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tv   Today  NBC  January 26, 2019 7:00am-8:29am EST

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good morning. breaking overnight, back in business. the federal government openedo thisrning after president trump signed a short-term spending bill last night to the 35-day government shutdown. 800,000 federal workers finally set to get paid, but no money for the border wall. the president insisting he'll get his wall one wayor the other. >> we're going to work with the democrats. we're going to see. if we can't do that, then we'll , obviously, we're going to do the emergency. >> president trump caves. will his base revolt? are we head for another shutdown next month? we're live in waington. i am not a crook. one of the seresident's clost advisers, roger stone, who wasn't worked for richardnixon, defiant after he was indicted in the special counsel's russia
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investigation. >> it is about silencing me. i intendolead not guilty. >> the president calling it a witch hunt. is the special counsel closing in on the president and hiser inn circle? ddly game. a st. louis police officer facing an involunta manslaughter charge this morning, accused in th shooting death of another officer, a prosecutors say the officers were playing a horrific version of russianroulette. all th, plus, bitter bln st. millionshe midwest suffering through unbearably cold temperatures this we with a bigger plunge coming in days. wild ride. a scarroad rage incident caught on camera in massachusetts. one man hanging on to the hood of a moving car. teen sensation. 13-year-old figure skater allis lu is the youngest u.s. champion in history after landing two triple axles.
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she already has olympic dreams today, satuay, january 26, 2019. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with sheinelle s jon peter alexander, and dylan dreyer, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. we're talng about alisa lu. a little early to talk about 2022, but isconsider, th young woman was born in 2005. she could be the next gold medalist, we hope. >> the crowd was going wild. she's a phenom. 13. what was i doing at 13? >> notat >> just 4'7". we'll talk about her in a moment. en> let's get to the top story. the federal gover back up and running today after president trump last nightd sigbill to reopen the government for three weeks. the deal contains no money for that the wall president wants so desperately. still, the president insisted ernight, this was in n way a
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concession. nbc's white housecorrespondent kelly o'donnell has been following it all for us overnight. kelly, good mornie. >> repo good morning, peter. the president is clearly concerned about how this development is being viewed bepolitically, especiallyuse a new round of negotiations for a border wall will begin the president signed the measure without cameras by about9:30 last night. the official memo went out for employees begin an orderly reopening ofme gove. washington open for business in ag with her signature, speaker nancy pelosi sent the president a short-term fix to end the longest government shutdown. >> it's kind of solemn occasion for because so many people have sufferedso long. >> reporter: the president promised quick payouts for federal work is. will make sure that all employees receive their backpay very >>ickly. eporter: government employees like irs veteran kat
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kulani. >> it feels exciting to go back to work, to have a purpose. >> reporter: relief at airports, too. t our officers are going get the paycheck they've earned. t reporter: friday, public oafety was on line, after unpaid trafficrollers called in sick, grounding some . flights pressure landed on the white phouse. theresident made the big announcement with a rose garden ba backdrop, but the deal comes with a big no new mo for his border wall. >> walls should not be ov contrersial. >> reporter: democrats did get what they demanded. reopen government first, then negotiate border security spending. a victory for speaker pelosi. >> no one should ever underestimate the speaker, as donald trump has learned. >> reporter: pelosi gave credit to her party. >> ourny is our power, and that may be what the president underestimated. >> reporter: the president said, if necessary, he use his authority to declare a national border cy to build a
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wall. >> going to work with the democrats. we're going to see. if we cat do that, then we'll do, obviously, we'll do the emergency. deals done, it is ofo the races. and that tweet seemed to be a message to some of theutde conservative voices. remember, this was passed by both senate and house unanimously. so every republican signed on. but ann coulter who is an author and conservative ctic used it for a tweet that digs at both this president and formeen pres the late george h.w. bush saying good news for george ert walker bush, as of today he is no longer the biggest wimp ev to serve as president of the united states.
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cutting tweet for this president and certainly for the bush family. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. elyse jordan is a political analyst. good morningu. to so put this in perspective. 35 days later and we're right back essentially to whe we started. no deal on immigration, the clock has been reset to february 15th essentially. what has change >> well, the human chaos level inside the united states changed. you look at over 800,000 fell workers who didn'tet their paycheck for an honest day's work, you look at over a million contractors who may not even get paid. you look at the airports that startedo be impacted. you look at the food safety inspections thateren't happening. and all of this important work that we take for grantedhe by government and america started to noce. >> yeah, i nearly got stuck in tomorrow.raffic mes i think one of the best takeaways i heard is he didn't
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get the wall but americafo paid it. the the headlines have been brutal for this president in the course of the last 12 to 24 hours, as it relates to tn. shutd we saw what ann coulter said a short time ago. moderates have been alienated by this, frustrated by nothing comg of a35-day shutdown. conservatives, the president's base has been outraged, as well. what does this doly politicato president trump? olitically you w donald trump's approval which already has never been historically high, it took a nose dive. and you look at how americans overall in new "washington post" poll, they blame republicans and donald trump for this shutdown. so politically he gained nothing in this shutdown about nothing. >> so then speaking of gaining, how much of a clout did posi gain? >> nancy pelosi really can take a victory lap today. d the scary part i think politically is you see howld dorump is a president who is driven and inspired and
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motivated by the media narrative. and if the media narrative isth nancy pelosi won, which she did, she didn't cave at all a she didn't give a dime for donald trump's border wall and the government is reopened. and donald trump could cre closer towards declaring a national emergency which he already has been hinting about. so we've got a three week period. is mexico going to pay for the wall? because it certainly looks like congress isn't going to. >> bottom lin b is we m doing this again february 15th, so cancel your valentine's day plans inwashington. nice to see you. thanks so much. while all this was happening in the nation's kaptcapital, ro stone was facing a judge in a florida courtroom charged in connection with the special counsel's investigation into russian interference in 20916 election. but a defiant stone says the charges are all bogus.16 election. but a defiant stone says the charges are all bogus. je geoff bennett has more on that. stone'ster: roger
