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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  December 3, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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when those intersect, you're going to have a lot of emotion. >> john sununu. >> and brentscowcroft. he's been in a wheelchair since suffering a strokea a or so ago. >> this is the bush >>cabinet. is that elizabeth dole back there? >> it is. senator dole, secretary of labor. the white house counsel. lamar alexander. >> still ai sitting senator. ♪
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>> we give you thanks almighty god for those who serve a inspirations for all americans to be their bestn servi to god, country, and neighbor. this day we honor our 41st president, george h.w. bush. he dedicated his entire life to public service as a vocation, first in the military, then as a ember of congress, a diplomat, director of the cia, vice president and finally, president. it is a record of service reminiscent of john quincy adams and unmatched in nearly a century. we thank you, o god, forin h
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endowed president bush and a that his example of service to others might be an inspiration to a americans, indeed, to all the as we continue this celebration of honor grant that all who attend to these proceedings might be desirous of being our best selves and service to all our brothers and sisters as you might call us to be. dear lord, thank you for spiring such greatness in resident george h.w. bush and continue to bless the united states of america. amen.
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>> 30 years ago, on the west front of this capitol, george herbert walker bush aressed a nation for the first times our president. he said we meet on democracy's front porch. a good place tos talk neighbors. and as friends. the words of a h sblevant who loved his fellow citizens and of a principal leader who knew america not only guards its n future b also safeguards democracy for theworld. today this hero has returned to the capitol a final time. ouron the front porch of
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democracy this time but here in its hallowed cathedral. tell a story of our land and our liberty and flanked by statues of his fellow champions, whom he joined in making that story possible. george bush was jusee ager when he volunteered for military service and became thenavy's youngest aviator. he was only 20 on that septemb day in 1944 when his plane was hit on a bombing run. but through the fire, and smoke, george bush stayed steady at the controls. only once he accomplished his mission did he parachute out over thepacific. a steady hand, staying the course.
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that's what george bush gave us for decades. decorad aviator, congressman, ambassador to the united nations, envoy to china, cia director, eight years as vice president, and our commander-in-chief. through the cold war, and the soviet union's collapse, he kept us on course. when the rule ofaw needed defending in the persian gulf, he kept us on course. with his even temperament and hard work, hard-won expertise, george herbert walker bush steered this country a straight as he steered that airplane. he kept us h flyingh and challenged us to fly higher st l. and he did it with modesty andt kindness tould have been
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surprising in someone 1/10 as tough and accomplished as he was. the patriot who lies before us was blessed withany gifts. but there was no doubt which he all.ed most of a great love story began at that christmas pastrg when g bush met barbara pierce and the grace andirtue they taught their children have enriched this t natiough a family of leaders. today, the nation stands with that family, with our 43rd president, with jeb, neil, marvin, and allhe bush grandchildren and great grandchildren. we stand with yo in mourning but also in gratitude. gratitude for lives well lived and duties thoroughly fulfilled.
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gratitude that god gave this country george and barbara bush, and that they may now be reunited in the light of h grace. >> as americans, we have no more solemn duty than haguelaying a patriot to rest. here ls a great man. to the bush family, on behalf of the whole house, republicans and democrats, we areprofoundly
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sorry for your loss and we areh red to celebrate this wonderful life with you. like so , i feel a personal debt of gratitude today. sentiment no doubt countless millions of americans are feeling at this moment. the 1988 casaign, that the first one i was ever involved in. we handed out literature at the ballgames and at the 4 h county fair. i remember going to this big rally the day after the firdeba. the whole experrence really me into politics. he was the first president i had the chance to vote for. and he was the first president to teach me and many of us that ain a democracy, sometimes we
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fa short. and that how you handle that, that's just as important as how you win. an old preacher once said, grace is but glory begun, and glory i but grace perfected. grace is but glory begun and glor is but grace perfected. glory is transcendent in the life of our republic. this rotunda is a trumpet call to glory. tributes to the giants all the way up into the sky. grace, grace is different. it is more taelem it is not larger than life. it is the stuff oflife. the connective tissue in a free
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society. it deepensl the w of our common humanity. throughout l hise of service, president bu personified grace. his character, his character was cond to none. he reached the heights of power with uncommon humility. he mad monumental contributions to freedom with the fundamental decency that resonates across generations. no one better hmonized the joy of life and the duty of life. there is that indelible image of him as commander-in-chief during thanksgiving. there are allhese images we have of him as a devoted
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husband. the twinkle in his eye that barbara always brought out. especially in those big huge family photos you have in kennebunkport. this one i will never forget. there was that image of him as a loving father reaching out to hold his son's hand at the natial cathedral after 9/11. there is this letter he wrote his children on the last day of 1990 as he wrestled with a decision over operation desert storm. he begins by recounting the family christmas and he apologized if he seemed distracted. i tried not to be, he writes. then for about a page, he elaborates on his struggle over sending young americans into harm's way. twice in the letter, he writes, evy human life is precious.
