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tv   News4 This Week  NBC  July 29, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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n no. right now on news 4 this week. gridlock is part of life in the dmv. you may be surprised to learn wh could be making it wors connecting motherhood and alzheimer's. children you of have may impact your chances of developing the disease. and the four things y can do right now to protect your phone from being hijacked by criminals. >> welcome to news 4 this week. >> hello. i'm leon harrisee thisnd family friends and even complete strangers will come togetrtr to comfo one another and to say goodbye to a fallen firefighter. nathan flynngied try to save a burning home in howard county. as derek ward explains, flynn leaves behind a wife, five a children a heart broken
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family of first restenders. >> rep a lightning strike caused the fire. >> around 1:30, we saw a bright flash and a very loud not normal loud lightning hit. it was definitely a lightning hit. >> firefighters arrived on the seen and began attacking the blaze from the inside and outside. nay than flynn was one of those on the internal attack. >>s the z as the firefighters every firefighters went through the structure, firefighter flynn fell from the first floor to the basement. >> they located flynn and the consumed flames hat the basement. he was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead a short time later. >>s a firefighter we know there's the possible of this but we hope it never comes. >> we grieve together adds a community and are rinded of the risks and dangers faced by our first responders every day. >> neighboring counties were
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called in. the fire went to seven alarms. this community isurollectively ng a greater loss. >> we want the flynn family to know and the extended fire service family that we are there to serve them in any way possible. >> our job now is to make sure that thinks family and our brother are lied to rest with dignity and all the honors we he can provide to it's also our job to take care of the family. forever. >>. >> reporter: derek ward, news 4. > flynn was pohost you mussily promoted to -- >> a change in leadership this week for a school system that needs a fresh start.
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scandals in prince charles's county. a native who graduat from potomac high school. bureau chief tracy wilkins explains how they're already shaking things up. >> i'm sure that under her leadership that we will start a new chapter in the history of you're school system. >> reporter: new chapter, right direction. allt expressed ass announced that monica will be the inter ceo of the prince georges school system. >> i've been in this public school for 27 evyears, have n skierd to go anywhere else. >> she graduated from potomac high school. she has served asoc dtity superintendent for learning. chief operations officer and before that she was a principal at wise high school and a prince pal of douglas high school. she's taken then lead the school system after the
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controversial transition of kevin maxwell, her predecessor. he's headed to court on assault charges. the state is investigating inflated graduatiorate. t same s we had before. >> that works with beginning she's looking for $1 million in stts after controversies over pay raises for somf members. >> the structure that i've created, there are fewer people, it's what i believe makes us for efficient. >> reporter: she sai downsizing will give her more money to work for changes in the school system, includingar ss for teachers and principals. i'm tracy largo news 4. >> parents there who are ankles to find out who the children did need to wait a little longer. they say report cards are now in
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the mail. the school system tweeted that a technical eheor delayed mailing earlier. new copie are being made and sent out. they're expecting to arrive by friday, august 3rd. we all want a faster drive, in theory, ride sharing should help but transportation reporter adam tuft shows ay new report show what's happening. >> you can't denyhe that t car services have changed how we get around. but are they actually putting more trafficn t road? depends onho you talk to. you can go far without spotting an er or lyft. the new report called "t new auto mobility." the report said that uber and
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lyft he added 5.7 billion miles of driving to the country's nine largest cities,h including district in recent years. 60% of the beam who use those services would have either taken public transportation,edwalk biked or maybe not even made the trip. that leads to stories like this one. >> just stop anywhere, let people out, block people.te >> rep others pump the break on how severe the congestion has become. this person with the department transportation shares h message all over the world. >> i have no doubt there's some diftsds. people are giving up cars. because of uber functioning, it's almost like insurance. >> reporter: many say ride share's just a part of their life and a large part is up to
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cities to make it all fit tother. in the district, adam tuft news 4. up next and only on news history on the move. how an old helicopter is getting new life. more than 30 years after this dark rescue. ond new informa on your risk en developing alzheimer's size. how having chilay impact your odds.
