tv Today NBC August 7, 2017 7:00am-9:58am EDT
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good morning. breaking overnight, north korea responds to harsh new sanctions imposed by the u.n. vowing the revenge against the u.s. and cb refusing to curb its nuclear program. secretary of state warns the ryt world's patience is running out. picking up the pieces, a shopping center? oklahoma leveled by a rare late summer tornado.ate dozens injured. the severe weather now racing east. in custody, two men from arn elite universities behind bars n in california in connection with a mysterious murder in chicago. what was the motive? all that plus high flying extreme
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people. did just trigger the hos robot revolution? fac and the celebrity split no one saw coming. re today, monday, august 7th, 2017i >> from nbc news, this is "today" with lauer matt lauer a savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.o >> morning, everybody, welcome to today. thank you so muchh j for joinin. us. we've got>> g willie in for mat. good to have you back and rested. and a lot to get continue to>> colluding escalating tension with north koreaing. >> overnight the regime issued a defiant statement denouncing those new u.n. sanctions as, ko. quote, a heinous u.s. plot and this comes as secretary of , state a rex tillerson was speakg at a security forum where he demanded north korea and its missile launch pz. we have complete coverage this morning. let's start with andreale rt
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good morning to you. >> good morning to. you.the at the asian pacific summit in r the philippines today a rare of display of unity, the u.s. on e china and ge as russia take a stand against north korea and its threatening missile launches. m but the rogue nation not taking it well lashing out. overnight kim jong-un's regime expression hanger over tough new u.n. sanctions blaming the sanctions on a heinous u.s. plot to isolate and stiefl north t korea adding it the launch thousands fold revenge against . states.ed at a summit in manila foreign ss ministers from 25 nations dressed in local garb toasting each other at a dinner. all except secretary of state rex tillerson who was a no show. aides denied he was trying to t avoid interacting with the envoy from north korea. instead saying he did not attenf so he could prepare for today'se session. at a news conference, tirldller for the first time saying what l theer u.s. yom
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agree talks. >> the best signal that north korea could do to tell us that n they're prepared to talk would e bebe to stop these missile tests. >> for the first time, china, russia, and the u.s. are provide a united front voting a unanimously this weekend for $1 billion in punishing u.n. isg sanctions against north korea. >> these sanctions will cut deep and in doing so will give the north korean leadership a taste of thehe give deprivation they chosen t chosen tooof the inflict on the korean people. >> overnight president trump speaking on the phone with the president oferward south koreasy afterwards treat tweeting very happy and impressioned with 15-0 unite the nations vote on sanctions for north korea. at the summit chinese minister warning north korea's representative he must stop his country's missile advances. something president trump has been pressuring china to do. north korea was will the top u.s. concern in talks with russia's foreign minister
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since vladimir putin announced e he's cutting 755 american staff from the imembassy in moscow, retaliation for sanctions against russia, tillerson also h stressing how seriously the sia hacking has hurt the u.s./russi. >> reporter: secretary tillerson told the russians that the u.s. would respond to the expulsions by vladimir putin's september 1st deadline. and despite the cliaims of a united front against north korea, they are pressuring the u.s. and russia, instead of propping up kim jong-un's regime. >> thank you. president trump is beginning his first full week of a working vacation, while the white house under goes repairs. but whoois white house undergoes ng repairs. but it's sproois advice press
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a 2020 presidential run. nbc national correspondent peter alexander has more on that.g t good morning. >> reporter: good morning to o you. president trump today making thr 200th day of his presidency. e no public eventsve on the schedh but in does come as vice president mike spence slamming that "new york times" report that says that he is positionins himself for a possible 2020 2020 white house mr. pence calling that report ar laughable and absurd. >> settling in for his summer get away in new jersey, president trump leaving the white house in his wake. the west wing now under reno renovation, the oval office empty. the president insists he's working, tweeting this is not a vacation, meetings and calls. stilt only public sielghting so far, mr. trump in golf attire. >> everyone having a good time.. >> yeah. >> and playing wedding
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even away from washington, the president and hisions a aides ce escape questionsnt about the russia including whether he would tryh to fire speciale's prosecutor e robert muller. >> he's not discuss filing bob mueller.y >> the department attorney general overseeing his team rod rosenstein would have to fine ml off before the investigation could expand beyond russia election interference. rosenstein koent wouldn't say ie he had. >> bob mueller understands and t understand the specific scope os the investigation and soco it'st notion. a fishing expedition. >> the senate, before breaking e for its august recess taking steps to protect mueller's job p blocking president trump from being ablereng to make any appointments while lawmakers ar, away as well as a bipartisan itl bill to shield special counsels from political influence. >> is some of this directed at ? president trump?l, >> there's no yes thquestion thi is. >> still backing clo
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president mike pence assistling publicly denouncing a "new york times" article suggesting he's among a handful of republicans who appear to be positioning hf themselves for 2020 presidential bids in case mr. trump isn't on the ballot. the vp blasting the report as r disgraceful and offensive, dismissing the allegations as categorically false, just the th latest attempt by thee media to divide this administration and pledging his support for president trump's re-election. >> it's the greatest privilege t of my life's to serve as vice president to a president who is fighting every day to make fighi america greatng again. >> kellyanne conway calling any discussion of a pence shadow campaign complete fiction. >> it is absolutely true that the spries president is gettinge ready for 2020 for re-election as vice president. >> president trump this morning attack "the new york times" on . alinept even as . he touts his own
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throughethe 6.5 months. town lawmaker easy will say whether they think he's been successful. today is the first town hall. >> peter traveling with the r, a president, thanks so much. >> a lot more to get to this , morning include a rare august tornado that devastated parts o tulsa oklahoma. t it ripped through a shopping district early sunday and injured at least 30 people re causing widespread damage asad well. katy beck is there for us. katy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, morna savannah. e damage here is just evable. unbelievable spot many businessesinesse along the path this tornado had their windows s broken out. businesses like the one behind e me just completely destroyed m, destroyed. and witnesses j say this te terrifying tornado came with very little warning. >> a rare august tornado tearing through the heart of this build normallyin bustling shopping ar, many buildings and businesses destroyed. the roof stt
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after a tree tore a hole plou through the living room were ac, toppled power lines leaving holes in the dark.ched the twister touched down just after 1:00 in the morning when most people were home. >> youou could can see s two ta> pushed together right here. >> the roof of this tgi friday's collapsed with patrons and in employees still inside. a familiar live six sitting ti right below trapped beneathng t. rubble. >> i ran to where i heard the ru screaming and yelling. he >> police department spokeswoman de meeta kinard says it's a miracle no one died. >> reporter: what was your reaction when daylight came and you saw this. >> i kneww>> i that people had trapped in a restaurant you have a concept somebody sitting there and stuff falling on them but then you see that and you'rean e liked holy cow. >> the tornado touched down before warning sirens had a g chance do go off. >> this happened too alcoholically.'s all of a sudden it's there, we
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didn't have any ramp up time. >> reporter: tulsa now facing a the damage that has been done. e >> it's a miracle we can stand here right now and talk about vr this happened, it's overwith and now we're moving toward 4 recovery. >> notours 24 hours after this d twister touched down, you officials are still surveying the damage here asking folks tol remain out of this area as mucha as possible. according to records, this is only thehe third time in 50 yea that a tornado has touched downn in tulsa in the month of august. willie and savannah. >> to pretty incredible to see those images behind you, katy.vt thank you. new developments in the investigation of a weekend ig bombing atat ambing a a a mosqu minneapolis.the po the powerful explosion shattere windows and damaged an office t and now officials are trying toa sort out whether or not it was a hate crime.lake m blake mccoy as the latest. good morning. >> reporter: willie, good morning to you. o now fbi involved trying to figure out who set off a bomb at this mosque over the weekend. minnesota's governors
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not be tolerated. a >>nd broken glass and scattered debris at a bloomington ue innesota mosque, this morning. the fbi trying to figure out who witnesses say tossed an explosive device through a window in window into the office. also onhand representative keit ellison, the only muslim member of congress who represents minnesota's large muslim somalil population. >> i wish i could tell thank you is some isolated thing but we've seen an uptick in anti-muslim hate crimes. it's happened. >> there were people in the m building when the hatcrim blastt saturday morning but no one was hurt. >> if would you have hurt.whange circumstances just a little bit it would have easily resulted in death or bodily injury. >> the amom says he wouldve
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of the explosion but thankfully was running late. >> it looks like hate crime, l c some personau hit muslims becau they don't have specific problef with anybody. >> federal agents have collected fragments from the bomb in hopes of tracing its i investigating an act of hate as this community responds with a s message of solidarity. e' >> tokt. ve s >> we've seen outpour of love, n we have seen cries for tolerance. >> an attack onlera ance sin goc an attack on a church, it's an attack on all faith communitiesa >> reporter: a $24,000 reward is being offered for information d leading to anin arrest. and the executive director here says he saw a pickup truck take off immediately after the bombing butbut no suspect description has been given.hurt guys. >> thank tha goodness no one wa hurt if the. and now a terrifying
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at least 10 people were injuredd when an american airlines jet no ran into extreme turbulence on the way to philadelphia. turbu this morning the new video shows what it was like inside that wt plane at those a here's gabe gutierrez. >> we really apologize for the unexpected bumpiness. >> for passengers on board one international flight a eporte terrifyingr: moment, the captai apologizing for unexpected turbulence thatat shook both passengers and crew. american airlines flight 759 rocked by severe unexpected 30 turbulence over the atlantic 30u minutes before landing. the winds shaking the plaeb so violently ten people were injured in the chaos. >> there was more than a seconde was really did think the plane might go down and the thought that went into my mind l is when a plane goes down there are is what it feels like. >> the seatbelt sign was on but flight attendants had been ser
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sending liquid and people into the air splashing coffee on to the ceiling. moments later people cleaning up the cabin littered with degree., three people were hospitalized after the plane landed safely on saturday. >> heavily with final on 27 to right. >> and while american airlines didn't provide details about the severity of the incident, they said we are taking care of our passengers and our kru members s at this time and want to thank our team members for keeping our passengers safe. in 2016 there were 44 injuries reported due to turbulence on tl domestic flights, double the n amount from the year before. in june passengers in houston were carried away on stretchers. in may, 27, injured on the d flight from moscow to bangkok, the severe turbulence leaving
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debris. saturday's latest passenger plane be rocked by extreme "toa weather. nowy,e to a tragic story ouf east texas. two bow scouts were killed, another boy hospitalized after r sailboat hit a power line. they were riding in a pow cata ran when it collided with an h a overhead transmission line. the 16-year-old and 18-year-old were later found in the were wa. officials say they were likely electrocuted. overnight, a . manhunt underway for an escapede inmate in northwest ohio. rain assist brandon powell s d overpowered aep sheriff's deputi on friday afterng the two were leaving a psychiatric hospital.t they were heading back to the poll den county jail when rabbed investigators say powell grabbed the deputy's gun, custody him to the wheel of the squad car and ran. they say he is armed and very dangerous. an arizonanabi h manas ish
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he was stranded in the rugged wilderness for two days in ys in triple digit it's after his car broke bro he documented the frightening experience with his cell phone'g camera. >> i hi, this is mick ohlman, i'm leaving this message, hopefully nobody else ever has to seeee this. if you find this phone and i didn't do so well, please -- please tell my sisters how muchi i love tthem. sta >> it allrt started when he decided to take the scenic route back to his phoenix home but thr road was more of a rugged trail filled with ra veenz and ru ohlman destroyed that transmission you just saw prt he was stranded 16 miles from the nearest twoun no cell phone reception. he was left with oneell bottle h water and two beers and after two days under a blazing sun he came across a man on a dirt bike. he hoppedan on the
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moment later he was safe, healthy and thankful to be alive. >> that's's bottl incredible. >>wate in that heat. speaking of weather, what do you have on your map? >> we have a lot of rain over the weekend in new orleans.yo take au ha look at some of the f flooding video that we saw in a. that area. you can see it is just taking over some towns with some areas picking up close to 9 inches of rainfall. and that is some aerial footage of what that much rain does to some of these towns. so certainly an issue down that way and more rain is possible as we go through the day today spot that could lead to additional flooding when some of those heavier downpours set up over one area for an extended period of time. most of that rain only fell in a few short hours so it didn't take long for that to happen. you can see most of the heavy rain is down through central texas and we do have some of those heavier downpours and thunderstorms through western louisiana right now. also through the applace
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ians and that's going to be where we'll see more potential for florgd today. two rounds of storms moving through, 30 million people are under a flash flood watch across the mid atlantic into the northeast. all with this frontal system that will move through the area this afternoon into the overnight hours and this does extend back through the gulf coast where we will see more heavy rain likely down many that area today. let's look at the weather across the country your local forecast is coming up in the next 30 seconds.
