tv News4 Midday NBC December 20, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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holiday travel is getting ready to kick it into high gear. >> live at dulles what you need to know from the tsa. president trump halfway to his first major legislative victory. i'm krirn in washington with more on the tax bill. and temperatures cooler than yesterday. but the clouds will also be hanging around. i'll show you when our next rain chance is macoming up. news4 midday starts now. hello everybody and thanks for joining us on this news4 midday i'm erig
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parveen. hi, sheena, how is it looking? >> hi, guys, it's looking pretty decent. we do have the clouds around. but as we go through the day, we'll be looking at temperatures staying cooler than what we had yesterday. here are the cloudy skies. good news though is the rain is going to be staying away. these will not be clouds bringing us the showers, not until this weekend. 51 degrees in the district. here's a look at satellite rain cells. so rain delays potentially in atlanta and as we go into the carolinas, but i'll be showing you more on the forecast in just a little bit. we'll be talking about some weekend rain as we head into saturday and sunday. if you do have the travel plans, it's just minutes away, guys. >> thank you, sheena. >> all right. so start the count down five days away from christmas. and holiday travel is kicking into high gear across the area. heading to the airports, there are some things you neeto
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news4 megan fitzgerald is live at dulles to tell us more about that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. here is some perspective. if you could imagine this, 400,000 additional passengers going to be traveling at airports across the country. in addition to what they already see starting tomorrow and friday. so a big question people have how can i avoid a headache. so for that we'll bring in the expert here, lisa, you can join us here. thank you for joining us this morning with tsa. so a lot of people know get early to the airport. but what specifically should people k50eep in mind? >> get to the airport about two hours before the flight because you'll see lines every where. line at the checkpoints. people are traveling with holiday gifts. we recommend you do not wrap them with paper and tape. we recommend you use a gift bag and you can put the gift
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we have to lift it out. no one is carrying open wrapping paper. same thing with gift box, easy to open and look inside. people can bring their holiday treats. they can bring their christmas cookies, cakes and pies. just might have to do additional screening, but that's fine too. >> reporter: okay. so let me go back to the gifts for a quick second. what if you already know there is no liquids in here. i already know this is not going to alarm the tsa. so i'm going to wrap my gift anyway. good idea or bad idea? >> well, you are taking your risk. you can decide you want to bring that wrapped gift or put it again in a bag or box 6789 becau. because you never know what is really in that stuffing. so if alarms we'll have to open it to make sure it's safe. we are all about making sure you get to your destination safely and securely. >> you gave me a
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don't bring water bottles. but why is this important to bring it to the forefront again. >> we want to make sure you don't have anything larger than 3.4 ounces. so people oftentimes traveling with a beverage to stay highlighted. but the point is finish it before you go through the checkpoint, and bring the empty bottle. >> who doesn't like to save money especially this time of year. lisa with tsa thank you for joining us. did you get all that. if not it will be on the washington app. megan, back to you. >> thank you very much. >> new video showing an an advisory neighborhood commissioner, news4 has interviewed paul tran multiple times about community concerns in the past. now it appears he is the concern. prince georgia county police
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bathroom near the police station yesterday. >> supervisor. >> don't make me come inside there. >> police an arrested him for a d ur dui yesterday. they also said he smelled like alcohol and admitted to having two beers. once back at the station, say he urinated on the floor and said racial slurs. he says he finds it disturbing. >> we told you drunk driving crashes increase around the holidays. montgomery county police received a scary reminder while they were investigating a deadly dui crash. justin finch describes what happens. >> reporter: holidays already b
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who aimed a task force getting drivers off the road drinking. under 150 arrests under their belt. over the weekend some two close calls. i'll take you back to overnight saturday when police were on scene of a fatal crash near rockville pike and congressional lane. a bmw and a scooter got into a collision, one that killed the scooter driver. bmw driver ran away on foot and later caught. then a man drove dangerously close to investigators, and then not long after a woman drove through, emergency lights, over traffic cones, and into the path of investigators who tried to stop her before having to run for safety themselves. >> it's frightening and very staggering. and i would be remiss if i didn't note the last officer who died in the line of duty one mile north of this collision.