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indictment is raising new questions about the trump campaign's pursuit of those democratic e-mails hacked by the russians in the lead up to the 20 electi16 election. and stone's arrest is sparksg new conce about what else the special counsel might have ate friday, heade his case on cabl >> it's about silencing me. i intend to plead not guilty. >> reporter: stoneslamming the special counsel's indictment, accusing him of obstruction, lying, and witness campering in e tampering in the russia investigation. >> mahe of these things in indictment i rebutted. the idea they need evidence, they've been in my e-mail, my text messages, my phone calls for two years. >> reporter: the seven charges lited include lying to congress about his efforts to uncover damaging e-mails hacked by the rusans, from the democrats and hillary clinton's campaign. it also includes this stunning
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detail, that after the first wikileaks dump of haed e-mai in july 2016, a senior trump ampaign official was directed to contact stone about any additional releases. roger stone was defiant friday after his federal court appeance in ft. lauderdale. annelling his ol, richard nixon. >> i believe this is a politically motivated investigati investigation. >> reporter: the self-described mr. trickster advised trump for decades. including the ely days of the 2016 presidential campaign. >> i am one of his oldest friends. i am a fervent supporter. >> reporter: last month, mr. trump said stone had guts for saying he'd never testify against the president. the white huse now attempting to distance the two. >> this has nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with the white house. >> reporter: sanders didn't respond directly when asked whether it was mr. ump who told the campaign official to contact stone about the hacked democratic e-mails.
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stone says he didn't coordinate with the >> ther no proof here. >> reporter: roger stone is now the sixth associate of president trump's indicted in the mueller vestigation. and the president's former convicted campaign chairman, paul manafort c was inrt yesterday, too. in tepatate case, prosecutors told the court they didn't think manaforthould get special credit when sentenced next month, saying heto lied investigators after agreeing to acco cooperate in the investigation. >> thank you. we want to bring in matthew miller, a justice and security analyst and former justice department spokesman in the obama administration. matt, good morning to you. >> morning. >> so these charges don't accuse stone of directly colluding with russians during the course of the campaign, but they certainly do bring robert mueller's investigation one step closer td the prt's inner circle. how significant, and i guess
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iore importantly, why this indictment so significant? >> peter, i think the most keportant thing to t away from this indictment is, it doesn'tll ae criminal collusion between the trump campaign on the one hand and thn russiovernment on the other, but it is the closest we've gotten to answer the question at the heart of the investigation. it lays out a series of contacts with roger stone and wikileaks and roger stone and the trump mp gn. i think the biggest question going forward, is there more evidence the special counsel has that he's holding on to until ter? is this all he has? is he still investigating and trying to answer that question? >> to folp on that, one of the president's lawyers, rudy l gni, says, this is nothing to do with the president or collusion. it only has todeal with false statements. is that a fair way to read it? >> two things about that. first all, false statements are incredibly important. a former u.s. attorney for theh so district of new york should know that. they're at the heart of many criminal cases. second, people often make false statements to cover up an underlying crime. that is part of the allegations
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here, that roger stone wasin t to cover up his behavior and behavior of others during one campaign. what we know is, did he have conversations with the president during the campaign abouthis? the president has denied that. roger stone has denied that. know it's been reported they were on the phone at multiple times during the fall of 2016, when the wikileaks dutch dumps going on. >> right. >> that question is central going forward, to how far the conspiracy wou go. >> i'll put this up. it says, a senior trump campaign official was directed to contact stone about additional releafre wikileaks about hillary clinton. there's only so many -- i covered the campaign -- only so many senior trump campaign officials and only so many people who could direct a senior campaign official. is this zoing in on the president? >> i think you're right, peter. that's one of the mostin tantdetails in the entire indictment. it is written strangely, this passive voice use of someone wad
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dire when you look at senior campaign officials who would naturally be in contact with roger stone, obviously, paul manafort, the campaign manager, hiformer business partner. rick gates would know him well. but the passiice to say, was directed. usually, it'd be, seni campaign official one directed senior campaign ofcial two. the concealing of the detail means president of the united states, though we're not sure. it is an odd use of terms, the way they write the indictment, to keep that from the public, at least for now. >> may be more to come. matt miller, thanmu so . >> thank you. also this morning, we're learning more about the miracle rescuof a 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days in north carolina. how was he able too survive s long? tammy leitner is on the scene with more. good morning.po >> er: good morning.
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i can tell you, this boy is a survivor. he survived in bitter cold temperatures in the north caroli woods. he only has a few scrapes and bruises. this morning, the emotions are those of relief, after -year-old hathaway was miraculously fnd alive by a team of rescuers. ems captain shane greer, a faer himself, amazed this little boy survived three days in the rugged woods of craven county, north carolina, incondi >> i think he was so exhausted at that time,nd i was so ready to get him out of the woods. >> reporter: police s casey had been playing with friends outside his grandmother's house when he unexplainably vanished. >> we can't find him. >> reporter: a massive search operation foheowed. fbi, marines, and hundreds of volunteers scoured over 1,000
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acres of the hilly terrain. linda fraker was one of the volunteers. >> i heard just a crying. i ran up theroad, and got the officer. i asked him to please come down and listen. >> reporter: shane greer was one of the first to reach little casey, trapped in an overgrown brush, 1/4 mile from where he went missing. >>found him65 meters in, entangled in heavy vegetation.nt at that poi in time, we fought our way in and got him out, grabbed him. >> reporter: a moment shane and casey's parents will not soon forget. >> thank him. thank him. > yes. yes. >> thank you, buddy. >> casey is expected to be released from the hospital today. his aunt tells us he was amazed. all of these people were out searching for him. the one thin's looking forward to most? getting home to watch netflix. guys? >> i said chicken nuggets. was wrong. tammy light near, thank you. >> happy ending there.
