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tv   Today  NBC  October 5, 2018 7:00am-8:59am EDT

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news. e vote.y is the day senats will d and be count for or t bre kavan at a boili. poi protes desce on today, kavan t withn extra op-ed some of his testi figr nomin. it convie this list of senate uncer on capitl refuse up the ll odds. for possie survig > ellen speaks in a revea
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about up in the victim of sexual abuse we ar vulnee at that age d we trust. d then when you a viola u don't know to dod sit-dn on anniv of they t start a movem plus deeply con. on the verge of severg ties soccearo amid distug rape > pain at the pump.s prices soa is drivi them to the t level in nearl a what a sta. e milwa brewe defeat the rockin e the dodge crush the . a thril begin to postsn with four lu i the red s and
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s renewg their rival. : from nbc ns this "toda with savane d hoda live from studin rocke " to have you o with us a ay morni. is the day on ca a very big da supre this has divid our countr scene, a sea of at the hart offic yeste that led at of hu we are heari from brett a writi op-ed in " to , quote, i was subje k s alleg.and somet
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timri disto. i sd a iew thing shoul not said. his fate seems to rest e three or four senat e undecid democt among . e got it all cover. sta with nbc's natiol peter alexa on has been nomina mornin good . critil senate test vote crad hap this e judge is making his closi . new op-ed posted overn to back-l from his y last week. to go forwar ameri n cou on him to be even , open minded and the eve of today key senate one week after brett s partin infus s been a calcud and ffort polit hit.d as we all know, in ta p system the early 2000s, what goes
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comes around presi trump's t nxpreg for his words, many that ignit conces his judl tempe. wa op-ed writes, i was very emoti thursd, more so than i eve been. i might have been too emoti times, addin i know that my was sharp and i said i should not have ee can undei s there as a son, husban and e presi in minne late b his pi e most respe peoe y hopef supre the focus this g on four keyenats who e s under decid colli, murko d flake and democt joe n from d su sna she is
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with the fbi's sayg it appea to be a very thoroug inves. d jeff e who called for e n inves sayin it d no additl g inf to up sexuat s again kavan. leade insis the vindis kavan who t allega for goodns sakes, thi eme united . s suppod to be gul proven innoc d argui e white block the fbi interg my poten it looks to be a produ of income inves that s limite perha by the retir and now a t justi is out, john steve a lifelg repubn who took e liber side on sever key h saying he does not n the court, quest s temper i think that his perfo the hearis causeo me t
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my mind. overn more let us say we wi not be l not be shut up. l s our truth. hours after of anti-kav hill. kavan mustgo! the women g utah repubn ou don y wave your hand at .i wave myand at yo when you gr inll, more than inclu speak whitee offic this morni, they insist they e t tt they have e votes to confi kavan. t that kavan op-ed speaks highly unusu for a t nomin to post a on his own behalf and it real conces among and allies about how vote could go eitheway. all r.
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you. for more what to expect, k todd and nbc's kasie h it on c hill. this is a test vote it reall in effect, is of the whole ball game.d there right this is mae kavan. , they o additl vote saturd, but is comply uncer at point. very unusu on capit . l dayse yeste t three republ flake, i and collins were going and ou read this report and came out clo to nothi we still don't know where stand poi peter was just making, e has been an increg ehe tempe and quest are a lercht hour impact on confi may hel expla the op-ed. i have been heari from e c mainces of susans in parti
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s to decide coming up here just a few hours. and chuck, w of t waiver the fence the people who we feel wh dhe d be surpris today? e the other names we should be loo at besid the ones e there? one oer person to puy gardn. he still sups t cory r from the state color s re-el is in r sen up in 20 a presil g sta is joni t of . of them are senats that y end up having to deal with vote in two yea with this vote in a es swing. sta d partiy with r in color is a swing state, bu been an nti-pstate.
