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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  August 22, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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wrong. >> why your pets need protection, too. >> because she doesn't have enough businesses oo >> oprah to change the frozen pizza game. >> news 4 at 5:00 starts right now. news 4 at 5:00 begins with breaking news. hi, everybody. that breaking news right now unfolding. the northwest d.c., uppert northw.c. where a young woman and child were let by a o crossus as they tried the street. >> the woman is 18 years old. she was actually pinned undernea had to be pulled out. all of this unfolding as a nearby schoong was let out for for the day. you can imagine the chaos. >> let's get straight to pat collins live at the scene in chev chase. pat? >> reporter: jim and wendy, a scy accident todaynvolving a metro bus, a you woman and a little girl. it happened at the intersection of mckinley street and broad branch road. ey say this bus, this e-6 bus coming from friendship heights
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to knollwood, a retirement community nearby struck the woman, pned her beneath the bus and also hit a young girl in her care. we'vd obtaineome cell phone video of the firefighters taking the woman away. after they managed to rescue her from beneath the bus. we're told she's about 18 years old. 're told she was with a young girl, 4 years old. that that gir is a student at lafayette school, which is only about a block away. twe're told that teachers from the school had joined the parents with the little girl at the hospital. both the girl and the woman are said to be in ser but they're expected to recover from this very scary accident. now, i talked to some witnesses, and they described what it was like when it went down. >> i saw the girl underneath the bus, i said, well, you know, she
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died, but she didn't. she was blinking her eyes. >> we kept her talking. >> what did she say? >> just, you know, making sure she was -- could talk and making sure she was all right. she did okay. w she calm. >> and what about the baby in the stroller? >> i didn't see the little gl but she had -- the baby, she had a scratch on the face. she was bleeding from one side. >> reporter: we have a young woman, a reker, a little girl who is in a preschool program at lafpette school u the street, struck b this bus at the intersection of mckinley and broad branch road. they've been taken to the hospital. they're in serious condition. they're expected to bekay. in the meantime, the ation into the accident continues on. llw back to you. >> right. pretty scary there. thank you, pat. a mother in maryland is
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vowing to keep her son's memory alive after he was murdered. she cradled her you son's baby boy here in her arms today as she made a plea for justice. lamont adair jr. was shot and killed earlier this month as he went to play basketball. news 4's meagan fitzgerald is live for us in sea pleasant tonight where a vigil is underway rig now. meagan? >> reporter: jim, that's exactly right. dsdozens of frind family members gathered just behind me here just moments ago i the same location where lamont adair was killed. they're calling on the community, anyone with information about these murders to come forward. she, the mother of lamont adair, minded the community that now a young boy has to grow up without hisatr. pictures and videos of the two of them together shows just low much lamond him. >> come on. go to slp. >> he w 24 years old. >> reporter: lamont's mom, darlene, says basketball was his second love. dyhe was getting r to move to
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china where he was going to play profes donally. >> hn't care if they had a gym open at 2:00 in the morning, he would go playbasketball. >> reporter: but two weeks ago, lamont was walking on grieg street heading to a rec center to train whee was gunned down in broad daylight. police say he was targeted but so far theyaven't made any arrests. >> we believe he touched a lot of lives and it's a shame hepa ed right here on this street right here i a such callous way. od >> reporter: t his family and friends are lighting candles and saying prayers in lamont's memory. >> no justic no ace. >> reporter: they're walking from where he was m tdered the rec center he never made it to tha day. they want c themunity to know that lamont may be gone butil h spiritnever die. now, lamont's funeral is expectedo be held saturday in landover. t k to you. >>s such a tragedy. all right. meagan fitzgerald. thank you, meagan.
