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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  July 12, 2018 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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plus a free samsung chromebook 3, pluas 2-year price guarantee all for just 79.99 per month with a 2-year agreement. but you have to hurry because this offers ends july 25th. so decide today to make your internet 100% amazing. get fios gigabit connection with tv and phone, plus a free samsung chromebook 3 for just 79.99 per month with a 2-year agreement before this offer ends july 25th. and don't worry if you're stuck in a contract. we'll help you out with up to a $500 credit toward your early termination fee. go to to switch today. now at 11:00, prince georges payout. c school boarduts ties withri its endent but temers flare over the cost. >> make me clear the whole room. will you please stop . >> community outrage over d.c.
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police tactics.t' it says going after illegal guns but tonight some say the s era op and frisk is not over. >> and 13 years after her family fled to d.c. because of hurricane katrina. >> you have to stay resilient. >> how a local woman beat the odds. >> news4 at 11:00 begins with breaking news. >> we are following several breaking stories right now on news4 including a widespread water outage in the district. i'm leon harris. >> d. water spokesperson just said service is slowly being restored now. several neighborhoods in nnortheast andthwest d.c. started reporting no or low 9:00r pressure about tonight. brooklyn, wood bring bridge and other neighborhoods. >> d.c. water says you should notice improvements immediately with ful restorationing in about hour. the problem was a pumping station malfunction. we'll bring you updates as we
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get new information. >> also breaking, the school board made some big and controversial decisions at a contentious meeting. > members finalized seven ss package for the outgoing schools chief and the debate led a to alleged fight between two members. the board agreedo end kevin maxwell's contract with the nearly 00,000 settlement. some members opposed the deal and called for the board chair to go, too. kevin burrows told tracee wilkins eubanks grabbed him byo thet tonight and threatened to beat him up. here's what he said about the compensation package. >> i do not support wasting tax dollars that could have gone to the classroom or to our school system. n>> we have not b able to talk with board member eubanks will about the alleged incident. the board appointing a new acting chief ecutive officer, mon da goldson. the board will work with the
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county executive to tap an interim ce we'll continue to follow the story for you. >> more breaking news. four peoplebb s tonight after a soccer game in montgomery county. chopper 4 caught the ambulances rushes victims away from the scene on new lamp shire avenue. police response backed up traffic on the avenue. we just learned no one was seriously hurt concerned residents spoke out about what they call policeu misc in d.c. >> video captured one incident last month.s critay shows officers stop and frisk several black men on a street corner. shomari stone has the community's demands. >> reporter: >> reporter: james thomas is concerned about the relat nship betweec. police and the southeast community. >> east of the river, they definitely have a different dynamic with the police force over here. >> reporter: i listens to people share stories about alleged police misconduct inwards 7 and
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discussionndtable >> when we talk, they are afraid of us. >> reporter: people sat in front of the panel that included vincent gray and charles allen, council members. se crowd upset about the video showing the stop and frisi nt outside of a barber shop. the police chief defended officers but admits police need to be aware of avoiding tension with the public.ot he was n at tonight's meeting. m councilember allen says he spoke earlier today about the difficulty of firing officers. >> the chief talked about saying he wouldy actua like to have authority to be able to fire and terminate an employee. and one of the things healked about was that he believes that because of the arbitration rules from his uacon con
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activities getting into full swing here in town. tonight the cast of the sand lot kickedff the opening of play pa ball, an outdoor space for kids and families with interactive baseball and softball activities. this year they added activities for adults, as well on friday and saturday nights. this is locat at the yards at the capital riverfront and there opens up to the public tomorrow until tuesday. meanwhile, ben'scally i bowl unveil aid new mural thatay homage to two d.c. legends of the negro league is,ut mainly
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pe johnson, one of the first black women to play professional baseball. gibson.h all-star week activities continue tomorrow with the opening of fan fest at the conventionenter which is open all weekend. but you do need a ticket to get . we'll have a preview what to expect this weekend. look for her live at 6:00 a.m. on "news4 today." and the big events are monday and tuesday, home run derby iso ony and the all-star game is tuesday at nats park. >> a lot going on around >> yes, i'll be there. that's going to be a lot of fun. now, let's turn toome of our other top stories tonight starting with new psidential bs and our yeppian allies. >> president trump taking a at prime minister theresa may who hosted mr. trump and the first lady for a black tie dinner tonight. in an interew with the sun newspaper, president trump criticized may's handling of the brex deal. he also said britain's former foreign secretary who just resigned over brexit
