tv Today NBC January 19, 2019 7:00am-8:01am EST
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good morning. mor storm. mo than 110 million people midwest to the t in path of a po tha cou drop up to 3 fee of snow inome places. be it' all do, all the r 48 states will have be af. it the ice and the bitter cold th could deadly. dyn is tracking it all. breaking overnigh special l pushback. a rare public stateme from the spl counsel's office g a buzzfeed report that cl pre trump directed his personal attorney to lie to russia. the presi saying, it's yet r exampleof, quote, f. bu defending the report. all comes as the preside a major announcem r tod abo the border and e govert shutdown.
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ch controve e third annual women's march, t th organizs areg comnd amid charges of an is the movemt splinter all that, plus, a massive pi explosi overnig in kills at least 20 and dozens more. finally integrat. a charter school i alabama g to bring black and white st together in a county essenti has been for decades. >> i think it's like much better no you l around, and it's very di a a star is bo. se willis movesn to the round of the austral her so-called grr ws heating up today, saturday, ja 19th,19 20 >>: fmew nbc"today" with sheine jone peter alexande and
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dydreyer, live fm studio 1a in rockefe plaza. to "t u for joining us on this co morning. if you'r a kansas fan or patriots fan, cey if you live in the k. area, t ho s toack for the ball game. for the game. i per my o in f to unless you're in florida. go inside. wer is the top story. th major winter tomorrow is g its mark across all 48 in contine united st. alrea hit the midwest. no it moving east, whe the results coue deadly. we get to dylan's forecast in a minute. nbc 4's ron allen is in a sny c thismorning. ro good morning. yes. my goodness indeed. atll of this. its falling. its falling sideways because the w i picking up, as wert. it s overnight, and it to continue on throughe day an
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most of the midwest. as you say,re things moving ea. ov the tempera also down,re so wow in the d 20s or so, around 25. expecd to go down, as . ov a pretty intense storm gnow. onlyng to get worse. south flight slide off an omaha runway not a hint of what's to come weeken injurs report. e a reopen late friday r a brief shutdo, with ofe pos flight safety is our top prior with 4,700 flighy and than 500 cancel more treac travel with winter sto watch d warnis in pla acrosshe as a major y s moves than 100 milli ameri its path. from kansas to new jy g states of emerge
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the s has the poten del every, every winter r opt that mother has. or later m moves to the northe e snow accumn totalh two t2 to . e goverr banni tract on both intere . er warni the sleet d freezg rain may hit where doesn fall. l that, and t storm plungg well below averag warned to clear that going to freeze, and l be a sheet of off by >> bitter cold weath to last into next h in chicay covers just about . are out. e tempes are dropp well.g durg what's usual tough to get just about ron allen, be safe.
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ron with a jacket for t job he tells the worst is yet come. l expect there a going on. th two parts to the e t cold part and t part. e it snowi right now, snow . t in betwe the snow and e rain,e icing potent you take this farth south, o watch in until 1:00 side of this storm has poten to be severe, as will move eastwa. your winter storm and watch in effect, , as well. s take you throu . going to see the snow across centr and northn all day ng. cou see up to 8 inches a and evenint the northe e storms across new jersey, new , southn californ the ou ofn new englan could see a change over to . r to the n andwest, looki at ice. e t could bring down trees
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d powerne li then even r to north, we are for t poten for t snowfa, especy higher el gagsnlevati e looki for four toight in ohio. a foot to a foot and af the northe e higher elevas is where e looki for totals closer two feet. resor mainly. s g to be a huge area concer t maine, most of ice accumu, d dow trees power inch of ice, t power. monday, we' looki at the tempes so far this . will the next concer dylan, thank very much r that. break out of washin rar move by the speci dispu the factsbuzzrt that cla t trump direcd his e to congre.rn e p using the news to the media, while also g an annout today
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t the govert shutdo. e it all cover this s b with nbc's white e cor kelly good mornin stunng turn of events t unliro praise the s l team. giulia, who typic is inste the speci couns for refutg a report that t a lot of media atten and w this mornin the presi annoug he is going to fr a to honor fallen ameri killed in isis attack in syria. r this aftern we expect e pre to try to e negots on the shutd g his own headli t trump promis a major , live from e e house this aftern day 29. to e border battle s a a day-lo, roller ride on e russia
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intense media g. y tha claim the speci l has a trail of evidee in a rare and congret this hou develo the offic undert that y with one withe. descr of states to the counse office, and of docum d testined by this ,ha regar s congr testim e n accur openi for tk buzzfend claim, ay d d for journa, but a t day for our countr p lawyer rudy giulii more. the doj must reveal t s of this false buzzfe which the press and
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lly l embrac. , democ cited the y to sound alarm bells. this pr t in parti in n of justic if the presi direcd l cohen to lie to , then that' a clear of parti in perju d obstr of justi s ed sos they hope r m clari from e l counse the states dispu elemef our story, but s diffi to underd kelly, there also big from white hou on can you tell us about that? despite the , theres a plan for a summit betwe presid kim jong-uu r n mont the end of februa, s say, though the comes after the presi d secre of state met at