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ngton cardinal donald worrell's name is being removed from a catholic hig school in pennsylvania. now, this move comes just days after the schl's marquee was vandalized here. take a good look. an online petition called for the removal and the school's trustees say cardinalwuerl also asked his name to be removed. the fallout comes after a pennsylvania grand jury report on priest sex abuse found cardinal wuerl to be part of a big cover-up. he denies that. it will now simply be north cathly high school. president trump says he did nothing wrong. this comes a day after his rmer fixer michael cohen pled guilty and implicated trump in a federal crime. also, a jury convicting trump's former campaign chairman. ot say te house did whether the president is considering a pardon for paul manafort and in regards to michael cohen, the president claims payments madewo to t women who allegedly had affairs
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with trump were not illegal.s herehat he had to say in an interview with "fox & friends." >> in fact, myirst question when i heard about it was, did they come out of the campaign? because that could be a little dicey. they didn't come out of the campaign. but they weren't -- it's not even a campaigviolation. >> asked repeatedly aut cohen's plea, white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders argued that the president didro nothing and is not facing any charges. so joining us now to help break all of this down, nbc's senior political editor mark murray. the president isn't facing charges but aside from it being dicey, do these payments nstitute a violation and are republicans reacting to it on the hill at all? >> yeah, wendy, i just want to go back to wt the president ended up saying in that innerview on fox , where he said this money didn't come from my campaign, it was other money. that is precisely the issue here
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td what michael cohen was pleading guilty on campaign finance charges. when you end up having campaigns, you can't actually re andoney from elsew make campaign-type moves with that money coming from other sources. and the fact that i wasn' part of the president's campaign is exactly the issue here.ey it was m coming from elsewhere that was trying to influence a preside wial electih payment to stormy daniels and others. that is the heart of the issue here. >> what if it was comin o out the trump foundation? i know the new york prosecutors -- inves into that. looking is that an issue for ohen and heuld there be any charges if there is a problem that are outside the president's ability to pardon, if you will? nd we ty,around him, is that this co sstually end up spiraling into other iues. as you mentioned, looking at the trump foundation, going to the heart of the mueller probe as well if mr. cohen has any
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information there. that is worth remembering in all of thi what ended up happening yesterday with michael cohen is now being handled by robert mueller, the special counsel. he handed this off to the southern district of new york office, prosecutors there. so the russia investigation still goes on. the kind of question is, do you end up starting to connect some of the dots between michael ohen and the russia investigation? the white house continues to say there was no collusion. this has nothing to dohe with russia story, but it very well could in the days and months ahead. what should we take away from paul manafort's verdict yesterday? what's the bigger picture on this? i mean, it's getting a little complicated with all of these moving parts. we needrd white to kind of follow it. >> wendy, it's getting complicated. ,he big picture in all of this, paul manaforthe campaign chairman in 2016, you have the president's attorney michael hen, attorney and fixer, the former national security adviser, people who have all either pleaded guilty orco icted by a jury. that is quite a rap sheet with a
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president who hasn't evenis completedecond year in office yet. forbe sure to keep it here all the latest from the nbc just ahead on "nightly news" with lester holt which comes on right after news 4:00 at 6:00. r virginia's gover weighing in on a controversy that surrounds the residents who are losing their home a they expand i-66. two weeks ago, news 4 first reported the homeowners felt they were beingnf treatedrly in this relocation process. and today our bureau chief got a promise from governor ralph northam. >> reporter: ten hn iomee thr i6 for demolition being taken from the state by the process of eminent d bain. oneongs to this 82-year-old. with the help of her state delegate shared her worries with my colleague. c homeownersomplaining they were getting little information or help i finding new comparable
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homes. >> so it kind of puppets us in limbo, you know, that w we don' knt's happening. >> reporter: today on wtop, i ask governor ralph northam about sidents' concerns. >> i was very upset when i heard that and we're making c that we're taking care of these families. >> reporter: the governor tells me he put v d.o.t. on notice to make thingsig. consequently there has been a change in the relocation company assigned to assist families. >> our home is our special place, and when someone knocks on your door a says that, you know, you need to move, we're going to tear your house down, that's significant. again, i'm very sensitive to that and ireant toat these people the right war: >> reportedolores' worries were only growing becausehe has knee surgery set for monday and can't house hunt right now ut she's encouraged by the governor's promise and the meeting residents just had with vdot. >> it's encouraging he's on board with us and he's going to do the best he cano get the ball rolling, too. >> reporter: residents tell me the real test is still ahead
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when they find a new home that meets their needs. will vdot and the company put the money on the table quickly enough so they can grab that home in thisl hot rea estate market? i'm julie key, news 4. all right. let's turn to that forecast. folks, you're about toe not a big and better different out there in the days to come. >> amelia d tonight.t wolf trap way to go. >> i know,? rig it's a lovely evening for it. last night we would have been dealing with heavy rain and storms, but tonight we're tracking lowering humid y and more comfortable, cooler air moving into the area. now, behind me it doesn't look like the kind of wolf trap thati we hav our minds. you can see all of this beautiful foliage out here. wolf trap is actually a national park as well. so coming up at 5:25, we' going to have more on kind of ye hidden gems here at wolf trap that may not know about. i definitely learned a few things today. right now take a look at the satellite and radar.