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millions waking up to bitter cold. it is an arctic blast, and this one won't go away any time soon. dylan joins us with more. it is cold in the midwest. >> colder, too. that's the problem. the worst of the really cold temperatures will be hitting in a few day, but it is ill very ld out now. that's making a mess for pfple m the midwest to the northeast. >> reporter: blocks of ice in new york's hudson river pushed boats and barges loose friday, sending them down river, causing this 300-foot cruise ship to crash into a trainid . in vermont, an ice jam unleashed a flood, forcing the evacuati of 19 homes. >> 3 feet of water running through different sections of the trailer park with, you know, mixed inwith pretty good ice. >> reporter: more ice damage along ohio'siv vermilion . >> it came really quick. 12:30,girlfriend wakes m up, i hear banging outside. here comes the ice. >> reporter: the midwest is
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already suffering under arctic conditions. the worst is yet to come. the week ahead is expected to bring the coldest weather in two years. bitter cold didn't stop residents always frigid fargo, north dakota. they shrugged offs mi 6 degree weather friday. are they prepared for next week, when it'll be 28 elow, with the wind chill that's minus 50? >> so the brutal cold temperatures will be sticking around. we have wind chill alerts out this morning a the upper midwest, northern wisconsin, parts ofor easternh dakota. wind chills, 25 to 45 below zero. frostbite can occur in ten mp minutes in tatures this cold. look at our current temps. we have 18 below in marquette. 6 below in chicago. this afternoon, temperatures will be runningag below av with wind chills around 10 to almost 30 degrees below zer as we go into tomorrow morning, very cold temperatures continue to settle n. we're still looking at wind chills well below zero for mostp
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of the midwest. on sunday, high temperatures really only in the single digitr ss the northern plains and the upper midwest. goisng into next week, i the reinforcing shot of cold air. temperatures in the morning,w ing up to 25 below in minneapolis on wednesday. 16 below in chicago. indianapolis will be below zero for your morning low emperatures for the middle of the week. that will continue to push to the east. that's a look at the weather across the country. now, here's a peek out your window. >> well, this is what you're waking up to early on this g. saturday morn look at the sky out there. autiful pinkish/reddish sky on this saturday morning. listen, finally dry and quiet through this weekend. temperatures today, upper 30s/lower tom nearing 50. monday, 40s and sunny skies. we have in to snow on tuesday. just watch, icy watpatches out door. temperatures starting this morning below freezing. teens and 20s. >> that's your latest forecast.
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>> thank you very much. still to come right here, adly game. a st. louis police officer facing criminal charges after the fatal shooting of another officer in what appears to be a version of russian roulette gone wrong. plus, the emotional showing of a new michael jackson documentary at detail graphic, there were counselors on standby. we're back after this.
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crime. >> the suspect, surrenderied away in handcuffs. >> this is an individual that needs to face swift and exacting justice. >> porter: a happy homecoming for a young woman, allegedly kidnapped after a night out with her twin sister in boston. >> the young woman vanished after leaving this bar late saturday nightn the city's area. c hall >> it is obvious she didn't go along willingly. >> we are beyond happy to have her home. >> reporter: a judge ordering the suspect to undergo a mental health evaluation. an american man accused of spying made his show in russia. >> the ex-marine from michigan barely able to hear hisr. lawye hi twin outranged. >> charges ar false, and he needs to be back with his family. a stand-off between a high school student and native
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american man that set off an uproar. savannah sat down with interview with the teen and the native american elder. >> why didn't you walk away? >> now, i wish i would have walked away. i didn't want to be disrespectful from mr. phillips and walk away. >> what do you hope comes of this moment in our country? >> even though i'm age rngrangre the forgiveness in my heart for the student you can decide what king you are going to be. >> the oscarnominations were unveiled, "black panther" being the first perhero film getting a nod for the best pictur> some of the week's memorable moments on cam a man in an excadetor stroyed a hotel lobby in england on the ay it was scheduled to open, apparently due to a wage sp diute. a close call in wisconsin, whe a sheriff's deputy was nearly hit by a car sliding out
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of conanol. a camera on a wire slammed in the stand at the australian open. thankfully, no one was hurt. finally, this video went viral. a woman trippingn a treadmill, launched across the gym, but she didn't give up. hopping right back on for a second try. another tumble. as the saying goes, if at first you d't succeed,try, try again. >> she did try again. >> yes. >> try again, when it is not on. >> someone came to help her. >> you know what u do? step on the sides, hold on, hen get your feet going. still to come, are the the future of school safety? we'll introduce you to police officers at a high school. >> back after this.
