tv News4 at 4 NBC November 7, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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two parties calling the shots in congress >> what are the unifying issues that bring us together? re examine whether they will get anything done ove the next two years. news 4 at 4:00 begins now. >> news 4 at 4:00 begins withng breanews. >> okay, here we go. breaking at 4:00 after a midterm elections sending shock waves through washington, d.c., another political earthquake. >> yes,indeed. president trump forces out attorney general jeff sessions. cfarland has t m what it means for the special counsel russia pr >> reporter: what an afternoon. road rosenstein is no longer overseeing the russian investigation. an hour ago, president trump broke the news on tsitter. the pnt tweeted that matthew whittaker is now takingr the president thanked mr. sessions for the service and wished him well, but ithe
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resignation letter, sessions said he's stepping down at the present's request. there's been a simmering tension between the justice department and white house. mr. trump was enraged when sessions rescued himself from the russian probe and all o washington wonders what this means for the future of the specialcounsel's russian investigation. >> matt whitaker will oversee the mueller investigation. it's not rosenstein doing this anymore once thisppointment is >> reporter: they said the investigation has to be protected and ending it or limiting it would spark a constitutional icrisis. this a story we'll update you on as we learn more. >> a right, thank you, scott. that was just one of the big stories coming out of the white house today. >> right. because prior to that announcement, the president engagedn a wild a combative news conference with reporters. >> speaking for 87 minutes, his longest press conference yet, he took questions from 30 journalists, and not all of them
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went over. we >> please, go ahead. no. excuse me. down. you please sit i'm not responding. that's enough. that's enough. >> mr. president -- quiet, quiet, you are a re te terrible person. you shouldn't be working for cnn. >> that last exchange with cnn's jim saccosta heated it led for a struggle for the microphone. you see the press aide trying grab the microphone from jim. >> the president spoke about the midter elections and democratic takeover of the house, tough words for republicans who did notmbrace him while campaigning including congresswoman barbara comstock. >> some decided to let's stay away. let's stay away. they just very prly, and barbara comstock was another one. she could have won therace, b she didn't have any embrace. for that, i don't blame her.
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she lost substantially. >> democratic challenger jennifer wexton defeated comstock in the 10th district in virginia by 12 points. >> president trump seized the opportunity to warn democrath can work with him or investigate him, but they can't do >>th. he did that while spinning the loss of an entire chamber of congress as a win. here's that part of the story. >> democrats might take issue with congress to that the makeup of congressks l different relatively soon. remembers are back in session changeek, but the real comes in january. that's when the new members come here to washington, and, meanwhile, today, both parties now declaring victory. after an election where his party lost control of the house, president trump still calling the night a win. >> i thought it was a verylose to complete victory. >> reporter: republicans increasing their control of the senate, picking up prree seats.