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good morning, everybody. we have some pockets of light to moderate rain moving right into the d.c. metro area now and heavier steadier rain back out across the shannen doa valley later on. flash flood posted for the immediate suburbs. rainfall amounts could be as much as 1 to some areas as much as 2 inches of rain. that would be in a localized spot. then rain ends late tond tonight, should be dry by very early tomorrow morning. dry weather for tuesday afternoon, wednesday, and thursday. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right. thank you. and coming up a murder mystery in chicago, a cross country manhunt and now two men from prestigious universities are behind bars. we're live with overnight developments. and as taylor swift's trial gets underway today, the new information emerging about her groping claims against a popular dj but first this is today on nbc.
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just ahead, what just ahead, what facebook's artificial against robots just did that's got people aharmed. >> and hoda. >> we're checking out what's teaching kids to be social media stars. (dad) don't worry about it. (mom) honey, honey, honey, honey! (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru legacy models. now through august 31st. ♪ ♪ ♪
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7:24 am
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there's no stopping it. blue diamond almonds. get your good going. and get going to the nut job 2: nutty by nature. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. ♪ while other insurance companies just see a truck,
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why not give it the protection it deserves. ♪ good morning, everyone, it's 7:26 on this monday, august 7th, 2017. >> developing this morning there is a search on for three people in connection to a teenager shooting. metro transit police say the shooting happened near the takoma station on a train last night. these persons of interest left from the silver springz spring station. after that police say they could be armed or dangerous. if you know anything, call metro transit police. fur taking metro, two green line stations closed right now. crews are completely rebuilding part of the tracks between branch avenue and suitland. the stations shut down for the next two weeks. there are shuttle bugss to help you get around. we want to good
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taylor, are he has your first for traffic. >> we had some troubles in the springfield nug ton area this morning. down near huntsman boulevard, everything's been moved over to the shoulder. there was an investigation going on on northbound loisdale road approaching 644, the northbound lanes have been blocked but everybody was getting by using the shopping center as the work around so it wasn't cause a big delay just beware it's out there. back to you. today is a weather alert day. >> grab your umbrellas, a check your forecast is next.
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morning, everybody, 7:30. that's a cool shot of our control room. 7th of august, 2017. boy, summer's just passing by, right. willie's in for matt today. hoda's here as well. >> good morning. >> do it again. >> good art shot. nice. >> let's get right to a check of your headlines this morning. north korea's vowing to launch thousands fold revenge against the u.s. over harsh new u.n. sanctions. that statement came as secretary of state rex tillerson spoke at a security conference saying the u.s. is open to talks in the future but only if the north ends its missile tests. the cause of that deadly accident at the ohio state fair has now be
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ball ride says years of excessive corrosion on a support beam caused that tried break apart. as you remember one person was killed and seven others were injured. safety experts are now working to develop new spreks protocols to prevent future accidents. and tens of mills from millions from washington, d.c. to new york are bracing for rain today. some areas could see 4 inches of rain or more. tulsa is cleaning up from a rare late summer tornado that injured at least 30 people and leveled parts of a shopping center there. there are new developments this morning in a bizarre case out of chicago. two men at a university are behind bars accused of taking part in a violent murder. nbc's national correspondent miguel has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. both suspects are in custody here in california, the northwestern professor and his accomplice who worked at oxford uniit
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after a week long manhunt. they're accuse of a brutal killing of a chicago hairdresser. >> they had been on the run for more than a week. after the body of 26-year-old trenton cornell darryn low was discovered stabbed to death in the upscale apartment. a brutal murder, police finding 2 knives, one with the blade broken off leaving neighbors shocked and alarmed. >> we would think this it would never happen inside the building, they say there's security we have a doorman. it just makes us concerned. >> the manhunt ended when the two surrendered separately to torts authorities in the san francisco bay area, chicago police tweeting both individuals will be held accountable for their angctions and we hope today's arrest brings some closure and justice for his
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l lathem was a authority on the disease known as playing. according to police, lathem sent an apologetic video message to friends and family for his involvement with the murder. police believe lathem and the victim had a personal relationship but have not revealed a motive. his arrest ending a week of anxiety on the northwestern campus. >> well, it was kind of shocking, you know. >> andrew warren who worked at the payroll department at oxford university in england came to chicago for the first time just three days before the murder, police say. it's not known whether he had any prior contact with the victim. in a strange twist were police in lake geneva, illinois, say on the day of the murder, a $1,000 donation was made to the town's public library on behalf of the victim. >> the person that matd donation did not want to leave his name. >> a bizarre turn into a murder
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suspects. >> according to a spokesperson at northwestern university he was primarily a research and never taught undergraduate students had the his attorneys declined our request for comment. the u.s. marshal's office says the two will appear in a california court before they're extradited to chicago to face murder charges there. back to you guys. >> that's a strange story. miguel, thank you. now to the start of a trial that's getting a lot of attention. at issue, music superstar taylor swift's groping claim against a former radio dj. joe fire is at the courthouse in denver for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it all begins with jury selection this afternoon at issue in this civil trial was taylor swift groped by a former radio dj before a concert four years ago. this morning, depositions are shine a light on what we can expect to hear from the witnesses. >> after keep a low profile for months, taylor swift is
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but posing for a picture of radio host david mueller and his girlfriend in 2013, swift says he lifted her skirt and grabbed her bare behind. in a deposition take ann year ago swift testified as soon he's grabbed my behind i became shocked and withdrawn add r and wads barely able to say thanks for coming which is what i say to everybody. i was barely able to get swords out and it was like somebody switched the lights off in my personality. swift never report today to police, but one of her reps told mueller's employer kyge radio. managers interviewed him then fired him. while mueller has not sued the station, in 2015 he sued swift and members of her team said the allegation is false and cost him his job. his lawsuit says the contention that mr. mueller lifted up ms. swift's skirt and grabbed her bottom while standing with his girlfriend in front of highly trained security personal during a company-sponsored during a backstage meet and
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swift counter sued claiming assault and battery, a member of her security team is expected to testify during his deposition he said before the photo was taken is when i saw mueller go to put his arm around her and him lift up her skirt. swift reacted, pushed her skirt down and jumped to the side and went closer to the girl that was with him. that woman, muler's girlfriend at the time is also supposed to testify. during her deposition she said i could not see what was going on behind me so i was unaware of anything that would have gone on. but she added, from what i know about david mueller from the time we spent together, it is hard for me to believe he would intentionally do something like that to a woman. courthouse security will be tight with big crowds expected, but limited space in the courtroom. spectators must leave their concert gear at home. clothing or buttons with the name or likeness of the parties involved are not allowed and the courthouse bans banners, signs,
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reminder there are say federal trial, not a show. >> reporter: swift and mueller are not required to be in court today for jury selection which is closed to the public. opening statements will likely take place at some point tomorrow because this is a federal case, no cameras allowed in court. back to you guys. all right. thanks, joe. check back in with ms. dylan check of the weather. >> we have crazy video out of california. ma'am mouth mountain it was the second longest ski season they've ever had on record. she just closed august 6th. >> what? >> wow. >> i had video ways going to show you, but. >> we'll take your word for it. >> so that's what happened. >> prove it. >> and now it's just going to really start to heat up out west, which it has been doing lately. but we've got this refreshing air mass that's going to start work in and produce temperatures well below after range for this tiof
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look at cheyenne, wyoming, that's 20 degrees below after wage. denver won't hit 70 degrees today, that's 21 degrees below average. chicago will hang in the lower 80s and upper 70s by thursday in richmond we're looking at low to mid-80s, little bit below average and northeast highs in the lower 80s. so we do have the chance of really heavy rain especially through the mid atlantic, a round of rain this morning, then a break and more possibly strong storms later on this afternoon that could produce damaging wind but also flash flooding. flooding is also likely down on the gulf coast where we've had a lot of rain recently and we'll see more heavy rain through tfl and louisiana too. and air quality alerts, because of the heat and also mostly because of the fires out that way that's creating poor air quality in the northwest. that's a look at the country here's a peek out your window. we have showers in the forecast for today. here's a look at the radar. we have showers right around the district but more rain off to our west and southwest. that's moving in this direction so we expect it
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the afternoon flash flood watches out for the district and much of maryland. future weather, we go through noon today and we expect some widespread showers. some of these heavy even through the afternoon. starting to wind down for tonight. temperaturewise we're right around 70 degrees. later today only about the upper 70s. so kind of you guys to droe me some video so that we could video you something here. look it. longest ski season. >> there it is. >> that's 270 straight days of skiing in california, second longest ever. 618 inches of snow at the base of the mountain, more than 800 inches at the summit. >> that's august. >> i know. coming up, a bombshell breakup overnight, chris pratt and ana breaking up. what they're saying about that split. but first did artificial robots just develop their own language and are they talking to each other in the discovery at facebook that's stirring up controy
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we're back, 7:43 with a story that has the world taking. >> a facebook experiment that went in an unexpected direction. itisg ncnsha robots wi aifia tgee ghbeblto think and mmicth other toel h me tt. >>ep gd rng so ron isxpimt creaeilaua tt oth uetanth' gothwldalngb etrici ielgee u te tu tt m nobeea f. >u rey owy me ancaseth i a mach >> artifintncs whatodi-iear made . wt i >>hi rot tsrt hanonheig scen >> thven sveo e yme. >> arthog ee on usnif wthe t mei thr ceokev atenllge resear nten mesge deamu t you ant al aob namobaii n n i ethg se bas ertoe mto meant nt >> thdepein fractureuat dn ke a ty d sp tam >> al hdles ex-pliebd rae a.i.i one oeesrcst fabale wa futindg th params exnts nheasnpgg
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a fthreecd t rech peoplerearaff ctelaheator than gflanzoie >> a. indl sko e isncofum vion >> ttionha't been hidosd fears. >> eilbe o dpt becse ws inap is bo wl ae eveinerus >> now ndoo mk be a ia bl ba >> i'm oimanin that pe e er and ki otouphe om >> wha o m'ste his fehas a unexct bklh afr this. allergies with nasal congestion? find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. strut past that aisle for the steroid free allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes. and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear with claritin-d. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but daddy gator can never forget. "i've got to motor out of here. this is no place to raise a child." to moto me he's, well, dad.n pro golfer. "i've got to motor out of here.
