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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  August 20, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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former nfl mvp. "news 4 at 5:00" starts now. >> you have -- you are bound to have seen them. they swam doing tricks and dodging traffic. >> there they are, folks, and that's just the beginning. emingly out of nowhere they come upon you, and then there is the noise. >> reporter: we're talking about those atv riders that inve our area every once in a while, usually in the summer, and itga happened this weekend. >> and the t residents sayhis is not just a nuisance. this is dangerouser there three arrests in the district, a few crashes. at least o report of vandalism. meagan fitzgerald learned there s even a robbery. meagan? >> reporter: yeah, wendy, that's exactly right. arlington police say this robbery happened at theat exxon n behind me.
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just imagine this area was floodewith atv riders and some of them kicking in the door of that convenience store and taking what they wanted before they say they were off back to d.c. atv riders took over the streets on sunday evening, from wn georgeto to logan circle and many other quadrants othe district. popping wheelies, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights and in some cases nearly pedestrians. >> it was a huge number. i would say there were about 20a bikes, they just kept on coming. reporter: eric adler was on his way to the d.c. united game with his wife and young daughter when atv riders made their way past the stadium.r' adle bicycle was struck in the intersection. >> it bent the wheel so it's not able to turn. >> reporter: but he and his family are okay. >> what the [ bleep ] is going down inon arlingt what is this? >> reporter: just before 6:00, arlington police say over 100
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riders crossed the key bridge td makingir way to the station. >> and they are doing like es wheeli. they are turning, arou like on one wheel. i mean, there's people walkingb literally the traffic is like, you know, they can't even get by because there's sbimany s. >> reporter: caleb nelson works in a nearby restaurant. he ran outside and shot thisvi o when he heard a loud roar coming from outside. >> at first it seemed a little threatening because you didn't know why they were there, they were following like no -- they are not following any rules, no laws, just kin of going back and forth on both sides of e road, on the sidewalk. >> reporter: arlingt police didn't chase riders because they say c itld have put pedestrians in greater danger. >> this should not be happening, and the authorities nee to find a way to s pthis. >> reporter: this man didn't want tgo on camera, but he says hs fed u with atv riders breaking the law in arlington and d.c.
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>> again, d.c. police say they made three arrests and seized several of these atvs and dirt bikes. as for arlington police, they tell us they are reviewing severalurveillance cameras a still pictures trying to identify the suspects thatthey, too, can make some arrests. back for you. >> all right. meag meagan fitzgerald. it isl ille to operate any dirk bike or mini atv inny public space in d.c. including the streets, sidewalks, alles, bike tra and public trails, and the d.c. police have a policy they do not chase them. i montgomery county police will only pursue riders who appear intoxicated or have committed a very serious crime. prince george's county, police will only pursue if the riders wanted for a homicide or carjacking.rl andgton county police say it's up to the officer in most cases. catholics are reacting to today's letter from pope francis condemning the latest sexual
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the church. withi it follows last week's grand jury report that hundreds of priests in pennsylvania molested more than cover-up. the archbishop of washington, cardinal donald wuerl, whose name is mentioned repeatedly in the report, movedp his monthly meeting of a council of priests to addresshe scandal. news 4's chris gordon is live for us at the cathedral ofma st. hew in northwest d.c. today with the latest. chris? >> wim, cardinalrl is apparently seeking guidance from the p advisoryel of priests at their monthly meeting. however, the archdiocese of washington would not tell us whatas discussed today or if anything was decided. tonight some people with close ties to cardinal wuerl are suggesting he should step down. trinity university in northeast washington has had a close relationship withna car donald wuerl, but trinity's president telels tuerlhe
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helped cov up cases of sexual abuse by priests in pittsburgh calls for anct of atonement on his part. >> i think theul cardinal s consider voluntarily stepping aside, not to say that he is culpable though some peel that he is, but i think t thatt is the kind of gesture of atonement that could really help catholi to see that there are teeth behind the words. >> stephen white is a fellow in cathtudies at the ethics and public policy center and attended a mass last week at st. matthews where cardinal wuerl presided a gan with a statement addressing the pittsburgh grand. jury repo >> he talked a lot about we and us, but there was very little sense of personal accountability in it. that really stood out and people were disappointed and angry about that. >> i spoke with some of the people who attended noon mass a toda st. matthews cathedral. >> i think he should be removed and step down. just due to the fact that the
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temperament of the times for this kind of thin >> iaven't made a personal opinion on that number one because i don't know all the facts. i as a layman will not be involvedn knowing all the facts. >> and some peopl t sayt a grand jury report out of pittsburgh is just one side of the sty, and the woul hiklike to hear more from the cardinal. that's the latest from st. matthews dat duro . jim, backyou. >> thanks. outside pittsburgh pressure grows to have cardinal wuerl's name removed from a high school. meone vandalized the school r sign with spray paint over his name. w> and there is still no verdict. e approach the end of a third day of jury deliberations in the trial of former trump campaign chairman paulfo ma. just moments ago the judge said the jury asked to deliberate unti 6 sack this evening which is slightly later than normal.