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e repub have really on the presi more so in other swing states here., y t vote whaty think. senat belie they vote wt their this "wall ey cory gardne d you wonder who was s it the unite senat at home? kind of affect is it having i think it has to be the senat the only audiee that my sourc have been to this as somet was causi last-min judge and his team have been in caref to matter . for a second that worki ts every te of every day bd the i will just say thoug , one thing that i do is very impor here is
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how emoti as well this s going to be for the women in the . has less too with the i mean, there protes me, they been out in fnt of capit all t long. survi of sexual inside la murkows for hours. came out of her oe . is weighg vy heavi , in parti colli and i for those and a progr note. ill have speci of this mornins vote tse> one and tsuna in is there has the lates good guys.n at exact this hour a week ago pla was turned upside
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. u can see the rescue effor g on here now. e ear simply rose up and mo sever hundr, everygn i the toiecer here. sti buried in the . t though there he a rescu a french tea stunn by what hea r the mangl concre of hotel four rescue dogs te signs of life. acousc sensor t in the rub f rescus and for one waiti is a possie find my sister but it was not . mornin nothie heart they d det this rubble has stopp. a second hotel where dozens
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e still trappe relat in agony. a was here with her g their weddi ve e took these photos minut the quake buried them. must go on? minut later, her b y was broug out of e rubbl family that mourn anon and brothe e of sev parag killed hours after their nt compe. l around them a waste. is suharto street, or it to be. e debris is from hundrs of s away. e death toll here is now over i indonn govert doesn need any more forei
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. u.s. trans planes, no hospi. t people crying out for help. s they' been aband. y this suburb will be simply no life here to . fromm this vy g place, bill neely, thank very > craig joini us now. hey, ladn s p this morni e con they e g relleg t one of the most athles in the ronald he claims he being targed becau of his and fortu, and this g one orthe socce star's r with more. m claims she intim by al in 20h he firml dee s team of f sers totle
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s with a payout and a et deal. inspid by the #metoo, she , she is moving forwa with r claim. widely consid the mostn r athle the plane d with lucra end he is also one of th s riche. t this mor soccer . crist rape in the u.s.,he d has been sidel taking to socia to defend hims lest of all, the for kathr ronal raped his client on night in a s penth after partyg palm casino in 2009. ono a bed
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d to engage in sexual e says she was som the impacy the best way to y it, disabd her. her abilioc to a r hersel with las v i arg a reca settlen with e s the allega sayin part, i fir the s b issd again i an abomie crime that again everyg i am and is new fallo conce. d o crossg the line e he says it's the accus to cash in on his fame.
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o is alleg worth millis valued at illil that coulde on the line if d these > the latest stop on melan p abroad.e arriv in kenya overn time as aio n y cobiea is in nai mor o that. odmornin hey, e of the ts y mrs. most known for. experen theast i natio you cand e behin me and spent the t with the elepha mel getti close and persol with them
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this wildle trust, trying r hand at feedi the enorms ani befe taking thew breatg vie at the i natiol park.e prese home to gl a is making progrs again how old is this one? elepht will for the rest of his life. e hper told me most of e anima are victi of t lossro and. you think the trump is doing t? to some exten i'm afraid i k they e not doing enoughe ivor comple the presi elepht hunti a horror n a tweet. t his adminn reverd the on elepht parts
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on a case-e basis. e firsty is steer clear polits and polic dancing n at an e in kenya this morni d conneg with the little e sma prote. levelg the colorl a refer the s-hole countrs week she is enm and welco the childs orpha some work he is told mrs. p that t childn there n are overlo, that it quote, a very big step that trump visit today. all right. thanks> let us get our first ck weathn is in for al this morni. s goingo be on broady t we have aot of rain parts of the upper t moving into wiscoor
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dn ioi also have some snowf have some flash watch effec for about three rain the be heavy at times and could k of especy across l iowa and northn . thi fro system that eividg line betwe the tempes to th it and the warmer aad of it. l see heavy rain move back this eveni into tonig then it to move to india and into ohio as we go into . raih sundae see three to four inches of , especy across oklah look at the weath the countr l get t
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> good morni. ski on yr way out fin friday morni in the upper . it won'te a bad dade be outsid y for the bal of eday, but rain chanc are quite low. about a0%hanc spre or two. real steady rain is expec drizz eveni shoul dry d ck in the 80s by sun that's your latesforeca thank what she shared with us aboutmw
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messa for a > plus, the #metoo movemt in-de at how things chang with the repor o b that ory. but first. things the reporter who broke
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> cominup, a golf fan hit by a ball at the ryder and plus, a lucra side teachs are findi on m and how your kids could . fro the trend with neulasta onpro patients get their day back... to be with family, or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta
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the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. ♪ ♪
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sweet cinnamon sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. for you, it's always now over later. and pause. not even in your vocabulary. so when a cold sore tingle strikes. you act on it. only abreva can get rid of a cold sore in as little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. it start to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. nothing gets rid of a cold sore faster. and because abreva acts on it... you can too. act on it, with abreva. ♪ ♪ and take an extra 20% off!amily sale this weekend layer up with fleece for the family and ve on cuddl duds sheets
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plus, you'll get $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent on all of your favorite nation brands! this weekend - only at kohl's. on this friday, oct a look at these photo a look at u take birthd look alter plans. crash near the exit fire offic say first have from five separe s invol nearly a dozen to get medic care. worki for you. e chopp 4 over the scene g us the backu now. isis trackthat. i just a mess guys. talki about an backup here.
