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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  September 17, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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it includes all of southern maryland, the heavy hijack of storms from richmond. some very heavy i rain some areas. i want to take you into this areaere around the university of maryland. they have an alert fg out about a tornado warning. there is to warning for the university of maryinnd. we're gea lot of calls on it. they're taking kids and putting them that interior rooms. that does not need to happen. it is a strong warning but no tornado warning. wre to the south. a tornadoch for areas in yellow. >> thank you. to th flooding
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down south. water reaches the o rooff some homes in north carolina. >> you can see some major roads who go like rivers. and this is thecene playing out in so many communities. >> and chris shows us the damage of one. the damage is just about everyone. the guy down the street had a car turned around sideways against his front door. the storm s age did lot of damage to the main street down. as new bernries out from the storm, there's a guy asking, do ayou needthing? >> i've had about four or five people already. just trying to be a good mode for retool. >> reporter: he says every store
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was damaged. >>bout three or four feet everywhere. >> reporter: now business owners hee getting t first look at the damage. taylor's boutique shot get a first look. >> all my blood, sweat a tears i put into the store. >> reporter: now friends and family are salvagi they can. >> it was underneath the regist cabinet. erything was all covered in water. >> reporter: aswners across town clean up, taylor is determined to do business job line until it cheers out. >> we'll just keep working. >> reporter: you saw the sign. eaw bern strong. folks here are to get to
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work to give back what ty have. news4. back to you. >> it will be a very long recovery for people in new bern and all across the carolinas. thank thousands of people left everything behind because of the evacuations. some storm victims in our area, nsthree generat living together on the univeity campus while the home town is underwater. now we turn to breaking news of c ad and calculated crime. a father shoots four people in his family before turning the himself. you can see evidence to try to then victims. torn screen doors and shattered glass. pat collins is near the home where this all happened montgomery county. you've been working this a few hours.
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>> reporter: police believebl marital ps may have been behind all this. all the rain we got this afternoon is not going to wash away the memory of what happened here when this home turnednto a house of horrors. they say a man iide began opening fire on his own family, shooting one after another after another. we're going to begin the story with some words with the former nehbor. >> never in a million words would i have thought something like this wouhappen. not with him. >> reporter: that's jim greene. r 18 years he lived next door to the gunman. he says he never, ever saw anything like this coming. >> he was the perfect neighbor next door. he came over every christmas. he gave us a box of asian pears. every timete my dau dinged up their cars, he was an auto
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body repairman. >> he was a -year-old auto body mechanic who often did repairs for friends for free. around midnight, police say he went on a shooting spsce. workers so desperate to come to the aid of the victims, they had to go through back of the house. inside they found mr. kim's 48-yeaold wife dead. his 10-year-old son shot and killed. his 11-year-old daughter shot and wounded. she is that to be inrave condition. step s 22-year-old daughter shot and critically wounded. police say there's evidence that kim planned the attack. >> what were the things that he did to indicate that he had planned this ngshoo >> investigators found contact
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information for aiv rel that was left out. apparently by the male. >> in the event something like this wouldhappen? >> that's what they believe. >> reporter: now police say kim and his wife lived in this house. de the s se roof.edeparely back to you. >> thank you. to more breaking news in ,prince george's countyp to 100 people maktd as flames raced through the apartment complex. >> reporter: right now you can see i am holding pepper right firefiters went in not too long ago and pulled her out. thiss her owner.
