tv News4 at 4 NBC July 20, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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>> i'm storm teamte 4 ologist doug determiner. because of the rain tomorrow we're calling it a weather alert day. some areas could see a lot of it. >> "first on 4:00," paychecks problem, the tax mistake that p could cosple who work in d.c. >> secrets recording. new details about a tape of president trump allegedly discussing payoynt to a "plamodel. >> and first at 4:00, new tragic details emerging on the deemed duck boat and the boat in a capsized killing 17 people. >> the victim as old as 1 and the old as 70. >> the boat became trapped in a raging thunderstorm with more than 30 people on board. >> nbc's jay gray begins our coverage from branson, missouri this evening. jay, what a tragic terrible story. >> yeah, horrible, leon and this community is reeling as you would expect. happened yesterday just before
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sunset when those who were on the lake said it popped up quickly and out of nowhere. ght now investigators are continuing their work in this stunned vacation town that is mourning this evening. the search is over here. the struggle though is not. >> we're broken. our hearts are broken. >> reporter: 17 now confirmed de after auck boat went down during a storm in table lake near branson, missouri. >> the age range for the 17 was from 1-year-old to up to a 70-year-old. >> reporter: cell phone video shows two of themphibious vehicles packed with tourists. >> those poor people. >> oh, my gosh. >> fighting waves and winds gustingver 60 miles an hour. the first boat somehow reaches the shore line, but the second. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh. >> it's going under. it's sinking. >> the national transportation safety board, coast guard,tate and loc teams are on site now. >> we need to find out what happened on there, what the
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communications were. we knew the weather conditions there. >> the area was on a severe thunderstorm warning 30 minutes before the terrible tragedy and weather is one of the factors everybody is looking at here. >> everybody is trying to figure out the live vest era. who was in e water, should they have been in the water? >> water that witnesses say in just minutes turned violent and deadly. >> now more than a dozen passengers t survived accident. investigators hoping that they tin provide key information as they ce to work through what exactly caused this tragic deadly accide. it was a system so rough here and now moving youry, doug. you might get some of this by tomorrow morning. >> we're tracking that hunk system that its way through parts of the midwest and now into parts of the ohio vale. nothing for ustoday, but here is that system back to the west. we're watching that system back towards pf ohio and parts
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of connecticut and under the potential for severe weather again today and also watching this system. these two are going to come together, and this one actually lifting this one right into other area, and we're talking about the chance of vvyy h rainfall tomorrow. take a look at this. this is one computer chmodel. how rain does it give us? upwards of 2 to 3 inches in spots. we'll talk more about what gets what and the timing of this coming up later on today, and we told you yesterday, it would be e last nice day to g out and enjoy tonight if you're having dinner outside. tomorrow and all n looking very, very wet. see you back here in ten minutes. >> thanks, doug. we'll be in weather alert mode tomorrow. now is a good time to make sure you have the nbc washingto app. check the radar right from your phone and get doug's hour-by-hour forecast before you head out of the door this weekend. now to the breaking news bombshell concerning president trump and a payoff of a "playboyodel. the "new york times" reports that tpr esident's personal
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lawyer michael cohen secretly recorded then candidate trump discussing payments to ex-play mate karen mcdougal. the tapes were seizedri during raid on cohen's office. the recording was made two months beforehe 2016 election. rudy giuliani says trump did discussed the payments but a payment was never made. nbs susan mcginnis will have new reaction to the a story a look at what's comes next at 4:30. >> we're following breaking news right a police cap already on suspension finds himself spacing more accusation. erika gonzalez in the newsroom to explain this new case and one from ail as well. >> pat and leon, a 22-year veteran of the prince george's county captain thomas hart was arrested and chargedith assault. bureau chief tracee wilkins says maryland state h police sayt swerved his vehicle in an attempt to hit his ex-wife's boyfriend they say. he was released on his own
