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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  February 13, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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government shutdown friday night. >> and while we're hearing a lot of optimism president trump will sign the deal reached by congressional negotiators, we're also learning of a potential wrinkle. federal workers got their back pay after tferaonto d n d ttwo dn paychecks like everybody else. democrats and some republicans are pushing for a provision that provides those contractors with at least some back pay with what was lost. and president trump is pushing back tonight. >> here to explain why some republicans oppose back pay for the thousands of federal contractors in our area. >> reporte pointing to precedent. essentially saying during past shutdowns federal have not been given back pay. so whichever way this shakes out there's only a tig window to do it because of course it has to g through botcochambers of ress and signed by the
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efpresident all be friday night. congress has a deal but nothing is done until president trump signs it, and he is making no promises without first seeing the bill in writing. >> well, we haven gotten i yet. we'll be getting it. we'll be looking for land mines because you could hav that. it's been known to happen before to people. >> reporter: sources tell nbc news the president will likely sign the bill to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the week. the bill pays for border fencing, n a concrete wall. and with only a fraction of the $5 $5.7 billion the president wanted. >> i think the president is inclined to accept the agreement and move on and try to find money elsewhere and most likely declare an emergency. >> reporter: but republican leadership not even fully sold. >> let's be very clear i think we should see the language. is it enough for the wall that we ruested morehan $5 pillion, no. but is it a down payment, yes. d >> reporteocrats concede
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it is not perfect, but they are ready to pass >> i support the bill for what is it in it. don't judge it for what is not in it. we have her days to pass legislation. >> reporter: president trump saying he has many options to get a wall but appearing to rule out one. >> ion't want to see a shutdown. >> reporter: instead considering executive action to redirect money to help pay for the wall. and the house will likely vote t ons bill late tomorrow. if it passes there, then it's onto the senate and then president trump. again all of this before friday night. >> not much time left. thank you. lester holt is angering nbc nightly news from right here in washington tonight, and he's kind enough to join us now. >> hi, lester. it's no surprise that there are someeast min posturing going on here. but really there doesn't seem to be much appetite for another shutdown on either side, does there? a loth, and there's not of room for plan b right now. as you said they've got to get th to vote very quickly to
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make it happen. the president tones to send out hints, and we've learned from past expouience that never know until you know in terms of these things. but he doesn't really have the appetite. think there's a sense the white house still feels the sting of that last shutdown, ann they want another one, certainly people may point to them about. >> a lot of people around the c concountry and here will be watching. we know you spent some time lester at a local high school in d.c. tell ur message to students there? >> reporter: the folks have created this program called mediawise. they made me an ambassador to thisrogram. they stopped byoodrow wilson high to talk aboutte it. ulti it's going to pea a
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stamford led curriculum. >> lest, thanks so much. >> and of coursee've got more about that program at the pointer institute coming up. look for the latest on the shutdown negotiations and much 7:00at a local football coach suspended. he's accused ofe inappropri interaction with a student. duval high school has placed terrell carlos lockwood on leave tonight. he has worked at that school for nearly eight years. news 4's cdois g is following this story for us. and chris, what is the school saying now? >> reporter: well, many of the students i have spoke to this afternoon air defendi football coach. but some parents tell me they're concerned.ho duval high sent a letter home with students informing families that head footbal coach terrell carlos lockwood is placed on leave for alleged inappropriate interaction with a
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femant stude a source close to the investigation tells me it involves inappropriate conversations in the form of text messages exchanged between coh lockwo and the student. we spoke with some students here as scht.l let >> he's a good coach. he's an inspiration to all of us. >> reporter: what do you think of the fact he's been placed on leave for am appropriate contact with a female? i don't think that's fair because i don't believe that. >> i don't like it. i don't think he would really do mething like that. it doesn't sound like him really. >> he's aood man, and that's the reason why we're shocked. he's a really good coach. >> i'm sure it's not right but -- i'm shocked. that's how it is. >> reporter: a parent i spoke with expresses a different point of view. >> i am npr sed because i have heard something about that before. >> reporter: it's imptant to note that coach lockwood faces no criminal charges at this point. it appears to be an iernal
