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tv   News4 Today  NBC  June 24, 2018 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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stokiefest. 6:00 this sunday morning. here is what we are following for you. aty bachelorette p quickly went off the railshen a transgender woman says a restaurant worker tried to stop her from using the restroom. and the president of the confederacy name will not be on one of the busiest roads in alexandria. we are spent by beautiful sunrises. yeah. >> she knows we are blessed by
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her. this is a beautiful thing. thank you foreing here. i am adam tuss. >> i'm angie goff. if you were with us yterday at is time, this was not the picture. you could barelyee outside. this afternoon there cou w be showeraiting for some of us, right? let's check in with lauryn. >> we had to add chances of shows in the forecast. thiss a beautiful sunrise on this sunday morning. absolutely gorgeous. still a little on the hid side. definitely on the comfortable eede as well. you can currently temperature is 71 degrees on this sunday morning. we have a light wind. that's the way it will be there today. eratures are going to go up. in fact, those temperatures will rise. before noon,e're in the low 80s. a little on the sticky side. headed to 90 degrees. we have fog as well. dense in spots. very isolated spots.l
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we continue on because we have a little rain last night in so areas. we'll time out showers and thunderstorms. i have a big changeor monday and tuesday. temperatures fall and humidity bolls. we'll talk that beginning of the work week coming up. >> thank you very much. n this morning, d.c. police on the lookout for a car they say was involved in an early mning shooting. we're told it happened at 3:00 this morning on 695 eastbound, southeast, southwest freeway portion before the navy yard exit police sat man shot while driving is conscious and breathing. they're searching for a silver lexus but no other information about the car. a transgender wan says an employee at a popular restaurant refused to let her use the women's bathroom. >> she's planning to a complaint. charlotte climber was at a bachelorette party friday night and went to use the women's bathroom, the worker asked her
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for id. when she refused, the worker started to search her, threat epidemic to call t threatened h. she then called the police he elf. >> didn't expect it to happen. this can't happen to another person in d.c. it can't. >> the mayor tweeted out we won't accept this type of discrimination in d.c. she apologized to her and said staff.ill be retraining a new name for major roadway in northern virginia. the alexandria city council ted to rename jefferson davis highway. it will be known asic rond highway starting in january. in may, the reported recommend that change. they say thetretch of highway shouldn't be named for the president of the confederacy. the trump administration looking to add15,000 more beds
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for detained families stopped at the border. >> thiis days after they stopped the practice of separating kids from parents at the border. here's aredown. 17% of minors are held in kwaefl facilities withoar at. 83% arrive alone. .s.usms and border protection say many chose to be deported without children.>> even though president trump signed an executive order stopping the separation of families, the president is defending that zero tolerance policy. sat down with former arkansas governor mike huckabee for an interview. >> do you think the country is giving us their finest?
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are they giving us the sarah huckabees of the world? i don't think so. they're giving us rough, tough people. d we want merit. we don't want that. >> president trump says the zero tolerance policy still in place, adults will be likely prosecuted. it is unclear what the long term plan is. the red hen restaurant in lexington, virginia in the national spotlight aftersking the white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders to leave fridaynight. people stopped by the restaurant, some leaving cards and flowers. the restaurant staff said some hehe staff is gay, and sanders tweetedas asked to leave because she works for the president. it cameigo when an employee posted a pictureme of e age board saying the sanders party was cancelled. >> this community in general is
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a very liberal community, a very conservative county and people respect each other's belief, but you have a rht to not serve somebody. >> i don't agree with the way it was handled. i don't think it represents the county as a whole. >> people online are confusing th with the restaurant in the bloomingdale neighborhood in thaturant says it is receiving threats and negative reviews on yp. on the facebook page, ty say bisds in d.c. are prohibited icom discriminating from anyone because of pol affiliation. they reiterate the fact that they'reunaffiliated with that one restaurant. we'll have much more on all these topic later on "meet the press." moderator chuck todd joining us
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later this hour to talk about another busy week at the white a new community kitchen up and running working for you in montgomery county. the kitchen at the silver spoon united methodist church tak produce from farmers markets and turn it into important meals to feed the hungry. they're workingith a nonprof group. they say this helps solve one of the world's largest problems. >> it is hunger. not t onlys country but the world. set the standard so it can be done. >> they estimate 75,000 in montgomery county alone do not know where the next meal is coming from. 6:07 spect sularrise to start sunday morning. what does the rest of the day hold forhe rest of us? lauryn ricketts joins us with
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rain chances in the reg>n. nd 30 years in the making for women. finally hitting the roadsa in i arabia and there were plenty of people waiting to cheer them on. see me of this story from overseas next on news4 today.
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new digestive advantage now has probiotics that add good good bacteria to your body... and prebiotics that feed the bacteria you already have. together, they support your digestive health. one pill, two ways to help you... stay strong. (birds chirping, a running ahh.k,) the new deer park sparkling is made with real spring water. ♪ it's so refreshing and delicious, you don't need slo-mo models to sell it. real spring water, real fruit flavors and refreshing bubbles. just what's refreshingly real.
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100% pro-choice rating from naral. narrator: david blair is the un-trump. endorsed by the washington post - "the best chance of injecting a dose of vitality into a county that badly needs it." in business, he exposed drug company kickbacks. nurse susan: david's company saved customers over $9 billion. employees: david was a very progressive ceo. we had 401k. paid maternity leave. job creator. progressive. pro-choice. an eagerness to listen, a passion for innovation. david blair for montgomery county executive.
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a historic for saudi women. the last ban on them driving is lifted. they were also forced to sitn the back seat. the change says they're able to heget behind t wheel and drive themselves wherever they want to go. >>ood for them. the world cup putting some d unexpeemands on bar owners in russia. check it out. there's an ilux of foreigners
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to the bars. many bar owners are caught off guard, beer isn't typically popular i russia. beer sales have fallen in the past decade bause ofhe country's restrictions on sales andad rtisement. you know what, the world cup, i was talking about it earlier, is fun to watch. >> and it is thennouncers. u know nothing about soccer, listening to them is fascinating. get you pumped up.i excited because we're finally seein sun. went a full day first half of the weekend doom and gloom. hit the pool today, it will be hot. temperatures around 90 degrees. yesterday in the low 80s. it is going to be onhe hot side as we continue through sunday. it is a beautiful morning to start. show you what's going on now. we have patchy fog. again, absolutely gorgeous
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morning. 70s.ratures now in the we are adding a chance of storms today. humiding will stall g through the day, then we'll heat things up as we go into the remainder. next weekend, really heating up. 71 in washington, 60s outside the beltway. it is a nice morning out there, but it will be a hot those temperatures by 11:00 are onto the low 80s. we are going continue to take temperatures right on up. again, hot and humid. small storm chance later this afternoon. if you are grilling this afternoon, maybe an isolated shower. the sun is not going down until after 8:30. plenty of time to get out and grill. might be a good day to do that. it is hot and sticky out there. nothing happening on the radar.