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as a result of this a driunk driver and we are fortunate the same sequence didn't play out on saturday night. >> reporter: more drinks being had on the drivers, combine on the roads, very dangerous combination for the public and police. so if you are partying make sure you have a silver and safe ride home. back to you in the studio. >> justin finch, thank you. we had been following the graduation scandal over 5,000 students allowed to graduate last year after not meet tg requirements. but the ceo of the school says they have a plan going forward. he spoke out in a meeting yesterday and said that with additional staff training, and better technology, this problem should not happen again. the clock is ticking and we are just two days from a potential government shut down. congress has until midnight friday to reach a spending deal to avoid a government closure over the
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in the senate to prevent the shut down. democrats are using their leverage to push for a deal to protect the undocumented immigrants known as dreamers. senate majority leader chuck schumer told reporters he was hopeful about the situation. republican senator john mccain home in arizona recovering from cancer treatment. only one missing the tax bill. he says he appreciates the out pouring of support. senator mccain plans to return to washington in january. republicans are on the brink of passing biggest tax overhaul in ha generation. but today an embarrassing redo. the house is back in session revoting on the tax legislation because of a technicality. news4 edward lawrence has more on the last minute maneuvering on capitol hill. >> reporter: on this vote, the as are
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the nays are 48. >> reporter: the tax cut bill is halfway there passing the snats as the vice president presided over the vote the tax cuts and jobs act is passed. >> reporter: vice president mike pence had to cast the deciding vote. in the end no democrats voted for the bill. >> after eight straight years of slow growth and under performance, america is ready to take off. >> reporter: democrats say american workers and families will not win under this tax plan. >> a third of the middle class, 30% will see a tax increase under this bill. over 83 million households will see a tax increase under this bill. so really it was a classic bait and switch. >> reporter: in the house embarrassment. members have to revote today because of procedural issues. parts of the bill did not meet senate budget rules. house speaker paul ryan defended the bill's impact on the economy this morning. >> workers benefit. wages go up. more jobs occur. lower the tax rates and make us more
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>> reporter: after the house passes ts bill it will be ready fort president's signature. the federal government runs out of money on friday. some lawmakers nervous because no deal on the table as lawmakers have been focused on this tax bill. edward lawrence, nbc nusz, washington. happening today a panel of judges will certify an election recount that proves every vote counts. a single vote flipped the race in virginia 94th house district in newport in favor of the democrat. shelly simmons won by one vote giving democrats a rare 50/50 tie with the republicans in and house of delegates. first time in 17 years that republicans haven't held a majority in the virginia house. christmas, as my son keeps reminding me, is five days away. have you checked everyone off your list? we have ideas that can help. last minute stocking stuffers comg yourin
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"what if" more of the came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if"
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russian athletes to be neutral and not under their country banner. a bus carrying celebrity travelers, killing 11 and injuring 20 others. on excursion to the mayan ruins and flipped. they were on the royal caribbean cruise ship passengers. the cause is still under investigation. parents we have news for you this morning. new research on young kids battling asthma. si >> scientists say obese kid did not use inhalers 40 more days as compared to healthy weight peers. >> but good news found inhalers are just as effective in obese kid as healthy weight
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joshua weiner about treating anxiety and depression. >> wouldn't it be great if there was a safe and effective treatment for depression t anxiety, impaired sleep, without taking a lot of medication? well, it exists. called a cranial electrical stimulator called the alpha stem aide. here to give us a primer on this medical device is psychiatrist dr. joshua weiner. i'm intrigued by this. what is it exactly? and how does it work? >> okay. so i brought one with me. you can see it's a little device about the size of a cell phone with these ear clips. you put these ear clips on your ears. and this device delivers a microscopic electrical impulse to your ear lobes, barely perceptible, not painful, and stimulates your brain to produce alpha brain waves that's why it's called an alpha stem. they are t
