tv Today NBC September 28, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. good morning. he saie ysaid. the senate speaks. inust hours, lawmakers will cast the vote of a lifetime to send brett kavan tthe suprt or send him home. i am terrified. dr. christi to rape her. >> with what dree of certainty do you believe brett kavan assad you? 100%. tears and fury. charge.nocent of this confirmation process has beco a national disgrace. >> and with the world watch sena unload. since i have been in hical
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politi and i don't know how any my republican colleaguescould, after hearing her tell her story, could not only not believe uther, b could possibly vote for brett kah. this morni bittery lmakers torn. there is no way you can leave that hearing room with ce ai the choice that will effec a genera 2018.: >> ann from nbc news this is "today" withna savangue and hoda kotb live from studio inhe rer plaza. g in for hoda.. in aou while reale you are wat u have two lives, judge kavah and professor ford's. and it's the supreme court atre stake it was one of the most
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extry day washington an theation has ever seen. nearly nine hours of emotional testim as ntioned, twoives laid bare with the country watching. trau in front of the world and i havey seen life picked apart by people on television, on twitte other social media, other media, and in this body who have never met me or spoken with me. >> your coordinated and well fund efft to destroy my good name aoy des my family will not drag me oia. the threats of violence agt my familyriill not me out. so where does it all go from here? wel take you qckly through the next steps. vote. orning the meet full senate where
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the vote will be conside tomorrow. the final confirm is likely we will tal to one of th se on the panel and one of the nominee's close friends. and we have in depth coverage across washi and across the nation. et' hunt. she is on capitol hill where the action is. goodmorning. good wmorning. aay yesterday. when i left the capital last night, repn leaders were optimi that they can get kavah confirmed, but that is this morning judge brett h heading for a o gh-sta vote in the senate come have her say, and i think it's n me to vote. dayy and emotional of testimony, republicans met late into the night trying to push forwardr to to a vote in the full senate i
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undecided r corroborated repu senator corker anno he will vote yes on kavana leaving eyes on key swing senators, jeff flak murkow and susan collins. the women under particular pressu after the from dr. ford. do you say to senators rki and collins who are tryi do? >> i hope they listened to dr. s testimony. this takes extraordina courage from them. collins and g the few undecid after a combative and part hearing that saw both sides dig in. >> the fbi shoig your charges a they did in the anita hill hearing, but they did not. >> republi ley erupting at demo
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destroy this guy's life, hold this win in 2020. you said that. not me. you've g nothingo apologize for. th is the most unethical sham the south carola in politics. senar stillti let loose on demor in the night on fox news. to my friends on the side, i would never have done this to one of youin ns. you should be ashamed. democrats defending dr. ford andheir own handling of her originally anonymous letter i did h not leak story. she asked me to hold it confiden and i kept it confid when the committee reco just hours from now with 11 republs and ten democr cmittee member jeff flake's vote could make all the differ the arizona senator visibly he is right, she's wrong, she's right, he's wrong. u just do the best y flake wille
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in the spotlight this morning,b let's tal how this full senatel vote play out. 51 republicans,9 democrats. thg to be on lisa murkowski, susan collin.nd jeff fla you should also keep an eye on tenar joe manchin of w virgin is a democrat who is up re-ed he has been g m signals about how he wants to vote on kavanal suspense today. thursday hearing will be talk about and databased by everyo in that senate room. the tens of millions watching all over this country. both sides digging in after the day's long emotional testimony. nbc's national correspon for us.exander is on capitol peter,mo good morning to you. new developmes from overnigh o white telling us that president t was working
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the phones overnight, speaking to senators, trying to make sure he had the votes for his supreme t pick brettavanaugh. it came at the end of an emotioap -- draining day that was a powerful and raw she said he said. for christi the hist hearing was deeply person i am here today not becai o be. e. i am hecause i believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while brett h and i were in high school ford spe ing publ for the first time about an alleg assault more than 30 years ago. ere says brett kavan and his friend mark judge there. >> i was pushed on to the bed and bre got on top of me. he began running his hands over my body and grinding into i believe he was going to rape i tried to yl for help. when i did, brett put hisd h over my mouth to stop me from yell
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this is what terrifiede the most and it's had the most lasting impact on my life. it was har for me to breathe and i thought that brett was me. de going to kill >> ford remembe lookg over at judge. i made eye contact wit mark and thought he might try to help me, but he did not. overnight mark sending a letter to ss writing not recal the events described w brett act i a ma dr. ford describes. the psychology professor asked about her strongest memory from that tn t two and their having with what degree of certainty do you believe brett kavan assad you? 100%. ep then it was kavah' han in hand with his wife,ie delive ae denial. my a familynd my name have
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been tot and permanently destro i was not at the party described by dr. ford. confirmation process has .eco a national disgrace. >> rep kavanaugh often emot fighting to clear his name. that's not who i am. it is not who is. i am innocent of this charge. intend no ill will to dr. ford and her familth other night ashley and my daug liza said their prayers and little liza,ll of 10 years -said to ashley, we should pray for the woman. lot of wisdom from a 10-yea the supreme cou e ans questions abt his drinking. ied l beer. i still like beer.
