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tv   Today  NBC  June 16, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. breaking overnight, a second sheriff'seputy dies after being shot by a prisoner while transporting the suspect to a courthouse. the community mourning. >> i was in panic. stomach was in aots. we wert one of the safest places you can be. >> how did this happen? we'll have the latest. waking up behind bars. the president's former campaign chairman, paul manafort, facing his first full day in jail after his bail was rejoke evoked for s tampering. is president trump considering a pardon for manafort? >> he is not going to give up his rig of pardon. it is a miscarriagef justice. >> how will this impact the russia investigation? we're live at the white house. growing outrage. more roprotestsd the country
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as the debate rages on over the current immigration crisis. 2,000 children have beente sepad from their parents. this morning, a look inside one of the detention facilities, as the president places blame on the democrats for his own policy. >> i hate the children being taken away. the demrats have to change their law. >> we'lle h a fact check. plus, superstar quarterback tom brady opens up to oprah about nfl players taking a knee. >> i respect why people are doing what they' doing. >> reporter: the sweet so you think of revenge. how a clarinettist's alous ex-girlfriend tried to end his career. andsi a masvein wtorm sends port-johns flying. people are glad they got way oue of way today, saturday, june 16th, 2018. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with sheinelle
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jones, craig melvin, and dan dreyer. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. "today."to thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. >> port-a-johns, high into the air. >> yuck and kind of scary. >> nobody in it,right s? >> no. >> it would have been messy. >> it was the thought of it. as gt ss as iis, it is dangerous, as well. >> we'll have more on that in a moment. good to be back, b theway. we were off last week. >> we appreciate the tweets and questions. we're back. let's get to the topeastory. ng news coming out of kansas overnight. we've learned a second sheriff's deputy has died from her injuries in a shooting tt happened on friday. police say 44-year-old king had 13obears on the with the sheriff's department and was tragically killed after an inmateoverpowered her and another deputy outside the kansas city courtroom. we get the latest from nbc's maya rodriguez. >> reporter:his morning, chaos
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and confusion, giving way to grief, after a violent shooting outside a kansas city, kansas, courthouse. >> i was in panic. stomach wasn knots. >> reporter: police say it began around 11:00 a.m. friday, as two deputies were taken inmates to a court hearing. >> when they pulled into the parkingdylot, r to transport these inmates, they were overcome. it is very possible that with their own firearms, they were both shot. >> reporter: killed in the chaos, 35-year-old deputy patrick rohr, and 44-year-old deputy, teresa king, who served on the force for 13 years.e suspect was also shot. his condition has not been released. >> we were at one of the safest places where you can be. this occurred right outside of a courthouse, where there's multiple police around. >> reporter: shortly after, law enforcement agencies tweeting their support. the kansas city royals holding a moment of s silence for tin
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deputy before their game friday night. a communityet bound tr by shock and now, deep mourning. for "today," maya rodriguez. nbc news. more to get to this morning, includg a wild end of the week in washington, which saw president trump's former campaign manager being sent directly to jail. a fact check on our free wheeling and impromptu appearan by the president. and the growing toutcry over separation of young children from their families at the border because of the zero tolerance immigration 'rpolicy. wee covering it all. we start with nbc's kelly o'donnell. she is at the white use. goodmorning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. the former top trump campaign official who lost the relative comfort and privilege of home confinement was transferred late friday night the a regional jail, a two hour drive outside of washington in warsaw, virginia. according to records there, as being in a vip section. this comes after a judge ordered
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paul manafort to be held until his trialater this summer. fking up behind bars. ast day without freedom for former trump campaign chairman paul .manafo a federal judge said h shead no appetite to lock him up while he awaits trial. but judge jackson said she could not turn a blind eye. after prosecutors alleged manafort tried to influence wha potential witnesses mightut testify ais lobbying work with ukraine. late friday, president trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, pulled back talk and floated presidential parotn. >> he isoing to pardon everybody, but he is not going to give up his right. it is a miscarriage of justice. >> reporter: giuliani doesn't recommend pardoning anyone. >> of course he could. >> reporntr: earlier, presi
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trump responded to the jailing of mafort with tweeted sarca sarcasm. didn't know manafort was the head of the mob. d tried to distance himself with false information. >> worked for me forwhat, 49 days? a short period of time. >> reporter: the president is wrong about manafort w in charge of theum campaign far longer. 144 days. >> manafort has nhing too with our campaign. i feel -- i tell you, i feel a littleadly about him. >> reporter: manafort says he is accusedf o a financial conspiracy and moneyun ring. his lawyer suggested he'd eontacted former colleagues, not knowing they wou witnesses. frid, his wife of 40 years and lawyers left the courthouse without him. >> also, someews from china this morning. that country claiming that the ited states has launched a trade war after the president announced tens of billions in new tariffs yesterdate is the w house saying anything more about that this
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morning? >> not yet. china certainly is, punching back, accusing the united states of being shorts shted. chins it will impose new tariff on $34 billion worth of goods. everything from soybeans to whiskey. this will be happening soon. over the summer, they plan to expand that to 545 items. a lot of this would hit rural america, where some of the products are made. at's where, of course, president trump has his base. they also say they are responding to what president trump did. they will now canl some of the plans to buy american goods, which would have narrowed the gap. for his part, president trump has been saying the world is treating the u.s. like a piggy bank, and he wants it to op. >> kelly o., thank you. now to the unexpected white house gaggle with the president on friday. it raised questions after he spoke out about the inspectve general's igation to the immigration policy and his meeting with north korea's kim jong-un.
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geoff bennett is here t help separate fact from fiction. >> reporter: the unexpected and chaotic back and forth with us reportere outside the west wing, the president unleashed a sear rose of claims and accusations about a broad range of topics. many of wh misleading. president trump talking to reporters in a free wheeling, impromptu q&a friday, dishing out several eyebrow-raising comments. like this one, about the new justice department inspect r gener -- inspector general's report, saying it exonerates him. >> there is no collusion. if you read the report, you'll see it. >> reporter: it doesn't focus on the russia report at all. instead, it criticizes the fbi's handling of the clinton-mail investigation. the president also changed his story o fired national security advise michael flynn. >> some people say he lied. some people say he didn't i mean, really, it turned out, maybe he didn't lie. >> reporte trump himself
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tweeted this back in december. i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president skpand the fbi. on immigration, president trump holding democrats responsible for splitting upie fam illegally crossing the southern border. >> no, i hate it. i hatehe children being taken away. the democrats have to change their law. that's their law. >> reporter: it's not a mocratic law. the zero tolerance policy was crafted by trump'swn administration. the white house callingt a tough deterrent against illegal immigr aion. and dayer meeting with north korean lear kim jong-un, mr. trump continued to tout his accomplishme accomplishment. ie had so many people begging me, parents andfathers, mothers, daughters, sons, wherever i went, could you please get the remains of my boy back? >> rorter: the korean war was 1950 to 1953. doing the math, thisns mea a mother or father, asking mr. trump to return the remains of a
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deceased son, would have tllbe ver 100 years old.>> he president raised more eyebrows on friday by suggesting he wanted americans to defer to him the same way north do to kim. talk about that. >> reporter: that's right. it's the latest in a skeeries o compliments the president has given kim following their summit last week. take a look. country.he head of a i mean, he's the strong head. don't let anyon think anyth different. >> right. >> he speaks, and his people sit up in attention. i wanty people to do the same. i'm kidding. you don't understand sarcasm. >> reporter: the presidentay he is being sarcastic. there is no mistaking mr. trump spent the week flattering m, calling him tough, talented, and smart, while choosing not to make as much o an issue of his many human rights >> thank you. meanwhile, there's a growing uproar over the administration's imgration policyhat geoff highlighted there. the policy will be front and center next week at the naon's
