tv Today NBC February 8, 2019 7:00am-8:50am EST
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. . . good morning, primed for>> good morning. primed for battle. amazon ceo jeff bezos takes on the nation's most notorious tabloid accusing the "national enquirer," why bay soerz went public firt and w was the enquirer trying to hide. the acting attorney gener set for a grilling on capitol hill after days of intense back and forth over whether he would even show up. this morning, why did he say the mueller investigation was about to wrap up. honoring an eye congress, john dingell, the longest serving member of congress has
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died, his career spanning 59 years. >> presidents come and presidents go and john dingell goes on forever. >> we'll remember tic polal giant known as the dean of the house. all that, plus gef and anger. >> he's going to pay for it. the family at the center of the glenn niche murder mystery. look out belo a prison escape goes very wrong when an inmate falls through a jail ceiling, literally dropping in on the officers before. here's to you mr. robinson, tributing pouring in for baseball legend frank robinson, a hall of fame player, the major league's first black manager and a civil rhts pioneer. today friday, february 8, 2019. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "the day" with savannah
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tuthrie and hoda colt by live fromo 1a in rockefeller plaza. nice to have you ith us on friday morning. just when you think you've seen it all. >> this was a stunner, a real jaw dropp to read. >> jeff bezos, one of the most famous ceos comes out with a blog post. the icworld'sst man is turning the tables on an alleged extortion attempt, accusing the owner of the "national enquirer" of trying to blamail him. this fallout stretches from silicon valley to the white house. we've got c tplete coverags morning. we'll start with nbc's peter alexander. good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you're right. this is a stunning turn of events pitting the tech titan against the tabloid. jeff bezos calling out calling out the inquiring, accusing them of black mailing him to stop the investigation on how the enquirer got ahold of his
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private text messages and photoh his mystery. >> the billionaire boss of amazon accusing the "national enquirer's" publisher ami of tortion and blackmail. in a remarkably personal post on the blog medium, he says representatives for ami andea ownered out to stop the investigation into how the enquirer obtaine intimate text messages between him and the woman he's reportedly dating, lauren sanchez. bezos says if he refused, they threatened to expose more intimate texts andph os. he says of course i don't want personal photos published, but i won't participate in ams well own practice of blackmail. i prefer to stand up, roll this logver and see what crawls out. despite what he calls the personal cost and embarrassment, bezos also posts what he says
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are ami's e-mails detailing the ten images they'reto threatenin publish, including a, quote, below-the-belt sfie of san chose. nbc news has not i understand hepartmentally reviewed e-mails and ami declined to comment. the tabloid's demand that bezos and his investigators release a sicmeblte sta no knowledge or suggest the enquirer's coverage was politically motivated. bezos is pointing to the tabloid's past cooperati with president trump as well as the reported connection to the saudi arabia government. bezos also ownson "the washin post" which has reported on the president. the escalating feud follows bezos and his wife mackenzie announcing their divorce after 25 years of marriage, that
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oming before the article published about an affair with married.who is also the post reported bezos's long time private security consultant said he's investigating whether sanchez's brother, a of president trump may be behind the leak. the president has reatedly attacked bezos, the amazon and the post. >> "the washington post," thas sically the lobbyist for amazon. bezos has bigge problems than anybody right now. bezos uses that as hislobby iis. >> reporter: bezos writes, if in my position i can't stand up to this kind oextortion, how many people can? of the enquirer's threat, bezos adds that got my attention but not in the way they likely hoped. david pecker entered into an immunity deal with federal prosecutors looking into the alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 presidential
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campaign. if s threat is found to be a criminal act, that deal with prosecutor could be in jeopardy. >> a lot of moving pieces, thank you. we're joineda by c swisher, the executive editor of recode and a "new york times" ri cotor. she's coveredzo jeff extensively. last night you see the bombshell that landed from jeff bezos. was this a stunner to you? >> in a lot of ways it isn't. he's been pretty quiet, especially onhe trump attacks on him. this was a real response i thin >> it was. if it's jeff bezos versus the "national enquirer," are those two -- is that like a fht made in heaven. have both met theirtc s? >> i feel sorry for the "national enquirer." that's what have to say about that. this is as astonishing thing for, first of all,ld the w richest man, a very prominent ceo of almost a trillion dollar
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company. 'sstonishing for him to go out on a limb like this and use the internet to communicate something that most ceos wouldn't doment it's quite a bold move on his part. i'm trying not to use metaphors here b aause it's problematic story on so many levels when you're talking about body parts which i thought i'd never do. i neveranted to talk about jeff bezos's netherworld regions in my life. >> pulitzers everybody. about thislk there are a lot of moving pieces. you need a flow chart to even understand the conflicting motivations and what might be behind it. e bottom lineis, according to jeff bezos, the "national enquirer" and its p company went to great lengths to make sure that he didn't find out whoever or whatever was the source of these text messages, thisiombarrassing revel that he's having an affair.
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i've got to think the enquirer has folks mad at them all day every da what is it -- what are we supposed to surmise about the fact that apparently the enquirer really wanted jeff bezos not to find out what the souf source is? >> this whole racket has been going on for so long. i think what h said about turning over the log and seeing what's there is fantastic. is whole thing about using information for other purposes. i think it's kind of interesting that he's going t just ope up the entire thing to scrutiny. i like the idea of that. i thies he too, because he doesn't want to be pushed around. he's not easily pushed around in his regular life. he's not going to be pushed around here. >> do you think --ometimes these stories come up and you know it's a leak. you know somebody swed a picture or text message to the brother and the brother showed it to a cousin. a good old-fashioned leak or bad old-fashioned leak.
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ugthere's astion in some of the reporting here that this might be the product of a hack. now we'reetting into your area, silicon valley, tech. hack or government agency. from the evidence that's out there, what do you surmise about that? >> i don't know. i thought at first it was someone taking a picture a passing it around. that seems to be the easiest answer. at the same time, if it was a ck it's good for jeff bezos to find out inca that . it's happened before. when rub pefrt murdock's paper was doing that to a cell phone? if i was jeff bezos, i'd want to find out how it happened personally and professionally. o doesn't want subject to people sneaking around in his personal stuff and alsois business stuff. i don't think it's thet crazi thing to investigate this at all in any way. >> cara swisher, thank youor joining us. >> congratulations you stayed in safe terrain there. >> it's so hard not to mak puns. >> that's what twitter is for.
