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tv   News4 Today  NBC  December 2, 2018 9:00am-10:00am EST

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the afternoon. we'll be dealing with fog and stndmi drizzle. look at this. it's amess. low visibility across the board. beareful because i am seeing visibility below a quarter of a mile sohis is what you're ncountering as you make your way out the door. maybe headed off to get the christmas tree ochanukah celebrations. today is the first day of chanukah for all of our jewish nviewers. you see through montgomery county and baltimore, it's foggy everywhere. we have a few areas of drizzle, definitely mist across the region. going to keep a chance for an isolated shower moving through the teures are in the 40s. we have 58 degrees down in. is mary's. what is gng on with temperatures in the 50s? we'll have a big spread ines temperatnce again today. we'll talk about how warm your
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neighborhood gets in 15 tminute. nk you so much, lauryn. 9:00 on the dot. preparations are under way to honor our 41st president. george h.w. bush will be returning to washington tomorrow for days of memoria and funeral services. >> derrick ward is life outside the washington national cathedral with a look at this week's vends. good morng, derrick. >> good morning, we are outside the national cathedral where they are preparing for the funeral on wednesday for 41st president george h.w. bush. here is the listing of the y events as te posted., mond tomorrow there will be an arrival at joint base andrews from texas. it will be a brief ceremony before the procession and motorcade proceeds to the u.s.t ca after a short service at the capitol, the former president will lie in state between about 7:30 p.m. monday through 8:45 in the mor on wednesday.
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the public can line up before the monday viewing at the u.s. capitol. here at the national cathedral on wednesday after the lying in state at t rotunda, the service will begin at 11:00 a.m. d it will then be back to joint base andrews to fly to texas. he are the stree closures and routes among the various es prons. once the president is back in l texas it w an interesting set of ceremonies there. he will be flown to texas and a procession to st. martin's episcopal church. from there, the president will be taken to a train where will be a train ride with a funeral car to texas a&m university. that's the site of th memorial library where he will be intred there after service next to his wife of 73 years, barbara. dnesday has beeneclared add
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national day of mourning so the federal government and other agencies and businesses in ehe city will be closed. that should m traffic issues a little less acute nut youd to be aware that will go on wednesday if you're moving around the city. live outside the national thedral. derrick ward, news 4. back to you. >> thank you for that infoheation. if's one spot you would find the bush family dining around here it was peking gourmet inn. othe restaurant filled wi pictures on the walls. george h.w. bush and his wife barbara ate there for decades. darcy spencer talked to the restaurant's owner about the death of his friend. >> he's not only a great president but he's a warm person. a lot of personal things. you can feel it. s heh a gentleman. he'd talk to you when you need him. >> the owner says when his father died president called him to offer condolences
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and he talked with him for about 15 minutes. one member of our news 4 family had been c especiallyse with the bush family for years. our own barbara harrison stopp byo share her feelings on the former president. >> when i woke up to the news this morning i felt really sad. those of us with parents who reach their 90s liveith the realization that their days with us, no matter how healthy they are, might be numbered. i met george h.w. bush during my first job as a reporter in dallas, texas, in the summer of 1980. i was sent to the republican national convention in detroit. knowing george bush was on ronald reagan's short list for ce president, although t choice was top secret, i was invited to the suite where the bush family was gathering, i knew he was about to accepthe number two position and i wondered if he felt a sense of i disament that he wasn't at the top of the tickets. but he accepted his role with the same determination to be the best at whatever he did --
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baseball, world war ii pilot, ambassador, whatever. when i came to wasngton in 1981 i was often with the bushes during one assignment or another.he of allhings i came to know about them both over the years was their devotion and duty to family. and with both of them, it was hard to appreciate the depth of the loss that they felt when, many yearsater, they were still grieving over th daughter robin who had died of leukemia when she was three years old. with all the years they passed and the highs and lows they faced during their lives, nothing seemed tmute the indelible grief they were left with when their daughter died. w that when i saw this cartoon that jenna bush hager posted on instagram it made me smile. it shows the president and his wife barbara bush with their daughter robin at thile years old in heaven with a quote saying "we waited for you."
