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tv   Today  NBC  October 3, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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g d morning, on on the presp gs assive atf the faithful mog brett kavanau how did you get home? i dot remember.e is the place? i dot remem how many years ago was it? i doknow. straight ahead how christine is reacting and could the fbi finish their investiga two rly asoday? ser whoe m the > trump and taxes. the government set to reveal exple allatio about how the preside got his money. what the white hou is saying th morning. > breakingovernigh weat powerful storms, h the northeast.ed
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wide damage, power out tho stories, plus up in sm cr oownn e-cigaret cos and the targeting of tes tt led to a surprise ra on the headquarts of this the quest for extreme st it's behin a spike in risky res thi morning. d rocky moun high.ria all soc rookies take down e cub in a hist 13-inning getti. y is wednesdayr 3, from nbc news this is todwith savannah e and hoda live from studio 1a
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goo morning. welce to "today." it is wednesd morning. good to have you with us. we start this morning with the prt defending his supreme t nomy overni a going after the ac. friday's deadline, the fbi appears to be moving quickly to end the investiga today.early as we he ce coverage ing a live intew with the senators s new fbi look at ka we start with peter alexander a the whitehouse. good morning. good morn to you. as you noted thefbi's ba investi into brh cou be cod as soon as tay. ats according to two sources fami with the matter. it comes as presidento called kh accur c ve credible for the first time is now directly going after what he views as holes in ford's cl, imitating. presp in mississip op mocking christine h of sexually assaultingt
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her at a high scho party in the 1980s. the crowd cheering him on. i had one beer. i had one beer.ou well, do think -- no. it w one beer. oh, good. did you get home? i dot remembew did you get ther? i dot remember.e is the place? i dot rem y .ow manyrs ago was i >> r and the president a man's life is in tt a man's life is shattered. want to destroy people. p thesident's y evil people. tone a sharp contrast to last week. i thought her testimony ve compelling the president tr to distance himself from kahn while defending him. i don't even know him, fol. i dot en kw him. i met him for the first time a few weeks o. highlightg his allegatio nc de a warning to his
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supp thi of your son. think of your husband. i have had many false acon i have had had sany. i say it didn't happen, no believes echoing these contl comments. do you say to y it's a very scary time for yogri men in aca when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of. meanwhile, ovt "the new " res on a letter kavanaugh wre in 1983 g advice to joining him for a beach week h alerting friends , maryland. whr arrived to the cfido should, quote, warn the s that we are loud drunks with prolific among us,vize them to go t 30 minutes. he confirms he wrote that note . c news s has noteen the letter in the "ti report. a white h spokesm telling it seems "thne isommitt to
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em judge kavanau three decade stories of ad drinkin the presi brushing off kas past dnkin habits but acknowl one thing in s mind could disqualy h from a seat on the na you should lie congresa lot of peore o the la have lied to congress, and me thate would not ac with the fbi ba inv now pi up, ford's lawyers in a sc letter to the fbi wr it's inconce that the fbi could conduct ainhorough of dr. forle without interviin hee of dr. ford's lawye d to the esidens on twi blasting it a vicious, vial, and soulless at, praising fword a profile in e slamming the preside as a profile in cowardi it was a d
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fl senat jef of ar and democrac senator s tt l us to this w fbi review and the two join from washingn now. se, good mo you. i know you just heard what e presi had to say about e accuser, dr. ford, last sta with you, senator >> well, there is no time and no pl tha to s somet this sensiti at a politic rally. it just not right. it just not right i wish he hadn't have done it. i just say k it'sd of ap multiple news outlets are g that the fbi wraing its fact, it could wrap as early today. does that rushed? >> tha would concern me. i hope the fbi has been follow all the reasonae s from the credible als that were before the d i know that puts them under aa
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go resourc to do it. je and i came to t that it wou be a e it to the profess at ly who to decide exa ought to intervi and when th ought to deliver a final as w understd from the s been no fbi intervi of . for or judge kavanau. no again the investi t done, but would it conrn yo flake, if the fbi bk a said, you know, we di nee to talkheo th gave their testimo wod that, to you, be a e inves if talked to neither party? well, we have the stateme dr. ford and then we have s of testimo. so, frankly, when we talked t anbi investig it s to follow up leads that mit corrobo her aount. d out that the fbi d by that
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d jt a couple i'm anxious to hearack from s supposed to be a we can get it done a week. do you think, senator th judge kavanau now that u hav had time to thinkitbout and obvious some various , o hat knew him have come d in the medk judge kavanau was and straigh in all respects at the hearing re your committ? >> well, a lot of people were d about the tone that he reaion was thad react if i fel s unjustly accused. so of the comments were sharp. and more partisan than a lot of would lik s to. ha said that, we've seen a that he's o h the
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t of collegiy and g w other members. and i thi you have to give leeway for the charges that we coming agast him and how these are humans under tr pressur regar to his drinking in , you know, it seems hedownplay there h people co for suggestg that did do more serious drinking he communid to the that were the case, would you had not been truthful the committ? >> well, that's obvious what ns drinking in excess. i'm not sure how touite judge . es for this mormon. th a tough one for me to e that. bu obviousl if there are lies, if somethi is blatant, if he misled the in thatway, that's
