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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  October 29, 2018 2:30am-3:30am EDT

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what she meant byt. t >> i was working when i 11 people killed in a mass shooti pittsburgh synago >>ne of the worst i've seen. i've s crashes. >> the suspect, a man with histor of anti-semitis and hostil towards refugees. >> this evils attack an assaul on all of us. this just are mailed to trump ctics. the president briefly attempts the ro healer. >> my highest duty as president to keep america safe. >> b minutes later -- >> the crisis on the border right now is thee sol result of mocr laws and activists.
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>> are the incidents linked as part of our angry political enviro joinin me this morning, the mayor pits wu and jonathan greenb a campaign filled wh rhetoric from missouri -- whole cam pan tactic >> to florida. >> i'm not calling this racist. i'm simply saying the believ he's a racist. to a for. zbllhat is not spin. at i not exaggeration that's guests nine days before election. house campaign chairman steve styler and b ray louhan moing necess for analysisre kristebeinger, erick ericss amy walter, and joshua johnso host of one a on npr. lcom to sunday, it' "meet presd
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sunday morning. as our colleague journalists wrote on twitter yesterday, the worst anti-semitic in u.s. history took day as largest attempted assass of u.s. leaders in histor it's a deeply unttling assess that has the advant of being accurate. this after a week of violence and terror. on fri a florida man cezsar sayoc wasrrested for sending 14 mail bombs to critics of presidtrump. and as the mail bombing danger seemed have passed, we learne yesterday of the horror in pittsburgh where 11 people were shot and kled at the tree of life congregation sy nago the city's heavily jewish squirrel hi neighb last night there were vigils around the city and country t incls one in pittsburgh in remembrance of the victims. and our hyper partisan
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atmosp will inevitably debate was the mail bomber inspir by president trump who cast his political opponents as enemie of the people or was he just a loner filled with anger and political resentment? was the synagogue shooter a produc a toxic environment on the treats refuge and others or was this the hate filled mass murder we've seen too many times i this country before? we have both stories covered and we're going to look at themp up political rhetoric that serves backdrop to this m yearterm elections. but le begin withy collea williams who has update for us on both stories. pete, good morning. >> good morng, chuck. well, bowers is now going to face - robert bowers, the allege shooter in pittsburgh is going counts now. been charged federa government and by the state. >> the feds took this over, correc well, they both filed charge so i think it's not clear who --
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where he's goinggo ton trial first. the federal government was very eager to step in and say this was a hate crime. as pennsylvans have said. there seems to be very little doubt of that. for three reasons,basically. one, his social media postings.t months of vileabemitic comments, second the fact he singled out a synagogue speaks for itself and thirdly, the police in pittsb say as he was being trhesp to hospital, as he was being treated for his unds he said "all jews must die because they are committing genoci against myle pe >> did he -- who does he refer to as his people? in this case? >> who knows? i that's whatde t the police as they were treating him on the way to the hospital. >> there was other than his wherea over the last year, there' much known about mr. bowers before that. is the at profile are t draw up so far?
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>> you right f you contrast the two here, cesar sayoc accuse of the bombings of sendin out thee packbombs, he had many run ins with the police over the years. he made a bomb threat over florid power and light at one porst. boeems to have absolutely no contact with law enforcement. they said he was never on their radar before. he was a loner neighb say he never got out much. he seemed to have -- his life seems to haveee led online. i think one question is had he ever visite that synagogue before did he know the layout of it? becaus you know, ultimately it ends on third floo that's the shootout ended? >> did h purchase all his guns legall >> the no indication he bought illegally. one question about the weapons is this. many of the witnesses said they though there was automatic weapon fire. well, you have these don't spend a lot of time listening to gunfir the police say it sound like
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automa weapons fire. a question is did he modify that semiau rifle, it's possib it's i do it or was using a bump stock? >> let's move toaesar sayoc. as of friday, he was not talkin is there any update on whether he iset to cooperate with offici >> no. and in their ability to question him now is reduced. he's going to have the first court appearance on monday. they questioned him under an except to the miranda rule. it noally -- you have to advise rights before can yo them if you to use that trial aainst them. is public s except and that's what they used here.g basica sare there any more bombs? well, he refused to say whether he had anything to do withhe ones that were already out there or whether there were any others still waiting to be discovered. it's been 36 hours now since they fany. was going to say, a
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point they can't say -- i notice the postal service won't say defini yet at what point will they feel comfortable assumi it's out of the system. >> another week maybe. you know, they have been finding these closer and closer to the mail system the last ones were disc the mail system so they're all carefully looking for them. i think you have to assume that there aren't any moreth is the longest gap that we've yet had since any were discov >> on the late ones discovered were w it sort of made sense. th might summin has got to be that. >> right. the last two, sent to senator the last two, sent to senator harris m st >> pete williams, been a tough and busy eek foryou. thank very much. throug the din yesterday and members of the commun in pittsburgh were shocked and heart >> it is very unthinkable. very, unthinkable. this is our community whether you're jewish or not. >> i just could not believe it.
