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tv   News4 Today  NBC  January 26, 2019 9:00am-9:50am EST

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is shut down for a fatal ash. we've been in contact with police, putting in phone calls to figure out more about this. as soon as we get the updates, we will pass them along to you. at s9:00 on t saturday, we want to get over to lauryn ricketts. she's in the storm team 4 weather center. we're reunited, laur t. gobe back with you. >> great to be back with you, david. >> cold start. good to see you. yeah, and no snow. we've missed all that, the rain out there. now, we ar just looki at some dry and quiet conditions as we continue through the day. this is the first time in three weekends where we've ahaually some dry conditions to talk about. well deserved for us here in the d.c.area, the nbc 4 viewing area. let's take a lookts e and show you what's going on. beautiful sunrise earlier this srning at 7:22. we had the coming up, and it was just a beautiful morning. now, we'll have a mix of sun and clouds as we continue through you can see some clouds out there right now. now, as we ctinue through the morning, 31 degrees is our
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temperature right now. we'll top outer into the u 30s by the time we get into the early afternoon. ihink by this afternoon, low to mid 40s are possible. you can see the temperatures, little on the chilly side. most areas below that freezing mark. just know,o here is going icy spots out there. our friends at wtop already said thers been a few accidents out there this morning. possibly tune into them at 103.5 to see if icy spots are coming out of your neighborhood. watch for that thirn g. watch for snow on tuesday. we'll break it down coming up in 15 minutes. weill stick around for that. thanks, lauryn. 9:01.he 35 day, longest government shutdown in american history, coming to an end. >> i will sign a billo open our government for three weeks, until february 15th. >> this morning, the bill has been signed. at least on paper, the government isk bac open. both sides are going to work toward a deal on bordese curity. as of right now, there is no
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money f the president's border wall. after shutting more than a month, you can imagine, it'll take time to get everything back to normal. the white house promising within a week, federal g workers will checks for backpay. for those of you getting back to work, the office pfsonnel management sending out notices with some of the details. larger agencies, we're told, with more regionalfi s, they could take a little bit longer to get back up and running. many people spent more than a month to figure out how to put food on their table. as you canimagine, the reopening is a relief for some of you, eager to finallyet a paycheck. >> ladies and gentlemen, quick announcement, the gent has reopened. make some noise for the government. that means everybody has to go back to work. >> that was in georgetown last night. a celebration for the reopening of the government.he folks gd at proper twenty-one, restaurant and bar in nortfoest. steve rbes, the manager at proper, sayst is about time. >> great for everybody. amazing for the copltry. just peoe knowing their paychecks should be coming next
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week, it is going to bring people out of their house. >> f sbes said businessfered during the shutdown, so he is looking forward to seeing his customers once again. the c celebrationld be short lived if lawmakers do not create a lasting deal to keep the government. funded they have three weeks to reach a mpromise, or else, we're back where we were 35 days ago. meanwhile, our city gbeginning the process of returning to normal smithsonian tweeting the zoo and museums will open on tuesday. d.c. mayor is going to ask the government to repay the city for the services paid that usually e feds ndle. we have continuing coverage on this. still a lot of questions remain about what exactly is next and what will happen in the coming weeks. for upda information, open the app and search, shutdown deal. you'll want to tune in tomorrow morning for "meet the press" with chuck todd. he'll look at the political
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fallout of yesterday's shutdown truce and what it means forhe next thr weeks when the government could shut down again. that's happening tomorrow morning, right after "news 4 today." right now, dens of volunteers are cleaning up the cove.round fletcher's with the government shut down, the national park service could not keep that parked mainta news 4's derrick ward is live in northwest d.c. this morni with details about the cleanup effort. i can hear it going on behind you, derr k. >> reporte, indeed. that is beauty, music to the ears for those who like fletcher's cove. that's where we are here. this is one of the out of the p waces along the potomac. talk about fallout from the shutdown, it is all around me. the river has been doing this for years. it will belt out a the debris when it gets swollen from snow and rains. usually, the park service is here to take care of this with maavy inery. this is what you have this morning. the fenks have beere before dawn. they started taking some of this
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debris out of the way to make it accessible. the background there, there's actually a boat dock you couldn't get to because of all of this debris. now, they're going to be here. they've been hee, lik i said, since early this morning, before sunrise. they're calling ons volunteer to come down here. you have friends of fletcher's cove, local angling groups. they're here to make sure they are the proper stewards of the river. that's what we are, though mother nature has processes for this. when we use it as a resource, we have to take care of it. as we hear from one of the guys from friends of fletcher's cove, he tells us exactly what brings them here this morning. >> the cove is subject to significant flooding. 2018 was a year of high water. we just went through multiple high wat events, which brought in all the debris you see here.a ultimately our volunteers. >> reporter: now, you get all kinds of things from the river.
