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tv   Today  NBC  September 6, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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inside job. good morning. inside job. who wrote that blistering op-ed. a senior official inside the aministration calling president trump moral ill informed and erratic. the finger pointing paranoia and suspicion erupting at the white riuse. >> an anonymous eal. can you believe it? anonymous meaning gutless. was it anct aor krcourage or we are live at the white house. supreme show down. >> i don't live in a bubble. i live inl the rworld. >> the contentiousrm conion
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hearings dragging late into the acght. set to another grilling today but has he done enough to secure his seat on the high court? double trouble, the remnants of tropical storm gordon now soaking the south and midwest raising new flood fears while in aeantic a massive new storm brewing. florence a strong category 3 hurricane. why the entire east coast needs to keep a close e on the path. plusrnreaking oveht a deadlyhq eartuake rocks japan triggering landslides, blackouts, and a frantic search for survivors. wall of flames. the dramatic moment a wildfire explodes in california trapping drivers on a busy highway. and doubling down, nike un veils a new commercial featuring new star colin kaepernick. >> believe in something. even if it means sacrificing terything. >>he kneeling controversy entering its third season which kicks off tonight.
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the defending super bowl championship eagles hosng the atlanta falcons. and al and chanelle have made their way to phiy ah of a big game today thursday, september 6th, 2018. >> announcer: from nbc odws, this is ay" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. we are going to begin with shock waves and big ones and also a guessing game over the source of that scathing anonymous op-ed aimed squarely at president trump. >> this is an earthquake in washington. one of those unprecedented moments in political history. a blistering essay written one of president trump's own senior officials and even aste speak, j this morning members of his cabinet are having to come forward saying it wn't me that wrote it. the reaction, the guessing game that's consumed. the white hou
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what "the new saying about roximatthis the dilemma that the president does not fully grasp is that many of the senior officials in his own administration a working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda. i should know. i a one of them. to be clear ours is not the left.r resistance of the we want the administration to succeed and think many of the policies have already made america safer. that is why many trump appointees vowed to do what we can do to preserve our nsdemocratictutions while forwarding mr. trump's more misguided until he's out of office. the rt of the problem and his immora immorg im engagn rants and his --
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and decisions that have to be walked back. he goes ono say it may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but americans should know there are adults in the room. we ful recognize what is happening. we're trying to s rht even when donald trump won't. these are quotes from a senior official inside the white house working for president trump this morning. >> we do have cplete coverage including reaction from former cia director and truc cri john brennan but we will begin with nbc correspondent peter alexander. >> reporter: preside we are told erupting after learning about the sho ing op- savannah just read in part. volcano i c is mao mahow many describe the mood. president trump pushing back tweeting i am draining the swamp
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and the swamp is trying to fight back. don't rry, we will win. this morning a warning rattling the white house fm within. president trump lashing out after "the new york times" publishe an unprecedented anonymous essay from a source described asio s official inside his own administration. >> i am part of the resistance inside the trump ad wnistration. n you tell me about an anonymous source inside the administration probably who's failing and probably here for iml the wrong reasons, if the failing "new yk" as an a nonio a -nymous, meaning gutless. >> later in a series o tweets demanding that the person does indeed exist the tes mustor national security purposes turn him or her over to governmen at once. that explosive op-ed detailing a
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secret group of top aides, quote, working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and w hisst inclinations. i would know the author writes. im one of them. the bombshell triggering an intense guessing game inside the west wing and across the nation's capital. explaining i decision t times insists the jwriter'sob would be jeopardized if their idtity was revealed. the official praising some of the president's successes but arguinghey've come despite not because of the president's leadership style. the group's mission, quote, to do what we can to preserve our democric institutions while thwarting mr. trump's more misguided impulses until he's outf offices. one particularly stunning allegation the official describes early the cabinet of invoking the 25th amendment to remove the president. but no one want the to precipitate a constitutionalcr is. americans should know that there are adults in the room, this person adds. we fullyecognize what is
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happening and we are trying to do what's right even when donald trump won't. all of it punctuatingnoer dramatic day. the predent already fixated on "fear" the book that portrays he white house in the midst quote, nervous breakdown. >> if you look back at woodward's past, he had the same problem with other presiddwt. >> wd telling nbc news he stands by his reporting. the whi house was clearly stunned by this op-ed. taken behind the scenes for a moment. after it was published i wanted to get the white house'son reac i went into the west wing, handed a printed copy of the op-ed to the communication official. he said it was the first he heard of it. sarah sanders said this coward should do the right thing and resign. >> a couple things. what is "the new york times"
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saying aboutho this might be or what kind of vetting they did cad what about the guessing game? imagine the finger pointing is on at the white house. >> reporter: this morning wrore hearing "the new york times" the opinion editor saying they felt00confident this senior official was who they say they were, that they did background checks and the like. they also indicated that t "the new yoes" will at no point reveal this person's identity. as for that guessing game, it is fierce this morning. twitter immediately latched on to the writer's use of th word road star. that's the word the vice president has used inpeeches from time to time. was it vice president pence? his office definitively denies it was him. keep in mind tois dis the statements, officials in this administration routinely use language that might sound like somebody else just tor cover th tracks. in india today secretary of state mike pompeo this morning says he didn't do it. the bottom line, there is this
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sense of betraya the president doesn't know who's loyal to him and who's out to get him. let's turn to former cia director john brennan. he served under multiple presidents, republins and democrats. you are certainly a trump critic and the president took your security clearance. with thathe i ask you you read this article, got interest suspects? you worked i government a long time. >> i have no idea who wrote it. >> let's set aside the sstance of what this author said. what about the daring of it? i mean, what's your reaction to the id that somebody is going to wake up and report to work at the white house or in the administration wrote this piece about a sitting president? >> well, i think there are two major takeaways. one is what thete author w is wholly consistent with all the reports that we have seen over the last year. the reports within bob
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woodward's book and how unfit and irresponsible donald trump is. hecondly it shows the depth of concern within administration, within the senior ranks of the administration about what is happening and the extraordinary steps that individuals are willing to take such as this op-ed to prevent disasters. and active insubordation. it is. but insubordination born out of loyalty to the country, not to donaump. this is not sustainable to have an executive branch where individuals are not following thef orderse chief executive. >> let's put a fine point. it probably took somebody some courage to write this. would you see this as a courageous actor would you describe it as more of a betrayal? >> i guess it'sll in the eye of the beholder. certainly the administration sees it as a betrayal. it's courageous. it's risky. it is so unusual to raise questions about it's so
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abnormal these times that people are doing abnormal thing. people have criticized me forea ng out as a former director, but i see all the warning signs of looming disaster as does this person. >> do you think this may be unter productive? you put this in writing. president trump tweeted overnight saying he's going to drain the swamp. do you think this will actually add to the problem? >> ioi think it's to have an impact in terms of a cumulative effect. the memorial service for john mccain and very eloquenten stat about the american values that are not being followed by donald trump., secondhe bob woodward book and now this. i think y see just a continual sort of increase ico the ern, the extraordinary measures that people are taking. i do think things will get worse before they get better. i don't know how donald trump is going to react to this. a wounded lion is a very dangerous animal and i think donald trump is we still haven't heard from the mueller team in terms of what else might be out there.
