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tv   News4 Today at 400  NBC  July 23, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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storm clouds all over the district saturday into sunday. that didn't stop some people from grabbing the umbrellas and trying to make the best of it. you know that umbrella will no doubt come in handy again today. we're lookingnoter round of wet weather. >> i'mngie goff in for eun. justice we're looking for some trees to come down. it made things a dreary mess. >> i think we want to start with chuck bell. he has been keeping an eye on all things weather. related throughhe night and wh we can expect in the day ahead. >> you are correct, sir. in addition to everything else, it's monday. more rain in tide water, ia virg could have local newsed flooding
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issue for your monday. and unfortunaly, this extremelyrainy pattern is out of studio. >> that's a big part of o f foreca today, tomorrow and wednesday, as well. i will show you when the rain may actually end in a few. right now, in germantown, we're going to talk a lot about this twtoday. n about middlebroo road and crystal rock drive. all les blocked because of a sink hole. >> ramp to eastbound 50 there, broken down vehicle on the right shoulder. overall, the beltway is looking good. that problem ima g town will likely grow throughout the morning, as t folks hit roads. we'll keep you updated on things
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are ppening. let's take a closerat loo the sink hole that melissa just talked about. middle brook road. we'll have a live report on the sinkhole at 5:00. metroer r made neat more patience than usual. two metro stations are closed for 45 days of repairs. today could be a problem for those of you who did not plan ahead. there's bus-only lanes on parts of rhode islando speed things along there.
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now, to a horrifying city from ocean city. a woman in theaealed in the chest. >> gust of wind lifted the ucu umbrella. come report wind gusts at 28 miles per hour at a time. now, to come breaking news from canada where there's been a mass shooting. >> let's go to chris at the live desk. >> here's the latest on what we ned. it happened on one of the canada. streets on a woman and a young women are dead. you get to hear the actual gunshots. >> one shot after another.
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toronto police saye was firing into restaurants an cafes. he got into a shotout with police and officers shot and killed him. >> we have learned that one of the victims was a young girl, 8 or 9 years old. she is in critical condition this morning. new details this morning on the tragic duck boat skent in ha missouri, cimed to raise that boat from theottom of the lake. questions still remain about whn the boat wru the area in the first place. as the investigationcoinues,
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mourners gathered to remember the lives lost. >> we're so sorry. >> it will never be forgotten. >> the boat wille take to another facility for investigation. the man behind a deadly standoff at a trader joe's is being held band here. officials say earlier in the da 28-year-old gene atkins, shot his grandmother and pulled another person into the car. he held several people hoage, trader joe's. atkins sur rennered to authorities. family dealing with a hit and run, they are saying that
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the brother argued and moreno t out of the car. that's when mike moreno ran over her. fnancy wasing to help her brother get much-needed >>help. she had a good heart. >> police caught uwith moreno. his surviving sister says she was at a casino gambling. he is charged with murder and h felo and run. >> we're looking at two photos that could help detectives swer a d.c. inside. >> there was a miller southeas detectives are not sure when that took place. but p these ttures of his car could help them locate the shooter.
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>>4:06, twiting an all-caps message, never, ever threaten united states againnd you will suffer con consequences. >> he saying, war with iran is the mother o all all presidents. pulling out of the selection deal in front of iran, >> a newbc news/"wall street journal" poll, say tha 20% disapprove. the summit heshows that the
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mueller investigation should continue. 38% sayt should end. that was taken after jewel indictme indictments. and what the poll numbers can mean forwnhe head situation. >> it is trying to honor its anstors by flying a flag over a highway. andhey say the flag's size the poll violate a zoning ordnance. the group says the flag is a n monument. the university of lieu will is changing its name. after john schneider used a
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conference call in may, the school has stepped down from the company. >> if you're a student in the district, you are in luck. >> yeah. how ant r about a free metro pass. >> the kafrds can be used to get to school and school related tivities. >> i think it's pretty cool. it's an easier way to get around. i think it's a good >>idea. we have a list of when and where you can pick up thecards. head to the d.c. app and go to metro carve. a noung cubs fan whoas excited about snagging a foul ball against the cardinals.
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kyle schwaschwabber, a crowd th behind home plate. you see that? celebratio something that le keep on the ground. >> you to the prescription and the pharmacist says i'm not going to do it. it's a legal move. plus, one rant thatshe storm trying to amends. >> what do you need to know abouthe nextouple of days? more rain, more rain. it's going to beomg down in buckets. later on on your monday and tuesday.
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thanks to move free ultra 2in1... i run after this guy... and take long walks with this guy. unlike glucomine chondroitin, move free ultra 2in1 is clinically proven to improve joint comfort in the firsweek. and it keeps improving comfort with continued use. move free ula.
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4 > you're watching "new today."
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>> a lot of people out t see this waterspout along the beach in russia over the weekend. this happened at a popular resortck town on the b sea. water pospouts are pretty readi out there. a scenem f a horror movie. looking nt theion of belarus on saturday. you see th insects warming over the tweet lamps. they say, this happens every yearhen they start mating. that's when you don't go outside. i got a wasp in my car the other way. controversy in arizona all over.
