tv Today NBC September 13, 2018 7:00am-8:37am EDT
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let's finally put people over politics. breaki breaking news. closing in. the first rains and wind from hurricane florence begin lashint the e coast. this monster storm growing larger overnight. time running out for millions ordered to flee. >> this is a mandatory evacuation. leave. s must >> the region bracing for a life-threatening storm surge and catastrophic flooding. wellave it covered from on the ground to al with the very latest forecast. breaking overnight, deadly rampage. a gunman goes on a terrifying shooting spree in california, killing at least five people g his wife, before
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turning the gun on himself. new clues on a what sparked that violence. church in crisis. top cardinals and bishops arrive at the vatican this morning to meet face-to-face with pope francis. the issue at hand that massive sex abuse scandal in the states. know it? plus, shakep at "60 minutes." this morning the threatening t text messahat led to the firing. > apple unveiled the largest and most expensive iphone ever. and a walk in the park. >> oh, my god! hoda and savannah, you are here in central park? un our adventure with jimmy fallon at a famed new york city landma. toury is sday, september 13th, 2018.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and kotb. live from i studio rockefeller plaza. >> thank you for joining us on this thursdaybi morning. news story to cover today. >> yes, and it's almost here. take a look. the outer bands of hurricane florence have reached the caosures of the rolinas. >> as the storm moves closer to , it is increasing in size. now bigger than north and south carolina coined. >> massive. the western shift has led officials in georgia to declare a state of emergency there. >> thousands of flights have within canceled or delayed. ernight the charleston airport was shut down. >> that brings us to our team. we arepread out across this region. o talk to the mayor of myrtle beach about the last-minute preparations and the
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shift that the storm took in her directio h >> al new information what we can expect from flor he has. good morning. >> thank you for getting your irst weatheu can see right nowu go outer rain bands just hitting the outercaanks. gory 2 hurricane. do not pay attention to the category. that's not the important thing. the important thing is when it comes onshore, the storm surge and the rain at 205 miles eastwioutheast of ington, north carolina, 110-mile-per-hour winds. it's moving northwest at 15 miles per hour. now, we've d got twoferent kinds of tracks. we have the national hurricane center track which brings it offshore tomorrow morning 2:00 a.m., 105-mile-per-hour winds. northeast quadrant, the strongest quadrant. then it comes across wilmingto and makes its way into south carolina, continuing saturday on into sunday, and then by monday morning it's just a low pressure system in parts of eastern tennessee. the difference now between that and the europeanmodel, this
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would be the worst case sen air crow, it comes right offshore, makes lawful early f morning around friday morning and comes inland for just a little bit and continues along the coast. from wilmington, myrtle beach, down to charleston, they all get uathat northeastdrant and get that storm su te, andn what happens after that, we still would need to know. extreme winds coming in. these are the impacts.u can see trorp force and hurricane force all along the north carolina coast. these are the power outages possible. near 100% for much of 70 to 90%. 50% to 70% inland. t the storm surgs the most dangerous part of the storm. 50% to 60% of people lose their lives with storm sur 9 to 13 feet tonight, around midnight is the one high tide. the one we are mostconcerned, tomorrow we will be looking at high tides around midday, around noontime.
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all that water coming on top. and then there is the flooding. llok at this. first of there is that area, the storm surge from cape fear to cape lookout. t that most dangerous spot. rainfall, we could be lookingt 40 inches of rain between myrtle beach up into wilmington and just southf cape hatteras. coastal flooding. precedented amounts. let's go to my colleague dylan dreyer. she is in north carolina right now. dylan, wrightsville beach, what's going on right now? are you seeg any increase in winds or rain yet? >> reporte well, the wind is starting to pick up. we can't get to the beach. this ishe base of the bridge to wrightsville beach. it's completely reclosed, as most, if not all, of the barrier islands of north carolina. they really need to get people out of that area because of the flooding you were just talking about. winds are increing. let's go the timeline as we go forward into the next 48 hours. we are going to see those tropical storm-force winds move
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in through the mning. thos are winds above 39 miles per hour. ri this afternoon the outer bands of hne florence will make their way onshore. that's the torrential downpour thate are expecting, and that which will cause hrou perhaps up to 40 inches of rain in some areas. tonight we have that first high tide just after 11:00 p.m. as the storm gets closer, we could start t to fe initial affec s of that storm surge. friday morning we have the round ll, perhaps 6:00 a.m., and then just after that another high tide around 11:30. that 9 to 13 foot storm surge is a posllbility. then day long on friday torrential rains. that very high storm surge an those hurricane-force winds will be battering this area all day long on frida after that, al, as you know,it all about the rain as this thing rains itself out and that could lead to more fresh water flooding in addition to the
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ng up saying, zb>> are wal oh, it's a category 2, like that's not going be a problem anymore. that is definitely al left. >> i'm sorry. i didn't know -- >> we were talking about this earlier. we want to make the point. >> yh. e point is folks can't just pay attention to that catooory. yes, the news is we won't see the structural damage that we would see from this storm if it was a 3 or 4. however, you will still get the storm su still get the heavy rain. as you pointed out, hoda, earlier, katrina was a 3 and look whatd. happe people thought, okay, everything is great. then all the fresh water t flooding and collapses of all the dikes, that was the probavm. soe still to wait and see what happens. >> a goo hoda has covered a lot of hurricanes in her day. the south is bracing for the millioave heeded warning to nsworst. get out of harm's way. reaig, whatou seeing in
