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tv   Today  NBC  February 14, 2019 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. deal day? after weeks of negotiations, morning. deal day. after weeks of negotiations, lawmakers now just hours away from voting the avert yet another government shutdown. will president trump throw congress alast-minute curveball? we or live from the white house with the veryte la. web of lies. bad news for former campaign chairm chairman, his plea deal with prosecutors now likely null and void. eis he only h of not spending the rest of his life around bars a pardon from president trump? missing spy. f aormer sergeant in thees united statir force charged with spying for iran now nowhere to
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be found. this morning the hunt fan her d the race to contain the fallout. those stories plus chaos in the sky. >> we were out of our chairs. we were filing in the air. i actually thoughthe that t plane might break up. extreme tbulence injuring passengers aboard a delta flight, forcing an emergency landing. mandy moore opens up about the alleged abusive behavior about her ex-husband singer ryan adams. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rock fell hear
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plaza. j >> thank you fning us on this thursday. also happens to be valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day. later ibout the love the show. but right now all eyes on capitol hill where lawmakers are voting to avert yet another government shutdown. prs is signaling he will sign the deal to keep the government open. could a last-minute snag derail the entire thing. nbc white house correspondentte kr welker has the latest on this back-and-forth. good morning. >> reporter:oomorning to you. all signs are pointing to the government staying open. the bipartisan bill cleared an important bill overnight and multiple white house officials have told nbc new it' anticipated the president will sign the bill, although publicly he's still reluctant to give it his full support. with another shootdown looming
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tomorrow night, president trump making it clear he wants to avoid one. >> i don't want to see a shutdown. it wou be a terrible thing. >> reporter: while white house officials drum pd hints throughout the day that mr. trump would support bipartisan deal to keep the government open, the president not willing tcommit, at least publicly. >> we haven't gotten it yet. we'll be getting it, looking for land mines. >> reporter: and blasting democrats. >> with aall they want to be stingy. we have options that most people don't really understand. >> reporter: the deal is for less than $1.4 billion to fund 55 miles of borde fencing, not a concrete wall, and far less than the $5.7 billion thees prident first demanded. republicans sought downplay any concerns among the conservative base? >> is it enough for t wall that we requested, more than $5 illion? no. it a down payment,s. ye >> reporter: democratic leaders also tried to sell the deal after they agreed to drop their
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demand for a cap on detention beds for those arrested by ice agents. >> as wh all compromises, i say to people, support the bill for what is in it, don't judge it for what is not in it. >> reporter: while candidate trump promised mexico would pay, it's now clear american taxpayers wl foot the bill, at least initially. mr. trump hinting ao plans take executive action that would redirect pre-existing federal funds to pay for his border wall and insisting late wednesday -- >> a it's wall people aren't going through very easy. have to be in extremely good ldape toet over this one. they we able to climb mt. everest a lot easier i think. >> kristen, canllt happen before tomorrow's deadline? >> reporter: it can. i comes down to the president at this point. if he waivers today, things
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could get very complicated. overnight senator richard shelby tweeted htalked to the president and mr. trump was in good spirits. elby saying he told the president the bill is a down payment on his border wall. what happens now? the senate is expected to vote on the bill today and the house willy take it up tonight hich means, if everything runs smoothly, the bill will get to the president's desk before tomorrow's midnight deadline. ck to you. >> kristen erwelk, thank you. bad news for paul manafort this morning. the judge overseeing his criminal case has ruled that manafort intentionally lied toe l counsel robert mueller's team after striking a plea deal with them which meansea that could be thrown out and he could face decades behind bars. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams has been on this story from the start. good morning. >> good morning. wh paul manafort pleaded guilty last fall, he agreed tor
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coordinaate and in return they would suggest a more lenient sentence. now the judge says he didn't keep his end of the bargain. manafort's lawyers have said he tried to answer the questions from thepecial counsel team truthfully and if he came up short it was the result of faulty member. robert mueller and his team sayo he lied them about five different subjects. the judge rulede intentionally made false statements about three of those issues. she said he lied about his contacts with constantine cal limb nick, described earlier by mueller as a man with ties to russian prosecutors say the two men during the campaign and after the election. the judge says manafort lied getting paid for his legal bills rooted through a trump campaign committee and he lied about a separa that, theudge says manafort made false
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statements and therefore breached the plea agreement. it's the deal he made ise ember when he pleaded guilty. >> he's accepted responsibility and he wanted to make sure that his family was able to rehan taef. reporter: the judge found the manafort didn't intentional lie about two other things, including whether he recently reached out to people in the trump administration. >> so if the deal is not on anymore, people, what's that meann terms of the sentencing? >> well, the judge says she hasn't decided the answer to that question yet and says she won't until man ford is sentenced a month from now. he faced a mimum of ten coing might have reduced it, but now he's lost any chance of that. he might still be hoping for a presidential pardon. president ump says he hasn't given that any thought. >> pete williams in washington, thank you. now to ato of international intrigue. a former u.s. air force counterintelligencen agent has accused of spying for iran.
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it's believed she defected there back in 2013 and has not been seen since. all this revealed in a stunning indictment unsealed by feral officials. nbc's chief foreign correspoent richard engel joins us with more. >> u.s. officials say her motivation was ideological rather than financial and it led to a pro found shift of allegiance. monica went spent over a decade in the u.s. air force doing counterintelligence and later as a contractor. she had top level security clearances working programs that dealt with intercepted communications and iranian informants. information used to el the iran gan government target her former american colleagues. >> angregious violation to have betrayed the trust of her former colleagues in the u.s.