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we have rain in central virginia now. maybe a few o showers that way. for the most part, we remain d fo the afternoon. we'll start future cast at 12. you son see anted shower. i think it tends to be overdone. isolated shower chance is possible. 30% chance you'l it where you are this afternoon. 6:30 tomorrow morniy, ple of sunshine andry with a drop in humidity. plentyw, low to mid-80s, of sunshine. here's the ten day forecast. less human is monday andda tu temperatures low to mid-80s. humidity creeps in. wednesday,to chances, and thursday, friday night, look at the temperaturesoing up. we could have triple degree temperatures. again, it will be hot. >> lauryn, thank you. reporter's notebook is next. back with 15 minutes with morning's top stories. good morning, i am pat
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lawson muse. as the immigration story continues to unfold at the u.s., mexicanbo er, we have seen them ordering recall of national guards. tro governor northam calls it inhuma governor hogan called on them to fix the broken system. joining us, aaron gilchrist, chris warren. thank you forei here. we have seen the two mbers of congress, northern virginia juvenile detention commission say we're not going to provide beds for unaccompanied minors. there are a lot of people talking about it. atlot of immigrant residents here. the sense you get about the impact hereas inngton?
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>> i think it is the same in our area that you see across the country. you're seeing communities galvanize by this. they're seeing families separa pd. seeing somple with families in maryland andirginia who have relatives effected by this there at the border because oan in policy. aaron and i were rarking even the airlines now say they don't want t fly anyone impacted by this. >> and the policy in effect since april. we knew about it, now we're tting a picture, imagery of children appearing to be in such despair, notion of some kids ph fically takenm parents is something that galvanized people in a way we haven't seen on many issues in a while. every entity that can make a statement to say i disagree with
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this, i believe this is wrong, the notion of separating small children frots par is something that won't stand. you have the governors of maland a virginia saying we didn't give a ton of resources to this atheborder, we're going to pull back what we can. companies are doing theco same. unities getting together, holding protests and rallies just to say this won't stand. then you get members of congress who obviously have a hand in legislating, can do things from that perspective. you saw democts go to th border, get turned away at some of the i.c.e. facilities, and here trying to show up to say what's what, we see going on, we are trying to talk to people, trying to dog, someth if nothing being present and talking about it. >> and i think lally there's no down side. governor hogan distanced himse from trump almost from the get go. there's no down side for him to
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publicly buff the president's policy. obviously youraave a demc governor of virginia, no down side there either. i thinkn this area, especially maryland and northern virginia, the opposition against the licy is pretty widespread. >> this past wk we saw election in the district. voters said tipped workers deserve a raise. initiative 77, most contentious issue on the ballot passed 55 to 45%. no raise in minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020, eveny if t earn tips. the supporters of the initiative have won. but the question is have they really won when the vote was so close. 55 to 45. and the council has power and apparently inclination to change it in some way. >> we jack evans come out
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couple days ago and say only 17% of registered voters in d.c. turned out for the primary, it is not really that this issue won by an overwhelming. >> there was no mandate. >> right. when i heardthat, i thought well, you put this to voters to vote on. the people that are intereste in showe up and voted on the issue. does it dilute the process if you don't follow what vot cared enough to show up want to have happen. people that didn't vote, have to think don't care that much about it. you have to follow --in it of rubbed me the wrong way, the notion this could be set aside, the will of people that showed upset aside and you do something different. pe>> which hd in maine. >> it is a real possibility here. more than half the council doesn't likhe idea, mayor doesn't like the idea. you have to think there's mebody figuring o how to massage this so something different happens. a lot of businesses and
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restaurants weren't in favor o it eithe >> you put up a bond for a vote that pumps the money if you're interested in, and voters say that, you don't say we only got 17%, we're not going to take that money. i hear what you're saying. i was speaking to voters on primary day i spoke to one woman who said she ved yes because at a gut level, she said she felt i don't think we as consumers should be subsidizing businesses. in other words, it is their job to pay them liveable wage. why should we be forced to subsidize their business. another lady said she was convinced after going toinner out a week ago and her server said vote no on this. that her server felt it was going to cut her wages inhalf.
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she was better off under this current system. again, that speaks to the fact we have high end resta here in d.c., some sizable tips, and i think s ae people worried, you start to increase the price of the meal, which it will, and you know your server is makingun x a of money, are you less inclined to tip. >>e sawwo classes of workers in thise. deb >> like chris mentioned, people at the high end restaurants make big tips when they show up, regardless how long they work. then people work at restaurants that appeal to larger part of the population with lower prices, therefore tips might be lower if they base it on the amount t oy spent a meal, and the potential to impact some of the waiters, for example, in a negative way, youan't help but
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wonder how big that impact could be. if i feelecure in the tip money i make to any degree secure and suddenly something comeslong and maybe it will make it better, maybe the employer will say i can't affed to hs big a staff as before i had to pay more for labor, ere are a lot of variables in there that worry people. hepeople behind initiative say studies show it is not that bad, impact is not so great where you see large numbers of people losing jobs or prices increased in restaurants, so there's a sort of s wait and what happens in your community. i don't know. >> certainly divided a lot of people, s,work let'serestaurant and congress has an opportunity to weigh in onehis. we'll t a break and be right back. stay with us.
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it appears the mayor of district and mostembers of council keep their seats. mayor boyser appearso be headed for a second term. beinghe democrats' nominee. she will likely be the first two te mayor since t days of anthony williams. do you think thi represents a city of voters who are satisfied or apathetic, the turnout was extremely low. >> people are struggling, west of the river people are saying things are developing, we're seeing businesses pop up all thi , maybe a little apathy
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there. i frankly shocked. if you tnk about it, the homicide rate is up, as much as it is in the strict, and multiple scandals in the d.c. public school system, and there was no true viablehallenger to mayor bowser. not laying that at her feet but in a normal political spectrum, those kind of crises generate a challenger who says i see a weakness there, i'm going to try to exploit it. didn't see that in d.c. >> beghe question, is the apathy on the part of people that could run for office, before you get down to the voters on the issue, where nobody rose to the top to say here are these problems,e have to make change. then voters get that same itvib. s like well, nobody wants to fight, so i'moing t stay home election day. or what's the point of getting
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involved. you have to wonder if people are having that feeling if nobody is there to represent them in a desire for change. >> low turnout for the virginia primary as well, notwithstanding this is anff year election, and you tendow to have voter turnouts. there's so much discontent around the country, you maybe think there would be a higher turnout this year. are people disillusioned? >> i don't know. i think you hit on a great point. is an off year right now. i a primary election. i think youe going to see that possibly change in novber in the general election. but i think right now a l of the local races aren't really geared towards that national that you touched on.