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thident attributing that to the aggressiveampaign schedule. >> history will really see what a good job we d in the final couple of weeks. >> reporter: a for the house flipping from red to blue, that is on outgoing republicans, the president said, ticking down a list of those w did not embrace the agenda and loss. >> mia love gave me no love, and she lost. ortoo bad. >> rr: the president spar ws report ing with reporters in a lengthy news conference. >> you're a rude, terrible person. >> reporter: but optimistic working in a divided congrs suggesting he only needs to negotiate with house democrats to get a deal and send legislation to the gop controlled senate for a slam dunk. >> it really could be a beautiful bipartisan type of situation. >> reporter: even extended this olive brao the likely speaker, nancy pelosi. >> i give her a great deal of credit for what she's done and
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t'complished. >> reporter: buts a were-like posture if democrats use the majority to investigate him. pelosi responding -- g>> we see a need to forward, we will. >> reporter: saying democrats will not go looking for a fight. today, pelosi talked about the two partieshe working tog saying she looks forward to a new era. pat, erica, back to you. >> all right. blayne, thank you. voters in maryland waited up to six hours to vote yesterday. >> election officials in prince georges county say human is to blame. this is the scene last night at a polling place where linesd snaked aroune corner and down the hallways. county bureau chief is live in largo getting to the bottom of the problem in the polls. >> reporter: we spoke with the board of directors here, she said they did the math, ensured thts had the bal they needed at all polling te, but at the
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end of the day, turnout was so high they just didn't have enough. there were long lines and hundreds of frustrated voters in prince lgeorge's countyt night. news 4 confied more than a dozen polling places in the county ran out of paper ballots, leaving people with no way to vote. >> since 7:00 this morning, get soon,thought we'd get out get here, they ran out of ballot. ev >> reporter: we documented the problem that left voters wondering if this was an effort to somehow suppress's maryla largest democratic voting block. > here in prince georges county, there is -- there is no vor suppression. it was just hum error. >> reporter: the director of print george's county board of election said theturnout for the midterm was unprecedented and exceeded a expectations and planning. >> weid use allocations based on a presidential election, but, unfortunately, we did fall
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short. >> reporter: and the last midterms, 38% of those registered in prince's geor county voted. this time, the number is 58%, just where we are r now. they are still counting ballots. aythe director she learned lessons from what happened yesterday. live in largo, back to you in the studio. >> tracee, thank you. lar hogan running on adrenaline today after a historic win last night, but he admitted today, his party, he says, took a hit. >> last race, had theac biggest of republicans ever, and this time we had a drag from the other end, but people made the decision that they wanted to akeep me, they brought in a lot of new democrats. >> he spoke to theia med in annapolis. mr. hogan is the first republican governor re tlected inhe state in more than 50 years defeating the democratic challenger ben alous. aou have to go back four decades, in fact, to find the last time a democrat held virginia's 10th congressional seat. onef the big factors in
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jennifer's victory is the army of female volunteers. >> there were a lot of boots on the ground, vital in that race. northern virginia bureau chief looks at the effort to keep momentum going. >> reporter: a look at the coffee table, and you can tell she's been iersed in the midterms, focused on getting jennifer wextonlected to congress. last night, the payoff for all the hard work for the hundreds of doors kathy knockedtu on to rn out voters. >> couldn't be happier. >> reporter: one of hundreds of women aligned with at least a dozen grassroots groups that helped wexton knock off the two-term incumbt. groups like mom demand action. women'ssing up after the march, and others like kathy have been at it for a while. >> i believe that women are the reason that this ha believe that we will continue to be that reason to change all of this in the united states.
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>> reporter: the moms demand action members also determined to flip more seats. >> we have been teaching moms how to canvas. >> repor r: political activis is new to them, but quickly convinced door to door canvassing, meeting voters face-to-face, yields results in the polls. >> they are findingheir sea legs doing the work that we once thought was uncomfortable and difficult, but we are realizing we can do it, but, you know, it's ins to take this on. and i think people are inspired by that. r orter: and even as they celebrate last night's victory, some of the women already refocusing on next year's election. for the county board of supervisors and the virginia general assembly. >> we're already talking about what we're going to do to mobilize and educate even more women in the area to get going. >> reporter: in louden county, news 4. on to the nextrace. you can get all the results now in one place. that's the nbc washington app, free to download.