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s red on al aft con is e the origil crash start d then we had multie crash and after it. oil spill then causi those s there two right lanes still bk p of the beltw. slow outer loop. appro the crash also slow. er 8 milesr this thank. te r altern a barbara comstock might as
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well be barbara trumpstock. donald trump is against expanding medicaid in virginia. against protections for pre-existing conditions. and he sabotaged the healthcare market, hiking insurance rates up to 64 percent in virginia. barbara trumpstock agrees. voting with trump 98 percent of the time. jennifer wexton believes healthcare is a right ... and successfully fought to expand medicaid in virginia. "i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message... because change is coming." >d a cold to the h thisorni. result it wi be a cooler y to be outsi around 70 234. t much a rain threa lot of clod t to satur after is looki warm once again a good you. >n
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.back to "t
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you a a basebl fan, that wher. k in bosto meet in the postse you'll remem the last time did this 14 yeago, the x came back, down 3-0, look mark t, one of our r direc, who is in love the yanke who is wishi r somethi and ig to be a studio works.> all aed s fan on that a littlt later. fi a checks on this friday will be taking a l v on supret kav. th focus is on four senats
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o still they e e senat are repub collin lisa murkow d jeff e and democt joe leade insist the fbi report vindis of the sexuat s a him.h expre es regret for his tone last week's heari he might have been too > bad news for commu this prices are t on rise. s warn they could hit the t level in four yearse nl avera 2.91. t $3 gas may be days as demand starts to exceed . w ds tha impact you? say a two- ay about $500 for gas > the nobel was d this morni to two who workel
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. e is a doctor and ra has spoken out t her kidnapp and at the hands of in 20r escape she was named e unitesoodwl e c d this year'sor winner combag war vict meanw, if you catch n yeste you recog e of hers guests. was there. i got to do her sw e i g to talk to her. is the 16th season of a hit show. ute laught as you a about to ser co tk a very serio i want to peer io your y do you enjoy pranks and our so much? well, it doesn seem like
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just me. not like i'm sitti here g and y chased me around with a frog.i have a fear of frogs. . i wouldt have was sweatg and c andou enjoy that? of co, yes. co and what ishat about you? it's .i'm not s it's been 16 seaso of and, of co, oh! with ellendegener, the groung turned actre i'm guy. turned even has her od now a new clot . is always on the move, u he like a lot of side u have this house flippg g that d pa do?
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we buy a house and love it an in it and we get bored e we life a or diffe aesth. i l furni and decor i fomet else and we money, it turns out that s flippi okay. readin w recen u said when you we younge famoue s imp to achie no, i didt thinke . my paren were very, i would almos obses i l mean,aot of pe eame. r a home. lived in apart would look at houses every go to open house do never afford a house. akid, i thoug that would a house. w i buy as many houses as i i wonded how you abo fame now? e we don't o know eacher l tt well, but when i see
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u in person theres a certa s about you. i am not kind of , a nee a perso i gue i'm shy. t i thi what i think about now is people start out in busine, they start out t get love or appro i mean, you have to fill that u have to know you're good and a solid person t someo else's approv this years d new purpo throu a creat in her name. ross her wife of ten y when we would like to work with speci we're now builde ellens e e foundd at ho, am i doing ? u hav given away tens of of dolla throu this
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and throu your good yeah. but you feel like somet? oh, yeah. tryel to as many people as that, you know, so many i can . t n my platfm is this and i hope that it's for people from what's g on in the world. but somet th g issues of the come to her doorsp like week with actre busy . week with the kavan , i saw dr. ford take e sta and, you know, i write age 14. e was 15 andom had you have talked yeah. with abuse. i just wonded how you feel y a you person well, as a victia i am furio at peopl o don't belie it and who
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do you not remem y what day it was or you know, you don't those thing you rememr is what what you rememre you and how y. d i wasou 15 ye , and i was -- i am not g t go into the detai. doesn matte we are rea vulnee at d then when you are viola u d know to do and u't d want to say anythg first of all, you just e wondeow, you know, how d this happe w was i this stupi y know? es things that you think u coulde contr and s gone h it right now is watchg , so angry becau, you , how dare you not belie and so many women e now looki at their pasts
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yeah. do you think h that will d up to somet meani i mean, really, e oulde been that angry back to someby g her. nt suppod to do , but he can g away with becau he was angry. e was angrto but she herse and was hurt.t she is no b we are not allow do that. are y hopef in this ? >> im hopefun but t i see that just conti to . i see trump and he is now how many years ago was it? know i don like to talk about really isn't. nothi too with being or democ about respe and someo o irhe lea of our count o is mocki someo who was
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. u don'tt mock someb m angry. having a show where you do e is not a small right now. thank , i hope thank you. anythi, before i stop doing sho someda i hope that m empowg women. just hav to not be quiet my goodn was -- i have never seen but she . it was very unexpen, e tserd and she doesn d iost didn't ask the cl had somet to r t interv which of you could see we did it her set and thend i walff her ae and she was ad tears and she said, i'm sorry getti e
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i f i had to say somet. d so, you know, so she did. h doing. women are i brings us to our next contr megan . e b the harven y in "the times hit the press r wk ledo a pulitr mornin what a diffee aear has . cliche is true.d you have even that story woulde t if in our cultu? absoly remar at the heam h to th accus of rape to n being just the latest , high-p person to e her persol expere sexual assaui mean, this is an t going away, and we just are contie to be forced face it every day, i thit do y dr. ford's testi that
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d so many came out. hat ellen, busy do you think made women okay, i have c thera w? yeah, i think what was clear s tha she -- excuse me, last , was that she was, she did not appear to be e with a polit agend e has never once said i'm here afft the outco of the on this indiv m just here to share my story and i want to heard. , you could tell fro t t finish that she was t in her accou of what toer d the effec that had h on think that nobody can forget r talki about how upset for heroe in what she was this terrie attem and the lr of the o who she says attacd her.