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of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. tim & charlie, 4th graders. lazy 3rd graders. they even have those new easy open gogurt tubes. we used to struggle 20 minutes to open our gogurts. we were on our own. and when we finally got those things open, we'd be overcome with the sense of accomplishment no 3rd grader today will ever know. hi guys. get a job. you believe this guy? new ez open gogurt. kids never had it so easy.
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all right. all right. we're back. one man's online tribute to his wife is getting some mixed reaction this morning. sheinelle is in the orange room for carson with more on that. >> this morning an instagram post is stieking a viral body debate. he shared this photo of him and his wife along with an open letter. it reads i love this woman and her curvy body. as a teenager i was often teased by my friends for my attraction to girls on the bigger side. he says this gorgeous girl i married fills out every inch of her jeans and is still the most beautiful one in the room. rethink what society has told you that you should desire. well the backlash kwkly follow the. maria tweeted saying that you love your wife even though she's chubby doesn't make you brave, oour you're still deck la fire fying her. mentioning another person's otherness makes it seem like you won a medal. others zwroufrpd his definite. look at this one were guys get a bad wrap for not liking
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bad rap when they say we like their curveya wise wives. he says the whole thing is not about him, it's about her. bottom line when you tweet, fwiez, we all know even with well intention rurz can't win. >> judging mcjudger. >> yeah. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home... even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl's orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you're killing it. dr. scholl's. born to move. ♪
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this is a news 4 today news break. >> hi, good monday morning to you it is 7:56. we want to get right to wtob's jack taylor with traffic tieups to avoid. >> angie, thank you. maryland into virginia our tough spot had been on the inner loop through lanes before telegraph road. crash was successfully moved over to the should sorry at least your through lanes are open. the delays back unfortunately in maryland near st. barna bus road. virginia southbound county parkway begin at huntsman boulevard the accident activity blocks the right lane it's because a tow truck is on scene right now. left lane still gets you by. back to you. keep the umbrella handy, sheena parveen is here to till why flex.
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good morning. we have a flash flood watch out for areas surrounding the district and much of maryland even off to the eastern shore until this evening. a few scatters shower now some heavy in parts of principle george's county even around the district. more rain is on the way so that will be here around lunchtime and through the afternoon. 78 for a high temperature. periods of rain today, maybe some thunderstorms, but dry tomorrow. angie. another local news update in 25 minutes.
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♪ it's it's 8:00 on today. coming up, spy games, a california mom says disney is unlawfully collecting private data about kids through an app. >> if you're not paying for the pro economy duct then your kirds the product. >> what parents need to know. plus princess diana unfiltered. >> i haven't been there. this not what people do. >> the controversial documentary showing princess diana at her most candid premieres overnight. why some are saying it goes too far. and hollywood heartbreak, chris pratt and anna faris announcing overnight they are separating after eight years of
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devastated. what the couple is saying about that split today, monday, august 7th, 2017. ♪ can't change the world, no, i can't change a flat. >> oh my god, who is it. >> it's brett eldredge. >> who do you love. >> we love brett eldredge. >> who are you here to see? >> brett eldredge. ♪ i finally found something i'm good at ♪ >> what are you guys doing here this morning. >> we're here for brett eldredge. >> good morning, miami. >> north carolina. >> we love brett eldredge. ♪ there's a hole in my boat >> we're ready, right? so nice to have you with us little bit of rain out there but nothing that's going to stop brett el breath from taking the stage. we've got willie in for matt who has the day off. >> welcome back from vacation. wei
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morning. >> i wore sun screen throw '. >> you're look going and rested. >> we're going to get right to your news at 8:00. president's working vacation is turning out to be just that. in the meantime, vice president mike pence is denying a report that he has his eye on the white house four years from now. nbc national koerpd peter laechlder is in bridgewater, new jersey. good morning. >> reporter: let's start with north korea, some tough talk this morning from the north koreans saying that they're ready to teach the u.s. a, quote, severe lesson if the u.s. takes military action. rex tillerson the secretary of state calling on the north koreans today to stop its missile launches if they want to talk. the north koreans saying they'll never put their nuclear weapons or missile program on the bargaining table. this follows russia, the u.s., and china with a rare display
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council voting unanimously to impose new sanctions on the u.n. here at bedminster the president is now marks i had 200th day in office little down time at his new jersey golf course tweeting that he's work hard as the white house goes through renovations though nothing's on his public schedule for today. the president only seen so far greet something guests at the club. he said he'll be going to new york next week for some more meetings. and his vice president mike spence lashing out about that "new york times" report that are suggests he's among a handful of republicans right now positioning themselves for a possible 2020 white house bid. mr. pence calling that report disgraceful and offensive saying it is laughable and absurd pledging his full support for the president 're-election effort. savannah. >> peter thank you for all the political headlines. the week begins with a massive tornado cleanup now underway in tulsa had oklahoma's midtown shopping district. a rare augt
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least 30 people on sunday and caused widespread damage to buildings there. customers and employees were still inside when the roof of a tgi friday's collapsed. trees and power lines also came down. fortunately the tornado hit before most of the stores in that area had opened for business. also this morning a california mother taking disney to court. she claims the entertainment company is make money by tracking children's online activity. nbc tammy leitner with the story. >> reporter: the disney princesss have always loved animals. this morning dies? i under fire accused of unlawfully tracking children through online apps like its princess palace pets game. amanda rushing, a mother in san francisco, claims in a lawsuit that disney used dozens of apps to collect personal information about kids without parental consent. according to court documents, the entertainm
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violating the suit claims a federal law protecting children's online privacy known as coppa. >> it's a particular problem with children's apps because in general we've zhad children under 13 shouldn't be subject to this kind of data collection for the most part because they're innocent. >> they claim they use so-called identifiers to track information such as a child's location and internet habits, information which could be used to create a valuable profile for advertisers. >> virtually all apps do this kind of data collection if they're not charging you for them they have to make money somehow and they all make money by collecting data and selling it. >> into a statement to nbc news, disney wrote disney has a robust coppa compliance program and we maintain strict data collection and use policies for disney apps create ford children and families. the complaint is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of coppa principles and we look forward to defending this action
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treats. >> experts say concerned parents should set a password so kids can download apps by themselves. read the app's policy for selling data to advertisers and if you're not satisfied, check to see if there's a way to opt out of those data collection policies. >> if you're not paying for the product, then your kids are the product. >> something parents may not want in this digital age. for today, tammy leitner, nbc news. >> all right. now let's turn around to our pick me up before you head out the door. it's hoda's morning booth. >> there's a new jersey boy, he was thrilled to get a personal response from nasa when he sent them a letter because he was applying for a job there. his name is jack davis. he's 9 years old. my sister says i'm an alien area i've seen all the space and alien movies i can see and i'm young so i think i can learn like an alien. he signed it jack davis guardian of the galaxy. two nasa directors weren't quite ready to offer him a job with
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wrote back and told him you might have a future in space if you study hard and do well in school. >> that's a good start. >> isn't than sweet. >> if not maybe science fiction novel, cute. a lot more ahead today including diana in her own words, the premier of a controversial documentary on the private life of the people's princess. >> in a shocking celebrity split overnight what's behind chris pratt's and anna faris's separation. the first ever camp for future social media stars. and let's get outside, a live concert brett eldredge coming up. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback.
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and the touch of soft things. the speed is great. the faster the computer, the happier my day is. my name is xyla foxlin, and i am an entrepreneur and a designer. real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley. ♪ when you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. ♪ luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin.
