tv News4 Midday NBC June 14, 2017 11:00am-11:59am EDT
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law enforcement beingo get a picture of exacwho he is. i'll send it back to you now in the studio. >> all right, julie kerry live for us. julie, thank you. >> julie, thank you. two of our officers engaged in gunfire. >> it was like boom, boom, boom for the first ten or so and then there was a pause and they started up again, also rapid fire. >> dozens and dozens of shots fired. . >> at 11:00, here's what we know on the breaking news we've been following since after 7:00 this morning, five people were shot, including congressman steve scalise. this happened at a baseball field where congressional republicans were practicing for a charity game. capitol police officers were there at the practice and they exchanged fire with the gunman. >> representative scalise, we are now hearing, is in stable condition. nbc news has r
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suspect is james hodgkinson. he is 66 years of age and from illinois. >> at this point, i believe we want to turn to our reporters there in the field. meagan fitzgerald has been covering this for the bulk of the morning. bring us up to speed on what you know. >> reporter: we are a couple of yards from where the shooting happened. we had an opportunity to speak with senator flake from arizona and also senator mel brooks of alabama who were on the field when the shots occurred. at first he didn't realize what was happening until he looked over and saw the gunman put his rifle through the chain link fence and then he heard a scream from representative scalise.
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meanwhile, everyone on the field, he says, tried to take cover into a dugout and described the moment that representative scalise dragged himself, being shot in the hip, they say, from the dirt mound all the way to the grass field. i want to bring in a man who is on the field. you were on the field. tell us about what you saw and heard and what you did. >> following up on what you just said, i was standing near first base photographing members hitting in the batting cage and there was a white male standing outside of the fence beyond third base. i saw the rifle come up and what ran through my mind is why anybody would be out shooting birt birds at 6:00 in the morning and then suddenly --
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him shoot. suddenly, i heard a shot and somebody yelled out, get in the dugout. as you can see, i dove into the dugout on top of a congressman. there was a clip that we heard of eight shots and then suddenly it stopped. i started to get up and somebody said in the dugout, everybody stay down and get next to a wall. >> reporter: and who was that person? >> i have no idea, but i'm alive because of it. >> we spoke with representative brooks who said earlier that he credits the u.s. capitol police and obviously all law enforcement who responded in the way they do. they were the ones who put their lives on the line immediately to fire shots at the suspect. how do you describe the role that they played in this instance? >> reporter: the capitol police -- forget about this morning. the capitol police are selfless, they are really talented
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they really care and they save people all the time. they put their lives on the line this morning. i think one or both were shot. and i am alive because of the capitol police. >> and we are very happy that you are alive and there were no fatalities. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. again, some very disturbing remarks recalling what happened just after 7:00 this morning. you just heard there from a man who has been taking photographs of the congressional baseball games for more than 35 years and he's never seen anything like it. it's important to know that this is a community of people that live all around here. we spoke earlier with a man who was jogging. he recalled hearing gunshots, looking over and seeing the gunman as well and he called 911. a lot of people are shocked but if there's news to take away from this, law enforcement officers are
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that for all to see and no one at this point has lost their lives. back to you. >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. we understand five people were transported from that field where republican congressional members were at their baseball practice. we understand now that congressman scalise is out of surgery. some good news there. and while all this is going on, you have the congressional democrats practicing at a separate field. so the very moving picture we have that we put out on social media of them huddled up and praying together, that's at a different location. and it also implies, then, that there was a different set of security there, or maybe lack thereof. >> a congressman from pittsburgh named mike doyle is quoted saying that the shooter had been there at their practice,
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protection. the republicans had police protection, at least in part, if not exclusively because congressman scalise is on that team and he's the house majority whip who gets the police detail because he's house leadership. it could be a pivotal distinction. to have police respond to a shooter. >> you talk about the requests that have been made about making sure that members of congress have ample protection. we think about what happened to gabby giffords a few years back and what could have happened if this happened where democrats were practicing. is there likely to be any change about how members of congress are protected? suddenly might we see all members of congress or more detail when they are
