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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  July 13, 2018 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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right now people across the district are being told to boil their water. the advisoryent out e this morning is having a major impace on city. what you need to know if you live in the affected area. >> the school board member here files a police report aftersc contentiouol board meeting. what hhes accusedchool board chairman of doing. andhe hot out this afternoon. but we still have low humidity levels across the area.we r, i am tracking increasing humidity as we move throughout the weekend and some anshower and thunderstorm s. i'll have the latest in my updated forecast.
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good morning, everyone. welcome to news4 midday. >> we start with treting news in the district. if you're in d.c. right now, it's a good idea to just take a moment and look at this map. this is wherehe boil water advisory has gone in effect. >> this affects a huge portion of the direct. mega mcgrath is live with what you need to know. what is the lates here? >> reporter: yeah, well, it really does affect a lot of people. if you want a glass of water, you simply pour it from the tap. but not so fas if you live in d.c. a drop in water pressure last night has opened up the possibility for water co now, nothing has been found. but as a precaution, d.c. water is asking tens of thousands of customers to boil befohey drink. >> yeah. i found out this morning off of
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twitter, i was looking in the morning as i was waking up. the d.c. water said there was a boil advisory. >> reporter: he learned of the boil advisory from social media. fortunately he had already started his morning ritual. >> i woke up, drank some water, brushed my teeth, started my day as i was getting out of the shower, checking my phone. then real be a lot this morning already. hope i'm okay. >> reporter: fletcher is boiling now along with tens of thousands of other d.c. customers. including paul. >> i'm not sure what to think. what do you do? >> reporter: a open valve at the pumping station caused thed in water pressure in d.c.'s water distribution system. making it possible for ntaminants to enter. the boil advisory covers large sections of northwest and.c
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northwest and running the entire width of the district from east to west.r cust are asked to bring water to a rolling boil for three minutes before drinking or cooking with it. now, testing is under way. but at this point it's unclear how long the boil advory will remain in effect. if you're unsure, we've got an teractive map that you can scroll around and click to figure out if you need to boil ornot. >> thousands, tens of thousands of people going to keep an eye on that throughout the afternoon. thanks for the update. > jooeoverseas it hasn't been a quiet visit for president trump. protesters have flooded the streets as the president continues to mee with theresa may. he's also sparked a fire storm with his comments about thepr
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e minister's brexit plan. jay gray has the latest from london. >> reporter: president trump and theresa may all smiles as meet this morning. >> the relationship is very, very strong. >> reporter:ven after a public bashing in the morning sun, he said may refuse his advice on ongoing brexit talks adding her current blueprint would kill any bilateral trade deal between their countries. but today walking back on those comments. >> i didn't criticize the prime minister. fi have a lot respect for the prime minister. >> reporter:r the prime minis seemingly unfazed. >> the united states is keen for us. we're keen to work with them. we will do a trade deal with them and withro others ad the rest of the world. >> reporter: a the leaders talk and their spouses played games with children in the garden of the prime mister's country home. protesters take over central london. >> he's just not welcome here. we don't want trump.
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we don't want his politics. >> thousands gathering for an anti-trump rally including this balloon they call baby trump floating overhead. >> that's how this country sees him. petulant, vicious, ego-driven child. mp reporter: president tru staying far away from the fray.e hisng with the prime minister and the queen taking place well outsideci the ty. jay gray, nbc news, london. boy, here at home i stepped ouide to grab coffee and did not want to come back in. >> it is a beautiful friday. let's see what we have in store. just look at that picture right there. it says it all. >> it does. i was out for my morning run today. the humidity levels were low, the sun was shining. everyone in m a goodd because
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it is friday. 83 rht now in washington. some cooler spots. i'm showing you the dew point chmperatures. if you've been wg over the last few days, i've been talking about this a lot. a dew point temperan the summer means it's nice outside. so you can see thete dew point erature around 60 in the district. means that today we're looking comfortabl and tomorrow as well. but as we head on into the weekend, we notice that humiditb increase a monday, well, we're somewhere in between muggy and oppressive. ong with that, our thunderstorm chances start to increase sunday into monday. i'm going to have more on that coming up in about 15 minutes. >> nice little break from the humidity. thank you. nearly $800,000. that is how much the outgoing ceo of prie georges county schools is set to receive.