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this is jay. what was going through your mind when you saw this fire raging behind? u're on the third floor. >> i was hoping that everybody made it out safe.t not j my dog but everybody in the building. >> reporter: how does it feel to now have pepper in your arms? >> a wholeot of worry went away. eporter: we'll make sure you get through this. i want to roll some video to sh people how this all went down. >> the fire started and it was raising so much with the roof that it continually spread to four apartment buildings. a total of 44 units are damaged and 132 people are without a place to stay right now. i wanted to come back out live. you see that's right on the top of the buildith. 's another hot spot. what happened is firefighters
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fut out the names. all o a sudden it srts picking up again. 44 units. the red is on its way. they'll second base ople. the good news is, no within was injured. the bad news is, the some of the units have water and smoke mage so it is just a really tough situation out here. the good news, no one was injured. and he got his job back. >> all right. shomari stone, thank you. tonig a new twist in thepr e court nomination controversy. the accuser has come forward. the senate judiciary committee is in conflict over what should
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happen next. >> both people involved are willing to testify. judge kavanaugh put out a statement saying he is eager to clear his name and he is ready to testify if lawmake will have him. >> one of the finest people i've ever known. but signaling, he is not opposed to showing theon confirmati process as senato senators -- >> if it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay. >> the new allegations coming da before a scheduled committee vote. >> i wish the democrats could have done this a lot sooner. they had this for many months. >> she said he was stumbling drun at a house party in the
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1980s, pinned her to a bed a groped her. saying i thought he might inadvertently kill me. >> she clearly believes if not for severe intoxication, she would have been raped. >> reporter: kavanaugh said he was never at the party. the judge said he's willing to testify to clear his name writing, i have never done anything like with the accuser described to her or to anyone. she too is ready to iftest >> it is so important to have testimony under oath with a lot of questions. meanwhile calling for it to be
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postponed. >> coming up, emotional testimony. >>. a hover board to blame for a fire. and we're on storm watch and we're on storm watch tracking the remnants
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i put criminals in prison during the day i'm jennifer wexton, and as a prosecutor, and changed diapers at night. later, when i had a law practice, i volunteered to help moms collect child support. then, as state senator, i worked across party lines to target sexual offenders and take guns away from domestic abusers. in congress, i'll stand up to president trump. i approve this message because, like every working mom, what's ahead is as important as what's in the rearview mirror.
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strand restorebuilding a father's faith.... it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier ... and coming home sooner. stronger is seuntil you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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. right now a tornado watch remains in effect for parts of our area. as we track the remnants of florida. meantime new details about what happened in th hours and minutes before family and the housekeeper were murdered inside d.c. mansion. an assistant gave details. >> reporter: leaving the courthou after a long day of testifying for jordan wallace.
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salva savopoulos's assistant. he was working at the raceway in maryland in e winter of 2015. phillip was just learning how to drive race cars. wall street was let go. wall street testified thahe left the second business in chantilly, virginia, and essage later ice that night. salva asked him to pick up a package in the morning and he would call with more details. at the time of the call, salva, his wife and house keeper were already held hostage einside. ext day, jordan wallace said he goes to the bank the ceo of the company, american iron works, andas given $40,000 in cash. wall street testifi at 10:15ering gets a call saying to put the cash in the front seat
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of a red car that was parked in the garage and then drive to the business in chantilly, virginia. wallac he did ase was told and never realized they were in danger. the defense tried to poke holes in his testimony and credibility. they reminded jurors that he lied several times about how he deli the $40,000. they also proved through the text messages that he smoked marijuana since 2007. that he purchaseder from s different dealers. the defense asked if wallace ever bought marijuana from dorel wint. he said he didn't. he said he didn't know every person he was buying the drugs from. to opening statem the defense argued it was darr object rowint'ser who murdered the familiar and theus eeper. he said if he could be linkedo
