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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  October 31, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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elementary school just as children are were getting out of class. >> translator: police chief is there as well asthop brass from department, and this crime is so concerning for parents because of the timing. this is halloweenhen children are out going door to door at nigh b >> jackieson is off mississippi avenue in southeast, jackie, wha have youlearned? >> reporter: well, doreen, this is rtdishing as described. we know that a man is in very grave condition after being shot here just as school was let out this afternoon. it's hall as you can see in the video that we have to show you,he entire top brass of the police department was on scene here while the investigation continues, and i use the word "disheart "disheartening" because as a parent, it's disheartening for me to see what i see now i children lifting up yellow police tape in their walking home from school. you don't want to see that
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anywhere, and this is a very residential neighborhood. a lot of people are very concerned by this. you know, according to initial reports, this was a masked gunman who shot the man andan from the scene. we have a little bit of an interview i did a sho time ago with the lady who was dressed as a green mm walking to her son's high school with a bag of candy in her arm to give out. this is what she had to say >> give out candy before i go home. i was going to pickon up my from school. it's happening right here, and, you knnseless crime happening right here in the community. i've lived here on my life, basically. >> reporter: and d.c. police have the street closed now evidence investigation into the shooting, and they've not provided us with information about the name, the age of the man who wasshot. we'll hopefully have that more
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of that for u on news 4 at 11:00 tonight. back to you. >> thank you, jackie benson, now to breaking news coming out of college pk. the pressure building on the university of maryland after the decision to keep the head football coach d.c. durkin after the death of jordan mcnair. just moments ago, governor larry hogan issued his strongest statement yetaying he'seeply troubled by the lack ofar transpency from the board of regions.n hoow calling for a public hearing to address the issue. this just the latest in a barrage ofte snts today as coach durkin is ready to return to the sidelines on saturday. many feel like the school's president, wallace lowe, unfa unfairly became the fall guy for the death of mcnair. lowe announced he's retiring next spring. reaction was swift on social media including current players on the team saying nobo accountable in the death of their teammate. news 4 has new reaction from college park.
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>> reporter: students are on the fence about what many perceive as a forced retement by university of maryland president, wallace otlowe. >> i'm00% sure on where the blame lies. >> reporter: but students were quick to say how they feel about d.j. durkin returning to his coach.on as head football >> any coach allowing a player to die under his watch should not keep his job. >> reporter: dr. wallace lowe announced he's retiring as president of t university of maryland this june. this after the board of regions chair announced coach d.j. jerk is returning to his position. he was on the field when he llapsed from heatstroke and died two years later. elect the officials who support lowe were swift to react. >> indefensible and more and more colleagues are saying, what went on. >> reporter: low isth credited being the catalyst behind the growth of the university of maryland in the last fewan year improving its academic standards, trast sessioning it into the big 10, and created with partnering to redevelop the
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route 1 corridor in prince georges county. it has someondering if the attack on leadership is not personal. >> i don't know if i falls back years ago when dr. lowe agreed that the name of t stadium should be changed itcause of the racism, and mr. brady disagreed it. i don't know if that's what lies at the base ofhis, or he just didn't like dr. lowe's leadership. >> reporter: prince georges county executive baker saysbe le ha a friend to his administration and the county. >> i could not bieve tha the only person who's not keeping their job is dr.. lo the one person who took not only legal responsibility on behalf of the university, but moral responsibility. >> reporter: as the terms continues, practicing for saturday's game, students prepare for demonstrations here tomorrow and jordan mcnais father organizing another demonstration for saturday.le in c park, news 4. well, as you saw there behind her, maryland football players were on the field practicing today, and t
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costello was there on the ground in college park with reactions at 6:45. now to gewing mystery after two virginia sisters were dund d in new york city. >> police released photos, but there's still a lot ofueions about why they were in new york and how in the world they wound upog tied tether in the hudson river. >> erica gonzalez at the liv desk with the latest developments in this unusual story. >> really is a disturbing case here. detectives on that case say they are getting closer to deormining what happened t the two young women, the bodies of the sisters found in the hud n river last week after being reported msing in august. duct taped together, clothes on, no outward signs of trauma. the girls with 22 and 16 years old. their mom told detectives the day before the girls' bodies were found she got a call from an officia the saudi arabia embassy ordering t family to leave the u.s. because the
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daughters applied for political well, today, new word from the new york detective onca this . >> we made significant progress t pieciether pieces of the puzzle to learn what happened, detecti down in virginia. they conducted a number of interviews in virginia including members of themmediate family as well as others. and those interviews are really unraveling in some way, a piece of the puzzle behind the scenes, at was going on in the two lives.adies' >> the pair moved from saudi arabia to the u.s. in 15 and living in fairfax county. we made attempts to reach out to the family, but have not had any success. doreen, leon, back to you. >> erica thank you. er gunshot a gunshot after gunshot about 75 shots were fired last alabama avenue in southeast runs through a neighborhood, homes
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lined both sides of the street in the wake of e shootout, news 4 talked to neighbors who are nervous about sendingheir children out to trick or treat. >> reporter: theig of what happened last night in the 4800 block oe alabama ave southeast will be visible as children go door-to-door tonight. >> halloween, oh, man, you know, the kids, they want go trick or trea you know, the way it was last night. >> reporter: from what we pieced together by talking to neighbors, the gunfire started at this end of the block, you can see the bullet holes in this truck. if we follow the evidence markers, we see more shots were fired in the middle of the block here. and about 50 yds down this block from where the shots first broke out, evidence markers indicate a flurry of gunfire here. just feet from where the victim ndwas f dead. >> pop, pop, pop, pop, just, you know, going, like, going, like wild, wild west. >> reporter: police say the 25-year-old smith was shot to death here last night at 10:45.