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i think that really reson lot of people and to see e way she has been treat then i think has clear from connie chung to n a lot more women to come t and say we are going to e our storie too.heard. this ha this wk the presi in a sai this is a tim for men in ameri as w real is the possihat to th #meo movem and mig manift itself in the e i would start by saying when firstub on our n story a year ago we that has played out thoug thatan, issue or the movemg helped spas g to go away was wrong you have and men, too, come d wit their stori of
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en n powerl figur from . pr in homes across t in offict e bar over drinks, peopl have having persol rec thing e kavangh revol ay. is ther go i mean, i thinks to be s come n e alleg are fed into hat mu morr , you know, where we are today each side wants to use them r t own purpo. t i think -- so i think moving going to , takingurhis h the kavan , i think it's clear there are a lot of woman sur to just other who are very sympa this cause who feel very d up no matter what happe ts vote, and i think that e some men and now sort a r broadubn base
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are going to rally aroun a ri uo . great appree it. > much more a mor, inclu the n bli in one eye after g hit by a golf ball at the r cup. y she says that's not the t thi that happed to her day, e it or not first, these m. (whispers) with the capital one venture card... you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, first, these m. every day... not just "airline purchases". think about all the double miles you could be earning... (loud) holy moley that's a lot of miles!!! shhhhh! ♪ what's in your wallet? shhhhh! and your eyes have theal. power to speak volumes. with voluminous original mascara from l'oreal. now in deep burgundy. the original brush separates every lash.
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7:47 am
7:48 am
> 7:48. warmtpper 80s, in the south. sno will work into the and rain is a peek out your window> goo. s a mostl day e right now and is going stay es only in the mid-7 most today withdhe clouds aroan s are really not all that en a 20% or two today story comes
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forec , some fog and drizz , especy the first of your satur out satur aftern tur partly to mostly and warm d i > ben affle openi a uput s battle with alcoh ♪ it's like sugar ♪ so sweet ♪ good enough ♪ to eat
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7:55 am
and take an extra 20% off!amily. sale this weekend layer up with fleece for the family and save on cuddl dudsheets plus, you'll get $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent on all of your favorite national brands! this weekend - only at kohl's. but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. hi, every on this friday, octo h. to you.m angie b goff. a mess on the beltway want to g . e has you first major delays. a con is where the origil h was with an oil spill and mule crash arod one. a look at right now.u o right lanes blocke crash
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by that oil spill. outer and innerp . mor d there outerp going eig miles hour. apeige backup. delays as you a thanks> a check on ur.
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7:58 am
> g morni. be nowheear warm today t yestey 90 degre have been slowly g this morni rt breez and cloudy s of northn maryly in the upper 60s today. ay oo st. c apthe to the warm
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r startg on sunday, well the middle of next week. summ local news in 25 minut
8:00 am
> it's 8:00. news, tensis runni . the senate decid on brett s nomina, the d nomin one final plea wh happe this morni? in wn with the finisme. the ryder f who was m aft bei hit in the e by a gol if cal terri ordob is ta> and i-
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h carson on e set of "the " coach, i want you to meet is sunny, our guideog at " how sunny sunny became the y is friday,.becameda. and turni. 65 an70th day. witho our babie love you, chris! teachs from stone state fremo we need those teach yes, w do.
8:02 am
every. to "toda" y are they smili and e it friday. right there with i saw a signi t wait to seel tonig. i kno > to the news at 00 t he is expreg some gretz ahead of today vote.r al. e wire.d momen ago chucky ackno that even he on kavan will go until actuay t vote. judge is making g argume, a new op-edg to from his emotio times polit testi week, vowing going forwa s can count on him to be keeled, open minded the eve of today key senate
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a week after brett s partin infus this whole two-we effort s been and polit hit, and we all know, in the uni system y 2000s, what goes around presi trump's t nom expreg for his words, many that ignit conces t his judicl tempe. a "wall op-ed "i am an indep l judge" he writes i was emoti last thursd, so than i have ever been. might have been too emoti times my was sharp and i said a few i should not have said. i hope that everye can rs i was there as a son, and dad. e presi in minne late standg by y his see what's goi right now with one of most respe people y hopef
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the focus this who four key senat e s undecian collin murko d flake and joe m from red west virgin. s signa she is d with the fbi findin, it appea to be a very invest andfl jeff e, who called for the n saying it offer additl corro sexual alleg again s sing the repor kavan who has the allega for goodnsake, this e unitef ameri. is supd it be gul in this ep d argui e whi block t fbi interg many poten s. looks to be a produ of income inves that s limite perhay the and now a retir t justi is out, john steve,
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s d by gerald ford and the liber side on sever y rulin. who once suppo saying he does not n the court, quest temper and i think that his e during the hearis e offic at least nd. this morne insis they e t they have the s to confi kavan. a 70 go telli now. t a ed spes volumr one, highlyn on his own behalf and it ve con among kavan d his allies how this vote d go eitheway. you. one week and tsuna struck the offic as risen to above 1,500. s are still findi s in neigh buried r t mud, but there signs of recov suppls and medic help fromverss and some y has bn resto
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the countrs vice t says full r take at least two years> if yo l playos nightu missed a goo there goesrand. game one ofn t for the milwa needed extra innin to get the coloro rocki one of the na serie moust with that big hit two. the l.a. dger no m at all with the atlan . petn hitti that in the first inning, d tt would be all they . dodge win that one 6-0.e ameri tonig. e big onee watch of , yankee sox. d the astros taking on the i have a boost for you.
