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tv   Today  NBC  April 27, 2017 7:00am-9:58am EDT

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good morning. deal or no deal? president trump now says he will not immediately pull the deal or no deal. the president says he won't immediately take the u.s. out of nafta. what's the fate of what trump once called the worst trade deal ever, and how will he pay for what may be the biggest tax cut in history? what went wrong. the internal report on the united airlines mistakes and vowing to change. this morning lester holt's interview with united's ceo.
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the 9-1-1 call from chris soules, one he made himself before police say he fled the scene. >> is he breathing, sir? >> i can't tell. >> this morning a new twist. investigators trying to find out who drove him home. and a woman casually takes a seat on a train 12 stories high forcing a two and a half hour rescue. >> what did she say to you? >> i'm okay. how are you? >> i go well, i'm doing good. i just hope we can get out of this together. >> now she's under arrest. why she was up there in the first place, still a mystery today on april 27th, 2017. good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. >> i guess you file that last one in the category of things you don't see every day, but
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>> a dangerous situation there. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> we'll begin on this thursday morning with a flurry of activity at the white house. >> president trump is abandoning his plan to withdraw from nafta, at least for now. while the battle over his administration's massive tax reform plan is getting underway. we'll talk to the secretary of the treasury in a moment. first peter alexander. >> reporter: good morning to you. new this morning, new scrutiny about the tax reform plan. the white house putting out a one-page outline. they say it simplifies the way the tax code works. what's missing, the details on how they plan to pay for it. the president is revisiting his promise to pull out of one of the country's biggest trade deals. this morning a seismic shift on nafta after threatening to pull the trade on the deal hours earlier, the white house reversing course wednesday saying they're now willing to
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topic for trump -- >> it's a disaster. take trading, disaster. >> reporter: overnight president trump holding what the white house describes as pleasant and productive calls with his canadian and mexican counterparts, all vowing to work together. it comes as the white house is touting one of the biggest tax cuts in american history. >> we have a once in a generation opportunity to do something really big. >> reporter: despite bold promises, the specifics remain a mystery. >> when we have an agreement, we'll release the details. we know your income tax rate should change. it would reduce the number of brackets from 7 to 3. with rates of 10%, 25 %, and 30%. if you file today as new couple, you take a standard deduction of $12,600. it would change to 24
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mortgage payments, those deductions wouldn't be touched. the plan a boon for businesses large and small. slashing the corporate tax rate to 15%. a year ago cana candidate trump said he'd make the wealthy pay more. >> do you believe the wealthy should pay more taxs? >> i do, including myself. >> reporter: the treasurety secretary dismissing questions about whether the president would release his own returns. >> the president has no intention. he has released plenty of information, and i think has given more financial disclosure than anybody else -- i think the american population has plenty of information. >> reporter: this morning critics are already pouncing on this plan arguing that it's favoring the wealthiest americans and would blow up the deficit. also this morning, a deal to
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conservative members of the house freedom caucus, the ones who owe o posed the last version now coming out in support of a new agreement. now new moderates are concerned it allows insurers to charge people with preexisting conditions more. >> peter at the white house. thank you. the treasury secretary joins us now. thank you for being with us. >> it's great to be here. >> let's start with the clip we just played. candidate trump was on this show telling our viewers a year ago that he believed in raising taxes on the wealthy, including himself. would you acknowledge that the reform plan you have laid out does the exact opposite? in fact, it is a dramatic cut in taxes for the wealthy. >> no. this isn't about a dramatic cut in taxes for the wealthy. this is about lowering tax rates in return for getting rid of massive amounts of deductions and special interests. >> but it does cut taxes for the
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details, you'll see this is about reducing taxes and tax simplification. this is about a middle income tax cut. the largest tax cuts in history. the largest tax reform program in history. to create american jobs. this is all about jobs, jobs, jobs. >> can you give me an example of a wealthy individual or corporation whose taxes will go up under what you've proposed? >> again, what we wanted to do was lay out the president's principles. and his principles are all part of the economic plan. he is determined to create economic growth of 3% or higher. and in regard to this, again, this is about lowering business taxes to make businesses competitive. we have a very uncompetitive business tax system. by doing this, we'll create lots and lots of jobs. >> i'm glad you talked about growth. the committee for a responsible budget, which is
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are a problem here. they say it's going to result in between 3 and 7 trillion fewer dollars coming into the government, and the growth rate would have to be about 3474 .5%. you said you're hoping for a growth rate of 3%. that will result in a blossoming of the deficit. >> the other people, external groups who normally model the plans haven't modelled the plan because they don't have the details. the numbers that you're citing, we don't agree with those numbers and don't think they're accurate. when we come out with the details of the implarngs we'll show this is going to be paid for by a combination of economic growth around 3% or slightly higher and a combination of by reducing massive amounts of special interests and deductions. >> would you be willing to raise your right hand and look at the american people and say i, stephen
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will be revenue and deficit neutral? >> again, our objective is to pay for this with economic growth. so right now we're working with the house and the senate. this is now about taking the president's principles and turning them into a bill that we can get past and the president can sign this year so we can create economic growth. we're going to work closely with congress to get this done. matt, yes, our principles are we want to pay for this with economic growth, and with reducing lots and lots of special interest deductions. >> you know this. this idea that you can pay for it with economic growth is koind of a washington fairytail. there's a guy, steve bell, a republican staff member in the 80s, and he says this is fool's gold that you'll cut taxes. everybody works harder, more money will come and you'll erase the fiscal impact.
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>> we don't agree and there's plenty of economists who have lined up with what we're saying. there's many studies that show 70% or more of the tax burden of corporations is born by the american workers. this is about lowering business taxes for both big corporations and small and medium sized businesses, putting that money back in the pockets of american workers and, by the way, by creating a territorial system we will bring back trillions of dollars that have been parked offshore because of complicated tax systems that these companies will invest in american plants, american equipment, to create american jobs. >> you've said the president has already revealed a lot of financial information, more than anyone. we could argue about that for an entire other segment, but doesn't it make your job harder to go out and sell a tax plan that's going to impact every american's tax returns when the president of the united states has note
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his own tax returns? >> not at all, matt. i think the american public is confe comfortable with the financial imahe pent s released, and this is the impact on american taxpayers and american business. and we are focussed on economic growth and jobs, jobs, jobs. for too long this economy has been held back by regulatory issues, by tax burden, and we are unleashing that. >> on the tax returns, you said yesterday at your briefing the president has no intention to release his tax returns. he used to say he would when the audits were complete. is it your understanding he'll never release them? >> i'll let the president decide what he's going to do in the future. that's up to him. and, again, what the president is focussed on and i'm focussed on is creating opportunities for the american public and we couldn't be more excited about that, and this plan is the
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beginning of creating economic growth. >> treasury secretary, thank you. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. >> all right. let's move to north korea. the crisis in north korea. overnight they promised to wipe out the6x u.s. and south korea either shows the slightest provocation. we're also learning more about what was said during the rare white house briefing on north korea for the entire u.s. senate. kristen welker has the latest on that. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. we are hearing from senators who attended that rare briefing here at the white house yesterday. some calling it sobering. others say it yielded little information. still, there is a broad agreement. it underscores the increasing tensions and tense standoff with north korea. overnight in a rare interview, a top north korean government official said a sixth nuclear test will happen and that nuclear and missile tests will never stop as long as the u.s.
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continues what the north seas as acts of aggressions. military drills with allies. unmarines armed and the missile defense system are all currently on north korea's doorstep. it comes hours after the administration invited the entire u.s. senate to the white house for an urgent briefing on the potential nuclear threat posed by the regime. an unprecedented move. the defense secretary, secretary of state, director of intelligence, and chairman of the joint chiefs collectively calling the pursuit of nuclear weapons an urgent national security threat. the group telling senators they're pursuing diplomatic measures but are prepared to defend ourselves and our allies. reactions to the meeting? -- >> the threat north korea poses to the united states is real. >> north korea is the most dangerous spot on the planet right now. >> some expressing concern, all
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north korean dictator. >> the white house is ratcheting up rhetoric with no off ramp. >> the top commander in the pacific said part of the u.s. is already within striking distance of north korea's arsenal. >> kim jong-un is clearly in a position to threaten hawaii today, nip. >> the trump administration is still stressing diplomacy over military action considering new sanctions on banks that do business with north korea, and rex tillerson is expected to press for more sanctions during a special session of the u.n. security council tomorrow. matt, savannah. >> kristen welker at the white house. this morning united states is out with its own internal report on the embarrassing incident of a passenger being dragged from a flight earlier in the month. the report explains what went wrong and what can be done to stop it from happening again. lester holt sat down with the united airlines ceo. lester, good morning.