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wilmington? >> reporte for the first timeve since we ha been here, it's startie to feel lik there is a catastrophic storm approaching. the waves here, this is the r ce feer that al was just talking about. those waves, as you can see, far choppier than they were this time yesterday mudning. the c as you can see, also starting to roll in. and you can probably hear it. the wind. those winds that are expected to pick opr the next few hours, those winds have started. this is a storm that's not just going to slam the eastern seaboard. it's going to stick ar a in just a few hours, hurricane florence is expect to wall up the east coastly near 2 million people heeding urgent warnings to get out of ha 's way. >> this is a mandatory evacuation. >> reporter: the streets deserted in myrtle beach, south carolina. the normally bustling a ghost town. >> you have to get away from what's coming. we know it's coming. we know it's going to be bad. we will have flooding
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afterwards. >> reporter: t remain. >>ked to a lot of people that have been here for a lot of years and they are riding it out. >> reporter: shelters filled with those who can't or don't leave. for some it comes down to money. >> i am not crazy about hotels. it cost me a lot of money. i don't know how long i will be in there. >> reporter: edward cotting ton is on oxygen and wanted to stay home. his daughter staying, too. >> i tried to convincehem to leave. they saidan no, we wt to go to the shelter. i want to make sure my parents are okay. >> reporter: folks you talked to over the past few days, how worried are they about this > the majority are very worried. >> reporter: up the coast in wrightsville beach, north carolina,ssistant mayor darrell mills thankful most of the people there got out. >> life and health is more important than possessions. >> reporter: in wilmington, the mayor looking past the storm, warning evacuated residents to
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wait until the storm is ove and conditions are safe before heading home. >> heed the warnings ec the elecd folks and emergency personnel and let us do our job and we wi get this place back togeths quickly as eppossible. >>ter: two concerns here primarily. the power outages. i talked to a number ofte officials yay here in wilmington. they are expecting to lose powe e they are alsecting that the power is going to be out for some time. so they want to make sure that people who evacuated don't try to come back too soon. something eone thatnues to strike a lot of folks. these boats. these boats have t beenhered here at the marina from the very beginning. we talked to a number of owners yesterday. a lot of folks live in these votes. they evacuated. they didn't have enough time to get their boats out and get it a safer part of north carolina. they justot theiringers crossed their boats are going to be okay as well. savannah, hoda. >> craig, thank you. the normally bustling city of
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myrtle beach is a ghost tow th morning. we are joined by the mayor, brenda bethune. mayor, good morning. i know you are watching that track. yesterday, unfortunately, for the folks in myrtle beach it's taking a jog towards you. how are you guys preparing differently now that you know at the storm is headed directlyor you >> well, we have prepared as much as we can at this point. right now all we can do is pray for the best and hope for the worst. and i truly believe that our entire crew has worked hard together to make sure that our city is depared. >> h you prepare? we are talking about storm surges could be 13 feet. i mean, it's like you know that th punch is coming right towards you. how do you get ready? >> the best way we can. our public safety crews have been outing sure that businesses are secured. they have been looking forng anythat couldotentially
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lk become a projectile and make sure that people have evacuated. that is the most important message about this storm, is for peop t to lean. >> a lot of people either can't decide not leave town for whatever reason. what would your message to them be this morning? >> if anyone is left, they need to stay inside during the storm. lot of tim people think that they want to get out and take pictures, and itust is not safe to be outside during a hurricane under any conditions. so i encourage people to stay since our ecially emergency crews will not be able to get to anyone if they do need help. >> in myrtle beach, mayor brenda bethune. thank you so much. we wish you gd luck in the next few days. we are going to have more on florence ahead, including its impact on travel nationwide. >> be also have breaking news.
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a shootg rampage happened in bakersfield, california. five people were killed and the gunman took his own life. steve paterson joins us with the latest on ts. steve, good morning. >> reporter: that shoing spree started in a nearby truck yard. five victims shote in multi locations with police searching for a reason why. >> suspect hispanic male wearing a cowboy hat, a tan shirt, dark pants. in possession of a large chrome barrel handgun. authorities say it began at this local trucking business. the suspected gunma wife to the location where he killed a man before shooting authorities say the suspect then confronted another man at the shop >> and then chases him around the building in front of bear mountain sports where he shootings him and ultimately he diesle >> suspect f in a white nissan maxima. >> reporter: driving home, police say the gunman aylled two more people.
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>> pretty much sing if you don't get out of the way, you are going to be involved, too, and that's when had happened. say the shooter carjacked a woman with her young child. after a short pursuit, police filly caught up with him. >> the deputy confronted him with a firearm and he -llthe suspect himself >> rep oter: no word yet a motive. investigators are confident all the scenes here are connected. >> steve patterson, thank you. another major story this morning. pope francis meeting with erican cardinals and bishops at the vatican today amid new criticism of his handling of the sex abuse cases here in the u.s. chief global correspondent bill neelyats at thean. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good moing, hoda. this is a critical meeting for the u.s. church, but for the pope, too. he is facing a great deal of pressure. the greatest challenge of hiscy pa including recent calls
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for resign. his response to this meetingll be a big test of an abuse scandal that is still growing. behind the closed doors of the vatican a u.s. delegation led by cardinal daniel dinardo of texas want actions and answers from pope francis. over the pennsylvania report, detailing decades of sex abuse by priests and over thi man, cardinal theodore mccarrick, who rose a archbishop of washington despite allegations of sexual misconduct, the pope insisting abuse is are hous crime. >> because of that, pope francis realizes that the very y of the church depends on rooting it out. >> reporter: u.s. bishops sayha allegations the pope held >>ver up abuse deserve as answer. i think many catholics, main faithful in the u.s. and beyond doe neces have to wers. come from the pope's mouth.
