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tv   News4 Today  NBC  June 25, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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nothing less than perfect. >> yeah, and we are going to have times of sun and clouds and it's just going to be a great day. the main thing, low humidity, and that's a plus, especially across the d.c. area. let's show you the temperatures. we start off on the cool spot, outside the beltway temperatures in the low 60s and now we have come up into the low 70s, and we will go into the low 80s at 11:00, and then possibly the mid to upper 80s. 85 in d.c., and went middle of the road with all sunshine and low humidity. a gorgeous day out there today. we have the heat and humidity coming back along with storm chances. we will let you know when those will be on the t10-day forecast in just a few minutes. and then
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station is going through drills. it will be open back up this afternoon. we are working with you on this sunday morning to sort out the metro changes. darrick ward is live. >> reporter: a little less is going to cost alittle more when it comes to public transportation, aspefespecially metro. metro is going to be open from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. today, monday through thursday, metro will be open from 5:30 a.m. until 11:30, and then friday closing at 1:00 a.m. off peak, the fare you would pay today, that will go up 25 cents. if you are riding outside of the rush hours you could pay $2 and at most, $3.85. rush hour fares, tomorrow morning, they will go up 10%,
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$2.25 for learn rush hour, and at most, 6 bucks. we spoke to an out of town rider and a new rider. >> i was surprised. 11:30? if you don't go to bed early, you will have to uber. >> you really need to go. >> buses are also going to see changes. there will be a 25 cent increase in fares, and express buses that go to marshal, they will go up about 25 cents. you can get information on how it can affect your morning commute starting tomorrow. back to you. >> darrick, a lot to keep track of and thank you very
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and the yellow line rush plus service is ending. and the good news here, if aur blue line rider you can get more trains coming and that can speed up the frequency of your commute. metro riders, you are not the only ones to feel the pain today. the fairfax connecters also raising its fares depending on the route you take. the regular base fair will increase by 25 cents, and the smart trip cards will help minimize the impact of the increase. the next story is heartbreaking. the sterling family mourning the loss of their twin girl after their twin boy is in critical condition after a pool accident. the police say the mom found the 2-year-olds unconscious and
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little girl died at the hospital and we will continue to update the story on the nbc washington app. and then one father is trying to help other families. >> children who all tragically been lost. >> i cried 13 months straight every single day, and went to sleep crying and woke up crying. i didn't know that a human being could cry so much. >> 7 1/2 years ago, his 1-year-old twins drowned in a swimming pool in the backyard. >> they were eating and then the mom went to the bathroom and came back out and they went missing. >> in memory of his sons, he tries to help prevent
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>> if you turn your back or are distracted by your phone, in a split second an accident can happen. >> any kind of pool incident can happen, whether you are a good parent where you are on top of your children, and you are always making sure you have the safety mechanisms in place. >> the officer says it's hard to describe the impact the loss of a child has on everybody involved. >> it's the absolute most horrible thing we see as first responders, and we have to put all of that aside and be completely focused. >> drowning can and does happen year round. he says be proactive when it comes to your child's life. >> you need to learn how to swim, and they should always learn how to float, face up first, survival skills, and learn cpr and be ready. >> you can take a moment right now to just take a quick look at your
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this mother and her daughter are still missing. police say michelle manly and 21-month-old daisy have been missing since june 15th. we have posted this story on the app and facebook page, and we encourage you to go and share it right away and if you know where they might be, call police. this is a critical weekend for the future of the new gop senate health care bill. already five republicans say they cannot support the measure as it stands. >> and chris pallone explains how the clock is ticking. >> i found myself without insurance health care -- >> this weekend members of getting an ear full. >> i have been hearing all week about people fearful of losing access to affordable care. >> right now the plan is
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latest to say he will not pay for it. >> i cannot vote for it. >> he joins four other republicans who oppose the bill, and those four say cuts don't go far enough. >> i think they will probably get there. we will have to see. >> what is in the bill? it keeps key republican promises like slashing health care subsidies, and the senate bill does include protections for those would pre-existing conditions. >> the president and i are very supportive of the senate bill. as the president reminded the nation yesterday, obamacare is dead. >> democrats and allies are rallying opposition. >> this is not trying to be overly dramatic. thousands of people will die.