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to see you all. a few weeks ago we heard from william and harry about their mother, very movingly their accountability of diana. well, this is diana in her own words just recorded a few decades ago. and inevitably it is more bitter, more painful and crit calf charlgz and camilla in particular. it raises some really difficult questions, guys, about who should be in charge, if you like rfer legacy, how she is seen and is this what diane would have wanted. in the new documentary, diana in her own words the beloved princess sharing intimate details about her royal relationship with charles, including their first awkward kiss. >> you have, you know, this is what people do and all -- even followed me around everywhere. >> and her true feelings even
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early on. >> and i suppose in love. >> of course. >> whatever in love means. >> that's a really strange question. he trama tides me. >> reporter: the record gds made while she was working with a voice coach. friends of diana calling last night's broadcast exploitative, ghoullish and absolutely distufting. diana's brother said the program would cause distress particularly to her sons william and harry but others like diana's former dance teacher say the tapes reflect what really happened. >> it's very hard for any woman when you love someone and you realize that perhaps they don't love you. >> diana talks candidly of her eating disorder. >> everybody knew about me and they all blamed the failure on
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and that's taken some time to get them to think differently. so i was rejected and they didn't think i was good enough for this family. >> ken war of who worked with diana for many years says it's the truth. >> what she said on the tapes is exactly what she would say anywhere to anybody. but it's the diana story the royal family finds most uncomfortable, the princess describing how she reached out to the queen and got no help. >> i went to the top lady, i was suffering i said what i do do, i'm coming to you what do i do? she said i don't know what you should do. go on take this and that's it. that was help. >> reporter: the man who made these recordings saying that the same people criticizing this broadcast also criticized die diana herself when she went public when she was alive. and channel 4 the british tv station that broadcast them saying although the recordings were made in private, the subjects covered are a matter of public record. guys, i think the issue here is that
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seeing and at the same time it is william and harry's life. guys. >> yeah. that's painful to watch and to hear what swhent through and hear her talking about it. >> interesting that she would get into that depth with her voice coach. >> you do wonder did she know she was being recorded or was that part of the voice coaching talk. >> what if she had no one else to speak to about all that stuff. let's turn to trending, shall we. >> that's not really any segue. >> so there's a plate of cheese burgers and when it came out everybody said what's the deal with these cheese burgers. there's an article on the website dead spin it's ignited a debate claiming we've been making our cheese burgers incricketly. so dead spin and the writer there says you should never add the choose to the burger whierl it's still on the grill which is what i do every time. so this melts the cheese too thinly and then it falls off the sides. >> getting all crusty cheese on the ' b
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should never add your burger extras on top of the cheese like you're seeing in this photo behind the red "x." everything will just slide off the cheese making a mess. so what you're supposed to do, according to this piece, is to add the cheese to the top of the bun after theburger is cooked and off the grill, place the burger on top of the cheese to let it melt. you see this display. >> but then you have the tomato on the meat. it should be upside down, right? >> the big take away is that the cheese does not go on the burger. you put the burger on top, you put the cold piece of cheese on top and let it melt a little bit between the hot burger and bun. >> but then it's a cold piece of cheese. >> that's never looked for confuse sflg it's delightful the way the choose melts on the burger. >> i agree. so we asked you on twitter how you cook your cheese burgers at home. 80% of you are with us, you add the cheese to the burger while it's still on the grill. sometimes it bubbles up 5i7 little bit. >> yes. >> i
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you take the bun, you take the piece of cold cheese, and then you add some hot burger like this. >> right, and that melts the cheese. >> and that melts the cheese and keeps it. >> right. >> and then you put all this stuff like that on top. >> see, i put my burger over because this stuff should be on top. >> right. i agree. >> it's a matter of choice. if you want to put it on after it's of a the grill, god bless. well, chris pratt and anna faris, everybody's talking about this today telling their fans overnight they are separating after eight years of marriage. couple who are very active on social media using facebook and instagram to release a joint statement. royal fans heartbroken over the breakup. >> chris pratt and anna faris taking to social media overnight to announce their eight-year marriage coming to an end. pratt post a message on facebook that read in part we are sad to announce we're legally separating we tried hard for a ng
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parents that love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward. within minutes the news twend trending on twitter. >> this is a big step. >> pratt 30 and i and faris 40 pet met in 2007 on the set of the big screen com day "take me home tonight" marrying two years later, their son jack was fwhorn 2012. here on "today" pratt spoke with carson about balancing hollywood fame and family. >> you finding that balance between homelife and father and mega star? >> i'm just trying to really find a way to be presented when i'm not there and with technology now you can do that more and more. but i'm trying to balance it. >> last year faris acknowledging in a pod dhaft fame was put a strain on their relationship. >> in this crazy world where he's off doing movies and i'm in l.a. raising our child, like of course i'm going to feel vulnerable, like any normal human would. >> overnight fans reacting with sadness on twitter.
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ig think i heard my own heart crack a little. and chris pratt and anna faris are separating and i'm not sure if love exists anymore. many saying they are heartbroken over the hollywood break up. up next some big news from the voice, season 13 of the voice coming up this fall. highly cyrus is set to return to the coach's see the. who will her adviser be? any guesses? >> her dad. >> nice. >> early look at coach highly sigh rurs and her seem adviser billy ray cyrus. they sat down and opened up about change. >> now more so than ever miley. how is the miley now different from wrecking ball miley 2013. >> i think it's all the same. i think everyone else they like to play up that i'm some, like, freak that saw changes. but everyone changes all the time. i think something that people have made is that change is a bad thing, bad for you, that's why i still got the mollet. my dad's least favorite word in the english
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>> oh, not change. >> did you decide to get him to change the hair. >> i love his hair. it's gorgeous. it inspires me. >> more from that interview coming soon. and remember you can catch the season premier of the voice right here on nbc on september 25th. you ready four your daily clip. >> yeah. >> and it's a wild one. look at this. did you get it? we've all heard don't feed the animals but what if the animals help themselves? a woman was on a safari with her family when a giraffe decided to good in, watch this, for a bite of her lunch. it was shocked by it. here's tsz the thing, they're laughing. screaming. look at that. while she's eating. >> what was she having for lunch? >> i have no idea. something yummy. >> maybe a salad. >> how crazy that. >> giraffes have those big long tongues, too. >> it was a c
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>> circle of life right there. >> sheinelle, thank you. >> ms. dylan. >> let's talk about the tropics where we have a tropical storm just now starting to pick up in forward speed moving west/northwest at 13 miles an hour. wind are up to 15 miles an hour and it is expected to cross over the uka tan peninsula and then back into the gulf of mexico before making landfall ghen mm as we go into thursday morning, thursday afternoon. so we are looking at that too. most likely maintain itself as a tropical system. no threat to the united states although it is going to be close enough to brownsville that we should continue to keep an eye on it. also looking at heavy rain today-through down through the mid atlantic, more thunderstorms redevelop this afternoon with damaging winds and the potential for some flooding rain. flooding rain is also likely down near texas and into louisiana as well. that's a look at the weather across the country. good morning right out of our window we're watching the rain drops come into the d.c. metro area now, heavier,
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corridor and shenandoah valley. could get 1, 2 inches of rain today. flash flood warnings are posted fore the d.c. area. temperatures stuck in the 70s today with the rain likely at just about anytime. sunshine's back by noon tomorrow and lasts until friday. >> that's your latest forecast. >> thank you very much. this summer the classic sleep away camp is getting a high tech makeover. >> campfire, s'mores, and moos skeet toe bites. we visited the first social star camp outside los angeles where kids are plugging in with hopes of going viral. >> this is no ordinary summer adventure. >> morning. >> good morning. >> welcome to the social star creator camp. >> hey, guys, i'm just getting ready for camp right now. >> i'm ail little tired but i'll be ready soon, so --
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camp with kids try to make dreams of become a youtube star or instagram celebrity come true. they learn logging, blogging, and branding. >> how the heck are they going to find if you don't self-promote. >> coached by michael buckly. >> the number one thing that kids want to grow up to be is a youtube star. >> but it goes far beyond self phys. they teach kids to handle online safety and bullying on modernizing their budding personalities. >> dance party. >> camp founder michelle rodriguez says there's a growing dee manned for how teens can turn likes into dollars. >> it's an opportunity for the doids learn good business practices. >> sisters kylie and caitlin richardson saved up summer job money to pay for camp. mom debbie drove them 15 hours from idaho to the outskirts
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and social media's the best way do that. >> why is social media the best way do that do you think? >> there are people our age that have millions of subscribers and people are watching them and they're making tons of money and it's something they love do. >> with just 20 youtube subscribers kylie and caitlin say they can only go up from here. >> i'm hoping something like this camp which will give them the education they will need, i'm hoping that will get them there. >> i came back to my dorm. >> more experience campers are showing them the way like 13 yd singer angelique. >> tell me, tell me baby. >> this youtube cover of an ariana grande song with 32 million views. >> what do you want to do when you're older then? >> i want to be a big pop star. >> but like most hollywood ambition, not every kid will strike it rich and it's up to parents to decide if that price tag justifies more screen time for the me generation. >> not everybody who trains for gymnastics gets to go to the olympics. not all these kids are going to be social media stars, but
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i'm teaching them to dream big and have the time of their live while create being content. >> as selfie workshops come to a close, these campers will keep chasing the spotlight long after summertime is through. for today, jo ling kent. nbc nooenz news california. >> don't look at me. >> for me it's an educational component to it and like the dream big aspect of it. there are aspects that i like. >> but i think your point about summer camp. >> you're unplugging. >> yeah. >> although there are probably a lot of parents if you could montha ties all the time you spend on social media. >> as long as you're on the phone you could be paying the mortgage. >> we met in branding class. >> exactly. teenagers branding. but they do have a lot of people to look up to that have been very successful doing this so it makes sense. >> we're just a bunch of old foggygys. . >> just ahead brett eldredge takes over for a live concert. back to your local news.
