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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  January 24, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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been able to report in quite a while. but wtrl president ump's demand for a downpayment on a border wall derail this discussion? a heartbreaking tointerview ght you'll see on news4, there are new charges in arash that killed three very young children. their mother and fatherry minded of it every day. >> i get startled and i'm like, the babies, where are the babies. then i remember they're not here. we ar following that breaking news on capitol hill today one political analysis said we'rot seeing the ice break, but it's starting to crack. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and minority leader which chuck schumer are talking after two votes went down in the senate. >> reporter: consider this for progress, for 34 days we had not
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seen aingle vot in the u.s. senate on a bill that would reopen the government during th. shutdo well, today we saw two. both of them failed but certainly it represents progress and now there's a small group of bipartisan senats working toward a possible solution. today a eyes on the senate. a bipartisan group working on a plan that wouldeopen the government for three weeks and consider border security issues. president trump saying he would ly support i if there is a downpayment for the wall. >> if the come to a reasonable agreement, i would support it, yeah. >> the motion is not agreedto. >> reporter: this after a pair of competing bills failed on t senate floor. the chamber's first time voting on any measure to reopen the government. >> let's put the bitterness behind us and do what's right for the american people. >> reporter: i comes after the administration is under incrsing fire for being out of touch, wilbur ross suggesting so of the 800,000 affected
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federal workers take out loans to get by instead of going to food banks. >> these are basically hevernment guaranteed loans because government has committed these folks will get their back pay. >> reporter: ross later trying to walk it back. >> you cannot imagine walking in my shoes. >>wneporter: with the shutdo in day 34, the president promising we will not cave on the border wall but making rare retreat on a different issue after houseingpe his state of the union speech in the house chamber during the shutdown, the agreeing to delay the address until after the government reopens. >> we have to talk about opening up government to recognize the pain in fairness of this shutdown. >> reporter: pelosi says she will meet w president trump any time but wall money is still off the tabl but also in the house today there are signs of movement. house dreamts are working on one plan that could ioflude billions
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ollars for border security just no wall. >> blayne r,alexan thank you. a lot of criticism today for commerce secretary wilbur ross, that comment about the impact on federal workersocussed on numbers he said he didn't understand why people who haven't been paidre in a month going to shelters for food. some of his kinde critics are calling it out of touch. here's a longer version ofis exchange, along with some of the people we met who are on day 34 without pay. >> if they never got their pay, whicis not thecase, they will eventually get it. but if they never got it you're talking about a third of a percent on a gdp. >> i think i cry every day. >> so it's not like it's a gigantic number. >> you get to struggle with those emotions of embarrassme or shame. >> mr. etse tarcr ay, some federal workers who are going to
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homeless slters to get food. >> i have to depend on strangers to lookoror food my family. >> i know they are, and i don't really quite understand why. >> a paycheck is going to make the difference in being able to make a payment on a bill and not go delinquent. >> the obligations thathey would undertake, say borrowing from a bank or credit union are federally guaranteed. >> burst into tears on the phone with a kre or the, because i had to beg for forgiveness. >> the 30 days of pay that some people are out, there's no reason theyhouldn't be able to get a loan against it. >> later thisni m ross tried to clarify his comments, saying he's painfully aware of the hardships inflicted on individual workers. the associated press reports that secretary ross has $700 milon in financial assets according to disclosure forms.