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e white wouse with e secd charge. expect i is anattemp e t conces about torth o try to get some resul for them to presid kelly nko'donn tyou. > we want to bring in nbc news t robert costa, aatiol l reporr for t moder of we n " on pbs. d mornin to be clear, this a g to amerihat s the most impor two s in amerin polits these are "if true." w repor from buzzfeo y g much atten e it was so black and wh in again the his to lie t. also did notab puncte a with more russia-r s a the presid e we suppod to, based on we heard from e speci s isoffice, di
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t t leave us this true, as kelly said, it is a stunng t for tpeci l to issue a statem rare f them to do so. s around wasn were t surpr to see it corpos strug all y to corro the story. att gener e bill barr facing tough s on capitl about muelles report, how the j wou handle it. the ongoing invess kicki off. e all loom over this and you heard kellyenti e tweet from e presi night. , t presi frequy s the press fake news. we he said, a very sad y for journm but a great y for o countr , ds this add more fuel e presid it make it harder f een to report this story? the press is always a l targe , on both right and
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. t trump in parti s used terms like "fake news" d "enemy of th erode the insti y of the press. count , the press has r many, manyar centur g t fourth estate,rying have accouy for those power. let's look ahead for a . he isli a major rshut skirt.s to h from him in the oval , w there wasn't a lot new infor there. anyth in partir heari from your sourc ou what we'll get from e had threa a emerg a coue days and that sll under , based on my talki to white e offici say the presids remar sat will simil to he said in his recent countr trying make the case that theres a at the border. and natiol also trying to convie s to contie to hold
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hard line and push s to buckle, to give his demand for5 more than n for a border wall. s on capitl say r pelosi is in no mood to her positi. e belies she has the follow up on what he just a, t , a we wait to see what the t has to say later tay t t shutdo. a milli govert sre wonde this g how they' their the presi or emoc budge, the sides take potshs at other? s white house corre t h more on that of the story. gd morn y of the parti govert , a day 29 of us e horis still no deal on said, new this mornin e democ say they' add o millis of dolla h of border secury money is ndg bills the house t to consir next week. of that money though is for wchl money, w the t says he wants. s not clear it'll be enough
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break this stalem as the p of the shutd. shutdown only deepens. the longest government shutdown in mirnamerican history this mog entering its fifth straight the longe shutdo on record. t t friday tauntg e house speake y would nancyi l the y w oth democ on a seven-y excurs when 0 great people are not g paid. itay earlie he cance e mil plane due to take and other democc s to afghan offe pushi back, the adminn of g h trip detail d wheth the presids was payback for her call to his states until after the shuo ? i don't think the preside thatpetty, do you? with no enff of the felt almost everyw. s t secd shutdo for
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who works for t ocean league.e furloh last time took ri on his family, so he took a job to get throu i i get as a feder employm thankl for y has done for me. it eases the burden t not thedisapp. i've nev seen the situa a is in now. i don trust a lot of our po right now. former presi w. bush is adding his e tl of this. took time out to deliv to membe of hie secury detail,l g witho pay during this l g shutdo. u see theictu he posted to
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s insta feed. tapti, he calls on s to come toget a way to end this shutd geoff ed to take to the stree n'art of the wome march, w in its thi year. inaug year is marred numbe goarou. go-round. hans knacnichols is in washingt. good morning. >> reporter: good morng. the question this morning is whether or not tensions withino theent will affect turnout. two years ago here they had hundreds of thousands of marchers. but today they are only expecting in the tens of thousands. two years ago protesters were powerful, plentiful and in pink. united in their opposition to then president-elect donald trump. but this morning, the organizers of that inaugural march are at odds and charges of anti-sechl
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t anti-semitism and coming under scruti. >> the satanic jews that control everything andostly everybody. >> reporter: tameka mallory posted this on itragram f tara >> i don't agree with the statements. >> condemn it.all time. >> i don'tstgree with the ements. >> condemn it. >> it is not my >> reporter: costing support and big name sponsors forcing mallory to clarify her comments. >> we stand against anti-semitism and we ared commit personally and as an organization to fighting it. >> reporter: but today many democratic leaders are staying away. though presidential hopeful kirsten gillibrand plans to march in iowa. just a day earlier,us tds of
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anti-abortion protesters gathered in washington, the llrch for life united behind a single issue. >> we gather here because we stand for life. we gather here becausee stand for compassion. >> reporter: now, some of those women are planning to stick arend today for a separ rally, it is the march for all women. so hn washington, we could have dueling rallies. >> hans nichols on the ground forus. thank you. the te wind below a look at the wea the count a peek out your windowr t out our window. m warnin ha the winter e purpls . stas morning and go early sunday. we areooki at some rai moving into e area.
