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tv   Today  NBC  August 14, 2017 7:00am-9:58am EDT

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good morning. nbc news exclusive. >> these extremist fringe groups have no place in the debate. >> vice president condemns the kk, for that deadly violence in virginia, president trump under fire for stopping short. >> why won't the president use those same words? >> this morning, attorney general jeff sessions responds to the up roar as the suspect in that faltal car attack heads to court. breaking overnight, they call back the key ambassadors to china, russia, and the u.n. as the regime's deadline to ready a ship to guam im
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tropical storm geert forms in the atlantic ocean. all this plus the notorious el choppo heads back to court. tom cruise is in a risky business and usain bolt has one final lap today. monday, august 14, 2017. from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> morning everybody, welcome to today. so good to have you for a monday morning. we have craig for matt. >> we have those clashes between white nationalists and protesters in charlottesville, virginia. >> the 20-year-old suspect accuse of rapping his car into a crowd and killing one woman, injuring 19 others will be arraigned today on murder and
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the fbi and federal prosecutors have also opened civil rights investigations into that deadly crash. >> meanwhile vigils were held in chars and acro charlottesville and others to honor the other victims. overnight mike pence spoke out telling dangerous fringe groups like white supremacist groups and kkk have no place. president trump has not spoke out about it. we have a team of correspondents standing by with the very latest we'll start withith tom costellt the scene this morning. >> reporter: quite quiet here. we have not seen white supremacists here. but their message on saturday was that this country belongs to whites and the jews should also get out. we had an
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white nationalist leader and protest protesters. in seattle sunday, chaos and confus against antihate demonstrators there to take a stand against why supremacists. across the country, marches in los angeles, denver, chicago, new york, baltimore and houstonn while back in virginia, a solemn gathering at the site where a woman died on saturday. this morning 20-year-old alex fields willoman appear in court charged with second degree murder. accused of driving his car intoc a crowd of antihate demonstrators on purpose killing thirtd 32-year-old heather higher had the per mother devastated. >> i'mvery verysa sad.d. a very sad. c
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will lead me m to hate. >> reporter: outside toledo fields arrest said it caught his mother by surprise. surp >> i just knew he was going to a rally. >> i try to stay o out off his w political views. >> but as. former high school teach teacher says fields had o-nazi neo-nazis leanings. >> he thought what hitler did was great and he had this whole. white supremacy racial dominance thing. he was into that. >> reporter: in charlottesville sunday, they shouted down shout the right organizer jason kessler who suggested police anw counterprotesters were to blamee for the violence. >> the noise that you hear aroirchd you that's the antiwhite hate. >> reporter: but they were attack andnd chasing him beforee police escorted him to safety. meanwhile, virginia is mourning the loss of two straight ty. when they're d police helicopter crashed m afts
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governor terryry mcauliffe blamed their deaths on the white nationalists. >> i don't know who they think e they are, these white the supremacist nazis, get out of the country. >> the fbi and department of justice have watched a civil rights investigation to if determine whether alex fields wakted in a premeditated way when he allegedly killed treet 32-year-old heather higheyer. there's a t makeshifthere memorr 32-year-old heather heyer who died on saturday, many people h wearing t-shirts with her re picture really placed dead center on the t-shirt itself.rgd police did charge one man for misdemeanor assault for spitting open that white nationalist jason kessler on the has back to you. > president trump has come under fire for not explicitly t condemning the role of whi
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staff doing -- good morning. g >> reporter: there is mounting pressure on president trump to publicly denounce the white to b supremacistli at the root of th violence in virginia.iolenc he didn't do it over the weekent and now democrats and ited. republicans are united. he needs to speakhe out more in, forcefully. >> this morning the the white hw grappling with the online backlash over all the words ds president trump didn't say in the wakepr of those violent crashes in virginia, not cla specifically calling out white supremacists groups behind it all. >> he missed an opportunity to be very be explicit here. >> call this white sue premmism, evil. >> instead, his initial statement on saturday seemed to, suggest everyone shared some ven blame. >>e hatred, bigotry and violenc, on many sides, on many sides. ie >> thence pruz president's init sprail failure to condemn the white nationalists was significant because during the i campaignde some of those same groups openly suped
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leader david duke said they were protesting in the president's name. >> we are determined to take our country back. we're going to fulfill the 're g promises of donald trump. t >> thehe reaction swift and ang> including for many republicans. marco rubio urging the senato president to call the eventr a terror attack by white t to nationalists. even mr. trump's short lived emr communicationsro director. s >> i think needed to be much harsher in the white >> supremacists and h the nature o that. >> the orter: his daughter treating there should be no placeace i i society for neognat decides. later, the fall out of condemnation of violence includes bhooit white supremacists, ckk, neonasz nazi and all extremist groups. >> i condemn white supremacistsl and raceists and all other groups that espouse ts
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>> i think whathe terror is 2 i the use of violence and of course it wasas terrorism. >> as afe candidate he said labs were important. >> anyone who cannot name our enemy is not fit to lead this c. country. >> now>> r the president's satu silence on whitee hatred is create a definite problem for the white house. >> reporter: the president wasah silent on sunday including on su twitter. he has sent out acludin series tweets this morning, including this onene which reads, heading to washington thisding morning. much work to do. focus onon frayed and military. but still nothing and about but virginia. it's the one nothi topic peoplec across the country are waiting e for him to revisit.>> kri savannah, craig. >> kristen welker for this morning. thank you. >> we hearing trt vice president mike pencepr this morning he's begins a week long trip. while he south singled out whit supremacist and neo-nazis and
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president should have addressed those groups in his initial statement. we spoke with peter who spoke with thehe vice president one 0, one. good morning. >> reporter: i traveled down oo here tho columbia with the sproois vice president and pres during our exclusive interview he did what many critics say tho president should have done, he condemtd white supremacists, and neognat decides so i began by ur asking him why the president hasn't called out those evil ion groups by name. hi >> president trumpm yesterday stated clearly that he condemnsp hate andre violence in all of in forms. not tolerate hatred and violence of groups like white supremacists, the kkk, and the neo-nazis, these extremist fringe groups have no place in t the american debate. ve >> but you say that. ame >> andri we condemn them in the strongestst possible terms. >> why won't the president use those same w?
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heard the president yesterday speak>> plainly and condemn in s words in the strongest possible terms organizations that per have a hate or violence. >> i think the american people heard him but they also heard a president calling foram nationae unit. >> some of them heardri that but nclud others saide we should is all er evil by its name my brother didn't give his life fighting r hitler for nazis to go unchallenged here at home was ii a mistake for the president to be unclear and if you were g advising him now would you ou s suggest heug do it differently? >> i think the president spoke i into a national moment, words that the american people needed to hear that we condemn acts of violence, acts of hatred. >> he said on many sides.y name those sides.s. what are the sides?? >> well, look. as i said today were recondem
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groups like white supremacists, neo-nazis and their ilk. t >> that's onehe side. he said many tooipz sides. >> as you look throughout the k course of the years, we've seen protests turn violent. we've seen fringe groups use peaceful protest environment to bring protests against police c, officers zblfs but it w was onl one group yesterday, mr. vice president, killed an american . and we'. >> and we're bringing the full weight of the federal government to investigate that individual v for the heinous act that took the life of that innocent womant i will tell you i take issue with the fact that more people are spending more time that howh the president -- >> this isn't me. i'm >> many of the immediaty spent n an awful lot of time focusing on what the president said and criticisms of what the ocusin president --g instead of criticizing those who brought iz thatin hatred and violence to tt
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virginia.>> repor >> reporter: at the end of our n conversation i asked him if this was an act of domestic terrorism he says it may well have been.te he said the administration is exploring that the. president has directed the department of justice to initiate a full investigation into an attack that he said wasl eerily similar toth ore terrorist attacks around the id world. of just craig and savannah. >> thank you soaid much.her we're joined now by attorney rod general jeff sessions.s. sir, good morning to you. >> good morning. preset's talklk about the president's words. he said on saturday that this was an egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, he seemed to add on many sides, on many sides, and then he was asked, and given an opportunityd to specifically condemn white supremacists who were s protesting. why dent call them out? m >> well, he made a very strong sthamt directly contro tra dicted the idling of hatred,
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violence, racism, white sm, w supremacy, those things ngs must-condemned in this country, they're totally unacceptable and you can be sure that this department of justice in his administration is going to take the most vigorous action to ctin protect the right of people like heather heyer to protest against racism and bigotry.bigo we're going to protect the right to assemble and march and we're going to prosecute anybody to the full extent of the law thatr violates their ability do so, s. you can be sure of that. >> attorney general sessions, >> let me just follow up a little bit because you say it was a forceful statement, but he addsu this this violence that's been going on, this hatred and bigotry was on many sides. on many sides he says, which seems to equivocate. what are the other sides? >> well, we've had violence any around the country in any number of ways over decades. we've had these spasms of violence that are unacceptable
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he did say he wasn't just am talking about donald trumper or barack obama, he said these problems have been going on fort a long time. he said what happened in charlottesville is unacceptable. we need to find out what happened, that it's wrong, and we need to study it and see to what, as a nation, we can do to be more effective against this c kind of extremism and evil, really. i thought it was a pretty -- it- was a good statement, deliveredd just a few hours after the fe event.ours the next day, yesterday, they explicitly called out the nalt e decides and the kkk. >> the president did not. you >> general'r sessions that statement you're referring to came from the white house itwh f attributed to. >> if came from the white house, it sure did. 'was authorized. >> was aut and unnamed spoerkz , spokesperson and here's a al president, as you know, he's not afraid to take to twitter to chastise a number of folks, yourself included, he's not ch afraid to call out tearism self overseas, but
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that didn't do that. why? >> theoverseas president did doo yesterday. his spokesman said that. >>t that wasn't the president. it's not the same of the president of the united states. >> you asked me, i wasat's nide you an answer. >> go ahead. >> there's a white house spokesman that made that statement explicitly condemning these groups by name and i'm sure he'll talk again about it soon. >> t today were the president o the united states is going explicitly condemn these so-called alt-right groups and r white nationalists groups? >> he will be speaking to peopll today, i'm not sure what he'll say, that's my understanding.n and he's been firm on this from the beginning. he is appalleds by this. >> general sessions the daily sformer, the neonazi ormer," publication, they didn't celebrate the president's neo-n comments they saw it as ion. apparently some sort of passaget sign of support for their side. this is what they posted shortly after the president's comments s in part and i think we have it here on the screen
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president trump's comments weree good. he didn't attack us.s nothing specific against us. they go ton say he said that we need tosp study why people are angry, and implied there was an hate on both sides. h so he implied the antifascists are haters. he ed he sloughs us all. when asked to condemn he just walked out of room. really, ealy good.. god bless him. >> that's from's from a neonazi. publication. isn'tisn't t that prove that th president didn't stand up to whies supremacy on saturday? >> they're simply trying to ths legitimate themselves anyel way possible. they're going to find outthin w coming after them for any violations of law.e presi the president has condemned them by name and will continue do sot and i'm confident that the american people will thisct kind of evil i'ddyiology. and we needdan to take it seriously, it does appear that
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people are amazingly gnattism i, remains alive after all the evil it hasrema caused in the world so i think that we take this we seriously, we go at it directly, morally, legally, politically, legitimately and anyway possible to reject this kind of ideologyt that causes division and hatred in america. it's just not part of our heritage. >> before we leten you go we 'td a chance to speak to you since the president has made several remarks directed at you his own attorney general. my question to youmarks di is h president apologized for his ldg public scolding of you? have you spoken to him especially in the light of the o fact that you'reut out here thi morning defending him? >> i believe in the president's agenda, i believe in his leadership. he has a rights to scold his cabinet members if he's not to happy with them and he has a hs right to have people in his
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cabinet that h he believes wille serve his agenda. you i look forward -- >> did you deserve that publicly like that. >> with meeting with him today andking abo talking about the i that face us right now. and i appreciate the opportunity to serve in his administration. >> has he ever apologized for doing so publicly? >> he has not apologized.d. he's quite frank about his concerns and he expressed them a openly. >> let's end on that note. sir, attorney general, thank yo. very much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. nk >> thank you. y >> and let's getou with a firsg of the weather. dylan is in for al today. >> good morning, guys. we're looking at the tropics and we have tropical storm geert here. you see the satellite to the southwest of ber mud. it's moving to the north/northwest at nine but it's going to take a turn and run parallel to the east coast. while the storm itself will not be a threat to the
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currents especially down in the southeast. that's a look. weather across the country. your local forecast is coming up in the next 30 seconds. good morning, everybody. a little sunshine out there on a monday morning. mostly cloudy day today. current temperature 71 in washington, still in the cooler 60s across most of the outlaying suburbs. 64 in manassas, 66 in prince gorjz county. rain chances will be i kreegs a bit,
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getting ritd by rain later on today. then rain chances go down and temperatures go up for the rest of the week. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> gert, short for ger trued, tropical storm. >> i'll find out. >> thank you so much. couple offing up the notorious drug king pin el chap poe returning to court today. we're going to hear from the high-profile attorney who wants to take that pais case. >> and new reports this morning about the special glasses you're going to need to protect your eyes if the could you be buying dangerous knockoffs, but first, this break.
