awkward dinner conversation at thanksgiving. some people, i've heard, are not co defriending somebody on facebook, even family members. in fact, many people are preparing for a whole new level of tension at the dinner table. nbc's kevin tibbles has some tips on,000 avoid a dinner disaster. >> reporter: surrounded by loved ones at thanksgiving. oops. >> if i had to make america, i'd
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>> he would be standing around saying why hasn't anybody offered me a drink yet. >> yeah. what do i have to do to get a drink. take your hat off. >> reporter: meet this family. on thursday they'll be joined by 30 other equally opinionated relatives which calls for new rules around the table. >> put a sign up with a no and no politics today. >> following an intense and passing the politics with the gravy just won't do. it used to be a battle between potatoes and stovetop stuffing at turkey time. not this year. >> talk about other things like the brad and angelina divorce. >> yes. we should keep calm and carve the turkey. >> reporter: here's psychologist mike reineke's suggestion. >> these battles are not
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>> he said you should shift the discussion, ask for the cranberry saws, and nod knowingly, otherwise you might end up like the cast for "home for the holidays." there's one in every family, and you know who you are. >> her. >> remember, freedom of speech is a good thing. >> we're thankful that we're in a country that we can have differences and view them and it's all about. oh, and this too. kevin tibbles, nbc news, chicago. >> one thing you can do if anybody brings politics, kitty table. >> i'm going to act like i ate too much turkey and fell asleep. >> act like that. isn't that how most of us are
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warren county. had a dusting of snow. temperatures are hosherring in the 30s to near 40 degrees. the winds are blowing at around 30 miles an hour. the windchills are just into the 20s. all these areas in beige. northern virginia, east and west virginia, most of the metro area. we could get gusts up to 50 miles an hour and into the afternoon, tree damage, spotty
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current wind gusts are 20 to po miles an hour. hagerstown had gusts 3062. the impact today, high impact because of the winds with those power outages. watch out for some tree limbs that may be coming down in your neighborhood. getting windy by 10:00. very windy by 2:00. still rather windy by 6:00 p.m. back down to the mid-40s by 10:00. near 40. breezy and cold tonight. tomorrow morning, blustery and cold in the 30s. afternoon highs t 40 good travel weather tuesday and wednesday, rain showers thursday morning on thanksgiving day. dry after that into next weekend. >> all right, tom. thank you. cooking on thanksgiving can be a challenge as we just saw, but it can also cause an expensive problem. the holiday warning you need to
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after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana?. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana? is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar
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and medications you take. using invokana? with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?. ask your doctor about it by name. welcome k. from your thanksgiving meal could be doing costly damage to your kitchen. >> that's ryan. consumer reporter susan hogan with an important warning for you this holiday season. >> reporter: you can't mistake this. have you ever done this? sending hot water straight through the pipes. right? >> here's the deal.
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when the hot water cools, the grease coolsable it starts to solidify and it stays there. >> chief engineer gary gulf of mexico joins us in the kitsch on the explain the problems grease can cause when you send it down the andre. >> once it builds up, it's a big problem because what's supposed to go through there can't get through there. more importantly, how about your neighbors and the restaurant up the street. >> reporter: che video with pipes corroded with grease. over time you see the nasty gunk build up as the space narrows. >> it keeps backing up, keeps backing up and it has to come out somewhere. where does it come out? wrer it can. sometimes that's your street. sometimes that's your stream. sometimes that's your house. >> reporter: and it's an expensive problem to fix but easy to prevent. >> you can take the grease while
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you pour it in and pour it out. let it solidify. >> reporter: stick it in the fritsch to solidify. >> and it goes in the trash. >> reporter: don't forget to wipe the frying pan clean. three simple steps to prevent grease buildup inside your pipes and a pricey mess. >> you know, you get lazy sometimes. i'm just going to dump it down the andre. >> really? >> i've dumped it down the andre. relatives to eat. >> can it, cool it, toss it. all right. the wind might be your biggest weather alert. tom with the forecast and four things to no. developing right now, an officer shot, a person hurt. the determination situation
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and as we begin this half hour starting with the cold, add in all the wind, and we're in frp a "storm team 4" weather alert day. >> yep. you've probably noticed the change in the last 24 hours. temperatures dropping, and you might need to dig out your winter coat if you're heading out the door this morning for sure. hope you're having a good start to your sunday so far. i'm adam tuss. >> and i'm angie goff. we want to hecht strayed to tom
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>> i know. after yesterday's dramatic drop from the 70s to the low 40s, now we're in the 30s. four things to know as we look at the week ahead. we will have a windy and chilly day on this sunday with temperatures only struggling to make it into the 40s this afternoon. winds gusting to 50 miles an hour. cold tomorrow morning, down into the low 30s. and then sunny for tuesday and wednesday. could get rain around on thanksgiving day. we'll up. right now we'll take a look at snow flurries. there's heavy snow in pennsylvania. luckily few snow in the metro area on sunday morning. look at the big changes under way in the next few minutes. >> thank you. right now the northeast preparing iffer -- for snow as know is dumped. take a look at these images.