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there is plastic. obviously, construction debris. that's heavy, the blue thing back there. propane tank, which has some propane in roit, what we can do. not the safest thing. these pple want to makeure the cove is ready for the spring when the fish come. these folks are going to be here all day with the chain saws and a little elbow greease, to see this cove becomes accessible agaihe they expect park service to come down with heavy machinery and put thisff in piles. it'll look like the people who love this area remember it before the shutdown. we're live at flcher's cove. derrick ward, news 4. >> lauryn ricketts says while it is cold, they'll have dry weather. be able to get some work done. appreciate that. lwank you, derrick. >> reporter: thats helps. 9:06 is your time right now. turning to other headlines this morning. president trump'slong-time political adviser, roger stone, is out of jail, making
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ravel right to here to washington next week for another hearing. federal officials arrested stonh yesterday a florida home in the early morning hours. he pleaded notuilty this ku court. he's released on a $250,000 bond.ow stone not to testify against president trump. he is accused of lying to the house intel committee about his interactions with wikileaks during the 2016campaign. an indictment alleges stone told trump campaign officials that he had information abouthe site's plans to release damaging information about hillary clinton. ste's hearing here in washington is set for tuesday. that was not the only former trump staffer in court. paul manafort, the president's formpaign manager, made a brief appearance. he special counsel's office argued the judge shouldn't consider any of manafort's cooperation with the special counselor handing down a sentence for hise. cr the special counsel said manafort ld to prosecutors. the judge said she has doubts
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about the claims from both sides. she scheduled a hearing for february 4th so both sides can make their case. developing story from the district from overnight, police finding a bodthin the street. is in northeast. officers were patrolling the area when they heard gunshots around midnight. they find the victim on queen's cel roa chapel road. investigators are not releasing much on the case. we want to know what led up to the shooting. also new thi morning, d.c. police searching for a suspect that they believe robbed the same restaurant twice in a week, even though the place has security cameras, now we have the footage. last sunday, officers say a person threatened an employee from behind on a restaurant on connecticut avenue. that's what you're lookingtht e. this is blocks from the metro station. he steals cash, then takes of thursday, it appears the same individual returned to the restaurant to do it all again. police want to catch him. they're offering a $10,000 f rewardor anyone who might have
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infonation that leads to a arrest. 9:09 on your saturday. a bill going through the virginiald legislature c mean you will be seeing something new at church. talking about guns. i'll take you through both sides of the shieissue before lawmakes come down w
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looking at clearing skies into the overnight.
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mix of sun and clouds o there today. again, dry. all this snow is going to stomp out the appalachian mountains so we don't wor about that sneaking in here. as far as your weekend outlook is concerned, exercise looki od. of course, watch out for the icy patches if you're running errands. skiing, excellent conditions, especially compared to last week when we had the winds. it'll be great if you're going to area ski resorts this weekend. we're going to be warmer on sunday with temperatures around 50 we could have a light snow shower west of i-81 tomorrow afternoon. again, west of i-81. not expecting accumulation. it'll be the first dry weekend we have had in three week hds. my nex coming up, just about 9:45, we'll talk about tuesday inde il, let you know what to expect with that. we have rain changing over t snow. that could lead into your morn. y cal also talk about h we dnit is going wednesday and thursday. quiet into next week. we have more news on thether side o o
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this is one of our favorite local stories of the week. a veteran stopped in traffic to help someone wit flat tire. that stranded driver turned out to bery former secref state colin powell. >> so crazy. whatnore the odds? general powell is thanking the veteran who stopped to help. of course, this all happened wednesday. marine corps vet anthony maggert stopped to help powell busy beltway. other cars zipped by. general powell told andrea
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mitchell that maggert's small act of kindness is one that everyone can learn from. >> i'm an average guy. >> taking care of each other. that's what makes america great. we have to stop screaming and shouting at each tother. staking care of each other. >> as it turned out, both men were headed to th same place anyway. they were both on their way to walter reed hospital for a doctor's ypointment. 're a marine spouse. you can appreciate that. >> it's cool. this is what lauryn will show herrerential treatment. tom brady and the patriots are getting ready for the super bowl. a kid in kentucky is going viral for calling brady a cheater. >> i love this kid. his science fair project proves to bade addrady is a cheater. >> he unpacked deflategate, saying brady ordered patriot assistance to deflate during the playoff. >> sorry. ace's dad said the topic was a no-brainer for his son, who is not a patriot of ther patriots
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science. according to his crack research, tom brady is 100% a cheater. i believe this kid. >> you're a scientist. we have to go with it, i gus. i unbelievable. d.c. is a hot spot for a specific valentine's day. the city ranked amongst the top in theountry for last-minute hotel rooms on the 14th. whattel tonight looked at cities see the largest spike in same-day bookings on,ebruary 14 valentine's day. santa barbara, california, the top spot.w leans and napa valley. >> d.c. comes in fourth. we're ahead of new york, la, and vas vegas. >> interesting. >> stay-cation. >> you get a stay-cation. >> i'd be by myself. >> room for one. >> nothing wrong with that. >> it's not. >> my gosh. what do we have weather >> c conditions. wise? no snow, shockingly. no rain, yet. absolutely right, ldavid.