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this is a news 4 news break. home you're off to a grit 6. i'm chris lawrence. let's get a look at the roads with wpot's jack taylor in your first 4 traffic. >> we had an issue earlier moving inbound on new york avenue just as everybody merged up from the southbound bw parkway before the ant an costa crossing there as an earlier crash. it may now have cleared. we'll take a live look along 395 going northbound to the inbound 14th that's a good red line. unfortunately we've got -- had two or three incidents. thankfully everything is out the roadway. you've still got a slow down just plan for a bit of a delay. >> grab your umbrellas we'll get c
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>> yes, indeed. >> holding off the rain for a minute. >> they are. >> brett, you have a lot of fans here. i can just deal you down here to find a couple. come with me. come on, we're going this way. come on. come on. we're going to go all the way back. people waited a long time. >> let's go. she's got me. >> you ready? you with me. >> yeah, i'm with you. i'm always here. >> we're coming all the way back. we're going to cut in here. come on. where are my -- we got a selfie right here. you got your phone. >> three, two, and. >> i got you. >> let's go. come on. >> and one more. one more, brett, come on. one more. right here. >> one more. >> it's my 30th birthday, is a selfie something you're good at. >> baby, you gotta have it. >> we got it. three, two, one. you got it. all right, guys, back up to
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>> all right. brett's got some great music coming up in a minute, he's gotts a new album out. he takes a pretty good selfie. first an update in today's search for a moment. on friday we showed you last week's picks, everything from sun flowers to paddleboarding. >> viewers voted ajt photo moving on to the next round is the flying lucas. >> from noig the picture a family trip to michigan. >> so cute. we're going to have five new photos four at the end of the week that you'll be able to vote on and one of them could be yours pot so keep those pictures coming using the hash #todaysummermoment. >> let's get a check at the weather. >> starring brie larson, wood did i harrell son and naomi watts in theaters saturday. >> and we're trying to hold off the rain for this brett eldredge concert and i think we can do
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the rain is close by and we're going to see some heavier rain along that corridor from washington, d.c. up to philadelphia into new york too. we have the potential for some flooding rain down around san antonio where we could see several inches of rain and heavy downpours so lead some flash flooding. air quality alerts out in the pacific northwest because of the fires out it that way. still hot in the northwest as we go into tomorrow. mild in the middle of the country where it has been fairly cool the past couple of days. we could see some scattered showers in and around the rockies and also along the gulf cost tomorrow too. flood tleft mufz in the north and south part of carolina on tuesday and it should clear out in the northeast except for new england. that's a look across the country. good morning we have a flash flood watch for much of the area surrounding the district, much of-month-old and this is even along the eastern shore as well. we do have the shaurz around mainly principle george kbres yes, sir county these are making their way to the east and northeabu
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back off toward the west. here's now ture weather. we go through lunchtime we expect the showers around by then and then we go through the afternoon hours, temperatures only staying in the upper 70s. >> and you can find your full forecast anytime on the weather channel. savannah. all right. thank you. ready or not the back to school season is upon us and along with folders and back packs there's something else you need to be thinking about, shots. do you know that older kids need immunizations too? a survey found that i third parents with teens had no idea when they're children needed their next vaccines. so dr. alana is here, she's a pediatrician and spokesperson for the american academy of pediatrics. good morning. >> good morning. >> people do forget, you think when they're young they schedule these vaccines but as teenagers you might forget. >> it's true. >> i think when you're a new parent you're so intune with your child and all their shots and visits and the visi
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but as children get older they're annual and kids get busy with activities and it's hard to schedule them in. it's an important reminder to parents to make sure every year they have an appointment with their pediatrician. >> there's forefour vaccines. the first one is called tdap. >> it's really important that kids get that between the age of ten and 11. >> and it's just the one course. >> exact. >> i men giet tis vaccine, whr do you get that. >> so the men jiet us vaccine you get twice, the first dose is age 11 and the other one at 16. >> the hpv vaccine, first of all, let's get into this one a little bit because i know there had been some controversy about it. >> so i'm a big believer in the hpv vaccine i think it's important for both boys and girls. i look at it as an anticancer vaccine and what parent waent wouldn't want to protect their child against cancer. >> and hpv is sexually transmitted that's why some people weren't sure if they wanted their kids to be vaccinated but it's maj a huge zblirchs the ear
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get. more effective it is and. where he know that nearly serve going to be affected with hpv at some point in their life, so why not protect them before that happens. >> is it a one shot deal or multiple shots? >> it's actually different depending on your age. if you're under age 15 which is when i recommend people get the vaccine it's a two-shot series. if you wait until after any of fiend then it's 3 shots. >> if you're a parent of an early teen you should talk to your doctor about it get the facts on that. >> absolutely. in my practice i start talking about it at age 11. and i do it that early because you're not thinking about sexual activity at that time, you're thinking about protecting your child against getting cancer. >> all right. flu cac vaccine, we can't forget that. >> everyone should have their flu vaccine every single year. flu vaccines are just being shipped to pediatrician's offices now so it's a great time to thek check with your pediatrician see when their stock is in and make that appointment. >> since you're here we thought it could would be the good to not talk about vaccines but kids headed off to college and i know with the kids you've been
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since they were little you troo try to have a good talk. what you are talking about. >> i think it's important for kids to come in before college because we can do a physical exam and make sure they're up to date with blood work and vaccines but it's a great time to talk about what i call the sex, drugs, and rob and roll conversation purt want to arm kids wault information they need before they go off on their own. >> you can still see those same patients even when they go after -- off to college they're over 18 ask you to still see them? >> i do. i see them through college. i think it's important for them to have somebody that they've developed a rapport with when they come home on have a occasions or summertime it's nice for them to check in with someone that they know they've built a relationship with. >> dr. lavine, thank you so much. happy back to school even though summer's not quite over. >> let's hold on to the next few moments. >> we will. we've got a live concert from country music superstar brett eldredge coming up. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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"today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> welcome back, everybody. we're jus welcome back, everybody. we're just moments away from a live concert with this, one of the hottest men in country music, brett eldredge. but first, here's his journey to our city state ♪ i love the way you make me lose my mind ♪ ♪ lose my mind >> brett eldredge burst on the nashville scene in 2010. ♪ falling in love to the beat of the music ♪ >> with his first two albums landing at the top of the billboard charts. and those records produced an incredible six number one singles in a row ♪ you know what you're doing, baby, don'tya, don'tya. >> he made cma award and has recently been touring with super stars like keith u
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bryant ♪ ♪ i finally found something i'm good at ♪ >> now 31 years old, the illinois native is take over our summer concert stage. >> it's raining but we don't care, here he is, brett eldredge. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, everybody. let's feel the rain and feel the love and feel the moment right here. ♪ radio and a sun dress, making my world all a mess ♪ ♪ back corner of a cornfield ♪ bottle tops ♪ we pull a lever, laid the seat back laughing ♪ ♪ you slipping off your shoes ♪ while the dashboard speakers sing every word of might moves ♪ ♪ i want to be that song that gets
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♪ makes you fall ♪ that he melody, rewind she's ♪ 1 once disappeared, makes time stahl ♪ ♪ want to be those words that fill you up ♪ ♪ roll your windows down and keeps you young ♪ ♪ makes you believe you're right where you belong ♪ ♪ i wanta be that song ♪ i want to be, want to be, want to be that song ♪ ♪ oh i want to stand with you in the third row ♪ ♪ the window booth at a bar ♪ back pew on a sunday ♪ pouring out your heart ♪ when the bleachers are crowded ♪ ♪ when you're sitting all alone ♪ ♪ when the rain isri
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you need someone to take you home ♪ ♪ i want to be that song that gets you high ♪ ♪ makes you dance, makes you fall ♪ ♪ that melody rewind disappeared ♪ ♪ makes time stahl ♪ want to be those words that fill you up, roll your windows down and keeps you young ♪ ♪ makes you believe you're right where you belong ♪ ♪ i want to be that song ♪ when you're searching the horizon ♪ ♪ when your eyes look back ♪ when you're standing in the moment, every life of a soundtrack ♪ ♪ oh, i want to be, i want to be yeah, i want to be -- i want to be that song that gets you high
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fall ♪ ♪ that melody rewind for disappear ♪ ♪ makes time stahl ♪ want to be those words that fill you up ♪ ♪ roll your windows down and keeps you young ♪ ♪ makes you believe you're right where you belong ♪ ♪ i want to be that song ♪ i want to be, want to be, want to be that song ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to have more brett eldredge in just a minute but first this is today on nbc. ♪ makes you fall ♪ that melody
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♪ i can't change the word, no, i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ ♪ >> in seven years he's gone from an inspiring song writer to all of the super stars in country music. >> he soared to bigger heights with his newly released self title. good morning now. >> how's it going? >> this is your third album. >> third album. >> but the first self-title you're saying there's kind of some pressure there because when it's named after yourself, this is me. >> i was trying to be creative and just put my name on it, that's how i remember it. but it was -- it was just the most me of any of my records. was very, very heart felt, very deep and personal and the lyrics and the melodys really came out on this one. >> it steamed have paid off because this baby has been number one on itunes since was released last week, right? >> yeah. >> something there. >> can't believe that. that's so weird. >> i pulled out my phone a minute ago on the commercial break to show him and he started shaking his
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jay z is under him. >> it is it crazy to see that. >> it's so crazy i remember walking around here looking in the wind doe seeing you all and wishing one day i could come out here and here we are, number one album out there it's the weirdest thing. but i love it. i feel very fortunate and very blessed. >> there air lot of single women out there wishing for something else. this guy is one of naish nashville's hottest bachelor and there are a lot of women on the hunt out here. what are you doing gog sing for us. >> i'm going to sing something i'm good at. >> that's the name of the song. brett eldredge, take it away. >> let's go. let's get ready to go crazy around here. whae what do you say? ♪ i'm a real bad liar ♪ i'm a burnt toast dined i kind of guyer ♪ ♪ if i try to build a fire, i burn the
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♪ i apt a mover or a shaker, can't keep up with the pace ♪ ♪ never met a dance floor that ever did me any good ♪ ♪ oh i can't change a world, no, i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ but if you give me your heart girl, you may never get back ♪ ♪ you said you'd never smiled again but would you look at that ♪ ♪ i finally found something i'm good at ♪ >> let's go ♪ ♪ i got a poor sense of direction, sometimes too strong of affection for a whiskey madeny pittsburgh, tennessee ♪ ♪ there's been a hole in my boat, son you bet that's all she wrote ♪ ♪ i'm a titanic sinking down into that deep blue sea ♪ ♪ i can't change the world, no, i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ but if you give me your heart girl, you may never get it ba
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again, but awe no, here it comes, would you look at that, i finally found something i'm good ♪ everybody dance with me in the rain. let's go. ♪ ♪ dam you're the looker the king of the sugar you're the author of the book, i'm reading ♪ ♪ ain't you baby? ♪ ♪ you're the bu are a.m. of my eye, not to i cry, turn me upside down, spin me around, spend all my money on you all over this town ♪ ♪ oh, i can't change the world, no, i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ but if you give me your heart girl, you may never get it back ♪ ♪ you said you'd never smile again but o
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would you look at that ♪ ♪ would you look at that ♪ i finally found something i'm really good at ♪ ♪ you thought it was over? ♪ ♪ oh, my my my, such a lucky guy, you got me tongue tied like jekyll and hide i'm coming undone, born to run got my shades on here comes the sun. tick tok's ticking i'm flip flop flipping i'm about to cuss, somewhere to bust i can't stop singing i'm having way too much fun ♪ ♪ you all having too much fun ♪ i can't change the world, no i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ but if you give me your heart girl you may never get it back ♪ ♪ you said you'd never smile again but o no here it comes, would you look at that ♪ ♪ i finally
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so good at ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome brett eldredge and all our summer concert artists at apple p. and once again thanks to brett eldredge he got to sing more and co-host our next hour. but first on a monday morning this is "today" on nbc. ♪ i finally foind something i'm good at. foind something i'm good at. ufoind something i'm good at. nfoind something i'm good at. dfoind something i'm good at. something i'm good at.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i can't change the world, no, i can't change a flat ♪ >> brett eldredge here. >> we got to bring out, brett. >> you were awesome, man. >> that was so fun. i'm drenched, man. there's nothing, i mean there's nothing like singing in the rain, i'll tell you that. >> are you going to dry off before 9:00? >> i think i might stay like this. >> it's working for you. >> that was so fun. that was a dream. that was a dream right there. i can't even speak. >> making memories in the rain, you'll never forget it. >> we have john seena and brett eldredge co-hosting. >> cool. >> you see verses in a bucket, what are we doing. >> that's a big surprise. i want to tell you about, but it's going to be wild. h
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>> the team of seena and eldredge. >> exactly. that could be real good. >> maybe allen grier is going to be here as well he will play a game with us. >> good. >> and we're also making simple summer supers. >> it's going to be a big show today. >> thank you all. >> you've earned it. >> more songs from brett too after your local news and weather. >> that was awesome, brett. ♪ i can't change the world, no, i can't change a flat ♪ ♪ if you give her your heart girl ♪
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this is a news 4 today news break. >> hi, good morning everyone. it's 8:56 on this monday, august 7th, 2017. i'm angie golf the let's get a look at your monday morning commute with jack taylor. hey, jack. >> good morning. six teeth street headed down towards scott sirk had a little flooding going on down there unfortunately both directions of 16th street has the left lane getting by in each direction. also a
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good monday morning. we have quite a bit of rain on radar heading our way and we expect some of that to be heavy as we go through the day. so flash flood watch for most of the area around the district and maryland even off to the eastern shore through this evening. only 78 for a high temperature today, periods of rain, some heavy showers and thunderstorms. we do dryout tomorrow, low 80s, more sunshine through thursday and friday's our next chance of rain. angie. thanks sheena get the latest news and weather anytime in our nbc washington app. now back to "today" after this break.
