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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  January 25, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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congress can't strike a deal. >> there's still a lot we do not this we have our team of reporters sorting it out for you. let's sart with segraves and reaction from federal workers. mark? >> reporter: this is the world central kitchen here on ar fromvania avenue not the white house where the president made those announcements a few hours ago. this is where chef jose andres has been feeding federal workers for days. when that announcement came there were more than 100 of them on line here, and as you can imagine that announcement came as good news for all of them. >i'm excited togo back to work. miss my coworkers, my hopeful. >> reporter: waiting in line for the food giveaway,urloughed workers listened to the president's announcement on tir phones >> many of you have suffered far -- >> that's all we care about. that's all we care about at this point. everything else can be ti need. that's all we wanted. >> reporter: they've given out
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between 7 and 10,000 meals a day heretrt world cen kitchen on pennsylvania avenue. c.'s mayor lending a hand this afternoon. >> we wish itast a temporary solution. we have a lot of federal employees here, t many ofm deemed essential nottt geing paid. >> reporter: word that federal workers will be going back to work soon came as good news to these feds who have been living wi without a paycheck for a month. >> this week i had to pay bills out of my savings. >> chef jose andres said 's going to keep the kitchen open longs workers are struggling. >> we need for people to get to a normal life, that meansp checks and making sure people has time to adapt. >> reporter: the kitchen will stay open until 6:00 and he said
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he'll be open next week for a few days. we can tell you mayor bowser said the d.c. circumstance lay or the bus is going to beee until next monday r monday. she said even if the government goes back to work, the sir cue lay or the will be free. relief for those federalrs wor missing their second paycheck today. multiple administration officials are now telling nbc news, it is expected once the government is backpe it will take less than a week for that back pay to go out. and they should be receiving their next paycheck as regarly scheduled. today's deal came after a rough morning for ground travel. stops at major airports because of lack of air traffic control staff. darcy spencer is live with passengers stuck in the middle of that.
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>> reporter: rou right. it looks like everything is pretty much back to norl. ut earlier today i can tell you there was some frustrated passengers. and they told us tutdown needed to kiy brown flew to d.c. from new york and found herself affected for the first time by the partial government shutdown. >> they need to figure it out. i didn't realize h inconvenient it was or serious it was until it directly impacted me today. i've read and seen things but aiis is bad. >> reporter: she she sat on the plane for three hours at laguardia. the faa said sick calls led to air traffic control staffing shortages and delays that led to a befstop at laguardia. >> they offered people to get off. but i have a conference i can't not go. so i had to wait. >> reporter: some travelers said they hope the delays will be a turning point in the shutdown
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negotiations toe encour lawmakers and the president to make a deal so air traffic will not be g und to ahalt. >> i saw people crying, kids upset. f's not justcting grown ups, it's affecting kids anda m it's dear to my heart. >> reporter: peter flew here from canada to see family. he was surprised that t shutdown affected flights. >> i waited one hour in the ne airp they were telling us every five minutes wait another ten minutes. then i got in the airport and it was a complete mess. >> reporter: by afternoon it appeared the delays had smoothed out. there was an announcement from the president that the government would reopen and furloughed workers would get back y. >> glad everyone can go back to work, thank them for their service and lets go on with life. >> reporter: i would say a number of p were cautiously optimistic. some were concernede could be back with another government
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shutdown in a few weeks. they hope it lasts. >> we'll see what happens. fingers crossed everywhere across thecountry. that critical date is february 15th, three weeks from now. president trump and democrats he until then to finalize a long term deal. what if that doesn't happen? hallie jackson takes look. >> reporter: one of the things the president said is what's on february 15th if he does not get the additional wall money he wants. the short-term deal, based on our reporting, does not include yw wall mo or new fence money, if you will. it's a continuation of the current levels of funding. so on february 15th, what happens ifhe president doesn't get what he wants? he said the government will shutdown agal or he w use the executive powers he has. what does ths mean? tha national emergency. something the white house had on the table. the president putn the table and did not take it off.