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school investigation. live fm val high school. doreen, back to u. >> thank u, chris. a decision to go out and clear up debris afyer erday's winter storm had deadly consequences for a woman out iner nor virginia. a tree limb apparently collapsed on top of her. tonight we're hearing from the victim's neighbors. olour patns is just down the street at lucketts corner. pat, such a sad story. >> reporter: doreen, clear today in lucketts corner but yesterday a whole different story. an ice storm of consequence. a woman goesn out her yard to clear up the debris and she becomes a victim of tt storm. today still some ice on the tree limbs. today still some ice on the ground. but yesterday -- yesterday they
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say it was far, far worse. >> we had about auarter inch or so of ice on the trees here. we actually had one break and fall, take down our power line. you can see it on the ground back there. treacherous situation. limbs were falling all over the place. ice was coming out of the trees, hitting cars. >> reporter: during that storm police say melanie rose came outside her house on stumptown road. it there they say she beganck g up fallen tree limbs and stacking them in the yard. but as she did, police say, she was struck by a falling tree branch and kcked tohe ground. they say she was discovered by a family member who calle for help about 8:30 lastms night. rose died at the hospital around 5:00 this morning. she was 52 years old. mark peyton is her next door
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>> she was out always working in her yard. loved flowers, lovedee she was a nice lady, always wave and speak to you but to themselves, her and robert both. > reporter: and for this to happen >> very shocking. >> reporter: shocking, shocking indeed. you know, it's unclear as to how long ms. rose was lying there in r yard before she was discovered and 911 call for hel was mad jim, doreen, back to you. >> thank you, pat. thankfully a much different weather story today. we had sunshine and a warmup that should last for a bit before more storms roll in. yeah, doug, it's hard to keep track with the crazy weather changes we've had lately. what's next. >> yterday was the ice, guys. and i just got a call talking about how thatce is still there on those trees. temperatures going way up over
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the next couple of days. and they were up today in most areas with the exception of those that saw the ice. lke ak. right now current temperatures sitting in the 40 only 36 around hagerswn. overf towards partsederick county and snow into that area, we're going to stay on the milder side of things as you move on through the day tomorrow. a lot of snowappening justo our north but not here. we saw a couple of fkes right around the maryland, pennsylvania border but great tomorrow, great on friday. chance of snow on saturday, looks like accumulating snow on saturday, and then watching the next winter storms into next week. a lot going on over the next ten days. >> all right, we'll stay with you, doug. > breaking news right now. the first woman to 'scuse virginieutenant governor of sexual assault says she will meet with prosecutors in boston.
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ust in the last couple of minutes dr. vanessa tyson's legal team released a statement sayingill meet with the suffolk county da's office to detail her aegations against lieutenant governor justin fairfax. our northern bureau virginia chief reports now on the deep divide revealed by these allegations. >> reporter: vanessa tyson speak about what she calls an epidemic of sexual violence. the stamford university seminar was scheduled before her allegations against virginia's lieutenant governor were made public. tyson says justin fairfax sexually assaulted her back in 2004 in a boston hotel room. and while she never directly referenced the alleged incident some of her remarks seemed loaded with meaning. >> sometimes you have to lead by example, no matter how harld it is. >> reporter: tyson is one of two women who stepped tforward las week accusing the lieurenant g enough of sex assault when h he was in 20s. it prompted most elected leers
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to quickly call f his resignation. but fairfax is fighting back. he denies the allegatio saying the encounters were conoensual. >> i justin fairfax personally. i'm not here to talk aboutis guilt or innocence, but i do know that he deserves like any other person desves some sort of fair process to deal with these allegations. >> reporter: that's prince william county's naacp president. reverend bailee along with many others in the african-american community were outraged when talk of impeachmentarose. they pushed back hard and that was dropped. >> you have of cour different constituencies, the me too movement pulling in one direction. african-american communities saying slow down, don't resign, let's have a process here. and elected officials who are caught in the middle. >> reporter: and tonight still no progres launching an investigation. the suffolk county prosecutor tells the boston globe she'd
