tv Today NBC July 9, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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just this. morning, another child pulled to safety as diver resume their dangerous operation nd their those boys coach back to the a race again time and those heavy rain as doctors reveal the first rescued boys are healthy and hungry. we're live with the very latest. >> supreme decision.p president trum set to nominee dg a national address toisght. the lt narrowed down to the final four, but the president not tipping his hand. >> you can't go wrong. >> nerve agent murder. a british woman d one week
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after being exposed to the same type of poison used on a former russian spy in england. scotland yard now vestigating. >> robin wright speaking out for the first time about sexual assault allegations against kevinspacey. >> i didn't know the ma i knew the incredible craftsman he is. >> and the futuref her hit show. >> honoring evil.>> evel knievel did this bk in '73 in l.a. here we go, travis pastrana. >> an extreme sports ssr p tribute to evel knievel in las vegas, nailing three of his most famous jumps. >> look at that. >> and prince louis big day. the royal family stepping out for the christening of its newest member, today monday, july 9th, >>m nbc news, this is,"
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"tod with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." nice toave you with us bright and early on a monday morning. >> we have aet lot to to. we want to get right to that risky rescue mission in thailand watched by the world. >> so many peoplre wondering what is going on. as we mentioned, new operation to rescue the boys is under way. theory maining boys and their coach are trapped in the cave, but just this morning, an ambulance with a boy inside was seen leaving the site. >>today's mission led by the same group which conducted sunday's rescue. each boy wearing full-faced oxygen masks and tethered to two divers guiding them through miles of twisted passageways and flooding chambers. adding to the urgency is a new round of heavy downpours last night. so fa crews say the water levels have not risen inside the
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cave. >> w also learning more about the first four boys pulled out safety. officials saying they're strong, safe, and receiving medical treatment at a nearby hospital. >> we have complete coveragea ad story that's really fascinated the world and a live interview with one of the divers involved in the mission.h let's start w bill neely on the scene for us. good morning. what do you see? guys.d morning, and a great morning for another thai teenager who just a short time agoas freed from the caves and taken by a medical team outlong this road. right now, dozens of divers are riing the lives underground. five lives saved but eight lives still hanging in the balanc in the last hour, freedom for another boy. a sifthcer player inside anbu lance after more than two week inside a cave. this is the moment they're hoping to repeat today.
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one many feared would never come. the end of a nightmare for one small boy carried on a gurney to a waiting helicopter and then f to the hospital. a doctor glimpsed for a moment treating him in the ambulance. another helicopter poised for the second of fourbo . and today, the divers are doing it all again. a battle ainst water and time on a route that's already proved a death trap. today, two of the boys will be taken out two by two clinging to ropes guided by divers for more than two miles. e first four boys chosen were the strongest, say ymmanders. thngest to go, just 13 years old. the aunt of one ofin them s i haven't laughed for a long time. today, i'm happy. this is d-day, said the commander launching the rescue.t we haveo act now. less than eight hrs after it started, the boys emerged. two hours later, a second pair.
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four were free. three of the boys have been free went to this school. three more students are still trapped. but today, their friends are relieved. it's a good feeling. >> yeah. >> on the day his friends ne disappeared ooy had skipped soccer practice to watch the world cup on tv. >> the boy's friends say thi is a place they want to take them when they're all free. afte that, it's fried chicken. one diver told nnbcs the boys yesterday were totally calm. their escape route widened just hours before as rescuers drieed through c walls. it was a rescue made urgent by falling oxygen levels in the cave and falling rain outside. the commander said today, t same team of 90 divers are underground again. eight boys and their coach yearn to see the sunshine, their lives still hanging in the balance. >> bill, of course, as we know,
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the rescuers are in there rig now. what are the biggestbstacles today? >> well, savannah, the biggest obstacle isn'tou what you think. we spoke to one diver who was down there yesterday. he said the biggest problem today will b mplacency after the success and the euphoria of yesterday a complacency can kill divers as well as weakene boys. one interesting detail, after the monsoonst rains day, they didn't flood the cave because the divers down there have redirected the floodwater. they have been driing and removing boulders to change the whole geography of the place. it's an immense operation. it isn't ove yet, of course, but the boys' long journey home has begun. >> an incredible feat. now we're joined by a danish diver who took part in sunday's
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rescue. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's so great to hear your voice. i can't imagine what it was like in the momentheou were cave and saw the first young boy emerge. tell us about that, wha the children's demeanor was like. >> as you said yourself, considering the situation they had bee through the last two weeks, they were very, very calm. they are some incredibly strong kids. considering they have been through what can only be thought to be an absolute these guys.for >> absolutely. ivan, you're one of the divers, you have been in that cave. you have such a unique perspective. an you tell us what it is like down there and what is involved in getting out young boys in this frail condition, many of whom can't even swim? >> well, the mchallenge, then challenge here is as you say yourself, young kids that are in no way trained to do cave diving. cave diving requires a lot of
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training and it's still dangerous even for the best cave divers. the major challenge here is to make sure that these kids don't panic, because iould expect anybody who is not trained for this kind of diving to look at difficult extremely trip. keeping the boys in good mental health s they don't panic, because panic will create a lot of problems for us inside the cave. take it a step further. for those of us who have never been in a cave, never done cave diving and never will, what is it? is it because it's small, dark, hard to navigate? explain what it is that makes it so difficult. >> i exactly everything you said. it's small. it's hard to navigate. nl's pitch blacks you have artificial light with you. and there are narrow ssages. so f a cave diver, this is something that us cave divers we
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enjo we think it's challenging and exciting to go in and explore thesecaves. these young boys were exploring the caves t wheny were still dry. and they got caught. yeah. it's very -- >> how much o this is under water? how much of the time are they actually submerged? >> at the moment, it's less and less. whenhe operation started, which is now two weeks ago, pretty much the entire cave was under water and the flow from inside the cave to the entras very, very high, making it impossible even for us cave divers to actually swim into the ve. thenly way you could get into the cave is hold on to rocks and drag us along. now, due to the enormous amount of enginee on site, they have installed water pumps manes pln the cave and the water is now getting sucked out of the cave. it's getting easier and easier to get in and out. >> in some place are you almost
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submerging the boys and kind of pushing them out along the line? that's what it looks like. >> there are several places where the diver and the boys will have to g under water, that is correct. >> all right, ivan. perspective.r your thanks so much. >> appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> for more on theirst boys to be brought out of the cave andh howy're doing this morning, we go to janice mackey frayer, also in thailand. she's got tha part of the story. good morning. >> good morning, savannah. just moments ago, t ambulance with the fifth boy brought from the cave passed behind us. side, they would have checked his vital signs, looking for signs o hypothermia as they take him to the hospital where his recovery can begin. at this hospit, the entire eighth floor is reserved for the teens' care. it's where the four exhausted bo are in a sterilized isolation unit, being medically assessed and allowed no physical