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and the orinalcopy, he adds by hand a note wishing his family a new year. in consequential times, george herbertr wal bush demonstrated the finest qualities of ouron .a and of human ki a great leader and a goodma a gentle soul of firm resolve. he showed us that how wee l is as important as what we achieve. his life was a o hymn honor. his legacy is grace perfected. his memory will belong toglory. god bless the 41st president of
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the united stas. >> speer ryan, leader mcconnell, leader schumer, leader pelosi, members of congress, distinguished guests, but most of all, president george w. bush, governor jebbu , neil, marvin, doro, and the entire bush family. it is deeply humbling to stand
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fore you today at the beginning of a week in o nation's capital when we will commemorate and celebrate the lifetime of service and leadership of the 41st president of the unite george herbert walker bush. the bible tells us toit mourn those who mourn and grieve with those who grieve. today, on behalf of the first family, and my family, and the american people, we offer our deepest sympathies and respects to your family. and w thank you for sharing this special man. today lies the 41st president of
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the united states. soon americans from every corner of the country and every walk of life will make their way to this rotunda to pay the respects of a gratefulnation. from the death of abn it is written, do you not realize that a commander and a great man has fallen in israel this day? george herbert walker bush was such a man. while he was known as the quiet man, it was notor lack of nerve or daring. for in all of his 94 years, president bush never lost his love of advture ae never failed to answer the call to serve his country. born into a life of service, george herbert walker bush began his own lifef service in high school. when the japanese attacked prbrl
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in december of 1941, he wanted to do his part so he enlisted on his 18th birthday. on receiving his wings, he game youngest naval ate aviator and was sent to the south pacific where his story almost ended. september 1944, on a bombing rig, his aircraft was hit. hi engine caught fire but he still managed to hit his targen before bai out and being rescued by american forces some four hours at sea. all told he flew 58 combat missions. and for his bravery under fire he earned theed distingui flying cross which would have been enough honor for any american but george herbert walker bush was just getting started. after he came home, he staked his claim to a booming post-war america by making a name for himself in the oil business. for four years he wal d these halls as a congressman from
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houston. esident nixon took notice of the young texan and asked him to be ourmbsador to the united nations. he led our party during a tumultuous time for the presidencyni and after e the respect of another president, did he the work of a dlomat as the first united states endesvoy to chinad led the cia. then for eight years, george r herbert walker bush served as the vice president. i'm told he once joked about the job saying, there was, quote, nothing substantive tdo at all. buts history records, during those years, he set the standard as a sound counsellor and loyal adviser to an outsidere who c
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to washington, d.c. to shake things up. cut taxes, rebuild the military, and together, they did just that. and then in 1988, he made history again when george herbert walker bush was elected in a land slide as the 41st president of the united states. becoming the first sitting vice president to win the presidency in more than 150 years of our history. he served during an uncertain time in the world. made momentous by his leadership. president bush oversaw the fall of the soviet union, the o crumblingthe berlin wall and under hisad ship, america won the cold war. he took our nation to war to repeln aggress the persian gulf, and through his leadership as i commander chief and the
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brilliance of our armed forcesat the united won a decisive victory. when he left office, he left america andhe world more peaceful, prosperous, and secure. president bush was a great leader who made a great difference in the life of this nation. but he was also just a good man. who was devoted to his wife, his family and his friends. i was luc enough to meet him in 1988 when he was vice president and i was a 29-year-old just getting started in politics then as always, i was struck by his approachabily. re was a kindness about the man that was evident to everyone who ever met
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all his years in public service were characterized by kindness, modesty and patriotism. he was so modest in fact that he ver wrote an autobiography. he did leave a record of his life in the thousands of letters that he wrote. i'm told that he started writing leisers to parents when he was 18 years old and over time, hisre circle of condence grew to include family, friends, advisers, staff, business associates, former presidents, and just about anyone who would take trouble to write to him. after a lifetime of writing letters, my son got one just not too long ago. ur i told two of his sons this weekend, when son made his first tail hook landing as a marine avior on the uss george