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him in any way, that could be used againstim and h could be charged with murder. he does have a history. he has been convicted of drug b distributi not been named a suspect in this case. tomorrow morning will resume when trial resumes with the prosecution having another oppounityioo que him. live can see from that shot with megan that it is raining pretty hard. >> it took a while to get here. we knew would it. it made its way south into south carolina. and then worked itsheay all way around to us. we're finally getting it today and a little tomrow too. >> we're dealing with flooding concerns. more impoantly, a lot of us are under a tornado watch. >> we saw numerous tornadoes down and around richmond t
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were on the ground. we've seen some video. you can see the line right here down from the baltimore rea right toward the richmond region. and another one towd portions of the blue rie. >> look at the tornado watchful in yellat. includes all of southern maryland. most of i-95 including fairfax, princeta william,ord county and everybody to the south and east. we look towarext year. look right here. wee got some very heavy rain. this rain coming down. making itsay justo the north of the wheaton area. south and akeast, ming its way to the north. so headsup. some very heavy rainfall. more rain around alexandria andw into dow and then along the beltway right toward falls
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church. now again, tornado wat in yellow. the good news is we're not seeing as many storms in our area. speaking of thing we' watching. we're watching the heavy rain. we have flood warnings in effect. from around winch. the areas in gree that are under the flood warnings, in effect until midnight. and under a flash flood watch and this flash flood wash will be in effect until late tonight. we'll track a few more thunderstorms out there. tomorrow we do see the threat coming down. a pretty low threat. the best will be some heavy rain. some isolated flooding out
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there. it has been so wet that we have to continue to let it be a possibility. it is extremely low tomorrow on yo tuesday. dealing with some patchy fog out there. maybe a few afterschool activities canceled. if they are outside, know it will be a soggy oneut there. so storm another umbrella day. wednesda thursday, friday, no umbrellas needed. we start the dry out and see the humidity levels come down >> what else do we see? in the sky? is.the u >> the big yellow orb. we haven't seen it but it is coming out. wednesday, thursday, friday. yes, some sunshine later thiswe
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. that will be some welcome news. we do have some shower activi moving bac in across our region right into saturday, sund, monday, tuesday. i gaveou a little pop quiz there. >> i failed. i failed. >> we forgot what the sun looks like. still ahead, the politics of disaster. >> maybe we should be having more elections. every year elections. so everybody is ready to serve the people. every time. the celebrity chef tal about the difference between hurricane florence and maria as he steps in tof help thousands victims in need. plus,
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a war over wages has heated up, to overturn a law that would raise wages for restaurant servers and bar tenders and
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othe who earn tips. today our reporter listened to people speaking passionately. >> reporter: hundreds of people at the d.c. council room all to hear the initiative . of councilmembers are sponsoring a bill to repeal the initiative that was passed by d.c. voters. it would give tiporkers a higher base pay. he sai the will of the people should be respected. >> how can we talk about voter suppression anywhere in the country if we suppress the vote he because it didn't come out the way restaurant owners wanted to it come out? >> right now tip workers -- some argue it would help lower income workers, others say could it cause job losses and price likes whin bses have to faye higher wages. >> i think it is important to remember that $15 an hour is
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actually $0 if the job doesn't exist. >> we need to work together. >> is there a potential for compromise? some say yes. that they could phase in the pay likes. but he says no. >> there's not a restaurant i go to that all the waiters and all the help doesn't surround my table. >> there are 253 witnesses. this hearing could stretch until midnight tonight. >> we are tracking the remnants of florence. >> the relentless rain is finally moving from the carolinas but the worst may still be aad for man y.
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y. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪
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visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ i'm neal simon. i'm the son of an immigrant and a mily man. daughter: hey, dad. neal: and now i'm running for the u.s. senate, unaffiliated with any party, because theyaying partisan games and getting nothing done, and it's crippling america. i'ated high-paying jobs right here in maryland by listening, bringing people together, and finding commonround, and i'll do the same thing as your senator.