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contact with theirie famil until doctors say so. hospital officials won't veal how they're doing, but the condition of one is said to be causing concer, these fo the first of the 13 trapped there to be ten out because a medic inside the cave said they were the healthiest. but after so many days of darkness, cold, andittle food, they still face a tricky recovery. >> they're lucky t be in there together. 13 boy together. and if they are in there alone, it wou m be verore desperate. >> just days ago, t boys sent letters to their families about what they wanted when they were freed. favoriteik foods le pork barbecue. one boy joked, teacher, don't give us lots of homework. another wrote, don't worry about us now. i miss everyone. wanto go back now. in section remains the concern for the next several days.un
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it's ear when the boys will actually go home, w bt a great step. every panchlt has been watching this unfold and seeing their own kid's face staring out of the dark cave. families here just savoring the reality theirre getting t boys back. >> it's true, the whole world is watching with bated breath. thank you. and we'll have more on the ongoing rescue efforts throughout the morning. another major story. who will be president trump's supre court pick? 's set to reveal his nominee in a primetime address tonight. the list is down to four possible ercandidates. is a lot hanging in the we ha coverage. >>ter alexander is at the white house. ood morning to you. this morning, a source familiar with the process tells me it is a j ball who the president picks tonight. president trump acknowledging as much, telling reporters he'll make up his mind by noon today. with this decision still up in the air, the white house war
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room, aidre telling me, is preparing a roll out f each of the contenders. president trump preparing to t pull back curtain of his supreme court pick. >> i'm g very close to making a final decision. >> not yet? >> i believe this person will do a great job. >> a source with first-han knowledge of the selection process telling nbc news the president's greatest focus is on appeal court judges brett kavanaugh of washington, d.c. and thomas hardiman of pennsylvania, but the source said he hasn't ruled out any, which also include amy coney barrett and raymond kethledge. >> you can't go >> some of those finalists s spottedunday going about their lives on the eve of the historic announcement. th president over the weekend hosting fox news personal sean haity at his new jersey golf club, also getting input from advisers. friends, and senate leaders ahead of a fierce confirmation
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battle. >> i think the president has to think about who is easiest to get confirmed. >> behind the scenes, mitch mcconnell making the same argument to the president. thisd conservative already playing on tv. >> extremists will lie and noattack the minee, but don't be fooled. president trump's list includes the best of the best. >> senate democrats including three from red states who first ed mr. trump's court pick, neil gorsuch, facing pressure to resist this e. >> obviously, each senator understands this is an historic decision. it will decide the future of this court for a generation or more. and s i know they'll look carefully at each nominee. >> of those top two contenders, thomas hardiman's last confirmation vote to the appeals court was unanimous. that included democrats. brett kavanaugs confirmation could get slowed down if senators want to review hisy lengecord as a judge as well as the presidential documents that would have crossed his desk when he worked for president george w.. bu >> peter alexander, thanks.'s
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>> lrill down on this, more on what we need to know on theesident's front runners. pete williams is on the story. >> any one of these would be more conservative than justice kennedy who is retiring at the end of the nth. brett kavanaugh is the only ivy ndaguer on the list, yale yale law, something president trump said is important. on the plus side, solidly conservative for 12 years as an appeals court judge here in washington. potential downside years of working for president george w. bush, who trump has frequently criticized. thomas hardiman was a finalist lar had the president chose gorsuch. he drove a taxi before the law school ingeorgetown, he's on the appeals court in pennsylvania and so is the president's sister. raymond kethledge is also a former kennedy clerk. midwesterner growing up in michigan. conservatives applaud two recent rulings against the irs and
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eeoc. last year, he wrote a book with an army officer about the importance of solitude, something he gets in his office in a converted barn overlooking lake huron. and amy coney barrett, the only then on the list, also youngest at 46, a former scalia clerk, admire as a devout catholic, but questions on whether that would influence her judging hasalnized her supporters. a negative for her is she's oy been a judge for about eight nkmonths. >> tyou. the president will unveil his supreme court pick tonight. nbc news will have live coverage. >> we have a lot more to get to this morning including a murder investigation launched by scotland yard. this after the death of a woman who cam in contact with the same deadly nerve agent used to po former russian spy and his daughter. kelly cobiella has the latest on the story.
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good morning. >> hoda, good morning. britain's emergency committee y will mee again today on this. and britain's prime minister th tesa may waseted about it overnight, writing i'm appalled and shocked by the death of don sturgis and my thoughts and condolences go to her family and loved ones adding policeri and se officials are working urgently to establish the facts of this isincident. morning, london's metropolitan police are calling this a murder investigation. police confirmed 44-year-old british national dawn sturgess died on saturday, eight days after she and her friend were exposed to novichok. it was the same type of powerful poison used on former russian spy s gei skripal and his daughter earlier this year. sturgess was seen at a convenience store just hours before they collapsed. >> i seen dawn getting taken out a stretcher. she didn't look well.
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>> police later confirmed the pair were exposed to novichok after handling a contaminated item. >> the death is desperately sad news. we'll work with police to give them all the suprt they need. >> in a statement,ng sturgis' death anus outrag reckless, and barbaric act. while rally remains inl cri condition, police still aren't sure if the novacek that poisoned them is part of the same batch used to poison the former russian sis and daughter. they believe russia is behind the assassination of the skripals, an ausation the kremlin strongly denied. there is no efldz rally ors sturere specifically targeted. and this morning, the kremlin is reacting to the death, saying they were sorry to hear that she had died and also aying the investigation is britain's problem, and any suggestion that russia is invved is quote, quite absurd. >> all right, kelly, thank you.
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let us get our first check of the weather. al is back. >> hey, good to see you guys. good to see you. thanks for getting your weather from us. we're taking a loo at what's going on in thailand, one of the reasons they want to get t kit, besides everything else, we have more heavy rain coming. they could pick up another 1 to 2 inches before it's over moving into tomorrow afternn. as we look also, right now,ri puerto, they finally got their live radar back. that's good news. just in time for the remnants of bear l to come sweeping across the island it's bringing heavy rain and there could be mud slides as the system pushes across. we'll watch this as it makes its way, we could see 2 to 4 inches of rain in the eastern ends of the island. as it makes its way further to the west from the dominican republic into haiti, we could have very heavy rains there as well. 'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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good morning, i'm meteorologist chuck bell. mostly clear sky and a cool start to your july morning. 50s intures are in the most of the suburbs. even only into the low 60s around the city here earlyhis morning. so this is not bad weather at all. humidity levelse stay n and low today. ooternoon highs today, a couple degreesr than average, in the mid to upper 80s. warmer and moremoumid ow, but rain chances pretty much hold off for most of the week.