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a c sheri deputy the extra mile. mondnez got a call about elder woman in a motor blockg traffr batte die woman didn't not fit i wa to leave it behin so he her he his partn drove along , joking that he needed to pi up the pace a little bit. g kpa mile. act of kindne> still ahead, fi f andis famil n affle openi up aboutct > plus, a golf fan blind in eye after being isut speakg o about what and her p ♪the more we are together the better we'll be♪
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♪there's forests and rivers and mountains and valleys♪ ♪the more we are together the better we'll be♪ eucerin as been solving for over 100 years discover eucerin advanced repair it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough skin for immediate relief and proven 48-hour moisture for healthier-looking skin look for eucerin. dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks anro suvs-three years in phew. third time's the charm...
8:09 am
for the bake sale? hey guys, where are the cookies bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required, so baking is delicious and easy. ohh! cookies! uh-uh-uh.
8:10 am
januaan entire dayuirrel dedicated to squirrels. that's nuts! at aarp, we think you deserve your own day. yeah, you! after all, you're the one working. and saving for the future. so let aarp help. from planning and budgeting, to getting a deal on your next trip. aarp is here to help you stretch your dollar further. our furry friends will have their day, but today is all yours. take on today and every day with aarp. and take an extra 20% off!amily sale this weekend layer up with fleece for the familydd and save on duds sheets oh plus, you'll get $10 kl's cash for every $50 spent on all of your favorite national brands! this weekend - only at kohl's. (vo) ovewhelming air fresheners
8:11 am
can send you running. so try febreze one. with no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. so you can spray and stay. febreze one. you'll make my morning, buty the price ruin my day.ou? complicated relationship with milk? pour on the lactaid, 100% real milk, just without that annoying lactose. mmm, that's good. olay total effects. the power of 7 benefits all in one bottle. without costing $100, $200 or $400. enriched with vitamin b3 complex, for beautiful skin. olay. when you make a pb&j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. more than anything,
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was to press them to you... could listening to her favorite story bring them closer? you fuse together and could never be... the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. download audible and listen for a change. your insurance rates a scratch so smallrng stories. you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ darryl! hey, darryl. hey! hey, how much would you pay
8:13 am
for something you don't want? nothing. is this a test? no. question two: do you lik fgetting stuff you like free? yes. this feels like a test. it's not, it's just why verizon lets everyone in your family get the unlimited plan they need without paying for stuff they don't. and why verizon gets yount six of free apple music. did i pass? not a test, but yeah, u passed. (vo) the music you want,e thunlimited plan you need, n on twork you deserve. now get up to $300 off our latest phones. , an unfor inciden putti spect safy p. the spotl. , a womane was hit by a waywa tee . e is talki to us about what and the action she wl again ryder , good mornin good mornin guys. s lif chang forevs in an emoti
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if the ball d taken a slighd. is passie t golf. a pla hersel the ryder e in pam e and her husba rafael in the audiee when whoa, i am not sure was on th ,urrody medics, t in the eye and blind by a ball trave ver 100 all. when the ball hit my eye, sd eye expl t r the game was o. mean, i am m all messed up insider: that ss d h life cover. my first questio is how to her husba, ly one eye.