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>> news4's justin finch has the details. justin? >> reporter: hey there. good morning. of course a lot of raised eyebrows about thenumber. close to $800,000 in compensation for kevin maxwell. he only serves five years in office and has time left on that contract. as you might imagine, that was rred by controversy. also ongoing disputes between the ce and teachers and and ipals and the fallout the loss of federal grants for the head start program. now, that history no doubt played a role in last night's contentiousng as well where several members voiced concern not only about maxwell's leadership, but also the large number attached to the number.
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what were among your concerns last night? >> ove $800,000 of tax dollars wasted. that money could have gone to the classrooms, the school supplies, paying teachers more. that'son a lot of to give away. especially when you look at all the controversy you just outlined. >> reporter: when you think about the tensions vousurroundi that number, of course tempers flair. last night you were saying you were assaulted b member of the board. what happened there? >> well, his attorney asked me to come tohe back room. when i went to the back room, he pushed me againsthe bookcase. with his finger in my face he tolde he was goi to blank me up several times. three school system police officers had to pull him off of me and escorted him off the premises. >> reporter: and h h been identified through sources as eubanks the chairman of the board. >> that's correct. >> reporter: are you pressing charges about this? >> well, you wknow,have a
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restrainer order, a peace order. we do he second degree assault charges in the works. that process will play out. i was assaulted last night, but the biggest assault was to the taxpayers. and their mon over $800,000 going down the drain not helping students or teachers at all i think was the biggest assault of the night. >> reporter: for parents and teachers and others involved in schools wating this, they might be wondering given what happened last night, given thef yearsontroversy now as we move forward, can the school system move forward given all this history? >> i absolutely believe we can. with the separation of dr. a maxwel hopefully dr. eubanks who was appointed byis baker, former brother-in-law. with them both leaving, i'mpe l we can move forward in a more honest direction. >> reporte we doave an interim ceo, who is that? >> dr. monica goldston. i believe she's going to do an
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excellent job as interim. she's kind of stayed out of a lot of the controversies. hopefully under her learship weth can come to. >> reporter: thank you so much for your time. the county looking to move forward with new leadershipow that they've let go of dr. maxwell paying him close to $800,000 in a settlement. back to you in the studio. >> thank you so much. we'll stay onop of that story. now to another dweveloping story in silver several people injured after a soccer game last night. you can see ambulances r the victims away from the scene there on new hampshire avenue. this happened at thehillendale park south of the fda's office in white oak. police tell usff aner was flagged down after a report of an assault. officers say players from opposingeams got into a fight after a game. the men used a car jacknd pvc
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pipe in the fight. the injured are all expected to okay. if you are looking to spend some time indoors. no better place than the largese interactive tark in the world. >> this place is tricked out. the all-star fan fest now happening in the convention cent in d.c. >> three, two, one, cut that ribbon! >> well, this was the opening ceremonyt fan fest. i had a chance to spend the morning there. simply put, it is every baseball fan's dream. i saw y at the home run derby simulator. so cool. >> t big event is causing some traffic. let's take a look. l street from 7th to 9th is closed. here's a look at the closures over at the park.he you can see closures affect a lot of the streets in the
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southeast. your best bet is to just avoid iving through that part of d.c. until wednesday. of course you can look for a complete list of street closures. all right. two companies w dealingh fallout this morning from two very different problems. we're going to have the very latest on how johnson & johnson eaisng with a record-setting case against one of its products that many of us have used. and we're going to hear from e t the ceo from
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august 12th marks one year from the ddly white supremacist rally invi charlolle. this time around police there say they're preparing for a worst case scenario. when a man drove into a crowd of counterprotesters killing one woman. no white nationalist groups currently holav a permit to he a rally this year. but local and state police still plan t have an increased presence in that area leading up to aust 12th. back here in washington, lawmakers will hearrom another fbi employee this morning one day after a wild hearing on the hill over the russia probe. >> order! >> lawmakers yelled and screamed over each other as fbi agent peter strzok testified yesterday. strzok oversaw thenillary
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clin-mail investigation but was dismissed in the early stages of the russiaer probe a the inspector general revealed the anti-don d trump text that he shared with fbiawyer lisa paige. republicans say i shows bias with the muellerin vestigation. but strzok denies the allegations and attempted to explain some of the messages. >> you need to underst that was written late at night off the cuff and it was in response to a series of ents at included enthandidate trump insulting the immigrant family of a fallen war hero. >> paige is going to testify in a closed door hearing on the hill lat today. it's a household name entrusted by m families fore than a century. but johnson & johnson has ordered a massive payout. >> $5 billion to women who say johnson & johnson powder led them d toelop ovarian cancer.