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>> can i ask you one other thing? you're former official and i'm sure you've had your moments where you weren't loving the press or the questions, but mike pompeo said it shouldn't " a liberal newspaper o"the new chose to print such a piece and i have to tell you i find the media's efforts in this regd to undermine this administration incredibly disturbing. he's pointing the finger at the purveyor of the information as n who wrote he per the article. >> this is consistent with what donald trump has done which is to degitimize the free and open press because of the concern that the press is exrosing theems of this administration. so mike pompeo is i think followingt t line. the president has done a very good job, now there is pressn bothhe right and the left that i think has been rather hyperbolic, but i think "the new york times" and the mainstream prints newsp as well as the networks need to make sure that
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they're not going to go too far and overreach on thle. butly things are reaching and what happens in the days, weeks and months ahead is going to determine how much damage will be done to this country. >> thank you very much. we appreciate having you here. now to the fireworks o contentious confirmation hearinb tt kavanaugh are entering day three. hallie jackson has been covering them all week. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. today senators will get their second chance here with brett kavanaugh who has been fielding maybe unrprisingly supportive questions from republicans and combative ones from and on some key issues. particularly those related to presidential power and matters hat might come up with the special counsel. it's what kavanaugh didn't say that's making headlines. after nearly 20 hours facing fire from democrats, more of it today supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh.
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>> judge kavanaugh, that's not the question. >> his opponents zeroing in on presidential power and its limits under the law. >> c a sitting president be required to respond to a subpoena? >> i can't give you an answer on that hypothetical question. reporter: on that clear reference to the special counsel who may try to force president trump to answer questions, a anflection from kgh and not the only one. >> president trump claims he has an absolutely right to himself. does he? >> the question of self-pardon is something i have never alyzed. >> i hope for the sake of the country that remains a hypothetical epquestion. >>ter: republican senator jeff flake asked a tweet slamming his own department of justice. >> that requires me i think to avoid commenting on any current events. >> reporter: the judge did say not even a president is above the law promising to be
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independent from the man who nominated him. no one extracted any promises about a key abortion rights r roe v. wade. >> i don't live in a bubble. >> i watched for a little while. i saw some incredible answers to complex questhens. an outstanding intellect. he's an outstanding judge. he was born for the position. >> reporter: but protesters at the capital don't think so. with a record number of interruptions at kavanaugh's hearing, police even clearing the public seating section at one point. >> do you think his performance, kavanaugh's performance has helped him or hurt him when it
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comes to h chances of getting confirmed? >> when you talk to people who are watchbsg this,ving this, there's not a lot of people who think kavanaugh hurt mself. republicans in particular do not think kavanaugh has made any serious temi. you never want to make any productions until all those s are counted, but right now barring any wil surprises, it seems this kavanaugh confirpetion vote will h by the end of the month. we turn to craig with another big ston happening capitol hill. >> there was in fact yesterday another show down wednesday. topxecutives at facebook and twitter were braced for the worst when they went befe a senate committee. facebook ceo cheryl sand burg and twitter ceo jack dorsey faced questions about how their platforms will stop foreign meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. in a surprising shift away from criticism, senate democrats and republicans praised them both for their efforts, both dorsey d sandberg admitted it took long to recognize the problem and facebook agreed the
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shoulder should help the responsibility for eliminating hostile foreign ents. alex jones was also there and he was protesting the tech codanies which have ban him and his website. when senator marcoubio stepped outside the hearing, alex jones confronted him. >> that's why the deep platform didn't work. >>eon't touch again. i'm asking you not to touch me. >> i'm asking you nicely. >> i don't want to be touched. i don't want to know who you are. you're going to get arrested. i'll take care of it myself. >> he'll beat me . >> i didn't say that. >> senator rubio eventuallywa ed away telling reporters, they could, quote, talk to this clown. we turn to northern california where wildfires burning out of control has forced evacuations and shut down a major interstate. >> that just caught on fire. weannot stay right here. >> the delta fire is burning in the national forest north of redding.
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more than a dozen semi trailer trucks were abandoned on i-5. a 10-mile stret was later closed in both directions. so far the fire has burned more than 5,000 acres. this morning major weather concerns. flooding from remnants of gordon and the track of a now storm, florence. al is keeping an eye on both things. he's in philly. >> first of all, we've got gordon to ditl gordon is still a prtropical depression, a low pressure system that is going to be bringing big problems. 25 miles per hour winds. moving st/northwest. it's going to interact with this overfront to kind of stall the mississippi river valley today and tomorrow. flooding rain from this slow low.g saturday and sunday the low merges wit the front. look at the rainfall amounts. in parts of the mississippi
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valley,he 6 iof rain, could be 10 inches or more and then hat rain moves over to the east. we're talking 3 to 4 inches of rain possible. and we're watchingurricane florence, a category 3 storm right now. it is currently 170 miles east/southeast. 115 mile per hour winds. 's moving northwest at 12 miles per hour. it's a slow track, but sometime around tuesday we hao worry about that around 3:00 a.m. 125 mile per hour winds. does it affect the east coast in tell.too early to we'll be dealing with that later on next week. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds approximate.
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good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteoroucgist bell. hazy sunshine over washington yet again. current aemperatures very warm already. 79 in washington. 81 innnapolis. 72 gaithersburg. 73 fredericksburg. ay will be inhs t the low to mid 90s. there is a chance for an isoled shower or two along the i-80 corridor but not much of a rain threat. afternoon high 95. heat index over aundred. cooler weather and higher rain chances ahead. that is your latest weather. we've got mike, the count down kick off. tonight the eagles taking on the falcors. we've got coming up. back to you guys. >> they're so rowdy.
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>> all right, coach, pierre-louis see you in a little bit. coming up, a lot more from philly and that colin kaepernick ad that has everybody talking as this new season kicks off. >> and monica lieu wiesky's mom. what she's about to reveal about her affair witn. bill clinto first this is "today" on nbc.