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in the meantime, all eyes on capitol hill where thecting attorney general is preparing to face congress after a o day drama over whether he would appear. nbc white house correspondent kristen welker wit more on that. >> reporter: good morning to you. democrats' new power of ov fsight will be onl display with acting attorney general matthew whitar said et testify within hours. despite the fac he once criticized it, it's a high stakes hearing that almost didn't happen. this morning the acting attorney general matthew whitaker says he will testify on capitol hill after a day-long standoff with house democrats who backed down after threatening to subpoena him if he didn't answer their nuestions. that move a attempt by democrats to prevent whitaker from claiming executive privilege and avoid ansring their questions about whitaker's private conversations with the
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president. the white house blasting democrats for playing pointless political games. the president weighing in earlier thursday. >> should matthew whitaker testify tomorrow, mr. president? >> he's an outstanding iperson. ould say, if he did testify, he'd do very well. >> reportar: wr calling the subpoena threat unprecedented, unnecessary and premature. thehigh-stakes drama coming as democrats escalate their scrutiny of the president and his administration on a number of other fronts.g amon them russia, including a renewed look at mr. trump's potential business dealings there. >> three words that really sum it all up, moscow trump tower. >> another issue, the president's tax returns which mr. trump has refused to release defying years of tradition. ursday, ring congressional democrats laying the foundation to potentially force the president's hand. >> w have every reason to use the authority given to this committee. the law is on our side. >> democrats also scrutinizing the administration's move to
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separate migrant children from their families. >> i really think that what we'reng about is state-sponsored child abuse, and i would go as far as to say kidnapping of children. >> eporter: the president calling all of it presidential harassment. housean speaker pelosi firing back. >> we will not surrender our constitutional responsibility for oversight. that would make us delinquent in our duties. >> reporter: now, as for , whitakis time as the head of the department of justice is likely coming to a close. the president's pick for attorney general william barr cleared a critical hurdle on thursday.ill the senate will vote on his nomination next week. with republicansontrol of that chamber, his confirmation is all but assured. >> kristen welker at the white house, thank you. craig joins the table with another major headline. >> good morning. the white house facing a deadline set by congress today to hold saudi arab kwt
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accountable for the death of jamal khhoggi. today's senior international correspondent keir simmons is here with more on that. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. ever since khoshoggi was murdered, the question h been o was behind it, even who ordered it. there are more reports the killing goes right to the top of saudi society. unknown to him, journalist jamal khoshoggi's life had reportedly been threatened ae year before walked into a deadly trap in october. entering the saudi consulate in turkey where he would be murdered, his fiancee left waiting outside. that's according to a "new york times" report that says in september 2017, saudi arabia's leader, the crowned prince, tolt aide he would use a bullet if mr. khoshoggi did not return to t saudi kingdom. in another 2017 exchange, "the new york times t says crowned
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prince bitterly complained about mr. khoshoggind declared he did not like half measures. just over 12 months later, jamal khoshoggi was dead. the time's reportre citing c and former officials has not been indepenntly con frmdy nbc news. saudi arabia denying the crowned prince wasd invol in this heinous murder, calling it categorically false. it comes as a u.n. investigator looking into the murder released her team preliminary findings, that mr. khoshoggias the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing plannednd perpetrated by officials of the state of saudi arabia, highlighting the whereabouts of his remains still haven bn disclosed, calling unconscionable. with a looming congressional deadline to hold saudi abia accountable, u.s. senators are threatening sancreons. the sry of state denying the president wants to look the other way.
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>> president trump himself has said repeatedly, to the extent we continue to develop facts that implicate others inrr the le act, the terrible murder of jamal khoshoggi, we'll continue to hold all the people connected to i accounted. >> reporter: 11 suspects have been indicted and for tr five face the death penalty. turkey wants them expedited t face charges there. the saudirowned princes close to the president's son, jared kushner. u.s. intelligence continues to troll throughdi communications to get to the >> keir simmons, thank you. breaking overnight, word that john dingell, the longest serving member of u.s. history has died. the 92-year-old democrat was a touring figure on capitol hill representing michigan for 59 ye bsore retiring. he had a surprising second accolade in life as a twitter star. here is nbc's kelly o'donnell. >> reporter: not just a witness to history, john dingell lived
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history. theichigan democrat served in congress longer than any other lawmaker ever, spanning 11 presidents. >> presidents come and presidents go and john dingell goes on forever. >> reporter: instrumentaln the passage of the civil rights act and medicare. he spent decades fighting for health care reform. >> t entirety of the american people want this change and we are going to give it to them. >> reporter: dingell called thea affordable car which he helped author the highlight of his career. known as a champion on social issues from clean air and social rights, he was also powerful as a congressmanot for city. imposing figure standing at 6'3", big john was sometimes considered a bully. >> itot embarrass the author of the amendment, but it assuredly embarrasses me. >> reporter: dingell was among the last of an era, world war ii
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veterans in congress. >> i learned in the service of comradeship. i learned about patriotism. i learned about duty. >> reporter: in 1955 dingell was elected to the house following his late father who served since 1933. after a record 29 terms, dingeld announis retirement in 2014. wife debby dingell won the seat. awarded the national medal of freedom in 2014. >> his life reminds us change takes time it takes courage and persisten persistence. >> r he never shrank in stature and fully embodied the title he enjoyed, dean of the house. kelly o'donnell, nbc news. >> i only met him once when i worked on the hill briefly, he was down right when he came into office, dwight eisenhower was president, elvis presley just dropped his first
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gold record. the second act mentioned, he was known as the dean of twitter as well. periodically he would drop some pretty hilarious tweets on folks. i think we've got one of ththem. is one that caught our attention. if we were supposed to talk all the doggone timeat the g god above would have given us two mouths and one ear. >> a sentiment from someone who served in congress. we wish his family the best. >> we do. dylan is in for al this morning. she's got a check of our weather. good morning. >> we'll see some rain in the northeast. a pretty strong cold front f extendinm the northeast down south. the heaviest of the rain is ew york state and also will continue to move through parts of new england. a little bit of icing especially across centr main as well. this cold front will move through. we'll lose the rain early today and then we'll actually seecr sing sunshine this afternoon. winds will also increase. that will turnack on the lake-effect snow machine.