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>> for many it's that image that gives them comfort durin this me of extreme sadness. now we want to move on to a dramatic crash in the district involving four vehicles. d.c. fire says four people were taken to the hospital after several vehicles sma yesterday on 11th street in columbia heights. one of the persons had serious injuries. the impact of the crash was so loud it sent people ruiring out of tomes to find out what happened. and when neighbors arrived they found the cops with their guns drawn. >> we saw some police officers arresting somebody and it looked like somebody else had been handcuffed already and a lot more law enforcement showed up. a couple fire trucks, an ambulance, all very quickly. >> so far, no word on what led up to that crash or anyone being taken into custody. meantime, new details about the young man killed on the clara barton parkway. the victim is identified as
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21-year-old sachin dewage. he wasd in the crash when two vehicles collided near lock five. two other people had life threatening injurion. no worhat happened in that accident. a manhunts under way to find whoever stabbed a good samaritan in baltimore. you're looking at the neighborhood where police say a woman wasin stabbed de of her car yesterday. police say jacqueline smith died at the hospital. they say she was riding in the passenger's seat and rolled dowo her w to give money to a woman who was carrying a cardboard sign thatai please help feed my baby. that's when a man reached into the car and tried to grab her wallet and stabbed her. police are now looking for a man who may be in his 30s with a goatee and they're looking for the woman carrying that sign. a u.s. navy admiral was und dead inside his home in the middle east. the navy confirm head diedsi his home in bahrain. he oversaw american forces in
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the middle east and was commander of the bahrain-based fifth fleet. the navy says foul play is not suspected and didn't explain the cause of death. he was a chicagoti . a dangerous virus seems to be spreading at the university of maryland. 22 students have been diagnosed with a virus that led to a freshman's death. last month, a student who lived on campus died from complications of the adeknee virus. the university is wking to combat mold in dorm which is some think could be connected to the virus. the same virus killed a dozenew children injersey. as winter approaches the cold can be brutal. that's why one localroup will host an event to help keep the a homeless . the group friendship place will hold a winter warmthnt et the washington hebrew congregation. people can shop for fcle winter othing, enjoy a meal and get a fr hair cut. it starts at 2:30 this
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afternoon. some kids are homeless fourly for being themselves. half of homeless youth in the district identify as lgbtq. now an organizationki is w to help them get off the street and back on track. see how they're helping nexon news 4t t
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♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪
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the coming winter months can be deadly for the mos vulnerable people in our g about the homeless. >> and more than halctof the dist youth identify as lgbtq. >> meagan fitzgerald met a young man whose life has been turned around because he meund the righors. >> reporter: it's a big night for treyvelle.
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>> i want to give some finger food to give them a taste of what i do. >> reporter: he's prepwhing an evenere hundreds of people can try his food as a way of making a name r his catering business. in addition to serving people, he also gives back. >> i'm a peer educator. i'm on my way to be to be an hi urer. life had been a y. j >> reporter: hrney started on the streets of d.c. as a teenager, he was in and out of jail, hanging with the wron crowd. i was smoking and drinking, standing out, fighting. >> reporter: he internalized his depression and anger. it caused him to lash out in a way his mother couldn't control so he bounced from place to place before he had nowhere else to sleep but on the streets. >> i have to get myself together >> reporter: that's when he found smyal, an organization that houses, mentors, and helps lgbt youth struggling to find ofeir way. some are kicked ouheir homes because of who they are. >> i didn't have stable place. i was on the street.
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and smyal noticed that and was like let me give you a place to stabilize your life, and that's what they did. >> reporter: so now this young man with a troubled past -- >> i'm gng to fly these and s t the flour over top of it. >> reporter: -- pe for a brighter future. >> whatever you feel, sadness, anger, rage, confusion, let that push you to where you need to be. >> reporter: in the district, meagan fitzgerald, news 4. >> good advice there for sure. open the window and take a live look at the white house. you can see the fog in the distance there. it's kind of a gloomytart to our sunday morning but the situation could improve today and, angie? >> yes. >> snow is in theca fo. stick around, laun hasry t
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incidents of hate crimes are growing across northern virginia. >> but community leaders are falling barf. inth leaders came together address what they can do to help with the problem. >> northern virginia bureau chief julie carey has the story. >> reporter: swastikas spray painted on the jewish community center in fairfax county. kkk recruitment yers left in driveways. a deadly rampage after the unite the right rally in charlottesville. n the rise in virginia and fairfax county. the number of cases up by 50% last year.