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e at fletcher's cove, this is the park where lots of volunteers are out tryingo ean up, help out, post government shutdown. we'll check in with folks out there. lauryn will have more on our forecasting
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the shutdown is over, but the fig over a wall on the soutrn border that continues this morning. employees as federal get ready to go back to work.
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a pre-dawn raid in florida ends with one of president trump's biggest allies in handcuffs. this morning, roger stone ison t ail and headed here to d.c. for his nex court date. investigators do not know if this man has a gun, bu hes been able to rob the same restaurant in d.c. twice in the last week. police need your help tracking him down. >> announcer: "news 4 today" starts now. welcome back to "news 4 today" on thiaturday morning. it is 9:30. i'm david culver. we have storm team 4's lauryn ricketts standing by in the weather center. lauryn, for folks headed nt, we've balking about the icy patches, and it is still here in northwest below freezing. >> a lot of our area, david, still below the freezing mark right now. absolutely right. pleaul be car headed out on the roads. isolated, but they're all around the. ar all the snow melt that we had ih re-frozen o roadways, considering the temperatures dropped into the teens and 20s lagh we are slow to recover early
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this morning. beautiful morning out there though. have a mix o sun and clouds. temperatures right now at 31 degrees. 'll continue to take those temperatures through the 30s throughout the day now,n, a mix of sun and clouds, but at least we'll be dry. temperatutes will top slightly in the low to mid 40s for daytime highstoday. now, we are dry out there, as i said. any snow showers thrgh west virginia will actually stop at the appalachian mountains. we are expecting some very nice conditions around here.ra veryuil conditions around here. quiet this weekend. rain to snow possible on tuesday. that'll be our next change. we'll talk about that in detail. that's coming up in a few >> lauryn, we'll check in then. 9:31. 35days, the longest government shutdown in american history, coming to an end. >> i will sign a bill to open our government for three weeks, until february 1th. nd this morning, the bill has been signed, a at least on
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paper, the government is back open. both sides will work toward a deal on border security. as of right now, there is no money for the president's border wall. after shutting for more than a money, it'll takeome time before everything gets back to normal. the white house promising within a week, federal workers will get checks for backpay. that's for those of you getting back to work at the office of personal management, sending out notices with details. larger agencies with more regional officers could take longer to get back up and running. >> celebrations over the reopening could be short lived if lawmakers do not create a lasting deal to keep the vernment funded. they have three weeks to reach a compromise, or else, we're back to dhere we were 35s ago. in the meantime, our city beginning the process of re orning back to a sense normalcy. the smithsonian tweeting last night, the museums and national zoo will reopen tuesday. d.c. mayor murwill ask the
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government to pay the services the city paid for that usually the fed continues. we have continuing coverage. a lot of questions on what is next and what will happen in the next three weeks. for updated information, open up that app and search utwn deal. you'll want to stay with us tomorrow morning, especially n 4 followed by "news 4 today" and then "meet the press" withhuck todd. he'll look at the political fallout of yesterday's trutdown e. what it means for the next three weeks, when the government could shut down again. t at's tomorrow morning ri after "news 4 today." dozens of volunteers cleaning up the park around etcher's cove. with the government shut down, the national park service couldn't keep the park maintained. derrick ward is live out there in northwest. we s a lot of folks chipping in to do some work. >> reporter: indeed. they've been at it since before the sun cameup. now, fletcher's cove, of course, is an important and popular place. you can see the waters here.