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recognizance. before that arrest, hart had been on suspension without pay back in april. he was charged with forgery and theft after allegedly signing his ex-wife's name on a check to pull money from aoint account. according to police, hart has been under investigation for other matters since the beginning of this year. from the live desk, i'm erika gonzalez. >> thanks, erika. new today the man accused of killing five pple at the "capital gazette" last month in annalis has officially been indicted. jarrod ram w is chargedh five counts of murder as well as attempted murder and saumt. ramos is accused of opening fire at the "gazette" on june 28th and killing five staff members. investigators say he held a grudge againsthe paper aft a report about a harassment charge against him. >> first and o only news 4. a paycheck problem in the district. th district thought it had
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concerning governmentth employe. problem just got a lot bigger. mark segraves says how they failed to withhold social security taxes. the district thoughtt affected hundreds of employees for a yr but mark segraves reports itk dates bac 30 years. >> reporter: it's a line item on everyone's pay stub, withh sding tax fial security and medicare. last year district officials acknowledged that a routine audit had hundreds of employees who did not have the taxes withheld for as long as 12 years which triggered a larger audit. what they found is the problem had been going o for longer than ten years. >> the problem goes approximate proximately 30 years. the director of the d.c. department of human resources yells news 4 her staff has gone through emploe record by hand to find out who else may have e'en impacted. >> reviewed thousands ofrd re and so now of those thousands that we reviewed,l
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seve hundred will receive notices. >> this was sent to hundred of currentd.nd government employees this afternoon in addition to notifying employees and correcting the proble the bowser administration has implemented several other steps. they have hired an ndependent auditor. they are doing education and awareness for employees, payroll will now be cenalized to the human resources department which has hired nine newlo ees and created a full-time tax retirement team and they ha established a dedicated phone line. as for how this happened, gibson says it was the perfect storm of problems over three decade >> it's really human error as well as technology error and migration to different types ofo tech, so that is what drove the mistake. >> employees will not be responsiblereor ying the taxes. that the will fall to the d.c. government. >> i hope a year from n i can call you and say this is solved, this is where we are.
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whether we find more people or not is -- the audit continues. >> so they don't if there are more people out thereto who may be impacted a they have set up a hot line call 202-757-1578. if you're a former d.c. employee, if you're worried about this and they will help you to self-audit and determine if you're at risk or one of people impacted. as for the employees already retired the c. government is working with the irs and social security administration to make sure that they are made whole and they are getting the benefitslehey are ent to getting. >> there's some getting a nice litt>> pay raise. comes to about 1.4 and 1.5% of your biweekly pay is what you're responsible for paying into socialsecurity. if this has been going on for 30 years and you were one of the ones impacted still working, the d.c. government is going to make up that pay. what's therice tag on this for the government? >> they don't know yet. they are still negotiating with the irs and social security to figure that out. at first they had just a few hundred people and now that
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universe of people impacted has doubled. >> that's an incredible story, mac. just incredible. >> nice work, nice work. >> 10-year-old girl who was ice cream e getting will be remembered over the weekend in the district. a vigil will take place tomorrow night in memory of makiyah wilson. people will gather on 53rd street northeast athe spot where several men opened fire men. police are still looking for the involvemen the car they were in has been discovered in oxford hills. >> d.c. police have identified the vtim in the early morning shooting in northeast. 26-year-old james tyrone eaton was shot jus blocks away from the rhode island avenue metro station. he died there at the ascene, no arrests have been made. a man who confessed to sexually assaulting children and creating child porn is set t spend three decades in prison, but prosecutors say even with him behind bars there's still more work to do in this case. our prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins was
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in court for his sentencing tailed. >> reporter: 35-year-old former sketball coach and teacher christopher spates is sentenced to 35 years in prison for child al abuse charges. >> he offered the children to come over to his house and used his house to tlm them,o bows them. >> reporter: prosecuayrs many of his victims pyed for the south county sports academy where he coached. other victimsde att school at bradbury bright thementry andta ca heights where he was a substitute teacher. >> he was so sinister that he also conducted a scheme that allowed him to gain access to children growing up in en single-p homes to position himself as a person who could be helpful to a single ormom. >> rr: he admitted to the crime after the media company drop box reported seein an abundance of child pornography in his account. he was araveling basketball coach and he's been charged in two counts, and was also