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but i did not drink beer to the poin blackg out and i never sexually aaulted anyone. very much. as soon as the d. heargsi adjourned pnt p deliver, a ringing endorsement tweing ju nominated him. his tes was powerful, hone and riflting, making no mentn of kavanaugh's accuser, chri ford. ring thursday's hearing brett h touted his unanimous well qualified rating fm the amer bar association, but overt a new development.a fettee senate to waite holding the vote, callg on them to conduct a confe on judge kava to the suprt only after anop ap background check into the allegations made by mr the federal bur
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invest thank you. we are joined by one of the sena who will cast a vote today, senator amy klobuchar, demo from minnesota. good m to you. i know you have your ear to the ground. do you think republicans have the vote to move this nominee out of committee? >> i don't thi anyone clearl senat flake is on the commit and one thing to note is they could move it through the committee even if we don't have his vote, even if it's tie, even if he passes. whatev happens, it could just simp go to the floor. that's the way it works. right. conf rememr that. do you thinkel he will ultim be confirmed? i d know.ottom line question. is in t hands of senator colls and senator murkowski. i believe that i they listened to this incredibly graceful, dignd woman yesterday, it's hard to not at least sae fbi in cont to they said she said, this is really he said they
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peo said he has belligerent when he roomma he has been stumbling. all of these stories that would lead you to at least say let's check them out. because t would have, of co, corroborate some of the senator, at the same time -- o ahead. i hr you point. d this is truly is a perphe situation. same time, th that dr. ford gave to the comme who she says were there tha night, includi one who th all say they have no reco. that give you pause? f you found her testimony to be believable and credible, does that giveou pause? i want to have mark judge, the person that she says was in the room under oath or inted by the fbi. h is interviewed by the fbi, that is a way differe than sending a letter in truly
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>> what about the other two? that could have criminal penas if he lies. the thing wit the othertwo, i thins important that the fbi interview them as well as follow up as the other women that have come forward. this ishy the aba that gave s s wait one week. i would turn this on my collea and say, you won't ve hu won't give us one week to get to the facts when we are suppos to come to the truth and make a decision on the hight court of the land. she was willing to come forward not to just a jury box of strangs l som does in a court case, to the nation. a nation of strangers for her. sheent forward, told her case. at least give her that mot thes and why are they shutting it down? i believe it's because they are trying tome hide ing. senator,e is any possibility that both of thesendiv feel they ar telling the truth?
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that is why, infa , i was gettg at the blackout situ the ftt that at t time he wait th a number of accounts that he was drinking a lot or binge drinking. i don' no idea what it is becae we haven't had these kinds o interviews. i was trying to get at the fact, partial doesn't a blackout, reme. we don'trs have ans because he an hitting back at i w to play that portion i wil a case where you drank drank so much that you didn remember what happened theight before or part of what happen? you are asking about a t know. have you? could you answer the questi, judge? that's not happened? is that your answer? yeah, and i'm curious if you do i. norinking problem,
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>> t what was going through you mind inhat moment? >> well, what i was thinking is if he was a judge in a courtroom and i had acted like this, and this is kind of like our courtr right, he would have me out. apologized later publicly to me, which i appreciated, but still the problem for me is he real didn't answer the inci where he didn't party rem what happd that is one answer. d the only way we get to the bott of this is i we reopen the fbi investigati as we have done in so many case, includinge h reopened it. >> i am almost out of time. i have to ask you, your repuolleagues have poind out that senator feinn receiveds letter in late july. i know she said she promise td would be confidentia of cou the identity of the accur leaked. but they saying, lookde the
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s sat on this for six weeks and suddenly it comes out at the point of maximum politically,hem and they say this stinks to high it a democratic dirty trick, to which you say what? >> iever saw that letter until the day it went to the fbi, as you about two a weeks. but i believe when you listen to senator feinstein, she came forwar dr. ford clearly said she didn' want anyone to know bout it, that it was conf. then she honored that conf then when the media found out came forward. i think the point i here, no matt what my colleagues think about what happened, they have to ans trs question. are they going to shut down a procs just for this nominee that we have used over and over again with other nominees? when facts come out we at least have the fbi go and check them out so that we have the eviden cannot create an evidene z forhe
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hight court of the land. , thau v for being with us. apprec it. >> you. we are going to talk to of t judge agenciesoo friend in just a little bit. our man at the supreme court, nbc justice corresponde pete willia is standing by for us ther pe good morning. where do we go from here? >> well, obviously, the senate vote. think what we saw i a very unusl thing. a nominee lashing out in a part way, especially for some nominated to the supre court judici nominees handle even coe questions without attag t senator. e obvious exception i '9llwho he hearing a high-tech thomas, kavanaugh attackedty the p opposed to his nomina bec he thought he was bei unfairly criticized and his anger boiled over, but ther no question that his attack on the democrats was very
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un modern times pete, thank you.nteone. that senate e meetg gs underway this morn we will have live special on many of these nbc statio> let's get a weat is in boise, idaho this mornin good mo ging. we ang to make somebody's m come true. we do that, we want tke somebody's dream come true for a nice weekend, especially the northeas this storm system pus out. a lot of heavy rain overnight. awa mov the good news. as you can see, pushing out. 28 mile at risk s we move on are watching inw low system. it moves off the coast. it brings rain through the early aftern con movg away, and then rainfall amounts start to finallyer t off. we are lookingt half-inch to an i plent of sunshine.
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chillye heat holds on in the southw of rain through the southe forunshine in the pacific northw goi to get to your cal forecast coming in the s . > g morning. dym meteo chuck bell. skies are mostlcl but the rain is over and the sunshine will be making a quick return to the area. on the advisory side, a flood warng for highlighted areas.