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>> in the next half hour, we have a hurricane off the north carolina coast later today to tell you about. >> thanks. coming up, we'll head back to thailand for an update on the dangerous mission to pull more boys out of the flooded cave. >> plus, a "today" exclusive. robin wright opening fi for the t time about the sexual misconduct scand following kevin spacey. >> this last year, i think, has shined a light in a new way tol us to start a new conversation. >> and our conversation on spacey's departu m andh more. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. this is a news 4 today news break. >> 7:26 is your time now on thiy mo july 9th, 2018. good mning to you. >> i n thes this morning, a family of five including three children was ablees to pe a big fire in northwest d.c. it started inside o home overnight at 11th street near columbia road and irving street. the flames spread quickly to a second home and damaged a third. no word on what started the fire in the first place. >> the final o phase the beach drive restoration project gets under way today. the section you see here in black will be closed for the next year. that's beach drive from joyce d street he maryl line. good news, the section in the yellow you see there in the middle, which is beach drive between broad branch road and joyce road will reopen today. now, let's take a look at your
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morng commute with melissa mollet. >> good morning. lanham on beltway has debris in the roadwa southbound 270 after urbana, rockfell, at bower drive, crash in the right lane. 270 southbound slow from an earlier spill here, and bailey's crossroads eabound, a crash reported there. >> thank you. >> a check of your forecast is up next.
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ood morning, everybody. a bright and sunny monday. temperatures are in the comfortably cl range this morning. in the 50s and 60s. low humidity as well. a very pleasant day to be outside. typically warm for thi time of the year. we'll have mostly sunny skies with afternoon highs in the mid to upp 80s today. warmer tomorrow with temperatures back into the 90s. a onday 90-degree string, not
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multiples. then 80s for highs, wednesday, thursday, and frid and very low rain chances all week. >> thank you. another update in 25 minutes. >> for now, back to the "today" show after this short break. back to the game show where the prices are set, but the challenge is... "guess that price!" for the win, how much is the average daily cost of electricity from novec? within one dollar, mary. that's my lights, hot water, tv, gaming console, laundry, fridge, robot vacuum. the answer is... four seventy-four! i win! novec rocks! with novec we all win. novec. powering value and souch more! yes!
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back now, 7:30 o a monday morning, july the 9th, 2018. with some of the latest images from the scene of that daring rescue operation in thailand. just this morning, a fifth boy pulled out alive from that underwater cave overnight as divers continue that dangerous mission. >> we, of course, are watching all of it very closely. we'll have the latest iniv a l report first ahead, but first, a check of the morning's headlines including a supreme decision facing president trump. >> judgment day. >> i'm getting vy close to making a final decision. >> president trump set to pick a new supreme court nominee tonight in a decision that will influence the direction of the court for decades. >> let's say it's theour people, but they're excellent, everyone. you can't go wrong. >> running out of time.
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the trump administration likely to miss tomorrow's court-orde td deadlineo reunite all young c migrhildren under the age of 5 with their parents. this, according to the aclu. >> they will begin looking for the parents in this country and abroad, but it's critical the government use t private resources that are available. >> road rage. an out of control wildfire shutting down a freewayn northern california, forcing drivers to fleeef as fhters race to contain blazes acrosst the wes that have destroyed dozens of homes. >> and they're off. thousands take to the streets for the annual running of the bulls in spain. a traditi that's left nearly a dozen hurt so far this year. >> and pure evil. dare devil travis pastrana re successfully plicated three ofs evel knievel'ost famous jumps in las ves. >> three jumps, one night, andd
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it's . >> jumping over cars, buses, and fountains. today, monday, july 9th, 2018. >> looked pretty good. >> wow. >> all right, we're going to get back to tret cave ue operation in thailand and this morning's newest rescue bill neely was right there. bill, good morning again. >> good morning, hoda. it's a great morning for another thai teenager who has been freed here. we're just seeing signed behind me along this road. the police standing at attention. they took theut boys two boy too yesterday and there are scenes that a sixth boy may have reached dry ground just lookit the way the police are setting up, it could be that another boy is on his spy to the al. right now, divers underground bsking their lives. fives freed so far. eight lives still hanging in the
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balance. after nearly 17 days trapped in a flooded cave, eight boys remain in theark with nothing but the sound of rushing water and the reassuring words of the divers they're with. st aies of heroism hope are beginning to emerge. 90 divers, 40 thai and 50 foreign experts, are spearheading the mission. the thai navy s.e.a.l.s posting this symbol of unity online. the message, we the thai and foreign teams will bring the wild boars soccer team home. and they are bringing them home, updating the world of their progress, posting the fourth wild boar ishe out of cave. >> the minds of theivs are something that isn't talked about. >> tim taylor, a deep ocean explorer, featured on the national geographic documentary "extreme cave diving." he says he knows what these divers are going through. >> put yourself in theirs. sh if you were given a child,
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someone's child, and you had to bring them through this maze and this labyrinthnd you're responsible for bringing them out alive. if it goes one way, you're a hero. if it goes the other way,ou're liveing with the results the rest of your life. it's a burden o any rescuer wrg. >> this isimilar to other stories of disappearanc scovery, and rescue. like the 2010 rescuef 33 chapped chilean minors. and in 1987, baby jessica who spent 58 hours stuck in well. >> this is live. we're watching these ped le's lives ping and praying for them and want the best for them. >> for now, the thai navy s.e.a.l.s are keeping the hope alive, the hope that allf the boys will soon breathe fresh air and see the sunshine once again. this scue commander said morning that he hoped all of the boys would be out within 48 hours. and we spoke to one diver who was actually involved in the operation yesterday who said the iggest obstacle today was
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complacency after all the euphoria of yesterday and complacency can kill divers, never mind weakened boys. so five boys out so far. and we're still waiting to hear news. possibly of a sixth boy, but eight lives still hanging in the balance. back to you. >>ill neely, thank u. >> let's take a turn and get another check of the weather from mr. roker. >> thank yo savannah. we're watching another tropical storm offst our southcoast. this is tropical storm chris. 0 miles south-southeast of cape hatteras. 60-mile-per-hour winds. it's driftinou to the s right now, and most of those rain bands are staying offshore. few may mak the outer banks. as the system develops, we look for it to come a category 1 storm sometime early wednesday morning and connue off the coast. and just skirt along maybe past nova scotia. no big problem. the biggest problem is going to be especially f folks goi out into the water, from montauk all the way to, charlest
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swells, dangerous surf, rip current conditions and o a band two of thunderstorms making their wayerlong the out banks. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your of the woods. >> good monday morning. a lot ohe sunshine in forecast today. still very comfortable outside. 68 degrees. still inur suburbs are the mid to upper 50s. 57 inic fred 55 in frederick, i should say. 69 in annapolis. asou we go t monday, plenty of sunshine. by lunchtime, 83 topping out at 89. tomorrow will be the hottest day of the week, 93. then w go into wednesday, thursday, friday, pretty dry, but a slight chance on thursday. >> that is your latest weather. >> thank you so much. still to come, the new controversy at theiss america pageant over the decision to end the swimsuit competition. >> plus. live at buckingham palace as the family gathers for prince louis' christing. >> is justin bieber getting