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for a long time, residents in the neighborhood, this type violence has become common place. >> they crazy out here. on one street, beefing with another street. how can you live here like thatn you can't e walk out the door. >> reporter: in the past year, seven murders in the area, and 25 armed assaults. >> it wasot gun out here yesterday, yesterday afternoon. before this happened. >> reporter: last ni mt's shootiks 138th murder in the city this year. dramatic spike from last year. in southeast, mark seagraves, news 4. now to pittsburgh and tre trib for the synagogue victims. a grandmother's funeral ld, a widow and retired researcher from the university of pittsburgh. irving and melvin were also laid rest, regulars at the were gue, where 11 people gunned down saturday. university of pittsburgh students plan to hold a rally tonight and peaceful protest of
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hate and gun tholence. man accused in the mass murder will be arraigned tomorrow morning on a 44-count indictment including federal hate crime charges. six days now unt election day, and we're wrapping up the first half the president trump's term in office and that's why they call this is midterm electione by the way. results this time around define the second half of mr. trump's term, and that's why ry he'sg fiercely to rally republicans across the country. sun mcginnis tracking the travel for us today. susan? >> reporter: in the final string of rallies before tuesday, the president seems to be zeroing in on one issue, and it may be a risky one. with six days left before the idterms, president trump's hitting the roadn a final push to keep republicans in control of congress, making11 stops in 8 states over 6 daysith one main message, fear of migrants. >> not fear mongering at
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immiion is an important subject. >> reporter: playing up the claims the caravans are ripe with thugs and gang members. >> trying to get up anywhere they can, get up by train, trying to get up by truck and busses p >> it's beesented as an invagng force full of g members and dangerous isis fighters, and, of course, that is not teue. >> rep the message is reaching voters on both sides. >> talking about the invasion, that's right. the caravan, it's just so wrong. >> i'm not sure how pushing people out is necessarily the best way for america to move orforward. >> rter: the president announced today he's sending as many as 15,000 troops to the southern border weeks ahead o the refugees, but days before the elections. his vow to endutatic citizenship for babies born here to undocumend imgrants would spark a long legal fight putting the idea in the headlinestoday. >> he's brought that up again because it stirs the republican base like no other issue. >> reporter: the president pushing fear and putting himself
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center stage in a election where he's not even on the ballot figuring a referendus on him winning strategy. the president starts that final push tonight in florida. doreen, leon? >> thank you. up next, a crime confession on the witness stand. >> a marylan man who ambushed a local police station reveals why he did it. tonight, a warning from v-dot officials ahead holiday travel. why you may want to think twice before pulling over on the highway shoulder in case of an interstate breakdown. also tonight, why aopar treatment for cancer may increase a woman's risk for deat amelia? >> doreen, gorgeous out there tonight, but tracking rain on the radar moving in for the end of the workweek. the latest timingnd big temperature changes it brings to the areaoming up in the forecast. we got something else for you to watch, too. check this out. get ready to go o out trick treating. showing pictures we are getting
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in from yous well as some ming from the news 4 family throughout the broadcast here. throughout the broadcast here. ♪
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dave brat said he'd vote to reduce the deficit. i'm abigail spanberger, and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to increase it by $1.9 trillion. why? brat went washington, taking hundreds of thousands from big drug companies, wall street banks, and other corporate special interests and voting to give his big corporate donors big tax breaks, making the next generation pay. dave brat went washington, and all we got was the bill. there arepatrick morriseyes ifiled a lawsuit. to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions. i voted to protect them. morrisey got rich as a washington lobbyist for opioid companies. my work as your senator took a billion opioid pills off the street. morrisey is simply a "yes" man for the drug companies and the political bosses. i'm considered the most independent senator in washington. i'm joe manchin, and i approve this message.