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out for high standing water thimorning. temper rig now in the upper 50s to around h0 ded we wie highs today and thr >> and that's your latest weathe roker in boise. we wilk t you in a > breaking overnight, the plane crashed into the ocean with everyone on board surv th bringing back a lot of memo of the miracle on the hudson. we arec > we will talk to supreme t nom very good friend. us live. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. it's 7:30 n, friday mornin the 28th of september, 2018d a eyes will be on that room this morning. capitohill. the senate judie v set toe just hours from now on brett kavanaugh's nomination to thecourt. today will -- toda they heard yesterday. ginger loper, one kavanas friends, was in that room. she was seated on the front row d this mor she is with us here on good m to you. thanks for your time. good morning. thank for having aime, cr we just showed our viewers o pictur y on the front row. wh was it like inside the hearing room as yout
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testy from your friend judge kavanah and from professor fo as you can imagine, it was incred emotional. was somber. you could heap a pin d in the one point i lood around the dais at each of the senators, and each o one them, they e woe kavanah h to s. they flowed from the heart. they w listening. ginger, as you have heard, profr f said with 100% certy was, in fact, brett kah who assaulted her. judge kavanaugh then said he was absolu cer that w he not even at that party. is it possible that bh of them ? >> it's ironic that you ask that questi, craig, because just sund night i wasmaing with
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some friends and i made that very point. i know brekavanaugh, ind know and so, to me, it's perhaps the ly thing that could be. >> how could that be? houl be >>llg their version of the truth? well, i don't know dr. ford, but io know brett kavanaugh, and i know thatou he not never, ever, never do these .hings that he s be but i did watch dr. for yester and she was very movi. she clearly believes something happ to her, and she -- i belie tha somapned
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to her. i also believe that it was kavanaugh. ginger, you are say you e c absolutelytain it wasn brett kavanaugh. my understandi is that you sive known the kavanaughs for well o it pe that the brett h that you know now, judge kavanaugh, 53 ars old now, a candidate for the highest court in the land, very difft from a brett kavan at 18 years old? is itbl pos that maybe the guy that you know isn't the guy who existed i 1982? >> well, it's not -- know breth now, and i have known the kavanaughs for nearly 20 years. the interesting thing is, craig, they have had people testify to his charact from the time he was 14. the people that knew him best, that knew him as a middle as a high scho, when he was in colle, and they all testified to t brett kavan that i know, who is good to the core,
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who is decent, who is humble, who is honorable, who could never do these things. >> yesterday, at times he was emotios on the verge of tears, visibly angry. do you think that was an effecte strategy for the judg >> well, i don't know that he necey set out with a strate i know is, t eavaughs have been t last two w oces to me that emotional resp was very ap what his famil gone t ginger loper, friend of e kavana , craig. ti of course, all of this is playg out in the context of the "me t movement. so with that in mind we wondered how arepeople, folks out there watc what's happening on e gosk took a look at that for us. you know, when the book isit about the "me too"
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moveme, this confirmation will get its own long chapter. many asking whether thursday was an example of progress or dram display of dr. christineford, now standi at the crossroads of "me politics, and the movement it is not my responsi to determine w to sit on the supreme c. my responsibily is to tell you the trut some hailing her a hero after delivering fou hours of unwavering detail her sexual assault h vehemently denying avanaugh. that's not who i am.ho it is not i was. many supporting ford both online with hashtags like ihr believeistine b and on prot erupting in cities i believe!untry. >> this hearing is exactly what
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turned isted and d misrepresend as something about taking down powerful men, but it has nothing to do with that. another prominentf figu the movement, actress alyssa a moment in history that coul miss. ford's words m a 76-year-o woman who was sexually molested in the second grade. this brings back so much pai po pictur of herself on iwitagram, the caption this is me at 14. age i was raped. another woman confronting r lindseym outside the >> rep the encounter captg how personal this high-ss moment is for so ma i have anown few people that have gone through this. an t i know way they have
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resp, thiss tough for somebody to going throu the national sex line, other ways known as rain. was experiencing extraordina dela in the chat rooms and lln times for people was happe li this has a lot of parents askiw do you talk to your kids about that? we will get into it in a little bit, talk to an expert. let us head back out west to het a of the weather from al roker. is in boise, idaho. more on i guess why in just a bi as well. >> that's right, guys. well, we e going to help make om somebo dream true in this building behind me. but more on that in a little avbit. we got something very , and take a lo.about here on
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wee rosa. 640 sm southwest of southern baja,il 145-mpe winds movi west at seven. sudden it makes a hard righturn, heads towards the gulf of california and comes into the southwest. so we are g tong be loo at a lot of heavy rain for sou califo, for the southwest. a risk of flooding, mudslides, even as it weakens becoming a ou trop stor we be lookg at three to five inches of rain through the southwest. could be even more. we will cone to track that. going to bet week that we will be talking about that. that g what'sng on around the country. here what's happening in your ne owood goomorning. we have s flooding concerns out there because of the heavy rain es in parts of northern virgin, nor maryland. temper right now decause not have the ra we are in the mid-to 50s. 61 deg in washington. later today mid-70s, gr the resy
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nice a dry. g like fall, mid-70s, moretic, ne are >> that is your latest weather, guys. a wise philopher once said, i think it was mr. potato head, way to go idaho! >> yes. i know. ingo get those all thank you, al. ing started. >> it's 3:00 a.m. out there. h right.> coming up, what to say your kids ask those tough questit the news. how parents can use the kavah hea as a jumping f point for some important co> alsohead, the inspiring a women behind powerful movement to end bullying and get girls to be kinder to ea other. > a new song released fromt "a st" thaou will be happy t have stuck in your head weekend. next, a frightening pl crash overn a a mir
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the fa mirac on the hudson. this the miracle in micron. 47 peoe on board. they we seconds from safety in a normal landing when somehow the pilots got it terribly wrong and landed short of the runway. way off a runwa underw, thecr 737 a submd is surrounded by small boats, its passengers ferried to safety. g those who survived, amer bill james. landed hard until i saw a hole in the side of the ple and water coming in. i thought, well, this is not the he said the plane came in very low. y rainnd poor visibility reported. the plane was commuting between two sllslands in micronesia, a route flight of over 400 mile theunway seen here from anotr successful landing is
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narrow, but normal. the 36 passenge and 11 crew had a lucky escape, landing in a lagoon s shallow, the intact plane stayed level and stable. about here on me iide the plan i called my wife and she cried. i asked her why, because i was talkin to her. everyone scram nld out through one exit door. some injured, but all alive. the pilots are being questioned a landing that was techll successful. it justasn't on the runway. , you'll remember in the crash landi on the hudson nine years ago, it was a bird strike that knocked out bothngines of that plane and the pilots heroanded safely in the river. everyone survived. explaining to do.ilots no geese reported rain. quite a salvage job ahead to get that plane out of the lagoon.