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he calls it and the backlash the result of a system failure from employees constrained by outdated rules to the bad choice of summoning law enforcement. we spoke in the airlines' operation center in chicago where he laid out what united has learned and how it plans to change. >> we breached public trust. and in a serious breach. >> oscar nunez knows sorry is not enough. the image of a bloodied dr. david dao dragged from a united flight speaks for itself. >> it was a system failure across the board, and i own the policies and procedures and the empowerment, if you will, of those people to do the right things because a circumstance like we've all witnessed should have never happened. >> reporter: this morning unite second down listing what it says were its failures that day, including booking four seats for a flight crew on an already oversold flight at the last minute. not offering enough compensa
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voluntarily give up their seats, and -- calling law enforcement to get dr. dao to leave his seat. do you think those officers overstepped their bounds? >> our policies and procedures put all those folks involved that day in impossible situations. we have to stop from doing that. do i believe what the law enforcement folks did was wrong? yoe. but, again, it was i and we that put them in that situation? >> reporter: did your folks say this guy has to get off the plane and do whatever you have to do. >> i don't know that the specific instructions were do anything. we have, unfortunately had to do this before. most folks in the face of law enforcement get up. we do not give specific instructions for what you saw. >> reporter: they also failed to offer other modes of transportation. and employees lacked training for denied boarding situation. he believes n
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focus on the passenger experience. >> they're dated, and they're built on a structure of discipline and rigor in running an operation. >> reporter: in addition to limiting the use of police, united announced additional training for front line employees to deal with difficult situations. allowing them to make on the spot decisions. an automated system that asks you at check in if you want to volunteer to give up your seat and offering up to $10,000 to a p passenger to willingly take another flight. >> you talk about becoming more customer focussed. isn't customer service putting the customer first a given? >> it is, but we make sure half a million people get to somewhere safely every day. it's a complicated process, and we have a complicated process like that, and the operational mind set is front and center, and forget sometimes the people you're carrying are human and have interests and desires as to where they're
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words. what they mean is connecting you to the things that are important to you, regardless of where you're setting. >> reporter: >> reporter: he said he made the decision to forego a promotion saying the timing wasn't right. the attorney of dr. dao applauding the changes. >> you get the sense the ceo would like a do over? >> he recognizes this is a low point and hopes everything moves upward from now on. >> thank you. we know we'll have more of this interview tonight. another airline confrontation. a passenger was kicked off a delta flight in atlanta earlier this month for using the bathroom while the plane was on the tarmac waiting to take off. despite the crew telling passengers to stay in their
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a 39-year-old told delta agents he couldn't hold it after a 30-minute delay on the tarmac. when delta agents tried to remove him from the plane, he refused to leave. >> i'm not clear why i'm being asked to leave this plane. i had an emergency. i had to pee. i tried to hold it the first time. and i absolutely couldn't and now i'm being kicked off the plane. >> eventually all the pngs had to exit. hamilton was not allowed to reboard. he was not arrested and was given a partial refund. delta said it's imperative that passengers comply with crew instructions during all phases of the flight. and a massive wildfire is burning in arizona. the saw mill fire southeast of tucson has charred more than 40,000 acres. they say the fire is only 7 % contained. highways in the area
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down. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. now to the rules and regulations, but i've been on a plane -- >> we all have. >> and usually the flight attendant, they just let you get up quickly. >> they don't kick you off the plane usually. >> it's not a good feeling for our friends in illinois where there's all this rain. can you imagine driving in this? a lot of folks said the heck with this. they pulled over. even the winds caused big problems for some semi tractor trailers out there as well. trees down. limbs down. a real mess. we have more in store -- on tap for tomorrow into saturday. right now we have showers and thunderstorms into indianapolis down to knoxville. friday a wide swath of severe weather from wichita falls into louisville. 28 million people at risk. tornadoes, hail, damaging winds. saturday, 25 million at risk from
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york. this system pushes through rapidly. some areas from oklahoma into missouri could see upwards of 10 inches of rain by sunday. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. good morning. there are areas of fog across the region here early this morning. visibilities are down to zero now in maryland. visibility below half a mile across much of north central
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just be careful. keep your speeds down a bit. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s now. but with the sunshine coming through, we will be burning it off the fog quickly and afternoon temperatures will be back up into the low and mid 80s. and even milder weather coming our way. >> coming up, the new twist in the investigation of that deadly accident involving a former bat "bachelo "bachelor" star. the 9-1-1 call he called before fleeing the seen. >> and are your kids watching it, 13 reasons why, and what schools are warning parents about the show. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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th the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. 7:26 is your time on this thursday, april 27th, 2017. good morning to you. >> in the news this morning hundreds of airport service workers are planning to walk off the job at reagan national and dulles airports today. they are protesting their employer, the organization is accused of violating federal labor laws. last week the metropolitan washington airport's authority agreed to raise the worker's pay after a protest at reagan. >> if you're taking a marked train this morning, everything is back to normal for your morning commute. last night a fire forced passengers off a line. the brakes
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just a small fire. we have other big problems in your traffic. let's check in with melissa mollet. >> one of the problems a closure on gw parkway. shut down at morningside lane. a bad yash a vehicle. another issue on gw. southbound before 123, crash in the left lane here this morning. southbound 295 after the 11th street vij all lanes are now open. some delays heading into the town. not as bad as it was. all right. thank you. we'll take a quick break and check your forecast next.
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good morning. the sun is shining on the capital wheel. thr areas of fog across parts of northern maryland and northern virginia. be careful driving through the fog this morning. otherwise it will be a sunny and warm dayth
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the 80s. we'll be in the 80s again for tomorrow. near 90 on saturday. >> tonight on news 4 at 6:00, an investigation. >> a well known teacher found not of molesting a student years ago.
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we're we're back. 7:30. it's a thursday morning. it's the 27th of april, 2017. a little better weather this morning than we had yesterday morning when it was raining in the new york area. making its way toward a pretty weekend by most accounts. >> going to warm up. >> al shot me a look. >> it's true. >> don't mention al. he's going to run in here again like yesterday. >> al. >> don't do it. >> always ready. >> let's look at what's making headlines this morning. president trump now saying the u.s. will not immediately pull out of nafta. a pact he once called the worst trade deal ever. he made that announcement. instead is t the white hou
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to proceed swiftly to start renegotiating the deal. >> and the president's proposed wall is topic today. they will hear testimony from supporters and krcritics to hea about the impacts on national security and our economy. and in toronto a woman managed to climb to the end of a hook on a construction crane 12 stories look and sat there for hours. a firefight eventually made his way way. >> when you saw her, what did you say? >> how are you doing? what do you say? >> what did she say to you? >> i'm okay. how are you doing? i go i'm doing good. i hope we can get out of h together. she goes, i'd like to get down. >> they got her to safety. they were lowered to the ground. the woman was led
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handcuffs. there's no word why she decided to get on the crane. she seemed to be almost enjoying herself up there. >> everyone seems casual. he's like what's up? nothing. just hanging on a crane. >> was there a full moon last night, mr. roker? >> no. >> there he is, ready for an answer. we are now hearing the 9-1-1 call that former "bachelor" star chris soules placed from the scene of an accident he's been accused of fleeing. miguel almaguer has more on that. good morning to you. >> good morning. in a nearly six minute tape, he calls authorities to report the accident, identifies himself by name, and then is heard trying to revive the victim. the recording giving a minute by minute account of the aftermath of the accident that could put the former bachelor behind cars. >> reporter: chris soules is best known as "the bachelor." this morning he's out on bail, and now we're hearing his 9-1-1 call reporting his fatal
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>> i rear ended a guy on a tractor. >> okay. so it's a carv verses tractor i. >> yes. >> reporter: he gives updates on the unconscious man's condition. >> is he breathing, sir? >> i can't tell. he doesn't appear to be. >> reporter: with ambulances on the way to the scene, the orpter tries to help soules revive the victim later identified as kenny moser. >> do you know how to do cpr? >> i don't. >> anybody know how to do cp sfl. >> i can talk you through it if you're near the patient. >> there's blood. >> is there blood coming out of his mouth, sir? >> yes. >> i feel like i feel a pulse. yeah, he has a pulse. >> he does have a pulse? >> reporter: soules then
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abruptly ends the call. authorities say soules left the scene and was heirarrested five hours aert charged with fleeing a deadly crash, a felony in iowa. >> at this time that's the only charge. >> the investigation is ongoing including determining whether or not he was driving under the influence of alcohol keeping a low profile, he's expected back in court next week. his lawyer releasing a statement that his client was devastated to learn about moser's death. this as family and friends plan a funeral for monday for the lifelong farmer leaving behind a wife, children, and grandchildren. for the small town of aurora, iowa, heart break for the man who died and questions for the famous bachelor who left the scene. >> reporter: soules has been ordered to surrender his passport. he's charged with
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felony. authorities say he could face additional charges which could mean more prison time. they're also looking for a second drive that may be picked soule soules up. they could also face criminal charges. we have al and another look at the forecast. what are you talking about? >> know. >> where? >> in the rockies. we're just -- it won't quite let go. we're looking at snow from idaho all the way down south of denver into parts of northern new mexico. this is a big storm that's firing up. it's across the northern rockies. moderate snow for the higher elevations, then as low pressure develops, colder air moves in for friday. one to two feet in the mountains. four to eight inches in the lower elevations. denver three to six inches of snow. upwards, 12 to 15 inches of snow. the rest of the country, showers in the pacific northwest. stillst
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northeast, and heavy showers and thunderstorms down through the lower gulf. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck to the woods. >> good thursday morning. we have patchy fog out there right now. we're looking at lower than a mile at dulles, in a manassass. a patchy thinkick fog that will left. developing sunshine throughout the day. temperatures in the mid 80s. nice and dry. more sun tomorrow across the weekend. we're near 90 on saturday. get that weather any time you need it. check out our friends at the weather channel on cable. >> i was wondering -- >> what a deal. >> are you planning to return that? >> not anymore. >> busted. >> still ahead, we have big news from music
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twain. >> first how people are feeling about trump's first 100 days in office. right after this. days in the wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena is this my car? ck. state farm knows that for every one of those moments...