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military and given their true ideas to iran. according to theharging document, her reasons still unclear, grew disillusion with the air force, fell in love with iran and converted to islam. in 2012 she sent a messageng sa i am endeavor to put the training i received to good use instead of evil. the next year she defected to artment the justice d said helped iran's revolutionary guards try to insert malware onto former colleague computers to monitor their keyok s and webcam ras. four iranians have also been accused of cybcrimes against e u.s. >> we were saying at the top that we don't know where she iss here any chance she'll face charges, richard? >> she faces these charges. the question is will she ever face justice in thendnited stateshe answer is probably not. she's believed to be in iran right now.
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u.e s. diplomatic relations. the chances of iran sending her to t u.s. are somewhere between slim and none. >> richard engel i london. thank you. craig joins the table now. >> hard tt' believe actually been a year. somber day in parkland, florida. that community is marking one year since theevastating shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school. 17 innocent lives lost that day as schools, parents and officials honor their memory. nbc'san kerryrs was there for us then and is there for us rnain this morning. good g. >> reporter: good morning, craig. this is not a day that anybody here wants to remember. rather the students and staff say they would much prefer ton focushe here and now and how what happened a year ago has exposed problems in our country that still remain unsolved.
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>> reporter: later this morning here in parkland, time will standstill again, for a community forever changed, a moment of silence to member in h and honor the 17 lives lost. designated a day of service and love at marjory stoneman douglas and the other schools in the district. >> it's definitely a difficult thing to put yourself in the place you were a year ago. >> reporter: many of the students will spend the cay doingmunity service projects. >> reporter: the struggle to of the tragedy still very real for many of the young survivors. >> i do feel the question of wh why am i still here. but because i know that i have someort of purpose, that kind of keeps me going. >> reporter: as for the student leaders who emerged on the national stage -- >> we call bs! >> reporter: pushing for g control and registering young voters. >> register, educate, vote. >> reporter: they chose to spend the day out of the spotlight thon or and pay tribute to those
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who were lost that day, some speaking with nbc's kate a snow few days ago. >> i think that sometimes that goes over people's heads is that forever.valentine's day we don't get to celebrate a universal day of love, of friendship, of compassion. i don't even want to hear the word's valentine's day again. >> reporter: they say their ght for limits access to guns will never stop. this week survivors and the families launching a new petition urging florida lawmakers to ban asseapons like the o -- >> people do not lose people from gun violence. people are stolen from us from gunviolence. >> reporter: armed guards standard in all florida schools. president trump speaking about the anniversary. >> nothing is more important than proteing our children. >> reporter: can what happened in parkland happenagain? >> unfortunately i do think what
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happened in parkland can happeng n. >> reporter: lori's 14-year-old daughter alyssa was killed in parkland. she's turned her grief to action, winning a seat on the school board. >> i think people are living in a bubble lik i was. my goal is to make sure schools are safe everywhere. >> reporter: so far no trial date has bn set f the admitted gunman nikolas cruz here. his defense attorneys are trying to negotiate a pa dea that will spare him a death penalty. prosecutors have been non-responsive to that offer. >>ry k sanders in parkland, one year later. now to an emergency in mid air that rocked passengers aboard a delta flight heading from orange county to at l five people were hurt in violent shaking. bc's steve patterson has the story. >> reporter: good morning, passengers on that flight
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describi t absoluteror in the sky. debris flying around the can, passengers tossed wildly in the air. some say it was so bad they feed for their lives. >> there is is severe turbulence, possible damage tor the ft. >> reporter: severe turbulence causing pandemonium on a delta flight. >> the plane was dropping, and it wasropping nose first. we were out of our chairs. we were flailing in the air. i actually thought that the plan might break up. >> reporter: joe justice, one of the 63 people aboard the plthe capturing e aftermath of the o chaosn his cell phone. foodnd luggage scattered about the cabin. >> i saw the drink cart hit the ceiling along with the flight attenda attendant. you can see the people who aren't belting in, they're hitting the ceiling and flying out of their seats. >> reporter: t flight was headed to seattle from orange county, california. >> there's multiple injuries so
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hey need medical personnel standing by. >> reporter: the violent turbulence forcing the pilot to make emergency landing in >> i actually flew in my seat and hit the top. >> reporter: according to the national weather service there werestrong, potentially damaging winds in the area. the agency even issuing this trav warning, down right dangerous flying conditions with moderate to extre turbulence, leading some to question whether the plane should have been in the air. >> children were crying and people were really freaked out. >> reporter: more than ten hours later the plane finally arrived in seattle. some relieved passengers giving the crew f credi keeping everyone quiet and calm. >> compass airlines crew were heroes. >> overnight they released a statemen apologizing to everyone on board. delta agreeing to refund all of
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the passengers for what turnedo to be one very scary flight. back to you. >> steve, tha you very much. > we're going to head over to mr. roker f a first check of the weather. >> good morning. thanks forgetting your first weather frowas. the pineapple express, a river of moisture that srts past hawaii and is firing that fire hose of moisture into southern california today. you can see a rough morning from los angeles to san diego. heavy rain. down ier sou california, some areas tennches of rain. we'll be looking at mud, rock slides and debris flow. this storm system is going to rocketing across the country. by friday morning it's traveled 800 miles bnging snow to the rockies. by friday afternoon, snow is gone from central missouri into southern indiana, traveling miles. by saturday morning it's got a mix of precipitation in the mid atlantic states traveling 2,100 miles, 31iles per hour averaging across the country.
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look at the snowfall from this this thing, six to eight inches sttching down into kansas and sohern indiana and illinois and leaving a swath of sno in the mid atlantic states. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. sunshine coming up on a thursday morning here ingt the wash area. not much of a breeze to contend with for today. that's certainly good news. temperatures in the 20s and 30s. seasonably cold on a february
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morning. 28 in prince george's tecounty. eratures will trend into the low and mid 50s today. that's not too bad. even milder weather coming our way for tomorrow. tomorrow will be mostly cloudy but in the 60s. a cold rain-snow mix saturday afternoon. >> that's your latest weather. al, thank you. coming up, "this i us" star mandy moore opening up about her marriage to ex-husband ryan adams. nasa scientists say a fondf well to the little rer that could. the amazing explorer that brought us some of the most taken.g images ever first this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, "emp ire" star "empire" sta jussie smollett speaking out about the critics w doubt his story.
