tv News4 Today NBC October 28, 2018 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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actually, that's not the starting line. that's mile four. >> people are well on their wayn then fired a little bit ago and the a runne on their way, the handcyclists, wheelchair racers everyone out and about as this race is under way. what anxciting day. this is our signature race around here. he 2018 race is well under way. tens of thousands of runners streets. the >> and there to witness it all we have news 4's jim handly. e he wlier at the starting line and he moves fast. he's already at the fannish line jim, what is going on? just kidding. we'll send it over to lauryn and lauryn will have the latest on the weather.s igreat running weather. people started with the layers.t >> t why i want to see if
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jim is still wearing the jacket. we was wearing it earlier before the sun came up so it's been up for a little while a we are looking at a beautiful view. our live capitol camera showing us beautiful but cloudy conditions. partly sunny for our sky cover out there today. we had few sprinkles during the overnight. an upper level disturbance trying to pass through but tt's dissipated and not too bad. the temperatures are in the0s and low 50s. mewarmer than this t yesterday and we'll continue to warm up. by noon temperatures in the mid-50s. we have chances of showers after about 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.ll theove in from the west to the east and the winds will pick up during overnight, we have a busy week wahead. have halloween.
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we'll have a detailed look on that forecast in ten minutes. >> and the big race is under way. >> thou10k runners be finiis fing up. we mentioned jim handly joining us again. he doesn't get up and work on a sunday morning. giving up your week because this is such a big day for many of us and especially those 30,000 hating the pavement. >> i ll you what, right now angie and adam, we are seeing yo10k-eers crossing this finish line. thought the start was dramatic? wow, there is plenty of excitement. you mentioned 30,000 runners.e are the 10kers. we talked with the 32-minute first-place finisher, d.c.'swn jack butler 25. here's what he had to say after
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he crossed the line. >> i didn't expect necessarilyn. to i'm kind of used to being in contention for races but in the grand scheme of things i'm slightly above average so when i win i'm happy. >> reporter: last year you ran the fullmarathon, why did you do the 10k? >> marathons are hard. i didn' feel like doing one this fall. i'm running boston in the spring so i'm going to gear up for that so i want to do fast stuff before i torture myself the long way. >> d right now we areawaiting for the most inspiring of the bunch out here, 103 handcyclers. they do the full marathon so we'll talk with them from n a matter of minutes. i made it here in record time
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with our good friends the marines, my golf cart, and about six minutes. we're here at the finish line at iwo jima memorial. angie and adam, back to hayou. >>s my kind of marathon. >> yours is lik the golfart with a beer. >> well, that's lebratory. you can bet you will be running into closed roads and detours beuse of th marathon. >> derrick ward has you covered there. he's in northwest d.c. with traffic information you needed to know about if you're headed out. lots of roadblock there. >> reporter: indeed. if you're coming west on m stre , this is the otherde of the roadblock. they put puss and trucks up so this course is blocked off from any traffic. you can go nor and south on m bu' youre only going to go a as fa wisconsin and then you'll be directed back and forth east.