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we can still eat the foods we love! ♪ join for free and get a free starter kit. hurry, offer ends may 8th! we are back with our ongoing series in trump they trust. nicole wallace has been talking to the voters who elected president trump. >> how are they
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good morning. >> good morning. we began this journey five months ago. a goal of meeting and listening to the people many of us missed during the campaign. this morning one of them has something to say that he says didn't easy. >> fred knew he was taking a big leap when he voted for donald trump. >> i was a democrat. my grandpa, my dad, they were union guys. i never thought about voting for a republican. >> reporter: but he never thought flipping sides would create this much chaos. >> this seems to be a mess in washington. that's for sure. it's almost like they're playing childish games against each other. >> reporter: since january we've been going across five states meeting people just like brad, even bernie sanders supporters. they all ended up voting for donald trump. we came back to michigan which went red for the first time since ronald reagan. >> none of you had ever voted for a republican? >> correct. i used to not vote. >> reporter: it's where i first
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jason. a one-time bernie supporter who at 29 years old cast his first ever presidential vote for president trump. >> h he had answers. we don't always like them. >> reporter: but in less than two months his enthusiasm has turned to anger. >> i feel like i was bamboozled. i do. he fooled me, and i kind of feel dumb. i feel mad, and i kind of feel dumb. >> the time has come -- >> reporter: how did the president lose the support of a guy who cheered the for him during his first speech to congress. >> it almost sounded progressivish. he's open and willing to work with both sides of the fence. four days after that, maybe, more russia stuff piled up. he talked about being wiretapped. he's on twitter saying this about this person. >> reporter: jason says this was the deal breaker, the attack on syria. tough talk on north korea, and
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in afghanistan. >> i don't want the see another teenager brought home in a casket with a flag over it. i don't want to see that. i think he's going to put more people at danger. we're going to invade another country. there's going to be boots on the ground. it's what he said wasn't going to happen. it's one of the reasons i voted for him. he's putting us in danger. i'm worried about the future of my family. >> i have to give the man time to get things done. there's no way i could flip after 100 days and say he's a terrible president. >> reporter: so brad, the guy who voted for president obama twice, isn't ready to bail. >> i think he's stepping back a little bit from where, what he campaigned on, but i don't think it's a bad thing yet. >> reporter: would you support further action in syria? >> not right now. seeing all those children dying on camera, that's terrible. and i believe -- that would move anybody emotionally. we don't need to get in a war with syria. >> reporter: are you eager to
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way toward economic promises he made as a candidate? >> i'd be upset if he didn't do anything about nafta. i wanted him the for trade. that was a big thing. if he ignores that, i don't think he'll have a chance. >> reporter: and if democrats are smelling blood in the water, there's this warning. are the democrats doing or saying anything that makes any more sense to you now than hillary clinton did during the campaign? >> no. neither of them are. there's no middle anymore. nobody wants to work together, and it's just -- it's d disappointing. >> the left still can't believe that donald trump beat hillary clinton. they still can't deal with it. >> reporter: you're going to punish your congress people if they don't back his agenda. >> >> there's no doubt. and there's things democrats have preached about for years. why they don't back it now is pure hate for trump. >> reporter: what advice would you give him today?
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>> delete your twitter account until you can act like a grownup and stop trying to kill people in other countries. fix america. america first, donald. which camera? not syria. not anybody else. america. >> that's what he promised you? >> that's what he promised me and he's not doing that. >> wow. >> yeah. you have a change of heart from one but not the other saying we have to give this president some time? >> i think the difference between the democrats and his base and the republicans in his base is that the democrats weren't looking for a supreme court pick. they were looking for this america first promise, the commitment to focusing our problems here at home. i think in fairness to donald trump, this is the softest part of his coalition. these are all lifelong democrats who voted for him in these economically challenged states. for them to see him focus on a foreign policy that he never talked about as a candidate is really alarming. >> you'll follow these people and stay in touch.
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>> forever. >> you told me they all have your phone number? >> they do. i'm the guest that keeps coming back. >> nicole, thank you. up next, it's take your children to workday. sons and daughters. check it out. they're taking over the orange room. and even our control room. that's actually a normal shot. >> that's don gnash right there. >> we'll be back right after this.
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so she only earns double miles on purchasesit card. she makes from that airline. what'd you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that's unfortunate. there's a better option. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just airline purchases. seems like a no-brainer. what's in your wallet? that trop50 could taste so good
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can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. they'll always be our babies.. to keep us up at night, but tonight johnson's® can help with a bedtime® routine, clinically proven to help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. tonight we sleep™. ♪ ♪ "mm mmmm" "it's a sweet and salty dream come true." "mm check you out, nature valley." it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear.
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we are so we are so happy to have carson back in the orange room. he picked a great day to come back. >> wave hi to your teachers at school. >> it's take our sons and daughters to work today. i hope people are doing this. we have several of our staff members here at the "today" show, including my own son and daughter. romy is here too. kids, wouldn't you rather be at school? >> no. >> we have a few questions the kids have for the anchors. who is going to start? >> when you were a kid, what did you get in trouble for the most? >> oh. >> be honest. >> keeping my room too neat. >> being a total slob. >> you were a slob? >> talking too much. >> talking too much in class. >> you could do so well if he only would app
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>> mason's mom works in pr. what's your question? >> what was life like before the internet? >> what was life like before the internet in. >> matt? >> i'm just watching the flames. >> it was boring, mason. really boring. >> we just cleaned out our sock drawers and watched plants grow. >> keernen with a dad in the studio. >> when you were my age, what did you want to be when you grew up? >> a cartoonist. >> i wanted to be a teacher. >> relief pitcher for the yankees. >> all right. >> if you have kids add work, send pictures to us. guys, thank you for being here. you know the motto, bye bye parents, hello chocolate. w
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and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of
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breaking news. let's get the to melissa mollet. >> good morning. right now train service on the red line, we're talking about suspended right now between gallery place and dupont circle. at this point metro tweeting telling folks here to kind of consider a different situation here this morning. if you normally take that rout, they want you to consider walking from fair git west to make it easier on yourself. no major problems right now. gw parkway at morningside still shoutdown. >> we'll check on your forecast after a quick break.
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well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift?
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where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else?
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good morning. areas of some dense fog this morning. we have dulles almost at a quarter mile visibility. warrenton at about a quarter mile visibility. areas to the west seeing zero miles visibility. it's 61 and warming up. we'll see more sunshine this afternoon. temperatures in the mid 80s. >> tonight, an investigation. a well known teacher found not of molesting a student years ago.
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i it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, controversy. "13 reasons why" as parents and kids talking about major issues facing teens today. why schools across the country are expressing their concerns about the series. plus casting jonbenejonbene. a look at the new documentary that takes a never before seen approach to exploring the unsolved murder. and she's still the one. a major announcement from shania twain that her fans will love. today is thursday,
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2017. >> we have people celebrating. >> our 15th anniversary. >> who do you want to say hi to? >> denver. >> look who i found. >> my grand baby, harper smith from texas. >> today is bring your kids to workday. you're going to come to work with me. go out that door. >> i see more some kids. kids, you want to come to work with me? come on. follow me. we're going to work. come on. you want to come to work with me? come on. we're going to sneak inside the studio. come on. >> where did matt go? >> thanks for coming. good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 on "today." a great day out on the plaza. the 27th of april. we have all kinds of kids out there. it's fun. it's cloudy but not
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from the voice. everything is great. >> for a minute. yeah. >> can we stretch that out? >> i'm trying. >> next week we have a concert for you. one republic is coming to the plaza on tuesday. they'll perform some of their biggest hits. come on down on tuesday. it's going to be a lot of fun. >> a lot of fun coming up for the rest of this morning. let us begin by looking at some of the headlines. here's your news at 8:00. i'm kristen welker at the white house. overnight a shift on the trade deal known as nafta. administration officials originally telling some reporters president trump was considering pulling out of the deal with canada and mexico. now mr. trump announcing his intention to stay put. the president already tweeting about it this morning saying he spoke to both leaders last night, and the agreement is subject to the fact that if we do not reach a fair deal for all, we will then terminate nafta. relationships are good, deal very possible. it comes after the white house an
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american history. the specifics are a mystery. we know americans' income tax rates could change. the plan will reduce the number of tax brackets from 7 to 3 from rates of 10%, 25 %, and 35%. it will slash taxes from 35% to 15% for businesses. some republicans worry it will affect the deficit. also wednesday the white house hosting an unprecedented briefing with the entire senate. the subject north korea. telling senators the threat is urgent. in a rare interview, a top north korean government official said a sixth nuclear test will happen. >> thank you very much. dramatic rescue caught on camera showing the he rowic actions that saved two people from almost certain death. police in louisville, kentucky released videoof
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responding to a car crash. as he pulls up, a good samaritan is driving the driver from the wreck. the officer goes to the passenger's side and begins smashing the window. mr. bowyer comes over to help and together they open the door, unbuckab unbuckable the passenger's seat belt and pull him to safety. both victims are recovered. both rescuers are being nominated for life saving awards. a popular netflix series has a lot of people talking about serious issues facing teenagers, especially suicide. as important as the discussion is, we should warn you some viewers or their young family members may find this topic disturbing. blake mccoy has that story. >> the new netflix series, 13 reasons why, chronicles a teenager girl's decision to end her life. this morning concerned schools across the country tr putting parents on alert. >> settle in. i'm about to tell you the story of
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more specifically, why my life ended. >> reporter: the 13-episode shows in sometimes graphic detail 13 reasons that led the fictional character to take her own life, including bullying, underage drinking and sexual assault. this week schools from maryland to minnesota have sent letters home to parents with their concerns. warning the notion of suicide is glamorized and it may effect fragile students. >> talk to your kids about this. if they're watching it, see if they have any questions. offer to watch it with them. >> netflix says viewing is meant for secure audiences, 17th grade plus. but this 7th grader has seen it. his mom isn't worried. >> i don't think it glorifies it. >> other parents are concerned. >> it's a tough topic. i don't know how to handle it yet. >> you don't want them to use it as an instruction manual. >> reporter: 13
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executive produced by selena gomez. >> i had everything. and i was absolutely broken inside. >> reporter: she and the show's creator think it's time to talk openly about suicide. >> we wanted to do it in a way where it was honest. and we wanted to make something that can hopefully help people. >> we felt like things like sexual assault and suicide should be difficult to watch. we shouldn't make them easy for the viewer. they're not easy for the people who go through them. >> reporter: a series sparking conversation about a difficult subject that so often goes undiscussed. for "today," nbc news. i hadn't even heard about this show until i got a warning let fr letter from my children's school. i read through it. >> i think it's good schools are alerting parents. >> meant for 17 and older but a lot of kids are probably watching it who are
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>> up next, we'll be trending. lester will join us. we'll tell you about a new high-tech high to find your perfect outfit. then the dirty truth about your house. >> good morning. i'm jeff rossen. coming up dust mites hiding all over your home. microscopic bugs multiplying and making you sick. we're about to show you the spots where they live and how to get rid of them next. ♪ only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes.