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virgin founder sir richard branson will be here live with a big announcement. you don't want to miss this, after your local news. gentle on your microbiom micro... microbio? microbiome. biome? ...or deom? microbio . i actually don't even know .what that is. mmmm. it's like a... ...protective layer. kind of like aer. obviously, there to help..., we do have to protect it. your microbiome protects your no discovered its moisturizing formula cleanses without stripping skin's microbiome.10 made wit gentle cleansers and sulfate free. dove body wash. microbiome er, smoother skin.
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7:23 am
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7:26 is your time now on thisthursday, february 14th, 2019. good morning everyone. i'm eun yang. >> i'm aaron gilchrist. right now d.c. police are looking for the man knowns the noma flasher. today the metro board could vote to extend metro service ho hs. trainse been on a shortened schedule since 2017 for maintenance and repair. the board could also vote to ep the shortened hours. now we want to check on your commute with melissa mollet on your first 4 traffic.
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>> incrashes on southbound 270 at montrose and outer loop near the american legion bridge, heavy delays. northbound95 near triangle, major delays. it is on a shoulder bute have a 5 1/2 mile backup. news 4 is wking to help you find the perfect valentine's apps. >> we'llou show y how to keep from playing those games with your head and your hea
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thursday is off to a bright and sunny start. we'll see more cloud cover later in the day. no rain to worry about on your valentine's da today,morning, noon or night. temperatures below freezing so an unseasonably cold start to the day, but we'll end up warmer than average. mid 50s.
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60s coming your way with clouds around. an 80% chance of rain and snow on saturday. >> thank you, chuck. anothe local news update in 25 minutes. we're back to the "today" show after this short break.
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we're back. 7:30. happy crowd on ohe 14th february, 2019. a great valentine's day. we've got surprises for this special day popping up all morning long. all right. rson is outside carson is outside getting ready for one. jen and al getting ready for one in our studio. >> by the way, it's not too late. you've got time. first a check of today's headlines. president trump is signaling he will sign a bipartisan funding deal to keep the government open. if house of representatives is posed to vote on this bill tonight. it's anticipated the president will sign it. the deal includes nearly $1.4 billion to fund 5 miles of
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border fencing, not a concrete wall and far less than the $5.7 the prent once demanded. democrats have agreed toth drop r demands for a cap of detention beds for those arrested by i.c.e. agents. fema direct long has nounced his retirement. his tenure dotted with controversy. last year an inspector general's investigation found long used government resources for t personvel and faced tough criticism to the government's response to hurricane maria. deputy fema administrator peter gainer will take over as acting head of the a georgia man is in jailng after lea police on a wild chase through a florida golf courseay officials s the suspect drove a stolen suv up and down the faways at orange blossolu hills golf cb in the town of lady
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lake. 29-year-old jesse webbt one point drove right across a putting green narrowly missing there's golfers. >> when you get up in the morning, you never think you'll almost get run over on the g f course. it's scary quite honesty. >> the suspect crashed the s and ran away. police and a pair of golfers chased him down. als this morning "this is us" star mandy moore is speaking out about what she said was ane abusarriage to singer ryan adams. her story is part of a larger piece by "the new tark times." e joins us with more on all this. natalie, good morning. >> good morning to you, hoda. man dir moo hinte his marriage to ryan adams is far from perfect. w the actress is describe his behavior as controlling, destructive and manic. she's not the only one in thi explosive new report.
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>> this morning mandy moore in her own words. the "this is us" star revealing tsturbing new detai "the new york times" about her marria to singer/songwriter an adams. he found success with success like "new york new york" in the early 2000s has worked h withe stars like willie nelson, tim mcgraw and john mayer. music was a point of control missy said. the 34-year-old told the singer adams took charge of her music career but lashed out i ways that moore consideredgi psycholly abusive. he would always tell me you're not a real musician because you don't pny instrument. moore adding his controlling behavior kept her from advancinr usic recaer. adams through his lawyer said moore's account is complely
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inconsistent with his view of ose relationship. mooreng on instagram, speaking your truth can be painful and triggering. my heart is with all women who have suffered any sort of trauma abuse. you are seen and heard. moore's story part of a bigger expose on adams by "the new york times." seven women and more than a dozen associate detailing a pattern of manipulative behavior by ads. some saying he promised to help their careers only to turn his back if they rejected his unwanted advances. one woman said she was just 14 at the time of their explicit sexual conversations which allegedly took place while adams was still married to moore. adams is also accused of emotionall and verba abuse in harassments in text and social dia. adams says in part i am not a perfect man and i m have madey mistakes. to anyone i have ever hurt wever unintentionally i apologize deeply and
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unobservely. the picture that this article paints is upsettingly inaccurate. some details are misrepresented, exaggerated and false. this isn't the first time mandy has opened ubout her marriage to adams. tellingmour last year i didn't choose the rightan perso d calling it a very unhealthy situation. adams responding to those comments in now deleted tweets pain he was on so many killers that he didn't remember their wedding. moore went on toee taylor goldsmith, getting back behind the mic at their reception. opening up about the moment to hoda and savannah last ek. >> such a huge part of both of our lives. >> the show culminated that evening with us sing ag duet together. >> at this pointo we haveny indication why mandy moore came forward now?