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just ahead, schools announcing a ban on homework. music to your kids' ears. is it
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to take the long way home. keep it up, steve! dr. scholl's. born to move. thnchts say news 4 today news break. >> 7:26 news your time now on this monday, august 14th, 2017. good morning to you. >> and i'm aaron gilchrist. in the news this morning. >> we will i believe that we will win. >> we are staying on top of all the rallies in response to the violence in charlottesville. this is thousand looked outside the white house last night. hundred of people called out hate and violence. >> and kids in our area purting on their back packs right now, 11 schools in the district, the ones with longer school years are back today. mayor bowser will welcome back teachers at a morning ceremony. the rest of d.c. schools start the year next monday. now let's look at your commute with wtop's jack
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good morning you, jack. >> thank you. northwest beach drive has been reopened. the tree that fell down has been cleared, beach drive once again open. activity in southwest described as police activity, seventh street's closed between "c" and "d," sounds like police activity around a suspicious package. the seventh and d street remains open. left lanes blocked in monocasey boulevard. silver lines vee yenna and frank coneya and wehle expect delays. back to you. >> we'll check your forecast next. stay with us. force
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. nice and dry outside this morning. that may not be the case all day you'll want to take the umbrella. temperatures around mid-stoichlts 70 degrees. highs in the noid lower 80s, there's a chance of showers later on in the afternoon
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again an umbrella not a bad idea. then we dry out and warm up for the rest of the week. another chance of showers late friday. >> another news update in 25 minutes. >> back to the today show after this short break.
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back, now, 7:30, monday it's 7:30, monday morning. that's mission control here on the today show. we're starting off the week in a busy way. we've got craig in for matt, hoed d hoda here as well. let's get right to the headlines in an exclusive interview mike pence is condemning by name fringe groups tep root of those deadly weekend clashes in charlottesville, virginia. he also defended president trump for not doing that in his initial remarks on the violence. >> a security detail is protecting senator marco rubio after reports that a powerful leader in venezuela issued a death order against him. senator rubio has been a vocal
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country's government and while they can't confirm if that threat is authentic they are not taking chances. usain bolted by a final fair we will to the world stage. he took a lap in london after what was a disappointing lap. he pulled a hamstring in the relay. he said it was a rough few days but he's added he's always tried to put on a good show and you know the pose. >> i know. i'm sad to see it go. >> one of the greatest olympians of all time. >> he deserved that honor for sure. we've got a lot more to get to including the infamous drug pin king pin heading to federal court and face a mountain of the charges. this is video of the police motorcade taking him to the courthouse in brooklyn. morgan rat ford is there for us. good morning. >> reporter: he is back in court today seven months 56 he was extradite to the united states. but the big question today is who will get to represent him? will it be the curre
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high-profiled criminal defense attorney he wants? and who the government says might not even get paid. >> this morning, the world's most infamous drug king pin is back in court, better known as el chapo he's been in colonel tear confinement in jail since his dramatic extradition to the u.s. in january. today a high-profile attorney will request to defend him taking his case from a public defend are. jeffrey liquidityman spoke exclusively to today. >> the bottom line is that he is knot going to be afforded a fair trial, that's that's what we're here for. >> but the question is will he and his team be allowed to defend him and will they get paid? >> he's completely locked down, so how does he pay us? he can't just go to his checkbook in his jail cell and say here's a check you're hired. >> before they formally take the fa is case, they want a guarantee because the justice department could confiscate their paycheck as part
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$14 billion in alleged drug money it wants to collect from el chapo. he has plooeded not guilty to charges ranging from drug trafficking to murder conspiracy and money laundering. >> he's face a mandatory life sentence. >> in mexico he served a prison time for drug trafficking but he escaped twice once more than two years ago through an underground tunnel on this rigged motorcycle. then while hiding out in secret, he responded to questions about actor sean penn and kate cos teeio. after meade meeting with them privately telling them i supply nor heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine than anybody else in the world. days later, marines stormed this safe house take down five of el chapo's men, but he escaped the hail of dull lets through this underground tunel
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hide out. he crawled through a sewer, emerged a half a mile away before he was cornered and take mean it custody. likely in court today, his wife, former beauty queen, the mother of his young twin daughters. >> had he cannot visit him, not now, not yesterday, not tomorrow. >>. >> reporter: the hearing is set to begin at 10:00 this morning. there are no cameras allowed inside, but the actual trial is set to begin on april 18th of next year and could last four to five months. back to you guys. >> incredible to see the security that they bring into the courthouse. thank you. dylan is back and it looks like fall may be starting to come early. >> it hasn't been that warm around here. same goes for the midwest, temperatures have been running about 5 to 10 degrees warmer this year. it hasn't been all that warm. sig chicago 83, same in cleveland, st. louis 87. these are nice temperatures but not near lit heat and humidity that we're seeing like what
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oppressive gulf humidity with your feels-like temperature because of that high humidity up around 102 in new orleans. mount montgomery, 102. charleston 104. we're close to 90 degrees by wednesday, chicago hangs around the mid-80s for most week same for kansas city. we have this front that could produce downpours in the midwest. a look at the weather across the country. now here's your local weather. a little bit of cloud cover this morning and they will convenient wally lead to a little chance for rain. there's showers down around southwest virginia that are lifting in our direction. highest rain chances will be in the shenandoah valley but even in and around the city today there's an opportunity to get rained on so be rainfall ready for later on. we're in the 60s now, we'll be in the low to mid-80s for highs today. rain chances start to drop away starting tomorrow and back up to near
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>> and you can find your full forecast any time on the weather channel on cable. >> all right. thanks so much. still ahead tom cruise's daring leap on the set of his new movie that did not go as plan. >> but before that award brug turn your eyes to the sky next week. >> i'm jeff rossen, the solar eclipse is coming and these are the only way to watch it,' clips glasses to protect your eyes. but now experts say there are dangerous fakes for sale. so how you can tell the difference? we're going to show you coming up.
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welcome back cha today. this morning, we report a new morning about next week's total solar eclipse. >> it will be the first to sweep across the entire country in a century. but they say some of the special viewing glasses that are being sold won't protect your eyes. today jeff rossen here with more on that. wow. >> everyone everyone's really excited about this. you guys are sing the bonnie tyler song. that's how excited people are and they should be exactly one week from today a total solar eclipse spanning coast to coast. we all know staring directly at the sun is dangerous we learn that when we're kids, can even cause blindness. so you need special glasses like this, like these right here to watch it. but now experts say dangerous kaurnt fits are flooding the market that could hurt your eyes. how do you know if your grasses fake or safe? this morning we're showing you exactly what to look for.
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next monday a rare total solar eclipse visible from oregon to south carolina. but don't look up just yet. without approved eclipse sun sunglasses like these, you can actually go blind, that's why officials are sounding the err larm that be counterfeiters are now selling eclipse glasses that look real and claim to be safe but won't protect you when staring at the sun. >> the sunlight has harmful ultra vooilt violet radiation. the problem with that if is if you stare direct lib at a sun or at the eclipse it can cause permanent damage to the eyes. >> the problem is so widespread amazon is now cracking on you on counterfeit sellers, refunding customers who bought fake glasses that don't meet safety standards, sending out e-mails saying we recommend dhu nthat y not use this project to view the is unu sun or the eclipse. how you can tell a safe pair from a potentially
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fake? to show you we've come here to ics laboratories in ohio. this is one of the only labs in america accredited to test the eclipse glasses for safety to see if too much sunlight will get in and burn your eyes. when you put these on, it's pitch black. i can't even see the camera right in front of me. here's another pair by a different company and it doesn't look great on me, but it does look the same, pitch black, i can't tell the difference. so we bought a bunch of these and we're going to test some of them. >> the lab gets to work testing these filters through a special machine to see how much light passes through. remember, to the naked eye, you can't tell the difference. >> we have some pop-up vendors who are willing to play fast and loose with certification claims, testing claims ant general public doesn't understand what that means. and more often than note not those claims aren't accurate. >> you tested these two. >> yeah. >> what'd you find. >> we found that these samples in you left hand here met the transmission requirements of the standard. >> safe to use these? >> yes. >> and what abut
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>> those failed. >> this failed? >> yes. >> so those exceeded the maximum transmission requirements which is light getting into your eye by 36%. >> that's a lot. >> right. >> but even though they failed, look what's still printed on the side, safe solar eglips viewing. you'd never know they aren't. >> most of u us are not going to have you or a lab like this to help us. what can we do at home. these are safe glasses on table now. what can we do to make sure they're safe. >> somewhere on there it's going to say meets the iso 12312. >> i see it right here. iso 123123 new hampshire -- look for that. >> yes. >> and we have an approved list today so you can go there and compare that. what else. >> some of them would appear dark enough but they're not. there are going to filters that are so light that you could see something like your hand clearly defined normal lighting
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>> i shouldn't be able to see my hand in front of my own face. >> that would be transmitting way too much zbliet this one's good. i can't see my and in front of my face. >> important tips for this historic event. >> you also want to get it from a certified rae retailer that you trust. also important to point kout not use regular zblass to view the eclipse. no matter how dark the lenses are, experts say it's not safe. also i reminder we do have that list of approved and certified safe glasses on our website right now. and i have some of the safe ones here. i told tlyou, this is what happened. ♪ turn around ♪ >> you've got to check this out. ♪ turn around >> you can't. >> will i be able to see the eclipse with these? >> yes are you will. may i suggest not looking right at our lights without them? thank
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>> mr. rossen, thank you for coming out. homeowners in a neighborhood up in arms after their street somd for just $90,000. we're going to hear from the couple who bought it. >> we didn't even practice that. >> i can tell. introducing new dunkin' donuts cold brew coffee packs. delicious craft coffee, as easy as 1, 2, 3. you start with 2 coffee filter packs. ♪ then add 4 cups of cold water. ♪ put it in the fridge to steep overnight. and in the morning, serve and enjoy. ♪ enjoy the rich, smooth taste of cold brew you can make at home. pick some up where you buy groceries. percent of recurrentew you can make at home. could be prevented with the right steps. and take it from me, every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke.