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you are in relax aid mode or meditating. so the way i think about this device it's the lazy man version of meditation. you can wear it, and when you are wearing it you are getting the beneficial effects you would get from meditation without having to do the work and meditate. >> lou effective is it when talking about anxiety, depression, sleep liessness, these are serious conditions? >> they are. over 100 studies that have looked at the effectiveness of this device. and in general what the studies find it is roughly 85% of people will notice an improvement of at least 25% in all of those areas. mood, sleep. and anxiety. i've now had the opportunity to use it with my patients. i've had over 100 patients use it. i personally use it. i've now seen the results. and i do think the results match what the clinical studies have shown. i'm finding roughly 85, 90% of people are finding this device hopefu
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when you think about using this on a regular basis, how often do you need to use it? and sort of how long do you feel the benefit? >> so what you should do is if you are to get one of these, you would wear it, for most people wear it for one hour a day, but you could be doing anything you want during that time. you could be watching television. working. et cetera. you are going to wear it for that hour. now some people will notice an immediate benefit. they'll notice a calming down within minutes of using it. other people it takes ta little while. for me it took a couple weeks before i started to notice the benefits. so recommended you use it on a daily basis for about a month. but at some point along the way you'll notice that the benefits don't just occur while you are wearing it, but they persist throughout the course of the day and overtime. and actually the study suggests for people who use it regularly for a while, they may be able to start using it less frequently, maybe a couple times a week, but still maintain all the benefits that they were achieving when they were using it on the
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basis. >> i know a lot of viewers probably thinking at this point, this device sounds too good to be true. why hasn't it been on the cover of the "washington post," "the new york times," every where? >> right. you know, i pride myself on being a doctor who is up on the latest and greatest, right. and i am really disappointed in myself. this has been around for sometime and i didn't know about it. most of my colleagues have never heard of it. and i don't understand why this is not on the cover of the "washington post" and "new york times." because there is good data. the prove is in the pudding. i'm seeing all these benefits. i would say to "the new york times" or "washington post" get a health reporter out there. look, they are using this in the va system with soldiers and a lot of people are finding the benefits. i think the word should get out. >> knity gritty, how much does it cost? and more important does insurance cover it? >> this is the downside. it is not
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$795. generally not covered by insurance. although in some cases it can be. also a device that requires a prescription. you don't need a medical doctor to write the prescription but does need to be a mental health professional, so it can be a psychiatrist or licensed medical social worker. so there is this cost problem associated with it. but what the company would suggest over time if it's working you may be able to avoid getting on medications where there is a cost savings in that regard. >> yeah, especially for more serious conditions. dr. whiner, thank you very much. something to look forward to. >> thanks. >> thanks, guys. >> speaking of holidays staying heeltd can healthy can be an issue. >> we are working with you how to keep your health on track this christmas. that's whenews4 midday n
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ters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares.
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well, this time of year you might be concerned about overeating and under exercising. >> we have put the scale away in our house. but we wanted to check in with personal trainer and actually found out you can still enjoy the season and stay healthy. >> here's news4 justin finch. >> reporter: whether at home or work, with family or friends, holidays have a way of making it hard to get to the gym and keep up the healthy habit
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worry. >> don't worry. >> reporter: trainer in fairfax, he says when you watching what you eat, work in these exercises. >> the first exercise is body weight squat. staying on her heels. >> reporter: next a modified push up. >> everything is straight. say you can't do it that way, here's a modified version. go to your news. next movement is what we call a front lunge. >> reporter: while lunging keep your body straight and knees roughly 90 degrees. then try this for your upper body. >> what we are looking is pulling the shoulders back and straighten in middle part of her back. >> reporter: and when you go low for this hinge movement, watch your form. >> stay straight as you go down. >> reporter: last
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switch. >> keep your feet on the floor. >> reporter: after 10 to 15 reps, you'll want to do it again to do your personal best. justin finch news4. do you think meg hand will get that shot. >> who knows. experts also advise you to take a good multi vitamin. >> and when you are at a holiday party, volunteer to bring a healthy dish. >> don't bring the wine. >> so healthy dish, in my opinion if you are going to show up to a party it should be hummus, something good good healthy, not something green. >> you better bring a bottle of booze. if you show up bring that too. >> then you are all good. like sorry, your poll guy. >> sheena joining us now.