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tylenol® well, first you start what makwith this.n meal? then add this. and this face... wait, we can do better. yeah... that's the one. and of course fresh brewed lipton iced tea. because it goes great with this. woops, more of these. and definitely more of this. ah, that can wait. but not you buddy. huh what's this? ah... i like it. what makes a lipton meal? what you bring to it. and the bright refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. lipton. be more tea. at pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green.
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and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. more than 60 years ago inside an abandoned chicken coop. where our founder discovered a retired teacher living. no home. no healthcare. so she said "no" to this injustice, and "yes" to transforming lives. it's this drive, this compassion, that inspired aarp. today, we empower people to choose how they live as they age. we advocate for health and financial security. we strengthen communities everywhere. we are aarp. creating real possibilities.
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(rebecca) i struggled with depression, i thought i needed cigarettes to cope. i was able to quit smoking, and then i started running. now i feel a lot better. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
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you want to be the next big thing. the next lebron. but the truth is,... we don't need more lebrons. we don't need more adrianas. we don't need more drews. ♪ we need more of me. (announcer) we need more kids to see the world of possibilities. that's why verizon is giving free tech, free access, and hands-on learning to students in need. join us at
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lergies with nasal congestion? find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. hi, we're back with what's treb trending today. look who can'tit
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lester holt. >> i said can i do more. >> please. we always want more lester. we've all seen the movie "clueless". remember "clueless". remember the scene when all girls were like i wish that was my life? the closet scene. look. she's picking her outfit. amazon has now announced tech koe look. it's a voice activated hands free camera. here's how it works. it lets you take photos and videos of your outfit. you ask alexa, and she'll tell you what looks best on you. she shows you different angles. you can get second opinions from style experts, and -- >> you're looking so fine. >> would you like to have a mom opinion, like that's appropriate? how does that work? >> you not going out of the house looking like that. >> sti
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right, and then i show up. >> let's review, shall we? wasn't there a big concern with the first voice activated thing that it was perhaps recording everything you said? so now isn't this going to take it one step further? >> sure. it puts it in the cloud and it's supposed to be learning about what you wear. >> lester is a guy who still puts tape over his camera on his phone. >> my son says i'm this close to wearing aluminum foil. >> you do? >> i do. >> today there's an extra special reason to have lester here. you're trending. 25 things you don't know about me in a magazine. 22 of them we aren't allowed to say, but one of our favorites, i used to be the lead singer in church. >> i think the way i wrote it, i used to lead the singing in church. >> did you s
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>> like what? >> give us a little. >> "how great thou art". >> can you give a little? >> i know it. >> just a little. ♪ how great thou art >> wait. i have to turn my chair. >> and pass the collection basket. >> reverend lester holt, nightly news. >> you also said on the list, the only assignment you ever refused required you to parachute out of a plane. >> on this broadcast. the guy with the wing suit. he was going to do the wing suit thing, and he was practicing where he would land. and this show asked me can you go down to florida, go on the airplane with him, interview him live. the whole
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him. i said no. they said you'll be hooked to someone. i said maybe you didn't hear me. no. i think my words were homey don't jump out of planes. >> wasn't there another time, remember when they were putting the top antenna on the world trade center and they wanted you to do that? >> no one knew that until you said that. >> it required climbing ladders 100 stories above the ground. i said can i go a few days. i went and looked at it. i was like homey don't play that. and you didn't flinch. >> you said to me, you called me and said look, i'm sorry. i didn't get past the second rung. and you bake desserts. that's the other thing. >> cobbler. >> homey do bake. >> nothing like when lester says
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homey. >> homey does nightly news. >> you guys have a trending to wrap it up? >> anything to get me out of here. >> here are photos and videos that went viral that everyone will be talking about. check out this drone video. it captured surfers sitting on their boards with a shark swimming under them. for the record, everybody is okay. we know salem, massachusetts is known for all things spooky. check out this street lamp. it's the one of the top trending moments on twitter. if you zoom in a little closer -- >> look at that face. the mayor spotted it. it freaked everybody out. creepy. and finally another, when you go to the hairdresser and say cut off here but you don't know how to explain it. a man was doing it with his dog. he didn't know how to explain it. he made a buzz sound. this is what he ended up with. >> oh. >> it kind of
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>> that's unfortunate. >> yikes. >> it looks like he got there before he started buzzing the head like stop there. >> i like the tail. >> carson, pop start? >> all right. homey plays it. sad news, jonathan demi passed away at the age of 73. justin timberlake said words aren't enough with heart ache like this. they worked together on his concert documentary. he was best known for "silence of the lambs", and who could forget this clip? >> they once tried to test me. i ate his liver with some favre beans and a nice chiati. >> and paris jackson is named an it girl by "vanity fair." check out this stunning im
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the star on the rise says why she focussed on staying balanced in today's fame obsessed culture. paris saying i think it's important to show our youth that one shouldn't compare their own highlight reel to another's behind the scenes. she wanted to make a difference. refreshing words for sure. and finally shania twain announcing she's going to release new music this summer. the long awaited album will be her first in 15 years. there will be a single called "life is about to get good" released in june. she was on "the voice". i have three words. summer concert series. i'll keep my fingers crossed. >> carson, thank you. lester, we'll see you tomorrow. >> homey. >> whoa. >> al, a check on the weather.
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>> i can. >> come on over. i need all the help i can get. i've always done the weather for your show. do the weather for mine. >> there's some things across the green. >> on second thought -- we are looking at showers and thunderstorms. the big severe weather is coming tomorrow. the big threat stretching from texas down to louisville. 28 million folks at risk for tornadoes, hail, strong storms. it moves into saturday. houston, dallas, little rock all under the gun for enhanced risk of storm. 25 million all total for the best chance of tornadoes. arkansas, oklahoma and texas. and temperatures rising today. finally we're getting back to normal to maybe a little bit above normal. cleveland 78. new orleans 79. new york city gets up to 68. and we may even see records starting tomorrow in honor of our nice savannah. savannah will come close at 93. sheave port, 90. saturday d.c., atlanta and
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records. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> challenging afternoon. forecasting 89 as you saw there, the record is 91. very unusually warm weather coming our way for saturday. today will be a mild day for sure. we have to get through the fog first thing this morning. watch out for pockets of visibility down near zero. many spots below a mile in visibility this morning. be careful on your way out the temperatures. temperatur temperatures will get up to the low 80s today and tomorrow. >> take us with you. the "today" series, the home of the hoda show and today confidential live tomorrow with don and mazz. >> that's a great show. >> if you want to choose, go to the ho da show. al, thank you. more of our rossen report series, the dirty truth. this morning jeff rossen is on the hunt for potentially
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>> good morning. this is not just dust that we're talking about. there are little bugs that live in that dust. they're called dust mites. luckily you have us to blow up the picture. they're gross. they're the number one cause of indoor allergies. my family keeps our home dust free, but it turns out we are missing important areas of the house and you may be too. where the hidden hot spots for dust mites and how do you get rid of them? this morning i'm inviting cameras back inside my home to show you. it's everywhere. from your counters to your floors. dust in nooks and crannies all over the home. and living in that dust? dust mites. microscopic bugs that can multiply fast and make you sick. >> dust mites are one of the biggest predators that live in your home. they feed off your dead skin. this is the foundation where bacteria
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>> what are the dangers of dust mites? >> it can trigger an asthma attack. >> reporter: how can you get rid of them and where are the common spots to find out, i invite lisa beres ore. >> the average home collects 40 pounds of dust every year. >> 40 pounds? >> yes. and this dust is laced with dangerous toxins. >> reporter: this is my daughter's room, not mine. what's the problem? >> the problem is all the clutter. it's collecting dust. all of these toys. this is where dust mites thrive. your daughter needs to find her favorite toys and to donate the rest. a great fun tip. put each toy in the freezer for 24 hours and it will kill the dust mites. >> reporter: but it's not just dust mites in there. a recent study by george washington university finding over 45 toxic
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found in household dust. and we're breathing it in every day. >> one of the most prevalent areas is your mattress and pillows. >> i love that. >> i just took an air sample of your home. the results were straggering. the result was almost 2 million microns in the air. >> reporter: that does that mean? >> you have dirty air. you can get an allergen barrier cover like this and put it over your pillows and mattresses. >> reporter: it will keep the dust mites andl allergens out. but the biggest builtup of dust, air vents. she says mine are terrible. >> just use a vacuum or dust buster. you have high ceilings so you'll need this ladder. >> reporter:
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>> yeah. >> that's it. every time you do routine cleaning. >> reporter: spring cleaning tips to keep your home healthy. and the dust mites out. >> by now you're really grossed out. another great tip, pick up an air purifier at big box stores. they take away the allergens in the air. >> if you put the stuffed animals in the freezer and they all die then you have a bunch of dead dust mites -- >> they freeze up and die and flake off. >> and -- >> you put the ice in your drink and everything is fine. >> wow. you've been hanging around with kathie lee too long. just ahead, life advice from dr. phil. he's here. he's going to answer some of your questions you sent in after a quick check on your local news and weather.