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p louden countlic schoolteacher accuse the of causing mental or physical harm to child in her care. the 28-year-old was arrested today because she was at times responsible for a childetween the months of january through wagust. sh a teacher as discovery and hillside elementary at the time. ths exact charge participating in an inappropriate nonsexual relati cship with ald that created a mental injury. e's held without bond. back to you. >>erica thank you. he's not the one whoigulled the r, but michael ford is charged in the death of colson, a police officer killed two and gohalf years a by friendly fire. in a surprise move today, ford took the stand in his own defense, claiming he did not
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intend t shoot anyone when he fired off a round at police headquarters. chris gordon has the story in prince georges county. >> reporter: michael ford testified he tried to kill himself before the marth, 2016 shooting rampageth a prince georges county police station on barlow road. i took the gun out, put it to my head, i couldn't pull the trigger. courtroom silent, jurors watching forward. he testified, i wrote a note to my mother, i'm going to kill myself. i apologized to her. his two brothers drove him to the police station. they shot video on a camerae. ph ford answered questions asked by his defense lawyer, tony jones saying, i fired at the police station twice. why? i wanted them to kill me. did you intend to kill police? not at all. did you intend t frighten police? not at all. in the chaos, detective colson was sthhot and killed by anothe
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office by mistake thinking he was the gunman. the prosecutor confronted ford iying he has a robbery conviction, makin illegal for him to carry a gun, that ford fired 23 shots, changing clips when he ran out of bullets. cue prors suggesting that video was taken by his brothers with the intention of posti it mn the website, worldstarhiphop.nown for posting violent videos. ford said he didn't know his brother was recording the incident. the week long trial is expected to wrap up tomorrow here with closing arguments, and then the jury has to decide whether or not he' guilty of second degree murder in the death of the rdesisf other charges including attempted murder andssault for allegedly firing at others, other officers, and members public during that same shooting incident. that's the latest live at the prince georges county courthouse.
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leon, back to you. >> thank you, chris gordon. it is one of the deadliest stretches ofay roadw in the entire d.c. area, and tonight a push for safety on indian head highway. right now, a brand new speed camera is up a runngnild fort road in prince georges county. that camera runs 24 hours day, seven days a week, with a $40 fine if you speed. people who use the road often hope the camera makes drivers there slow down. >> it's wide. it's like a speedway. because when they take out ofli from the ght, it's like they ready to go to a race. >> the speed limit on indian head highway? 55. officials say, though, cars fly by it up to es80 mer hour there. according to the maryland state highway administration, 60 people have bn killed in crashes over 11 yelus, incng two this year, and speed is the leading cause. >> pulling over on the side of a busy highway cost him his life. one of several recent roadside tragedies. tonight, officials warning with
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the upcoming holiday travel, avoid the interstate shoulder if you got car trouble. news 4 david culver is working for you on how to handle a vehicle breakdown. >> reporter: her job ts to help keffic pro flowing. >> i pass by people on the side of the road every morning on the way up here changing tires, checking under their ho. it makes mes. nervou >> reporter: for her and others at henry's wrecker service, it's personal. this past april, one much their colleagues hit and nearly killed on 395 responding to this wreck. >> now knowing he's doing all ri ot, it's still one those, it could have been me. >> reporter: this weekend, jennifer tried tdo the rig thing, helping a stranded driver on route 50 in prince georges county. as the bureau chief reported -- >> when she helped that driver, another vehicle struck and killed her. >> reporter: overnight, yet another deadly pullover. this time on 66 and warren
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county. police say the man was with friends helping to change a tire, a tractor trailer hit and killed himept on driving. with the upcoming thanksgiving travel, officials warn that if you have a breakdown on the highway, here's what they want you to do. first of all, try to get off the interstate. if you can't get to the exit, they suggest you move to the shoulder, far over as you can. do not get out of ycar. they say from inside your car, dial #77. >> call the number, their job is to come o keeping youafe as possible. >> reporter: they highlighted a recent move it law. >> if you have gotten into a fender bender type incident and there's no injuries, you have yo mover car out of the travel lanes as soon as to be. >> reporter: add the move over law, see flashing lights? move over a lane. hong to make their jobs a bit
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safer. in fairfax, news 4. amazon setting sights on our region for the new what a top leader says about the possibility. >> wonderful mild temperatures treaters ick or tonight, but change is coming. amelia will let us know when to see rain in the forecast again. from pint sizedup heros to pumpkins and peppa pig, we have more pictures of adorable kids gearing up for halloween. batman and robin gett batman and robin gett done.