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still tracking cloudiness down there in southern maryland but the showers are over. we're not a worriedut any rain tonight. still holding at 84 degrees across the tear yeaen the concert gets underway we'll be falling into the 70s. 11:00 p.m., a comfortle 74 degrees here in washington. temperatures in the suburbs lready in the 60s at that point. tonight is the night, wendy and jim, if you're not heading down tto wolf trap enjoy the weather, at least open up your windows and let fresh air your home overnight. we're falling into the 50s and 60s overght. >> it'een awhile since we've been able to say ia, have fun out there. >> we're going to talk more about the bus stop coming up at 5:25. >> we'll loo forward to that. thank you. it is one of the area's llrst bottlenecks. let's say it together now, i-95 south. it is a nightmare. any time, day or night, even at 3:00 in the morning. just ahead, what's they're going to do to address that. are they adding lanes? where a theydding lanes and
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how long is it going to be before you can feel like you can move through there without any headaches? >> so many questions. plus, the new ways d. schools are trying to keep students from ing distracted their cell phones in their classroom. all of this wet, rainy, soggy weather giving rise to mushrooms right here in fairfax county. i'm david culver here in virginia. just ahead, t we're going share the frightening encounter one family had with the wild mushrooms and why vets tonight are warning those of you. ho have pe that's a story you don't want to miss. stay right there. we are just getting stard,
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. we've got a warning toornig as you get to eat some dinner. a family from fairfax county cooked u wild mushrooms and wound up in the hospital. david culver in nnandale with >>e alert for residents and pet owners. eporter: the soggy summer giving rise to lots of these,
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wild mushrooms. for adventurous eaters, they look tempting, but tonight first responders say do not do it. >> there are mushrooms that grow wildly in this area that can be incredibly toxic. it actually can cause liver failure and death within aup of days. >> reporter: this dr. with fairfax county fe and rescue recently treated a family of three. they picked mushrooms like these, cooked them into their dinner, a few hours later they were in an ambulanceith severe stomach pain. >> more so than just taking them to the hospital and we like to overall ke sure their care and well-being is being taken care of. sk >> reporter: his team at fire station 8 to try to track down the exact mushroom type. >> why is it important to id otify the exact type mushroom? >> if you're wrong, you end up with a liver transplant or you die. >> it's like a scavenger huntin look for an easter egg. the whole crew split up. >> reporter: they eventually found the rerht one and we
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ble to properly treat the family >> they're both very picky. >> reporter: but the wild grdth also a hazor your pets. if you're on a walk with your dog, the vet recommende doing thre things. if you think that animal has consumed one ofthes one of the wild mushrooms. first, they want you to snap a picture, then potentially collect it, put it in a baggy and then get your pet to the vet. >> so that we can go ahead and make them throw it up. a lot of times if you get it out of their system it won't cause any of the issues. some of the rlly toxic ones are deadly. >> reporter: on two legs or four, the advice play it safe and keep away. in annandale, virginia, david culver, news 4. >> you have to watch out for the pets and act quickly. health officials say even if you cook the mushrooms that doesn't lessen the possibility getting sick. before you throp oopen the windows tonight, we are still dealing with the damage from
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heavy rainssh yesterday. out part of stumptown road in loudoun county. there are twog gap holes in that road now. vdot says the road is going to be closed at least throughve tomorrowng while remember pairs are being made. and flooding in northeast d.c. forced elliot middle schayl to close t we learned it's going to be closed for the rest of this week. ward's six council member visited the school and posted on pictures of the damage twitter. take a look. are seen making repairs today but the school says students are going to have to go to garnett patterson middle school for the rest of the week. transportation will b provided in the morning and back again in the afternoon. >> not getting the time off. extend b summer -- ore you went, yay. >> too bad. let's get the word on the weather. amelia knew how to pick the day for >> what brings you there? >> i mean, well, what brings me
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here is the fact that we're kind of celebrating summer out here. it's a beautiful evening. take a look behind m yo come to wolf trap, typically for music, but just beautiful out here with all of the gardens, the natural plants here. i just learned this today. i knew because of the signs, . they're brown it's a national park. but i'm joine here with ken bigly of the national park service to talk to me a little bit more about what does wolf trap have to offer aside from concert?rful >> well, thank you. wolf trap national park for the performing arts is one of 417 ubts of the national park system. we are the only national parkte dedi shrivel to the performing arts. one of the visions behind this park from the very beginni is that this would be a place where people could enjoy world-class performance on stage and experience it in the beauty of nature. we showcase severals apeke aspe atural world. we have several native plant gardens that people can experience.