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>> reporter: and soon carnal donald wuerl of washingtonill meet the pope to discuss his resignation. the pope now calling on bishops n rome in februy for summit on sexual abuse. >> it's a question of utmost importance not only in countries where it's exploded,utll the crisis is e. global and growing. a church report from germany detailed decades of speciexual e by more tn 1,600 priests of thousands of children, and a massive cover-up. one of the pope's top aides said this week, it all amounts to the church's 9/11. >> i think people are r results and action. what should we expect from today's meeting? >> reporter: well, that's interesting, hoda. no bigns decis no bug announcements. this meeting is no more than an
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hour. that won't sagtisfy everyone. abuse survivors in the u.s. and and are welcoming it. as you say, they want action, not just talk. the pope clearly under pressure, even suggesting this week that theas devil behind some of the allegations against him. hoda, nnsa. >> all right. bill neely at the vatican. bill, thanks. we turn to al. you're the man of the hour. >> dealing withr, other weat too. out west we are looking at high fire danger because of the low humidity and high temperatures. rain in the pacific northwest. flood watches down in texas and those are going to be exacerbated by a tropical system developing down there as well. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds.
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good morning. another cloudy start to the day here in the washington area. there is 40% chance you will get rained on again today. if you are stepping out the door this morng, take your umbrella to you to play it on the safe side. low- a-mid 70soss the region now. it will be another warm and humid day with highs around 83 today. tomorrow's forecast even cloudier and rainier with highs staying in the 70s. and what's left of the moisture from florence wille here monday/tuesday. coming up, a new shake-up at cbs. the allegations and troubling text messages that led to the firing of the long-time head of "60 minutes." plus, the emergency recordtgs just released tha are shedding new light on an airline worker's fatal joyride
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anthe newest fall fashions save even more during our fall style event! plus - get kohl's cash! this weekend - at kohl's. >> break. 7:26 is your time on this thursday, september 13, 2018. good morning itou. i'm eun yang. >> i'm chris lawrence. a serious crash overnight. this was on 18th and p streets in northwest d.c. officials say four people have been injured and one of them life-threatening. no word on what may have caused the crash. right now we are preparing for hurricanelorence. dominion energy crews are preparing to hd south to the hurricane zone this morning. after the storm passes. 12-member crew will help restore any lost power. m handly is working for you on socialdia. in let's check in with meteorolist chuck bell. good morning to you, chuck.
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>> florence continuing to inch towards the north carolina coastline. hurricane watch and warnings have been post along out of the outer banks and charleston, north carolina. here it's a cloudy morning. a couple of sprinkles early, higher chance of rain and thunder showers later in the afternoon. low-to-mid 70s now. today's high temperature near 83 degrees. even higher chance for rain and temperatures in the 70s coming up for tomorrow. sheena will have your ten-day forecast after the half hour. a check on your traffic is next.
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7:30we're back at just take a look at that. they are calling it a monster, the storm of a lifetimend there is a reason for it. look at the sheer size of hurricane florence. the impact just beginning to be felt on the east coast. we have got a shot out of wilmington, north erolina. you starting to see the winds really start blowing and it's going to look aor lot there 24 hours from now. >> if you wonder how big is t' that, as big as north and south carolina combined. it grevernight in size, although it decreasedtl a l bit in speed. will happen. >> al will have a live update. he is watching the weather wall very closely. first, a check of the other headlines. president trump has signed an er executive o named at discouraging foreign countries from interfering in u.s.
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elections. that inclus sprea propaganda. if it is determined they are, the treasury and state departments will recommend possible sanctions to the esident. the announcement comes nearly two years after the nation's intelligence agencies concluded that russia interfered with the > teenage use of e-cigarettes has reached epidemic levels according to the u.s. healths official and now they are calling on the industry to address the problem or have those procts pulled offhe market. the food and drug administrat has ordered fiveanufacturers to submit pl next 60 days to do something about these use sal. the fda says it can pull flavored e-cigarettes off the market. police statiare searching f reckless driver who drove up on a sidewalk to get aroun a stopped school bus. this whole incident was caught on camera. you see the flashing crossing arm on the right of your screen. watch on the left.
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there is a scar stopp there. another onewerves around it, goes past that bus. did not slow down. police say this happened near an elementary school. they s very lucky no one was hurt going home. we hope somebody recognizes that driver and turns a big story in the news industry. another major shake-up at cbs. thelong-time head of "60 nutes" is out of hiss mog days after the abrupt resignation of cbs's ceo les moonves. stephanie gosk is following this. guys.ating developments. jeff fager was only the second head of "60 minutes" in its 50-year history. this morning he is out of a job. joining two other prominent figures at cbs who left the network fthin the past ye. er says it was one text message that got h fired as head of "60 minutes," one of the most successful american television broadcasts in
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history. >> i want to be transparent. >> reporter: on the evening news, the reporter who received that message read it outloud. in part, be carefu there are people who lost their jobs trying to harm me and if you pass on these damaging claims without your own reporting to back them up, that will become a serious problem. >>eporter: words of support for jericka duncan from anchor jeff glor, reporting from the hu ticane zone. t message was unacceptable.k it's important fu to know back that i, we, the entire team at evening news orps you 100%. ot reporter: in response, fager writes, one suchshou not result in termination after 36 years, but itid adding, my language was harsh and despite the fact that journalists recei harsh demands for fairness all the time, cbs did not le it. the firing comes amid multiple allegations ofnappropriate touching made by six unnamed women and one on the record to ronan farrow in "the new yorker"
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magazine. 19 current and former cbs employees, manyme un also alleged fager, who served as chairman o cbs news fhree years, allowed harassment in the news division, all claims fager ndhemently denies says are false. cbs news says in a statement that fager violated company poli. this action not directly related to the allegations surfaced in press reonrts, whichnue to be investigated independently. at least one "60 minutes" correspondent shocked by fager's abrupt firg. sharon a fancy telling "the new york times," i think it's a terrible day for cbs news. i think it is awful. i don't understand how you get fired over a text message. fager's firing comes three days after cbs chairmanoo les mnves stepped down and less than a year after charlie rose was removed as co-host from "cb this morning a tectonic shift for one of the country's largest tv networks. >> of course, there are multiple
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investigations now, legal investigationsat what's the ? >> that's right. they are ongoing. they have been triggered by this reporting out o "the new yorker" and "the washington post." they a looking into moonves, fager, and into charlie rose. they are still happening. >> cbs, yod out, no comment? >> yes, no comment this morning. e are moving back to this morning's big story. hurricane florence barreling closer to the coast of the carolinas. just a moment, al and dylan will walk us through the major weather conrns from the storm and why it's headed. first, it's nationwide impact on travel. gabe gutierrez is in myrtle beach with more on that. amo good rning. >> reporter: the terminal at myrtle beach may be open, but the last flight left thisg. mornin the rest are now canceled. across the country, more than 1,000 flights have already been canceled through tomorrow. now, overnight charleston's airport closed and other major airports are set to be impacted.