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capitol, when the latest bill comes up for debate. this as we getk a new l inside one of the many detention facilities housing the nearly 2,000 children who have been separated from their parents. gadi schwartz has the latest on that. >> reporter: across the country, outrage isil ng. protesters taking to the streets, horrified that immigration fsofficials are ripping families apart. behind this green fence in uthern california, we' etting a glimpse of another detention center for migrant children. ust came from inside. one of the first things kids are told when they're processed is that this is not a detention center. theye liv behind this fence, locked away in the middle of this residential neighborhood in san diego. we weren allowed to take pictures or talk to the children inside. these are the images authoritieo provided tt us, showing wha they wanted the world to see. if a family has boys and girls as children, the siblings are separated. the girls live in a different facility. the boys live here. they're allowedal two phone
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a week. they're given clothing and attend classes. most of the 63 boys were alone when they crossed the border, but some are part of the 2,000 minors separated from theirpa rents in the last six weeks. if the boys become 18, they're prosecutedts as adr deported as part of the adzenistration's tolerance policy. >> the department of justice won't stand by while lins are nullified and undermined. >> reporter: outside, residents couldn't believe wint was happ in their neighborhood. >> i was stunned to find out that one of the facilit was within walking distance of my home. >> reporter: a man with a sign and a simple message. >> we are against separating otildren from their parents. there is n our american value. >> reporter: the tru administration looks to open up new detention centers in mo anticipation o minors that could be swept up and detained. for "today," gadischwartz, nbc news, san diego. >> our politicalanalyst, elise,
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and "time" colu sist. >> letrt with immigration. thousands of children have been separated from their parents at the esborder. ent trump making a calculated political decision here. as geoff noted, this is not a democratic law. this is the administration's zero tolerancelicy. the president's political calculation along the border, how could that play out? >> well, perhaps using children as political pawns. it could be a winning mipolitic erategy. i hot because it is morally depraved. i think as the images continue to stream out over media, you're going to see more outrage and more protests build, similar to what happened with the muslim ban back at the beginn of the administration. imme implementation has beee' simila. th not coordination among law enforcement. it is unknown if it is through the department of justice. there are too many unknowns with
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the order. >> let's talk about paul manafort, the president's former campaign chairman, waking up in jail cell this morning. there's immense pressure on him to coordinate. how do you expect the president to respond and handle all of this? >> ihink yesterday gives us a little bit of an indication witp his wildss conference and free wheeling style. he spoke at length with reporters and went quite all over the place. i think you had about 19 factually inaccurate statements. i think as this develops, you're going to see more of donald trump pushing narrative. it may not be a true narrative, but he is going to attempt to push the narrative that police i -- politically is advantageous to him. >> the president does this in rview with fox for about 30 minutes. all of a sudden, for me than an hour, he goes back and forth with reporters on the north lawn. your count is the same as ours, about 19 things he said that
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were demonrably false. when you watch that play out, what were you thinking? did it seem to you as if this was a president who was newly ur emboldened,id it seem like this is a president who appeared to be coming unhinged in front our es, to a certain extent? >> it seemed as if a preside was putting on the greatest show on earth, and distracting us from so many issues. the day before, it was announced the attorney general is suing donald trump and his children for their conduct of the charitable foundation they oversee. that story was not what we were talking about or scrutinizing. we're talking about the various atements that donald trump is making. >> a lot to unpack. thank you for your tim this saturday. some other headlines this morning. former nfl star winslow jr. is in jail after charged with a series of kidnappings and rapes. he pleaded not guilty to luring
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two women into car and assaulting them. he is accused of targeting a 76-year-old and 86-year-old woman in their home. >> he's using brain injuries as defense. a scottish school goes up in flames. drwiatic video sho parts of the school fully engulfed in flames friday night. the building was badly damaged by fire four years ago. it was undergoing renovations. student s who just graduated friday are devastated. fortunately, no serio injuries to report. dylan ha s a checkwef the her. it is getting hot in the midwest. >> we have heat advisories and heat warnings in effect for some 30 million people. this includes st. louis, chicago, andminneapolis, st. paul, where heat warnings are in effect. it'll feel, attimes, like it is over 100 degrees. we are going to see the warm air continue t pump in from the
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south. it is a muggy heat. when you factor in the humidity, the temperatures around 97 to nearly 100 degrees wil certainly feel like it is more than 100. memphis will feel like 103. dallas feels like 100. nebraska, feeling like 100. it'll be hot intosunday. chicago could reach a record high of 96. as we go into hmonday, thet starts to push eastward. that's a look at the weather across the country. now oere's a peek your window. >> the humidity is coming our way not today but tomotoow. y, comfortable. it is very comfortable and nice out there this morning. 50s and 60s right now. the temperature will be around o today. delightful weath there. the sun is not setting until about 8:3 plenty of daylight. we had to add a slight chance of shower tomorrow. hot and humid tomorrow. tter chances of rain come on wednesday. enjoy. it'll be a great weekend.
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>> that's your latest forecast. >> thank you. still to come, tragic new ft details a mother and her children were shot in a horrific case of road rage gone horribly g. why police say the shooter opened fire. a look back at the stories thataptured our attention this week, including the very talented 8-year-old drummer who makes playing the drums look easier than it is. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> so cute. >> love it.
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we're back on a saturdayin mo with the weekly download, our look back at the week that was. >> headlines were, of course, dominated by the inspector general's report on james comey and the fbi. there wereot of other stories that we covered, as well. starting with that meeting between president trump and torth korea's leader. anric summit in singapore,
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as president trump and north korea's kim jong-un meet toen discusslearization of the korean peninsula. >> tonight, president trump heading home after a whirlwind summit with kim jong-un. he hopes it'll be a defining moment in his presidency. >> we're ready the write a new chapter between our nations. >> the pair signing a two-page agreement. north korea committing to complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. president trump saying it would start very quickly. but giving no specifics. e>> a tragedy for olympic gold medalist b miller and his family. miller's 19-month-old daughter drowned in a friend's swimming pool. >> the babn felle pool. no, don' paramedics are on the >> mille his wife were at a neighbor's party when the toddler somehow endedp in a pool. paramedics rushed to the scene and performed cpr before transporting the child to a
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nearbyhospital, where they were unable to revive her. >> back to the ballpark. house majority whip steve scalise joined members of congress for their annual congressionaleball game for charity one year after the shooting rampage that injured him and three others. >> ready toom play s baseball. >> it's been a long journey back to the baseball diamond for steve scalise. tonight, as republicans and democrats trade in their daily battles over policy in favors of pinstripes, for scalise, just taki the field is a win. kim kardashian west and alice johns met face-to-face for the first time for exclusi exclusive. one week after president trump't commed johnson's life sentence. >> it was kim kardashian west who cald alice with the best news. >> i believe she said, you can go home. you can go home. >> you cano home? >> you can go home now. are you ready to go home? >>ardashian west championed for johnso rselease on twitter and all the way to an oval office meeting with president trump.
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ie>> i can't b we're in the oval office. this is crazy. >> yeah. compassionident had for her right away. he felt that it was the right thing to do.f some othe week's most memorae moments caught on camera. a roller coaster deils in daytona beach. >> the first car coming off the track, injuring riders, and leading to emergency rescues. a wild cli for a raccoon in minnesota. >> the superhero climbed the ubs tower in minnesota, capturing the attentif worried fans. >> poor little guy. >> released at a undisclosed location. unusual delay for passengers on anpi incomingt airlines flight to orlando. >> a plane is delayed at nd orlas airport after having to wait for an alligator to make its way across the runway. and the internet went wild for an8-year-old drummer from japan, effortlessly nailing the led zeppelin song "good times d times." >> whoa.
7:24 am drum solo she nails it with ease. 8 yrs old. >> so cute. >> incredible. >> you giv a kid, you know, who is interested in music, put the sticks in their hands, let them watch e keys early, and how they develop. >> did she learn it by listening to it? >> look atid the left of your scene. she can barely reach the foot pedal. >> that is organic. you hear it a know how to play. >> sweet. >> we'll keep our eye on her. >> yeah. still ahead, ms. dreyer heads to the ball field. she'll share the ginspir story of very special athletes who are giving it their all on the baseball diamond. she's back. rancic is back to e news. the sweet sound of revenge. how one musician won a victory after his ex-girlfriend tried to derail his career. we'll have the interesting ory. first, these messages.