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many nonprofits and loc governments are trying to help the federal workers deal with ese hardships. chris gordon continues our coverage. he's taking a look at some of the resources that are available. chris? >> reporter: wendy, we are back live here at the antioch baptist church where they are serving several dozen furloughed workers dinner tonight. people have been asking what can do to help during the shutdown. that's why we came here because this dinner tonight is a joint effort of the church and the community, which pitched in and came together to help. this meal for furloughed federal workers grew as more andore urch members volunteered to help. ,> just thinking what we as a community can i think the way we all connect is food. >> they're sending the federal workers home with groceries, toiletes and gift cards. in montgomery county council
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members heard from these t nonprofirganizations who say they need your time and money to assist themn helping federal workers who have to do without a second paycheck because of the shutdown. >> we need more resources to provide for our community. >> reporter: the food center needs donations of food and fund l >> if youike to donate your time, we have the need for ambassadors to be out in the community. >> reporter: intereith works ns a clothing center and operates shelters. >> federal workers are going to need financial assistance. that's the key ththg. can't pay their bills, struggling with utilities and rents, we need the money available to help them t >> reporter:he called every mind operates a hot line and suggests if you have a family member, friend or owighbor, who's a federal worker, ask themthey're doing and then listen to them. >> the anxie level and the
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trauma is so great that our community's need of caringat individuals ill listen and then help those individuals with assistance. >> reporter: we have put together a list of nonprofit organizations that would like your help during this shutdown. you can find it on our nbc washingt app if you search shutdown help. that's the latest live in northeast washinon, wendy back to you. >> chris gordon, thank you. we have continuing coverage of the shutdown's impact. we have it on the air but alsoo nbc washington app. coming up a little bit later this hour, aederal contractor with disabilities who is facing someinancial pressure. and the increasing alarm from our federal workers at our airports. a surprise today in the ongoing drama of whether president trump's former lawyer, michael coheill testify to congress. one day after he postponed an
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appearance before the house oversight committee, the senate intelligence committee served him with a subpoena. cohen was supposed to testify in public on february 7th, but yestday he postponed that appearance due to what his legal adviser callsgon threats from president trump and his lawyer directed at cohen's family. >> this is classic m technique to send a signalob to the individual who mr. trump has called a rat for telling the truth, now that word "rat" comes directly out of orgazed crime. >> president trump denies his comments are meant as a threat. a source close to cohen told nbc news he's been ordered to testifmi before the cee on february 12th. the rain has moved out we got lovely sunshine later today d now bitter cold is moving in and the wind is starting tobl . >> what's going to happen next? >> next it's cold on our friday.
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we s a high temperature today of 60 degrees. today, wellt of rain over an inch of rain in many locations and stillome ooding ongoing in some areas. the storm system making its wayu way up towards the northeast. you see what's coming in behind it, the snow across the greatla s and snow back towards the mountains. and n the winds are starting to gust upwards of 30 miles an ur in d.c. we saw a 50 mile anougust in dulles. 64 miles an hour in ocean city earlier today. the wind chill still 23 in hown and those numbers continue to drop tonight. a cold night, cold friday for you. we're tracking the weekend and the coldest air yet making its way in next week. if you tught the las couple days were cold, wait until you see the forecast. >> thank you, doug. a tonig man is charged with manslaughter inpo whace
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say was a drunk driving car crash that killed three little children. and only on news4, the parents of those kids are sharing the memories of their babies. theea 5old twins, their baby brother, killed just days after christmas on indian head highway, o of the deadliest roads in our region the parents are still recovering from theirurhysical is caused by that crash. they were only able to bury their children last weekend. >> i have five brokeibs that don't allow me to even cry. not i cry i cry with pain, only my heart -- not only my heart hurts when i cry, but also body physically. >> coming up at 6:30, they explain their feelings about thomas hawks, the man who was charged today in the deaths of their three children. >> d.c. police have a man inho custody may be connected to as many as two dozen c break
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ins, it's part of a troubling trend with the city noting a sizable spike in cases in recent weeks. megan fitzgerald reports. r: police are calling it a crime of opportunity. suspects breaking into locked or uncked cars like in this video. grabbing everything in sight and takingoff. commander william fitzgerald of the fifth police district says this is footage of aaron hargan who they just arrested yesterday. >> tied to 22 different thefts. >> reporter: the commander says criminals are using creative cars.s to break into your >> using a spring operated device that causes the glass to breakout war and doesn't make any noise. >> reporter: it's happening all over the city. but in his district car break-ins are on the rise. in a 30 day stretch from
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december 2017 to jan 24th of 2018, the fifth district car break ins. fast forward to the last 30 days and they've had 174. that's a 30% increase. neighbors say the noticed. >> the window was smashed in, my glove compartment was open. >> police say they increased patrols and dedicated a lot of hours to trying to arrest suspects like harigan, in this scene owe it was the public who helped them crack the case. neighbors took pictures of the dark audi he was riding in and sent it to police. now investigators are hoping the test arrest decreases the amount of car break-ins in th area. police say in addition to increased paols, they're putting flyers on peoples'nd ields reminding them to make sure the valuables are out of pin sight.