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brains over this christmas forecast. and as we are getting closer you are fine tuning. how does it look today? it seems it is changing? >> it does change a little bit. but what we have been changing are the temperatures christmas day dropping them steadily as we go closer. storm system christmas day so we do expect to be wet for christmas. rain moving in for christmas day early, and then the rain getting out of here right as that frigid air starts to move in. so we could see some issues on the tail end of that rain but mostly at this point does look like rain. tan then very cold. so either way kind of a mixed bag there. cool cloudy but dry today. travel weather looks good as we end out the week but rain for the weekend. like i mentioned christmas day. it is 51 degrees right now in washington. these numbers are not going to be moving too much through the entire day today so this is pretty much where we'll stay until we fall overnight. then the numbers will start to drop as the clouds clear out. this is ono available for
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he's festive and excited for christmas. if you are walking your dog this afternoon, clouds around but no rain. we'll stay around 50 degrees until the overnight hours. rain stays wait to our south where we'll probably see some travel delays today through atlanta and into the car line yeahs. but then we go into friday morning and into saturday, that's when we see another storm system developing. so some delays through new england as well. there is the rain going into the week. low 60s saturday. coming up i'll show you christmas forecast. >> thanks, sheena. this morning following new developments in the deadly train in washington state. >> we have been harrowing tales of the crash, and coming up next the i
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"what if" more of the came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy.
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you're watching news4 midday. crews digging through the wreckage of monday deadly train derailment are piecing together critical details. the longer it takes to find answers more questions the survivors have. and explains where the investigation stands right now. >> reporter: twisted metal and crumpled cars that tour a
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people on board. new questions from survivors and victims what could have caused the derailment on the line's first official run. >> everybody is up and down to wake up to looking at the seat in the opposite side in the row, i see legs, it was horrible. >> reporter: seahawks thought it was safer. >> you see something like this. >> it was bone chilling to see the train, earrerie that my husd wan on that. i don't know how anyone walked away, actually. >> reporter: nearly 100 people taken to hospitals. at least three people killed in the crash. ntsb are working to recover additional data. but already learned from the black boxes the train was
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30-mile-per-hour curve. >> it looks like the brake was activated rather than being initiated by the engineer. >> reporter: also confirming that pcd designed to. >> is positive train control that allows the technology to communicate and enforce things such as speed restriction. >> reporter: at least some of the crew had been doing practice runs for two weeks before the crash. investigators say the engineer had done the route before. >> under amtrak policy he couldn't operate the train unless he was qualified and familiar with this territory. >> reporter: but some communities had warned about running high speed trains warnings that amtrak did not heed. nbc news, dupont, washington. well, as we enjoy t
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start baking, we can't forget 1 in 8 americans who depend on food banks for a meal. studies show the populations that use them have experienced arise in obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. now one group is working to make sure the food is healthy and processesy. ashley registered dietitian joining us now to get the get healthy movement. thank you, guys, for being here. >> sure. >> this is a cool idea. when i read about it, i thought why didn't i do it. what is it? >> we know that hunger is a health issue. we know it's not about give someone food. it's about give them better nutrition. so we feed our families better nutrition because we know it's important for prevention of treatment and disease. if someone is
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bank, of course we should have better nutrition there. and we have had this culture in america, i love it, we love giving food to other people. but we have given things like canned goods or left over halloween candy. and the founder of give healthy, patio kneel, turned around and said wait a minute, things like wedding registry. let me put the two together. go online and take the $100 or $5 and purchase your broccoli and oranges and brought over to capitol hill area food bank who knows they can bring that into the community. >> what is the current problem with food drives, food banks? >> well, i think it's really, you know, the challenge is that we are seeing that hunger is increasingly not, you no he, people who are starving, it's chronic under nutrition. and it's diet related disease like diabetes and high blood pressure. so there is a