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in light of the ot going on across the nation to see this righton my -- really >>ght on my street to write was headin hope this hel stop ignori it. we hav been ignoring the hate and gr numb to it. someth like this, it's so to i. >> joining me now is theayor of pittsburgh. welcom to "meet the press." >> thank you, chuck. >> let me just start wh what you -- information you share with us about what you learne about the incident and ? >> well, there'snf press that's scheduled this mornin where we will be releas the names of the the families were notified yestevening. as can you imagine, there is a lot of s right now within the city. >> many synagogues have protec sadly, constantly becaus threats are constant in
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the jewish someti low level, sometimes very serious. so sadly this isn't -- this isn't a shock and yet it is unexpe can you just share with how the reacting, t of how particularl in the jewish commun there? well, in pittsbur hearts broken.e' right now trying to grappl with this horrendous crime, something that is one of he darkest day in our city's histor our city is small. all co are connected togeth understand an attack aga our jewish community i an attack against our entir city. we're here right now to help the victim families. that's the foremost part of what we need to do. the second part is to get to the folks who have been injured. our officers and others. and bep able to h them and their families as well. >> president trump said he
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spoken with you yesterday. how was that conversation? what c you share? >> it was cordial. we basically talked about the to if tragedy i was able share with him the details of just how bad it had been. and he basically said that any resour that would be necess wou be given and right now there arecifederal ofrom the fbi coming all parts to helpbu pith. >> that's what he can do with the federal government. me there sing - did you ask him, is there anything he person can do? is there something you'd like to see him do personally? >> there is. i belong to an organization a bipart organizatio called mayors againstillegal guns. i don't think that the answer so this problem is solved by having our synagogues, mosques and
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church filled with armed guards or our schools filled with armed guards. i think we're dealing ith an irrati person who acted irrationally in tr laws around that is not the way that we should govern. should try to stop irrational behavi from hpening at the forefr and not try to create laws around irrational behavior to continue. >> before yesterday's incident, if i asked you if you had person seen or felt as if the tone hadd chan or hateful rhetor been on the rise in pittsburgh and you what would you hav said before yester events? >> no. it was anothery satur october mornin like so many others in wester pennsylvania and it has foreeveve changed th city. here wasn't a drum beat of
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anti-s any type of behavior that woul warr any reaction by public safety that something like this happened. >> the president says he wants to com to pittsburgh. would you liketo seeim attend a vigil event? >> that's really up to the famili themselves. you know, we're going to be workin together as we have. we've had good cooperation from the state and the governor and, you know, this is a conservativ synago so the funerals will be very quickl as soon a tomorrow. so that's really up to the famili and whether they would want the president to be here. >> mayor bill peduto, tough day to be mayor of pittsburgh. tough morning to come on much it's only going tooueter as you continue to meet with these families. thanks for coming on and sharini with us, >> sure. thank you. >> appreciate it. >> njoined by jonathan
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greenb ceo and national direct anti-defamati league welcom to "meet the press." sorry thigese circum accord your organizatio this is likely the deadliest attack on themu jewish cty perhap in the history of the unitedstates. here's theresident yesterday in indianapolis. >> this was an anti-semiti act. you wouldn't think this would be possib this day and age. but we just don't seem to learn past. >> it's that last sentence i'm curiou for you to react to. he said you wouldn't think this would be possible in this day andage. is he right? >> well, unfortunately, he's wrong i mean at the adl, wve been tracki anti-semitis for over 100 years. we look at anti-semiti incide n 2017, chuck, w saw a 57% surge of acts of harass vandalism and
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ctviolen di at the jewish commun across the country. it was the singleargest spike we have ever seen. and lerally just last week we releas report because we al monitor anti-semitis on line and we've seen a marked uptick anti-semiti harass of political figuresr and otndividuals simply based on their faith. so we are living in a moment where anti-semitism is almost becomi normalized and that should shock and move all of us to act. >> well, you say it's normal there was a time in this country it was normalized. trust me m myther reminds me of it bit in the '40s, 0s and '60s. it went away for a while. what is your explanation to the rse o rerise this? >> i don't know that it ever went away. the adl worked to fight it then and today we're seeing resurg i think there are a few nufacto.