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go. >> if i can't see "hamilton, i can see -- >> she does see it. >> what general sfer aniston just said to shut down body and baby shammers. >> plus banning all homework, one school's policy setting off an intense debate. first your local news and weather. 's big life is measured in wags. and when you feed your dog nature's recipe, you fuel the wag with our 35-year history of premium recipes like chicken, sweet potato and pumpkin. ( ♪ ) (bark) the bigger the life, the bigger the wag. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. adults are just kids with much, much better toys.
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this is a news 4 today news break. >> 7:56 is your time now on this monday, august 14th, 2017. good morning to you. we want to get right to jack taylor for a look at your commute and your first 4 traffic. hey, jack. >> thank you. in northeast we've got an issue. so new york avenue right near florida avenue fourth street northeast an unfortunate accident. you are blocked at that point blocked and de vertd ton florida avenue. district authorities remain there. maryland 29 coming southbound university boulevard the right slain blocked. authorities there are with the crash. back to you. thank you. we'll take a quick break now and check your forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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still dry across the area for now but clouds will be on the increase later on this morning and these rain chances down to our south west may impact your afternoon plans. so a mostly cloudy sky for now will lead to shower chances around 2:00 or 3:00 this afternoon. tomorrow a little warmer and lower chance for rain. >> another local news update for you in 25 minutes. today back to the "today show" after this short break.
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it's 8:00 on it's 8:00 on today. coming up on defense. >> he's been firm on this from the beginning. he is appalled by this. >> you say that, why won't the president use those same words? >> the white house hits back at criticism that the president didn't call out white supremacists group by name following that deadly attack in charlottesville. plus in her own words. >> am i not happy? i think i was -- i never tried to call it off. >> inside revealing new documentary about princess diana including a nine 91 interview where she got candid about family, fame, and her
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>> and no more homework. >> no traditional homework, no worksheets, no endless pages of workbooks. >> why some elementary schools are saying enough is enough. >> i'm hold a pencil for so long and it just like i need a break. >> kids may be celebrating but some parents are asking is this really a good idea? today, monday, august 14th, 2017. >> where you all from? >> hey. ohio. >> ohio, baby. >> what is your name? >> dylan. >> what do you want to say. >> good morning, dylan from dylan. >> we've got brown and ashton here and who's on the phone. >> baby sistercoco. >> hi. >> where's me mao from. >> what's the news.
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do you want the whole plaza to wish her a happy birthday. >> yeah. >> one, two, three, happy birthday, grandma. >> happy birthday, grandma. >> grandma and memaw, nice to have you with us on a monday morning. we have craig here while matt has the day off. good morning. a busy morning, protests aye erupt in several cities across the country after this deadly attack in virginia. gabe is in charlottesville with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: the alleged driver of that car involved in the crash that killed a woman here is due in court later this morning. that memorial for that woman is growing. this as protesters took to the streets across the country. >> overnight in seattle, police and protesters clashing during
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counterdemonstration. in other cities from los angeles to denver, new york and atlanta, peaceful hate protesters on the move. after this weekend chaos in charlottesville, virginia, a planned rally by white supremacists to support this confederate monument. a car plowed into a crowd of protesters killing 32-year-old heather heyer, a local paralegal. >> i'm trying to honor my daughter the way that i know she would want to be honored. speaking up for what she believed in. >> the alleged driver of the car that slammed into the crowd, 20-year-old alex fields of ohio is now charged with second degree murder. two va state troopers patrolling the scene from the sky also killed in a helicopter crash. >> my name is jason kessler -- >> on sunday the white nationalist leader jason kessler tried tro blame local police saying they refuse dodd their jobs. it
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right to be able to assemble. they stood down and did not follow through with the agreed upon security arrangements. >> an angry crowd swarmed kessler and he was punched and tackled. while kessler came under fire for what he said, for trump was what he didn't say that had him feeling the heat even for m from many republicans. the president choosing not to call out white supremacists groups by name. >> hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides. >> but vice president pence did one on one with our peter alexander. >> we will not tolerate hatred and violence of groups like white supremacists, the kkk, and the neo-natzis. the nus department now opening a civil rights investigation. jeff sessions speaking out on today a short time ago. >> they made a strong sthamt directly contro dicted the ideology of hatred,
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bigotry, racism, white supremacy. those things must be condemned in this country. >> this morning images of love now replacing those of hate in a growing memorial here in charlottesville. ♪ we shall not be moved >> organizers of that are rally had planned to have it on uva's campus but it kans teld because of ha they called credible threats. instead the mourners gathered here. again, suspect alex fields is due in court later this morning. investigators are trying to find out whether he may have planned the attack with his car. savannah. >> all right. thank you very much. also new this morning, there are new developments with the crisis in north korea and that dlet to fire missiles near the u.s. territory of guam. the regime reportedly calling a number of its key ambassadors back to pyongyang overnight. we're in guam where people remain on edge. miguel, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning. kwauj guam say paradise in the cr
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between the united states and north korea continues to escalate. this morning north korea saying they can strike america any time, anywhere. this, as other important nations also weigh in. the question, will it be enough to stop a potential strike? >> this morning south korean president moon breaking his silence urging north korea to immediately stop provocation dollars and threatening behavior. this as top north korean ambassadors, including those from china, the u.n., and russia are recalled to pyongyang for a high-level meeting today. north korea promising by mid-month four ballistic missiles could be ready to rain down on the waters near guam. that time is now here and while will is no panic on these beautiful beaches, there are prayers. this religious island clinging to faith, they won't be
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headlines warn it could happen at any moment. families may have only minutes from launch to disaster. >> it's just expect the unexpected and that's what worries me is not being with the kids. >> if fired from north korea, the missiles would fly over japan before splashing down in international waters off guam. this morning, japan's prime minister says their country is strengthening its missile defense system to keep their people safe. but even the drum beat of war threatens guam in more ways than one. >> reporter: these picture-perfect beaches attract 1.5 million beaches every year. a third of the jobs on this island are connected to tourism. if the visitors stop come, so did the money. >> people get fearful. but it hasn't affected the tourism so far. >> this morning, no panic but concern on the ho
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threat of a mid-month missile launch now here leaving many to wonder will there be trouble in paradise? >> reporter: today the governor of guam who spoke to president trump over the weekend says the threat level here on the island remains the same. they got homeland security director here on the island says if there was a missile launch they would not have time to evacuate this island. everyone could simply need to shelter in place. craig. >> miguel, thank you the. some important health news now. the food and drug administration investigating five deaths associated with certain weight loss balloon systems. in its alert they say two different systems are involved. deflated balloons are inserted into the patient and then inflated with saline to gift person the feeling of being full. all of the deaths took place within a month of the procedure to plates those balloons, however, the fda adds at this time it does not know the root cause of the patient's death so it's recommending that patients with these device be
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monitored. it is time now for hoda's morning boost. >> there's a retired minnesota judge and he couldn't stand the silence. his long time wife had passed away, this is what he did, 94-year-old judge, he had an idea. the neighbors thought he was kidding until the cement mixer pulled up. judge davidson had a 32 foot swimming pool installed with a backyard and then decided he was going to invite all the local kids to come over anytime they wanted, make it their own. of course they have to bring a parent. so judge davidson, had he no grand kifds his own, but he loves taking in the sights of the kids enjoying his pool. so he's got a swimming pool full of kids. isn't that the sweetest? >> that's fantastic. >> i love that idea. >> and he seems to enjoy it so much. >> so cute. >> last one this morning, including the raging debate over a homework, with some schools saying we're ditching it altogether. plus mission impossible, what went wrong with tom cruise's latest movie stunt. >> and then we'll meet the couple who bought
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san francisco street for just $90,000 and why that purchase is spark a big controversy. and back to cool fashion for kids of all ages, but first these messages. dcool fashion for kids of all ages, but first these messages. cool fashion for kids of all ages, but first these messages. scool fashion for kids of all ages, but first these messages. hool fashion for kids of all ages, but first these messages. ♪ sun to the farm ♪ ♪ to the seeds that you sow ♪ ♪ seed to the oat ♪ to get made to an o ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around ♪ ♪ good goes around and around... ♪ ithat's why i use excedrin. hold because of a headache. it has two pain fighters plus an amplifier and for some,
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headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. heri think i might burst..... totally immersed weekenders. whatever kind of weekender you are, there's a hilton for you. book your weekend break direct with and join the summer weekenders. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me... it's aleve. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that.