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they're more focused on schools and localiz issues that don't necessarily play into what's happening at the nationalev. >> you also look at the possibility that this couldr spill onto some of the national races we're going to see. i talkeo tim kaine after the virginia primaries where he is facing corey stewart in november for a senate seat. these are two men so far apart in terms of style, in terms of policy, work they wt to get done. you have to wonder if we're going to see people turn out in a wayll that speak to the discontent, tdisillusionment may exist at the national level now and come out in big numbers for tim kaine or come out in big numbers for policies that corey stewart supports. it is going to be interesting to see what happens in november either way, whether there's a bi push for change or not if
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people are so disillusioned they walk away. >> there's tremendous shock and disbelief in this city and across the country, reaction to news the former archbisho mccaw removed for abusing a teen years ago in new york. he says he has no rec tlection reported abuse. served here from 2001 to 2006 anone of the highest ranking church officials in the country, one of the highest prole catholic leaders to face allegations. this hits a lotf people here hard. many people know him, have worked with him. also he was one of the b fac and voices setting policies to fighsi the c in the church. >> you're rht. the archbishop of new york said
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the same, that this hit him personally because of the reputation that cardinal mccarrick had, and the relationship with the archdiocese and in washington.ot a of people were like what? the shock sort of set in. the cardinal said he doesn't recall it. this is7 think years ago, somewhere in that neighborhood that thid. happe in the last two years a man came forward to say this happened. and the investigation w done and the church found it was credible. there were in looking at the issue, there were obviously members of leadership i the church, and this is their process. this is whatay the church we're going to thoroughly investigate every accusation that comes up and take action. the cardinal could be removed from the priest hood. >>wa h the guy, he was the priest talking about mandatoryr rting. he was behind a lot of the
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efforts. and you're out. >> one strike and you're out. lot of people thought given the time frame between the alleged incident and this r now, but the fact that the church had credible evidence, as mrontioned, there was actual investigation that he would say well, i don't remembet it, i donnk it happened, plt if it did, i apologize, a lot of p felt he was sort of skirting thessue there. it is shocking to me. i remember travelingo rome 15 years ago when the pope called all the u.s. bishops to rome to address this scandal. and her we are 15 years later and the church is still struggling to deal with it. >> aaron, chris, thank you both. that's reporter's notebook. news4 today continues.
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6:31 this sunday thank you so much for being here with us. i am adam tuss. >> i am angie goff. i stepped outside for fresh air. >> >> yes. >> the sun is out. setting the pace for a good day. >> aot day but sunny. lauryn has a look at the forecast. she says if you have with a pool, find that friend. >> absolutely. hopefully you found the friend earlier. had a couple of hot days already. it will be a warm day already. it will be hotter as we head into the upcoming weekend. let's take a loo outside. current temperatures out there, it is on the warm side. teeratures in the 60s and 70s.
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be we've got patchy fog as well. be careful if you're outtnd ab early this morning. some fog could be dense in spots. temperates in the 60s and 70s. we'll continue toak that temperature to 90 degrees. by 11:00 that temperature is already into the low 80s. you know it will be a warm day if that's going to happen mready. temperature in t-80s to 90 degrees. patchy morning fog. had to add a storm chance for the afternoon. we're going to be talking about the storm chance this afternoon, whether you could see it. we'll answer your weather questions and talk about a big ange coming your way in time for start of the work week and talk about you monday coming up. >> thank you very much. want to tell you about a tran wenderan that says a restaurant employee asked her td show as she tried to use the women's bathroom. >>uand the son escalated. police were called and the d.c. mayor weighing in on t issue. we sent aimee cho out and she
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has a story about thefallout. >> i didn't expect this to happen. orter: it was supposed t be a fun night with friends. charlot charlotte clymer went to use the amen's bathroo an employee asked for her id. >> tried to reason with them. reach some peaceful solution. he wasn't having it. >> reporter: she went in anyway and the employee came in and searched for her saying he called police. clymer then called them herself and said she had every right to use the bathroom. i >> wish every trans person could have that support. h you shouldne to have a platform or 100,000 followersfo people to care about you. >> reporter: the mayor saying wt won't acceps discrimination, it is not just illegal, it is against what we stand for. and the restaurant tweeted that as a rule weupport safe
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bathrooms and welcome guests of all gender identification. clearly our staff did not do so last night anded you in an unacceptable manner. they'll beetraining staff to be sure it never happens again. clymer says that's not enough. >> itndacked effort thought. they didn't seem to understand the situation whatsoever. this can't happen to another lbgt person in d.c., i n't. it is unacceptable. >> reporter: clymer plans t file a complaint tomorrow with the d.c. office of humanrights. aimee cho, news4. >> and d.c. law says they must respect a restroom choice based on their gender. single occupancy must be gender neutral. discrimition at any public accommodation is prohibited in the city. time is 6:34 the trump administration is looking to add up to 15,000 more beds for detained families stuck on the u.s., mexico border. >> this is a proposal comes days
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aficr ols stopped the practice of separating children from parents at the we breakdown the numbers. this is according to federal officials. they say at this .17% of minors are being held in facilities with a parent or guardian. more than half, 83% arrived in the u.s. by themselves alone. they sayy're reuniting more than 500 unaccompanied childreu indy with their families. u.s. customs and border protection officials mentioned in the past many parents chose to be deported without their ildren. even though the president signed an executive order stoppinghe separation, he is defending the zero tolerance immigration policy. he sat down with his press secry'ets father, mike huckabee, for anw. interv >> do you think the country is giving us their finest? are they givins the sarah huckabees of the world? i don't think so. i don't think so. they're giving us rough, tough
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people. and we want merit. we don't want that. >> with president trump's zero tolerance policy in place, adults will likely be prosecuted. it is unclear what the long term plan is. and that zero toleranc policy turned one 19-year-old's job into an ordeal athe northe border with canada. last month, two border officers arrested the woman. she claims she accidentlyo crossed i washington state while on a jog on the beach in british columbia. spent two weeks immigration detention center in state of w whington. thean's mother called that arrest unfair saying there were no signs warning of the border. 6:36. let's turn our attention to local politics and races in maryland are esday. several candidates are trying to drum up support. democratic hopeful ben jealous gave out ice cream.
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ben cohen pucalso helped. and baker was out tryg to get the vote out. primary day in maryland is tueshey. head to nbc washington app for a complete guide to all the races. and for maryland voters, we have to submit a in the upcoming election. about 19,000 address and party changes submissions weren't sent to state board of election for processing. it may effect people that updated information o mva website or kiosks between april 22nd and june 5th. because of proximity ofhe election, changes can't be added to lists of voters at each location. they say they'll inform those effected by e-mail. the primary is coming up inry nd this tuesday. now an update about the south carolina congressional candidate seriously hurt in a
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deadly wrong way crash. republican congressional candidate katie arrington was a passenger hit by a wrong way driver friday night. the driver did die. he spokesperson says she suffered a fracture in her back, broken ribs and partial collapse of a main artery in her leg. she will undergo another surgery thisin mo president trump tweeted condolences, he endorsed her before she upset mark sanford in the primary earlier this month. heads up for weekend travel on metro. arlington cemetery station is still closed. they're installing wiress cables. buses replace trains and blue linerains onl operate between franconia springfield and the airport. customers heading to other stations use silver or yellow line trains if you can. in the area, activists, state leaders demand the nation's leaders help poverty
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stricken communities. ♪ everybody's got a right to live. >> they held what's called the poor people campaign and rally on nationalall. actor danny glover joined the march after the rally. activists want to hold leaders accountable when it comes ton issuesmmunities. hey're calling for voter registration ahead of the mid term election. just stepped outside myself. feels like 71 degrees already. it is not even 7:00 a.m. things are only getting hotter from here. laur ricketts has good news. she's in the house, has the ekrecast not only for today but start the work
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to three generations montgoof elrich' home we love it here. but we have to work to keep it great, like fixing transit and traffic to shorten my son-in-law's commute. increasing open space where my grandchildren can play. and reducing classroom sizes for all our kids. that's why our next county executive has to require developers to solve the problems their developments create. as county executive, that's exactly what i'll do for every generation. it has been a week of outrage at the border, followed by protests across the country. nbc political director chuck todd has had atherusy week. >> also moderator of "meet the
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press." don't want to forget that title there. in all seriousness, the debate this week to me was you can end this with one phone call, no, i can't, and then h did. >> look, it is the first time he has responded to political tessure. firse we have seen him he doesn't cave often and he caved. heost everybody. lost most of the party, including people like ted cruz. he had to do something. now there's more chaos. nowhe administration, you know, looking heartless is a bad ok. looking heartless and incompetent is a horrible look. this is what made katrina inhe bush years a political disaster. heartlessness on top of competency issues. have they kept track of them all?
