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tv   News4 Today at 400  NBC  October 23, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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just outside of a metro station. >> could you use an extra billion dollars? yes i could. the mega millions is uor grabs again tonight. now you have the chance to win the biggest lottery prize ever. >> news 4 today starts now. >> it is 4:00 a.m. good morning, everybody. i'm aarongilcrest. thanks for joining us a brisk start to youray but things could be taking a >>turn. t's going to be one of those mornings. happy tuesday. the temperatures today are going to be a lot warmer than they were yesterday. in fact, this looks like the warmest day we have in the next 10. we're starting off wmer than we were yesterday. yesterday they were in the upper
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20s to lower 40s. pretty much everybody in the 30s now.40s we slip a little bit as we go toward the 7:00 a.m. hour, but it's n going to be quite as bad as yesterday morning. grab the sunglasses. a light jacket. uld be chilly if the kids are standing at the bus stop. but it's goingp to warm today. the temperatures are goinghe toe in t 60s for daytime highs today. no need for an umbrella. we're dry. we're dry right now and high pressure still in charge. we'll take aoo at rain that could be floating our way. we'll talk about wind and what to expect coming up on the forecast. >> good morning, taking a look heret the roads right now. we have the outer loop also
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southbound is seeing some delays because of that project.m as we z down to 66 and 95, 95 north after prince william parkway, left lane gets by the work zone. >> melissa, thank you. we have breaking news right now. a man was shot and killed in german town. angi is at the live desk with the latest from police. >> the man was shot this morning he did end up dyingt the hospital. this happened at an apartment
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complex onrc cll ridge circle. police do not have suspect information thathey released but we'll keep you posted. >> the search is on for a man that allegedly raped a teenage girln rockville. the suspects followed her and a friend off a bus near the metro station before 6:30 last night. he forced her into parking garage and raped her in a stairwell. chopper 4 was overhe scene as they searched for the suspect. nearby red line stations were leso searched. it's not whether that was connected to the alleged rape, though. justin finch is working the story for us. we'll have a live report coming up at 5:00. >> a scare situation up the street here.ha a man kicked his way into the fox 5 tv station has a
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history of mental health issues. >> he contacted us as well just before air time yesterday the man broke through the front doors of fox 5 and confronted a security guard. authorities say the guard tried to pepper spray h to stop him and when that didn't work, she shot the unarmed suspe in the chest. we're told hect con the station hoping someone would help him get in touch with president trump. >> i would have never have assumed someone would have been shot in the stairwell. >> when you found out? >> shocked. >> he didn't make it in the newsroom and no one else was hurt. he is expected to be okay and is charged with >> we reported some of the worst case scenarios against the media. also recently shooters targeted journalists this past june and at wbpj.
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they bare a striking resemblancd to what happ yesterday. they shot a man that walked into the fox stationri w a hedgehog costume. he claimed to have a bomb, but it was fake. shooting.d the ther man earlier a drove a stolen landscapingto trk the lobby of the abc station. he claimedo god and spent four hours on the second floor. in both cases, the suspects had mental heasshs. >> he knocked on the door pretending to be a roof inspector. the woman wasn't buying his story andried to close the door. he forced his way in and demanded cash and jewelry. the twod drove aroor several hours. the woman gained his trust. thewo even ate at a restaurant together. he eventually let her go.
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he faces several charges including kidnapping. >> an updat on two school security stories we told you about yesterday morning. >> threats were postedunday night on social media against osborne high school and baldwin elementary school. the threats were not credible and the teen did not have the means to carry them out. his nam n is being released. in montgomery county the former student accused of threatening johnson higwalter school will stay behind bars. a judge called him a threat to the community and ordered him held without bond. ar began threatening walter johnson in feb after learning he missed too many classes to graduate. >> president trump embraced the man he cnceled lying ted during the 2016 presidential campaign. st night in houston the president now called senor ted cruz a really good friend.
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they're partners in the gop fight t hold on to the .sena >> nobody has helped me more with your tax cuts and regulations and all the things that we're doing including military and our vets thanr senaed cruz. >> they put on a united front. senator cruz in a competitive race for the seat that he's held since 2013. >> now to the bizarre new twist in the killing of jamal khashoggi. they used a body double to make it lek like left alive. it shows a man walking around istanbul after he was dead dresse in his clothing and glasses. auvestigators found a vehicle with diplomatic plates in an underground parking garage.
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saudi arabia is claiming he died in a fight at the conciliate. >> now there's a new push to pay tribute to that journalist here in d.c. a petition wants to remain part of new hampshire avenue jamal khashoggi way. new questions about recent mmigration rates in the district. a lawsuit has been filed against the government. he wantsw to k whether people arrested by immigration and customs enforcement this summer were racially profiled. he triedo get information about those raids in predominantly latino uncoy.