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i believi've heard storiesnt from people across virginiaing. that have moved me to take action on veterans unemployment, the opioid epidemic, and pediatric healthcare. but we can't make progress when we're divided, when our leaders pit us against each other for political gain. in the senate, i'll always listen to you and focus on solving problems that matter to virginia and to america. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message. i waso i'm used tor, getting to work early. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protections for pre-existing conditions. and women are frightened they could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend named ben. ben is a national leader who's protecting obamacare from president trump. he's my friend ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and
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i approved this message. he turned around the naacp. businessman. ben jealous. "marylander of the year". he's helped grow twenty companies and a thousand jobs. ben's vision: medicare for all. a plan to lower prescription drug costs and fully fund our schools. the sun says jealous has "the stature and gravitas" to lead maryland. we can do much better on jobs, on education, on healthcare. but it means we've got to believe in each other. ben jealous. governor. in maryland, democrats are on the front lines. ben jealous is the bold leader maryland needs. his plans will get our schools backr to nume and protect our healthcare. maryland's teachers, nurses and president obama agree. " ben jealous has thcourage to move families forward." let us stand up for our kids let us stand up for families let us stand up for our state ben jealous, democrat for govnor
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dave brat said he'd vote to reduce the deficit. i'm abigail spanberger, and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to increase it by $1.9 trillion. why? brat went washington, taking hundreds of thousands from big drug companies, wall street banks, and other corporate special interests and voting to give his big corporate donors big tax breaks, making the next generation pay. dave brat went washington, and all we got was the bill. i can't remember having such nice conditions foreehall >> can't beat tonight ever. beautiful. >> really gorgeous out there. ug and i looked at numbers yesterday, and typically we have dry weather for the last 10 to 15 years, but, yeah, this i exceptional with the mp atures. in the 60s, overnight, lows
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falling to 60 degree comfortable start tomorrow morning for this time of year. average low is now not0s, so to start off at 60, that's pretty nice. first day of november, which i can't believe, and mild throughout the day. high tperatures tomorrow in the low to mid-70s. it's mild friday, but we'll have occasional sh ers, not a washout, but rain here and there of the you want the umbrella. fray evenin i am seeing heavy rain in the area that could bring gusty winds and rumbles of thunder as well. keep that in mind friday you might be in weather alert mode. we'll continue to monitor that. that rain with a cold front cools us down for the weekend, no more 70s. highs this weekend in the 50s and 60s. it is looking dry saturday and sunday after rain chance very early saturday coming to an en. here's the latest on the radar. nothing going on in our area, ine of notice this big rain, yeah, this is what's going to be moving through, very late
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thursday, friday, then, eventually, friday night. notice that severe weather is producing, including in areas like texas and louisiana up through arkansas rigin now. we're to watch for potential for gusty winds friday owght. temperatures rightn the 60s, though, d.c. one of the cool spals. that's u not the case, 63 degrees, 68 in frederick, 67 in culpepper. ein the evening hours, wen the 60s, generally low to mid-60s, clouds are around not tracking rain tonight or during the day tomorrow with the high of 75, and afternoon breeze. tomorrow is the day to have lunch outdoors. friday not w so muchh the chance of showers, and a high of . breezy saturday, mix of clouds and sun, and plenty of sun on sundayith hightemperatures, though, only in the 50s, and also, daylight saving time ends, late saturday, early sunday,
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sunset at 5:00 p.m., but extra hour of sleep sunday morning. >>ppreciate that extra hour. >> yeah, right? >> thank you. a 12-year-old boy accused of gring his classmates. how one girl spoke up to set the investigation into motionna y, phasing out portable classrooms. a move to remove trailers from the campus. research in the fight against cercal vi i was a navy doctor, so i'm used to getting to work early. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protections for pre-existing conditions. and women are frightened they could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend named ben. ben is a national leader who's protecting obamacare from president trump. he's my friend ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and i approved this message. can't save healthcare.
