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tv   News4 Today  NBC  January 15, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EST

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10:00 on the dot on this sunday morning. here's what's happening. five days left and a lot of careful planning going on. now on "news 4 today," the precautions and final rehearsals as d.c. gets ready for the inauguration of donald trump. and the greatest show on earth coming to a close. why one of the most famous circus acts ever is ending after 146 years. and we're on a weather roller costar. storm team 4 tracking big changes coming up in the week ahead. hope you're having a great sunday so far. i'm adam tuss. >> i'm meagan fitzgerald. it's a beautiful day
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freezing. let's check in with tom. >> yeah, we are basking in welcome sunshine. a great day to get out and get in a hike, a brisk walk. maybe a run or a bike ride on this sunday as we are drying out. there's the storm team 4 live camera. temperatures there are hovering near 40 degrees. reagan national now up to 43. near 40 around the bay. we're getting above freezing just about everywhere. west and north of us as well. hour by hour into the rest of the day, we'll be in the low and mid-40s. back down to mid-40s by 6:00 p.m. upper 30s by late evening. a look at big changes on the way coming for the week ahead and inauguration day. that's in just a few minutes. >> all right, tom. thank you. we start with breaking news in the district. police need your help finding these missing girls. they say 10-year-old tamaya calloway,
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left-hand side of your screen was last seen with her 16-year-old cousin. this was at 10:30 last night on madison street northwest. that's when police say they were last seen together. police are asking anyone with information to contact them. we are also following a developing information in prince george's county. state police say driver impairment may have caused a deadly crash around 3:00 this morning. police found the 2014 jeep grand cherokee overturned in the woods in laurel. a 44-year-old man, arden hall, was ejected and killed. the driver and a second passenger have minor injuries. and the curtain is closing for good on the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus after 146 years. the so-called greatest show on earth will end in may. the company blames declining attendance and high operating costs for the shutdown. it also says since it removed elephants from the show last spring, ticket sales plummeted. there will be 30 shows before the sho
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they still got time. many of those shows will be here in our area. that begins late march. well, we have the finishing touches happening ahead of the presidential inauguration. >> today in d.c., it's dress rehearsal day near the capitol. that's where we find news 4's derrick ward. he's live to tell us how everyone is getting prepped for the next president. hey, derrick. good morning. >> reporter: good morning again. it's all about going through motions today. there's a little quiet on the capitol grounds right now. in a couple hours, it will pick up again. the military review, that was the big deal this morning. they had the stand-ins for the president, the vice president, and their respect iive wives on the east side. the bands went by, representing each branch of the military service. now, later today, right as we speak right now, there is a mock motorcade. they're making the pade
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used to that and getting warmed up. later today they will come back to the west side of the capital where the stand-in for the president will raise his hand in a mock oath. that will be pretty much the end of the rehearsals today. not quite the end. there will also be a test of the emergency alert system here in d.c. d.c.'s homeland security and emergency management agency will do this test at 3:00. if you have a mobile device that receives those alert, you will get one. again, this is all about testing those systems so things go smoothly on friday. we're live at the u.s. capitol, derrick ward, news 4. >> derrick, thank you. ahead of the inauguration festivities, activists are taking to the streets to send president-elect donald trump a message. yesterday members of reverend al sharpton's national action network marched with thousands of others to push for protections for minorities. >> we didn't come to protest trump. we came to let them
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issues of voting rights, issues of health care inequality and income inequality, issues of police brutality. >> at the march, al sharpton called on people to oppose trump's attorney general nominee, alabama senator jeff sessions. president-elect trump meanwhile is escalating his feud with congressman john lewis. he's taking on the civil rights icon on twitter. this all comes after lewis told nbc's "meet the press" that he doesn't see trump as a, quote, legitimate president. nbc's kelly o'donnell has more details. >> reporter: in new york, more protest, but today the protest of one legendary civil rights figure. democratic congressman john lewis provoked the president-elect. >> i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected. >> reporter: lewis went further. a striking statement from a senior elected official. >> i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. >> you n
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>> reporter: trump fired back on twitter that lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district in the atlanta area trump labelled in horrible shape and falling apart. trump also accused lewis of being all talk, talk, talk, no action. a charge that seemed to ignore lewis' history. beaten and jailed in the struggle for civil rights. that irony caught fire on twitter. nebraska republican ben sasse wrote, john lewis and his, quote, talk, have changed the world. a flood of response followed from #istandwithjohnlewis, to house democrats using the issue to raise campaign funds. >> at the very least, he should be accepted as the president, whether there's disagreements over his policy, over his opinions, that's fine. >> reporter: on the eve of the king holiday, son martin luther king iii softened the charge. >> the congressman was saying this does not feel like a legitimate president.