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>> she realized she wasn't the only one that went through this with adams and sharing h story. she and the other women in the article have come together and uprmed art system according to the times. as for moore and her music career, she told the times, i'm not going to let ryan stop me. o we reached to moore's team for further comment but have not heard back yet. >> natalie morales, thank you. >> bea repeating that allegations from several women. mandy moore is one piece of that. al, what you got in the weather? >> a rough winter, minneapolis 30 inches since january 1st. 21 inches from chicago. that's 13 inches above normal for minneapolis, ten for milwaukee, six for chicago.ew temperate, all below average and temperatures are going to stay a little on the. colder si look at that, in minneapolis, january 30th, minus 28. milwaukee minus 23, chicago
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minusha 23 and cold air is going to stay further away. we're going to see some colder air, but nothing quite like wt we sa we've got warmer conditions for indianapolis, little rock, shington, atlanta, new orleans, even midland, texas. colder air starts funneling back in. chicago by friday, at 22. nowhere near where you were. the cold air spreads east, by sunday, 53 in charlotte. that's what'soing onround the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> mostly sunny skies over wash thrning. not much of a breeze either. what winds we do have will be comingsout of the h. we'll end up with a milder-than-average afternoon. right now still cold, 20s and low 3 for most ofhe area. temperatures in the 50s this afternoon. the high in downtown washington, 55 degrees today andven milder weather tomorrow. we'll be in the low to m 60s. clouds will thicken tomorrow. there will be a chance for rain and snow over the weekend.
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complete forecast available on our nbc washington app. >> big old swig there. >> i thought i had a little more time. a nasa missi expected to last only 90 days have finally come to an end after 15 years. >> billionaire richard branson will be here with a major announcement. you can travel by land, air and one day space with his virgin brand. what's next?u' yo hear it he. cardi and brunoar breaking big news overnight. up next, "empire" actor jussie smollett explains why he's not just angry at his a allegedackers as police report a possible break in the case. coming up right after this. let's see, aleve is proven better on pain
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this this morning on "in-depth today," actor juste smolls opening up and speaking out. the "empire" star is asking h can you doubt the truth. nbc's ron mott is in chicago with the late. good morning. >> that'right. jussie smollett tells abc news he's angry not only at his attackers but those qstioning ether or not he's telling the truth. >> i'm pissed of a >> reporteearing on abc news, jussie smollett says he's frustrated over people expressing skepticism over the attack he reported in downtown
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chicago. >> is it the attackers? >> it's the attackers, but it's also the attacks. at firsts it thing of, like, listen, if i tell the truth, then that'sit, because it's the truth. then it becamehing of like, oh, how can you doubt that? how do you not believe that? it's the >> reporter: smollett told police two men assaulted him shortly before 2:00 a.m. january 29th near his apartment building. he said the men put a rope around his neck, poured liquid on him and yelled racial sluim at and the men said this is maga country. chicago pice say they consider smollett a victim and assigned three teams of detectives to tha . >> our job ishe to investigate allegations and bring people . today we have no reason to believe he's not being genuine
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with us. reporter: police sayhey have reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance footage from dozens of cameras but haven't found the incident on video. investigators released this video o two people of interest, buso no adve ce from it. >> i don't have any doubt in my mind that that's them. >> reporr: smollett told withe he was on the pho his manager during the attack. edetectives asked tomine his phone and he declined. police want a complete digital version of his call logs they say to help narrow the timeline. smollett's attorney releasing a statement to nbc news overnight go police part, chi have not told us that they are rejecting any records, nor have ey expressed concerns about the records to us. therefore, we don't feel compelled to be bated into sponding to uncorroborated press reports.'r e dealing directly with the chalk police department.
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smollett has received support from a anring crowd at a recent music performance. >> regardless of what anyone else says, i will always stand for love. >> reporter: now the actor standing by his story and calling out his doubters. a possible new development this week in the case lacking credible forensic evidence. a reporter with the "new york post" found a hot sauce bottle near the area filled with an unknown clear liquid. it was sent to a lab for testing. back to you. >> ron mott, thank you. coming up, red rover, red rover, the mission is over. nasa's little explo wouldn't quit, a look back at the amazing images coming up right after this. i'm dying. oh, we're dying. if you can hear us, honey, your father and i are dying. i'm dying. i'm dying. i'm dying! does anyone have a charger?
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what if the glove box doesn't fit my gloves? well you could try that before you buy it. what if the car and i just don't get along? whatever the reason, carmax will give you a full refund. that is good to know because reggie is very opinionated. i'm sure he is. so we have one we have one remarkable machine tohank for these incredible images fm mars. scientists in nasa are making peace with the news that y afte rs on the red planet, the little rover that could has finally called itda >> opportunity landed with this twin rover spirit in 2004. it continued sending bk jaw dropping pictures and scientific discovers until it was finally lost in a massive dust storm on mars. nbc'som costello covers nasa.