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welcome to change. just because it's never been done, doesn't mean we can't do it. just because it hasn't been seen, doesn't mean we can't envision it. we are uncommon to the core. we are upmc. saying barbara comstock'sorses je"promise has turned to dust." she's trump's "unquestioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is the "clear and convincing" choice. "smart, serious and substantive" ... "ms. wexton would be a breath of fresh air" in congress. i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message because i've worked across party lines to get things done. that's how we can fix congress and make it work for us again.
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when the nra tried to overturn maryland's assault-weapons ban, attorney general brian frosh led the fight to stop them, defending our gun safety laws to protect the people of maryland. attorney general brian frosh.
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you're watching new 4 at 6:00. parents of students at a woodbridge middle school get troubling news tonight. >> a 12-year-old boy at rippon middle school is accused of groping female classmates. our bureau chief tells us police and the principal credit a young victim for speaking up about what was going on. >> repter: achool resource officer on duty at rippon middle
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school this week investigating a startling crime. a 12-year-old boy at the school is now facing charges of sexual battery for improperly touching female students. prince william county police say thencidents came to light this week when a victim came forward. >> we did have a courageous young lady who did feel that t touching was inappropriate and alerted a staff member who then notified the school resource officer. >> reporter: the sro was quickly able to figure out that girl was not alone. there were mull. victims. they we couched in their private areas over their clothes, and it had been going on since seember. >> the incidences occurred thughout the hallways were in school hours and school buildings. >> reporter: the boy's age no barrier to charges. >> any time we're approached with a situation where it's been a touching like this, or something of this type of nature, w take it serious. >> reporter: a letter sent home from the principal reads in
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part, we placed phone calls to the parents of theemale students who reported the students's behavior. the sety of students and saf is highest priority, an i applaud the students who avreported this b to an adult. because of the accuser being 12 years old, this case will be handled through the juvenile intake process, and i'm told the boy is not being held in juvenile detention. in woodbridge, news 4. covering prince william county where school officials move forward with a plan to make more room for students by getting rid of trainors. right many schools in the county are so overcrowded they are forced to use portable classroom trailers like thi a ye stone wall jackson high. now, that could bech ging. a committee voted to move with a plan to add two new elementary schools and 30 middle school classrooms over ten years. the proposal would cost more than $143 million, but it's months away from final approval. news 4 is committed to raisinut awareness a domestic
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violence through the safe at home initiative. we'reaking a closer look at a new survey how well agencies in the distrt respond to domestic violence issues. most of the agencies got failing grades. our megan fitzgerald has a new mandate to address thisle pr >> reporter: domestic violence is a national problem, and d.c. is not immune. the city spent millions of ollars on programs to help survivors, and they also partne. with the d coalition against domestic violence. the coalition says d.c. pice receive nearly 36,000 calls for survivors asking for help in 2017. >> h ended up hitting me. i got chored. >> repr: nicole wanted us to conceal her identity, but says she made one of the 911 calls last year. se also s she went to >>other district agency for help. didn't feel i could confide in them i'm a victim. >> reporter: dawn dalton is the policy director of the coalition
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elying her organization is trying to h the city help people like nicole by making sure a specific domestic violence policy is in place. >> we want to make sure tha those folks are prepared to know how to respond to a survivor. >> reporter: her organization surveyed 23 agencies in the district as pt of the report card project. dalton says almost all of them failed other than the d.c. police department and the child and family services agency. >> if y either have policy or you don't, it's clear-t to us. >> reporter: metro failed, but they don't see it as clearly as the coalition does. the organization has the employee assistance program. a spokesperson said, quote, metro'seap program provides a comprehensive assessment sport, and referral services to victims of domestic violence. the coalition says the more help the agencies can get, thett . >> we just want to make sure there's clear guidance. >> reporter: megan fitzgerald,
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news 4. we're at the live desk with breaking news just coming into our newsroom. d.j. durkin is out as coach at the university of maryland. the office othe president confirming to nbc news as tom costello t durkin's contract has been brought out. this after mounting pressure. just yesterday, they announced he would stay, thowever,hat the niversity president, dr. wallace lowe, would be retiring in the springtime, and, again, just minutes ago into this news room, the office of the president confirming to nbc news's tom costello, the contract has been bght out and he's out. this is a developing story. stay with us for more on it online and, of course,ly news has much more on this development. back over to you guys in the studio. >> thank you, eric. amazon is doing something that a lot of people thought w
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impossible. it's bringing both political parties together. 20 north american cit s are vying to win the onlinegi t's second aheadquarters, so-called hq2. northern county and washington, d.c. are among the finalists and rumors have it that crystal city will be the big winner, on today's "ask the governor" segment, he says amazon is w.iting republicans and democrats >> we have had support from both sides of the aisle on this, and people that have been very involved in a time when there's a lotam of political played out there, but the leadership both the republican and the democratic side in the house and senate has com together and said we have, i think, put a great package on the table. >> experts told the "new york times"ikrystal city isy to win because there's a lot of building space there, plenty of transptation, and room for
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growth. take that, big apple. the medical procedure is not as invasive as others and offers patients fasterer recovery, but research shows it's doing more harm than good in the fight against cervical cancer. take a look. here's the rain outlook as wend look to thef the workweek and the weekend. dry r your thursday. on friday, showers to deal with at times, maybe rain early saturday, and i'm going to have more on how it impacts more on how it impacts temper at montgoto three generations of elrich's. we love it here. but we have to work to keep it great, like fixing transit and traffic for commuters like my son-in-law. increasing open space where my grandchildren and yours can play. and reducing classroom sizes for all our kids. that's why our next county executive has to require developers to solve the problems their developments create. as county executive, that's exactly what i'll do for every generation.