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>> announcer: this is a "news 4 today" news break. >> 7:26 on this saturday, january 26th, 2019. good morning to you. i'm david culver. let's get a check of your headlines. we'll start with president trump's long-time political r, advisoger stone, out of jail, making preparations to totravel here to washi next week for another hearing. federal officials arrested stone yesterday at his home in florida in the early morning hours. he pleaded not guilty in court. he was releasedon a $250,000 bond. stone is accused of lying to the house intel committee about his interactions with wikileaks during the 2016 campaign. stone's hearing is set for tueniday. hap about four minutes from now, volunteers going to be coming togetherth to clean u
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park around fletcher's boathouse int northwc. with the government shutdown, the park service couldn't keep a up with thetenance there. the park has been dealing with run-off from the tomac from recent high waters from the rain and snow. hundreds of volunteers expected to come out a help with th cleanup effort. we'll check in with lauryn ricketts to see what weather they'll be dealing with ony.his satur
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i'm meteorologist lauryn ricketts. look e thisection off the capitol building. beautiful sky to greet you this morning. chilly out there. it is going to be pretty quiet this weekend. our next change comes on tuesday. rain to t snow,en wind chills in the teens and single digits by wednesday and ursday. temperatures right now in the teens and 20s. wetre dry. t's how it is going to be for the remainder of the day. maybe a few light snow showers west of i-81 tomorrow. temperatures in the upper 40s. raito snow by tuesday.
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blustery wednesday and thursday. >> back in 25 minut with other check of your headlines. for now, back to the "today" show. we're back on this saturday morning, january 26th 2019. >> gorgeous look at the sunrise abo washington today. finally, good news to report from the nation's capitol. after 3 days of being partially shutdown, the government is back openus foress this morning. >> the end of the shutdown tops our look at the hadlines this morning. last night, president trumpsi ed a bill, reopening the government for three weeks, and promised federal workers will get paid quickly. the agreement doesn't include a money f border wall, but the president says if there is no deal in theeeks ahead, he'll declare a national emergency, ie wall. to build the a road rage incident caught on camera in massachusetts. this happened after the two vehicles were involved in some sort of minoridinent.
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police say a -year-old man jumped onto the ho of this man's car, reaching speeds up to 70 miles per hour on the massachusetts turnpike. look at that. some good samaritans and authorities finally came to the rescue. th men were arrested. >> my goodness. breaking news in thets sp world. naomi osaka just won the tennis tournament. she took the titll last and is the first player to win back-to-backlgrands since serena williams won four straight. osaka will be ranked the number one women's tennis player in the world. speaking of sports, 13-year-old figure skater made hitory last night, becoming the youngest u.s. national champion ever. she did it by landing two triple axles. she won't be able to compete for another couple years. you need to 15 to compete. this morning, there is a startling turn in the aftermath
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of the trage st. louis. one police officer shooting another to deathsarlier t week. authorities now say the two were playing a type of russian roulette. the officer who fired the shot is facing a criminal charge. nbc's morgan chesky has more. >> reporter: t st. louis police officers tied what investigators call a deadly game. nathaniel charged with manslaughter in the death of kaitlyn alex. >> as much as it saddens me and my staff to file these charges, kaitlyn and her family deserve accountability and justice. >> reporter: investigators arrived at thnathaniel's tm apt. they were said to be playing russian roulette, a game his partner said to stop. seen here in a graduation video, he loaded a single buet into a
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revolver and handed it to alex. alex pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. when the gun didn't re, he took the gun back and pointed it at the victim and pulled the trigger, caung the gun to discharge. the 24-year-old was hit in the est and laterdied at a nearby hospital. the department says hendrin was also hospitalized but won't say why or where he currently is. >> from everything i hear about this bright, young woman, she represente the police department in an honorable manner. she had a very bright future. >>teporter: a future short by a fatal error in judgment. for "today," morgan chesky, nbc news. >> awful story. billen dylan is back with a check of the weather. >> we're keeping an eye on the lake-effect snow coming off of lake erie. 1 to 2 feet of lake-effect snown already ha fallen. we have winter weather alerts that are posted across parts of
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upstate new york, even michigan, as well. winter weather advisories are i. effe while this round will eventually shut down, a we hather round of lake -effect snow expected once this cold front moves through, especially as we go to nday. the winds cross the great lakes, resuing in the lake-effect snow. we could see, through sunday, an additional 6 to 8inches at least of snow, especially off lake ontario. another to 6 possible off lak er erie. even into michigan, we could have another 4 to 8 inches of snow there, as well. that's a look at the weather across the country. ernow,s a peek out your window. >> i can't get enough of the sunrise. we have the birds on cue right there. beautiful reflectionof coming the u.s. capitol building right now. current temperatures, it's we're in the teens and 20s right now. on our way to the upper 30s and lower 40s. nothing happening on the r ar, but as we go through the day,
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sun 40s lehere in d.c., mix of d clouds. light wind out there. this weekend, watch for icy spots this morning. skiing, fantastic. >> that's your latestforecast. our first look at quentin tarantino's new movie starring brad pitt and margot robbie. first, healthstories. what's best for losing weight, going to bed early or skipping thelate-night snacks, right t afters. jardiance asked- and now you know. jardiance is the first type 2 diabetes pill proven to both reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower a1c, with diet and exercise. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away
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♪ back this morning in today's medical roundp. measles outbreak is causing concern across the country. and a study might answer how to lose more weight, going to bed early or avoiding the late-night snacks. first, we have important information on how to protect 'syourself. leget to dr. john torres. >> morning. >> nice to see you, doc. deep freeze the midwest, below zero here. it is a good time to remind people to protect themselves. t >> the importaing is exposure. the more skin that's exposed, the more you're outside, the more problems you'll run into. eping dressed as appropriate. keeping things covered is the imptant thing.