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we have 2 miles of walking we h a very active friends eails. group on the first sunday of every month. pele are able to take a guided trails.ough our native we do picnics, fall foliage. it's a great place to visit year-round. please come out and see us. >> i have to say driving here today from our station in northwest washington, it was just such a quick trip out of the city. got from our station to here in just over 20 minutes. it was really nice. as we take a look at the weather cast, that's also really nice. thpecially after all of the rain atweesvet h on recoadrd. we're looking at some gorgeous weather tomorrow through saturday. 84 up here in washington. 85 over in annapolis. tomorrow at the bus stop it's going to be amazing,0s a 60s. for all the loudoun county students, best of luck. you're going t have a fabulous
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recess on the first day of school. rt toumidity levels s build into the weekend on sunday and by monday it is feelinges opve. we're going to enjoy tomorrow with that high of only 82 degrees. friday, a high of 84 as we look to saturday, in the mid-80s again. ut there 90 degrees on sunday. sheena's going to join me at 5:45 with the full-d t forecast because 90 on sunday isn't the only 90 in our forecast. we're going to have more on that. i don't know if you can hear, th have aound check underway. great night to be outdoors celebrating our area and everything that wolf trap has to offer. >> so much. you mentioned the plants, t music, wendy and i are also talking about on the lawn, bad news is permitted, wine and gear galore. >> there are a whole bunch of by boomers performing there right now. >> uh-huh. our kind >> see you in a bit. let's get ready for a chili dog. making a -- marking a milestone.
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>> the mayor was there. jesse jackson. a lot of dignitaries. a new name on that street. the iconic restaurant turning 60 today. and ourmillenes asci place in the community. t no secrehat shopping for school clothes can be a pain. >> they don't like white t-shirts one day. one day they don'tike buttons. >> at 5:45, angie goff tells us shop for asy way to shop for asy way to kids that
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♪ you said you're not like me, ♪ look into the sky for a ♪ nemomentary high, ♪knees, ♪ you never even tried till it's time to say goodbye, bye ♪ fo ♪ everybody fights r a little bit of light, i believe. ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. which means one more day you don't have to sit here. here or here havertys labor day sale means you can sit here here or here. get $100 off every $1000 you spend
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r a limited time only. you deserve a better place to sit on your day off. havertys life looks good
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e>> d.c.'s marvin gaye park has a skruptur honoring its amesake. theist behind it tells us her concept was gaye's what's going on album he released in the '60s. at that time, a lot of serus issues including police brutity and the vietnam war. she says the central question, hat's going on, can still be applied today. >> that is stunning. well, it is a staple in washington, d.c. a piece of history and a landmark, too. we're talking ben's chili bowl and it celebrates 60 years.