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ready to walk down the aisle. interview exclusive with robin wright, what she's saying about the new season of u "h of cards" and allegations that led to the firing of her co-star, kevin spacey. first these messages. (phone ping) gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week
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from our crazy delicious family to yours. crave those crazy squares. gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? exclusive interview with actress robin wright, the star of the hit series "house of cards." >> the show returns for its sixth and fal season this fall but without kevin spacey,ired
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this year after allegations of sexual misconduct against tm. and j this week, he faced three new additional s. allegati we sat down with robin wright just prior to thoseeg aions and asked how the real-life drama has affected the "hou of cards" team. >> i think we were all surprised, of cose, and ultimately saddened. we forged ahead and were so thankfulblhat you weree to complete the series as planned.a >> this , the popular netflix political drama "house of cards" returns for its sixth and final season, but it will be without one of its biggest stars. kevin spacey, who played president frank underwood, after acey facedccusations of sexual misconduct last year. >> was there anything in all these years o w workih him that would have made you think something like thisas possible? >> we were coworkers, really. we weren't -- neverd sociali
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outside of work. respectful, professional relationship. he was so great with me. and was never srpectful to me. so that's my personal experience. that's the only thing i feel that i have the right to talk olout. >wing the accusations by actor anthony rapp, he issued a statement saying he didn't remember the encounter, that he says would have happened more than 30 years ago. adding, if did behave then as he describes, i owe him the sincerest apology f what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior. >> has hed to reach out or you tried to reach out? >> no. im haven't heard f him, and i don't even know how to reach him. >> was there any kind of red flag or anything that would have made you think this was possible? >> kevin and i knew each othern between actnd cut, and in between setups where we would
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giggle. i didn't really -- i didn't know the man. i knew the incredible craftsman he is. >> do you feel like netflix did the right thing in cutting ties? >> i don't know how to comment on that, but i think at that time, the shock was so intense all over the nation, for many reasons, many stories, many people. i think that everybody felt that it was respectful to back off. >> we're just getting started. >>now, as "house of cards" prepares to releaseal its f season this fall, robin wright's character, claire underwood, is president. this is an edited scene. >> this is an eented sce. >> and wright is taking on an additional role. director of the series finale. michael kelly and constand zimmer premier in theri . they were part of the original
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cast with spacey. >> it was alwaysrobin,kevin, and me at the head of the table, and the first time we sat down, it was me and robin, and both of us looked at each other like, wow. you know? we're doing >> i think what people don't realize is that we already nnew that this season was the final sea before all of this happened. >> happy independence day to me. >> we have seen this earthquake as the me too a movement you've been in this business a long time. ve you experienceden haras or -- >> of course. who hasn't? >> right. >> this is a bigger, broader issue, i thinwh h is seduction, i don't care who you are, it's about power.
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and once you overpower someone, that person thenme be vulnerable. and this last year, i ink, has shined a light in a new way to allow us to start a new conversation. so we just need to shift the >> wow.m. fascinating interview. >> it's interesting. can you imagine, itll was r the two of them for this show, the season ended and then this earthquake happens. kevin spacey is out, but i think the whole cast feels really good about being able to complete the series and tie up some loose ends. and yes, i tried t get information out about what happens to these characters. and we'll have a lot more of our interview coming up this fall when it's closer to the time en it's released. >> this was already supposed to be the final season, i didn't know that. >> it was. and actually, she had already become president. turned and faced the camera and id it's myrn, and then all this happened. guess it kind of worked in term of theshow. we did reach out to kevin
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spacey's team for comment. we did not h.r ba we will have a lot more with robin and her "house of cards" stmates when the sixth and final season of the show is released on netflix, but you have to wait. it's this fall. >> stillahead, the clash inside the mis america pageant over its new swimsuit-free direction. first, these messages. ages. [music playing] ages. across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's. register tay at discover magnum double caramel... expertly crafted with silky vanilla bean ice cream and rich belgian chocolate.
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this is a news 4 today news break. >> 7:56 is your time now on this monday, july nintgo morning to you. we want to check on your morning commute withelsa mollet and your first 4 traffic. >> good morning. right now, southbound 270 still shhas that c response there, so a little slow southbound 270. dumbfries after triangle, broken down vehicle blocking a lane. in arlington, a crashlocking the left lane there, and the beltway starting to get slow in e normal spots, approaching georgia and inner loop across the american legion bridge. >> we'll take a quickreak now and check your forecast next. stay with us.
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good monday morning. gorgeous srt to yourday. 72 right now, washington. many suburbs have now warmed up into the mid 60s. really co aortable. 89 f daytime high. plenty of sun across your entire monday. tomorrow is the hottest day of the week, 93. for the rest of the week, the next rain chance is thursday. >> thank you. we're now back to the "today" show.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, another rescue. divers save another young boy from the flooded cave in thailand where a soccer team has been trapped for more than two weeks. this morning, the operation w still underay as they work to figure out how to free the remaining boys and their coach. we're live in thailand with the latest. >> plus, s bathiuit battle. members ofs the mis america organition sparring over the decision to ban swim suits from the pageant. >> there's nothing a woman can't do, at we can do in a swim suit and heels. >> some now calling for the entireoard to resign after dishing the segment in the wake of the me too movement. >> and a royalle ceation. all eyes are on prince louis as
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will and kate'set youngest gs ready to best chriened. for news on who the godparents are to why the queen won't be attended. we have your royal round-up today, monday, july 9th, 2018. ♪ rs, e're from ft. m florida. >> we got up early to be on today. >> it's dream come true to be here from mississippi. >> we're bestboriends from ston, massachusetts. i here with my beautiful daughter. >> a shout out to all our friends back in minnota. >> we traveled from ohio. >> the crossroads of america. >> for my 15th birthday. >> weame to say -- >> happy bthday rileigh. >> and good morning, everybody.a welcome ck to "today." it's monday morning.o we're s happy to have you with us great crowd. sun shining, and a great start to a new week.
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>> wean't wait et out there and say hello to everybody. we'll be out in a few. >> lots to get to, including your news at 8:00 and what's happening in t divers have launched phase two of the daring cave rescue, already more success in bringing the trapped boys out aliv bill neely is on the scene for us watching it closely. bill, good morning. >> reporte good morning, savannah. we're now eight hours into today's operation. a fifth boy has been freed and is now being treated at the hospal. and the are local reports that a sixth boy has reach dry ground up there. but we haven't seen any signs of movement along this road sofar. right now, dozens of divers are risking their lives derground to free more. this morning, more light atf th end the tunnel. a fifth boy inside an ambulancer freed aftere than two weeks inside a dangerous cave complex. and on his way to the hospital.
