tv News4 Today at 6 NBC October 29, 2018 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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deadly shooting at a pittsburgh synagogue. the suspect gunman wil appear in court. david is in pittsburgh and he ik g to people impacted directly by this tragedy. >> we want toegin with a check on your commute and forecast. melissa has a look at the roads in your first four traffic. what do you see, uck? >> i see a very pleasant afternoon coming although there's clouds outside earlier this morning. there could be a quick little in showerr two right around the pennsylvania-maryland border and also up into the mountains of west virginia, but it was delightfully low. temperatures this morning werey mild a late october sad in the upper 40s and low 50s. there won't ba big jump from morning until amp. temperatures climbing up to 59
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degrees yesterday but with sunshine around w itl be a nice afternoon to spend quality time-outside. what to wear, nee a windbreaker and sunglasses later on today withhe sunshine coming back. >> 295 at pennsylvania avenue, a crash reported there right now.d inboun 295 inside the beltway is pretty slow. a little slow here as well. hb0 sond. then it clears up andou're
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okay. >> it's the worst act of anti-semitic violence in u.s. history. he cl appear inrt for the first time. >> 11 people were killed. the youngest was 54. the oldest 97. among the victims, two brothers and a husband and wife. all of them gathering for a baby naming ceremony. >> their names being read allowed a vigils and memorials ross the country as the president makes plans to visit pittsburgh. david is there and shows us how the community is coming together to try t make sense of a senseless crime. ta the residents of the city of pittsburgh areing out this week having had what was an incredibly difficult weekend. a lot of them are still in the fog and haze of trying to cope with the tragedy that unfolded here. just hours after saturday's folded, he began to hear the names, his mind connecting thei to fr faces. his childhood friend's father
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ong thosemurdered. >> i think about joe a lot right now. >> overnight, a walk memorl owing from this to this. filled with flowers, cardsnd prayers. a community struggling to get back on its feet, but with help, they'll get there. >> it's now 6:03. we're hearing from a montgomery county woman with strong ties to the tree of lifesy gogue. in 1971, barbara was married she s her memories from a wedding album at her montgomery village hom and she also talked about growing up in this neig aorhood andending the place where her family has a special connection. f>> my entireily that lives in pittsburgh belonged to it.
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my grandmother's sisters were one of the founders of it. >> her paryts were v active at the synagogue. her mother becamest the f female president of the temple. >> president trump raised the question of having armed guards places of worships. he said thes gua can prevent deadly shootings. >> there was an armed guard t insi temple. they would have been able to stop him. >> now a numbe of synagogues across the country have reportedly beefed up security, but pittsburgh's mayor said that ha not the solution. >> the approach we need to be looking at is how we take the guns which is the common denominator of e mass shooting in america, out of the hands of those that are looking to expr hatred through murder. >> the was a 57% surge in acts
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of violence. they call it the greatest increase they have ever seen. >> coming up in the next half hour, you'll hear from more locals with cnections to the synagogue. you can also find updates on our app and follow david on twitter and watch for his on air report. he's staying in pittsburgh continuing to telleshe sto of the victims and how the city is healing. >> breaking news this morning, metro is trying to entice riders back to the system n with a budget that does not include a fair hike. >> adam has more details on this new budget plan. what's >> this is huge and good morning to you. we're talking about the general manager unveiling a proposed budget that simply put is trying to rewa riders for everything they have been going through with the rebuilding of the take a look at some of the finer
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points of this plan that we have been able to g a look at this morning. it's talking about expanding rush hour service in the morning and the afternoon. ntting the fare the weekend to $ and then all trains would become the longest 8 car trains that are available to cut down on crowding and increase service and capacity. metro is down 100,000 trips per work day. >> the prices just seem to god p ot a lot of value for what you're paying for.