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we have been hearing from our source that is the president did not wan to declare a national emergency, he wanted to put the ball in congress's court. see what happens in three weeks fm now, because that's a direction the presid may head, in his own admission if he's not able to come to some kind of deal ton reo the government. >> whatever happens, reopening the federal government, don't just flip a switch. coming up at 5:30 howhe furloughed workers will be fazed back into work. remember, you can get the shutdown updates as they happen. downread our nbc washington app. let's get to what would have been our top story day had that not happened. remarkable develops in a florida courtroom. roger stone defiant after he was in sted and charged connection with the special counsel's russia investigation. pat larsen with a look at what happened inside and outside the >> the scene outside the
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courtroom could only be described as a circus after the former trump campaign adviser was charged on multiple counts of obstruction and witness tampering. listen as stone leftou the and addressed the media. >> thank you. thank you very much. that is incoect. >> lock him up! g> any -- >> fbits arrested stone at his home early this morning. he'sh charged w seven counts, including obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering. the indictment said stone made epeated contact with the campaigns about wikileaks. te group repeatedly dumped e-mails frhe hillary clinton campaign. oday he denied all charges and vowed not to testify against the preledent. >> i not guilty to the charges. it's political motivation by the
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prosecution. as i have said previously, there's nwhcircumstance soever, under which i will bear false witness against the presiden now one thing the indictment allege do is directly collusion between stone and russia. the white house once again says today's indictment had nothing to do with the president. and the president himself callet the greatest witch hunt in the hstory of our country. back to you. folks, you can read the entire indictment against roger stone on our nbc washingtoapp. also today,er fo campaign manager paul manafort he made a brief court appearance. the prosecution is saying nhey shouot look at a cooperation with the special counsel because theunpecial col said manafort lied to
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prosecutors. the judge said she has some doubtou abt the claims made by both sides. she scheduled a hearing for february 4thh for b to make their case. let's turn to the forecast now. it's friday. it's not raining. how about that, that could be a >> big day. >> storm team 4 is already tracking the next big storm coming in. amelia draper standing by in the storm center. >> the next storm system not coming in until tuesday so we have time. but outas there today it breezy. we had gusts at 20 to 30 miles per hour as the sun is. going do those winds starting to subside. we have clear skies out there.ep we'll mainly clear skies t overnight tonight our high today about 44, which is exactly his time ould expect of year. we will have light winds, not just overnight tonight but throughout the weekend. we're not dealing with theinds
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at all. 7:00 p.m. with the sun down for almwo hours we fall into the 30s, to about 3 by 9:00 right around freezing. and 11:00 p.m. 29 in washington but low 20s in some of the suburbs already. it is a cold and clear night with some of us waking up to temperatures tomorrow in the i'll have more on your weekend andan the c for snow coming up later on. we have some breaking news about a popular pizza shop that was once targed by conspiracy theorists. arson investigators tell us someone intentional lysette a fire at come pet ping-pong. it was small and the employees were able to put it out with a fire extinguisher. they say there's no evidence that it links to an icident in 2015 when a man opened fire in
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that restaurant. the man was there to investigate a viral rumor, izza-gate. that man edgar welsh was sense sentenced to four years in prison. to much more come, including the tragic death of a school resource officer >> know that presence will be gone from ourool and he won't be there. >> coming up, thear b crash that also left another police officer injured. back surgery break through, tsusing r to help with your back pain. we'll meet the northern virginia doctor making history. staying on top of thein brea news, the shutdown now brea news, the shutdown now over but what about federal
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z34hcz z16fz y34hcy yfy back now with that breaking news of the day. after a 35-day long stalemate
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the government shutdown is over, least for now. president trump said he will sign legislation shortly to reopen the federal government. but here's the catch. it's only for three weeks. until february 15th. the al, as it stands right now, does notcl ie money for a border wall. the president and democrats have three weeks tac r a long-term agreement. we'll bring you continuing coverage herennd the nbc washington app. it's a difficult friday for students at one maryland school. the resource officer dedicated to keeping them safe was found r dead this morning in his car. news4 derrick ward explains what investigators know as of now. >> robin bradley remembers a gray sedan blowing by her on southbound indian head highway >> when i saw him come over er e. >> the car crossed a grassy stretch and came to rest on a secondary road just outside of