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e coulde a wintr mix h a west, to rain. t s showe to end. wil out by noon . cold rain o with to two . y by tomorw aftern ce an area we'll have k condi w. thas the l. nk you. still to come here, are moreor fallout f. kelly, why his reco label is now said to be parting ways wit the embattled singer. and plus our recatch p of t and plus our recatch p of t news and w
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that we covered starting with a deadly attack in kenya. terror in nairobi when a group of gunmen stormed a luxur hotel. >> shooting all over the place, employees nning, people screaming. >> jasonnspindler, a american who survived the 9/11 aacks on the world trade center was among the 21 victims. >> got the call from the bassy letting us know that he had been identified and he was in the morgue. >> the al qaeda linked group al ilabaab claimed responsiby for the attack. caught on camera, a suicide bombing in syria that killed two american service members, two american civilians, and at least 12 rsothe. >> witnesses saying the american forces had set a dangerous pattern, repea coming to the same restaurant. >> the blast raising questions
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about president trump's planned troop withdrawal from syria. a georgia man was arrested for allegedly planning an attack on the white house.r >> underco operatives began meeting with him last fall posing as like mileed peop they say he told them he wanted to commit jihad and become a martyr. the family of jayme closs spoke out telling nbc news that the father of the man charged with kidnapping her and killi hers tried to reach out to them, her aunt saying ionestly have nothing to say to that family or ever plan to communicate with them. boys will be boys. >> boys will be boys. >> gillette launched a new ad gmpaign takin on toxic ul mascinity. but some offended men quicklye glammed thd saying it is unfair, vowin never to buy gillette products again. survivors at the miracle on the hudson reunited to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the day their plan made anla emergey ing in the icy river next to
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new york. everyone on board survived. a flight that asted less than five minutes that has impacted those passengers for a lifetime. >> it wasll r the best thing that ever happened tohae t day. it made me realize what is important in life. some of the week's most memorable moments also caught on camera, a toddler in a car seat fell out of a moving car in minnesota. nearby drivers ranth te child's aid unt the girl's mother realized what happened. thankfully the 2-year-old was not hurt. ra ave firefighter in colorado plunged into an icy pond to save a dog that was trapped. and the young boy was determined to stay d by avoiding alluddle at a costs. before a speeding car ruined it all. ♪ finally tonight show fans had to do a double take when both lynn man well miranda and jimmy fallon in puerto rico took to the stage together as
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alexander hamilton. ♪ we have a killer show tonight ♪ >> i love puerto rico is getting some love. how about that puddle boy. of course we call him puddle boy. into the houseks like so that didn't go so well. >> i mean in new york, that happens. >> happens everywhere. still to come, my visit to new school in alabama bringing children of all races together for the first time in more than six decade decades. changing uld it be a of the guard? the young guns versus the old guard tomorrow. er anda williams
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>> announcer: this is a news 4 todayea news >> 7:26 on this saturday, january 19th. i'm meagan fitzgerald. here are some of the top headlines we're following for you this morning. three vehicles crashed on the road in oxon hill, kil tngee children and injuring their parents. the service will be at 10:00 at natikal memorial p in falls church. more than 60 people died in crashes on indiana head highway in the past 11 years. also happening today, lthousands of people w take to the streets in d.c. for the women's march. protesters are expected to pack freedom plaza in northwest. if you're driving,ec exp several road closures and delays in the area.