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now to newdetails about an alleged sexl assault in the damascus high school locker room. five jv football players face rape charges.g accordo the post, four players were sexually assaulted in the school's locker room. in what's described as a haziin itual involving a broom. a 15-year-old boy could be heard crying and a 14-year-old yelling stop, stop, stop. >> it's disgusting, and i feel something has to be done. >> the school says it is unaware of the ritual, the hazing ritual, but they are putting measures in place to prevent that from happening again. after a year of stinging personal criticism from the president, attorney general jeff sessions is out. next at 4:00, we'll talk to the political editor, mark
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murray, about forced resignation and where we go now after yesterday's hisric midterm election. plus, explaining why the girl suts are suing the boy scouts over what they call n. confus can you believe we're talking about holiday shopping? yes, the time has come, but how much will you spend in? >> we have a lot of cloud t cov area today, but not much in the way of rain. that's coming back, though, we'll talk about that and much colder air just in time
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> back now to the breaking news this hour, a lot of change over the last 12 hours, a new house, a new senate, and now a new igeerim attorney ral. >> news breaking this afternoon that jeff sessions is out of the justice department. nbc news senior political editor mark murray will sort out what the change means. so, mark, i have to ask, talk aboutsessions. think you hear the name "sessions" and your mind immediately goesan to the rus investigation and what happens >> reporter:. to me, the big news of this all is this sets up a clash or potential clash on the russia investigation. it's been headed byal speci counselor robert mueller and the reason why this sets up is class ttorney general, then attorney general jeffs sessi
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had been -- he had rescued himself from the russian investigation, ahe then all sudden now the new incoming or acting attorney general matt whitaker takes control of it, and many critics see this as improper influence by the president and his administration into an investigation that has to do with the president. >>ma, and you also now have a lot of new faces that are going to be coming to the district of columbia after the elections, especiallyou to the of representatives. shouldn't call the election results a bluewave, that wa a word we heard a lot, but rather are and realignment. explain the difference there. >> yeah. a it w really good night for won control of the house of representatives. by tomorrow, we'll have them with a bigger net gain in house seats tha seen in the wave of 2006, but while we call this a
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reali realignment, we saw them do well in places lnie northern vir where they have jennifer wexton beating barbara comstock, doing very well over republicans, and also in hampton to norfolk, where elaine won, but in all those areas, they are really urban or suburban america, democrats did well. republicans didell in rural america and in red states where president trump had won in 2016 by very large margins, and so i think that ended up creating a bit of a split decision. big wins for democrats in urban and suburban america and big wins for republicans in rural america. >>ll right, mark murray, senior political edito f nbc news, appreciate the time. >> thank you. the girl scouts are going after the boy scouts with a federal lawsuit. the organization says the boy scouts rebranding effort causes confusi
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confusion. last year, the boy scouts orhenization announced ty are dropping "boy" from the name and startdmitting girls. now the girl scouts claim that families looking to sign up their girls were falsely told that the two groups had merged. in the complaint, the girl scouts said the boy scouts had no right to monopol words like "scout" or "suting" when they offer services to girls. new information about a crash that sent a school bus flipping to its side. we know that w four people hurt. none of them were students. police say the bus was headed northeast to northeast high school this morning with 11 students on board when it crashed into an suvn glen burnie. the bus driver, an taide, and other people in the vehicle had minor injuries, but expected to be okay. od news there. turning now to the weather, which is good news. >> yeah.nd >> nice dry today. so good. >> yeah. >> not carrying a raincoat and umbrella. >> yeah.