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manafort is facing more than a dozen federal charges that are related to bank fraud and tax evasion. he did not testify on his own belf, and his attorneys did not call any witnesses. another former member of the trump orbit could be facing soms federal charg related to financial crimes. the "new york times" first reported that investigators are focusing on more than $20 million in loans for the president's former f aer personal attorney michael cohen, and multiple people familiar withtihat inveson tell nbc news prosecutors could be indicting cohen by the end of the month or they may wait untit afte mid terms if the case isn't ready. the fbi raided cohen's hotel and office earlier this yea in connection with payments to two women who alleged they had affairs with president trump. the d.c. counsel is correcting the record after the budget director prevented him from trying to prevent the
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proposed military parade. nick mulvaney said 70% oppose the president and 59% of district voters did not vote fou president. they also say opposition to the $92 million extravaganza is non-partisan. writg in part they opposed one of similar costs even if it included the obamas, chuck brown and statehood floats made of hemp. for the first time we are hearing from the teammates of jordan mcnair after his tragic death in june. the maryland football team is telling the mediay how tll be honoring theiral f sherree burruss joins us from the newsroom with more on this. sherree? >> reporter: the maryland otball players are makinure the memory of fallen teammate jordan mcnair is neverot fon. this afternoon players stood together and explained how they will keep his legacy alive in college park. amon the ways the team will honor mcnair thi
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will be wearing his number 79 on their helmet. that number will be retired until after what would be mcnair's senior season in 2020. he'll be honored at senior day that year. maryland will also hold a moment of silen before their first two home games. mcnair's locr will be encased in glass and the school has a s scholarship fund in his name. always the team hopes to keep mcnair's memory alive. >> we come here today as the university of maryland football players to change the convimsation. it's to get back to what is important and that is honoring our fallen friend, brother a teammate, jordan mcnair. the moment that we stop saying his name and t b moment wein to forgot, his legacy will begin to fade, but we plan to have his legacy live on forever. this season jordan's spirit will be living within each and every e of us. every play we make, every snap we take will be inn's honor. >> reporter: and the mllyland footeam did have practice today and had extra cooling stations and water stations that the practice. from the newsroom, sherree bu
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rruss, news 4 sports. >> turning now to our forecast and storm team 4 is tracking big changes out there, folks. amelia draper is in the weather center. we like the breeze today, but something tells me that's not going to last, huh? y know what, tomorrow we'll dealing with thunderstorms out there during the afternooninnd ev hours and some of these likely strong to even severe, so because of that tomorrow your tuesday is going to be a storm team 4 wayther alert right now only a few isolated showers showing up on storm team radar. despite the cloudiness, not a lot of rain falling from those clouds and still around the northern neck and parts of southern maryland and over the bay, seeing light rain right now, but you can see most of the area is completely dry and most us do stay dry. a small chance for an isolated shower. currently at 81 degrees and the temperpretty nice out there throughout the day. evening hours, we'll fall into the upper 70s until 9:00 p.m. and 76 at 11:00. humid out there overnight and
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patchy f and showers are possible tomorrow morning, but during the afternoon and evening hours,endy, we'll be tracking some storms with the biggest threats being heavy rain and gusty winds. i can't rule out an isolated weak tornado tomorrow looking at the wind profiles. i'll have much more on tomorrow's storms coming up at 5:25. >> thanks, amelia. angry threats at a local mosque lead to a man's arrest, and now this man who is from virginia is facing charges for terrorizing the mbers of that arsque. julie is working that story for you and what she's learned about this suspect. >> a corontation over baby formula turns violent for a erk here at this local grocery store. why police tell us it could be part of a>>igger trend. > and a close call for some students on the first day of school. new efforts toro pct kids and to keep themho safe from t kinds of drivers. (announcer) there's a freedom about asheville.