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>> president trump made comments at a rally at houston last night about 7,000 migrants making their way to the southern border of the u.s. the preside t tweetedt criminals and unknown middle easterners are mixed into theou he offered no evidence to back up thaclaim. the presidenthreatened to close the border and cut foreign aid ifhat caravan is not stopped. >> new this morning, authorities are trying t figure out who put what appears to be an explosive device in theailbox of the billionaire philanthropi f. onend it to the home and moved it to the woods. it didot explode. he's been accused of orchestrating the caravan. >> tonight's mega millions could
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give you oprah level money. the cash option is $900 million. >> we're not in the billions now. >> it has a chance to jump closer to $2 billion if people keep buying tickets. you can always taket a shot the powerball. tomorrow's jackpot for that game is 620 millions. dollar >> despite their loss to the skins t cowboys did not pac up and go home right away. they took in the sights. coming up, find out whe they went. plus a hollywood a-lister makes a big announcement. that's straight ahead. c it's ally one today. not quite as cool as yesterday heand today, warmest out of the next 10. temperatures already in the 50s before noon. we'll talk about how warm it's going to get today and weekend
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rain chances i'm alex trebek here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50-85 on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. the three what? the three p's? what are the three p's? the three p's of bife insurance on a fixget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54 and i was a smoker but quit. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. d i'm 65, retired, ke medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80 and i'm a fixed income. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you, too.if ou're age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular whole life insurance plan available through the coloal penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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thy.'s less than 35 cents a you cannot be turned dow. because of your heal no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed, and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your raterean never go up for anon. and with this plan, you can pick your payment date so you can time your premium due date to work with your budget. options start at $9.95 month, plus, you get a 30-day money back all now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, and it's you just for calling. so call now.
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back.elcome new this morning a second officer in south carolina in an ambush has died. >> officer turner was shot while trying to serve a search warrant october 3rd. she passed away last night. the suspect is accused of shooting seven d officersing that incident. >> an update to the story of ao floridaician charged in the death of an alleged shoplifter. michael gunn re-signedrom his role as city commissioner in lakeland flora. he had his first court appearance and pled not guilty.
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he is charged with shooting a killing lopez. he was trying to steal a hatchet from they militar surplus store. the victi made no threats verbally or physically toward him. >> take a look at this exp and fiery scene in mexico city. you can see that large plume of smoke billowing into the sky. this is caused when a tank in an alcohol factory exploded. at least 2,000 people evacuated om the area. one person was injured. >> in a matter of hours rricane willa is expected to slam mexico. it's now a category 4 storm but winds are still 155 miles per hour and the storm iste exp to cause a life threatening storm surge. the remembinisces of the hurric will move through central texas which is still recoveng from
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flooding. they visited the museum of african american history and cultura cultu culture. jason garrett is known for taking the team onield trips for bonding and educational experience. >> very nice. >> comedian amy schumer used litics to announce she and her husband are expecting their first yey she broke the news on the instagram story of friend and journalist jessica yellen. at the end of lists congressional candidates the line i'm pregnant appeared. she was recently arrested for protesting the confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh to thesu eme court. >> we're just days away from the 43rdarine corps marathon. tens of thousands of people will participate i that 26.2 mile racesun ay.
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this is video from last's ye marine corps marathon. metro will open two hours early on sunday. that means 6:00 a.m. and as you can imagine there will be a lot of road closures too. those will start around 3:00 in the morning. wee posted mor information about the closures in the nbc washington app. just search marine corps marathon. >> i have a lot of admiration for any marathon -- maybe one year i'l do it. and then i think, maybe not. >> no. >> i have to tell you, i was out there last year. >> out there not running -- >> we didn't have to add that little detail. >> i t was going add it, if you didn't. >> i was at the star line, and i was at the finish line. how i got to those points isn't important. >> i do remember because i was working. >> there might have been a golf cart involvem. >> do youber what the weather was last year for that? was it hot? >> i wasn'tike runner weather. it wasn't cold. but it wasn' hot. >> i can't remember.
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they've had some interesting weather there. they rane one t when sandy was coming through, so i was justth inking about the weather for this wkend because i'mot running. oh, it's this sunday. >> but people want to know. more rain for saturday into . sund that's something we'll have to take into account but it does at least shower for sunday morning because we have remnants of willa. i'm goi to show you that coming up. but let's talk about today because i think today is going to behe mildest day we're going to have in quite some time. sunshine today, tomorrow, and into thursday. we could have rain lasting into monday. you can see t temperatures are in the 40s. most of our area. 47 degrees in d.c. 46 in gaithersburg.