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we also have the possibility of seeing wind gusts up to about 2o 5 miles per hour and some higher gusts back to the midwest. we're also looking at very cold temperatures behind the system as well. windchill warnings, windchill advisories are posted across upper midwest and the northern plains. your refeels-like temperahis morning is down below zero. 30-degree windchill in minneapolis. st. louis starting ohe day feeling like 4 below. that's a look at the weather across the country.we l get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. friday off to a cloudy start, wet outside, passing showers as well. not a lot of heavy rain. it won't last long. gyou might a few drops in the next hour or two. temperatures still in the 40s for we may get a brief spike up into the 50s, even 60s across southern virginia. one burst of warm air before a w cold northwed arrives before lunchtime. temperatures will be driven into the 30s with windchills in the 20s by this evening. >> that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you. d,> just ah a mother's grief. >> she was full of life, everybody loved her. >> the victim's family in the greenwich murder mystery speaking out a the wvestigation raises even more questions abouthat happened. much more on this morning's big story after taking on everybody from john edwardso tiger woods, how the "national enquirer," hav they met their match with efamazon's jbezos? first this is "today" on nbc. tsh
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still ahead, our exclusive interview still ahead. our exclusive w interview with lorena bobbitt, returning the the y spotlight 25ears after the incident with her husband that made her a household name. > we'll honor the trail blazer ledge, legendariry frank robinson, after your local news. refill, pre-pay and skip the line... ...or have your prescriptions delivered. so you never miss a day. walgreens. trusted since 1901. text joinrx to 21525 to stay on track. we'd love some help with laundry. here's how you do it. spray and scrub anything with a stain. soak your nasty jersey. it stinks!
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wash the really dirty clothes separately. remember -hard work builds character! new tide pods with upgraded 4-in-1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. aww, you did the laundry! but you didn't fold it. oh, that wasn't in the note. should have sent a text. #1 stain and odor fighter, #1 trusted. it's got to be tide. eucriprescription ointment for mild-to-moderate eczema. and it's 100% steroid free. eligible patients may pay as little as $10 per prescription. dylan dreyer in for al roker. >> we'll w see strongds in the northeast. wind advisories in effect, gusts could be up to 60 miles per hour, especially across upstatet new york, at could lead to some isolated power outages as well. it's also going to usher in the cold temperatures. today it's ver much above average up and down the east coast. 57 in new york. raleigh , jacksonville 80.
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look what's happeningehind it. a high of 1 below in minneapolis, indianapoli on saturday the cool air settles into the northeast and down into gainesviige with a of only 66, 51 in wilmington, nashville . going into sunday we're also going to see those temperatures imetinue to drop and by the we get into tuesday, little rock hould get up to about 57 degrees. chicago goes from 29 on sunday over to 35 on tuesday. the northeast, down through the mid atlantic we should stay in the upper 30s and lower 4. that's a look at the weather across the country. now a peek out yourdo w good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. a quickn moving r shower or two a possibility over the next couple hours. the rain will gradually be coming to an end by0, 10 11:00 this morning. back to sunshine this afternoon. it will be very temperatures now mostly in the mid to upper 40s. we'll spike briefly up into the 50s by later this morning. and then fall into the 30s b
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ter in the afternoon. stay breezy and cold tomorrow. cold and dry sunday,too. >> that's your latest forecast. all right, dylan,hank you. still ahead, lorena bobbitt back in the spotlight and sharing her side of the infamous story that made her a household name 25 years ago. she's speaking out in an exclusive interview. also ahead thismorning, honoring an icon. we'll remember the remarkable life of baseball legend and civil rights pioneer frank robinson. much more of willie's candid conversation with bradley cooper, why he said made "a star is born" out of frustratn. zo> mor on the blackmail battle between jeff be and the "national enquirer." has the nation's notorious tabloid met its match with amazon's ceo. [music] we're finally doing this [music]
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closer look at our top story, amazon's jeff bezos a ccamazon's jeff bezos accusg the "national enquirer's" owner of blackmail and extortion. >> nbc's stephanie gosk has inre. good mo this is a wild one. >> this all stems from his block buster divorce from his wife of he25 years and enquirer's story exposing his affair with another s hired an investigator. that personal probe, bezos says, led to an o her head to refuse. >> has's americaost notorious
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tabloid met its match. jeff bezos ausing them of extortion and blackmail. >> what you have is extraordinary. you have theounder of amazon, the wealthiest man in the world effectively exposing the "national enquirer" for something that many people have suspected it of doing for a very long time. >> firsteported on by the "national enquirer." >> far from the fst time the tabloid has tuss ld with the ri and famous it's known for sensational headlines. ov i the yearss broken enormous stories about powerful people from j. simpson and tiger woods. it's helped sink the presential aspirations of candidatesan like gary har john edwards. >> it ooh es the practice known as catch and kill where newspapers prevent stories from going public, sometimes to
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protect ariends andies of the editor that has the publication making headlines. ami ceo david pecker and mr. trump have been close friends for deirdes. the en admitting it coordinated with trump's campaign to keep potentially damaging information about the then candidate out of the headlines by paying for the rights of stories it had no intention of publishing. federal investigators revealing tie company used the catch and kill t to bury the story about karen mcdougal, the former playboy model who claims had a sexual affair with donald trum which the president has vehemently denied. >> they wanted to squash the story. >> you're saying they wanted to protect donald trump? >> i'm a umingso, yeah. >> reporter: the tabloid facin an opponent with the will, the wealth and the power to fight bake. bezos posting in an online blog, if in my position can't stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can?
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>> we reached out to ami and amazon. amazon declined to comment and h a. not gotten back to us. >> you mentioned catch and kill. beyond that obviously the "national enquirer" head lines in its history going after the president's pitical enemies. >> not to suggest there's any stories ion on these between president and the enquirer. you might remember during the campaign, made a connection between ted cruz's father and the jfk assassination. that made aot of headlines. candidate trump at the time talked about that on fox with george stephanopoulos. another headline later on on hillary clinton's health, a auple stories referring to her health crisi suggesting she had alzheimeos. >> it's fascinating. here they have this immunity deal with regard to what's happening with the federal prosecutors having to do with the karen mcdougal pay off. he critical question hasn't
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been answered, how did the "n ional enquirer" get tho text messages, that source, first amendment does protect journalists from revealing those asources. >>nd why are they so concerned about this particular instance. see. all >> tangled web, steph. thank you. up next, the overnight tributes pouring in for frank robinson, the hall of famer and y maker who changed baseball and this country forever, coming up right after forever, coming up right after this. ...and even coloring. the difference is clear. the br vh treated with dove ibly smoother.... ...and protected against damage. ♪ dove intensive repair conditioner. for 100% touchably beautiful hair. since one conditionerdoes. dove ultra-care conditioners.
