tv News4 at 6 NBC September 27, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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breaking news. and again, that breaking news is in fairfax county where one person is dead after reports of a shooting inside an office building. >> as we say, police say there is no longer a threat. there are questions about the building in fairfax county, in the mosaic district, and where a daycare system is housed. >> david just had a conference with the officer, david? >> reporter: that is right, that was the chief of police here in fairfax county. one thing he said this came in of initial reports of shots fired in the building. a good distance from where we are. you mentioned mosaic, it's on the other side from where we are. down here, that building as we walk to it that is actually the fairfax county school headquarters. to the right of that blocked by the trees, that is the building they're focused in on right now. i just talked to the police, i said what is in that building that they're responding
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office that occupies the space there. they got several calls of shots fired. and an active shooter. somebody combing the hallins of that building with a weapon. this has developed quickly. the gunman or who they pre assume to be the gunman is dead. the one confirmed dead as of how is the gunman. they have at this point gone floor to floor suite by suite trying to get a better understanding as to who else may be involved in this. they're trying to determine whether or not there are any other victims. let me show you this. as we show you the folks here walking out. they're just slowing us down here, but let me show you this. these are people who are able to get their kids now out of a daycare that was in the first floor of this building. this building has a lot of children who were being kept there and sheltering in place. i was talking to a source who told me that a lot of the kids were brought to
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county public school headquarters building. and that is where they were kept sheltered. and now they're being released to their parents. you can see a lot of these folks who are walking out right now. i want to go to my producer, patricia, go ahead. one more time -- let me get in here. take a listen. >> it happened at the corner, but i don't really know what happened actually -- i can't say. what happened really. >> is this the time you usually pick up your child? >> yes, so it was my wife. she was the person who tried to pick up the children, but there were no chances to come in. the police were absolutely perfect. well done. so -- we are very glad that our children are safe. >> and as a parent -- >> you heard it was a shooting -- >> it was one woman, she told
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-- she saw a guy screaming and she didn't understand -- she was so upset. i'm not able to understand more. sorry for that. >> as a parent, who do you feel right now now that you have your children? >> i'm so happy that i have my two lovely kids. so -- my wife is so glad. she was -- oh, she was screaming. and we are very glad, very glad. >> understandably so. >> thank you very much. >> one of the many parents who has been able to get their children from that first floor daycare here in fairfax. look at just the scene, if you can take in the immensity of the scene here. you have several different responding crews who have shut do you think a good portion of this area. we noticed traffic getting here from the beltway was very difficult. very slow. and that is because of a lot of the operation here shutting down many of the roads. we're going to continue to stay on scene here, and get more answers t
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doubt that are coming up as of now. one thing we can say is this area, we mentioned the fairfax county public school headquarters, fortunately this happened towards the end of the work day for them. a lot of the folks still there have left. we'll get a feel for what is happening here. you can see they're now wrapping up a lot of the ambulances that were on standby, in case there was a reality that there be some casualties beyond the one confirmed dead. they had several of these ambulances now they are releasing those units and wrapping them up with a police presence here. it is quite strong. we also should point out shawn, let's show them here, the neighborhood community. you have several town homes along this area as well. and so you have folks who live in the area who obviously now are curious by what all of this -- activity is and has brought them out here. guys, let's send it back to you for now. >> when we