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ck to you. there is word tonight of talks to temporarily e the government shutdown. >> in the meantime for thousands, the pain continues. >> reporter: we ve showed you the impact the shutdown has had on government workers and contractors. tonight a look at the impact it's had on those with disabities who rely on the government. >>e a sink h near the white house still wide open tonight. why the time line for repairs may beetng longer. an i team report on ryland's body donation program exposed some major problems. next, what a state lawmaker
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a news 4 i team investigation triggered action by the maryland state senate. >> a senate committee is looking at a program that handles bodies that have been donated to science. >> scott macfarlane reports now the review comes after the i team revealed major problems in the program. >> the maryland state anatomy board accepts hundreds of bodies a year from people who agree to donate their bodies to science. bu last year we found internal memos to the board describing a serious invento problem and poor tracking of remains the laurel told the eye team that the board notified her of a mistake,he t gave her the wrong remains after her husband died, but by then she buried someone else's ashes and the state has not told her who the ashes beng to.
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at a board meeting, they said improvements have been made but also publically acknowledge there were problems. it was disheartening to errors that some such had occurred and it's deeply distressing for the family mbers involved. >> the state senate's health committee chairman launched a review because of the i team investigationnd met with the leaders, in a new atement, the committee chair said as a result of a serious rror atmaryland's anatomy facility, and investigativeork by news4 i called for a meeting with the deputy secretary of public held at maryland department of uealth and he said he's satisfied the i raised are being taken seriously. he said the board is going to modernize its paper system and better tra its staff and said they found no evidence of other mishandled remains. the i team has requested a copy
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of the report by the board, we're told the internal review is still ongoing. so we'll keep on watching. scott macfarlane news 4 i by february of next year, bronze statues ofair yet tubman and douglas will have a home in the state house. they were both born in maryland. this week they approved a contract to fin the statues within 390 days. the contract was awarded to a company based in sterling virginia. police in florida do not know why that 21-year-old man allegedly walked into the bank yesterday and killed five women. the s zephen xaver is being held with no bail. investigators say he walked into the bank in central florida, killed five people then called 911. he p surrendered afterice crashed an armored vehicle through the front door. >> we believe that it is a random act. we do not believe anyone was specifically targeted.
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>> police say they also don't believe that he had any intention of robbinghe bank. one of the most popular brands of flour is under recall. general mills wants you to check your pantry, gold medal brand is under a recall because ofib po contamination of salmonella. it was discored during product sampling but no one is reported to be sick. it covers five pound bags with a better if used by date of april 20, 2020. there is an effort under w help feed the furloughed federal contractorsin l with disabilities. david culver looks at the addede struggle thatare facing without a paycheck and without a daily routine. >> reporter: postcards hanging on fred picket's wall, places he dreams of visiting. a furloughed governmt contractor, he's instead been
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spending most of him time a home, online, in front of his tv. work. he was back at >> are you hopeful, fred?>> es, i'm hopeful so i can get back to work. >> reporter: any gen day you would find him here reporting to work at the ronald reagan building in the epa mail room. he's been here 27years. >> what do you miss most about not being at work? >> i miss serving the public. i miss my daily routine. i missmy, you know, co-workers and also, of course, i miss my paycheck. >> get our people back to work. mark haul is with service source, the company helps place people with disabilities into jobs. >> many of them have been with us for styears. like fred, they're home, nervous, ntanxious, they wa to go back to work. >> reporter: they have now launched a cans for contractors campaign, a food drive for more than 100 employees with disabilities who are off the job. c >> i have t a few corners here and there. been pretty tough. m
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>> youing it work, though? >> yes, i am. i have to. i t il people takes a lot to get me upset. i'm easy going. >> reporter: but the shutdown has left easy going fred frustrated, angry. >> i'm really angry. >> why? >> because this is senseless, this shutdown. they should end it. they should care about us little people, people, you know, that are out of nwork,ot by our chr:ce. >> repor another work day passing at home, off the clock with no place to go. >> that's erika. >> reporter: invirginia, david culver, news4. to learn more about service source's efforts to help feed its employees search cans forra coors in our nbc washington app. new charges for the man behind the wheel in a crash that killed three young children. >> theirre parentst their faith with helping get through every day. >> i know that it's the power of god that has given us this amount of strength to ts day.