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>> there are 535 members of congress. for lack of a better phrase, they are vulnerable. and they know it. in fact, the u.s. capitol police chief is supposed to appear before the senate appropriations committee to urge for a budget increase, to add more officers, more equipment, more capability. they know that their job extends beyond the capitol grounds. their jobs extend to alexandria and the 50 states and territories where there are members of congress. and it was warned as recently as mid-may that congress members feel vulnerable and adding more people to secure them. >> we understand that these two individuals, as we understand it, these security officers that were involved or hit in
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gunfire, they are -- correct me if i'm wrong, scott, dignitary protection division, a unit within the capitol police and they would have been on the detail with congressman scalise, right? >> and those of us who cover the hill see that unit a lot because they walk the capitol floors behind the principals, the leadership in the congress. you'll see the house speaker walk across the house floor and flanked by suit wearing of the u.s. capitol police corps that secures leadership. their mission extends beyond the building. paul ryan or steve scalise, they have police protection with them. steny hoyer has a diplomatic police detail from the capitol police as the house minority whip. >> we are anticipating a statement from the president at about 11:30 this morning from the white house. as that happens, we'll bring it to you. we want to go
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julie carey, who is speaking with the sheriff there. julie? >> reporter: yeah, hi. i'm with alexandria sheriff dana longhorn who lives within walking distance of the ymca. tell me about how you heard about this incident in the community that you protect? >> i heard it on the police radio as i was coming to work and i just responded here. >> reporter: we both live in this neighborhood and we know it's an area that is peaceful and rare incidents of violence. when you heard that come over the police radio, multiple gunshots, a shooter at the alexandria ymca right where everybody's kids play ball, how did that hit you? >> just extremely sad. you know, as you know, julie, i've been here my whole life. when i was a kid, i played on that field. this is a tragedy
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>> all right. a little audio trouble there with the sheriff from alexandria talking to our julie carey. we'll try to re-establish that for you. the alexandria police department has now released a written statement. there was confusion coming out of the last news conference about the condition of the shooter and who are the victims. if it provides any clarity, the text says five individuals were transported to local hospitals and the suspected shooter was taken into custody. still doesn't clear up for us whether the smoother is among the five taken to hospitals, although that's what they said, that he was among the five. >> we're expecting some sort of a message and address from president trump at 11:30 and we're also hearing that
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ryan will have some comments at about noon. we want to go back out to news4's julie carey. she lives in that area and was fast on the scene. >> i didn't want to get in the way, so it's just -- i tell everybody every day, my family and my friends, you never know. you never know. and to just see it so close, so close, you know, it's a reminder that nobody is immune to this violence. >> reporter: last question, you're not involved with the -- this appears to be a target. how does this strike you. >> well, it's too early to make a connection but i don't think it's any
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said it before and i'll say it again, it's sort of a sad state of affairs. i do think that it tends to be anger. angry. so i don't get it. i was talking earlier about how i can't even keep up with the news anymore because it's too much and too much anger. you know? >> all right. julie carey there speaking with the sheriff from alexandria about his reaction, his response to what happened at the simpson baseball field. living in that neighborhood, so many people were shaken to hear gunshots coming from there in such large numbers, potentially dozens of shots at 7:00 i
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morning. >> and we're hearing from people who say it could have been us. he for some reason chose not to shoot us or turn in our direction. a fitness instructor said that she normally takes her class outside and they do everything out there and she said we saw the shooter, he was absolutely calm, didn't say anything, described what he was wearing and gave a chilling account of what she was seeing. >> i think we have another account we want to try to share with you right now. this is representative bad w-- brad wenstrup of ohio. >> i went out there after they subdued the shooter. >> reporter: and what was the mood like today at this event? did you ever expect anything like this to happen? >> no. we were upbeat getting ready for a game.