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[thoughtful sigh] still nervous about buying a house? a little. thought i could de-stress with some zen gardening. at least we don't have to worry about homeowners insurance. just call geico. geico helps with homeowners insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that's really good to know. i should clean this up. i'll get the dustpan.
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behind the golf clubs. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. >> announcer: this is a news 4 today news break. contact police if you have seen yadira lemus. yeah, the snley cup isn a victory tour across the d.c. area. some luckyeans in district and arlington got a chance to meet caps captain alex ovechkin
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and owner tedleonsis this friday. they also got a close look at the shini stanley cup. ovechkin made stops at georgetown university hospita and the fort dupont ice arena, as well as the county police department. very cool stuff. we'll get a check of your saturday weather with lauryn when we come back. stay with us.
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christmas eve, my dad had no healthcare. he walked into an emergency room clenching his chest, and they sent him home. he died alone on a cold floor because he was poor. today in america your life is just a paycheck to an insurance company. it's time to end the american nightmare that my mother and i went through. i'm roger manno. i'm running for congress to expand medicare to every american. i approve this message.
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as anolutely gorgeous morning out there right now. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s. already 67 here in the district. asab the suns on the way out the door. mp're headed to by 10:00 a.m. for father's day, atures are warmer and the humidity builds in. we have an isolated storm chance. only 20% chance. dry today with lowmi ty. tomorrow, an isolated chance of a storm. monday and tuesday, dangerous heat. adam? >> lauryn, thank you very much.
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we'll be back with your local ws, headlinnd weather in 25 minute for now, back to the "today" show. have a great saturday. we are back on this saturday morning, june 16th, 2018on day before father's day. summer is right around the corner. we have a great crowd out on tht plazs morning. we'll go out and join them in a bit. >> wwe start this half houh a check of the headlines, starting with president trump's former campaig manager waking up in jail. >> behi bars. paul manafort waking up in jail this morning after bail for the former trump campaign manager was revoked. a judge found manafort tried to influence potential witnesses ts trial over charges brought by special counsel robert mueller. trade war. china responds with a 25% tariff on american goods, after president trump imposed similar
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tariffs on chinese goods. they include electric vehicles, seafood, and pork, among other tems, totaling billions of dollar the ceo ofheranos has been indicted on wire fraud charges. she claimed she'd revolutionize the industry. her company was valued at more than $9 billion a few years ago. rocking ronaldo. rtuguese soccer superstar cristiano ronaldo proved he had the right stuffgainst rivals, spain. he had a hat trin what some are calling the most exciting game in history. look out below. wind gusts sent two port-a-potties through the r.
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in a video posted on facebook, it's been viewed more tha one million times soed, saturday, june 16th, 2018. we're also learning new details about the horrific shooting outside of a denst office. a mother and three sons gunned down after wt was road rage. >> reporter: police believe it was road rage that led to a deadly shooting rampage in this parking lot. >> in today's society, you never know. this is a perfect nample. it worth it. >> reporter: it started as a family trip to the dentist. megan driving her thr children. as she parked for the appointment, invtigators say 23-year-old, jeremy websr, followed behind her, thenf a br argument. >> sounds like shots fired at a ntist's office. >> reporter: webster opened fire on digalow, who was shot and
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remains in mulcritical conditio >> reporter: i heard shots. >> rep bei shot. a n witness also shot while sitting in his truck with his daughter. >>yidn't look in vood condition. he had two wounds, one to the thm and one to chest. >> reporter: policeeports say webster, who is facing multiple er, ges, including mu admitted that he used his handgun to shoot all four victims, and gave police a possible reason for the rage. jeremy stated thate hhas mental health issues and just started a new prescribed medication today. othe making visits to the dentist were spared but shaken by the violence. a surreal tragedy they never saw lesson. d a >> we all, including myself, get in ssed out and frustrated traffic.
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we've all been cut off or cut somebody off. just have to remember to have a little patience. >> reporteld patience that c prevent another tragedy like this one. for "today," catie beck, nbc news. let us take a turn on this saturday morning now and get a little father's d weekend weather from dylan. what are we looking at here? >> we are going to see some storms in certain areas and a lot of rain in the there is a bubble of high pressure through the middle of the country where we have the really hottemperatures. the rain is rotating around it. we're starting to see some understorms develop across eastern south dakota. also across minnesota. just sth of minneapolis, we have some storms now. beale s we'll see more storms this afternoon. there is a risk for damaging winds and a few isolated tornadoes, especially in this area in orange here, north of minneapolis through duluth. it'll shift to th south on sunday. we'll see the threat of damaging winds and also large hail. it is alo this boundary here where these storms are going to fire up. we'll see thateavy rain this morning.
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we'll see more storms redevelop this afternoon. as we go into sunday, as this front shifts aittle farther to the southeast, we'll begin to see the storms developne across aska and southern minnesota. we could also see brief flash flooding because of the torrential downpours. they're containing a lot of water. within some of these heavier pdownpours, we could see to 5 inches of rain. most areas will see 2 to 3 inches, especially central and northern minnesota. that's a look at the weather across the country. now, here's a peek out your window. >> eventually, the frontal system will come through mid next inweek, bri rain chances. until then, we are mainly dry. comfortable today. the humidity rolls in overnight. expect a muggy andth warm 's day, with increasing humidity and down right oppressive into money a monday and tuesday, with the heat indexes over 100. today, 90 degrees. plenty of sunshine. mid 90s tomorrow with the heat index around 100 degrees.
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>> dylan,u. thank still to come, 40 years later, we're hopelessly devoted to "grease." >> all of you or just you? >>ll of us. >> thank you. >> we reveal secrets from the set. ever get hangry? >> yes. >> intermitten fasting i tried, but it didn't work. i gave it a shot for a day.>> ll right. turns out, there may be an actual scientific reason why we get hangry. we'll talk with our friend dr. natalie azar about that and other news from the week. fir these melsages.
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ordinary stains say they can do the job, but behr premium stain can weather any weather. overall #1 rated,weathers i find our most advanced formula even if you don't buy one from us. because maybe you don't want to drive a car anymore, maybe you want to drive a camel. i get it. camels are great. we'll still buy your car. alright, come on tina. let's go. haha, k. here we go! where ya goin? (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please.
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babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it! are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. try zyrtec®. it's starts working hard at hour one. and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. hey justin, think fast! what?! every time! i get lucky every once in a while. nature gives me... energy. ♪ clarity. nature gives me... wisdom. ♪ courage. ♪ drive.
