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tv   News4 Today at 5  NBC  August 3, 2018 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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>> we've been in weather alert mode quite a bit over the last feasweeks. able rainfall 10 of the last 16 days. it's notng just coown in little bits. it's coming down in big chunks. that will continue through your friday night, between now and lunchtime tomorrow. most of the area likely to see one or two o threenches of rain. so, the flood threat veremains high. the rain looks like it will be tapering off by late tomorrow morning. right now, watching that littlei batch of rainn culpepper. that's going to eventually move up towards winchester and leesburg. most of the i-95 corridor ra-free for the moment. but it will be rainy on the afternoon commute. current temperatures, very humid outside. 70s around town. thgh temperature only 83 degrees. chance of you getting more rain today, 80%.
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more on that weekend drying trend, coming up in a few. good morning. crews inonomery county, out of the beltway, not quite finished yet, as they have the work zonenen cicut avenue. two left lanes are getting by. e it's caused ly slowdown for your friday morning. we have activity in the southeast. fire activity, newcombe street and secondstreet. just a heads-up for vre riders, normal service this morning. you can expect significant delays on the fredericksburg and in manassas line trains. back to you. it's 5:01. staying on top of the breaking news about a missingol12-yea girl from china. virginia state polaye jinjing ma is in extreme danger. a woman s abducted by at megan national airport yesterday morning. at thefinch is live airport with more on the timeline of events in this case.
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justin, good morning. >> reporter: eun,aaron, good morning. the fbi is assisting in this rc multi-agency s to find jinjing ma. we have surveillance images lt showing the a who are linked to her abduction. first, a look here at njing. she is 4'11", 90 pounds, 12 years old. last seeing wearing a white t-shirt,la jacket and jeans. she was touring the u.s. with a group from china. we have a new image of a mann ad wo at reagan national. that woman is suspected in nseng's abduction. we have an image of that woman and jinjing. thorities say to note that woman's black dress. she'sescribed at middle age. and we're told that they traded clothes at tai ort. they may have escaped in a vehicle like this one. a late-model white infiniti suv
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with nk state plates. and yesterday, authorities describe the chain of events as to how they realized that jinjing hadvanished. >> some point, the child stated she was going to use the restroom. it wasn't until they were starting to check through security that another student within that group notified the ch s that she was missing. >> reporter: jinjing last seente about 8:15 yay morning the she was touring with her group from chin cently arriving into the d.c. area, flying from new york city, beforehe she van here at the airport. we're live at reagan national. i'm justin finch, news 4. >> justin, thank you. it's 5:03. we have breaking news out of virginia right now. >> oh. >> we're talking about the
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possibility of 17 feet of water 0n 7 minutes. about 15 people have been evacuated so far, due to the threat of the college lake dam failing. all of the rain we've been seeing in the fast few days, has overwhelmed that dam. and the folks whoiv downstream have been told to get out. lynchburg is about halfway between richmond and roanoke, given give or take, about a three-hour ride from d. lynchburg could see more than two inches of rain today. >> chs, thank you. our stormy weather may be partly to blame for a virginia family's unimaginable loss. a tree crashed through the roof of a home in a neighborhood, just outside of warringtonwe esday evenin lydia gherghis' parents had just tucked her io bed. she was pinned by the tree and
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died in her ro. she playe violin and loved softball. om my heartbreaks as a mom, to have to go throughhing like that. definitely having met her a few times, she's a sweet girl. >> neighbors are collecting money to help hefamily. you can find a link in the nbc washington app, search memorial. fu details on the upper marlboro fire in breaking news yesterday. o it tur the fire wasn't an accident. investigators believe a former employee set al's country kitchen on fire on purpose. 26-year-old jessica marie poole es arson and reckless endangerment cha. prince george's county police say she warecently fired from al's. 100 firefighters battled the flames that ripped through that well-known diner yesterday morning. it was a three-alarm fire that spread to nearby businesses. residents who lived before the restaurant had to evacuate. there were no injuries. a murder mystery in northern ctives say a gunman walked into a home in
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arizona avenue in woodbridge and shot a man to death. neighbors heard gunshots and saw the shooter rudown the street. many as ten people live in the home where the shooting happened. the roommates are cooperating with detectives. police tell us the gunman likely boew and targeted his victim. we're learning the security scare that shut down stres around t u.s. capitol. capitol policeng were d parking enforcementhecks whe they found an occupied vehicle th a gun suicide. th inside. we're told there's no connection to terrorism. police arrested a 23-year-old man from georgia. we're told there is no connection to terrorism.ia russs still trying to interfere with u.s. elwations. >> thathe message from the top national security officials. leaders from the fbi, department of homeland security and intelligence community made a nc surprise appin the white house briefing room, just three months ahead of the midterm's