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. for your health. motherhood may impact your risk of developing alzheimer's. new research finds that women with three children were 12% less t likely develop it compared to women with only one child. the reason whys unclear. it could be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. researchers looke at wichl who has miscarried and found that 9 t% risk was increased.
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here is why this is important. nearly r six million americans suffered from alzheimer's. nearly two-thihes of will women. research suggests that hormone therapy could protect women given at the right time. the findi ds wereivered this week in chicago. the study did not look at women who did not have children. >> now. if your wine comes from with rnia, it cou come little extra ingredient. radiation. scientists found parties i napa valley wine after the fukushima meltdown. they say red wine have higher levels of radiation than rose. the level is far the too low to hurt you. by the way, the samehing happened in french wienz after the chernobyl power plant disaster. does the cell phone battery seem
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quickly?too we're working for you to explain how criminals are hijacking you know when you're at ross shopping for backpacks... ...and mom also gets a back-to-school bag? that's yes for less. ross has the brands you want for back to school. and it feels even better when you find them for less. at ross. yes for less.
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z2x56z z16fz y2x56y y16fy ...and you suddenly realizes you're really into art? that's yes for less. every trend. every room. on any budget.
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it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less. who's on your phone right now? it's not a simple question but it's possible a criminal is using it in the background. we're talki about bot. a company headquartered into arli is is out with new findings that will have you looking at your cell devices. >> reporter: your phone doing someone else's dirty work. >> and attacking businesses around the world rday. orter: researchers at this network found something alarming. they're secretly operating on an estimated 8% of homes and blets. >> if you extrapolat t to the potential billions of mobile devices that are out there, th's a staggering number. >> reporter: that's phaps 15 million devices in the u.s.
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alone. it's' clever strategy. think about it. instead of using their computeding tower to run illicit brahms that steals gift cards, spam onia s media and pass words. they c use your data and data power to help them commit the crime. >> if you're sitting there with your phone, you have no idea it's happening. >> reporter: they hiden the background keeping you in the dark. the they use your phone about 50 times as day so you don't e n notice the extra data used. then they time their exploits while you're moving. when your phone's ip andretis cg and hitting different towers. >> they're trying to hide and is congratulate the problem. it's a problem that's going to oe very difficult to solve. >> reporter: howhey get on to our phone?
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often we let them on. ma ligs web links of attachments open the door. eric cockrell is chief sfroij officer atn lookout in francisco. lookout helps people protect mobile cell phones. it contends that mobile phishin is the biggest problem in audio security. one, set a passcode. he said it's shocking how mley peop don't. turn on auto updates. three, only install apps from the official ste. never fro links. and four, consider buying security software for your phe. . >> theis exactly what we do. >> reporter: lookout and other services offer real-time scans that warn you as soon as you click something shady, like a bot. >> we say you shouldn't follow the link. think it's bad.
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>> reporter: before necessity burrow in your bone. >> they keep aearing more humanlike in order tovoid detections. >> reporter: suzanne hogan, news 4. >> aiece ofur nation's history and a part of local history as well. soonou'll be able to experience it up close and in person. the park police helicopter used to save five people in 1982 is going to be the center piece of a new museum here in washington. news 4's mark sea graves got an exclusive look. >> reporter: it was bitter in january 1982. 78 people died after air florida flight 90 crashed into the 14th street bridge, plunging into the potomac river. thanks to theoi hc efforts of donsher and his partner jea windse windsor, f people were saved. literally plucked from the frozen river by two men and this helicopter.