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♪ nature gives... give back. nature valley, proud supporter of the national parks. at mccormick, we're obsessed with flavor. it's why we partner with sustainable farmers to find the finest herbs and spices. and blend perfectly balanced seasoning mixes. but, you don't need to know all that. you just need your food to taste great. which, we promise it will. we're back on a saturday morning with the medical reundup. there lot of important health stories, covering a possible side effect from medications, and how vitamin d could help lower your risk of
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one of the most deadly cancers. >> dr. natalie azaer is to walk us through it on this saturday morning. good to see you. >> thanks, guys. >> this one grabbed my attention. drugs with depression risks. one in three adults are taking medications linked to depression. what are the drugs? how big of a proem is this? >> actually, these are medicines you have in your medicine c cabinet right now. a acids, medicatio for pain it is not listed in the package a conversatiois you need to have with your doct doctor. >> acid reflux, how many peop oppeople watching this morning, can they not realize it is from a medication? >> pple who were takinghree or more medicines that have depression as a side effect were acally three times likelier to experience depression than people who weren't. s
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i have t this about a lot of studies like this, it was not a cause and effect. this was a anociation only or potential association. it always drives home the point that you need to talk to your doctor about potential side effecte especially oou take a lot of different medicines. to think those could increase the risk for certain adverse effects. >> a study came out this week mayave lot of folks upping the vitamin d uptake. >>he timing is interesting. the american cancer society just talked about lowering the age for starting to scree for colorectal cancer. this deals with vitamin d and whether it can ptect against cancer. we've known for a long time that vitamin d is important for bone heal. in terms o how it affects cancer risk, studies have en inconclusive or inconsistent. this was one of the first studies to show a pretty important potential association between vamin d and lowering the risk of colorectal cancer. to the tune of, if the vitamin d
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levels were high enough in the blood, it could reduce your risk 22 more in women than men. if you were deficient, it could increase the ris by 31%. now, i have to say, this doesn't mean you'll go out and start taking mega doses of vitamin d. we don't want you to do that. es you should talk to your doctor about potentially getting a vitamin d check and what level is good foryou. we can put up the graphic. people are like, how do i get vitamind? you canet it from the sun. of course, we're not all going to tell you to sinrt l out to get vitamin d because of the risk of skin cancer. you can get i from things like fortified things, orange juice, milk, fatty fish. if you are deficient, take a supplement. >> we've seen a rise of unvaccinated kids in the country. now, there are h spots where you can find this. >> this is straight forward. since 20168 states allowed a non-medical exemption. parents can opt out from getting kids vaccinated, based on
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religious or philosophical beliefs. it can leadot to hot theesz a these areas are pri md. 1/5 of ki not be vaccinated. they show these place ace cros the country. it is rural and areas. we've had a lot of measles outbreaks the last few years. this is what the cdc is concerned about. hangry, it's happened to all of hu meets anger. >> who doesn't have a hangry husband? >> i don't have one. >>so okay. this, we can do quickly. you know how sometimes we talk ng your ress affec physical health? >> yes. >> this is the flip side. if you are hungry, y actually perceive things as more stressful. it is not the hunger. it is what's happening around you. you're driving in a car. mebody cuts you off. suddenly, you get really, really angry. you take it out on the car. it puts you in a bad mood it has to do with the fact that you're hungry, not the facthat the cut you off.
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>> yeah. >> it is intuitive.. i kn it's like, okay, what do you do with the information? please be me aware. be aware of the fact that it could be the hunger that's signaling this angry, you know, feeling. eat more regularly. that kind of thing. >> have something to eat. always makes you feel better. lf-awareness is important. >> thank you so much. still to come, if you missed any of the world no worries. these pictures have you covered. we'll explain that a little later. > up next, the sweet sound of revenge. how a clarinettist whose jealous ex-girl frien tried to derail his career, he won a major court victory. we'll tell you about that after these messages. ssages. stretched ssages. smooth scarred soaked the sun does not care.
7:45 am
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7:47 am
your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. side effects like heart failure. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast hsirtbeat, extreme drowss, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your health care provider if you're tresiba® ready. covered by most insurance and medicare plans. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ we're back on a saturday morning with a talented musician who nearly had his career
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derailed by a jealous ex-girlfriend. >> luckily, he fnd out about it all before it was too late. now, a judge is saying his ex has to pay up to the tune of $350,000. here's nbc's blake mccoy. ♪ >> reporter: a high school prodigy playing the clarinet. his dream was to continue studies at the coburn conser conservatory in los angeles. he auditioned for a full scholarship, worth $50,000 a year. >> i got the rejection. it was crushing. i >> reportegine the shock, to learn he had been accepted all along. his future, he tells buzzfeed, tw thwarted by a jealous girlfri d girlfriend. >> she was the shoulder i s leaning on. the fact she was the one that did it. >> reporter: it took two years r to un the plot, that she created a fake e-mail to send the rejecti lett to keep him home in canada with her. discovered after he went back to
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addition again before the clarinet master. >> didn't too happy. he said, what are you doing here? you rejected me? i said, you rejected me., he said you rejected me. i went back and forth a little bit. >> reporter: this week, a canadian judge ruled in his favor, awarding him $300,000 in damages against the now anex-girlfriend. extra $50,000 for her, quote, despicle interference in mr. abramovatz he is studying in nashville and says he has no regrets. >> i still got to do what i set out to do. >> reporter: ending his story of betrayal on a positive note. for "today blake mccoy, nbc news, new york. >> crazy story. >> he's shimiling. >> one heck of a eakup. >> can you imagine? >> no. >> you don't know if she has the -- >> the money to give him,he
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$350,000. >> man. >> my goodness. >> thought yourbreakup was bad. dylan, we'll get a forecast for you in a stmoment. l ahead, tom brady sitting down with rah, speaking out about one of the more controversial issues inside the nfl, players taking a knee. we'll hear from him a little later. first, this is "today" on nbc. i f does your business internet ovider promise a lot? let's see who delivers more.
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still to still to come, craig, are you >> yes. >> father's day is what i'm talking about. ra oh. >> celng all things dad. from last-minute gifts to a cookout for a king. >> that's nice. >> doing it all for you, craig. she's not the first and won't be the last. how one world leader is making history this let's take a quick break. first, these mess. us. it's what this country is made of. but right now,
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our bond is fraying. how do we get back to "us"? the y fills the gaps. and bridges our divides. donate to your local y today. because where there's a y, there's an us. light bladder leaks are just part of being a woman. but we can still laugh as long as we want. poise® pads fit your curves better... and stay 5x drier than the leading always period pad... so life with little leaks can just be life. and stay 5x drier than the leading always period pad... i'm always on the go. i'm always traveling. so i take my surface ptop with me a lot. it's thin and super lightweight. plus the battery life is so long
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that i sometimes almost forget to bring my charger. you finished preparing overhim for, in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious.
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vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it! give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors.
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>> announcer: this is a "news 4 day" news break. >> good morning. 7:56 on this saturday, june 16th. i'm adam tuss. let's get a look at the top stories we're following this enmorning. prest trump's former akmpaign head ising up in jail this morning. paul manafort is being held at the northern neck j regionalail in warsaw, virginia. manafort was originally facing federa conspiracy and money laundering charges. then he was charged with trying to reach out to a potential witness in his case. he'll be at the jail until his ial starts sometime in september. the tiny house festival is ing on this weekend at the prince william county fairgrounds. the event features live musi food, and more than 30 tiny houses. some youzeight recognirom popular tv shows. the event runs today and
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tomorrow from 9:00 to 6:00. proceeds from the event go to charity. very cool. c> we'll get ack of your saturday forecast if you're heading out to the tiny house festival. lauryn has that coming up next. thefor montgomery county "the best chance of injecting a dose of vitality th into a county at badly needs it." "realistic ideas for attracting new businesses, extending pre-k, improving traffic." "a progressive leader, for jobs, to fun tschools without moes, to take on the nra and combat gun violence."
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lauryn says if you have a friend with a po, today is the day to find them and go to their house. >> call them up right no that temperature is headed to 90 degrees today. it is going to be very comfortable but very warm. plenty of daylight hours. the sun not going down until after 8:30 tonight. tomorrow, the humidityinolls back increasing humidity throughout the day. temperatures tomorrow are going to be a little warmer. mid 90s tomorrow. with that humidity, it'll feel closer to 100 degrees. small rain chances tomorrow. maybe a passing shower or stormi isolated chances, less than 20% you'll see it at your house.s dangereat monday and tuesday. the heat indexes will be over 100 degrees. next chance of rain looks to be on wednesday and wethursday. l have more at 9:00. now, back to the "today" show.
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>> lairuryn, thank y very much. back with more of your local news and headlines. yeah, to the "today" show now. breaking overnight, a second sheriff's deputy dies after being shot by an inmate, overpower overpowered while driving to a kansasity courthouse. the community mourning. >> i was in panic. we're at one of the safest places you can be. rm reporter: waking up in jail. the president's campaign chairman, paul manafort, facing his first full day in jail after the judge revoked his bail. >> i feel bad about it. >> how will this impact the russia investigation? we're live at the white house. >> i respect why people are doing what they're doing. tom brady in a tell-all with oprah today, saturday, june
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16th, 2018. ♪ take on my inhibitions ♪ baby, there's nothing holding me pack ♪ ♪. >> happy birthday! >> on the "today" show ♪ there's nothing holding me back ♪ >> happy birthday to me. >> i'm on the "today" >> we made it on tv. ♪ just picture everybody naked t >> you wan finish the song? >> i don't know the words. i just kno the tune. >> great crowd. >> huge crowd thisin mo thank you, glis. >> looking. >> -- alive. >> beautiful day. >> we'll take it. >> it'll be like this all weekend? >> hot though. we'll take it. >> oh, thank you. >> what'd she say?