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news conference you were attending with the police chief. can you walk through what he said about what they were doing with the children, initially when they first got the multiple calls of an active shooter in that building? >> reporter: sure, one of the things he was making sure to be clear of, they were trying to get them to a shelter in place. i have a source within the school system who tells me they were actually bringing them in from that neighboring building where the active shooter was going through. they brought them to the fairfax county public school headquarters building, which is the one building you can see along this road here. so they were keeping them there, keeping them sheltered until they were able to keep them with their parents, you saw them released to their moms and dads. >> you have to wonder what the time was between the parents hearing there was an active shooter in a building where their children are housed in daycare. and the time that they got -- the word that everything was good. you know those were some rough
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they were rushing there. >> reporter: well, i can tell you when i came up on scene, we were able to park a block away. the dad was in a suit, his tie was loose, he was in sweat, i said were you able to finally get him? he said that is all i care about right now is i got them. he just wanted to go home. there were moments of not being held back, of being kept away from a very scary scene, you look at the child behind the barrier of police, to finally be able to hold and then embrace your child you can understand why they're breathing easy, and in some cases rather emotional. >> absolutely, david, we'll get you to stand by here for just a second. for folks who may just join us, we want to reset a bit and let you hear what the fairfax county police chief had to say about what is happening there in the merryfield area, listen to this. >>
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he entered the building if he was an employee. we got multiple 911 calls for shots fired. our officers created an action team and immediately went into the shooting. started achieving an effort to find the shooter. at this time we found one deceased male who appears to be the shooter. we are still combing the building to get victims or those who were sheltered in place out of the building. >> was there ever a danger? did the danger go on lockdown? what can you tell us about the situation? >> i don't have enough information if the daycare went on lockdown. i can tell you we assist in evacuating all of those children into a safe building away from the active shooter. >> did anybody else get hurt? >> at this time, i don't have reports of other injuries. >> what can you say about the initial call? what brought you out here? >> we had a 911 call of an active shooter, multipl
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>> was he firing at people or firing like in general? >> at this point i don't have enough information. we have dozens of witnesses that we have to interview. it's an active scene, we still have witnesses that we are sheltering in place that we have to rescue out of the building. >> did he get caught? you guys caught him? >> we assume that the deceased is the shooter. but if can't rule out whether or not there was someone else. but we're pretty certain the deceased was the shooter. >> and there was no kazakhstan with him, correct? >> i don't know that. we haven't interviewed thenesses. >> you say the shooter called or somebody else called? >> the people inside the building, multiple 911 calls, firing rounds from a pistol. this is an office complex. >> is this a nova health foundation? is that what it is there? >> there are multiple renters in there right now. what i
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this suite was a law office but i can't confirm that 100% at this time. >> the fairfax county chief, edwin roessler, talking there a short time ago, david is standing there live. they have to go through. because you can imagine people are sheltering in place and may not know it's all clear, right, david? >> reporter: and you just heard from the chief there, this is developing right now. i want to bring the chief back, he has been generous to spare a few moments with you. you obvious yourself took off the kevlar vest, you were taking it very seriously. this was an active shooter? >> and we're still treating it as an active shooter. more multiple calls came in at gate house road, next to the school headquarters from an adult male who was firing rounds from a pistol. then we formed a reaction team and
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building to attack the threat, which was the shooter. unfortunately we found one deceased male who appears to be the shooter. this is not an officer-involved shooting at this time. we are still combing all active six floors, the roof and the basement, we still have people in place, we need to evacuate them and look for potential victims. there was a daycare center in the building. those children have been safely evacuated. we have set up a reunification center at middle school on gallows road. >> you mentioned this is not an active scene. could it appear to be a self- self-inflicted wound? >> it appears to be self-inflicted. >> we have relieved parents able to reunited with their kids, wendy just asked me a short time ago they were brought from that building to the school