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tom, this is really a success story. >> unbelievable. look at the images transmitted back from earth from the rovers' opportunity and spirit. nnportunity was like the energizer kept going and going, far beyond its original life expectancy. along the way it made some truly remarkable discoveries. from the moment they landed and rolled out of their nest, nasa's martian rovers spirit and opportunit began revealing mars' hidden crets. the images breathtaking, a desolate red landscape, dust devils moving across the ground, the tracks in the sand a the selfie that made opportunity seem almost human. >> you develop special bond and they become your children. >> there was that gaze back at earth. that's us, tt tiny dot right there. then a staggering discovery. clear evidence that mar was once hot and wet, the perfect
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environment for life that couldt even e under ground today. >> back in 2004 we didt even know if there had been liquid water on the surface. these roveranswered that question. >> back in 2004 abigail was a high school junior, she's now a scientist on the rover team. >> they revealed some of the details about the timing and chemistry of that water. we're asking more sophisticated questions. >> reporter: spirit and opportunity were supposed to last just 90 daysut they wouldn't quit. spirit finally fell silent in 2010 as opportunity kept exploring. en last june, a massive dust cloud moved across mars going from sunlight on theef lt the r coatinit opportuns solar panels. after trying for months to establish contact, nasa now says after 15 years opportunity is gone forever. >> even though it's a machine and we're saying good-bye, ils
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stery hard and very poignant. >> reporter: nasa insists mars exploration has only just begun. another rover, curiosity, remains on the ground. the mars 2020 rover lifts off next year. >> all this is leading toward the ability to in the future event lip put humans on mars, to get the boots on the ground. >> reporter: the groundwork laid by the little rovers that refused to quit. so why didpirit and opportunity keep going well after they were supposed to quit? nasa had expected that the dust storms on mars would cover the sola panels sooner killing the batteries. in fact, the wind blew the dust off the solar pans so the batteries could continue to recharge. however, once that massive dust storm rolled in last summer, t opportunity lower and simply could not recover. >> if there were a robot hall o fame, opportunity, first ballot hall of fame. >> the babe ruthf robots. >> i guess when it landed it was
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only supposed to go a half mile and would haveeen considered success. 26 miles o the first day. >> makes you proud of our scientists. something is going on in the oranroom. jenna is there. valeine's surprise instore. can't wait to find out what it is. country music superstar tricia yearwood after your local news. and it's 100% steroid f. eligible patients may pay as little as $10 per prescription. text save 00to. to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa and visit to learn about savings. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here.
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7:56 am
7:56 is your time now on this thursday, february 14th, 2019. good morning everyone. i'm eun yang. let's get right to melissa mollet in your first 4 outer loop of the beltway at wisconsin, a crash in the center lane over at theht shoulder. looking a lot better than it was. 0 approving a bit. .till slow heading southbou inner loop before little river turnpike, crash cleared from the main and express lanes. we still have delays at the bottom of the beltway as well. >> melissa, thank you. we'll take a break and check your forecast next. stay wh us.
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good morning everybody. onhe valentine's day it looks like mother nature drew a heart in the sky. yo see that? am i crazy? i failed my rorschach test in school. mild.ratures will be today's highs in the mid 50s. 60s to crrow. wayder over the weekend. a chance for slushy wet snow saturdayfternoon into the evening. another chance of the rain-snow mix sunday night into k,nday. >> ch thank you. another local news update in 25 minutes. for now back to the "today" show after this short break.
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it's 8:00 it is 8:00 on "today," coming up, shutdown countdown. lawmakers set to v this morning to avert another government shutdown, but will the president accept the bipartisan de. >> with t wall they want to be stingy, but we have o that most people don't really understand. >> we are live at the white house with the latest. then virgin's new territory. sir richard branson is stopping by to talk about taking on a whole new element after conquering land, air and even space. how his bigou aement hopes to have passengers traveling in style. and spreading the love. country superstar tricia yearwood is here to sing one of her favorite love songs as jenna
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introduces us to an incrediblet romance ttarted with a high school crush. >> i used to pass him every day. and i would think, who is that guy? he's so cute. >> we've got a few valentine's tricks up our sleeves. today february 14, 2019. ♪ >> from crestwoo kentucky. today is my valentine'say . >> happy valentine's day to you. happy 30th birthday. >> my bestie0 turns today. >> been with my valentine's 233 years today. >> hpy valentine's day to my mom in massachusetts. >> we've got a plaza filled with love. welcome back. so happy you're with us on this thursday morning. we're talking valentine's day of course.
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>> we are. >> happy valentine's day. >> to you, too. >> and to all of you. thank you for your my today plaza messages. keep them coming. use #mytodayplaza on twitter and instagram. we'll pick tm up and put them on the air. we have a lot to cover this morning. congress is preparing to vote on newending bill to prevent a government shutdown this weekend. president trump does get the final say. nbc white house cordent kristen welker joins us with the very latest on this one. hey, kristen, good morning alrea already. >> reporte good morning. it i down to the wire.un if things smoothly, the government is expected to stay open. officials telling nbc news it's anticipate the president will sign the bipartisan spending bill although he's clearly reluctan about it. the deal is for less than $1.4 billion to fund 5 miles of border fencing, n a wall. top republicans sought to a
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downplay concerns among their base by arguing this is just a down payment. some democrats are angry it doesn't include back pay f government contractors impacted by the last shutdown. the senate is expectedo vote today, the house tonight and then it heads to the prident's sk. >> kristen welker at the white house. ormer trump campaign chairman paul manafort has greatly rae duesed his chase of getting a lesser prison term. manafort had agreed to cooperate with mueller's probe after pleadi f guilty toeral charges. in exchange prosecutors were to recommend a lighter thsentence. e judge found prosecutors are no longer bound by that deal because of manafort'ses. colorado has reached a rrijuana milestone since it realizedreational pot five years ago, the state taking in billions of dollars from legal marijuana sales. those new numbers could have an
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impact on other states as they weigh the pros and cons ofgi ch their own laws. nbc national correspondent ser el almaguer takes a c look. >> reporter: for colorado, nrijuana is a budding cash crop. report out for 2018 shows since mar wuana legalized five years ago, sales have topped $6 billion. today taxes and license and fee revenues are hitting a high, more than 27 million raked in. for the centennial state, the cash goe to projects like building schools, substance abuser viss, affordable housingv andeteran job training. but some critics say the numbers aremo all a s screen and that public health and safety including increased reports of driving while impaired should take priority over f gain.l the number of adults in colorado who say they've use pot in the past 30 days has increased from% 13 in 2016 to 15.5% in 2017,
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well above the national average of 9.5%.lo rado isn't the only state to see high times for cannabis cash flow. recreational marijuana is now legal in ten states plus washington, d.c. last year calnia saw serious green, $2.75 billion in sales, that's higher than colorado. and oer states are seeing big numbers, too with sales for some in theed hundrs of millions of doars and growing. for now marijuana is harvesting in.highs for states cashing for "today" miguel eral, nbc news, los angeles. you ready for a boost? the best gift we can give anybody is to let them know we care about them. dare rist waits a her driveway
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blow kisses to the kids on th schoolbus. it was her bidthday. the k had a special surprise for the wom they call grandma. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthdayo you ♪ happy birthday dear grandma ♪ happy bthday to you >> by the way, it was doris' neighbor who let the school know it was doris' birthday. she started greeting that bus years ago when her owndd grghter rode on it. >> that was the most beautiful thing. she comes out every day and waves to the kids on the bus. i love that. still ahead this morning, virgin group founder sir richard branson is in the house. he's got some exciting news about a new way to travel in their signature style. by the way, our showhis morning on valentine's day full
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of surpris. carson daly, what you got? >> shh, keep it down. i'm leavila the p headed to our secret enlocation. wh get there i'm going to prepar for our first of a few valentine's day surprises. ev uybody is fired but it's a surprise. i can't tell youh more than that. we're back after these messages. [helium voice] ahhh, that's great to hear...robyn? what's going on? are you sure you're okay? yeah, yeah, i think so. ahhhh... ahhhhhh... we're gonna get you a tow truck, mike. thank you. real fender bender going on. fender bender. ♪ fender bender everybody remain calm! there's no reason to panic! go with the one that's here to help life go right. state farm.