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you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley. jackson isg into my clasthe rapping teachert... we call it the remainder that's number that remains. technology is a huge piece of education. using the pen for the first time on the windows 10 pc is great. i'm able to highlight different rhyme schemes, i can actually... ...see my lines when i'm shading in, i can change the... ...weight drawing directly on my screen. i couldn't do this on my mac. i can definitely see the future... ...happening, i mean i feel like the sky's the limit. we're back
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we have a big talker for parents an kids as we head into the back to school season. >> there's a controversial new rule at a school district in florida, here it have no homework. >> yea. >> smiles all around this morning at a florida elementary school. possibly because of a controversial new policy banning traditional homework for elementary scud students. >> who's happy there's no more homework? >> me. >> some kids say homework is, well, kpauft exhaust sblg because i'm hold a pencil for so long and it's just like i need a break. >> so just explain to me the no homework policy. >> it's no traditional homework, no worksheets, no endless pages of workbooks. instead, our children are reading aloud with their parents at least 20 minutes a night. >> the policy has set off ann tense debate. >> what was your reaction when you first heard. >> stunned. the hoek work is like a little window into
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>> this 8-year-old says he likes traditional homework. >> i think homework is good to have. >> but in lauren rogers household, homework has always been a bat. >> we had nights that we'd be sitting at the kitchen table until 8:30 with tears. >> it bounced off the mark. >> now at night lauren and her two sons read together. >> and do his best to move. >> for us it was like the happy dance here in the kitchen. >> superintendent mayor says her decision to scrap traditional homework is based on research showing it doesn't benefit young kids. but many experts say homework teaches organization, responsibility, and time management. and some studies suggest kids who do homework do better on tests. educators say regardless of how parents feel about homework, they should use the four mlkts. be a mentor, motivator, a monitor and a role model. the kids have their own take on the homework issue. >> i like it because it gives me e
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sister when she's being annoying. >> i don't like homework because sometimes i want to have fun instead of sitting down and learning. >> i like it because i'm like a really smart person. >> a generation's old tradition now being challenged. for today, tammy leitner, nbc news, ocala, florida. >> all right. i think homework in moderation. >> i don't think overload the kids but it's okay to give a zblil how come when i said no homework you said yea. >> because i was remembering how i would have felt. >> it's interesting because if you've got to have a parent who can read with the child at night. >> i think the parents need the homework at night because it gives them a break. lets do trending today. everybody's here, we've got sheinelle in. . >> before i get to the story i'll explain why we have a big gum ball machine right here. quick question show of hantsds
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who would consider getting one? really if the. >> maybe. >> the maybe. >> you both want tattoos? >> maybe. that's otd. >> do it tlart week. >> i'm telling but a story, alum street tattoo is start a new promotion in which you leave your tattoo choice to chance. for a hundred bucks you draw a tattoo from a coin operated gum ball machine and then out comes a sketch of the tattoo. >> no. >> now let's say you get a tattoo you don't like, you can pay another 20 bucks to draw again. so first question, would you ever leave the choice of your at that time ta too to chance? >> never. but i get why. first i -- ore, but here's the thing, there are people who roll in they've had too much to drink and say give me blah, blah, blah, and they rekbret it. . way it's full proof. you don't know what you want we have options by trained professionals. >> but if
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tattoo it has to be something that means something to you, dylan and her turtles. >> that was my next question if you were to have a tattoo, what tattoo would you have. >> i would probably get my children's names because that means something to me. by brother got a tattoo in college, you mention today, regret today so much years later had he to go back and get it incorporated into a different tattoo. >> i've had two tattoos, one say turtle that i hate sod we put a bigger turtle on top of the old turt. >> wait, why? so you aren't antiturtle just not that first one. >> it just wasn't great but i didn't tweechbt fend the artist when he showed me the drawing. i was like, okay, put it on and i don't like it. >> what would you get. >> probably my kids's names. that's the only thing i would even consider. >> me too. i would do a star. >> i would either do my kids's names on a little flur de lay. >> my kids names but i would
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>> you've had your kids's name tattooed. >> please, exactly. >> all right. i'll start, shall we. first aup up hollywood's biggest star tom cruise is making headlines the actor famous for his role in "mission impossible" he is known to do his own stunts for films but this one might of pushed the limit. here you can see cruise attached to a harness and jumping off the rooftop just missing the landing by a few inches, right there. oh, gosh. >> so after the fall the actor quickly pulls himself up to finish the scene. but can see him hobbling there a little bit on his leg indicating he's in serious pain. we reached out to cruise's reps f and haven't heard back. jennifer aniston
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for people scrutinizing her appearance. she had access to whether she believes anything has changed since she was candid in her piece and it was published. she said i don't think it's getting much better. >> i think the problem is the tabloids and the gossip columns taking the human body and putting it in a category, she goes on to say why are we teaching rung women this? if you're going to walk out and have your nims showing or your belly say little bloated or you're not at the way you want to be uare perfect no matter what you are or where you are and who cares. all right, general. and finally last night's teen choice awards had a lot of people talking. ma roob 5 accepted the decade award, the band took to the stage to thank fans and have a little fun. take a look. >> i mean, first 2002 like most of you hadn't been born at that point, and so it's still crazy that we're still doing this. thank you our sixth and final album is coming out
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november. man, i'm joking. we are never going to go away. >> there you go, we're glad to hear it. >> another big winner chris pratt. pratt kept it positive last night crediting god for helping him get to where is he today. and miley cyrus was supposed to appear last night to accept the highest honor, but as you see victoria justice made it earlier in the say show saying miley was unable to make if the she took to instagram and said i'm beyond bummed i couldn't make it to the show as iing had every intention of being there to accept and celebrate this honor. i created an unrealistic schedule to myself which leads me to this announcementmy new single/music video will be dropping this friday. love the picture. >> so cute. >> dillin,
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>> let's take a look at the rain we're seeing as krot country today. spotty showers through the middle and up through the midwest but notice how in seattle there is no rain today and that has been a trend that we have seen a lot this summer. but sunday, they picked up.02 inch of rainfall. that's the first rain they've seen since july 17th. that's the longest stretch of dry days seattle has ever sin, 56 days without rain kind of unheard of. we're not going to see rain out there today. temperatures will be nights and pleasant in the 70s, just a couple of clouds. it's hot and humid down south and we will see a few temperatures below average especially across the upper midwest this afternoon. now here's a peek out your window. >> reporter: right here at home it's on the cloudy side early this morning. no rain just yet but there's a chance for rain today. most of the rain is still down towards charlottesville and roanoke but it's drifting in our direction so our rain chances will continue to go up with
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in and around the city today is probably about 2:00 and 6:00 so keep that in mind if you're going to be making your plans out this morning. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you. you've probably heard ow expensive real estate in san francisco can be, so what if you could own in one of the city's most exclusive neighborhood for less than 100 grand? >> one couple manage dodd just that and some residents are outraged. lucy has more on this story. >> reporter: good morning, guys. that's right, there's a bit of a buzz about the newest neighbors be in presidio terrace but it's not what you think. imagine waking up one morning in your exclusive gated community only to find out that someone actually bought your street. >> in the hearts of the one of the most expensive neighborhoods in one of the america's most expensive cities lies presidio tear ris, historic and iconic with its
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towering palm trees and multi-million dollar mansions. this is as exclusive as san francisco gets. >> it's really amazing that here we. >> this couple are the newest arrivals to the neighborhood. taking in their new surroundings for the first time. >> it's pretty amazing to think that this is now our street. >> but they didn't buy one of the homes here, their stake, the street. you heard right, the street. >> all the sidewalk area up until the city sidewalk on the outside going right along here too, it's all included. >> they snapped up presidio terrace and all its common areas for just 90,000 bucks. >> i don't think you can buy a bathroom for that much money. >> that's because the presidio homeowner's association didn't pay its $14 a year tax for over 30 years. so the city put it on the auction block. >> when we first got this property on auction, we had no idea that this was exactly what it was, but now that we're walking here first time like this, it's pretty
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>> it didn't sit well with the residents so they sued the city and the couple to undo the sale. their main complaint, the tax bill was being sent to the wrong address and that the city made no reasonable efforts to inform the association about the auction. the city says it's a closed matter. >> it's really the property owner's responsibilities to make sure that they're up to date on their taxes. >> real estate attorney michael mcclock again says that while they should have kept it up to date, it's a big punishment for a small smis mistake. >> someone at the hoa screwed up here and that's obvious and that's a big mistake, but it's a clerical error. >> they aren't sure what they'll do with the property. one the ideas making a buzz. >> maybe charging for parking or something else, you know, we're considering that. >> one thing's for sure, they don't want to give it up. >> we were just hoping to hold on to this and maybe be welcomed in as new nabors neighbors here in this community. >> perhaps a hard sell to the owner who paid a premium to live in this e
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private road that's suddenly no longer theirs. >> well no surprise here the homeowners are fighting the sale. the case goes before a board of superviseners october. but whichever way this turns out, it's a good lesson for us all, pam your taxes, not that complicated. guys. thanks. wow, that's going to be a long going story. >> you can imagine? oh, sorry. >> maybe on the street, i don't think that they'd move into that neighborhood. >> yeah, not making friends. >> we've got some financial lessons your kids should be learning. they could be learning this as young as 3 years old. really? wow. and we're going to elevate your picnic game on today's food after check of your local news and weather.
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this is a news 4 today news break. >> good morning, 8:26 now on this monday, august 14th. the i'm aaron gilchrist let's check on the roads with jack taylor. >> thank you, good morning. our trouble spot is in northeast, unfortunately got some activity on new york avenue at fourth street. that was the scene of the crash. outbound traffic de verts to florida avenue, inbound nankfully now has two lanes to the right getting by. the left lane remains close the. at one point everything was blacked blocked and it's been a massive delay already. maryland 29 southbound up to university boulevard that crash remains in the right lane. back to you. all right. thank you we'll have a check on the forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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good morning we're tracking rain drops across central virginia that are coming towards the d.c. metro area. those rain drops will be moving in to the
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to 3 clock this after noond and then into early this evening the be ready for it erin. >> and you can get the latest news and weather any time just open the nbc washington app.