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herbert walker bush, i took the liberty of writing the ship's mesake to ask for a small favor. i didn't write him as a vice president to a former president. i justrote as a proud dad of a marinevi former a aviator pilot. i asked him to sign a picture of the flight deck that i could give to m son. we were told by the staff that the president had long since ended the practice of signing autographs and we understood that. but little to my surprise, just in time for my son's winging, there came not only a signedph ograph but of course, a letter. hand signed as well. august 2018 in that letter president bush wrote to my son in his words,
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co rratulations oneiving your wings of gold. i know how proud you and your family a at this moment. and then in words that assured us that the letter came directly from him, he wrote, quote, though we have not met, i share the pride your father has for you during this mentous occasion and i wish you many c-a-v-u days ahead. all the best. g bush. i would come to learn that that acronym, cavu for short, is a term navy pilots have used since world war ii. it stands for ceiling and visibility lited. president bush described cavu in his words as t kind of weather we navy pilots wanted when we were to fly off our carrier in
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the pacific. and he once wrote a letter to his children saying that cavu in his words describes mywn life as it has been over the years and as it is right now. ceiling and visibility unlimited. that may wellib des the essence of this man. and it may well he been his vision. life,ision he had for his for his children, his children's children and his country. no barriers, no boundaries, no limits. so we mourn with those who mourn and grieve with those who grieve. but we do not grieve like those who have no .ho for president george herbert
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walker bush had tt hopeful his faith sustained him throughout his life of service. and we pray that faith will be a source of comfort for all those who mourn the loss of this good man and great american. president george herbert walker bush loved h family and he served his country. his example willlways inspire and his lifetime of service will be enshrined in the hearts of the american people forever. may god bless the memory of george herbert walker bush and may g continue t bless the united states of americ
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♪ ♪ oh beautifulus for spackies ♪ ♪ for amber waves of grain ♪ ♪ for purple mountains' majesty abovthe fruited plain ♪ ♪ america america ♪ ♪ god shed his grace
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on thee ♪ ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ o beautiful ♪ ♪
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>> let us pray. eternal father, strong to save. in whom weive and move and have our being. we praise you for your generous providence that provided our nation and world with the gift of your servant, president george herbert walker bush. lord, we are grateful for the
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privilege you gave us to learn and grow from his integrity, kindness, heroism, courage, excellence, service, intellect, humility,ci lity, and spirituality. as we celebrate this well-lived life, challenge us, o god, to alsod lhe world better than we found it. continue to comfort those who mourn. touch each member of the bush family with your mercy, love and grace. and god, support us all the day
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long until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes and the busy world lies hushed, andhe fever of life is over, and our work is done. then in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging and a holy restnd a peace at last. we pray in the name of george herbert walker bush's savior and friend, jesus christ. amen.
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>> attendees now payin their respects as they pass the coffin of president bush. >> these are some of president bush's many grandchildren. his sons and daughte exiting. i'm standing behind them. there's jenna hager passing . >> this was a brief service. the official washington funeral will be held wednesday and then that will be flowed by the president being returned to texas where he wi be buried.
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the funeral and burial there. >> this is the first day of several days of remembnces. the natiol cathedral. i'm sure your thoughts are racing in this moment, althomgh this ishing that the whole family has plannedor f some time. i think the family knew this would likely be his last year. >> i think that'sght. i think what's happening here, which doesn't always happen oni occasions this, you have this mix of the majesty of state acwith the this was one of the sweetest most gracious people you could ever meet. even if you totally disagreed him. one definition of charisma, a friend once told me, the capacity to make other people love you without their quite knowing why. d georgeush had that.
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then you would come to know why timately. there is a combination of the two things. the very hepersonal, love of the father, the iend, and there are tens of thousands of people who believe that george bush was one ofwo their or three best friend. that's a great gift for a human being to communicate that. i was thinking, a bush has bn involved in the life of that building since 1952 when his father was elected to fill out a term in the senate for connecticut. that was nearly 70 years ago. >> i'm curious, your thoughts, looking at this gathering of official washington, past and present, and some of the faces from his cabinet all gathering to honor him. >> it is remarkable decade upon decade of service.