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>> coming up in a few minutes, at 6:30, more on darcy spencer's exclusive intervieh the family. they are sharing their memories of that day for the first time. up next doug is back with our full weather forecast. cold moving back in tight and
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[music playing] (sashimi) psst. hey, you! the one with the designer dog collar. wond ing how i upgraded to theet pad? a 1,200-square-foot bathroom, and my very own spa. all i had to do was give my human "the look". with wells fargo's 3% down payment on a fixed-rate loan and a simpler online application, getting into my dream home was easier than ever. get your human to visit what would she do without me? and the army taught me a lot about commitment. which i apply to my life and my work. at comcast we're commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we'll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i'm a technician at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ all kinds of weather changes today with more on the way. but it was nice to see a peek of sunshine. >> it was nice to see the sun and feel it being almost balmy. >> nice to get up and o go the front door and not go oh, my
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gosh. ? this spri we got to 60 degrees today. hard to believe just two days ago the high was 24 degrees. we're going right back there tomorrow, not quite that cold but definitely on theold side. that's where the wind chills are. current temperature 41, winds out of the northwestr at 22 mis ur. gusts of 31 at the airport, 33 annapolis. and 25 in manassas. so a very windy evening across our region. temperatures, these are the feels like,1 d.c., 23 in hagerstown, 39 fredericksburg. everybody on the cold sid so it feels 30 degrees colder hours did just a few ago. that's the kind of cold air we have racing in here behind this storm system that brought us a lot of rainfall. we saw over an inch of rain in the city. 1.33 inches at dulles. that's a new record for the date. some heavy rains and flooding around the areas. starting to see that come down.
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17 in state college, 23 in hagerstown. so tha c cold airtinues to come down. virginia beach still around 57 degrees. that will get cold, to 42 tomorrow, breezy and cold, wind chills in the 20s. we're looking at a cold day tomorrow, not frigid but still cold. you need t coats, hats most likely. 39 on y then we get to sunday, a slight chance of snow to the west of the blu ridge, 49 degrees there. this is really sunday night. monday atu high tempe of 46. and then we get our next storm. that one is on tuesday. it's got a chance of rainr snow in the evening but i'm not too worried about that right enjoy. what i am worried about and what all the models agree on is this here. hello to the po vo, is that what you were trying to call it earlier, wendy? >> thank you. >> # povo the polar vortex is coming down. 28 thuray, 27 friday.
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wind chills in the single digits maybe below zero as we these days. and that continues right on into next weekend. way ourd air making its way. the po vo coming in hot. >> thank you, doug. it'll be easiero say when we're freezing cold. >> that's true. we have new video that shows the awful moments before a man was critically injured in a hit and run. coming up at 6:30 why his sister thinks police are n doing enough. >> reporter: i'm julie carey where disturbing details are revealed about a secanity co owner killing his girlfriend by shooting her in the mouth. up next we'll hear from the parents who lost the three children in a crash talking to news4 on the driver is charged about how they're coping with the pain and their own injuries, too. >> i have b fiveken ribs that
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don't allow me to even cry. when i cry cry with pain, not only from my heart -- not only my
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stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier ... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them.
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because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. it' been the toughest days of my whole entire life. i get so sad. i need them here with me. >> a local family of five is now a couple of twoecause a car crash took the lives of all three of their young children. >> this afternoon we learned police d charge the man in that crash. hours before the children's
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parents spoke for the first ti. only to news4's darcy spencer. >> darcy joins us live now to sharir story. darcy. >> reporter: as you can this was an extremely difficult interview for these parents to talk about lfing all their children basically in an instant, but they also feel it's important that these kids never be forgotten and they want to thank everyone who's held them. >> like i said, this is an unimaginable pain. of the ter: the parents three children who died in tha horrific crash on indian highway say they're trusting in god that justice will be served. >> what this person did to us is something that in hundreds of ways could have been avoided. >> even if n it's time in jail, just the lifetime here on earth god will give him what he
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deserves. >> reporter: the state's attorney announced thomas hawks was indicted on vehicular manslaughter and related arges. h had a blood alcohol level of .17. was driving south on route ly210 while heantoxicated and impaired. >> repter: they don't remembe the crash. the driver of a pickup truck allegedly rear ended their car. their 5-year-old twins and 1-year-old baby isaac died the parents are still recovering from critical injuries. >> i have five broken ribs that i don't allow me to even cry. when i cry i cry wit pain, not only from n my heart only my heart hurts when i cry, but also my body physically. >> reporter: the family had been to church and an all you can eat restaurant never knowing it would be theast meal together. they said the outpouring from
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friends, family and strangers is helping them get mthrough. and my husband and whole family are overwhelmed with the amount of lovepo and s from everyone around the world. >> their lives were cut short, but the time that they were here, they knew nothing but love and joy. >> reporter: the mom tells us she's goingn to be that neck and back brace for at least the next six the father he has a concussion. they are hoping to eventually make a ful rovery but they say they will be in pain for the rest of their lives, physically anemotionally. back to you. >> painful to watch that interview we c imagine what they must feel like. thank you, darcy. if you'd like to helphe family we have a link to their gofundme page. you can also watch their full interview with darcy.