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his house. >> it make like a noise,nd en come out, i look out the window and saw cars just right here. >> reporter: robin bradley doubled back to the scene, she wanted to see if she could help the driver, but it was too late, he was dead. >> i came up to the car, it was just -- i just unbelievable what i saw. >> reporter: inside was charles county deputy patrick p.j. mann, a 13 year veteran of the department and well liked.f he was duty at the time and in his personal car. ethe death hits hard h in charles county, not only the sheriff's department but theho system, he was based here at st. charles high school where he taught classes, mentored youth and helped out with summer programs. >> they used him as a research because they trusted him. he was someone honest with them but willing to listen, that was evidence to them anllthey were g to engage with him in that way. >> as the flag flies at half
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staff, the investigation into corporal mann's death is being led by p thence george's county police department. initially they say the crash didn't appear to be the cause of mann's death. wanted in a man is the district for spray painting a hateful message. he was caught camera tagging a building earlier this week. investigators say his message was anti-semitic. police are now offering a $1,000 reward leading to an arrest in this case. a man at the center of a bizarre animal cruelty case has been arrested, charged with felony animal fighting. police say jaquan jackson was running a dog fighting operation from his home. back in july, officers seized 12 dogs from the home and oter devices that have pictures of
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dog fighting activity. last week we told you about this. remember this alligator?ns it was found iide the home. l a 5 footng alligator kept in a small, too small rubber made containe taken tor has since been to a wild life refuge. potential game changer for millions of americans dealing with back pain and thinking about doing surgery. >> doreen gentzler working for about alth to tell us this new technology that can theiratients back back on feet faster than before, and it's safer? >> yes. back pain is one of the most common health problems in america. a northern virginia surgeon is making history becoming the first person w in therld to perform this new type of robotic spine surgery. >> i'm going to tell the robotoi wantperate from here. >> operating on someone's spine tak tremendous skill and precision. >> each time we place a screw into a be, we have to hit a
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bull's eye. >> robotic technology can help guide a surgeon in the operating room. new system called the mazor x stealth edition takes it a step further,bi cning the precision of a robot wi 3d technology, allowing the surgeon to map out the procedure weeks before it takes place. >> the robotic is an arm that to guides us make sure we go precisely where it's planned. and tig ntion is the ability to watch our instrumente on a screen we're working. >> this week dr. christopher good from the virginia spine institute became the first personn the world to perform this type of spine surgery. this is video from the operating room. >> by using tools like robotics, navigation, we're able to make a much more precise plan. >> okay. >> the combination improves the
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safety and accuracy of the incisions. less radiation involved and thic ique reduces the risk of complications. dr. good compares it to buildi a house. >> you design the perfect house and then you have a robomc sysuilding the house, and as it's building the house, you can see what h happening on the blueprint as it unfolds in front of you. . >> 23-year-old rachel hoffman, dinosed with scoliosis as a teenager, said the cdition is taking a toll on her body. >> i have a lot of hip pain and back pain. >> over time it can lead to heart damage so she decided to go under the knife. >> i thought i'd be a lot more nervous, but i don't know.el i ery confident with this technology. >> patients start walking soon after this
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surgery and recovery should take three to six months. >> the old da of body casts and bedrest are long gone. >> for rachel this is the first step toward healing, and it's something that could bring relief to others considering minimally invasive back surgery. >> by utilizing this technology i can help lots ofpl p i've never met through this system. >> that surgery happened yesterday and we're hearing that rachel is doing well. she's looking at 3 to months recovery time. dr. good was the first person to operate with this new technology and more southeurgeons around t country cod becomeusing this latest this year. we're told this type of robotic spine surgery should be covered by insurance. a lot of potential to help people with back problems. >> that's good becauseou never know how that surgery is going to go. >> kudos to the patient willi to give it a try.
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good luck rachel. >> more presentaticision, bette desults. al to end the shutdown but it's not over yet. members of the house are set to vote shortly. but how long does it take to actually reopen the government. we have that story coming up. >> storm team 4 tracki theng
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looks like we're going to have a weekend we can enjoy, huh? pretty, and no rain or flying canned hams hitting us. >> at least the next couple days. >> this is our first d weeke since the first weekend in january. we started the month off dry we're finishing it dry and it looksike next weekend, which cannot believe is first weekend in february, looking dry. >> looking dry. i like this trend. kp it going. >> in between there's the chance for snow and that's later on tuesday, i lks like rain showers move in later in the day as coldti aair moves in. more on that in a moment. but first check out your sunset tonight, sunset time right about now, about 5:21, clear skies out there. pretty tranquil. we are looking at a pleasant winter weekend.