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movie. plus, big n fr news from michae buble. first, is important to me so being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the thingsd (avo) another tru story with keytruda. (roger) my doctor said i could start on keytruda so i did with each scan things just got better. (avo) in a clinical study, keytruda offered patients a longer life than chemotherapy. and it could be your first treatment. keytruda is for adultsg ith non-small cell lncer that has spread... ...who test positive for pd-l1 and whose tumors do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. i it'sunotherapy with the most fda-approved uses for advanced lung caer. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this can happen anytime during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough, chest pain, shortness of breath,
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diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, constipation, changes in urine, changes in eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching or flushing,y as this makeep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of keytruda. tell your doctor about all you medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. (roger ) before i'd think of the stuff i might miss. but nohowith keytruda, we have . (avo) liit's is possible. keytruda, from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. mike thomas: ooohh! you're hittin 'em good j! heeeyyyyy! mike thomas: have you ever played golf in the snow before? justin thomas: oh no! mike thomas: (laughing) oh my goodness! justin thomas: i'm just gonna try to practice for all my life and see where it ends up to. hopefully i'll be good enough to go to the tour.
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mike thomas: (laughing) good shot big j! with secret-slim pockets.tar slimming panels for your best shape in any size. hurry in for 30% off your entire purchase, or 40% off when you use or open an old navy card. and yes, we have your size. only at old navy. the oats feed your body fiber. some oats, fiber helps keep things moving through your system. which is great. tobecause when you're goodour s, it'll be good to you. with 2 x the almond oil enriched body lotion... it deeply nourishes skin for 48 hours new nivea essentially enriched deeply nourishes for 48 hours. a 50% chance isn't good enough when it comes to your kid's nutrition. 1 out of 2 kids don't get enough calcium, vitamin d, and potassium.
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make sure your kid isn't one of them. one simple way? 3 servings of real milk a day. serve real milk at mealtime. "have you lost weight?" of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the unter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and kp it off. looking good, patrick. i know. cat's inner voice: party over here. party over there. party over here! party over there! cat's inner voice: (sighing) i should buy a boat. we'll never totally figure them out, but we do know what makes them happy. meow mix. 40 years, and still the only one cats ask for by name.
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? 7:56. news break. good mo you. i'm eun yang. want to che morning commute with jack tic first tra what are you seeing, jack? >> good morning. we have bn talking inner loop at 355 rockvil pike the jackkn tractor-trai sing file. o nort river road. northb o39 a in s up before sem accint cleanup, left lane taken s on the pain line. riding up t. northb on 28 after route 50 t in virginia got a crash out there as well. just expect only one right lane gettg by with a big delay. .to you.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, supreme cou showdo. s are moving ahead wi v a keye this morning on brett kavanaugh's nomination after an extraordi and certaintyof teimony. do you believe bresa kavan you? 100%. >> that's not who i am it is not who i was. i amnnocent of this charge. the president standing by his supremtee while key yote? remain divi w do you talk to your kids about what happened? > plus, making a comeback. tiger >> tiger fm the left rough.
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less than a week after earning his first win in more i didn't know . th would happen again. a close look at the legey golfer's career as he and "a star is born."ng of >> the moment lady gaga fans have been waiting for is here. th release of a song from that upcomi movie, and you won't be able to getf it out your head. y is friday, . ♪ >> here from fort myers, on our way to paris. hday. 52nd birthday. we're the famoo >> hi, mom and dad from good morning to all the kids.
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from the ronald mcdo!as! >> hi, everybody. see good morning. nice to have you al morning. we have a good crowd out there, even in the rain. g is in for hoda. to the newst 8:00e fate of nominee brett dep on what will happ in a few hours on capitol hill. national corresponde peter alexan joins us from wash with the latest. hey, savannah, good morng this morning the senate e will meet and vote on brett kavanaugh's nomi. that nomination heads uler to the senate, likely d and then final confir come as earlys nextuesday. all of this after what was an emot for chris the
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histor hearing was deeply person because i want to be. i am terrified. i am here because i believe it tell you c duty to what happened to me while brett h and i were in high school ford speaking bl for the first time about an alleged ass 30 ars age i was pushed on td and brett got on top of me. he began running his hands over my body and grinding into me. i yelled, hoping that someonewn might hear me, and i tried to get away from him bute his was heavy. br groped me a my clothes. i believe he was going to rape me. overnight, mark judge sending a le leader part, i do not recal the events described re dr. ford. i never saw act in a manner dr. ford describes. wity
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do you believe brett kavan assad you? >> 100%. then it was kavanas turn, arriving ha in hand with his wife, mynd fam my name h permanently dest i was not at the party describ by dr. ford. confirmation process has co a national disgrace. kavana emotl fighting to clear his i am not questioning that dr. ford may have been sexually assad by some person in so some time, but i have never done this to her or to anyone. that'sot who i. it is not who i was.charge. the supreme cou questions answe about his drinking. i liked be.