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right now,ive boys free, eight lives still to be saved. an international team of 90 world-class divers working together in difficult conditions. the same divers from the first mission ao conducting today's operation. their experience and knowled of the caves unmatched. thai authorities say overnight, monsoon rains did not raise water levels in the cave. this grippinea life andth drama is beingatched by people around the world. on sunday, the decision made to get the boys out immediately. conditions inside the cave the best they cld be. the water levels relatively low after days of good weather and constant draining. some stretches of the nearly two-mile journey even walkable. but a new round ofain is in the forecast forcing them to take emergency action. on sunday, four soccer players weught safely to therf sue and whisked to a local ho hital. it toors to get them out. two divers assigned to help eaco
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the lead diver actually tethered to the child. and carrying an oxygen tank with a line supplying air to a full-sized mask. one diver involved in theffort said the tricky operation went surprisingly well. adding, they were expecting bad things tohappen, and they did not. the mission paused overnight because workers used up all oft eir oxygen and needed time to reset the tanks. monday morning, local time, a crews got bact it in a race against rain. a race against time. well, one diver that i spoke to who was involved in yesterday's operation said the boys were hemarkably calm when emerged. remember, these kids had been in face masked for two and a half hours. he said he was condent and indeed everyone was hopeful that all of the boys would be freed in two more nsoperat savannah. >> bill neely, thank you very much. for more on the most
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pressing medical concerns for the boys who have been rescued and for thenes who remain trapped in the cave, let's bring in medical contributor dr. natalie azar. we're so gratefulan so of these boys have come out. i was thinking about medical conditions and, well, if they got food and water and fresh air, tre they going be okay for the most part? >> i think the expectation is evyone will be okay in time. the most immediate pressing concern is when they come out of the mouth of the cave, is just their overall stability. they do their vital signs, whatsu their blood pr, their body temperature. they're making sure number one that they're not hypothermic, that their oxygenating then pro comes the more challenging part in the hospital. now they're skrining them for infections. there's uniquele susceptn a cave setting for certain kinds of lung diseases as well as contaminated water. they have to check their nutritional status and something we have been covering as well is the psychological impact of this and their risk for post traumatic stress disorder. >> and of course, they're
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starving, but you can't bring in their favorite food. although some have written he letters aboutood they want to eat, but you have to take it slowly. >> this go low, glow kind of thing. there's something called refeeding syndrome. it can happen in the first couple days. too much nutritional supplementation early on after a riod of not eating can be dangerous, can cause threatening imbalanced and what not. there's a protocol to doing tis. i'm sur doctors and health care workers on hand know what to do. the kids will be t eatingir favorite foods, i'm sure, in time. >> all right, dr. azar. thank you so much. >> the presidentis announces nominee tonight to replace ti rering supreme court justice anthony kennedy. the president declared on sunday that, quote, you can't go wro with any of his final contenders. a source tells nbc news the president's greatest focus is on appeals court judgeska brett naugh and thomas hardiman of pennsylvania. also believed to be on the lis
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are raymond catholog and amy coney barrett.e we'll have l coverage of the president's supreme court pick, starting tonight at9:00 eastern time. >> also, this morning, an el paso, texas, police officer is under investigation after a viral video appeared to show him pointing his gun at a group of children. the offer was responding thursday to a report o trespassing. the video begins in a ounfrontation with ang man. we do know what know what hanned before the video was shot. when several boys yell at the officer, he appears to point his gun at them, orders them to back up. one adult and a minor were arrested. that police officer has been pled on deskduty. >> that's the news. we should get a boost. >> want to do a let's do it. an nfl star who recently signed a multi-millnontract extension wanted to share his lovedortune with those he more.
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he surprised his mom and his sister who has cerebral palsy with a new house. he took their blindfolds off one at a timehi mom was overcome with emotion. she broke down with tears. he shared the video on youtube. it's in slow motion. and by the way, it's worth every single second, with the caption, i love you so much, mama, thank you for blessing me with everyt hng. he says sister has been a great source of inspiration and motivation throughout his career. >> look at those smiles. i love how they had the red carpet out. they rolled out the redrarpet fo mom. >> lots more ahead, including new drama over the decision to cut swimsuits from the miss america pageant. could a revolt be in theworks? >> plus, the royal family coming together for prince louis's christianening. olay whips absorbs faster than the $100, $200,
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significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. most people were still clearer after one year. with taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? ask your doctor about taltz. a nounced next month that still has plenty of people talking. >> following the decision to liminate the swimsu competition, a split is rocking the miss america organization, and kristen dahlgren looking into this one. >> good morning, guys. a nod to the me too movement, th organization afounlsed on june 5th that miss america was n repl the swimsuit and
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evening gownan competition wit extended onstage interview. some state leaders are now hoghting back saying it's not the same w the swimsuits. this morning, a not so crowning oment for the miss america organization. to nearly 100-year-old institution fiercely divided after the organization's recent meoo era decision to eliminate the swimsuit portion of the annual competition. >> the change now prompting more than 20 state pageant leaders to call for the resignation of the new miss america board, which includes chairwoman and forr fox news anchor gretchen carlson. while some state pag nlt lders do support the swimsuit it competion, they say their disapproval of theoard stems from its lack of transparency. >> this has absolutely nothing to do with the simsuitei competitiong taken out, even though they're trying to sway it that way. that that's why we're up celt. it t.isn' >> one leader sd an executive told them the board decided to
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retire swimsuits after they were given an ultimatum. >> we were told abc would not televise it if a there's swimsuit competition, which is not true. >> the miss america organization denying that claim, saying in part, it is patently false to allege thad miss america claimed that the t elimination of swimsuit competition was a prerequisite to airing then telecastabc. there were, however, extensive productionompany and creative partner negotiations in which the elimination of swimsuit was noted as a prerequisite to partner with mao. the miss america organization still regrouping after e-mails surfaced last december showing their fmer ceo and others mocking the intelligence, looks, and sex lives o pageant winners. the scandal f acing he other top leaders to resign. this morning, more than 30 former miss america winners have added their names to a letter in support of the new board. >> miss new york. >> including mallory hagan, who
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won the title in 2013. she says sheelieves the swimsuit competition belgs in the pageant's past. >> progress means the challenges are going to have to be met. at's happening right now is we have a new board, a new leadership, and new ideas in order to move mis america into 2018 and beyond. >> but not all forerr miss ama winners agree with the changing times. >> this isn't about objectifying women, and i think women oversensationalize the swimsuit competitiover and over again, when in reality there's nothing aoman can't . we can do it in a swimsuit and heels. >> in march,he board voted unanimously to retire thesw swimsuit competition, saying there are thoseho find it hard to accept change. >> all right, kristen. you >> thank you. >> how about that weather, al? >> wow. >> swimsuit season.