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you know, not real coats, temperatures in the 60s in most areas. >> so nice. >> really nice ternoon. saw the sun early, but now the clouds hav moved in, more than i expected during the day today, but looking out there, nice afternoon on a wednesday. a lot of cloud cover. notice the fall colors inct ful efere across our region. a lot of color now in our area, a sw start, for re, but it's out there. current temperature is 62 degrees so that's right around or a little bit above average. winds southwest at 7 miles per hour. the rest of the region is 50s to the north where we ha more oud cover, and 57 in ic fred 59 in martinsberg, charlottesville at 66 degrees and 61 in huntingtown.a stilce afternoon out there on our wednesday. shower activity, nothing in our area, but look, radar picking up stuff to the west, and not reaching the ground, but don't be surprised in the area toa se sprinkle or two back well to the north and west of the city, and then later tonig as the storm system moves to the south,
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i'll show you this, here it is, the storm to the so bh in atlant time storms in the area, could see shower activity coming through parts of the southern regis, but i not expecting much. now, this system was back to the west yesterday, and i wasok g at this, computer models had sun today, and i was looking at the storm besk to the yesterday, way back towards kansas city, thinking we got to put more clouds in, so i put more clouds in the forecast, bt enough. there was a lot more clouds than season shine in the area, so sorry, everybody. 62 degrees in the day, and look at new york, up to 61, 64 in boston today because they saw the sun. 71 in raleigh, 38 in chicago. we got t colder air just to the north that's poised to make its way in othere, but tomorrow. tomorrow, cooler, starting to see cooler air move in, temperature 54 degrees, starting with sun, but clouds move in ahead of the nt storm system. 54, nice weather at noon, but need a jacket. cloudy tomorrow afternoon as the nextintorm moves
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up to 57 degrees, and then we'll see the rain chance on friday. 100% chance of rain, heavy at times, especially along in west of i-95, 54 degrees for the high temperature. much colder for the weekend. 47 saturday and breezy, so that gives you a wind chill. close to freeding, a cold start sunday. we may see the first freeze in the city on sunday. temperature there around 47 degrees, but really think we're going to get that first freeze in the middle of next ek. the my winter outlook, by the way, coming up for you at 4:00, 7:0 5:00, and the big show at 6:00. don't miss that, the winter otlook coming up monday, and just in time for winter to kind of move in on wednesday. >> all right. drum roll. >> looksle t. bringing out the winter coat, like, seriously, next thanks. the holidays are approaching. how much are you planning on ma? >> consumer reporter susan hogan explains why more consumers are
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>> now to a 4tory news has been working on. >> suffering in silence behind the badg >> explaining how one local police department is working to change minds about mental health. ♪ >> it's okay not to feel okay. to know, you're not going lose your job. we want you to seek help. >> xfair county police chief s candid in hopes of saving lives. >> i see a counselor, and i'm a human being. this profession and life in general, is something that complicates our day-to-day decision making unfortunately, as first responders, we are seeing horrific scenes over and over again, and, also,ealing with the stress of people that are just having the worst day of their lives. >> reporter: in 2017, more police officers and firefighters died by suicide than all line of
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duty deaths combined. the chief is trying to change that by speaking openl about his own post-traumatic stress disorder and wants first responders to know they are not alone so he started to show this raw and emotional video at all police roll calls back in january. >> i felt it's time my little world wou b be muchter off without me in it. >> chief t thinkss video prevents suicides, what do you think? >> i think it already has. i honestly do.k i thin it already has. you know, i think people have reached out for help. i know they have. >> reporter: coming up tonight on news 4, hear from some of the first responders featured in the powerful roll call video as they share their personalri s of heart breaks in hopes of encouraging others to seek it's an important story, and we hope you'll join us for that tonight on news 4 at 5:00 and 6:00. commend the chief for being so vulnerable to be able to
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share that, and i th's comforting for a lot of people to hear it's okay not to be okay. >> sure. it's people who carry badges and guns need help, it's no surprise so many of us >>do. nd it's okay. >> thank you. still ahead, managing your money. >> working for you wit easy tips that anybody can follow to getting yourself back on t right financial track. >> from a pair of native american women to a somalia refugee to the first openly gay man elected governor. >> next, history made in
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ifou are just joining us at 4:30, we continue to work breaking news right now. president trump general jeff sessions out. gathering details what it means for the mueller live update as we get them here on news 4. last night wasf a night firsts for countless congressional candidates elected. here are the big firsts. two women tlail in michigan and omar in minnesota areir the muslim women elected to the house. also, debor hold land in new mexico and davids in kansas are e first native american women elected to the house. how about the youngest? we saw that in alexania, cortez, youngest congresswoman ever elected.