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open a case if tyson made a criminal complaint. they sent this letter to virginia lawmakers urging them to oversee a probe. ate this afternoon the virginia house speaker said he would not rule out aal gen assembly led investigation. he tellson the ric times ntspatch there would need to be bipartisan agreeor that to happen. new at 6:00 tonight, a new approach to fighting crime by putting ex-criminals on the right path. >> we're taken inside a pilot progra that letsormer inmates restart their lives. ism plus a rude awakeningor one guy who had p knocking on his door to tell him he'd been robbed. and the uncertain future for the rekins. the announcement
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the redskins future looking even more uncertain tonight. the teammo will no to a new stadium near the mgm national harbor. the mayor pulled out of talks to build a4,000 seat stadium that's currently held by the .ederal government. in d hogan said he was trying to negotiate a land the drew criticism from environmental and financial concerns. we talked to d.c. mayor bowser about d.c. having the only proposal still standing >> well, we always believeha we the best location. pay any e district money to help subsidize the building? >> the nfl team h woulde to build its own estsm. after
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2027. today a third partyve igation says those kentucky high schoolers did not intigate that altercation on the steps of the lincoln memorial last month. you probably remember this viral vide this video prompted condemnation and a massive social media backlash against the students. and one teenager who stood face-to-face there with a native-american elder. covington catholic school's bishop says the findings, quote, exonerates our students so they can move on with theirlives. this winter feeling like a temperature roller coaster toyo well, it's not just your imagination. >> we started off warm, plunged into the polar vortex, bounced nd then record warmth back to cold. >> our streaks of cold days seem to be getting shorter now. meteorologist amelia dramer is here with a look what i all means. >> yeah, exactly, doreen.
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in these colder months what we're finding are cold snaps, colder temperatures are having difficulty persisting. check this out. now our longest cold spell thise winter since beginning of december, nine days. that sound like a lot, but then tu check out longest warm spell where we've had temperatures tconsecutively or above normal. that streak, 25 days. from mid-december into early january. so what does this mean inwell, we're seeing quicker melts. we have snowfall and then it melts very quickly. that c be a concern when we think about our winter sports like our ski resorts ohere having difficulty keeping that snow whether it's natural or man maid. and in warmer clients these shorter amoun of warm day also impacting apple, peaches. the freet trees need,old a really cold air at times to get them rested before they start producing fruain. here's a look at our area from climate i matters.
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th washington, d.c. and since 1970 coming up to 2018, er all we've seen our length of cold spells where i said about nine, generally that's diminished by about one day from 70 to the present day. and they looked at 244 cities, and that was the case by about 90% of them, guys. >> all right, thanks amelia. the men iharge of responding to hurricanes, tornados and other natural disasters in the u.s. just announced he's resigning. brock long is the director of fema. in a letter today he praised this administration's leadership and said he needed to spend more time with his family. the homeland security watchdog investigation last year found long misused government vehicles to travel to and from his home in north carolina. long apologized at the time and agreed to reimburse the federal government. deputy administrator pete gainer will become the acting head of fema. today the catholic dioceses
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of arlington released a list o priests who were credibly accused of sexlly expect. it is similar to one released by the arch dioceses of wmohington hs ago and others all over the country. according to "the washington post," aleast two of the priests in the arlington dioceses have been charged criminally. bishop michael released a statement today that reads in part for victims and survivors of sexual abuse by members of the clergy i remn open to ming with you and hearing your stories. pope francis will convene a suitri aseexteek he to see a complete list of accused priests in arlington just go to our nbc washington app. tonight there's a new effort to help men and women getting out of jail and have a stronger chance of success as they return to our communities. news 4 mark seagraves spoke to one of the first former inmat to get help through d.c.'s new ready center. he has that story new at 6:00.