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♪ this morning on "today's this morning on. today's take" john seen is is our celebrity co-host and we're planning summer slam fan. plus kicking it country with our star brett eldredge. and david alan grier is ready to make some snap decisions about us. coming up now. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> look at that crowd. good morning, welcome to "today" on this monday morning, august 7th, 2017. that is something i'm good at by brett eldredge who's not only our summer concert star but our guest co-host today. and wwe super sfar, john cena. >> everybos
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>> we're here today. >> did you dry off a bit. >> i dried off a little bit. it was a downpour but i loved it. >> was it fun to sing in the rain. >> it's so fun. i sort of like spinning around and stuff. >> it looked like you were having a good time. >> dancing in the rain, what are you going to did. >> they just put is it a gist or a gift, what do you say. >> i'd say give. >> i'll go jif. >> well, there's one of those of you, it's great. you like to do this and you spin. >> that's awesome. >> i like to spin. >> it looked like joy. >> it is joy. >> that song is so much fun. i was outside of atlanta the other day and i had country radio and that song came on and i just rolled down the windows, turned up the volume. >> put a smile on your face. >> i was trying to memorize the fast part of the song. >> it's hard right. >> i got flip-flops flipping. >> that's all you need. flip flop flipping. >> flip flop flipping, that's one of the lines along with a lot of other crazy ones. >> it was fun to see do you it life. >>
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already number one on iks tunes. >> that's crazy. >> i'm with that. >> can get hear it from the gallery. >> let's go. >> number one. >> all right. >> look at that. >> that's my parents. they're the ones that are really loud right there. >> oh. >> they're always the number one fans. >> they're adorable. >> this is something i dig, you're did he nating $2 off every album sale to st. jude's and if you don't know anything about st. jude's hospital that's an awesome cause and awesome gesture. that's really cool. >> i've been there and been to the hospital and i've done several events and things with them and they're just -- when you see the shot they give it, you know, for kids that shouldn't be sick and, you know, you hate to see them going through that when they got a shot at life and people that really give them a great environment, it's -- it's the most special place in the world. >> wonderful thing to do what you live and be able to give back. >> so you donated $2 off every sale, that's great. >> we saw your mom over there
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>> oh, yeah. >> hi mom, hi dad, what are their names. >> robin and chris. >> i get it. >> oh, i get it. >> yeah, yeah. >> they're talkers. >> i hear your mom, i hear you made brownie, right? >> i did. >> she did. don't be shy, mom. >> and i helped. >> and he helped. >> i heard about these brownies but i'm noit not tasting the brownies. >> yeah. oh, we should have brought them. >> where are these brownies. >> there's a giant kitchen right here. >> i'm sure we have the ingreed yepts. that was -- where was that the recording studio. >> was that at the label. >> we didn't make the cut. >> if question get the ingredients i think we should whip up some. >> family runs it. >> we're going to put them to work, no way. enjoy yourselves. >> we have the promotion forts album. explain in to me from nashville and chicago they have these brett themed potholes. >> new definition of street cred. >> yeah. >> it's serious street
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let's fill potholes while promoting this new album. >> there's an amazing artist in chicago and he literally takes -- he takes literally finds the perfect spot for a pothole and he takes sur ram mick tiles and. >> that's not paint. >> and fills them and then the stit's like i'm down with that because you're filling the pothole. >> right. >> and you get cool art out of it. it's really beautiful. it's cool art and it stays there until it gets oil spills ton and so people are running over me all the time. >> but they're walking all over you out there. >> they're walking all over me but i'm fine with it. >> that's good stuff. >> you're beyond busy. john you have eight billion products. should we talk about transformers. >> we should talk about today here right now. >> like dylan was saying, transformers, there's big. >> the spinoff called bumable bee, i asked if you were going to be bumable bee. >> i will sneak in there as a very different character, i'm very excited about. travis knight's going to direct. i think it's already
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shooting, i'm going to join the cast. >> so you're late. >> i am, but i'm always running which is good. i'm very, very excited about it the one of the things to keep it going. >> that's one thing had the let's list off other things summer slam. >> come back to brooklyn. wwe sold out four nights in a row at barkley, saturday, sunday, monday, and tuesday. very excited about that. >> that streams live. >> on the ww network august 20th you can catch that that's going to be an important one. >> still trying to do everything at once sitting here at the desk with you will guys. it's a good time. >> i'm look at both of you guys. brett you claim you're taller than john cena, is this true? >> i have a booster seat because -- >> she look at my -- >> who's taller? >> you want to do this. >> how many of you guys -- >> i never claimed anything by the way. i don't want to get -- >> hold on. >> brett is -- >> it's going to be close. >> brett. >> everybody's saying brett. >> back to back, are you ready. >> stand up and reveal. >> oh. >> brett's taller.
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the sitting next toe somebody taller, younger, musically inclined, number one album, so this smie last appearance on "today". thank you so much, i appreciate it. >> the question is who's taller brett or sheinelle. >> i don't know, may be. >> that's a tough one. >> let's see what happened. >> take your shoes off. >> we're taking shoes off too. >> yeah, this is the real deal. >> i think you got him. >> what if i -- >> you had it. do it one more time. >> one more time. >> in the legs. >> your hair got there. >> you can't even jump as tall as he can. >> that's insane. >> that was a weak jump. >> i didn't want you to see spankage and everything, so i tried to like -- >> i made that word up. i was trying to be grateful. >> let's talk about your weekend you're beyond busy. >> my dad came up and i have april 8-month-old at home now so to see my dad with little calvin is my favorite thing in the world but it's funny when he was only 1
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wasn't a big fan -- i'd let him hold him and he'd be like you can have him back and now he's giving him a bottle. i think because he's such a solid little guy my dad doesn't feel like he's going to break him. >> that's sweet. >> it's so sweet to see. i'm a daddy's girl r so. >> he's such a happy little guy. >> he's getting a bottle so he is happy. >> that's so cute. >>s that way my weekend. >> you went hiking. >>? >> i did. i can't even lie. surprise, i'm not athletic by any means. >> we saw your jump. >> friends came in from out of town and they were like let's do something. i'm like where we going to eat? they were like let's do something, be active. let's go on a hike pirt had hiking boots left over from a segment dylaned a did in maine so i put on the hiking boots and it was the best thing. i am so. >> i love to hike. >> it was -- we climbed to the top of the mountain. >> i like to get out in nature every once in a while. >> it's one of those things i'm making a commitment to try do it more ouchb. we talked all the way up to the
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if was therapeutic and you get to the top and the air is clean. >> you go to places where you won't get cell phone service which say plus. >> that's a good point. >> in the moment. >> and then you know what you bond with people on the way up because you try to get people to take your picture and we met a guy from around -- i mean you just meet people from all over the place. >> where do you like to hike? >> where do you like to hike? >> i like west coast there's a trail in mol bu that i love around malibu. so -- but i gliek all over because we play so many different places you can't just sit in the bus all day. >> i don't care if i'm in nebraska and it's flat, i'll hike there, you know. >> there's a trail somewhere. >> i grew up in illinois, so i can find somewhere to hike. >> that's good stuff. >> so we're going to play a little game called behind the curtain. >> i'm awesome at today show games by the way. >> we were trying to think how we could make a curtain but the producers figured it out. we are going to use a
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sneaker. >> you can gets which one's going where. >> he's got the street cred, maybe he's got the sneaker. >> is this your size. >> that's more my size. >> yeah, it's like a size 4 extra thin. >> yeah. >> exactly. are there questions inside. >> yeah. who wants go first. >> what do we do? >> just go. >> i'll go. this is awesome what's the craziest fan interaction you've had during a match? we have a lot of fans that are not shy about expressing their opinions, so many times during matches i have heard honest opinions of our consumers and they have not exactly been positive. so heckling, i guess, is the kra craziest intersection. >> do you hear that i lot? >> every single time. >> here woe go. >> what is your go-to movie that the crowd is a little restless. move not movie had the hey,
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now. >> your go-to move. >> i just join them. i literally will jump out in the crowd. i like receiptless, i'm very rest e restless, i can't sit still. >> have you ever skbrufrpd out what do you do this. >> crowd surfing. >> i'm really big i feel like i'm going to hurt somebody. you can imagine like -- >> i didn't trust him. >> if here in the audience we're like oh no. >> all right. what i do eat before a match. >> tic tacs. i know that sounds weird but like if our show goes on at 8:00 i will stop eating around 4:00 and then around 6:00 i'll start firing tic tacs. >> the whole thing. >> boxes. >> what flavor. >> the minty ones but sometimes i'm in the mood for like the orange. >> orange, you there go. i'm a fan of the orange ones. okay. how do you pump yourself up for a show? >> stand in the rain. >> how do you pump yourself up. >
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>> do it. >> we did the weirdest dances we possibly can. >> to whose music. >> anything. like pick the weirdest song you can think of. >> how about this, whatever this music is. >> i'm a barbie girl or it doesn't matter, but something like that that takes out of your comfort zone. >> ♪ ♪ you may gefr e never get it back. >> or this song. >> i love this song. i do this one and spin in the rain and sing this song. >> speaking of feeling good, upnext the feel-good story of the morning. a runner collapses during a race but goes on to win. and you'll never believe who helped him cross the finish line. that's coming up right after this. >> wow. slow mo, yes. >> did i get it? >> no. ♪ ♪
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9:14 am
pampers. back, now, wit back now with more "today's take" and superstar co-host john cena and brett el grej. we are talking about this story this is all about sportsmanship. there was a 10-k in maine. according to the press, jesse or rach was in the lead and less than 300 -- less than 100 yards from the finish line he apparently collapse from the heatstroke. so he told the portland press herald that he thought the race was over for him. but then he felt someone pick him
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competitor helped him to his feet and then carried him across the finish line. this was the guy that was in second place. >> wow. >> and ended you up lifting him. so he ended up going on to win the race. >> that's pretty cool. >> how amazing is that. >> because he could you have looked at him and kept going. >> ran right by him. >> we were trying to reach out to him for comment. we received a statement from robert he said it all happened so quickly i didn't have much time to think about it. he said i felt the need to get jesse to cross the finish line before me because i believed he did served to win. >> how cool is that. >> that's the best. >> now, if you were in first place and you would have fallen, would have you wanted somebody to carry you across the finish line? >> i think when the guy explains himself and the fact that he was -- the gentleman in front of him was a better runner than he, i think you can't deny that, whether you would want it to happen that way or not, that's a not. that's a tremendous show of sportmanship. let's talk about the
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2 1/2, 3 weeks. with their grandparents. their flight was canceled. couldn't get out until this morning. >> really in. >> flights are all canceled all over the place. al missed a day because he got stuck in minneapolis. the rain today is going to be just as intense as we've seen recently. we kwo see some flooding around. san antonio. but the mid atlantic, while it i is raining, there's heavier rain that's going tonight stuff you f want to go inside for because we could see some strong storms too. maybee flash flooding with 30 million people under some sort of flash flood watch and we ilal could end upph like philadelphi with more than foir inches of rain and if it falls in a short period of of time it floods thed streets and that coulds cause st somere problems. it's all part of this frontal system that extends down to the gulf coast where more rain is expected in louisiana and texas and we will keep an eye out for potential for stronger storms in the northeast later on