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the cold and flu fightings. machine. you put in your machine. press the button to brew up powerful relief. to defeat your toughest cold and flu symptoms fast. new theraflu powerpods. press. sip. relief. think only specialty stores have what's new? olay has the hottest debut. new olay clay stick masks, hydrating facial mist, and brightening eye cream. only by olay. thyou know what i do instead?eny your cravings. i snack on blue diamond almonds. wasabi & soy sauce?! mmm! don't deny your cravings. eat 'em! all the flavors you crave, in a superfood. blue diamond almonds. crave victoriously. it's quite new so i don't want to come in too hot. sophisticated. whoa...yeah. i mean, in a good way. what's her name? daisy. daisy. daisy.
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celebrate valentine's day with hundreds of gifts under $199 and find other great deals on gifts she'll love at prices you'll love too with 25 to 50% off everything. only at kay. w el welcome back. this morning on "today's er ta it is all about the virgin brand. you can travel with the company by air, ay land space one day soon. now virgin has some mig news. >> what does that leave? starting today you can book a trip on the high seas with virgin. joining us is one other than the founder of the virgin group richard branson. good morning. a >> alway delight being here.
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voyagesutes ago virgin went on sale so people can actually start sailing on our ages ships. >> you've transformed so many different industries. now you' taking on the cruise world. you've ner been on a cruise, right? >> i've never wanted to go on a cruise because i've hea things being formal and dull. when i was 28 let's creat a cruise ship for 30-year-olds. then i got to the 30s a didn't have the money, then 40s and 50s. we want people young at heart. we're not going to have kids on board. we to make it a fun ship for people to go on. the cabins are the best, running tracks, fantastic dance areas and cinemas and theater.
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it's five days from initially miami and havana and cuba. we just bought anot island or an island in the bahamas. >> as one does. >> where people w l be able to go. it's going to be pretty extraordinary. >> are they very, very high end? is it affordable for someone? >> pretty much everybody has a massive window with their own veranda outside. that's iv$3,000 for days. if people can't afford that, there are half that price in other areas of the ship without the spectacular views. they don't have to stay in the cabin all the time. >> one ofha the things i read that got me interested in was the tables were sturdy enough that you can dance on them that you have tested it. i think we have video of youn dancingtables. this is a thing for you. there you are.
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>> yeah, getting up on t tables and dancing. it breaks the ice. we hav one cabin where we have -- the rock star cabin where we h these table. we have steps going up to the table. >> you're encouraging that. it illustrates fun. >> one of the things that stopped a lot of people in their tracks is when you said you were going to gon space and people were waiting for when is that time going to come. that times quickly approaching, right? >> yeah. had- the first astronauts in space in america since 2011 whceh happened in er. we've got another flight next week. then we'll havenother couple of test flights. and then my dream is to be able to -- since actually it was the moon landing that inspired us, to go outnto space to celebrate the 50th anniversary july. moon landingn
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>> which kponcorresponds with another big day in your life. >> turning yearsold. >> the great thing of having a cruise liner is actually being able to book the cruise ship -- not all 3,000, but we'll be bringing a lot of mylosest friends. >> you'll have your birthday on the cruise, going to space this summer. rhow do you getdy to go to space? >> it's good to be fit. i love doing kiting and surfing and tennis. starting so just weight training which i've found is really good as well. you twore missing something. >> we are? >> what is it? >> oh, hello. >> you be captain stubing, i'll be julie mccoy. t>> something else t keeps you young is the woman you've been with -- is your 30-yea
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anniversary. >> 30 years married, 44 years together. i was hoping the cruise ship would be ready so i could taken her a special valentine's day. anyway, next year maybe. weave been very luck we've got two lovely children, five beautif grandchildren, all under four years old. >> a piece of love it is valentine's day. >> piece of love advice? i think compromise -- it's that undeserved love you give your kids together, and the idea of ever splitting up when you've got child -n is you can ov overcome any difficulty and make it work. it's so precious if y can be lucky enough to find somebody you love. m yeahe it work. >> sir richard branson, thank you so much. >> big milestone year.