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>> we loves sheinelle's shoes. >> show the kids at home. those are beautiful shoes. >> not many outfits the shoes could go with. you nailed it. >> first time i ever wore them. thank you. we have lots to get to, including more fass a little later. let's start wit das news. >> reporter: good morning. whitelly o'donnell at the house. gone is his luxury lifestyle. former trump campaign official paulort has been booked into a section of the northern neck regional jail called vip-1. accused ofitness tampering, man toafort was moved two hours outside washington and into a place in rsaw, virginia, friday night. waking up behind bars. a first day without freedom for former trump campaign chairman paul manafort. a federal judge said she had no appetite to lock him up while he awaits trial, but judge jackson said she could not turn a blind eye.
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after ptors alleged manafort tried to influence what potential witnesses might testify about his lobbying wor with ukraine. late friday, president trump's ndrsonal lawyer, rudy giuliani, both floated pulled back talk about presidential pardon. >> he's not going to pardon anybody in this investigation, but he is not, ob to give up his right to pardon, if a miscarriage of justices presented to us. >> reporter: giulianis recomme not pardoning anyone, but said he enuld. presidt trump tweeted sarcasm. didn't know manafort was the head of themob. he tried to distance himself with false information. >> he worked for me, what, for 49hi days or s? a very short period of time. >> reporter: the president is wrong about that. manafort was i charge of the trump campaign far longer. 144 >>days. manafort has nothing to do with our campaign.
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i feel little badly about it. >> reporter: manafort, who claims innocence, is accused of a financial conspiracy, with money laundering and foreign lobbying. manafort's lawyer suggested he had contacted former colleagues, not knowinghey would be witnesses. friday, his wife of 40 years and lawyers left the courthouse without him. manafort faces two separate criminal trials. turning torade a moment, china says it is imposing new tariffs billion worth of american goods. ao response, they say, president trump's tariff. this is an ongoing dispute between the u.s. andr china o its surplus and a dispute about technology development that chinas funding by the government. that's an issue that is president trump says he will continue to push back. craig? sheinelle? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. w t breaking news overnight, where a community is in mourning after a sond eriff's deputy has died after
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being shot by an inmate. 44-year-old theresa king, and her partner, patri rohrer, were shot on friday while transporting prisors to a courthouse. king died overnight from her injuries. police say they wereoverpowered and likely shot by one of their own weapons. the suspect was also shot, but his condition has not been released. two important food sety notes. salmonella is linked to honey smacks. kello kellogg's says the best if used by des are june 14th of this month through the same date next year the fda is also warningin peopl 23 states not to eat pre-cut watermelon, cantaloupe, and hon honeydew. interesting theft overseas. may take the fastest man to find
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his own stolen shoes. police aor asking the recovery of spines worn by bolt during the olympics. the irreplaceable footwear was stolen from a collector. a suspect h c beenrged but he's not getting on where the shoes are now. dustin johnson sitting atop the leaderboard as the third round of play begins at the u.s. open everyone else seemed to struggle. there's johnson dominating friday, sinking this 45-foot birdie putt. >> go. >> 7th hole. 4 under, he's the only player under par, including his playing partner, tiger woods, who finished 10 over. het.issed the >> almost as good as dylan. dylan? he hey. right . i was going back down to these girls. they're having a fun time. clearly, you're from luia, south carolina. what happened if you went out of
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order? have you been making sure? >> no, no. >> there we go. >> so nice to have you here. thanks for joining us on the plaza. let's look at whaoing on across the country. it is all about the heat. in fact, we have excessive hea warnings for minneapolis, chicago, st. louis. 30 millionndeople are a heat warning or heat advisory. the heat and the humidity will make it uncomfortabl memphis feels like 103 today. dallas, feels like sunday, temperatures still in the 90s. feels like temperature up around 100s. degr chicago could break a record with a forecasted high of 96 on , it starts moving nddegrees. eastwa eastward. new york city, record is 95. forecasting 92. it'll feel close to 100. raleigh will feel like 104. the heat is on. that includesou columbia, carolina, too. they're happy about it. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your window.
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>> beautiful out our window this morning. if you liked yesterday, you'll love today. a little warmer. low.ity is still it builds in overnight and through the day tomorrow. the humidity will be with us all next week. dangerous heat monday and tuesday. monday and tuesday, weather alert days. mperatures in the 60s now. almost to 70 degrees. em'll continue therature to around 90 today with plenty of sunshine. the sun not going down until 8:35. enjoy it before the humidity comes back through the day tomorrow. >> the girl scouts here, too. where are you from? >> washington, d.c. >> you forgot., guack inside to you. >> the microphone goes in front, there's pressuret'there. >> true. less than a month after the nfl saidyell p must stand for the national anthem, superstar quarterback tom brady is speaking out about players taking a knee. he's also talking about a lot more in a ngwide-raninterview with oprah. he's opening up about the game, his spirituality, and h what future after football may look
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like. here's nbc's ron mott. >> i respect why people are doing what they're eying. e doing it for different reasons. >> reporter: in a sit-down with oprah for her sunday super soul conversations on the own network, patriots quarterba tom brady opens up about nfl players kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial inuality andolice brutality, an issue president rump seized on during the 2017 season. >> get that son of a off the field righe now. fired. fired! >> reporter: brady strikes aff ent tone in the interview than the president, who is said to be friendly with the quarterback, his coach, bill belichick, and the team's owner, robert kraft. >> did you have conversations out snit. >> -- it? >> yeah, we hadet gs, how we wanted to deal. showing a knee and t respec
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you have to have empathy for everybody. >> reporter: last month, the nfl announced a new policy, forcing playerstand for the anthem or remain in the locker room. we want people to be respectful to the national anthem. we want people to stand. >> reporter: given his statur brady's public support for fellow players opting to sit out standing up for the national anthem is sure to be a talker. oprah turnedon the cversation several directions. life wit supermodel wife gisele bundch bundchen. >> she flies in the vsky. i'y rooted. av wife would say we're spiritual beingsg a human experience. >> reporter: what he's going to do when he's don throwing touchdowns. >> kids just want the attention. better be there. >> reporter: when that'll happen is anyone's guess. ron mott, nbc news. >> you can see the whole interview on o tomorrow. now to a world leader making history this weekend, asim the minister of new zealand
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prepares to put her job aside for a bit to come a first-time mom. she'll give birth tomorrow. as kellya cobie reports, she has a plan on how to lead a country and raise a baby at the same. >> i'm not the first woman to multitask. i'm not the fir woman to work and have a baby. >> reporter: after months of meeting world leaders, shaking hands, makin policy, new zealand's prime minister is now on maternity leave. she'd t'sl you, sot the first woman to do that either. bu ardern is making history, as only the second elected leader of a country to give birth while in fice. pakistan's minister was the first. she talked to cynthia mcfadden about being pregnant and in >> looking forward to the day when we won't have news stories about this because it won't be nearly as unusual. fornow, it is the way it is. >> reporter: in april, duckworth
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was the first senator to give birth in office, taking herne wborn to the senate floor. even in progressive new zealand, where they've elected three female prime ministers, and were the first to give women the vote, the mere idea of a pregnant leader sparked a heated debate last year. >> is it okay to te maternity leave while in office? >> if you're an employer of the company, youeed to knowhat from the woman you're employed with. >> it is totally unacceptable in 2017 to say that women should have to answer that question in workplace. >> this is the point -- >> no. unacceptable in 2017. o> a daily mail columnist wrote something i want get your reaction to. >> all right. >> you shouldn't have to compete forourttention with a colicy toddler. >> womenmultitask every single day. can i be a prime minister and a mother? absolutely. absolutely. will i have help to do it? >> yes. >> reporter: ardern will hand
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the reigns to the deputy prime minister sunday on her way to the hospital, she says. then take six weeks with her newborn baby, readi cabin papers between diaper changes. for to"y," kelly cobiella, nbc news. >> i give her credit. >> good for her. >> it'll be a lot of work. still to come, no highlights? no problem. the creative way a network showed the best moments so far from the world cup. >> one of my kids drew that. >> right. also, ellen degeneresin ge back into stand-up, and she could be coming to a city near you. that's right after these messages. today, historical sites are disappearing, but ai can help us bring history back to life. to recreate historical sites, we had to stitch hundreds of pictures one by one. with microsoft ai, we are able to stitch hundreds of thousands of pictures in one night. i need to make it possible, because it's so important to do it.