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♪ good morning, hi. 8:30 now on a monday morning. good morning, everybody. so happy to have you along with us. beautiful day out on our plaza. gang's all here return colluding carly and matt will be back tomorrow. >> hi, kids. >> he'll be back tomorrow, we swear. >> i know. all right. this is the time of day where we get to go through the crowd and scour the crowd and single out some people. all right. i'm going to just do a quick drive by here. we have four girls, one, two, three, four, all sbrieting their 10th birthday. come on. where is -- where is reicher? you're reicher? reicher, you say you wake up
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every morning to the "today show ". >> that is accurate. >> what is that. >> that is accurate. >> we wanted to say thank you. >> you're welcome. >> okay. well hang on. we have a little mug for you that we've all signed for you. so it's for you, reicher. you can put it in your room and put your pencils in it, okay. >> thank you. >> can i have a hug. >> okay. reicher, you rock. >> i like reicher. well spoken young man. >> that is accurate. >> that is accurate, you're smart. coming up this morning it's never too early to teach your kids about money. we've got great ideas for lessons that you can start even with your toddlers that will stick with them later in life as well. >> and speaking of the kids, send them back to school in style. we've got the latest fashion trends for every edge. >> and forget the sandwiches we're going to teach you everything you need to know to put a gourmet spin on your next picnic. >> and you've been sharing your photos that capture the essence of summer. if you win this contest it's a ch
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concert but on friday we showed smuf our favorites of the week, everything from sitting in the sand to cruising in a convertible. >> you vote voted, you voted on and the photo moving on is this one. triplets and that lemonade stand. we'll have five new photos to vote on by the end of the week. you can keep those photos coming using the #todaysummermoment. >> who else has a summer moment this weekend? our cute puppy with a purpose charlie. went on his very first kayaking trip. >> wow sble did a little swimming, had he on his life vest and he's learning how to doggy paddle. >> he is looking good. >> charlie is the world's greatest dog. i don't know how we're going to part with him. >> he's just good people that dog. >> let's get a check of the weather. it's just about perfect out here today, low humidity in the northeast, lots of sunshine. looking ahead this week we are going to see some scatters downpours
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humid too and somebody isolated stronger storms through the eastern rockies. looks mild out west and stays driep as we head through the middle of the week. some severe storms move in through the midwest, heavy rains possible in minnesota, iowa, wisconsin too. remains humid down south and by the end of the week we'll see scatters showers and storms up along the east coast and still sunny and dry out west 'the 70s and '80s. we're also looking at scatters showers and storms through the plains but doesn't look like anything should be too severe. that's a look of the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your window. temperatures upper 60s and low 70s across the area now and again there is a little bit of light rain across parts of central virginia so rain chances climbing as we go through the rest of the day. not a whole lot of sunshine this afternoon. afternoon temperatures will get in the upper 70s and low 80s. highest rain chances aon
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for tomorrow, a little bit warmer and a little bit drier and then much warmer and drier the rest of the week. over here somebody was celebrate a birthday or grandmother's birthday? it's your birthday. >> no, my grandmother's birthday. >> and where is she. >> connecticut. >> hi, grandma. back to you. happy birth die grandma. and now another new revealing documentary on princess diana ahead of the 20th an verse riff her death. >> this one uses audio from interviews she did for a book, and it reveals some of her inner most thoughts on her life and her marriage. >> am i not happy? i think i was -- i never tried to call it off in a sense of really doing that, but i think the worst dave my life. >> it is diana in her own words, ray revealing new national geographic documentary where the people's princess talks candi
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her troubled marriage to prince charles. >> i'd like to think that we've created thedy fin ittive diana dmt friday her point of view. this is her story there are is her point of view. this was her trurj truth at the time. >> the interview's recorded in 1991 for a book on diana's life revealed she had doubts about her relationship with charles even before they were married. >> i went upstairs, had lunch with my sisters who were there and i said i can't do this, this is absolutely unbelievable. and they were wonderful, and said well bad luck got you face on tea time so you're too late now. >> many' her daughters was stemming with her relationship with camilla parker bold, diana describe a moment on her honeymoon when she asked him about a gift from camilla. >> he was trying not to chanel c, got in in one and i said camilla gave you those, didn't she. >> i said what's wrong.
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>> jealousy it's such a good idea, the two c's, but wasn't than clever. >> diana also describes her struggles with fame. >> one minute i was nobody and next minute ways princess of the world, mother, media toy, member of the family, you name it. and it was just too much for one person at that time. >> and how she eventually was able to embrace it by giving herself a bit of a pep talk. >> you've got to understand you cannot do what others sfwent-year-olds do. you've been exposen do this position, you need to adapt to it and stop fighting it. and i could do it. >> you can read and see so much about diana but when you actually hear her speaking her truth and her words, it really resinates, doesn't it? and you can see diana in her own words, it premieres tonight on
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coming up next the important lessons about money you should be teaching your kids. and by the way, jean says you should start when they're just 3 years old. >> we should get started. >> starting today, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're we're back it's aitd:39. something near we're calling kids an money today. something our kids do and don't know about finances. research shows that they can start learning about money as early as able 3 and the more often you have those conversations with them the better they fair later in life. we have today's financial editor and jay jay ramburg and is the coauthor of the news new kids book "the start-up club". >> you've got my attention, my little one turned 3 yesterday. so we're supposed to start talking to our kids this earl. >> i here's what they can do at age 3. they can learn they can
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you only count a quarter one time. as they get into age four 4 they learn they can shop expand change money for different things. at age phi and 6thy learn you can't leave the store without paying for things. by the time -- by the time they're 7 they're starting to get the idea of value, so a younger kid will think i want those five pennies and older kid will understand a nickel is the same thing. and by age 8 they stort sta tort get the idea of the future and savings for things in the future and that's where it gets interesting. >> let's talk about how you can part those lessons because i'm guess a lecture is not going to be the trick for the little ones. >> visual help. our kids need to see money, which is tough these days because we direct deposit our checks. >> credit cards. >> we pay for things on memo, everything's on plastic. they need actual cash, and they probably should start with three very clear jars, one for saving, one for spend, one for giving on their dresser and then you kaz parent can tell them how you want them
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that they have. and, you've got to help them focus on their goals. you can't just say save, that doesn't make any sense to a kid. you have to say save for something and then help them track their way there, much in the same way you know how do you a growth chart? we have a growth chart at home where we mark them. so kwu do that for their savings goals so they can see that they're making progress. >> i know one thing you recommend is that kids start a business, which brings us to jay jay who this is your expertise starting businesses. how do you get kids involved in something like that? >> i mean, kids are natural entrepreneurs, you're talking about spending and saving, we're talking about earning it. my kids have had lemonade stands and dog walking services. you just have to tap into that natural pruneship that they already have and then support them with it. if they say i want to do a lemoned a stand don't say i'm too tired go get the lemons. go with them to the store, and they have to see the money, right, go with them and spend cash and let them see that those
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lemons cost money, it's not just free. >> have you ideas about how to drive home these lessons, ask situational questions. what do you mean by that? >> i'm an entrepreneur, i cover it, my husband's an entrepreneur and so we play games like there's an empty store front at the end of our street and we say, okay, kids, and they're 7, 8, and 9 my kids. if you could start a company, what would it be? okay, now dwhou think would go to that? what do you think the price point should snb what are the issues with that company. >> love that. that's what happens when jay jay's your mom. and before we let you go, one golden rule for parents and kids. >> your kids are at some point going to go to the store and buy reece's peanut burt cups and decide they want a snickers. they've got to stick with those reece's peanut burt cups, don't bail them out. >> that's a lesson for a long, long time. congrats on the new book, and tomorrow how to help your betweens and teens develop smarter
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this is "today" on nbc. avings h. this is "today" on nbc. when what it's about,.c., but they don't know. you have to live here to know, to feel the people, to feel the places, and most of all, to feel the rhythm of our city. we're pirates, painters, poets, and partier, sometimes all at the same time. we embrace the old and welcome the new. we like to experiment and defy the norm. we all love to sing, but we dance to different drummers. they say d.c. has no soul.
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and we show it every day. this is our town. these are our neighborhoods. and we love this place as much as you do. ♪
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welcome back. this welcome back this morning on back to school today we're getting your family ready go just that. we've pulled together some of the best looks for any age you can send the little ones off in style. here to walk us through all of it is ana roberts. she's the senior fashion editor. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's that time year. >> it's a lot of pressure. >> and it's tiptoeing up already. we're going to break this down in preschool, elementary, junior high and high school. let's start with preschool. tell us about what fashion things have you here. >> functionality is key, they're play-dohing, they're paint, mud pieging within 30 seconds they're functional and something that's easy to wash. >> right. >> we've got cain here and he loves it at and you've got to get clothes that they want to wear to get them out of the house qui
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leggings. >> and what's leah got on over there? >> all about mix and matching and prints are not going toe stains. also this a dress with a sweater over the top so should you get a stain on that we can whip it off and we've got another thing underneath. >> cute lunch boxes. >> and also the shoes are toes tie. it's elastic that looks like a lace. >> but it's not. >> siem saving. >> let's go to elementary school, shall we. we've got mario and demy with us here today. stand up and let's take a look at your cute outfits. what's important in elementary school. >> they want to show creativity, they want to have fun. i love the idea of a little bomber jacket. and also patches. in san age where they want to dress in style. iron them on, stick them on. this is is from target. had is h&m and this is all ready, but you can
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stoney clover lane, it's like an art project. >> turn around. let's see the back packs. that's important too so to see their zblernlt that's another moment 234e they can express themselvesans be fashionable. >> junior high is here and i see this jacket theme going. we've got the tweens. >> we've got xavier and maggie. hi, guys. >> they're not kids clothes, they don't want to wear grownups clothes so denim on denim. i love the idea of these cute little j. crew jeans. a little bit fun but they're still in denim which is functional and then obviously the denim jacket is is going to last for years. >> and xavier's gotts a cool look. >> i love the denim with this this is actually built in with the hoodie underneath so it saves on the layers which you can wear to weekends, church, even to school. and then outer
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hits properly you want a cute little jacket. >> it's easy to change everything up with just the jacket. should we go to high school? let's go. we've got becky and jack. they seem very cool. >> trend focus so it's a lot about dressing for your fears. these are utility looks. very cool, a lot about the sneakers. when you're at high school, it's all about the sneakers. >> it is. >> the nike is the big trend right now in sneakers. >> these look old school. >> that's exactly that. we're going a little bit '80s, don't you think. >> i love the military jackets with the denim as well and just very clean, neutral pieces together. >> should the whites be white white like these are? usually you want something to look worn and in these are supposed to look like that? >> crispy new for now and then the little hat. it just adds a little bit of personality but not too much on the first dave school. >> love it. up next we are going to hip put a gourmet twist on
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you can say fried chicken? but first this is today on nbc.