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our next storm system moves in later on tuesday, that is b follow an arctic blast that arrives on wednesday, and we stay frigid not only wednesday but thursday and friday as well. i'm going to have a look at the potential wind chill coming up at 5:50. right now we'ret 40 degre with feels like temperatures of 33. a bit of a breeze out there, that will continue toh dimin overnight tonight. our temperatures elsewhere, chilly with clear skies and dry air in place. 32 in martinsburg and winchester. so a cold start on s yoururday morning outside of the city temperatures starting off around 20 degrees and 26 in washington. so heading out on your saturday morning you want the puffy coat. with a few clouds out there, we have a mix of clouds an sunshine overall and seasonal temperatures warming to 44, our exact high this time of year. on sunday at 8:00 a., at 32
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degrees. clouds build throughout the day on sunday. i can't rule out a shower or a few flurries west ofhi waton, but only about a 20% chance that materializes and if it does it's going to be a rea yw impact event. a high on suny near 50 degrees. the weather having a low impact on yourweekend. i'm most excited, i put this on twittr, to walk my dog. not worried about frigid tempers or rain, sleet, snow or wind. and brunch is good. and going skiing looking awesome. make sure to bgling the susses and goggles. here's your storm tea4 four y forecast. i'm going to have the ten day forecast coming up at 5:50 but again 49 tomorrow, 49 on sunday. monda lookingnice. hi temperatures in the mid 40s.
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and a highel lood we're dealing with something later on tuesday, but the timing and track is going to determine if we're dealing with more rain or more snow. i'll have much more on that storm system coming up in a e little bit. ve a lot to talk about, just not talking about a lot this weekend, which i think is great news on a friday. we're focussing on the positive. >> right. >> thanks, amelia. a shutdown deal released at least for now. what comes afterawmakers vote to reopen the federal government? >> federal furloughed workers looking to get temporary jobs react to being ableo go back to work next on news4. what it could
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it has been a big day. congress is now working to pass legtion tope reon the government. >> the senate's passed a m which will reopen the government for three weeks and get federal workers back on the job. this after the president ouannounced he support the deal even if it has no money for a border wall in it. >> botharties will figure out riw to come up with an agreement on border se. >> i have seen and heard from enough democrats and republicans
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that they are willing to put partisanship aside, i think. >> democrats are firmly against the wall. butwe agree on many things such as the need for drug inspection technology, humanitarian aid, strengthening security at our ports of >> the house is now getting ready to pass the measure. and the president till threatening to declare a national emergency if a deal can't be reached by february 1>>h. team coverage of what comes next. tracee wilkins is talking with federal workers. >> w beg with scott macfarlane at the live desk in the news room. reopening the government tha's not going to happen immediately. >> definitely not quickly. first things first, esess confereand votes are not final, the president must sign a bill into law for the government to reopen, the empyees cannot return and offices cannot reopen until then. h coupen tonight. u.s. office of personnel management will issue notices to
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workers.e but beca so many workers returned their phones and shuttered their e-mail accounts they're advised to check media alerts and websites for updates. there's a to do list when the government reopens, update the website, it priorityizes notifying the thousands of employees affected. larger agenes may be slower to start. a late night vote and signing could delay the opening of agencies by a full business day to give notification of e-mails. after the 2013 shutdown, they were declared noto declare any victories a cabinet members were to greet the employees for with standing a long furlough.
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the news came as some government workers at prin george's county were standing in line looking for temporary employment with the school system. tracee wilkins is at a job fair with worker reaction. the >> reporter: there are still folks here. as you can see people are still going through the process, doing their interviews, taking part in this. they're saying without a long term funding solution, the to keep their options open. >> last name, first name. >> reporter: furloughed workers are at this job fair looking for work as substitute teachers or professionals. they need the money. >> it's bee two paychecks. >> it's been stressful. my husband is still required to work andng he's not beipaid. it's been difficult. >> reporter: two hours into the job fair, president trump announces an end to the government shutdown. but people here still wanted to finice this pr.