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er one, we are seeing an enviro in which anti-sr moved the margin into the mainstream as politi candidates. and people in public lifenow litera repeat the rhetoric of white see pr supremacist and think it's normal to talk about jewish conspiracies, manipu even or jewish financ controlling activi and that is awful. second not only is the politi environment contri this, social media is amplifying and accele it in ocking ways. and so silin valley i part of pa problem and needs to be of thesolution sfwlchlt i he >> you talk about financea . george soros, his religion is
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always descri others' religion i disclo whato you say? the attacks on g are appalling. and th continuinvocation of classi anti-semiti to see this way the man is mischa online is i don't agree with every donati he makes. but i also don't agree with every donation sheldon elson makes. you se it from the left and someti from the right. and it is all incredibly troubl i think whether yoar you know, an elected official bringi a holocaust to the governnt and say emiconduct smiths about the jeh reli >> i was going to ask you about louis and the lera that people still have for hi
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>> yea this is not anissue of left and right, it's about right and wrong. we should be able to speak truth to power whenever public speak out with stereo and scapegoatsat we know as you were talking about before have been used for hundre thousands of years. not just to slander the jewish people but to wound them andll them. so like you said at the top of the show, this was the ngle deadli attack on the american jewish community in ourhistory. and it's incumbent upon us to stand up and to spe out and say we will in the accept this. not another minute. >> all right. what could the president do in a perfec world? >> well, you know, whether you're the president of the united or the president of a university or the president of your pta, i would expect leader to lead. we would hopeul and we s all demand that those in elected't office w just give platitude after the fact but they will helpatchet back the rhetoric
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right now. and they will, you know, if the e supremacist are saying and celebrating what you're doing, that should be a problem for all of us. so i'd like t see h and other electe across the aisle stand up and shut it down now. jonath you. >> how big a role did president trump' rhetoric pl in this week's it's a debate. the guests next. i heard gun s. i can' believe it. ♪ ignition sequence starts. 10... 9... guidance is internal.
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11 people gunned down in synago pittsburgh. the gunman reportedly yelling allje must die as he opened fire. supporter of president tr arrest for allegedly sending ls of the president. fatally eek a man shot, two african-americans at a kentuc supermarket after failin to break into a black church to shoot people up accord one witness when anothe manpproached him with a gun the gunman said don't shootme, i won't shoot you. the whites don't shoot whites. paneli here. joshua johnson, amy walter, nbc news white house correondent kriste and erick ericss president last night pla for you the one sound bite he said about anti-semitism. he said that at the top of the remark and then h r wentght back into rally mode. amy walter, take a listen. >> how about the democrats?