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this is why. this is the course. as you can see, you get a good sense of howhallenging this course can being f you look back toward key bridge. there's a b change but it's a doing shot, a place whereks f come to see the races and cheer on people like these folks from long island. take a look. > intense. training was hard, time consuming but it's going to be worth it. this is going to be one of the coolest marathons he could possibly run so we're excited about it and very proud. >> she's here to cheeron her husbandr this is hisst marathon, she came all the way dn for that. here is a look at he routemap. this is what you're going to encounter as this race is well under wa it will take a while for 30,000 people to make that course. we e in the sort thick of it now where it's really thickened out. i awill thin out bit and once this is over traffic will be
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moving again. live in grirgetown, de ward, news 4. back to you. >> derrick, thank you so much. so much excitement around the area today. runnertopping for the camera. i want towitch gears and talk about what is becoming just a difficult story. an emotional morning in pittsburgh and across the country a day after e gunman opened fire inside a jewish temple killing 11 people and hurting six others. >> david culver joins us near th tree of life synagogue. david, how are folks coping with this devastating act of violencs torning? >> reporter: angie, for every person you speak to it's different. they're trying to process this in their own way. wherete're sding right now, we've movein the past 30 minutes to the closest we've been abl gto to this synagogue. pittsburgh police have pulled down one of their wider
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perimeters and allowed the media to get closer. yet as you look at this can notice y traffic signals are changing but everything is still. there's no movement here and ma is much of this city, everyone is in this solemn somber mode and not sure how to move forward. last night we were at a powerful vigil and there were about 3,000 people gathered in there. you can see the numbers, you can hr there was singing, strangers leaning on one another. i cght up with one mother and her young daughter. i asked them how they're dealing with this. what is it like when it's so close to home, when it is home? >> scary, scary. born and raised in israel, to see that here, i cannot belie it happened. >> it's hard to process but knowing my family is with me -- >> it hits you hard >> how do you find healing?
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>> byng gathetogether, giving hugs to each other and loving each other. there is nothing else. >> reporter: 20 years ago sigal moved from the us to israel. she said when she was in jerusalem she felt sheoad question her security, she moved to pittsburgh, she felt safe her she felt comfort. that was shattered yesterday. the neighborhood we're in, squirrel hill, you've maybe a lot about how quaint iti idyllic, family focused, this is literally mr. roger's neighborhood. there are signs up this morning saying love and that is part of this healing process. >> anntire area trying to come to grips with what happened there. do you get theense that there will be more people gathering around the community today?is here going to be another outpouring of support? >> reporter: absolutely. it's interesting to see this -- this is a culturallyjewish community. so culturaledly fabric is jewish
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and this jewish counity is coming the fabric i jewish and this jewish community is coming together. they're the only ones who understand what each other is going through right now. >> david culver on the ground in the squirrel hill community in pittsburgh. david, we'll check in with you, thank you so much for that report. as the shooting in pittsburgh adds to already what was a nation on edge, we had the mail bombre sthe other mass shooting, it will be covered on an emotional "meet the pres" chuck todd will join us in the 10:00 hour with more on what is show.g up in the it's a big day in the washington area as 30,000 runners hit the pavement for marine cos marathon. we just checked in with jim handly at the finish line who showed us some of the 10k runners are finishing and getting their medals but there's a long way to go.
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you heard the news first on 4. the district is considering a ban on right turns on red in some places. >> a huge change. the mayored annou number of other changes aimed at cutting down on traffich fatalities wh are at their highest level in years. mark seagraves i cexplains how changes could impact you. >> reporter:ar three ye after the mayor launched her vision zero plan to reduce tffic fatalities, she acknowledged
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more needs to be done. 2018 is the deadliest yearor affic accidents on d.c. streets since 2011. there have been 31 traffic deaths so far this year compared to 30 in all of last year. >> what is oublesome for us is the spike in pedestrian, bicyclist and motorcycle fatality which is you can see represent a higher portion of the year-to-date tr ad. meeting with the d.c. council, bowser and her rolled tation direct out their new plan to reverse the trend. drivers would be required to take a short quiz in order to renew their driver's license, banning right turns on red and reducing the speed limit to 20 miles per hour in residential begin using photo enforcement for some parking violations like blocking a blake lane and increase the number of speed and
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red light cameras. >> we want to make every intersection as safe as it can be and if that means banning right turns, we'll do . th >> reporter: some proposals, like the right turn on red ban, could be implemented within a few months.he as for quiz to renew your driver's license, that's ayefew s off. >> i know the word quiz connotes nd re's a pass or fail action that happens based on that. we're focusing on driver reedgr. >> reporter: bowser hopes the council will support the legislation. mark seagraves, news4. >> mayor bowser also proposed changes to left-hand turns and she wants to stop the rush hour lane reversal on connecticut avenue. let's get you back to the marathon and a look from the observation deck, the central observation deck in rosslyn. b if you havenn to that, it's super cool. you can get this from from all across the area. h
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that' we can give you this shot right here. the marathon wellnd way now. a lot of 10k finishers are coming across the finish line and we'llhe see marathon runners make their way across. >> which is crazy that they tn do a couple hours. >> people are fast. >> yes. >> w'll chec hawaii?! nice! yeahed'm excited. finally earn enough rewards points. so jealous. yeah i can't wait to g that shave-ice! what's shave-ice? yeah i can't wait to g it's like a hawaiian snow-cone. why not just say snow-cone? i don't know, they cl it shave-ice. you fly to hawaii for this? i don't go there for the ice. you saved up your rewards points for ice? ...that's a lot of ice.