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their faith in their government jobs isn't as strong as it used to be. >> we've been promised a lot of things in the past. while i hope for the best, i have to prepare for the pursue work will here because it's promising to know i won't have to worry abous a governmenttdown here. >> reporter: meanwhile, this morning police and firefighters from prince george's county were helping restock food pantry shelves. nt to felt it was impor get the food out to the government workers who are hting. >> th partners from our food pantries are leing us know they're grateful because they're depletiing supplies because of the increased demand. >> reporter: for some the workers, the thought of going through this process again three weeks is overwhelming. >> i don't want to go through it again. it's disheartening, get it done now. >> reporter: workers ialked to
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telling me without a long-term funding solution they want to keep their options open, this job fair gong until 7:00 p.m. even with an end insight, the damage has been done for some furloughed workers. their new financial condition, it could jeopardize their serity clearances so a northern virginia law firm is epping upto offer free advice to help them. >> the best thing f bks can do proactive to assure their clearance is not affected by thw shu ways to do that is to document as it's happening, the reasons they may not be able to meet their obligatio. and also, to show good faith that they are trying. >> foror more ition on the free advice, search security clearance in the nbc washington app. stay on top of the developments and resources, go to n washington with any updates and
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we will go straight to your phone if you have the nbc washington app. ahocking situation at radford university, a student tabbed to death there and her doommate has been arrested. a 21-year-old ope the door when police officers showed up, covered in blood saying i killed her. officers found her roommate alexa cannon, with stab wounds inside. cutting now faces second degree murder charges. locked, loaded and ready to pray. tonight a bill that would allow you to carry a gunnto a worship service is making its way to virginia's house and could become law. our northerna virgi bureau reporter davi culver looks at both sides of this debate.rt >> rer: you might say security at a park valley church is a form of worship.
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>> four verse nine it says wepr to our guard and posted a guard day and night to meet the threat. that's kind of the stance we tak here. >> he's a former prince william county police officer. he helped crafthe safety ministry. >> i'm going to do what i can to make sure not only my family is safe but also my church family is safe. >> reporter: this week the virginia senate supporting that effort passing a bill that would repeal a ban on carrying weapons to church service. >> people go to church for solace and comfort. >> reporter: mary believes guns won't make her church services safer. >> this should not be a party line issue. it's publicsafety. >> see a public health crisis explodng in front of our farts. >> er: given their training and experience, she
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approves of former law enforcement carrying, but she fears repealing thes ban a greater danger. >> the thought of anybody who isn't well trained,di iplined, experienced terrifies me. >> reporter: those who support the bill says it doesn't mean everyone who shows up for worshipservices will be carrying a gun. >> i fthink there'sar it'll turn it into the old west and everybody has a holster on their side. ct reporter: troy's security team seve in who they allow to join their ranks. david culver news4. this bi still hasto pass the house of delegates. if it happens it'll likely be vetoed by the governor. ahead at 5:00, i'm going to inoduce you to this week's harris' hero. saa doctorng the youngest and tiniest lives.
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those classic candy hearts withhe stuff on hem, back in the news we told you this week they wouldn't be available is valentine's day. but all you fourth graders out there, don't wry a donut there, don't wry a donut company is going to st in honey, you know, soit's one of those ...unless you got it from aldi.n their twice ase guarantee means if you're not happy for any reason, they'll give you a refund and replace it. well fine, why don't you just return me then?id but, yout come from aldi.
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i'm sure you'll love kevin forever, huh? one thing you'll never regrei. is saving big at a save on select mama cozzi's 16 inch take-and-bake pizzas,o just four ninety-nine. aldi. shop difrentli.
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a little boy in north carolina back home with family after vanishing from his grandmother's back yard. 3-year-old kasie hat way was
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found safe afte spending two nights in the cold. despite the frigid weather, he is in pretty good health. >> we just want to tell you body we're thankful took the time out to search for kas casey and prayed for him. he's good. he already asked to watch netflix. >> we did not give up. we were very per sis tenant, the little fella is happy. h he some scrapes and bruises and spent the night in e hospital as a precaution. krispy kreme planning tof l the heart shaped void we know you folks have to deal with since the conversation rock hard hearts are not hitting the shelves the season. the donut maker wants you top pick a dozen instead.