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congressman polis is the first openly gay governorth i country, from the state of colorado. locally here, we also had a lot offirsts, angela is the first female county executive in prince george's county, and bowser, is the first woman towi a second term in the district of columbia as mayor. this is a bigger picture of the women elected to congress. at least 111 women elected, and that includes the first female senator from tennessee, marsha blackburn. also on the list, the fst female governors of south dakota and maine, and also overall here, 40 women ofolor who are now headed to the >>use. some of tuesday's african-american women pioneers are first time candidate, others, political veterans, most considered long shots. many said the campaigns were in ired by shirley chishom, the w
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first blaan elected to congress 50 years ago to this week. we have today's "talk around town," and saw historic wins women of color last night. listeners saying about it today? >> pat, listeners are ecstatic and happy so many womenf color were elected to congress. they do think it's a, you know, long overe, but they hope that this inspires young women of colo to seek to serve as well. you know, we have a big celebrion in princegeorge's county, as you mentioned, minutes ago, about angel becoming prince jorm's first female county executive. llisteners spoke about it night and this morning, and, in fact, listen to this o person, barbara. >> i'm so excited to see so many women who decided to take the lead in politics, whether they won or loss, theealize their voices matter. women are changing the face of politics. for example, the new prince george's county executive, she
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shared throughout her entire campaign everyone will have a seat the the table, and that includes women. >> a lot ofer folks are excited about that, and a lot stayed up late awaiting the races in georgia and florida, and there's a race in georgia with abrams who is hopinglhe will p it off. she'd be the first black governor -- the first african-american female governor in the country. what are they saying about the races and hoping as the country moves ahead now getti ready for the first 2020 presidential >>ners are saddened by isce. andrew not winning the florida race. they know he's more than qualified. that shows there's divide in the country, and our listers know
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it's still important to be engaged,connected,register, and vote. also, in georgia, the listeners keeping evething crossed that abrams wins the race too, she, too, more thanie qual what we hear from listeners time and time again heading into the ial elections is the candidates get away from the racial overtones with campaign adinterviews, and really focus on the issues, not that are only of importance to african-americans, but all americans, like health insurance, mentahealth, services for the veterans and unemployment and focus on that, and that is is presidential candidate or candidates that show concern for all aricans, and not just a few. >> many believe there was not enough talk on the iues in the campaign. thank you, taylor. >> thank you. >> thanks, pat. ariana grande had a heart breaking couple of years, and a lo really riding on today. she dropped a new music video and performing on "e listllen",
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it was almost perfect, almost -- -- oh, my gosh -- >> oh, shere vers. she's all right. she's s good, shod, giggles later in the performance, and then there was anotheroops. ellen expected her to stick around and chat aer the performance, but then this happened. >> she's gone. left. hi. >> hi. >> you were supposed to come down? >> yeah. you left me. >> i thought i was done. >> no. >> you, knhe performance seemed to be emotional at times, really. grande's made headlines in the last couple weeks forup breakin he relationship with pete davidson from "saturday night live," but wishing them both the best. how much credit card debt e you in from last year's holiday shopping. what experts expect from shoppers this year, and you may be surprised how womenfo budget the holidays, plus, more details on the breaking news,
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jeff sessions is no longer the attorney general. what we are lenning about what's what we are lenning about what's happening at the white house it hasn't always been eas has it? ♪ there have been days when you doubted yourself. ♪ and days when you were ready to quit. ♪ but you didn't. ♪ because you had the courage to venture into something powerful. education. if i leave you with just three words of advice: never...stop...growing [cheering]
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it is hard to believe, but 's time to start thinking about holiday shopping. >> this new report released says you' going to be generous this holiday season. >> is that what it says? >> we're going to be really ge rous, despite paying o last year's bills. a consumer reporter susan hogan is looking the trends as we head into the holidays. generous, susan? >> reporter: , you bet! i'll tell you, though, it is so easy to let the spirit of the season turn into a spending s tsunami that costs more than expected, and this year, yes, it looks like it's more challenging
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to pay off our bills. nerd wallet surveyed more than 2,000 americans about the spending plan for the 18 holiday shopping season. shoppers say they plan to spend on average $776 this season, $116 more than last year. 73% plan to use credit cards to buy the gifts, up from 58% last year, and this all despite 40 million mens are still paying off last balances from last holiday season, and, ladies, surveys say we plan to spend less than men. surveyg on black friday found majority of us plan to stay at home, shopping online, rather than standing in long lines at our loc malls. back to you guys. >> but if you are paying from last year, you're not going to be one of those spending $100