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we're at a point in the country where expertise is under assaul pertise is out of fashion. experience is a liability on the campaign trail. but you look at colin powell, jamesba r, the remarkable people who gave their lives to the life of the nation. and they did it happi for george herbert walker bush whom baker -- >> when i see colin powell and baker and specially foreign policy crew, i think the legacy of the bush years, managing the world as the soviet union brokee apart, iron curtain came down. and i really think that will be somewhere near the lead of history's judgment. >> there's been a lot said about
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being the president who was successful in the gulf war and desert storm. but probably the most remarkable achievement was getting 30 countrs together. you talk about globalism. you talk about being a global leader. there's no better example. >> syria joined in, egypt joined in whir power. jim baker went around the and he was passing the cup as he liked to say, he got them to for the operation. they didn't pay monetarily. we went aces, i was traveling with cheney on one of the pools to get these arab states to join in in august of that year. in fact, he, we went place an american jet had never landed. >> that was the first time we started using the word
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"coalition" the way we do now. >> it is why character matters. the gulf war leadership was a policy projection of the personality of the man we've en talking about all day. the exited would you called half, half. gave half his candy bar away. he loved pulling people together. he loved playing horseshoes and he did it diplomatically on the world stage. t> and of course, after the success of des storm, his pproval rating, i think, shot higher than any president in mory. and he will be remembered all week long. we see members of the military there to bid him farewell. and members of congress. so this parur of nation's goodbye to presih.nt georg bush comes to an end. from texas on washington, a ng beautiful eve here as the
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president's flag-draped casket will lie in state until and memf congress may pay their respects over the next few hours. >> president trump and melania trump wl be there later. president bush's remains will be flown back home to texas to be buried beside his beloved barbara at the george bush presidentiallibrary. we'll be back with live coverage of it all. or now that concludes our live coverage. i'll see out "nbc nightly news." on behalf of all of us, thank you for watching and good night. quite a momentous occasion. the u.s. capitol row under a former president george herbert walker bush escorted to
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th rotunda where he will lie in state for the public to pay their spts. >> this really started when the plane carrying his casket arrived at joint base andrews this afternoon. and the the motorcade solemnly coming down the parkway through the city and arriving at, of course, the capitol dome for something that is a quintessential washington and american ritual that we do here with the military. it is bipartisan and it is a thing of beauty to see how we honor our fallen presidents. >> bipartisan and very respectful. >> absolutely and we heard some lovely things about former president bush and saw his family. and also, it was sort of a walk memory lane for those of us
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who covereds n for decades. >> to see, you know, james baker, colin powell, lar alexander, vice president quayle and their wives, to see the very large and beautiful bush, and extended bush family of children and grandchildren. >> and you feel for the family members whoave to experience this grief very publicly. we saw all the expressions on their faces as they t listened the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and house speaker paul ryan. with some vivid memies of their time when bush 41 was our president. and paul ryanng tal about that campaign of 1988 being his first experience with politics. >> it kind of got
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with politics. and he mentioned something, i went and looked it up. at the national cathedral during the memorl after 9/11. president bush reaching out and taking the hand of his son, president george w. bush. you will find it if you look it up and it is a lovely moment. and to think of george w. bush standing andatching his father, the former president. how often in our history, dating back to what? the adams. >> yes. aho sonas a president, stood in the rotunda to honor the fallen president that is his father. >> we're looking at a picture again from theapol rotunda as the dignitaries begin to file out. and as we have already said. there are opportunities for the public to gon a pay their ts resp
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>> yes. and today, one good thing for e family was they had beautiful weather. the public has tomorrow to be paying its respects before the funeral on wednesday. we know a lot of people areca wondering e they'll be standing in line. what do they have in store? >> much colder weather. it does look like things will be okay weatherwise. as far as sunshine, much colder. we saw everybody lining up across the street as the presidt drove, was driven teatures, 62 degrees. very nice across o region. 60s to the south. 65 degrees. ght now, a little on the cooler side. down to 54 degrees. now down 51 with winds outf
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the north at 15 miles an hour. the winds gusting at 20 to 30 miles an hour. bringing in the colder air. we were in the 50s to 60s. we're at 48. 45 in winchester. 56 toward fredericksburg. the colder air moving in. no rain or snow associated with this system. the frontal boundary. back to the west. we are rocking this system. it won't bring us anything except colder weather. tomorrow, about 15 to 20 degrees older. flurri wednesday. thursday and friday, tracking temperatures in the upper 30s and 40s. and 40s. tracking a storm, maybe a
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james: this is alana, a very busy mom. she and her husband reginald wanted to grow their family.
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but alana is one of thousands in the dc area with kidney disease. thanks to a kidney donation from reginald, alana is healthy and enjoying a full life. i'm james brown and meet my friends, alana and reginald - soon to be parents of two.ou to learn more kidney donation, visit the gw ron and joy paul kidney center at gw or call 1-833-kidney3.
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tonight, history unfolding in washington as people around the country pay tribute to america's 41st president. georgeuserbert walker is making the first leg of his final journey.
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foer president george h.w. bush arrived in washington for the last time today in air force one. >> his flag-draped coffin made its way to the capitol where he will lie instate. a state funeral. later this week at the national cathedral. >> tens of thousands of people from all walks of life will pay their respects and honor a


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