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>> reporter: today english has a good job, but until last october he'd spent the last ten years in prison. english credits the help he got from d.c. agencies housed at ths dist new ready center located just steps from the d.c. jail with helping him to getnd s job restart his life. >> i'm in a beautiful state right now. i'm in an opportunity to not only take ce of myself but my family as well and rebuild. >> reporter: the ready is cter is one stop location where men and women being released from the d.c. jail can get help not only with job traoing but a mental health and substance abuse counseling and housing. quincy booth who runs the d.c. jail says the goal is to give returning citizens the bes chance of success. >> some of the things you and i may take for granted they may not have from an i.d. card, to housing to food to employment. >> reporter: returning citizens who drop into the ready center leave with gift cards as well as a metro card.
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they can even get d aver's license here. d.c. currently has about 67,000 residents who have criminal convictions in their past. an additional 3,600 return from prison each year. the ready center st. just a pilot program right now, but the man who oversees it says it's working. >> making sure people have opportunities and conrtction oppounities is the best and to keepective way people out of prison. >> reporter: as for english, he's looking forward to what lies ahead. >> things are looking bright. future's looking bright right i'm thankful for the opportunity to n onlyve grow and p and learn. so this experience is giving me opportunities to learn new things, be surrounded and embre an environment i can grow. when we come back tonight the end of the line for a long serving nasa rover on mars. the final chapter for the craft known as opi. and we may be warming up at the end of this week, but
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there's more w
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doug's back. we enjoyed the sunshine today. not going to be with us for much longer. >> well, tomorrow's nice. friday's nice. >> okay, well tt's good. let's focus on the positive. >> yeah, focus on the short-term. it really is going to be quite nice in here tomorrow especially into the day on friday. tomorrow's more sunshine, temperatures into the 50s.lo friday's more cover, temperatures into the 60s. and then the cold air moves in and then the snow moves in. out there today it's been on the nice mild side for most of us.
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46 degrees right now, dropping from the 40s into the 30s by t:00. looking nice night. here's the wind chill. and you notice the difference. i 40 degrees d.c. only 27 in hagerstown. we've seen a lot of wind inhis area. once again just got a call and still a lot u of ice here in parts of the trees up here. so watch out with some ofhese winds gusting upwards of 20 miles per hour. those winds will dive tonight. some snow going up here towards the north asell. and that's been happening off and an day. and even around frederick, somew light s and all coming courtesy of a storm m system thating up and away from the area. much colder here. it's been snowing all day up towards pittsburgh, and up towards state college, off and on snow for us. our snow actually moves in onsa rday. what can we expect? snow and rain moves in late friday, early saturday. i really do think by the time
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you wake up saturday morning most ous d.c.ay see rain, and rain changing to snow throughout the day. right now thinking 2 to 4 inches. ads will be impacted especially later in the day. because this is falling during the day and we had a very warm friday roads may noth be too m of a problem out here. as we move on through the next couple of days here, 54 tomorrow, 61 on friday. there's that chance of snow on saturday. chance of showers on sunday, though most of us dry. and we've got another chance of some winter weather. another winter storm. i'll see you at 6:45. >> thank you, doug. >> texting and driving already illega in virginia. soon you could haveo keep hands off the phone at all times behind the wheel. but how would a new law be enforced? neighbors what some are waking up to on capitol hill. all four of their tires gone. in some cases the vehicled prop by an empty beverage
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carton. coming up we're talking to neighbors on what's become a concerning trend. em> and up next the fbi using the photographicy of a serial killer to close cases that went cold long ago.
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-ah, the old crew!n remember w all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people ."ve $668 when they switch -at th school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine?