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chris pallone, nbc news. the time is 10:08. coming up this little kitten's name is vegas, and that's a good name because he's pretty lucky. hear about the d
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announcer: welcome to the future of health care. it's a future where health outcomes are valued over volume. a future where out of pocket expenses are capped. and medicare coverage comes with more benefits, like dental and vision. when will this future arrive? it's already here, with the 18 million americans who rely on the public-private partnership
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eading the way. welcome back. with a name like vegas you hope to have a little luck in life, and it looks like this 4-month-old kitten has the perfect game. the kitten got wedged in his owner's dashboard near the engine, and he was driving to work and started to here a meow. >> like that. >> there you go. >> somebody get vegas out of the car.
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was rescued and was not hurt and did not have any burn marks. thank goodness. we want to take a second to congratulate some of our colleagues. one of the most special honors last night went to barbara harrison. the board of governors award recognizes barbara for her 35 years as an anchor and reporter here at nbc 4. one of her most enduring legacies is wednesday's child, of course, the program she created to help foster kids find forever homes. how many kids has she helped. and we want to congratulate angie goff on a story she did on a veteran. our general manager won. >> and gibson won, too. a lot of talent we are lucky to wo
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how the first lady is settling into the white house. noe's there
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hi guys. in the here. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah yeah today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy. it looks aggressive. but not overbearing. it's not too big. not too small. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. she's a bad mama jama. (laughter) current qualified gm lessees can get this introductory lease on the all-new 2018 chevy equinox for around $249 a month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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welcome back. one of hillary clinton's closest advisers takes the hot seat before congress this week. podesta will answer questions about russia during a closed session with the house intelligence committee.
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wikileaks published e-mails from his account during the campaign, and intelligence officials say russia was behind the hack. and then president trump sent out tweets this weekend that appear to acknowledge russian meddling. since the obama administration was told way before the 2016 the russians were meddling why no action? focus on them. there was this tweet, obama administration officials say they choked when it came to russian meddling during the elections. they didn't want to hurt hillary? and then staying true to her reputation as more of a home body than a social butterfly. she is settling in their 11-year-old son, barron. she told fox news he loves living in d.c., and she doesn
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talk about weather today. looks like not just today, but we are really in for a fantastic stretch. >> i mean, really through much of the week we are -- >> boring. >> i know, boring. >> boring! >> come on. >> yeah, we do have a few chances for rain showers on tuesday possibly, and then we will have to watch as we get into friday and the weekend, so if you have weekend plans next weekend, we are heating things up and it will be typical d.c. weather. 79 degrees, climbing quickly. 80s for daytime highs today with low humidity, but a nice pool day. a nice breeze out there as well. got a little windy yesterday. less humid, extremely comfortable. temperatures in the 70s across the board. we're going to top out in the mid-80s today with sunny skies and low humidity. nothing s
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team 4 radar right now. if you are headed out to the nats game, we are playing the cincinnati reds and hopefully we can win as well as we did yesterday, and we destroyed them yesterday. we got a little slight breeze out there as we go through the home stretch, but looking good out there at nats' park. we will have sunshine and increasing clouds late on monday and we could have showers on tuesday, just a stray chance of a shower. we don't get out of the 70s on tuesday, and then less than a 20% chance that we will see anything pop up on tuesday. wednesday, back to sunny skies and low humidity. humidity creeping back in on thursday but you will feel it friday and into the weekend. we will have the temperatures in the low to mid-90s, but feeling warmer than that. it will not be raining the whole time through the weekend, but we will have a chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms, specifically in the afternoon on friday, saturday and sunday, just some of the typical type of
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up around the region when we get the heat and humidity. it looks like we stay in the 90s as we enter early next week. we will have to see how your fourth of july forecast is shaping up because also we could have storms and heat on that day. guys? >> lauryn, thank you. 10:18. it's a critical week for republicans and their effort to pass a replacement to the aff d affordable care act. >> joining us now, chuck todd to talk about this. the votes are just not there. three no votes and this thing is gone and you have a half dozen saying they won't support it. >> some of it is about leverage and some of it is the drama of the week. we will see. i mean, if this were a policy debate, i don't see how they could come up with a policy that would somehow appease the conservative week that is upset and the moderate wing upset. as a political argument i can see how they get to passage, because you can get some
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bullet and say, this is the only shot you got. if you don't do it, the base will hurt you more than the middle. short term, this could be the best way for the republican party to move forward. if you want to do tax reform, all these things. if this bill passes it's because mitch mcconnell has made a political case for the bill. it's hard for me to see how you make an effective policy case. >> and we want to talk about the tapes and the comey and russian look, and there were in fact no recordings and this ended a six-week charade. what has this done to the president? did it back fire on him as far as his reasoning as to why he tweeted that in the first place? >> this could be the biggest forced error in the history. he puts up a tweet about tapes
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people know of his memos and special counsel gets appointed and here we are, and now his reasoning, his rational for the tapes comment is it kept comey on the straight and narrow, and that only hurts -- that doesn't help the president's case on the obstruction of allegation out there that he fired comey in order to slow down the russian investigation, some scholars say this is a point of witness intimidation. all of this only a problem for the president because of his own actions. >> we will talk health care with ron johnson and bernie sansande and we will talk about whether pelosi should stay or go. >> awesome. coming up in ten minutes here. and you can seat mee "meet the " every
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nbc 4. taking you inside an old department store that is an indoor park, and fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. now with our new fios gigabit connection, you get amazing download speeds up to 940 megs, 20 times faster than most people have. and the price is amazing too for $79.99 a month online for the first year you'll get our fastest triple play with hbo included for 2 years.