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not to the finish.t. but to the beginning. a fight that can only be won, if we stand together for one cause. him. expert care for every new beginning. i believi've heard storiesnt from people across virginiaing. that have moved me to take action on veterans unemployment, the opioid epidemic, and pediatric healthcare. but we can't make progress when we're divided, when our leaders pit us against each other for political gain. in the senate, i'll always listen to you and focus on solving problems that matter to virginia and to america. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message.
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i'm adave brat said he'd vote to reduce the deficit. and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to increase it by $1.9 trillion. why? brat went washington, taking hundreds of thousands from big drug companies, wall street banks, and other corporate special interests and voting to give his big corporate donors big tax breaks, making the next generation pay. dave brat went washington, and all we got was the bill. in maryland, democrats are on the front lines.
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with so much at stake,n alous is the bold leader maryland needs. his plans will get our schools back alous is the bold leader maryland needs. to number one anprotect ou. maryland's teachers, nurses and president obama agree. beejealous has the "cour to"" let us stand up for our kids let us stand up for families let us stand up for our state ben jealous, democrat for governor we're working for your health tonight the the american cancer seat p dicts more than 13,000 women in the u.s. will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year. hit women ds to during their mid-30s to mid-40s. if caught early, the chances of survival are high, but two new studies show a common treatment in the early stages of cervical cancer may actually do more harm
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than reses found women who have a minimally invasive hystectomy are more likely to die from the disease than those having open surgery. the disease was likely to return in patients with the less invasive procesre. >> thisigh level evidence we should not continue to perform minimally invasivey. surger >> it's important to point out that this study only looked at how cervical c patientson red to minimally invasive surgeries. other cancers were not considered in this reseouch. probably think of parkinson's disease as the condition involving the brain, but clues are linking this to your appendix. research is believed the aplen kicks is a holding area for proteins that when found in the brain are hallmark of parkinson's disease. scientists are making the connection after looking at medical records from 1.7 million peop in sweden.
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those who had surgery to remove appendix at a a young were less likely to develop parkinson's later life. > hall sween a labor of love when your child wants a unique d diy costume. imagine this. a c mpany isaking one-of-a-kind costumes for kids with disabilities. these take hours to get every detail right. at 11:00, chris lawrence goes to luckyg reveal when a trick or treater sees his halloween costume for the first time. >> oh. an> breaking news as the university of mar fires the head football coach amid mounting national outrage after an investigation into a player's death. we are on top of the breaking develojoents. the mild weather tonight, folks, because rain is in the forecast. amelia's tracking the timing and impact. first, more pictures from our youngest news 4 viewers ready to celebrate halloween. we have more pictures posted
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online if you want to check tm out. we're coming right back. announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade should be s overturned and ttate should decide it." announcer: that's right. comstock supports taking away a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund planned parenthood 6 times, limiting wen's access to contraception. jennifer wexton: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protectwo n's right to choose. jennifer wexton for congress. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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i waso i'm used tor, getting to work early. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protections for pre-existing conditions. and women are frightened they could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend named ben. ben is a national leader who's protecting obamacare from president trump. he's my friend ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and i approved this message.
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bac to breaking news from the university of maryland.ry nd football coach d.j. durkin fired from his job at the university of mards maryland. >> this is a shopper after a day of fierc criticism. >> nbc broke the news, tom, what have you arned? >> reporter: so the university of maryland called m at 6:29 to say we want to make sure you get the word out to nbc news, and that is that we have bought up d.j.'s contract and he's out of a job. r we haveltime reaction right now. mr. mcnair, martin mcnair, was, is the father of jordan mcnair n the fieldagically behind us back in may.