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g that is not right and t happen. caappen.t we'll have to look at e fbi comes back with. i to prejudge what senator coons, on the flip stio lot of are thinkin wait a , we getting into ye inscript, letters an 18-year-d kid wrote abo his heek. yoknow, give me a break. people reay what we are getting i fair? is it relevan which you would r? >> well,savannah, when dr. ford p des a credible and eside testimon i thought, anmy that deserved a weon furth investi show the victims of sexual as in this c wntry that that serious, and it's h investi. i do thin is a befor us. th f isn't going to reach co th going to deliver facts
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us from further question d then we, the senate,ake an decisio is a i a democra i think it was importa to work to in fairness, you were already gogo vote against judge h anyway and you voted agt judge gorsuch as well. so people might be going, wait a minute, isn't this exactly wro with the process in the first place? ev is voting along i decided i was going to vote after ge kavan of intervis and after reg his speeches, his writonnd his opi on e d.c circuit. i think he is outside the legal is a conserv court. i not and i don't agree with jue kavanaugs legal . th his co hea that w oc by dr. ford coming d with these allegat s rockedhe senate, has did us in a very signifi wa and i think wha jeff did th was brave and worth
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regard s wasing let's ju pau for a week and give e fbi the opportu to mthis so that the cane a decision based on a more shared set of facts. and i think that was a laudabl th even if no votes are changed in the end, to have a pause here and to actually have an fbi n gives us allore in the process. and ts importa. wh we came int that committ he the hearing -- sorr friday, y it wasd a f fight n the parties. demo wanting to walk out d n even vote. repu yelling at the and we felt that w can do than this and that the y and the institus of e senate and the court needed mo tha we were giving s why we' pause and this welcomeo a better we'll see what happens with e investi. se, goo to have you toget this morning appreciit.
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hank y> meantime, the governmt it look into the from a headline making investi in the trump familyinces chief s morning. good mo you. the new york state tax is now reviewi the e "new yo times" d inn illustrg l fraud, scams, and more on the part of the trumps. for a paside who mad lot of money o billion ime in boo and on the tis, it punctures appea to be the myth of e self-madot it's n been easy f it's a classic p story as the preside pa it, basing h brand on my father gave me a small of $1 million. i blt a company that's worth than $10 billion, okay? turns out it was t $1 millione
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o today $413 min e presi received from his fa empire over the years accordion inves by "the th paper says much of this moy c me to trump because helped his parents dodge ta he and hs sibli set up corpora of dollars in gifts fr their parents with records in mr. trump helped his fa take improper tax worth millions more. e taxerts describ what they k could be aattern of n and obfusci i borrowed very l my father. wh did have was my father's kn fred trump found ways to n mg the money to his in ways that either ou evaded o in some cases ap to have broke tax laws. the report says as year from his father
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fr busines he was ailonai by age 8, d continu receivi money into adultho. he and his family avoided big x hits on much of it via accordi times times. the paper calls the most overtf a company created by the in the early l'90s. county building supplie siphoned millions of b dosy simply marking up pu alr made by his em the "times" based t reporti an o pages of res like bank statemes and tax returnss nbc news has not s pre an stg o the th and it's sad to see attack. decades ago the irs and signed off on these tre presidens attorney,
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s harder, says the al of fraun are 100% false and defamat exs tell the paper it's not the peside would to any kind of penalti in the case anyrongdog because this limitat has run ou thank you. te lionfines. and craig joins the table. good mog toou y. a volcano has now erupted in a jt days after that g earthe and th disaster now being blamed needed than 1,400 deaths. ther this beach is devasta ae wall of water 1g ashore and everyth budi hav been smashed.
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trs he been snapped. d it took everybo by toys. se bec the tsunami g sys here failed. th afterno volcano erupted abt 600 mil north of here. it spe ash 20,000 k it migh friday's . hu of people were setting for a music festival here they felt the jolt. a vendor with a bth on she saw the water begin to so he ran. the massive waves hit within es of quake. ins early warni system al m evacuate,ut control phone to were knocked out. and the town's tied al sensors t working vast. aid is trickli in and security
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is being stepped up. ins preside at first t to accept foreign aid appeal for more rescuers to he. e white confirm he e wit president who the u.s. will offer e assisas missi. yet to find any signs of here, nepheyd says if the govert can't a is prone to natur o god. a devas rthq, a tnainkic volca > a fst check of the morn gd morni for g your first l fro us. pennsall t h upstate new york, new yk and on into ef--0 s a mess. that moved thr
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e are offsh w ayes mov to the west, e upper midwe where we ha stormiring uprom all the michi for severr oak e to green and a risk to cedar rapid madiso to minne for severe , damagwinds, and t rule out a torna or two this new syste pushes into e mid causi today into tonig and it s its way slowly to the east d that will bring showe ase into . amoun 1-2 tw could see three before it's lover. l get to your
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clear skies over here this morni. au going. s ts mid-6 mornin r 60s around town. leesbu quanti . ostl andh warm day today. g 84 der a this after. to 88 tomor f somerain, maybe some s of thunde in the orn slighy for friday and saturd and thats thanks> still ahead, a rising
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sr suddey droppg t of a key race. is going public with the priva to keep s away from e-ciga. we e learng about the surpre inspen the headqs of juul. "today" on.