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thank you. thanks for the hat. >> i can't believe a hat fits me. time for a check of the ather from al. >> announcer: today's weather is brough y to by kay jewelers. for all the moments, for love, forever. >> it's going to feel like it's been raining forever for our friends in california, southern california especially. they've got that pineapple express t bringing allt moisture. especially in southern california, seven to ten inches in somelides and debris flow. that storm system is going to be firing to the east,g bring heavy snow in the sierra, up to six feet of snow. also through saturday, through the dakotas and t central inches of to eig snow. has the system moves to the east, it's goings to bring the snow into the midwest, mid mississippi river valley and by saturday into the mid atlantic states from one to three inches of snow. it's a coast-to-coaster in a rapi period of time. that's what's going on around
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the country. you is what's happening in neck of the woods. good morning, the little heart i saw in the sky a little while ago is now gone. you can see it on my twitter feed. let me know if you see it as well. right now still a cold start. the sun is out. that's all that matters for now. hemperatures will climb from 20s and low 30s into the 50s today and 60s coming our way tomorr c. a lot moruds around tomorrow, but staying dry. a chance for rain and snow, maybe a slushy inch or two on saturday. >> make sure you look for us on today show radio, sir yus 180. >> savannah had to leave early. gets who gets toaned "pop start?" me and ecraig. we h an exclusive announcement from one of our favorites, joanna gaines to share with you this morning.
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the designer is launching a homi furn line with popular retailer anthropology. it's cald joanna gain for anthropology. they start at $48 and $'68. the full collection available online starting today. for more infothn , go to joanna gaines foranthropology. two forces in the music industry teaming up once again, regard difficult b. and bruno ma. >> boom. boom. >> you made my valentine's day. ♪ >> the pr first collaborated on the fremix "finesse" rleased just over a yea ago. the song debuted at number one. w they aim to do it all over again. cardi b making that cement saying i have a brand new song
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coming out f midnightday with bruno mars. >> that's tomorrow? >> we have to wait? until midnight. >> all right. hnally this morning we are leaning ind on all things love to celebrate valentine's day. as part of our share theove today series, each of us sat thoughts onuss our love and the lessons we learned from . take a look. >> love means everything. it's breathing.ei it's alive. it's the reason we're on this planet. >> i feel like it's something you spend your life learning how to understand it, learning how to do it,earning how to receive it. >> love teaches you that we're all imperfect and that we need that love of the person that loves us, to make us realize we can't be better,hat we wanto be better, that you want to be better for that person. >> my mom taught me the mt
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about love. she talked a lot about the importance of love and a lot about loving to love yourself is to put yourself in a position to love others. >> it is the easiest, purest form of a way to bringkindness. i always am so inspired when i witness little acts of kindness or love that myrk co-s do, that friends of mine do, that my husband does. >> i think sometimes if we really love thy neighbor as thy self, we will probably not do and not say a lot of the things that we do and say. >> what beautiful sentiments from everybody here a the table. i love what savannah said, it's like a learning process. we never reallyerfect it. we'll have a lot more lessons coming up in the third hour of "today." earlier we saw carson tiptoe
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away from the plaza. we had no ideas where h going. he joins us from his top secret location. ere are you, honey? >> this is going to be good here. hem hiding near steps outside the rink at rockefeller center because in just a few seconds, if you see over my right shoulder, that guy behind me is about to propose to his girlfriend. it's happening right now. he's mic'd. >> janice, you're the love of my life. i can't imagine being witut you for the rest of my life. soulmate,t, you're my the love of my life. i can't imagine waking up without looking at those beautiful eyes for the rest of my life. because of that, i want you to be my wife. wouldou marry me? would you marry me? >> yes.
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>> all right. center ice. cruz, miriam,congratulations! what a beautiful moment on valentine's day live on nationan televin the "today" show from a small town just north of athens, georgia. you saw it go down live. that is cruz and h girlfriend of ten months miriam. it might take them one year to get to me, but that's okay. they'll be married a year by then. come on over,guys that was so beautiful. hi look at your ring. wow! i know you're not mic'd. come on over, let's tulations. >> thank you very much. >> i can see why you picked ice skating rink to propose. you're excellent skaters. how do you el, miriam?
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are you okay? >> i'mokay. >> let me see the ring. oh, my goodness. look at .th cruz, congratulations. so happy for you guys. >> very happy, very excited. >> did you have any idea this was going to happen? >> no. i'm in shock. so i saw you before on tv. >> you're a big mtv fan. cruz, this has bee the making to make this happen? >> it took a little bit -- i wanted to get a special moment, location and everything. i wanted everything to be very special. >> why on ice? you guys can't skate at >> why on ice? why not? there you go. that's cruz. >> why not? >> make her happy, always try mething new with her. >> ice on the finger, out here
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on the ice. mosteople when they g married, they put aicture on instagram. you're on national tv. what would you like to say to your family and friends back in athens. >> i'm going t talk in spanish. [ speaking foreign language ]. >> cruz, you have no exc to forget your anniversary. >> thank you guys, you're a good sport for playing along. congratulations. enjoy your day in new york. our first of a few valentine's day surprises. >> love today, that was awesome. great couple. if that wasn't enough in keeping with the theme, jenna has a touching love story coming up. we will also continue r week of longs, tricia yearwood in studio after your local news.
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good morning everybody. 8:26 on this thursday, february 14th. i'm aaron gilchris let's start on the roads this morning. melissa mollet has a look at traffic. >> 270 southbound at shady grove, this looks better than it did because of an earlier crash near montrose. main and local lanes are moving. inner loop and outer loop of the nltway, not bad. inbound york avenue at montana, singleane getting by that crash. fairfax, eastbound 66 before 50 showing you the volume there. >> melissa, thank you. we'll get a check on the forecast when we come back. stay with us.