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snow with cold temperatures. there could be snow monday night in adirondacks, eastern great lakes and northern new england. president obama is going to take part in the opening session of the asia-pacific economic forum in peru. you see him here. hee also expected to meet with canada's prime minister. it's coming as he urges people not to assume the worst about the incoming trump administration. nbc's ron allen has the latest. >> reporter: president obama spent a lot of time during asia-pacific rim. no surprise that he spent a lot of time here. the president, of course, was asked a lot about donald trump, what his administration will mean to america and parts of the world, the president taking a philosophical view saying not to assume the worst. >> wait until the administration is in place, it's actually putting its policies together.
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difference between campaigning and governing. mr. trump says he's against the big trade agreement that the united states is trying to work out with many nations in this part of the world. the president-elect has said some things about china. also at the summit we expect that the president might meet with russian leader vladimir putin, someone difficult relationship with to say the least. the president on his final trip overseas wrapping it up saying, again, give the president-elect a chance. back to you. >> governor earl ray tomblin made the comment yesterday in cuba. the outgoing governor spent the last two days in the country leading an institutional and business mission to explore
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island. president-elect donald trump has been open willing opposed twarj the changes president obama has made toward the country. nunez wants the chief of intelligence to answer questioninger the firing. the recommendation wids made to president obama last month. mike rodgers has led the since 2014. focus and grace. that is how friends and former colleagues of gwen ifill are remembering the leites journalist's life. she's most prominently known as the co-anchor of the pbs news hour but her first job was at nbc news. she started her career as a print reporter. ifill died from cancer on
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police investigating an officer-involved shooting there. the suspect was armed with an 18-inch machete and a gun. police say he was irate and refused to leave a public storage facility yesterday afternoon when the shooting began. the officer was shot in the leg. we're still trying to get an update on his condition. the suspect was also shot in the stomach. another police officer was hurt. this morning two teenagers are in custody after an illinois danny davis's 14-year-old grandson javon was shot inside of his home. police say a 17-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy forced their way inside of that house and then following an argument the boy shot davis's grandson in the head. police tell us the shooting was over a pair of sneakers. time right now, 7:34. a medical flight that crashed in nevada apparently had mechanical
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were killed in an employee parking lot of a mining company. nobody on the ground was hurt. official say the plane was criming after taking off on a flight for salt lake city when it lost altitude and then crashed. an influential d.c.s by and civil group is calling for a complete overhaul of metro. in an opinion piece in today's "washington post," they say metro's compact should be rewritten. it would abolish the current board and create a smaller one transit experience. they say it would be limited to focus only on critical issues. local governments would be provided to provide dedicated funding. >> it is game day. the redskins are set to take on the green bay parkers. >> kirk cousins is reminded that aaron rodgers is the guy who booted him out last year.