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now here's a peek out your window. >> good morning, everybody. just a little light rain across the city now but there are heavier bands of rain with some embedded thunderstorms down towards shol lots vim and cole perp. that band of heavy rains and thunderstorms is coming our way. have your umbrella ready to go. that wave of moderate to heavy rain is likely to impact us on the lunch hour and evening parts of the commute so could be a slow ride home for many today. back to sunshine by noon tomorrow and dry for wednesday and thursday, showery on fridays >> and that's your latest forecast. so all right, john, you can throw down in the rain but are you ready to throw down against me and sheinelle and someone row country muse zblik it's an outlaw showdown. ta >> brett'sre going to. put us t the test right after this. it was tough getting out there on stage. outlaw showdown. >> brett's going to put us to the test right after this. ce zb outlaw showdown. >> brett's going to put us to the test right after this. zbli outlaw showdown. >> ets intouts thst
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outlaw showdown. >> brett gngo t thet ghafr it's an outlaw showdown. >> brett'gogp ut thte rhtfthis. ? it's an outlaw showdown. btt gngo t t thet ghafr is it's an outlaw sh >> bretinuts the st ahi > it's an outlaw show >> brett'gog p uto the rft ts. > it's an outlaw sh >> etsoi tpso thest teth. it's an outlaw showd >> brett gng tt t the tghr is it's an outlaw show >> brett's intouts thst aerhi don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. never give up. see me. see me. clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. ♪ no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. and an excellent source of calcium. enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow.
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now, it's mama's turn. welcome to my she shed. ...where high heels are forbidden by royal decree of the queen. ...and my treats are only for me. fiber one 90 calorie brownies. allll mine. all right. this is absolutely ridiculous. john seen is a superstar in the ring and brett eldredge is a superstar on the stage. >> i'm going to head to head or should i say horse to horse with dylan and sheinelle in a country trivia showdown have. >> we turned off all the monitors so we can't see how rebik tic cue lous we look. with our horse we have to make our way
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up a horseshoe and bring it back to brett and that's how we answer the question. you ready. >> yeah. >> let's do this. here we go. >> aren't why are you nervous. >> the horse thing is throwing me off here. which country ledge end is this superstar's godmother. a reba mcintyre, dolly parton, c, loretta lynn. >> that's how riley, dylan, what is that. >> this is so stupid. >> my trusty stead. >> john's catching her, he though. >> you can go fast center. >> go. >> this is so dumb. >> i missed it. >> i'm going to go with doll by parton. >> is that right. >> ding ding ding. that's really -- >> all right what the else you got. >> reese witherspoon won an oscar golden globe award for this portrayal country singer icon? >> wait. >> the pal meeno get it. >> that's ai
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>> i've never seen anybody run in heels like that. >> john when are you coming back to the show. >> country muse sick strongly associated with the nashville but some stars are born outside of the u.s. which one of these artists is from out swried the united states. >> who is johnny paycheck. who is david alanco. >> who is hank williams, hank june, or, hank the third? who is williams. >> those are close,on. it's shania twan. >> i'll take that horseshoe. >> thank you. >> i'm due. i'm due, it's going to happen fop for me. >> guess the country music star based on this instagram post. >> wait, where's the post. >> that's it right there. >> right here, right here. >> hold on, i need some hay. >> yeah, yeah, he does need some hay. that one's obvious that's jerry reed from smoky and the bandit. >> wow. that was
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>> close. >> you thought it was -- >> i was like oh, okay. >> which country group is behind the hit songs what hurts the most blessed the broken road, life say high war, from georgia line or the ras cal flats. >> dylan got there first. ras cal sflats correct. >> what's the score now. >> i don't any know i think we're out of time. >> have you three. >> last one. >> please give me a conway twitty question. i hope it is. i feel like it's not, though. this kruter is considered one of country music's most eligible vel bachelors and is behind this hit song. >> ♪ ♪ i can't change the world, i can't change a flat. >> how but, brett eldredge. >> yes. we got a winner. >> congratulations. >> what did i win. >> hey. >>
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>> i won this ridiculous hat. >> the show is called snap decision and we're going to play a round with david right after your local news. here you want one of these, david? this is all you. >> i thought you had it, man. i thought you had them. 1 roots gone! magic root cover up by l'oréal paris. oh, my gosh! bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. assume nothing. just like the leading brand, kraft real mayo is made with high quality ingredients at a price you can feel good about no wonder kraft is so good. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. new deep hydrating eye gel with hyaluronic acid born to outperform the #1...
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for better hydration. and your best look yet. olay eyes collection. ageless. this is a news 4 today news break. >> hope your morning is off to a great start it's 9:26 on this monday august 7th. i'm metro transit police have a suspect in custody following the shooting of a teenage boy on a red line train. police say the person was arrested overnight in prince george's county. three persons of interest were initially identify in surveillance photos from the station. you can follow justin lynch on twitter to get updates. if you take the beltway in maryland make sure you watch your speed. those new speed cameras we told but suitland road are going to start giving out real tickets and it will cost you up to $40. they will automatically flag driversvi
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our future weather shows the heaviest of the rain in here between about lunchtime and about 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon. temperaturewise we're only around 70 right now we'll stay in the 70s forts rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. ts rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. ts rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. hts rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. ets rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. s rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. rest of today. sunshine back tomorrow after.
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♪ he's been called one he's been called one of the 100 greatest stand-up kmeed ians of all time. he had liz days in "living color" where he had some of the shows most unforgettable characters. >> and tonight they will be bringing the laughs as host of a brand new came show called snap decision. >> and as you might imagine from the tight it will has its contestants judging people for some big money. check it out. >> what is the first thing crystal does when she gets to a party? checks occupant the bathroom? hides some of the alcohol to make sure to have some for later? >> yeah. >> veronica why you say bathroom. >> i feel crystal needs to make sure she looks good, you
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gotta pee or whatever she gotta do. >> excuse me. >> pee. >> excuse me. >> urinate. >> thank you. >> davidal lan grier, so nice to have you here. tell us about this show and how you got involved. >> first of all they said they were going to pay me to do this show and i said i will do it, that is -- >> that's right. that's a good start. >> but it's a fun show, man. we take three people, three strangers and we have three contestants and you basically have to make gross generalization about these people. >> you probably can't judge a book by its cover. >> you're paid to and a big black dude you say who is the hip hop artist everybody says the black dude, that's how you gotta do it. >> don't you think tlg a game show so you think maybe i should pick the other thing? >> that's true but it's not always that obvious. you got to play it. >> have always wamtded to day game show. >> i always watched the game shows when i was a le
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>> probably like the match game. when you were a kid you had to know how to play it the simplest was the best. >> the what did it mean for you to be a part of the series. >> i like the way you say ending the run. by mutual this couple is break up. they had decided. >> people love of it. >> to move on. >> what would you say. >> it got cancelled but we're good. we're still here and we're saying who was it what? >> what does it mean to you to so kay show? people love of this show. >> it's great. i mean, every day last night we're talk about the dave chappell concert people coming up saying you like your work, there's nothing bad about that. that's all right. >> the indeed. you're also in the film "the big sick". >> i'm glad you brought that up. you know, i don't know how i did it, but "the big sick" my big movie say big hit and that's awe 'cause of me. and, yeah, it's great. >> well, one of the right writers emily
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the writers on the carl michael show and she was leaving. i said what are you doing. >> she says i'm going a movie. i said get out of hire. >> i said why are you so happy? because she was happy every day. she said i almost died and she told me the whole story about this movie, that totally floored me. i said i'll do it. kbu i had no idea it would become what it became. >> such a hit. >> yeah. >> people love. in honor of your new show, "snap decision" we're going to play a quick round right here. we have two of our fans from the flaza they didn't know they were going to be on today. thank you guys. they're have miami and south carolina. how are you. >> nice to meet you. >> hi. >> nice to meet. >> you keefe and lauren. >> first of all, i don't know if the producers told you about but whoever wins this, don't look at my card. >> is going to get $10,000. >> whew. >> it's
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that says $10,000. >> all right. >> here we go. >> we're going play the ghetto version of "snap decision" i'm going ask you a question and you've got to tell me which one of these people here before you does it apply to. so you ready? >> ready. >> first question, who dreams of being a backup dancer? >> oh, that's me. >> no, that's -- >> really. >> yeah, that's true. >> sheinelle, first of all, sheinelle, you need to up your dreams, girl. >> honestly, i've had those thoughts. >> wow. let's keep going. nobody out there knew. >> who hit a grand slam their freshman year of high school. grand slam. wait. >> well, dylan was correct. nobody got. >> -- >> it was terrible. >> here's another one. ladies let'sis
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ears. who made a rap album titled you can't see me? >> oh, wait. >> that's a good choice. >> you ready, john -- >> no, he said brett. >> no, zlach question. next question. >> it was you? >> yes. >> you did. >> i did. >> laeds ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention. who used to stock shelves at cvs. >> dylan. again. last question. >> last question. let's get our acts together because you all are terrible. >> where's the $10,000. >> who found the snake in their bathroom while on vacation? >> i find one if ny bathroom every day. ladies, the correct answer is brett. all right. all right. >> in the
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that say cash value of that estimated is $10,000. >> there you go. >> thank you so much. >> awesome. >> thank you. >> thank you, david, thank you so much for coming on. it debuts tonight on gsn. coming up tonight we're going to have a light summer dish with a fish twist that you can make right after this. hi. i'm the one clocking in... when you're clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. there. i can even warm these to help you fall asleep faster. does your bed do that? oh. i don't actually talk. though i'm smart enough to. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. how'd we rethink light yogurt? kicked out artificial sweeteners,
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and made it 90 calories. new light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. you'll go from "mmm" to "wow." hdid you get that email i sente wyou...before you wake up. ...s. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. ♪ good is in every blue diamond almond. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. blue diamond almonds. get your good going. and get going to the nut job 2: nutty by nature. intrzero alcohol™.ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. your clue is a great way to start the day. for the win.