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thousands of runners are or racing to h loved ones. >> a lot of runners, this is the emotional part of the race, correct? >> reporter: no dot about it, adam and angie. the first set of runners came through here about 20 minutes ago. me this is the wear blue mile marker. thiis very emotional. you can see people waving the american flag. t on flag are black ribbons, the names of men and women who died while serving their
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country. some heroes were inld war i, many of them served in the iraq war and through many of the wars in between and the volunteers, they all have very personal stories about why they're here.e caught up, actually, with two gold star mothers who shared their story. take asten. >> any chance we get we talk about this to tell their story, to nor them is a good day because we honor them in our hearts eryday. >> feeling of peace and you feel like they'reeing honored and remembered and that's what e want, them not to be forgotten so being here, remembering their sacrifice means they won't be forgotten. >> reporter: you can't help but tear up when talking to these mothers but like they said, the fieace by being here along with other veterans and moers and fathers who lost loved ones
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in combat. of this is certainly an emotional part the marathon but also very rewarding for men and women out here cheerig the runners on. back to you. >> meagan fitzgerald along mile 11 as runners make their way towards mile 12. it's imporant to note more than 400 servicemen and women are participating in iraq and afghanistan, also aboard the uss "bush." this is part of the satellite race they do. can you imagine a race on a treadmill or in the desert? they are doing it to be a part of this bigger thing and i think that is so wonderful and hats off to so many military families that sacrifice so muchor us. truly an event of unity from all sides. we're talking abouthe weather because this is perfect running >> it is. do you have my pin on? >> i lovethat.
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>> yes, i've got my pin, my eagle globe and anchor right here. my husband is ama ne. i'm a big proponent. i love the marine corps, but adam asked if i should run it -- >> you have no reason not to run this race. >> year. >> i'll be out there covering. that's about as close as i'll get. is it going to be dry today? yes. it will be dry out there today however if you have plans after 6:00 or :00, looks like we'll have energy floating through that should wrap up before the u morning co but it will be breezy starting tonight and windy through the day tomorrow. is it getting colder. it's going to get warmer towards halloween. temperatures 52 degrees as we go through the middle part of the day. we're warming up to 60 today so we'll have a mix of sun and
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clouds. outside the beltway, upper 40s out there. we had a few sprinkles overnight. those have dissipated and we'rew expecting dther for the remainder of the daylight hours. but after 6:00, more rain working its way in here. but if you're your morning workout it will be beautiful. pumpkin picking, muddy out there but nice, however i want to mention a lot of pple may be headed to haunted forest. keep e to the sky. it will be muddy and we have the rain moving temperaturesd 60 for a daytime high today. let's time out the rain. at:00 you can see the rain come through baltimore through frederick county, maryland. this is when the winds start to pick up once the rain drops start falling and you see the rain in here, after midnight it coots out of here. this clipper system rolls out of asre, morning commute dry but windy. ou get the kids ready. though the windsk will p up.
