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tv   News4 Your Sunday  NBC  January 20, 2019 5:30am-6:01am EST

5:30 am
>. hel m pat lawson muse. search of new ideas, every nbc 4 awas grants to l nonpro doing work. year 4 nbc has $225,0 in g oe away up to a l of eight the dmv. e appli period is open thr the 15th of febru y d get all of the n at nbc now som of the past grant a with us to talk t thewrgan they put their grants to decarl pamela hess, e direcr of arcad for susta food and
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e in fairf count both of you. the nonprot busine, but tell us abt we're workio make sure l people atll times to good food in welco . e shari foo that is d b also that is e appree of the grant that helps us more food and get it to neighbor pamela, h about your we' dedic to creat a ecau em i have to ask you i the middle of a , i impac you at it impac custo of our market many of whom use ben fs have on early and people are d the get extra t and spend it quickl e trying to get the messa t to our custom the folks whoea
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mana will very hurt if runs out, but we're also doue the reques of from feder worker, and even people in d busins who are negat impacd e tot getti s or their busins e no longer runni as th mana got a $50,0 grant a techny based system that this s what chow matchs >> it's a mobile app on your a it's kind of like a dating app becau a food , a restat o y store or farme market in a profi as does a t organi, a soup homels eelter. food runne o get a notice when the app s the that there food e from one locatn and s to broug to that where people can
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e healt meals and hot d del safety meals. grant helped us impro app as wes promo it comm there an app for , isn't there r $60,0 grant p s to kick start farm fromgr a a p for vetera right. train mility veters to be e nation needs0000 to e the farme are g out of the profes. traing progr a veter farm incubas land and infrast r veters startg their own fromox a is what we we to buy with the grant that u all gave us. th of the bac of a shippg r and a truck. l of the guts of a farm are jammed into shipp conta and they r farmsa farm incuba
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th a water purifi, hand . all sol powere e a walk- cooler. e wi-fi. l of that is dedic to the work that they' a l of people think that g is you put a seed in the and let it go, but s lot of infrae need to gr food. way more tha. ,ou are sponsg an k d food drive. l of elect leade are you. us about that. n monday>> today is sunday. a honorg dr. king as we e delightockg our y elect or retur d offic are going to t to 17 diffe giant in order t help us seek will get our list of y items we need, buy a extra and then our will return that to so we're ready to serve the winter g to be it certa looks that way.
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alsoooks like you're doi a lot more good work. u do good work anyway, b the came in handy. yes, ty did. w e t apply. and pamel thank . t keep up.for hus. andrg next anat helpi you find di and it's teachg to become self-s to become self-s l be right
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z34hbz z16fz y34hby y16fy hey. i heard you're moving into yeah, it's pretty stressful. this music is supposed to relax me, though. ♪ maybe you'd mellow out a bit if you got geico to help you with your renters insurance. oh, geico helps with renters insurance? good to know. yeah, and they could save you a lot of money. wow, suddenly i feel so relieved. you guys are fired.
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get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. > for a quart centur house ofre has helped homels housi and devel skill g us is dr. henson who is of covent house great . got some fanta fro the work you've throu the years. e mos diffi timesonves, you? absol g peo that walk in our are those that are most . e are young people that are homele, d exploi. man oth is no r space and no other place d yet it incree you who have so much l and need someo in t critil momo say you track. young people betwe 18
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absolu and when they go throu yr your succe rate is incred don't wind up homels th occup on their feet. when we talk about t. e experg homels d we also have a huge of yo thart e fragi that are coming in r eti skills, but when u come in and expere and we look at the o succes stabi of tho ways in which we ns that that m you walk out from us, you e stable. e i no housi from u have the income to actuay stable. o young people that av our transl housi m leaves stable. are very excit about that. we' excit about what you d with the $30,0 innov the iovn gra was godsend al. w
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we contie to look at the s that can strenn o they are it helped us to and add to our multim . we knower housin rea is about prepa r those young peopl we spend a lot of time g them with their , prepa them to t educa crede thator n move in that proce well. rom an emplot pe how do you help e tm to be ready to go the workpla multim cente and that t actuay helped them to digit resume r many of th employ y w have to prese yoursf y or you can't even be the game. w do you prepa for those and those s arod that? part of wh we've done putti into that work force h many have you -- have
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d from -- from my job readi yeah. over t last year 250 y went throu our job s proce at covent e washin inclu 100 of those young people went throu our succel y insti. i say that in that that e we created really to deal withnd a look at that demand out theree prepa for th e using a platfm of job that we use to devel the center. 96% of those young people acty gradue from that e still in their job after 90 we also talk about the d.c. stude athles th you helped after seeing a t sha m did on nbc 4. l was kked off a footbl becau he didn't have a addres exactl you s
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. he doing now? we saw the story and i think speaks volum to what in the commu. w t sto early in the g on that partir g and really got engag all of our netwo partnha reach out to the youngl princ process, the counc member thet ward that point and y leade. sch start that day conta d him he had housi that s appro so he cod contie to -- matric conti to work on his a schol that s had moved on to a level of y and he is on track to and hopef moving rw to get that schole excit abo really just speaks to how do one ct time, one t a time.