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american's hub in charlotte raleigh-durham, and atlanta could see heavy rains. that could impact air travel across the eastern half of the country over the next several days. as for travel on the roads, the bulk of that already happened the last two days. south carolina's governor says more than 300,000 people t evacuatehe coast. many of those are nowtaying in emergency shelters. others are staying with family members further iand. but as for air travel we are talking about impacts ofy potentiaundreds of thousands of passengers over the coming days across a huge swath of the country. airlines faiving changes. do that now if you haven't already. >> what aogtical nightmare. thank you. let's go back to al. what are you looking at over there? >> the timeline for ang the coast as florence comes in. wilmington, which is inland a little bit,to 7 90-mile-per-hour winds, gusts over 100 miles per hour. more than two feet of rain in a storm rge of fouo seven
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feet. come down to myrtle beach. we are looking at rain of 12 to 18 inches, a storm surge of three to six feet, and then as weontinue on down charleston, we are looking at winds 35 to 45 miles per hour. a storm surge of two to four feet. we move inland and you can see fayetteville, you'll see gusty winds up to 60 milesn hour. we move to thet east, charlotte four to seven inches. the big story is the storm surge. ri now dylan state at wrightsville beach. dilling is goin going to be talg reout storm surge. folks unimate the power of water, and storm surge is the prime example of that? >> reporter: exactly, al. we talk about torrential rain, gusty winds, you get allhat. we giv you so much information about storm surge because it can so incredibly dangerous. that's why it is very impndtant tostand what exactly is storm surge and just how
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destructive it can it's aoth terrifyingnd potentially life-threatening. flooding fro happen without warning. the cars were banging on the bottom of the structure, and the people thought it was the structure falling apart. >> reporter: back in 1996, hurricane fran pounded north carolina with a 12-foot storme. surg for florence, the surge could be even higher. up to 13 feet. a surge of three feet could enter a home. at six feet the water will be above an average person's head. and a surge over nine feet could reach the roof of a one story home. for residents of wrightsville beach, this sign stands as a stark reminder of past storms. >> everybody talks about fran. there was a lot of flooding with fran, and it also came right after bertha. sori it was two hnes together. >> reporter: and it's not just residents along the coast who are impacted. >> right in here.
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>> reporter: the violet family's home has flooded seven times. >> >> reporte they were hit hard duringew hurricane matwo years ago. >> we lost a car and the first floor of our house. it happens quick. >> reporter: with thn here is tt we are expecting. we have been talking a lot about that 9 to 13 foot storm surge. of that chance occurring will be during the times of high tide. the first one just after 11:00 p.m. tonig ar 11: fr morning. that's when we could see water that high. and the last time that happened in this area is hurricane hazel of 954. development since then. there is no telling how much damage that will cause once that starts to kick in, al. >> dylan dreyer, thanks smuch. and o course the big problem for north carolina is the fact that it's got such a shallow continental shelf and there is
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t really anything to block that surge coming it' here's w happening in your neck of the woods. good morning. we're not going to be feeling the effects of florence today or the next several days. it will not be uil next week. 75 right now in the district. we are looking at overcast, cloudy skies again. temperatures ie mid-to-upper 70s as you walk outside. there it is. it's down to our south. pretty far to our south. dealing withill be a chance for some passing showers not related to florence. temperatures wl be topping out around 83. a chance of showers tomorrow increases. we would be affected by early amat 8:00 we will have the n n na breaking thetugh the roof to on top. all right. al, thanks. coming up, more of our roster school sport security guide. s,w and inexpensive gadgets.
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p apple's big reveal. what you w tl get fromhe biggest and most expensive iphone ever. my> and then our central park add e with jim fallon. he is getting for a "tonight show" unlike any other. and then the just released recording shedding more light on that bizarre heist of a plane at the seattle airport. now wha one pilot says he caught that suspect doing one full year before. that
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so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide but by the things you choose to fill it with. your home is not defined by four walls. the things that say, this is me. pier 1. come see what's new in stores today. goodorning you to. this morning on in depth, that strange incident that happened at the seattle airport, an airline employee stole a plane ad took it on a joyride then crashed. >> newly released emergency recordings may shed light on exactly how thatn. hap nbc's tom costello covers aviation for us. good morning. you may recall he was a 29-year-old ground agent to climbed into thaty e passenger plane and took off from sea-tac.