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some more, right? >> me, personally? mennot surprised to see the struggle because they wait the longest and say whatever you haved, wrappe i'll take it, and there's the surcharge. t' exactly. >>not even thanksgiving yet, but christmas is coming early this year for adults, aldi releasing the wine and cheese advent calendar starting today. take a look. they are two separate calendars, one filled with 2 mini bottles of 12 wines, that costs $70, and the other one is 24 kinds of imported cheeses for $13. heads up, though, the calendars are only available while a supplies last if they are anything like the version sold last year in the u.k., you expect for these things to flyf he shelves. >> going like hot cakes. still ahead, we are working for you. helping you to manage your money ahead of the holidays. continuing to do that. >> that' right. waters are tricky to navigate,
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but fear not, we have tips to getting you back on track. hi, amelia! >> check itout, this is what you expect tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m., temperatures starting off in th 40s. it's going to be dry tomorrow, but doug and i track rain on friday. wel let you know how i'l t you know when you're at ross and you find a deal on cookware that makes you say. yes! ...oh, yeah! bring on the holidays! that's yes for less. everything you need to pe p, cook and serve up ason. it feels even better when you find it for less-at ross. yes for less.
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and you realize you are the the hostess with the mostest. you know when you're at ross yes! yeah! that's yes for less. entertain in style all season long. it feels even better when you find it for less-at ross. yes for less. entertain in style all season long. jeff sessis forced out as attorney general, that tops the four things to know. >> we are chiching you up afternoon. hours after the democrats took control of the house, presidest trump req and accepted sessions' resignation. >> president trump has been upset with sessions over the attorney general's recusal in the russian probe, asking matthew akwh is overseeing theio investig >> i'll answe that a a different time.
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>> that was president trump refusing to answer a question about seions' future. the news conference was shortar before we d sessions was forced out. he refused to comment on rosenstein's job security. balance of the power is split. democrats n have control of the house s andeveral important governorships, butreepublicans able to hold on to the senate. the democrats flipped a total of 23 house seats. election officials in prince george's county say human error is to blame for long lines after polling wsstations. has learned that more than a dozen polling places ran out of paper ballots. he director of the board o elections says turnout exceeded expectations. all of the results and all of the story lines from last night continued into today. they are all in the nbc washgton app right now. well, just about all of us haved credit c or two. it's just when two turns into three, four, or five, that you
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can have a problem. >> right, right, what do you do? when you owe more money than you >> allew week,s 4 is giving you smart ways to make your money work for you. >> reporter: getting at cre card is quick and g sy, but gettt of debt is any anything but. >> people with the highest debt are 34 to 55, and the average debt is now up to $134,000 per person. >> reporter: if you make the minimu c payment, itld take years to pay off your card. samantha is a managing partner at wealth management. she advises lot of clients, especially women, on how to avoid financial pitfalls and get fiart about their financial future. t off, know the difference between good credit and bad credit. >> mortgages tend to a good debt because hopefully that's -- instead of paying an reartment, yoinvesting in something you hope grows in value over the long
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bad , medical debt, credit carddebt, auto loans. >> reporter: if you have too much credit card debt, here's four things to do to change your financial outlook. number pe,oritize your debt. know where the money is going and how much is going out. then make some tough decisions. >> you actually want to focus on the debt wh the highest interest rate, and get that down first. >> reporter: call your credit card company a transfer some the balances. as for the looming student >> call the government and you can qualify for an income based repaent plan so it's based on income percentages instead of overall, and in some cases, you can qualify to have it forgiven completely. >> repter: if you have medical debt, talko your provider to pay off the debt in a lump sum at a lower rate. she suggests using funds from the t401k loapay debts. >> worst case, i had a client with a sizable 401k, but a
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credit card debt so large all she could do was make minimum payments. we took a loan from the401k, and somehow she's paying interest instead, but paying less on the credit cards and will be paid off on our 401k alone in five years. >> she has more smart moneyti . don't sign up for multiple credit cards. resist the urge. n't max out the cards that you have because that hurts your credit score and ability to borrow. third, as you pay off credit cards, she suggests c themup. finally, monitor your credit rating using the free annual services. >> gooder advice the. >> yes, indeed. all right. turning now to the weather. >> doug, i saw rain in the forecast. >> which yes. >> that's a bad indicator. >> oh, boyn >> there's r in the forecast. >> we don't need more, though, right? ix not at all.