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ladiesgentlemen, speaker nancy pelosi for the txtee years. you have the haters and the to hate. they a foolish and very stupid people i c't cal her pocahantas anymor think will anyway. do you mind? >> this moment with president trump,p, he seems to be strugglg with it. or maybe not. this ise mode that he's been in since he was a candid politi never about nuance. it a zero sum game when you are campaigning. it's u them. but when you become an elected offici and become president of the united states, the campai supposed to stop for a while and you go into the mode of unifying this i president who's never been interested in g.unify he has been interested in keepin engaged andge ennd he's done an amazing of th. but at any moment he believes mat it's still theddle of the campaign. the other thing i want to bring up just with a this is, you
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know,look, our country has a long history of dision. who i an american? who's not? it to me the time we're in right no what ifeel like is no one is taking any responsibility for an of this. not the gun law -- it's not our fault. guns don't kill. people kill. right? it's not our fault. who posts on spoesoc media. blame someone else. it's not us, political leaders. people are doi these things withou -- they just have histor mntal instability. it's no the about what we're saying them. no one at all is raising hand to say, you no he what? we played role in this and we have to be able to fix it. it's always somebody else's fault. that is the world we liv boutwill never get better. thet this? i say there is only one presid do they accept this? >> they thdon't. response within the white andf offici is, ok, everyone bears responsibility. and when you put that question
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to squarely,look, h is the president. he has the loudest mice phone. doesn'ar the large effort respon they say, look, he has changeded some o his rhetoric. he has struck a unifying on friday he was asked if he's going to tone down the rhetoric, hesaid, no. he this he can actually tone it up. now that was prior to yester tragic shooting. but i think amy really hits the nail on the head which is that white officials say this. yes, he feels like he needs to have unifying notes at the same the mid terms and so he knows what he ne ts to say fire up his base and a lot of that rhetor is divisive. >> david french d sa't call this p crazy, referring to cesar sayoc.he a angry obsessive and that matter not al listening ears are sober mindin thunder against th opponents with ext and sometimes they take extreme action in response. this is david french
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some of the burden on the presid >> yeah. i think so.m the prob i have with putting the burden on the president is how mu do you put on him? o i thin a lo people want to put a lot of the burden on him. it really does belon americ people as a whole. the president is the american commen section of the white house. and he is the president who does this. we're not going to change this presid what c change as a people if we're no going to change the preside? amy is right. no one wants to change. the fact is this is larger than the president. societ is crumbling around us. politi is amplifying the presiden amplifying it. there is something going on in society as a whole is transl politics. the pr is not the cause, auto he a symptom. >> he's the president. >> true. the president bears part of the respon significant part of the authority for the tone the untry. but i will say i do have a fair amount of hope coming out of this. i know it seems very bleak. find a lot of hope in the
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younge people thatontage you played she was an organizer on squirrel hill. she got on facebook and got people together to talk. i got a tweet from a guy inon wihat says i combat the hate of the world by coaching high school debate. th learn to s both sides of an iss kushcur events relate to real life. a poll came out that said the younge you are, the better you statem opinion statem >> the older peop >> exactly. it's t generation that has grown up -- >> it's the babyboomers. blame >> not blaming them. i think it's the generations -- and i'm a generation removed -- who have grown up with the advent of social media who haven' been able to navigate it. our kids have watched our exampl now the question is whether we will b bee quegiving them a nat that is conneed but i come out
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of thi worried but also hopeful that there are people who arees takingnsibility for this. look what happened after parkla look what is happening now squirr hill. there is a generation ready to lead but the question is what will they be leading with? >> i'll tell you somebody that is not hopeful,ie cha sykes. he wrote this, the result is amili and across the board refusa to engage in any meanin self examination or refusa 5:00 noacknow failur hatred violence and bottomless hatred so will this will get wofrse. the president ishe arsonist in . this w get worse. do you buy it, amy? >> i wou hope -- i want to stick to joshua -- i want to be on joshua. >> i do, too. >> but unfortunatel when i get asked thstion all the time. this s going to bre fever? where do we go from here? histor breaks it is someth re devastating. we brought together by events
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that are so overwhelmin and tragic whether it's a war, depres s dething like. in't wane case. for a unifyingvent that is so terrib but right now i don't see that one person is going to be able to rise up, heal all of the divisi and get us all on the same place. >> erick, you had to eal wi conspi theories on your site. you i people get mad at thinki you help traffic these conspi theories. there are others that are -- but whose job is it to get rid of this stuff? whose is it to educate americ to facts? >> i think we all have an obliga here. let me address conservativism a. last weeo you hade pushing this, erick. >> we know the thcts. yee are still people pushinthis. i have to tell you, from my perspe when we know all of facts the guy last weekl and st pushing the
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theory you're at war with the truth and if you'r conservative at wa truth, you're not rlly being conser >> rush limbaugh was quest the stn. >> acr the board we saw a bunch of conservatives doing. n. the question is do contin the problem is in this situation we have a lot of people who no longer trust the media. they don't tru stitutions they don't trust their neighbor. we have gone inward. unfort i think it's going to be an external threat that brings us together. there nothing left in this countr that unifies us as a whole. we all have our differentmedia outlet media outlet they'r not our next door neighbanymore. >> the 11 people dying not the ppin point. that is sadly what you're saying >> a mass assassination attempt last year on republicans >> in terms of reaction to the pipebo you saw the president got ve frustrated, put the term bomb in quotes. sort of expressing frustration that could this hurttu nout?