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>> some feel like they have been paying aot of money. they're going to talk about this on thursday. back to you. >> 6:07 now.. the man that sent a dozen explosives fomer president's ts will inent democ make his first court appearance today. >> he'll appear in federal court in miami before being extradited to new york. he likely made the bombs in ee vanas living in and take a look at these pictures that show it w plastered with political propaganda supporting president trump. his social media posts also attacked democrats and the teenager survivors of the parkland school shooting. rmer co-workers at a pizza restaurant saying his political views were based on hate. >> more than once i went into of bathroom to cry because the vile garbage that he was spewing about the lesbian gay
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community, transgender community, african american, hispanic community was >> this isn't the first time sayoc used explosives to incite terror. in 2002 he threatene to bomb a florida power company saying it would be worse than september 11th. he's charged with five federal crimes. >> breaking news now, a plane with nearly 200 people on board has crashed into the sea near indonesia. chris mazz more. >> we just got an update. theilot asked to come back to the airport 2 to 3 minutes after take off and wasleared to do so. indonesia's national board confirms search teams have found debris from the tcrash. k off this morning from jakarta. but after air traffic control cleared them to come back, it lostut contact abo 13 minutes
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after take off. they'rvehelmed we motion. the plane had some sort of chnical problem on the previous flight from bali but said that issue had been completely resolved. >> thank you. 6:09 and this morning dozensll coege students have homeless afr a fire destroyed their apartment building. that made it difficult for firefighters to get inside to put out the flames. at least 10 people had to go to the hospit. >> this morning, d.c. police are searching for a suspect in a horrific tack. someone doused a woman with gasoline leaving her badly burned. it happened last night near a gas station in northeast.
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it's not clear whether she was set on fire. first responders describe her burns as serious. >> three town hall meetings thie . officials want to expand this program to other areas. the yearlong pilot program is only in silver springs and tacoma park. the first meeting is tonight at the maryland national park and planning commission auditorium silver springs. >> it's 6:10. the skins are now off to their best start since 2008. that was ten years ago. yesterday the burgundy and gold beatewhe n york giants 20-13. a monster performance by the entire team, especially running back peterson. ilr defense didn't let a touchdown in the very last minute of the game. next weekend, they host the atlanta falcons a it's on the
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way to the super bowl. sorry -- >> okay. >> it's what skins fans do. >> 5-2, on the way to the super bowl. od luck with that. >> we want to congratulate everyone that took part in th marine corps marathon. >> anincredible turn out.,0 00 people took part yesterday. jeffrey stein was the f st man to cross the line. that's jenny mdez from costa rica winning for the women, but there w this really special moment. that is 90-year-old cora. she is cpleting the 10k race here. we caught up with her after that big finish. >> how does it feel? >> it's wonderful. >> i can't believe you're 90 years old, first of all. how is the recovery going to be? >> i'm already there. >> you're there. >> yeah! >> he's had this on her bucket list. this race she wanted to make
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sure she completed. her entire family ran along with her. >> what an accomplishment. look at her. she looks ready to go. >> she didn't break a sweat. >> wow. the ill ahead, victory for red sox. >> boston rallies in celebration following a world series win in l.a. we're checking out thehi lights of the big game and taking you into the wild party that followed. we always say turn around, don't drown. coming up a school bus driver ignores that advice and learns a lesson the hard way. >> four things you need to know about the next couplef days. we'll be getting back to sunshine by later on in the afternoon. breezy as well and nothing but sunny skies and aarming trend remainder hrough the of the week. more the washington post endorses jennifer wexton for congress... she's trump's "unquestioning jennifer wfoot soldier."ress... he jennifer wexton is t "clear and convincing" choice. "smart, serious and substantive" ...
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"ms. wexton would bebr th of fresh air" in congress. i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message because i've worked across party lines to get things done. that's how wean fix congress and make it work for us again. ey before he was attoeneral, brian frosh led maryland's fight to clean up the bay. so when donald trump's epa attacks our clean water laws, frosh is leading the charge to stop them. attorney general brian frosh. spanberger: i'm abwhen dave brater, and i appwent to congress,. he went washington. [ camera shutter clicks ]il virginians struggle with rising drug prices, brat's taken thousands from pharmaceutical, insurance, and other alth care companies, voting them billions in tax breaks while votie against lowering thst of prescriptions and voting againstrotections brat serves donors' interests. for pre-existing conditions for the people he representsi we need someone who's for us.