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i'm told in the sprin prg, the d runs deep, and the angulares love it. of course, it is a force of nature, that you get the wood and debris spewed up from the river during rains andusually, here to use big machines to get this out of the way. wn, these h the shut folks have taken it on themselves to sort of do what the park servi is going to do. give them a can see s made. were just thrown about the cove, inhis area, when we were here early this morning. they plan to be at it into the day. these are all volunteersfr from nds of vetfletcher's cove and others that care about this area, care about beingwa a s of the river and of the cove itself. we talked to one of the guys that's down heree one of organizers, about what brings them out here so early on a day like th. >> well, the cove is subject to significant flooding.
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2018 was a year of high water. we just went through mulerple high w events, which brought in all the debris you see here. timately, all of our lu eers. >> reporter: now, of course, there's some long-termish shoo you issues with the bodies of water here, sedimentation and sewer outflows. theye working to correct that, long-term efforts, to make sure the cove is restored to what it was when aboriginal man first made a living and found a livelihood on the river. now, they're all about making it accessible to folks. they'll be here all day, making sure it happens. the park service will come in with heavy machinery later and clear ith more. 're getting a head start. live at fletcher's cove, derrick ward, news 4. back tyou. >> thanks. 9:35. developing in monomery county from overnight, one person was killed when hit by a car on yh l road. this is the scene just after midnight. the driver did stay on the
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scene. right now, it is not clear if any charges will be filed. layhill road has been cleared, and it is back open to traffic this morning. new this morning, a man is now facing charges for thef murder a swim coach in the district. christopher green was arrested on several charges including the murder of zaan scott. police say he shot scott during a robbery in southeast d.c. in 2017. after the asshooting, scott w paralyzed and later died as a result of his injuries. a tragic update for a grieving family in spain. a 2-year-old boy who had fallen into a 300 foot deep well has been found dead. after two wes, the child was in a borehohole. while his family was walking through a private estate, that's when he fell in. miners had been drilling day anh into the well, hoping to find the boy alive. crews recovered his body earl yr earlier toy, when he was later pronounced dead. a man shot up a car as school was being let out.
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he has charges that could land him in jail for up to 50 years. jackie benson shows us the police body footage that helped the montgomery county jury decide that man's fate. >> reporter: prosecutors outlined a drug eeal thated in a shootout, and a suspect who almost got away. that part, they had on video. >> hop out of the car one minute. >> reporter: as a police officer is about to put the cuffs on edward jones, is us pekt takthe off.ic video shows oers and a canine in hot pursuit. an officer's body camerahi show m jumping a 6 foot fence. >> where is he at? >> an officer jps a fencend lands on top of him and says, "where is he," when he is sitting on top of the defendant, before peeling up a piece of plywood and realizing he has the defendant. he's caught theerson they've been chasing. >> reporter: police say three vehicles gathered on a residential street in the forest glen airy in a deal for a large
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amount of ma pounds. a dispute led to an show a bullet hole near the iver's side headrest of a dodge challenger. chopper 4ceaptured the from the air that afternoon, as the suv containing jones, 28, and another man was stopped near dale drive in silver spring. after jones was taken into custody, officers searched the area and found a gucci backpack a witness had seen him carrying. it held pot and a .45 caliber handgun. jones, who has a previous felony conviction in virginia, was prohibited from possessing a n. jones faces a sentencing hearing. in rockville, jackie benson, ne 4. we're working for your health this morning. here is a back surge breakthrough in northern virginia. just after the break, doreen gentzler will introduce you to a doctor using robots toelp ease ba hck
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it is a potential game-changer for millions ofan amer dealing with back pain and considering surgery. news 4's doreen gentzler working for your health this morning to tell us about the new technology that could help patients get back on their feet faster and safer than ever before. >> i'll tell the robot i want to operate from here. >> reporter: operating on someone's spine takes tremendous skill and precision. >>ach time we place a scre into a bone, we have to hit a bull's eye. then the tap. >> reporter: robotic technology can guide a surgeon in the operating room. >> verifying our final locationu on the view ly. >> reporter: a new system takes it a step further, combining the precision of a robot with cutting-edge, 3-d computer technology, lowing the surgeon to map out the procedure weeks before it takes place. >> the robotics is an arm that guides us, to make sure we go