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sentenced to 30 years in federal court. >> the 150 some odd files that were on his cell phone, his computer, have, unfortunately, found their way across the world. >> reporter: while spates has been sentenced there's still work left on the case and there's hundreds ofn victims s on video, and they have not been able to identify them. whosere asking parents children have interacted with spates, taught them or coched them please contact investigation. find the number do that by going to nbc wasngton and searching hotline. in upper marlboro,racee wilkin news 4. >> most of us try to eat healthy most of the ti. >> butould you be trying too hard? we're working for your health. this evening the dangers of overdoing it with certain nutritious foods. a hamilton alum with a new movie out today other in the district. we've got the inside scoop. doug, a movie might b g ad idea for tomorrow night, right? >> very much so, because we're calling tomorrow a weather alert
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they will be both affecting our plans for the weekend. doug and amelia will be here with a look at impact. pat? ealthy it comes to foods, you may think that if some good, more must be betr. notecessarily the case. as consumer reporter susan hogan tports, it is possible to get too much of a goodhing. healthyg to follow a diet, that's great, but "consumer reports" nutrition expertsay you c overdo some healthy foots and even fruits and veggies. it's best to eat a wide variety of them and sticking to just a few means you don't get all the nutrients you need and may get too much of some and for instance foots with beta carotene plentiful in orange, if you eat too many your skin can turn orange. many fruits and veggies are packed with fiber as are beans and whole grains and you go your fiber t much too soon can
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cause gas and bloating, and too much fiber overall may block the absorption of some nutrients. >> always best to get your finer from foods that contain it naturally. foods fortified with fiber may be more likelyo cause stomach upset. >> the what about protein like meat, chicken, fish and tofu. more is better, right? >> too much protein can stress the kidneys and liver and crease the risk of osteoporosis. >> pretty easy to get the right amount o protein by eating well balancedeals. r most people eating three servings of protein-rich foods items ncluding non-meat including yogurt and queenway is enough. a most healthy people who eat wide variety of whole foods, they really don't need any vitamin oineral supplements and overuse of those can really lead to potential problemshey y, so you, of course, want to talk to your doctor before taking any nutritional supplement. back to you. >> well, no matter what you eat this weekend you'll be doing itn ors, no doubt.
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>> yeah. it's looking wetter and wetter heading intohe day tomorrow. really hoping this would say east of i-95 and trying to come back up t the district and even places farther west and if you'veot plans tomorrow. you might need to rethink those. take a look outside. cloud cover and we said today uld be the last night day. oh, it's gorgeous. 84 and winds out of the southeast at 10 miles per hour. just a beautiful afternoon. look at the numbers aroundst th f the region. 83 degrees in gaithersburg and 58 manassas a down in huntingtown and 58 in annapolis. great day on the b bay, one place you do not want to be tomorrow. if you're thinking of taking a w boat out tomor not a good idea at all. not talking right now. notice this out towards the eastern shore. a flash flood watch out there towards o partsf the eastern shore cambridge and north of cambridge around the easton area. wouldn't be surprised if this expanded our way. bo'll be talking that later tonight. two systems, one, the system that's bring all the s weather to parts of the midwest
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and new tornado watch eds in effect for parts of kentucky and down to the south though tracking this storm, and this is going to be the run that moves up. this storm actually brings up the storm from the south and that brings us the rain. some of that rain looks like it side.e on the heavy let's zoom in and show you what i'm talking b.nothing tonight at 11:00, dinner plans, out late, no problems at all. showers town towar parts of southern maryland. by around noon, i-95 eastward is where we're still tisnking this oing to be but can't rule out some showers back to the a t and then starting to get little bit more -- a little bit more in an area during the afternoon at 4:00 andin then a at 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00. omon asked me about the nationals gamerow night. might be a postponed game or at least they will be putting the tomorrow on quite ar bit. ore on what to expect tomorrow, end of the weekend, amelia, something that somea ar see a lot of rain, and we real very to watch out for. >> absolutely, doug, and we've been talking about it this