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-ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. d like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl. danielle, this one's for you. there is some breaking news if you'reoiustng us tonight. the first woman to accuse virginia's lieutenan governor of sexual assault says she will meet with prosecutors in boston. withinhe hour dr. vanessa tyson's legal team released a statement sayingt she will m with suffolk county da's office investigators to detl her allegations against justin
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fairfax. >> tyson says fairfax sexually assaulted her in a boston hotel room of a convention back in 2004. tyson is oneen of two w to accuse the lieutenant governor of sexlt ass lieutenant governor fairfax denies the allegations saying the encounters were consensual. now at 60 he claims to have murdered nearly 100 women and is now sketching fhees of his victims. >> after years of denial convicted killer samuel little is now helping police close decades old cold cases. erika gonzalez in the newsroom now with an update on theog ss here. erika? >> reporter: well, samuel little has drawn 15 sketches of women killed.s to have police say the 78-year-old is foggy on dates, but he'srystal clear in describing how he claims to have killed his victims and what they looked like. the fbi says his victims were vulnerable women often involved in drugs or prostitution. now, if you remember we covered his connection to an case here our area.
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the oldest unsolved murder in prince george's couy dating back to 1972. e murder he recently confessed to. bi says it can now confirm samuel little is in fact behind the death of approximately half the women he claims to have killed. detectives are still working to idenfy the others before it is too late. little is in poor health and currently serving three consecutive life sentences.rt he s sketching these victims as part of a plea deal for a prison transfer. back toouuys in the studio. >> all right, erika, thank you. a notorious mexican drug lord could soon get a one way ticket to the most secure prison facility in the united states. el chapo may be headed to super max, theal colorado fed prison is known as the alcatraz of the rockies. el chapo was convicted yesterday and prosecutors will ask for a life sentence without any possibility of parole. a former warden at super max says el chapos the perfect
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candidate for that facility because of the car tell leader's resources, monnd prior elison escapes. a typical is a 7 foot by 12 foot concrete cell with just a 4 inch window. prisonners there generally only get an hour outside a day in small caged area. some d.c. residents were c sitting in thfort of their own homes while thieves stole the wheels off their cars. a recent snowstorm didn't stop the bad guys. news 4's meagan fitzgerald talked to one man who shelled out thousands of dollars after thieves targeted him twice. >> reporter: take a look, they're stealing all four-wheels from cars in a matter of minutes. their doing it in the middle of the night leaving behind nothing but af couple lug nuts. >> it's scary. i have three kids so i want to live in a neighborhood that's safe. >> reporter: that's the feeling among a lot o neighbors in the capitol hill community. some are scared, many are very
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concerned after rash of crimes. >> two neighbors had tires or actually whole wheels stolen off their cars. >> reporter: it happened twice nu one night on clar's street of south carolina a in southeast. just after midnight the thieves stole all four of these tires leaving the owner's suburban o layin the ground. >> very unsettled, angry. >> rorter: philip ager lives a mile away and his suburban was targeted twice in month. police released this surveillance video from the latest crime from early sunday morning. th thieves pull up in a white pickup truck, hop out and within minutes all four of drager's tires are gone. he and his wife woke up to this. his car propped up by a beverage carton. >> the first time it happene was the snowstorm we had. >> reporter: and as you can see the snow wasn't enough to sto the criminals from steeling his wheels and causing more than $6,000 in damage. police say here's what you can do, park in a well lit area, have a visible or audible device
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to alert and hopefully scare off thieves. get tire locks on your c and put a theft deterrent decal on your car to warn thieves that your vehicle iste ped. police say these are just a few tips neighbors should keep mind to try and avoid being targeted. >> we do have wheel locks on o cars, i never realized why. now i understand. >> reporter: meagan fitzgerald, news 4 a high school nurse on the eastern shore is facing child sex offense charges involving four students. nairld state policeell us the incidents date back to march of last year but did not happen on school property. instead investigators sayd 33-year-mantha marsh picked up students in her van outside of chrisfield high school and academy in sommerset countyve then she dro them to other places for sexual inkounlters. marsh is in jail tonight without bail facing a total of 19 charges. >>ll an regton man pleaded
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guilty today to a massive fraud and ponzi scheme, bilkingst inves out of millions of dollars withse promi of development near the silver line. federal procutors say todd elliot misled investors in a bid to build a uifive-story bing near the new permanent metro station on the silver line extension to dulles. it resulted in those investors losi about $20 million. he's going to be sentenced in june. , if you're guilty of messing around with your phone while driving youould be facing tougher laws around here soon. virginia could be stepping up forcement if a new bill passes this year. our transportation reporter adam tuss took a ride todayith fairfax county police to see this problem first-hand. >> reporter: out on distracted driving patro with second lieutenant jason long. what he looking for?