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with artificial intelligence you can go in, you can experience it. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it! vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. wthat's why carmax hasr you shouover 40,000 carst. to choose from nationwide. with the prices clearly marked, and the same online as they are in the stores. now, that should make you feel confident. trifecta! ♪ carmax music sting backboard.
8:15 am
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8:16 am
was that too corny? seventh generation. powered by plants. tested on sixty of your toughest stains. we are back o back on this saturday morning with a surprising tacti from espn's world cup. >> dylan is in the orange room with more. >> this is really cool. the world c is one of the biggest events in all of sports. but video from the event is highly restricted. networks are not given a lot of material tir as highlights during the shows. espn sportscaster scott van pelt tweeted this. with limid/no world cup video for our show, we will improvise. my daughter drew saudi arabi and russia for last night. only had one guy. send yours to #draw the wor cup, and we'll pick a few each other. kids love the drawings came pouring in. here's one little girl holding her piece of art with the exciting inportugal/same
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playing in the background. here's one of ronaldo, scoring against spain. >> these are great. >> goal! >> we have austin with a cool 3-d representation. anything goes. a great one from mia with what looks like a giant world cup and some dialogue. one team say, the world cup is ours. the other says, no, ours. >> how icute. >> her isabella holding hers while watching egypt versus uruguay. many folks saying this is a genius way toell the whole world cup story. it's like bng in court,ou know. you have the drawings. >> true. i love that. >> it's fun. >> scott van pelt, genius. >> yes. what do you have for pop start? >> lots to get to. first up, giuliana rancic. the veteran reporter is headed back tos e news co-host alongside jason kennedy. shhe left t show three years
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ago. she sa, returning to host e news is every bit as thrilling to me todwa as i 16 year ago when i joined the show and embarked on this career.ful adding, in part, co-hosting alongside one of my best friends, jason kennedy, makes this even more special. the show has seen talent shakeups in recent months. catt sadr left in december, citing a disparity in payne between k and herself. rancic replaces maria, who left for surgery to remove a brain tumor. ellen degeneres is taking her act on theroad, setting up er first stand-up tour in 15 years. three-city, eight-night tour in august is called "an evening with ellegeneres." she'll be traveling on the west coast. if you're close, you're in luck. if not, there will be a netflix special later this year. >> of course. >> it all makes sense. finally, we've got chills.
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>> they're multiplying. >> i knew you'do it. believe it or not, the movie "grease" came out 40 years ago today. to celebrate, natalie morales is hosting a two-hour look at th iconic film. doors.": behind closed it features interviews from behindhescenes. it includes the moment when sandy got the makeover. >> the talk on the set was, olivia is going to come out in this hot, like, makeover. we're all waiting for it. then she came out with the hair out tohere. it was great, the c black suit. time froze still for me. >> you can see mor of natalie's special, "greas behind closed doors," tonight. >> i watched that eve day after high school. my high school was like that.
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everything. >> thank you, dylan. thank you for not singing. what will have you saving big on your summing vacation th -- summerat vn this year. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ we should be alone together
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why shop marshalls? (engine revving) because shopping should thrill you. (horn honking) with big brands at small prices. mwah! (laughing) for the whole family! whoo-hoo! woman: and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for. so every trip feels like an instant victory. that's the fun of marshalls. (gasp) with brands that wow and prices that thrill, marshalls is never boring and always surprising. (horn honking)
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still to come, my trip to a baseball field here in new yorkn to meet a incredible group of young athletes who give it their all every time they play. plus, we're grilling up delicious recipes that willave dad feeling super special. >> you're grilling? >> you? >> dylan is grilling. >> first, these messages.
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oh, look... another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. ask sherwin-williams during tand bring color home.e. from june 15th to 18th, get 40% off paints and stains. visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store today. mike thomas: ooohh! you're hittin 'em good j! heeeyyyyy! mike thomas: have you ever played golf in the snow before? justin thomas: oh no! mike thomas: (laughing) oh my goodness! justin thomas: i'm just gonna try to practice for all my life and see where it ends up to. hopefully i'll be good enough to go to the tour. mike thomas: (laughing) good shot big j!
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serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? ask your doctor about taltz. civil rights... vietnam... feminism. but revolutions need to come home. so i became a teacher... saved ten-mile creek on the county council... and passed a fifteen dollar minimum wage. i even extended my house... so there's more room for my family. developments should add value. it's why as county executive, i'll make developers invest in schools and infrastructure,
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and i'll never take their campaign money. developers will think that's a revolution! >> announcer: this is a "news 4 today" news >> good morning, everyone. it is 8:26 on this saturday, june 16th. i'm angie goff. we want to get a look at your top storiesstories. columbia heights day care is cooperatinge with police in investigation of sex abuse involving a male employe and child. 65-year-old arturo perez was arrested. a little girl repeatedly tried to pull away from him, and h allegedly groped her multiple times. the small businessni admiration will offer low interest disaster loans to those impacted by the fire at the apartment complex last month. the stanley cup is on a
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victory tourcross the d.c. area. lucky fans in d.c. and arlington got to meet captain alex ovechkin and owner ted leonsis on friday. they also got a look at the shining hardware. we will have a chieck on yor father's dayor weekendast when we return. stay with us.
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i've seen a lot of sun rays early on this saturday. lauryn ricketts, loog looks liy things will s dry. >> dry today and tomorrow. we are dry, even at are beaches. if you're traveling, looking good. seems comfortable, as well. humidity, low today. however, as we head into the he humidity starts to creep back in. it is going to be a hot and humid day for your anther's day down right oppressive into monday and tuesday. monday and tuesday, weather alert days. outside today,ta comfe. temperatures are in the 60s. right around 70s. we'll take it to 90 for day time highs today. afternoon temperatures well into the 80s. for tomorrow, there could be a aslight chance of passing shower. less than 20% chance you'll see it where you are. however, looking warm and hot for that father's day forecast. again, we do have a slight chance of a shower he or there through the day tomorrow. otherwise, most of us are stayingdry. oppressive heat monday and
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tuesday with heat indexes well into the hundreds. angie? >> we'll be using the ac. thanks. we'll be back with more weather and news at 9:00 a.m. and live on facebook. hi, how are you? >> we have a birthday girl. >> we ares back on t saturday morning, june 16th, 2018. summer is just around the corner. sun is shining on this beautiful crowd. >> yeah. >> it smells good out here,o. >> a great crowd. a lot of birthday celebrations. speaking of summer, if you're looking for a great escape, don't go anywhere. coming up, we have travel tips that won't break the bank but will have you soaking up the sun in no time. i mentioned it smells good. we're celebrating father's d early with great gift ideas for you procrastinators out >> and from barbecue brisket sandwiches to marshmallow squares, we have sweet and savor
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dishes to delight dad on father's da with extra hard names to say. >> i'm looking forward to eating. maybe a o final checkthe father's day forecast. >> it is hot for most of the country. 30 million people under some sort of heat warning or heat advisory. especially back through the midwest. temperatures will feel like about 100 to 105. we could also see strong storms to the north of that. across nnesota. there's also a flooding threat down in the southwest, with heav rain expected, coming in from the south there. on father's day, take a look at some of the names. we he grandfather, north carolina. dadville, new york, 89 degrees. no idea these existed. hammer, north dakota, 73 with clouds. gard gardener, kansas, 95 degrees. a that's a look the weather across the country. now, here's a peek out your window. >> outside our window, very nice. temperatures in e upper 60s right now. heading to around 90 degrees. w humidity out there. plenty of sunshine all day.