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jo ling kent has details. >> reporter: this morning johnson & johnson's iconic baby powder a orhousehold staple f generatio generations, is facing its biggest penalty yet. on thursday a jury awarded nearly $4.7 billion in damages to 22 women and their families including 6 women who died. they alleged johnson & johnson's talcum powder produaus cd them to develop ovarian .canc the lead plaintiff says she used the product for years and was diagnosed in 1985. >> i hope no woman has to go through this. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news,on joh johnson calls it part of an fair process. they remain confident its products do notta c asbestos and do not cause ovarian cancer
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and plans to pursue all appellate remedies. this verdict comes a year after a st. louis jury deaw a woman $110 million. previous verdicts have been re rsed in johnson & johnson's favor. and the company continues to stand by its products despite thousands of additional lawsuits. >> the facts are that science, research, clinical evidencede ad des of studies by medical rts around the world continue to support the s of cosmetic talc. >> reporter: but the lawyer in the case says it should sound an alarm for consumers. >> i don't say everybody at j&j is bad or the company itself is bad, but this is a bad product. and it needs to be taken off the market. jolingent also reports all talcum powders have been free of asbestos since the '70s. we saw thievesn bigger t
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black friday in the middle of the summer. check out the video of the outrageous lines for build-a-bear all over the country. this is sort of what we saw here at national harbor yesterday. thouinnds of peopleg up to take advantage of a promotion that allowed shoppers to pay their age rather than the regula price. so you're 4 years old, you get a new toy for 4 bucks. >> i'm shocked i didn't see you in the line. >> because i would be paying $40 somethi mething. not a deal. >> some people waited up to nine hours. are you kidding me? others were turned away. many stores ran out of ,suppli obviously, and closed over safety concerns. all right. build-a-bear has apologized and offered a $15 voucher to customers who didn't get to build their bear inyesterday.
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rder to take advantage, you must log onto its websi by sunday night. got it? you can use that voucher starting today through august 31. $15 off isn't as good of a deal nce the bears and their accessories can quickly add up. you're going to really be adding. okay. build-a-bear's ceo spoke on the "today" show and stressed the sales surpassed anything they could have expected. >> there was reallyo way for us to have estimated those crowds. e were fully stocked and staffed. if i could do it over, if there was a way to extend the day to juste sure we service everyone, i would have loved to have seen everyone get a bear. but it was t sheer amount of crowds and how much time we had in the day. >> it's pretty rare, but a ceo goes, i didn't know people liked us. i had no idea we were that
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popular. >> major faux pas. >> i think it blew them away. liey didn't r there were that many people out there interested. you know, she says despite the debacle, pay your age is going to continue. so they're trying to make it right. wow. a lot of folks looking for something. a great gift on this july friday, low humi ty. >> i likthat. >> we'll find out when it's going to return. >> and the all star game is not the only event getting attention in our area the new soccer stadium open for business. more on that game comingp after th ue
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we're not just fighting cancer any more. we're outsmarting it. visit to learn more. this an exciting weekend for sports fan. that's putting it lightly. not only is d.c. flooded with ml all-star events, but d.c. united is officially opening its new stadium tomorrow night. again, i wouldn't try driving down anywhere near there this weekend. if the streets aren't closed, they're going to be jam packed.b you're probablter off using the navy yard ballpark or water front metro station. probably your best shot to get around down there. >> and we'll have lovely weather for all this activity in the city. thankfully for the opening of the field, it's going to be really nice. we have the hom run derby on monday.
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i think that should be okay. but there's a big game on tuesday. yeah. everybody keeps walking by the weather center. and i have to be nest, there is a chance for showers and thunderstorms. if they did have to postpone that game, the makeup day is wednesday right after tuesday and the weather is looking pretty nicen wednesday. but take a look at your weather headlines. it's nic out there tod and saturday. look at the background there. not a cloud in the sky. low humidity this time of year. maybe ansolated shower on sunday. but i was looking at the latest information com dg ining the midday show. one of the models is keeping us completely dry on sunday. so some gooder news but we do have some storm chances in the forecast on monday. and tuesday being the best bet for rain and thunderstorms. butind of that summertime activity where you can't count on it. it's not a widesead soaking rain. it's more hit in the showers and thunderstorms. currently we're at 83 degrees. by 1:00 p.m., up to 86.