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so hurry up and switch to fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service for two years all with a two year agreement.
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it's 10:23 on this sunday. metro fares going up and the hours changing. we have a complete list of
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hours and fare updates in the washington app. and then a boy in critical condition after a near drowning at the family pool and unfortunately his sister died. firefighters remaining on the scene of yesterday's apartment fire on peabody street through tomorrow. all five firefighters who had minor injuries were released from the hospital and one other person was hurt and is expected to be okay. a teen girl remains in the hospital after this fall from an amusement ride in upstate new york. living in an area that sees four seasons and extreme weather can make it tough for kids to get outside and play. >> and bringing the fun in the great outdoors inside, and i got to get a first look at the grounds. here's a look you will see only on news4. >> that's my second.
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outside inspired michael blair to transform the former safeway into a natured-inspired playground. >> it occurred to me there was not a space where the kids could run free inside. >> that vision became unstructured play space, badlands. >> i like that metaphor. it relates to what we are doing here. >> a indoor mountain, with cliffs, tunnels and slides, and there's party paw vivians for birthdays. >> the open space is helpful for the parents that are here because they can be aware of what is going on with their children but not involved with what is going on with your
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more independent discovery, and a creek and logs for smaller climbers and a cave for the more experienced. >> like they would in thaeu kna. >> the true to life terrain can prove challenging for some. there's a workshop that offers tools to test young minds. >> providing kids with the opportunity to make their own creative decisions. >> like, basically, figure it out. >> exactly. >> there is an exhibit room that is more intimate with what is inside, rotating ever so often. first up, live butterflies giving little explorers real hands on experiences. >> kids can learn more in the screening room. and then there's a spot where parents can sit back and relax, too. the
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along with food and a full bar. >> this is perfect for me to come and an opportunity for me to sit down and get my laptop out and work while she plays. >> making outdoor play possible anytime. in addition to the full bar, they have an espresso bar, too. opens on tuesday, badlands, opens on tuesday. >> lauryn says get outside today. >> today and tomorrow, and pretty much all week. >> that
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time to save medicare from massive cuts that will harm millions of americans. if congress doesn't act by august 15th, medicare will undergo arbitrary cuts, restricting patient access to doctors and to the essential treatments they need for their health and well-being. seniors, doctors, americans with disabilities have called on congress to stop these devastating cuts by repealing this misguided law. call congress today because we need action now to protect medicare beneficiaries before it's too late. ♪ our first name has always been 'american.' at at&t, we employ more than 200,000 people with good-paying jobs. connecting consumers and business through mobile, internet, and entertainment. at&t invests more into america's economy than any other public company. bringing americans more choices, more freedom, and entertainment everywhere.
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. this sunday the battle over healthcare, can the gop plan pass? some republicans say their bill is too harsh. >> i could not support a piece of legislation that takes insurance away from tens of millions of americans. >> others say it may not go far enough. >> it's going to fix thehole problem. >> while democrats and the left are unanm sly opposed. >> thousands of people will die. >> i'll talk to independent bernie sanders of vermont. plus the democrat's loss in georgia leesds for calls for nancy pelosi to step down. >> you've got to beat the republicans and carry this toxic brandon your back


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