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they will be fine today but look hat happens late tonight. by midnignight we'll have gusts up to 20, 5les an hour. through form morning some gusts up through the teens, upper teens and the winds stick with die r the commute home but downom laterrow evening. temperatures tomorrow stay around 60. dry on your tuesday with a much lighter wind. temperatures in the low 60s, 70 on wednesday. halloween loo fantastic, low 70s by the time we head through the evening, i know a lot of little kids aregoing out early. the sun goes down at 6:10. clear skies so it's looking good. it will be breezy. we have rain chances late thursday night through the day on friday and we'll have rain on friday and we'll have rain lingering but much cooler the
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i'm jennifer wexton, and i approve this message. seen barbara comstock's fake ad? if jenner wexton backed a deal leading to massive tolls on 66. nonsense. jennifer wexton fought the tolls on 66. t and let's cahis plan what it is, the way that it's been rolled out. it's highway robbery. there's also althcare robbery. barbara comstock voted to sabotage the healthcare market, hiking pmiums up to 64%. barbara trumpstock --hi everytng that's wrong in washington.
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announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade should be overturned and the state should decide it." announcer: that's right. comstock supports taking away a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund planned parenthood 6 times, limiting women's access to contraception. and comstock votes with trump ninety eight percent of the time. jennifer wexton: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protect a woman's right to choose. jenniferexton for congress. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> we'retarting to see the first finishers of the actual on mara they'll get across the finish line. thi wis mile 11re meagan fitzgerald was and that's the emotional section of the race called thelue run. and this is such a great event for ourregion, for really the country to come together. we have people from all across the country an the world. shout out to my friend corey who is running in t race this morning. epngratulations to those finishing and oing to those who still have away to
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9:30 on this sunday morning. the marine corps marathon is well under way. runners from all over the country and the world stretching out, getti ready for the race. they are starting to come close to the finish line. we are checking in with our crews along the race route. meanwhile, in pennsylvania investigators are learning moru ahe man arrested after 11 people were murdered at a synagogue. we are on the ground in pittsburghith the latest. >> there we go, the runners on the road for this sha sunday
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morning, the marine corps marathon is under way, we areer all the race course working for you. and thank you for being here wi us, it's 9:31. ople are out there putting in work. you think you are doing good deeds. these guys are running and making a difference. >> and they call it the people'a thon because unlike -- i know one runner jim spoke with said i'm doing the boston marathon coming up. a lot of these races you have to qualify for. these you don't. ere is no prize money involved. that's why it's the people's marathon. a lot of them running for the first time and lauryn rickets, you delivered darn good weather. >> we've had a couple years where it's been on the dicey side whether we'rei h winds and rain.ra temres are right around 50 degrees, perfect running
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weather. a few layers but you can probably shed them by this afternoon. betiful sky out there w, even though we have a lot of cloud cover. we'll go partly sunny and pop a few more sunshine streakseinto early part of the afternoon. low 50s across the board. we'll be around 60 today so it will be warmer than yesterday. but we have a big warmup coming our way. if you like big temperatures around for halloween, wit until see what i've got for you. e>> some marathoners h already -- have they already crossed the finish line? >> it should be close. i can't imagine those people keeping up that kind of race. the people participating in the handcycle race get through pret. quick jim handly is out there tracking
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people. what are you seeing, jim? >> reporter: we are here with the first foreign cross the fcr finish line, a handcycler, omar durand. this is yrpr fifth marine cos marathon? >> it is. > how many have you done? >> well over 60. >> reporter: tell us your story. you were yired in 2007. this brings all the branches together. we say marine corps, you served in the army? >> 82nd army, 2011 ied, multiple injuries, rehabbed at walterr d and that's where i started adaptive cycling. >> what has this brought to you? >> it helps mee mally and if i hadally everyday. it's taken me out of a bad spoto of notng what to do with my life and enjoy nature again