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detail there, the capitol hill police, or we all would have been vulnerable. they saved who knows how many lives. let's pray for those who got hit today. >> thank you. >> we have heard from people about how loyal these dignitaries are to the people that they are supposed to be protecting. the wounded officer not retreating and tried to get as close to this member as possible. >> a lot of witness accounts saying that the fact that the officers were providing an opportunity to run, diving into the dugout and trying to get away and so certainly we may never know the names of these officers. they don't look for a pat on the back or anything like that but certainly life-saving work. >> that is a sought-after position and not
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capitol police train on firearms, they train right there on site near their post so they can have the most updated and ongoing level of training. >> and good news this morning, we're hearing that congressman scalise is out of surgery, that even before he went into surgery, he was lucid, that he was on the phone speaking to his wife and i believe this morning we also have a comment from democratic whip steny hoyer, his counterpart. >> it's a tragedy anytime we have a violent incident and there was no loss of life. and i hope they fully recover and anyone else who was injured will fully recover. once again, all are
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at a time when violence is far too prevalent. >> we know the house has canceled its schedule business for today but they are still meeting. >> all hands on deck congressional briefing from the house sergeant of arms is happening in moments at the capitol visitor center auditorium. and paul ryan will make an address in about 45 minutes. >> going back to 1909, this games go back that long. what are the chances that this will go on? >> chuck fleischmann, the congressman from tennessee, said, how am i supposed to feel safe on a ball field? how am i supposed to feel safe out in the open
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and this is something that brought people together and it was such an event that they have it at nats park. >> it's big. >> people donate it to come see it. it's something that the media pays attention to. it's not just inside baseball, it's actually something that the public gets to enjoy. it was scheduled for tomorrow night. >> and more than a million dollars -- excuse me, $600,000 is one of the last numbers that i heard for the fund-raiser that was collected last year for local charities. something that they can all get behind. >> and families go
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he was in the capitol and wearing a baseball cap. at least one or two kids were at the park. they go there for a safe, secure, family time and across the country, it's such a terrible message. >> and we've been monitoring social media and we're also now seeing from one of the producers, the congressional producers for nbc news but a posting from one of the victims in this incident today. we know that a staffer from representative williams' office was shot today and it's been posted on facebook saying, i got shot this morning at the baseball fields but i'm in the hospital and i'm okay. that's from
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in the front office, if you will, representative -- >> roger williams of texas. >> senator rand paul was also there this morning and gave a vivid account to msnbc about hiding behind a tree with a staffer trying to shield themselves from the gunfire going on right before their eyes. saying, i was there and shaken but unharmed. many people likely would have died this morning if not for the bravery of the capitol police. my thanks to them are inadequate but heartfelt. that is comes from senator rand paul. >> it's just after 11:00 as we continue to see an emergency response outside of simpson field interest in del ray of alexandria. ne news4's meagan fitzgerald is on the scene and talking to folks and gathering information. what more do you have? >> reporter: well, to set the scene for you, w
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baseball field where this shooting happened. and we had an opportunity to speak with senator jeff flake and we had a chance to speak with representative mo brooks of alabama and they were on the field and they gave us their account of what happened and really they say it was surreal. at first they heard this loud gunshots but they didn't know what it was until the representative said he looked over and saw the gunman put his barrel gun through the chain link fence here and then he realized what was actually happening. and then another representative -- another member of congress sort of describing this as sort of like a war zone out here. we talked to a lot of people who are walking by. they are witnesses. they heard gunfire and looked over and saw that this was an active shooter situation. now, going back
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to speak with the representative from arizona. take a listen to what he told us not long after shots were fired. >> i got a look at the shooter. he had a clear sight into the dugout so we couldn't stay up for long and then when we heard an all clear, i ran out to see -- to put pressure on the wound there. >> reporter: so they were helping each other out on the field. one of those representatives is a doctor and did what he could to assist representative scalise before he was transported to the hospital there. now, we asked representative brooks if he thought that they were targeted and he said i can't think of any reason why someone would come out to the field so he believes that they were