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i sti like beer. but i did not drink beer to the poin blackg out and i never sexually assaulted anyone. delivering the hearing's most heated moment, erupting at this is the most unethil sinc jud kavanaugh, thank you very much. hearing adjourned. as soon as pveelivering his ict, a nt ringg endorsement of his nomine tweeting judge kavah sho america exactly why i nominated him. hisestimony was powerful, honest and riveting. the president notably making no mentn of kavanaugh accuser, chri ford. so what will the senate do? it's a good question this morn reic can only af vote. all the democrats vote no. those are the key senators to watch over theext two days. the two republican women, lisa mu and susan colli as well as the arizona senator jeff
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flake, who hasn't hipped his could be crucial as well. we will be watching over the course of the next several days. peter, thank you. we will have live cs sene meeti this mor on many of the > the fbi thig says there e lots of unanswered quess a the death of 6-ye maddox ritch. on thursday searchndeams f a body belie to be that of the missg boy who had autism. gutierrez joins us from c gaston,olina, with , what do we know?investigati craig, goo morn official i.d. is pending from the medical examiner, but as you said, police believe it ishe bod of 6-year-old maddox h who was found partiallyft submd thuy in a creek about a mile from the park from where the boy who had auti went missing. now, for days search teams had scoure the area. more than 300 investin
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the case. bututhorities say that invee still many unanswered questi abo how the body ended up there. now, the creek does extend to e lake inhe park, but there e barriers along the way. local authorities, however, s it is possible that the boy could hav walked the creek maddox's father has said that his son had chased after a jogg in the park and so f po sayhat the family has been cooperative and whatd they ha tuthoriti has been accu. overni the father took to soci, writing in par for the rest of my life i w of g there to save my son. breaki craig, a hea story all around. the worst possible ending. gutierrez for us in north > tesla's board of dire says it has full confidence in ceo elon musk despite a federal lat seeking to remove him as e sued him on thursday.
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he had secured funding for what woulve been the largest corpe buyout ever. tesla is struggling to deliver the new model 3 sedan after a long series of d> 8:08. we hav the news. ho is off.o so has to the boost. craig, t job. aul p game show. je usually the answers come before the questions. but on last night's show, a contes decided to >> i just wanted to say one tick thing and ask maria shafr rigre, who is mari where is she? winner y me. [ will y me? >>, of course. u respo too s about to s we will hav
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the answer to that question is yes?is commer what is a fantastic enga? by the way, he ended up finig sd on the show. he clearly, clearly comes out i love it. first the emmys. now this. cute. >>d camp looking to put an end of bullying between girls. we will meet the inspiring women other. ou girls be nicer to > first, as parents how do you talk to your childrenbout the host of issues raised at the breth hea on? th brought in an expert with some advice for the conv. eciation day. an entire day dedicated to squirrels. that's nuts! at aarp, we think you deserve your own day. yeah, you! after all, you're the one working. and saving for the future. so let aarp help. from planning and budgeting, to getting a deal on your next trip.
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aarp is here to help you stretch your dollar further. our furry friends will have their day, seka. and live claritin clear. start with 100% cleancheese? ingredients. like vermont white cheddar. then... add bacon, bbq chicken, or baja blend. catering and delivery now available. panera. food as it should be. oh! i have no idea what's in princess toast,! but thanks to this usp seal i know exactly what's in my nature made gummies. nature made has the first gummies verified by usp, a non-profit organization that sets purity and potency standards.
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♪ (whispers) with the capital one venture card... you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day... not just "airline purchases". think about all the double miles you could be earning... (loud) holy moley that's a lot of miles!!! shhhhh! ♪ what's in your wallet? shhhhh! take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here...
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ders joins us from balte with that part of the stor good ing, guys.g. much of ameri stopp much li the o.j. simpson case, like the shuttle disaster. but this time for so many, it happen on their cell phes, whic made the emotions of this where were you during the kavahng heas? if you are like a lot of amers on thursday, you were glued to a screen o some sort. >> thank you very much. please be seated. hearings are not normal noticed. but this one had the country rivete i think the way the sena demosanaveed them has reached an this is a fham. t like it's g to be swept underhe rug. mitch l is going to get his way. is the point of win when we all lose? workplaces the day's tasks put on hold. and once youere looking, it
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was hard to look away. at watering holes across the countr bar patrons bathed in the lights of neon beer signs foll the questioninge he move were also looking, on airrts. in the sky, passengers viewed the spectacle from 3000 feet. underg commuters welo in and following along. one woman even posted a picturea chemothe treatment. studen took in a hearing at univ all over nati so much at stake, they were left, like the rest ofs, yi to decide where the truth wt hap with the cou incredibly important and has great ss for all of us. >> r the students may be th watching a teachle mome play out before their very eyes. now, as america await the
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history will go 'suture, down as a reflection perhaps of , back to you. tical division. >> all right. sanders for us in baltyou. > the subject matter of the seassault, drinking, teenage parties, tru you talk t t it if you have teens or twee? bro in an expert. i mean, what a -- we were just saying, our kids are we dt have to do this one. a lot of young people were watchiw do you even sta a conv about this? yeah. you know, they are going to bet talkg abo anyway, right? since they about it, you might as well address the pink elephant in the room. you wou ratr them have a conver with you where you can kind of govern that ar conv than the havi it just wite they are prob going to get misinformati start off by i know this is going on, let's sit down with
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e cour conversation what about thg specif? you know, yesterday you had profr ford saying 100% certy it happened. judge kavanaugh saying it abso did not happen. i wasn at this party. what if your between or teenager comes to you andhey are like, mom, dad, who is lying, who is tellg the truth? >> life is complicated. people imp is that truth. it's also important if you see someth have to ask you t fashionable to say your truth,. isn't the truth just the truth? >>sometimes, and sometimes not. people have different pers. children, enn jeopardy, threatd or someone else is threatened, e truth there is that they need to get o of there or they need to speak up so that someone can get them help. it's always interesting bee i havebeen, given advi as a parent, people say
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when your chi asks you a questi, just answer the spec questn thee d needo expand on it. but is this -- would you g point for posite, t disc? i absolutel would. again, i am into courageous conver so having that breakfast room table disn and saying, list, we ha to talk about g to deal with it anyway. in th you need the make right decisi we both have sons. one of the scenes prevalent thro the hearing drinking and p and behaving after drinking, how you treatomen. what is that conversation with a what's that conv look like? >> like no means no, right? no means no, no matter what. l compass. to be your i say have some people, those or maybe an older sibling
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that canhe govern party so when you a in the environment and maybe it's going a little to the leftomeone can reel you back in because those decisions that we make right now, your kids, those tweens and teens, it can aff them for the rest of their lives. and that's not okay if they make the wro choice and they end up, you know, having difficulty lateon. >> remember anita hill and clar that was a cultural moment. craving the new culte where women abdomen -- women and men need to speak up. >> moment. > channel jones is in for good his morning with news. yes. i have to say a singl sony pict pick me up the world needed thursde entertainme compa pie o. rogers. comingo a neighborhood near you octob 2019. helays rogers, a story of
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kind. at thesere pic have the look down from the perfec parted hair to the signate card begin. hanks fits the ro sparked exceni writes, thi perfect. alyssa, my whole life has been lindseyom says,s is what this wd year marked the 50th anniy of r misterers on d you see the summer release of a documentary about his lde legacy? people loved it. for those excited to see hanks as america's neighbor, be pati the movie, guys, doesn't ce out unt october of 2019. >ll right. check of the weather. is in boise this morning.