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dress in layers. you never know if it'll be warmer or colr. over all the body parts. things we're most concerned about, e,ears, n fingers, toes, cheeks, and chins. don't stay outside longer than necessary. there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear, meaning you didn't dress up enough. hypothermia is important to be careful with. thacan happen to just about anybody, especially as the temperatures drop and get b 50. frostbite, a huge concern. there are different levels. if you feel numbness or tingling, it is a sign. cover up and get worse if you're wet. >> can we ask about the measles? so many assume this was a thing of the past, but now, there have been outbreaks across the country. there was a scare forans at an nba game. >> couple things happen in yportland. tsent out a notice, saying somebody with measles was in the concourse of an it shows how contagious it is. if you're in the concourse, you
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pass somebodey cough, the virus can be sin natu vaccinat vaccinated, it is highly d contagious. is one of those things that the vaccineantage vaccinated, it is highly contagious. and se things that the vaccine is the best protection we thoit iofone are. >> is that what is goingon? >> hot spots, west coast, east coast, minneapoli those are high levels of people not getting vaccinated. soet those vaccines. 95% plus protection with the vaccine >> aelf. vaccine itself. >> we have to ask you this osin timeless question about losing n t. a lot of resolutions in tact, at least for a couple more days.wht eating l we or sleep, is to more important?bed e to go to bed early or avoid the late-night snacks in the evening? > we thought eating within two urs of night would add weight to the body, keep you awake. that doesn't happen. they d a study japan. >> really? >> i've been failing at pthat.n
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ople ate before going to ult bed, and their blood and glucos metabolism, no different. weight gain wasn't aprobleprobl. theeawak only problem is if youo something that will keep you eag awake. i to work night shifts in the er. donuts are thething glucose metabolism gets out of control if you eat late at nig t and don't get sleep. be careful. i >> i fwondered, and thoughtt do was just i did an overnight shift but an early morning shift for years. of us assume that it affected our metabolism. or a lot ofub people have t troub losing weight whenle they're onn the shifts.thos >> part ofe it is the blood glucose metabolism, but it is h also your choices. you have the high-sugar because you want the energy so t boost. that's probably part of the i problem. >> i get my kids to get betwee 8:00 and 9:00 every night, but i stretch it later. >> don't eat the8: bowl of00 ch before it'll probably ke awake. t >> hat doctor, appreciate it. >> you bet.
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still to come, the new york city policebed officers actingn beat cops, and how they could be the wave of the future inside h cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. verzenio + an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts,
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this morning on in-depth, is >>in-depth today, is it the on future of school safety? sheinelle is taking us inside a new york city high school, where students and police officers shne a special >> this is another piece in the education series i'm working on. i was struck by how much these officers mean to the kids. this isn't your typical school safety story, because of the way the nypd officers are interacting and really getting to know the students. a talook. >> reporter: in new york's south bronx, nearly half of all families live at or below the poverty line. >> grew up in a broken neighborhood, but ip grew a good ho good home. >> reporter: it's also why students say for some classmates, going to school can be tough. now, aew pilot program, run by the new york police department, is working to chang that. for someone who says, you know what, we had cops at schools for years. what is different about this program. o well, before, the might
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have said hi but didn't know the kids on a personal basis. we're guidance counselors, nurses. you got good gres? >> we're teachers sometimes. >> all right. high-five. >> we do much more tha we ever did before. >> how is the jump shot? >> reporter: jackson and ramirez are school coordination agents, one of 60 unarmed officers in elementary,ddle, and high schools that rolled out the initiative last fall. show of hands, if something were up and you needed to conde in somebody, could you trust the officers? why do you say absolutely? >> i see them as family to me. >> they try to build a bond with the studens. anysituation, they'll be there right away. outside, with the regular police, it's d we look at them as if they are against us. >> reporter: tenth grader isaiah jys there was one incident in particular wherckson and ramirez changed his life. >> couple days. the next day, i came with two
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knives. >> reporter: he confided in the officers. >> i'm trying my b st rightnow, just trying. >> reporter: how do you get to the point where a student trusts you enough to tell you there's going to be a problem? >> by talking to them. interact. we smile with them, let them know we're human. we're people, too. don't let the uniform fol you. we have bad days, just like you do we get upset. but we're here to help. how is grandma? >> have you notice ad a yefference? > they realize, come to us, and we'll take you where you need to go. >> reporter: annette florentino has been the principal the lasta e. some schools, metal detecters, armed police ficers, some say teachers should be armed. you don't see that here, and kids feel safe. >> it is the efforts of the t people building. they engage with the kids. they engage with the parents. they're here to really support
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students. e're armed with knowledge. we use our mouth. we use our brain. we use our eyes, our ears. we use every tool wi have out using a weapon. it works. >> it seems to me that you guys are saying, at a time when people are so afraid about vience in schools, you think it starts with the smaller moments >> absolutely. one kid that has not gotten attention, that's over in the catner, that's quiet, th no one is paying attention to, that's the kid that will come i and s the building. it's him who you have to say, what's the matter? why you over there by yourself? >> reporter: one kid at a time. >> makes a . differen >> yeah. >> i walked into the school with this program, and i was spectercle. i remeaving a police officer at my school 25, 30 years ago. is was different. every kid i talked with, i didn't have time to put it in the piece, every kid had aec ic story about what one of the officers did for them, whether it was, you know, you heard the one young man say he
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had knives in hisbackpack, and that situation was totally, you know, resolved by talking. >> it shows the difference, the relationship where you view the officers as being on your team.' th on the same side in this. >> yeah. >> it changes the entire dynamic in the school liket. >> one other note, and this doesn't matter where you live, whether you're in new york city or des moines or wherever, the power of a young teenager feeling like they'reed affi and they matter. they all talk about how the parents are busy. it is not that parents don't care, but their working or what have you. the kids, one of the kids, his grades have gone up tremendously. i said, what changed? he goes, well, i felt like somebody cared.ed somebody cow i did in school. affirm the kids when you see theac make eye co when you see a ceung person. it makes a differ >> teachers, officers, and communities. >> all of us. >> i agree so much.le sheinthank you for sharing that. still to come, a chance meeting on the side of the road etween a man wounded in afghanistan and general colin powell. an act of kindness that could teach us all a lesson.