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3:00 this afternoon, still plenty of sunshine and a temperature around 89. by 5:00 p.m., we hit 90 degrees. and we' completely dry today. tonight is going to be a perfect night for eating outdoors. the sunset time tonight right around 8:30. gorgeous at the pool today. just bring theee sun s in a few minutes, i'll have youc ten-day ft with more on the rain chances monday and tuesday, guys. >> all right. >> a lot of folks keeping an eye on that. >> we're watching. we are waiting to get an update on the boil water order. there is a news conference expected any minute. >> talk about escalator danger.
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we stayed on top of this breaking news in the district. there is a widespread boil water advisory in d.c. you can see the affected area here on your screen. it's military road down to street across the entire width of the city. d.c. water says approximately
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34,000rs custore affected in northwest and northeast d.c. we created an interactive map on our website so you can check your home or business. that warning is in effect until further notice. it all started with a valve station. the pumping a new warning about a poisonous plant we've been tellin you about this summer. the giant hog weed can cause seriour burns blindness. now a 17-year-old from northern virginia is hospitalized because of it. alex childress was working his summer job as a landscaper earlier this week when the plant brushed across his face. the teen says he got home that day and his face started peeling. giant hog weed has been spotted in different parts of virginia in rect weeks. the plant has clusters of small white flowers and pointyeaves that grow up to five feet wide and look a bit like a maple leaf. yeah.
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doesn't look all that menacing but it's deceiving. a lot of folks rely on metro to get t'around, but not the easiest to navigate. a lot of people feel dizzyou heading t the escalators. they're one of the longest on the east coast andan theye dangerous. a woman tumbled down one of those escalatorsnd needed extensive physical therapy. we y showou why now more than ever you need to be alert. h >> reporter: s to be carried up the stairs and placed on a stretcher. and this is how it all happened. the ioman seen here a purple jacket helped to the bethesda escalator which wasn't operating at the time. it was functioning as stairs, more or less. the carefulo starts t walk down. this is what it looks like from the top of the escalator. it can be dizzying. about ten stories down. these are some of the longest escalators in theestern hemisphere.
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now, the details about what exactly happened are sketchy but the fire andes rcue says the woman may have been. bump that's when we fell backwards and went all the way down to the platform all the way down the escalator. metro says it doesn't have video of the actual fall. bu in this you can see a man alerting the metro. and a crowd gathers near the top of the escalators. eventually, they arrive with a stretcher and carefully carry the woman up the escalator away to the hospital. >> and it's always problematic for us to exact people away from a situation like that because of the elevation or the location where they are. >> reporter: metro gm could say why the escalator was stopped that day, but he does say escalators have safety mechanisms that will shut them down.t >> it's not t the escalators are broken. it's that they have a number of fail safes so they sto by
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design. >> reporter: and he says new safety announcements are being made to remind passengers to hold the railing. this isode, a good reminder to always pay special attention escalatorshose escalators news4. so for the sixth consecutive ye, the film festival will find a home here in d.c. and the opening weekend kicke off last night. paying tribute to sonya sanchez. sanchez of course the poet play wrig and all of that. and there is a lot more to come at the festival that features 27 events over the span of ten days including a special chance to meet camille friend who joins us now in studio. good morning to you. >> thank you. >> youre a celebrity hair stylist from movies like "captain americ and of course "black panther." we want to hear all about i you
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ro that movie. how did you term it? when we talk about natural hair? >> basically black panther ike he love letter to black hair >> loi v ii love it. i love it. tell me about what went into the hair at "black panther" because it was a lot. >> when we did it, we started looking at modern day a africa traditional africa. and then also taking the afro funk movement bringing it all together into "black panther" to design it. that's what i did. >> my goodness. let's talk about angela bassett's hair. that was quite a task for you, huh? >> right. basically that was a wig they weren't really sure -- marvel wasn't really sure. but now they're really happy. and it's the most expensive wig we had. it probably cost about $15,000. >> $15,000? >> yeah. because all the locks are hand made and put into the base of a
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wig. and it was a big long process. but ultimately i think she came out really, really beautiful. the queen mother. >> i've got to go see the movie again just to look at that hair. my goodness. so let's talk about your role at the festival, the march on washington film festival. >> i'm here for the life and the legacy. d here just as a modern day hair stylist and to continue her legacy of community and family and what barbershops and salons bring to our black community. that's the nucleus of what it is. >> an madam wa a self-made millionaire in the time and the era that ts happened. it's pretty incredible story. and her legacy lives on. what do you as a hair stylist, a celebrity hair stylist, what do you say about someone like that and how you have become very successful in this business?