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detailed pervave russian effort to try the weaken and divide the u.s. so far, efforts are not robust as during the 2016 campaign. but that could change.e >> m mistake, the scope of this foreign influence threat is broad and deep. >> our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. >> hours later, president trump continued to cast ngubt on meddreferring to the russia probe as a hoax during a rally in pennsylvania. first daughter, ivanka trump is distancing herself from some of her father's controversial policies. she answered questions at an ev t yesterday. when asked about her high and low points during her time at the white house, she said that one of the lowest points was seeing the family separations at the u.s./mexico border. >> that was a low point for me,
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as well. i feel very strongly about thatr and i amvehemently against family separation. >> ivanka trump was asked whether she believes the media e was the enemy of the peo her father has repeatedly said in public. she said no. the president later commented on the question tweeting, quote, they asked my daughter whether or not theedia was the enemy of the people. she correctly said no. it is the fake news, which is a large percentage of the media, which is the enemy of the >>ople. federal prosecutors continue to build their case against former trump campaign chair paul manafort. more witnesses were called to the stand, detailing manafort's lavish lifestyle. we learned that rick gates will stify against him. prosecutors told the judge they have every intention of calling gates too the stand. manafort is facing trial for tax evasion and money laundering. his lawyers blamed gates during opening atements. gates pleaded guilty earlier this year. testimony will resume at 9:30. parents, if you are shoppina
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fo-to-school items, this is your weekend to save money in virginia megan mcgrath is live in old townh alexandria, w some of the items you can save a few bucks on. g >> reported morning. hard to believe, it's back-to-school shopping season. a lot of retailers are offering this the gap outlet in sles. alexandria. you can see the big signthere. 50% to 70% off. even with a good sale, shopping to get the kids ready to go back to school can be very, very expensive. the new clothes, the new shoes, the pabackpacks, it all adds up. especially if you have more than one child. it c be very expensive. but virginia is giving parents a break this weekend. starting today,olback-t items are exempt from the sales tang tax. from are some rules. hat ifying school supplies are $20 or less per item, would
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be exempt from the sales tax. clothing or shoes, the limit is $100 per item. $75 shirt, you're exempt from theales tax. a $150 shirt, you have to pay the tax. this isni hap today through sunday in the state of virginia. if you have shopping to do, a might be good time to do it. back to you guys. >> megan mcgrath, live for us in alexandria. several membersf a virginia family had to bed resc after getting caught in rip currents. this happened at emeraldisle, north carolina. for several days, the had been warned about the conditions. the notice said she noticed the teenagers were struggling as they were pulled into the deep waters. lifeguards and firefighters hl to p everybody to safety. >> it was pretty rough. i was cared that like last week, when the guy passed away. i was scaredada something was going to happen to me or my
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sister. >> firefighters say no one was sent to the hospital. an ohio man thought he was saving some dogs in a hot car. >> but police are calling it destruction of property. richard hill w leaving a walmart in cleveland, when he saw several people staing ound a car with two dogs inside. eomeone called 911 and another person went ins to try to find the car's owner. but hill grabbed a hammer and smashed one o the car windows. police showed up shortly after that. >> the officer told me that i should have waited. i had no right to break that window. >> we don't condone leaving animals in whcars. bu's reasonable and what's unreasonable? >> hill was cited for criminal damage. oojudge has to decide if he was acting in faith. peta has offered to pay his fine. >> it would seem obvious he was
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actingn good faith. i don't know the reason to destroy sos window. >> no good deed. what are the germiest places in pe america? and gamers beware. theal cautionary t one mother hasser if all parents after her son was contacted through the ga rtnite. with all of the rain, the nationals were able to play ball and get a win ove the reds. they will try again tonight. but tonight's game is in more peril for being delayed or postpo postponed. postponed. a che of your weekend forckec
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(birds chirping, a running brook,) postponed. a che of your weekend forckec ahh. the ne deer park sparkling postponed. a che of your weekend forckec is made with real spring water. ♪ it's so refreshing and delicious, you don't need slo-mo models to sell it. real spring water, real fruit flavors and refresng bubbles. just what's rerefreshingly real. i'm a small business, but have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minute.. just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, d ove all... now, i'll dream gig.