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afternoon. this is a trick forecast. the exact track and the low pressure that doug was showing you going up the coastorhat the takes. will make the difference between widespread flooding across our area and isolated flooding, but so many people coming up to us even at work saying have a outdoor birthday party, barbecue tomorrow and should i cancel it. the answer is yes if you can't move tin doors, especially duri the afternoon and early evening hours. how about cancelling the plans on sunday? well, possibly. i would say that sunday morning in the midday hours are okay but 's during the afternoon and evening hours where we start to see scattered showers ands, thunderstoo if you have the nbc washington app and you're monitoring the weather on sunday, the after plans could b okay, but, again, cancelling the plans tomorrow would be ay, i would say yes and especially areas off to the east, the same areas where flooding is possible tomorrow and more rain is in the forecast next week so the road impact early tomorrow morning, justhowers.
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that's fine. midday and even evening hours we'll start to see water pononng he roads and take that easy and, again, doug, isolated flooding issuesere possi especially east of i-95 where you showed the flash flood watch, a chance it expands into parts of our ea. >> and we're talking about a very wet pattern setting up tomorrow. a weather alert day and notice the next couple of days and the next 10, i've got ranges, at least a chance of rain anrs thunrms just about every single day. air week a very tropical mass over our heads here so very humid with that good chance of storms, too. flooding could be a little bit of an issue especially tomorrow. more on this cing at 4:45. >> thanks, doug. >> a heads up if you are an online shopper. local thieves are targeting your prime day goodies. >> next on news4, where police say packages are disappearing and what you can do to protect your hard found deals >> plus, feeling a little luck
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theye afternoon. jackpot is soaring for the mega millions drawing tonight, and we' askin for your help to support our schools. it's almost time for the annual backpacks for kids initiative. this year we hope to give out at least 000 backpacks to elementary schools in our area. if you would like to helpring a new backpack and school supplies or a
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you know, we don't see a lot of films about interrial iendship that you saw. what do you think? >> hey, guys,riappyy. that's a great point, and i actually enjoyed this movie. it was a big hit out at sundance where he was nominated for the grand jury prize, and as you allude to, it's by an alum of "hamilton" on broadway. played both lafayette and jefferson and co-writes and co-stars with his lifelong best friend. like you mentioned, it's interracial buddy comedy but it doesn't shy away from some of the harsher reality. again, the plot is about a man
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who just gets out of jail after a brutal bar fight and tries to stay out of trouble in the last three days of probation and witnesses a police shooting, does he get involved or not? does he want to violate probation? it's an interesting moral dilemma there? i can't stress enough it's wildly funny and lots of social commentary and opens with the split screen images of a pretty bodega on the left side of the screen juxtaposed against a gentified whole foods on the left side of the screen. lots of symbolism, you'll laugh and cry and scary stuff, social commentary and even "hamilton" style wrapping in there. so unique movie by the two lifelong best friends. maybe they will be the new matt tamon and ben affleck did for boston, maybe they will be the oakland version. >> we'll have to. see about th >> tell us about what's happening at wolf trap tomorrow night. love that venue. >> i love it, too, and it's one of my favorite d.c. summer traditions every year. wolf travinvites the nso toe perform a l movie score,
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100-piece orchestra to classic movies and last yea they sold out with "lala land "at "jurassic park." tomorrow night the ultime original summer blockbuster steven spithberg's "jaws." john williams score is iconic. the conductor said it was the first minimalist score, the closest two notes on the piano, singing this summer at the beach to scare people. so they didn't work had to use the score to replace it and stand in for the shark with the underwater po shots. it's just going to be great to hear that perform live while you're watching the mie on the giant screen and bring the picnic blanket on the line and love it. big summer tradition. >>hrerika and c with jason earlier f today. than that, guys. looking ahead. your uber driver may soon be selling you snacks.xt n news 4, the new product plan for passengers and what it means for your next ride.