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flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. (alarm ringing) belvita breakfast biscuits. it's time to taste the day. we are back, so>> so happy when carson joins the table. baseball legend frank robinson lost his battle with cancer yesterday. on the fiee was a hall of fame player while in the dugout he made histo as the major league's first african-american manager setting a lastingpl exe for anyone who heardis story. >> and frank rips into this one. >> frank robinson swinging his way into the record books as one
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of the most feared sluggers in baseball, known for aggressively sliding into bases and leaning over thelate just daring pitchers to hit him. he hit 586 home runs and won the illusive triple crown, leading the league in batting average, home runs and rbis. robinson remains the only player ever to win mvp in bothna the onal and american leagues. a 14-tim all-star on the field, he would become a game-changer off the field, a leading voice in the civil rights movement. >> 56,000 ganseted frank robinson. >> in 1965e robinson m history when the team also named him manager. the groundbreaking move, making him the first african-american to fill that role in baseball history. >> i know my i every moves going to be watched and checks. >> bottom of the first inning, the first bat for time and hit a home run.
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>> robinson hitting it out of the park on day one of pulling double duty. after retiring as a player in 1976, robinson went on to manage in san francisco, baltimore, montreal and washington. he served as a major league baseball csultant and adviser later in his career. >> i'm trying to make it better for the kids that are coming after me. do wheyt to be a baseball player, a front office person? >> robinson was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 1982 and was presented with the presidential medal of freedom in 2005. powerhouse and a pier in who went to bat for so much more than just thega . >> when he retired in 1976, there were only three players with more me runs, babe ruth, willie mays and hank aaron. >> first year, 1956 was an all-star again 18 yeate
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>> heck of a career. >> he'll be missed. we're back with a lot more g on friday morfter a check of your local news and weather. wow, that's an aggressive yellow. pretty great, huh? if you're a banana. i find it very... appealing. kellogg's raisin bran with bananas. two scoops meet real banana slices. i've done a good job of raisin ya.
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7:44 am
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be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. >>7:56 is your time now on this friday, february 8, 2019. good morning everyone. i'm eun yang. right now let's check onut your co with melissa mollet in your first 4 traffic. good morning. >> right now the beltway overall looks good. you can see the radar over the roads, all tha green showi where it's raining right now. all over the place. 270 at montrose looking good northbound looks good, too. >> melissa, thank you. we'll take a break now and check your forecast next. stay with us. this is not a bed.
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cloudy skies, a little spot of rain coming through the d.c. metro area right no you'll need your umbrella for the next little bit. not a lot of rain. quickly.un in and out temperatures in the mid to upper 40s now. one surgef warm air, mid 50s in the shenandoah valley, that will come through betwe and 11:00 in the morning. :00 noon, the winds turn to the northwest, very gusty. sunshine and falling temperatures this afternoon. a cold dry weekend ahead. >> chuck, thank you. another local news update you in 25 minutes. for now, back to the "today" show after this short break. have a great day.
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it's 8:00 on "today," coming coming up, amazon cr be? jeos accusing the publisher of the "national enquirer" of extortion and blackmail, claiming the company threatened him to stop an investigation into how the magazine obtained private photos and messages with his reported s stress. >> t an astonishing thing, for, first of all, the world's richest man and a prominent ceo
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in one of the country's most valuable companies. breaking her silence. he hurt me. >> 25 years after her story captivated the country, lorena bobbitt is opening up about that infamous night. >> do you regret the action you took? >> how can you regret something that was not planned? yo have to understand i wasn't in my right mindset. >> what she wants you to know about her side of the story. > and parks and wrecked. >> are you messing with me? >> what tiffany haddish is revealing about her past with chris pratt that floored the hollywood superstar. >> you might have -- >> maybe you all look alike. >> today ffriday,ebruary 8th, 2019. ♪ >> welcome to new york, celebrating 68. >> hi to our families in ft.
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worth, >>texas. mother-daughter tripm fro rogersville, alabama. >> to celebrate my birthday! >> go woofl reince. >> good morning from connecticut where i'mearing my red for women's heart month. >> we love our troops. >> hi, everybody. happy friday. no amount of rain on that plaza will dampen anybody's spirits. we're so happy to have you with us, whether watching at hom or out on the plaza. >> a nic friday crowd we have itside. we'll be out just a bit. >> we've got a lot to get to. your news at 8:00, astonishing newwi in the clash between amazon billionaire jeff bezos and the publisher of america's most notorious tabloid. hite house correspondent peter alexander joins us with the latest on this one. good morning. >> good morning. this is alock buster accusation from amazon ceo jeff bezos, the tech titan and the
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world's richest man calling out une publisher of the coy'tr s ally of president trump. bezos accusing the "national enquirer" of blackmail. overnight jeff bezos dropping a bombshell,on the bilre boss of amazon accusing ami of extortion and blackmail. in aso remarkably pl post on the blog mediu says representatives fchm am. r out to bezos about how the e ouirerained intimate textes mess bezos says if he refused, the n choirer threatened to publish more intimate texts and photos. explaining his decision to speak out, bezos writes,f course i don't want personal photos published but i also won't participate in ami's practice of blackmail, political favors,
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attacks andcorruption. i plan to stand up, roll this log over and see what out.s despite what he calls the personal cost and embarrassment, bezos also posts what he ses arami's e-mails, detailing the ten images they're threatening to publish, including a, quote, below-the-belt selfie of bezos and santos in a two-piece red bikini. nbc news has not reviewed the e-mails and ami declined to mment. the tabloids demand that bezos and his investigators release a aying they ement have no knowledge or basis to suggest the inquienquirer's cov was politically moti bezos pointing the the publisher's past cooperation with president trump. the escalating feud followszo and his wife mckenzie announcing their divorce last month after 25 years of marriage. efore nnouncement coming the enquirer published an article alleging bezos was having an affair withbezos, a
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former tv host who is also married. the post also reporting bezos's long time private security consultant said he was investigating whether sanchez's brother, a supporter of president trump, may be behind the leak. obvious a lot to the story. bezos trying to flip the script on the enquirer. he writes in the blog, if in my position i can't stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can? savannah >> all righ we'll see where this heads next. history's longest serving member of ress, former michigan representative john dingell died at the age of he served at the house 59 years before retiring five years ago. the democrat played a key r in many key pieces of legislation calling the passage of the affordable care a the highlight of his career. he championed medicare, the endangered species act. he was one of the last world war ii veterans to serve in congress. now to massachusetts and the
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ruling in a case that drew national attention to cyber bullying. a woman used text messages to pressure her 18-year-old boy to end his life. michelle carter will serve 15 months behindrs detectives and the victim's family are speaking for the first time withte line's andrea cannon. >> what kind ofhe things did say? >> you promised me, when are you going to do it >> you disappointed me. >> it was unbelievable. i just kept thinking,ho she was lding his head under water. her messages overpowered him. >>uch more including never before police surveillance video, never-before-seen video. in themeantime, a florida woman was trapped inside her own home when an isunwanted vor camped right outside her chdoor. k this out. police arrived to find a nine
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foot long alligator a few feet away from her alhouse. theyd in a professional chap per. the gator was so big the trapper had to get help to haul it. the gator probably came from pond across the street. tim for a morning boost. a couple got the surprise of daughteres when their came for a visit and brought them a present. they calmly opened the gift. they didn't know what toct ex insian that box there was a blank blanket.he they found out would soon become grandparents >>oh! oh! oh! >> i don'tnow what theyere expecting, but how is that? grandma could not contain her excitement. >> wait till she meets thebaby. >> that was just the blanket, you're right. >> if you want to hear more
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heartwarming stories over the weekend, head to on the weekends on saturday, there will it be a, little gif to take y through the weekend. >> your reaction might be like that woman's reaction. just ahead, more of the revealing conversation willie had with his buddy bradley cooper this morning, what made him question his decision to direct "a star is born". plus lorena bobbitt, her story has been the subject of endless fascination. now it's 25 years later and she's breaking her silen that night. our exclusive interview right after this. anything with a stain. soak your nasty jersey. it stinks! wash the really dirty clothes separately. remember -hard work builds character! new tide pods with upgraded 4-in-1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. aww, you did the laundry! but you didn't fold it. oh, that wasn't in the note. should have sent a text.