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those temperatures will be in the low 50s. look at that temperature. 58 degreesyesterday. 69 for a daytime high yesterday. that wind will pick up after three or 4:00. it will be breezy but not a chiy ny stretch of the imagination. let's go to wesrn mexico. now the eye in theirlation has closed. windsn are d to 140 right now. we'll see this make landfall today ts afternoon throughout the evening just around mexico and all the remember nannants w
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through the deep south. so enjoy today. temperatures will be in the upper50. >> northbound 270, that says we still have delays here both northbound and southbound there becae the right lan was getting by the milling and paving and just a little delayed re still this morning. as we look at laurel, southbound bw wapark near powder mill road. right lane there is blocked and northboundan see the delays as well. out here, inner loop and outer loop, no problems. that earlier road work is now gone. had the left lane getting by the work zone. >> parents need to park the
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helicoer. a life coach says sometimes not a life coach says sometimes not winning is the best david trone likes to say it comes down to three things:
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compassion. for children placed in cages, and people with addiction treated as criminals. competence.bu from building a ness from one store to hundreds. and getting things done in every one of those communities. civility. to work both sides of the aisle, what it takes to do things.s. something david has just a bit of eerience at. compassion, competence, civility. they may not define our times, but they define david.
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i'm david trone,approve. welcome back. this morning weontinue our living your best life series and there's no manual when it comes to raising kids -- >> ha! sorry. that just came out. i'm sorry. >> but whether you're a parent, a coach, orou mentor don't have to reinvent the wheel when oung people setting up for success. >> what do you have going on at school? >> she takes advantage of quality time talking to h son jake before school.
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>> there's a lot of pressure out there for hh school students. >> that's a great way of thinking to instill in jake. he's made a career of coaching people in life, business, health and fitness, including helping adults figure out the best way to help the kids in theirli s. his first advice is practice what you preach. >> if you're trying to teach children the importance of patients but you're getting any on a customer service line for waiting for 20 minutes while outloud you say to them, be patient, yourctions are showing them that being impatient is okay. of e already know the val the family dinner conversation, ut he says the old stand by of how was school today needs to be replaced with a more eowering question that leads to critical thinking. >> what was your f orite part of school today and why. that's an open ended question and that makesnk them t and makes them frame things in a positive frame of mind. >> the third key to success is repetition what you believe
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is most important. >> if there's a lesson that's importanto you as mentor or a parent, make sure that you're consistentith your delivery of it because consistency is the key touccess atnything in life. > >> finally, the biggest part of success is understanding failure. there's such an emphasis on winning that kids miss a chance to learn about themselves and how to improve. >> there a lot of shame about failure, especially for kids. so talk to them early about it and teach them that there opportunity for growth. what went wrong here? what could have going tbetter. ch him what the lesson is and how to move forward the best he can, b not to get down. >> now it's also important to teach kids to be grateful. that it's okay to enjoy who you are and what you have right before you try to move on to more and better. >> that's great. you're not going to grow if you're not failing and it's inevitable in life. >> true. >> up25, coming cars without drivers coming to d.c.
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way.n says no when you could be sharing the fads with aet of driverless rides. >> plus ancient artifacts or frauds. how a local museum learned some of its displays are not real after all. >> and enjoy today. those temperatures are reaching into the 60s. getting the kids ready bus stop. not quite as chilly as yesterday. no quite as frosty, but mild by this afternoon. one day is special. we got big changes in the forest. we'llca s i'm alex trebek here to tell you about the colonial penn program. and lookingage 50-85uy toife insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. the three what? the three p's? what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fix budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price th can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54 and i was a smoker but quit.
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alex, what's my price? you caa get coverage for $9.9nth. i'm 65, retired, and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80 and i'm on a fixed income. what's my price?.9 a month for you, too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a y. you cannot be turned down because of your heal. no medical exam, no health questions. yyour acceptance is guaranteed, because of your heal. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lo, so your rate can never go up for any reason. and with this plan, you can pick your payment date, so you can time your premi due date to work with your budget. options start at $9.95 a month,
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plus, you get a 30-day money back guarantee. nfso call now for freemation. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, and it's yso call now.r calling.
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i'm an imaginary friend of kid just like you.ada! you probably have lots of questions., but loo'll get through this together. a live look outside on this tuesday morng. the capitol wheel sitting there. >> pretty. >> yeah it is. al lit up there at national harbor. 4:29 right now. time to get up a get your day started crazy early. it's pretty chilly out there. it doesn't make sense to be up this early. thank you for doing it. >> there areple up this early. >> we appreciate you every single day. >> we really do. outside going to warm up once the sun comes up. it will be barable today. >> we're also counting down to
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tonight's megas million jackpot. this time tomorrow someone could be waking up with a wning ticket worth $1.6 billion. it is the largest lottery prize in u.s. history and we'll have much more on the drawing and thm luckiestrs you may want to pick ahead in a few minutes. 13s my lucky number. nobody else's but mine. birthday. >> melissa is keeping an eye the roads for us this morning. lauren has ourrm s team 4 forecast. >> you said your lucky number is 13. >> 13? >> mine is 14. >> is it? >> oh my god. what is yours aaron? >> i don't -- >> i like 7. 7s a good number. >> 7 is a good number. >> okay. let's go ahead and pick some numbers. >> taking a look


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