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and find my spirit almost everyday. >> reporter: you did 1.1: you've had better time but you were on your own so you had tnobody race against. >> by myself today. my good buddouldn't be here today so he left a flag me to finish it. >> reporter: what do you think about when you're seeing he monuments and going through the 26.2. >> it brings history and it's honor. it's a privilege to be on this course. you get to go through the silent park and see the faces that havv given their and the flags that honor the people still here, it's a big honoo for me see the history laid upon this course. >> reporter: and an honor to hear your story. congratulations to y omar durant, you're a winner. and we have 103 handcyclers today still coming across the finish line here. so much excitement adam and angie. we'llfo wait the full marathon
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female and male. one thing my photographer and i noticed, we've seen more women this year. i don't know what that says but more won nners. we'll catch up with them in the next half hour. back to you live from iwo jima memorial. >> congratulations to 6him. >> marathon >> what an inspirational story. let's switch gears and take you to pittsburgh where that community is dealing with something munch different. a day after the horrible tragedy, a gunman open firing inside a jewish temple, killing 11 and hurting six others. >> david culver joins us live near the tree of life synagogue. moments ago authorities revealed more about the shooting. what have we learned? >> i can tell you they are still ioevealing more inform about a block and a half from where we are. federal officials and the lead deral prosecutor in this are
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updating the media about hhat the learned in the past 24 hours or so and one of the powerful comments made by the u.s. attorney is he considers this to be an unspeakable and hateful crime. we should mentionhe suspect in this was taken into federal custody last night. that was just revealed as well. he will face a federal judge remorrow. meantime, we learning more about the victims. the 11 names have been released in the pasr five minutes so. as soon as we get those, we'll share them with you. but this will give you an idea hsonal this is for this community. as they were gathering last night, you saw folks who were strangers to one another just leaning onach other and you can see that in this video. th vigil had 3,000 people caught together and we up with students who just felt compelled to stop by. take a listen. >> i hopehat it brings enough love and hope that people will
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go out and vote and help. >> be here together supporting everyone else and taking care of each other. that's really meaningful to me. >> you'll notice the young woman there, she was channelling this pain and frustration and confusion into action, asking people to vote. that's something i saw when i was covering parkland. the studere turning into this hoping for political action. as far as what we learned about the investigation, you can see we've gotteno rather close the tree of life coregation but we've heard this area is as close as we'll get because it will be shut down for a week as the investigation continues and 're telling us at the time of the shooting there were three separate services under swie t there were a of people inside the temple and a lot of a folk in search of healing.y
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there were a lot of people inside the temple and a lot of folks are in search of healing. following along with our nbc affiliate in pitts rgh, one woman was sitting in there as part of the press gathering, as soon as she heard one o the names she had to be escorted out because she was overcome with this gives you an idea of how tight this community is, a lot of folks will be feeling this pain and know somebody involved. >> lot of healing in the days ahead, thank you, david. people around the world are joining with the people of squirrel hill offering support. outsidehe white house last night, the jewish communities and allies gathered for an emotion aal candlelight vigil. he railed against a group that helps refugees. one man sahe it's same group that helped his wife come to the u.s. years ago. l we lost a of our innocence last year after charlottesville when it became clear that neoas in violence was going to be a part of american life and endorsed by the occupant of the white house and
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what little innocence we had left a er charlottesvilleed today. >> even though president trump strongly condemned the attack, som of the people we spoke with told us the president needs to lead the way in calling for an end to hate and heated rhetoric that is driving politics right n now. at 9:39, we are taking a live look a many runners who are running -- i believe this is mile 11 making their way towards mile 12. this is known as the blue mile where there are 12 pictures of fallen servicemen and women that are being honored along this route, serng as mo inspiration as many first-time runners complete the strenuous 26.2 journey to the end so that they can collect that medal in the end. we will have more from the marine corps marathon cming ou waiting for a liver transplant..