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we have a full list of traffic and parking restrictions posted on our nbc washington app. we will have a forecast when we come back. forecast when we come back. stay with .us there are at least three ways to lower your novec electric bill: you could live off the grid. you could set your thermostat de no higher than 68 yoees in winter.ff the grid. or, you could follow the ways to save tips on you'll discover how installing and using a programmable thermostat can save you about $330 a year! novec helps you save energy
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what? forget all your passwords. bill pay on the td bank mobile app keeps all your bills in one place. welcome back, everybody. weather alert for today. this is a system that's going to beushing through o area as we get into the afternoon. most of the mornino going dry. maybe a few flurries north and west of d. this is moving in during the afternoon for the most part. it'll start off as mainly a cold rain. north and west of d.c., could have theai freezing and snow mix. heavy rain later on tonight. it'll start to move out of here as we go through sunday morning. could end with a period of light snow. this is going to be the area we're going to have to watch for some minor snow accumulation, 1 to 2 inches, and minor icing accumulation. again, that's going to be north and west of d.c. 46 degrees today here in d.c. ain, weather alert. temperatures will likely go up
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later tonight. windy tomorrow and better bitted we are back on this frigid saturday morning, january 19. a snowy one in chicago. this major winter storm is moving across the country today. the midwest already feeling its effects. in omaha, a s planedded off the runway. th wkfully no oneas hurt there. morehan 110 milli people are in the path of this storm that could dump up to three feet of snow in some places. but it really is the ice and the bitter cold that will make the most dangerous portions of this storm. dylan will join us with the details coming up. and a rare statement overnight, the special counsel's fice disputed a buzzfeed report that claimed president trump directed his psonal attorney to lie to congress. in a statement the special counsel's offic saying, quote,
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buzzfeed's description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of duments and testimony obtained by this office regarding cohen's congressional testimony are note accu the president hailing the development citing the story as fake news. meantime i the president set to make a, quote, major announcement later today about the government shutdown. at least 21 peopleea are and more than 70 others badly burned after a massive fireb engulfed people at a pipeline in central mexico. this happened north of mexico city as people there scooped up the fuel that had spilled from the pipeline after it was ptured by thieves. it comes just three weeks after mexico's new president laumpgted launched a new offensive against theft of el by gangs. and a horse was rescued from a dump ser. witnesses say that the horse had broken loose and stepped on the lidf the dumpster and fell right through. it took more than two hours for fire c to lift the horse to
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safety. but thankfully it suffered only a few scratches and will be just fine. also this morning, singer r. kelly is without a record label after sony announced it would part ways with him amid thein gr accusations of abuse. and now r. kelly supporters are under fire as well. morgan chesky is in los angeles with more. >> reporter: peter, good morning. from the very beginning r. kelly has maintained his innocence and now his own manager adso f himself in hot water. all of this as more accusations of abuse go public. ♪ i believe i can fly >> reporter: he is the grammy winner now without a record label. rca records saying that they wve partedays with r. kelly, according to a source with knowledge of the ovmatter. in the wake of the lifetime docu-series alleging that the singer peormed sexual, physical and mental abuse against women and minors. kelly denies all allegations. >> i was in love with him.
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i just didn't know what to do. >> reporter:cy sampson says she met kelly as a 16-year-old intern at epic records saying thatnt the two on n to have a sexual relationship until she was 18. >> like i didn't tnow ifs was normal, if this is how adultste i just didn't know. i didn't know. >> reporter: kelly denies the sexual relationship, but did settle out of court for $250,000. his attorney insists his client has done nothing wrong to her or any of the women who have come forward. >> so is r. kelly saying that all these women, they are all lying? >> that is absolutely correct. every one of them. yes. >> reporter: on iday, kelly's manage erg wr who is accused of threatening the father of an alleged victim turns himself ina son hopes speaking out helps others. >> it was just swept under the rug time after time after time.
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maybe if it wasn't this wouldn't ftve happened to me are or the girls me. >> reporter: powerful claims now overshadowing kelly's once storied ♪career. see me running through open door ♪ orter: and we're also hearing from kelly's manager james masonis saidccusers manipulated the media and now the judicial system adding he has full confidence in his own legal team. >> still a lot of unanswer questions about that case. morgan, thanks. let's get another check of a busy morning for you. moves on, it is this storm. all about the cold, which is already what we'reg across the northern plains. look at bismarck, north dakota. e wind chill is 13 degrees below zero. minneapolis, st. louis, 17 below in the wind chill. chicago is in the process of cho cooling down. temperaturesill run 10 to 20 degrees below average this afternoon. high in fargo, 5 below.