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>> this hate is turning violentq too ntly. >> reporter: that's why virginia's attorney general huddling with community leaders in a series of round tables to get feedback on how to strengthen state law to more aggressively go after those committing bias crimes. >> hate crimes are designed to put fear in an entire community. >> reporter: a different location, same topic as the police chief uated the board of supervisors on how his department is attacking hate crimes. alongside him, someone who knows well how these incidents can impact the community. deaf dannic heads that jcc hit twice with vandalism. ane most recent incident just days before a gupened fire at a pittsburgh synagogue. >> the fact that pittsburgh happened a week later makes us p feel liky paint is the tip of the iceberg and that anything is possible now. >> reporter: he says it's the cumulative effecteof one case another that can change how we live.
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a real example for him -- spotting an unattended gym bag in fro of the jcc sets off alarm bells. >> what seems like an innocent , ing can be terrifying. >> reporter: sti takes heart in the way the community is pushing back against neo-nazis, white supremacist groups and others. interfaith groups are standing together. t >> we hawork through this. we have to live our lives and continue to do what we think is right and reach out to our fellow citizens. >> reporter: in northern virginia, julie carey, news 4. so we're live on facebook ight now and we've scared everybod >> we haven't scared anybody, just let them know there's an interesting forecast coming up. >> we told them 20 inches of snow but that was overboard, right? you're making this hard for lauryn. >>dsour social media f are going to be blowing up in the next couple days with these
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models pushing out this snow for next sunday. it's week away. we have a chance for some snow. way too early to tell. don't believe any of the sociat meteorolog >> i didn't know if i need to stock up on my pop-tarts now. >> just don't. stay calm.ut we'll talk a that in a second but we want to talke abot fog. the fog is bad. we have dense fog across the region this is our capitol camera right there and you can see it's foggy. so it's damp, foggy, dreary out there early on this sunday morning and we have stray showers possible. i'm going to keep a chance for stray showers through the day today. i don't think we'll have them. especially le yesterday. maybe about a 10%, 20% chanceee you'll a stray showers but it's wet and foggy.
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i believe we could he late peeks of sun by this afternoon. temperatures will be in the 50s and 60s for daytime highs today. visibility, you can see it's down anne arundel county and down into southern maryland to the eaern shore so a you make your way out to chuh and run errands, be careful. current temperatures, fairly mild. our average is the low 50s. now, areas to the sout southern maryland and the eastern shore are warmer. the reason, g we've a warm front going down like this throoh fredericksburg areas on the south side warmer, areas n thee north side stuck 40s. that frontal system will rise up a bit today. i don't think it will clear the d.c. area but i thinkte our eratures will be in the 50s. either way, temperatures will be above normaltoday.
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again, we have clouds, maybe a passing shower through theay so if you are headed out to get a tree. know they will be wet from yesterday. decorating later on this afternoon looks good for that but be careful because it's sl fk. cool andgy out there. we're headed into the upper 50s. peeks of afternoon sun. t's time thi out. we could have a stray shower here and there. is it likely?no but we have a chance for it. we hope to have a chance for clearing later this afternoon where we g sunshine. we won't have much time because the sun goes down at 4: so we ve a couple hours with sunshine but a chance of a stray shower won't amount to much. temperatures for everybody will be in the mid to upper 50s ando into tuesday those temperatures are in the 40s. a f flurries on wednesday and then what i was talking about, possibly know on sunday,
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something we'll watch. don'tre actually out about it yet but we will watch and let you know what we're expecting for that. of good day, i'm carrie dann nbc news. with the 2018 midterms in the history books, the democrats who think they might like to take on donald trump in 2020 are wasting no time as they start jockeying for position on a very crowded primary stage. we saw massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, long considered a 2020 contender, delivering a foreign policy speech that reked trump on ade in the middle east. next week, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg will head to iowa, the first in the nation caucus state. will billionaire tom steyer. both men spent big bucks helping democrats in the midterms and they may hope to parlay that good will into a presidential rub. new jersey senator cory booker is heading to new hampshire to try to makes inro in that important primary state.