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they say an outsider can't do it, but... all: together... neal: ...we'll prove them wrong. i'm neal simon, and i approve this message. let's finally put people over politics. north carolina after florence. it is responsible for at least 24 deaths in north carolina and the number could rise. >> crews have reopened a road tn wilmington all them on get crucial supplies into the flood ravaged city. earlier it was cut off for hours because of floods. >> we want to begin with doug. florence is causing problems in
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our area. >> a lot of problems in our area. we continue to see the rain and very strong storms. in our southern zones, some very heavy rain. all o b thisause florence, the remnants, off to the west into portions of wesrginia. you can see the spin. you can see it alo i-95. the seve thunderstorm warning just to the north of richmond. numerous tornado warnings. you notice the yellow, that's all the tornado watch. however, you are under a flood wapah. county. you may see some bigger storms to the south. we'll continue on watch this.
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the flood watches. are the corridor, can't say it h en that's one reason we're seeinso any deaths toward the carolinas. >> you've got it. good advice here. we watch this frame move into our region. >> tonight we continue with jay gray. >> ingt wilm, with the flooding concerns there. is it going the get worse there? reporter: hey, it is. we had rain earlier today. we've seen more than 30 inches. clear for the first time in five days. we're seeing the sun and blue skies but it is revealing more damage like this. you can see storm took this awning from the gas twisted it and ripped it apart. the wind is gone but the effects, they seem to be growing
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right now. as water continues rushing into the carolinas, thousands are rushing to find a way out. >> first responders have reported rescuing andvaating 2,600 people and 300 nams. and rescues are ongoing.or >> rr: from the air and through floodwaters in neighborhoods overcome by four days of rain. in some areas, it is still coming in. >> floodwaters are rising. w the riversl crest and they will for days. >> washing out roadways, shutting down highways, turning towns like wilmington intola iss with no way in or out. and fl is scarce. cars stretch for miles at a few open gas stations. close to half a million are still without power. for many parts of north
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carolina, the danger is still >>immediate. tragically, the storm has claimed at least 24 lives. the latest victim, this little boy swept from his mother's arms by thefloodwaters. >> he was my first and only child. now he is gone. >> reporter: the pain. an unrelenting power force for so many, still impossible to escape. the rain is no straight shot. i can tell what you is normally an hour to two hour drive, four and a lf more hours or more. >> just a sampling of tough times ahead. and they had to show such
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resilience. the devastating flooding, aousands from there living in shelters spread out across at least seven states including here in our area. mark sea graves went to the university of maryland where threeio generat of one family are living together. >> reporter: heree at campus, he has played for concerts. today it is home to evacuees who have fled hurricane florence. >> i was told to go as far asca you n we don't want to stay north carolina. >> reporter: rosie lt her storm ravaged home seeking shelter for her children and grandchildren. they endedp here at the university of maryland campus. >> i appreciate it. l the workers. they're very lovely to the children. they took good care of me.
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they helped me out. >> reporter: while this shelter maye one of the farthest from the carolinas, it is not the only h carolina has more than 10,000 evacuees living in 153 shelters. in south carolina, more than 6,000 evacuees. and in virginia, georgia, tennessee and maryland, the red cross has 22 shelters housing more than 480 evacuees. as for rosie and her family, they'll be living at this shelter until they find out when they're allowed back in their neighbor and if they haveef anything to go home to. what's your fear? >> snakes iny house, something like that. >> reporter: she homes she can go back home by the end of this week. the red cross is asking that people bring cash rather than
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supplies to the shelter. news4. >> we're going to wish rosie a her family all the help in the world. right now we're showing you more ways that you can hel florence victims and we have inf on why the death toll often rises in the days and weeks after the hurricane hits. coming up, our exclusi interview with chef andre. >> why he said helping people in need runs through his blood. >> reporter: 420 acres up for grabs. grabs. i'll tell why you i put criminals in prison during the day i'm jennifer wexton, and as a prosecutor, and changed diapers at night. later, when i had a law practice, i volunteered to help moms collect child support. then, as state senator, i worked across party lines to target sexual offenders and take guns away from domestic abusers. in congress, i'll stand up to president trump.
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i approve this message because, like every working mom, what's ahead is as important as what's in the rearview mirror.