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,oming he mayor coming up, two interviews, the mayor of washington, d.c. introduces us to a new baby girl, one she just adopted. >> and cher, what she's sharing wi us about her new music, her life and how she stays to glamorous. glamorous. but first your loca everything that touches your baby should be this comforting pampers swaddlers, the #1 choice of hospitals, is 2x softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection
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♪oh, it must be love ♪let me tell you now, oh it must be love♪ with new beauty steals everyre! single day for 21 days.f beauty. that's 50% off our most loved brands like tarte and too faced. so hurry in, they go fast... the event ends september 22nd. staying at hampton used to be for college football. now you drive 300 miles to watch this. yes! flag dancing? we've been there. and with free hot breakfast, we'll be there for you. book at for a guaranteed discount. hampton by hilton. ♪
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♪ ♪♪ 7:26 is your time now on thisursday, september 6, 2018. good morning you to. i'm eun yang. >> and i'm aaron gilchrist. we start with breakingews, confirming tyler tessier was found dead this morning in the facility i rockville. jury selection was under way for his murder trial. he was accused of murdering his pregnant girlfriend. itas about aear ago what en laura wallace wenermissing. >>ody was discovered in a grave and shortly after that tessier was arrested. we'll have more later today. we want tock cn your commute. how are the roads looking?
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>> southbound 95 north of the ver bridge we do have a vehicle off the roadway. northbound delays and southbound through that section. w waldorf a closure, utility work. purple means a shutdown. 270 southbound we arelow. southbound before montgomery village, broken down trucks. delays remain. we' take a breaknd check your forecast next.
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good morning. another storm team 4 weather alert to get you ahead of the heat waiting for you outside afternoon. today's high temperature near 95 degrees. only a tiny little chance for a thunder shower primarily in t sh shenando valley. heat index over 100 degrees. it's going to be an ugly hot day today. tomorrow rain chances will be increasing. there will be a chance for
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showers tomorrow.oi if you're g to the beach this weekend, kind of rainy. if you're here at home kind of on the rainy side too. >> back to "the today show" after this short break.
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7:30 now thursday morning. it is the 6th of september, 2018. we've got some eagles cheerleaders, fans galore and ad anhanelle down in philly this morning. the stage is set. kickof tonight for the nfl season. reigning champion gles. and it's a home game. >> we're so excited when th time of year comes. a special home coming for chanelle jones. she happens to be born in philly. her kids were born there. she's going to introduce us to her favor ce spots in they of brotherly love. we'll have more on tonight's game and from those two in just a moment. >> the pride of philadelphia. before we geter the, let's get a check of today's headlines.
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president trump demanding that anonymous person who wrote "the new york times" op-ed criticizing him be identified, quote, for national security purposes. wthe opinion piece wastten by a senior administration official who claims to be part of the resistance to trump. the author says many trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting mr. trump's more misguided impulses until out of office. white house press secretary sarah sandersaid thefficial is a coward who should resign. rescue ares are scrambling to reach survivors buried by landslid p after aerful earthquake hit japanth 6.6rn struck a nort island this morning. knocked homes off of their foundations and caused entire hillsides to collapse. at least nine people have been killed. nearly 300 injured and dozens more still missing. nearlyld 3 million house were left without power. at least 10 people were
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hospitalized wednesd after a flight from dubai to new york city. the flight was quarantined for several hours at jfk after more than 100 passengers reported being sick. the cause of the outbreak has not been confirmed but they were experiencing fevers and coughs approximately health officials suspect it was influenza. the kick off tofl the season. many fans excited for their favorite teams to return to the field. also in the spotlight the debate over player protest in anthem and the news ron mott has made his way to philly. >> they love the eagles here. everyone pumped about the game between the eagles and the falcons. the n is still catching heat for playersneeling during the national anthem and then here
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comes nike adding what many say is fuel to the fire. former nfl quarterback colin kaepernick the face of protesting. a new ad campaign is putng him front and center. >> believe in something even if it means sacrificing >> reporter: the first commercial in nike's new 30th anniversary just do it campaign set to air during tonight's football game. >> don't ask if your dreams are crazy. ask if they're crazy enough. >> reporter: the new ad which kaepnick narrates encouraging people to chase their dreams. it also includes otherike athletes like serena williams and lebron james who showed his support last night in new york as he accepted an award forpy philanthnd fashion. >> i'm here for anybody that believes in change and i stand with nike. >> this country stands for freedom, liberty, justice for all and it's not happening for
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all right now. >> reporter: since n announced it was using kaepernick in the campaign, it ves been threatened with boycotts, some burning their shoes on social media. the president voicing his coedinued oppositionsday tweeting i just find it hard to watch and always will until they stand for the flag. philadelphia eagles safety malcolm jenkins says he believes taking a knee is patriotic. >> at the end of the day i'm fighting for people, forci zens that have been o pressed for centuries. >> reporter: the nfl wch has seen ratings dip releasing a statement that reads we embrace the role and responsibility o everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful positive change in our communities. social justice issues that colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action. nfl owners tri addressing this issue back in the spring. they gave players two choices.
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one, stay in the locker room, or two, stand on the field during e national anthem. the player's union objected and both sides back at the bargaining table. in the meantime colin kaepernick'somplaint against the nfl for collusion moves forward in arbitration. >> ron, thank you. >>ak we want to a closer look this morning at the biggest lines heading into t new season. for that we turn to nbc sportsman mikeo tir also in philadelphia. tonight's seaso opener. good to see, yr. >> good morning, craig. ladies. >> let's start with the protests. first of all, you suspect we'll see more of those this season? and why after thr seasons has the league not been tieable to aandle on that. think we'r: i don't see more. we say see more here or there. presidential tweet might put a
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mana s on the field.t what there has been conversation between the players and the league. i think the players messaging about social injustice has gotten out. beyond the headline of alar my kneel or protest, there has been good work done. the problem o the league side, they didn't get this solved in the off-season. they hadha ae to. you have 32 different owners, 32 different teams and often 32 sets ofopinions, so it's been hard to come up with one real answer here. >> mike, let's talk football. a lot h been happening in the off-season. there are new coaches, some big huge new deals. odell beckham, jr. just signed one. giveome things we can look for in the coming season. >> without question you go to the quaerbacks. the teams with the great quarterbacks seem to be the ones that everyone responds to, so tom brady and aaron rodgers, thosms t gain immediate attention. for the fans at home, it's in
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the nfc conferenceshere th eag and falcons are. they might have six of the best teams in the national football league. every year there's parity. a lot of great teams have opportunities to get there, but the super bowl could see very well the patriots return to that game again. they're a notch above everybody else in the afc. >> we see aot of patriots jerseys around this studiut let's talk ahe reigning champion eagles. guesses?to venture any >> reporter: the birds will win. the falcons or eagles. how about that? >> you should run for office. >> repter: philadelphia's carson wentz who was on his way r not ng the mvp last y back from a knee injury. nick foles, the super bowl mvp comes they're lucky they have a backup quarterback until wentz comes . ba atlanta was this close to beating the patriots in the super bowl and this close to beating the eagles last year.