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we are already the wettest year ever with two months to go. e we'll have more rain over the next couple days. out there right now -- what? >> you got a microphone? microphone is dead too? >> oh, boy. over here. i'm over here. >> borrow mine. can you hear me now? >> want this? g got me? do we have us? >> hey, there we go. all right! the microphone is working again. >> here's a spare. >> amazing. you have to have a microphone. you can't hear me through television. if i talk -- okay, talkbout the weather and show you how things are going. pat said it's going to rain, yes, it is, but right now, it's good. as far as the sun is concerned, not a lot this afternoon. temperature right now62 a degrees, dropping through the 50s by 11:00, but clearing out, and it's a nice nightin m our way through the night, 60 in college park, and 58 degrees in reston. rainfall? well, noticet's rainn
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mainsburg, it's just not hitting the ground. inn't be surprised to see the sprinkles, get thehield wipers going a bit. it's from a storm system in theu south bringicloud cover in the area, but all in all, tomorrow looking better. clouds in the afternoon, 57 degrees. rain frid, theay, 100% chande o rain, much colder weather for the weekend on saturday and sunday. let's talk a little bit more about fridaynd your weekend. amelia has a closer look at that, and her microphone is definitely working. >> you know, doug, i'll be honest, it was not on when we started the segment, looked down, and thanks to yours being off, mine is on. >>ecause of yourmistake, i'm great. >> team work, right? orm team 4. anywa anyways, talking friday about the showers and rain. f for thday morning commute, some wet roads, not everybody is dealing with in, though, it looks like friday morning, but in the lunchtime hours, more rain is across the area so a lot of usre going to be dealing
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with welt roads, and by the evening commute, it is going to be a soggy ride home for your friday night, unfortunatelily, arting off the weekend on a wet note. you might want to get out of work a few minutessearly bec that ride home on friday could be a bit the bus stop friday, for the kids, showers are possible. let them wait in the car until the bus is there. recessou be indoors, and after school activities, rain is looking likely. that's when you pick a movie now and prepared with either a movie or indoor activities friday i afternooo friday evening. as we look to the weekend, it is 47 degrees for a high, both saturday and sunday it is blustery on saturday. sunday, it is a cold start with temperatures in the 20s and 30s talking abo widespread freeze conditions. could be the first time this season that the district to around 32 degrees, and overall, those high day andtures, doug, sat sunday, running 15 degrees below normal. >> yeah.