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they were kept there for a short time? >> i don't know the logistics but they were kept in a place even further away. now we are transporting all the children to luther jackson middle school to reunited with their parents. >> chief, we thank you for your time. i know it's very busy. we'll continue to get questions answered. i know a lot more will come out of this through the evening. >> we'll go back to david here in just a second. our jackie benson is on scene for us tonight. there is a daycare inside the office building. jackie has some information on that, from that vantage point, jackie? >> reporter: well, we are at luther jackson middle school. you heard chief roessler say it's just across the street from scene. and this is where the children in the daycare center are being brought. we'll show you that is a fairfax county school security vehicle that just pulled up here a few moments ago. this is
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don't think any of us can ever imagine being in the position of having to do this. we'll have to come over here and pick up their children in the daycare center at the time that this incident all started happening. fairfax county public schools have a magnificent protocol for dealing with things like this. they absolutely are ready to open their doors tonight for something like that, for children to be brought over here. so parents can take some of the pressure off. they can pull into this big parking lot here, go inside the schools. get their children. and obviously you know, the discussions that they will have to have with their children when they pick them up later, always a very, very difficult thing. that you remember that initially there was concern that this shooting was actually at a fairfax county public school facility. it is not, but as david said and the chief confirmed there was a daycare center in there. we don't know how many children were inside that daycare center whic w
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office-like building. so again, you know, parents just starting to show up here to pick up their children. and you know, just not a day that anybody wants to see thankfully, thankfully all of those children are okay. live, jackie benson, news 4, back to you. just to let people know in that area, it's 8111 gate house road, a specific building that is there. jackie, how many parents have you seen in the last few minutes coming -- have most of them gotten their children or do you know? >> reporter: no, and you know think about it. it's sort of you know toward the end of the day. they have had to get this information. they have had to reroute from where they would normally go, plus i can tell you wendy, traffic in this area is just terrible. bumper to bumper, between people trying to reroute and the emergency vehicles. so you know, we haven't seen a big rush of people here but i'll tell you what, the people who do gon
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get in there. and you can understand that. >> absolutely, all right, jackie benson, we'll let you gather more information. talking about these parents going to pick up their kids. our david culver a bit ago was able to talk to one father who vir picked up his daughter, and relief you would describe it. listen to what he had to say. >> we are very glad that our children are safe. >> and you have heard it was a shooting -- >> one woman, she told me. she saw a guy screaming and i didn't understand. she was so upset, i'm not able to understand more. sorry for that. >> as a parent, how do you feel? >> as a parent, i'm glad i have my two lovely kids. my wife is so glad. oh, she was screaming. we are very glad, very
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of you just joining us, this started at 4:50 p.m. when police in fairfax county got multiple 911 calls of an active shooter. they arrived at the scene and found one man dead and it appears according to the chief that it was self-inflicted. he is referring to -- the suspected gunman. no other injuries, but of course they had to go through the process floor to floor to make sure there was not another gunman, but to be able to rescue the others in place. >> and the other information they got people are still sheltering in place. going through each floor, we learned as we looked at incidents similar to this that is the process law enforcement goes through, they go and recheck to make sure there is not another person who is seriously injured or who may have been looks to injure someone else. so they want to do those checks before -- >> or even whe
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hiding so well that they may not be aware that the all clear is sounded. let's go back to david culver on scene. this is the 8111, gate house road in fairfax county. david? >> reporter: you know, i was just talking to the chief again trying to get a better understanding of the process when it comes to going through the building in question, initially the reports came in for the active shooter. i said why can't you get closer, he reminded me this is still an active scene. even though he took off his kevlar vest and relaxed somewhat, closer in they're still doing a sweep of the building. the parents are reunited with their children, getting the daycare cleared. that was a big concern here. take a look at the congestion all of this is causing. i want you to understand all the response we're looking at here. most of these a