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negotiations would make a great prime minister. the president and may have meetings set for tomorrow. and a marathon hearing finally overn capitol hill here for a grueling nine hours and 41 minutes. ouse lawmakers questioned a senior fbi agent about bias. peter strzokegentive text messages about then candidate trump on government issued phone. tomorrow they'll question lisa page the attorney she sent the messages to. >> tonight we bring you an update to a story that appeared 13 years ago. hurricane katrina caused human sufring not seen in this country in many years. almost 2,000 people died. >> and more than a million people were displaced from new orleans and surrounding areas there. hundreds of them ended up here in the d.c. and 4's jackie bensen
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covered some of their stories. >> that's right. she joins us tight with a story of an unexpected reconnection. im that's right. you know, som you get a story that stays in your heart and this is one, kiesha hale was just 12 when i met her. hererstory, strength and bravery in the face of the horror she lived through stayed with me. i wondered many times what became ofher. a few weeks ago, i received an e-mail that began "i'm not sure if you remember me," and i sent her a reply, how could i ever forget you. >> i'm speaking to you from the city of orleans. >> reporter: just 12 years old, kiesha hale sat next to mother in a relative's apartment in there was a look of dazed shock on her face as she watched then president george bush address the nation about the annihilation that was hurricane catrin. >> >> i think it's nice that he's get everything together now. people really need >> reporter: we met her days after she swam for her life out
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of the 8th ward neighborhood of ew orleans with her mother and grandmother on her back because they couldn't swim. >> i remember that. i'll never forgetting that. >> reporter: 13 years later, her bright smile is much more ready kiesha hale hecome an accomplished young woman. she continued to swimd, forw hid held high, regal, despite having endured a post-katrina journey tha carried still more in. after our 2005 interview, her mother became unable to care for her. >> i was a ward of the district. >> reporter: she was shuttled from foster home to foster home. there were dark times. >> and i ran away. i was at a bus stop and didn't want to go he back to my foster mom's home. i remember thinking t in that moment. that this was going to be my life forever. >> reporter: despite changing schools four times in as many years shoorks graduated from high school and set her sights on college earning a degree fros buoy state uniy. >> i remember during my orientation, people asked me,
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where is your mom and your dad. i'm like i'm just here by myself. >> reporter:he now holds an administrative position at a development organizationctn the disthere she receives encouragement toward her next goal, aasters degreen applied sociogy. sh hopes her research will improve the liv of children in ster care. >> if i want to be the type of person that can help people and spread a positive message that i have to do this for myself. >> reporter: she has back to new orleans. she told me she recently reconnected with a childhood friend who sent her a picture of the street where they used to live. all that was left was the street sign on the corner. >> and really. >> so grateful toave herhere. >> what a strong young woman. you said the support that she will made a huge difference. >> she credit crets social workers, therapists, people that the p schoovided for her, an
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attorney provided by the district to take care of children in foste care. she credits these people with urging her forward. she's amazing. > how and where is the rest of her family? >> they are stillhere. she has contact with them but you heard in what i showed you here tonight, this is a young woman. i feel for her. been down th road she is doing it forherself. >> thanksor the follow-up. >> thank you,ie jack coming up on the trail, the news 4 eye team introduces us to a especially trained police k-9. >> we may not find it. we can miss it. a dog has aeen sense of smell. >> next at 11:00, how local cops could use animals like this to sniff out child porn and stop onli predators. >> plus, a story that had a lot of parents talking today. the special pricing that went a little too well for
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wild-a-bear. t so well they had to turn customers away and close. >> and take a look, here's what we're waking up too tomorrow temperatn the 60s and low 70s. a comfortable start. another hot day. i' alsoracking increasing humidity levels and storm humidity levels and storm
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(birds chirping, a running brook,) humidity levels and storm ahh. the new deer park sparkling is made with real spring water. ♪ it's so refreshing and delicious, you don't need slo-mo models to sell it. real spring water, real fruit flavors and refreshing bubbles. just what's refreshingly real.