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>> it's more just the behavior. there's no real silver bullet, like this is the one thing that's a distracted driver. >>tieporter: he says distr is everywhere and and he's constantly reminding dvers he stops for not paying attention. we just pu going through a red light. >> look, if someone's making a left turn where we were coming from they wouldou have hit like that in the side. >> reporter: in virginia it's pretty hard to prove you wer distracted on a hand held device. that's why he says this new bill will cut out a lot of the y uncertai pie hand held distraction while driving. you either had your device in your hand or you t didn't. >>uld make things a little easier for us. we would be enforce violations for people violating the hand held ban, while kurnltly we'd have to see them entering texts, reading e-mails, reading texts which is little more difficult. >> reporter: now goes to the serete. again, the bill bans drivers from holding any personal communications device while driving. that's a step up. both d.c. and maryland already
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have hand held mobile device bans while driving. >> i don't know what happened. >> i understand that. let me ask you something, wer you on your phone or doing anything? >> reporter: if this does become law anyone found with a device in their hand while driving could be fined $125 r a fir offense, $250 for a second offense. ass the this does senate and eventually become law, it would take effect until next y, so a bit of time before that happens. adam tuss, news 4. >> tomorrow marks a somber anniversary for the country. 17 families in florid >> hard to believe it will be one year since that deadly ooting rampage at margery stoneman dougl high school in parkland, florida. tonit we're hearing from surviving students and parents of the victims. >> by the time you pack up your else leave here, someone will be shot and killed. >> coming up how those students and families have turne tragedy into activism.
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and after hesitation from new york, one local bidder is trying again to get amazonts second location for hq2. days andple of nice then take a look at future weather for saturday. oh, that's snow. areawide. i'll show you what my thoehts arnd how much
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you may have seen the reports that amazon is rethinking its plans to move a second headquarters to new york. well, prince george's cnty is jumping on that one is trying to attract amazon again. the washington business journal says the county reached out to amazon in case new york falls through. leaders think the college park greenville property has the most potential. the the other hq2 location in arlington is moving forward. virginia has already approved an incentive package. >> got to putt out the and
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try. nasa scientists said good-bye to the opportunity rover. the plucky little engine that could landed on mars 15 years ago. it was built to operate for three punts. it kept going for 14 years, rolling across the rocky red soil and gathering critical t evidencetospitancble a to life. eight months ago flight controllers lost contact with opportunity during a ferocious dust storm. numerous tries to re-establish contact went nowhere and today nasa bosses declaredt dead. coming up on news 4 at 6:00, separating fact from fiction when it comes to the news you . watch and read details on nbc's lester holt's visit to d.c. today for a new program at a local high school. and trackingth winter w this weekend and the potential for another ice
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a quick check now on the day's top stories. a race to prevent another government shutdown is under way and there is a last minute issue. democrats a pushing for federal contractors to receive back pay from the last shutdown, but republicans are balking about that because contractors have not gotten back pay after previous government shutdowns. government funding runs out on friday night. duval high school football coach terrell carlos lockwood is on leave tonight accused of inappropriate inteion with a female student. a news 4 source tells us it involves inappropriate conversaons in the form of text messages between coach lockwood and the stude. the assistant principal at the prince george's county school sent home a letter to parents today about theituation.