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today dignitaries, customers and the cremunity gathe to mark the very special occasion. it even earned its own street name, ben's b chilil way. news 4's millet green gives us a taste of its long history. >> reporter: six decades sizzling on the grill. still in high demand, ben's chili bowls landmark location. >>hink of all the things that have happened over the course of these six decades. wee been here looking out on to the city. >> reporter: his parents ben and virginia ali opened the restaurant in 1958. it thrived along a corridor once known as black broadway. during the 1968 riots, many ruin.sses here left in ben's was the only place toin repen during a three-day curfew. it survived that and other turmoil, including a heroin and crac cocaine epidemic in the city and a deep economic slump
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in this part of town.s ben' customers kept ordering those half smokes on u street, prompting a move to now change the street name on this stretch. >> they had to change it because this has been here all of these years and taken care of people through m time. >> mom will be 85 this year. it's really special for us to celebrate r:her. >> rep 60 years at this location. serving up history as a d.c. legend. >> as you can see, media mogult hughes is on the stage. she was surprised to learn today that her image is one of two new images to grace the famous ben's chili bowl mural along withhe reverend jesse jackson. part of the 60-year celebration- and y event going on today on this new stretch and the city s now deemed this day ben's chili bowl day. in northwest., d along ben's chili bowl way, news 4. >> howungry are we? >> it can be ben's chilvebowl
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day day as far as i'm concerned. >> she looks amazing. e was there, her kids, her grandchildren. we sawhe street name with a brand new stamp tonight the celebration continues with a gala at the lincoln theater right next door. >> proceeds are going to ben ben's chili bowl foundation which supports the surrounding neighborhood a community. i didn't know they did that. no texting, calling, no social med for students in the district.l a new technique used to keep d udents from being distrac in class. a new plant that looks a whole lot like pot now growing the estate once owned by george washington. we're going to get a look at the new hemp harvest at mt. vernon. > i-95, isn't it a beautiful trip dealing with all your fellow drivers onhe road? moreanes coming to l
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. you're watching news 4 at 5:00. now to a big plan that drivers hope will drastically cut thef amountime they spend in traffic. >> this is happeningth at one o e worst bottlenecks in our region. now vdot is planning to add three newo lanes eventually ease that traffic kruchb. -- crunch. >> adam e tussxplains how it may
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save you some time behind the wheel. >> reporsr: 150,000 vehic a day on this stretch of i-95. now a man to try to fix the conggtion. nothin is ever easy on i-95. >> it's a nightmare. it actually is a nightmare. >> reporter: even during a ground breaking ceremony to add new lanes, a whipping wind and rain seemed to ominously hang over this announcement. driver darcel blackman sums up i-95 this way -- >> not only pack a lunch, bring a becae you're going to need it, i swear you are. >> reporter: help could be on th way. this is a big announcement. three new lanes are coming across the rappahannock river. >> reporter: six new miles of lanes, to be exact. southbound traffic will now be separated with local and thru
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lanes. th tricky part will be building a new southbound bridge across the river. once again, the work has started. it's going to take some time to get this bridge built and these new lanes built here in the fredericksburg area. the anticipated completion date, 2022. in fredericksburg, adam tuss, news 4. >> new questions being raised today about what we learned during michael cohen's plea deal that could eventdslly be gro for impeachment for president trump. >> some big questions. yesterday, president trump's former atto, as you heard,er admitted und oath that he willfully violated those campaign finance laws at trump's rection. cohen says two payments were made in an effort to silence women heve belie would hurt mr. trump's 2016 presidential campaign. >> nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins us now to take a look at the whole impeachment issue. can a president be impeached for
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something he allegedly did before hereasdent? >> that's the big question. now, this all comes up because the general t view at justice department is that you can't indict a sitting president, so he couldn'trge c with a crime. that's been the longstanding view und both republican and democratic administrations. the u.s. attorney's office that brought these charges againstn cohes bound by it, so is the special counsel. now, obviously a prosecutor, any prosecutor, robert mueller, any could ask the justice department's deputy attorney general or the attorney general for an exception, but that doesn't seem liky. so that's why this question of impeachment comes up. the general view of legal scholars is impeachment is the recourse for misconduct in office. >> mmm-hmm. >> it's aen punis against a public official. so that's why your question comes up. the answer turns out to be who knows. of course it's been untested in court but there is a school of thought among legal scholars who says -- who say, yes, that you
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can charge a president under very narrow circumstances, you can impeach a sitting president for something that happened before he was elected. the precedent here comes from the constitutional convention debates from george mason who said that a president could be impeached for trying to corruptlylu ice the electoral college to get president -- to become president. this argument goes, ll, if it's an impeachable offense to try to corruptly electoral college, it may also be an impeachable offense to try toorruptly influence the election, at least that's the theory. >> and pete, what if there was any possible obstruction that occurred after he was president? >> well, phat'ssumably what robert mueller is looking at. >> would that be impeachable? >> very definitely could be peachable if the house concludes that there was obstruction, but, of course, that's sort of one of the questions that has led to this issue of whether you can charge or indict a sitting president. gain, the answer seems to be
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no. but obstruction, you know, high crimes and misdemeanors doesn't mean simply offending the law, it's intended to be a political punishment, but if the house were to conclude there was obstruction, that would likely be grounds for impeachment. >> if the gop ili contr the legislature, this is a moot question, perhaps? >> perhaps, yes. >> whether it happens before november or if it wou happen after november, too. >> well, i think we'd certainly ha to be after november to wait for robert mueller's report. >> all right. pete williams, thanks so much. >> harnthanks, pete. >> out in front once again. the death of a man struck and killed while riding his bicycle in the bike lane has prpted district officials to make some serious safety changes. d.c. officials tell us the plan to widen the sidewalk right her and realign the bike lane in the area of m street and new hampshire avenue northwest. everything kind of comes together the if you've ever been in thisrea. at's where a truck dlieded
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with 36-year-old jeffrey longnen 7th. he attempted to turn right on to new hampshire. less than 1/2 mile from circle. long died the next day. whene come back on news 4 at 5:00, she recently bought a stake in a healthy restaurant chain. >> now oprah has plans for a new line of frozen pizza that bears her name. and a frightening scene caught on camer as the police chopper lift-off that went terribly wrong. well, the clouds are m out and the low humidity is moving in. we finally had that cold front moving through. this is going to bring some very welcome changes to the area and cooler tempetures. there's more to life than the climb.