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and going to at which time eastern sayi going twitter and saying republ out. i was surprised at pow much fingnting there is on both sides. the president saying, look this is dem doing this. democr this is all the esidfault. your point, there wa constr discussion in the wake othat. will t be after this traged >> deflection instead of reflec when come back, nine days until the mid terms. we we knew where things were h about ut h but will this week's events kevin, meet your father. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james
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republ at if they had a solid hold on at least contro thesenate. democr remained particularl optimi taking back the house. but now it's possible the landsc may be shifting beneat our feet. and joining me now are the two men charged withetting members of their own party elected, the chairs of the house campaign commit republican stivers of ohio and b ray-louhan of new meco. they both agreed t togeth appreciate that. gentle back to "meet the pr >> great to be on. >> good morning. good with you. >> i want youth to react to a woman pittsburgh reacting to yester tragic even take a >> we have to stop it. our leaders have to stop it. t takes leadership to stop this. and our leaders are not stopping it. it's too . we're civilized society. we have to stay civilized.
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>> congressman, is a woman is,l the violence and the anger over the last fewn dayse one what would you say to her about how woul hyou respond to saying we need leadership here. we need to tone this down. how would you respond that woman? >> i agree with her. i think we all ne to keep our dialog civil. and frankly, i've not been shy about showinworld leadership. we are the only ma party commit cut off theca id for their behavior, a candid in new jersey seth grossm said bigoted things we cut him off. we're the only maj to that leadership. the democrat cgressional campai committee continues to suppor leslie coburn and scott wallac who said anti-semiti things and i think we need to -- we all bear some redonsibility. e need to try to clean up our act and try to more
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civili to our congress and frankl to our dialogue. >> before i let congressman to those charges that you throughe out thet me ask you about the president. what role should he be playing here? has he proper role yet? >> you know, i sometimes disagr with theth way presid people. i thought after the pipebombe initia set the right tone of unity and coming together. and i hope that h will contin >> you said initially. that sounds like y think continued. >> i said i hope he'll continue on that path. >> fair enough. congre you heard congre stivers there.he said you continue to ba people says have trafficked in hate speak. what say you? >> chu that's simply not true. but with the cce woman d in pittsburgh, look, another sensel actof hate stricken anothe community and a place of
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worshi in the united states of sseric the congas a respon to act, to keep people its no zpoeto expect leader unite our co to find a way to reach out to us to our greater good and make sure we rise above all of the accusa the hate and finger pointing. i'm certainlyt hopeful twe'll see that out of the leader of the world and that we'll see that ndt of each every one us individuall as well as our colleagues. >> and io would like say i'm proud of the way ben responded whenteve was shot. we didn't blame bernie sanders. we all cthe to. i think we can all come together now. it may take us about nine days for that to happen. i think we can all come together now. i i want to read to you someth should start today though, steve. it should. i hope that the fingerointing will stop and we can come togeth i believe we need to come togeth ben. >> i have to tell you, i thin b
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dan balls is the perfect person. he writes the following, this i apocal all nothing view of the differ between winning and holding election and power or not holding it. politi that it is time for th country to togeth as you two just did, but on who's terms? i thin that is the issue. congre lujan, what does oming to democr congre lujan? >> it's making sure we're able to reach across the aisle and work on a bipartisan basis. crass ha democ been clear if t we're fortunatn back the house that we work immediately on lowering prescriptio drug prices forhe american people. that we work on a bipartisan infras package to mke invest ais kro tcr country and clean upwaington, d.c. and improve and increase r
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transp and disclosure. those are areas we can work togeth andh across the aisle and find commonground. c mean to y? >> i think we need to come togeth not on any one's terms but on america's terms. we're americans first. i agree with benat infras is something we all need and need to come togeth on. weri prescriptio drug costs. i'm not sure why he didn't talk about lowering health care n costd to come together on loweri health care costs. i think question do that. need to list to each other no matter who takes the majority and i think weoing to hold the majority. but no matter who takes the majori it will be a razor thin majority and hopefully tha togeth republicans and democr get things done. but i do worry about, you know,t making sure we do it in a way that we're focused on gettin things doe,ot on just abolis ice or doing the things that aren the extreme. >> congressman stivers, i want
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in last week, one of the people targeted by the pipebomb assa assailnlt was george soros. here is an ad you're running agains ada can there. take a listen. >> billionaire george soros bank rolls the resistance and he is employed by a libeoutfit in d.c. his campaign proppedup by out of state super pacs. look who finances his employer. rad come george soros, the bigges banks a crooked lobbyist tied to pelosi. they fund his campaign. >> why do you target georg soros? >> you know, our independent expend arm is independent. but that ad is factual. and it also has nothing to do with calling for violence. that ad is a factual ad.