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this morning on "today"'s talker. a story that's cti ava story that captivated t country for 25 years. you probably remember the name lorena bobbitt. we want to give a warning about the m subjectter we're talking about. >> there's a new documentary and nbc's kristen dahlgren spoke with her exclusively. good morning. >> good morning, guys. who could forget this one. lorena bobbitt made headlines in the '9s after cutting off her husband's penis, then she became the punch line of jokes. she's hoping a new docu-series will help people take a second look and see thingsdi fferently. >> it was an act that defined hern the eyes of a generation. >> lorena bobbitt. >> lorena bobbitt. >> reporter: 25 y lorena bobbitt who goes by lona gallo is telling her
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story, one that began june 23rd, 1993. >> when you think baco that night, what do you re>>mber? don't remember anything how it happened, but i honestly don't even want to know what happened because i will be traumatized again. >> traumatized by what unfolded that night when she says repeated verbal, physical and sexual abuse at the hands of heh en husband john broke her. >> he hurt me. >> reporter: leading her to take a knife from their kitchen and cut off his penis. >> do you regret the action you took? >> oh, my god. how can you regret something that was not planned. you have to understand, i wasn't in my right mindset. >> reporter: an act that turned her life into aedia circus, devoured by america. >> why do you think there was st muchtion on what you did rather than why you did it? >> i t it's because, just
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the act, a severe organ, a male organ. that changes the whole perspectivef the story. >> reporter: john wayne bobbitt who denied the abuse was found not guilty of marital sexual assault. >> how do you feel? >> not guilty. >> reporter: maria found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. her story executive produced by jordan peel. they kept saying i was a hot blooded latina woman. it hurts >> reporter: a four-part documentary looking at what made hertory a punch line across late night. >> not going to be easy for either of them to get a ordate. >> rr: the endless jokes she says were painful, but something she learned to success in her effort to further her cause of helping domestic violence survivors. >> i believe this is a gift, and if i can help change a life
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then my mission is worth >> reporter: aon that has taken on new meaning in the me too>> era. ow much has the me too movement meant to you? >> a lot, because, again, it help us to break the taboo. i think my story, the documentary will actually push that conversatio again on the table and say, look, yes, it happened 25 years ago, but things are not changingmuch. >> the series features key players in the story including john. i think a lester holt of people would be h surprised tor he's reached out to you repeatedly. >> reatedly on many occasions, yes. i don't know why. i'm guessingcontrol. >> reporter: what types of correspondence have you gotten from him? >> valentine's cards and notes, loves. >> reporter: notes from someone she says she wants to leave in the past. i >> like, look at me, i did
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this to you. just leave me alone. >> reporter: lorena enjoying the next chapt in herfe, hoping her story can make a difference. >> what would you tell the younger lorena bobbitt goi through this. >> i hope, first of all, that wouldn't happen to me o anybody. now i would say that there is hope. what i went through wasn't in vain. this is a gift to help others. >> we reached out to john bobbitt who had no comment. as for lorena, she's living in virginia with her long-time partner david and her 13-year-old daughter. all four episodes will be available on amazon prime next friday. >> her daughter watched. >> -- she was at sundance. >> i didn't know the back story til right now. i don't know what she went through or what she talked about in court. >> reporter: the headlines were all a the action.
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>> and not the why. >> kristen, thanks. we'll turn to dylan and get a check of the weather. >> good morning, guys. we're going to losehe rain this morning with the cold affecting the east coast. in the northwest we have a storm system moving in including areas like seattle where theou snow accumulate four to six inches. that's a look at the weather across the country. good morning, everybody. download our nbc washington app. a lot of changes with the weather.da we're dealing with rain showers. we'll be dry by lunchtime and sunny lat in the afternoon. sunny but windy and turning much colder. temperatures mid and upper 50s later this morning, into the 30s this evening. sunny, breezy and cold tomorrow. staying cold on sunday with the clouds coming back and a chance of a rain-snow combo both monday and tuesday mornings. dylan, thank y so much. willie is here, more on your interview with bradley cooper in a few. "popstart.