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p just ahead from photo ops rescue ops, the new woorng r p w to do almost for the ultim> and henry d engle with his adorae with a encou es. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33% more high-quality protein, along with 26 essential and minerals your body needs.
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and now a word from future gronk: ugh... tide pods. if it's clean, it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ thdelicious.i-wheat. but it's more than that. 10 layers of crunchy wheat to fill you up on big days. whether your day involves steam, mountains, or woah- fire... ...we've got your breakfast right here. is your breakfast built for big days? the cold and flu fightings. machine. you put in your machine. press the button to brew up powerful relief. to defeat your toughest cold and flu symptoms fast. new theraflu powerpods. press. sip. relief. (becky) i started smoking when i now i have end-stage copd. my tip is; if you keep smoking,
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your freedom may only go as far as your oxygen tube. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. octob 3rd, 2018. to you. and i'm aaron gilchr er be a natioe tes countrs emerg cell e alert sys t now staffd county r alert after compl a water break yestep water nee south of he is molehl east of i-95, mount and raymo churc a woman was killed by a car e crash happed on centr in sout. cou not say what caused e crash, but we wi update u on the story as soon as we
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info now checkg on your morni worth of t there annan after lr s on the innerp of the , clock at first d a crash there is slow. fa westb 50 a a at a crash there as thankyou. l take a bre.
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> gmornin startg off our y with in mid-tr0s around the . l turn into a mos rainoday logic be increg and a chance t for se in y after the sun goes gown. le a warm. comin tomorrow thankl
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ral news update in 25 back to " .
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> 7:30 this wedne octob 3rd, 2018. here is a quet w f would you go for a soca ? peopl in search of shots these are findi hurt, maybe in need rescu d the men and women who carry the res have had enough. iss a warni that much needed k s thi morni. law for chris is accusg the pr engagg in, quote, a vial, and soulls on dr. ford last night at a pol rally in e presi sugge that accou of being sexuay at a high party supre
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iad one beer., do you think -- u get home? t rememw did you getthere? n' rememe is the place? t rem w many years ago w in the meant sourc tell inves kavan could wrap up as y as today which would be o days before fridas the fbi is inv l suspis lette sent presi and others may have conta the c compod ricin. s say the letter do e presi never d the white house. r lette mailed to the e t addre y jim mattis and e navy's top offic, admir richa a fh letter to the houst tedice of senat . up negati. t offic say do not consir any of e lette to be da> if yop late nigu missed class
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o cubs, coloro rocki tt it out. up in the top of the 13th. wolte slappg a base hit t up the middl wou come around scorek thelizd 2-1. e rocki facing milwa in a div series on thurs the way, the yanke t and s meet in the ameri game lote of peo in the studio d abo that. > now to a surpre from a risin star who is revea is ending a campa thataot of p joins us. was a shock in t world. good morni. , it certa was.n to become mayorut suddey pulle
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. s rea is somet that veters and servi .asre alloo familr i pretty convi that i flesh. >> re: his mayor in kansa just e a fundr recor e polit wins were strony his bacs t t morni the 37-yead s dropp out of the race. time, he ss, to get g in a post on facebo, r 11 ye trying to depren and ptsd i have final d that it's faster than , that i have aroun and confrt it. him among suppo hones is somet elu our polit be open aboit that >> in about who he is. to afgha servi an army intele officer telli morni joe, times he feared for life during the four-h y
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have had exper that, it's pretty diffi lookt elect polits in a a say thi is tough that mility helped define his a this is what afgha s like when you a an extra n in an unarmod suv. an ad sho a milite rifle d wen viral. i suppo secont he narroy lt to the natiol stage.him now says e demons from his in afg were always writing in his facebk po i was afraid of the mean for my politic if someo found out. was stupid, and thinge since. ss ptsd caused him toave to the v.a., more than s take their own lives day. h 22%r risk of
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e than the rest of the . his statem candor says he s t bring aware to the e and vo good-bi fully intend to be work again. steph, what's he going t get some help? he eold in t v.a. to get servi hopes people who are in t week. for veters and alike. phone number there. l p that on the websi thanks moving over to mr. roker, t a check of thweathe well, if summer wear,ot so fast. e got warm and muggy air in pumped up by that high look at the heat index . like 91 in cinci raleig new o nashvl see a a littlt o it wi
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k here in the northe but weeke the rt of the 80s in f the u.s., it indias mid-8n in the mid-tr well.un > good mornit here in the washi ski are c sunshe coming throu. l be a mostly day , 64 fofreder w in washiinc and freder, 69 will quick jump the low and mid-80s for warmertomorry 84. 88. and cloudr for fridayan saturdae could be drizz you. also this morni we are ni more abouthe food admins su at the headqs popul e-cig maker,
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sra morgan ord has the mo good morni you know, these s hav been heati up with leadi the pack. fe looki close at how marke their produ the govert worksp to k e gro trend out of teens' e maker juul is g t compe. w numbe out this week fwr e cdc show its sales are , increg 1% 6 to 2017 when device sold. s say the small sleek and frieny flavo like cucumr and mint,w genern on it wasn't really a high school, and then one day populy c riod it just, with a price. e fda last week seizi more 1,000 of docum