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this is a news 4 "today" news break. >> good morning. it's 8:26 now on this thursday, april 27th. we're following breaking news on metro this morning. melissa mollet here with more on that. good morning. big problem on metro. take a look here. we're talking about the red line. train service suspended between gallery place and dupont. saying customers should consider walking from farragut north to farragut west. southbound 270 at monotroez earlier problem there in the main lane. >> we'll get a check on the forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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if yit's usually because you were driving too fast or you didn't look before you turned or you didn't stop for someone in the crosswalk. always be alert. pedestrians don't come with airbags.
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good morning. we're in the 50s to around 60 with areas of thick fog. back to sunshine by 11:00, and
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temperatures in the low and mid 80s. maybe a shower between 9:00 and before dawn before. >> get the latest news and weather any time in the nbc washington app.
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w we're back now. 8:30 on a thursday morning. it's the 27th day of april, 2017. we're getting a much deserved break from some really wet weather. although a little bit of a drizzle here right now. >> misting a little bit. >> coming up, the new documentary that's exploring the infamous jonbenet ramsay case in a new way. and dr. phil is here and is going to answer some of your questions about parenting and relationships and tell us about an interesting topic he's talking about on his show. >> and "ground hog day"
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broadway. we'll get a performance from the cast. looking ahead to the weekend, starting with tomorrow, beautiful on the east coast. record highs through the southeast. severe storms in lower mississippi river valley. snow along the rockies. record highs along the east coast. possibility of some flooding. we're looking at wet weather in the pacific northwest. sunday flooding continues in the mid mississippi river area. plenty of sunshine in the southeast. gulf coast pretty good from texas into the southwest. and showers move into the pacific northwest. you are a beautiful young lady at 80 years young. what's your name? >> thank you. i am ricky. >> nice to see you. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. this morning we're dealing with the fog still. areas like dulles, leesburg, almost a quarter mile visibility. winchester down to zero. temperatureou
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for the most part. going through the afternoon, you'll notice more sunshine, especially in the areas with fog in the next few hours. more sun developing mid 80s today. mid 80s tomorrow. some showers overnight. into the weekend near 90 on saturday. chances for afternoon storms by sunday around eighty. >> that's your latest weather. get the weather you need, check out our buddies at the weather channel on cable. as promised dr. phil joins us now with a special episode of dr. phil that airs today. first he's answering your questions. you submitted them on good morning. >> good morning. >> we got a lot of interesting questions. the first one came from carrie. she's from california. she says how do i get my 17-year-old daughter to open up? she openly shares things that make her laugh, but she clams up with upsetting feelings. i tell her i would never punish
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>> you're not going to be the only voice in your child's ear, so you need to make sure you're the best one. you have to talk about things that don't matter so the channel is open when it's time to talk about things that do matter. and a real key is don't make them feel conspicuous. you don't want to sit down like this. it's not going to happen. with my boys, i used to go shoot baskets, kick a can down the road, do anything where they didn't feel on the spot, and then they would start talking to you, and don't forget the principle of reciprocity. you get what you give. if you're honest and real with them, they tend to give it back. >> you should share some yourself? >> don't give big adult issues, but share something that means something to you. >> heather asks what techniques to stop using the same bad habits on your children that your parents used on you. my parents talked poorly of each other in front of me, and i find my
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>> you don't break habits. you replace one habit with a new habit. behave your way to success. you have to make a conscious effort. and pat yourself on the back when you do. begin with this. begin with apologizing to your children for what you've done. acknowledge it. say listen, i've been doing something i shouldn't do. i'm going to out myself and we're going to start a new day. you remind me if i don't and i'm going to pat myself on the back when i do it the right way. it set a new tone. but break the legacy, and hold your own feet to the fire. >> and you have accountability with your kids. >> yes. >> kelly has a question about the kids and money. she says how do you get a 16-year-old to realize that money does not grow on trees? i am a single parent. when i find extra money to give her, she spends it on things like makeup and still needs money for school projects. i'm on a limited budget. >> don't tempt her. it's not a gift ifou
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it. that's not a gift. if you give them the money, they should be able to do whatever they want with it, but don't tempt her. if she doesn't have the maturity to handle the money consistent with the family plan, she shouldn't be given the money, and you need to explain that to her ahead of time and let her suffer the consequences of her choices. if she spends it and there's not money for school lunches, let her go hungry for the day. she'll learn fast. >> let's do lightning rounds. my husband and i will busy. how do we make our marriage fun? >> you'll do better if you take breaks. >> the episode today, you have grandparents who are worried about how their daughter is rearing their grandchild, a two-year-old. what happened? >> we've got almost five million grandchildren being raised by 3 million grandparents in america. and they often get
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them their grandchild to raise. and in this case, they put a gps tracker on their daughter's car to see what she was doing and sure enough, they think she's out running drugs. they think she's doing a lot of things and then coming in and giving her opinion on how they're raising her child. they take the child and have the responsibility, but then they start getting the inventory taken by the mother of the child. that's where you get in a lot of trouble. >> sounds like a good case for dr. phil. >> you have to do one thing. every grandparent, if you take the child, get the parental rights. if you don't, you'll get interfered with. it's emotional extortion. do what i want or i'll take the child. don't let yourself get extorted emotionally. >> again, catch the dr. phil show talking about this issue week days. check your local
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kind documentary on the infamous jonbenet ramsay case. we'll talk to the director. first this is "today" on nbc.
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and didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to tie all that space together. with an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. bassett had everything that we needed. fabric combinations marry the rooms together. having someone with bassett has been invaluable. we could've never dreamed up this room without bassett. you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss.
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with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. welcome back. the unsolved murder of jonbenet ramsay fascinated the world for two decades. the case is the new focus of a new documentary coming to netflix tomorrow. we'll talk to the director in a moment. first here is jacob rascon. >> i'm auditioning for the role of patsy ramsay. >> reporter: the new netflix film probes the mystery of the six-year-old beauty queen's murder in a style no one has ever. >> i told someone a secret, no longer a secret. >> reporter: ramsay was found dead in her family's basement christmas 1996. sparking two decades of investigations. >> there is no information that leads us
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>> reporter: suspicions. >> i did not kill my daughter. >> i did not have anything to do with it. >> reporter: and nationwide fascination. but 20 years later, there have been no real answers. the crime led to conspiracies about her parents, her nine-year-old brothers and strangers, including false confessio confessions. the parents were later cleared by the da. last year her brother spoke to dr. phil. >> the first thing i remember is my mom bursting into my room frantic saying oh my gosh, oh, my gosh. running around my room looking for jonbenet. >> reporter: though the case has gone cold, the fascination has not. >> it's always somebody you know. >> the mother had to do it. >> reporter: in the new film it pushes the boundaries of a documentary. local actors were asked to speak about the case, their emotional connections to
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those open and honest audition tapes formed casting jonbenet. >> actually, the son. >> there's no way a nine-year-old could pull off a murder like this. >> i am auditioning for the role of jonbenet ramsay. do you know who killed jonbenet ramsay? >> the director of "casting jonbenet" is with us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> even watching the clips, it's kind of cringy to watch young girls auditioning for the role of jonbenet, but the concept of this is auditioning for those roles, right? tell us about it. >> well, there have been numerous tv specials and so many books. there have been so many films about jonbenet ramsay. at this point we don't know who did it. we don't know -- we're probably never going to know. if we were lookingat
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examining the community in boulder, colorado, and their reactions and responses to the crime and how they saw it there, and their personal reflections on what happened that night. >> these are actors from the boulder area who have a knowledge of this particular crime, and they came in to audition. did you say to them, look, the audition tapes are going to end up being the film here. did you tell them that? >> we were honest. they were really honest with us. you'll see it in the film. they reveal all. and we said if you were going to play patsy ramsay based on what you know or if you think she's guilty or innocent, how would you go about playing that role? that was interesting to us. >> i think so many people come to a role which is what you find here, with their own emotional baggage. they come from a divorce or broken family, or an illness or a passing. all these things kind of weave into their own personal theories. we'rct
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theories of those actors and actresses when it comes to the murder of jonbenet? >> i was interested in how a community deals with an unsolved crime, uncertainty and doubt. and that confusion with not having a mystery and wanting answers and not getting them. that's what we probe people on. people connected to their own history. histories with their mother or brother. they would bring up all this kind of really dark emotional content with us? >> what did you learn from the community of boulder about this murder? >> so much. i interviewed 200 people. there's 72 people in the film. we just sort of got stories from people. diverse wide ranging stories. some of them are heart breaking. it's a mixed bag of people, sort of impression living with the shd doe of the crime for 20 years. >> what do you hope the viewer on netflix takes away? >> it's a
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interpretation and how we perceive events. i don't want to give you any ideas of what to think. i want everyone to have their own opinion. >> it's a unique take on this 20-year-old crime. thank you for joining us. "casting jonbenet" is coming to netflix tomorrow. up next, a live performance from "ground hog day" the musical.