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if the eniles win t, i utink the home team usually gets the nights whereyp the championship banner. >> it's going to be a good game. ll be happy. >> we're going to see you tonight for the season opener. covege at 7:30 with football night in america right here on nbc. >> that's one of the best theme ngs. >> i get so excited. fall is here. philadelphia getting readyeor ig game. mr. al roker, how l is itk? are we going to have nice autumn temps? >> it doesn'tny feel aing like fall. i mean, it's going to be aot game tonight and there could be some thunderstorms. we're here. we've got not only the cheerleaders for the eagles, but we've got the vince lombardi trophy. of course as they continue to spell, we are looking at this ophy made by tiffany's
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they're making a replica that will go at the stadium. the envy of every other nfl team because of coursehey've got it. let's show you what we've got weather wise. it will be a scorcher up and down i-95. 39 million people at risk. heat index values 95 1 to degrees. look at these temperatures today. it's going to feel like 100 degrees in new york city all the way up io into boston. it's going to feel like 99 in raleigh. then this front pushes through and nice cooling air comes in. ok at those temperatures into the 70s as we get into the weekend from chicago down to greensboro and back up intyo ne city. and into boston. that's what's going on around e country here's what's happening in your nick of the woods. >> good m. right here at home in the d.c. area it is a very humid start the day. temperatures in the mid to upper 70s across the areare already. fueather here has a small chance for a few showers later on this afternoon and this
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evening. primarily up along i1. rain chances are very, very low. afternoon high temperares will bevery, very high. in the low to mid 90s. heat indexes today up over 100. rainy weather at th beach this weekend. rainy weather here at homes well. that's the latest weather. swoop has the s rer bowling. it looks so much bigger in person. it's amazing. >>k l at that. it's so shiny. >> talkbout some bling. >> a lot of cubic zirconia in >> these are all real diamonds. >> we've got a lot coming from philly. still "ahead, atoday" exclusive with the mayor of washingown, d.c. and she's a first time mom. mayor muriel bowser introduces us to her baby girl, the one she recently adopted. catching up wit the unstoppable cher. she's going to show us why she is better than ever.
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yes, she is 72 years old. >> plus in pop start the moment that broht the cast together with actual band members from queen. >> but up next, monica lewinsky set to open up about yourr affai with bill clinton like never before. we have the details coming up right after this. let's go. bye, mom. thanks for breakfast, mom. love you, honey. with quality ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella is sure to bring a smile to breakfast time. nutella. spread the happy. your to-do list is crazy. which is why the online finance application at is so convenient. get some of that finance stuff done from wherever you are, like at the doctor, karate or... back at the doctor. ha ha ha, yay kids!
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about bill clinton and the white house intern monica liewinsky. >> a an air in november revealing one of the biggest political scandal in modern history. this morning monica lewinsky is headed to cable tv appearing in a new a a&e documentary series. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> the serie purporting to expose new details about the oval office affair thatth gripp country. >> she's now a middle aged woman of 45 and it's clear that she wants to find her voice and introduce herself to people who maybe have a carto image of her in their minds. >> a&e says monica lewinsky sat with them for multiplete rviews and they talked with other clinton a accusers. clinton tas denieir allegations. in an episode viewed by the
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hollywood reporter, lewinsky speaks frankly about being in love with clinton and the now famous dress she wore during a tryst with him. i don't much 're going to learn about logistics of the affair, but i think there's things t learn about how people experienced it and how theyeflect on it two decades later. >> in recent months monica lewinsky has stepped back into the pnlic eye february writing an essay about the me too movement. >> do you still expect that apology, a personal apology? >> i'm so soy, i'm not going to be able to do this. >> she drew attention for ending a live q&a after an interviewer asked whether she expected an apology from bill clinton. that suspect raised recently by kr craig in an interview with the former president. >> i do not -- i nev talked to her, but i did say publicly on more than one occasion tt i was sor. >> separately this morning
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details about an upcoming book that also centers on clinton's impeachment from the man who led the charge. according to the associated press, ken star writes in his upcoming book the country would not have beenragged through an eight month ordeal if monica lewinsky had cooperated with the probe from the beginning star writing she was the most visible casualty. clinton tells the american people saw through starr'sye pursuit 2s ago and will see through his present attempt to rewrite history toincate his own sullied rutation. monica liewinsky had nothing to add to starr's book. the clintons are not in the docu series. they did contact the clintons and perhaps not shockgly they
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declined to participate. still ahead, we're going to et the mayor of washington, d.c.'s brand new baby girl as she shares her emotional s adoptionry with us. but first, this is "today" on nbc. now, are you really not going to notice the underwear you're wearing? no. no, you are not... excuse me, do have anymore of those pistachio scones? because it's made from incredibly light material. and no panty lines, so no one else will notice either. and going unnoticed can sometimes be quite nice. guys, i need someone to work the weekend. - karen, see you saturday. - what... unnoticeably light everlight from fruit of the loom. i think lucky the leprechaun found his unicorn on a from fruit of the loom. marshmallow island in the sky,
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7:56 is your time now on this thsday, september 6, 2018. good morning you to. i'm eun yang. right now we want to check on ur morni commute. >> the problem here right now, we have 301 between 228 and holly lane. utily work did have tt shut down. valley view drive, all lanes blocked, car crashed into a pole. like look 2 aechb70, a little b. take a quick break and check yourt when we come back. stay with us.
7:57 am
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good morning. i'm storm team 4 muceorologist bell. already back up to 80 degrees in washington after being below 80 ut two and a half hours temperatures in the mid 70s in the suburbs. going to be a hot one again today. the slightest chance of a thunderstorm in the shenandoah valley. afternoon highs will be in low to mid 90s forost areas. cooler weather starts to arrive for tomorrow. 85 on noticeably cooler but a whole lot of cloud cover and rain chances for your weekend. >> chuck bell, thank you. anotpdr local newse for you in 25 minutes. for now back to "the todayshow" after this short break.
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it is 8:00 on "today" coming up, inside job. new fallout this morning from that explosive "new york times" op-ed. an anonymous senior administration official making troubling claims about president trump. the president firing back. >> you believe it? anonymous means gutless. a gutless aeditorial. re live at the white house. plus mayor and mother. >> she's yours. >> she's my baby. >> we'll catch up with the mayor of washington, d.c., the first single mor sing nation's capital. all about her emotional adoption story. >> did you knot was just a matter of time? >> i feel like that part of me was missing. i knew that i had a lot of love to pour into a child. >> as she introduces her baby
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girl to the world. and time to cher. the music icon opens up about her brand new album, legendary career, and why she's better than ever at age 72. >> if you would have asked me will you be singing at 72 i would have said i won't even be here. >> thursday, september 6, 2018. on our way to my 45th high school reunion. >> from big country to the big apple. ur good morning nbc montana. >> we support o veterans around the world. >> we're from cleveland, ohio. >>y celebrating m parents 25th anniversary. >> my birthday. >> turning 63. >> and my 49th birthday today. a come back to "today".