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>> you guys have nothing. maybe iea have aer competition, see how that works out. we're looking right now at showers down through the southwest. monsoon season starting in the southwest. and we've got chris swirling off the coast of north caavlina. we heavy rain also for the gulf today. heat, humidity fueling t storms. a stationary front. that stalled front will dissipate tomorrow, so the showers will get weaker but they'll be more widespread. rainfall amounts general an inch to two inches in eastern texas. otherwise, relatively light into florida. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> i'm meteorologist chuck bell. we hav a sparkling blue sky over washington this morning and this is the way it's going to stay the rest of the day. very comfortable temperature wise in the upper 60s to around 70 degrees now. planning to spend outside te by the pool today. don't forget your spf. afternoon temperatures in the mid to upper 80s, but without
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midity around, it's going to feel very nice indeed, and barbecuing her for in the back yard this evening as well. temperatures back in the 80s after8: . sundown, 8:35. >> that is your latest weather. savannah. >> i love how you said that. actually, your british accent perfectly segues us to royal round roundup. there's a lot to cover. >> a special event for the youngestmember, prince louis. kelly cobiella has it all covered from buckingham palace. >> yeah, buckingham palace all the palaces in london very busy places this week. the royal family has a jam-packed week startingt oday with try special occasion for one of the youngest in line to the throne. it's a royal celebration today, as the family gathers f prince louis' christening. the 2 1/2-month-old baby will be christened at st. james palace, the same place meghan markle was
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baptized before marrying prince harry. the dsgodparents, all frind family of will and kate, including guy pelly and kate's usin lucy middleton. missing from the list, prince louis's new aunt meghan as well as aunt m pippadleton pregnant with the next middleton grandchild, spotted purchasing a hat, presumably for louis' big da alsoews that queen elizabeth will not be aattending, citing busy week ahead. today's date, july 9th already has royal significance. the queen's engagement to prince philipnnasnced on this day 71 years ago. tomorrow marking the 100th anniversary of the royal air they set to gather for a celebration at westminster abbey, as newlyweds, prince harry and meghan markle head off to ireland for their official trip as duke and duchess of sussex. >> they'll be meeting with the president of ireland, alsoin atte engagements that are
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to do with community sports. a little bit about the history of ireland as ll. so it's an official visit, ande they'll to see a lot ofhe country and the people of dublin. very high-profileisit for them both. >> big-time visit for them, but first, they'll be on that iconic balcony at buckingham palace hmorrow afternoon along w the rest of the royal family for a celebration of the royal air force and later today, after the christening, will and kate will be hosting a very small party, get-together t celebrate the christening, serving their wedding cake. guys, quick quiz on how old the cake is. >> 2011? kn she s. >> seven years. >> yes. >> 7-year-old british fruit cake. >> it's fruit cake? >> then it's fresh. >> all right, kelly, thank you m much. >> carsone his way over to the orange room because you know, it's not just the christening happening. it's wimbledon as well. >> it is, guys.
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serena williams is back on the court competing in her first wimbledon since giving birth. but over the weekend, she wasd focu on a different milestone. she shared this personal renting moment tweeting, she took her first steps. i was training and missed it. i cried. many parents relaid that sinking neeling and rallied around the tennis star on including chrissy teigen w said, she is practicing so you can see the real one. karen adding, i missed first steps because aas grandparent standing in front of me. i was right there and still missed it. jamie post it doesn't count until mommy sees it. nothing counts until mommy sees it. and alexis just instagramed a picture. #wimbledonready. this isn't the first emotional parenting moment williams shared. she opened up about the decion to stop breast feeding early. she advanced to the round of 16 in wimbledon and is on the court today. have you missed parenting
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lestone snz. of course not. >> not a single one. >> i think little words. you have to repress it. and justho run . >> what about you? >> it doesn't count until a parent witnesses it. >> i missed my youngest's firstt hair because i got locked out of my car. i forgot my keys. i turned it on and then i realized my k was back home. >> i missed nick's first step, i got stuck on an escalator. stopped right there. >>ow about pop star? itik seems justin bieber is a taken man. a report came out he his girlfriend in the bahamas. the pair were an item a few years ago. they split in 2016 and recently rekindled the romance. justin's dad jeremy seemed to confirm the news on instram, sting a photo, proud is an understatement. excited for the next chapter.ew
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also, photos of the couple together show baldwin sporting a large diamond ring on her engagement finger. we reached out to bieber and baldwin's reps for comments and haveacot heard at this time. >> up next, wonder woman swooped in and did good work, lifting spirits o friday. wondedot dressed in woman garb, surprised patients at a children's hospital. she took time away fromto filmi visit the doctors and patients. one woman thanked her for bringing her superpowers to the kids. >> by the way, wonder woman, 1984, will hit n theatersember 2019. >> can't wait. >> finally, our own hoda kotb had a big weekend. having a n delaware book signing. a lot of fans came out for your "i've loved you since forever" signing and nice snap pictures. we saw one surprise. former vicpresident joe biden. >> it was so weird.
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>> he and his wife. were>>our shocked? totally. when i heard the crowd getting excited, i said, did something happen? my momep pointing. it's joe biden. >> are you close? >> no, he just came. >> he's a delaware resident. >> a cool surprise. you have a daily kick. >> a good one now. down to the four final teams here. with the semifinals kicking off tomorrow, england beat sweden 2-0 to secure their spoo. they their celebration to where else? the swedish retailer ikea. invaded a store in london. you can see them jumping on ds, throwing pillows, rubbing their victory in with a chant, here's the great part of the story.ea ikea, just good sports. we're aware of a small group of fans celebrating the match results. we put fish and chips on offer for just one euro.
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england fans arelso getting creative with their country's world cup motto is cominghome, the phrase has been seen o ice cream cones, in coffeecu ps. one guy tattooed it on his arm. we'll see if the trophy gets one step closer to home when england takes on croatia.u an look for continuing coverage of the world cup on telemundo. >> exciting. yeah. getting good. >> all right, by the way, you can find more of our favorite stories by downloading the "today" p. go to t app store on your mobile device. >> just ahead, are you struggling to pay for college? we have ways for your family to manage all that dt. >> and cooking with a teen prodigy taking the food world by storm. all of this is coming up after your local news.
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good morning. it's 8:26 on this monday, july 9th. i'm aaron gilchrist. let's get a look at the roads with melissa mollet. >> good ta look right now at a brand-new oblem. beltsville, after nasa, has a response causing a slowdown. after montrose, a csh in t right lane, sounds like the local lanes and springfield, southbound5, one lane getting by. >> thank you. we will have a check on your cast when we come back. stay with us.
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8:30 on a monday morning. beautiful summer morning here on the plaza. and do we have a crowd? or what? >> and we scoured the crowd and found beautiful people. a there's woman who we do not believe is turning 70 today. >> i'm asking for i.d. >> i see col from columbus, ohio. so hang on. did your daughter surprise you? what did you guys do, tell us? >> we surprised her. we brought her, we said we're going to ge her agift. we gave her the gift and took her for her0th birthday to new york for the first time. >> well, happy birthday. we're so happy you came t spend it with us. on three, everybody say happy
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birthday to carol. one, two, rtthree. happy ay carol. carol, happy birthday. happy 70th.oh and by the way -- >> she's the cutest. i'm in love with carol. >> i have a que everybody. do you remember where you were six years ago today? >> on the plaza right here. if you are savannah guthrie, it was your first day hosting the show. it happened to be today. six years ago, first day on the plcoa. weed some of our archives. can you believe it's been six years? >> no. nervous little person right there. >> lk atthat. congratulations. six years today. >> i love that. >>inwell, c up, guys, paying for college certainly strikes fear in the hearts of lots o parents, but there's a smart way to go into debt. >> also here, he's kno as the justin bieberer of fo. this child prodigy chefas his own restaurant here in new york city at just 19 years old.
