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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  January 22, 2017 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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i'm storm team4 meteorologist amelia draper. wind and rain in the forecast tomorrow coming up. i'll let you know when it will have the biggest impact on your day. i'm here at reagan national airport. people flew all the way to d.c.
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women's march. guess what, they're still here. i'll tell you why they blame united airlines coming up. and after several months, we now know why some of your galaxy note 7 phones were exploding. >> announcer: news4 at 11:00 starts now. nice long weekend for some of you, but when you head back to work tomorrow, that weather will likely add some extra time to your commute. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm erika gonzalez. rain and wind in the forecast. storm team4 meteorologist amelia draper with what you can experience. >> well, erika, any amount of rain here slows things down on our roads. we're talking a steady rain around for tomorrow morning. not only that, but windy as well. winds are going to pick up overnight tonight. first i want to take you to storm team4 radar where i've been tracking an impressive storm system. you've probably been hearing about the damages it's been causing to parts of the southeast over the weekend. well, this pushing into our area, already bringing some rain and
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tonight. you can see just showers, generally light right now across the area. a wind advisory begins for just about everybody at 5:00 a.m. this includes the d.c. metro area, southern maryland, frederick county, and then points off to the east. this is going to run until 4:00 in the afternoon. we could potentially see gusts over 50 miles an hour tomorrow morning. that could lead to some wind damage, especially with how damp it's been. and tomorrow morning, well 6:00 a.m., it's windy with showers and wet roads. then more moderate rain toward the end of the morning rush. what you can expect during the afternoon, erika, at 11:18. >> we will see you then. thank you. the death toll rising in the southeast. powerful storms have killed nearly 20 people. as nbc's gabe gutierrez shows us, more nasty weather could be on the way. >> reporter: tonight, new powerful storms are sweeping across the south. >> look at those rain currents. those are really strong motion. >> reporter: the latest this
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albany, georgia, just hours after a devastating tornado ripped through the small town of adell. >> it was just terrible. >> reporter: carla barely escaped. her home collapsed around her as her husband scrambled to pull her daughter to safety. >> he went to her, and she was screaming for him, and he was hollering for her. and right about the kitchen right there is where she went to get to him because when he come out to get her, everything on the back of the house, all of the patio doors just went through the house. >> reporter: in georgia, at least 14 people are dead. >> it's going. >> reporter: many of them killed in this mobile home park. >> reporter: the windows started shaking. woke me up and said we got to get the boys inside the bathroom now. we got them in there. he went back out because he heard a little girl yelling. come to find out our neighbor's grand daughter had gotten thrown
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this is the most devastating thing i've ever been through. >> reporter: overnight, pounding rain, and quarter size hail knocked out power to thousands. the governor declaring a state of emergency. it's georgia's deadliest storm since 2011. >> it got thrown way around there, you know. it's devastating. >> reporter: survivors astounded, looking at pictures of their homes before and after. >> air started coming in and started to pick up the house, and it started rolling. >> reporter: for them, the destruction here is hard to fathom. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, adell, georgia. a computer glitch forced united airlines to ground all domestic flights for a short time. news4's shamarry stone is live at reagan national where things are starting to get back to normal. >> reporter: that's right. they are starting to get back to normal. but i will tell you that this definitely frustrated passengers. many of them wouldlk
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the ticket counter to check on their flights, and this all happened about 8:00. tonight, united stopped all domestic flights nationwide. the airline said the i.t. issue was to blame, a computer issue. united apparently fixed it about an hour later. 200 flights were impacted around the nation. i talked to some folks who flew into d.c. for the women's march and the inauguration. they say that this was very tough for them. they just want to get back home. a few flights were delayed here at reagan national airport. >> it's just upsetting. i understand not their fault. things happen. but i need to get home. i need to get my daughter to school tomorrow. it's frustrating. >> reporter: now, united is working to get those flights back to normal. meanwhile, many of the folks tell me that they are not going to allow this to diminish, to make them feel bad about this weekend. they said they had a great time at the women's march and the
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live here at reagan national airport, i'm shamarry stone, news4. we've got some breaking new details tonight in that shooting at a mall in san antonio, texas. we've learned the person who died was a good samaritan who tried to stop a robbery. san antonio police believe two people confronted a pair of armed robbers at a jewelry store inside the rolling oaks mall this afternoon. the suspects shot and killed one of the people who confronted them. but the other good samaritan shot and critically injured one of the suspects. police say that good samaritan was licensed to carry a concealed weapon. one suspect is in police custody now, but the mall still on lockdown as officers are searching for a second man. >> our detectives right now are going through the stores, talking to people to see if they have anything that they can add. >> four other people were hurt in the ambush. officers say two of them were shot. their condition, unknown at this hour.