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many of the members of congress that we spoke with say it was by the grace of god that they are alive. they attribute that to the u.s. capitol police on the scene there but also noted it's because of the fact that representative scalise had detail because he's a leader in the house of representatives. so those officers were there because of him and say it could have been a much different situation but we're hearing -- it appears that everyone is expected to be okay. back to you. >> meagan fitzgerald there for us in alexandria. we want to show you live pictures coming in from the u.s. capitol. fill us in. >> that looks like the visitor's center to me with the colorful door on the left side. it's either under way now or they will be briefed about
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happened and this is an all hands on deck meeting. there are a number of reporters and staffers there. that's bill barton still wearing his practice uniform. he had very powerful words about what he saw this morning and a lot of attention being paid to him. they have either just been briefed or are about to be briefed. >> i'm congressman joe barton, the republican manager. i have with me our number one relief pitcher. our prayers are there for steve scalise
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police who got wounded and our volunteers who got wounded, also. the heroes are the police officers who attacked the shooter. and in doing so probably saved many, many lives. this is a charity baseball game and we've played for almost 100 years. it's for a very good cause and i hope we can continue the game. it's in some ways what democracy is all about. my first thoughts go to the heroism of the capitol hill police who responded in a manner that likely saved the lives of a number of people, of members of congress as well as the staer
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us. i just left one of our other colleagues who we were talking about where we customarily are on the field. he positioned himself in the visitor's dugout, which is across the field behind it from where the capitol police generally sit. it's just fortunate because steve scalise is a member of leadership, he has a security detail there. otherwise, we would just be a bunch of guys out there on a normal morning practicing. but the fact that we practice there every morning and it's a group of congress people together, sometimes as many as 25 people -- >> 22 members there today. >> you know, you may have been something which somebody was able to anticipate or being there and being vulnerable. >> our prayers are with the people who were wounded and our thanks are to the police officers who -- including the alexandria pol w
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very quickly who attacked -- i can't emphasize this enough. they attacked the shooter and that saved our lives. >> in doing so, that saved our lives. they were out behind the first place dugout which is where they position themselves. the shooter was not on the field and never got on the field. he stayed behind the third base dugout and came around behind home plate, got behind a utility shed and then darted out in front of the utility shed and that's when he got shot. >> did you see the shooter's weapon? >> i did not until after the fact. i was getting down, protecting, making sure my son was down and i did not see that. >> jeff was leaving with
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have all been positioned in the infield. we all have responsibilities to get back to. sometimes people will leave a little early. as jeff was walking out, he actually saw the shooter who spoke to him and said, you know, who are those guys. he said, that's the congressional baseball team. he said, what are they, republicans or democrats? he said they are republicans. and that was the conversation he had and it was only as they were driving -- >> and they said he acted a little weird. >> yeah. >> we need to go inside. thank you. >> we're approaching 11:30 this morning. joe barton talking to reporters as they walk into this meeting with the sergeant of arms to be briefed about what happened this morning and possibly what to do to protect themselves as they alluded to the fact that a not all members of congress would have protection. >> representativ
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that 22 members of congress were there at that field, just that field alone. that is where the republicans were practicing this morning. the democrats were at a separate field. >> and you have a member of that democratic team saying we have no police protection. if that shooter were at our field -- >> it would have been a very different story. >> i want to go to university of washington hospital. shomari stone is there. what have you learned? >> reporter: i have new information for you all. i have confirmed from law enforcement sources that suspect james hodgkinson is here at the hospital. he is in critical condition. he was transported from that baseball field unresponsive. now, we do not know his motivation. there is also another person here that is in critical condition. we have not confirmed who that is. but again, a law enforcement source says that the suspect is here at the hospital. now, the hospital did release a statement and they say, and i quote, our thoughts are with those affected by this m
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the george washington university hospital has received two individuals. both are currently in critical condition. due to patient privacy laws and out of respect to those affected, we are not releasing further information at this time. again, a law enforcement source has confirmed that the suspect is here. i will try and get more information for you and bring it to you immediately as it becomes available on twitter and our facebook page at nbc washington. live here at the university hospital, shomari stone. >> for a game that has been going on since 1909, we wonder what the future will be. one congressman said we hope that we can continue this but there were 22 members of congress there and he said i couldn't see much. my concern was to get my son in the dugout with me and n