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he actually died in june, but as you know, he collapsed from heat exhaustion in may, and billy murphy, his attorney, mr. mcnair, as you know, what is your reaction to the fact that d.j. is officially now out of a job? >> well, i'm glad that the thing was done to fire coach durkin. he was a cancer to the university of marylan football program. i commend dr. lowe for having courageous effort to make the decision on the harsh circumstancesnd letting mr. durkin go. >> reporter: billy murphy, the ole state, it seems, came out and was just surprised by the decision from the board of regions to keep the coach and, what, in the meantime, dr. lowe was supposed tbe leaving. and now, there was ground swell of anger and protests over this. >> we are not surprised because the board of regions' decision was horrible, againstommon
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sense, against morality, and doomed the university of maryland's football program. the board was in a bubble. not all people on the board of regions were on board with the decision, but they in a bubble. there's a political agenda to keep coach durkin and fire dr. lowe. fortunately, dr. lowe was in favor of doing he right thing, and he did it under tremendously high pressure circumstances to do the rht thing and follow what the board said. wonderful he stepped in to do this immediately to stop the rleeding. >> reporter: goverogan was demanding an extra nation from the board. do you believe the board now owes t state andniversity and the governor an explanation? >> absolutely, and chairman brady should be fired. his leadership wasib respo for this debacle. this was his doing. his misjudgment was horrendous. he should new leadership is absolutely
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necessary for the board toue contny legitimacy that it may have had in the past and no longer has. >> reporter: mr. mcnair,o bringing back jordan as everybody wishes they could, is the fact that coach durkin is now out, does that, in any way, help as you contie to mourn? >> it's a step in the right direction for some type of clure, which i impossible. it's an emotional roller coaster dealing with is. >> reporter: folks back in the studio, this was, asinou im a fast-moving day, hard to keep up with the developments coming so fast, but at 6:29, the university has let go of coach t durkin, bac you. >> tom, quickly, has there been in the change of the status of president wallace lowe, does that mean he will now not be leaving? >> reporter: we don't know that at this point. people familiar with the situation told me that dr. lowe was thinking, at the age of 73
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e point, he would be interested in retiring, but was not neclasarilying to do so immediately, and there's been widespreadti specu today throughout many sources within the university and through the state that he was forced out by the board. the questionerow is whe he will keep his job. we don't have the answer to that. >> wow. fast-moving developments there. >> more to come on this one, thank you, tom. >> and tom stays on top of the story for nbc "nightly news," watch the full report ahead at 7:00 right after we're done here with news 4 at 6:00. all right. amelia can you top that? big development er big development weather-wise? >> we'll see a lot of changes happening on friday night with heavy rainfall, gusty winds, a few rumbles of thunder out there. >> oh. >> that sets up for an interesting weekend. >> okay. >>ge tracking big chin the weather, not the case tomorrow, high temperatures in the low tos mid-70 on your thursday. it's a comfortable start.
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70, a temperature around 59 averees, by lunchtime, recess outdoors at 70, and tomorrow night even, s8:00, it' comfortable with temperatures in the upper ows. chance of s overnight, but day tomorrow is dry. at the bus stop, it's nice. lunch is fantastic. take advantage outdoors after school because friday, showers are possible, and then we have the sunsets:0 starting p.m. by monday. friday, 6:00 p.m., occasional showers, throughout the day, some swers are herend there. it's not a heavy rain friday night, but early as t5:00 p.m., there's rain until 10:00 p.m., and that, with the cold front, out of here by saturday at 9:00, 10:00 a.m. at the latest, and then we're dry for the weekend. those showers are possible very early on saturday, and daylight savings time ends early venday so we n extra hour of sleep, but transition to the sunsets add 5:00 p.m., and, in s fact, tset is going to be
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at 5:00 p.m. or earlier from about novembe 9th through january 4th. we are going to be much cooler this weekend. warmest tomorrow, the day out of the next ten, getting out of time for the fall folio this weekend, back in the mountains, moderate to high color right now. the storm team 4 ten-day forecast, check it out. 75, thearmest outthere. i want to point out friday, we track a 70% chance of rain atme and not a washout, but the heavy rain for friday nightu ay, we'll have a mix of clouds and sun with more sunshine in the midday hours and early afternoon hours. temperatures, saturday in the 50s to mid-60s. not bad. nday, though, is cool one, only in the 50s. the winds, though, not an issue sunday. chance for rain on tuesday and wednesday, and next week,fe ures temperatures mainly in the 60s for ghs. the 60s for ghs. we'rehi
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kaine: weliberty and justiceto a flag not for some, but for all. i want a virginia that works for all, with economic opportunity and a chance for a good life. i'll work with anyone to build that virginia. we can't let our leaders divide us because we're all americans. i'm tim kaine, and i approve this message because if we ask our kids to say these words... teacher and children: nation under god, indivisible... ...we have to be willing to live by them. teacher and children: ...and justice for all. before he was attorney general, brian frosh led maryland's fight to clean up the bay. so when donald trump's epa attacks our clean water laws, frosh is leading the charge to stop them. attorney general brian frosh. i'm jennifer wexton, and i approve this message. seen barbara comstock's fake ? jennifer wexton backed a deal leading to massive tolls on 66.