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we've got new developments now surrounding those galaxy note 7 cell phones that kept exploding and catching fire. images like these. you may remember samsung recalled all 3 million of the phones last year. in a new report tonight, engineers say they've learned there were two different problems with two different batteries. basically one of the batteries had a design problem. the other one had a manufacturing problem. samsung representatives say they will keep working to earn back customer trust. more charges are expected against a driver in loudoun county after a high-speed crash that killed two of its passengers. this happened early sunday morning in arcola. a sheriff's deputy clocked the bmw speeding down route 606 at more than 90 miles an hour. that deputy temporarily lost sight of the car and then spotted it again when it hit a tree and burst into flames. he managed to pull the driver out, but the two passengers died at the scene. their names have not been released.
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been charged with reckless driving. police in d.c. are searching for this girl, saiddy adams is just 13 years old, and officers say she was last seen on wednesday in northwest a few blocks from sherman circle. she may be wearing a purple and blue coat and tan pants. police are asking anybody with information about where she is to please contact police. those cheaper tolls that you're paying on maryland's roads is not really having much of an impact on the state's bottom line. that conclusion from maryland's department of transportation. governor harry logan slashed tolerates in 2015 in a tax relief measure. new numbers from transportation officials show the state collected about $5 million less in 2016 according to the baltimore sun, the biggest revenue drop, about $28 million was on the bay bridge. but a jump in highway traffic on other roads made up that difference. all right. the big game is set. the super bowl is set.
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you'll see a familiar face on a very successful team in that big game. i'm sure you've seen this all over social media. sherry bur sherree burruss joins us with the matchup. >> there's this guy. his name is tom brady. maybe you've heard of him, right? the new england patriots quarterback will be making his ninth super bowl appearance, the most of all time. he'll be facing the atlanta falcons, who haven't made a super bowl in almost 20 years. a lot of people feeling like this, seeing the patriots heading to yet another super bowl. new england taking down the steelers 36-17. when you've been to seven super bowls like bill belichick, the conference championship trophy, yeah, just clearly not as cool anymore. but it's really cool for dan quinn and the atlanta falcons heading to just their second super bowl in franchise history after matt ryan and the falcons dismantled aaron rodgers and the packers, 44-21. ryan making
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appearance. super bowl li kicking off on sunday, february 5th. houston,texas. i did just check, though, and in the last hour, tickets for the super bowl are going to cost you a pretty penny. the cheapest ticket i saw online was over $3,400, and that's in the rafters at the stadium. so carol maloney and i are going to have more on the super bowl coming up on "sports final." >> every good husband in america is like this is my birthday and christmas present for the next ten years if i can get there. meanwhile, an attorney for 50 people arrested during rioting on inauguration day say that some of them were wrongly arrested. today mark goldstone says that police took innocent observers, including two journalists, into custody in northwest d.c., and some were charged with felony rioting. goldstone calls the charges an overreach.