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and those are just a few of t 2020 hopefuls planning moves in 2020 hopefuls planning moves in december with plenty more you know when you're at ross and you find their favorite hero at a price that makes you the hero? yes. that's yes for less. yes! with hot holiday toys for all ages, ross is your toy destination. it feels even better when you find it for less, at ross: yes for less. when you find it for less, the best internet meets the best things to do on the internet.
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>> come again? >> that's what i said. >> more than 50 inmates are suing after the state got rid of so-called reading rooms at statr tional facilities. is this story for real >>yes. >> a spokesperson for the department of corrections said it was spending resources to screen, maintain and supervise e use of the materials. >> an attorney says the inmates will need to clearly stateow the n policy harms them and what law violates. the prisoners are asking for $25,000 to be put into their accounts to keep this going. >> ngress. >> how about that? today you'll be able to buy a gldt that c help you save during the holidays. let's getac on track. target will be offering its own giftpards worth to $300 for 10% off. the deal only happens once a year and it's ailable for stores on the company's web site
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but it doesn't include gift cards other retailers sell in the store. gift cards can be redeemed monday morning. >> so only target. >> that's right. a christmas spectac lit up the night sky in braz. rio's most famous holiday symbols -- this is pretty. the tree was illuminated with more than two million lights. its metal lagoon and is 230 feet tall. thousands of people gathered to see the light display and fireworks. the tree was missing for two years because they didn't have ete funds to put on the show and that's probably expensive but how spectacular? >> that is beautiful. let's bring it back closer to home. open up the window and look e outside wh's foggy, misty, damp. >> buzz kill. >> we could be talking about snow in the foreca . sticaround, lauryn has that when wcome back.e waiting for a liver transplant..
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welcome back. the nation continues to mourn for former president george h.w. bush. now plans areet for washington's final good-bye to the 41st president. >> it's not all tears,s snell takes time to remembe bush's un sense of humor he brought to the white house. president trump is back in the u.s. as nbc news learns new details about a trump company project that is part of the special counsel's russia probe.
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>> thank you for being heif. ou aren't up and out of bed, time to face the day. you won't likeeaheer forecast. >> you don't have to. if you can stay in bed, i would do that. >> that kind o weather. >> let's be honeu , if d a choice what would you do? >> i would be in bed but i can't, i have three little people that tell me to get out of bed. >> yesterday was aay like that where you could watch the. movi today won't be as wed as yesterday but we'll have mist and drizzle. fog as you can see. i don't see all of this lifting out of here uil after the lunch hour and then we may get peeks of sunshine but i'll kclp
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ds around for much of the day. so fog, drizzle through the morning. we have the chancef a stray shower possible and i'll keep that chance through the day as well. we have aig spread in temperatures despite the cloud cover. temperatures anywhere from the theto the 60s but a look at visibility out there right now, not good. please leave yourself extra time. also look at nex weekend where we could see snow. >> we're all ears for that one, thanks, lauryn. the 41st predent will l in state at the capitol rotunda this week. president george h.w. bush's body will be flown to d.c. tomorrow followi a ceremony with house and senate members. then the public will be ableo pay their respect. the capitol will remain open ayom 7:30 p.m. through wedne morning. on wednesday the government will cle for his funeral at the washington national cathedral. on thursday, mr. bush will be laid to restn the grounds of his presidential library at
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texas a&m university. open our nbc washington app. we just posted more details about the schedule of services and tributes in washington. >> gracious and courageous are some of the words being recalled for president bush. derrick ward talked to his former press officer to talk about the relationship he had withhe media.ri >> forin clark taylor, the former president's passing leaves an empty space. >> even though i've steeled myself and built a wall of resolve, it still hurts. i miss my friend. >> reporter: she was a press officer during the latter days of george h.w. bush' presidential term and his director of media relations through his presidency.s there mething of a theme that ran through both periods. >> hremained unflappable in times of crisis, calm, analytical. >> reporter: and the
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personal remembrances. his meeting her parents and comforting her on the loss of her mother in an environment of an executive office that doesn't lend itself to much emotion. >> he allowed me that and he gave me that he'd call everand then or send cards, called to check on my father. reporter: and the lighter moments, like the time her theny oung son got to meet the then vice president. >> leaned down, said hello, who have we here, picked him up and put him on his shoulders, gave i a horsey ride. >>. >> reporter: aexciting moment for sure. but things took an unexpected turn. >> his little cheeks were inflating and i thought, don't blow, please don't blow like a geyser? of course, he did. he threw up all over the vice president's head. >> reporter: she said the vice president handleit like a true statesman. the vice president took him off his shoulders and said "that's
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the last time i'll hold your ch d, kristin." he is my friend still, i don't want to use past tense. >> reporter: derrick ward, news 4. some tributes not so emotional like the tribute a few hours ago on "saturday night live". >> on a serious note, friday night former president george h.w. bush passed away. he was 94 years old. our thoughts and condolences go ou to his family and friend >> president bush was famously a very warm and gracious man who always understood the power in being able to laugh at yourself. >> thousand points of light still operating, coming in froms ale areas. [ laughter ] not gonna do it. not gonna do it. >> dana, george bush here. i'm watching you do your impression of me and i've got to say, it's nothing like me. bears no resemblance. it's bad.