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an unspoken inyotation to discover who u really are. come up for air. asheville. discovery, inside and out.
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♪ you said you're not like me, ♪ never drop to your knees, ♪ look into the sky for a momentary high, ♪ ♪ you never even tried till it's time to say goodbye, bye ♪
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♪ everybody fights for a little bit of light, i believe. ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. a fight in customer service over baby formula, and it's caught o surveillancvideo. >> check this out. it's hard to believe montgomery countyolice released this video that shows two women attack a worker here while trying trying to steal the formula. >> derek ward is here to show us what the clerk was asked to do before givinghe formula to them. >> reporter: what should be a run of the mill purchase turned into a cot rontation and
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center of it all, baby formula. it all started hernd surveillance inaction show these two women walking in with a double formula. an >> dd the baby form had a. >> reporter: a coveted product and keep it behind the counter locked. >> the clerk did not want to hand over the form lal without them paying for it and the suspects went behind the counter. >> reporte the woman by the hair and there's choking and the other leaves the stroller she was pushing and wades into the struggle. there's more struggling before the two women leave the store without the formula. >> criminals can steel and then the around and resell it o street. >> earlier this summer a man was charged with ten counts of stealing baby formula, $12 worth. police believe the intend was to resell it. it's not clear if that was the
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intent of the two women in this incident, but they could be looking at assaultharges and ultimately pay a high price all over baby formula. in germantown. derrick ward, newr4. >> sum vacation is over for students in the district as today mewkets start of a school year. news 4's justin finch visited excel a sdemy intheast d.c. jitters werest day met with commitment. what a welcome here at excel academy. >> it's the first day of school! >> reporter: alexander has now seen 20 of these beginning as a walker jones elementary school teacher in 1978. sinc thenhe's seen the district schools make significant strides from new multi-million dollar overhauls of schools like bancroft elementary to boosting student achievement.
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>> we've made tremendous gains over the years, not only in civility but in terms of instruction. >> before the first bell mayor bowser joined the slow down campaign in southeast ater mart luth king jr. avenue and >>wever. then. whoa, whoa, whoa! whoa! >> reporter: so close to kids, a heminder that t new school year means all of us must adaptw and fol the rules. is it hard starting back after the summer?s. >> >> reporter: in southeast the back-to-school butter flies were ying for janiya ganny, both she and her mom retooling their back-to-school routine. >> summer break i didn't have to do whatever i wanted but now i have to wake up at 7:00. >> reporter: a the back-to-school transition is difficult with a lot of households with children to make this time of year and also one that the rest us, including ust tos, will have to a as well. as you saw that car blowing through that light and
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absolutelyleunaccept any time of year, but especially with classes now back in sessi. iid ask the interim chancellor if she had her eye perhaps onul thetime job, and she said absolutely she does want it. n southeast, i'm justin finch, news 4. >> and when classes did resume today, there were about 900 unlicenses teachers in d.c. public school classrooms. annvestigation by scott macfarlane and the news 4 i-team wasals that the probl revealed earlier this summer, but as scott reports the school's top officials areom ing to fix this. scott? >> that's right, wendy. in the words of the interiman llor d.c. public schools this is a, quote, work in progress. 900 teachers are unlicensed toy which means they are not guaranteed to have all the required training. it's also a violati. of d regulations, and regulations of the school system. we foundome of the licensed or newer teachers and others are veterans and som are even members of the chancellor's elite teacher's cabinet. her toplassroom advisers. news 4 asked the chancellor
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about her unlicensed eloyees at schools opened this morning. >> the teacher licensing is important but we can guarantee we have high quality teachers because our teachers are regularly evaluate bid thed by administrators. they receive formal andinformal observations and all our teachers have completed a background checks so no one in our buildings a krill. >> reporter: 500 teachers have applied for their ls over the summer. the risk of unlicensed teachers impacts maryland and virginia. unlicensed teachers are more difficult to track if they are fired for misconduct a try to cross state lines for a new job with kids. wend wendy, back for you. >> scott macfarlane, thanks, scott. >>ou have one more trip and need something to read, former president obama is out with some of the books he's been getting to. in a facebook post mr. saama
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whether it's vacation or just a quiet afternoon reading is one of his favorite things t do in the summer. he says this year he's been abrbed but new novels, looked at an old classic and reaffirmed his faith in people's ability to move forwardmr together. obama highlighted five different books in hist. p among them a memoir about a woman who leaves ierho roots behind and another about the effects of war on family and one that looks at the effects also again of war on family. check out a link to his full list in our nbc washington app. just search obama summer reading. he's got a little more time on his hands now. a woman falls overboard from a crui ship. i know you heard about this this morning. she spent t hours treading water at sea and she's crediting yoga and music with saving her life. >> and amelia is trackin in the forecast tomorrow. what you need to know about the timing.