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announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade should be overturned and the state should decide it." announcer: that's right. comstock supports taking away a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund planned parenthood 6 times, limiting women's access to contraception. and comstock votes with trump ninety eight percent of the time. jennifer wexton: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protect a woman's right to choose. jennifer wexton for congress. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of thiadvertising.
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i believi've heard storiesnt from people across virginia hg. the moved me to take action on veterans unemployment, the opioid epidemic, and pediatric healthcare. but we can't make progress when we're divided, when our leaders pit us against each other forolitical gain. in the senate, i'll always listen to you and focus on solving problemsv that matter ginia and to america. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. vigils are being held
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rembering those thatost their lives. jay is live in pittsburgh now with more. rned anything more about the suspect thismorning? >> yeah, good morning to you. we have learned a but more a the suspect through interviews friends and those he grew up with. quite, not clear if he aually finished high school. drove a truck for a while. but basically a loaner. no indication of anything like the tragedy tt we s here. one thing that we are learning at this point, he apparently is registered as an owner of 25 --
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21 rather. 21 guns. that's an avenue that investigators are pursuing rht now. this is still very active crime investigation and the memorials you talk about, another one overnight was an inner denominational gathering. people saying thisuts across the spectrum and they're all feeling the pain of what happened inside this synagogue. we heard for the first time from the rabbi inside the tree of life at the time of the attack saying that his house of worship has been, in his words, defiled, and that he does plan to come back. he does plan rebuild and come back stronger thanbefore. t understanding as well that that's going to be a very difficult, very emotion trip back. >> jay live for us in pittsburgh this morning. thank you. all right, about 6:18 now.
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we say t it all te during flooding, turn around, don't drowned. there's newam dash video that proves how important that is. >> this footage isas and it shows the moment a school bus was swept away in fast moving flood waters last week. you can see it floatown that creek overcome with water. it hit trees and debris before becoming stuck in the water. one student was on the bus and hurt.t seriously the driver was arrested and no onger employed with the district. police released the video to remind people how dangerous flooder w can be. >> the power of moving water is always underestimated. it only takes 6 to 8 inches to
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sweep you off your feet but 12 to 18 inches to wash a car right off the road. that's no match. turn around, don't drowned people. good lord. best part of that story is that they arrested that bus driver. it's partly to mostly cloudy star m to yourday here in the washington area. perfect kite flying weather. most of the rain will stay away from us today. if you're traveling northboun into pennsylvania, could have a higher chance for rain there and also the high spots and the mountains of west virginia.lo l rain chances are near zero around the city. it would be right along the ryland border and up into the high spots of west virginia. here's future weather, keep all
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the rain off of the i-95 corridor. most of the chances for showers are way back out west of the west virginia border. during the course of the afternoon, we'll get a mix of clouds and sunshine, but it should be a dry daytoday. rrent temperatures, upper 40s and low 50s. nothing to complain about. temperatures will climb into the mid 50s at noonnd near 60 for a high temperature today. this is just the beginning of a delightfully mild finish to october. halloween forecast, 70 degrees halloween afternoon. that's the pick of the tter, 74. >> sounds good to me. chopper 4 over this problem, ash is on the right side of the road helping things a bit. we're not seein too much of a slow down, but we still see some delays through that area.
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the rest of the beltway is looking okay right now. eastbound 66ra after 29, there on the right side. starting to see delays southbound there. the right side there blocked by a crash. >> thank you. 6:41 nownd still ahead, keeping your children safe on allloween night. we'reng you through the technology out there that may do just that. >> later today on ellen. >> i said hey, can i just do this physical onhe phone? he said no, i'd like you to come in. and i said, all right, adam's not going to le this. i throw in adamsandler'same a lot, just to scare them. it doesn't work. even at taco bell, you don't have a alu approximatpa, adam'sg to like this. >> he should try aaron. you canatch that at c
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the scariest part for parents is knowing that their ki will be around strangers at night. no child should be stepping ints someone'ome or reaching into a caro get candy. now to get that added piece of mind, there's several apps you may want to download ahead of time. in the event something crazy happens, this first aid app can help. the red cross put together a handy field guide to walk you through any scenario. there's no way to know where all of that candy comes fro but they track products that have been recalled or considered dangerous byhe fda.