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now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network.
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some of the most popular beaches in the c are struggling because of a toxic vasion that's killing tourist season along with wildlife. his is the longest outbreak of
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the algae bloom called red tide in more than a decade.ha the water a foul stench, keeping tourists away. heat and lots of rain has triggered the bloom. a massive wall of dust is hitting phoenix in the video you see here. the dust storm caused sky harbor airport to cancel or delay 100 fight . figh >> this story gives us a ran reason to explain that the massive dust walls are called haboobs. >> haboobs. i'm going to keep it with that. 5: right w. if your kids play online games, listen up. >> a family in minnesota, says an 8-year-old was coaxed into sharing personal information with strangers. charlie was playing fortnite with teens from out th state, when gamers convinced him
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to share his mom's personal information. his mom found text messages asking her son to secretly send pictures of her aniver's license other documents. >> this guy was able to talk charliinto doing something behind my back. >> police say charges may not be filed unles they can prove that the information was used illegally.>> > google glass never caught on with conventional consumers. but it could be a life-changing tool for people with autism. researchers at stanford pair people with autism and google glass and the app. parents are reporting more eye contact with their kids and relating better with others. this could fill major gaps in ausm care. if you are travelin pack a ton of hand sanitizer.
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>> airports and high for the germiest places in can country. according to a report by the huffington post. tray tables are the worst spot for germs. the second place, water fountain buttons, followed by seats and tsa security bins. my husband travels for work,hee wipes downray table and the remote, everything around him. do you see thetoes of what they find at the airports? >> it's a combination of wildlife, knives and guns is about to scare you. >> exactly. >> i didn't know i couldn't bring my ak-47 and python. >> i can't carry that on? >> chuck, 74 degrees. cloudy. >> that's not bad. >> rain ming. >> blah, blah, blah, blah. >> i wish i had better news for you. unfortunately, it will be aly
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affected day here. since i'm a glasses half-full kind of guy, i will tell you the sunshine will be making a comeback. and the clear patch of weather out here across the midwest,th 's our sunday-monday sunshine. there's good news in the forecast. it's not necsarily all that good news for your friday. we'lleaeep ourer incredibly unsettled today. and the tropical moisture that's in place has roots all the way down to the caribbean. it is going to continue to pump more and more moisture our way here over the next couple of days, today, tonight, tomorrow, before a chance to dry out. here's the future weather. owers, hit and miss showers, likelyle toward the nd of the commute. then, with a smidgen of daytime heating, any showers could put down half ann inch to inch of rain. be on the lookout. the ground is 100% saturated now. the flash flood watch has been
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pushed until morning. here's your friday afternoon. break-away time, 3:00, 4:00 5:00, what is likely to be heavy rain moving ein. if you beach-bound for the weekend, either leave now and get ahead o therush. or just know that it is going to be a long, slow ride over the bay and over the bridge to the beaches over the weekend. another wave of heavy rain this evening and another oneomg up during the overnight hours tonight. about how much rainight we expect? probably half an inch to an inch, around the a by the time you add in the stuff we have overnight, some places could get an ih and a half to three inches of rain over the next 24 hours. temperatures aren't going to be the problem. there's no 90-degree weather today or tomorrow. mid-70s is morning. temperatures will peak at the low 80s. that nats game is in jeopardy.