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that winter storm system that lefts part of our region blanketed i ice is now being blamed for at least one death. a woman insb lg had been clearing away fallen branches in her yard yesterday when a tree limb apparently collapsed on top of her. and she die this morning at t hospital. there will be a lot of attention focused tomorrow on the margery stoneman douglas high school community in parkland, florida. on nevalentine's day year ago a gunman stormed the school and the survivors and their families say they plan to mourn quietly and out of the public eye. it's a strong contrust to the very public way they' channeled their grief and anger into activism. nbc's kate snow reports. >> reporter: one year after what happened here in parkland, florida, the deadliest high hool shooting ever in the history of the u.s., we're coming back to talk with the students. many of whom you've come to know
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as activists and advocates for change in gun laws. they started doing it in the hoursfter the attack, and they continue still. these are kids who have given up all kinds of time in high school in order to become activists. >> and really just, you know, i would say that from a lot of us this activism was ag cop mechanism, and, you know, it's what drove us to get out of bed every day. >> reporter: they talked to me about why they did it, about hoa they've beee to really generate social change and where they still feel tley've f short, what their goals are now. all coming up on nightly news. >> nbcly news with lester holt comes up in 15 minutes right after this newscast. >> and you'll notice lester anchoring nightly news tonight from right here in washington. and here's why. ster spoke to teenagers today at windshielden high school in northwest d.c. nbc news and the pointer institute have teamed up to createmdiawise to teach
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students the difference between fact andiction in the news. it teaches students how to fact check ories. news w 4'sdy talked to lester today about the importance of this program. >> if you don't understand fact and fiction you t td accept whatever confirms your view. for all of us to be functioning, you know, membersf is society and this democracy we need to come arm would the information. >> and you can find mbout the program on our nbcon washingt app. just search mediawise. it's a good idea to get mediawise for all of us. >> it sure is. >> doug is bacith more on the weather and what's coming at us next. we've got some reallyood weather. >> get some things done, maybe go to the store. amelia did not do the bread ometeroday but for saturday -- i would say go ahead and do it because on saturday is going to be tough today and you want
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to stay indoors just watch the snow comebe down. use i do think we're going to get some accumulating snowfall on saturday. not a baday at all today. 46, and winds out of the northwest at 13 miles an hour. a bit of a wind chill out there. 37 in frederick. still a lot of ice on the trees up into this area, and we can still see some problems with that ice falling from those trees and even some branches continuing to come down in those areas. to the south, though, we' in the 40s and a pretty nice day today with plenty ofnesuns up towards frederick, you can see that right there on the radar. i thall kurltacourtesy of a system making its way across the north right now. and for us just a couple of snow showers right along the borlder there, maryland and pennsylvania. this system moves out, weather moves in so that's good, right? friday the warmestwe her, that
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cold front comes through during the late afternoon. here's 6:00 and and that's the front right there bringing some showers. i'm not expecting much in the way of shower activity. if you have dinner plans on friday night you should be okay. you move on through, and behind it watch what happens saturday morning. the next system comes in along that front. we get rain from d.c. southward, snow back to the west,nd when the cold air moves in everybody gets in on the snow, and it could be cing down here during the early afternoon. and that's why we think we could run intms some prob if you want to head to the store, a good idea to do so. right n i still think roads should be okay for this. but if it comes dn hard enough some of the secondary roads could be a problem. what to expect, a great thursday and great friday. early saturday mix as i just showed you and everyone goes over to snow, and right now we're thinking a couple of inches of snow is possible. temperatures tomorrow, 54 degrees. a mix of sun and clouds and a really great afternoon, a little
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cooler to the north but still a nice afternoon just about everywhere. 61 on friday, and nice and and we drop overnight and into the day on saturday. temperatures actually fall during t that's why we can get that snow. on sunday temperature thereof arnd 40 degrees, and then we move towar and right now on tuesday and wednesday. looking at all the scenarios that play out shere, we coul a couple of storms in this time frame. and right now it does look like in place we ir is could see a mix possibly into tuesday and wednesday. maybe early snoing over to ice. >> okay, here we go again. thank you, doug. coming up next, pla rs starting to show up in nats spring aining, but all the halk is about who is not there. sherry is next w sports. but first here's lester holt with a look at what's ahead on nbc nightly news. >> good to be with you from our washington newsroom tonight. wel have the secrets the fbi says a former intelligence
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officer has giv to iranians and the potential damage to u.s. national security. also the promising new treatment for depressi, using a drug
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monday we will be hating you when you're down in palm beach. >> i just started packing and i've got my shorts, my t-shirts. >> we don'tr need to h about this. >> well, baseball finally here. the pitchers and catchers arriving to start the 2019 season. today it nationals kicking off a new yearlm in west beach. the first full squad work out isn't until next week, but already at the facility today there's a lot of talk about who's not at spring training thisear. and ev with a little rain, not much beats seeing palm trees in february. am i right? nationals pitchers and catchers reporting today. both getting in somestork. the fir full work out for pitchers and catchers coming up tomorrow. but a cloud hanging over spring training, and we're not talking about rain. bryce harper remains unsigned.