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there's the view. you've got to stop and look aund a little. come. shed life's layers in asheville. let the child inside you out tolay. remember who you are. life is for the not for taking it ea asheville. discovery, inside and out.
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all right. check this video out,ks f a helicopter barely made it off the ground here. look at that before stray winds led to this mishap in arkansas. surveillance video capturing those moments adds the chopper starts to lift and barely gets airborne before slamming back down on to that pavement. the blade w up digging into the ground before flying off. police say the pilot who had to bet pulled out lat wreck with a head injury. well, oprah is now getting into the pizza business. on store shelves today, her new
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frozen pizza line, she teamed u with kraft hines creating the oh, that's good line. 1/3 of the crust made from cauliflower. each ser has between 280 and 300 calories and will sell for about 7 bucks aie. if you'r wondering why she's getting into the frozen pizza game, there is the whyot question, but also annual u.s. sales of frozen foods are a $53 billion industry. >> whoa. >> you know oprah wants a piece of that pie. i want a piece -- we need to come up with some frozen food. >> cauliflower's not going to do it for me. 280 calories on a pizza, how good can that be? >> for $53 billion, i'm going to try it. >> we were hoping to have some. it's not out yet. national shortage of a life-saving allergy drug causes concern. ahead of 5:00, the steps the fda tising to ease parents' anxiety about access to these epipens. e >> just in t for back to
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school. new clothes for your kid delivered to your doorstep.
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the temptation for students to use their cel phones at school, at least least one d.c. high school has been put to rest. wilson high school in northwest has implemented a pilot pthgram requires the students to lock up their phones while they're in class. news 4's chris gordon explain how that's going to work. >> reporter: wilson high school is starting a school year with m new progrhat creates a celon free classroom. the goal is to eliminate distractions for the students and teachers. >> we'reh tarting w slower implementation plan. we put a lot of thought and a lot of work into how we want to ement it so that students and parents get the most benefit and see theenefit of having a cell phone-free school. >> reporter: when students entr theiclassrooms, they are required to shut off their
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phones, put them in what's called a yonder bag which is locked and left on their desk. oat the end class, they're called up to the front of the classroom to unlock the bags ing a special magnetic device. students seem to accept doing without their cels phones in clt some are expressing concerns. >> it's not very likely, in case there was a school shooting or something, a teacher said it would take a couple of minutes to unlock all the bags in a classroom and that could be very precious time. >> if there's an emergency and i can't get to my phone i would start to panic myself because i would want to make sure my mom ows i'm okay. >> reporter: a d.c. public school spokesman tells me in case of an emergency the school will communicate with the students over the intercom system. if there is an evacuation, the students will be responsible for bringing the base outside so students can receive their cell phones. chris gordon, news 4. >> every.c. public school has
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its own cell phone policy. wilson high is the only school using the yonder bags. a plant once grown by george washington mht turn a view ksads out at mount vernon. it l like pot but smoking this will not get anybody high. hacking downome of the estate's new hemp harvest. university of virginia researchers planted it back in may and it has since thrived. the idea is to show visitors how people have used hemp in a riety of ways since the late 1700s. >> hemp was a very important crop for washington in the 18th century. he needed a lot of hemp to generate the fibers that he needed for his large fishing fleet. so he was growing hemp on all o his fiv used to clothing, ropes, textiles, even construction. while also comes from the cannibis family, unlike marijuana, hemp doeson notin the psychedelic ingredient thc.