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many of them undercover police cars, unmarked police cars. i executscouted about a dozen ambulances here, you have to know where we are positioned obviously within a two-minute drive of nova fairfax hospital on the other side here. they are looking at the potential for mass casualties, as of now they have one confirmed, believing it to be the gunman, so they obviously didn't have to utilize the many response teams they had standing by. they are pairing down the units they had involved. we're located, if you're curious to where that is, not far from the mosaic district here in merryfield. so the active response obviously causing around this rush hour time a lot of congestion, we'll step out of the road here because you see one of the
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the fairfax county and rescue allowing others to leave. this will relieve jefferssome o traffic now leaving this perimeter. >> and david as you headed over there, a lot of people of course are probably stuck on the beltway. so i am sure -- whoever they're calling needs to reassure them that this thing is all clear now. the children are at luther jackson middle school, which is a calmer place away from all of this apparatus, where their parents can be reunited in a calmer environment. jackie benson of course is over there. but it looks like it's starting to clear out. and how bad was it on the beltway when you were heading there? >> reporter: you know, i can tell you that was where we started to notice the big congestion. obviously we saw fairfax one flying up heading towards merryfield. there was an indication something was serious. not only was the beltway
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the express lanes were moving very slowly. everybody kept there and kind of clogged up as they tried to get through the corridor here in the merryfield area. as you mentioned, wendy, this is moving now, getting a good pace. a lot of these folks are clearing out. a lot of these cars are sitting for goodness knows how long, if i could stop them i would ask. and there was the perimeter, really only one way out, they have been waiting through much of the ordeal to continue on their way maybe a lot of them likely heading home after the work day. >> david, i know you can see into the cars a little better than us. do you get the impression these are people stuck in traffic or parents who picked up kids? any idea? >> or people in buildings, who were hiding in the building? >> reporter: most of these appear to be stuck in traffic because i noticed them on the other side of the perimeter down there. no car seats filled with kids as i looked at some of the c
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coming by. >> leaving the office building down there you can see them pull out. >> the photojournalist says he sees folks down here through the view finder, folks leaving the office building, which is the fairfax county public schools headquarters, gate house right well as it's known. and that is holding a lot of folks from the evacuated building next door and pushed out. go ahead, shawn. what shawn is now showing you through his camera, is a lot of vehicles leaving the back ends of that building. so if your going to fairfax county public school headquarters which is a place we go quite often to, to do interviews and stories you have to park in the garage under the school. the entrance to that garage is on the back side. if you're trying to get to the neighboring building, the building in which that active shooter took place that is this first turn here and a little bit farther back. so the garage that is being cleared now presumably mostly going to be employees who were held there at the fairfax count
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are now finally being able to leave. >> all right, david, well, l'll you go to work and see if you can get interviews with them. and we're all going to catch our breath. this is now over. it was a lone gunman it appears. who killed himself, who -- it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound that took him down. >> the building is being swept by police, folks told the shelter in place, we know children in a daycare had been evacuated taken to luther jackson middle school not far from where this is all ppening. ha ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor and i sponsored this ad narrator: ed gillespie says dr. ralph northam doesn't show up? dr. ralph northam was an army doctor and a volunteer medical director at a children's hospice. he passed the virginia law requiring concussion standards for school sports. the smoking ban in restaurants. and dr. northam is working to connect veterans to good paying jobs in virginia. ed gillespie is a washington dc
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i'm a lawyer, and i have clients, and i am proud to do what i do on behalf of my clients. narrator: the clients john adams and his team are so proud to work for? banks accused of money laundering. big corporations accused of defrauding taxpayers. and mortgage lenders accused of unfairly foreclosing on homes. now he wants to be attorney general. john adams: the best attorney general the powerful and well-connected can buy.