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we're loving this series. back with the best of broadway on "today." we're bringing live performances from the hotst shows. this morning "ground hog day the musical". it's based on the movie. it stars an arrogant weather man who relive t
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over again until he learns important lessons on life and love. andy, good morning. >> good morning. >> what date is today? >> who cares. we're just going to relive the same one over and over. >> february 2nd. when you saw the movie, did you think this would be hard to bring to stage? >> i did, but then i saw the script. our musician and danny reuben who wrote the original screen play brought life to this show on stage. it's amazing. >> getting great reviews. andy has the most famous acl outside of the world of professional sports. >> yeah. >> you actually tore your acl on stage three days before the official opening in. >> i had 72 hours to recover from an ac tlo get on stage, and there it is. that's a brace holding me together, but it was what we celebrate in the show is all about the people around you make you better, and this cast rose me up to be then
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night, and i couldn't appreciate them more. >> you guys are going to perform a little number with some help from our own weather man, al roker. ladies and gentlemen, the cast of ground hog day. take it away. >> it is a beautiful morning in new york. as you know, we've been tracking this blizzard thing from pennsylvania. here to help us out is channel 5 weather man, phil. >> you're doing great, al. just take it away. i just want you to have a really great day. >> what a guy. >> oh. sorry. be right back. i just have some errands to run. >> and we're on in five, four, three, two, one. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> whoa. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> look out. it's those kids. >> i got it. i got it. >> oh. nice arm. ♪
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>> yeah. ♪ >> hey. >> oh, hey. there you are. >> some chili from the cook off. >> are you okay? >> just can't seem to retain card owe fitness. >> i read if you exercise a little bit every day. >> you'd think. >> i guess you heard about the blizzard? >> oh, yeah. the roads are all closed. >> yeah. i was looking for you. i thought i lost my weatherman. >> no. no. i am not going anywhere. see you. >> but, phil -- ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ punxsutawney ♪ punxsutawney ♪ is a little pal with a heart in the usa ♪ ♪ and there is nothing greater than punxsutawney ♪ ♪ ground hog ♪ ground hog ♪ ground hog
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note ground hog day ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> the cast of "ground hog day". check it out at the august wilson theater in new york, and the who needs an acl? it's not a physical role. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough.
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y me. ♪ back at 8:54, j back at 8:54. just on time for birthdays. >> absolutely. happy 100th birthday to herbert godwin junior. 100 years old. thank you for your service. lucille. and maurice skau. donald haroop also 100. he and his wife celebrated their 28th anniversary.
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and eleanor roets 100 years old. and a very happy 100th birthday to seeland baker. she's from georgia. did not retire until she was 97 years old. >> wow. hope birthday. >> can we roll a little bit of that performance. and realize andy karl has a completely torn acl. >> three days before opening day. and he does this eight shows a week. >> how is it ever going to heal in. >> i don't know. props to him. >> he's playing injured every night. >> that's right. i need to stop whining. >> al, are you doing eight shows a week also? >> actually, i am. jenna elfman is going to be co-ho co-hosting. geena davis is on the show and we'll have travel deals
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extravaganza. >> first a check on the local news and weather. this is a news 4 "today" news break. >> good morning. it's 8:56 now on this thursday, april 27th. let's get right to melissa mollet. she's continuing to follow the breaking news on metro this morning. good morning. right now on metro service has been restored. single tracking between farragut north. gw parkway at
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down because of a crash that happened a couple hours ago, and inbound canal after fletcher's boat house, beltway looks okay. >> melissa mollet, thank you. we will get a check on your forecast when we come back. in my future, i'm twice as likely to have a stroke. i'm at higher risk for depression. i'm 26% more likely to develop an irregular heartbeat. i have a 65% higher chance of developing diabetes. no matter who we are, these diseases can be managed or prevented when caught early on. because with better research, the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. ♪
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good thursday morning. we're still looking at the low clouds in some spots, even fog. temperatures are now making their way into the mid 60s. 62 at quantico. 61 frederick. today expect more sunshine this afternoon. mid 80s for a high temperature. tomorrow another beautiful day near 90 on saturday. thank you. you can get the latest news and weather any time. just open the nbc washington app.
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>> >> this morning. she's in league of her own, geena davis celebrating a milestone. and jenna elfman, our co-host. plus four ocean side get aways and you could win one coming up now. from nbc news, this is today's take. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey. it's a throwback thursday april 27th, 2017. listening to "it's too cool" by lunch money lewis. >> that is your buddy. >> it's funny. one of our news executives, we did a piece on him, and she said
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i love that lunchbox larry. >> what's the song you used to sing all the time? ♪ i got bills guy to pay . >> and jenna elfman is here as co-host. >> thank you for having me. >> cheers to you. good morning. >> good morning. >> you have something steaming in there. >> hot water. >> oh. >> it keeps me warm. i have hot water as well with a little bit of honey. >> and you have the cold thing. >> uh-huh. >> and you're currently starring in a new sitcom "imaginary mary". first let's take a look. >> okay. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, what do we have here in check out our surlily teen. she's out cold. and why? >> because she stayed up all night. >> just like you used to. >> and i can use a shared secret like that. >> so you can get closer to that sneaky little hus
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>> barry? >> what's the big? only you can hear me. >> you play an adult whose childhood friend comes back? >> i fall in love with a divorced guy with kids. she create third down imaginary friend to get through her childhood. and the imaginary friend comes back when i realize in order to have a relationship i have to morph with the teenage kids and the little kids. and the area is terrifying for my character. >> your imaginary character is comforting? >> comforting and baiting at the same time, yeah. >> as any good friend would be. >> as any internal reasoning, it's like the internal thoughts of my character illustrated. >> what is it like when you're acting -- i'm assuming that's not a real thing. >> we have an academy award winning an may
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created this. i practice with a puppet. >> and who is the voice? >> rachel drach. >> a lot of kids have imaginary friends. i don't know about adults. maybe they do. >> i was interviewed recently by somebody who is an adult man with an imaginary friend, actually, a couple. he told me that. >> the friend, a couple? >> no, a couple imaginary friends. he has two imaginary friends. they're a couple. >> i'm like that's a lot. >> i have trouble managing my own relationship. >> yeah. >> an imaginary couple relationship? >> he says when he drive home from work, he has his imaginary friends, and i thought maybe he should switch his line of work if it's this stressful. but i don't know. >> my daughter, my four-year-old daughter has one, the girl twin. my husband was a little worried at first. he was like does she need play
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dolls. the other day she was like i'm playing with sara. we were like -- who's sara. she's like my friend. but it's not just sara. she'll make up another name. >> i think everyone should look up the great quote by albert einstein on imagination. imagination is like senior to knowledge. >> drop the mike on that. >> cheers to that. >> a stitch in time save nine. >> i don't have one. >> i can't think of anything. >> and i usually can walk without too much pressure. >> maybe you should ask sara. >> i think kids are oftentimes in better shape than we are. >> and she's happy. >> and that's all that matters. >> no judgment. >> there's a lot of judgment on the next one. this morning united airlines coming out with their own report on what went wrong with the incident two weeks ago. >> just a little wrong? >> passenger forcibly removed from his seat. tha a
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for one i's business. >> not really. frequent dragging miles. united airlines says the failures included booking four seats for a crew on an already overbooked flight, not offering enough compensation and calling law enforcement to get dr. dao to leave his seat. they feel they probably shouldn't have taken that step. >> i can think of another checklist of things. of a common sense way to approach the situation. apparently they're also out with new policies. >> we knew that was coming including an automated system asking you if you want to volunteer to give up your seat and offering up to $10,000 to a passenger to willingfully give up their seat. we were saying earlier, that's a business. >> i'm going to check the flights almost booked. start booking it? >> do you think they might find themselves airing on the underbooking approach so they don't mind thse
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>> i would think so. >> i doubt it. when you figure it out, it probably is more cost effective to offer the cash up front. >> i think so. >> they could have offered him $10,000. he may have gotten off the plane. >> absolutely. >> you give me ten grand, i'm out. >> i'll promise not to fly your airline. >> how many passengers on that airplane? maybe 100 and something? if they had gone around if several people were going no. but we're offering ten grand, very peaceful. >> it would have saved them more than this has cost them. >> our executive producer on the other hand believes that he should have gotten off. that they were probably, they should have dragged him more forcibly. >> way to call her out. >> she felt like -- i feel like a lot of people think how would they have handled it, evan if you were really frustrated, i think they met the wrong dude on the wrong day where he did not want to go, and the stars kind of -- >> and not to single
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backlash after a passenger was kicked off a flight in atlanta earlier this month. i don't know about you, i've been in this situation. he went to use the bathroom while the plane was on the tarmac. he asked the flight attendant and here's what happened. a fellow passenger captures the exchange. >> i'm not clear why i'm being taken off the plane. i have a ticket. i had an emergency. i had to pee. i tried to hold it the first time. and i couldn't. >> i understand that. >> and now i'm being kicked off the plane. >> kicking him off? >> i've been in that situation so many times when you're stranded on the tarmac and you're not allowed to take off and you're like holding it and holding it. and then at a certain point -- and they weren't taxis. >> they were stopped. in defense of a lot of airline employees, and flight attendants who the bulk of them are spectacular, wonderful. >> the bulk of most people is.