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he did flips and wild turns before eventually crashing. now another pilot h come forward to say he noticed odd behavior a year earlier but >> reporter: it was a startling sight. >> are you sure he is not going to hit us? >> reporter: a passenger plane flying erratically over seattle last month. hour long joyride captured by witnesses on the ground. this morning new clues a to how airport ground service agent richard russell was able to steal that commercial airliner at one of the country's busiest airports. >> hey, guy, can this thing do a ?backfl >> reporter: new indications that russell had raised suspicions befor stealing that plane. the "seattle times" obtained audio ofn emergency call after the incident. th pilot says he saw russell acting strangely on his plane a year ago. this guy was in my cockpit, you know, on at least one occasion asking questions,
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wanting to watch me do my flows which is a pre-flight preparation that i do before of ta >> reporter: 55-year-old joel mond mof sd he saw him again on an unoccupied plane with another plan. >> looked like they were pointing and flipping maybe switches and what not in t airplane. i went over and confronted them and said, hey, what are y guys ing here? >> reporter: as a fully edentialed horizon air ground worker, which is a part of alaska airlines, russell had es full a to the airlines fleet. after towing an empty 76-seat turboprop from a cargo facility, russell managed to take off and fly over the sound, ignoring requests from air traffic control to end his think about this successfully? >> reporter: chasedy two
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fighter pilots before crashing on an island inhe did not survi he i got a lot of people that care about m just a broken guy, got a few screws loose i guess. >> reporter: airport authorities say all security protocols wer followed, each employee physically screened, but ground workers are not reqred to undergo mental health checks. >> that pilot saw him acting cstrangely. hoe back then he didn't report him? >> so joe, the pilot, he told "the seattle times" he didn't report the behavior because the airline did not have specific security mandates preventing ground crews from being in the cockpit. the airline he works for, sky west airlines, told nbc news overnight that they are supporting the investigation ann encourage any employee who has any safety concerns to immediatelynk so much. justad a do you constantly worry about your kids when they are away at college? how about preschool? a new rossen report will talk
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about things to keep kids safe when the. step back and talk about protecting your enamel. it's important to look after your enamel because it's the foundation for white teeth. i believe dentists will recommend pronamel strong and bright because it's two fold. it strengthens your enamel, but then also it polishes away stains for whiter teeth. so it's really something that's a win-win for the patient and the dentist. (tiffany) with counseling nicotine patch and gum, i quit for good. my tip is: get help to find the best way for you to qsmoking. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help
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10 grams of protein 1 gram of sugar still ahead, our trip to and football food for fallon. tonight's big gam and the weekend clashes all coming up bo? bubble what? it bo? bubble trance. bubble what? a thing. (man) oh. my point is, everyone's got different taste. that's why verizon lets you mix and matci your family ted plan so everyone gets the plan they want, without paying for things they don't. and right now, the whole family can get six months of free apple music verizon. oh. and righso let's play the wholethat reggaeton. old school reggaeton, not the new stuf (vo) get 45 million songs with six months free apple music on us. only on verizon. swit now and get a free samsung galaxy j3 v.
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named 'park' in the u.s. ninety-six hundred roads it's america's most popular street name. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, ♪yeah ♪and i just wanna tell you right now that i♪ ♪i believe, i really do believe that♪ ♪something's got a hold on me, yeah♪ ♪oh, it must be love ♪oh, something's got a hold on me right now, child♪ ♪oh, it must be love ♪let me tell you now, oh it must be love♪ but by the things you choose to fill it with. your home is not defined by four walls. the things that say, this is me. pier 1. come see what's new in stores today.
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7:56 is your time on this thursday september 13, 2018. good morning you to. i'm eun yang. it is a storm team4 weather alert day. we want to go toheena parveen for a look at the forecast. >> this morning we are sitting in the 70s aga and cloudy. mid-to-low 70s out there. we are seeing a little bit of tchy fog mainly north and west of d.c. through the afternoon mostly cloudy, some passing showers in the forecast, high temperatures around 83 drees. now, as we go into tomorrow the rain chances are going to go up, espeally if the afternoon. . b weekend doesn't look soad or fl far to our south. mond, that's when we expect to be impacted with heavy rain. >> all right. >thank you. nd be sure to follow our jim handly on social media. he is working for yourom north carolina and showing us the impact of hurricane florence. we will take areak now. a check on your commute is up next. .
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only pampers diapers are the number one choice of hospitals, nurses and parents. start with 100% cleancheese? ingredients. hicken, or baja en catering and deliverycheese? now available. panera. food as it should be. and layer on the savings!d take an extra 20% off when you spend $100 or more! save and the newestalven more during our fall style event! plus - get kohl's cash! this weekend - at kohl's. ( ♪ )
8:00 am
stop dancing around the pain that's keeping you awake. advil pm g and silences aches and pains. fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer with advil pm. fall asleep faster, with new beauty steals every single day for 21 days. that's 50% off our most loved brands like tarte and too faced. so hurry in, they go fast... the event ends september 22nd. e exbut are you getting enough of their nutrients?, new one a day with nature's medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies. new from one a day. dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu.
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i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew.d time's the charm... ! take an extra 20% off !en you spend $100 or mo and e nest fl faions. and er ve even more during ll style event! plus - get kohl's cash! this weekend - at ko
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and we're back with more of our special rossen reports school security id e. torcoege. today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen has been checking out gadgets to keep your kids safe while they are away. >> it's move in time in colleges across the country. students away from home, many for the first time. schools are warning tm to be careful. the most recent government numbers are arming. 37,000 crimes on college campuses in .16 alo the good news, we found some simple and cheap gadgets on the market right now to keep students safe walking to class, even t insideir own dorm rooms. >> reporter: school just started and already reports of a sexual assault at oklahoma state university. >> everybody just literally got here wednesday, and a sexual assault has already happened. >>eporter: in fact, across the country products and the
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free app designed to protect students. but do theyll r work? we are headed to college to test them out.'secord. m t saber. it's dorm and amepant alarm. we a going to try this out itfe kty . because it says that it can k h here. come on in. monica said we could try it out with her. how are you doing? >> great. how >> reporter: we are going to try it out, okay? >> sounds great. >> reporter:first, the window. monica inslled this small alarm quick and easy. just a scky on thewindow. i am going to play the intruder here. this isn creepy atall, is it? i am going to open the window and see what happens. it's loud. >> very noisy. >> reporter: if i were an intruder, i would be out of here. you wouldw k get out? >> yes.