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omaha,, 16. birmingh that sets the stage for the snowstorm moving into the northwest and the east. sunday, we're looking for a high temperature of 20 below in duluth. wind chill of 34 below. siouxfalls, 5 below for the air temperature. grand rapids, 4 degrees. through sunday, we're looking at highs to stay 10 to 20 degrees belowcrverages the northeast and to minneapolis. monday is when the old air is hitting the northeast. if the icing pans out like we're expecting to the nort of i-95, that would lead to power outages. then youave temperatures in the single digits and across northern new england, running 9 high s below zero for a temperature. that's the weather across the country. now, here's a peek out your window. > out our window, we have plenty of clouds. and we have some dry conditions. things doneto get this morning, do them now. by this afternoon, it is going to be t. it could be a little travel concern out there. especially north and west of d.c., that's where our biggest
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concern for ice is. now, yoursunday, somerain, possibly light snow in the morning, but it'll taper off and by dry by noon. it is going to be bust blusteryd and that is youres lat forecast. still to come right here on a saturday morning, wendy williams' health scare, why the popular talk show host will not be back on the a any time soon gloop a . es> and two of the great quarterbacks ever set to face off against some of the game's newest stars, that is right after 24. the fact is, americans move more than anyone else in the world. on average, we'll live in eleven homes. and every time we move, things change. apartments become houses, cars become mini vans. as we upgrade and downsize, an allstate agent will do the same for our protection. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands?
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you'll ask... what pain? with advil. we are back on a saturday morning with a look ahead to the nfl's conference championship games tomorrow. the rams, saints, patriots an chie are ready to faceoff for their chance to play in super bowl liii. >> a good weekend to sit i o fronthe tube. and there is a lot to look forward to. to.a lot to look forward
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so two of the sports young superstar quarterbacks, patrick mahomes and jed gof, wi will ta on tom brady and drew brees. eam match-ups to fans everywhere. this is the way it should be. four elite teams vying for a spot in the super bowl. each with a dominant quarterbacn leg the way. in just his second season, patrick mahomes is an mvp frontrunner, launching 50 touchdorn passes the high scorg kansas cityie fs. >> are you kidding me? >> reporter: not to be outdone, hred goff and ther powered l.a. rams, the 24-year-old has been carving up defenses all year long. >> goff, end zone.te >> repor but two length ends are standing in the way. future hall of fame ertz tom brady and drew brees. bo b haven here before and are ready for the challenge.
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>> it is a hard game to get to, that is for sure. so we won't take it for granted. >> you sign up any chance you get to play in the ship game. where, when, co weather, rain, didn't matter. >> reporter: brees is coming off a season that saw him rewrite the nfl record books, becomingle the ue's all-time passing yardage leader. earlier this week, the saints great ringing in his 40th birthday in style o the dance floor. while five time super bowl champ to brady is hoping to have his own reason to celebrate on sunday when the 41-year-old leads his patriots against mahomes and the chiefs in kansas city. >> we'll have to go into a real ndugh environment play our best football. >> reporter: will we see a changing of the guard ortw coul o icons earn another chance at glory? >> if you're n motivat this week, you've got a major problem. >> so up it is brees versus
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goffnd then it is t afc showdown between the pats and chiefs. right now the saints and chiefs are the betting favorites to advance to super bowl liii, but as we've seen before, anything can happe once the action gets under way. you can't everule out brady in the postseason. so we're just a little bit excited and slightly nervous at and you are house. >> normally you're like -- >> i was going to say, noto ge uninvited from brunch, but i think a lot of people -- kans city has n been at the super bowl in like 50 years. can you imagine that city? those folks a fired up. >> and it will be a good game. >> and perfect weather for a lot of us to stay inside. >> it does look a little bit warmer in kansas city than originally thought. >> what is warm? >> like 20s. like low 20 >> for four hours outside, that will be a mess. >> thank you, dylan. coming up, my visit to a charter school in alabama that is trying to bring students of all racesnt together itionally for the first time in decades. i'll explainight after this.