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food that people who, you know, low income, are receiving and have access to, we know when people have got all the options in front of them, they want fruits and vegetables and they want healthier, higher fiber foods. >> food drives are a huge thing and probably ts easiest thing, most common thing across the united states. this could i feel like be revolutionary for you guys. >> absolutely. we are really thinking about many, many ways that we can work with all kind of organizations to improve the health of the food that we are distributing and getting into people's hands and onto their tables. and anything that is going to bring more fruits and vegetables into the community is really something that's incredibly important for us and for the people who we are serving. >> how do we start? what do we get? >> you can go to get and sign up with their community there. you can say in the workplace we
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together that way. you can do it with your school. church. however you want to do it. and what's great about that your food drive actually -- the money that you bring towards donates to the community. so you see that. >> you are helping. >> i'm eating a salad and giving access to my neighbor. and people have awesome recipes and teach people how to use ingredients they may not be familiar with. >> thanks for being here. good idea. vial to log on and check this out. >> yes. >> erika. >> thanks, melissa. we are getting you ready for
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following santa every year on christmas eave journey and kids are able to see where santa is all over the world and how close he's to developing presents under their tree. to track santa head over to the nbc washington app. >> you can see if he is going to be delayed. >> he'll never be delayed with rudolph. what's wrong with you. >> you are right. >> i do love the santa tracker. it's fantastic. so i hope the kids check it out. >> for all the kids holding out for white christmas, maybe until next year. >> it's going to be a wet christmas. we know that and cold. so kind of be that damp cold that's what we are looking at christmas day. but cold air rushing in pretty quickly. so watching the timing of it. as of now calling for early rain and much colder feeling like christmas around here as we go through the day. but today looking at clouds aro
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of this week. despite the clouds we have, we are not looking at rain locally not for the rest of the day. 51 degrees, this is where we'll be staying with our temperatures, not warming up too much. a lot of areas in the upper 40s, 48 degrees in frederick. but this is really about it. we'll stay steady. cloud cover will help us do that as we go towards 4:00 p.m. so if you are exercising today, don't worry about the rain, we will stay dry. by 7:00 p.m. some of these clouds starting to break w and they'll continue to clear out overnight. then we really get colder. rain stays to our south maybe some travel delays near atlanta and through the car lioline. friday more clouds. but still dry. until we get to the weekend we could see some travel delays locally for saturday. slou
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sub'd some in the morning. but then get colder. look at this weekend. showed you that 60 degrees temperature. then comes the arctic air christmas day and hangs around all week chlgt then look what's going to happen after christmas day, after monday 30s and below freezing and couple snow chances we'll keep our eye on, guys. >> thank you, sheena. some made us laugh, cry, and some dance, as 2017 comes to a close, we pause to remember who left us this year. >> here's a look back at some of the larger than life personalities who made unique contribution to contributions to american culture. >> ♪ with her smile >> never hurt fulful but it's as something sarcastic and fun.
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the sounds of the season continue this morning with our holiday choir. this morning molette green spent the morning at the choir. >> reporter: yeah, puts you right in the holiday spirit. even over here with the full band to support the choir, that's really an international choir. this church boasts members from more than
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around the world. pastor craig whitman is with me to talk about how the choir reflects the church international. >> right. from agents starting from children to youth and single adults, we have married couples, and staff members from the church. >> you even have miss south africa usa over there. >> yes. >> reporter: can you tell me the impact of music this holiday season? >> yeah, it helps to tell the story of christ, and telling it through song, and it goes to another level. and with everyone involved, every generation is touched and we just enjoy what we are doing during this christmas season. >> reporter: let's take it to another level and listen to the choir. we are here. and they have special services on christmas eave and new year's eve to enjoy here in
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♪ >> reporter: molette green news4. >> thanks, molette. the national children's museum has had a permanent place to call home in years. but that's going to change. it's going to open in 2018 and here is the president of the museum crystal boyer. thanks for joining us. this sis exciting. tell us about your new home. >> yeah, this is exciting. we found a new place in the ronald reagan building just steps from the white house and national mall. >> very cool location. tell us about the exhibits. what type of
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something for everybody. used to be just catered toward the younger generation. and this time different. but tell us about the programs and exhibits. >> so we are excited to bring steam content, so focused on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. so i think that's really where museum shines you have the opportunity to engage your guests because you incorporate arts and make it playful and engaging and fun. and as you said we are planning to really reach a wider audience by incorporating more science and technology. we expect that we'll have relevant content for children up to the age of 12. and traditional children's museum as you know, usually stop six to eight. >> a little younger. >> but we want to share a complete family experience to engage in the museum. >> a lot of people remember the old capital children's museum. is there anything you are taking from where it used to be to what