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life 360 allows you to see where yourids are i real time. you can set up virtual fences around areas you don't want them to go. oids can't get away with the excuse of i didn'tthere. and if you're child feels they're in real trouble they can always push t red panic button. it's going to send a text and e-mail to every one of their emergency contacts complete with google map and phones gps coordinates and even syncs to wearable deviceso evenheir smart watch can send thein warng. >> thanks. coming up, goobye bryce harper? the end of baseballea seasonns he is a free agent. how soon we could see a new deat fos nats all star. >> continuing coverage of the tragedy in pittsburgh. >> yes, indeed, the goodies for the kids and how to keep them safe. here's the actual forecast forl een evening coming up on wednesday. clear skies and temperatures in the
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that's pre good for halloween. >> tag continuing covere from pittsburgh, 11 people inside a synagogue. the latest on the investigation and what we know about the and what we know about the victims being lai toest as r to care for other human beings. nurses ben jealous has a plan called medicare-for-all, that builds on the foundation of medicare, by using our collective purchasing power, a to lower cos the costs of prescription drugs.di re-for-all allows us to take every pharmaceutical company to task on the price of every drug. get a bettereal for all of us.a nurses want althier maryland and medicare-for-all will lead to just that. my name is hannah and i'm supporting ben jealous for governor of maryland.
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tsaying barbara comstock'ses je"promise has turned to dust." un she's trump's "questioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is the "clear and convincing" choice. "smart, serious and substantive".. "ms. wexton would be a breathssf fresh air" in cong i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message because i've worked across party lines to get things done. that's how we can fix congress and make it work for us again.
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in maryland, democratsares moment in america... with so much at stake, his plans will get our schools back. to number one and protect our healthcare. maryland's teachers, nurses and president obama agree. ben jealous has the "courage to move families forward." let us stand up for our kids let us stand up for families let us stand up for our state ben jealous, democrat for governor should thrill you. with big brands at small prices... for the whe family! woo hoo! and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for. with brands that wow and prices that thrill... marshalls is never boring,
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and always surprising. get cold weather ready with amazing prices on name brand outerwear for everyone, today at marshalls. (beep beep) now.6:30 is your time right you take a live look outside. it's a new work wee here in washington. we'll get you ready for it. >> the whole neweaports is up this morning working for you. we have team coverage on the shooting inside that pittsburgh synagogue and the tributes planned here in our area. >> adam tuss is also going to join us with breaking news that may make you want to use metro more often, but we begin with a look at your forecast and commute. chuck is here to start things off. >> good morning.
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hope you enjoyed your weekend. yesterday turned out to be a nice day. for today, most of us won't need to worry about the umbrella today. there could be an isolated shower and a couple of drops out ound the mountains of west virginia. but not much in the way of an chance.d rai that's good news. temperatures around 50 degrees. a mild start for a late october morning. no doubt. so put a windbreaker on the kids today. today's hig 59 degrees but the daily grade for today, check on very good. melissa, over to you. >> not very good on the roads now. this is southbound at riverdale after 410. everything but the left lane is blocked. this is a three mile back up. so you can see those delays because of the crash on the right side of the roadway itthe.
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very, very slow. there it is on the map. inner loop and outer loop of the belt way, earlier problem here. it's on the right shoulder. don'torry too much about that. stafford, southbound 95e bef aquia. vehicle fire there. the cameras not showing us anything but we know have some slow downs. springfield, northbound 95, express lanes before the beltway and eastbound 66 after 29, crash there on the right side. aaron. >> melissa, thank you. it's 6:32 and our coverage of the tragic shooting in pittsburgh continues now. the shooting happened on the efwish sabbath. saturday morninge a baby naming ceremony, 11 people were killed and six others injured there. this is the deadliest attack on the jewish community in u.s. history. >> thi t is the mant opened fire. he is expected in court today facing 29 federal charges including hate crimes.