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>> it is 11:30 right now. as we look at live pictures from the white house, we do anticipate president trump is going to make a statement. we were told that was scheduled for 11:30 this morning. this is a live picture of the podium set up in the white house dining room as the president is expected to comment on what unfolded this morning in alexandria. >> wouldn't be surprised to see mike pence, the vice president, join him. this is mike pence's old colleagues before becoming vice president. he was a senior member of leadership in the house. joe barton worked with him on the hill. i wouldn't be surprised to see the vice president join them. one thing that stuck out to me, when i watched joe barton address reporters, they did so just down the hallway from where there was gunfire last march. a gunman was stopped at the security checkpoint by u.s. capitol police. the gunman pulled his weapon and was
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police. he was hospitalized for some time before he could be prosecuted. that happened just down the hall from where the sergeant of arms is briefing congress about security. you raised questions about the security of the baseball and whether it will be played anymore in the wake of this incident. >> we're also hearing from pete williams who is reporting live, the "today" show sending out a tweet that a lobbyist by the name of matt mika was also shot in this morning's congressional baseball game. this adds to a mixed number that we have as to how many people were shot and injured, how many people were transported, whether or not the gunman was part of that number that we initially heard from police or if this number continues to rise with this new edition of pete's reporting. >>
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i'm hesitant to say it, but as we've kept track of who is involved here, it seems like there's a sixth person involved because shomari just reported that the shooter, based on sources that he's talked to, is there at gw hospital and now congressman scalise and the congre congressional staffer from texas. >> and the two dignitary officers. >> we expect information as we know that happens in incidents like this will evolve and change and get further confirmed as law enforcement is able to make official statements about who is involved and to what degree they may have been involved. again, i do want to reiterate. we got a warning a couple minutes ago that the president was about to speak. i think we've passed that point in time but we'll keep waiting. >> it should be within a minute or two as speaker paul ryan and nancy pelosi will address
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that's a bit of a bipartisan statement. >> we've heard and we've reported this morning that at this point there does not appear to be any ties to international terrorism. the suspected shooter, we have heard, has been described as a man about 66 years of age from illinois. through the nbc washington app, you can see a longer story on who the suspected shooter is, what he was doing there, if he had any contact with these members. we are hearing from some witnesses that he may have asked somebody there outside the field as to who it was that was playing on the field, if they were republicans or democrats. but we are getting very little information from police now as this investigation has continued to evol
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taking hold of this investigation. again, expecting an address from president trump at 11:30 and then as scott mentioned, at noon, nancy pelosi and speaker ryan will do a joint address at noon. let's listen in. >> gave a statement to the alexandria police department this morning after i heard about the shooting they asked me to come down here because i did have interaction with someone in the parking lot who asked me if the team practicing was a democrat or a republican. i said they were republicans. he said thanks, turned around and left and i found out that my colleagues were targeted. based on the question that he asked me, i would make that assumption because he asked me if this team was the republican or democrat team
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he practicing. >> is this because of the description you got from the police? >> yes, based on the picture being shown on tv right now. >> did he have a t-shirt on? >> what i recognize was a red shirt. reddish. i didn't see any partisan stuff on his body, his clothing. and i know what he asked me and how i answered and what happened. >> what was his demeanor? >> this is an exercise area. there's a ymca there. there are a lot of citizen activity in the area. they are exercising, walking their dogs. it's early morning. 6:00, 7:00 in the morning. alexandria is coming alive and people are exercising and that's what they do. it's not
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interactions with citizens who look in the fence and watch us practice a little. it's just for seven or so years that we've had this. >> how much time elapsed between the time you -- >> that was at 7:02. i know that because knowing how long it would take us to get back to the capitol. one minute one way or the other makes a difference. i know it was 7:02. >> and when was the shooting? >> i don't know. i got back to the hill and it was a while before i found out. >> are you worried this is going to be politicized? >> i'm sorry? >> are you worried this is going to become politicized? >> it really depends on how y'all report it and what he says and what his facebook says. >> as you all know, shortly after 7:00 a.m. this morning, a gunman
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of congress and their staffs as they were practicing for tomorrow's annual charity baseball game. authorities are continuing to investigate the crime and the assailant has now died from his injuries. the fbi is leading the investigation and will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available. congressman steve scalise, a member of house leadership, was shot and badly wounded and is now in stable condition at the hospital along with two very courageous capitol police officers. at least two others were also wounded. many lives would have been lost if not for the