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d.c. police say they've arrested another protester who threw rocks at police officers during clashes on inauguration day. he's been identified as dane powell from largo, florida. police say he got away during all the cahaos, but on saturday detectives managed to learn who he was, tracked him down, and arrested him. he's now charged with assault on a police officer while armed. a woman trapped in a car and surrounded by flames. you're going to see the dramatic escape coming up. i'm darcy spencer at the lincoln memorial. the park service has to tear down everything that was built up for the inauguration. i'll have a timeline coming up. and check out the emoji cast. amelia puts these together and you can see it on her facebook and twitter pages. tomorrow is all about the wind and the rain and then the big changes in the temperature. we're going to talk about if we're an
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we got you. >> words of reassurance in a terrifying moment. you are watching a police officer smash through that car window, trying to get a woman to safety. this all happened friday night in spokane, washington. kimberly novak skidded on ice and then her car shut off. quickly thereafter, flames and smoke were coming from the hood and the doors wouldn't unlock. novak says a nearby officer saved her life. >> i'm really blessed. it's humbling to think, you know, it can happen that fast and without any warning. >> the officer went to the hospital for smoke inhalation but is making a full recovery. to the white house no
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president trump's message of unity. today he told advisers their jobs are about serving the american people, not party politics. about 30 of them were sworn in this afternoon. that theme of unity may carry into tomorrow night. president trump will host a bipartisan group of law makers at the white house, where they'll likely talk about his congressional agenda. but something in the discussion within the trump administration is raising concern tonight. president trump has promised to move the u.s. embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. as nbc's matt bradley reports, reaction split. >> reporter: it's a holy city, a focal point for three major religions and the declared capital for both israelis and palestinians. but the u.s. doesn't recognize jerusalem as a capital for either people, and no country has an embassy there. under president donald trump, that might be about to change. >> we will move the american embassy to the
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of the jewish people, jerusalem. >> reporter: moving the embassy from tel aviv would be a symbolic gesture with very serious real-world consequences. it's been more than 20 years since the u.s. congress passed a law relocating the u.s. embassy here to jerusalem. a few presidents have pledged to follow through, but so far each one has deferred the move. both bill clinton and george w. bush promised to move the embassy during their campaigns before backing away. mr. trump's comments have already sparked protests. if he follows through, palestinian officials have said they will withdraw their recognition of israel. palestinians say jerusalem is their capital too. the city contains some of the most important pilgrimage sites in christianity and islam. >> my message is please don't do it because it's not going to have nice consequences on the political track. >> reporter: but israelis say jerusalem has been the
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of violence won't change that. >> it is a symbol to follow up with the reality that we live in, and it's in line with our history. so for me, it's just do what we need to do. >> reporter: moving the embassy could set peace talks back decades. many fear it would inflame an already volatile situation. matt bradley, nbc news, jerusalem. millions of passengers rode metro on friday and saturday. in fact, the g.m. said today that more than a million people used yesterday making it the second busiest day in the transit agency's history. the inauguration and the women's march were two monumental events, and now it is time to clean up. and that job falls on the national park service. news4's darcy spencer updates their progress. >> reporter: all of the crowds are gone, so what's left to do now is the big tear-down after the inauguration. here at the lincoln memorial,
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big stage they set up for the make america great again concert. >> that's it, that's it. >> reporter: crews worked into the night. everything has to go. all the fencing, the stage, so life can get back to normal here in the nation's capital. work here at the lincoln memorial is expected to be done by thursday. crews picked up the white decking that was placed on the national mall to make sure the grass wasn't trampled on by those attending president trump's inauguration. and officials say it worked. >> first glimpse as it comes up still is revealing that beautiful, lush, green grass. you know, if that hadn't been down and the rain and the feet, we'd probably be looking at something considerably different. so we're very excited that that seems to have done its job. >> reporter: it could be march before you can once again see an unobstructed view of the white house from lafayette park, where the grandstand and reviewing stand have to be dismantled. they took two and a half months to build. according to the national park
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structures with concrete footing and hard-wired electric. that's why it's going to take so long to tear it all down. at lafayette park, darcy spencer, news4. >> announcer: and now your storm team4 forecast. you can cedarcy holding her umbrella in her story. that's going to be the case through tomorrow. not only that, but the wind as well. you want that strong umbrella unless it's going to turn inside out. as we look to wednesday, it's mild near 60 degrees. then your weather for the upcoming weekend, already thinking about that. it's going to feel like january. upper 30s and low 40s unlike this weekend. feeling more like spring out there. we're tracking showers right now across the area. more steady rain moves in overnight tonight as the winds pick up, and then rain and wind greets us tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. notice widespread showers across the area. look what happens as i stop future weather at 9:00 a.m. notich