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he and officers exchanged gunfire. he was hit and taken to the hospital. he made statements about genocide and killing jewish people. we're getting our first lk at those that died in the shootings. the victims range from 54-97 including a married couple in their 80s, holocaust survivors and twobrothers. flags are lower around the country and vigil a being held in their honor. >> the former arch bishop of washington was bishop in pittsburgh for years. he participated in that mass at st. matthews. our teamoverage continues now. here at home, american university will hold a vigil t help people process what happened and heal from this tragedy. >> we're also hearing stories of those with close ties to the synagogue where worshippers were ambushed. stin finch is live at american
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university with more. good morning. good morning. a tragedy like this awakens at f fear and emotions. this afternoon they will be holding a prayer vigil tha comes after this we saw on dupont circle. a rally calling for the denouncing of hate and also what they call a ris in hate speech happening from coast-to-coast. sey're also asking all communities tond together against any form of hate. meantime adam has been following news out of pittsburgh. his hometown. he is hoping tha after that loss of life, there's someind of change that will happen there in pittsburgh and across the country as ll. he also said after that enormouo
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of life he was glad to see people come together. >>eo thousands ofe standing on the corner in pittsburgh. it broke my heart not being one of them. they were doing a prayer service that happens a righter the sabbath, and the jewish people get strength from unity. that will be held on campus here at 3:00 p.m.. a good fund me page has also been set up for victims. >> thank you. >> the transit agency is
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unveiling a new plan to lure riders back to metr it's capping weekend fares at $2. adam tuss is coming up with more details onpl this an. >> families are searching for answers after a lion airplane with 189 people on board crashed at sea. it crashed minutes after taking off this morning. they also locatedhe black box. the u.s. embassy in jakarta says it's working with the indesian government to identify whether any americans were on that plane.he >> here ative desk with breaking news, multiple reports that germanel char angela merkel will not run for re-electn as thehairwoman of her party. this is video of her meeting with president trumpn april.
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she may not be strong enough to lead the eu at a time when it's dealing with brexit and a budget crisis as well. i'm chris lawrence, news 4. back to you. >> it's 6:37. coming up, we rely on recommendations for restaurants, travel, even health care. now the news 4 i-team has a warning about why youhouldn't warning about why youhouldn't tr spanberger: i'm abwhen dave brater, and i appwent to congress,. he went washington. [ camera shutter clicks ] while virginians struggle with rising drug prices,en brat's thousands from pharmaceutical, insurance,e and ot health care companies, voting them billions in tax breaks while voting against lowering the cost of prescriptions and votinggainst protections for pre-existing conditions for the people he represents. brat serves his donors' interests. we need someone who's for us.
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getting to work early. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protections and women are frightened they could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend named ben. ben is a national leer who's protecting obamacare from president trump. he's my friend ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and i approved this message. i believi've heard storiesnt from people acrossirginiaening. that have moved me to take action on veterans unemployment, d the opioid epidemic, diatric healthcare. but we can't make progss when we're divided when our leaders pit us against each other for political gain.
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in the senate, i'll always listen to you and focus on solving problems that matter to virginia and to america. i'm tim kaine, and i approve thisessage. i'm jennifer wexton, and i approve this message. seen barbara comstock's fake ad? jennifer wexton backed a deal leading to massive tolls on 66. nonsense. jennifer wexton fought the tolls on 66. and let's call this planwha, the way that it's been rolled out. it's highway robbery. there's also healthcare r bery. it's highway robbery. barbara comstock votedto sabotage the healthcare market, hiking premiums up to 64%. barbara trumpstock -- everything that's wrong in washington.