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the two capitol police officers who took down the gunman despite sustaining gunshot wounds during a very, very brutal assault. melania and i are grateful for the heroism and praying for the swift recovery of all victims. congressman scalise is a friend and a very good friend. he's a patriot and he's a fighter. he will recover from this assault. and steve, i want you to know that you have the prayers not only of the entire city behind you but of an entire nation and, frankly, the entire world. america's praying for you and america's praying for all of the victims of this terrible shooting. i spoke with st
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our full and absolute support. anything she needs. we are with her and with the entire scalise family. i have also spoken with chief matthew veredosa to express our sympathies for his wounded officers and to express my admiration for their courage. our brave capitol police performed a challenging job with incredible skill and their sacrifice makes democracy possible. we also commend the brave first responders from alexandria police, fire and rescue who rushed to the scene. everyone on that field is a public servant. our courageous po
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congressional aides who work so tirelessly behind the scenes with enormous devotion and dedicated members of congress who represent our people. we may have our differences but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation's capital is because, above all, they love our country. we can all agree that we are blessed to be american, that our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace and that we are strongest when we are unified and when we work together for the common good. please take a moment today to cherish those you love and always remember those who serve and keep us safe. god
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god bless you. and god bless america. thank you. >> you are hearing from president trump with the breaking news just coming in that the suspected shooter has died of his injuries. we reported james hodgkinson was 66 years of age from illinois. we just heard from the president, president trump, that the assailant, in his words, the assailant died of his injuries. >> we also have this photo coming in on the person who was the suspected shooter in this incident. you can see it on your screen right now. james hodgkinson. we have done some digging into what we know about james hodgkinson. he's died as a result of his injuries. what have you learned about him? >> there's a 2006 charge, no federal cases that we've found against james hodgkinson. in his 60s, from illinois. it's also worth remembering when you speak to people outf
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officials that a lot of the threats against the u.s. congress, a lot of the white house fence jumpers are from far away from here. the man charged with the shooting in the visitor's center was far away from the midwest. people who have been arrested at the white house fence have come as far away as washington state. james hodgkinson is from illinois. and the president reporting to the world that he's died from his injuries sustained this morning. >> i want to point out that the president said that congressman scalise and the two officers shot this morning are all in stable condition and noted that two others have been wounded as well at the baseball field this morning. >> a noticeable difference in the president's demeanor. a very somber president trump saying we may have our differences but one thing is for sure that everybody that serves love this country and that is what unites these twoif
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time are very divided. they come together for this charity event and this happens at a baseball practice. >> in about 15 minutes, we expect to hear from the house speaker and house minority leader, the top democrat, presumably speaking together at a bipartisan moment after this incident. this incident also is an indication as to why federal law enforcement is so far and wide in our nation. there are field offices in nearly every state. u.s. capitol police have some number of their officers dem deployed far from washington because threats exist in other states that may come here to commit violence or may commit violence in a congress member's own town. today this was an incident near the capitol where members of congress were vulnerable and i think the republican who spoke at the capitol visitor's center 15 minutes ago said
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whips' special police force with us, we would have been incredible vulnerable. >> and representative joe barton of texas said that 22 members of congress were right there all in one spot out in the open. >> and staff and kids and some other -- potentially one or two other victims that weren't members of congress. >> this is in alexandria right now where i believe very likely federal officers and maybe some alexandria officers as well canvassing. they are looking for and gathering evidence at what is a crime scene. you can see a basketball hoop there in the background. and this recreation area is now a crime scene in alexandria's del ray neighborhood. they are canvassing this area looking for shell casings or anything of that sort and for any other evidence that might help them piece together what happened this morning and why this happened and would lead to some answers as to what might need to be done in the future to further protect the new
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use of them and members of congress as alluded to a few times this morning. >> and we may see numerous markers from reports that we've been hearing from witnesses, just dozens and dozens of shots that people could see senator rand paul saying that he could see the shots coming from off of the ground as he was hiding behind a tree which occurred at shortly ever 7:00 this morning in del ray. mo brooks described so vividly what he could hear, who he could see being hit, how he described congressman scalise crawling away out into the outfield to try to get away, how he used his own belt to wrap around somebody's calf that had been