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i have been corrected. it's boise. bse? >> really? >> boise. boise, idaho. boise. we learn something. the you go. we are goi to reveal why we're here coming in the next half hour. , let's show you your weatr starting off with today. we are looking atore strong stor making their way through the plains. wet weather moving through nort clear skies out w darn good. here what's happening in your neck of e woods. > and finally even though skies o mos no the rain has come to an end. you can sort of see half a monume wory of sunshine in washin right now. a full monument's worth later standing water a cross a large section of there be careful, loudon county, mont county. there is a lot of high standing ter out there. tempere w we are in the 50s to around 60 tnow. hi both today and on into the weekend wil
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>> make dreams come true herfr boise, idaho, coming up in the next half hour. ? boise i am so glad. now wee of the most exciting e ryder cup pittingop ay. amers against europe's best teed off this morning at legolf nati outside par there is phil g there. may be getting ready to off. t tell from that shot. as usual, all eyes on team usa's tiger woods. he is getting rea to teeoff, sava guthrie. can we watch the tee shot? ca there it e is talking about tige off his h >> this morning tiger woods is backn the golf course as part of t u.s. team ap >> and have we ever seen
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anyt like thi in golf? in mor ds of fans felowed than five yea on sunday. a surreal moment for the once i didn't know whether, you know, when this would ever his 80th pga win coming after four backurries in as many years, all attempts to stop the pain off the course. time and again. i could sit. i couldn't walk. dow without feelin the pain in my back and my leg he has been working at t i'm sure every single muday, hours a day to get back to this level. woodsirst appeared here on "today" when he was 5 years old. would you like to be a pro golf? >> yes. his dream came true in 1996. i guess hello world, huh? >> at 21, woods be the youn plar to win the masts tournament and throug his career has been the most -- spent the most weeks topping the official world golf
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rankin. t big wins have come bi falls. in 200 early morning car crash that left him unconscious drew attention to his failing l marr and him to rehab for sex addiction. i am deeply just last year the reno golfer arrested for drivg under the influence of pres medications, inclg painkillersy medication today? i have, yes. >> after completing a drug treatmt progr and recovering from spina fusn surgery, ods was back at it last i didn't have a game when i first started coming back. i didn have a swing. i didn't know what i was going to do. eupswing, the support of erika herman, woods' ,girlfrie as the director of operations at his florida restaurant.ea two ago, tiger woods was asked to step outa ryder cup team u picture since he wasn't golfers the greatest
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of all time is ready to stepck nto the spotlight. by the way, you can see more gep right now over on the golf channel. encoura you not to switch rightin ae. you can also watcht the weekend here on nbc. watch now? . > we are going to talk about johnd for a moment, fresh off his epi egot win. he sat down with lester holt ahead of his performance here in new yo tomorrow. lot of people strug well the idea, why should we listen to celebrities? why is their opinion more impot than ae'one e as a performer, do you feel a resp to be socially acti and to be outspoken in. well, i feel like iome from a tradition of socially active ti er, won marvinvorites h
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gaye, nina simone. talked about the issues, they talked about the vietn war, civil rights struggles, they talked about women's rights, and i think artists are truth tellers. s have a way of speaking and communicatego t the world thats unique and politicians cat really duplicate and we have lot of influence and i belie that it's my resp to use that infle for good. you can catch intew ton on "nightly nex up, i you are looking to "a star is " as much as are. y the first single from film's soutrack was rele get a peek at some new foot a look. >> it' be big. it was cowritten by ladya. g
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> up next, jeff bridges, owe johnson, cynthia ariv .alking about their new movie this is a news4 tods break. good morning.ow it is 8:26 on this friday, septr 28th. s get to a check on the morng commu with wtop's jack taylors all about the timing, chri pe in this instance. inner of the beltway at a 355 thident activity has just clea all travel lanes are open. the delays towards river road almost connecting with the dela seminy road a cras right side lane getting by. 95 nor acct acty in the left lane. chris. have so p you made it to friday.
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rain is already gone. it wil cool start tomor aw mornin it'g to be a partly to mostly sunny with a high i put criminals in prison during the day i'm jennifer wexton, and as a prosecutor, and changed diapers at night. later, when i had a law practice, i volunteered to help moms collect child support. then, as state senator, i worked across party lines to target sexual offenders and take guns away from domestic abusers. in congress, i'll stand up to president trump. i approve this message because, like every working mom, what's ahead is as important as what's in the rearview mirror.