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it is not clear. who takes point on this. ow many kids are they planning to have. why are they going to the pentagon for military beds. there are all these questions. 10%. have maybe answered this could be one of the crises that doesn't end. >> y mention that he caved on the issue, but he has alsoome out and stood by it, saying he thinks this is an issue talking about immigration for republicans. what do you think about that? >> it is what he knows. what worked for donald p,tr immigration. doesn't mean that works for the republican party. it may not translate, doesn't mean it w still doesn'tk for him. his base, this animates them more than anything. this is why he wasnominated, why he ended up in the position
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he ended up. where the rest of the party is doesn't help. it hurts republicans in suburban districts. traveled to him, he nevada using this hardcore harsh message onimmigration. that's exactly the opposite of the message of what the republican senator needs to be said on his behalf because of the lar hispanic population there. it deepens the spresident' support with base but if anything, damages. >> want to ask you before we let you go, sah huckabee sanders denied at the rtaurant in virginia, not the one in d.c. >> are we going to go, are our culture wars getting this bad, are we going to have democratic rents? her father tweets some gang
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image and tribute to nancy pelosi, he went into the gutter in response. this is bad. i think everybo needs to realize if they make it li cal, want to speak their wrongcal minds, nothi with that, but they end up being a reflection on me people. there's sort of the golden rule. >> i agree. >> rules, which rules? >> if w justid that one. >> people also have to eat. >> you know, by the way, money too. >> reminder, you can see "meet e press" every sundat 10:30, after news4 today. chuck, thank you so much. while manymages we are seeing come from texas are so fresh in our mind, there are
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questions about detention centers in our area. >> earlier thi week congressman and his wife went to the detention centeris to with parents who say they have been separated from their kids. barbara harrison went along. here is what she sawnd heard. >> there are parents here, fathers who were arrested at the border, children were taken from them, shipped to san diego, shipped towe chicago. e here to talk about fathers to get their perspective. >> reporter: onehe of fathers he talked with was mario. he was seeking asylum. they were detained and separated. he hasn't seeher sincehe was taken a few days after they arrived in the u.s. he was sent to maryland. this fencing says it all. this is a serious detention center. i.c.e., immigration and customs enforcement rent 138 rooms. 113 are filled with men who
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tried to cross the u.s. borderi gally. anne arundel county joined congressman buyer and his wife and staff members in a meeting with mario and another detainee separated from his chil >> one of the things that makes it painful, every child's first tragedy, first trauma is separation, separation from mother, separation from father.h aren't separated to go to kindergarten, they're torn away weeks or months. >> reporter: he hopes to tite action appropriations for homeland security. what's the next step. do you go ck, try to talk to people? committeesdifferent i am on appropriations, one of them is homeland security. i hand an ant and i hope for republicanupport to stop this providing money for what trump wants to do.r: >> repormeanwhile, they remain apart after three months. he hashe word somewhere in
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foster care in chicago. >> that was our barbara harrison reporting. she filed this report tuesday. >> since then, the trump administration says more than 500 children have beeneunited with parents. no word if mario and his daughter weref one those reunions chuck mentioned. this will go on for quite some time. a lot of questions to be answered. >> absolutely. we have que about the weather. yesterday it was like the rain came late. long enough the phillies beat theats. that was good. >> was there raielay? >> and 8:00 tonight, too. >> i can'ttc i have to be up early. >> this is the thing. yesterday i saw pictures of
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rainbows. eni was going to you one of my daughter on the golf course. do you play in the rain? >> it wasit gorgeous. asn't that strong. we had a tornado warning in culpeppe county. haven't seen it amount to anything yet. a plethora of flood warnings and severe thunderstormstarnings day. but as adam said happening later. you know what, you aed about weather questions. look at this. >> pool time today? >> the answer to that yes. >> do i have to watch for storms? >> that's awesome. >> yes, you have to watch for storms this afternoon. does humidit fall? yes. >> i could do the weather. >> how about is adam awesome. yes. >> that could be a big fat no. we have to put up another weather question. you said you liked the phillies in d.c.
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come on. i know where you're leading. we have wonderful weather today. we have temperature swings we are talking about. temperatures go ups we head into the next weekend. if you like warm weather, coming our way. warm out there now. little muggy. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. as you wake up this morning, little hniy. dely fog. by 9:00, temperatures are right around 80 degrees. patchy dense fog will continue. then it starts to lift through the middle of the morning. we have about a 30% chance for showers and thunderstorms headed our way. again, very small capital battle barbeque, brief chance. brunch, set up oside. by thi afternoon, hot. isolated storm for the nationals game, taking on the phillies at 8:00 p.m. and cool, 30% chance for rain. not sing anything onhe radar. maybe light showers coming through virginia. culpepper county, may get light
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rain. otherwise, we start future cast at 12:00. you can see isolateshowers. is is overdone. chance for isolated showers into the afternoon. by tomorrow morning, absolutely gorgeous with plenty of sunshine. your monday and tuesday temperatures are low to mid-80s, low hidity. plenty of sun. then humidity comesdnack day into thursday. look at the temperatures. wednesday, thursday, chance of rain. few storms. by friday, temperatures in the low 90s. look at that, back in the mid 90s heading for the
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ahh. where are mom and dad? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. love mom and dad' i'm takin' a nap. dude, you just woke up! ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. pro tip: gianraspberries for prices on produce. john... strawberries for amy... what's a jicama? thanks! take a fresh look at giant's produce prices.