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the nationals, phillies and giants reportedly still in on the star. with and harper and fellowrs supetar many machadounsigned the mlb free agency market at a stand still. the players, they've taken notice. >> there's a lot of speculation, so it's unfortunate. i think everybody knows those guys are somhe of t best players in the game, ae here w are and the pitchers and catchers and we're starting tomorrow. so don't know w reallyhy any team would not want to have their guy ready to go for the start of tee season. just like the clock's ticking. >> those guys should be playing and on a team, i mean, period. they did an offer close to what they want, and i think both sides feeds to be realistic with the situation. >> it kind of feels like, you know, it's december 23rd and your christmas tree isn't up
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yet. we're not talking about opening day but these free agents that still haven'td yet. >> excellent point there. the headliners. l but a of big name free agents remain unsigned. hiseammate and long time oriole adam jones still a free agent. finally world series championcl er craig kimbrel waiting to find a team a well. 42 saves last season. so certainly a lot of big names we see out there. i fee like every time you depot out on social media you see something pop up on bryce harper and machado. >> what is taking so long? >> what kind of team can afford that, and why would we want to give $40 million, 30 million i
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see a year, bryce take it. it's a pretty gd salary. i hink. >> much more do you need? >> keep waiting. all right, but soon the players from the nba and they'll be flocking to much warmer destinations are pakingt in the nba all-star weekend. tonight in washington's and looking to head into the break on positive note. dave johnson, the radio voice of theizards is with the team talking about the tilt in toronto and a tussle with technology. >> we are about to reach the nba all-star break and just in time. i think we need a break with all the stress. think about trying to control an enre sweep. and it's bet on and bet off, and the stress. it's not been easy. 's not easy here and it's not been easy for the washington wizards. dealing the revelation john will miss more time because of
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injuries, but bradley bl still believes they can take the wizards. he is playing at an all-star level. and juvary parker, he play the role of a point pmaker, ant forward if you will. and wesley johnson can fill in the gaps. we've also seen he can defend. we have seen this team can compete, but can it convince? the other night bullied in a loss to the pistons. but the last time against the raptors one of the best in the east was a double overtime thriller. looking to get the win tonight in toronto, and i'm looking to fire out how to close my drapes and it's not easy'secause a beautiful city. baltimore i making a big move. according to reports the ravens trading joe flacko t the broncos. got to keep an eye on what they are up to also.
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tonight, america's top secrets exposed. a former u.s. intelligence officer charged with spying for iran. spilling details on top-secret programs and the names of sources. officials believe she's now living in iran. and breaking news. dramatic images coming in of severe turbulence on a delta flight. passengers injured in a abfrightening scene in the. actor jussie sllett breaking his silence, speaking out on camera for the first time about that alleged racisand homophobic attack. a serial killer who murdered up to 90 people now drawing his victimfor police. >> these sketches now become the link to a family that is missing someone. el >> can yousolve a mystery? the fda on the brink of approving ingredients from a club drug to treat depression.


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