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there's your five-day saturday afternoon looks like we'll be clearing out. i think your saturday evening and saturday night plans will be rain-free. sunday and monday look good. a little on the warm side, with highs the 90s. jack taylor, any hiccups on the commute so far? >> in maryland, beltway outer loop, work zone in the clearing stages with two left lanes gettg by. weay have a crash in that spot. we had word on the beltway outer loop after georgetown and the big curve. also, the heads-up for ours leidn vre. there was issued yesterday. there wasn amtrak derailment. vre will be on a normal schedule, but expect significant delays on the fredericksburg and manassas line trains. y ifou're hitting the highway for aumitr road trip, don't go anywher until
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u see our next story. we'll showhe you t app to help you along the wa y.
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you're watching "news 4 today." >> 5:24 now. if you're planning road for one last summer getaway, we're helping you find the cheapest gas a the coolest attractions along the way. >> susan hogan is working for you with tpp fours you want to download in your phone right now. >> first things, first.o you wantt the road with a fu tank of gas.
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the get outside app will help you save up to 24 cents per gallon. you'll earcash back and you can cash out with paypal or a check at it's expanding the east coast. looking for an atm or go-to coffee shop or restaurant, go to i-exit. it tells you what it's near every highway yu don't gtuck looking for a gas station line, only to find something better at the next exit. this next one is for you television food show fans.ap the food maphelps you find food and eateries that's on various shows. indicate how far offcourse you're willing to vente. and want to add a lile adventure to your road trip?
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the app road trippers can find offbeat attractions, museums, amusement parks and more. the get outside app, they're d.c.-based company and are offering cashback deals at local restaurants and at grocery stores as we have to all of the apps we talked about. go on to our nbc washington app and search travel apps. thank you. living life to the fullest in the final days. a bucket list for a local dog that's gone viral. we'll tell you the best items already checked off for him. glad to seeet he'sng the doughnuts in his wide rain chances for today. but the trend is your friend. a bit of a drying trend as we ge throughweekend. check of the forecast, straight ahead. an amber alert straight in this morning. a child snatched fro aocal airport. the scary surveillae imagesnc you know when you're at ross shopping for backpacks...
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>> we start with a look on the radar and more rain heading our way. you won't see much rain on your morning commute. the threat of flash floods remains high. chuck bell is here with the warnings and your forecast. and the amber alert, involving a yng girl from china. we have new photos that may provide clues of where she may be. justin finch is at reagan national airport. 'll check in wit him in a few minutes. 5:30 right now. i'm aaron >> i'm eun yang. jack taylor is in for melissa this morning. first, chuck bell is here with the all-important forecast. we want to know about the weend, too, chuc >> sheena has the day off. she did t 4:00 and 5:00 yesterday afternoon. people are wondering is my alarm clock broken or hers? she has the day off today. and enjoying her long weekend, i hope. outse have a flash flood
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watch that's been extended to 6:00 a.m. saturday morning. but there is an end to the rain in sight. it should b coming to an end someday. your friday will be covered up in rain chances. steamy outside this morning. it is august in washington. in downtown. 68 inl. port ro it will be a cloudy and a rainy one today. rainfall could be as much as one locally three inches in spots. the only upside, it will not be blazing hot. high today, only 83 degrees. a peebk at the weekend just ahead. >> i can have the windows down. we'll start with the beltway. top i'd side outer loop. there was a work zone and that was in the process of being cleared the along t left side, it sound hike we have a cow official crashes, separated by a bi but both along the left side, completely out of the roadway. maryland state authorities are
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consisting to get it out he towards myersville and edmpletely. south mountain, headed westbound, at the rest area for south mountan, we have accident, with only the right lane getting by. it caused a little delay. plan ahead so they can get it out of the roadway. you'll experience a slowdown. >> thank you. it's 5:32. we're staying on top the breaking news story of a missing 12-year-old girl. take a this is the picture, jinjing ma is believed to be in ext danger. she was abducted from reagan national airport yesterday morning. she's 4'11", with brown eyes and black hair. she is visiting from china. >>ch justin f is at the airport. >> reporter: we know she was at the airport before she disappeared. and we have images of the two
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adults that may be with her. she was touring the u.s. with the group from china. authorities are trying to sort out whether or not she may have known her suspected abductor here. we have an image of a man and a woman here at reagan national. authorities saying that woman is who they believe ed may have tan jinjing hsterday. wee an image of them together, as well. this woman, ansian man, also described as being middle-aged here. at some point, at the airport, they may have changed clothes before leaving the view ofce surveill cameras. a witness coming forward to say that woman, may have seen her give to jinjing in new york. they may have left a white infiniti, suv with new york state plates. just because there appears to be no struggle in the images, it doesn't mean there's no danger here. >> she e vered theicle
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without any force. that does not release any of our concerns. we're still very concerned because we don't know the reason why thishild left with that asian female. >> reporter: autho are trying to sort out if this woman and jinjing came from the same tour group that flew in yesterday. the fbi now also part of the search. authorities askingho anyone may have seen ginseng jinjing t call to the fbi. >> justin, thank you. it's 5:34. we're staying on t of this breaking news from southwest virginia. the city of lynchburg says 150 people have been evacuated so far, due to the threat of thg co lake dam failing. ifhe dam fails, the officials say the water depth in lynchburg could exceed 17 feet in just 7 minutes.