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nonsense. jennifer wexton fought the tolls on . and let's call this plan what it is, the way that it's been rolled out. it's highway robbery. there's also healthcare robbery. barbara comstock voted to sabotage the healthcare market,um hiking preup to 64%. barbara trumpstock -- everything that's wrong in washington.
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be dave brat said he'd vote to reduce the deficit. i'm abigail spanrger, and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to increase it by $1.9 trillion. why? brat went washington, taking hundreds of thousands from big drug companies, wall street banks, and other corporate special interests and voting to give his big corporate donors big tax breaks, making the next generation pay. dave brat went washington, and all we got was the bill. this is the xfinity sports
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desk. 24 hours in sports park, d.j. durkin went from being reinstated as maryland's head football coach to being fired at head coach. he was placed on leave in august as school reviewed the circumstances of the death of joan mcnai durkin was on campus yesterday, met with players, at some spoke gainst his return, and now durkin is out. nbc news repts the decision that to fire durkin came from the president's office of wall loes lowe, going against the board of ngions's decisio yesterday afternoon. durkin restated, was expected back on the sideline saturd against michigan state but with durkin out, interim coach matt canada isxpected to resume the role for maryland. we'll continue to follow the story and also che out nbc news for the latest. it's hallowee this is not a trick. a player with the a name when said hardly strikes fear but could be a good nsreds defense
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scary good as kids say. 5th allowed in points per game, theydd haha, tied for second interceptions behind the league leader. his new teammate, t.j. sweari g swearinger. >> what's the scariest thing abouam the te? i was told the defense. right now, they are ranked second in total defense t inhe nfl, and what's scarier? they might have just gotte better with theddition o fifth year safetycl ton. >> green bay, excited about a new start, and i'm at a place writelove, i love shawn and love the game, and played here a few weeks ago, man, and, you know, my eyes always light up playing here. sky's the limit, no roof on top our heads, you know, trying b t ge e trying to do things that have not been done here, ever, you know, we want to go down and we want to be the best defense ever. g to rush and try to make plays for him to get the
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ball, you know, theuarterback shows some bad balls, i hope t ge him interceptions in the redskins' uniform. >> reporter: he says he was inspired by taylor and why he wore 21 in green bay. when he plays for the bgundy d gold, watch out for what early impacts the new no. 20 might have. from redskins rk, news 4 sports. all right, thanks. hosting f columbusst playoff game, wane rooney, a part of it, quickly no. 1 in the heart of d.c. united fans, newcomer of the year, and scored 12 goals, and thatns meae was involved in 19 goals i 20 games, and there's a playoff game tomorrow candidatee's a strong to win both awards. >> it's in the bag. >> yeah. >> in the bag. >> he's got it. > good decision bringing him here. >> yeah. >> it was. >> good call. good ll good time to join us tonight
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>>as well. e hope to see you later tonight for news 4 at 11:00. happy halloween. dave brat said he'd vote to reduce the deficit. i'm abigail spanberger, and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to increase it by $1.9 trillion. why? brat went washington, taking hundreds of thousands from big drug companies, wall street banks, and other corporate special interests and voting to give his big corporate donors big tax breaks, making the next generation pay. dave brat went washington, and all we got was the bill.
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breaking news tonight, six days until the midterms. president trump doubling down on his immigration rhetoric threatening to send up to 15,000 active duty troops to the border, but is this a manufactured crisis? a reality check tonight caravan of migrants and refugees over 900 miles away. also tonight, the president goes on the attack against house speaker paul ryan over birthright citizen ip. >> the oprah factor. her surprise announcement, can she help elect this country's first ca afamerican woman governor and is she reconsidering a potential run for president? a growing mystery, two sisters found bound together by duck tape in the river hundreds of miles from home. authorities tight lipped on a chilling


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