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unique situas are coming up. don'tave e netwos to gegoing. one of your many se yeah. f covent house r washi thank for hg us. > next commu n s how the grant is helpi preve summer learn
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-we're doing karaoke later, and you're gonna sing. -jamie, this is your house? -i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? -kids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you did wt tell me your friene coming. -oh, yeah. -this one is tiny like a child. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to be surrounded -- oa home and auto bundle it's goofrom progressive.d -oh, sweetie, please, play for us. -oh, no, i couldn't. -please. -okay. [ singing in spanish ]
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> i been a very excitg w months for commu youth e which works to keep ts up to speed when e not in the class. milr is execu of commu youth us about cya and where curreoperatin it's an educa no und three, reach, and keep. h is our educa , reach and keep is
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r pathw initi doc in mee sixththrou 12 grade. cya got a $50,0 grant to your summer activi. s a really speci place. us what s during academ our goal is to have the e harde time is after school to help the studes excel. d provi more stem hanks to e reay suppog the ps more than summe it is. e funt is the field trips we go on, but they' all acade. e based on what e child learn in the school yr a gettie schl year how w many studee able serve? we we able to incree to
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about first we starte e d mor studed tutors and still b e that same acadehe do your studes come ? the majory of our stude ident title one schoonin area and we've identd e studes who are startg in an acadec defici they e not meeti the park s based on the maryld e standa at w wetart to work with make sure we're buildg e studeup. re so these studes that this e most. abso. we'd love to talk metri we talk about stude s. as a w and the succe of the us ab so 84% of our studes whe start did not meet the standa end of our summer acade our studeve were a e park stand in math and
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readin also had 100% gradun . our studes who may not hav on to the next grade summer acadeer summer y to be promo to the level. that' fantas it's very s wl? e offer parent resour so our satury school and of our summer school if they can get that th e the stude is in class. how im s to be -- to work with u in this? pro paren engagt is huge. a classn worki with d tomch with our pas a e-mail and have parent so our paren know e talki a hut and they n suppo that with their if you have to a giveice to r organ that are g applyg for o e grants, what would your
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lea from applyg a getti this grant and g t the proce? so the excitg part is i kbl being to devel . ye applyg for a grant this, look for those pa that are going to dollarvere those can turn a grant into so much t n that and have partns in and donate time or can offer them additl and mentop suppo. ehe suppog whole t and family who are some of yo e? partnh nasa. had nasa come in and do job had them do stem based with profe, t tec center also s a partn of ours. g with our family really help us e field trips?d the studes takef that's the best part when you
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t t get out and have a fie . corre with what hd learnin class and you t to expere what math is in real life atmosp. very excitg for them ts just the best news. y y advand d absolu bringg out the best in o g peo milner, thanko > up next, the work of the arc > up next, the work of the arc orth sometimes, the pressures of today's world can make it tough
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to take care of yourself. but nature's bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's coming up fast.
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nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy. > the arc of north servis to help people devel zpablsa d famil , you got a 50,000 grant r the 21st centu progr.
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us about that, how you used . i know it invol app. yes. t only is it the ce that in e nonprot world you get to s sup techie and pact we had creat r first a to help people devel disabs get transi reay wanted to push to step. 15% of people with disab are in standd emplo we re wanted to tackle emplot piece next. e very geners $50,0 grant us do that. tell us about the you'reofferi absol the arc of northn virgia a 56-yeal nonprot weepre and serve over people with intell disabs h inclu autism, down , and rare disor and those servis exten not to your client but
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y to their caregi exact. y pern with a disaby s one o active invol in their . quick we aeng d impac over 100,0 in northvirgin you offer a num , a speci needs trust us abt those. absol e speci needs trust goes beyond our cn in that it r any diagn a personight . mig invol physi . over 1,200 famild help qualify you also offer works and yes. do a whoange of topics,
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educat early , a the plann d needs and resou that need and by putti online. e ava 24/7, forhe caregs o can't make it out to come to work allf you clien base limit , i it? >> exact. e s needs trust is what s us beyond northn . plel and of progr we lisaby are can i downld the app? well, the app is on a platfo, a compa wonde made the y p and they a lot of great educa s forit people di and we sort of what they doing and w thatt really provid the y and tools that d hp people with really yni c chall desigd it for our , b we know that with brain injury
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s or people aging and can benef from this well. ry provis you with 24 suppor e histo mplel for p disabs is you get for a limit perio and then the you. wonderstays e are pretty impor tools r t clien that you serve. e glad to know that you were to get that appli in d get it approv thank you. remain increy gratel suppor howar direcr of t for the arc o northn viryou. > ase've heard a very diver groupf s t have receid r nbc 4 proje innovn apply this year.ou your organn u have to apply for granto categecic p in e of inclus that's a m tha seeks to build
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for diver and e commu. h educat progrs that p y people with the s theyd n to succee g stem and steam next genern story that empower the next of story telle and s them utili media to s impac e fin categy for applyg r this project innovn t is commu engag that enable indiv engage and volun in thu can fi t answe to your quest d more at nbcque. febru 15th. y by then. see any news sunday, n to our websi. m pat lawson muse. th f joini
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the president lays out a plan to put federal employees back to work, but a quick cold reception from democrats leaves both sides no closer to new englanding the government shutdown. ee> teams from kentucky go viral after they are s mocking a native american man walking in the indigenous ople's march. news 4 spoke with that man said he was sad and scared during the tense encounter. rain i moving out but a major drop in temperatures could provide problems for your morning commute. we're tracking your o changes this stormy monday morning. >> i'm


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