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it's bad. >> well, i'm sorry mr. president, i think it's a fair impression. >> don't seet. it's totally exaggerated. it's not me, those crazy hand gestures. the pointing thing. i don't do them. also, "na ga da?" never said tha in all my years of service, i "n never once saiga da." [ applause ] >> so great. >> so many people were surprised find out how fun he was, the people around him, the reporters that covered him. he had a sense of humor and he was really known for his authenticity, for really keeping it real before staying 100 or keeping it 100 was a thing. but we will have much more on the president's passing and the tributes all mornis on new 4 today. >> time is 9:36. d.c. police are trying to find whoever is responsible forin ki a 19-year-old woman from
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alexandria. detectives say nia reynolds was found with a gunshot wound inside a he on 57th place southeast on friday night. she later died at the hospital. police are offering a $25,000 reward for information that helps solve that case. also, a dramatic crash in the district that sent several people to the hospital. d.c. fire says four people were hurt after several vehicles smashed together in columbia heights. .is happened on 11th stre the impact of the crash was so loud it sent some people running out of their homes to find out what happened. some neighbors say it looked like officers were tto arrest someone and someone was in handcuffs.ha no word onled up to the crash or anyone being taken into custody. could a trump tower be built in russia? nbc news has learned eve information about possible plans just as esident trump heads home from the g20 summit in argentina. a kremlin spokesperson is saying mr. trump's former personal oh
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lawyer michael contacted russia in january of 2016. keir simmons personally saw two e-mails from cohen reqsting meeting with those officials to talk about construction. meanwhile, at the g20, mr. trumc pped a planned meeting with pr ident vladimir putin citing russia's recent attack and seizure of ukrainian ships. >> we can't allow certain things to happen and, you know, it happened and i just can't be a part of it. >> president trump insists he has no financial interests or ties to russia and has broken publicly with cohen. we will have more on this with chuck todd at the 10:00 hour. a show of force by france's president this wkend at the g20 summit. emmanuel macron says he questioned saudi cro prince mohammed bin salman about the death of khashoggi. macron confronted bin salman at
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the summit in inthrgentina and cia says the crown prince gave orders to have khashoggi murdered in early october at the teudi consulate in turkey. khashoggi contriarticles for the "washington post," often critical of the saudi government.sp e the rain, hundreds took part in yesterday's walk to end hiv. the annual fund-raiser provides high-quality comprehensive and accessible health care to those affected by hiv. this has been going on for more than 30 year the walk started and ended at freedom plaza. you know who was the, news 4's eun yang and meteorologist chuck bell were once agains emc this event. they always come out, huge supporters, as are all of us here at nbc 4. >> great stuff and great event. tonight is the first night of chanukah. to celebrate, the national menorah will be lit near the national mall. thousands of people expected to attend the 40th annual lighting of the menorah. c themony will happen at 4:00 an the ellipse just south of the white house.'s ree to attend but you need to get a ticket online.
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if you show up, you'll get fed. potato pancakes and doughnuts will be given out to all of the guests. >> our own leon harris has been ng you inspirational stories of people in our own backyard for months now. up next we'll check in with how some of harris' heroes are doing
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