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mentoring and it was a real huge honor tospeak. i was the keynote speaker and gie was the mc. it was a wonderful event. congratulations to you for the award. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> if y're single, you're probably not just investing in the stock market but also investing in love. a new study from gift eyund that single people spend the most m on dating. an average of $146 a month. married couples came in ltn the spending category, but at $54, they spend the most per date. the survey also found a strong co higher monthly datingrrel b expenseiose increased relationship satisfaction. with your cnbc morning busins an apparently dating report, i'm frank holland. >> here's fourhis you need to know about the forecast today. a chance for a sprinkle or two in northern maryland, but other than that, here comes the
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i believi've heard storiesnt from people across virginiaing. that have moved me to take action on veterans unemployment, i believi've heard storiesnt from people across virginiaing. the opioid epidemic, and pediatric healthcare.ak but we can'tprogress when we're divided, when our leaders pit us against each other for pitical gain. in the senate, i'll always listen to you and focus on solving problemsr that matter tonia and to america. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. when the nra tried to overturn maryland's assault-weapons ban, attorney general brianrosh led the fight to stop them, defending our gun safety laws e to protect the peo of ma. attorney general brian frosh.
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two days after a gunman people are many still trying to make sense of a senseless crime. >> vigils are being held across the country remembering those that lost the lives. jay gray is live in pittsburgh with more now. good morning to you. >> good morning, aaron. a vigil here las night, one of several memorials that have been held since the shoing happened saturday morning at the tree of life nagogue. last night a ltmuidenominational event, people here in the city gra gatherfg here to be apart o the memorial and the wounded in the attack. among those speaking, the rabbi from the synagogue, for the
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first time since the attack saying that, in his words, his house ofasorship been defiled andaying that they will reild and it's an emotional journey. not onl for his congregation but for the entire we k this investigation is continuing not only here at the tree of life which remains locked down but also at his home about 45 minutes away. they have investigated there and pulled the evidence from his apartment as well as his veh tle ant's an investigation that's going to continue for quite sometime. they may be inside the tree of life synagogue for a week o
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more. he's going to continuthto share ho area is feeling. >> he'll keep tcampaigning. critics say his overall tone encourages violence. >> breaking news right now, at 6:47, the transit agency is unveiling a new >> transportation reporter adam tuss live atet the station now. how are riders reacting to this budget plan? >> ll, they are cheering this ager is metro general m going for a slam dunk to try to get riders to come back to the system. talking about expanding rush ur service on the weekend
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cutting the fare to a flat $2 r all trips. expanding the yellow line all the way up togreenbelt. running the red line to glmont at all times and then expanding all trains to longer 8 car sets. as we mentioned, riders here this morning are welcoming this news. >> cutting a lot of the services and causing people to not ride and without the riders, you'reo not going have the budget or the amount of money that you need to be able to keep it running. >> people feel like they're paying a lot for this service.h the board tho still has to approve this and they'll start those talks this thursday guys. back to yo >> adam, thank you. well, some call it the
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electronic waitingroom. each month, millions log on to various websites to hear from other patients before deciding to visit a new doctor. >> but as the news 4 i-team discovered some of those reviews could be fake hurting the patients and t physicians. >> it's rare to buy anything without going online to see what others think. >> i needed a dentist for my twins. >> did youave any idea that it might not be real. >> i heard that, but it wasn't something that crossed my mind. >> buts websi know that fake reviews are out there and have teams of peonge worki to identify them. >> once there's ang feeli of lack of authenticity, it's a problem. >> she found a w big probln she logged on and searched her own name. >> so i looked and i realized that i was being trashedon ne. >> the review complained of a long wait in her waiting room but she doesn't even have a waiting room. she meets her patients on
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way into an operating room. >> consumers are used to relying on these online reviews and take them for granted as the ultimate measure of qu wity. >> seet researchers found when they put those online views to the test and the i-team digs intohere fake reviews might beoming from. >> 6:50 right now. time to check in with chuck bell and the storm team 4 forecast. >> a breezy afternoon with plen of sunshine.un clouds arothis morning. not much of a rain chance for today on the backside there's lingering rain showersow but other than a drop or two chance for northern-most maryland and
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maybe the northern parts, most of uon't need to worry about rain fall for today.n we'll be and out of the sunshine and then later on fair weather clouds racing on by. current temperature, 49 in martinsburg, west virginia. and 52 n in arlington county, virginia. your planner for today, cloudsa givingo more and more sunshine as the northwest winds increase. 59 the high for today. tomorrow looks nicer. cool in the morning but bright sunshine and 63 for tomorrow and then of course wednesday is halloween. perfect trickr treating sun is down after 6:00.