9:38 am
zzzz! no we were looking for g. gluten-free breakfast cereal. good starts with g. is more than one thing. with floral fusion oil it's soft skin and fine fragrance. discover more than one thing with caress. soft skin, fine fragrance. caress. ♪ no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. and an excellent source of calcium. enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow. at pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. hey, it's dinner.
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luckily, no one cleans and kills germs better than clorox disinfecting wipes. hitting the mid-morning wall? with up to 24 grams of hearty protein jimmy dean bowls help you avoid it. shine on. so being cool comes naturally. hmm. i can't decide if this place is swag or bling. it's pretzels. word. ladies, you know when you switch, you get my bomb-diggity discounts automatically. ♪ no duh, right? [ chuckles ] sir, you forgot -- keep it. you're gonna need it when i make it precipitate. what, what? what?
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♪ salivating. this morning on "today this morning on "today food" a simple summer siper so you can spend more time with your family. >> this is mod mad what are you making for us. >> the seafood dish that will get your kids and any nonfish eater to eat fish if the we're taking teariac i can salmon starting with honey, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and if you can put the lemon juice in there, how simple is that. trust me teariac ski i can sauce on kish, kids are heating it. >> i don't do that. mad hungry is all about being mad hungry and mad
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so the next thing we're doing is putting the salmon in and fugt face down, skin up and we're letting that marin nate no longer than 10 minutes spot we have a grill heating here, you could use your outdoor grill and you can also broil. turns this you know how fish sticks and you get heard about it i put a little bit of oil opt fish and get it right on to the grill and just leave it, boom. >> how long did you mayor nate it again? >> 15 minutes. this goes on and this can sit here from anywhere about 7, 8, 10 minutes. if you're on the stove top grill prosecutor guys, go like this, boom, leave it. we're out thea t. and if the skin if it stiksz you can pull it right off but it prblly won't stick because of that oil. here we have coconut milk and then we're adding water, rice in here. i always do three cups of liquids were two kuchz rice, little bit of salt, bring it to a boil, put the top on, you guys got that, right. >> i
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little bit of salt. >> we put i little bit of 1k58 onon there and then we fluff 'are okay, guys. one more thing, a japanese meese so he, that's like a bomb right there. we have sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, lime with lime zest, a little bit of soy, again, and some safflower oil. fixing this up, you can put that in there for me. >> sure. put what in where. >> put this in here. this is the slaus we just made three dishes in minutes. >> was there coconut something in the rice. >> yeah, coconut. >> so good. >> it's very good. >> i missed that. >> and then this is going here. and then one last little touch. >> little says m&eamy seed on top. >> they'll think you were in the kitchen all day. >> this salmon is so good. >> and if you were mad hungry you're not going to be hungry anymore. >> no. and zero fish taste. that's what we're going for. >> how did you do this that quickly? that wer
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u. >> because i'm eye cook the mad hungtry kids so you don't r don't want to be in the kitchen. >> if you want to make these recipes at home check out our website dylan you have to do the weather. >> i always forget when i have to do the weather. let's take a look at what's going on this week. starting off with strong storms up and down the east coast stretching back into texas. by the middle of the week we're going to see more of those storms start to move into the midwest, afternoon pop-up thunderstorms along the gulf coast. real nice in the northeast, low humidity, temperatures in the low 80s by the milled of the week and by week's end more showers return to the east coast, nice in the midwest and dry out set of. now here's a peek out your window. >> we have quite a bit of rain moving into the area, you see them to the south and west of the fredericksburg. that red shows you you the heavy rain, thunderstorms with lightning strikes will be crossing 95
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frez fredericksburg. we have the flash flood watch out you there this evening all the counted ties you see shaded in green. later on today over the next several hours we're talking about heavy rain moving in, temperatures upper 70s. tomorrow for the milled of the week we're dry. >> that's your latest forecast. c and that's your latest forecast. coming up next, another song from brett eldredge he's pormg one his newest hits. you know that? that's right after this. you kn? we all want restful sleep. that's why nature's bounty melatonin is made to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. so you'll be ready for whatever tomorrow brings. because mom's love is unconditional. even at 6am. nature's bounty melatonin. we're all better off healthy. nature's bounty knows healthy cholesterol starts in your gut. so we made cardio-health, an innovative way to support healthy cholesterol, containing lrc, a probiotic strain that helps you metabolize dietary cholesterol. because we all want to be healthy for whatever comes next. nature's bounty cardio-health.
9:45 am
nature valley. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. how'd we rethink light yogurt? kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. new light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. you'll go from "mmm" to "wow." i ...prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended... with zero artificial sweeteners. 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed. a new epic flavor...
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it's cranberry. it's pineapple. and there's no. sugar. added. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. the next big thing to hit the juice aisle. frizzy, unruly hair?100% juice. need a hair smoother get super fruit moroccan argan oil with sleek & shine leave-in cream long lasting frizz control for up to 3 days of sleek hair fructis sleek & shine the #1 treatment in america super fruit. super hair. garnier. this timyou haveis turn. 4.3 minutes to yourself. this calls for a taste of cheesecake. new philadelphia cheesecake cups. rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. find them with the refrigerated desserts.
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nce companies just see a house. we see the home you've worked really hard for. ♪ the toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. new parodontax toothpaste.
9:48 am
so you can enjoy family time, one more time. come in for a fan favorite like smoked mozzarella chicken here. plus all the salad and breadsticks you want, and leave with a great meal too. buy one take one starting at $12.99 have seconds of food and family. hurry in, it's only for a limited time. at olive garden. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. country star brett eldredge has been rocking our plaza all morning long and he's saved one song just for us off his new telephone e self-titled studio album, ladies and gentlemen, brett
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♪ don't think i've ever seen your kind of pretty ♪ ♪ wander round this midnight madhouse city ♪ ♪ you got to look that says you got it altogether ♪ ♪ so if you don't mind i'd like to know you better ♪ ♪ take me the long way around your town ♪ ♪ where you're the queen with the silver crown ♪ ♪ i want the secrets you keep ♪ the shine underneath of the diamond i think i just found ♪ ♪ take me the long way around ♪ i love to
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dad by met your mama ♪ ♪ your hand me down ♪ show me the field you danced in clover ♪ ♪ the harvest in october ♪ and when the leaves fall from the sky just like a sunday -- ♪ ♪ take met long way around your town ♪ ♪ where you're the queen with the silver crown ♪ ♪ i want the secrets you keep, the shine underneath of the diamond i think i just found ♪ ♪ take me the long way around ♪
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♪ i'd be falling for somewhere i never been ♪ ♪ take me the long way around your town ♪ ♪ where you were queen with the silver crown ♪ ♪ i want your red blushing stories, your thoughts and your glories, that made you who you are right now ♪ ♪ take met long way around ♪ oh take me the long way around, yeah ♪ ♪
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can we request we thank john and brett for being here this morning. >> thank you. >> it's great hanging with you. >> so lucky. >> it was competitive with you two on the air? >> totally. >> he's taller, deeper voice, he's got the scruffy going on. i'll never work in this town again. >> i loved the cowboy look on that horse. >> that's something i'll remember forever. pathetic is one way too describe is it it. >> brett's got another song for us. >> i do. >> when did you get this voice? was it like 10 you're like wait a minute i
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>> that's frightening. >> yeah, it was this low. >> i just got this one right now. we're going to keep trying. >> your mom's here. can we wave to your mom again. >> come here. >> mom and dad, let's go. >> great mom and dad. >> come on. >> this is good. >> and dad. >> and dad. >> a lot of work went into the making of this. >> this is the backbone. >> ready for our christmas picture, three, two. >> nobody's looking. >> all right. here it is. there we go. >> that's awesome. all right.
9:56 am
at ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. and... who's there? hey. a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any... wait, what's going on now? move the flag. at ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. and... who's there? hey.
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a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any... wait, what's going on now? move the flag. this is a news 4 today news break. >> good morning. the time right now is 9:57 on this monday, august 7th. i'm angie goff. one person is now in custody following yesterday's shooting on a metro train. a teenage boy was shot as the train pulled into the takoma station. metro transit police say the suspect was arrested overnight in prince george's county. the teen who was hot is in stable condition at the hospital now. follow justin finch on twitter for updates.
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day you will want to pack that umbrella today. sheena. we have the heavy rain moving into parts of the area, especially approaching frederickburg down down 95. that red is showing you the heavy rain. it's moving in the direction of 95 and the beltway so we'll see that move through the area. plsh flood watch all the county shaded in green through this evening. so today only the upper 70s, but the heavy rain as we go into the next few hours here and into the early parts of the afternoon. tomorrow through thursday we dry out and our next chance of vein friday. >> coming up on news 4 midday justin finch and a live report on the metro train shooting arest. see you then. you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit
10:00 am
from nbc news, this is "today". with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> everybody welcome to fun day monday. we're so glad you're deciding to spend a little of it with us. it's august 7th. >> that's brett eldredge singing. >> it is and he's going to sing a little bit more. and your birthday coming up in a couple of days. >> your barj day is come up too. >> i'm getting out of country for mine, just to forget it but he's been driving our crowd wild all morning long. he's such a sweetheart isn't he
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