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a a surpre inspe e compans headq e agey sayg they were g f furth n relat to juul's s m andke pract. the past year, c thepa s faced scruty for the a the young of fans. r nor e com delet monthsf posts that depicd g people using the produc d also chang its websi to a mor sober look. efda's visit coming less than h after the agency a crackdnes on s to we must i see is an abuse. the agency g compa 60 da to show they n keep their out of th u or face a ban on all flavod it's appeas becau i simpl just t juul, the pod, and so small. beyond conven has somet else that
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st an edge over many of to water.igher nicote conten a more. and it does. an estim 3 mil r hig studes g juu and other to get their fix. in respoe to the fda , the ceo ofs juul l s nbc n they have more than 50,00s dum to th agenc , quote, we are commi prevegundera use and want to engag with the fda, public health s and others to keep out of the hands of young . it's a h topic.t vaping and e- t on tuesd from the rand n andt shows that s who vape actuay go on to and to smoke cigars more frequ as adult tha kin of the heart of ghissue. all you. > comin deali with a rare
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d engle will be here along his wife and sonry g an impor update>> also ahead, with gisele as the superl opens > mick giving music > the dange sociaa trend that has s sayin take a moment to unwrap and unwind with lindor a milk chocolate shell with a smooth, melting center crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers whenever wherever lindor only from lindt
7:41 am
with 2 x the almond oil enriched body lotion... it deeply nourishes skin for 48 hours new nivea essentially enriched deeply nourishes for 48 hours. protein recharge leave-in conditioner. our heat protecting formula, leaves hair 15-times stronger. in just 1 use elvive revives damaged hair. ♪
7:42 am
♪ is important to me so father being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. (avo) another tru story with keytruda.oc (roger) myr said i could start on keytruda with each scan things just got better. (avo) in a clinical study, keytruda offered patientsng a loer life than chemotherapy. and it could be your first treatment. keytruda is for adults with non-small cell lung cancer d. that has spr ...who test positive for pd-l1 and whose tumors do not havek"n abnormal "egfr" or "ene. it's the immunotherapy with the most fda-approved uses for vanced lung cancer. keytruda can cause yr immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this can happen anytime during or after treatment and aty be severe and lead to see your doctor right away ifyr
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rsening cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, constipation,u changes ne, changes in eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint paob, confusion or memory ms, fever, rash, itching or flushing, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of keytruda. tell your doctor about all your medical conditionscl ing immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. (roger ) before i'd think of the stuff i might miss. but now with keytruda, we have hope. (avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck.ask y. is januaan entire dayel dedicated to squirrels. that's nuts! at aarp, we think you deserve your own day. yeah, you! after all, you're the one working. and saving for the future. so let aarp help. from planning and budgeting, to getting a deal on your next trip.
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and we're back. joins the table with in h today is a quest d you put yoursf in harm's y to get the perfe pictu rocial media? well, autho are now the alarm sayin c s aresi an incred risky rescu. z has me are g hurt for the gram. spent time with rescus whooi y thee to have to k people off of clips or h t peo afte p of e situas have in commo tryin. headi out into for some peace and quiet. t away from it all is i have o i can ger and get b
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angles, dange s andtc cliff is it about insta that s p just kind of push e limit i think people just want more e crazi you look, the want to follow you and h your story and your life the thirst for a has sent resc ut want those pictu s socia made your job ? it has. ypec of the t of like people jumpi off d t to ge here in l.a., as you t looks, when ins posts are from atop of those . creek state park or falls, thous of l clips pop up, some that did end . l.a. county search and rp 38% st five years. aro the count are the sthing. they look at the p s in the forest perfog
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wheth it's jumpi off , going hnes that skill level is not basic rules of pthey feel sometple caught up in the urge the noemt then. t wy conceh e sociaa aspect and g it. to reminhem, can you t you phone away and help me your mother can selfi be somet? w for us milled beyond to impre . repf you a going to e waterf, rememr somet on inm t mak it safe. ea of going high to make low. expen idea of a stupid hiker w that would bill reckls for their rescu.
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propol s wast down it could go to a vote. put yo d to evacue and stay and the rescus have to up. s don't think about the and t of them in. those helic come over dange not to menti the firms. with superl bundch if i jump, it would be w t she revead to natal t strugg with panic s at the peak of her at t. rowe price our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like e-commerce spurring cardboard demand.
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7:55 am
♪ if you love me, love♪ like you say ♪ darling tell me all the ways ♪ ♪ tell me all the ways ♪ and he said, all the ways at the store, or to your door. target run and done. > thi is a new 7:56 is your time o this octob 3, 2018. morni want to check on your moi e wit melist and first4 traff w is it looki alexaa northd95 t le blo becau of a bw parkw a crash the manchr dri tire
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the roadwa right lane right w is blocke thanks. l c your forec. for tile, wood, and stone, come to the nationwide
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low-price leader: floor and decor. the prices are the lowest you will find. not only did we find lots of options, but we were like, oh my gosh, it's so affordable. it's affordable no matter what your budget. i saved a lot of money at floor and decor. we came in under budget, way under budget. yeah. it's really the best pricing. you're getting an incredible product for an amazing price. why wouldn't you want to save money and make your house look great? i love to save money. who doesn't like to save money? floor and decor. you have to see it to believe it.