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i hope we can turn off our air conditioning this week. it feels like it's a-coming. >> definitely can thursday and friday night. wait until you see the temperatures on the ten-day. typically we brows and take a look at the look at the lows as well because the board 60s on which means here in d.c. and 50s in the suburbs. take a look at your weather headlines. tomorrow is the storm team 4 weather alert day with strong and even severe thunderstorms
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looking likely. some o those storm could have heavy rains, gusty winds as well. so i'm goingo be here tracking it for you all afternoon. doug, of course will be back as well tomorrow. wednesday is our transition day to tha more comfortable fall-like weather, and right now theg weekend is look gorgeous, both saturday and sunday. on storm team 4 radar i'm tracking some isolated showers and parts of charles's and prince george's county and brandywine, maybe an isolated shower but most of us stay dry. tomorrow we're in weather mode with isolated showers and thunderstorms in the forecast especily during the afternoon and evening hours. the biggest threats can be heavy rain and gusty c winds thatld lead to isolated flooding issues and minor wind damage. i also can't rule out hail tomorrow and mayben isolated weak tornado. amething i'll be keeping close eye on here during the early afternoon hours and evening hours, too.
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weather tomorrow. 6:00 a.m. there is a chance for a few scattered showers out there and patchy fog tomorrow morning. here's the mid-morning hours. still the chance for some scatteredth showers andwise mostly cloudy skies. afternoon hours, notice the bright colors that are starting to show up here on future weather. that's the potential for some of the strong and severerm thunders and slowing down the evening commute. threat . and still the for a thunderstorm and a cold front moves through overnight which will lower our rain chances and our humidity. tomorrow it's oppressive out there. on wnesday still feeling a little bit humid, especially during the morning hours and by thursday it isor coble. it is feeling like fall, just absolutely spectacular. here's a look at your storm team 4 four-day forecast, i'll have the ten-day forecast coming up at 5:50 and jim is talking about allergies and putting together the latest r allergyort for you today and we'll also have that at 5:50. tomorrows the weather alert day with the high around 83 and 84 degrees. on wednesday is highs ithe
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mid-80s and lowering humidity levels throughout the day and windy. take a look at t68s. for low temperatures, so really comfortable thursday morning. friday, a low of 65 drees to saturday off and afternoon high of 83 degrees and no humidity out there on thursday and friday >>hrow open the windows. tas well. i love it. >> yes. we have a developingto. in northern virginia. police have arrested this man for threaning a mosque according to police. what we are learning tonighte about thsuspect. >> plus, the redskins making a move off the fie t thathey hope will make them better on e it. reaction to the signing of former mvp adrian peterson. >> and airnia woman turns a passion for gardening into a way to help hundrs of people
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♪yo you know where at ross and that cute dress gets even cuter? yes. or when you can say yes... to both? sure. or when you find that brand at that price? are you kidding me? yeah. that's yes for less. and that's what ross always has in store. whoa. (sighs) yes... oh, yeah. get your yes for less at the newest ross store on rhode isld avenue.