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>> well, i look at her as a wofn who's kind like a pioneer. like she started out when there was nobody. i feel le a lot of times where i started, there wasn't a lot of people to follow rolel m in the film business. just moving forward with my career and doing each movie and being beexcellent. use i feel like her excellence is what made her great. with her producn,, educat and everything she did for black schools and raising the level. >> she was a huge quickly before we run out of time, what film are you working on? i just finished "captain marvel" which is the first female superhero. then i am doing "us". >> so all the hair. >> yes. >> i love it.mi e, thanks for joining us. and enjoy the festival. it is going to be, you know, te, da7 events. huge. all right, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> back to you, chris. right now, 34,000 people are under a boil water advisory.
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let's getreo the conference with the manager of d.c. water. n from our water distribut department, we have jason hughs and also chuck sweeney. last night at about 8:30 p.m., an open valve at our street pumping s etion causd water pressure to drop. theer open valve meant that w in this distribution network went from 9 pnds per square inch to approximately 40 pounds anr square inch. as a result, customers experienced a sharp drop in prsure or in some cases water services not at all. by 9:36 p.m., the pressure was fully restored. the interpretation inhe service -- the interruption in the service lasted 36 minutes.
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we are investigating the cause of the open valve and will share that as soon as we know of one. water was spilled or loss. nor were there any pipes or mains broken. the water was simply distributed from one distribution system to another. our water distribution system is sentially a network of mains of varying size and trave the entire city. branching off to supply water to individual homes and buildings. the main impacted by this open valve last night supplies water for communities like brooklyn, woodbridge on the t.east, pleasant, columbiand heights, parts of georgetown on the west. it's a wide area that was affected. and we have created a map on our website to show customers more precisely if thewereimpacted.
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we also reached out to try to connect with every single customer through robocalls, e-mails, our website, and traditional media. we would like to help get out this advisory as far as possible. we ask everyone who hears this message to please share it with everyone you know of who may be using water in the impacted area to be alert and take precaution. in the meantime, we are doing a broad set of water quality testing across the impacted area. we don't know yet what the tests will show,ut we hope that it will all come back negative. if that's the case, we hope tft he boil advisory by tomorr morning. as a reminder, customers should bring water to f a boil three minutes, allow it to cool before
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using and store cooled water in a clean container with a cover. customers should use cooled boiled water or bottled water for drinking, brushing teeth, preparing and cooking food, making ice, preparing infant formula, and giving water to pets for more information, pleaset vi or contact d.c. water customer service at 202-354-3600 or our 24-hour command center at 202-612-3400. i thank you and i'll answer any questions you may have after mr. rodriguez. >> tnk you very much. my name is chris rodriguez. i'm the director of the d.c. and emergencyity management agency.