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lynchburg is about halfway between richmond and e.roanok chuck bell says lynchburg could see two more inches of rain today. a judge will decid how the case against a man charged with murdering a d.c. family in their home will move forward. thlyman is accused of the fa back in 2015. defense attorneys want to introduce evidence suggesting someone else may have been involved in the murders. prosecutors say the defense needs to reveal who that second person is before tri. dna evidence connects him to the scene. the trial is in september. the resentencing hearing for d.c. sniper lee boyd malvo could be on hold. he has asked the supreme court to block aorder granting a resentencing. he was 17 years old when he was given four life sen tense sentences h forping john allen muhammad carry out a series of sniper attacks in 2002. last week, a court of appe ms
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ruled thatalvo should be sentenced under the supreme court's new rules for juveniles. hearing argues that the sentence complies with the rules. terrifying moments in southeast washington, as fire ripped through an apartment building. look at these flames. this happened on 28th street. we're told a woman jumped to safety from the send floor. she's listed in serious condition. the red cross is helping the 17 people who live there. d.c. fire and e.m.s. says there were no working smoke detectors in the apartment. these are the top stories we're following for you this morning. d.c. fire crews battled a row house fire overnight. e row home is in southeast washington on newcombe street lar 2nd. we'reking how it started. buou we can tell no one was injured. new details from that fire in upper marlboro we told you as breaking news yesterday. investigators believe a former employee set's country kitchen on fire on purpose. jessica marie poole has been
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charged with arson and reckless endangerme enda ferment. ling tree killed a 10-year-old girl near warrington. lydia gherghis' family had just put her to bed when the tree killed her.ig hbors are collecting money for the family. if youanto help, search memorial in the nbc washington app. ident trump drumming up his base in pennsylvania. he went after democrats, he touted his job numberand told the crowd it's a good thing he gets away with kim jong-un and vladimir putin. you can hear what the prident had to say in 15 minutes. fi fairfax county has cedf its first casest nile virus in a county residence this year. health officials say there is a surge in mosquitos infected with
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west nile across the county. prince george'county confirmed its first case of west nile on wednesday. little leaguers on the big stage. the team that's making history and the sendoff from the nats. another reason to say cheers this weekend. guinness opens its br
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you're watching "news 4 today." >> today, guinness will opents firstrewery in the united states in more than six decades. and it will be in our area. the new brewery, about ten minutes from the airport, at the seagrams btling plant. th beers were created for the
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u.s. market, things like the guinness american bnde lager. >> i would like to check this out. it looks cool. the brand's iconic stout beer is imported from dublin. even if you don't like guinness, like i just said, you should check it out. >> it's a brewery for everybody, no matter what you want to do. it's coming in for a couple of beers, we can if that for you. ou want to see a great history and have a unique experience when it ceres to the beorld, that's what we provide you here. >> the brewery will be open un today, and nool 9:00 off i-95 in maryland. >> 195. >> what did isay? i-95. >> where is homer simpson when you need him? car wfoh recast, are you nuts? a ecten-day ft with five days of sunshine on it, coming up. ti a combi of clearing work zone and accidentti ty, topside of the beltway. left lane blocked with the crews
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taking up the sign. then, past georgia avenue, we then, past georgia avenue, we have accid en
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as your hote becomes more conn you need fios to keep up. and fios is the 100% fiber-optic network.s which meu get phenomenal capacity for your tech. we'll even help you get another device to put it to the test. right now, get $200 toward a range of google and nest smart home deces, plus the fastest internet available, plus up to 200 tv channels, plus phone with a 2-year price guarantee all for $79.99 per month with a 2-year agreement go to to switch today.arantee 100% fiber-optic network, 100% phenomenal.