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that's november 1st people. that's nice. they look mostly sunny and it's the longest weekend of the year because wet our locks back n saturdht when we go to bed. >> i love it. chopper 4 showing you thede delays. belt way looksd, g iper lonner and outer loop problems are gone springfield, northbound 95, express lanes before the beltway, we're seeing slow downs through that section. mclean, eastbnd toll road before 123. that's going to be yourspot. looking pretty typical.
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top of the beltway going 25 miles per hour for travel times5 orthbound is really not bad. about 40 miles per hour on each. remember to listen to wtop 103.5 fm when you hopou in y car. >> thank you, mel ssa. ght. take a look at this. crowds off and red sox fan celebrated the team's world series win outside of fenway park last night. a sea of people. >> chris sale threw the final out. your final score 5-1. excited much. >> might as well. it's the world series. this was the ninth in franchise history. everybody is wearing champagne.
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they're n tied behind the new york yankees andal card >> it's nice to see other teams win. like the nat, for example. >> that's true. unless you're a red sox fan and you want to win. >> all right, fine. >> the end of the world may mean the end of bryce harper's time here in washington. as of this morning, he can officially become a free t.agen >> the rumors hwirled thate already knew where he was going. speculation was that he may bewaring a cubs jersey. i don't think blue is his color. they'll have five dayso discuss exclusively with him first. we could know by the end ofhe week whether he'll stay in d.c. or take his talents elsewhere. >> well, the skins are off to their best start since 2008. that was a decade ago, folks. they crushed the giants 20-13.
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a huge performance by the entire team, especially running back adrien peterson. see, look at him. and skins w fh theirst three game winning streak since 2016. next weekend they host the atlanta falcons and you know how ade skins fans go on to the super bowl ls and gentlemen. >> if we could beat the falcons, i don't know. that might mean something. i'm justsaying. >> here are four things to know this morning. today the man police say terrorized the country with package bombs will make his first court appearance in miami. he is charged with sending 14 pipe bbs through the mail to former presidents and prominent democrats next week. t more onhis story coming up next on the ">>day" show. indonesian officials did not f expect tod survivors after a lion airplane with 189 people on board crashed at sea this morning.
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officials say they have recovered remains. the plane was traveling from jakarta tondonesia when it went down look for the latest on today. >> the suspected gunman is expected to appear in court today. is facing several federal charges including hate crime charge11 people were killed and many otheur injuries dg that shooting. >> metro is unveiling a new budget designed to lure riders back to the transit system. it includes expanding rush hour service for the entire system and capping weekend fares at $2. follow adam tuss on twitter for reaction throughout the reday. >> t your forecast for the week. nice and breezy today. sunshinend a couple of days in the 70s to finish the month of october and start the month of november. >> not bad. taking a look at the roads right now, southbound after 4:10, still has some real delays.
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about a three mile back up headed inbound because of an earlier crash. >> that's theews fortoday. we appreciate you waking up with us. >> the "today" show is next. until then enjoy your day. >> make it a great modday, everyby. at this critical moment in america... in maryland, democrats are on the front lines. with so much at stake, ben jealous is the bold leader maryland needs. his plans will get our schools back to number one and protect our healthcare. maryland's teachers, nurses and president obama agree. ben jealous has the "courage to move families forward." let us stand up for our kidss let uand up for families l us stand up for our state ben jealous, democrat for governor as your home becomes more connected, you need fios, the 100% fiber-optic network. because you'll get phenomenal capacity for your tech and the most awarded network for internet service satisfaction for the past 10 years.
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7:00 am
good morning. 9reaking a new passenger plane with 18 people onboard crashes into the sea moments after takeoff. a desperate srch for survivors and a hunt for clues off the coast of indonesia now under way. what caused a brand-newin b 737 to suddenl crash? the latest in a live report just ahead. united in grief. ♪ >> overnight, thousands attend an emotional individual until the aftermath of that horrific shooti the tree of life synagoguesb. uperns with love. that's how
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