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d. oh, well, hang in there. the cooler weather, it's coming. amelia. >> it is for sure. we're going to have cooler weather, fall-like weather with us, friday on into the weekend. but before we talk about our weather here a little bit more i want to touch on maria. so yesterday it was downgraded to a tropical storm. gaining a bit of strength now back to a category one hurricane. from the outer banks now you can see rough surf, ledding to beach erosion not just in north carolina but up to our beaches as well. so with that we'll send it to a camera in ocean city, maryland. here is what we're looking at right now. now the waves at ocean city leading to beach erosion as well. thankfully the water likely wouldn't come in
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the dunes away. protecting the landscape of our beaches, here is the latest on maria, max winds at 75. barely a count one hurricane moving to the north-northeast at 70 miles an hour, the easterly component really nice. it will continue to move towards the east, becoming a tropical storm tomorrow. moving away. we'll see the surf calm down toward the week and into the weekend. we'll still see beach erosion through friday and saturday and parts of the outer banks are dealing with storm surge flooding. now back here tomorrow it's our transition day, nice fall-like weather. 7:00 a.m., 71 degrees, hanging throughout the 70s. lunchtime, we're around 76, the high tomorrow only 79. about 15 degrees accountability th -- cooler than it was today. you will notice the winds tomorrow from start to finish. breezy all day long. gusts around 30 miles an
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pretty low impact on your day. if you're having lunch outside, make sure you put the napkins somewhere where it won't blow away. sunny and conditiomfortable, th weather not impacting the commute. after-school activities dry and cool, not cool enough to throw a sweat shirt in the active bag just yet. on friday you may want to think about doing that. friday, high temperature of 74 degrees, on saturday, we're in the low 70s, for sunday, before october begins, it's a nice, comfortable day at 73. and then i do want to point something out. monday, tuesday, mid-70s. normal for this time of year. after that we're not done with the warm weather just yet. take a look at next thursday, friday, on into next weekend. so the first full weekend in october, guys, back in the low 80s. also want to mention for friday night football i'll have the forecast coming up, what you can expect.
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bringing love sleeves or a sweat shirt. >> all right, thank you. update on the breaking news. a gunman is dead apparently after shots were fired inside an office building in fairfax county. our david culver gathering new information from the scene. also a mother is stabbed to death while she is holding her baby in her arms. tonight a search for the suspect as neighbors reveal new information about the potential danger for that mother in the hours before her murder. and race i ism on a local college campus. the vid police wanteo
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breaking news in fairfax county, tonight, where a shooter went into an office building. this situation is now resolving. it impacted a daycare in that area as well we understand. >> and the children were taken to the luther jackson middle school where they are reunited with their parents. >> reporter: well, wendy, talk about emotion, take a look, a short time ago the buses as you can see right there pulled up filled with children from that daycare, outside here, where parents are waiting. i have to tell you, some of them were in tears waited to reunit d with their children. the fairfax county public schools did
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job. you can see police officers on scene. it was obviously something that was very, very tension-filled for those parents. now a little while ago we got some -- we talked to a parent over at the scene where david culver is. and obviously, a situation nobody wants to have to come to. here is what this parent had to say to david. >> we are very glad that our children are safe. >> and as a parent -- >> you heard it was a shooting. >> one woman, she told me. she saw a guy screaming and that was all i understood. she was so upset. i'm not able to understand more. sorry for that. >> as a parent, how do you feel right now that you have your children? >> i'm so happy i have back my two lovely kids. so my wife is so glad. she was -- oh, she w
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screaming. and we are very glad, very glad. >> reporter: and one of the things that that parent discussed with us, they're waiting to see children, they're all three, three and a half, four years old. they discussed what are we going to tell them? what will we tell them about what happened? just something that you don't want to have to talk to your child about. but obviously the children know what is going on. and they will have to do that tonight. live in merryfield. jackie benson, news 4. >> and just to clarify for our viewers just tuning in. the suspected gunman is dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. in the 1111 gate house road. and disturbing new clues a of a mother of three was murdered. >> neighbors say she was holding her 11 month-old child in her arms as she was stabbed in the apartment building. some wonder if this
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have prevented. >> news 4's pat collins has more on the event hours before the attack. >> reporter: we're at the scene now, you can see they have a biohazard team here cleaning up the scene. but inside the apartment, it's still under police guard as they continue to investigate what happened here. and what happened here is unforgivable and unforgettable. what happened here, a young mother murdered, her body on the floor. her young 11 month-old baby boy crawling around in her blood. >> a young mother, stabbed to death in the hallway of an apartment building on 30th street southeast. neighbors say she was murdered while she was holding her 11 month-old baby in her arms. neighbors say she was stabbed ten times. >> what was
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i mean, when you saw that? >> terrifying. that was terrifying. >> reporter: sharon, a neighbor, heard a baby crying. she went to help and discovered the murder victim in the hallway. >> that is what made me go up the steps. the baby crying, i went and looked and she was laying there in the blood and the baby was there with blood on him. >> reporter: sources say police are looking to question the father of the little baby boy. neighbors say the murder victim had a stayaway order against him. friends say yesterday that the victim complained to police that he was threatening her. police say they came to her home yesterday and took a report. it's unclear as to what hatppend after that. a friend of the victim says that police could have done more. she asked not to be identified. >> they were like if there is not nothing happening there was not nothing they could do. they came twice, she called them yesterday morning and evening.