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>> a cvs pharmacist refused to give a prescription. but a lot of companies mandaten thater pharmacist step in to assist. hill di h hilde had to get a new prescription and went to a walgreens. >> we shouldn't be denied to health care. >> a woman was denied medication following a miss marriage. home debow hiring hisob back after he was employee says he was being verbally handled b acustomer, and he told her she cld go out
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of here. >> i'm from the ghetto, what do you know. i have lived all over the country and i hado one tal to me the way in guy talked to me. >> he was tire fired for not letting situation.he detail they decided to offer the 60-year-old his job back. >> a tornado ripped apart in city over the weekend. >> winds of 85 miles per hour, some ended up crushing cars or lines. down power no one was hurt there. 14 tt was not the case in vietn vietnam. 32 people s died afterrms devastated that country. more than a dozen are mihoing.
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animals are killed nationwide. heavy rain willnt ue. you're sighing buckets. >> coming down in buckets. >> like saturday night? >> very much like saturday night. when it rains, it is going ton come d hard. be ready, a lot of areas around the region are under water already. we started telling you about this that it was going to be a crazy, rainy pattern. we've had eight inches of rain in the last couple of days. and there's way more where that came from. a big area of high pressure has the moisture train stuck for another year. look at the heavy rain now.
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thunderstorms down southern virginia. that's northbound. if it's nott raining your house yet, just know, there's more rain to come. the rainrops are going northbound into southenorthern bah. here's future weather, a couple more -- we will call them rain-free hours. buteavier rain is likely to come in the afternoon. just like yesterday, and the day before, once you get underneath, you can pick up an inch to an inch and a half of rain. flooates across the d.c. metro area. these are convective in nature. some place might get a half an
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inch, but others gets three inches. on a ldwhole, i way plan to loc locl local spots, three inches or more. another potential for one to ree form. and another one to three after that. temperatures this morning, steamy. it's 78 degrees out here i washington. and look at if numbers for the next couple days. afternoon highs, barely getting above 80 degrees. overnight lows, at the low to mid 80s. >> it is amazing 14 lo looking at the roads. the report of anoverturned vehicle. they say they weren't surehat the details were. 270 southbound has new problem there. an incident of trying to get
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what is happening. german town, between the middle brook and crystal block. just a little wild ago. and looking at springfield, now. blocked at the crash. we zoom in two at high water. and near nshigh water. >> thank you. parents of school age children, you're about to spend a lot more money for back i'm alex trebek here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50-85to and looking uy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. the three what? the three p's? what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on aixed budget
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are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a pricthat can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54 and i was a smoker but quit. alex, what's my price? yo.9can get coverage for a month. i'm 65, retired, and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80 and i'm on a fixed income. what's my price? .95 a month for you, too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. you cannot be turned down because of your alth. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed, and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime ratlock,
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so your rate can never go up for any reason. and with this plan, you can pick your payment date, so you can time your pmium due date to work with your budget. options start at $9.95 a month, plus, you get a 30-day money back guarantee. ee so call now for nformation. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, and it's yours just for calling. so call now.
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we're following breakinne in howard county. we're getting images of what oks to be a major house fire there in the city of clarksville. ese are some of the first images, just coming in, showing that house on fire. right now, we're hearing fm firefighters there, they are still fighting that fire from the outside. it's so powerful. not even be able to get inside and attack it. they're working from a major defensive fire there. justry south of nd, route 32. nicole jacobs is on her way to the scene. she will be y giving live ima images. >> ignition.
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liftoff. >> a successful nigs forhe rocket nine. the refusible pase usable lande off of the coast of florida. >> the man on the screen is a german astronaut. he used a tablet with a virtual hesizer and played a duet with kraftwerks. >> no sat light delay. >> whatever you want to call it. >> there's a few weeks left of
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summer. some summer parents are tting the lists, ready. >> parents are expected to check off those lists early. parents and students will spend $83 billion nationwide this year. the average cost per parent, 6le $83, elementary through high school age. and those that are gr college-bound, 950 bucks. it's a unique look alike contest, looking for the hemingway looked a like. the hemingway days fast value, as we all re-enact a saferf version o running with the bulls. the area of key westre is w the author spent time in.
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you can visit his ho >> how is this connected to paula deen? michael droefr won the celebrati celebrati celebration ofngrnest hemiway. ♪ coming up, another shot on stage. lin-manuel miranda, returning to "hamilton." us, ritz crackers, we have a closer look at your kids' snaps. >> 4:23 on a monday morning. i wish i could tell you it would
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be dry but it's not. our rainy t pattern,t's will continue on through the day. we had more on eight inches of rain in six days. a check of the forecast coming up. i had been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer.
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right now at 4:30, waking up to a weather alert. more storms on the way after a weekend of rain. stations shut down. repairs closing two red lines stops formonths. how it can impact your commute on all of the rails. weeks after you cast your ballot, it's about to be cnted all over again. we'll tell you why. "news 4" begins with a storm team 4 weather alert. >> the rain that kept so many of us inside.e it will back in a few ldhours. you shxpect a lot of it when it does return.


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