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emotions, but realistically in congress i'm going to have to work with this president-elect, who becomes president on january 20th. >> that was nbc's kelly o'donnell reporting. you can see more of congressman lewis' exclusive interview on "meet the press." that's coming up later this morning. chuck todd is also going to join us in studio for a preview in about ten minutes. >> definitely don't want to miss that. >> nope. >> going to need more than an hour. going to be a good one. the first "saturday night live" of the year started off with, of course, a jab at president-elect donald trump. >> they've gotten good at this. alec baldwin was back with his version of the president-elect and made fun of his first news conference in six months. this all began with a joke about his time in office. >> on january 20th, i donald j. trump will become the 45th president of the united states. then two months later, mike pence will become the 46th. >> "snl's" take on the news conference took on several topics, including russia's
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repealing the affordable care act. >> yes, mr. trump, you and the republicans want to repeal obamacare. but why would you do that before coming up with a replacement plan? >> because obamacare is a disaster, and i actually do have a replacement plan, okay. i just read about it this week. it's a terrific plan. just great. it's called the affordable care act. >> the skit also referenced trump's recent meeting with comedian and "family feud" host steve harvey. keenan thompson came to the podium for a round of "family feud." >> i think they're going to have enough material to last them the next four, eight years. who knows. >> yes, the writers just put their feet up and just follow the week's news. >> always funny. let's take a look outside right now. we're going to see more of the sun today. that's a welcome sight. a big warmup also coming. tom is tracking how soon we'll see temperatures back up into the mid-60s. >> and a major
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spacex. a big mission for a local company. the blastoff and the new technology now orbiting in space. we'll be right back. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to
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three, two, one, liftoff. >> we have success. spacex's falcon 9 rocket blasted off into space yesterday. on board, ten satellites from the ashburn company iridium communications. the company said on twitter it is now celebrating. this is the first spacex launch since that fiery september accident. d.c. police have arrested a sex abuse suspect. they say michael hilliard groped multiple people last week. two of the incidents happened on wednesday. there were one thursday morning. the attacks happened in northwest near logan circle and
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u street. police charged hilliard with three counts of misdemeanor sexual abuse. taking a live look outside at the washington monument. a cool start to this sunday, but we're in for big changes coming up this week. tom is looking ahead to inauguration day and a chance of rain. and a port-a-potty cover-up on the national mall. the answer to the mystery and why logos have been taped over.
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plus you'll get twenty-four month, no-interest financing. hurry, the new year savings event ends january 16th.
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the new year savings event at havertys. life looks good.