7:58 am
> good g everyb hu final here. mid-to- 60s w am one outsi today. a little hans for sprin? e shenah valley has dried . s hige near 84 tomorw with a high near . skies f frida a 74, m occasl patch drizz on satur and then
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s in the 80s f most of and thank you. r loc news update in 25 now, back to "t. it's time to uncover that feeling again. with the compassion and strength of a name... most accepted by top doctors and specialists. and the power of a card... that opens doors in all fifty states. giving you the freedom to love to dream to dance like no one is watching. carefirst blue cross blue shield. live fearless.
8:00 am
> it's n "toda" mi u on the attack. t presi how did you get home? t rememw did you get theme? a man's life is inwhile defen e a man's life is shatt and the f up its inves repub pushi for a this weekiv he looks really good.nry'hope. is more inter after openi up about his s rare conditd engle live with to share excit
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> and he stole our h w shared the space with him madise garde catch up with rod stewa t his brand albums stayi forev , we are frokentuc good g from vn watchg "todarom our h this here to celeb mom's 50t "the with our grandk from frankl, ia ro familm smyrnaod i'm turni 49. beaut places fr
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goo morni. love watchy paloo on the plaza. the submi comin mornin so glad you a part of nice to have you along with s get to the news 8:00. > lots. e p unleas an d attack ove bre kavan accus ford. c n corre peter r is at the white reactn to that. morn gg to you. l sw you that in a . efbi's backgd h cou be compledo two sourc with the matte csies as p who ago called kavan rford, vy credi for the t time direcy went after he views as holes in ford's , en imita her
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p in i openly mocki ford's sexua assaug r at a high party in e 1980s. i had one beer, right? i h one beer., do you think -- s one beer. ,id good.w you get home? t rememw d you get there? t remem is the place? t remem w many years. and the presi a man's life is in a man's life is want to destr peopl are really evil people repubn cruci swing vote, o the p on "toda" theres no time and place r remar like that. discu somet this e at a polit rally right. it just not right.
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i wish he hadn't have done it. i'll say it's kind of the presi pre triedtras to la distae himse from even while d ien on even know him, folks. t en know him. i him for the first time w highlg his n exper with sexual allega clifrg a g to his supp yte think ofr son. had many false i have had it all. have had so many. d wn i say it didn't happen meanwh me. t "the " on a letter kavan e in 19g advice to l classs who would joini him for a beach week alert friend , maryl r arriv to the condo t should, quote, warn the s that we're loud,s drunks witc
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among us. them to go about 30 note, but not comme be news has not seen the letter "the repor a white spoke telli is commi to kavan threed stori. the fbi backgd n wrappg up ford's e fbi writi it's i could t a thoroh inves of . ford's alleg witho her.d one of dr. ford's lawye d to the presidsn twitt overn them asci a s, al and soull ford as a remare e in coura and slammg p a a profi in peter alexaer s visit to hafrica t major solo trip abroadn allen
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lady. gomornin good morni. trump traved to ghana coast to take a look this is t trump said dr she needs to this count y a cultu why she came. t stop, the elder chiefy in a break wi taking part becau of trump. e fy grant to visit ghana's cape t castl one of the most known slave holdi in the world whe see its door of no . f passa for countle women, and childn shipp amerie first lausi to what happed so many years t's really a traged day two of y ghana acr the
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t to three other exten her be best verss and shini a light on forei aid progrs the one helpi moms and live healt livest hospi p favs cutti menti of that whil carri out a mis e decid to take on herse on he . > jeffr the giraf could be ng a comeb has an aucti of it's prope e com shut dn operas s a babie to cash in on the nam e propol would also let the y invest in new retail
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> you guys got your news. w abo a boost, we? e of the sweett things about g a parent is putti your d t bed. , ts dog owner in thaild s do the same thingen take turhg the should, up the rs r the first dog is tucked , back down again. omg.e jammi are a nice added > a right. i want to see that interv you okay, it's okay. thanks you tmornin> up next,ic with his famil l update us on his e toddl hen with a rare genet ♪
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♪ the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? now when you go out, you cash in. thdelicious.i-wheat. but it's more than that. 10 layers of crunchy wheat to fill you up on big days. whether your day involves steam, mountains, or woah- fire... ...we've got your breakfast right here. is your breakfast built for big days? somebody burned down my she shed.. nobody burned down your she shed, cheryl. well my she shed's on fire. your she shed was struck by lightning. zachary, is my she shed covered by state farm? your she shed's covered, cheryl. you hear that victor? i'm getting a new she shi-er she shed.
8:10 am
she shi-er? mhhm. that's wonderful news. go with the one that's here to help life go right. state farm. i love you, basement guest bathroom. your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze.