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center. what is it looking like now, amelia? >> here's the latest flash flood watches. they have beenish rude for parts of marylanaw de and up through new jersey and part of the area including phidodelphia. t have any weather alerts yet for our area. doug and i looking at the latest information really do think that the flash flood watches are going to be extended into at least parts of our area with some heavy rain in spots here, d especially arohe d.c. metro area so that's fairfax, montgomery county, rince george's county and districts off to the east like southern maryland and fredericksburg. this flash flood watch will likely be expanded, and you can see with the planner showers move in around 7:00 a.m. and after this a rny day for most us with near temperatures on sunday and more on our sunday hour-by-hour path coming up in a bit. >> thank you. it was a question that rang out from here to manhattan when the fbi first searched michael cohen and his office, are there
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tapes? we now know the answer thanks to a bombshell report from the "new york times." let's get rig to susan mcginnis. >> reporter:g, good even pat. at the end of a rocky foreign policy week, a domestic firestorm erupts aroumd president >> this is michael cohen. >> the "new york times" reports the president's former attorne michael cohen secretly taped a conversation between then candidate trumpyhere t discussed paying off former "playboy" model kenne mcdougal who slimes she had a six month affair in 2006 with president trump. >> the president said at the beginning of november they didn't know anything about that, that isn't true, they were >> reporter: and the fbi is looking at hush money paid adult film star stormy daniels who claims this tape isn't the only one. >> any and all t audioes that michael cohen has in his possession should be leased immediately for the benefit of
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e american public. >> the tape was seized from cohen earlier this year by fbi agents investigating whether the payoffs amounted to illegal campaign contributions. >> he's the guy who hill record to capture this conversation, so my expectation is that you'll see michael cohe at some point cut a deal with the government. >> reporter: nbc asked the president in june if he was worried cohen might flip. >> no, i'm not, because i did nothing wrong. >> the president'syttorney r giuliani tells "the times" the mcdougal payment was never paid and the tape shows no evidence of wrongdoing. mcdougal sold her story to the "national enquirer" which never ran it. pat? >> all right, susan, thau. a story of two generations in caps and gowns. a grandmother returns to school for her diploma and gradeates with heron gran >> oh, jim and wendy join us now with aook at what's new at 5:00. >> this is something. >> how cool is that. family members a in the cro cheering for you.
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that's right. but today the family members were walking across the stage on after another. our aimee cho will join us to share their story. >> she will also find out what's next for this duo. overcame some challenges across the way. amazon's biggesthogpp cin ever, and more opportunities for crooks so david culver i working on that story at 5:00. >> hi, david. >> hey there, wendy and jim. ju d a few of the prime day packages that i ordered earlier this week. folks should be expecting them on and they should be. some somehow despite tracking them and keeping tabs on them are only finding empty front porches. that's the reality for many here in arlington. you think of this and it's often an issue for the holidays and this no longer a holiday problem. in fact, people are this is extending to all the big shopping promotions online, like
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amazon prime day and coming up on "news 4 at 5," some of the ways to keep the goods secure and one of them includes, jim and wendy, the walkers behind me. >> don't even try to steal it. it will only feel dated. >> some wine classes and corkscrews for you guys. >> might want to get my hands on that. >> want to go with the case of wine that i had delivered here at the station. that's how i kept the crooks away. >> thank you, david. >> david is reallyanng on to those boxes. >> see you a little bit right here. >> all >> hungry passengers riding uber will soon be able to buy a snack on the go. the ride-sharing service will team up with cargo to have boxes full of products. passengers will purchase snacks and even phone chargers and more and the drivers get a dollar for every order and 20% of the items