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to polish his resume with some of those same accolades. >> i don't want to have to worry about trying to contain him or stop him, but at the same time, we know we have to put up a lot of points to have a chance. >> it's going to be a good one tonight. you can watch the entire game right here at 8:30 on nc 4. a conflict with added controversy. a relinches figure with new power from pope francis who's publicly challenged the vice front and what you can expect
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the corporal surprised them during a pep rally at his old high school on friday. he said he hasn't been back to texas in three years. those never get old. >> yeah. what a wonderful scene there. well, nbc 4 continues to work for you and the community to help children find forever homes. saturday marked the district's 30th annual adoption day. 20 adoptions were finalized in northwest washington. ceremony organizers hope to encourage residents to consider adopting or the child's welfare system. it's a cause close to our very own barbara harrison's heart and she spoke at the event. >> many have said like all kids they can be a handful at times but they're a heart full of joy. >> that they are. you may know our own melissa mollet adopted a little girl. she shared her very personal experience with us last week. you can watch her story in our nbc washington app.
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he gets a lot of compliments. he wears his army hat, walks around with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, ?thank you for serving our country? and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017.
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weather alert day. feeling cold. a couple of showers. just in the low 40s. then by 2:00, upper 40s. very windy by then at 50 miles an hour. back down to the 40s. by monday, in the 30s. dry road lighter wind and sunshine. a look at the thanksgiving day forecast in just a few minutes. >> all right, tom, thank you ve opposition from isis militants as they try to push into mosul. just yesterday a car bomb went off in the eastern part of the city. nbc's lucy cavanaugh reports on the progress-backed u.s. offensive. >> reporter: we, the push into eastern mosul by iraqi forces continues. the resistance they've been seeing on the ground from islamic state fighters has been
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isis has been using things like car bombs, ieds, shelling, all sorts of things to bog down the troops in grueling difficult urban warfare. we have seen also the number of civilians fleeing the city triple in just the past two weeks alone to nearly 60,000 people. and it's very difficult for them because many have relatives who continue to remain behind enemy lines, effectively used as shields by them. >> we do not know which direction the bullets would come from. we were scared, so we left. >> reporter: so even though some of those 60,000 have been able to escape to relative safety and camps on the outskirts of the city, they're still tremendously concerned about their relatives and also aren't sure when they're going to be able to return back to their homes. it's going be a long and hard
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bach, iraq. private first class david winchester of alabama was found on wednesday. the army said the 21-year-old biomedical equipment specialist joined the service in 2015. he's received multiple honors including the global war on terrorism service ribbon. at 7:45, a suspect is dead and two police officers are hurt af responding to a call for a suspicious man. they found him roaming the halls of an apartment building. they approached him and a fight broke out. they're in stable condition. the police have not yet confirmed the suspect's identity. a controversial monument coming down. the work began yesterday morning. it's located front of louisville
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with faculty and students saying it promotes slavery. the statutes being moved about 45 miles away later this month. a georgia firefighter is dead after trying to rescue several people who fell from a collapsed boat ramp. he suffered an apparent medical emergency and later died. they say it happened while he was working to rescue about 55 people who fell into the ferry collapsed. just before thanksgiving, just days before thanksgiving, police in georgia now investigating a possible murder/suicide involving a family. three family members were found dead inside their home in northeast atlanta. detectives say a 26-year-old may have killed his mom and 10-year-old sister before
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elevated to cardinal yesterday by pope francis. now, in an interview last week, tobin said the church has four difficult years ahead over the refugee issue over a donald trump administration. tobin has publicly challenged mike pence over his orders as governor of indiana to prevent aid groups from helping syrian residents in the united states. >> i have american people and i think the greatest gift the catholic church can do is to put a face on refugees, put a face, because obviously every american catholic tragss his or her origin to an immigrant.