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you know, on the t now. we've all heard of bomb sniffing or drug sniffing dogs. what about porn sniffing k-9s? child porn cases areng explo around the country including right here in the area. scott mcfarland and the news
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4 i-team show us local police ri are conside this new and unexpected crime fighting tool. >> reporter: millions of images, thousands of victims. >> pictures are being distributed again and again and again. >> child sex images are oftenen in plain sight on devices that eook like every day objects from legos and neckl to key fobs and credit cards. >> people hide them in attics, crawl spaces. >> reporter: so hard to find but now there's a new officer on the trail. >> seek. ee >> reporter: m harley, not your typical k-9. >> she's better than we are. >> reporter:his lab has a nose for electronics. >> we're probably doing two to three searches a weekepight now. >>ter: all those devices leave behind a chemical scent. cell phones, thumb drives even sd cards. harley and just about 20 other especially trainedog worldwide can detect it.
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we had to come to manhattan to meet harley at k-9 detail to the new york fbi field office. ouk-i-team tep found s will soon be in demand in our area because there's been an exponential increase in child exploitation cases in our area. >> the opportunity one needs to abe a child and to produce images of that abuse is very, very short. >> reporter: steve grokky leads the justice department child exploitation section and says technology made it easier for predators to strike. >> every person walks around 24 hours a day with a high-definition photography >> reporter: and store those i think show they can be shared. >> we don't knothe how many ildren are still out there. >> reporter: lauren coughlin says so far 14,000 vicbems have identified nationwide. >> last year we received over 10.2 million reports of child sexual exploitation through our cyber tip line. >> reporter: one year. >> in one year.
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>> reporter: pushing police departments to come up with new solutions like harley. one of those drives you hid could have tens of thousands of images? >> >>correct. reporter: is the i-team got to see her i actionfter her partner detective brett hid various electroniceves around a large open office. >> imagine a microsd card buried in t jaunk car. we can miss it. a dog has a keen sense of smell. >> reporter: within seconds he finds the cards under a chair and desk, another attached to a phone outlet. she signals by sitting. and she gets a treat after each successful find so she will associate the food with the odor. >> she knows i wt her to find what's hidden that's where she continues to an amaze me. >> watch as she hits the box with her paw. inside the video card. in the file cabinet, a cell phone. >> it was ak-9 like her that helped crack the case of jared
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fogle convict affidavit of a sex crime. each of the k-9s likeer are so skilled they had require years to find and months to train. heays the cost of having this rare tool is invaluable. >> we expect to g much busy. >> reporter: with a crushing caseload of child exploitation cases here in the d.c. area they are considering o getting one these. >> in a few years, everybody will have the asset. >> reporter: the connecticut state police pioneered is the idea of having canines trained to detect electronics. we have much more on our nbc washington app including how she acks the electric odors. >> build-a-bear is offering a itsvoucher as apology for botched promotion that had parents and their children waiting in long lines forou across the country today. people raced to the closest
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store to buy a bear for the price of their child's age. a soually a lot went home in this empty handed when the company ended the discount due to safety concerns and crowd size. look at allpl those p waiting. we talked to parents in line at local stores. so we were like oh, he's only going to having to p $1. what parent wouldn't wait in line for that. we're realizing it wasn't worth it. >> a teptive said at this point no more. they're going to service everody here in line and >>that's it. eporter: to get the voucher, log into your account by midnight sunday. our hayh temperature t was 92 degrees. but the humidity levels are were low.or you'll love tw and saturday. we stay hot. highs around 90. l humidiels remain in check. sunday, a can't rule out an isolated shower but most if not all the day looks dt. nothing riow to cancel or
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change your plans. but some better storm chances in the forecast monday and especially on tuesday. currently our temperatures are in the 70s. 76 in washington. it's a nice srnrt tomorrow g. even at lunch time in the mid 80s with low humidity. itill feel nice out there. a high of 92 tomorrow. tomorrow night will be spectacular. 7:00 p.m. a temperature around 75 degrees. tomorr evening t perfect night for eating outdoors. firing up the grill. nset time now at 38:30 in the evening. tomorrow and saturday, looking like great pool days. sunday sti not bad if you're planning on heading outdoors. know the's that smahance for a shower. if you're heading to local beaches in maryland and delaware, weather looking fantastic. 82 onay satu 85 on sunday with water temperatures now in the upper 70s and plenty of sunshine. make sure to bri your sunscreen. back here on monday and esday, have the big staurl game with
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the home run derby on monday. not too wried aboutmonday. leon and doug will be down there. there's a 30% chance for thunderstorms with th a temperaturund 94. keep in mind monday is feeling closer to 100id with h conditions. on tuesday, a better chance for thunderstorms. withhe temperature around 92. about a 50% chance of a thunderstorm at nats park. if any of these events are delayed, the makeup date is scheduled on wednesday. here's your storm team 4 ten-day forecast. 92 on saturdayed. 93 on sunday. 94 degrees on monday. and that's the warmest there on your ten-day forecast. remember it's feeling very humid on monday. 94 feel morz like 100. 50% chance for storms on tuesday. t this point, we do need the rain. we've been completely dry here in washington and across most of the area for thet l two weeks. wednesday and thursday we have plenty of sunshinow back humidity and high temperatures around 90.