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still quite a chill in the air. we've got the sunshine back though on this sunday morning. here are the temperatures hour by hour for the suburbs and rural areas. into the low 40s in many of those regions mid afternoon. tack on about five degrees for the metro area. if you have to go to work tomorrow, should have a good commute. we'll have dry roads. temperatures by dawn on monday in the mid-30s. near 40 by noontime. then maybe just low 40s mid afternoon, back down near 40 degrees by late afternoon. stayi staying dry. big changes on the way for the end of inauguration week. a look at that in a few minutes. >> all right, tom. thank you. president-elect trump isn't stopping his jabs against congressman john lewis. >> not at all. he went after him again late yesterday, tweeting, quote, congressman lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner cities of the united states. i can use all the help that i can get, end quote. this comes after lewis told nbc's chuck todd that he doesn't believe trump is a, quote, legitimate president. well, we have the man of the hour in studio with u
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man, this just went -- exploded everywhere. >> i'll be honest, when he said it, i wasn't expecting it. i was simply asking him a question about did he plan on forging a relationship with donald trump, as he has with previous presidents. he went there. look, i think this is going to resonate for a lot of americans. john lewis is, you could argue, one of the spiritual leaders of the democratic party today. while, you know, he may not be in charge of the house democrats or senate democrats on policy, what he says is going to carry a lot of weight for a lot of americans. look, this is only adding, i think, to the tumult that donald trump is inheriting, and some would say he's doing nothing to calm down. at some point, imagine a weekend where he had not said anything about john lewis. this conversation would still be -- his comments would still be a dig deal, but it may be about the democrats and whether they are ready to stand behind him. trump attacks him and it's
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it's going to be a rough -- i think it just only adds to this rough transition we're experiencing as a nation. >> and so, of course, the twittersphere has taken off. what do you see as the repercussions of his comments that he continues to make? >> i think it's -- look, i think it's politically not good for donald trump, the tone he took with john lewis. it divided some republicans. it made them uncomfortable. this reminds me a lot of khan family dispute. he couldn't let it go. even as people were telling him, what are you doing, you don't pick a fight with grieving parents of a dead american soldier. and that's what this feels like. you're never going to win a popularity contest with john lewis. i don't care who you are in this country or in the world. so that is -- that's the part of this that's a head scratcher. then donald trump looks at it and says, this is how i've been and this is what got me
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why change who i am. but it's going to make it -- this is why he's going to enter office with the lowest job approval going in of any president in recent times. >> and yet all of this is incredibly fascinating from a news perspective. >> i'm trying to picture what his inaugural is going to sound like. >> we don't know. >> an inaugural is a moment of unity. it really is. it's one of the great traditions of democracy for the world to witness. >> the peaceful transition of power. >> for the world to witness. it's quite -- >> what can you say? >> it's going to be something. >> chuck, thanks so much. got a great show coming up in about ten minutes. see "meet the press" every sunday at 10:30 on news 4 today. meanwhile, we got to the bottom of a really important story. there's more answers this morning in the port-a-potty mystery on the national mall. a spokesperson for the architect of the capitol says workers have been taping over the dons john's logo on the port-a-potty because a
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our news 4 team was hard at work on the mall yesterday, saw a ton of portable restrooms, even up by the will some building, and they had signs which were not covered. >> listen, if there's an issue, if there's a question, we'll get to the bottom of it. >> we'll figure it out. one of the key issues donald trump campaigned on and continues to push is keeping job the in the country. >> but many jobs are training drastically, especially in manufacturing. nbc's ann thompson explains how this forward state of mind is presenting challenges. >> reporter: research engineer walt spends days in a driving simulator, watching people interact with technology. a fifth generation ford employee with a job his great-great grandfather, who worked the blast furnace, couldn't imagine. >> we're not just a manufacturing company. we're a mobility company. that entails new things like the research that i do today. >> reporter: technology is changing the products we make and how they are manufactured. this week president obama said those changes will only benefit