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>> congressman lujan, do you believ that attacking folks of big money, you do i guess with the coke brothers anl thine that. are we inat verdict edve people in the cros of politi that don't need to be? >> i think we needto re-eva how people are being target kevin mccarthy put ed out a tw is targeting george soros as well across the countr i think both committees should begin to look at how th i opero the future and what's going on ev rest o election cycle. we wor on a strategy talking about service, men and women that serve the united states in the military, cia officers, fbi agents people that committed theirs keeping our countr safe. we're going to continue to run
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ads that are telling their positi stories and the candidates are con the am your ads in colorado an washin are called sleazy and person attacks. it happens on bot sides. we both need to figure out how to things up. built it's ac that's a >> ste we're running -- hold on, on tt. ahead. >> steve, you've been running racist ads in new york, in cincin ohio, and out in cafo you ca do something to pull those down. i think on all sides, people should monitor the more finger . make sure weth look oursel find the great ger there, chuck. >> i agree with yo let's both look within >>rsel ll right. steve stivers and ben rayl an, i fear you're right. it may be nine days before everyb is willing to sort of calm things down. let's hope there is a little more come am before the ne nine days. >> we can start today.
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>> i hope so. >> you should, ben. all right. i'll l go. >> we both should, steve. >> we both should. >> i hope everybody is safe ont campaign trail. thank for coming on. when we come back a lot when we come back a lot more are voting ♪ when we come back a lot more are voting not long ago, ronda started here. and then, more jobs began to appear. these techs in a lab. this builder in a hardhat... ...the welders and electricians who do all of that. the diner staffed up 'cause they all needed lunch. teachers... doctors... jobs grew a bunch. what started with one job spread all around. because each job in energy creates many more in this town. energy lives here. who transition out of the u.s. formilitary every year...ers of the toughest parts is the search for a job that takes advtage of the skills you've gained while serving. you can now search with the phrase 'jo for veterans' directly on google... ..ynd then enter your militoccu.
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accord data from target smart, as of two weeks out from electi day, over 8.1 million h amere already voted early. believnot, that outpaces 2016, a presidentia election year at 7,900,002 weeks out. buhow does this stack up to the last midterm e 2014? it blo in battle states. nevada, early vo is4,00 votes compared to t point in 2014. in arizona, it's up 308,000 votes. texas, up nearly a million. tennes georgia,o florida a up significantly. of cou true that more people participate i early voting every election cycle out of convenience. but the rate at which some of the battlegroun states are outpac 2014 is notable. and whe it's too early to know which party definitely benefits from this surge that we've seen so far, but what it worth in p are better for the par out of power. at a minimum, this is what an engaor elee looks like.
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no more apathy talk. game andome back, end what voters told me these last two weeks as we electi ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. fidelity. open an account today. ♪ ♪ ♪ protect sensitive data from millions of kinds of malware, with a cloud that's secure to the core. the ibm cloud. the cloud for smarter business. the ibm cloud.