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>> reporter: this is a door stop andet alarm. yout up from the inside. when you are going to sleep at night ore in here, it will stop the door. the minute the door hits this thing right here and that pressed, the alarm goes f. it stops them and wakes you up. we are going to try it out. i am going to flip it on. i am going to close the door. put it under your norl like you normally would. see if this works. pretty cool if it does. >> you are good to go. r >> reporter:dy? >> yep. >> rorter: it won't let me in and it's really loud, and it won't let me in. >> that's defini going to wake me up. >> reporter: but this next app goes even further and, best of free.t's called noonlight. when you walk, you keep you finger on the screen. if something happens, you release and the panic button engages. falseyolarm? u have ten seconds to enter your personal pin number. but noonlate sends
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your exand ocn tect gocal patolice. l campus police know we arend ting a test. they have no idea where on campus we are. we are going to see if they can owostur exact coordinatesnd finger off like something going on. >> it says after ten seconds we will provide you location to police. >> reporter: you would enter your pin. moments later they are calling. >> all right. answer the call. hello? >> hi, ms. cooper, this is t. noon i got your police alert. what is your emerg icy, please? hi following me. i don't know where i'm at. >> okay. but you don't know where you are at. i'm showi you are on -- >> i have to go. i can't talk. >> reporter: just like a real emergency. you hung up because you are scared. instantly, noonlight sends this screen to police with her name, photo, and exact location.
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just minuteslater, that was incredible. >> super fast. >> reporter: wow. >> within a couple minutes. >> reporter: officer, hi. in a real emergency, how critic that you got this information? >> critical. seconds count. milliseconds count. i had the street name, the intersection and nearby buildings. o reporte sim gadgets stay safe in school. here is another tip.yo should be careful posting your exact location on social edia while you are there. on campus, tell a friend yourte exact rnd when you expect to be home. if they don't h within a reasonable amount, the wrong can contact the authorities. by the way,ig whte todarosinreports. back to you. >> thank you. let us get a check of ther. weat mr. roker. >> today's weather is brought to
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you by "a simple favor" starring anna kendrick and blake lively in theaters tonight. >> and good morning. you can see we have gotlood xahes in effect right now for 'ss.thte rng th ato be developing, causing problems there. high fire danger out through the southwest. some showers in the pacific northwest. tiful weather in the midsi missi and upper mississippi river valleys. foggy in northern new england. here's what's hap in your neck of the woods. allight. here at home it is a cloudy start to your thursday and keep the umbrella handy. not raining now, but there is a pretty high chance you will get a shower or thunderstorm later on in the day. current temperatures in the very humid low-to-mid 70s right now. afternoon high up near 83 again scattered showers and a thunderstorm or two possible later on in the day today. and even higher rain chances for tomorrow. so keep thellmb rasaire adroun weekend. what's left of florence is likely to be hermonday >> you.
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sirius xm, channel 108. carson is in the orange room with apple. >> there you go. it was big news. thank you. certainly tuned in on wednesday for apple's annual product launch in cupertino, california. apple announcing threeew phones. the xs is the most expensive, starts at $1999. a full inch larger than the 8 plus that many of us already used to. both fans are faster, he longer battery love, come with enhanced photo cool. a dual sim. you canave h two phone. the friendly option, $749. >> that's budgetndly? >> perhaps.
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the this xr comes in black, blue, coral, red, white, yell. apple announcing the new watch. here is the starts at $399. it's got bigger screen, louder speaker, and increased focusn health. this is cool. fda approved heart monitornd a fa a dleectietmergonency servic if needed. the xs and theatch are available for preorder tomorrow inwh o overall, it was a big day for apple, guys. >> all right. always fun. okay. >> remember that viral video over the summer? everywhere for a exclusive min here at the cool cat karaoke. missy is in the pa! let me work it. ♪ reverse it m
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>> that'y from rhode island. out i hav fhight the attent erute she straight killed "work it" sound effects and all. went viral and caught thef attention ellen degeneres. she invited mary to come on live on the show. wouldn't you know, mary got a little >>. ♪ is ♪ let me work it ♪ ♪ flip it and reverse it yeah ♪ >> how about that? those are bad words reverse. the sound effects, didn't miss a beat. missy elliott comes out, performae alongside her.
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a great moment. you can see the episode on the "ellen" show later today. check your listings. >> cool. i loveit all right, carson,e " tonight show" starring look different tonight. jimmy taking the show o the an iconic spot in new york. o w did i happen to bump into him? >>ird. >> unpla. >> morning in central park is abou to get a taste of late ni >> jimmy! >> oh, my god, hoda and savannah, you are here in central park? >> i can't believe i ran into you. >> i was going for my morning walk. we are taking the show to central park. >> you are in. >> come on! let's go. >> we are headed to check out jimmy's "tonight show" set in the park. but first. >> how you >> two out, two back. >> woo!