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, had to break the news to s voice break being emoti it wa . sti dfi. docr told me that she is , v big damage in his in her eye, sorry, and she si g koepk from the player theree i claimg they did s a lack of safety around the course and offic did not check on r or visit the hospit. r cup organs refute games, saying they called ball. up into the galler i oh, boy. ticke warn of
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risk and they offer incidafter the e docr told rafael if the hit her head ac died. t i don want change all e rul in the golf. i j want to improhe rules corine says despi happen still plans play golf and hopes to her handi thank so much. >> that's unfor scaryi mean,d of that sixth hole is a par 4, a e hole f golfe. e only thing i tnk ofs e they shoul warned e spects the golfe would attemg to dve that whi would lead to l errant shots. the only ching i k of, okay, this is a danger
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ry bombi it. > a check of the s yes, a big mix of across.he cou e a cold t thas throu the middle of the dividg the temps out d of it. s unseas warm. runni about o almos above a 91 for a high today, h 88, st. lo t lower 90s, the lower 80 virgin, 78 det on t fp side ofn e b side tempee g about 5 to 15 degre r a high terth dako, 39 4 degrees below avera du about 44 de and on satury that cool air s in. 53. 57 for a hig s 51. look at the weath thecountr morninge in the wash t now skies are mostl , tempesave d to sed e last couple of eours. at to north breeze
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s the clouds in place and afterlimb this after. r 76 des under aostl can't be d out. e weeke clouds and drizz sat morni. be dr . > carson is in the orange roomwe , , a bizar one, i just go wit me. wa the resid of the umt y fowl. a group of roaming -- g the area unable to their alcoh. you heard o angry birds. fi say an early frost has bri to ferme sooner usual before many of the s higrad south. eating the b behavg lik i do night. addre conce a e tipsy birds i a state
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that the gilbe polic has recei s of birds tt aear to , quote, under influe come heon e flying into window , and acting confus. no need to call law t abo thes. shouldober up within a t pd of time, end quote. users were amused the story. writehis is th see in my fe.s e g their frien fly drunk. a goo one. t the.e you have it. place deali with these birds. oregon, they actual k tanks where peopl can e the t birds uy sober n there is this is in the runni for e best orange room hit s ever. you can help the . by gi putting decals on your
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s and contag an an center. to be insen there. t me. psa. not making fun of it. rescue cente you see ae centef. do they get a hango that'a leg. he loves this story o so mu go? e of the voice, you my deal. i o cie i'm i l.a., i miss y here.i want ce to v voicei decid to bring the cs our pa p t a day t on set of th so mu fun. l t
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e has to wait i'm hosti "the in y, angel to sa he misses me. .very first planee west coar to sunny, come. hi, buddy! i missed you., buddy. le on t unive lot. olivi is where we sh where they shoy l bri in buslos of and they make these s come alive. you're doing so good. headed i ag look, closed set, sunny. bu you getti the inside
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c on in. is where i take my naps and a read my scripe for voice , my whole family is here. is my child , sunny, there you are. he me what he has been from the guide d bring. do you want to watch? push. job! on 's t audie to meet the cch? l right. job! headed backs to meet up adam shelt jennir , i wanted you to meet is sunny our guide dog at it was "the
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youet sunny when he was male on the group this is sunh s potty trained. sunny, come he. shake it. , yeah! , right happys everyt ♪ a that' smart i feel like we n. unani. chairs turned for sunny u c s he is stille pride. u can catch an all new episo vois vois comin right on nbc on monday and tut here on the peaco.
8:24 am
greed to have our y -- it was great to have did he have a if favor kel foro and her sonere selecd be the myste reade of the at their son's kinde as disgud d up as a pig and . ve ty couldt kee idents secret for . took off the heads of theirks thanke she is eny reader more e kids.r that a ben affle ist speak for the rehab in auguss ex jenni drovem tre for alcoh n and he compl his stay. says, quote, the suppo i
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fa, and fans means more any addic is a and diffi strug a full-te comm reited getti help is a of courag not weakn or s in ouatie care. glad he getti the wish him than > you he a dailys of toy is a dog whose front and back are held togetr by an - theree . s torso stret. a fathe took his love for the custom costu for his son niece. that'grea>> they both jud g theu n ge right adorab people were f. cou g enough of it.
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w goo is that? i love it. cute. > cominup,e are here wit s and gear for the ult . >his is a ns 8:26 on this friday, octob a 5tmaron gill dris chris top of the beltw majormmut after conne had oil spill and then some saw anoth crash here one ago and te of the slow throu this area. shot with the op delay n they e o the shoulr n miles the backup still and on the innerp as > we wie backith a .
8:27 am
8:28 am
> c skies are in place d cooler weath is he for e nex couple of days today d tomor t tems have been downnto the 60s to 70 des and we wi in the low 70s for t highsay and
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into the 80s f those of u that like the warm weath sund thank u the latest news and . look. it's over. i love you, but i'm not in love with you. she says i can't see you anymor find furniture you'll love at..e ..inal days of havertys fall savings event. when you spend more, you save moreup o $1000. there's still time to get the savings you deserve. these deals are break-up worthy. havertys life looks good he turned around the naacp. businessman. ben jealous. "marylander of the year". he's helped grow twenty companies and a thousand jobs. ben's vision: medicare for all. a plan to lower prescription drug costs and fully fund our schools. the sun says jealous has "the stature and gravitas" to lead maryland.
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we can do much better on jobs, on education, on healthcare. but it means we've got to believe in each other. ben jealous. governor. > it is 8:3w on a nice the way, today is a great da lot ofspeopl y gre for a of our fam al roker. is goingo make his debut on tonigh you guys. s perform in the hit es for the next has bs been worki so pla old joe, the lovab and pie diner owner.