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our top story this afternoon. d.c. police have made three arrests after dozens and swarms a ndv riders drove into the crs atvs are illegal on public property and in the streets of the districts. >> thentury of presitrump's former campaign chair wants to deliberate for at least another 45 mutes. he faces a dozen charges related
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to tax evasion and bank fraud. this is the first cas from special counsel robert mueller's team to go to jury. been a mental exam has approved for the man who attempted to assassinate former president ronald reagan. johnck hy is currently under a court supervised program whila he livest his mother's home near williamsburg. he was releasedrom a mental hospital in 2016 and there were many conditions to his release. hinckley has been trying to make the release unconditional, hence the mental exam, which is expected to be done before the end of this year. we continue to follow thats breaking nn prince william county right now. crews are looking to clear up an overturned tanker here on i-95 south of dale city. that on ramp there. the tank did not leak. fortunately road crews are training the gas from the tanker. the truck was the only vehicle involv the driver suffered some minor injuries. we'll keep yupdated during this rush hour. developing tonight, word of
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a frightening confrontation a a northern virginia mosque. >> a man is under arrest afterp ce say he began threatening to kill everyone at that mosque located in springfield. >> he also rammed some cars there. >> reporr: it all took place at theos majid noore out in this parking lot where the incident took place last night. on the eve of today's muslim observance of the festival of sacrifice, this is the m under arrest facing multiple felony charges. he's identified by police a 22-year-old zarkanan khan. he hadhreatened to kill everyone he encountered and refused to let people go into the mosque. at one point he began ram willing cars out in the parking lot, including t onet had someone sitting in it. that brought some calls to 911.
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police said whe theves a -- the overs arrived he began driving out in the roa and he began screaming and cursing at the officers. he was taken into custody, and in spite of the frightful momes no one was injured. khan facing five felony charges including abduction and maliciousnd wg. several misdemeanors as well. the mosque is empty right now. there is a prayer service coming up at 6:00 tonight, so we're hopeful that we'll be able to speak to some of the folks asiv they a here. reporting live from springfield, i'm julie carey, back for you. >> thanks, jewells. the judge granted theto eys for jaireos ramos to file a plea of not crimionlly reble by reason of insanitity. ramos is charged with five counts of fir-degree murder e and is facing a total of 23 criminal charges,n all i
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"capital with the gazette" newsroom shooting. >> ramos has pled not guilty, and his aorneys haventil october 24th to file. some people have lemonade stands or garage sales in their drivewaysut one leesburg woman has a flourishing flower stand andseas already r more than $50,000 in just six years. news 4's aimee cho introduces us to the leesburg flower lady. >> i'm cutng this pretty well. >> reporter:achel roberts is a person who never let's grass grow beneath his feet. >> have to be very quick and efficient. >> doesn't take long to get a bucket full. >> reporter: as the leesburg in lady spends hours every day in the garden and her hustle stems money fromct that these flowers go to loudoun nger relief. >> the fact that we're able to give it to the food pantry is a good, good feeling. reporter: and the work doesn't stop once she'sin side. >> i've got such an daabune. >> reporter: turning each bloom into a bouquet. >> and some folks like a lot of
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bang for their buck, readyo e somebody at a hospital. >> reporter: that's annie. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: want to put them over on the chair. >> another helper that we have >> reporter: and one thingrf colo aser flowers are her commentary. y garden cuts in except me and when i always think i'm finished i add one more. >> reporter: and once everything is perfectly arranged. t heads out her driveway where business is blooming. >> there, they look great. okay. you need a bucket? 've got one. >> okay. i'ou get it back to y. thank you, thank you. >> reporteun our at lou hunger relief. >> hi,how. >> reporter: volunteers bagging up food for families in need, foodas purch with the flower lady's donations. >> it's really such a tremendous gift to us. it's a great way to ihink brighten someone's day and even kindness for t of someone else. >> reporter: and back at home. >> i'm just appreciative for every dollar i do get.