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>> if you think aboutom monry county as one of the wealthiest in the country, dig deeper. we did and found there are thousand thousands of kids who don't know where their next meal will come fro here's jeremy liechtenstein and his team at kind, they're a on mission to make sure kids have something to eat. he's also this week's harriss' heroes. >> reporter: these moms aren't packing lunches for teir own kids, they're packing weekend meals so other kids and their hungry. don't go >> the best kept secret ever, that there's people in theun coty tt are in trouble. >> reporter: all the food you see here is provided by kids in need of distributors, or kind.
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jeremy liechtenstein started the company six years uno. he out kids in his own commute -- one of the most affluent in t entire country -- didn't have enough access to food outside of >> once i realized the need in all the schools, even inda bethnd chevy chase, there's need everywrtre. >> rer: in six years, they've gone from feeding 37 kids to 2000 kids at 25 different schools. >> reporter: a lot of the feedback w get is kids literally grabbing on to their legs on friday hoping they'll get a package sent home to carry them through the weekend. if that doesn't touch you, you don't have a heart. here's how it works. evy six weeks jeremy and his volunteers pick up this food from costco in wheaton. costco does tir part to help out with the mission. food gets dropped off at schools where more volunteers pack bags. school staff identify which kids
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are in need and a teacher discreetly places in the the child's backpack. jeremy says he couldn't bear picking out which kid gets the foo t thenk yous just pour in. >> they come up to me and give me a huge hugand even the teachers sayhank you so much. >> reporter: kind is made up of volunteers, no one gets paid, and that's fine with them. jeremy says this is really a laborovof >> my heart is bigger than my pocket and as long as i can keep doing it. i'll do it. out there l everybody who is watching this what you need to keep this going. >> reportei . >> jeremy said what kind thrives on is donations. search on whe nbcshington app to find out how you can do nate. >>ngonderful thi they're doing
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there. >> love it. 9:44. we take a l look from the central place observation deck, our vantage point out of rosslyn. what you're seeing here, aot of the 10k runners wrapping up e their ralready. we are about 20 two hours in for thes,marathon lot of them still have a couple hours to go to fish this journey hoping to collect that covet ed
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all right. to people are getting close the finish line at the marine corps marathon. >> that's a long way to gond aimee cho helped cheer a lot of them on at mile four along the gw parkw and the key bridge. what's the scene like there now, aimee >> reporter: most people have passed but we've beenaving so uch fun cheering people on all morning long. this is sometng the news family looks forward to every year. g to see so inspir the runners today. especially handcyclists. we've met people from all over the country mo who came to d.c.h to bere today. i've been talking to friends and family who came to cheer their ved ones on and everyone i met
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told me how proud they are of their loved ones. >> we have a whole crew here. we're from georgia and we're psyched. we've never run the maraoron b so this is awesome. >> it's really important to get t motivationfrom the crowds. you want to give everybody a fist bump, a highfive. you'll be surprised at how much it pumps people up to keep going. >> we are so glad to have been a part of pumping everybody up. theun a of strength and dead station it takes is unbelievable. we have more photos and coverage on the nbc washington marathon. back to you. >> nice job. let's look at the runners making their way on the 26 miles. this is mile 11. this is the blue r portion where it's really more of a moment to reflect on the fallen members of the marine corps about what they have sacrificed
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that we can do this. >> as someone who has done this race a couple timesit's bee a while but that isn't the only place you find inspiration. when you get to mile 25 and 26, that's where arlington cemetery is. u see that and remember the fallen soldiers and that's enough to push you a long because that's when you want to give up. >> something else i want to push along because adam and i did an event -- >> this is two nights o, lauryn. why is it stretched like that? >> you just added 50 pounds. >> i ran in here because i was like, oh, gosh. >> adam looks like mr. incredible. >> and my dres isn't helping. whatever. so look at this. we did an event. it was a roaring '20s event. i ran in here. i was working on a whole bunch -- see, it keeps going.