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cost. service rolls out thi week in l.a. and san francisco with plans to expand to other cities. the video game fortnight is hot and free to play and still earning a fortune. players earn real money to provide updates for their characters. super data estimates fortnight made close to $300 million in april. that puts the game on pace to bring $3.5 billion in revenue this year. talk about hot. >> well, dangerous de. new at 5:00, a local woman attacked after meeting a social media acquaintance in person foe th first time. >> plus, it's a mega friday.l st have time to get out and grab your mega millison (sound of footsteps) ound of car door opening) (car door closes) (sound of engine starting)
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cause. >> this local kick boxing gym supports a very differentry charity eonth and news 4's mollet green visits i love kick boxing i germantown. right now they erationoney to deliver clean, safe drinking water to people around the world. all you have to do it you wan to help out issing to on social media and check in to i love kick boxing with the #drinkwater. don'td ven have to atten class here. organizers say each social media check-in supplies 660 gallons of water to one person and me. that's a bigimpact there and go to our nbc washington app and get more infor on how you can help out. how about helping yourself. el lucky. might want to go out and buy a lottery ticket because tonight's mega million jackpot h grown to $422 million. your odds o winning 1 in 302 million. you have a better chance of wing an oscar or a medal a the olympics. if there is a winner tonight, it
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will be the sixth largest mega millions prize ever. >> that's a big one. >> wow, a big one. today is in tmars day. the first time a spacecraft operated on mars happened on this day. they talked to visitors about f current auture missions on and to the red planet. meanwhile, on this planet, twisters caused catastrophida ge across parts of the midwest. >> an update on the damage and the r aovery next, what about our weather, doug? >> yeah. that was all from this making its way through parts of indiana, ohio and kentucky right now. newn tornado warnings effect for parts of kentucky. that system, however, actually a brings up system from the south. this is the one that's going to bring us all of the rain during the day morrow, and we're going to track the rain all the way through next week as well. very wet pattern shaping up.
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four things to know. let's get you caught uphis afternoon after a heart and dry start to july we're in for some serious rain. in fact, we could see flooding in some areas and some models predicting more than 6 inches of rain. stor team 4 is analyzing the latest data. we'll check in with them in a few moment the coast guard and ntsb on the ground in branson, missouri, to investigate yesterday's deadly duck boat accident. 17 peopleer died a the boat saying and after it was caught in a thunderstorm. re than 30 people were on that boat. authorities say everybody has now been accounted for. >> a prince george's count police captain accused of trying to swerve his car into his ex-wife's boyfriend. thomas hart was arrested utsterday and already on suspension witho pay for allege y sink hisex-wife's
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name on a check to try to pull money from a joint account, a n ew bombshell in president trump's affair scandal. the "nengyork times" repor donald trump's ex-personal lawyer michael cohen secretly recorded then candidate trump discussing alleged hush money payments to a "playboy" model. the fbi seized the recordings during an april raid of his office. he's not commenting. back to you in the stewed yes. >> thanks, >erika. >> people in iowa are cleaning up after ay fleur of unexpected tornadast night and the twisters moved through the stata injuring at 17 people and flattening buildings iner s cities. des moines appeared to be hardest hit and 47 people had be evacuated from a hospital there. the storms took meteorologists by surprise with forecasters predicting only a slight chance of dangerous weather. a slight chae there, and if they recovered there in the midwest, that storm system is heading our way.