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>> you guys were hanging. >> you seal see more of it. fa t haddish and chris pratt sat down with buzz feeds to talk about their first on a variet topics. when they were asked about their first impressions of each other. tiffany had to remind chrisadot onlyhey met in an audition but she was also an extra on the tv show"the oc." all this revealed when chris was remembering this time on the show. >> i worked with rachel billson. i had an ipod. >> where were you filling at? >> on rosecrans in the studio. >> manhattan beach. >> that's right. >> thereas a lot of people around. >> we met there,too. i was a background employee. >> you're lying? >> nope, uh-huh. i'm being dead serious. i was one of theorld's best extras of all time. >> you were an extra on "oc." >>yes, i always looked into the
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camera like -- i was extra on the "oc," also "one tree hill." an extra on "dawson's creek," all the white shows because they needed one black girl to walk around. >> rule number one forex as, never look at the camera. do not look at the camera is what they usual yell out. >> served her well. chris and tiffany voice characters in "leg go 2." kit harington's role as john snow in "game of thrones" launched him. >> way,ay back i read this part for "game of thrones." it said how he's a quiet, sort of bruting crumb pi young man. i thought i canrobably do that. >> that he did for seven b
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seasons. he also opened up about married life and what to expect from the third installment of "how to train your dragon." you can watch the full interview with kit harington in the third hour of oday." "today" all day. "entertainment weekly" out with their first romantic comedy-themed issue. yesterday the cast of my best friend'swedding. today another great rom com reunion. it is the cast of "27 dresses." >> i love that movie, too. >> katherine heigl, ed burns,me martenson. they starred in the film which came out in 2008. the epitome of the phrase always a bridesmaid never a bride. katherine heigl thinks there is room for potentially a sequel. >> i think it would be awesome to see what are their lives like ten years later, do they end up together? i personally think they do.
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i don't know why. i just think they do end up together and i think they like three kids or at least two and she's made jan the godmother every time so jane has to plan the chr sendings, baby showers and gender reveals. but so do all the other bridesmaids make her the godmother but they can't get pregnant. >> why are you pointing at me? 0 for 2 on seeing these movies. >> same >> you're missing a lot. >> i'll pick up the issues. it hits stands today. >> wouldn't bit funny if you did a weekend slumber party where you watched rom-coms. >> you'ds come back changed, more evolved people. willie, a look at your sunday sit-down with bradley cooper. >> as you mentioned, "a star is
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born" is babe the most talked about movie o the year. bradley cooper directs the film andrskoe s with lady gaga. for it to work, bradley had to become a musician a gaga had to become an actor. i'd say it's worked out well with eight oscar nominations and this weekend four grammy nominations, >>o. know there are people around you who said love you snt to be a director, go for it. burt with something this ambitious where you're starring, rmbitious. did you e listen and say maybe this isn't the place to start. >> i certainly listened to them. i took it in. maybe that allowed me toer pers more. there was a bunch of directors that weren't asking me to do movies with that was part of what sort of prompted me -- iouldn't say prompted me. encouraged me, out of
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frustration almost to say, i got to do it myself. >> one person who rarely has any doubt about bradley is his motheror . >> what does your mom think about the success of "star is born" and what's happening right now. >> my mom isec funnyse she always thinks everything is going to be a huge hit. i'm like mom, this isn't going to work. bradley, ill teelg you. no, mom, it's not goingrk nohes tto w h caution which i kind of dig. she'sknlike, i don't , it's tough out there. >> she's flipped on you. >> yeah, she's definitelydi lik d a total 180. >> in 2011 just as cooper's career was taking off, his be loved father charlie died after cancer. ght with >> do you think about, and i know you do, what your dad would are in out where you your career right now? >> yeah,
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>> what do you think he's thinking? >> i don't know, man. you know, it's part of life. >> he's your guy? >> yeah, yeah. talked just thiso oprah, interviewed him as well. he was talking about his dad. he held his dad in his final moments and last brth. his dad was his hero and has such an impact on his life. in 2011 when his dad came out, "the hangover" came out. but silver linings playbook hadn't been out. >> that moment, he didn't say anything. it was all behind his eyes. >> he says i still see h in my dreams and that's what i take from it. >> beautiful, willie.
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>> you can see a lot more of that interview this weekend on "sunday y"ratodlndda a plus ourf sit-downs for free, check out p appleodcast or wherever you get yours. >> thank you, willie. straight ahead, t very funny and very funny hasan minaj. we'll get more on his hit show "patriot act. after your local news and weather on friday morning. good morning. it's 8:26 on this, friday february 8th, i'mn. molette gr right now let's get a check on the morning commute with melis >> taking a look at the beltway here, you can see the green showing where it's raining around the area. beltway is covered at this point. we're starting to get slow in spots. inbound canal road after chain bridge, one lane blocked causing big problems inbound. inhb arlington, nond gw
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do you think this is fun for me? you think i'm having fun? [man on other line] it certainly wasn't much fun to..... do you have eyes on the target? is it her? [man on other line] i can't tell from this photos... ...i need better shots. thank you for flying turkish airlines. taxi!me you waiting for soone? no. just... looking. good morning, everybody. a lot of clouds and raindropse around h for your friday
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morning commute. no heavy rain and these showers will be in and out of here fairly quickly. last chance for rain probably comes in around 10:00, 11:00 this morning. after that the skies will begin to clear and temperatures will plummet. in the 40s and 50s now. into the 30s by this evening with windchills in the 20s by 8:00, 9:00. nny and breezy and cold tomorrow. you can get the latest news and weat
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happy fluriday. yoot a crowd moment? >> i got a friday morning -- looking forly mol and jan. hey, how are we i someon having a birthday. >> we are. we both are. >> both having a birthday. there's someone who wantedo say happy birthday to you. tell me if you recognize this baby? >> my granddaughter dylan. >> dylan, what a great name. >> named after dylan. >>fter dylan dreyer? >> she was. my daughter michelle in chicago loves you. so when her daughter was born, dylan. >> oh, my goodness. that's amazing. >> how old is she? >> 15 months. >> i love it. thank you. the world needed more female dylans. i love it. >> happy birthday. >> that's so neat. >> a future young meteorologist. ve i love it.