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>> the sticklers. usually when you ask and i've seen it happen before, the flight attendant says can you hurry up. >> my thing is you don't know what he's dealing with. you never know what people are dealing with. they may have a medical issue. >> maybe he's diabetic. >> initially all the passengers exited the plane, but he wasn't allowed to reboard, and he was given a partial refund. they didn't even give him all his money back. >> wow. >> i'm making an official request to humanity. can we please increase the common sense? >> here here. >> in a statement delta said it's imperative passengers comply with crew instructions during all phases of flight. we get that, but come on, common sense. a little compassion. >> just a little bit. >> here's a bright note. i feel guilty today. everybody brought their kids to work. if you're still at home, there's still time for you if you can. some of our staff. look at this. al t
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downstairs in the orange room. it's funny. today i see a kid in there not with mommy or daddy, i try to guess who their parents are. some of them you can tell. >> you didn't bring the kids? >> i didn't. i'm feeling a little guilty. my husband is out of town, so i would have had to co-ral three. >> it's hard to focus sometimes if you're wearing too many hats. >> and sometimes bad things happen. when my son was with me at work a couple years ago on his birthday, and -- >> looking at lots of heat. temperatures way above normal. we're looking at -- >> i love that. >> fantastic. >> that was his birthday. he eventually jumps in front of camera. >> he probably always wanted to do that. >> that's my boy. >> he has a great smile. >> yes, he does. >> a lot of things in common. coming up, jenna reveals secrets from the sets of her tv shows and film
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you. >> it's a movie that gave us there's no crying in baseball. we're celebrating the 25th on ver anniversary of "a league of their own" with geena davis. she's in the green room right now. only twice a year and it's here kohl's lowest prices of the season. prices so low, no coupons needed. get the lowest prices of the season on women's tees - just $4.99 $5 jumping beans tops and bottoms and save on nike. get the lowest prices of the season
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we are back now we are back with more of today's take. our guest co-host jenna elfman, we like to play a game with our guest co-hosts. it's one of our producer, gavin's thing. >> gavin is funny. >> that's the first time we've ever heard that. >> we love gavin. >> you see him looking at the monitor? >> what a sweet heart. >> gavin said the same thing, look how cute i am. this is called secrets from the set. we'd like to spill some secrets about your incredible career. >> cue the music. how often do you people -- do you people? how often do you people -- do people mistakenly call you darma and what was the most embarrassing time it happened? >> they call me darma al
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time and i love it, because it went into the psyche of america in the greatest way. and the most embarrassing time was through the crack in a bathroom stall. >> oh, no. >> yep. darma, can i get your autograph when you're done? i was like yeah, let me just finish. >> you had enough paper there. >> right. i was like i could autograph it a different way if you'd like. no. okay. >> okay. let's see. >> they're all so well intended it's slightly charming. slightly. >> okay. you are in a love triangle with ben stiller and edward norton in "keeping the faith". who's the best kisser? >> i kissed edward norton more, so by default, i'll say edward norton. >> i did not see that coming. >> i know. okay. you starred
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dangers of reality tv. would you ever consider your own reality show? no. >> there was no hesitation. >> no. watch me do a reality show next year. you starred in "can't hardly wait ". when will you show it to your kids? and will you be the cool mom if they throw a party when you're gone? hm. >> i'm probably not going to show it to them, because i don't need to help the culture give my kids more insane ideas. but if they throw a party -- here's my goal. >> how old are they? >> nine and seven. if i do my job right now, they won't throw a party while i'm gone. >> okay. there you go. >> that's what i'm hoping for. i know i'm naive. i hope if i teach them responsibility and things that -- >> i think that's right. >> i think it works. >> or you tell them throw a party while i'm
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won't want to. >> reverse psychology. >> another person who works very hard, our good pal dylan dreyer. she was louisville bound to cover this year's kentucky derby on saturday, may 6th. she's going to cover it for our program and be the lifestyle correspondent for nbc lifestyle. >> she turns up the volume every year. some years she does several. the excitement is what she wears. >> we have weather right after this. >> "today's" weather is brought to you by cay jewelers. for 100 years every kiss begins with kay. >> let's check your weather. ing off with today, a lot of wet weather through the pacific northwest. we have strong storms from chicago down to atlanta. and then a risk of even stronger weather coming up tomorrow. stretching from texas all the way in to ohio. 28 million folks
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tornadoes, rail and damaging winds. on saturday 25 million at risk. the best chance for tornadoes in the afternoon between arkansas and oklahoma and texas. rainfall could be upwards of 10 inches of rain, up to 15 inches from central oklahoma into central illinois. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck to the woods. >> good morning. after a foggy start, the fog is starting to lift. our citi camera view, the view is improving. thicker fog across parts of rural and northwestern virginia. temperatures starting to inch up into the low 60s. eventually today it will get to the low and mid 80s. plenty of sunshine today. a risk of a quick shower between 9:00 tonight and about 3:00 friday morning. late evening into the overnight. dry today. and dry tomorrow afternoon. >> that's the latest weather. up next, some of the coolest new gadgets like a crash proof kids ca
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e gold. available at your vet. heare you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. make earning bonus cash back so why do scomplicated?k cards they limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places... ...and those places keep changing every few months.
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doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet? high-tech gadgets, are they amazing or silly? >> the folks after popular science magazine put them to the test. here to weigh in with the verdict is assistant tech editor. >> we have since it's take your kids to work, some of our staff kids are trying them out. what's this one? >> this is like a go cart for the 21st century. it connects to an app to let the parent control the speed. it goes 12 mil p
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>> we have one of our kids at heart, gavin, trying it out. that's pretty cool. >> i got to say, that's pretty amazing. >> absolutely. our verdict, it cost $1,000. >> not so amazing. >> we thought it was amazing. >> you can get a used car for that. >> i don't need an app to stop that with my kids, i just go like that. >> all right. the next one, this is kind of interesting. >> this is a simple human trash can. it's voice activated. all you have to do is say the magic words, and it should open. >> open sesame. >> just look at that. >> and then you can also say, stay open. >> it's a voice acted trash can. it has a motion sensor. >> what happens if you're in the kitchen having a debate with your husband. like i just feel like we need to be more open with each other, and then the crash can starts popping up? >> that happened in the office. we were talking and it opened.
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alexa. how much is this? >> it's $200. we thought it was silly. do you need a $200 crash can? >> you can use your foot. >> we reached out to the makers of the can, and they tell us you can have the choice to open it yourself. >> or tell your kid to open it. >> but then you don't touch it. >> what's the next deal? >> this is the oh ball. this is for people who are really concerned their cereal might get soggy before they f fini finish. there's milk in one side and cereal on the other. >> it's kind of brilliant. >> it's also sort of silly. our verdict was sort of silly. but it's only $15. >> how long are you eating breakfast? >> kids get dac
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then they complain it's mushy, then you're going through -- >> this is only $15. it's silly, that's the verdict, but not expensive. >> the makers of the bowl told us in response to being labeled, it's sort of silly. is it clever? absolutely. it's better to be silly than soggy. let's move along. >> this is a stroller made by a company called for moms. it has a battery built into it. you can charge your smart phone from the scroller while you're out and about. >> i just want to -- we're going to -- i'm doing this anyway because i like these kids. >> this is a camera, a case that goes on your phone. the kids have been printing things off. it's 15 $0. it prints things off quickly. we thought this was amazing. >> thank you. coming up, award winner geena davis, her own secrets
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after your local news and weather. ouch! ♪ skin-flex™, anna! sit! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™ bandages. our best bandage yet! it moves like a second skin. ♪ dries almost instantly. better? yeah. go! good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™
9:26 am
>> good morning. 9:26 now. right now red line trains are single tracking between farragut north and judiciary square after smoke was reported in the tunnel at farragut north. the transit authority expects full service tomorrow. metro and the largest union are locked in a bitter contract dispute right now. sources tell news 4 workers are telling their supervisors they're skipping work on friday. according to their contract, union members are not permitted to strike. we'll have a look at the forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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9:28 am
>> the fog from earlier this morning is all but gone around d.c. fog around parts of the northern areas in virginia. full sunshine and temperatures in the low to mid 80s today and tomorrow. a slight chance for
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tonight but nothing that messes up your friday. >> chuck, thank you. get the latest news and weather in our nbc washington app. for now back to the "today" show.
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we are so fortunate. we have two unbelievable actresses with us today. geena davis, of course, you know her. she picked up the oscar for best supporting actress in 19 89 for her role earning her academy award for playing thelma. >> then she was a peach. 25 years ago she suited up to play a member of a world war ii women's pro baseball team. it's a film that taught us all an important lesson. take a look. [ crying ] >> are you crying? >> no. >> are you crying? >> no. >> are you crying? there's no crying. there's no crying in baseball. >>
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alone, jimmy? >> zip it, doris. >> that is "a league of their own". and a special edition blue ray is available now where you can relive some iconic scenes. good morning, geena davis. >> good morning. >> i should mention before we forget, we actually have the costumes, the peach costumes you all wore plus a bat and a glove. they're pulled from the archi s archives. we want to relive it while we talk about it. kind of cool. >> i should have come out in my costume. >> do people talk to you about this role? >> absolutely. what's so interesting, and it was 25 years ago, and we didn't realize at the time how long movies were going to last. i had the same number of girls and young women recognize me from that movie and say i play sports because of that movie. it's fun. >> and you're an olympic
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athlete. you're an archer. you're world class. watching you play in this game, did you have some skills? >> i didn't know how to play baseball or any sport. >> really? >> i was the tallest kid in class in high school, and i was very self conscious. wished i took up less space in the world. they were constantly asking me to join the basketball team. i said i can't play. they said just stand there. >> so great being an actor. you get to live these lives and learn things and grow. >> it's awesome. >> i learned for the movie, but then it turned out i actually was athletic. that's when i took up other stuff. >> what about the flip? >> i did that. >> that was impressive. >> when you did the film, did you at the time know how important it was going to be in supporting women's
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>> no. i loved that they were making a movie about women and this unremembered era in our lives, but no, it was kind of exploded. it was fabulous. >> so cool. you've taken that torch and the bettenville film festival. it's great. i had a film in the festival. you founded this festival. you also have the geena davis research institute for gender equality in the media. i want to thank you. >> thank you. >> for really holding this position for women and entertainment and media and the stories we're telling. tell us about bettenville. it's hard to say. >> they've been telling me about how wonderful it is. >> it's a gem. it's a beautiful little town in arkansas. and the whole purpose of it is to champion women and diverse voices in all kinds of media, actually, and we have the film
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and we're the only one -- the interesting thing is we're the only film festival in the world that awards guarantied distribution to the winnered. they will be in theaters, on tv, and digital and dvds. >> that's terrific. >> that happened to the film i was in, "big stone gap. at the festival. we had a female writer and director and female stars. it was very cool. >> and are you ready to -- i understand next week you will officially be the mom of twin teenagers. >> yes. that's right. nobody ever put it that way before. yes. >> congratulations. >> oh. >> and good luck. >> yeah. good luck. my boys turn 13. my daughter just turned 15. i have real full on teenagers. >> which is easier? teenage boy or girl? >> well, there's two boys. >> two boys equal one girl? >> well, it's very important. they're i
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places. >> congratulations on that milestone. you'll have to let me know how it goes. >> i will. >> up next four great vacation destinations. we'll show you amazing last minute deals on ocean side get aways. and watch. you can win a trip from home. look at these pictures. right after this. these pictures. right after this. hey allergy mus are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one
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it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. "how clean do you feel after going to the bathroom?" (laughter) (laughter) then we asked the experts i feel as clean as a little, white tiny kitten. a ah ooh, a twinkling iceberg! that's because only cottonelle® has cleanripple® texture. designed to clean better... clean as a shimmering mermaid. cottonelle® wants everyone to feel as clean as a shimmering mermaid. how cottonelle® do you feel?