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doug and amelia are monitoring big changes here in our weather center. what are you seeing at this point? >> watching the big systhm 's making its way through the midwest and parts of the ohio valley now and track the system down along the southeast coast and that's giving us the rain tomorrow and looking heavier. >> the track that the system takes is going to depend on twhere we see most rainfall and after that we're in a rainy pattern that we can't get rid of. >> we've got sunshine cover, too, a really nice afternoon. as a matter of fact, really beautiful out there today. we're calling it a fantast friday. temperature-wise 82 degrees and right now 82 degrees at 7:00 and a nice night tonight. tonight will be a erfect night to get out and about and take a look at this though. on the radar nothingn to show our region but notice the green areas over towards the eastern shore. areas of flash flood and we'll see the potential i think and amelia and i haveeen talking about this. we hi it will be extended into
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our area. most likely montgomery county and fairfax county and off to theast. somethine'll be waiting for the national weather service and satellite and radar. not much in our area now. just some clouds and back to the trac big system over towards parts of the great lakes right around chicago and into rds ohio and kentucky where we're dealing with tornado watches and warningsnt parts of kentucky and a system down to the south. both system one to the north and one to the south. watch how this one moves directly to the north as a result of this area of low pressure. tually brings it into our region tomorrow afternoon and really brings us the potential for very heavy rain. future weather andomrow morning by 8:00. i-15 eastward. best chance of rain and same deal around noon and getting in on many so of the action from the rain, could go as far wt
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as the blue ridge. h morego now to amelia w on what to expect in your area. >> let's go to the zoneaf this rnoon and we'll move from the east to the west starting andwith southern maryland fredericksburg and this is where we'll see the most rainfall. heavy at times a we'll see one to three inches throughout the day tomorrow and maybe isolate higher amounts, and when we're looking at the flash flood guidance, all the rain we need over a certain period of time and especially, again in, these counties. anne arundel, charles, st. mary's, calvert and prince george's county. he then into the d.c. metro area, montgomery and prince george's and in these areas a washout is likelyea with ranges, especially around the midday and afternoon hour. we could see upo two inches of rainfall in our metro zone and it's not as much rain as we were expecting off to the east and, guys, earlier this week, very
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heavy rainfall and we don't need a lot of rain i hour metro zone to lead to some flooding concerns tomorrow. western zones, loudoun and fauquier and prie william county and not talking about as much rain. rain at times during the secon halfthe day and it's cloudy and flooding unlikely in our western zone. flooding is unlikely there as tll. sunday looking lik better of the two weekend days and want to get out sunday morningr and afhat monday, pretty much through the remainder of the workweek have the umbrella handy. >> getting out saturday morning because we do think there's another round of showers and thunderstos on sunday evening. take a look at thethvening. a w alert day in effect for tomorrow. 81 degrebe and m a little bit of sun and showers and thunderstorms ithe afternoon d every day next week we have a chance for storms. the only exception is friday,
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and that's because we're trying to be optimistic by one day here and it looks le'e in for a lot of rain and any of the storms, monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday could produce very heavy rainfall and a very tropical air mass setting up as we head toward next week. >> starteag another s here. >> thanks, doug. >> less than a month awayrom ear the shelters. >> it's a nationwide pet adoption drive that nbc 4 and telemundo are committed to every year. >> the rescue alliance wants to make sure pets are ready for new homes a they are getting help from students. >> sheenave par cent explains. >> reporter: today we're talking about veterinary students at virginia tech and what they are actually doing at the humane rejoue line. ing me is the doctor in charge of this whole thing going on at virginia tech and thanks souch for being here. what can you say for small amount of program? what arehey doingere with
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virginia tech and hra? >> well, all the students here are getting a lot of hands-on experience handling animals and eing surgery and anesthesia with them andmining them, really just trying to g their hands in and doing this prior to graduation so they are more comfortable when they leave and beme a full-time veterinarian. >> you see them working backth e on this handsome guy and as we go through, you know, the year forward, what is this doing for the hue minrescue lines? >> well, through this program 're able to extend our surgical services to see more of our community's patients. we're able to do a couple more dogs a day and that really absolutely helps our community get more of their animals spayed and neutered. it's really rough to get into placed and get the animals sterilized and this is a real opportunity for our communities to have more options. >> that's awesome. you have more people working he