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it's a never ending one. let me tell you something about the fisher house. we raised money and did live auctions for the gala and raising money for houses, especially aroundalter reed where military families need to stay while their loved ones are incare. know adam was excited to be part of it. thanks for everybody who had us ait there to two nights ago. >> we have some later on tonight so after about 6:00, 7:00 we have rain moving in but not until then so today wl be dry. monday, windy, some sun out there but itezill be br tuesday we'll have sunshine but it will be nice. halloween wilbe mild and dr now, radar, we had a few light showers as we went through the overnight but now those are goney, sunater tonight and thursday late at night, those will be the next chances of rainou temperature there right now
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in the 40s and 50s. we're headed to right around 60 degrees today but any rain we see after 6:00 p.m. tonight will be out as wed head to tomorrow morning. so before the morning commute will be fine. breezy tomorrow, though, temperatures will be around 60. ls tuesday with plenty of sunshine. urmperatures around 70 on wednesday for y halloween. halloween looks fantastic. that sun going down at 6:10 the evening. we have rain, but not until late thursday, we'll have rain showers fridayand we're family. we'd do anything for each other. but this time... those tends were definitely t frog leg, for my baby brother don't frogs have like, two legs? they should have two of these? since i'm active duty and she's family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. if you hold it closer, it looks bigger. eat your food my big sis les to make tiny food. and i'm okay with that. navy federal credit union. our members, are the mission.
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before he was attorney general, brian frosh led maryland's fight to clean up the bay. so when donald trump's epa attacks our clean water laws, frosh is leading the charge to stop them. attorney general brian frosh. should thrill you. with big brands at small prices... for the whole family! woo hoo! and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for.
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with brands that wow and prices that thrill... marshalls is never boring, and always surprising. get cold weather ready with amazing prices on name brand outerwear for everyone, today at marshalls. (beep beep) we have some fantastic schools slipped. and we have a lot of schools that are in crisis. our current governor has withheld money that could've been spent on education. maryland needs a governor whose top priority is public schools. ben jealous has a plan to fully fund education, to bring teacher pay up so that we can attract the best and brightest. ben's education plan is supported by teachers like me. if parents want better schools, then ben jealous needs to be the person they vote for. my name is rachel and i'll be voting for ben jealous for governor.
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you go to starbucks, you expect to smell and taste coffee, see those familiar greea aprons and the milk frothing up. but there are some people who cannot hear. >> can't hear any of it or experience that so starbucks ew launched a store in northeast d.c. this week where employees can speak their language. news 4's nicole jacobs went to the first all-signing starbucks. >> reporter: theustle and bustle of northeast d.c. is nothing new for the everyday comings and going.or the deaf and hard of hearingcommunity, just imagine, all of this is mixed with quiet. but on h street, their eye cans connect with the signs pointing to this new starbucks store front whereinside, a different world comes to life.
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it's all the norms of coffee, but it creates a space of comfort for the death. ha translator: they don't to feel isolated. deaf and hard-of-hearing people have a place to come, to call their ow >> reporter: the first of its kind in the u.s.,n all-signing starbucks. 25 employees here all are fluent in american sign language. >> translator: the store provides a model of what a successful profitable business run by deaf peopl can look like. >> reporter: just a short distance away from gallaudet university where thousands of deaf students graduate every year, it's a prime location for a signing stre andisually accommodating for effective communication. >> translator: there are fewer you walk into the space and see everything, you see the colors, you see the people using asl. >> reporter: starbucks says the hearing community is welcome, too.
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>> translator: at first theyay be a bit trepidatious when they come to the point of sale, the cash regiswer. butave technology that should fascinate them and give them the experience. >> porter: from the mural the wall to the order writing boards, even a signing lesson of the day, there's more brewing here than your daily cup of joe. >> translator: hopefully we will influence other business to change their practices. >> reporter: perhaps a more inclusive world where those who can't hear can still perform everyday tasks without communication as a challenge. in northeast d.c., nico jacobs, news 4. >> so cool.t 's check back in on the h maon, mile 11 as people are on their way to the finish linek p going, everybody, we'll chk back
10:00 am
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