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first, these messes.
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still to come this morning on "today," could a 10-year-old scien project just have proven that deflategate is real? perhaps the best of all, tom brady cheated. plus, why gisele says she has a'90s boy band to thank for teaching her english.
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>> announcer: this is a "news 4 today" news break. >> 7:56 on this saturday, january 26, 2019. i'm david culver. let's get you to developing news this morning. just out of montgomerycounty, overnight, one person killed when they were hit by a car on layhill road. this was just after midnight. the driver stayed on the scene. right now, it is not clear if inny charges are g to be filed. layhill road has been cleared, and we're told it is now open to traffic. d.c.'s newseum is closing, and a portion of pennsylvania avenue will be transformed. the freedom forum which created the museum announced it sold the buildi that houses the museum to hns hopkins university for
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$372 million. regulators nehe to approve sale. the museum will be open through 2019 and hopes to find a new cation during the time. johns hopkins school of advanced international studies will move toe. pennsylvania aven we'll get a check of the forecast with lauryn ricketts on the other side of this. friends. i am a fervent supporter of the president. eporter: just last month, mrtrump said stone has guts foresaying he'd neverfy against the president. the white house now attempting to distan the two. >> this has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the white house. >> reporter: sanders didn't respond directly when asked whether it was mr. trump who told that campaign official to o contact s about the hacked democratic e-mails.
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stone said he didn't coordinate wihe president. >> there is no proof here. >> reporter: roger stone is now the sixth associate of president trump's indicted in the mueller investigation. now, this indictment doesn't say whether any associate knew in advance of the russian plan to hack the democrats. >> the legal team trying to d n downplay the severity of this, aren't they? >> reporter: the president's legal team says the indictment isn't about russian collusion, rather, stone's false statements to here is counselor to the president. the indictment does notllge russian clugs by roger stone or anyone else. rather, the indictment focuses on alleged false statements mr. stone made toes con which is true, but it raises the question, what were the falsete stnts and lying about? t was about the trump campaign's contacts to wikileaks about this information that was stolen by russian intligence. e release of which was done to
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hurt clhillary clinton and help donald trump's election chances. roger stone doesn't expect to be convicted, and he wouldn't weigh in on whether he thinks president trump mightssue a pardon. >> geoff bennett at the white house, thank you. meaneantime, the search is for te200 people a dam collapsed in brazil. miners were on their lunch break when the dam gave way. rescue recovery teams work through feet of mud. a truck driver from new york can joy a life of retirement bliss after coming forward onid as the winner of the powerball jackpot. the jamaican immigrant bought a lottery ticket the day after christmas. the jackpot, just shy of $300 million. the married father of three has chosen walk away with the awes.
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> we're back wit a chance encounter on the side of a we're back to the side of the washington highway and one man's surprise when he saw a driver fixing a flat tire. >> this is a great story. turns out, the randed driver was general colin powell. the two quickly realized they shared a unique bond. >> andrea mitchell has their
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story. reporter: two strangers coming together on the washington beltway. one trying to change a flat tire. ter stopping to help. >> when i walked up to him, i y sai're general colin powell. he said, yes, am. >> sleeveless shirt on, short pants. why is this guy freezing to ? dea he just wanted to help me. >> almost like meeting an old friend. you're two people on the side of the road. you have a situation, a flat rre, you're going to fix the flat. orter: it was a connection between the two of you? >> yeah. once i saw the leg, i wasn't sheer there it was blown off or he had an infection. it was a combination of the two. me.ew he was one of he was one of my guys. >> reporter: they snapped a selfie, then rushed off to a doctor's appointment at walter reed. connecting later, anthonyma ert texting, general powell, you were always an inspiration, leader and statesman. colin powell iting on facebook, thanks, anthony.
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you touch mid soed by soul. you made my day. this is somebody in need. take a second out of the day and help out. >> that's what we're about, taking here of each that's what makes america great. stop screaming and shouting at each other and s taking care of each other. >> reporter: two military men doing what they were trained to do, serve. for "today," andreamitchell, nbc news. >> fantastic. >> i love what he saysf anthony, he is one of my guys. >> one of my guys. still to come on "today," how patten oswald helped out a man tlling him on twitter. i'll take you inside one of the most popular restaurants here in the big apple and show you why it is always fully booked. those stories and more after these messages. eligible patients may pay as little as $10 per prescription. text save to 47500. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain.
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week for ar hearing. federal officials arrested stone yesterday at his florida home in ine early mo hours. he pleaded not guilty in court and was released on a $250,000 bond. stone accused of lying to the house intel committee about his interactions with wikileaks during the 2016 campaign. stone's hearing here in d.c. is set for tuesday. happeningight now, volunteers are cleaning up the park ound fletcher's boathou in northwest. with the government shut down, the national park servi couldn't keep all of that maintained. the park has been dealing with storm run-off from the potomac because of recent high waters, rain, and snow. hundreds of volunteers expected to be out there today tohaelp cleanup effort. turns out, d.c.s a hot spot for a specific kind of valentine's day activity. the city is ranked among the top last-minute ry for hotel rooms on valentine's day. hotel tonight looked at whatee cities the largest spike in same-day bookings february 14th. santa barbara, california, was p
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the top t, followed by new orleans, napa valley. d.c. in fourth ahead of new york, la, and vegas. cold one out there today. lauryn ricketts tracking your weekend forecast, right after this. you have a lot of deadlines in your business, right? we miss deadlines, we don't get paid. what if you lost your network connection? you gotta be kidding me. chaotic. our gig-speed network lets you download files up to 20 times faster. and we go beyond fast with 4g lte backup for complete reliability. so, if you lose your network connection...