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they are going to greet us in a minu. we wl tell why they ar here. i c the last time i saw all of them in the same yes. wh i saw keith, i got scared. i am like, something bad is happen hol this a moment. i am looking for nico. right behind me. thank you!l, early birthday to when is your birthday? >> sunday, septem 30th. >> who are thed carrying on? >> friends. from where? louisi. we are goi to paris. you are going to paris? yes, we are. and youtopped in hell and now raise -- which is a part of this? safe travels. thank you. can i give me want t say hello y clients and thank y'all forg beino supportive of me and i
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made it! >> i am glad you said clients. we call those commercials out here. n. t was a free commercial. all right. coming up, three heavy hitters from hollywood.r wner jeff bridd sin three a erivo. they teamed up for a new movie call bad times at thel royaa few > plus, the women behind an inspg movement to get young girls to be kinderch to ot> first, to our friends from "datele nbc," andrea, keith, dennis, kicking off their 27thc' season. longest running prime time morning! use the mic. in the mic. y hello. last time you am supposed in the same place at the same time?
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>>t almnever. we are never in the same no, you are always on t road. the 27th season youngste o has been here the longest?ful. yeah.hink i have. i have the most rd mileag >> tonight's season premiere, what can we expect? >> a young woman, a nursing studen is found murder inside a soccer field. very sad story. has a lot of twists and ely have would ultimry. connection to the sher the end.w. so a good twist at always twists. , you must be so proud? , this doesn't happen in tele, you know? ma "the today why do you think the show has resonad with so many for so long, keith? >> look, i am just looking at this thingndhinking what a wondl murde wean this woulbe. keith! >> you guys are terribl
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di good to have you. people love the process. they love seeing the investio the trial, the outc justice for these fami that are in so much -- in so much need of a conclusion s a s ary with d to beginn middle, end. you don't have to binge-watch.e r crew are the best in the bu amen to that. by the way, you are guys are ing toang out with megyn kell headg over to the nbc store for a etnd-gre. "datel airs tonight 10:00 p.m./9 central. good to see you in the flesh, let's get another the weather from al. al, i can help you with the new forecast, rainy. that's right. or is it?
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anyway, let's -- i'morry. i couldn't resist. let's show you what we've got going on for your boise fore. craig, you covered new york. in thehilly this morning. it s. 80s today. on ooler sund. you look right now, that's what goi on around theun whas happeni in your neck of the woods. > goodorning. i'm stm chuck bell. clouds over washingn early this morni but the rain is a l of active flood warn that go as late as 1:00 e on the lookout f high standi water across the area. in the upper 50s and low 60s now. ce we get the sunshe back he in the next hour or two it turn into afn. dry for friday night. dry all weekend. toon0 degreey. a little chan for a few . >> and that your latest
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weat , is time for the weeke means? it's time for the greatest night in television in america. it's sunday night football night in america! here the come. the ravens flying in to heinz fi ty catchp to the stee? t know. you' relish this one from heinz field. sund night football crai al, thank you. never> gets old. i am here with three stars fr the new movie bad times at the el royale. jeff bridges, cynthia erivo and da johnson. th play guests atn hotel in vegas where let's just a look. hings happen. there are other hotels,
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fathe closer to tahoe. i could help you find one. i'm r ther miles, is it? if this is not a place for a pr, this is ee lord wants me. wow. gcynthia, dakotad ght. morn i watched the first part with my 4-ye son and then i had to o get him of the room. not to spoil the whole thing he, bhe this is in not really. who turns out n t yeah. usua that would upset me if the trailer when they give those sortsf ts away. but this movie is filledith so many wonde surprises that -- we have the three of you thi here. jon hamm. chris hemsworth as well? oh, yeah. and that kid that was playing that with me, louis, he is
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you know, you he an amazin voic u were here for the color pu last year. and this movie, blown away by voice. were singing live? >> every sintime. ha how is different for you e stage on broa >> the mechanism is the same. we a still singing live. you sing live. but the difference is singing y a trying to make i sing i dot to sound robo th the i to be there. when you sing live in front od. it's fresh. if you sing a it over over agai you run t using its finesse. so i try to concentra and keep it frdakota, you play an ing chara in this fi. i wot say bad girl. but complicat.
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laye trou yes. that's a diplomati le angry. >> it's an angry woman. what that abo? >> i remember you said, with regas to the "50 shadet mom to see that with you. this the kind of movie that you wou sit down and wat y wir parents? i feel uncomforta g t they are.wn films but they can see this one for what is it about?ou how w you describe what that movie is about in terms of th and -- well, it's sort of like a fil noir who don it situation. th duelty in each chr and in thd you both love and hate a lot of e peoe in it. and it's super entertaing and re beautif and the pe a incredibl one of the thing
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about it, and maybe wh the exn of your character to a certai extent, you expect th to be by the end of the film you got this script init you thought what? >> i thought, this is something i wan to be a partf. i love going to movies. when i see a movie where the fi are ahead of you, you think you have it figuredut. my, you know. i love that kind of thing. when i was reading that script, cynthia, we were talking t joh. , grammy, os ter tony. you only missing the oscar. you e going to be playing ha. already oscar buzz sug this. does that make you uncomfortae all? a ltle bit becau it's wed to think that is where i right now becse this i ju like the beginning when it cos to films for me.