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sech oxon hill crash. we are working breaking news in the district a thesre large flames shooting from the rf of a business. this is on the eighth street corridor in northeast. we're told the firehe could be t red rocks we'rl trying to confirm that. d.c. firefighters say it's out now. this video was taken obviously e just a littl earlier. nobody was injured, but it sused quine a s on the busy eightheet corridor during rush hour. still don't know what caused the fire. the time line to fix the ttle hole just got a longer took at the size of this thing now. crews have been excavating the area to find a damaged sewer pipe, they say it could take a week or longer to be fixed. it's at the intersection of 17th and d street. th street is still closed between cnd e. and now d street is also closed
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between 15th and 17th. d.c. water is headingp the repairs. they say street fixes can't start until they can fix the sewer. ear-old princ george's county man, he was in the icu for four days, he's stl in the hospital after he was the victim of a hit and run. >> he wa hit outside his home in adelphi. while the family initially thought it was an accident,ey n elieve he was targeted and they want police to change the way they're investigating thi case. tracee wilns has the story you'll only see on news4. >> when i see that video of my brother, i was like i can't believe he's still alive because wow. >> rorter: her brother, melvin, is in the hospital recovering after a violent hit and run that happened in front of the family's home almost two week agency. the police and the family initially thought it was an accidental hit and run. now after reviewing security camera video, the family thinks
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it was something else. >> somebody did this intentionally to hury brother, it did hurt him. >> reporter: video shows her brother getting out of his vehicle. another vehicle strikes him. it's too violent to show. the striking vehicle never stops. s girlfriend runs to help him. family soon follows. >> when my dad ran up to him he wasn't breathing. >> reporter: she believes her neighbor's security video shows the striking vehicle following her brother very slowly with its lights off. >> you could see that the car was following him but it turned its lhts off. >> reporter: she said melvin doesn't know o why who would target him. he's been in the hospital for weeks with multiple fractures, his mouth wired shut. >> we want justice for him. we want these people to be found. they have to pay t for whathey did. i'm just hoping the police is going to doing in something about it. >> reporter: this is the road where the accident happened.