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we're back with today toad taking your picnic up a notch. there's plepttive time left this summer to enjoy a picnic and with a little work you can make it truly special. this is erin french, we sen
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very popular restaurant called the loft kitchen. she's also out with her first cookbook as well, it's called appropriately loft's kitchen. we're very excited about this dish. >> i am too. >> what are we making. >> we're making fried chicken and that is one my favorite recipes because on my deathbed i want fried chick zblen my too. >> we have chicken, cornflakes, flower, we're going to make a brian so we're going to start with that. we want to get some water boiling. we've got four cups of water and then we're going to put in all of our ingredients. we've got bay leaves and perp kornz, june per berries. >> are those hard to find? >> probably if you go to your regular store you're probably not looking for them. you can find them but if you can't it's no big deal, you can put in base sills, make anything you want. you bring this tie boil, chill it will overnight and take it out the next day and put in your chick zblen why
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and deliciousness so get that brining overnet and you're going to power cook this. i cook it right in the brine. >> so you cook it before you fry it. >> then you don't have to worry about over frieg your chicken and having it overdone. so we'll make the coating. just get your flower in a bag and then go abag and dump your cornflakes in here. >> and you just use area hands. >> go ahead, you just kind of crunch it up in the bag that's actually kind of fun. >> it's really nice. >> so this is the finished coating. >> this is the finished coating here and you just need flower, butter milk, and so you just take the chicken, it's all cool and you're just going to roll it in the flower, roll it in the butter milk and batter is up like this and you've got perfect chick zblen this is not a low
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>> let's not go there. it's not low fat. you put it in 375 and you want to cook it until it's nice and golden. don't overcrowd the prior. >> don't overcrowd the fryer. you want nice crispy chick zblen and how many do you think we can get in there? >> this one's a pretty good size so we can fit like four to five pieces in this one. >> i notice you're frying some dark meat. >> the dark meat is my favorite. it's nice golden brown, it comes out and look like this and just sprinkle some salt over the top, it's great. crispy, use really good chicken, organic, and nice crispy inexpensive cornflakes. >> that's really good. >> so then with have a nice blueberry to go with the chicken. and we're is going to start with water. >> you can make this the day before. >> yes. this will last like five days in the fringe. so water, sawing gar,
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here, corn starch and vinegar. we're going to put that all in here and we're going to bring up that up to a slow boil and stir, stir, stir. and it's going to make this nice sauce. >> ladies, what's the word down there? >> i'm loving every bite. >> it's so good. really good. >> this is delicious. >> so you can swap out the berries? you can use any berries? >> you can use any fruit. you can put peaches in there are if you like strawberries just play with and it make it your own. you've got the sauce, dump it in while it's still warm. it will sort of cook itself and then we have to have potato salad because we're having fried chick zblen you call this the perfect chicken salad. >> yeah. we need something refreshing so we just have a nice gin vinegar-based poe tate tore toe salad. i've got shal lots that i just masser
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>> masser rated is. >> pickels. we've got some pickels salad and then just olive oil and a nice sprink eling of dill. you want to have nice potatoes and really work on fork tender. you don't want to be overcook them or undercook them, just right, it takes a little practice and, yeah, it will be perfect. so we can twist this up and salt and pepper to taste. >> and quickly for dessert. >> if have you time you can have this nice dessert at the end, grilled tee king with some bays sill and there's some honey and blue cheese. it could be a salad or a dessert. >> thank you. you can't get a reservation at her restaurant in may. >> now we know why. >> we're back after your local news.
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thnchts say news 4 today news break. >> 8:56 is your time on nond, august 14th, 2017. good morning to you. we want to check on your commute with jack taylor in your first 4 traffic. good morning, jack. >> thank you, good morning. in northeast we had a trouble spot, the crash son new york avenue at fourth street. out bound lanes still blocked and diverted at florida avenue. inbound we've got the left lane
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stretching back in chef verily. howard county before 99 near day road we have a crash and unfortunate lit beast bound lane is blocked. back into sitesville. traffic is going to alternate by one direction at a time. back to you. we'll check your forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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kind of a cloudy start to the day and there are raindrops down to the south and west so we're going to have a chance for rain today. not going fob a lot of rain but a passing shower or two certainly within the range of possibilities. rain chances today roughly around 30%. highs in the low 80s. >> all right, chuck, thank you. get the latest news and weather anytime in the nbc washington app.
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♪ this morning on "today's this morning on today's take, curtis stone is our co-host and wait until you see what we've kicked pup up. then guess what reality show is come back to television? plus these five kitchen hacks that will change your life and make cleanup a breeze. coming up now. from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1 a in remembering feller plaza. >> good morning, welcome to today this monday morning. >> i can't believe it's august 14th, all right, 2017. we're listening to "can't stop the feeling" by justin timer lake. al's off this morning. we have our friend chef curtis stone filling in this morning.
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is it gwen and maude's restaurant. >> yeah. >> pretty fancy, right, dylan? >> i've never been. >> well next time you're in l.a. you should come. >> the one's in beverly hills and the other's in. >> hollywood. >> i'll be out in the l.a. this week so i'm hoping to get the invite to the restaurant. >> you've got it. >> well while you're not in your own kitchen you've been busy filming for pbs. it airs in september. tell us about it. >> it's a show where i go around america and we meet all sorts of food purveyors and learn about food and i cook a thing or two here and there. >> so do you a lot of traveling. >> yeah. the other host went to europe this year, i stayed domestic which i was very happy about. from fun if italy wouldn't have been bad either but it's a sfun show. >> you were posting on instagram recently a photo of your wife
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deep sea fishing with the greatest catch of my life but she responded and commented back, muni, why whether so you cute today i think what's happening is you're trying to stop me from bar offing over the edge. that's exactly what's happening. >> is that might be the truth. >> is that what's happening there. >> we went fishing and the sea sickness get the better of her, unfortunately. >> they sty look at the horizon but it doesn't help. once you past that point of just not feeling greats. >> i love that you post it's like loving post. but i like it which spouses -- so for me if we're going to post on social media it's that kind of posting, right. so it's like there's love but a little fun if there. it's norm sblal there's always a backstory. >> i love that. speaking of bark stories, dylan and i had an epic weekend. >> i heard of that this weekend. >> one of our producers got married in a beautiful place. what was the name. >> storm king up in corn wall, new york. it's like this huge area with
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that are so far away from each other so you're just looking that the vast field with these giant, beautiful sculptures. >> by the sounds of it, the only thing that wasn't giant, wasn't -- only the sculptures, also the margaritas, giant. >> well, we took a shuttle from new york city. >> we didn't have to drive. >> so on the shuttle they have mascot toe, the guys had a couple beers. so by the time we got there the edge was off and everybody was there to have a good time. so before the wedding even -- well, cocktail hour we had an event. so i was drinking something, the signature cocktail or something. >> there were these great looking cocktails, different piece of fruit in them arnd said to sheinelle i can have -- never mind, sorry, i forgot i can't have a sip. and you're like no, it's okay, you can't have a sip skblp you know i was done. >> she goes really i can have a drink? yeah, go ahead. after you were done you were like i'm telling everybody and
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they can't believe that i sharedry drink. >> whoa r whoa, not today. not yet. >> but u but everything aefrz fine. >> you know everybody's having a good time when at a wedding everybody's like hopping up and down and sing and so this is when -- it was almost like my cousin and i had a little bit of a culture shock because we're on the dance floor and girls just want to have fun comes on and dylan was like singing and -- >> here's what we do at weddings. by we i'm just going to stay, white people at weddings. we jump and hop a lot and when girls especially when we know the words to a song, we are right newspaper your face singing, right in your face. >> my husband looked at me and goes what? >> and sheinelle doesn't know the words. >> but they were like, in the middle of the night. i'm like, what? and then everybody was doing this in each other's face. you know, and i'm like -- that's the dancing. this is hopping like why are we hopping. but
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>> do we have any photos? >> yeah, we do. have we know the shown them. >> we have some classy photos. there's us being dj's. >> this is a move to perfect. >> was thlt cocktail hour. >> that's cool. >> the light lighting during sun said the at this place was gorgeous. everyone was in the field taking pictures and taking advantage of the lighting. >> you guys had date night and that's -- >> that was the next morning squlr that was the next morning because that was the first time i really drank in 18 months. and we didn't have to drive, my mom was baby sitting soc calvin was in good hands. yesterday was awful. i was like when's his next nap? please go to sleep. >> it was worth it. now we need somebody else to get married or just have a party just because. maybe realize if you have colleagues or friends, just go out and have a good time just because. it doesn't have to be a reason to have a good time, do you know what i mean? were awe i fan of
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say yes. >> no. >> okay. >> yes. >> apparently it's not. you know how jersey shore was big because i didn't necessarily watch tefr time -- you know, every episode but we're still very well aware of the magnitude of the show. they're reuniting after five years for a special road trip. let's take a look at the preview and then we'll chat. >> reunites america's favorite fist bumpers for an adventure back down the shore. >> the best thing that could happen is jenny or paulie getting arrested. >> but i just want to know if they're going to take their clirn on this road trip because. >> exactly. >> i feel like lifestyles change when you have kids. >> you have to grow up. >> yes. and here's the thing, dylan. >> dylan will know more about the lifestyle than others. >> because she went to high school with one of the cast members. >> i'm surprised this never came up before. >> no. >> keep hiding it from us. tell us. >> the situation went to my high
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>> the situation. >> it wasn't a situation it was just mike sore ren teen know back in high school. we were the same year, we graduated together. >> was he like flashing his abs everywhere back then. >> no, he was just like a regular kid in school. he hung out with -- >> that's so funny. >> our crowds didn't really hang out all that much. >> so when he became like the situation, was it a big deal in your high school? >> it was like my high school's claim to fame. he went to high school, how cool is that and i'm watching the show cringing. so as somebody who was born and raised in new jersey, most of new jersey isn't that. >> yeah. >> you know, and it's like i grew up in the middle of the woods in new jersey. >> you guys hop and sing to each other at parties. i asked dillon is that how your prom was, up all just hopped and sing. >> we did go to the jersey shore after all of our proms. >> you guys have all these pictures, that's amazing. that was my junior prom and we fwoent see sideei
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because that's -- that is what we did in zblj so you should get all your high school friends together and you guys have this watch party for the special it's called reunion road trip it will air sunday at 9:30 p.m. it will be a fun reunion for you guys. i'll watch your friend mike. >> me and curtis will watch it. >> there you go. well, it's fake. >> speaking of australia area this happened off the coast of australia. >> i think it was. >> is it bro nounsed queensland or queens land. >> double island point in greens e genes land, yes. >> they have these -- i guess they encountered a baby -- a whale and a baby calf. >> take a look at this. >> it could be quite dangerous, actual. >> i not a cow calf, a baby whale. >> yeah, yeah. >> i didn't know it was called a calf, i'll be honest with you. it came toward the snork letters and then in a second i think it jumps on to them, right? >> archd i
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fun and then this happens. >> where? >> wait, i don't see it. >> boom. >> oh, wow. one flipper down. >> oh my gosh. >> oh my god. >> you don't want to get landed on. >> was that the calf or was that -- >> that might have been the mopt. it's actually a very dangerous time to be in the water when you're around a whale and its calf because they can get very territorial as you can imagine. >> i wonder if those snorklers got hurt. >> it's okay. up next, do you want to look like curtis? >> oh. >> you want to look like him and cook like him too? i was like how's that going to happen this could take a lot of work. he's revealing his favorite kitchen act. i was like are you going to a fashion segment i don't even know what i'm trying to say. stick around after this he's going to cook.