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take a loot is picture. it is the remains of a hover board. we've learned the consumer
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product safety commission is investigating. we are told the fire caused about $100,000 in damage. nobody was hurt. everyone got o okay. there have been more than 250 reports of hover boards overheating or catching fire since 2015. for details on recalls and how to safely charge your hover board, go to the nbc whington app. all across this area, you see cranes and constructionhe ever you look. new bpldings are going everywhere and that means ncreased traffic and congestion. the next massive piece of land that could be developed is at dulles international airport.or >> rr: welcome to the lachbds dulles international airport. a whole lot of space out here. the airport already bought this land a long time ago but there's a lot left. ov and now 424 acres up for grabs
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and they say they have a buyer. this is a story that is about so land.more than selling >> this area is nstruction, construction, construction all the time. >> reporter: it is a story about peopleike kelsey escobar who has lived on the edge of the airport for 20 years. what was an incredibly quiet community now eeriencing rapid development. even new metro stations coming here. now this new section of land about to be sold so a newov company can in. >> i wish they would dial it back. >> here some of the details. a 424es in this area of airport property will be sold for an estimated io236.5 mi bucks. the authority says it will p it in a reserve fund.
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in the way of schools, roads and other safy for oth services. but yes, there will be more congestion they are banksit >> one day better than the next. >> it will bebad. it's been called the fastest growing company in the state. and no it is set to continue. news4. the chef philanthropist. coming up, we talked to him about his new role in the wake of hurricane florence. >> some strong storms. we're not out of the woods yet. much more on the tornado watch.
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we take a quick look at the weather radar. the fla flood watch is in effect for just about all of us. doug has more on the potential threat and how long it will last 92 few minutes. the devastation b florenc isn't over yet and neither is the work of che jose andres. his team of cooks and volunteers. >> and we wanted to find out what it is thatets someone to diveo ioubled waters. >> he drove himself to north
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carolina as the water was rising and flights canceled. he has made second career of wading in to help in a crisis. sometimes putting his own life in danger to help others weather storm. he will quickly tell you he is not the only one doing this. >> he helps people every day. >> reporter: he says caring about other human beings was something he learned at home growing up in spain. >> my mom, my dad used to be nurses. and i told the people in the hospital, the nurses always going the extra step. >> reporter: he first learned to hook at . lighting the fire and stirring the pot to make .pail it is a skill he shares often. in 2010 he founded the world central kitchen after the devastating earthquake in haiti. he called on other chefs to join him and they did.
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>> the movement of people that want to feed others. >> reporter: and stirring the boss has taken him into some pretty sticky situations. like material nighting a deal to open a restaurant in the trump hotel in washington. following president trump's disparaging words about mexican immigrants. i don't know if it is crazy. but it seems like more than ever, this administration seems against people that speak english with an accent. >> reporter: having twice been named to the list of the most one hundred influential people, having won international awards, his restaurants are the most popular singled out again.
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norns the bearing down. seas once again to move. he said the respill be better this time. we didn't have the full support of the government. that's the reality. and he is hoping it is not just because it is an election year. >> i guess our politicians, seems to ng put more pressure on things when it is republicans and immigrants alike. nobody escapes. maybe we should be having more elections.ct every year ens so everybody is ready to serve the people. every time. every moment. >> here in washington, jose andres is always busy. georgehes a seminar at washington university. snur dome have to go very far. heants to teach world to care about food. >> you're really allbout healthy eating, are not you?
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>>hi well, i everything is healthy. you have to make sure that you do it in the right way. s>> reporter: could polite in his future? it is doubtful. he would rather keep stirrinth pot tnko wor make the is full o those moments when we go beyond our duty. that's what makes our country and our planet so unique. chef andres is working out of in wion, north carolina right now. he is on the ground. his kitchen volunteers are projecting by this wednesday, they will serve about 150,000 meals to all those affected by the storm. >> what is so impssive is he is able to mobilize chefsnd workers at the scene to join in.