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have you e been named after somebody before? >> no, especially a girl. that's evenbetter. >> the cutest. >> that is so sweet. forget greeting cards or e-mail gifs, the hottest way to express your feelingsor this mng we're going inside the factoryhe wherey are created, changing the way we communicate. >> i didt know there was a factory. a rising star who is not only funny and entertaininma bu s you think, too, hasan minhaj host of "patriot act"t i ri here in our studio. this is his first time on the "today" show. so i'm excited to talk t hasan. are you ready? it's time. our first get fit today check-in to see how we're doing with our challenges. >> so sad. >> spoiler alert. not allowed. coming up, on the third hour of "today" we'll wrap up
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doppelganger week. sheinelle's clone is with us. ms. dryer, you have a check of the weather? >> i do. >> announcer: today'seather brought to you by kay jewelers, for all the love, forever. >> let's take a look at what's goingn acros the country, as we get closer to the weekend, we'll see temperatures drop up and down the eastcoast. it will feel more like average, whereas back through the midwest and the northern plains it is going to be a cold saturday. temperatures in the single digits, even below zero. then you factor in the windchill on top of the messy storm in the northwest will bring snow to areas like seattle. that will move east on sunday into the rocky mountains. also another area of snow through the midwest. light snow in the chicago area and the great lakes. we will see icing possible in missouri and northwestern arkansas as well. then we areee going to sunshine up and down the east coast. but temperatures will be on the cooler side with highs in the 30s. that's a look at the weather
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across the country. now here is a y peek outr window. good morning, everybody. it looks gray and w gloomy and this morning. there are rain showers moving mbrough right now. you'll need yourlla if you're outside in the next hour or two. the rain will come to a quick end before lunchtime today. then temperatures will fall as thd increases. there will be a brief spike, well up into the 50s later morning. as the winds increase, the skies will clear. it will be windy and cold for your friday evening. breezy, sunny and cold for your saturday as well. winter weather chance monday and morning. >> we're dropping signsry over here tg to take selfies. we'll get to that in a cksec. o you. if you check your phone, you probably received a few already today, the little looped videos everybody is texting, from your favorite movie, show, viral show. it's a gif. >> where do they come from? gadi schwartz got a look at the factory in new york where
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they're cranking them out and learned once and for all how to actually say the word. >> from the second you walk in the doors, it's clear.g someth is different act thi tech company. >> welco to giffy. > you have a coffee bar at the receptiondesk? >> that's ght. here yougo. am icana. >> allright. >> reporter: their offices look more like doors, neon lights, video games. >> this area here, we have a whole nintendo set up. >>. >> reporter: people can even ling their dogs. >> make it feee a big group of friends. >> reporter: this is the home of giphi. that company that tells people exactly how y feel. if a picture is worth a thousand words, gifs are worth 7 billion expressions. that's how many are shared every day. >> reporter: aou guys like a
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dictionary for emotions. >> more complex emotions, trying to describe that you're feeling nd of bored or tired in a meeting doesn't go as far as gif from the office that makes it very obvious that i'm so over this. > reporter: proud of your kids? here yougo. don't know what people will talkinabout, how about joey from "friends." tired of fighting with your loved one? try to stay mad at this. there aregifs from everything. >> the gif peanut butter spelled our way with once you're he long enough, you say gif. >> the company search bar is already on your phone. 500 million daily users who watch 11 million hours of gs s every day. >> you've built an entire company, an entire empire bason
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sharing these. >> we launched our advertising platform this year. we'r helping them create ads that people want to share that are funny, that are cool, that are relevant. >> reporter: big brands are taking notice, filling their own pages with gifs. some of the most popular are happy birthday and love. this year, the queen of the gif is not beyonce but cardi b it turns out anyone can make them. >> we're going to walk you through making gifs today. >> not just about pulling them from movies, you create them here? >> yeah. as much as it's nice to have a clip from a movie that we a share, sometimes we want to make something in the moment, something fresh. get loose and follow his lead. >> bacyo to u. >> happy birthday. >> digital devices have changed the way we talk. i see it more as taking it back,
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injeling personality, r into and real emotion these otherwise cumbersome devices. >> reporter: helping us rewrite the art of modern conversation a few seconds at a time. for "today," gadi schwartz, nbc news new york. >> okay. so it's gif. >> i want to work there. pet. ing your >> it looks fun. >> it is fun when i get them. they do sum up so many emotions you're having. >> m mom tex almost exclusively in gifs now. f> i'm saying jiffs. >> opposite the peanut butter. it's not jiffy. it's giffy. >> truth matters. >> we're not changing. thank you, carson. >> i say gif. up next, "patriotac host
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welcome back, hassan ma naush is one of the fastest > hasan minhaj is the host o critically accimed show "patriot act" known for deep dives into big issues but with a humorous spin. ni's ret this sunday. hasan, good morning. >> thanks for having me. >> you're like super huge now. you're a big deal. do you fee like a big deal? >> i don't know, but my parents are watching right now. that is a big deal. >> the pents are watching. >> when you thought of the concakt, you'reg serious subjects and trying to make them funny. why did you think that was a concept that would work right now? >> just that, at "the daily show," you have to c mm soh
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into a short segment, i was like, ok, there's no commercial breaks on netflix. let's do it. >> how are you picking your topics. some things are just serious and they're really not thaty, fu but you somehow are managing to take things that are complex and important but also finding that humorous take. there are some things i've always wanted to talk about. i've always wanted to do is a deep dive on sneaker culture. yeah, you guys got great kicks. you look like you're high beasts. let's do a hot 20 on that. >> you lad a hot one taking the satsment you talked about how when y had taken them the first time, what was your score? >> >> which i thought was unbelievable. >> i'm bearing my skoel. >> i got a 1050. >> why are you airing this onout. >> you want me admit, too. you're going to be a gif.
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>> you want me to admit, too, 1030. amazing. i was a high school slacker. i didn't know the sat was the next day. >> we didn't realize. you decided to t retake yours do better. i loved the stuff about this. you had your dad totally in the middle of >> my dad flew from california to new york, he woke me up, he packed my took me to the princeton review, they administered a test and i took it fagain. real. >> for real. raw horsepower. i just took it. >> what did you get? >> i got a 1030. >> boom, high five. right here. >> that's not good. >> i know. >> we didn't get good scores. >> i don't mean to be a dunce, but obviously i am. 1330 is a good score isn't . >> it's a 1310. my sister ot a1500. she's doing great. my parents will never let that go. >> we should let you know 1600
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is a max. so 1310 i -- think this moment right now happening right now, the three of us in this chair as everyone watches. everybody is like how did they get where they are? it's a testament is possible. >> i think that's right. >> tenacity and hard work. >> any dopeike us can make it in this country. >> did you think you'd ever see yourself in thi kind of position when you were a ki >> no way. >> doct, lawyer, engineer, disappointment. it worked out. i think thingsre going well. >> everything is going well. you have this showment you have a new baby, almost a year old. >> 11 months. >> how are you taking to >> no sleep, but i'm -- >> what's her name? >> that's a >>secret. pretty by any name. >> oh, my god -- >> she's a real scene stealer. >> what's next for you? where do you see yourself if you
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look dn the road five years from now? >> i'm trying to make this show ly good. that always happens. hoda, what's next? it's likhen you're dating someone, when are you gettingrr d. you get engaged. when is the wedding date. you get married. when is the baby? >> i checked the bo i got a newhow, new episodes coming out february 10th and hopefully not piss off more crown princes. >> in all seriousness the saudi kingdom did ask netflix to remove one of you episodes. >> i'm a cyber criminal. >> not only do you have a great sat score, you're dangerous. >> the legend grows. >> the first time onhetoday" show. say hi to mom and dad. >> hi mom andda hi sema, everyone at the va in sacramento. >> "the patriot act" this sunday
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on netflix. who has been busy biking, dancing and planking andho has not? you'll find out. first this is "today" on nbc. >> you killed it. this presidents day, havertys is honoring president mom. she made the executive decision to buy store bought cookies for the bake sale. she pardoned emma for... being emma. and then there was the whole cone crisis thing. pr president mom, thiidents day sale is for you! for the next four days, get free financing for five years. get g savings on sofas, beds di now that's fiscally responsible leadership. havertys. life looks good.