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>> the next wave of economic dislocations won't come from overseas. it will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes a lot of good middle class jobs obsolete. >> reporter: the boston consul substantiate group says we're on the verge of a robotics revolution. 10% of manufacturing tasks handled by robots today, in a decade, 25%. will robotics help manufacturing stay in this country? >> absolutely, robotics will help manufacturing stay in this country because it will lower the cost. >> but lowering costs, won't it also cost jobs? >> it will cost jobs. that's what happens. >> reporter: remember the carrier plant that agreed to keep 700 union jobs at the urging of president-elect trump? the ceo told jim cramer the $16 million they promised to invest will go to automation. >> t w
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>> reporter: at the deerborn truck plant where ford makes the f-150, the manufacturing vice president says about 30% of the line is robotic, doing the repetitive heavy lifting. how does that change the human jobs on the line? >> it makes them better, allowing our people to do what's most important, which is use their innovation and their minds. >> reporter: the 1,000 workers hired here doing jobs that require up to four months of training. a smarter, more efficient work force building the products to move america forward. ann thompson, nbc news, deerborn, michigan. all right. so a little chilly out, but we've got the sun. so that's happiness. >> lift your mood. >> i like the optimism. >> yesterday the gray, cold rain -- >> that was a mess. >> that was a day to hibernate. now today you can get out and get some exercise and enjoy this welcome sunshine that has returned. it's going to be with us here off and on into the afternoon. there it is pouring down on washington. gleaming off the potomac river. live view from our tower camera on this sunday morning. right now reagan national is up to 43, nar
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it's a brisk morning. just dress accordingly. get in a brisk run or a bike ride or a walk. a great day for that. dry roads through noontime and into the afternoon. metro area temperatures climbing into the upper 40s by around 3:00, back to mid-40s by 6:00 p.m. our sunsets are getting later. we're getting a little more daylight. sunset today is at 5:11. chilly and dry for the evening hours. by 9:00, 10:00, back down into the upper 30s. right now all dry on storm team 4 radar. out in the midwest, there's been that nasty ice storm there from missouri into kansas and western oklahoma, eastern colorado. all of that is tracking east, but it's going to be coming into warmer air and passing south of the metro area. by 7:00 tonight, all this area in green south of washington and southwest, light sprinkles of rain. just west of fredericksburg, over to the central shenandoah valley. you'll get light rain tonight. that's goin
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gone by dawn on monday. just a little bit light rain there. here in the metro area, just some clouds around. for dr. king day tomorrow, we should have good weather for all the events. it'll be in the low 40s with a cloudy sky. then some rain likely on tuesday, getting back to work and school. mild on wednesday. mid-60s as we dry out. 50s on thursday. then friday, change in the forecast. might get some rain for the afternoon and evening on inauguraon day. drtiy
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hey, it's going to be a big day of sports
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that's awesome. you can watch the steelers versus the chiefs at 8:00 tonight. that game actually got moved because of weather. and before that game gets under way, you can catch the flyers versus the caps. that's at 1:00 this afternoon. just keep it locked here. time right now is 10:26 on this sunday. here are the four things you need to know. maryland state police say driver impairment may have caused an early morning deadly crash in laurel. 44-year-old arden hall from laurel was ejected and killed. the driver and the passenger have minor injuries. it is 10:26, as adam said. almost show time for the presidential inauguration. today military members served as stand-ins for the president and vice president-elect. they went through the motions for the oath of office, an event that will happen on friday. bands and performers of the inaugural parade are also in rehearsal mode today. they're running through the route that runs from the capital down pennsylvania avenue to the white house. the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus will cl
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they blame a declining attendance and high operating costs. after the gray day yesterday, not a bad day today. >> you remember that resolution to get more exercise? >> of course. >> today is a good day to do it. 40s this afternoon with sunshine. >> excellent. that's going to do it for "news 4 today." "meet the press" is coming up next. we're going to take a live look at some of the inaugural preparations going on under way around the area. >> be sure to wake up with us monday morning beginning at 4:26 a.m. ntil then, have a gur
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charge from an american civil rights icon. >> i don't see president-elect as a legitimate president. >> john lewis says the russians helped destroy hillary clinton's candidacy. >> i think the russians anticipated and helpeded this man get elected. >> my exclusive interview with congressman lewis. the national debate his comments have inspired and reaction this morning from donald trump's incoming chief of staff reince priebus, plus growing concerns about donald trump's coziness with vladimir put snien do you think the russians were behind hacking into our election? >> is vladimir putin a war criminal? >> should we ignoreur


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