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here during t spaying and neutering. it's a vet clinic, and now we have moreneople coming i able to get appointments for spaying and neutering and ultimately helping the pet population which is a huge problem to begin with. >> absolutely. absolutely. this program only extends all the services that we're already providin now that we're able to do a couple more and it's really helpful for our >>community. that's awesome. this is going to continue at virginia tech with vet students and the teher. >> absolutely. >> that's amazing. >>ea what a program. great here because obviously spaying and neutering is the main mission o any animal shelter. aside from that, our huge adoption event is coming up saturday, august 1th. head to the nbc washington app for more information. a lot of animals also looking for homes. thanks so much for being wit me. >> absolutely. >> love that she wants to put a on herself and help out. >> she loves dogs. >> absolutely. first on news 4, paycheck problems. >> next the tax mistakeco that
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d cost people who work here in the district. find out if it affects you. >> and new at 5:00, the women creating safe green spaces that produce food for low-income students in our area. i caught up with volunteers for thweek's heritaarris' heros. >> loves swiss charred. hat's all she talks about is swiss charred. >> she loves it. >> so we have rainbow chard better than swiss chard. >> i told. >> you stay tuned for the
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ft. totten. >> news 4's nicole jacobs talked to riders who will have to find a new way to get around for the rest of theet summer. >> officials started alerting riders about this upcoming project back in febrhery. they say chose the summer months because that's when ridership is the lowest, but for those who depend on the metro y in and day out. this is an inconvenience. >>di sprng the word andti igni a bit of inconvenience. >>eefinitely terri for everyone here. >> red line riders forced to look"b at plan for the next 45 days. >> oh, yeah. >> so they have heard all about it and if the look on his faceh means an. >> it's a pain in the butt. >> he's not thrilled. >> i'm only riding this o stop, but i've been doing it for a long time. >> it's all a part of metro's summer improvement project,
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completely shuttg down t brookland and rhode island avenue stations starting saturday through labor day. >> back door is close. >> reporter: opening the door to shuttle buses as an alternative and not even thatill cut it for some riders. >> i'm going to have to possibly find a ride instead of coming to ride and rely on shuttle to get to work on me. >> doors will open on the left. >> but in the end it's all for good. >> i think thatetro is getting better since i moved here like three years ago. >> that's what metro likeso hear and what they are aiming s for with t project, making structural repairs and improving platform conditions. >> i'm glad they made the improvements i guess. >> so the ride down the road can be much smoother. >> metro is trying to me this as smooth as possible. mode red line riders can avoid n the work ze by use the green line between ft. totten andy galllace station but this
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is just the beginning. the blue, orange and silver lines will also have work down during the sumr months. of course, we'll have a full breakdown for you on our website, in northeast, nicole jacobs, news 4. >> be sure to tune int news 4 starting on monday starting at 4:00 a.m. to talk about the impacts of this shutdown. we'll help you get around for the morning commute. right0ow at 5 we're calling tomorrow a weather alert day. kammerer. we're timing the rain and will take you hour by hour. >> tour boat tragedy. >> the moment when a duck boat sank in a violent storm killing 17 people. >> and primed f ime. how crooks are taking advantage of a surge in online shopping for amazon's shopping for prime day. >> we're going to begin this
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friday evening with the forecast because stormm 4 says tomorrow is going to be a weather alert day. two systeoving our way. >> check it out, folks. one to the south and one to the we and the dmv and the weather bullseye this weekend. some ofld us c see several inches of rain tomorrow. >> let's check in with doug in the storm center to tell us what the timing is for all of this. is there any momt we c go out and get things done without getting soaked? >> 6:00, company a.m. that's going to be about depending on where you live. most of us will see rain just about all day long off and on and satellite anded radar, cloud cover across the region. sunshine outn and there, too, and back to the well. you notice these storms coming yourea way. severeer and tornado watches and warnings into parts ofatonnecticut. the same system that brought the same weather back towards iowa and missouri yesterday and now this systemtho yhe sou is one we're rea watching. these are going to combine and this moves right uphe
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