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>> reporter: just like her flowers, roberts love of what she does continues to grow. >> if i d a't have good day i want to go right back the next day and if i have a good d i want to go back out the next day. >> reporter: in leesburg. >> bye-bye, i'll see you late sneer aimee cho, news ts4. >> rober also volunteers at that food pantry and has been going every week for years. >> thanks to all of ylp who he clear the shelters, a fabulous soturnout. me of you lining up hours before the shelters opened, and when the day was done most importantly more than a thousand animalsfr were d from their cages and in the arms of a new loving family. please remember though that those shelters are going to fill up quickly, so keep -- help us keep clearing the shelter year round by making a donation. again, thank you for always showing up with an open heart. thank you, it was so nice. >> what a turnout. >> had such a good time at animal welfare league in alexandria. it was so great. >> it s wonderful. >> a thousand. >> and it wasn't just cats and dogs. >> there were big rabbs,
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ferets and parrots. >> it was fun. we>> wow. , this might be your monday moment of zen. a stunng visualf the moon's surface. ♪ nasa created the video with a digital 3-d model based on images from its lunar recoaissancerbiter. like a nature dock, nasa used a stationary camry capturing the sun's changing shadows during a lunar day and created this video toom any an orchestra to claude debussey's "claire de lune". >> which means by the light of theweoon. e got to get you more culture, handley. >> did you set me up with that,
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rieger in there. >> tonight this woman is sharing her story of survival after falling off a cruise ship. >> and from reality tv store owner to medical marijuana dispensary. e.r tracee wilkins finds out about her new vent >> and as you're making your plansor the week, we're going to have some rain and thunderstormsre out t tomorrow. tomorrow is a storm team 4 weather alertay. much d
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a clarification for wendy rieger, clause debussey, not debus-sy. >> this british woman is re-coveringfter falli overboard this weekend and spent the adriatic sea at night and lived to tell about.c' bill neely has the story of her dramatic rescue. >> reporter: nearing dry land at last a rescue ship and one lucky woman. kay ngloaff was able somehow to stay afloat overnight until croatian coast guard officers found he >> i fell off the back of tst "norwegian" and i was in the water for ten hours. >> okay. >> so theses wonderful g rescued me. >> reporter: she was on had a high deck of the "norwegian
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star" cruiseship 60 miles out tn sea whe fell overboard around midnight. friends raised the alarm and the ship heading from dubrovnik and venice i inly doubled back and began circling the area. other ships a a plane joined the search until she was spotted in mid-morning and pulled out a mile from where f sheell overboard. she had been treading water for ten hours. >> i am very lucky to be alive, and i was sitting at the back of the deck. >> yes. >> reporter: mdics then l her away. the sea is very warm, says this coast guard officer, so the chances of survival are higher. >> when we pull up on the boat, she just sai you saved my life. you saved my life. >> reporter: one american passenger tracked the rescue. >> i'm ecstatic that she was actually found t alive. ught that that was crazy after she's treading hour for ten hours that that was even
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possible. >> repter: kay's ordeal left her exhausted, accordingo the ship's captain but otherwise unharmed. >> wow. that's incredible. longstaff told the i rescu helped that she was in shape for doing yoga and she sang to herself as a distraction from the cold. she's expected to be released today. she will board a plane to return home tomorrow. >> they have not -- areunion seven decades in the making. families divided by war on the korean peninsula get to see each other. 70 years. south koreans got temporary reunions with relatives from north korea. most of them haven't seen their family members since the korean war. during the reunions family members showed pictures of other relatives who hedyavealr dd. m eeietings were arranged as part of a reconciliation effort amid a push to resolve north korea's nuclear standoff. kids want the fast way to school, and parents want the safe way. >> jt ahead, news 4 is helping you get red for the return of
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children to area roads and sidewalks. >> the first fully minority-owned medical marijuana dispensary will soon be open in prince william county. coming up o news 4, thebo
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lar day is just around the corner. which means one more day you don't have to sit here. here
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or here havertys labor day sale means you can sit here. here or here. get $100 off every $1000 you spend for a limited time only. you deserve a better place to sit on your day off. havertys life looks good the redskins are brining i a former nfl mvp. sherree burruss with more on this big get.e. sher >> reporter: in the last hour the redskins making the news official. veteran running back adrian peterson is a membe of the .urgundy and goldch the the 33-year-old played ten games for the cardinals and saint y lastear. peterson has slowed down thas