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i'd like to talk a little bit about what the district as a customer of d.c water is doing to coordinate our efforts and to ensure minimal impact to residents and businesses from d.c. water's precautionary boil water advisory. since early this morning we have en in constant communication with the mayor, with our office, with a lot of the district departments and agencies. and we have taken severalteps to ensure that there's minimal impact for the district a its residents. out of abundance of caution, the district is taking the followint s. first, my organization earlier this morning at 4:34 a.m. iued an alert d.c. message advising over 100,000 residents w signed up for those alerts of the d.c. water advisory. the department of parks and creation has also done the
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following. in coordination with the d.c. department of health. they have closed spray parks for at least the remainder of the day and pools in the aected areas that d.c. water has identified. we've also mobiled water stations, closed water fountains, and recreation centers located in the affected areas. posted signage near showers instructing people not to drink the water. d.c. public schools and department of parks and recreation are providing boil order instructions and bottled water to summer schools and summer camp sites. the advisory notice has also been sent to our charter schools. .c. public library has als posted do not drink water signs at fountains in those libraries affected by the advisory. going forward over the course of the next 24 hours, we're going to continue to work with agencies if additional support
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is needed, keep the mayor info'led. for now turn it back to d.c. water for any questions. >> thank you, mr. rodriguez. [ inaudible question ] >> do you feel like you did everything you could to get the word out as quickly as you could or you could have done better? >> i think we did everything we could. i will tell you that myself included and a number of our employees on our emergency team were up all night working on this and trying to figure out who was affected. that we did not send an alarm t the people that were not affected. and so we did feel like and wei do feel we did the right thing and did everything that was possible and within our power. >> were you aware of the open
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valve? what does that entail? >> in this building here, i'll allow thee technical peo to chime in as well. we have valves that we open and close periodically. and depending on where we need to service and ramp up pressure and take waterto. there was maintenance going on. but that did cause the drop in the pressure. idwe see the drop occur. and we did begin to get phone calls and then we corrected the problem immediately. and i'll allow jason to chime in on that. if there's anything else to add. >> my name is charles sweeney. soast night i got a phone cl
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about low water pressure in our zone. talking over the phone we did some troubleshooting. that troubleshooting, identified that valve was incorrectly -- >> all right. you are watching live an update on theoil water advisory in d.c. that's affecting well ove 30,000 people across northwest and northeast. they've closed the spoly parks and in these areas to at the earliest they may lt this advisory by tomorrow morning. >> and of course the city taking some questionshere on exactly how soon they were able to get the word out to fks about what's going on. but they have had a massive undertaking in trying to get water fountains and trying to get notices a around to public areas and on a busy friday with so manyisitors in town as well residents impacte by this.
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>> we heard them -- >> pools, spray parks, all oth in those affected areas. some of them closed. some with p notices up about this. >> we learned they are sending schoolswater to summer and camp sites in the city. reiterating the warning to resides to be alert and take precautions. and reminding i them that has to boil for three minutes then allowed to cool down. >> then they have to get to the bottom of what happened with that open valve.e and make s that this does not happen again. we're going to stay with thisor throughout the day on air and online as updates wt.rant and online as updates wt.rant all righ
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i had life-treatening bleeding in my brain. but thanks to the virtual reality technology at gw hospital, my surgeons were able to look inside my brain and plan for a successful surgery. it's remarkable that i woke up and ran five miles this morning. i would tell gw hospital thank you for giving me new life. for life's defining moments the george washington univeristy hospital defining medicine.
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>> the mlb all-star weekend is under way. we showed you the fan fest going down at the conventionenter. we're joined in the studio now
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about this. you developed this really unique 3d art technique. tell us abo you came up with this and what it is. >> well, i love pop-out boo as a kid. when i was developing my art the early years and back in new york city, i wanted to make something different. i tried to create a pop-out book. sort oftw my k back in the '80s were cutouts of m old pieces from art school and i tried to make a pop-out book. so it's sort of anslated now after all these years into many, many different projects 37 -- and esth everything is built up into layers. almost like layering lasagna. >> just in case you can't get to fan fest, you can still see this amazing art work. because you're going to bring it out to maryland and virginia as well. >> yes. i'll be at the convention center
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every day signing. and as well i'll be at the montgomery mall tonight and tomorrow night at tyson's corner. we'll ve a whole collection o all my artwork. not only my baseball art, but also super bowl art as well as my olympic pieces and non-sports related art. everything that's three dimension that l. >> the players love this. >> theydo. i've done so many commissions for everyone from jeter to rivera to my studio. so of the old greats, they've been collecting my work for many ngars. very exci >> wow. okay. remember charles is the artica. yo see his work, of course, at the fan fest. but again, he's going to be bringing i to both montgomery mall tonight and then tyson -- tyson's corner. wentworth gallery tomorrow night. >> easyo check itt. thank you so much. >> thank you. want you to getou ide,