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well, it has been yearssi e kids in d.c. had a museum to call their own. the national children's museum closed in 2015. >> next year it will reopen in a new buildingcross from freedom plaza downtown. aimee cho got a sneak peek earlier in the week. >> reporter: this time next yeab
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thislding will be the new national children's museum. they hope to make it a place kids can put down the phone and pick up something new. this is what the finished museum will look like. giant science exhibits, every detaillllanned out, of it encouraging kids to learn about the world, dream of what they can become. >> it will be a wonderful, open area eryironment. >>al is the president of the museum. wants kids to enjoy learning as much as she did growing up. >> you take them to a museum, they can rember something they saw. it can spark something in them that changes their whole life. >> rorter: it won't be all moved in until next year. today some studentswi are s off moves of excitement. why do you like museums? >> youisearn aboutry and what somebody did back in the old days,ike the '80s, '60s. >> reporter: while they wait,
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they can use their imagination which is what it is all about anyway. >> i bet there will be lots ofo ar i can't wait to see artwork. i like art a lot. ♪ >> reporter: in northwest, aimee cho, news4 >> so cool. right? >> can't wait for that. love the one at national harbor. >> never saw that one. i feel like it was there and then gone. >> it is fantareic. yoight about that. this will be great. much more ahead on news4 lutoday. >> is an hour by hour look >> is an hour by hour look at the forecast with storm team:
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to three generations montgoof elrich' home we love it here. but we have to work to keep it great, like fixing transit and traffic to shorten my son-in-law's commute. increasing open space where my grandchildren can play. and reducing classroom sizes for all our kids. that's why our next county executive has to require developers to solve the problems their developments create. as county executive, that's exactly what i'll do for every generation. the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? don't miss final closeout savings on the queen c2 mattress. now only $599, save $300.
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find something you love today. ever changing selection. ever amazing prices. homegoods. go finding. t> heading into the 7:00 hour on news4ay. here is what we are following for you. a bachelorette party in the district quickly went off the rails when aragender says a restaurant worker tried to stop her from using the women's restroom. a virginia restaurant under fire for kicking a woman out. that woman was sarah huckabee sanders. and a name that won't be over the roads in alexandria. we want to thank you for starting your day with us. if you're still in bed, time to wake up. >> getpo up. the coffee. >> a lot to get done today. it will be a good one, too, by the way. the weather is looking better
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outside than yesterday. >> let's check in with storm team 4 meteorologist lauryn rickettseren studio at the jumbo. >> i was calling it the jumbo tron. apparely it is not. huge.hing is temperatures right now in the low 70s at this point. a beautiful sunrise this morning. you can see clouds that we have out there. we also have patchy dense fog as well. ifou're headedff to the golf course early this morning, that's father's day,ry well, e day is father's day, temperatures in the low to mid-80s this ternoon. it will be rather warm. watch for chance for isolated showers and thunderstorms as we head into this afternoon and into the evening. but we are looking at a little bit of rain, trying toet going through central virginia, around page county. portions of culpepper county, a
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may see isolated shower. 30% chance of shower or thunderstorm where you are later this afternoon. we'll walk you through today, let you know what to e ect in terms of rain in your neighborhood and talk about this week. a big warmup in the ten day forecast in 15 minutes. >> thank you very much. new this morning, d.c. police looking for a car they say was involved in an early morningg. shoot we're told it happened at 3:00 on 695 eastbound. just before sixth street navy yard exit. police say the man shot while driving is c listed ascious and breathing. they're searching for a silverx an employee refused to let bathroom.e >> she's planning to file a complaint. charlotte clymer a was a bachelorette party friday night. went to use the women's bathroom. a worker asked for her id and
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clymer refused. the worker started searching her and threatened to call the police. clymer called the cops herself. police told the restaurant the woman had every righto use the women's bathroom >> i didn't expect this to happen. this can't happen to another lbgt person in d.c. >> the mayor tweetpt we won't achis discrimination and the restaurant apologized and said they will be retraining staff. a new name for aajor roadway in northern virginia. yesterday, alexandria city council vreed to me the jeffson davis highway, section of route 1 will be known as richmond highway srting in january. in may, the council accepted a rert recommending that change. they said it suld not be named for the president of the confederacy. the trump administration looking to add 15,000 more beds to detained familiestopped on the border. >> this is a proposal days after
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officials stopped theic pra of separating children from parents at the border. here's a breakdown of. numbe 17% of minors are held in facilities without a parent. 83% arrive alone. reunited 500 children with theii es. u.s. customs and border protection say many chose to be deported without children. even though president trump signed an executive order stopping the separation of families, the president is defending that zero tolerance policy. he sat down with former arkansas or mike huckabee for an interview. >> do you think the country is giving us their finest are they giving us the sarah huckabees of the world? i don't think so. they're giving us rough, tough people. and we want merit. we don't want that.
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>> president trump says the zero tolerance policy still in place, adults will be likely prosecuted. it is unclear what the long term plan is. the red hen restaurant in lexington, virginia in the national spotlight after asking the white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders to leave friday night. people stopped by the restaurant, some leaving cards and flower the restaurant staff said some ke the staff is gay, and sanders tweeted she was to leave because she works for the president. l it came toight when an employee posted a picture of the ssage board saying the sanders party was cancelled. >> this community in general is
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a very liberal community, a very conservative county and people respect each other's belief, but you have a right to not serve somebody. >> i don't agree with the way it was handled. i don't think it represents the county as a whole.>> eople online are confusing this with the restaurant in the bloomingdale neighborhood in d.c. that restaurant says it is at receiving thand negative reviews on yelp.he onacebook page, they say businesses in d.c. are prohibited from discriminating from anyone because of political affiliation. they reirate the fact that they're unaffiliated with that lexington restaurant. >> there'sore this morning. chuck todd will be joinio us
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talk about another busy week at the white house. a new community kitchen up and runnin montgomery county. the kitchen at the silver spoon united methodist church takes surplus produce from farmers markets ain turn it to important meals to feed the hungry. they're working with a nonprofit group. they say this helps solve one of the world's laest problems. >> it is hunger. not only this countrbut the world. set the standard so it can be done. >> they estimate 75,000 in montgomery county alone do not know where the next meal is coming from. 7:07 this is not tornado damage. this is what happened when straight line winds hammered the area a few years ago. a special look back
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over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal,
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sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. too many devices on your network could mean you see this that's why you need fios-the 100% fiber-optic network. that means more speed for more devices at once -and to prove it, we'll help you add another. choose a free samsung chromebook 3 or a $200 credit toward other samsung tech plus get the fastest internet available, up to 200 tv channels, phone, and a 2-year price guarantee. all for just $79.99 per month with a 2-year agreement. stuck in a contract? we'll help you out with up to a $500 credit for your early termination fee. go to
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people in virginia saw serious weather move through y, yesterut it was nothing compared to the storm that hit the area several aears. >> the 2012 derecho brought more damage than a tornado could. we have a special loot back the horrific mess. >> i remember a lot about t 12 derecho. >> i knew itould be a once in a lifetime event t see this. >> this caused more area wide damage than we've seen with any tornado or small tornado outbreaks in recent history. >> watch what happens here. we're about to get crushed. >> it started with one thing, had aomino effect.