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♪ we are back, with curtis stone our co-host this we are back with curtis stone who is ourco host and that is good stuff. he's going to change his secrets that will change our lives in the kitchen. >> how long you can keep eggs? you never remember when you buy them. truth is five or six weeks, they're probably good for five to six weeks if they're kept in the right temperature. but here's a little test. if you drop one into water and it sinks, that means it's fresh. if it's old and not fresh, it will actually float. we've got fresh eggs so that's good to know. because the shell is porus so a little air bushl will form once that egg whites dehydrate. so that's a telltale
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knives. >> yeah. >> and not get cut. >> this is one of those things that we always have laying around, right, it's the center of the paper towel that we have in the kitchen. you can just flatten it out like that and then just put the spine of the knife up against it, just allows you to keep it safe. >> perfect fit. >> and then anyone reaching into the draug draw the drawer will never cut their fingers. there areatth labut this is my favorite because it's free. >> i like them high up all the time so the kids don't touch them but this is a good idea. >> this is a good way to lose a finger. you have a board slipping around and if you try to chop on it it's a bit of a moving surface. one thing we do in the professional kich sen take a wet piece of paper towel, put that down and then your board won't move around. >> that's great. >> another little tip, sometimes you'll cut garlic on a cutting board and it
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day. >> the the best move to get yourself a little fresh beginning geginger, i like to grate it on the board like that and the ginger will lift most of those flavors harboring in the board. >> that's interesting. >> what we're talking about, ginger's a great tool in the kitchen because as a marinade it actually te actually tender rises meat. if it's stakes, chick rern pork chops, whatever, a little bit of grated ginger like this. >> does it add flavor? >> it really did. it's fresh and delicious, but it has a tender rising property which a lot of people don't know about. >> is that olive oil? >> it is olive oil. and you'll get the jenner flavor this is a good thing.
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egg carton. >> now that we're getting to the plastic egg car tons i like it use it as i container could if you're doing a stir fry, you can chop up onion or garlic, whatever ingredients you're using. so instead of getting a whole bunch of bowls out of the fridge, it allows you to get a lot of ingredients at your fingertips. >> i like these. >> you can find these tips and more at let's talk weather. we're going to see the chance of rain and storms today moving through eastern oklahoma into eastern texas too. very humid along the gulf coast. it will feel like it's well above 100 degrees but on the flip side of that you go farther north and temperatures are running about 5 to 10 degrees below average. like parts of minnesota and wisconsin, highs only in the 60s. comfortable in the northeast in the 70s and 80s 80s and again besides some heavier downpours down south we're not look at severe weather da
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now here's a booek peek out your window. right here at home it's a mostly cloudy sky and there are raindrops just south and west of the area so these are going to be moving in. so rain chances climbing with time over the course of your monday. showers are likeliest during the early parts of the afternoon, showers around today, nol nothing all that heavy not like last weekend. nucht not much of a thunderstorm threat either and then isolated rain chance tomorrow but the general trend for the week is for warmer and drier weather to be moving in. >> and that's your latest and that's your latest forecast. coming up next big health news to tell you about include a new warning in arizona about the playing and wheth plague and whether you should be concerned, is hedule is key. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ (announcer) tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar,
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don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, swtiting, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, orhrhroat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your health care provider if you're tresiba® ready. covered by most insurance and medicare plans. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. wait, fruit of the loom makes breathable underwear? yeah, they have tiny holes to let the air through but... yessss. i love them. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. discovschwarzkopf presentsolor. keratin color
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intense care for less hair breakage. keratin color. from schwarzkopf. and now experience new sensational browns. super cool notebooks... done. that's mom taking care of business, but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. order online and pickup in store in just one hour. ♪ taking care of business >> announcer: no one loves a road trip like your furry sidekick! so when your "side glass" gets damaged... [dog barks] trust safelite autoglass to fix it fast, and we'll get you back on the road! [dog barks] ♪safelite repair, safelite replace.♪ a new epic flavor...
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it's cranberry. it's pineapple. and there's no. sugar. added. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. the next big thing to hit the juice aisle. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. you're more than just a bathroom disease. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic
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ny of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®. talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. now to some big health news you need to know including concerns with the plague in arizona. we have a board certified er doctor and the medical director of medstar prompt care. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's get to this first one apparent apparently fleas in arizona have the plague. >> this is the same plague from ages ago. we have antibot aught ticks now which they didn't, so that's one good thing about the but it's been in prayerly dog, it's been in rabbits. so if you have a pet out
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keep it on a leash, make sure injury pet gets tick and flea medication to kill any flea -- >> let's say your pet gets it and obviously you're around your pet all the time. >> there is a risk so you have to get to your veterinarian right away. there are antibuy aught tikds. we have a whole host that now work for us. >> that's a big 1 that grabbed everyone 'attention because it was a huge issue. this is a cool one. apparent parentally there's research that shows you may be able to get smarter while you sleep. >> yes. study, they took participants and they actually did a series of sound patterns, complex sound patterns. and when people woke up they could recognize the sound patterns. now, it was during recommend sleep. it didn't work when you were in deep, deep, nonrehm sleep, or so it's that kind of early sleep stage. but truthfully you're not going to be able to turn on rosetta stone and wake up speaking portuguese. >> right. >>it
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things, not complex things. >> what would you learn while you sleep ultimately? what would there be, anything? >> i think people think about watching tv right before they doze off or when i was in college i used to study and i couldn't think of something wind doze off and then suddenly i would think of the next paragraph for a paper or something. so those kind of things. >> that's why they say sleep on it. >> right, exactly. >> now this one's interesting because i can relate. spousal weight gain apparently in those yearly years of marriage you can gain weight. >> a couple things, as you said, you're cooking. the the other thing that you pointed out awomen are like killing them they'll selves to lose weight right before their wedding. but you get content and you kind of let down area guard. >> yeah. >> and, you know, it's that kind of fat and happy you're not going to on tinder or bumable bee now so you can relax. but you have to think of it for health reasons. >> yeah. >> and concentrate on it and plus you want to look good for yourself. >> i feel like with m
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because i would like try to be domestic, let me cook and sit down and eat. but then you go so many years in and you realize time to real it in. is there a window that you see where women start to pull it back in? >> well, women it's harder because then have you your babies and you're busy with your babies and the weight gain. you just have to concentrate, if you're going to be domestic and cook early on, start with healthy things and you have to concentrate on it too. >> we have time, 30 seconds left but quickly i think this one's good. apparently people with optimistic spouses have less chronic disease. >> yes. we know that optimism is good for your own health, people that are poly anna's the sun the come out tomorrow, they have less heart disease. now, if you're with a spouse that's also like that there's less chronic disease. they followed people years out and found they had less chronic disease. so maybe it's like minds think alike, but, you know, it's good to be positive. >> try not to be the grumpy spouse. thank you. just ahead if you hadn't had time to catch up on some
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shows, we have the ones worth binge watching before the new season. right after your local news. gas] you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. to tinto a flamecker you'll need a spark. new emergen-c energy+ natural caffeine from green tea to focus your mind. 7 b vitamins plus vitamin c to fortify you. spark the energy within you every day. emergen-c energy+. emerge and see. whole blendshair by garnier.ishing care. legendary olive haircare. infused with olive oil & olive leaf extracts. it softens and shines for naturally-beautiful hair.
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find every blend at walmart. this is a news 4 today news break. >> good morning, 9:26 on this monday, august 14th. i'm aaron gilchrist. in the news a man on the fbi's most wanted slift noing on long owner the run. they arrested gomez this past friday from wood bridge. they say he was wanted for the brutal murder of a man six years ago in nng. the fbi says that gomez murdered that man for socializing with a rival gang. it is tax-free weerk week in maryland, that mines won't have to pay sales tax on clothes, shoes, and some school supplies. it's going on on saturday, clothes that cost $100 or r
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lesser k3e6r lesser tax exempt. we'll have more right after this.
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comfortable enough to be outside in most areas, still in the 60s now but a little warmer in and around the city, mid to upper 70s. forecast for today includes a mostly cloudy sky and increasing chance for couple showers around here, nothing heavy but could get a tenth to quarter inch of rain
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wet for the next several days before we get to friday and a chance for thunderstorms. >> thank you. and you can get the latest news and weather anytime, just open the nbc washington app.
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all right. we've got some good news and bad we've got good news and bad news summer's winding down but the good news your favorite tv shows are coming back. >> i thought the bad new was we're on television in snuggies. >> its has a pocket for your remote. >> here to tell us is what to binge watch is the editor and chief of host of highly relevant podcast jack rico. welcome back, jack. >> thank you very much pcht i can't believe that this time around i got the snuggies on me. >> you are look so good in your outfit. >> trying to look like a professor, jack, to be honest. >> okay spot let's start with our first binge show worth
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seeing. it's the last season of the "mindy project ". >> that's right. the sixth and the final season a lot of people are going to miss the show on hulu and it's the creation of mindy kay lin who wrote it, produced it, stars in and it it's a show about 30 somethings that are trying to literally just figure out life. and in that process, they do a relevantly good job of it. it's clever, charming with a touch of risque, and at the same time it's a landmark show because it's the first time an indian american woman has started her own braufd broadcast tv show. >> i love mindy, she's so fun. >> very fun. >> what about "this is us"? the whole world's gone crazy. >> everybody. this is one of the most anticipated shows coming and returning to season two and this is the show that is -- so i would say it's a smart modern dram med did i that'ski
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death, interrelationships and it's about a family that's given all these twists and frurnz life. you can catch season one on nbcdom. >> and then next if we have empire, what should people now? >> hip hop, soap opera basically is what it is. season 4 is returning and a lot of the reason that this show is so successful is because of the scandal lous plot lines but because of the two leads. this is one that you should binge these three seasons because coming to season four a lot of people are going to be looking for this. >> shonda rimes knows how to keep us entertained, that's for sure. >> "gray's anatomy" and "scandal". 13 seasons, i don't know where you get -- >> 13 seasons? >> 13 seasons you can bring binge, 14th season is returning on september 28th. it's aplaimd lamd show, and then "scandal" is olivia pope, seven
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fix her own life. so this is one that has made such an impact on a cultural level that this one's going to be missed a lot. >> everybody's wondering how it will end. will she or won't she end up with fits. >> and now they picked up shonda rimes on netflix, multi-million dollars year for them. >> we've been talk a lot about "will and grace" and the zblurn eight seasons from 1998 to 2006. they're returning. the response has been so electric that they -- the show was supposed to be 12 just episodes, they extended to 16 and they just renewed it to season two without the new episode even airing. so tremendous response we can't wait for the show to come back. >> and also "jane the virgin ". october 14 will. fourth season already. this is the show that made jean an rodriguez a star. it's about a pregnant virgin who's just trying to figure
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circumstance of events. see if you can do it. it's in english language that's very charming and cork i can but emotional at the same time. >> and one more, "curb your enthusiasm" that's the hit. >> well, larry david decided to take off six years before doing season nine. i guess he must have come up with -- whatever he wants, came one a great yd idea. now ease returning for season nine. if you haven't seen the show it's the misadd ventures of larry david of who plays an exaggerated version of himself with very comical effected. think one of the key things about the show is underneath all the jokes is a lot of social commentary and does he it very skillfully and commentary so you can laugh without the guilt. >> now that it went away and is coming back it's built up even more. up next, how to make the perfect
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salad right after this. crohn's diseaseo severe i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me... managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease even after trying other medications. in clinical studies, the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. just managing your symptoms? ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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buy one take one is back starat olive garden. come in for a fan favorite like smoked mozzarella chicken here and leave with a great meal too. buy one take one. hurry in, it's only for a limited time. at olive garden. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing even a swing set standoff. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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a penny it's ourr back to school one cent event at office depot office max. notebooks! one cent! rulers, glue and 12-pack pencils! all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max! ♪taking care of business ♪ real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley. fromto the wobbling yogis.kers to the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. and it comes in a jimmy dean's delights breakfast sandwich. stacked with 17 grams of protein. lean into a great day. shine on.