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>> and then bridesmaids. >> the bridesmaids. >> oh, myw. come see the show. >> we are taking the show to central park. we are so excited about thi it'shthow has ever done garfunk? >> diana ross? >> i know. >> remember that concert? >> of course. i remember. unbelievable. performances to iconic meals. >> want a hot dog? >> you can't go for a walk in central park without a hot dog. like it. >> give me mine. >> mustard and red onion? >> i'm -- i drown mine inng an ocean of ketchup. >> ketchup?>> yes. c i thi tell if someone likes three ho my friend? >> $9. >> hey, friends. >> mm!
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>> we built thisoi stage. it's to be super fun. blake lively is on the show, carrie underwood. >> what? >> it's a giant show. we have a special guest, the new york philharmonic will be here. that's not the only special guest. >> who? >> justin bieber! >> come on. >> reacting to justin bieber on the show? it's reacting to just bieber being on the show. hold on. >> ready? >> okay. that's my -- that's what teens do now. >> yeah, no reaction atll. remember the beetles? >> they are tweetingh. you have mustard in your hair. ♪ and the girl with mustard in her hair ♪ >>ur what's yo favorite bieber song? ♪ is it too late now ♪ is it too late now
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>> finally, we make it to jimmy's "night show" home i the park. >> oh, thisn't this fun? look at this place. how central park is this? what is going on? >> did you do the mary tyler moor -- >> iin know. go up in the air. this is it right here. so that's where i will do interview with blake, carrie. the roots will here. we are teamed up with t-mobile. they have been great to us. it's going to be a lot of, i mean, a giant crowd, like almost 2,000 people. jimmy, we love y. oh my god. >>rry. i got mustard on you. am just kidding! >> it was so fun. tonight with carrie underwood performing in central park and the>>hole show. he weather is going to be good for isit. >> i wer jimmy wa little more enthusiastic. >> he is so fun. talk about drawing a w crowd.
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peope like, jimmy! >> it was really cool. >> great pictures. >> jimmy and "the tonight show" live central park tonight. another big show coming up. he announced kevin hart is going too-host with him the whole hour september 19th. >>e oing togood. >> mustard right there. i know. >> you want better hair, smoother skin, we are about to reveal allurs winter's best. >> and the ideal football food for this weekend's gam this
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break. >> good mow 8:26 on thi thursda. let's get to melissa mollet and your first4 traffic. >> good morning, c innerloop of beltwayiv after road left lane the innerloop back to 66 and southbound through rockville. quite sloop. innerloo after the mixingther p struck. >> thanks. forecast when we come back. o nbc4 today on nbc4 is brought to you by .
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good morning everybody. more clouds in our sky againndor today there is a chance for more showers to impact your thursday afternoon. no rain on the radar just yet. temperatures right now are in the low-to-mid 70s. afternoon high today up around 83 degrees. your rain chance stands at 40%. much more likely t get rained on for tomorrow and what's left of florence is likely to be here early next week. you can get thes latest n and weather any time on the nbc washington a.
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8:30 now. it is a thursday morning.o good morning t a great crowd out here on the plazer. we a taking pictures. hello from tucson, we just heard. y. >> tempe over here. >> young lady is checking it out. >> we have a great show. i think we have looking forward to this for weeks, years. carrie underwood live tomorrow morning on the plaza. y'all should come back. >> this is awesome. >> guys, i think that we have und the cutest smile on the plaza.e would you liko see it? >> yes. >> okay.
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>> meet my friend derek. >> aw! >> good morning. >> how old are you? >> 5. >> shouldn't you be in kindergarten right now? >> yes. >> derrickit is here his family and i hear yous ge skipping kindergarten to be here? >> yes. >> do you want me t so not only better for the environment, it's great for your hair. >> a nice grip. it's an hourglass? a >> if you loo the size of the can, it's half the size of a standard hairspray can, less weight. >> let's talk makeup. does this sayo tat studio? permanent? >> not permanent, but it does last a really long so what they say it lasts about 48 hours. i wouldn't believe it idn i see it. but it actually does. and in testing we foundhat o testers wore it during workouts, in the shower, and it lasd not just the 48 hours,ut about three days. >> that's impressive. i'm alway looking for a good mass car a.
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>> benefitat makes g eye products. this is really special. they actually looked at the m f ones that are actually inspired by aerocl par. this is used by aerospace engineers in space shuttles. >> science! >> i love it. so because of the lighter formula i c holds thel well and you can use more of it. so you get a lot of volume >> i like that. my s year with el a range. it really i surprising it's only a year old, this entire brand. ban how much it changed the industry, what we love about it st times actually the f that we have given a best for beauty breakthrough f award a product because of it's cultural impact. it's also a great product. >> okay. the main thing is that you have really shade under the sun? >> exactly.