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even has a solo music heard the pract even dance you a in new york, suppo . s goi to be with us every ghe b r bunnyd we are going to see h >up, who is ready for fun? yes. we wi show you where to the coole gadge and speakg of footbt's e are ashley and able?e birthy ? you a turni how old? 30. and where are from? housto and you a spendin your js our first time hie. y'a so mu. so xcit rignow. we love you, . thoug we'd celeb your , if you don't mind. to th, we
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s to an nfl game and a out.check that o i your team? u for coming to see us, eeke on. that was a good also ahead, our friend rita was here on monday to us kik power es morni she perfo a from her new a album. we want on "toda" g isng to be on tuesd to co-ho our f hour. d we have a feelin just like ,s a going to be than wear my highe g inter rsd, octob y of girl. a big speci on our
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e former firsty michea will l t t life after the white the impore of for fwirl the d fun music that tay. have kelly clark jennir , meghan tra. th thr of them will put on a conce in frontf an of girls throut the us next thurs to be one of tho to remem yeah. excit. heck of a morni. of the weath yes, it feels lik this sunday nigootbl r i bro to you by unlimidlan you need as i was sayin feels like out h once n this s tak a look at what's g on across the count this goingo see warm abovee t on sature into
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and soun , up to three to five of rain. snow by sunday across e northn rockie highe elevas coe e to two feet of snow.oo at a f h the south and work ill b in the 80s e s on the fwoek with spotty here is a peek out your good morni. y frida skies t a big chance for rain. u d need to worry about wille noticy than yesterd made 90 yeste. at 71 now in washi w d from where we are n hig will beostly the upperd mid downtw chance for rai today. and cool again for war and we are talki footbl e sunday night is footbl
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t in ameri, you must be psych r the sunday night footbl . e got the houst texan cowbo dep the heart of texasa chance of . s a dome game. a tempe. sunda ameri right here on get start at 7:00 all right.> we move from footb . is t best time of the the majore but theres anoth league e most devot playe that u will meet. in you won't them e stadi you wl find is the start heame that s anyone in tl one young who just wanted play . gather on a y ball fie e hits, runs, y some errors, buthi
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setss game apart is of the playe have speci i was diagn with autism the age of 4. issuey issuey issues that's ta . is not just a playe is a coach is the commi , a he is also the found the al did you fall in love with e ga? i felln lov with it around taylor wanted to and 5. ball, but som coach d not let him. s basic win at a d oe he knew that iad h , he bas wand me quit the te. most people woul o decid t start his .n he creat his own league r playe like seem than just bf
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itsel s past time. can gw chara. unpred of the al skill t itself can teach these how to deal with certa in real life. >> jimmy had no to the speci needs when he was asked to a pickup game withtaylor . he coa one of the other when they first camee d them off hitti on a we can pitch them overha. might not be able to throw 70 80 miles hour, but we can w they the volun s get just os much out as the playet arnold brings hi me, and thas whatets you . what' i hear you're a ti good pitch? taylor will be the t tell you t none of
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would be possie witho e lov and suppo of his mom, w diffi was it reari a d who has autis it's been hard. been really hard. s dad and i sep when -- he was diagn at the e of 4. i he devot life . just had toe that way. it see off thoug it paying off. remare to me where he littl lot of times i have been , no, you can't do this. , n able. i can tell you with the r t and the right you can really go wherelor is is on the basebl d bases you end a up a e cal home. you ever seen one of those s tha wouldt let youk in the day?>> no, but i'd like.
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k o. ethe coolest kids i have e alter basebl has ten teams. says he would like to see thing span e their i could see this may have n him a big head start. d i just love h confi u c just see how he som about basebl that peopl togetr becau indivi, but it's a team sp the same and the kids o plae s me that a lot k forwa to it every this is the highl of oh, good. and eating now we a we need for the tailge this weekey"e rything w
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need for the u
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barbara comstock might as well be barbara trumpstock. donald trump is against expanding medicaid in virginia. against protections for pre-existing conditions. and he sabotaged the healthcare market, hiking insurance rates up to 64 percent in virginia. barbara trumpstock agrees. voting with trump 98 percent of the time. jennifer wexton believes healthcare is a right ... and successfully fought to expand medicaid in virginia. "i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message... because change is coming."
8:42 am
>> > back> with myavore stu we love. you need for a ta in tiy g game.g battle in texas. are y guys ? you always have the most funs this? startt clear that yr fa has thea block, why not try nfl lawn helme e bab light up at night, your family has the spirit. at walmarm srtg favorteams. so cu vann you aot belie yeah, my toushe gets col games. it's heated and has a
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featur what? i know, you wl ne or bored. so fun. th a from hamak. teecog this is maddie, my honor sis produr atth " and scoobys r fan. e k wheth she is or home gatin you'vt to lo the. is weari an adorae bay.n case you weren sure who she s rooti for, check out her . i this your scooby is weari a . thank souch. these are the cus d look, bye every. a little cheerg outfi at that. . w let's talk about thi is for c
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run the ball.east e to get derri carr back there. will. on "d"? off to a slow start got to win. e next five weeks l doesnk bad for the rs takes sctgo a who new level. e are ie footbl mom and carso if we can gently t you -- i donw if i can stand so c -- hi, fo he is a supers gr r money in a head s suit i can get remary, this s i would wear.i love you. soou
8:45 am
s for $ >> it's very flatt as it's total flatt carson, you ad genius the nobel prize shoul to this inven this is called tl drink why tailge with two hands you can tailge wh one, ,go my . go raide and the plat. wa $9.99 es looks aweso! is the colla tailge t i call it the portae party e you p this baby and fill it with snacks and and suddey you have a i would like to l there. . e 30 second all right.