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we love that you're here with us on this thursday morning. irthdays out there. >> do we just have the cutest plaza some i think we do. >> bar none. >> folks wearing their t-shirts d jerseys supporting their favorite nfl teams. >> kickoff tonight. >> let's get right to the news at 8:00. we'll start in washington. the search is on for the senior administration official who wrotehat blistering "new york times" op-ed. it is rattling the white house and the finger poiing is on. peter alexander with the very latest right now. good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. olpresident trump we are erupting after learning about this shocking op-ed. alliesc is how multiple and eds describe his mood. the writer details a quiet resistance. tweeting i'm draining the swamp and the swamp is trying to fight back. don't worry, we will win. this morning the white house reeling from what ppsident
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trums calling a treasonous display of loyalty within his own administration. the president blasting the anonymous senior administration official behind a stunning "new york times" op-ed. tweeting if the gutless anonymous person does indeed must fore times national security purposes turn him or her over to government at once. the writer says they're part of a secret group of senior trump appointees, quote, working e parts of his agenda to and his worst inclinations. the author notes while the administration has had successes, they've come despite not because of the president's leadersh. sty describing half baked ill informed and recioess dec that have to be walked back. the official even revealing there were early whispers within the cabinet invoking of 25th amendment to remove the president but that they feared a constitutional crisis. >> there's an anonymous op-ed that says i am part of the
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resistance inside the trump transportation. >> if the failing "new york times"as an anonymous editorial, meaning gutless. >> reporter: the explosive og sed comin after a bombshell book from bob woodward that portrays the white house in the m midst of a, quote, nervous breakdown. >> the book means nothing. 's a work of fiction. >> reporter: ivanka trump and jared kushner hosting reality star kim kardashian to discuss the clemency process. on capitol hill brett kavanaugh heading into a third day of hearings after deflecting tough questions concerning the president. >> can a sitting president be required to respond to a subpoena? >> i can't give you an answer on that hypothetical estion. >> reporter: back to that anonymous op-ed, the press secretary here,an sarahrs responded in a statement writing this coward should do the right resign.nd wild speculation today who may
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be behind it. it's intensifying that sense of distrust. the vice president's office taking the step of publicly nying that vice president pence wrote the op-ed. twitter accounts on the writer's use of the word load star, a word pence has used in speeches from time to time. also this morning in sergeant of state mike pompeo said it wasn't him, so the guessing gam grows. savannah, hoda, craig, back to you. >> a lot of senio officials saying not it. peter, thank you very much. meanwhile north korean leader kim jong-un says he wants learize the peninsula b the end of president trump's first term. kim and south korean president agreed to hold a summit. no work on practical steps reducing nuclear tensions. this morning president trump tweeting this as well. kim jong-un korea claims unwavering faith in president
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trump. thank you to chairman kim. we will get it done together. we got your news covered. awe a u all want a little boast? most of us take happy birthday greetings for granted, but this 4-year-old were stunned when two waitresses helped him celebrate with sign language. the cute thing about this is the waitress didn't know sign language but when they noticed him,boy's mother signing to they went on youtube and quickly learned one phrase a sang happy birthday. >> that is so awesome. >> they bet gr haveten a real good tip. i love that. >> just ahead, an american icon. >> when the world comes to an endbe there will cockroaches and cher. >> we are here for it. the superstar getting candid
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about being cher. anunforgettable interview with her coming up. >> fifrts trst the mayor of washington, d.c. introduces us and the world to the beautiful baby girl she just adopted coming up right after this. dates, almonds and cherries. just 3 real ingredients. the delicious cherry pie larabar. larabar food made from food. where are we taking him? i have no clue. we're just tv doctors.
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if this was a real emergency, i'd be freaking out. but thanks to cigna, we can do more than just look heroic. we can help save lives by getting you to a real doctor for a check-up. nurse, this thing's defective. please don't touch that. we are the tv doctors of america. together with cigna reminding you... to go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses! cigna. together, all the way. ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time.
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♪ (camera clicks) ♪ (humming along) (music crescendo) this morning on today's talker, an exclusive i and it's something close to your heart. >> we are talking about adoption. washington, d. added another t title to her resume. she adopted a baby girl. she's a mom. she hasn't talked to anyone about it, but this week she did invite us tond meet her new ughter. >> come in, hoda. >> oh my god, i don't know who to hug first. >> you look beautiful. thanks for coming. this is my baby miranda. she's looking forward to meeting you. >> at only 14 weeks old, miranda
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elizabeth bowser is already shaking up washington. >> she's yours. >> she's my baby. >> and giving mom, mayor muriel bowser, her most important job yet. >>re running for reelection. you're running a major city. you have a new baby. >> i do. >> how are you handling this avalanche of goodness? >>, had couldn't be more perfect. >> mayor bowser started the doption process late last year keeping it private from most family and friends and then in may she broke the news she was a mom. >> did you always kind of picture yourself as a mom? did y see yourselhat way when you were -- >> i'd say i never thought i wouldn't be a mom. i got into politics andunng for office and i get to have the best job in the world. i wanted to focus on how i could also he a perfect little baby. >> i always felt like something was missing but i pushed it away because i felt like i have enough blessings in my life, stop being selfish.
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did you e lr feele let me push that away, or did you just know it was just a matter ofti ? >> i did feel like part of me was missing. i knew that iad a lotf love to pour into a child. i didn't know how long the process would take. when you're a person like m and you run a city and you have a big team, you're not usedki to of giving in to a proce i. >> you wan when you want it. >> the adoption process is not l prede. >> there is a moment where that child is put in your arms t >> ink the moment that really sticks out to me was literally looking down at miranda and those eye looki back at me. and knowing that i was her entire world. >> do you haversny conions with her? >> i do. i read to her a lot. i say arayer with her to just say how thankful we are. i pray for kids le her that they find peace. i pray for her birth family,
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that they have bace. >> wity miranda's arrival, mayor bowser is thegl first s mother to run the nation's capital. >> single mom is a term that some people will just kind of shy away from. you have gone in head first and embraced it. >> the message i to send is that families are made in all kinds of ways. they're all special. we should celebrate family in whatever way that children are loved. >> how are you d since she stepped into your life? >> it helps me not sweat the little stuff as much. just a whole other perspective that i have on what parents experience in o city. >> if you have younger women who are looki at you right now and considering doing what you did, you know, maybe i should, maybe i should try, what advice wou you give? >> women who are just like me who are trying to decide what they want todo, they feel good about somebody in my position who has a challenging job that
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they can -- that they know that they have a choice about how they can make their families. i literally sat occupy up on my the edged of my watching "the today show" when you shad your experience. i said she has a lot of my vital statistics. >> i had no idea about that, by the way. i had the same thing when i watched sandrao bullock it. if she can do it, why couldn't i. i didn't know how much my heart could feel, like n a million ways. look at your life. >> i have a great life. no complaints re. >> and it's getting better. >> it's getting better. >> she was made for motherhood. >> she really was. >> first of all, i have a complaint. why isn't miranda here right now? >> she's the sweetest. she took to motherhood like that and you never really know h it's going to work. >> and you said sandra bullock inspiredou. you inspired her. who else is inspired this
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morning sayingd it co me. >> great message for adoption and also that family just looks different these you come into family in different paths. >> youe right next week she's hosting the district's f health summit that focuses on moms and babies with the care. >> we are available to babysit baby mirandahe because precious. good morning, miranda. >> let's get a check of the weather. hi, al. >> i second that in the motion, having adopted siblings and adopted daughter t brin, it bri family and that's all that matters. we near comcastenter right now. i don't know if you guys know, you know who thisis? this is affectionately known heres billy penn. there is a larger version that sits on top of city hall. for years there had been a gentleman's agreement there would be nouilding built taller than billy penn. then in the late 's they d it and then there was a drought for any kind of championships.