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an important update if you carry an epipen. today the fda said certain epipens still work up to four months after their expiration date. pens with a .3os milligram fall under that extended expiration date window and soo generic versions with dates of april to december of ts year. it will hp cover shortages. the kids get their mail andd mom and get to keep their sanity. a new fashion trend tha delivers stylish clothes right to your house. addressed to your child and tailored just for them. angie goff finds out if this booming box trend is worep it. >>ter: shopping for school clothes with your kids. >> it's not an enjoyable experience because they tend to run around in all different directions. >> repter: let's face it, they'd rather be playing and parents lik lisa and scott
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mcfarland have things they'd rather be doing, too. >> which state has the capital of tallahassee? >> reporter: which is why they turn to aox to skip the stress and th istore. >> ta of not having to them them out to go shopping is nice. >> reporter: lisa decided to try kidbox, offering personalized kids outfits shipped right to her door. online ly admitted an quiz about her son's style and personality. >> no, i want to open it. >> reporter: from there, they sent seven quality items by well known brands. do you like the clothe? >> yep. >> reporter: you only pay for the ones you nnt, which jonathan's case was the entire box. for $98, lisa paid about $14 per tiece and gave back. >> for every box te delivery perfectly to a customer, they're going to keep that box and that provides us with the ability to donate brand-new products for children in needov >> ie getting packages. >> reporter: likekidpik,
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requires no membership. it's a box service jt for girls with trendy clothes, shoes and accessories. edmy 7-year-old l it all. jackets, shirts, skirt, pants, sneakers, purse and denim dress for about $120, all desigd by kidpik. >> i love he they m this because you can't feelny of this. >> reporter: anothercrox substion for boys and girls, rockets of awesome, also creates their own clothes and you can peek inside thenl boxe and change items before they ship. there is a $5 setup feent thee box of eight items is about $150, which is about $19 per item. >> so all of these services include something like this, a prepaid envelope to return oran exch anything for free. they also com withree little gifts. some of the come with crayons or very popular squishies. most importany, areakdown of all the clothes you got, how much they cost and how much you saved. angie goff, news 4. >> back to schoolo days are different now. oscouple of questions to
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consider when cg a box service, is there a styling fee? is there a roccurring subscription or no membership service? finally, what are the perks? some companies like kidpik offer a 30% discount if you decide to keep the entire box. scott mcfarland's guys kind of liked. >> yeah, they did. >> the kids are getting big. >> a giantake for a giant panda. look at this cute bei brs. 3 y old today. ebrate ers helped him c with a cake almost as tall as he is. the panda fans got to share a special moment with bei bei at e zoo today. time is limited. now that bei bei is turning3, he will have to go back to china when he turns 4. so one moreyear. his older bring and hisister bao bao are already back in china. a fruit cake, literally. >> he's loving every inch of it. that's a big one.
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>> so sweet. time to head back to wolf trap's spectacular day out there. amelia draper has an even better looking day tomorrow in the weekend, too. >> it's so beautiful o here, guys. right now the humidity levels have dropped since we got here only a few hours ago. you can see folks ling up to get the coveted seats, the best seats on the lawn where you can bring your picnic, your food, your drinks and just enjoy time with family and friends. speaking of friends, i made a new friend abigail who is here. who are you most excited to see, michael mcdonald or peter cetera? >> peter. cete >> favorite song? >> "you're my inspiration." okay. i lov that. i love that. this is what i love, too, when you have the lawn seats, y can bring in whatever food you want. what food did you and your family bringn tonight? >> just chick-fil-a. >> just chick-fil-a. i think that was t the rightng to bring in. just chick-fil-a is like the best thing to eat at outdoor
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summer concert here to celebrate the end of summer here. as we talk about the weather right now, temperatures still coming in in the low to mid-80s. 84 degrees in washington. a nice wind out of the northwest that is helping to bring in lower humidity. more comfortable air coming down from t great lakes and canada. take a look at tomorrow morning, ou're stepping out the door to 66 degrees in washington. temperatures around 60 in the suburbs. even some 50s out there. really refreshing, really comfortable. as we look to the rest of the day, sheena, it really doesn't get all that bad. gorgeous day at a overall tomorrow on our thursday and the nice weather really continues. something we haven't been able to say in a long time around here. >> oh,ah, amelia, the nice weather is going to continue all the way into theon weekend. of the last weekends of the summer, unfortunately, but it's a good weekend to mak surehat you really soak it up. so you can't say -- you can't make any excuses basically for t being outside. it's nice outside right now.