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in what many consider one of tht greate rescues in aviation history. a few years the chopper was retirpo from ce service, replaced by larger, stronger helicopters. eagle o was then sent to the department of interior where it was used fors. deca a few years ago, it was scheduled to be scrapped. that's when the national law enforcement museum stepped in and restored the chopper to itsn original condi >> if last time we showed youop the helr it had been restored and was sitting in the park police headquarters. it had to be taken apart and reassembled here inside the museum. ld t's the only way they c get it to fit inside. >> reporter: getting this helicopter into the new meum which is under construction, wasn't easy. as we i speaks been reassembled and will be lifted to the ceiling.
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>> reporter: one of the most daring parts of the rescue was when don usher, the pilot, dipped the skid into the water so his partner could r the last victim. >> coming down. >> reporter: he watched as the or inal skids were reattach to the chopper. >> go ahead. come down. it will show a side of law enforcement tt sfiemsz people don't necessarily recognize and that is in this case the heroic efforts of the pilots and the operators of this aircraft, the rescue, and the saving of lives duringhat air crash. >> reporter: the helicopter isn't the only large display item that had to be brought in during construction. and another one of the key the its you'll see once museum is open is ts mickup struck used by an arkansas police officer who was involved in a shootout. as tff oer was driving away, the suspects opened fire. once the chopper is completely
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reassembled eagle o will lift off for the final time where it will hover in the ate rum of the national law enforcement museum. >> that is going to be some sight t see. the national law enforcement museum opens this october. moree coverag behind the scenes in our app. check it out. coming up .ctxt usician, gets the surprise of a lifetime. i had been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. together across the aie to get things done and 's the way it is at ctca. whna fred needed was a magement team. not just to have a long-term strategy for quantity of life, but also an active strategy for quality of life. my psa is under control. ctca gave me an opportunity to accomplish my learn more at appointments available now.
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hey! havertys is having a big sale you know, groom people don't actually use hashtags when they talk. #thisgirldoes o like that. ever does that. #havertysboom to it. havertys summer sale is going on now. for e next four days, get vings on top of savings. get an extra $75 off purchases of $750 or more... on furniture that's already marked down. havertys #life looks good
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. if you haven't been able to see "hamilton," another option may be for you. it could come to the movies. the wall street jurng reports whoid shudos are bidding for the movie rights. le mi sirvegs was also. >> he's your daily dose of adorable.
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new video showing seven cheetah cubs born this month at the n. smithson they appear to be healthy at two months old. they're the first babies for parents aaron and rico. they're part of the s smithsonia conservation effort and they're likely going to be moved to zoos and other conservation places. >> a big congratulations to wizards wife bradley beal. and his wife welcomed "deuce."an mom, dadbaby are doing well. a big crowd for big star at the made in d.c. shop in dupont sishlg. derek ward shows us this jam session with a visiting a-lister. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporr: the beats around dupont circle has become
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something of a voirch oso on the paint can. >>y dad started it. >> then he 23e8 on hard times. >> that was my survival. 0. >> pathways to housing. but he knew something was up this time. indeed, the popup concert would be different because of ch kevin n and the bacon brother band. >> decided to just swing by around maybe you'd let us si in. >> reporter: of course the jam session was on. ♪ ♪ >> phways to housing and since they're in town for local gigs, just had to happen. >> the great thing about music is that you can make it with alst nothing. >> the great thing about getting someone a place to call home. >> they can start doing other
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things like finding a job, redecking to family. >> when he sees this, it's the next step on a pat fthat leads m here. >> this world, you only got one life. >>hank everybody. >> in dew point circumstanupont. >> keep youryes en. you never know. i'm leon harris, thanks for joining us on wrc washington an d.c. "world osho have a great w.
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nbc sports, home of theym pic games, the nhl, the nascar heplayoffs, t triple crown and prime time's number one show, "sunday night football," only on nbc. >> welcome to the u.s. bank nbc sports report. >> two weeks of unusually warm, sunny weathern scotland. today, more of the what we might expect in st. andrews for the final round of the senior open the old course. jimmy roberts here. ybefore we get out to st. andrews, to the highlights from the pga tour


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