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you're watching "news 4 " toda >> it's 5:45. president trump is back on the
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campaign trail in pennsylvania, stumping for loua, barlen wilkes-barre. >> during the rally, that president touched on the border wall policy he wants, the possible government shutdown and his meeting last month with russian president vladimir putin. >> we're being hinded by the russian hoax. it's a hoax, okay? i'll tell you what, russia's very unhappy that trump won, that i can tell you.bu i got along great with him. >> president trump's comments came hours after the country's top national security chiefs warned tharussia is still ying to interfere in the u.s. elections. >> tracie potts is following the latest developments on capitol hill. what are officials russia's interference this time? >> reporter: the president's top intelligence and national security officials, five of them, came out to the news briefing and said this is not a hoax, that it's real, that they
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have connectedva pve messaging from russia to weaken and divideur country going into this november election. who is saying that? the nsa, national security agency, the fbi, home larland security and the dector of national intelligence. just hours later, the president himself calls it a hoax. his team is saying it's anything but. tracie potts, live on capitol hill for us. thank you. 13 before the hour anow. udge dismissed the lawsuit against fox news involving the death of a dnc staffer killed in 2416. seth rich's parents sued the network over a story that their son shared committee e-mails with wikileaks and his death was retribution. police believe rich was killed in a botched robbery. fox removed the story a week later. the judge ruled that the parents need specific instances of wrongdoing for the case to
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continue. the family plans to appeal. the search for a rape suspect ramps up in virginia. police released a sketch of a man they say is responsible. it happened last week in woodbridge on stevenson urt. police say this is the man in question and the victim says he had a beer belly. he also had an angel tattoo that may look like what you see on the right-hand side of your screen. lice say the suspect was armed at the time. crews have been woto clean up the chesapeake bay and get debris out of the water there. yestday at sandy point state erk, 30 volunteers were out helping with cleanorts. there's so much debris that swimming has been banned at the beach there in annapolis. the park officials hope the beach will reopen soon. >> our hope is to reopen for the public this weekend. >> park officials say they are equally worried about things they can't see, like bacteria.
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>> just about 5:49, now. we're helping you get ready for school. through sunday, you can save on your child's back-to-school list. >> it's good to be prepared. but this is too soon for me. >> a lot of school districts start iness than a month. >> right. just a few weeks the tax-free holiday weekend, megan mcgrath is live in old town alendria with more megan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah. it's hard toelieve that we're talking about getting the kids ready to go back to school. but it that time of year. a lot of retailers are offering les. you loohind me at the gap outlet, 50% to 70% off here.h even w good sale, getting the kids ready to go back to class can be very, ver expensive. new clothes, shoes, backpacks, all the accessories. it really adds up, especially if you have more than o child. virginia, though, is giving parents a break this weekend. starting today, back-to-school items are exempt from sales tax.
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not everything is exempt here. take a close look. qualifying school supplies need to be $20 or less per item to be clothing or shoes $100 or less per item. you have a $75 shoe, that would be exempt. if they cost $150, you have to pay the sales tax. this gets under way today. and continues through sunday. so, if you've got kids to buy for, now might be an time to do your shopping in virginia. back to you. >> all right. >> meg, thank you. our teams will be out at apple federal credit union kingstowne branch on wednesday, from 6:00 til noon. you can make a secure donation
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online. go to and search backpacks. always a great effort. we're thankful for the commity. we see so many people donating great school supplies. >> aiming to give away 4,000 backpacks this year. >> i was making a funny. the day after school starts, they put out the halloween candy. you say it's out. >> i've sn decorations. give me a chance to enjoy today. >> if i see one halloween decoration, i'm buying a bag of m&ms and leaving the store.he 's a 100% chance you're cling to get rained on today. it's dy already. another inch of rain yesterday. summer rainfall totalsin june 1st have been crazy. more than double the average rainfall at reagan national and dulles. and triple the rainfall at bwi-marshall where it's addedp to 2 inches of rain.