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and we are back with our we are back with our special series "get fit today." to start the o year right, we divided our teams. we'll beackling the fitness goals. this morning, how about a progress report, see how we're doing. joined by our trusted trainers, editors in chief of men's health and women's health. let's started off with team hoda. al is not here this morning. hoda is. thr goal is to bike a combined 1,000 miles in ten weeks. we follow them to a spin css at fly wheel. let's see how they're doing. >> get fit today! i'm ready. >> here we go. >> i'm going to give you a range
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on a torque on your speed or rpms. stay try to stay in or around it. the biggest thing is have a little bit of fun. >>dy i'm alr sucking air. nobodyls ee is? okay, good. >> yes! you're killing it. >> it's killing me. >> let's go, al. >> al, nobody is sweating but us. >> there you go. you guys crushed it.t >> t was the five-minute course. how many miles have you biked so far? >> sin we started i think about >>160. ow hard was that? >> you doubled up al. >> al did 80? >> i'murprised because he's always biking. >> he's up at 5:00 in the morning on his bike.
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>> i did some classes, ut45-m ones to knock them out. we had to do 30-minute class ever single day to make -- >> are you going to meet it? >> no.o there isway. >> you could. it's going to be hard. >> how do you think they're doing? are they on pace? >> i will yay set a very lofty goal. >> like forest mp. >> that'eat. you aim for the stars, even if you hit the moon, that's a ositive. >> amportant that not all the miles are the same. sometimes you've got to and resistance turned all the way up, it's like you're biking hills. sometimes it's a flat road and you're goir. fast and that's the key to making this fun. >> reach for the candles. savannah and jenna's goals to master their goal through dance. they met up with celebrity ne trai >> we love to dance but we're not that good of it. >> we do think we can get here. it's going to takeac ce.
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>> five, six, sevetey-eight. >>ball change, step ball change. >> reach touch, clap, turned tb the ck. >> i'm not doing it right. i went the wrong way. here we go girls. five, six,even eight. step ball change, step ball change. one two, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. >> good job. >> you got that one. >> touch, oclap, turn the back. good job! iove it. >> go team moms who dance. >> i love thatone. that was cute. >> i'm looking at savannah and said, we can't do the whole dance yet. she said, i can. she's been dancing without me. >> when she puts her mind to something. >> i said to carson, we worked out together a lot. with savannah,eou get h right now and we do this until it's complete. all right, mom.
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>> it's at 3:00. it's 3:05. where are you? >> you've done that many dance classes? >> never said how many i did. >> you went a couple times without >> i went a couple times with my >> howe fitness aspect for s ster. the dancer. >> i'm curious to hear, do feel you're more proficient at it? >> aso you startearn the routine and get you head out of the game, that's when the magic happens. you can put forth more effort and burn more calories. >> i've been traveling. >> so dylan and craig, flexed their muscles at fx pilates studios. >> can you do this? >> no, but i'm going to try. >> let's try. go team. >> slide out. bend your knees and come all the
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way back to standing. >> are we going to do several of those? >> oh, yeah. >> dude, that is hard. >> ouch. it really hurts. >> so far this is my favorite exercise. >> i can almost touch my tones. >> yeah, look at you. >> don't lie, but thank you. >> you guys might bewinning. can you double the plank. >> it's not about me. it's about the studio. i think i can probably hold it for about oo1:20. >>d pretty good there. >> look at dilly dilly. >> she's g to win this. >> i'm very competitive. >> we want to thanknd richard liz. thank you so much and good luck with you. we'll be checking back in. back in a smoment, first thi is "today" on nbc.
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don't forget to check for more stories you love. todayin . today a secret for a romantic's valentineday, musical playlists. >> sheinelle, are you taking your clothes o while i talk? >> no, no. i've been doing a series on education. a teacher shortage, what if anything can be done about it. we'll dig in. that and more. >> sheinelle isbout to meet her doppelganger. >> i'm so nervous. >> a little your local news.ter this is a "news 4 today" news break. 8:56 is your time now on this friday, february 8, 2019. good morning everyone. i'm eun yang. right now we want to check on
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your morning commute with irlissa mollet and your 4 traffic. >> a lot of rain out there this morning. you can s the radar showing you over the roads where we're seeing the rainfall. almost everywhere on t beltway. fairfax, westbound braddock road parkway, a crash there. inbound canal road after chain blige one crash blocking the right lane. >> we'll check your forecast next. stay with us. and his lies are hurting the country. congress should begin impeachment hearings now so they can gather and preserve evidence. to make sure the american people finally get the truth. about corruption. abuse of power. and obstruction of justice we can't afford to wait. it's time to start impeachment hearings. now. need to impeach is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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good morning, everybody. still dealing with raindrops first thing this morning. the rain isn't going to last much, long over by 11:00 in the morning. it's going to turn windy and cold this afternoon. currently 63 in charlottesville, 54he wier, 48 here. we'll briefly jump into the 50s and immediately fall into the 40s this afternoon and 30s by evening time. sunny, breezy and cold tomorrow. we're still keeping a close eye tuesday morning for a little rain-snow potential. >> chuck, thank you. get the latest news and weather any time on the nbc shington ap
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> >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. a good friday morni to you, welcome, craig melvin here along with sheinelle jones, dylan dreyer and look who stopped by, keir simmons. >> there's not an ocean in between us. >> it's a good day for you to be here. we are talking about something that you know well from acrosst pond, tabloids, in case you have not heard, the richest man in the world is taking on the "national enquirer," amazon's
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