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>> we know you're watching the forecast for the game. >> my gosh, model run by model run. >> thanks,am ia. >> bryce harper up in new york getting ready for the home run derby. tonight getting it done. well, we'll talking about that ♪ ♪ summer's calling. the 2018 escalade is ready to move. our best offers on the 2018 escalade are here. join us for the made to move sales event. get 0% apr financing for 60 months, plus $2000 down payment assistance when financed through gm financial on a 2018 escalade.
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this is the xfinity sportsdesk. >> not as exciting as a build-a-bear discount. major league's baseball all-star game in our city less than a week away. john wall, jamie foxx playing softball sunday. the home run dirkymonday, the game tuesday. all that is great. there's the pesky regular season to deal with. the nationals in new york tonight eager to create a bank before the break. bryce harper named the second cede in monday's home n derby.
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tonight his teammate was number one. anthony ran doan. the first one on base. he makes sure ty're both coming home. two-one shot. ren doan with two homers and three rbis. in the seventh, nats' lead down to one. crashes this ball to right. two-run homer, 23rd of the season. leon just did a fist bump. nationals drop 5-2. bok of the ninth, ryan madsen on to close was doolittle on the dl. this is the way to getnet a game ending double play. nats take game one of theeries 5-4. better than a build-a-bear. in baltimore, whole family a the yard. he's not driving. birds with a rain makeup against the phillies. top of e fourth, phillies up. el pharoah over the ahead. two-run double. also had homer in the game.
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phillies out to a 4-0 lead. but in the seventh it, orioles come back. man on for trey mancini. that's over the wall. two-run homer forri him. tholes back in it now, 5-3. next batter, jace peterson gets hold of this one. that's ao sol shot from peterson his teammates love it. birds pull within one. but that's as close as they get losing 5-4. at least the h kidsave fun. don't try that at home. there's even paperrk when it comes to acquiring superman. wizards announced the signing of quite w dwight howard. impressive numbers but raisingre flag, his number of teams. four in the last four scenes. his new teammate john wohl told us timing is rightor howard i d.c. >> he's trying to re-create his career. trng to change all the negative stuff people say about
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him. he likes to joke around. i think he's locked in and focussed. all we can do is trye to mak him feel he's welcome at home and tell him the things we need him to do to make us do better. he has to buy into that. do it for the whole team and we'll be fine. >> you were shaking your head king that kid in the highlight. >> when you meet a guy divorced five times, you a have to some five times, you a have to some point say, is it
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t it for us. "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon coming up next. >> thanks for watching. see you tomorrow. this is customizable streaming tv for your family... whatever size. it's saving money with flexible channel packs. live tv and the latest shows to stream. and all your streaming apps in one place -- even netflix. this is how xfinity makes life... simple. easy. awesome. introducing new packages with customizable streaming tv options. enjoy more choice and faster speeds-- giving you the ultimate value. click, call or visit a store today.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- robert pattinson, pete davidson,


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