8:11 am
when i walked through a snowthat's when i knewtte, i had to quit. for real this time. 'm that's why i using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great ta e. plus intense craving relief. every great why, needs a great how. g to say to you discover eucerin advanced repair it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough skin for immediate relief and proven 48-hour moisture for healthier-looking skin look for eucerin. dates and cashews. just 2 real ingredients. the delicious cashew cookie larabar. larabar food made from food. for the bake sale? hey guys, where are the cookies
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bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required, so baking is delicious and easy. ohh! cookies! uh-uh-uh. emreplenished,d, fortified. emerge everyday with emergen-c. packed with b vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good every day? emerge and see. (roosevelt)smoking just messed thaup your lungs. i never thought that at only 45 it would give me a heart attack. my tip is; do your heart a favor, and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
8:13 am
> wel s month. genet
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hope.ure. there may br e is here and his mary and their son henry o has rsyndro we first learnbou s a year ago and we didpo a and shared our expere viewe so people could to that other rett woulds situad we're worki hard. e linked up with some very s scien i e doc partir who is we wanted to ce today a year on and to tell . a year ago we that our son hen s a rare and severe genet. just turned 3 ands e hea and lov the videos i send from
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smm but he doesn talk walk and likely won't unless ce is found. s making progr yrl n every day h he has been s with help. to teach him to e usingictu you asilly. and a ct s what he looks at. which allo on his mind and what he s and kind of open up his d a littlt more. ep but it isn' oth childn inhe advanc he likes it and we like him, but it can be hard. goin ? keep going to places like socia with e othkids, but it is very
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d the practi challe,too, of in terms of picki him carryg him, picking him up the floor, yeah, it's henr weight, ary s a r and moe safelye acting as the armsd e legs. henry's main is at the texas l in housto sotien on a recent th check for seizur, which e common with his disor . bre scans long, but he d theres no evidee of yet.a varia of rett , a typo in the gene contrs brain and body s case is so rare, it's kindo far, that it caught e atten of a doctor who
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e disea. the cause of he look diffe? he looks really good. is more inter. g h hands much more. the lab ig e jt sd us a very big one, henry mouse.can hold him. u for all you're doing r us. enppre the lab has bio mice. e exact his unique xt they try a half dozen t as to cure the by stimura protei in this we w b but we helpi , many other peopl with e mutati these are impor ? they e pretty impor , absolu dr. zoghbong haul. i
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g achie for rett er deter s the key to solvi this gtc . ow richahenry, thank you. u so mu for that. about the to find the treatm so what thet s skin.cti took a littlt of fr tho skin cells they made n cells. the braincells, they were to put them into this actuay going to e dozens and dozen of what are bioloy toav his exact they e going to run h a series of testso see they c fix it. if they n adjus the level this brain prote that he t h eug marry, watchg the docto
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y s not rp u happen how are y g at this stage i an, we feel l e best ally possie to help the others and girls tt, and beyond, you know, r hopef this will have impli i can tell you how mh we you guys and how mh re tl your l boy henry. i want every to m and read an essay that d wrote. s one of the most beaut . definy worth your time. ri a mary and henry, we you all. r coming to see . expect you back here year with anoth we look forwa if you want t le > mr. rokernk so mu we look at r of the storms plagu the n late night, they e offsho.
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e a develg thepp midwe where we an enhand risk of strong throu upper wco, the u.p. orm in cedart rule ou l torna. two to three inche the pacif northw fall . what's going on around e count. what's happe in your woods.> good morni. a beaut sunny wedne gwaere in in. in the upper around 70 des right now.n arli. lorto frede areder for today, plenty of and plenty warm. n h tay upper 70s the suburb 8 wn warmer still. high near 88 degre. cl a coole > if you own a smart h
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u s h tod that u rea need to know about, what ? we goi to tell you y nearly every smarte in ameri is goingo e a text of fema's fir the other stateg w dangeeath amber alert this is bigger entire notify the y of a natiol emerg you cannot opt o of it. is wh can expec 2: p.m. eastee mobe a loud a pus notifi. of backlh t this event writi i'm turni phoneaw. intrur one, this is n t of these messale to
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e sayg the alert system is a g idea. nee tt. the only way a smarte might miss today test is your phone is power off. if you out of range of a r you r tha doesn this alert is expecd toe power becau of its h a immedi all right. ser annou> how about pop star? priva superl gisel is openi up w book. e receny sat down with s on access to how her strug with y and panic attac led when y smoke a pack of a day, drink for break and k a bottle of wine at night, t sleep much and work every that'a recipe for you couldt go in eleva t he begin was airpl
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eleva i couldt go . e are lotou of things y like you can't do an a massa. the mt up and breat. i went outsi. ok i g to breath then i breat becau i lived. cross my mind, you know? it would all be over., d t -- sorry. it hard. no, no, no. , it's a hard point. that was a . much it actuall consir myself being, y w life with the glass half , and that disea which i i e that you know, panic
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is a big issue, it was of mak tha would cross my mind me so upset. realid i had a big proble she the life that she has today she hadn't gone throu those t for h to open up and aboutho tug> mick jagge has fans excitin guitar d noteb g the photo, writi share this video rocki out the harmo not clear wheth he is projec which ojec a n nice. either case, looki forwa heari some sort of new wow. l r. k y, > up next, we are going to your big night with sha that e at madis
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nione other than rod stewa e icon ope up about his musi> plus, the power of food. r has a new book out to fightrinks and belly t and heada
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> thi is a new news good morni on this wednes octob s start with a look at your has your firstai parkw. a couple of lanes block on the becau of a crash. yo s delay south typic delays headed . gallo betwe bike and annan road a brand crash. d down northd 15th at constn all lanes d there. tl you. av a look at your .
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kaine: my dad ran an ironworking shop. i learned hard work and a trade from him and his workers.