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it's it's going to be? people may enter into this new place and get a little nostalgic? >> i hope so. i'm heard wonderful stories about their memories growing up at the children's capital museum. we've been around washington 43 years. continued to have a preference over the last ten years or so serving the community through pop up exhibitions and public schools and libraries and at festivals. provided programming for white house easter egg rolls. but we are excited to bringing back the permanent home and i hope they walk in and have the nos t nostalgia. >> we understand it takes money. so fundraising. what has to happen in order for us to experience this and be able to enjoy it ourselves? >> absolutely. we have some won zer fuderful p in the community to help tus bring the museum back to down
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fundraising campaign to make sure we have a strong sustainable home for this generation of kids. we want to make sure they can come back and part of this life for years to come. hopefully for their children's lives as well. so building something special. >> so this is typically the end of year where people like to feel generous and like to give. so people like to contribute to this, where can they go to get more information about that? and then tell us about where that location is going to be again to remind folks about where this new national children's museum is coming to d.c. >> absolutely. so our website is national children's and make a contribution on our website if you are interested in supporting us. we have had amazing out pouring of support in new location in reagan building off pennsylvania building and opening in march of 2018. we are excited. >>
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the republican tax bill. after the senate approved it early this morning. two day winning streaks as drop in apple on analyst dragged down the broader sector. economic data on home seals. the nasdaq slipping 30 to 69.63. also you want to look at shares of fedex bell weather of u.s. economy, but also weighing in on expected impact of the tax bill. economic growth rises as a result next year, may increase hiring and spending. and facebook is expanding how it uses facial recognition technology. and will send a notification when someone upholds a photo, even if you are not tagged, leave it as is or report it if it's in appropriate. facebook says the new tool is to empower
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their image online. i'm nbc business report. >> we are nearing the finish line. >> you if looking for final gifts or great gadgets that will fit in the stocking. liz mclaughlin has some suggestions. >> reporter: write-uplight up a one. >> lights on the case. >> reporter: and keep your phone charged with a disposable battery talk. wireless earbuds could come in handy. >> these apple ear pods are popular. so these pod pockets make a great stocking stuffer. whole charging case can attach to your case. >> reporter: apple alternative these have
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smart technology. but for those who still haven't jumped on the whole voice assistant train, this is a great time to dive into the home speaker space because of the great price. >> now y >> now you can get an echo dot for 30 bucks. provided security, i storage devices can lock up your backup to make sure files don't get in the wrong hands. small gadgeting can be a big help after the holiday season. liz mclaughlin nbc news. time now for final look at the forecast. >> sheena is tracking everything, especially that christmas forecast. sheena? >> yeah. we are watching that very, very closely. but until we get there it's about the travel weather. the rest of the week looks fantastic. today cloudy but no showers. right around 50 degrees, breezy. tomorrow more sunshine. you'll notice
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tomorrow morning right around freezing as clouds clear out overnight. 46 tomorrow. 52 friday. staying dry until the end of the week. but rain does move in saturday and sundae. then there is christmas day. we should be seeing some wet weather in the morning, then the cold air rushes to get in. so christmas day will in fact be getting colder throughout the day. but look what happens after christmas day, temperatures right around freezing or colder as we go through next week sochlt we so we do have a couple of snow chances in the weekend, ladies, so stay warm for the weekend. >> i guess so. that's it for news4 midday. thanks for joining us. sheena is standing there. we are back this afternoon first at 4. >> remember you can get news and weather updates any time with the nbc washington app great to download because the forecast sheena has been talking about is changing so much it's making me nervous. >> keep your eye on it. >> see you later this afternoon. h
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"what if" more of the came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy.
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. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. the winner of "the voice" is -- chloe! >> i alwaysle feel bad for the one that didn't win. rock 'n' roll rock 'n' roller. >> blake shelton doing it again, his sixth win against adam, down to their two contestants there. blake, sexiest man alive, now has even more bragging rights over
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