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tourniquet to stop the bleeding. >> i think it's important to point out when we heard from the police chief of alexandria this morning who went to great lengths to say that this community is safe. this seems to be a pointed incident, one that they don't believe would have a wider impact on the community. this was a part of alexandria there at the edge of the del ray neighborhood that for many years hadn't been developed beyond that baseball field and soccer field and dog park right there on that corner at monroe avenue. there's a larger apartment building just to the near route 1 not far from where this is and a coffee shop and other businesses and then that
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in del ray. the police chief wanted to make a point as he did a couple of times this morning to say that they don't believe there is a still a threat this morning. he wants alexandrians to feel safe. he believes this community is safe. he -- a couple times he made that point in his comments today. >> the picture on your screen, james hodgkinson, the breaking news coming from the president himself that the suspected shooter james hodgkinson has in fact died. we have reporters that are fanned out all over the area. shomari stone was outside george washington university hospital where we understood that the shooter had been transported to, again hearing this morning just a few moments ago from president trump that the suspected shooter has died. >> again, you are watching our continuing breaking coverage of this shooting in alexandria this morning involving a member of congress. the houseor
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shot in the hip, we believe. we know he was in surgery for at least an hour or so this morning at med star washington hospital center. he's out of surgery and in good condition. the president calling him a patriot and a fighter and wishing him a speedy recovery from this incident. it could be some time before we hear from the congressman himself about what unfolded here today but we've heard so many accounts from members of congress and from witnesses just in that neighborhood who talked about the shock of hearing literally dozens of shots fired at 7:00 in the morning in what is normally a quiet area of alexandria. >> and a noticeably somber president trump making the address and saying that, you know, for the most part, while there are a lot of things that divide this country and members of congress, those that serve
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what unifies this body of people. >> let's mention the other law enforcement agencies part of this activity. alexandria police responded in what we were told is three minutes after the 911 call was made. u.s. capitol police were on the scene when this happened, including two wounded, two may be the total number. atf responded, the fbi responded and what remains of this investigation and you had the u.s. park police who we believe, from the images shared with us, with the agency who medevaced at least one of the i am haves out in their helicopter. so a broad and sweeping law enforcement presence there. at this moment, the u.s. capitol police chief is supposed to be testifying about vulnerabilities that the u.s. congress faces, security funding for the capitol police.
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that was scheduled some time ago. it was canceled because of this incident. there will be questions about whether they need to change their practices for the congress. >> the democratic congressmen were practicing at a separate field and had their heads down and were praying for their colleagues. separate location. we've heard from other people that really the defining factor here is that congressman scalise had a security detail. the democratic congressmen did not have that. >> i've seen whip scalise move around the capitol with two protective officers walking beside him or behind him. i can't say if he has a third or a fourth. we know there were two there this morning. both of whom were
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and mo brooks said one was limping. not sure if he was shot. >> and there is a meeting going on with the sergeant of arms. it seems that it has wrapped up at this point. and posing this question about this baseball game for which these members of congress have been practicing and whether it would still happen tomorrow night. a representative has gone in front of the camera coming out of that meeting and indicated that that baseball game will happen tomorrow night at nats park and that members of congress were happy that that is the case. scott, i would imagine that this obviously that baseball stadium -- there is protection beyond that. >> exactly. it's got whatever infrastructure it normally has i
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sports stadiums are known to be targets and are heavily secured to begin this. this happens at a different place than the one you're seeing on your screen. >> we wouldn't necessarily see capitol police at nats park tomorrow night but i imagine we'll see a few. >> you'll see no shortage of them. even though the u.s. house has canceled its schedule for today and delayed some of the committee hearings, u.s. capitol police have made clear that the community will see them. there's never a day off or an hour off for capitol police. >> the shattered windows that you're seeing are likely from that of the ymca that is just adjacent to the baseball field. we were hearing from so many witnesses that were eithering
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there for exercises classes and so forth and people saying sometimes we go outside and exercise. it very well could have been us. we're a few minutes shy of the noon hour when we are expecting democratic leader nancy pelosi and house speaker paul ryan to make a joint address. no doubt that this will be a show of solidarity for what has happened today and the common ground that they can all get behind. >> and members of both party, according to the florida congressman, gave the u.s. capitol police a standing ovation during that briefing at the capitol's visitor's center. the police force that they oversee. >> news4's tom sherwood is on capitol hill for us this morning. he's been gathering information there. bring us up to speed of what you know. >> reporter: there are a lot of people o