8:46 am
e got the smoke grill. sthis thing cuts out 90% of t is great for tailgg home gatin and he crockt cook y sw cooke u c take out the little t it in the fridge or take it thele t - t pigs in a blank. me sausa this is like a chick e. amazin we are out of time.n e ea tseu want to get your hands tailgg gear go to today in sundat fi t wilson. firsis is "today" on nbc.
8:47 am
kaine: my dad ran. i learned hard work and a trade from him and his workers. then i went to honduras as a missionary and taught kids to be carpenters and welders. our economy works best when everyone has a skill, like shipbuilding. that's why i created career and technical academies across virginia and passed a law to expand job training for young people. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. here in virginia, we have to build an economy that works for all. when was the last time you felt... free. it's time to uncover that feeling again. with the compassion and strength of a name... most accepted by top doctors and specialists. and the power of a card... that opens doors in all fifty states. giving you the freedom to love to dream to dance like no one is watching. carefirst blue cross blue shield. live fearless.
8:48 am
what makes aldi olive oil oh sweetheart. because only the specialest, most amazing products in all the world make it into aldi stores. something so beautiful and precious, you should never ever, ever, ever, ever let go of. jeez mom it's just olive oil. stop being weird. we hand pick only the most amazing products. that's changing shopping for the better. aldi. shop differentli.
8:49 am
> the citi conce series on " welco back. and actre wilson releader third m called bigger pictur happy to have herer e t track for us. wi closet f ♪ dusted off the cover dusted f mysel i opened these arms to find o i am and who i want wonder w dreams too big for sll
8:50 am
world fdi red ribbo on my you ought to win but you wasno you lose i yoursf all the y until a someo you recog ♪ oh they say youe looki ♪ hoping there' memors the pieces might put help me see the bigge
8:51 am
e ♪ the year i lost my mom day on ♪ not i am in tears and years d from the world of hurt i t undo ♪ lost and searc some ♪ oh they say you c't move d wn you're looki ♪ but i'm hoping there's some s somewn the past ♪ every memory looki deep just help me see ♪getr ♪
8:52 am
am i strong enough ♪ to turn anoth page ♪ they say youe can't m d when you're looki ♪ but i found a couple answe memors missi pieces just ut t me back togetr help me see the bigger oh the bigge took on olf the
8:53 am
rita wilson, thank again. pictu is out now. a b in a momen t first we are back in a t,ment. firshis is "today" on nbc. you're still out there chasing what matters. at innovation health, a partnership between inova and aetna,d we're commit taking care of the whole you. with medicare advantage plans that offer $monthly ps
8:54 am
and $0 annual medical deductibles. innovation health medicare advantage call today to learn more and we'll sewith no obligation to enroll. or visit us online at bawell be barbara trumpstock. donald trump is against expanding medicaid in virginia. against protections for pre-existing conditions. and he sabotaged the healthcare market, hiking insurance rates up to 64 percent in virginia. barbara trumpstock agrees. voting with trump 98 percent of the time. jennifer wexton believes healthcare is a right ... and successfully fought to expand medicaid in virginia. "i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message... because change is coming."
8:55 am
why w is going to be the raide play. check for the suit someda on sunda we wi be s with judge kavan if e a vote on satury night d may be finisd on sunday also a great with actor hip-h dual re riz ahead.
8:56 am
plays the villa in venom. won the emmyor night of, e hbo serie smart guy, very deep and a great actor. a g conven with him in to everyth else on and we satury show. i alrea go this is a new hi. every. , o 5th. want to get a check on n ommut mornin i have. i need that overti pay today. after conne final getti better cr s diffesh on p of the beltw there with an l spill causi probl rig now 21 miles hr.e it or no
8:57 am
from earli. of the beltw l good his morni. n memorl bridge wee. . monday at . , meliss> a check on your us you're still out there chasing what matters.
8:58 am
at innovation health, a partnership between inova and aetna, we're committethto taking care of whole you. with medicare advantage plans that offer benefits like health combhing and fitness meerships. plus hospital, medical and prescription drug coverage in one simple plan hl we offer $0 montplan premiums $0 annual medical deductibles and $0 copays on ninety-day tier 1 mail-order drugs plus access to doctors and hospitals you know and trust, like inova. our medicare advantage plans are built to help you age actively, so you can keep pursuing the life you love. innovation health medicare advantage call today to learn more $10 visa reward ou ard with no obligation to enroll. or visit us online
8:59 am
> cloudy skies keep our steady where they er u 60s a low 70s now. l probay enter into the w and mid-7 later today. for the weeken going mounta cloudy today tomor o 80 in the mount on on the beach sunday will be e nicest day at the coast in the upper0s. > news and weath anyti by hey! hi! congrats on ranking highest by jd power for internet service satisfaction this year. oh, thank you! and on being ranked #1 in customer satisfaction compared to cable. well, the 100% fiber-optic network deserves the credit, so... and he's humble! so, um...i should probably go get started. you need me to watch the van? no, i'm good! you deserve the best. get fios, the most awarded network.
9:00 am
100% fiber-optic network.


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