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that's a more moderate rain impacting the area. so if you're commuting at this time, know it's likely going to be a slow go. we continue to track moderate rain through the midday hours. then as we head into the afternoon hours, we do start to track just scattered showers across the area. notice future weather putting out snow back in the panhandle of west virginia and winchester as well. i think we could see some wet snow in areas like petersburg, but i think it's bringing this snow line a little bit too far to the east. for just about everybody, this is a rain only event. that being said, showers continue at times monday night on into early tuesday morning. i'm going to stop future weather here at 7:00 a.m., and you can notice just about everybody is dry. then throughout the day on tuesday, we stay dry. but again tomorrow is a soggy day. for the morning commute, we're not only dealing with rain but wind as well. recess for the kids likely indoors tomorrow. unfortunately for the evening commute, showers possible. damp roads at that point. if you're trying to head skiing
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looking rainy at liberty, white tail, maybe only some wet snowflakes mixing it. currently we're in the upper 40s and low 50s. that's where we'll be tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. then throughout the day, slowly falling temperatures. around 47 by 7:00 p.m. the steadiest and heaviest rain and strongest winds during the morning and midday hours. as we head on into the afternoon and evening hours, the wind's not as bad and the rain not as steady. but then on tuesday, the winds pick right back up. it's another windy day with a mix of clouds and sun throughout the day and a high temperature around 50. maybe some showers around before 7:00 a.m. as we look at the next ten days, here's wednesday that i mentioned. near 58. plenty of sunshine. cooler on tuesday, 52. mid-40s on friday. then, erika, next weekend, chilly, highs around 40. no signs of snow in the forecast. you have to think this ten-day puts us toward the end of january. >>
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a prince george's county police officer says he's no hero. he was just doing his job when he rescued a man trapped in in a burning car. our derrick ward caught up with corporal colangelo fee an zoe. he saw a big blum of smoke. he found a semi and another car engulfed in flames. the truck driver managed to jump out but the other driver was trapped. they sprang into action, grabbing fire extinguishers. and getting to work. >> another citizen used my knife to cut the driver's seat belt off. that's when we started working to get him out of the vehicle. i think it's really great that citizens and, you know, prince george's county and police officers can work together, and that's what we did in that situation. >> we think so too. that driver is expected to survive his injuries. officer piazza says he'd like to find the people who helped out and say thank you. still ahead,
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dancing in the nfl. next, how they punched their
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>> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk. well, what do you know? they're back in the game. >> yeah. >> and you know exactly who i'm talking about. >> the patriots, right? we started with 32 teams. we are now down to the final two. the atlanta falcons and new england patriots will be playing in super bowl li in exactly two weeks. these two teams have very different super bowl experiences. the last time the falcons made it to the big game was 18 years ago. now atlanta heading to their second super bowl in franchise history. they did it thanks to an unstoppable offense. matt ryan leading the way. five total touchdowns soar through the air, one on the ground. the falcons with 493 yards of total offense putting up 44 points.
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home team to close out a stadium with a conference championship and a wonderful good-bye to the georgia dome. not new, though, for the new england patriots, who have been there plenty of times before. after taking down the steelers 36-17, they'll be making their ninth trip to the super bowl, the most in nfl history. tom brady and bill belichick heading to their seventh, looking for their fifth lombardi trophy. and krig hogan with nine receptions. 180 receiving yards, the most receiving yards in patriots postseason history. college hoops, john thompson iii and georgetown visiting 22nd ranked xavier. second half, rodney pryor gets it to go. 23 points. a few plays later, edmond sumner gets it to rattle in and the fall with that bucket. 14 points for him, and the mus
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lead. coming off this hoya miss, here comes xavier. wide but he doesn't blow it at all. xavier beats georgetown 86-75. to richmond we go. dave paulson and george mason on the road, taking on the spiders. shot clock winding down. mason moving the ball. they jump it out to justin kieer, launching the deep three. launches it and gets it in. 49 points in the first half for george mason. now in the second, marquise moore, he would go driving in and find some room. somehow he gets that to go. 25 points, 13 rebounds, his 12th double-double of the season. george mason wins 82-77. to the women's side, third ranked maryland playing host to rutgers. seconds left in the first half after a rutger freshman destiny slocum brings it all the way down, getting it in right before the bur.
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terps up four at halftime. third quarter, all maryland. goes at the glass and in. 17 points for her. maryland wins it 80-6771. we have more coming up on "sports final." two very special guests coming up.
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right now on "sports final." set for the super bowl. what flopped and what popped for those headed to houston? the redskins get coordinated. who's at the helm, and how far can they go? inside a locker room or the club? the caps dancing dads make this a weekend to remember. >> the revolution and "sports final" starts now. who's with me? ♪ i may sound sick, but only one of us is sick on the inside, and that's our resident packers fan. good evening, everyone,


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