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back now with "end game." i spen traveling ross the country ace battle sunbelt. we traveled to phoenix where arizon getting used to their new reality as a swing state. they don't like it right now. then to las vegas where yo see the culinary union is hoping a u.s. an help flip senate seat there. tampa, environment cross the politica vide and to dallas where republicans may be the swing vote. here's just some of what i heard from v four states >> i know that the supreme court
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was something that impacted my decision making >> education is important thing for now to on. >> you have fake news. becaus there is a lot of people that -- they don't cover the things have to be covered. >> wages don't increase along with the cost of living. >> i would say clean u the enviro take care of this red tide. fisher and it's destroying my hobby and life long pursuit. >> you been on the water -- >> my whole life. >> you've never seen a red tide like this? >> notike this. >> you've always been politi active? or this so more than others? >> this is more tha others. wh? >> two years ago i became a u.s. citize >> congratulations. >> tha >> i think it's time for me to know w candidateshe and their are. >> you don't win in texas unless you're talking to brown and black you're them at th
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door ste door and churches. >>tr i support presidu messag agenda and that's i cam with your vote, what is that messag things need to change. cut all the bs out of everyt >> drain that swamp. >> get it together. >> we are one that says it's time to put our politics aside, step up to the plate, pull up your pants and get to work and get this solved. >> well, there you go. here we go. the voters -- i will tell you this. look, ikn don't, amy, what the 72 hours are going to impac the voters i talk to, they rea optimi tho vote. i think this is going to have an impact >> it's voting out of anger, not out of hope. which traditional in mid terms. they'r frustrated wiat the party in power. what i find fascinating about ehis year was, you know, when
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starte talking about this many months ago what battle for the use is going to look like, we said the real challenge for emocr they have the struct problem. that b jergerrym and partis seats, there is not much room for them. younge voter voters of color are not going to show up. now we are nine days fromti elnd republicans have a struct problem. it is su voters that were reliab republican. presid trump p is toxic wi em. and now the real question is are those dropoff voters, especially latino voters and younger voters going to show up? that c turn a good night for democr a blowout for democr >> iious what you think of the amped up rhetoric is popping up in debat. i want to play an exchange of s missate and then an exchan between the two candidunning for governor in florida. take a look at the heat from take a listen. >> when you hear leaders of the
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democr party like hilla clinto saying that you can't be civil with people that you disagr with, when you have eric holder d other democrats saying that the new democratic party kicks people who they disagr zdisappointed that they embrac this. ronald rea n, i ma disagr with him on a few things but he worked hard to unite country. you never would have heard him using some of the rhetorichat our president uses now. how am ever sgle statement somebody makes? >> i'm not calling him a racist. i'm saying the racists believe he's a racis >> well there you go. i find interesting thereis the differ tones. so you have claire mccaskill invoki reagan but gillam feelin much more a purple state going hard repub. >> and addressing the issue of race head on.ev >> you would have heard barack go back that way.
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>> no. it's very interesting and differ tactic. i think it's reflective of this mome right now. i've been on the campaign trail thisweek, chuck. i can te youhat people are fired up. and the president is going back to what he sees as the basics. what he talking about to fire up his voters? he's talking about the caravan. he's stoking fears over immigr we ehim to give a speak someti this week in which he's going to announce a crackdown on those migrants who are heading toward the u.s. he sees that as a way to get out the base. anger, fear. erick, is closing immigr w presid should close? >> i thinkfoa large segment of the republicans, yes. a large problem is the suburbs. people get upset when i tell them the house is going for the gop. the problem for the gop is the voters are not ting for them. allof the battleground -- you
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>> think so. republ women are moving away from t they m vote democrat but they won't necessarily show up. the sesafe for the gop. but the districts are republ are voting bl not now. >> the way, barack obama, somebo a fuse under him this weekend. let melay an excerpt of that from michigan. >> what we have not seen before in our public life and in my -- is politicians just blatantly, repeat baldly, shameless lying. joshua, what do youake o the -- last week i said i was like where is the leader of the mocr party? they don't -- obviously not in power. the de president is presid obama. presid obama. he was has ta
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campai >> the reverend dr. barack obam how to treat one intere how this election has become more aboutci lity. even the clips you played are country.e tone of this it's k force. >> they're having a civilr debate o civility. >> they were talki nncivili how that works. i think there is a real longing among some democrats for the days of barack obam when the politi a little more civil. he is the strongest campaigner they have. i'm still skeptical though if that is enough to drive people to the polls. >> i'mer convinced are people that just want the tone of both reagan and obama back. i'll leave it there. f that's a today. thanks for much whatting. wel next week because if it' "meet the press. ♪
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breaking news overnight, a passenger jet wh 9 passengers and crew crashes shortly aftertakeoff. a live report is just ahead. ar vigils nd the nation held in remembrance of 11 lives lost in pittsburgh over the weekend. >> and today the suspectedl killer w face a judge for the prosecutors ile seek approval to pursue the death penalty against robert bowers. a week to go befor the elections, the role the mmander in chief is playing. on the campaign trail in the white house, and in the wake of national tragedy. from the top on down, here comes the 1-2 pitch.wi red sox the world series! >> and just liketh at, boston


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