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he's going to share with us a signature dish from his menu. >> they look delicious. haves. megyn, y something good coming up. >> you ever have that feeling, maybe i'll chuck it all and sail around the world? i'm going to take my kids and go sf the grid and how that works out? we have a family who did it. they left washington state. ten years later with their three ki, who are all in the single digits when they started, they're still at it. still sailing around thewo d. and they're going to talk about, well, how do they educate the kids, t how dy socialize the kids. one is now going off to college. we'll explain what that's going to be like for him. a fascinating storynd may or may not actually make you want to do it. >> they're going to be la . a whole new world. >> they're getting hair and makeup, and they look like, where i am? >> who are you? >> you have a check of the weather? >> sure. let's show you what we have happening as we look at the week
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ahea sunny and warm in the mideast.n summer storms the gulf. get to the midweek, look for pleasant weather continuing in the great lakes. scattered storms through the gulf, and a we get toward the latter part of the weekend, it's nice in the mid-atlantic and northeast. local downpours through t gulf. it will be warm in the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the ods. >> good morning. 72 degrees right now, and it's going to be wareng up as go through the afternoon today. in about the upper 80s. sunn skies. many suburbs in around the mid 60s. by lunchtime, 83 degrees. 89 for a daytime high. still inhe yakts. tomorrow, the warmest day of the week, 85. forn tuesday, isolated late shower possible. we're still in the 80s wednesday, thursday, friday, but a slight chance for a fews showy thursday afternoon. >> tirico.
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>> i'm back. >> i knew the day would come. >> i didn't bring my hat. thank you for matching our quaff here. >> my nemesis is back. why are you here? >> i'm bringing gifts. >> the real reason that nbc sports mike tirico is here because of the 147th open championship. he's off in scotland next fowee. making the journey to carnoustie, we brought the claret jug. >> the oldest trophy in iklf. kind of the stanley cup. we see the stanley cup when tes win in t national hockey league. their names go on it. this trophy goes back to 1873. when this tournament started in 1860, if you won it three times in a row, you won the belt, which was made of fine moroccan leather. and then after the belt was retired because someone won it three times, they said what do we give them. they came up with this. it's been around for 150 years. hitehere's guys with gloves who set it up. it's not always treated with white glove service when people >> there's been a beverage or
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two or 100 in there. >> there's the winner from last year. >> henrik stenson took it water skiing. stewart cink put barbecue sauce in it. zach johnson put corn in. everything has been in there and then some. >> who no you liket week? >> we saw jordan spieth with willie on sunday "today" yesterday. he won lt year, always a favorite. young names like justin thomas, rory mcilroy, a rickie fowler, en guys like tiger and phil. tiger keeps playing better but hasn't broken through for 4 rounds in t big spot. >> this tournament in particular would be a likely chance for tiger to get his next major. >> winning the open, he w the u.s. open in '06, in '08, excuse me. he's w this multiple times, three times. this is a very difficult golf course. you have to have everything together at carnoustie in scotland. the best pla to go in july because it's 65 degrees there.
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>> across the street is starbucks if you want to throw something in it. a couple eresso shots. check out the action from the open. it starts july 19th on the golf channel and right here on nbc. miketirico, always good to see you. thanks for stopping by. savannah. >> thank you so much. in the meantime, we're beginning a new two-part series, paying ege, today. consider this. right now, 44 million americans have a total of nearly$1.5 trillion in student loans. that's more than all credit card debt the ave college loan debt for 2019 grads is nearly $4 000, and women, by the way, hold more of the debt than men. jean isff starting us with what we need to know when getting into debt. good morning. >> good morning. >> education is priceless, but not ally. exactly. >> so we have to start saving now. >> when your kids are little is the best way to do it. i actuallyike a three-pronged strategy.
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so first, startll with s contributions from the time they're really little. if you can put away just $50 a month from the time they are born until they go to college, you'll have $20,000 if it grows at an average rate. that's a good start. then layer oriends and family, so get your parentsyond aunts and uncles and cousins in the habit of making a gift to college instead of just giving them stuff. >> so smart. >> you c do this throughout their lives. there's two websites that can help you. one is the other is if you have a college savings account, you t can alsol them, they can give you a check and you can put it in. the third is rewards all of the loyalty ograms, there's one just for college, it's called you promise. i had $1,000 in my account before my kids went to school, which is substantial, and g you ca a credit card that contributes to college savings,
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fidelity issues, a couple of those. >> those are interesting idea. i never heard of any of that, but thereo are apecial accounts. the 529s. >> they'rein s accounts and 529s. both are specifically for college. the money grows ,tax-frhich is great. i like 529s better because you can put more mey in them, and because 30 states give you a tao dedu for making your contribution. you don't have to contribute to your state's plan, but that's a good place to start. so again, two websites to look at for ratings of these plans, morningstar rates these sit and rates these plans. >> you also say it'sto importan alk to your kids. okay, we can't afford that? >> well,e there's s really interesting research about what kids understand. half of tm do not understand how much they're borrowing and what it's going to cost at the end. they also don't understand how much college costs. just to put it in perspective, a year at a community college,
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that's about $5,000 just for tuition. a moderate budget at a public in-state school, $25,000. and if you go private, a moderate budget, it's about $50,o0. kids need understand they should cast a very wide net when they are applying to schools so they go someplace that wants them enough toth have , that they're going to give them some money. we want that money to come ine orm of scholarships and grants rather than loans if at allpossible. >> but people will often have to take out debt and not all debt is created equal. >> exactly. there are federal student loans and there arivate student loans. we know, again, peoe don't take out their federal loans first before they dip into theke private m because they don't know that they should. but the federaloans are a, cheaper, and b, on the back end, they come with a lot of really m
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helpful ret provisions so you can tie your repayment to yourincome ando other things that just make it easier on the back end. but the overall message is minimize that borrowing as much as you ca and if your kids want to help, tell t m to get good grades s they'll get a lot more of that merit aid. >> thank you so much. good information. we'll have more on our website, and tomorrow we'll focus on tips for getting out of debt. and someone will get help paying off their loans. just ahead, al's very candid conversation with oscon and winner, isn't that the g.o.a.t., reali rita moreno. first, this is "day" on nbc. right?
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i do. it's a busy, busy place. whenever you're ready. it happens every time. i've got it. and every time, she wins. you always do this. no, no. i insist. it's on me. alright. but you have the bb&t app with zelle who are you texting? oh, uh no one. i really should go back. and can pay the bill before she even leaves the restaurant. beth! ah... the taste of victory! bb&t. all we see is you.