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you know who won the election. >> oh, yes. >> donald trump won the election. >> get this, adam. one person in the u.s. who has no idea. meet joe cland ler. the cartoonist said he needed a break from the divisive campaign, so he actually shut off the television and the computer and he has been tuning out any election and post-election coverage. he wears headphones when he's outdoors. he wears that sign around his neck and he tells people to keep their results to themselves. >> wh i conversation, i don't know who won and i don't want to, so please don't tell me. >> well, chandler says he wants to keep this going until the next election, which, by the way, as you know, is four years from know. 2020. >> do you think he really doesn't know? >> he's gone this long, right? >> something had to slip. >> we'll see. we'll see. for some kids looking to
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early, this is your chachblts fair oaks mall will open early again today to let children with autism take pictures with santa. the normal crowds can be really overwhelming for children with sensory conditions. parents say the calming environmental lets them have their moment with santa. slay belles ring, are you listening? >> frost also glistening on people's windshields. we know because >> stop. >> come on. you were supposed to join us. >> 'twas the night before tom showed up. no. >> we have had snow to talk about. that weather alert day because of strong winds that are going to begin to move in here by later this morning and into the afternoon. but there's the sky over washington now. just clouds coming through. a live view from our tower camera and "storm team 4" radar showing snow showers coming in
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and north of there around the potomac have had a few snow flurries this morning. a few have december pated after they've come on through in the last hour. track all these changes to the weather with the "storm team 4" latest forecast. speaking of that snow, got this photo just posted on twister by scott bowser man in warren county, virginia. got the first flakes. you see them on his car. most have dissipated. temperatures in the low to locally 30s to 40 around the bay. all these areas in beige under a wind advisory today includes most of our region. we could have gusts of wind up to 50 miles an hour with tree damage and spotty power outages. we will have that situation into the afternoon. the latest wind gust. look at winchester, wind gusts of 33. camp springs and prince george's county, gusts of up to 30 miles an hour.
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watch out for tree branches coming down in your neighborhood. temperatures will be kind of flat lining here today. we'll be hovering into the upper 30s and low 40s between now and 11:00 but hitting the mid-40s to upper 40s as we get into the afternoon hours. big changes on the way will be in place as we get in to the week ahead. temperatures in the afternoon hours will be in the upper 40s today in much of the region and out at fedexld parkers. go by gate 8. storm ranger 4. it's awesome. drop off your non-perishable food. if you could do that, we would really appreciate that. by 11:00 tonight, tupper 30s. so it's going to be certainly cold weather for football. the winds could be gusting around 30 miles an hour. then back to school and work on
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still a bit blustery with a lot of great travel weather. thanksgiving day might get rain showers in the morning. then sun back in the afternoon with highs around 50. dry weather after that. friday into next weekend with highs, upper 50s friday and near 50 next saturday and sunday. >> thank you, tom. the time right now is 7:52. breaking high barriers. meet the woman setting a new record in space.
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nasa astronaut peggy whitson is breaking barriers. at 56 she's now the oldest astronaut to fly into space. yet she's a lot younger than john glenn who flew into space at age 77. she'll be at the international >> good for her. here's something you don't see every day. a 55-year-old college running back. >> you don't see that, definitely not. college student joe thomas sr. was in his first ever college football game at 55. he's believed to be the oldest to ever be seen playing on the field. it had been his dream for a while now. in the closing minutes of south carolina's state game against savannah state, guess what?
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i felt about 20 years old. but i know i'm 55. i'm the oldest guy to have played college football. >> it takes a little longer to recover. >> yeah, right. >> thomas took a hand-off and only gained three yards but the team won 32-0 against the tigers. good for him. >> they didn't even take it easy on him. >> at least he gained yards. he didn't lose any. >> that's right. here are four things to know. at after a terrible train crash in india. the 14-car train derailed. 150 others were hurt. president-elect donald trump will hold another series of meetings today. he's expected to meet with former new york mayor rudy julieny and new jersey governor chris christie. there was a protest. police say no arrests were made. take a good look at this
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police are looking for who they say set a woman on fire inside of their house yesterday morning. the woman is in the hospital with very serious burn injuries. >> if you haven't found your winter coat by now, you're going to be in for a rude awakening. >> it's feeling wintry cold. windchills in the 20s. highs today in the 40s. wind gusts may be gusting to 50 miles an hour. unfortunately that may cause scattered power outages. it's going to stay cold overnight too. >> a chillyan tonight at that. that's going to do it for us. >> we're going to be back here at 9:00.
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welcome to the dawn of a new republican government. >> all i want to do is curl up with a good book. >> this is my final trip overseas. >> we didn't do our part to stop the spread of misinformation. ?? good morning, welcome to "sunday today." i'm willie geist. president-elect trump has spent the past few days filling in his cabinet. he met with mitt romney, who was a harsh critic, this amid new questions about trump's business entanglements. also up early and on
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