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motive or named a suspect. they say this appears to be a domestic murder case. on scene today, police chief pete newsham. >> people have to find another way to end disputes. this is horrible, a young mother who lost her life unnecessarily. >> reporter: there are a lot of cops on this case out tonight tracking down leads trying to hunt down that killer. wendy, back to you. >> thank you, pat. now to breaking news in a bethesda mystery. two men have now been identified after that deadly house fire and montgomery county police are saying askia cafra died in the home on danbury road, he was 21 years old. today we heard a man named daniel beckwith was hurt in that fire. this was back on september 10th. investigators have been at that house every day since
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police found underground tunnels on the property, hoarding conditions. chemicals. electrical wiring. firefighters also told news 4 they are not ready to reveal what caused that fire. >> a man was caught on camera after symbols of hate was found at a local college campus. this is the video american university police want you to see, a man in a hard hat here, a construction vest, too. he looks unassuming. but police believe he posted confederate flags and posters and cotton on the campus last night. more from reaction on campus. >> reporter: aaron, the anti-defamation league on campus today, they say since september of last year they have documented incidents of white supremacy fliers, on the campus, american university certainly one of them once again. police say the
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latest hate incident at american university was dressed as a c x construction worker and hung confederate flag and posters. the campus was so concerned, the regional director came to talk to students at the town hall meeting on campus today. we asked him why colleges and universities are being targeted. >> campuses are viewed as a place where minimal effort, you can create maximum disruption. there is a tendency to want to create maximum ideologies. >> reporter: it brought the campus president to tears. >> because it was a person of faith, i don't understand. >> reporter: mostly students packed the town hall just wanting answers and the administration to listen. >> i want to know what is going to happen. i want to know what actions the university intends to take. >> what can you say to students, this is the freshma
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have not had a month into university and not even experienced a year. >> reporter: the pictures upsetting, ten, of cotton plants, this senior found some of them when he was leaving class and took the photos. >> i think we all walked out and saw the confederate flag penned with cotton on it. >> reporter: this professor was teaching the class, the history of racism and also came face to face with the history of racism. the student was launched just last night. hours before someone put up the posters and cotton. >> no matter what happens, let's gather that strength together. do not let these terrorists fear you down. slow you down. >> reporter: the d.c. police department has offered to help campus police in finding who did this. back to you. >> kristin wright, live for us at american university. kristin, thank you. this is the latest in a string of hate incidents at
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american, last may, bananas were found hanging from nooses on campus, and there were two incidents last year. on campus, one woman said she had a banana thrown at her, last october, the messages were posted on the app. and a pregnant woman stuck in puerto rico as the situation goes from bad to worse. power is out, s
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to take money out of virginia public schools and give it to private schools. as a washington dc lobbyist, ed gillespie worked for lenders trying to keep student loan rates high. and ed gillespie's plan to cut taxes for the wealthy could cut virginia school funding, too. ed doesn't stand for education. right now a lot of you are using social media to share your thoughts and concerns about the deepening crisis in puerto rico one week after hurricane maria. one woman received only one message from her family, only two words. we're alive. and orlando will soon be a city of 4 million citizens if puerto rico doesn't get the help they need. one woman tweeted her son would get to puerto rico to help soon. and relatives here in the states
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helpless. >> and megan fitzgerald talked with a fairfax county woman who was worried about her family on the island, especially a pregnant relative who was just weeks away from giving birth. >> i'm concerned for them. i'm scared. because i know the situation there is not good. >> reporter: for the last week, f poloma has been trying to help her family trapped on the devastated i ed island and time running out. >> to get them here, especially my sister-in-law, her health is what we are most concerned about. >> reporter: poloma's 28-year-old sister-in-law is almost nine months pregnant. her husband and family members are doing everything they can to comfort her, but hurricane maria damaged their home, debris scattered everywhere. and resources are running low. >> they have no electrit