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and before this, not a lot of brands were looking at the darker shade range. i feel ke the world is changed forever. >> they are. a lot of brands are following. okay. do you like about these? >> we took a look and wanted to find tt neutral for a light skin tone, a medium and dark skin tone. this when you put it on, it comes across as this tones, the charlotte pill berry. it's a brown neutral shade. super flattering on a lot of people. for dark skin, this is color pop. this comes out as a rich buttery burgundy shade that is gorgeous. ourkar snki gorgeous. >> do you test lipstick on the wrists like the old days? >> lee i mikoule ye bouecause ia different color. it's good to test on hands, but serums and then a cool
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way of putting itn? >> exactly. serums have become really big. we know thats retinol just a superstar skin care ingredient. wes love t neutrogena because it has a fast acting retinoid. so have you tried this yet? >> i did a lot of google search, internet research on this. i thought about doing it. tell me why peoe do it. >> i have become obsessed with these. in the morning cn aan face put the serum on. you stick itn the freezer so it's a chilled little -- and y then rolr face for a couple of minutes. it actually helps to work in the serum, but helps the puffiness in theg,morntoo. >> serum and then roll it on? >> roll it out. >> i love it. i want to try it. finally? >> and then finally i am a big nail person. so i'm always excited to test our nail products. this isau amazing b in all of our tests we had people who rins public trtation everyday and arean cony
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washing their hand went through wear test. it's only $2.99 for one bot e and there is a wide range of colors. >> michelle, thank you so much from allure magazine. if you want to know more about to next, football and food. ar some favorite recipes to get you ready for this weekend's clash betweee giants and cowboy, first this is "today" on
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and troy. fellas, good morning. yo representative teams d i , the oakland raiders, off to a tough start, 0-1, 0-1, 0-1. let's win in the food department. you start prepping. >> so we're doingy an e slow cooker pastrami. this starts off gsimply, through not all the hassle. buy corned beef from the grocery ore. >> can you explain the beef and brisket?as >> pastrami ish layered w the seasoning that is that iconic new york city -- okay. >> take the seasoning. granulated garlic,n, on black pepper, light brown sugar, salt, chili powder, smoked paprika. we are making a rub. >> day of or night before? >> you can do it the night
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before. we are g to generously season our cured corned beef you buy from the gcery store. then get both sides. we are going to wrap it in foilm two. so it has a nice -- t before?do you put th >> put it into the slow cooker. put it on tok r -- >> while you are sleeping? >> yeah, or in the morning of if you have a night >>game. ut it in, set it on low. nine it ten hours later the internal tempera dre will be 2r >> do you need to let it rest? >> yes, any meat, let it rest. slice it against the grain. you getices >>willel inifea youutulmouth. >> beautiful. take giant pieces d throw them on to a sandwich?ou >> what's bread? >> i love some rye bread. hateverou find, whatever you ke pastramin that sandwich and >>t lkt fat.
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it loo ciou st mu>> ar andd. also don't forget pie. i'm from utica. what's up utica? whether a tailgate, birthday party, ts we had. it's focaccia with thick tomato on top. >> giants are looking good. all right, what do you got? oi>> yeah, i am to make my burger with green chile sauce and chorizo cheese sauce. >> this is an award-winning burger right here. >> oh, man. >> this is hefamous. >> chorizo browned. afters i cooked save the fat, add garlic, jalapeno, onions. >> what's the relationship between the beef and chorizo? >> this chorizos in the cheese sauce. you know what i mean? i haveas ave patty cooking up. hit it with some milk, a little bit of cheese. let that melha make ahead of time.
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this one you take out to the nailgate with you and keep it hot the grill. i want to make something a little bit unique andives good texture to the burger, all the flavor, damics of this. i have cabbage. i he jicama. peel it with a knife and then cut it into thi strips. you want to taste it? >> yeah. l>> it'se a mexican potato. delicious. cabb juice, a little bit of oil. and that kind of gives us fresh and brightness, you know? got to have brightness. got have balance on the i'm say? right here 80/20 patties. >> you have 90/10, you have the wrong ratio. >> i got the green chile sauce. >> we are notro messingd here. >> know what i'm sayin'? >> you are notessing around. how is the burger? >> y
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h iit, too. >> that'y. what's up, bab i made that edamame guacamole right there. boom. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's texas style right there, baby. ed aame guacamole foride item, too. >> you want to watch your weight with the edamame guacamole. you've got to cut it somewhere. >> i could not pick a winner. both ofrehese incredible. >> it's a tie. >> right here, baby. >>ie all the way. >> that is -- the cheese sauce is incredible. that's incredible. >> big flavors. doesn't matter. new york wins. dallas wins. good stuff. matt, trey, thank you. >> allhe recipes, more ie got the new york giants, dallas
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we're so happy right no we have a big fourth hour coming up. ave our ambush makeovers. daniel radcliffe is going to uat wit bobby thomas is going to walk us down the runway and show us cool looks. >> two of the best we have had. >>ds hown. >> megyn kelly is next after a check of your local news. gos. go giants. >>de eagles? >> r? >>
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this is a nbc4 today new break. >> 8:56 is your time on this thursday, september 13th, 2018. good morning. i'm eun yang. we want to get right to a check on your commute with melissa mollet and your first4 traffic. how is it? looki >> good morning. innerloop after river road a lane blocked by a crash. delays on the innerloop from 66 on up and southbound 270 is que slow as well. southbound falls at maryland in rockville, a pedestrian struck near julius west middle school. sounds like a child there going to be okay. you may see response there. take a look at those d southbound there on 27 to. >> thank you. a we will t break now and check your forecast when we come .ack.
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8:38 am
and, get $200 toward a range of google and nest smart home devices. go to to switch today. 100% fiber-optic network. 100% phenomenal. ood morning. another gray day outside. temperatures are in about the mid-70s for the most it's going to be cloudy for mosr of you thursday, mostly cloudy skies this afternoon. a high around 83 degrees. sors passing sho later on. tomorrow the rain chances are in the afternoon. expect to have the umbrella with you. over the weekend not as bad b florence wil far to the south over the weekend. the impacts here will be monday
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and tuesday. >> thaout in the national weather servic and changed diapers at night. later, when i had a law practice, i volunteered to help moms collect child support. then, as state senator, i work acrand take guns away from domestic abusers. in congress, i'll stand up to president trump. i approve this message because, like every working mom, what's ahead is as important as what's in the rearview mirror. good morning, everyone. welcome to the show. i'm megyn kelly. big stories this morning. joining me to discuss the rounds today, stephanie gosk,an
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leevy.n and joe we begin with a story that was simmering all day yesterday until the lid blew off of it last night in an extraordinary moment at cbs. yesterday jeff fager, the long rotimecer of "60 minutes" left the company. he was recently accused of inappropriately touching women at company parties and fostering
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