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to injury, missing 19 games over the last two seasons, but he's still one of thenfl's all-time bests and was the league's bamv ck in 2012. trent wilams who played with peterson at oklahoma said the running back isn't hungry. he's starving and cal d playing wipeterson again a dream come t true andned credit to him where adrianne has gotten to this point. more from the man himself adrian peterson coming up at 6:00. wendy, back to you. ee she burruss. she's the youngest owner of a medical marijuana dis-pencepe in the country and will be opening her own shop with the help oer mother. our county bureau chief tracee wilkins talked with the bowie native about the ups and downs of breaking into the very trlucrative cannabis indus >> this is a volcano. op reporter: 26-year-old wiseman had an interesting business idea just after >> i realized that maryland was
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about to start their medical cannabis program. >> reporter: so sen pitched oping a medical marijuana dispensary to her mom who is a dentist and dr. larry bryant, a family friend. so when your daughter came to you and said i want to start selling marijuana, what did you think? >> i didn't look at it from that perspective because she didn't present it in that perspective.i >> the three qly learned it wouldn't be t easy open an african-american owned and operated medical marijuana dispensary. >> there's a lot of barriers besides capital but capital is one of the most prevalent,es cially in the minority community. >> reporter: once licensees made it through the costly and lengthy bureaucratic state process, there was the obstacle of finding an actual location. zoningchallenges in the here in prince george's has been well documented and is one of the most difficult places in state to locate. >> reporter: lobbyist darryl carrington helped craft the
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legislation for legalize marijuana and is representing clients who want to open disponsaries. he'srned about access to dispensaries in prince george's county. >> we're creating medicsee s and the whole intention of the program was so patients would be the have to travel too far outside of t their homebe able to access theirci me. >> reporter: that's what hope to stopmom are trying with the opening of their capital heights location. >> we're just here to helphose ople who need our help, those sick children that have epilepsy, those a wlts may have alzheimer's orther diseases. that's what we're here for. >> reporter: prince george's county is allowed to have up to 16 medical marijuana dispensary, reo per legislative district. so far t are four up and running. in capital heights, tracylk s, news 4. >> if hope wiseman looked familiar she's a cast member on the "e!" show "wag."
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>> aer qua million pregnancies were looked at, and they found 5% of woman in a self-reported substance abuse questionnaire g their ijuana dur first trimester. that study focused on women in northern california, so it not apply to the entire country. national guidelines recommend women not use pot ove concerns about a baby's development. getting the kids tochool n get complicated in the morning. life is so much eaner when they walk or bike themselves to class. news 4's chris lawrence is working for you to find out what your kids need to know before you send them out on their own. >> is tough trying to determine the right age to your kids walk or bike to school. >> i think it has to do with the chil c >> when ies to her boys. jordanay carr it depends a lot on maturity and other kids living nearby. >> he k rwsht to go from school to home, walking with friends, probably the second or ehird grade. >> reporter: polay that's a
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good age to start a walking school bus wherene mom or dad picks up multiple kids on the way to school. >> you have certain neighborhoods where, you know, one parent takes them on nddnesday and monday the other takes it on tuesday and thursdays and one parent does ay frid >> reporter: master police officer ally eggers says when the kids are 9 or 10 years old they may be ready to go it alone. >> at that point, youknow, they understand, you know, safety. they understand, you know, stranger er, things like r:at. >> reporhe tells parents walk the route with your kids before they do it on their own. >> the parents know that path. they have already walked it with them and have discussedertain areas of concern and if a driver pulls up asking for diregaions don't . >> i always tell my daughter. you're a child. helping another child is okay. an adult typically should not be asking a child for help or assistance. >> reporter: if someone walks up on them, what shouldhey say? >> i think, you know, get back, you're not my dad, you know, and that whole mentality.
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id reporter: remember, rg a bike through rush hour traffic is a lot different than the bike trail. >> and i would say if they are going to be cross the street, they need to get off the bike and they need toalk the bike across the street. >> reporter: because the goal is getting to school on time and in one piece. >> that was cis long reporting. the news 4 i-team is taking a look at dangerous driving near the schools and finding out how police a cracking down. amelia joins us now with a cloudy day out there, cloudin ev we won't be air to see the claire de lune. >> wendy is the expert. >> she is the expert. >> but we can listen to claudes de. >> yes, we can. too young for the reference. just want to go on the record, am uia. >> id to date claude, that's how i know how to say his name. does that make you feel better? >> allig. meanwhile, you're talking allergies and pollen or mold out there? >> well, we'reeeing mold spores coming in high.