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this morning on d in-depth,e wanted to introduce you to an alabama school. >> this is part of a new series i'm o workito give you a closer leak to what is really happening in classrooms all over the country. we start in rural alaba where in 2018, schools incredibly were still not fully integrated and now that is changing. this morning we take you to a new chaer school hoping to bring the kids together and make a big change in their small town. at first glance, the lunchroom looks pretty typical. kids giggling, chomping away, but these student eatin side by side represent a big change for living son, ston alabama. >> we don't really see race
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really. >> you look around and it is very diverse. >> reporter: for decades schools in thisounty have been segregated.y >> brown v word of education was almost 65 years ago. how did this ha >> our schools did integrate at that time but parents continued to make choices that they felt was best for their children and that ended up with a recession gra gags. >> reporter: white children filling the halls of private schools, while public schoolshi educatedren of color. but the schools have not been equal. according to th alabama state department of education, just under 3% of 8th gradersnrolled in the public school system here met cam pick standards in ma for the 2014/2015 school year. reading lessha 17%. how many kids do you have here? >> 306. >> reporter: j.j. was born and raised here and is head of hool. >> did someone just say enough is enough? >> i think so. i think the community said
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enough is enough. >> reporte fundedy federal and state money, the project based education here is fe if charge to any child living in alabama. tell me what sets this school art. >> we're doing more like hands-on activities and we dony have like books, we learn it all on ipads. >> repter: so everyingle one of you has an ipad? tolliver also grew up in this town and the a mitted she had never interacted with people of another race. >> i was s bred to around white people because everyone put them on a high pedestal than they did us. i wanted to be a part of this school because why quanwant the did.up like i >> reporter: kyle and mary grace say while theee community has b divided, be sending s their and daughter to the school was the right chase for theght choi. >> tell me what it feels like where you're with other parents
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who say you know what, it is time for something different. >> i'm so proud of it. >> the county has a history and it is what it is. but we just want better. and that is what my kids are getting. >> reporter: tell me what y fr goal is this school. >> i hope that what we're doing he bleeds outside the walls of these schools. small rural towns i feel like sometimes get pushed under the rug and big things can happen in little places. >> i said thi yesterday, i'm forever changed after doing this story. i listened so much, i so many parents and teachers and administrators, a lot of them i couldn't use for the s of time. but they acknowledge that sometimes in small towns it takes a long time to get change and people are resistant to change. parents say some people don't likeho charter s, you can get in to that debate, but you have to start are somewhere and they really wantr the best their kids. >> and is thisd going to sh no spread now? >> that is the hope. and we also have to tthnk about kids in the public schools. >> and i love that they are from
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deadly hit and run crash in fairfax county. it happened yesterday evening along route 50 in falls church. police say theve d struck the victim while the person was walking near somerfield road. witnesses say the driver sped a off in dark-colored truck. all lanes have been reopened. take a look at this map. today, you'll likely see several crowded streets and sidelines in d.c. for the s march. thousands of protesters are expected to pack freedom plaza in northwest d.c. if you heding down there, expect several road closures and delays in th we'll have a full list of traffic and parking restrictions posted on our nbc washington app. coming up, we'll have a check on your forecast. stay with us. you have a lot of deadlines in your business, right? we miss deadlines, we don't get paid. what if you lost your network connection? you gotta be kidding me. chaotic. our gig-speed network lets you download files up to 20 times faster. and we go beyond fast with 4g lte backup for colete reliability.
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welcome back, everybody. we are weather alert today, but a few changes from the overnight forecast. now, mainly, as cold rain coming our way. possible northwest could see a mix befor temperatures will rise overnight. a heavy rain later tonight, 1 to 2 inches, and flooding possib. bitterly cold conditions for sunday afternoon through monday. monday, wind chills in the negatives and single digits. today, we'll have to watch n th anwest. could some minor snow accumullae accung, minor icing.
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mainly, a cold anrain. everything willove in this ternoon and be out by lunch tomorrow. >> thank you m bh. we'l back with your local news good morning. mondno monster storw totaling up to 2 feet could fallefore it all done. but the real danger from the storm could be the ice and bitter cold temperatures set to sweep in behind the snow. dylan will have the full forecast. breaking overnight, special counsel pushback, a rare public statement from the special counsel's office disputi a buzzfeed report that claimed president trump directed his personal attorney to lie to congress about russia. the president saying it is yet anothers example of what he c calls fake new
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