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for gas. because there is huge lines that take hours. >> reporter: poloma's father took these pictures of the devastation near their home an hour outside of san juan. entire chunks of roads are gone. neighborhoods are surrounded by water, and thick piles of mud. even young children are helping to capture rain water so they can survive. but people are becoming desperate. >> and so my brother told me i cannot sleep at night. i'm afraid somebody is going to come and you know steal what we have left. >> reporter: poloma has been calling her family and the airlines hoping to get them on a flight here before her sister-in-law goes into labor. in the meantime, she is trying to stay busy to keep her mind off what is happening on the island. but it's not easy. poloma realizes that with limited resources her family's chances of survival are fading fast.
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because they need me strong to be able to fight for their life. >> reporter: reporting in fairfax county, megan fitzgerald, news 4. and with life so dire in puerto rico, a lot of you may wonder how you can help. several local events will be held over the next few days to raise money and aid. we posted links on our website on the washington app. >> here is what is coming up next. a school bus crashes into a car and then the folks who own it are told it will take about a month for the school system's insurance company to do anything about it. i'm tracy wilkins, coming up on news 4 we're working for you and getting solution. and are you one of the millions who watched this video? decades later we found the model in that in famous fall. wait unt youil
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i'll have the langoustine lfor you, sir?i. the original call was for langoustine ravioli. a langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. a slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. i will have chicken tenders and tater tots. if you're a ref, you way over-explain things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. sir, we don't have tater tots. it's what you do. i will have nachos!
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police in the merry field area of fairfax county going through a six-story office building, trying to rescue anybody that was still there sheltered in place after the calls started coming in at 5:00 p.m. of an active shooter situation in that building. six stories they're going through basement, and even the roof top, numerous 911 calls. we were told that it appears to be a lone gunman that went into the building and started firing off shots with a pistol. now close to the mosaic area, we had david out there. this is close to the school board headquarters. right now on the
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jackie benson at a nearby middle school where parents were reunited with their children, because inside this office building was a daycare. we were told by police all the children were okay. now we were wanting to know who was this person, the person firing shots. the investigation is continuing. back to you, aaron. all right, erika, thank you, working for you getting answers for family and friends in prince george county, they're frustrated after a school bus hit their car. police say the bus driver is at fault. the school's insurance said it could take months to get their car fixed. and that is when our bureau chief, tracy wilkins, stepped in to help. >> she is staying right here, the bus is laying on top of the car. >> reporter: as wife sat at a bus stop, the prince george's county school bus ran over her car, according to the police report. >> the lady who d
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up there has been directing traffic for i don't know how long. for years. this is the first time the bus has ever had an accident here. >> reporter: what was upsetting, the school board's insurance company said they're waiting for the police report. >> they said it would take two to three weeks for the police report. >> reporter: so the applebees picked up the police report themselves and took it to the school board. >> they said it would be at least a week. >> reporter: when we spoke to his wife by phone, she is at work. she is getting there by rental car. >> i understand accidents happen, but don't delay the process. if you know your driver made a mistake go i know you made a mistake, well take care of your damages. >> reporter: it will take about a month to have the repairs done, the prince george county school board said they will get it wrapped up in the next 4 h24 hours and they expect to take