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grasses are moderate and weeds are also coming in moderate so if the allergies are bothering you, there's a lot of stufffl ting around in the air that's probably causing them to cause you issues out there. take a look. grasses a weeds moderate and mold spores coming in high. you guys are funny. as we take a look at the rain outlook, rest of the workweek and first half of the weekend, good chance you're dealing with rain and storms tomorrow at about 80%. widespread rain in the forecast tomorrow. l have dry time as well. as we get into the afternoon and evening hours, some severe thunderstorms are possible out there. wednesday there's the chance for some afternoon showers and then after that on thursday, friday and saturday we keep it completely dry. some really nice days towards the end of the workweek of tht ri now on storm team 4 radar i'm tracking a few isolated shower out there in parts of prince george's, calvert and anne arundel county and stafford and king george county andouut
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dahlgren. these are slowly moving north and kind of fizzling out as they are movingorthward. maybe an isolated shower out there tonight, but for most of us it will be mtly cloudy. turnly our temperatures also in the upper 70s and lower 80 81 in washington and 79 in gaithersburg and we'll start off the m tning withperatures in the 60s and low 70s at the bus stop and patchy fog is possible so you do want to keep that in mind as the kids are waiting for the bus and a chance of a out there tomorrow afternoon as well. by recess, scattered showers and maybe even a few rumbles of thunder. there's chance that recess is indoors 79 degrees at that point, and a high tomorrow around 80 degrees. similar to today with clouds and thunderstorms at pickup. activities tomorrow possibly impacted by weather. headed to the playground tomorrow, wednesday and thursday, tomorrow is a better indoor day with scattered thunderstorms in the forecast. wednesday i think you'll be okay. just abo% a chance that
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you're dealing with some showers later in the day, and onay thur it is looking spectacular from start to finish. feeling a little bit like fall out there on thursday with low humidity and highs in the low 80s. low 80sgain on friday, and on saturday we have highs in the mid-80s. the humidity levels still in check. by sunday the humidity starts to creep back into the area and it's hot with a high around 990 and the weekend rightow, keeping it completely dry and good news there and check out nexte week. we not done with the 90s. low to mid-90s monday, tuesday, wednesday and next thursday. wendy and jim. >> all right. it is still august, in fact. amelia, thank you. big change on a busy bustling road. >> drivers may want to pay clo attentiono the speed limits on is road. >> reporter: from 35 miles p hour to 25 miles per hour, drivers along this bus of road better be rea tody
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a speed limit just dropped from 35 miles per hour to 25 on a busy area road. this is route 1 anotherhe very busy potomac shopping area. our transportation reporter adam tuss tellss the city believes this will make that road safer. >> reporter: signs, signs and everywhere there's signs that tell the story. >>ah. >> yeah like 25 now. i know, i'm not happy about it. cars orter: nearly 40,000 a day ride along this stretch o
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route and for many drivers like matt klieman let's just say this is going to be an adjustment. >> well, i mean, you know,t's like, you know, you go 40, 50 and it feels like, you know, you're obeying the traffic laws and you realize you're 15 over. >> reporter: judging by our own scientific study a lot of the rs will have to tap breaks here more often and this is what its like as we maintained 25 miles down the road car after car passing by us, while alexandria recently adopted a zero vision plan toin elate all traffic related fatalities and serious injuries. ute 1 was an obvious area of focus. hillary orr is with the department of transportation with the city of alexandria. >> one of the reasons we chose route 1 with all the development in potomac yard and the changes in the corridor over the past few years the speed is designed already for a slower speed. >> reporter: plenty of traffic leaving pedestrians crossing the street what was once more of a
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boulevard is becoming a neighborhood street. really this is a story playing t across the entire region. >> i think it's a good dea to put 25, you know. >> and a heads up. police say they will be out enforc ng the speed limit and ease up if you don't want a ticket. >> how much time would dropping the speed limit ten miles an hour really add to your commute. city officials here only going to add less than a minute to drivers along this corridor. in alexandria, adam tuss, news 4. now at 6:00, new video showv riders wreaking havoc and spreading fear on our reets. >> you heard just the huge idundering like roar, and i looked ou and it was shocking. >> so why is it so hard for police to track them down? >> crime cover-up in the catholurch. >> we get it. been there. done it. what are you doing to fix it. on >> reporter: tht pope francis addresses the scandal of involving predator priests as
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the cvatican promises not to repeat its past. >> reporter: and the news 4 i-team looks into the safety of school zones. theti alarming sics on crashes and violations and what's being done to try and prevent it. >> reporter:aking news. wheelies, dodging traffic and atvs swaed on the roads from d.c. to vir nia thisweekend. >> yeah, and now police are looking at video like this rying to track down those riders. but it's not going to be easy. >> news 4's meagan fitzgerald looks at the challenges facing police. showing no regard for the law the safety of others, atv riders saturated several quadrants of the city, poppingwh lies, and weaving in and out of traff and running red lights and in some cases nearly missing


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