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and dry. we have do have a slight chae of a rain shower passing through tomorrow. again, just a slight chance. better chances come on wednesday. we'll needt on wednesday after dangerous heat on monday and tuesday. for this weekend, l golfking great. pool looking fantastic. yard work, remember, it'll be stick ady through your father's day. >> that's your latesforecast. >> dylan, thank you. baseball has long been entrenched in ourculture, and it has a way of bringing people together. >> it does. here in new rk, there is an incredible league full of really special players. i had the opportunity to meet with them recently and see what this league isll about. >> reporter: sunday afternoons were made for baseball in the park. on manhattan's low east side, families and friendstoome ther to cheer on the little league challenger division. five, everybody. > reporter: this league is unique. developmental delay.
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while he might not welcolook t t of a nd,mal special needs chil he is a little different. eporter: that's what challenger is all about. celebrating athletes with physical and developmental challengers in a n-competitive environment. >> i wanted a place that would be welcoming to him. he can just enjoy the sport. >> reporter: it's an opportunity to hit, run the bases. >> going for two. >> reporter: and give out high-fives. without stressing strikes and outs. the league was founded after a plea from rick's youngest daughter. you wantcame here, did to play baseball? >> yes. >> reporter: jamison has down syndrome. e played on a similar league when the family lived in florida. after moving north, jamison was without a team. she asked her dad to step in. >> she asked about me challenger. i said, let's see what we can >> reporter: ieducational background -- second challenger moved to 30 players. >> we said it is a celebration. it creates memories and it is g
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alat for their development and confidence. >> reporter: each athlete is paired with at least one buddy. what is it like being on the field with your buddy? >> just really fun. i love it. >> helping them hit the ball and run around the bases, touch home plate. it is really fun watching them. >> reporter:he league plays on a turf field, allowing walkers and wheelchai to charge the bases. >> he loves . he loves the kids. he loves getting the-f hies. >> he gets the wind in his hair. any time he does that, it is certnly a big thing for him. >> reporter: almost all of the challenger athletes are unable to vocalize how much ty love playing, but their joy andci extement is shown in other ways. >> last year, he was a totally different player. he was afraid, overwhelmed, not sure if he wanted to do it. >> reporter: what ab et now? >> he xcited from the moment he woke up and put his stuff he's been carrying his basebl mitt around all day. >> reporter: a chance to be part of a team and share an afternoon
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of basebaat. oes it mean for ray, to be out there running the bases? >> you know, i hate to sound cliche, but ites mak him feel normal. makes him feel like he can do what every other k is doing. they feel welcome. >> i had so much fun out there. the challenger league just finished up theeason for the ar with an award ceremony for all the kids. the best part? the program is absolutely free for anyone who wants to get involved. >> that is absolutelyc. fantas i was just telling you, i like the idea that it is intimate. you know thekids' names. >> they all get their time up there. they love giving the high-fives, baselinedown the third >> great story. thank you. whether a foodie or an avid junkie, the last-minute gift ideas. >> why didt you start shopping months ago? >> you'll never notice. >> didn't get mom a last-minute gift, did you? >> are you jealous? >> well, don't give dad last-minute gifts. should have put some time in. >> first, these messages.
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ey can, but just one can "behr" through it all. behr premium plus, a top rated interior paint at a great pric family friendly, disaster proof. find it exclusively at the home depot. daily hair damagen stop before it happens ...with these roses. one is treated th dove. both are exposed to damaging heat. the rose without dove is dry and brittle. dove deeply nourishes and stops 90% of daily hair damage before it happens. ♪
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8:38 am
we're back on saturday morning. tomorrow is father's day. if you put off getting the perfect present, we have some ideas. they're blast-minut you'll love them. sure to put a smile on his face. you can buy these today. one, i'm about to get today mi walker is the executive editor of parentg" magazine. these are good. we broke it into categories. first, the tech-savvy dad. >> yes. >> you can create pictures straight from your phone. >> here's the picture. it prints out really fun. less than anu . take a selfie with dad, your kids can and, together, tpry can t it out. >> put it in a frame. happy father's day. i'm kidding. g this isd gift. the whole family can use it. >> 39. get it today at staples. >> what about these? >> looks like a beautifu regularwatch. it is from nokia. it isti a heart rate and ty tracker. steps, heart rate.
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also tracks sleep. for father's day, i think those naps on the couch count. >> we have style to them now. >> exactly. you can wear it all day. >> now for the foodie dad. what do we have? >> you want dad to wake up on father's day with nice, slow-drip coffee. >> this is cool. >> a brass, pourover dripper stand from world market. use regular ground coffee in it, but slowly pour in theot water for a delicious one cup. it is like a drip coffee b you ke one cup. >> it looks good. >> right. decadent. >> we'll get to craig in a momentla he's ng. how about this? dark chocolate. >> kewhinfused chocolate from williams sonoma for 9. pair it with your dad's favorite whiskey. a nice chocolatend whiskey pairing. >> i'm convinced that presentation is a huge part,s well. >> it is true. that's what we were thinking about. the idea that it is not just handing it to them. it is thinkg about pairing it that way. you can do the coffee in the
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morning. have a nice morning andove on. it is like a foodie day. >> a theme. it's strong. can smell it >> i know. it's true. >> relaxing. what do we have? >> dad will want a book to read about fathers.s" "p is a nice collection of book. prize-winning author. when you read that, you don't want to be in an uncomfortable chair. >> of course not. >> you might want to bewh exact e craig is. >> perfectly normal. >> right. >> perfectly normal. >> inflatable hammock. tiny.folds up very you can fill it, whether camping, outdoors. tie it up. there you go. >> what are they charging folks for this? >> $59. you can get it at brookstone. you can make fdie and -- >> father's day starting early for me. >> that's eright. one m day, but not much.
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youfaeady for er's day? >> i do. what are you doing? >> moving around. i'll be honest wu.h as a man who enjoys a hammock, give me the traditional. >> if you don't have any trees, it hard. >> thank you. >> no trees. >> so comfortable. i'll tell ya man. >> look like you're -- try to cross your legs. >> i am not. can you take us to commercial, please? so i can get out of this thing. >> thayou. happy father's day. >> by the way, find all these items in s ores or amazon prime. you can't kick your feet. that's not cool. >> that's the part that's not cool? coming up next, looking to save on yourvaca? we'll tell you which days are st to buy and fly for the most bang for your buck. this is "today" on nbc. >> i'm sure the folksart the store going to be happy.
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we're we are back on this saturday ngrning. with the kids getut of school, the official start of summer on thursday, it is te to sta thinking about that summer vacation. on average, families spend about $2,000 for summer vacations. nearly $500 on activities per child, as well. that's according to nerd wallet. akhere to help you the most out of your vacation, personal financeexpert, kimberly palmer. good to have you. >> thank you. >> let's start with the travel credit cards. putting ourhould be credit cards to work for us. how should we go about the criteria, in determining which credit card to use? >> the first thing you want to do is see what reward cards are already in your wallet and use theongoing reward for everyday spending. you can accumulate points and cash back to put towards your next trip. if you don't have a rewards card, you can look for one. look for one that earns you more than 1% on all of your
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purchases. >> more than 1%? >> exactly. >> at nerd wallet, we have a comparison tool. >> pay off the monthly balance, right? >> so any time you use a credit card, avoid the fees and interest. >> how much are we talking ins tef savings per year? how much can a card save us? >> at nd wallet, we found you can save -- the average american can earn $901 the first year in aing a travel credit card. the second year beyond, it is $277. some have free rental car insurance. you don't have to pay extra. it saves s $10 a day. a lot of free checked bags for you and your traling companion. >> there are wives tales out there, when tbook, the best day, hour. how do we g the cheapest flight? >> timing is everything. if possible, you want to try to fly on a wednesday. that's the cheapest day to fly.