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then i went to honduras as a missionary and taught kids to be carpenters and welders. our economy works best when everyone has a skill, like shipbuilding. that's why i created career and technical academies across virginia and passed a law to expand job training for young people. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. here in virginia, we have to build an economy that works for all. > good morni. you a enjoyg your in the mid-tr s now. to be a nice day to utsi today, plenty of qu bit warmer than avera. 70s to low 80s for n highs today. warmer weath a high near 88 degre.
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s and some thund night leave us cloudy e lit lapfor friday and he t urned around the naacp. businessman. ben jealous. "marylander of the year". he's helped grow twenty companies and a thousand jobs. ben's vision: medicare for all. a plan to lower prescription drug costs and fully fund our schools. the sun says jealous has "the stature and gravitas" to lead maryland. we can do much better on jobs,
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on education, on healthcare. but it means we've got to believe in each other. ben jealous. governor. > 8:30 w on this gorges y mornin s the 3rd day of octobd i want l are going to be happy here becau we ha me ext speci for the hokie we do. i am looki for cassi from , tenne. e is cassi from smyrna, good to see you. where are y . t you also a big rod t fan? huge rod stewa fan. daddy dav playe it, eight on the way to schoo ow old is that? my dad would be 50.
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t he is 81. what his favore son. e so many. would sing that. we are start the plaza, karaou give us thre? sure. wake up maggi i think i got mid-d and i reall be back at schoo got a really ! to mix media enter. kath and dad, you have r seen rod stewet live? you a going to. you go. e gettip to vega three days, two , palace tower ra and my daddy .
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enjoy the show. of sir rod, a big fan, , we are goingo t that night became rod stewars singer l hear from e legend t his new album as we i didn't d know theecond line of ma > yeste we ha k sur .fa " . e o more surpre for e fans. a look at th, hey nickyt g you two outsi "the " on the py e a both such big & fans, i have a s to see us shoot the you to lo courty n of
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cominl dylan "will isomorw her s on adven with a fun t for some deser kids.> and the foods. health e a host of ? r say so. e is going to share some rems to wrinkl, help with ng what? al, look at this 1-ar this littl whas name? quinn. wy from? houstoe girl. e d she go? w are you? your name? jade, nice to see you. s che your weath and young what we ha g on. r today fall warmth conti h the gulf t and into south.
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state , in the south severe , in the centr and upper d then for tomorw wha t muc cooler condis tha front throu the r midwes sc m the way the northe warm and d thr the south,h some o snows in the n plain what's going on aroun e count. what's happe in your > sunny wedne morni here washi overve pictu e day. potom a very pleast star in the upper 60s alreag for a 84 des this after. rain to worrywi a chance for s shu or am night. t tomorw anoth very warm high in e0sid-tr d then follo that a rain , sligh. how are you? ts is jolene to see you. the way, hocke fans rejoi.
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why every has the on. at all these hats. e p drops t onhe nhl season h a the action on nbc with a dy tocke begins with the stanl champn caps taking on bruin he ducks and shark sn.ins at 7:30 go caps. > a few weeks ago hoda d savane exper e thr o a lifet taking e stage with music icon rod s rod allow us the e of being backup n y belie that? dhe singe at garde garde chatt aut his new album blood red res which dropp. is more of that and more f our of that glori>> it wasos one o
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g and terrig nights our lives forev boung p singe for rod garde for young big round of applae for the s from "the y show. polisd off my dressroom. there certa thi forge is going down in tha book. rod, you! availor your next heo chose t record that next 73 yeold, blood red roses rod's 30th studio album chat wh m about it right befor the i can't bel a yoi th with us right now. befor your shows, you t d inter
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never. you presee that voice. i a is a very, very precis look after it like it wasew a e music. u are intro new music to n par theres a song greene hold me in your and sir rod isn't just heart top n on billb "didn't i." his new it ever was yeah, somet you a inevit one thing that does kee that legen hair rod, your hai i haven done it yet. com here.
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we mess it up? n i touch it, too? we going to see what it very soft. onc. and fluff u for that. k 'em dead. bye! love your music. -- we ha to thank the real singe and dance. ave us tutorl in the . with t do you mean?die>> oh, ys okay.s new album is o right up brothe lendi a hand r their most impor er.
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exper.and jonatn scott are r latest renovd to call in big e eyere going to use help forre.i had a chance to tag alg e sci project redesi a learng l a spa for kids toread, study, and play after schoo e big reveal bring. the renov e bigge floor plans, of demos, and large t neverave they worked with s so small. yay! drew and jonatn s latest proje is one r the b i'm here. liter a new d lea lab for the ir of harlem it actuay gives us d space to doin the acadec suppo that may not
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hello! we kicked off our t with a virtu design one of the wil ideas we these childn have a visio and it sure is sweet. i a trampe and a >> theres a little table where u can get l candy store or a n th tlab? he scott broths out a desig plan. r most coloryet. all right. this renov was by their brand book, build big plans. we never woulde tho e lik 4-yea that dad, it's propey ! woing back to our as ways theseit
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lofty i nice t have somet that suppos kids' i have read it to son. why hd screw drive and d he in our kitche iope drew and jonate more colorf gaine i want play co my mom barely let's me did someby call a meeti? uh w is it going, guys? do you thir h a team of i want to build a big house i wan d
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the learnin lab needea lot help, and these kids just to be kids. for us to be able , add littlt more to the space and add a of vibra color, not to menti we are kind of a couplid of big ks at he this . ri. new techny a , a whole lot of books, and bam doue high-f. the kids can barely any longe three, two, one, get!