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there are the wildcats 'til we die weekenders. the watch me let if fly. this i gotta try weekenders. then we've got the bendy... ... spendy weekenders. the tranquility awaits. hanging with our mates weekenders and the it's been quite a day... glad we got away weekenders. whatever kind of weekender you are, there's a hilton for you. book your weekend break direct at and join the weekenders. this this morning on "today food" grilling and chilling i'm going to show you how to make the fer infect dry
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and then the thai salad. so you start off with a beautiful dry aged piece of new york strip. i'm saying it's dry aged because what happens when you dry age a steak is you get this beautiful funky flavor to to it. a little bit of salt and pepper on both sides. there's a couple of important steps to grilling the steak. you don't add any oil to the pan. if you need to add an oil, add it to the steak. >> what kind of oil? >> just a little bit of grape seed oil. truthfully a lot of steak won't need any oil because of the intramuscular fat is enough to give a seal. first of all temper the steak. let it come up to room temperature. cook it on each side for about 60 seconds, and keep turning it ever 60 seconds and that way you're going to cook it a little slower, all right. so i'm going to leave that and then i'm going to show you how it looks when it comes off. >> that's it, just salt and
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you really don't need a whole lot of mayor nation on a beautiful tender steak. you want to taste that beautiful flavor of the beef. this is the new york strip once it's been cooked and rested. see how i'm cutting this and juices aren't flying out everywhere? the reason is because you've got this -- you've allowed that temperature to just come down ever so slightly which means all the juice stays inside the steak rather than ending up all over your cutting board. the general rule of thumb is rest it for haflt amount of time it took to cook it. if it was on for five minz minutes treft for 2.5. >> how long should it take to get it to that perfect color inside? >> depends on how long your strak is but one this size is probably only going to spend 60 seconds on each side and til i'll turn it twice. four minutes on each side, four minutes cooking time total. what do you do with leftover steak, sometimes we grill a little too much. you make a beautiful thai
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fish sauce, some garlic, ginger and dhooi chili. a little bit of sugar, grape seed oil ar and lime juice. >> it's not fishy. >> all fish sauce say little different, but you don't need -- you don't need to put too much. okay, let me turn it on. you blend it. and that's it. it's that simple. all those ingredients into a blender and that's all have you do. next you make yourself i've got some beautiful greens, some cucumber that i've just sliced, cherry tomatoes, mint, basal, and so sa lan tro. i tear this because bruising that the help to let some of that flavor come out, a little of the basal as well. and the sa lan tro. it's so fresh and garthous,
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so then some red onions. cut end of your onion off, slice is nice and thin if the if you want to use a manned de lin with you use a manned de lin. >> you don't even look down, you're look at us. >> this is what do you, always keep your eye on the food. >> no, no. >> and look, they're all perfectly even and cooked just the right way. >> let's go for this, ladies and gentlemen, okay. >> how do you know when it's about to be finished. >> you're making this amazing meal and we're like chop more onions, please. >> you get those onions and scal ions into your salad, toss it a little like that and then you take your steak, pick up that beautiful leftover sliced steak, and, again, it doesn't have any flavor apart from that salt and pepper and then of course you get that the beautiful dressing that you've made, drizzle it around and like this is leftovers which is worthy of a restaurant meal.
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>> that dressing, i want to take it home and bottle it up. this is so good. >> and you know what? the thing is it looks so simple but the taste is just insane. >> i'm glad you're enjoying it. >> to the recipe you just need to head to >> this is worth it. >> so easy. >> thank you so much. now let's take a look at the weather this week, which is actually going to be a pretty decent week, especially across the northeast. it will take me to the end of the week before the rain moves in. heavy downpours down south because of the all the humidity in the air as well. scatters showers and thunderstorms through the eastern rockies today and wednesday they move to the middle of the country. humidity down south and dry in the west. enld of the week we'll see scatters storms through the east coast. that's a look at the weather across the country now here's a peek out your window. it's a cloudy start to the day we've warmed to 77 degrees, though, in washington and an
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april mow lis. our friends and neighbors notice shenandoah valley may not get much or so above 75 degrees or so today. a lot of clouds out there and that's where the rain chances will be highest today. there's a chance for rain everywhere but highest rain chances up into the shenandoah valley. keep that in mind. everybody starts to warm up and dry out a bit over the next couple of days. maybe our first 90 on thursday. that would be the first 90 in two weeks. and that's your latest forecast. coming up next, it's back to school time. are you ready? we've got some easy ideas to get you and your kids organized right after this. around here, i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent.
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tap one little bumper and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. here at persil, the top notch team of stain experts has performed over 10,000 stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. we've made a new stain
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make that 10,001. persil pro clean. make that 10,001. l'oréal's magic root cover up. 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3 2 1 roots gone! magic root cover up by l'oréal paris. oh, my gosh! ♪ ♪ ♪ our bodies grow babies... ...we run marathons... ...companies... ...solve problems. how? we eat. we eat almonds... ...strawberries... ...quinoa. and yeah...we eat chocolate. ♪ we eat in sweatpants... skirts. we eat alone... ...and together. women are strong.
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special k. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro.
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free at all right. it is time to tibet your kids ready for another school year and there are tons of great back to school ideas online. many of them come from -- i can't say that. >> maihem. >> maihem, sorry. >> from what's up mom's, wunt most popular channels on youtubes with more than 1.7 million subscribers. >> it's such an exciting time of year, it can be a little hectic and for us actually just getting out of the house in the morning is the hardest part. so this is one my favorites.
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weekly outfit planner and you basically just load it all up on sunday night, everything's in there and that way in the morning you don't have, you know, where's my other blue sock or my batman under wear. >> you're good for the week. >> you grab and goe go and it will save you a ton of time. >> this is kind of making like a lays decide susan. >> this is one of the all time greatest tricks put take a round baking tin, and you want to power these mashlz? >> just pour them in. and then you take a second continue and put your school supplies in and tah-dah. >> that is so cool. >> and that really great for younger kids, they can kind of reach across, you know. >> you don't have to throw it in a cabinet so you don't have to reach all the way back. >> it looks pretty on a table. with art supplies comes artwork. art woube
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first week of school, so we do this three-ring binder you can put your child's name on the front, take clear sheet protecters and just put their artwork in. >> and then you can kind of save the binders instead of saving -- >> it's fun at the end of the year you have a portfolio of your artist with all their work in it. >> i love it. curtis is over here. >> oh, my goodness. diy thing. >> dpi do this anybody can do this and if i can't you probably still can, but. >> oh my gosh. can we hold it up to see. >> i mean, nailed it. nailed it. >> it's close, right? i'm making progress. >> this is actually my favorite thing we have out here. these are ziploc pencil pouchs, cut it in half, wrap it with duct tape and it should look like this. they're super inexpensive. >> sturdy. >> you can put anything. >> i would carry this as a
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you can make them in ditch sizes. >> that's a good idea. >> that actually didn't turn out so bad. >> you landed better than -- you got there better than i thought you were going to. >> i love that idea. but this is unbelievable. >> this is really cute. it looks so cute on the wall but it's great for kids that are just learningtor tell time and understanding the concept of time. sour afternoon schedule clock. you have a key that goes with it and it helps them to visualize what their routine is going to be after cool. >> i'm going to take this for my shifts at work. >> all playtime. >> getting ready for service. >> it works for anything. and i think a lot of times the hardest part of of april afternoon schedule can be homework time, so if you don't have kind of a designated desk or area in your house for homework, this is a great homework station. it's a presentation board covered in wrapping paper. the kids can help decorate it and it gives them kind of a quiet area that feels like their own. >> it's nice to have that spot that they go
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homework. >> we're voting you mother. year. >> oh, thank you. >> now, if you many v middle schoolers and high schoolers there are is school, making their own -- >> or if you're a mom. >> this right here where are you can look at that. >> you know when you go to a place and you're trying to find something for your desk aubd pay $12.99 for this. you made this using contact paper. >> all of this is marm contact paper and any container in the san empty tin can. i'm going to show you how easy it is. you peel off the contact paper, wrap it around and i mean. >> wow. >> i don't know if i can say store names but it looks like you but the it at the store. >> fancy one. >> you can do binder clips. it makes getting back into the school mode a little bit more fun and have some custom mized flooiz supplies on your list. >> you remember when you first get a locker, wanting to decorate your locker. >> you have a cool strick for this. >> these are magnets that you can take a one-inch hole punch, use scrapbook pap
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you just punch out the picture and then these are clear bubble stickers. add one on, stick a magnet on the back and let's show. >> you isn't that cute. >> i put mine on the inside of the locker. >> so cute. >> we have all of these tutorials on our youtube channel what's up mom's plus other back to school content. >> we're back in a moment. >> thank you guys. >> i like this on my desk. >> you can have it, oh my gosh. >> it's so cute.
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♪ don't we just love don't we just love curtis? . >> love. hello, perfect. >> you remember when it all began with us? >> i do. >> we thought he was aurz and then he went off and conquered the room. guess who we have on, guys. >> taraji henson. >> and elvis's movie of the moment. >> of the moment. >> cheers.
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tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. this is a news 4 today news break. >> 9:57 is your time now on this monday, august 14th, 2017. good morning to you. it is back to school in the district today at least for some students who have a longer school year. students at 11 schools will head back to class this morning. the rest of d.c. schools will start the schools next mo monday. ms mayor bowser will welcome back teachners a morning ceremony. the district plans to spend an extra $121 million in eduon
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now let's check the forecast with chuck bell. any rain in the forecast, chuck. yes, indeed. just a few hit and miss showers around the washington area but a better chance for rain today across the shenandoah valley up toward mart continuesberg, west virginia, and hagerstown. that's where the bulk of the rain and is that's where most of it's going to stay. even if you're running errands around town you may want to have that umbrella ready to go. just a few passing showers that's about it for the d.c. metro area. next few days a little bit of a warm willing trend and a drying trend. >> thank you. coming up on news 4 midday we'll take you tlooif charlottesville to show you how the community is trying to heal after the tragic ther -- tragedy there. we'll see ought 11:00.
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giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. that's right honey. bye! take a fresh look at giant's produce prices.
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>> ann from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> attention. >> hey, everybody, thanks for being with us for fun day monday, it's august 14th and we always say it but sometimes it's actually true. we have a great show to kick off your week. >> we've got some megawatt stars. >> yeah. >> we have taraji p. henson with us. >> cookie in the house. >> cookie's here from "empire" she's going to tell us what you may be seeing her character do this year andom


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