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precisely where we planned. y e navigation is the abil actually watch our instruments on a screen while we're workg. >> reporter: this week, dr. christopher good from the virginia spine insti in reston became the first person the world to perform this robotic arm surgery. this is video from inside the operating room at reston medical center. >> by using tools, like ion, we'relike navig able to make a more precise plan. >> reporter: the combination improves the safety and accuracy of the incisions. there's less radiation involved. this technique reduces the riskt of complns. dr. good compares it to building a house. >> you design the perfect house, then you have a robotic system buildinghat house. as it is building the house, you can actually see what's pp ing on the blueprint as it unfolds in front of you. >> ready for this? >> y. >> reporter: diagnosed with
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scoliosis as a teenager, 23-year-old rachel hoffman says the condition started to take a toll on her body. >> i used to run half rathons. the last one i ran was two years ago, and i was having a lot of hip pain and back in. >> you're standing up here. >> reporter: over time, it could lead to lung or heart damage. she decided to go under the knife to prevent her condition from getting worse. 'm >>eing very preventive for the future. i thought i'd be a lot more nervous, but i don't know, i el ike i'm -- i feel confident with this technology. >> reporter: patients are encouraged to start walking soon coafter this surgery, and ry should take three to six months. >> the old days of body cas and bedrest are long gone. >> reporter: for rachel, this is the first step toward healing, and it is something that could bring relief to many others considering minimally invasive back surgery. >> by utilizing this technology through many other surgeons and patients, i can help lots of people i've never met through ys thism.
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>> news 4's doreen gentzler reporting there. the surgery took place on thursday, and rachel is doing well. dr. good was the first to operate with this techlogy. more surgeons around the country could begin using it later this year. we're told this robotic spine surgery is covered by insurance. live look outside right now. the park near fletcher's cove, you can see dozens of volunteers getting together this morning to help clean it up. i lauryn rickett standing by. we'll check in with her for the forecast they can expect today an in the days to come.
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the holidays behind us. a new year wel underway. this is the season we all tell ourselves, we're going to get in shape. many of us aren't going to make it to the end of the month with our resolutions.a barbarrison met some folks recently who are celebrating not giving up. d they haveied the odds, celebrating over three decades of dedication to their gym class and each other. >> jumping jack, knee up. >> reporter: she is the drill sergeant. lawyer turned leader of a troupe that's weathered over 5,000 hours of stoing, twists and turns, three times a week. >> walk, two, three, four. >> reporter: testing out stamina and commitment. >> 35 years on march 17th. >> reporter: lynn was a student in the class and surprisedrs othen she stepped up to save the day when their other
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teacher was leaving. >> i said, how is this quiet person going to lead the class? she got up there, and a booming voice came out. >> reporter: that was 1984. by '87, it was still moving. she followed the class as it g moved from o to another. >> falls church city, arlington, all over. >> reporter: they're at falls church now. >> i come every saturday, to come to maryland. >> reporter: to make sure their leader makes it, even with a oken foot. >> we've been driving her back and forth because she can't drive. >> reporter: everyone says ngthey'll turn down anythi to get here. >> are you kidding me? i can't wait to go to the class. >> i wouldn't know what to do if i didn't come to this class. i've been coming for 35 years. >> reporter: they've shared their lives with each other. >> i was just ouof college, so dis class has really watc over me through breakups to a mrriage, where they threwe a bridal shower. >> i just love the class. i cannot miss it. >> reporter: if anyone d show up, they worry. >> i have to say, i'll be gone a
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week. everyone is like, where are you? >> i met this awesome group, and i never looked back. th >> reporter: d ever wonder where all the years have gone? >> my daughter was 2 years old s when i firrted, and now she's 30. >> i think we've all changed t quite a 35 years. some more than others. >> i've gotten five grandkids and five tattoos. >> reporter: it's definitely a diverse group, with one among them they call the you married? >> yes, i am. >> has the best view. >> reporter: he stands in the back? >> i stand in the middle. half of them get a view of me, too. >> reporter: he claims he's the oldest in the class. the youngest? a dentist and mother of two. >> i remember the very first day, when i kind of came in. i was like, oh, this is a geriatric class. i can beat this class, no problem. lo and behold, i could not keep up. >> reporter: some work.