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>> if this chef can't go, find five others who will. >> and it is a real commitment. >> he is not just a chef, he's a leader. now, we track the weather and the strong storms out there. >> boy, youradar has been popping. >> the good news is, things started to calm a least a little bit west move through next hour or so. the heaviest rain down around the richmond area. o making way across the region. th tornado coming through. this is one of numerous tornadoes that i saw. look at it just take the roof off that business.
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you can see the spinning of the tornado making its way through and then all the debris flying around in the air around this tornado. some crible shots here around the richmond area. look at all the debris. numerous tornado reports. take a look. there's not a single tornado warning right now in through parts of the tornado watchful and the tornado watch right h yoeu can s ee from d.c. right down woward fredericksburnd rihe ch.mond only area is around richmond under a severe thunderstorm warning but nothing around the district. a few showers here but that is it. th tornado watch until :00. anne arundel county, prince george's,fairfax, everybody to the south. were looking at heavier there is no line. i'm not expecting t anadoes.
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what expecting to the west, this is interesting. they're tracking it to the las two hours. very heavy rainfall in andar nd rappahannock. we are seeing a lot of rain some of the line associated with it the tornado watch is to the east. you can see it. this storm moving toward the northern ne. to the west we're looking at more rain throughout the evening hours and i want to show you what's happening. they do. they just issued this. the flood warning. what's the difference? a flood warning mean we're eing the creeks and streams rise and they'll continue to do so. numerous road closures. seeing road closures throughout blue ridge and the shenandoah valley. turn around, don't drown. east.uld see it to the
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by 8:00, most of the activity off toward the east.ti we'll ce to see more showers in there tonight and into the day tomorrow we expect more shower activity there as ll. an % channel of showers. then we see some show nice sunshine. wednesday, thursday, friday, we get into the 70s to start next week. some shower activity but not nearly as bad as what we've got out theretoday. >> all right. thank you. we've controversy. judge brett kavanaugh will have another hearing. and the vote scheduled for this thursday will be delayed. next monday, kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault will testify at a public hearing. the woman's name is dr. christine blase ford. her accusation dates back to the 1980shen she was a student. he strenuously denies the
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thousands of fans were displeased with the game. the home opener not great for the home the lowest attendance in the 21-year htory of fedex field. mo than 21,000 from last scene's opener. the play on the field, n very good either. the redskins only managed three field goals in the 21. we feel you there, mam the tea aware of the crowd's frustration and the missing fans. >> i know that as well. >> that's not som
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am a real big fan of, the boos. as pla e'irs, wre not performing as we should. you don't have to let us know. >> maybe a better showing against the packers. twor for redskins great they're showing their ideas on how the burgundy is that gold can get bk on the right track. >> i have to get the ball to keep it moving. i know with them playing their best games we have a chance. >>e for everything starts with a.t. i think he's been the game changer and thates ign everyone else. > three attempts in the fir half. this is the round of talk.
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>> you are on the side line. >> hey, davis wouldn't have been the only one. all of a sudden, you're worried about it. it is not that hardsk. the rins adding to the receiver core. the team has signed for sean perryman. he never really developed for baltimore. the inskingss led himo be released. maybe some fresh blood could be the change they need. there needs to be sometttng a different. >> it couldn't hurt. worth ahe gold in the state.
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green bay. >> aah. >>
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breaking news as as we come on the air. florence is slammian her state. the twisters are flipping cars. tearing homest.apar tonight there's a dramatic new rescue. catastrophic flooding overwhelming the carolinas. >> we're coming for y next, tom! >> people rescued hanging on for dear life. a supreme court cliff-hanger as nominee in jeopardy? the woman accusing him of sexual assault says she's willing to testify. but will she get the chance? new calls for the vote to be delayed. the president standing by him. >> will he withdraw? >> next question. what a ridiculous onuestion. >> andhthe


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