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finally they put one up on the top of the comcast center here and the phillies win the world series in 2008. well, then a they putther one on the top of the new comcast center and the eagles win the super bowl. >> that's interesting. >> just put itn top of your head al. >> that's right. billy just asked to go up here. now i'm going to be doing that from now on. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. we are -- no, we're not. yes we are. we're going to take a look at tropical depression gordon. fr's going to get caught up in this cold t. it's going to bring a ton of rain from texas into the midwest and into the east. 6 toai 10 inches of possible in the midwest and along the coast. could be 3 to 5 inches of rain. that's what's going o around the country. here's what's happeninground
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billy penn. good morning. i'm sto team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. the last thing we need is rain, but anything to get rid of heat we'll take it. temperatures are in the upper 70s to near 80 in most neighborhoods already. your forecast is a miserably hot and humid one with afternoon highs in theow to mid 90s. not much of a rain chance today. maybe an isolated shower in the shenandoah valley. higher raine chances t the temperatures down 10 degrees tomorrow. lots of rain chances over then weekend mool and showery. that's your weather, guys. back to you. >> thank you, al. w >>n it comes to superstars, they don't get much bigger than cher. that's right. um and got a brand new a nbc harry smith scored the very first interview with her to talk it.ut harry and cher. >> for the millions of people who love er, cher is the
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answer. a superstar with ageless energy that makes you feel good whenever you hear her or see she's been in the recording studio and you shouldn't be surprised, she sounds great. >> really great to see you again. >> thank you. how long has it >> ten years. >> okay. >> i still look good. >> she sure does. in yet another in a lifetime of only cr moments. she took to the silver screen this summer in "mamma miaere we go" inspired by abba's popst e. she decided to record a tribute album to the swedish super group titled "dancing queen". >> i said this could b fun and i like the songs. >> as i listen, i kept thinking i'm not sure if you've ever sounded better. what do you think? >> well, i think this is what
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doctor told me. i went in because i was raspy and nervous and he said you know what? you have the vocal cords of a 28-year-old girl. if you would have asked me will you be singing at 72 i would ve said i won't even be here. n> cher is red carpet royalty, but real life cher claims she's like the rest of us. >> i go home and i'm raggedy. clean, but sloppy. >> gotcha. >> i've got shirts -- my first shirt is 30 years old. >> do you wear it in public ever? >> absolutely. as a matter of fact, peoplee hav pictures chronicling this shirt for a million yearsnd i don't care and i do many i wear it. >> what is your secret? >> lots of makeup. >> lots>> yeah. just trowelling.
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>> from her uniqueeauty to her indeniab ferocity, sheas always been revered in the lgbt community. >> i do a better cher than you. >> you think so? >> actually, it's you think so. >> he's so funny. >> one oy our v best friends, she and her guy partner live happily ever after together and she wrote me this notesh becaus said i hear you're interviewing cher and she says you can't measure her impact on the guy community,he lives she has saved. you can tell f her thank youm me and all of us who are different and not accepted. >> i understand that completely. i understan it completely
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because no matter what, i've outsider.the like an my friend told me about a boy that she knows. he's a groan now, but he had a cher poster on his wall and his dad ripped it up and he got another one. he said at the time was the only thing that was keeping him thinking i he a future, i'm going to be somebody, it doesn't make any difference. >> and if y're wondering just how strong. >> i can't believe i'm doing this. >> we challenged cher to a plank off. >> are you shaking a little bit? >> no. >> i am. >> two minutes in cher was steadfast. >> she's reallyeriously tough. >> i was. spent this oscar emmy gden globe a grammy winner does not know the meaning of the word qu. >> you kno the cockroach story? when the world comes to an end, there will only be cockroaches
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d cher. >> her album comes out september 28th. and cher the broadway show comes in december. >> by the way, twou real two re clicked. may i confess? for a couple ofays terwards, i had a cher hangover. >> we're going to have more ofd that on com. >> i hear more about that. now to carson and pop start. >> pop start is sponsored by icpepsi, the ol soft drink of the nfl. >> guys, first up, carrie underwood is the voice behigd sunday nht football's opener and has a t new songo kick off the season. here's a taste of what you can expect in the behind the scenes of carrieaking the music video. >> craig melvin, like the old theme song, thisal one'sd "game on".
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you see the whole video. tune in sunday when the bay packers host the chicago bears. football starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern. you see more of carrie underwood when you water right here on the plaza when she takes the stage. that's next fr september 14th. we have a lot to look forward d to have carrie here. yesterday w freddie mercury 72nd birthday, to celebrate the movie coming up, queen and adam lambert performed together. scenes from the band's biggest hi and to keephe celebrations going we've got a clip of usa mr. robot's star playing freddie mercury. here is he performing. ♪ so you think you can l and leave me to d ♪ ♪ oh baby >> bohemian rhapsody comes out
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on november 2nd. >> thank you, carson. straight ahead the best that philly has tos offer we celebrate tonight's big return to football. >> and the menuor the best tailgate ever. >> first your loc news. . good morning, everybody. 8:26 on sthursday,tember 6th. we need to mention that anne arundel high school will be releasing early due to an air >> new hampshire avenue shut down at valley view drive. bad crash here. as choppers zoom out you can see delays northbound andou sout. >> arlington, crash there in the left lane this morning. belt way slow in the normal spots. >> me lace -- melissa, thank
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you. we'll have a check on your forecast. stay with us.
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good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell.
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it's going to be another h afte high around 95 degrees. heat index over 100. cooler weather arrives for friday and the weekend. saturday could be rather grainy and breezy and cooler.