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west side story tot more rec roles in television shows like jane the virgin, one day at a time, rita moreno told me she's more excited now than ever to be performing. proving age is just a number for this icon. >> this is the. hardware >> rita moreno in "west side story." >> morehan 50 years ago, rita moraieno won an academy award f her performance in west side story. puing a once close door ajar. the 86-year-old said and the launch pad for career that would include performances in the king and i. the rits, and m reent larjs, a reboot of one day at a time. >> it is a. stalli >> so, i'm watching this year's oscars. and there you are. and it's not until afterward we find out -- >> a 56-year-oldre from
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1962. yen i won the oscar. >> were surprised at the reaction? >> i had no idea it would make everyire service, every magazine, with a picture of me and my daughter. in the dress. imagine the puerto rican kid.e >> you c here in the 1930s. you were 5 years old. what was that like? >> very difficult. en you start calling a little kid, a little skid a spock and garlic mouth, i didn't know what it meant, but inew something was wrong with me because certain people just didn't like me on si >> you end up in "west side story." what did that mean for your career, this vie? it meant one oscar and one golden globe. then, guess what. seven years, i d didn' another movie. >> why? >> i played the ultimate hispanic character, and that's all i was offered after the fe bell a i movie.
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>> how did that make you feel? >> oh, it broke me heart. even to this day, i get offered stuff that is offensive. >> you've got an emmy, a grammy, an oscar, a tony. very few people have the egat. >> the final analysis, that's not what your life is about. i'm soprivileged. so many good things have happened for me. and i'm in my life. >> would you consider dating somebody? >> i don't tnk i have ever been asked. and i tell you what. marriage, i would rather eat glass. >> what? why doou saythat? >> listen, i adored my husband. i lovedhim. we were married 46 years. the last 15 were really difficult. and had i the courage, i would probably have left it. >> you have been pretty open about your relationship with marlon brando. >> mm-hmm. >> how did that relationshi affeu? y lifel, i tried to take
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at some point finally. soll not you know, there are women who just love bad boys. and i think he was my bad boy.>> ou have been a path finderer. you have blazed a trail. >> they call me in the communita pionada. the pioneer. you can stand orfall, sink or swim. i have always chosen, and maybe it's my character, i c havesen to swim. >> you know, so many -- such a generation knows her from the electrmpany, hey, you guys. just amazing. she could get a nomination this thursday when the emmys come out. time.e day at a >> i can't believe she's so revealing and open. she sort of put it all out there. >> amazing. >> coming up next, the young culinary rock starho just opened his own restaurant at the ripe old age of 19. we're going to do some cooking
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oh, my god. how sweet is that? wow. welcome back this morning. onodo" food, we have a prodigy in the kitchen. he appeared on the "today" show, only 13 years old. now this kid is 19, and you knoh he's just done? he's opened his first restaurant in new york city. is this for real? do you roully have own restaurant? >> yeah, it's not a joke. it's actually happening. >> you run the place? >> everything. >> what's it like when y look back at the old video of you as a kid here? >> it's funny to see. i mean, it's beenuc a long, kind of crazy that i was fine being on here at 13, and to hear
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my voice is probably even ownnier. >> do you like being a boss in a restaurant? do you have to order pple around? you all right with that? >> everyone gets what's going on. if they' coming to work in the restaurant, they already understand that they're going to have to listen to me. so i thinkveryone is pretty understanding of it. >> well, congratulations. how about if we get atcooking? re you going to make? >> lettuce cups filled withse br pork. kind of start the whole thing, we're going to toast o spices. we have coriander seed and fennel seed andpe black er. and we're going to toast them to get the oils going and get them really fragrant. >> that's on low. you do it on low. >> low or i made the mistake when you'reushing to get it made and put it on high and everything burns in five seconds. don't dothat. low and slow is easy. and we have a pork shoulder c you use kind of whatever you want. for this dish, it's just kind of like something that's a good amount of fat that you can brai for a long time.
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the idea is you have all these wants and flavors and y it to infuse into the meat. >> did you learn cooking from your lks? >> no, my parents aren't really cooking. which was sort of the inspiration to start doing >> he turned his bedroom into like a little kitchen and started making dishes. >> how cool. delicious by the way. >> i wanted to cook andel everye -- i could close my door was the idea. >> you did your thing. >> so you put this in for a while. >> in a dutch oven. we're going to add some -- >> beer? >> cider. it's going to cook down and add sweetness and the acidity cominm out toe the pork not super heavy. this is someoy sauce. >> is that brown sugar? >> brown sugar. >> and that's the toasted stuff. >> the toasted spices, and then you cover this. oe>> how long this go? >> i let it go for usually like four or five hos, 300.
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sort of just until it pulls apart really nicely. >> okay. >> then it's going to look like this once it's done. shrinks a bunch. caramelis. >> it loo so good. you just pull it apart with the forks? c>> you use your hands or if you're going to do it nicely, you can use forks. i put on a pair of gloves. it g quicker when you're using your hands. you shred. >> whaten do your f think of the fact you have a restaurant at 19 and you're doing all this stuff? >> i think everyone at this point -- it's been long enough that they're like, thi is wha he does. and the restaurant was just sort eventually.happen >> okay. >> then we take our shredded meat. you're going to sear it in a pan. so you want t get -- okay, you guys. >> amazing. >> really nice flavor. delicious. >> are your buddies trying to hit you up for a bus boy job?ve >> once in a while, someone is like, do you have openings? i don't think it's going to work out. >> what about being a che who still gets carded? >> depends on where yougo.
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>> adding lemon juice? >> you heat it up, c get asp on it. hop meover. liuice to kind of brighten it just t everything. >> how do you learn these recipes if your parents weren't into cooking? were you studying recipes? >> i studied a bunch on the t internet and home on books. and then just worked in a bunch of restaurants. >> so ol. >> look at this guy. >> delicious. >> outstanding. congrats on yr restaurant a everything. called gem. get those repes. head to today. m/food. we're back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. that is so good.
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does your business internet provider promise a lot let's see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don't. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go on line today. the fourth hour is back, and you know who has just flown in from scotland? kathie lee gifford. our first sw back inore than a month, so we're together. >> so exciting.
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really good. >> aght. megyn kelly's up next. we're going tow c down. congrats again. restaurant is called gem here in new york city. 'll have much more of "today" right after a check of your lor,l news, weathe and these messages. this is a news 4 today newsa >> 8:56 is your time now on this monday, july 9th, 2018. good morning to you. we want to check on the roads with melissa and your first 4 traffic. howlos it ing? >> good morning. laurel northbound 95, vehicle fire reported blocking the right lane. seeing some delays there, and also through the same sectionn 95. silver springs, de drive, with
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good morning. we're up to 76 degrees now. really nice outside.nn skies. nice calm wind. perfect weather to start monday. many suburbs are in the l 70s. 89 for a daytime high. sunny ies through entire day. tomorrow, hotter, 93 degrees. wednesday, thursday, friday, in the upper 80s. xt light chance of showers is thursday. so far, the week looking good. >> thank yo w, back to the "today" show after this short break. have a gat day.
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>> good morning,everyone. welcome to the show. i'm megyn kelly. we begin with the story gripping the world.a dangerous mission under way in thailand right now to save these 12 boys and their soccer coach trapped in a cave. there with ly i the very latest. >> a fifth soccer player inside an aulance after more than two weeks inside a cave. this the moment they are hoping to repeat today, o many feared would never come. the end of a nightmare for one toll boy carried on a gurney a waiting helicopter, then off to the hospital. a doctor gmpsed for a moment treating him
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