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enjoy your friday. heat and humidity will return. oielia's gng to tell us all
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justice department ihe appealing t purchase of time warner. this could be undone a month after hfs closed. it claims the merger could harm consumers. the judge ruled it was legal
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under antitrust law. at&t says it's not surised by e doj's appeal. and uber passengers can now eey with venmo. users will s a pay with venmo option for the one next to apple pay. they can use it to cover their rides, food deliveries via uber eats. this is for anyone who doesn't want to link their payments to uber. a lot of folks a taking look outside on a beautiful, beautiful friday. >> they want to get out there right now. >> and this afternoon is going to be rlly nice to g outdoors. with high temperatures around 90, so it's hot, but themi ty levels stay nice and low. currently temperatures a in the mid to upper 80 ds. ifou're getting out of the area this weekend, it's looking nice. 87 and humid on sunday. so perfect to be at the beach. water temperature, though, now a
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chilly 73 degrees. maybe an isolated shower sunday at the but it's dry. if you're thinking about getting the car washed, go ahead. small chance for an isolated shower on sunday. i really think we're completely dry. as we look to monday and tuesday, we have the chance for attered showers and thunderstorms. and with the mlb all-star game, not the best news. i think the home run i derby going to be fine but humid. only a 30% chance f a thunderstorm at fedex field. on tuesday, a 60% chance o some thunderstorms impacting the big game with the temperature around 94 degrees. here's your storm team 4 ten-day forecast. only a 20% chance for an isolated shower on sunday. then monday and tuesday a storm chance starts to increase.s ling showers wednesday. next thursday looking really nice. then next friday andext saturday, we could see showers and thunderstorms. i'll have much mor on news4 at
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4:00. >> thank you. we'll stay on top of the breaking news the d.c. about thw boiler advisory, but first we want to take you to an nbc news special report. od that will be with depth attorney generalosenstein coming up right now. good day, everyone from ndon on an incredibly busy news day. we're coming on the air for two developing news stories. in london where a massive anti-trump rally has been gathering steam over the last couple of hours. the sametime, we're watching events at windsor castle where the esident, president tru and the first lady are being welcomed by the queen at windsor castle. they choppered in a short time ago and the hlor guard w soon play the national anthem. we're going to be watching that. but inn, washingd.c., we learned within the last hour of
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a conference by rod rosenstein who oversaw the mueller investigation, a news conference expectednews conference expecte start there shortly. our own indications it will be an o announcement some kind of indictment. pete williams is standing. pete, what do you know? >> not much more than what you said, lester. rod rosenstein is overseeing the russ investigation and all the significant announcements have been made by him and we expect that's what we'll hear shortly and probably five or six minutes from now,es new cha filed by the special counsel team. it comes at an interesting time for them. in a couple weeks they will start the first trialgainst paul manafort across the river in virginia. but it's by no means -- it's work is by no means done and this will advance a ltle bit. it's interesting timing, too, because it is russia d.rela the president will be meeting with vladimir putin in a couple
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days on monday, lester. >> all right. pete williams we'll come back to you. thatconference expected to begin any minute. back to the business in england, the otest behind me in central london at windsor palace, the queen is welcoming the president and mrs. trump and we'll go to cnbc, great to have you. >> every president except johnson has been welcomed. >> theueen has met 11 or 12 presidents frompruman to trump today will be the 12th president, not lyndon johnson but only three in fact, lester have been welcomed formally to windsor castle. that's region, bush and obama. >> you see the ceremony and at utme point they will retire for tea of the coamera. how do that work? is it small talk or do they talk politics and world events?
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>> the most remarkably thing about her majesty. the queen,pshe s away prom matters of daily politics andep an impartial tone but there will be a message the head of the government, teresa may will have passed on to say can you quietly in ati diplo way get this message across, that ill be much appreciated on m part and in the splendor ings with the respect and wisdom she commands, she often has more success of doing it that way than trying to co-horse leco tell rco- e ladies. >> they choppered in and met today and had lch with teresa may, the prime minister here. bo difference on issues of immigration but playing down a rather damaging and revealing exclusive interview the president gave with "the sun newspaper" heren which he seemed to be critical of tresa
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may's handling of brexit and also suggesting that dealing with the e.u. goingforward in terms of trade might damage both seem to be walking that back a little bit today. the president also making news on a number of points as he prepareso head monday to the summit in helsinki with vladimir putin, suggesting the mueller investigation which he called a witch hunt has actually hurt u.s. relations with russia. the presidentusly likely aware we should sayf rod rosenstein announcing some sort of indictment in the investigation in the coming minutes. timing is certainly interesting. we're told from folks at the justice department they're well aware of the president's movement here. we will all wait to see how this plays out. the honor guards there at the palace, i believe that would be the president in that


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