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prince george's county police tell us they have a police th report and 're investigating. melvin's sister said she hopes with the veo they've collected police are going to start to search for suspects. tracee wilkins, new evidence revealed in the murder of an alexandria woman shedding light on the possible motive. warnings about safety in the sky. tom costello is goingoi to us live from reagan national with a preslew preview of what he's working o for nbc "nightly news." 62 in fredericksburg, 60 in d., those were the highs today. the next couple days, by next the next couple days, by next ek,we
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z34hbz z16fz y34hby y16fy some disturbing new detames arein eme about a security company owner accused of killing
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his girlfriend. >> the suspect is a married father of two, but in a story you'll only see on news4, julie carey reports on a cell phone video taken moments before theo ng that seems to reveal the motive for the murder. >> reporter: accused killer daniel kankam back in court asking the court to set bond. e pro -- prosecutors went on to reveal chilling new details about her death, her body inside her apartment on january 11th. they t s night she was shot her cell phone was recording as o breakd him she wanted up. he said to her you're pissing me off, herabs the victim's phone and the recording ends and
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investigators believe soon after e put the gun in her mouth and fired and then tried to create an alibi byextingessages to the victim's phone. he had threatened to shoot his girlfriend at least one other in a video on her cell phone, the two are sitting here, she can be heard trying to break things off. heis pulls out hun and points it at her. she say g are young to shoot me, and he re-holters the weapon. the accused killer's wife, wiping tears away a she hears the allegation and declining comment. the couples' home just blocks from the murder scene. a srch turned up six guns including an ar-15. defense attorneys argued because he had a security t compat should not create alarm. the he judge turned down request for bond. 'll stay behind bars. coming upnext, back to the
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shutdown, and while lawmakers are talking on cap there's growing frustration and concern at the airport. tom costello joins us live with the story
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at children's national, stronger is caring for a baby's heart in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. and a future when prenatal pediatrics leads to healthier children. it's being the number one newborn intensive care unit in the country. and giving parents peace of mind. it's less recovering in our bed, and more jumping on yours. stronger is standing out and standing proud. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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the federal aviation administration had a statement today insisting the airspfee was >> this followed a warning from air traffic specials saying there are concerns. b thught local leaders out to the airports. larry hogan went to bwi, at least one checkpoint is closed
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because of staffing shortages. the governor blasted the president and congress for the impasse. why under any strch of the imagination would you want front line safety personnel keeping us safe every daeeping the skies safe to be made because they get ait paycheck a zero in the line? >> tom costello covers aviation for nbc news. he joins u from reagan tonight. should we be worried about air safety. >> reporter: to be clear they're which wabout the tsa, talked about for weeks now, but also air traffic controllers because you have the union, as well as the flight attendant union and pilots' union saying it is not safe for controllers to work a typical 10 hour day, six days aeek, that's normal, and then they don't have enough money to put gas in the car, go to the grocery store, so they're
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taking second jobs. controllers driving uber and waiting taanes. do you w that controller then the next morning or night to climb back up in the tower and be responsible for the lives of people out in the nation's airspace. the faansists the nation's airspace is safe and the controllers and all of these unions are suggesting, listen, this is becoming acute. we don't know -- quote, we don't know where the breaking point is. so is the nation's airspe safe? you have some of the best controllers in the world working idross the country, thank god we haven't had any its yet but they're discussing fatigue serious action is a problem and trying to apply the pressure on everybody in washington to fix the problem so controllers don't have to work second jobs to pay the bills. >> airlines a putting out reports that they're losing money durinthe shutdown. do we have evidence fewer people are flying?
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>> reporter: yeah, american and jetblue and southwest and delta, they've all said in the lastr week so that they are losing money because there are fewer government employees andeople doing business with the government working. and their pointve is we to fix this. the words of the ceo of american airlines today, this is not the way to run a country. we've heardeo othere say this is american dysfunction. you have real pressurrothe business community as well as the nation's unionsu uggesting e inflicting serious harm and damage on everyday people and theeconomy. the last point as i toss back to you, the comments from the billionaire commerce secretary, wilbur ross not playing ned why today quest these government workers going without pay, why don't they just take out a loan. >> that didn't lanwell.
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thank you, tom much more on nbc newscast. nslyoug ht joi"nni uigs nowo tell us how cold it's going to d is the polar vortex coming in now or next week? >> it's not now. it's next week. the amazing thing, we're going to get cold here, wind chills in like wisconsin and chicago could drop0 to 60 below zero. this is real cold air, somef the coldest on the planet coming the u.s. next week. look outside right now. it's much colder than earlier. it was bay earlier, 60 degrees. felt like mid march rather than mid january. temperatures dropping to the 30s by 9:00, 10:00, 11:00. here's the current temperatures. we were 60 now we're 41. 34 in hagerstown. 20s to the north as the colder air continues to move down.