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flash flood watches until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. be on t lockout, especially friday night into saturday. heavy rainni t. high, standing water. very likely to be on somef the low-lying roads. rain drops moving in towards culpepper and warrington. those are heading up towards leesburg and frederick.i- , rain-free for now. that won't be the case for long. there's the little chance of rain coming up in northern virginia here and theha ple of virginia. it doesn't look all that impressive on our future weather here. anywhere you see the yellows,an you get half an inch to an inch of rain. even thought may not be raining all day, when it rains, it will come down in buckets. the rain will gradually ease at about lunchtime tomorrow. a couple more waves of rain tonight andly e tomorrow, before things start to dry out atele will bit. check out theten-day forecast. there's no rain chance on six
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out of the next ten days. and your options in washingto in the summer, it's raining or 90 degrees. we turn the spigot off, we go into the 90s for the morning. after georgiar, af our work zone is cleared. it caused an accident. out. were backing we've got the crash on the outer loopfter georgia avenue, blocking the left lane. we had a crash on 70 westbound. that cleared quickly to the right shoulder. new crash in virginia, is going to be on 66 eastund, after 50, as you head toward 123. two right lanes are blocked. fire and rescue arrived on-scene. we have a new crash on braddock road. crews are headed to the scene. did you stay up late to watch the first 2018 preseason game of the nfl? talk about summer going too fast.
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the ravens taking on the chicago bears, right outside of the pro football hall of fame in ohio. a familiar site r skins fans. robert griffin iii. remember rg-3? it was because the ravens beat the bears. it doesn't matter that he intercepted this. they won 17-16. >> morrow, ravens legend, b ray lewis wi enshrined in the hall of fame. and the skins manager will be put in thetoall of fame rrow. nationals players and other teammates stopped bytlhe le league practice. all of the players are part of the youth baseball academy. >> the program hps kids play ball and keep up the academic
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skills over t summer. the team heads to connecticut to play in regionals. they're four winakwins away frot to the little league world series. this morning, good news about aee dog that's b tugging at our heart strings on social media. he is terminally ill. he has found a fever home. and so far, he's visit nats park, ate a doughnut and went on a ride along with arlington police. we probably all dreamed of winning the lottery at one point or another. one coupleaw that dream ripped apart, literally. >> the clerk told them it was not a winner and ripped it in tw >> he tore the ticket off the top, and put it in the bin, and the winning slip you get when
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you win the igures on it. >> the ticket was worth $67 million. >> no. >> as you can see here, from the celebrations, they were able to piece it back together and claim their jack ct. the scottiple is retired. they plan to buy a vacation home somewhere in the mediterranean. >> that's what you do with $67 million, i guess. a young girl visiting the u.s. from china abducted at a local airport. and storyhat will get a lot of you talking. a man seeing a dog in distress saves his life. now, he is facing ariminal citati citation. details when "news 4 today" continues.
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news 4 begins with a storm team 4 weather alert.lo >> flash watches and warnings in effect this friday morning. we're in weather alert mode. just about 6:00 a.m. i'm aaron gilchrist. >>ece're eng more rain today. surprise, surprise, in the forecast, we're getting used to it at this point. >> jack taylor is standing by with a look at the commute this morning. it's start with chuck bell in the newseam 4 weather center. >> we switched o f ties pocket squares. weather alert day.
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the flood threat remains incredibly high. obviously, the ground is saturated from the recent rains. could get one to some spots, three inches of rain t in next 24 hours before coming to an end tomorrow. i think the second half of your saturday and sunday are noticeably drier. but this patch of moisture, g extendll the way down into the north georgia mountains. this comes all the way for today. there's today's rain and tonight's rain, right there. this isir coming ourtion here. there's no escaping the rain chances for today. already, areas of light rain to fauquier county. the rain chances increasing with time. the temperatures will not be in the 90s anytime today orto rrow. right now, in the 60s and 70s. your planner for day, expect rain, and a couple of rumbles of thunde not the severe weather threat that i'm worried


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