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some are retired. each brings something unique to the class. >> we all have such different personalities. we enjoy each other so much. >> reporter: in a time when political ideology often gets in the way of personal friendships, politics is something this gro leaves out of the conversation. >> we don't really talk about politics at the gym. >> reporter: so far, with a town full of them, they've had no politicians join them. they'd be welcomed. >> maybe we could teach them how to get along. >> reporter: how much longer do you want to take ts class. >> forever. >> reporter: barbara harrison, news 4. >> you do some workout instructing, right? >> i do. i'm an extend bar instructor. >> you can relate to their dedication. >> absolutely. >> i like the class environment. >> helps you be accountable. especially with a friendship like that, it is incredible. >> or call you out, where were you last week? >> that's the other thing that happens. folks heading out today,
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bundle up, forone, ght? >> we've been talking about all morning, there are icy spots out there. careful. temperatures are below the freezing mark in a lot of places. ain, be careful as you make your way out the door. those temperatures are slow to rise. oing to be into the upper 30s to the mid 40s today. that'll be our range. a quiet day today. finally, a quiet day tomorrow. the next, big change will actually come on tuesday. by tuesday afternoon, we'll see some rain changing over to possibly some snow. could have some delays for the tuesdayut evening co possibly some delays and cancellations into your wednesday morning. again, the jury is out on the timing. that's something we'll be watching. we're really cold by wednesday and thursday. i'm talking about wthd chills in single digits and teens once again for our area. current temperatures out there rightnow, here we go, 19 in gaithersburg.gomery county.
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everybody else in the 20s and 30 on the way to low to mid 40s today. a lighter wind out there today.e ly nothing to write home about. because high pressure in charge, and we're looking good. y snow showers through west virginia, those will stop at the appalachian mountains. we wonr see anything in area. probably make for good skiing, specially around the snowshoe area. for tuesday morning, this is where we have the y, temperatures rising into the mid to upper 40s. we have a frontal system coming in with arctic air behind it. that front is ptty strong. that will actually bring some rain because we're going to be warm. crashingerature comes as the frontal system comes through and could change over to ano period of wednesday night. this is why i say tuesday evenien g's commute may be in jeopardy. however, what we're not confident with at this time is the timing of thisfront. it looks like it is trending later. we cld have some rain that eventually changes to snow, or
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by the time the temperatures drop, this precipitation could be out of there. this is something we're watching. what we know, there is enough dry air with the system we're not talking about a massive snowstorm. 1 to 2 inch es of ow, if w get something across the board. maybe locally 3, and that's it. bige not talking about totals. wednesday morning, we start to dry out. winds will pick up on wednesday. temperatures only in the 20s. that means wind chills on wednesy and on thursday are going to be in the single digits and teens. again, keep it here withthis. there's going to be a lot of changes, especially that your weather apps can't pick up. iet as we head through next week. definitely on the colder side. definitely on the colder side. we have more
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let's set you up with four th hgs to know before youd out on a saturday. a man is dead after an overnight shooting. this is in northeast d.c. police found his body after they heard gunfire along queens chapel road. so far, no arrests have been made. > the government shutdown has come to an end. a deal was made yesterday to fund the government through february 15th. lle dealoes not include money for a border , but border security negotiations between dcrats and prepublicans are ongoing. chuck todd and the panel will bak down tol pitical fallout from the shutdown deal. catch that tomorrow morning right after "news 4 today." right now, several volunteers arep cleaning the
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park around fletcher's cove in northwest d.c. the park has been dealing with storm run-off from the potomac because of recent high waters from all the rai and snow. you are tracking something for tuesday. >> yeah, we're tracking something for tuesday. that'll be the next big change. a big frontal systemoming our way. really strong arctic air behind it temperatures fall throughout the afternoon wednesday, rain to snow. >> want to do this tomorrow? >> yeah, why not? >> have a great satuay.
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9:49 am
it hasn't always been easy, has it? ♪ there have been days when you doubted yourself. ♪ and days when you were ready to quit. ♪ but you didn't. ♪ because you had the courage to venture into something powerful. education. i becifve yeait l the courage to venture into something powerful. [cheering]
9:50 am
watching television that'sis educational and informational k the more yw on nbc. sh: today on the voyager, i learn to communicat horses... eva: so... [eva making clicking sounds] josh: does that mean go? eva: yeah, that means go. josh: when you said that, i was going to start galloping. at's how i knew. ...put on a giant pirate mask and join a costa rican parade... i feel like it's a dress over my he. ...and explore a rainforest with a waterfall guide. oh, my gosh! javier, are you kidding me? this is beautiful! my name is josh garcia. ever since i was a kid, t dreamt about traveling world by ship, immersing myself in w cultures, and exploring nature's wonders. now i'm making that dream a reali. my mission, to seek the awesomel nature's wonders.


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