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>> the donuts will befilled with different flavors ranging from raspberry to chocolate and saying you know, bemine, crazy for you. the usual. >> the sweet hearts they'll be back. they'll hit the store shelves next year. the company was sold and they didn't think about making enough for this season. a >> did we them in elementary school or just hand them to eact er? >> i hate to confess this, but we used it as sling songs. >> that's what they're good for. >> that's what fourth grade boys do. >> i know. we are continuing to follow breaking news, the government a shutdown over that susan hogan here to tell you how this is affecting the benefits of federalorkers and now what happens. >> plus working to return -- a local doctor working to return local doctor working to return the sickest
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y339by y16fy and, of course, our big news is evening the government shutdown is eaending, a has been reached. that bill will fund the government thugh february 15th. no matter what happens with the deal 800,000keederal wor missed a second check today. >> from medical t benefits unemployment benefits some employees are telling us they ge aren'ting the information they need. >> susan hogan t is gettin answers. we have heard from so many federal workers who we so frustrated because they couldn't get answers to simple questions. we are working to answer them for you now. if you are a federal employee you will not lose your health insurance, your premiums will
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thcumulate. gh when it comes to your dental and vision insurance, mi your ps will be covered for the first three pay periods. after that you w receive a bill for any future premiums and you must pay on time to continue your coverage. if you have a flexible spending account, you will remain enrolled but you can't be reimbursed for e care claims until the shutdown is over. and furloughed employees who are notworking can collect remployment benefits but you will beuired to pay it back. and federal workers who areg workfull-time and not getting paid that are n u eligible fmployment benefits. all the answers can found in our nbc washington app. search rloughed benefits. and many banks and credit unions are offering low interest loans well.aiving late fees as a lot of this information was
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takenrom the office of personnel management. they sent a memo to the directo of a lot of these agencies who were then supposed to send it to the employees, but the employees have access. >> they had their phones taken. >> so this was floating out there and everyone was like where do we get the information. >> what aus cong five weeks it's been for them. thanks, susan.>> you may have noticed a massive project on wisconsin avenue, moving trees. it finished today. it took about four or five houre to move trees to the front lawn of the old fanny may headquarters. this is where the firsting we mans is going to go. the development includes office spaces, shops restaurants and now trees. today weather accommodated those folks working out there. >> not bad. wead a breeze but beautiful sunshine today. the weekend going to be i'ce.
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not talking blue skies the entire weekend. but if we have aweekend that' lacking rain, wind, frigid temperatures and snow t iink that counts at a nice weekend at this point. the bar is set low for our weekends. nice for january for sure. en monday no weather problems at all. ay during the afternoon and even houring it looks like rain moves in, cold air comes in with the rain, we see a change overto snow ending early on wednesday. and wednesday not only could we see delays potentially from that uesday storm but arctic air is moving in here. wait until you see the feels like temperatures.he currently in 30s and 40s. 35 in college park, 36 in dulles a 33 in gaithersburg. so a cold night and start tomorrow morng. we'll warm up nicely, 44 for a high and a mix of clouds and sunshine. sunday is the warmer of the two weekend days with a high of 49. a small chance, only about 20%
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there's a light rain or snow shower west of washington sunday afternoon and evening. if it materializes, no big deal. this is going to be our first dry weekend in three weeks.e mure to enjoy it. the perfect weekend to go skiing or snow boarding. snow shoe has almost all of their trails open, 54 trails. winter green has 20 trailsopen. liberty looking great also with about 14 trails open there. fast forward to tuesday. this is tuesday at 4:00 p.m. on future weather. notice the rain moving into the area. rain for that evening community but then cold air moves in later and on the overnight hours we see the c rainange to snow. depending on the timing andtr ck that determines how much rain versus snow. but we could see minor accumulation right now, we could get closer to tuesday to g.termine what we're gett you can see by 8:00 a.m. on wednesday we return to dry
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weather but frigid temperaturess this is wedy morning at 8:00 a.m. wind chills in the sile digits and teens. about 14 in washington, three i hagerstown no improvements as we move into the lunchtime and afternoon hours onwednesday. arctic air is moving in starting on wednesday with a highof 2 it remains bitterly cold out there thursday, h ah of 25 and even breezy. still dealing with wind thursday in the teens. atiday is a high of 27. next weekend tempees look to be in the low to mid 30s on saturday and near 40 on sunday. the first weekend of february, and that is also looking dry leon and dr. robin baker is the first person you want to meet in the last place you want to be. he's the section chief of the ne-yo natalcare unit. every day he and his team work to keep very sick, very tiny