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absolutely. going to be cold for the weekend. going to be cold next week too. even colder conditions, so, yeah, this is on the cold side, but look what happens here. we get io theow 40s, 42 for a high on wednesday, and some areas could be in the 30s for high tempetures on dnesday, with rather wind chills in the 30 range. next wednesday, thursday, friday, even into saturday, r that's somelly cold air for this time of year. you may have heard about the polar vortex,yeah, a little piece making its way down in the mid- lantic and northeast nex week. a little early, it's not unusual, early, though. lookt monday, by the way, winter outlook coming out. we'll talk about it. >> i can't wait to see it. thanks, doug. the polar vortex -- thank you, doug. multiple robberies in matter of hours? coming up, the search high and low forhe suspects, but, first, wendy and leon are in the newsroom with what's coming up on news 4 at 5:00. hello! >> guys, we continue to follow
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developments, of course, the big story of the day,he resignation/firing of jeff sessions as attorney general. >> w i knewwas going to come after the midterms, but this time, it was less than 24 hours after the election. ahd, what this means now thatra the democ have control of the house. working for your health tonight.m you know t the nicknames, the bravest, finest, the strongest. >> first rponders face a as anyafter hours great faced on the job. a struggle with depression, thoughts of suicide. tonight, the local department and the powerful message they are sharing to remove thean stia change minds. we'll see you in a few minutes. on news 4 at 5: >> all right, thank you. stay with us. stay with us. cong right back.mi stay with us. cong right back.mi (music throughout)
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>> reporter: according to police, the beginning of the end started here, ithe 3900 block of blaine street northeast. a man carjacked a man at gunpoint, crosshe the capital street bridge, got to the 1600 block of mass avenue in southeast. >> we hear sirens a lot, but it didn't stop. >> reporter: she moved to the area just four months ago. she had just put her 18 month old baby down to sleep noticed a parade of flashing red and blue lights. >> my husband looked out the front window and saw cars fly ,. epr:t sas spotlight of a d.c. police helicopter scanning the area. she pulhed out t phone and started recording. >> it was just doing circles arhend t backyard, which is really different, so it had that spotlight going, which was -- they were definitely tracking amething. >> reporter: ander ditching the car, the suspects streamed through therylley tg to outrun the police. they did notet far, though, caught and arrested for a number of crimes including six
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robberies, carjackings, and attempted robberies, and police say it happened within 24 hours. the outcome is much needed peace of mind for the new mom. >> the police response was strong and they were on top of it, and makes me feel definitely safer. >> rsorter: no southeast, n 4. that's all for us at this hour. we turn things over now to wendd leon working multiple breaking stories including the ousting of jeff ssions, wendy? >> thank you, pat, we start with a whirlwind day at the white house. jeff sessions is, indeed, out, and this is less than 24 hours after tho midterms, and good evening. i'm wendy. >> i'miseon ha the battled general resigning today in a later saying his resignation came at presidentes trump's re >> this move could mean major implications for special counselor robert mueller'sn. investigat pete williams looks at what's next. i think mr. sessions anticipateder this. were signs in the last couple of months he was
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asalizing that his time as attorney general coming to a close. we're going to have a g new attorneral, new acting torn general while the president decides to nominatesomeone, matt whitaker, a former u.s. attorney in iowa during the bush administration. he's been chief of staff to the attorney general now for a little over a year, and under the federal vacancies act, the president had a senior position at the stice department acting attorney general so what this means is that rosenstein will ng be the person in charge of overseeing the robert muelleo investig this new acting attorney general can do anything the attorney general does, has the authorities of an attorney general, so that means that robert mller now will appoint and report to the attorney general who will not be rescued, so that means rob rosenstein now hands the authority over to the special counsel back to, in this case, the acting attorney general.
5:00 pm
>> well, the story has been developing all eafternoon. weoing to have updates as we get them. also, at 5:30,ite'll talk nbc about what the resignation meanith democrats now set to take control of the house of representatives. that's enough, put dow the microphone. >> sessions' departure cam hours after a wild and often contentious press conferen. the president going after members of the immediamedia andn his own party. we are in the ns room wit a closer look at that today. what a performance. >> what a press conference. the presidentea spoke fory an hour and a half, but when asked directly about possible staffing changings at the white house or cabinet, brushed them off. on several occasions, the a president wener the media. >> that's enough. that's enough. >> mr. president -- >> that's enough. that's enou. >> pardon me, ma'am -- >> that's enough. you are a rude
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