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the meteorologist with us that morning was trying to explain this, and i had never heard the word before. i'm fromwe texas. e never -- i never experienced anything like this or even heard of this, you know, weather phenomenon, if you will. i asked the ogmeteort, what is it called again? how do you say it? how do you spell that? then iawned on me, oh, derecho, like in spanish. literally straight, straight line of storms. i get it. i know what we're talking about. >> it means you have straight line windsugoming th you have a massive thunderstorm moving together, w stronginds in mid levels of atmosphere, pushing the storms forward. what happens with the winds is they hit the storms and they're able to be transported down to the surface. >> the heat is on. this is the first day of extended heat wave.
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>> we went to 104. all time record for june. >> we were incredibl hot. knew we had a chance for strong storms. this storm making it through wisconsin and illinois into indiana and then blowing up into this incredibleine of storms. this is expected to be 80 miles per hour into portions of ohio and moving our way. >> we saw it develop in chicago around 2:00 in the afternoon, moved through ouret areaen 8:00 p.m.0: and p.m. >> there's a lot of different names for it. it means we'll see strong to severe storms through the night tonight. there's a severe thunderstorm watch in effect for just about everybody. >> derecho is a powerful line of thunderstorms. it is a straight line of thunderstorms that has a bit of bow echo to it. you can have that in a bow echo, derecho is e high end of that in severity.
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>> you could see the moisture in the atmosphere allowed that storm to just explode. we get stronger winds than anything out of ane hurri when you get a storm like this, you go from zero to 80 in a matter of a couple of seconds. nothing nothing nothing, you see it coming, and woosh. >> i see a lot of people trying to figure out what is going on. this storm just came bastally of nowhere for a lotf folks. >> a complete mess. >> it came out of nowhere. >> i knew thisould be almost a once in a lifetime event to see like everybody come down to the windows, watch what happens. we're about to get cshed. and that's exactly what happened. trees were flying. trees dow o inur parking lot. couple trees down on cars in our parking lot. this was much worse than any tornado we would eve see in the area, because this is not just a
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county, not just one county, one town, this was everyone. >> you can take a look here, on the ground there are boards and tsings like that. these are p of the roof. when the winds came through earlier this ening, we' told the roof collapsed. >> i was just running. i hrd the roof fall, i seen it coming back. >> there's a particular road i used to take to get to station on nebraska avenue. i remember driving int work early that morning. it was so treacherous trying to get to the building. there were trees down left and right. once we hot here, the light of day and could see some of the surface, arting to you're seeing 100-year-old trees completely uprooted that are now ho yzontal, and're seeing massive roots on these things,
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and you're asking yourself what in the world has the power to that. >> we saw power outages across theegion. 1.2 million lost power as a result of the intense winds from that derecho. >> it was tremendous. the damage we saw. i remember even in days to come, the amount of people it took, the amount of support this cit and the area needed to get back on its feet was -- this caused more damage than we have seen area wide than we have seen with any tornado o small tornado outbreak in recent history. >> cleanup was weeks a weeks and weks. an event that you don't see here very often. we get derechos here once every two to three years, we get one. but not like that. th was one,hat's a one in every 15, 20 year ent.
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mething we hadn't seen in a long time.
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christmas eve, my dad had no healthcare. he walked into an emergency room clenching his chest, and they sent him home. he died alone on a cold floor because he was poor. today in america your life is just a paycheck to an insurance company. it's time to end the american nightmare that my mother and i went through. i'm roger manno. i'm running for congress to expand medicare to every american. i approve this message.
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and now for the rings. (♪) i'm a four-year-old ring bearer with a bad habit of swallowing stuff. still won't eat my broccoli, though. and if you don't have the right overage, you could be paying for that pricey love band yourself. so get an allstate agent, and be better protected from mayhem. like me. can a ring bearer get a snack around here? not sure if you heard about , a baby boom hit dallas this week. talking 42 babies delivered in 48erourd. this could be a new record. >> really. if youhee doing calendar math, we can save you the
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trouble. hurricane harvey hit texas nine months ago. so we have the story from our sister station. >> reporter: as two days old,ll mcknight has no idea he made history. >> what's going on, everyone around here is going in eplabor. >>ter: starting early tuesday, university medical center residents niced an up tick in the number of women arriving in labor. >> said we ha a patient here seven sent me ters. i said i checked her in. one.his is a different o> almost all rooms were full, closer t 4:00 hour, that was the hour. >> it is like man, we're going to have a lot of babies quick. >> reporter: by wednesday afternoon, that's exactly what happened. >> it was like boom, boom, besm. ba everywhere. >> reporter: nine deliveries in 40 minutes. documented in one of the breaks
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they >> need a resident to this room, followed by this room, followed by this room. >> lot of people,ot o movement. organized chaos. >> reporter: organized chaosd that resul in 42 babies in 48 hours. >> i was completely shocked. i knewt f particularly tired at the end of the two shifts i wo i had no idea it reached 42. >> reporter: which got them t thinking, wppened nine months ago to lead to a record setting baby boom. >> i don't knowwhy, i just, i don't know. h >> we a couples. of id >> natural disaster or something going on nine months ago. >> after 24 years in the birthing business, theurse manager agreed. >> when there's emotional events, stories like 9/11 or natural disasters and different things, typically nine, ten months later get a baby boom. >> reporter: when harvey and septemberck in
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>> families look at what's important, reevaluate and kind of seeing to have that cycle for years. >> reporter: never quite like this. a group deserving of its own name. >> did you know the weather ayed a role in baby's being born? >> absolutely. >> not when i first started hearing about it, when i first started payin tangattention to . >> something catastrophic or emotional happens,nk people t about priorities. >> not today. let's move on to weather. >> before you get in trouble. >> yeah. it i a beautiful day. look at the sunrise this morning.
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>> it was beautiful coming in. >> i got yr picture of the rainbow. i will show that between 9:00 and 10:30 hour. the second show we have. i know we're here for the long utn. we have a bul sunrise out there. sun came up at quarter to 6:00. it is gorgeous. place. clouds in i think we have clouds today. also having a chance for storms out there day. it will be humidity falls monday and tuesday. if you want summer, heat is headed our thway. e temperatures are going up as we head to next weekend. rightnow, not seeing bad temperatures. temperatures in the and 70s. 72 in the district. go out grilling tonight, maybe before the nats t game,ing on the phillies, could have an isolated shower. sun going d 20 minutes to 9:00. it will be hot and humid. we have a mix of sun and clouds, temperatures in the low to mid-80s. speaking of the nats game, they
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get going for pitch at 8:05. 30% chance for shower or thunderstorm. it will b humid. decreasing clouds as we continue into the game and into the checke of the observations. sening. not a lot of this hitting the ground.e you could h a few sprinkles, especially south of warrenton. for the mostrt not hitting the ground, just cloud cover out of temperatures near 90 after morning fog. it will be hot and humid, 30% chance for rain where you are. tomorrow we start off sunny, less humidity. ths temperature going to go into the low to mid-80s as humidi drops. going to be a beautiful day tomorrow. temperatures again low to mid-80s with humidity falling. we keep low humidity tuesday as well. temperatures go up a bit wednesday, all the way the weekend. we have a chance for rain wednesday and thursday.ty humiomes back wednesday and thursday, stays
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welcome back. historic moment for saudi women. the last remaining ban on them driving has been lifted. for years, women had to rely on male fam members to drive them around to run basic errands and they were also forced to sit in the back seat. all of that changed. saudi women canin get beh the wheel and drive themselves. things we take for granted. good for them.