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it was in the 50s last hour in y ocean tomorrow at the bus stop a cold start, 32 in the city. dst of youn into the mid 20s. wind chills in the upper teens to low 20s. not a lot t of windorrow but it will pick up once the sun comes up. 37 at recess feeling more like 25. 42 by the time we pick uphe kids feeling more like 35 degrees there because the winds pick up. the storm system is moving up and out of here, look how it moves this is 12 hours from washington to the boston area. you c bely drive that far but they don't have to deal with traffic around new york city. anyway, what e we dealing with now? clearer skies and colder temperatures. temperatures overnight tonight and wind chills overnight tonight continue. 27 in manassas, 27 in d.c. for the wind chill. byonomorrow afterhe wind chills drop to the west where temperatures continu to drop 16
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in hagerstown, 32 d.c. what happens by 5:00, down into the teens in most locations. it really gets colder tomorrow. now as we move through the next couple days, 35 on saturday, less wind. 49 on sun dy, that's a nic on sunday. we're watching a storm system pass to theh,no maybe snow showers to the west and could see snow showers tomorrow. 46 on monday. and then we get towards tuesday. and tuesday is the day to really watch. 50 degrees at that time. this is the european model. a mildad of this, 52 degrees. here comes the cold front and that's going t drop t temperatures like a rock. 50 degrees early down into the teens by tuesday night. that changes any rain to snow quickl how much wil we get? we have to wait and see. the europeanes model g us a couple inches of snow. the cold is the big deal. this cold is that, cold, cold,
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cold. 20s with overnight low temperatures in thes, te maybe single digits -- really into the single m digits int locations. wind chills below zero possible thursday and fday morning. cold air and it lasts all the way into the weekend. you said it was going to be super cold in january in your long-range forecast. oks like you were right again, doug. >> yeah, thanks for that. >> i dons think anybody i happy about that. >> no. coming up, the champs are th here. e wizards and the warriors. both know this time is
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more than : filling
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the seats, guys. around me on the court everyone wanting to get pictures of steph curry. you see the guys warming up behind me. there he is steph curry a star everyone has come to see. and the wizards have beaten some of the topea teams a this season and they're looking to list.olden state to that but the warriors are going to st the wizards. these two teams played in the first week of the season, not a pleasant time f the wizards ash st curry punished them with 51 points. the warriors are the o-time defending champions. ile they had a couple hiccupsth is year they're going for their ninth straight win. the wizards head coach is well aware of the ways ty can you. >> every night they do something that the league doesn't see ofte and curry makes 11 threes he's like i'm going to outdo my
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shot. and kd, any night he can have, hean go for 50 and klay is doing things that you're in awe. they have a special gro that's why they're defending champions multiple years in a row. we have tolay extremely well but p're u for the challenge. on >> reporter: tight is a good bah rom terfor therd wizas. because right now the wizards are playing well led by bradley beal. washington has won 7 of the laso and the warriors are taking notice. >> they look like they're coming together and playi well. take a player like john off the floor, it's like taking steph off the floor for us. they're finding ways to get arouit. asy've been playing bette of late. definitely n s theame team we plred game eight whatever it was. it was beginning of the season, definitely not the same team for
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sure. elsewhere, the pacers confirmed victor is out for the season after suffering a ruptured quad tendon, you see ie he. he was stretch erred out of e game. a tough blow for victor who was averg over 18 points a game. the basketball community flooding social media with support for oladipo, like lebron james. his high school coach mike jones he tweeted if you know what i know, you know that he will be back better than he ever was. that's his mindset, god speed. we are also wishinglapo a speedy recovery. back here at capital one arena, the wizards not having to share the building with the caps for the next week. they aren the all-star break
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but do not think they are jumpg in any fountains any time soon. fa and players disappointed on the sen game losing streak. >> we're not happy with how we're playing. that's what we have toou think over the break. maybe it's good mentally to get away from hockey and get a fresh start next week. >> right now we need the break. we're going to take it. we're goi to relax and go enjoy the time with the families, with the friends, and come back fresh. >> reporter: a that next game for the capitals will be here bruary1st, taking on calgary. they have the challenge of trying to b getk in the win column because alex ovechkin is going to miss that game because he's missing the all-star break this weekend. i can tell you the flurry here is high as here comes kevin durant back for warmups. back to you guys. >> we werehe seeing t crowd with the cameras behind you.
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>> kd in the housdl there's h room>> f
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breaking news tonight. ere's word of a possible deal in the works that would end the government shutdown. we have late details just coming out of the capitol. and president trump late today weighing in, all of it as the president's commerce secretary, a self-proclaimed billionaire, under fire for this tone-deaf response when told that federal workers are going to food banks to feed their families. >> well, i know they are, and i don't really quite understand y. >> wilbur ross suggesting they take out a loan. tonight the nation's a traffic controllers working without pay, warning the added stress is creating an urgent safety risk in the sky. the mystery after the bank massacre. five women shot and ki


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