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driver is found at fault. now, the school board says this is not the kind of thing they would fire the bus driver for, but it's still under investigation. and one of the most memorable moments in news 4 happened around this time in the news cast. >> wearing the pink skirt. never quite recovered after that, there she goes. that was uncool. that is embarrassing. >> this is at least the second time time. >> jim vance and george michael couldn't contain themselves, when we aired that story about a model falling not once, but twice on the runway. the clip has since gone viral. watched 20 million times. when vance passed, and we were talking about this video it got us thinking, what ever happened to that model? does she even know about them
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does she think? we were able to track her down. she now lives in poland. doreen gentzler talked with her about that. >> it's the highlight of my career, i don't know if it's sad or funny. it's what it is. it makes me laugh each time i see it. i can't believe this is me. and the form of me falling down, it's very hilarious. >> camilla talks about why she fell. it's actually not the heels. plus, how it impacted her modelling career. you can hear her interview with doreen tomorrow night on news 4 at 11:00 p.m. it's quite interesting. >> no press is bad press. 20 million views, that is not so bad. yeah, so amelia, we have been watching the sunset, has not cooled off much outside. >> still closeo
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and for the last three out of four days, guys, we have been above 90. that is unusual. not abnormalinormal, take a loo normally we would have hit our last 90 degree day. more than two weeks ago on average our last 90 september 10th. so this is unusually warm, now the last 90 degree on record october 11th, 90s on the ten day forecast but you heard by now cooling down for the weekend but it will warm back up next week. 80s, not 90s. right now we're in the 80s, 89 degrees in washington, still humid out there. the humidity though is gone tomorrow. breezy from start to finish. with high temperatures in the 70s and plenty of sunshine. so notice the mugginess. here is tomorrow, kind of in between the comfortable and humid range, and by friday, it's spectacular out there. and the trend continues on into the weekend. take a look, friday, 74 degrees for a high. friday night football going on, 6
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i'm a lawyer, and i have clients, and i am proud to do what i do on behalf of my clients. narrator: the clients john adams and his team are so proud to work for? banks accused of money laundering. big corporations accused of defrauding taxpayers. and mortgage lenders accused of unfairly foreclosing on homes. now he wants to be attorney general. john adams: the best attorney general the powerful and well-connected can buy. i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general,
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illustrious coaches now out. caught in an fbi investigation, caused the school to get rid of 16-year coach rick patino, on administrative leave. the attorney told the louisville courier, the coach has been effectively fired. this is because of the link to fraud and corruption. patino is facing a five-game suspension by the ncaa, and then there is a four-year probation involving involving escorts hired to lure recruits. today, carol lawson named the analyst on csn mid-atlantic, teamed with steve buchan, also will be the first primary
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got the brooklyn job earlier this month. played 14 seasons in the wnba, including a stint with the mystica, and most recently she was a studio analyst and game analyst at espn. the games she is covering, the wizards continue their training camp down in richmond today. the wizards trying to take the next step from the eastern conference semifinal, to that they need a better start for this season. also news coming out from kirk cousins, named the offensive player of the week after that spectacular performance against the raiders. as far as we know we are still on baby watch so a lot coming up as we get ready for monday night football. >> and hearing the story about the women, that's wonderful. >> thank you for joining us, nightly news coming up next. >> we h
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tonight, urgent pleas for help growing louder that aid isn't flowing into puerto rico nearly fast enough. a deepening emergency a week since maria left the island in ruins. trump's tax plan. the president takes his pitch on the road pushing cuts, but who benefits most, the rich or the middle class? what will it mean for you? star coach sidelined. one of the biggest names in college basketball a casualty of a growing bribery scandal rocking major universities. price tag. president trump's high flying health secretary under fire over his frequent use of private jets. taxpayers on the hook. congress investigating. and adult food allergies. doctors report a dramatic increase in cases hitting later in life. your favorite foods suddenly dangerous.
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