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i mean, come on. >> about time. theorld cup putting unexpected demands on bar owners in russia. there's an influx of foreigners to the bars. many bar owners are caught off guard, beer isn't typically sia.lar in r beer sales have fallen in the past decade because of the country's restrictions on sales and advertisement. 7:27. taking a live look outsi. 72 degrees, temperatures are rising. rising. laurynicketts and rain r
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here's money for pizza. here's the wi-fi password, but, if you go online while the boys are online the internet can slow down and... they don't like it. you guys don't have fios? [mrs. jennings] oh-no. but it's a 100% fiber-optic network with ridiculous speeds. you could have, like, a hundred devices online at once. interested, talk later. bye boys! don't even think about going online. woah... i can't work like this. the 100% fiber-optic network means more speed for more devices at once.
7:29 am
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huckabee sanders was kicked out of a virginia restaurant. happened friday at the red hen in lexington. the owner told "the washington post" it was because of the trump administrati ban on transgender people in the military. one of the busiest roads in alexandria getting new name in a few months. city council voted to change jefferson davo highway t orchmond highway. residents asked the name jefferson davis was the president of the failed confederacy. there's a renewed effort to save a building. a fundraising campaign kicked off withf a goal raise ago million dollars and saving the history that lives within.
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7:30 this sunday morning. we are all smiles. we have our coffee, ready to thank you for being with us. i am adam tuss. >> i'm angie goff. rise and shine. drink up the good brew. going to be a good day. lauryn ricketts standing by wito on another warmup. >> little sticky o there. >> little bit on the humid side this morning. that's the way it will bth ughout the day, guys. temperatures are reaching around 90 degrees. humidity and heat, it feels warmer than that. beautiful morning out there. we still a have few clouds and that's the way it will be today. go ahead and take a look outside. sun came up under two hours ago. now we're looking at beautiful conditions, although cloudy conditions low 70s rigw. we have a calm wind. and we have that humidit that angie and adam were saying. temperatures shooting up. by 11:00, temperatures are still
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in the low 80s. you take the temperatures near 90 degrees today. most of the radar is dry. we could have a few sprinkles. this is not hitting the ground. i checked the oervations there, anybody want to give me a call on social media, they're seeing rain, i'm not seeing it oervations. maybe a few sprinkles. we have a chance for showers and storms today. e'll talk about that, time it out, and talk about a big warmup headed our way in about 15 minutes. >> thank you very much. a transgender woman say a restaurant employee asked hero show id as s tried to use the women's bathroom. >> and the situation escalated. police were called ar the d.c. maighing in on the issue. we sent aimee cho out and she has a story about the fallout. >> i didn't expect this to happen. h reporter: it was supposed to be a fun night wiends. charlotte clymer went to use the
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women's bathroom and an employee asked for her id. >> tried to reason with them. reach some peaceful solution. he wasn't having it. >> reporter: she went in anyway and the employee came in and searched for her saying he called police. clymer then called them herselfe and saidad every right to use the bathroom. >> i wish every trans person could have that support. you shouldn't have to have a platform or 100,000 followers for people to care abo you. >> reporter: the mayor saying we won't accepttihis discrimi, it is not just illegal, it is against what we stand for. and the restaurant tweeted that as a rule we support safe bathrooms and welcome guests of all gend identification. clearly our staff did not do so last night and treated you in an unacceptablebeanner. they'letraining staff to be sure it never happe again. clymer says that's not enough.
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>> it lacked effort anght. they didn't seem to understand the situatn whatsoever. this can't happen to another lbgt person in d.c., it can't. it is unacceptable. >> reporter: clyr plans to file a complaint tomorrow with the d.c. office of human rights. aimee cho, news4. . >> and dw says they must respect a restroom choice based on their gender. single occupancy must be gender neutral. discrimination at any public accommodation is prohibited in the city. 7:34. the trump administration is looking to add up to 15,000 more beds for detained families stuck on the u.s., mexico border. >> this is a proposal comes days after officials stopped the practice of separating children from parents at the border. we breakdown the numbers. this is according federal
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officials. they say 17% of minors are being held in facilities with a parent or guardian. more than half, 83% arrived in the u.s. by themselves alone. they say they're reuniting more rean 500 unaccompanied chi in custody with their families. u.s. customs and border protection officia mentioned in the past many parents chose o to be deportedut their children. even though the ent signed an executive order s stopping taration, he is defending the zero tolerance immigration policy. he sat down with his press secretary's father, mike huckabee, for an interview. >> do you think the country is giving us their finest? are they giving us the sarah he world? of i don't think so. i don't think so. they're giving us rough, tough people. d we want merit. we don't want that. >> with president trump's zero tolerance policy in place, adults will likely be
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prosecuted. it is unclear what the long term plan is. and that zero tolerance policy turned one 19-year-old's jog into an ordeal at the northern border witha. last month, two border officers arrested the woman. she claims she accidently crossed into washington state while on a jog on the beach in itish columbia. spent two weeks in an immigration detentionter in state of washington. the woman's mother called that arrest unfair saying the were no signs warning of the border. let's turn our attention to local politics and racre in marylanduesday. several candidates are trying to drum up support. democratic hopeful ben jealous gave out ice cream. ben cohen also helpe and baker was out trying to get the vote out. primary day in maryland is tuesday.
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ppad to the nbc washington for a complete guide to all the races. and for maryland voters, we have to submit a provisional ballot in thepcoming about 19,000 a and party changes submissions weren't sent to state board of election for processing. it may effect people that updad information on mva website or kiosks between april 22nd and june because ofmity of the election, changes can't be added to lists of voters at each location. .hey say they'll inform those effected by e-ma the primary is coming up in maryland this tuesday. now an update about the south carolina congressional candidate seriously hurt in a deadly wrong way crash.on republican cessional candidate katie arrington was a
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passenger hit by a wrong way driver friday night. the driver did die. her spokesperson says she suffered a fracture in her back, lloken ribs and partial coapse of a main artery in her leg. she will undergo anoer surgery this morning. president trump tweeted condolences, he endorsed her before she upset mark sanford in the primary earlier this month. heads up for weekend travel on metro arlington cemetery station is still closed. they're installies wireless ca buses reace trains and blue line trains only operate betwee francoringfield and the reagan national airport. customers heading to other stations use silver or yellow line trains if you can. they contacted susan hogan
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to get word out about a contractor, preying on the elderly, taking their money and doing shoddy work. tips to keep your money safe, that's straight ahead. coming up next week, distracted driving, it is a huge problem. we are going to be in a special car, set up with a simulat to show you how dangerous it is to drive and be distracted. and then staycation ideas about a
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accusedcal contractor of preying on the elderly. >> this contractor facing a number of violations, including working withoutic ase and proper permits.