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♪ >> 8:30 this 8:30 this morning, it is thursday, september 6, 2018. stke up the band. eyes will be on philadelphia toniet, hom of the nfl champs eagles homeowner. and chanelle already therein gear up for an epic battle of the birds,le es versus falcons. we have a pretty awesome plaza here as well, but we are goingt tart this half hour back in
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philly. back to you guys. >> gnks, t so much. we're here at comcast center plaza. this is the start of the countdown to the kickoff. >> in the city of brotherly ve, right? >> tonight during the national a anthem, the challenger will be flying overhead. >> just like now. >> that was very nice. very cool. challenge, it's good to see you. why don't you step off and nice challenge lady because we don't want any trouble. let's bring in another birdf a different kind. mr. joe kramer. >> thank you so much. i had to be a little more conservative than i'd like to be. sorry. i left off the tie. tonight it will be on display. >> let me ess, you are a fan. >> not just any fan. i cried bike like a baby when we won. we won and they're not going to take that away from us. nothing can be taken awayrom
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this fabulous city. >> tell me about this chair. >> our organization led by the owner is a caring, caring man. this is the chairhat my dad sat in. he passed away two years before we could see it t butt doesn't matter because he sees it. he's proud. we're proud. "mad money" tonight obviously from our fabulous city, but we know what's more important. we know what happens tonight. it is a must watch game. people seem to forget the whole -- in theomplex of at's going on, we will have to beat atlanta tonight. >> it's going to happen, right? >> oh, it's happening. >> you're doing ""mad money"" here this evening? >> yeah. you guys are here this evening. 60 minutes changed the city. i know that seems hard to believe, but seven months ago this city changed. we went from people we're just not that great to people who know we're on top of the earth. >> there you go. let's take a look. show you what's happening as far as your weather is concerned. we look add today.
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we're going to see strong storms moving into the northeast that game.fect the sunny and dry weather out west. they could use rain because of all the heat and flood threat in the mid section of the country thanks to the remnants ng gordon. that's what's gn around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. very warm and very humid outside already. temperature back above 80 degrees in washington. your hour by hour planner, plan on it being hotter and hotter each hournt as we getthe afternoon. peaking today around 95 degrees. not much of a rain chance todae th could be an isolated shower up near i-81. much higher rain chances return for tomorrow. high rain chances continue into the weekend. that's the bad news. the news is it will be 20 degrees cooler. of course, that's timehao start music, baby. it's what i live for. i love it. and you love it too. it's not sunday night. it's thursday night and it is a
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kif night right here on nbc. here's the forecast. we've got two birds of play. we've got a fa gon. we'v an eagle. between theer two, sh storms, temperature of 84 degrees. doesn't matter the weather. it's going to be a barn burner, baby. it's thursday night football night inca ame what a lot of folks don't know, this young lady here w born in philadelphia. she still has family in philadelphia. her three children were born in philadelphia same hospital where i was born. >> that's why you came here early to show us your favorite rts of philadelphia. >> let me tell you something. i hosted here for about ten years othe morningshow. when they ask me to come back to philly, i jumped at th aook.
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i'm back. and so is football. last time i was at this exact spot it was packed with eagles fans at the super bowl parade. everybody needspot where they can get away. for me it was here along anrea we called boat house row. i sit by the water. there have been a lot of changes since i left. a lirevition is under way in the city of brotherly love. just ask philly's mior. now why i love the city of philadelphia. what is it for you? >> i love the diversity of the city. i think it's one important strengths a city can have. most people that live here are decent and kind people that care about each other and are friendly with each other. when it comes to sports, we get
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a little crazy. >> a diverse city that lives and breathes for its eagles. painting the official victory mural for the super bowl champs. she took us up for a closer look. meg has painted another mural that went viral before the super bowl and now she has the big job. what does it mean to you as a lifelong resident to bring topt home? >> you know, i still can't believe it, right? you know. you know. >> i know. >> how excited we all were. and then to have the honor of p actuallynting a permanent version of this mural on a historic building for our historic win, a it's great feeling. >> she let me be a part of history too. >> now, this is really cool. i'm not an artist, but i got to add a few brush stres to the championship mural. >> i've officially painted part
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of the championship murit for the c of philadelphia. i think that deserve a cheese steak. so there are a lot of cheese steak places in the ty, but this is one of my favorites. how are you? lets see whey want today. this may take us a while, but we're champions. do can you tell i'm in my happy place? >> yes, you are >> there's so many great fans here. where's kareem samuels? kareem, how are you? all right.g >> are you a big philly eagles a >> die hard. >> you drive a truck, right? >> yes. i'm a driver for a furniture company. >> i think i remember seeing you at the parade? >> you took a picture of me. >> i did. >> are you watching the game tonight? >> yeah. i'm going to tailgate after this and going to penn's landing for
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the festivities. >> no, you're not. you know why? >> why? >> because we have two tickets. >> oh my god. thank you,k thank you, thanu. >> you have a great time. >> oh my >> have you been to a game? >> nods head >> you'r going tonight. >> just ahead from here, we've got the ultimate philly tailgate, not as good as kareem is going to beoing to. back to you guys. >> all right, al. thank ucu so here i am with dr. jill biden and some wounded warriors. they've been walking for a while. 1,000 mile trek and it's going to end on our plaza with help from dr. biden and these incredible warriors. we'll tell you about their effort, but first this is "today" on nbc. congratulations, guys. dear suspicious snackers,
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we get it. we know it can be a texture thing, and there are lots of brands to choose from. but it's time for you to pick up your big spoon and try new hood cottage cheese. it's the brand people have trusted for more than 170 years. a whole world of sweet, and savory combinations, like pineapple, cucumber & dill or classic country style. and since it's packed with satisfying protein, you'll want to try all of hood's amazing flavors. don't miss out on delicious. new to your local dairy aisle!
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this morning right here on the plaza, veterans, three from
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america, three from britain have justom ceted a three month 1,000 mile walk of america. >>hey have visited, you guys, 86 towns, 24 military bases, all to raise money and awareness for wounded warriors and their mental health nes. prince har as you may know is a patron of the walk of america and the sponsoring oergrganizat alking with the wounded and hn he let's introduce you. kevin, adele, johnny, fnkie and larry. they're here. good morning to all of you. dr. biden i one of their biggest goeerleaders. morning, everybody. you're american. you're british. love that our countries are teaming up. prince harry put it so well. we fight together. we should heal together. what is this effort all about? >> this effort is all aboutal mental . and these amazing wounded warriors, as you said, walked
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across america to tell their stories, to create awareness. one in five americans deal with mentalth heal. so they're bringing their stories to life, to bring depression out of the darkness into the light. >> talk to usbout this. it must have been very impact full walking from city to city and mting people. take us inside that journey a little bit. >> it was absolutely amang. when you start off at the in l.a. and everyone was cheering us on and letting us know we hadpo full s of the country behind us, and then meeting veterans fro vietnam to today's current that were thanks us for being out e,thecause vietnam veterans didn't get the same recognition we're i think that made a huge impact on all of us and made us realize why were doing this. >> what was the best moment for >> meeting the vietnam veterans. one in particular in mt.