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babies alive. it's his personal connection with the family that compelled one of his coworkers to nominate him for harris' hero. om the helicopter ymoment you h second floorn you know you're good hands the the team treats high risk infants. >> we take care of babies with nfections, cardiac problems, you name it. >> leading the team is dr. robin baker. he understands parents are trusting hi >> there's not a more stressful job in the world. when youave a kid that starts like this and shortly treafter they're like this, it's amazing. >> dr. baker has a special touch he knows how to put parents at ease. > we try to give them a way out, we say listen, it's a long road, a rough road, but we have a plan to get out. >> james shares an office with r dr. ba and says it's a
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no-brainer to nominate him as a harris' hero. >> just watching him with en p, children, families, it's inspiring. it makes me want to come to work, and i saw the commercia and said he had's one of my heros let me nominate him. >> it's not just his colleagues, parents also appreciate his approach. >> thank you. can you blow him a kiss? you have no idea what to expect. you don't know if you're going to be walking out of here wh a child. so to have him so dedicated to isabelland us as parents, what was just -- it was just surreal me. >> dr. baker considers all the babies to be his kids. and like any parent he loves to brag. >> this is her mother's ring right there. alexa graduated high school with honors and he's now in college. i went to her graduation. when you see the kids down the road and you see what they're doing when they're three, four, five or i go to high school graduates and you see them walk across, and you go, if you only
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knew. it's very rewarding for me and or our group as well what we're able to publis >> you no you know why he was nomina nominated. there had to be a dozen that told us had to talk to him and make him a hero. he's hesitant to take any credit because he saidt's team effort and a labor of love. >> he's not justng ca for the babies, but he's caring for the panicked parents. it's all fragile. >> s helifeline. >> good for him. >> you talk to any of them and you get it. if any of you know someone you'd like to nominate as a harris' hero, go to our n
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theouse expected to vote tonight on a deal to reopen the ligovernment. e team coverage of what happens next comg up next. in the meantime sentencing day for the driver who ran and hit a red light killing a bicyclist. the victim's familyi s they forgive the man. aimee cho has new information about what the driver did. >> every day y for 2rs tom
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would bike to work. his family said he was proud to help the enironment. his way to work on september 24th, a driver hit him and took off, leaving him lying in the street. now their family says they're heart broken he won't see his baby granddaughter grow up. >> it's tragic. >> reporter: theriver who hit him, 20-year-old phillip peoples. court documents say he texted someone off the crash, i just hit somebody bad my whole car up. a person on a bike ran a light. but security cameras show it was light.s who ran the red peoples apologizing in court saying this is the worst mistake i hve made in my life, i wish i could take back what i've done. >> what did i think of what he said? it didn'tseem personal to me.
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>> reporter: but they say they forgive phillip peoples because it's what tom would have wanted. and they also said they want more safety measures put in sp place likeed bumps. breaking at 6:00. >> everybody get paid. >> hundreds of thousands of ederal workers awaiting their first paycheck of the year. >> very quickly or as soon as possible. >> a del to end th shutdown with no money for a border wall. >> this is just temporary relief. >> the president saying we coulr do it all gain if he doesn't get what he wants. >> shutdown on february 15th again. also breakin tonight, another special counsel indictment. >> anyor i made in my testimony -- former trump adviser roger stone arrested in the early hours of the morning. >> i made it clear i will not testify against the president.
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>> what this indictment tells us about possible collusion in the 2016 campaign the longest government shutwn in our nation's history is coming to an end with a bill that could have been signed last month. good evening i'm doreen gentzler. >> and i'm wendy rieger. we're on d 35, a long five weeks, two missed paychecksor 800,000 federal workers forced to line up for efood,y payment on their bills. today we saw a ground stop at laguardia airport and nationwide delays becausehere weren't enough air traffic controllers. 14000 ira employees ordered bacr to without pay this week never showed up. now a deal to end it, it's the same deal the senate approved before christmas with no money for the border wall. not to be overshadowed the arrest of president trump's


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