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fo then if you can fly mid-week, that is best. it also matters what day you book your flight. you want to book on a sunday. friday is the mostsi exp day to book. try to avoid that. you always want toryo book about 30 days in advance. that way, you'll get the best prices. pru can track es, too. there are useful apps. google flight and momondo. >> we're there. have the flight booked. looking for a hotel. how do we get the best deal? >> you want to be much more last-minute. 24 to 48 hours in advance, you'll get the best prices. there is areat app, hotel tonight, that helps you book last minute. it can be hard if you done have flexibility. if you do, that's how you can save. you can also track prices with hotels using kayak. >> theme parks. couple weeks ago, i took the kids for the first time down to florida. me and my wife, disney world, universal. gets expensive. expenste fast.
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>> does. one key to saving is to go on value days. midweek. the peak days, holidays and weekends, costs $30 to $40. you can save by going at less demand. same for universal studios. avoid mid-july to early august. you might want to check out authorized ticket sellers, like undercover tourist. you can get good deals on disney tickets. universal studios, you can go to costco for good deals on tickets. >> kpaberly er, always learn something when you're here. thank you so much. >> thank you. up next, we're going to head outside for a father's day feast that any dad is sure tolove. dylan is on the grill. first, these messages. lan's on . lan's on .
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can you love lan's on . wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. hey justin, think fast! what?! every time! i get lucky every once in a while. non-drowsy children's claritin allergy relief. the #1 pediatrician recommended non-drowsy brand. because to a kid a grassy hill is irresistible. children's claritin. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. i'm always on the go.
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i'm always traveling. so i take my surface laptop with me a lot. it's thin and super lightweight. plus the battery life is so long that i sometimes almost forget to bring my charger. when you make a pb&j with smucker's, thatt's the difference ben ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good.
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wow. on today food, what better way to show yrr dad husband how much you love him than with the perfect father's day meal on the grill? we have the owner of ryan scott to go catering in san francisco. first time father. a beaiful daughter, olive. love having you here. i hope you'll be home to celebrate ayther's tomorrow. >> look at the photo. that's my daughter and my wife. >> i love that picture. >> my car has my luggage. right after i'm done with the demo. you'll make it back home? >> i'll have my first father's day on the beacating pizza. i don't want to cook. neither does my wife. >> you're cooki a feast for us
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now. >> yeah. >> this is a monster sandwich we're making. >> this is for you, craig. by the way, you see the shot? i didn't think you'd be able to do it, but you did it.>> raig will eat it. >> do it, buddy. >> i've beenn nibblinge brisket. >> in the grid, we have a classic brisket we'll go ahead and brine. plus, a coleslaw. i'll have you, dyn, make the dressing. in here, we have mayonnaise and sour cream. in your right hand is little apple cider vinegar, giving it a zing. lots of salt. >> we lik salt. >> whole grain mustard. >> i love whole grain>>mustard. t makes this dish pop a lot. salt and pepper. here's the thing -- >> me salt? sorry. that was sugar. if you see dylan and i cook together, it is salt on top of i was surp two servings of salt. >> if you're in a rush for father's day and you can't make anything, the package of the
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slaw that's done is easy. weave to get healthy. i have marshmallow squares and a cooler. frt and a lot of meat. once it is mixed together, this can sit at least, i don't plow, a c hours. >> in the fridge. >> in the fridge. make sure dylan's culinary skills are on point. if you say it needs salt -- >> no, it's good. >> we'll take a brisket cut and make a brine. more salt. salt.t we are making a brine. >> peppercorns and brown sugar go in here. >> whole garlic? >> whole garlic. can you put the brisket insbre that e? >> not cutting the fat off? >> you want the fat inside the brisket pop this in there. let it set anywhere from four to five hours or overnight. if you don't have time for a brine, take a soda, pour it over the top. it has everything you need t make a simple, easy brine. >> really? >> soda, brine, that's it. >> for five hours at least. put it on the grill. >> now, we're geating ity
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grilled and beautiful. we lather it with the mede, favorite barbecue sauce. >> store bought. >> atla s house, it is out of a can. it is great. you let it grill and it is gorgeous. bring it over here. >> i love this. w now assemble. >> i'll have you do the sauce. i'll put the sliced brisket on thetom of the cheese here that we roasted on the broiler. it is really goeous. >> nice. >> get the shot. ready, guys? dylan, go ahead. >> this is bad for the arm shake. you don't want that. are youiking this? >> it's good, right? >> craig openeup it mouth is getting tired. >> we go there. the coleslaw goes on top. check this out. grab thelid. dylan will try that. i'll talk. it is good. >> oh, my gosh >> right ontop. i love a sloppy sandwich. >> i got the biggest bread in new york city made from this. >> youdid. >> healthy looking potato salad. >> bacon with a little chi and
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parsley. whole grain mustard. if you dten't see the e, i have to get dylan back here, she threw chives all over me. >> nice done. >> sh>>nelle? hat's impressive. >> doesn't know what to do. >> almost as tall as you. >> we clearly coveredhe salt. now, the sweet. >> i love doing sweets. ready? ground butter, butterscotch,w marshmal squares. >> i did well, right? it was awesome. >> we read it on the teleprompter, but yeah here we go. >> the brown butter adds flavor. >> nuttiness. >> put i in the bottom of here. what i want to do is, i would have microwaved this, let the marshmallows melt. if you're going big, you go double marsallows. marshmallow fluff and marshmallows. >> sweet. >> dylan and i always add salt into the dishes. >> sweetness. >> butterscotch chips, hopefully
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you like it. you don't? >> i do. >> take any cereal you want. >> even crispy rice? >> very smart. good word there. we have a bag of chocolate. finish this. you're done. i'll do tthis. nk you so much. this is delicious. can't wait to dig in. hope you have a wonderful father's day. >> happy father's day. >> thank you, guys. >> if you want these recipes and more, this head to >> d>> it, girl. ou make everything so big. >> fantastic. >> that's it for s on this saturday morning. today, on "sunday today," williw sits with comedian trevor ourney talk about his from the slums to a seat atop the comedy >> you'll enjoy that. >> craig, happy father's day. ryan, to you and all the dads.
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good mornin i'm angie goff. >> i'm adam tuss. ahead on "news 4 today," a day care employee was thrown in jail after accused of gropingil a sml d for months. find out how the d.c. facility is handling the disturbing
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allegations. we're live at what is left of theecycling plant in rock ville, where a fire started up. the latest on the clean-up efforts is coming up. lauryn? >> we're watching some very nice conditions out there right now.p atures moving right on up. the humidity increasing. we've got changes to your father's day forecast. we'll talk about those coming up in just a littl bit. we'll have those stories and nbc 4.ght ahead here on >> plus, facebook live. >> we're back to fire that up. join us online. >> back in a minute. everyone in the house is doing all of this at once. but no one wants this... you need fios - the 100% fiber optic network. that means more speed for more devices at once -up to 100 if you got'em. and to prove it, we'll help you add another.
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>> announcer: "news 4 today" arts now. >> he helped get donald trump into the white house. now, the former head of the trump presidential campaign is sitting in jail. d.c. police say the arrested ar- 65-yd man for allegedly groping a small child at a day care center. > unlike any festival you'll see, these are not models. see what you can find happening toy at the tiny house festival. it is a real thing. >> somebody lives in that. >>hat's right. fascinating. good morning. i'm angie goff. >> i'm adam tuss inor david. it is shaping up to be a beautiful saturday. tod today, very nice. it'll be a repeat performance of yesterday. >> lauryn says ithll be one of longest days that we have the sun rays around. those of y thirsting for vitamin d, we have good answers for you. >> yeah.
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sun not gng down until 8:35. we were talking about it when we came in this morning,uring the 4:00 hour, we had some sunshine. the birds were chirping out there. ju a little b of daylight before the sun officially came up around 5:40 or so. now, we're looking at a gorgeous day. the sun will throughout the day. the good news about today, like yesterday, as adam w saying, the humidity was low. that's the way it'll be today.s overnight, thahen the humidity starts creeping in. your father's day is going to be hot and humid. we're dry outthere. storm team 4 showing nothing on the radar. if you are travelinground on this saturday, looking good for that. thanks to high pressure. 74. we're already at 74 degrees. light east wind but plentysuf hine out there. another great day. as i said, the humidity comes io rrow. then the humidity sticks with us pretty much all of the next work week. we are looking dangerous heat and humidity for monday and tuesday. in


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