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ghout seventh and eighth grade i didn't want to face the sp group of girls in the ha. i wastu td throughout those two years. >> mine was my junior year of e was, yknow, a group of gis tha just turned on me and i just feltompletel alone o scho. for lauryn and mo expe with bullying that un them years later as coe studes and led this em we stopped in 60 cits in 28 stat and drove 10,000 mis ta with thousands of girls all over the country. girls that would ultimately what started as a doy nearly ten years ago has tur into aat nionwide mo. travel the country boys experience bullying, too, but the girls experience
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can be so, for lack of a better word, kd of psycholog. what have you learned in talkin? is a common experience o bu as you can imagine, the evn of so has chan in such a crazy way. when we started it, instagram didn sticks out is this girl, she opened up about how she has a group of friends, and how they have basically cread this system for her. so if x amount r pictures or x w followers a week, th ghost her at school, she is not allowed to sit with them at lunc she is not invited to the the thi that broke my heart the most is her sharing with us that she actually goes home and crs fake account all night so she can like herself and fo can meet numr. whenyo the confidence to say, yo a terble friend. i do to be friends with
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o if tt happed to you now you woul be like, get out of re. i moving on. yes, when you are a kid, yot co say, hey, enough's enough. how do we get girls to have that we ask at the beginning of every raise your hands if you have ev been negatively affected by someg thatl another g has sa or done to you. and we follow that question up with keep yourd f or said sog that has negatively af somebody else. each gir has cards and they lauryn and molly asked st to make a kind pledge, wre a kind apology and fill out auto kind card it's a remin someg kind, however simple it might be, really does have su an impact on someone's i think weeel lucky to be
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livi in a time feelger emp to share their stor to each othe i think that's the flip of people want to shrug it off and say girls can be mean to ea other. girls can be amazing for each oh, my gosh. so power together, too. you two are an example of two girls working together, too. making real chan yeah.. i mean, it's so fun to be able to work with one of my best fr i think the two of us, coming from the two of us in the asse, tn look at wh we have done and sha whh is really incredible for us again to, you know, be a part you know, it's cool to be ki. fee betternd to be that is f i know. i think what they are doing is soor int. we went to junior high. ever knows what it's like a wh middle sc girl turns agt the pack.
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i remember there wer girls where they would pick one girl. the gro of girls, rht? yes, it c up and go to anoth can reay change personal lives. this is reay important. and i think these assemblies are doing and they make everyone take reyo has to apologize. and i liy poin has been on bo sides of it. exactly. yo want learn more ab the kind campaign d the as we have more if you haven't read the book, you ar the only one. > up next, mr. roker is in bo is in idaho. he is about to make one ftball fan' dre come true. but first, this is "toy" on nb that first,
8:51 am
>> we are i boise, idaho, to su one die-hard pittsh steelean. e is a disc jock here. she has bleeding, black and >> go steelers! >> she described herself as a di steelers fan. got my pittsburgh steelers coff cup. my engraved glass pittsburgh due hinky. i have my hat. r: she's got tons of memorabili low but nev me it to pittsburgh to see her steelers in perp. she grew up in montana, raised le r grandmoth and u mike, who passed along his love of steel to her. >> s hr ine would go to the moa bar with uncle mike and sit around and talk steelers with the old-time steelers fans. listeners in boise know her as the mix 106 mix
8:52 am
having so much f joining us on >> she i passionate about li life, about having fun,t ab h pith >> r i hopped aboard a netjet flit to surprise way to dr come true in time for tee o take on their bit rivals in all right. behi this dnr schree llherr he hi, how are you? oh, my gosh! al roker. nice to meet you. we understand you are a die hard pittur steelers die hard steel we have your fa -- yes! >> rep y he toe a li more excited. we got you aowel. oh, my gosh!
8:53 am
what are y doing right now? g what? >> what? you are heading to pi for this weekend's game aga the falcons. no?sunday night football. yes! no! >>! the ravens are i am so excite the ravens? !und night? no! >> r you're going! stop saying no. say yes, yes! i have lbued the pith st since i can't remember wh. w grandma raised me. my uncle a fan. we would watch me on sundays. we would watch the steelers game i cat bel it. we e happy to se you. a great time, all ri and pos it up on instagm e you a there, okay? yes!es again. go steelers, baby! >> r dream cing true, i love her. yes, s is. she is a morning p.
8:54 am
.steelers and ravens on nbc g 7 7:00 p.m. we're right back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. kaine: my dad ran an ironworking shop. i learned hard work and a trade from him and his workers. then i went to honduras as a missionary and taught kids to be carpenters and welders. our economy works best when everyone has a skill, like shipbuilding. that's why i created career and technical academies across virginia and passed a law to expand job training for young people. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. here in virginia, we have to build an economy that works for all.
8:56 am
that does it for us on a friday morning. we'll see sheinelle in the a.m. for "weekend to megyn kel is up next. a great weekend, this is a news4 t brea 8:56 is your time on in frid, sep good to you. i'm eun yang. right n we wt toheck on t morning commute with wtop's jacklor. what going on, jack? >> good news. 395 the hov lanes, thon staing cra is taf so much.
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he turned around the naacp. businessman. ben jealous. "marylander of the year". he's helped grow twenty companies and a thousand jobs. ben's vision: medicare for all. a plan to lower prescription drug costs and fully fund our schools. the sun says jealous has "the stature and gravitas" to lead maryland.
8:59 am
we can do much better on jobs, on education, on healthcare. but it means we've got to believe in each other. ben jealous. governor. still hanging on to clouds arou the city for now. these clo are moving out. on the lookout for high water for the next couple of hours. y improving weather picture. upper 50s to near 60 degrees no 75 d comin our way for toy and mid-70s and dry all throh t cou
9:00 am
[ applau ] good morning, everyone. welcome to the sh. i'm megyn kelly. history will be made in washington today. and joining me to discuss all the things making the rounds are nbc's stephanie gosk and noah rothman. welcome to both of you. no, it's great to finally have you here. i'm a huge fan of yours, as you know. jacob soboroff will be here in a minute. i know, we love jacob. what a day on capitol hill. supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh, and the woman accusing him, dr. christine blasey ford, finally got a chance to tell their stories. they testified in a stun stunning marathon
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