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♪ ♪ you won't miss the deadlines. having the confidence of something that's never gonna go down would be priceless. one more way we go beyond. call today and pay just $49.95 a month for fast, reliable internet. comcast business. beyond fast. stronger is caring for at cha baby's heartnal, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. and a future when prenatal pediatrics leads to healthier children. it's being the number one newborn intensive care unit in the country. and giving parents peace of mind. it's less recovering in our bed, and more jumping on yours. stronger is standing out and standing proud. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. it is a cold start to your saturday, buts, lauryn ricke at least it is dry out there. >> yes, it is dry for the first weekend in three weekends. we have a beautiful sky out
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there. we're going to have a mix of sun and clouds out there today, as well. at least quiet conditions. now, your sunday, we have a few moren clouds place. monday, plenty of sunshine and seasonable. next change comes tuesday afternoon when we could see rain changing over to snow. certainly cold enough to have snow. we have no precipitation out there. teens and 20s right now. we are looking dry throughout the day today. temperatures, again, will be pushing into the lowto mid 40s. >> all right, lauryn. we're back in 30 minutes with an hour of your news and owweather. forback to the "today" show. ♪ we are back on this saturday morning. janry 26th, 2019. it is cold and my mouth isn't working. huge thank you to everybody out here. grateful. >> look at that.
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i love the sign. peek out your window, dilly dilly. >> brave sports. we appreciate you being here. if you have a tough time keeping your resolution t eat better, we may have help for you. our friend dave is here to help show us how to live a sugar-free life. because we stay bundled up in the winter doesn't mean you onable.e fas we'll show you great winter trendl and i take you inside one of new yk city's most popular restaurants and meet the chef behind it all. >> looking forward to that. >> he is going to cook for us. >> like what you'reoing there. first, a story that went d at retail. they're direct to customer. the boots make the look. >> i'd never think to put the ikboots with a dress that. super cute. thank you to all the models on this fine saturday morning. sarah, thank you. >> thank you. >> looks we can all dot and too expensive. up next, a new way to eat without sugar. good?t taste that's the question. we're back after this.
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we're back back on a satury morning with our series, resolution revolution. the first month of thee new is almost over. many are realizing they haven't kept with the new year's resolutions. this is me looking in the mirror if yours was to eat healthy, we'll try to help you stay on track th morning. today's health and wellness contributor is out with a new book "zero sugar cookbook." good to see you. >> how is everything? >> everything is good. this is a big jump, to go from sugar to no sugar at utall, it doesn't have to be all sugar, but helps wean it out of the diet. >> we're talking arout added su 500 calories a day of added sugars, with no nritional value. you have natural sugars. once you cut out the add sugars frour life, benefits occur. b first, you loly fat. we had test panels losing 16 pounds in 14 days. boost your metabolismd
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increase energy. you'll end the bloating and udiscomfort. l slash your risk of diabetes. 100 million americans are diabete diabetic or prediabetic. it is just about added sugars. easy meals you can make in minutes. >> this is aenpopular hopefully one that sticks. j.lo challenging hoda and our team. see if they can stick to it. >> a lot of diets call for no sugar. >> let's start at breakfast. this is an open-face hot ham sandwich with a poached egg. >> no added sugar. >> zero added sugar. we have lowum sod ham and thin slices of pepperjack cheese, poachedegg, micro greens and/or chives. weeusing sourdough bread. this is 400 calories. no added sugars. lots of proteinfiber.
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>> you don't think pizza and urgers when you think of healthy. >> two of the greatest things for me in life, pizza and .urge we're using the ground turkey instead of beef because it has less fat we're topping it with zzarella, tomato sauc a lot have sugar in them. food manufacturers trying to sneak them ithere. >> check the labels. >> this is zero sugar. that's coming in at 450 calories with basel. >> not tricky for a family at home. >> 15 minutes. >> nodoubt. talk through dinner. >> this is great. this is an oven fried almond crusted chicken. what we're doinge' here is basically, instead of going with flour, we're going wth almond meal and oat flour, giving it a boost of fiber and protein. this is easy to make classic comfort food. again, it is coming in around 400 calories. it is with some potato salad. what e've done is cut the mayo
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with some sour cream to eliminate more fat. >> i have to hust i through. ththe best of the day. i don't know how you do dessert without the added sugars. apparently, you've done it. chocolate parfait with banana. go for it.ia mac macadamian nuts. we're whipping a cream and spooning it in in layers. >> this is good. i like that. >> 230 calories. >> 230 calori for that? ah. it takes seconds to make. it is not much preparation at all.e >> good to u, by the way. we gave you a lot of information. the recipes are at if you want to do this at home. next, dylan takes us inside one of new york city's busiest restaurants. we'll learn to make some of the most popular recipes, after these messages. i'll keep eating. some things you want to remove,
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chantix reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. for me chantix worked.boom. end of story. talk to your doctor about chantix. this morning, we're taking you inside a new york city hot w spore the chef and owner
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pours his heart and soul into king this restaurant. one where getting a reservation is no easy feat. >> reporter: something special isp cooking u in greenwich village. the chef cooks up saucy vegetables and meat to a full crowd. what's the magic >> i think, in general, we try and make good, flavorful food, and make it approachable. people say it feels like home. that was part of the idea. >> reporter: where does your love of food come from? >> my mother and father loved to cook. at a young age, i was in the kitchen helping my mom bake. there was alwaysbo somethingut food in our upbringing. >> reporter: his childhd is sprinkled throughout the dessert men kn lwmenu. >> wes had tins and tins of cookies, homemade.