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rushmore. when it walked down, that'sow really hit home, just how much it means to people like these guys. they're the ones that bill the legacy for us to follow. >> dr. biden, you talked about bringing some of these issues into the spotlight. many wounds are visible and my wounds are not. >> exactly. there's so many invisible wounds that all of these wounded warriors have experienced that and so to hear theirstories, they're just so inspiring and just like our wounded warriors all across america. >> it's so great to have you. congratulations. >> the walk is over. >> they can rest. >> everybody can join. >> yeah. that a great idea.
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>> when that first landed, i was like that. three weeks in living on barbecue. >> just ead, we are going to head back to phil toe g to get ready for tonight's season opener. fast, reliable internet is crucial. does it every go down? yes. can't do my job. business grinds to a halt. our gig-speed network not only downloads files up to 20 times faster, we go beyond fast with 4g backup for complete reliability. so if the unexpected happens... (snaps fingers) you stay up and running. we lost power... but not to that. i want that. (laughing)
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we're back with today's food loves football. fil philly isn't just a sports town. >> the city's food scene has exploded. downtown is bustling is new places to eat a drink. here at the comcast campus two award winning chefs are fing their restaurants for new homes.
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bernick fish. >> joining us now we've g three other big names from the philly food scene. first up kevin who is the executive chef of the fiddler club opening here next year. next up, jennifer who is an executive chef of the spice pinch restaurant. and lg time eagles fan, mr. brian duffy. >> let's start with kevin. >> kevin is a rock sta chef here in the city of philadelphia. what are we do? >> first we've got these crispy grilled wings, but we're going to do fish tacos. little sour cream. and these are easy to do. >> very easy. hot fish fried and then red chili. glaze
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avocado to cool it down. we're going to finish it with cilantro. >> this is something we can all do. >> can be done atme, can be prepped ahead of time. i like a little squeeze of lime juice. that's it. >> can i eat it while we talk? >> please do. >> thank you, kevin. >> what are we going to do here? >> today ie made che steak croquets. you can eat a little bit of something. i put jalapeno salsa on it because you need spice. >> oh my gosh, that's amazing. >> this is a play on tasty cakes candy cakes. one of my tris to keep your cake reay moist, brush it on ange water and simple syrup. you want to give this a try? >>e. s >> squeeze. >> look at mine. that's fine.
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>> yours is great. >> and then come on, we need a little bit of green sugar for the eagles. we have some green -- >> i'm ready to try it. >> if you're allergic to peanuts, switch it out with any almond. >> joining me, i'v got not only our new ticket winner who will be tailgating and then going to the game, kareem samuels, but also my nemesis, tirico. >>ou can't leave without me. >> what have you got? >i did a grilled smoked brisket and then slaw and jersey tomatoes. >> because part o the philly market is new >>jersey. t is. everybody says you're from philly even though you're from southy. jer i'm cool with that. i'm making a spring roll. im, added a little bit of
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salami. we take some red peppers and do the same thing. take r onions and do the same thing. >> that's a sharp knife. >> and then i have a crry pepper ketchup. >> we've got. desse these eagle doughnuts were only available after they won the super bowl, but today only they are back. federal f doughnuts dessert after this great meal. have one. >> go philadelphia. you enjoy as well. back to you guys in new york. >> chanelle, doughnut? >> that's right, for more of these recipes, go to again, don't forget you can catch the nfl season kickoff between the eagles and the n lcons tonight right here nbc. coverage starts at 7:30 eastern
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on football night in america. i was so excited about the aldoughnuts. >> give it to me. we areack in a moment, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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giving you the freedom to love to dream to dance like no one is watching. carefirst blue cross blue shield. live fearless. all right. wehall know an ear worm is, radio it? a song gets in your head.r carson is o in the orange room and he has an ear worm for sure. >> rry, drake. this one's a little cooler. let me play you just a little sample sf ag that has taken over the internet. if you're a parent, this may sound familiar. take a listen. ♪ >> this little viral sensation known as "baby shark" tlrks, th several versions out there. this has been viewe more than
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times on youtube. that's a lot of views. it was posted two years ago just recently reclaimed iernet fame. years before that was a nursery rhyme. the catchy beat has even infiltrated the homes of some famous faces we noticed here in the orange room. here's chance the rapper, have you heard the baby shark song yet? cardi b, baby shark, there's a sample of some of the lyrics. jimmy fallon responsibilitied welcome to parenthood. >> hoda, you joined in. >> i had to. #singproud. people are doing that. the baby shark challenge hasn also bround for a while, but recently took on a very similar divide thay in feelings challenge. >> yes. this is where peopleci are dan to the craze. isn't it amazing? >> is that safe?
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>> no. but it's fun. >> whether baby shark's got you ing or cringing, it will be stuck with you. if you are somehow sick of , shar there's a version called monkey banana. that same song, same beat. >> all right. >> i should point out do you know who introduced knee that song? >> who? >> you and carson. you said you guys played baby shark. i said what is and boom. >> haley love its now. > it's been in your head ever since. i do like the kind of nightclub beat they've put to it now. >> i love it. >> it's banger now. what do you ha coming up next hour? >> so much good stuff. we're going to check back in in philly. how about that? >>nd the big game is tonight. >> that's right. >> who are you rooting for? >> who's goingo bealking the eagles? football is back. all the guys doing their fancy drafts. ai i love it. went over to mag begegyn kelly.
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they're stcoming up straight ahead. first a check of yr local weather and these messages. 8:56 is your time now on this ty september 6, 2018. good morning to you. i'm eun yang. let's start with a che on the roads. >> good morning. an alert again, new hampshire and valley brook drive,an southbound are now. crash there with injuries here this morning. the belt way overall a little bit busy here this morning. so w are aittle bit delayed
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s a couple of different sp here other than that, no major issues. >> melissa, thank you. we'll take a quick break and check your forecast next. stay with us. get to the ross fall fashion event... ...and get the brands you want... check this out. "oh, yeah" prices. from the latest trends to your favorite brands, it feels even better when you find them for less. at the ross fall fashion event. yes for less.
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good rning, everybody. sun's out and a hazy sky over washingt tec i are a the low 80s. up, up and away temperature wise. up to 95 degrees. that's the forecast for today. heat indexer values will be 100 degrees for much of the ternoon. cooler tomorrow with rain moving ni and then noticeably cooler and r for the weekend. >> get the latest news and weather anytime in the nbc washington app.
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