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t. i was time let's build a tree said , a castl it wi be the best. the first d i their brand builda brighr these kids were obsesd with e sco brothi mean, they wan de on you ade if they got r candy, becau everyg did.sedn candy, they contas ofan were strat passed t as the scott broths were the did deal with the was a huge team effort. u to lowe's, heart of
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a and harpe for homes, when they do ppy and th g like this with for childn and , it' that much more thank vermuch. > we should als u can fd more o it scott ' book at > cg up, joy bowers simple remed you can a to your diet can cut down on wrinkl, t down on h heada, a partf it. barbara comstock might as
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well be barbara trumpstock. donald trump is against expanding medicaid in virginia. against protections for pre-existing conditions. and he sabotaged the healthcare market, hiking insurance rates up to 64 percent in virginia. barbara trumpstock agrees. voting with trump 98 percent of the time. jennifer wexton believes healthcare is a right ... and successfully fought to expand medicaid in virginia.
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"i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message... because change is coming." > this mornin you a what u eat, right? you may not realize just how wheth fightg a or nursi a hangov o bad breat you have nights, somet t may actuay be in your n kitch.
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r is the autho of a new , it's called joy's simple remed the way, joy is a 12- best-sr. is her newest book. u say it's favore e you a actuay putti e f we love to work? a very excitg timg the true po . edsey come o in food help us feel bette e it for holisc natur what do we ha here? belly fat l e spec foods to help of course packed with which helps keep you so you eat less, it vitam d, a shown to speci not know that? yeah. you love salmon, eat it at t twi a week.
8:50 am
, i a giving a big t out to. th a large study. shows that people have less t in their midse e reason i'm highlg is becau it also has one of the f vegets have calci. also throu reseah has shown to help remove belly moving on to wrink have recip in youhis is also oh nocco we are the mt wrinks by eat. we ha somet called green tea leaves grod a fine powder and that s to proter skin. conta lycop superc for yr d walnu have omega h hps ourells sort of the good come in, the
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guys stay out and the end t is a radia, gorges pesto pasta that all of those ingren t conce is brilli e done fat. done wrink is we are fightg heada and oh? >> the keyd com here is m c help to reduce the durati and eaf migra and r. h is busti with are pumpk seedsde getti into p , so i love that. d also i'm showi ground flax u want to grind your flax s into a powder becau they magn. e thr things togethe can elp to minime d hea showi a burri bowl. at this. going to sprine pumpk s on there. s add a o littlt ground
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seeds. e s many ways quino yes. anoth super food. 'sw i k this isn't part of s thing, but i teased it. . feel i feel sluggh and hav bloat e the foods peoplehould t for t g that you can do is tea. helps to dispel gas, the diste you have a cup of te it helps the a bloatg joy, is this book like so i learn more in the l about foe five years. for these recip he r more detai on joy's book, go to today.. 12 "new " best n 13. this is "t. momen
8:53 am
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fast, reliable internet is crucial. does it every go down? yes. can't do my job. business grinds to a halt. our gig-speed network not only downloads files up to 20 times faster, we go beyond fast with 4g backup for complete reliability. so if the unexpected happens... (snaps fingers) you stay up and running. we lost power... but not to that. i want that. (laughing) for a limited time get fast, reliable internet for a new low price. call now. comcast business. beyond fast.
8:55 am
welco back. s time for mr. roker and her we go. t hose smuck jars and seee.ho we h t up, mr happy 0th. a worldi veter from new says th secret to longev hard. salut you for your servi. felderf balt , celeb 100 ys as mus possiy 10a d teach from minne. d h when she trippy owings mil as a trave salesn l he was 90. heinen celeb 100 d happy 100th birthy to e carnice secret is drink a gla
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d we every day. you want us to s milesto birthd, > first, megyn today , we ha dat up right a. > this is a new i 8:56 your time on this octob, 2018. m eun yang. t we wan o to check commu with melist good morni.irsttraf d southd 95 be kw sever s blo again on the right becau of this crash a look. don't nmay see southd like that in the morni. south b.w. wa
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cleare delays, going mil hour.d outer loop of the b the wilson bridge slow e as kswell. th we tak a break and check forec.
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> good g everyb p on 9:00 the g. p o about 70 des i gr t warme up 88 a high near 84 . of showe and thund s late thuy and night. cloudy but rain free, e a little dri around k tths. satur chuck, thank you.d .
9:00 am
yo> good morning, ev. welcome to the show. i'm megyn kelly. it's good to be back with you. here to break down everything making the rounds today, nbc's stephanie gosk who rocked the show yesterday. >> thank you. >> also nbc news legal analyst dan goldman and msnbc controller noah rothman. okay. so we begin with the fbi background investigation into supreme court nominee brett kavanaug it looks like it could be over as soon as today potentially. but there are some last minute questions about both kavanaugh and one of his accusers christine blasey ford. the president openly called out dr.


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