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members of congress were bussed back to the hill after the alexandria shooting. security presence up here is on high alert. all buildings are open and tourists are going in and out. >> as we all know, social media has got the word around super fast. they were nervous at times and we told them that they were excited about the congressman and even with the event to come out and answer questions for them. >> reporter: again, they are all trying to get on with
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business of the day. capitol hill has been worried about these types of attacks and recently asked for more money to beef up security in the home district. but no one was expecting a shooting in alexandria. so routine business here on capitol hill as best as you can with a shooting in alexandria. i'm tom sherwood. back to you guys. >> tom sherwood out on capitol hill for us, thank you for that reporting. again, as we approach the noon hour and await this news conference, house members having been briefed on what has happened this morning involving the house majority whip and now learning, i would imagine, too, a little more about what security protocol might be changing as a result of what has happened this morning. capitol police having a presence or at least a conversation with the sergeant of arms about what has unfolded. >> members of congress, i'm told, are talking to their back
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about what happened today. there were 18 staffers. the majority of them here in washington, d.c., working at the capitol in the office buildings and some number back home at the district. you have to secure both spaces. there are capitol police officers and back home you're in a strip mall. you're in a rented office space that may be a traditional office complex. some members of congress, including steny hoyer, has an office in federal court buildings which is very secured. but some don't have a big shield around them. >> we were hearing from so many people that were on the scene that gave eyewitness accounts to members of our digital staff from nbc washington that said the suspected shooter was quiet, described how he was s
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representatives that they had contact with them and had communication that he even went as far as asking who it was that was on the field, who was playing, whether they were republicans or democrats. >> and then some of the witnesses reporting that he then approached the fence, stuck his rifle through an opening in the fence and then started shooting. we know that congressman scalise was hit. we heard from congressman mo brooks that it seems as though the shooter targeted representative trent kelly of mississippi on the field there as well. >> how many parents are going to bring their kids this weekend to that field to play? it's a big part of the del ray community, too. it's not just a congressional landmark. it's an alexandria park that so many families use and go around. it's a real neighborhood, right? >> sure. >> that's near my old barber shop. i drove by there every week when i went to get a haircut there. you can see people at
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field right next to that baseball diamond as well. you'd have lots of kids out there playing games, adults from time to time playing as well. there's a coffee house where people would take their dogs in across the street. ymca, obviously, we talked about. this is a quiet community where people were used to going about the norm of the day and this creates something that you don't forget about very quickly. >> you heard from julie carey's reporting that said, i live in this area. you have the people who protect and serve the community that live right there. they know this area backwards and forwards and what is a normal day looks like and sounds like and this was anything but that. >> and it's no surprise that you'd have members of congress outed out at 6:30 in the morning. they have day jobs to do today. they were supposed to be on the
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floor activity or committee hearings. you have to do it when you're in session and that said, you've got a democratic practice and a republican practice. those are different teams and it's so important to reflect upon the police being at that republican practice because steve scalise was there. the trajectory of this story changes demonstratively. >> you have the one representative that said when he spoke to the suspected shooter, he said, i knew it was 7:02 because i looked at the clock one way or another is life-altering when you're trying to get to the capitol hill with rush hour, with meetings and so forth and normal business day ahead. so he knew what time this happened and we heard from alexandria police at 7:09. >> we are approaching the noo
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as we continue to cover the breaking news coming in out of alexandria. we'll note for you that you're watching our special extended coverage right at noon here on news4. we continue to follow this shooting that involves five victims, we understand, including the majority whip who was shot in the hip this morning and the investigation na is unfolding in the del ray neighborhood of alexandria as shots were fired. just after 7:00. we now know that the suspected shooter in this incident is this. >> that breaking news is coming from the president himself saying that the suspected shooter, james hodgkinson, 66 years of age from illinois has died of his injuries. we want to go back out to the field to julie c w
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