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the clouds have all cleared. lower humidity. the cold front's moving you'll definitely notice it later on this evening. tomorrow morning, take a look at the forecast, some are in the upper 50s. tomorrow morning feeling a ttle more like fall. breezy by recess. lots of sunshine, 74 degrees. by the time you pick them up,e areas couldn the upper 70s. if you're gardening tomorrow, looks good in the morning. breezy. temperatures in the0 mids by 8:00. lunchtime, 77 degrees, low humidity, perfect weather topping out around 82 degrees. overgrown orchids to be divided andor repotted b they begin to flower. they say you should do this one to every two years. good gardening tip if you're going to be out on the lawn tomorrow. erature wise, below normal tomorrow, high of 82. we are backun a 90 degrees by the end of the weekend. the really nice weather is going come to an end because the
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heat and humidity is all going to come back. sunshihe is cross weekend. no rain. expecting more humidity as we go into sunda with highs around 90 degrees. if you're at the beach this is going to be one of the cooler spots. friday, 78 degrees. plenty of sun. the warmest day at the beach will be sunday. only a high of 83. gat's still really nice. then we into next week. look at these 90s that come back and it will be humid. look at that, also, we don't have any rain chances, not for about ten days. the dog days of stomer are going eturn after a little bit of a taste of fall we have. amelia will have more details on our nice weather cominghead next. >> thank you, sheena. know why everybody goes canada in august, this air coming in. you don't want to be in hawaii. hawaii is bracing for f thest hurricane to make landfall the in 3years. >> it's a big one. a category 4 storm. how residents getting ready wa
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your prescription costs. st drop in.... before you conk out... see what you.ight save at cvs pharma o high alert in the hawaiian islands. >> yes, they are. residents there are preparing ne for hurricane >> let's take a live look. lane is now a category 4. nbc's chris clackham is showing us how hawaii is taking precautions for this rare direct hit. >> reporter: paradise in the strike zones hurricane lane creeps closer to the hawaiian
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llands. >> hurricanee isse a very ous storm that has potential to do damage and cause >> reporter: the major storm is churning in the pacific and is expected to bring hurricane-strength winds to the aloha state within the next 24 hours. many worry the big island could see a repeat of 1992's huicane, the strongest storm to ever hit haii, costing more than $billion and six lives. as workers clear streams and channels of debris left by last month's hurricane,ls officia are warning lava evacuees to head indoors to shelters. closing camp grounds and beach parks. >> we don't know where this storm will hit. everyone should be prepared. >> reporter:ts residenre lining up and stocking up. traffic on the big island backed up as people rush to fill up. >> i've been here for about nine
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years and this is the first time it's really scaring me. >> reporter: the islands in a stateenf eme as hurricane lane moves in. news 4 at 6:00 begins with breaking news. off the top tonight, exclusive video of a rescue effort after a womanins pd ader a metro bus. >> it was frightening scene, the victim was hit as she tried to cross the street with a child. all of this unfolding as kids got let out of class at a nearby >> news 4's pat collins has been talking to the witnesses there. he's live at the sne in chevy chase. pat? >> reporter: wendy, it happened rightl as schoo was letting out. a scary accident involving a metro bus. a young woman and a little 4-year-old girl. this is cell phone video of a young woman who was pinned
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beneath a metro bus and rescued by firefights. this happened near the intersection of mckinley street and broad branch road. it happened nearby lafayette elementary school right as school let out. ey say a metro bus struck the young woman and hit a little 4-year-old girl. the young girl is in the preschool at lafayette. the young woman is her caregiver. teachers from the school had joined the girls' parents at the hospital. both the girl and the young woman are said to be in serious condition but they're expected to recover. i talked to some witnesses who wereere when it happened. >> i saw the lady, she walked underneath the bus. >> did she say anything? >> no. just only ty were working, you know, the fire department were working because the lady she was very close to the


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