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consumer reporter susan hogan is on it, working for you with everything you to know. >> reporter: for three months 71-year-old treksd up andown two flights of stairs. >> all the way, come around g,re. >> reporter: mornnoon, night. >> and climb these stairs and all the way of the length of the house to go to the bathroom. >> reporter: she says the contractor she hir gutted her upstairs bathroom and never finished the job. >> i am beyond frustrated. >> reporter: she's one of a number of homeowners that filed complaintsith thettorney general office of consumer protection, which launched an investigation into gainer and his company. >> basement, kitchens, and mr. gainer appeared to be a fraudulent compa and an individual who is a professional scammer.
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>> reporter: the a oorney generaice is suing gainer, claiming he duped seniors and other consumers by overcharging them for projects and opening unauthorized credit lines in customer names. >> guess what, he doesn't complete the job, he does them in a shoddy way, and leaves those jobs worse off than they were before he got there. >> reporter: gainer is accused f not paying some of his employees. news4 reached out to gainer by phone, he declined an on camera interview. >> i am simply calling you out of respect to let you give me your side of the orory. >> repr: he told us he egnies all allations against him and blames an employee who he says scammed him omo of ney. >>il work won't be done unt we recover money,. so d.c consumers taken advantage of by mr. gainer get their money back. >> as susan hogan and the team were working on it, gainer said
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he officially closed his siness and is filing bankruptcy. contact the d.c. attorney general's office. the information is on the nbc washington app. what you need to know before hiring a contractor. check to be sure they have a current license. ask for copies of insurance certificatese to m sure they're current. find out if there will be subcontracctrs on your pro if so, make sure they are properly licensed and insured and make payments throughout the project and hold out at least a third until you're 100% atisfied. ifll else fails, call susan. she will get your money back. >> s won that emmy. >> a couple. 7:44. taking a lookhe out. clouds are building, but it is 72 degrees andl sticky. weheck in with lauryn with e sunday forecast. th
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,nte parodo hpthtoot tastehe th when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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wow. look at jim go. man, thcourtside seats?d. multitasking isn't for the faint of heart . i'm in! it takes experience, skill, hey babe. do you have my credit card? i can't find it. nope. i haven't seen it. i'll keep looking. and a bank that helps you take care of business from anywhere. you know, we could use more guys
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like jim around here. bb&t. all we see is you. pstop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so?al feels good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes e extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. ed the coach that washington capitals to a stanley cup made close friends in his time here. maybe you heard the organization best buddies, talked about it quite a bit. maybe you know it becauseac of todd. >> the champion coach is heading erica but this story from gonzales is about a friendship that knows n distance. >> reporter: byno w, you know coach barry trots is leaving thi tals, after a agreement on sa salary, diointment settled
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in, for more than just players and fans. but another organization with a special connection to trots. she's with best buddies. >> it is hard on a lotf levels. i know they love it here. >> reporter: trotz is a father to four. his son has a disability, h been involved with best buddyor program f years. back when trotz was coaching in nashville. he says a colleague from that ea made her promise to take good care of the family when they moved here. i will do the same and make sure that they areoved and looked after wherever they go. they awonderful. >> reporter: it is more than just a charity for trotz, it is an issue of the heart. she says he used his platform to
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bring awareness. especially around big fund-raising events. >> he would say to reporterm oing to talk about best buddies now. that brought us a whole new group of people who might not have known who we were, what we did. s >> reporter: says best buddies always had support of the capitals. and believes w that part't change. but admits to some uncertainty that lies aad. will the new coach be as married to the mission, willing to talk about it on the ground the way coa was? that remains to be seen. i would hope so. >> coach trotz signed a deal to become head coach of the islaers in new york this wee i >> know, it is business. but still. best buddies is in all 50 states.
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coach ttz surely has plenty of new friends welcoming him to new york. fine.oing to be just they're lucky. >> i've done this before, they have the best buddies prom and ,ll of that going on. sundou think this is the better half of the weekend? >> absolutely ather wise. yesterday was cloudy. >> toss up. >> we had severe weather, a tornado warning in culpepper county, severe thunderstorm warning. i got aittle rain at my house. >> i got a lotai of in falls church. >> really? >> i'm t gling you. >> some rain, it was like a nice i rain. got rain maybe an hour. >> any thunderstorms? >> there were rumbles, yeah. >> you t needbe a weather watcher. >> come on.
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the director is saying let her do theth w. >> i will take time out of my weather forecast for you to tell me i am right. >> you were right. >> yesterday. see if i can keep that streak going today. we have isolated storms, i had to add that for day. it is hot and humid. we have a chance for showers and thunderstorms. monday, tuesday, lower humidity, plenty of sunshine. lower temperatures. then mugginess and rain chances return dnesday. current temperatures now, it is muggy but comfortable. temper0sures in the and 70s. 72 in washington. next 12 urs, we'll have fog. getting hot heading int the afternoon. 30% chance for showers and thunderstorms this afternoon, any time from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. seeing sprinkles to the south. not sure if this is hitting the ground.
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look at the observations not eing much hitting the ground. few sprinkles could squeeze out of that especially south. weather questions, can you get to the pool today, yes. it will be hot and humid. you may have to watch for thunderstorms, especially if out and about from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. humidity eventually fallsni ovt and through much of the day. it will be comfortable. we havepe a tture swing coming toward the end of the upcoming work week. if you head to the capital battle barbeque, brief rain chance. hot later on. isolated chance of a storm. most chance will be over. that game is not until 8:00. 30% chance for rain. temperatures nearly 90 degrees today. it will be rather wrem.
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fuast starting at 1:30. you can see some isolated storms. hi thinkis overdone. we have a chance for isolated thunderstorms as we go through the afternoon and into the evening. then tomorrow, clear. plenty of sunshine. we'll keep sunshine foronday and tuesday, with lower humidity. even tuesdayg, morn maybe cool when you walk out the door. temperatures monday and tuesday, low to dity is back wednesday. mid-80s wednesday, chance of an afternoon thunderstorm. chance of thunderstorms thursday. back in the 90s. temperature goes head to the next work weekend the next weeke. my work weekend. then more rain next mday and ontu>>
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7:56. here are four things to know. maryland voters havesu tit a provisional ballot in tuesday's primary election because information changes they submitted can't be processed in time. they'll be notified by e-mail. the red hen in linington, vi in the spotlight. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders saysdhe was kic out of there on friday night because she worked for president trump. d.c. police arest inating an early morning shooting. we're told this happened around 3:00 on 695. this was going eastbound police say the man who was shot
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while driving is listed as conscious and breathing now. "meet the press" later this morning on nbc4. chuck todd sits down to discuss the on-gog immigration crises at 10:30, after news4 today. sticky day tay. >> sticky and hot. temperatures around 90 degrees. maybee h to dodge, 30% chance for showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. humidity around tomorrow. this week is gorgeous. >> might have g to
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we took it and they would be overrun. >> set the chiren free. good d morning. welcome to "sunday today" on june 24th. the firstunday of summer. i am willie geist. debate and public outc remains heated. at the end of the week that saw president trump sign an executive ord ending his administration's policy of separating children from theirn parents detaining them at the southern


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