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only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® the most amazing thing about being a woman is that we can bounce back from anything. and so can our hair. so i use this. total repair 5 from l'oréal. repairs up to 1 year of damage to hair's smoothness in 1 use. l'oréal's advanced system with ceramide. renews fibers. shiny, healthy-looking, resilient. total repair 5 from l'oréal paris. repairs up to 1 year of damage to hair's smoothness in 1 use. you're resilient. and you're worth it! mom doesn't know we have him. so we're using fresh step with the power of febreze to eliminate litter box odors for 10 days.
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victory is ours, mr. kitty! fresh step. with the power of febreze. so you want to avoid the spring break crowd looking for a >> looking for a great vacation? you're in look. in a couple of minutes, we'll give away two trips to two fan at home. here to tell us about these beautiful vacations, jackie gifford. >> good to see you. >> what's going on in fort lauderdale. >> we're start at the resort doing a summer savings package. you have about two consecutive nights. over the week day, there's 25% off. on the weekend, it's 15% off. there's a special code 2017 sf. this is a property on the water. fort lauderdale has miles of beach. they have 240 contemporary guest
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rooms. 24 suites overlooking the water. a great place for couples and families. they also have a beautiful pool. >> let's go to the dominican republic. >> this is the nickelodeon resort. it's called the sun slime and savings package. it's about 43% off. this is a property right on the water. and they have tons of amenities. if you have little kids, you don't have to worry about a thing. they have cribs, pack and plays, strollers and bottle warmers. >> do so you don't have to bring it. that's fantastic. a little relaxation. california. >> this is in los angeles county. it's on 102 acres. the it's a luxury property. and right now if you book two nights you get the third night free. if you're there on a sunday and want to extend, use the code sunday fun day and get
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$100 in vouchers. it overlooks the ocean. everything from golf to standup paddle boarding. >> one of the great secrets of the south, biloxi, mississippi. >> right. they're doing an escape package. $50 credit to be used on retail and dining. two welcome margaritas. game vouchers at the family entertainment complex. this is a really great place to go with kids. they have arcade games, virtual reality batting cage. thank you so much. we want to send it out to sheinelle and jenna with a surprise. >> we do. we have something special for a couple fans on the plaza. >> we are giving away a trip to two lucky fans and they can each
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a three-night stay and round trip airfare for two. >> you first. >> me first. okay. pressure. i think that people in kansas need to go to fort lauderdale. do you want to go to fort lauderdale? >> i would love that. >> are you from kansas? >> i am from kansas. >> i have a very pregnant niece in kansas, and so in honor of her, she won't be taking any trips any time soon. >> i'll do it for her. >> i love it. congratulations. >> all right. punta cana. this is pressure. >> there you go. enjoy your trip. okay. al. what do you have for our fans at home? >> thank you so much. thanks to the resort, one lucky viewer and a guest will
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tran quill resort. there's round trip air fare for two. there's more. thanks to margaritaville resorts, we're giving one fan and a guest a three night stay at margaritaville resort in mississippi including round trip air fare for two. if you want to win one, visit > take your kid to work today. this is babylon, new york. kids crossing kentucky, play ball alabama. nursery, texas. peanut, california, and young arizona. you guys are all good looking
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and your parents are all standing off to the side there. looking very proud. look at them all. wave to mom and dad. okay. there you go. and they're very well behaved. unlike the parents. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in our neck of the woods. good morning. we're waiting for fog to clear. the temperatures are rising 67 degrees. you still see the low clouds. might be stubborn to leave, but we'll see more sunshine today. 68 today. fredericksburg is already up to 70 degrees. later this afternoon more sunshine. 84 for a high temperature. tomorrow mostly sunny. mid 80s. look at the weekend forecast. near 90s on saturday. a chance of a couple thunderstorms. a few showers next week we start with rain. >> high fives. all right. there you go. >> boom. boom. >> that's your latest weather. coming up, she won
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globe for darma and gregg. play along in our sit-down showdown with our co-host jenna e elfman right after these messages. this time it's his turn. you have 4.3 minutes to yourself. this calls for a taste of cheesecake.
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we're throwing it way back to some of our favorite tv sitcoms. on team sheinelle, amy, and on team jenna, peggy. grab your giant remote controls. wave them in the air when your team knows the answer. here we go. what is the name of the family that lived in this house. >> the brady family. >> all right. there you go. okay. here we go. this question comes to us in video from bel air, california. >> we got this. >> the fresh prince of bel-air famous carlton dance is performed to what song? ♪ it's not unusual to be loved by anyone ♪ ? >> yes. team sheinelle. it's 2-0. >> i'm blaming her. ♪
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all right. first person to recognize this tv show theme song wins the point. ♪ we're going to do it >> what song is that? >> we need the name of the show. ♪ we're going to make our dreams come true doing it our way ♪ >> who lady's names. >> lavern and shirley. >> did you guys watch any tv at all? >> yes. >> just checking. >> at the start of each episode they are seen skipping down the street saying what? >> i never knew what it was. >> sha -- mile. >> i'm going to give it to you. >> it's the drunk version. >> here we go. we're going black and white on this one. get ready. in his famous episode of
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li lucy". lucy is shooting a commercial for what product? >> vitamitavegimin. >> yes. >> this tv open. ♪ traveled down the world and back again ♪. >> finish this. >>. ♪ you're a pal and a confidant. >> on "family matters" what was steve erkel's famous tag line? >> did i do that. >> yes. 5-2. >> oh. look at that. there he is. that's al roker. >> that's disturbing. we want you to grab your paddles. this is going to be a famous -- >> who grabs them? >> anybody at this point. you'll see a famous tv sit
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counter part wins. >> i get it. >> i think this -- >> that was tieish. >> jenna? >> deborah messing. i love her. >> does it have to be the character? >> you're talking and now we know the answer. >> jenna got it. okay. >> okay. you got mork here. >> where is he? where did he go? what happened to mork? >> i know her. >> i know her. okay. >> my counterpart. >> wow. thanks for that, control room. >> i give that to both of you. all right. it's a tie. >> it's a tie. >> all right. okay. so the winner, our contestants are each going home with a tc l roku smart tv to watch even more
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"imaginary mary". >> i love that. congratulations. back in a moment, but first this is "today" on nbc. 9:30. >> this from traditional to contemporary, the newest designs and the freshest styles. plus, you'll get twenty-four month, no interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. hurry. the anniversary event ends sunday at havertys. life looks good.
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jenna, we hope you had a good time. good time. >> thanks for having me. i'll be here tomorrow too. >> you guys have some fun folks coming up. >> we do. america ferrera, and monica fuzz. >> next year. >> haley. >> my children are old. >> they can still come if they want. >> they can baby sit. >> they're good looking. >> all right. after your local news and weather.
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newsbreak. >> good morning. 9:57 on this thursday, april 27th. right now hundreds of airport service workers are on strike at dulles and reagan. they're protesting their employer. the walk off comes on the heals of a successful protest last week that ended in a pay raise. let's get a check on the forecast with she in a. >> the temperatures are starting to riseno
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more sunshine through the area. 68 degrees in the district. later today mostly sunny. 84 degrees for a high temperature. tomorrow we're going to end the week with mid eighty. sunny and dry into the weekend your saturday looks pretty good near 90. chance of a couple afternoon thunderstorms. sunday mostly cloudy. highs around 80 degrees. chance for a few showers. overall, we'll start next week also around 80 with some showers in the forecast. thank you. coming up on news 4 midday, metro mess. we'll explain how service this morning created a headache for metro riders trying to get to work.
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. thank you for joining us. it's thirsty thursday. it's april 27th. >> that's xs and os by elle king. >> we have a terrific show today. america ferrera is here. she stars and produces in the new hit show on nbc "super store". it's been picked up for the third season. >> it's funny. >> it is. she also did something she's never tried before. she'll tell us about it in a bit. a


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