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>> reporter: it is an experience full of heart, he said. here, many of the recipes were inspired by his two toughest critics, daughterlla and georgia. >> i've always seen the table as a place to share with your family. when i'm home, we try and do the same with my kids. >> reporter: way to bring everyonei together. >ink food is always a way to bring people together. >> reporte namesake hits close to home. where does the name come ?fr >> my father passed away soon before opening the restaurant. my cousin was cleaning out the attic. he had my father's yearbook. it h his name. loreing place, w lived. >> reporter: you've been in the business 25 yemers. >> sere in there. >> reporter: i won't age you. how important is this restaurant to u? it was my blood, sweat, and tears. it was something that, i think for a long time, knew i wanted to own something and create mething, and i'm excited by
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the opportunity. it makes it that much better, ti now busy and well received. >> reporter: dthank you. >> dan is here and is going to cook with us. i'm happy to share this food switheinelle and peter. i've been raving about it. we'restarting with your grandma's pizza. what makes it different? >> w use whole wheat flour. >> this is as fresh as it gets. >> we make a simple pzza dough. mix it, let it proof, knock it down, let it proof ain in the trays. very simple tomato sauce, mozzarella. >> you don't cook the dough firs >> no. we use a good local ingredien scatter it over, tomato sauce on top. o regul
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or oregano, fresh. >> one of the best things. >> it's good ingredients. it's hot. >> it is pizza but special. >> good olive oil and llose things, i think, make a difference. >> this is a good make at home with kids thi>>, too. yeah. we put this in the oven at 450/500, and i bakes. you take it out and put it on the pizza stone if you want to crisp it up. 15, 2 minutes total. very easy. >> good. >> what is this? >> once it comes out of the oven, we finish it with chili flakes, garlic. we buy the garlic to make our own garlic powder. lots of basel. done. >> very cool. >> amazing. >> it is so good. thats is another thing going to blow your mind. i loved what you do with the restaofant. 2/he menu is wood-fired t. at some po you can tell us how to wood-fire at home without that? >> the smokiness from the wood and the char, thearelization of sugars, changes things. i think a lot of the dishes were born out of trying to mmpe
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shotgun that my kids would eat, but i wanted a sauce or something to go on it. we basically take broccoli and branch it first, giving it excemoisture. when you grill it, it doesn't dry out. we grill it and we get it to the point where it is really charred up. some people would be afraid of and think it is burnt. again, it changes the texture and flavor of it. >> what's the sauce on topsome. >> two things one, a flavorful fuful mayonna orange jam. >> you can buy orange jam? >> we make it. >> of course you do. >> we have the leftover peels fromrange juice and stuff. >> oh, my gosh. >> use that. >> like one does. t >> pat on top. what is the pistachio? >> we toast them in the olive oil, rather than toasting them dry, so the olive oil picks up the flavor. lots of mint, lemon. >> can you beeve it tastes so good? >> we have to get through this. >> i'm waiting to make myself a plate. i've had that at the restaurant.
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these are sweet potato fries? >> butternut. >> i asked peter what it was. he was like, i don't know. >> parmesan, lemon, miso. >> ridiculously good, dan. thank you for being here. if you want the recipes, head to you want these recipes. >> you want these recipes. that'll do it for us on this saturday morning. tomorrow on "sunday today," willie sits down with william h macy, talking about "fargo" to "shameless." >> we hope you enjoy your day. have a greatweekend. see you back here. >> see you soon. >> i want more and more. >> amazing.
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morning.saturday i'm david culver. straight ahead here on "news 4 today," gunfire overnight ends with police finding a body in the district. this morning, investigators working to figure out what led up to tha shooting.
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volunteers are on the water at this hour. it's taking on a big cleanup job only made worse by the ckvernment shutdown. lauryn ts, it is going to be a clear one, right sf. >> iis going to be nice. today finally quiet out there today. we do have a big change on the way for tuesday. we'll talk about snow chances coming back to the eac. >> uh-oh. >> that's coming up in a few minutes. >> stick around for that. all that and much more. we have a busy saturday morning around here. we will see you back here on air in about 60 seconds. your favorite restaurants now it doesn't matter dash. where you are. ♪ it doesn't matter what you're hungry for. it doesn't even matter how many you are. ♪ restaurants come to you. delicious at your door. download doordash. first order, $1 delivery fee.
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>> announcer: "news 4 today" now.ts >> shutdown over. politicians coming to an agreement gfriday, but how l can it take toet stay open? then out of jail. headed to court. this morning, o p ofsident trump's long-time political allies, roger stone, is getting ready f a trip to washington for an appearance in front of a federal judge. plus, police working to track down a suspected crook who seems to keep targeting the same restaurant in northwest d.c., even while cameras catch him in the act. welcome in on this saturday morning, the 26th of january, 2019. good morning to you. i'm david culver. we want to start offngith breaews to tell you about. baltimore avenue between-485
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and t i-495 and the beltway there, it is shut down for a fatal ash. we've been in contact with police, putting in phone calls to figure out more about this. as soon as we get the updates, we will pass them along to you. at s9:00 on t saturday, we want to get over to lauryn ricketts. she's in the storm team 4 weather center. we're reunited, laur t. gobe back with you. >> great to be back with you, david. >> cold start. good to see you. yeah, and no snow. we've missed all that, the rain out there. now, we ar just looki at some dry and quiet conditions as we continue through the day. this is the first time in three weekends where we've ahaually some dry conditions to talk about. well deserved for us here in the d.c.area, the nbc 4 viewing area. let's take a lookts e and show you what's going on. beautiful sunrise earlier this srning at 7:22. we had the coming up, and it was just a beautiful morning. now, we'll have a mix of sun and clouds as we continue through you can see some clouds out there right now.
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