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a little on the cold side still. temperatures in the low 30s as you go out the door on your thursday morning. headed for the mid 50s later in the day and even milder weather coming tomorrow. unfortunately the mild weather won't stick around for the
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weekend. coldet cloudy and especially on saturday. a slushy inch or two of snow is a another chance for a rain-snow mix sunday night into monday. >> chuck, thank you. you can get the latest news and weather any time. open the nbc washington app. this uplifting scent of tuscan fields can only be the powerful clean of clorox scentiva. this beneful grain free is so healthy... oh! farm-raised chicken! that's good chicken! hm!? here come the accents. blueberries and pumpkin. wow. and spinach! that was my favorite bite so far. (avo) beneful grain free. out with the grain, in with the farm-raised chicken. healthful. flavorful. benel.
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♪ do you believe in love after love ♪ it is 8:30n o a beautiful valentine' s it is 8:30 on a beautiful valentine's day morning. all week we've been collecting valentine's and putting them on this big b rd behindus, part of our "share love today" board. >> plaza visitors have been at it all week, pinning the messages on this board. this morning w joined by some children and their families
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who are staying at the ronald mcdonald house in new york city. we're going to share the love with them. >> herey t come. >> thank you guys so much. thank you so you brought some messages to put on the board as well. we want you to take these laerts with some special messages. thank you for being with us. a big t to the ronald mcdonald house as well. we're all familiar with thent faastic work you guys do. for me and my family, ronald mcdonald meaning to us.ial thank you for being here. you want to say happy valentine's day to anybody in particar? >> happy val>>tine's day. o everyone. we'll go with that. >> can we say high to this young wonderful person. what's your name,rs pe? >> ray. >> gaves a team ray ray bracelet. thank you so much.
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we know you're cold. we'll letou go inside. >> a shout-out to our nbc after fim aets, philadelphia, washington, d.c., dedetroit and lea . just ahead, atory that will melt all our hearts. we can take little inspiration from this remarkable couple. >> not too late to plan a getaway weekend. h e great last-minute travel bargains. here in tricia yearwood the studio. she's going to treat us to a love song from her brand new album. coming up in a few minutes on the third hour of "tay, we showed you the heartwarming hug earlier. joseph met n anfl star with whom he has somethi very special in common. this morning joseph is here.he 's here with his mom. we have a very special surprise for him and his family. but first mr. roker a check
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of the weather. >> let's see what your weekend is looking like. tomorrow, mild and dry along the east coast, spring in texas. freezing cold, a lot of wet weather out west. it's going to turnolder in the plains. staying warm in florida. sunday, sunday! chilly out west, cold and d the northeast. more wet weather making its way through the mid atlantic states and snow along the east coast. look for more snow back through the plains. that's what's going on around the country. here is what's hap in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, thursday off to a bright and sunny start across the area. a little on the coldide still. 35 in washington, 28 in manassas, 38 in montgomery anna. if you're planning a outdoor thursday, gradual clouds later. low to miss 50s and milder weather coming our way on friday. in the 60s tomorrow. a lot of clouds around tomorrow. a wetets the stage for
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start to the weekend with maybe an inch of snow on saturday. >> that's your latest weather. mr. roker, if you're itching to take the family on a president's weekend tay or celebrate spring with that special someone, fear not. we've got last-minute deals perfect for you. the well-traveled mark ellwood here. good toyo see >> we're going to talk about austaw boston, the freedom trail. 16 sites in the city for america's history, thanielhall, boston college. a real chance to understand the badrop to the countrynd also a great hotel that is like a posh-tel. like a upscale. host if you're traveling with a family, great value in the south end of boston, jent fied.
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>> another presidential spot. >> you say the presidents, mt. rush more. rapid city has its own city of presidents. you can pose with all of them really up close. then of course,his kinf landscape, you've got outdoorsy state parks. >> speaking of outdoors. if theki's someone l for an active vacation, getaway, what do we have? >> fantastic value in colorado in estes park. a cabin for a family of four, just around $150, a great way to take your family to the outdoors. this is a survival weekend. you'll see family snowshoe, hikes, ice demos. yo can skate an outdoor pond. >> rock climbing. >> rock climbing indoors as well. brutal, eather is too you can still do things. >> a lot of folks in the
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northeast and oer parts of the country, it's been a harsh winter. might be looking the go south. >> i'm not looking to get away to the snow. ft. lauderdale the adventure is how hottest goi toget? this is a fantast resor bahia march, it has everything, rooftop pool, family events, you can walk to the beach. really low impact. >> some folks might want to try to take advantage of this lon weekend to celebrate valentine's day. >> i was going to say, i don't think it has to bell about the family. if you want to make it valentine's week, you can have a little couples getawayment one of the suggestions i would make is there is no better aphrodisiac than laughter. th is .oven that. 8:2 8:30 in the morning. >> in charlottesville, a fantastic hotel that's got a
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comedy festival so you can ugh. but also you can do a little presidential history. >> the only part of the country we haven't covered, the southwest. >> i'm going to suggest sante fe. te fe, i think it's one of mthoset getaways in america. nothing more sexy and beautiful than georgia o'keefe's paintings and flowers. you can also pick up a cho chocolate. >> $91 a night. >> very good value. it has cozy fireplaces.>> happy valentine's day, brother. for more on this you can head to nnxt, we're still sharing the love. is getting ready for another big surprise.
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♪ whoa, whoa now f now for more of our special series "share the love today," all week we're bringing youor s that inspire us and the secrets of success from couples whom we admire.nn bush hager joins us with the story of anncdible couple. >> i got home and it was like therapy. lisa and troyis at imal are celebrating 25 years of marriage. a love stary thated with a high school crush and endured for a lifetime of love. >> i used to pass him every day and i would think, god, hes' the cutest guy. who is that guy? he's so cute. >> lisa was a freshman in maryland. troy was a senior. lisa adored him from afar. >> ihi didn't it would be possible fbe us to together.
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i thought about thisea really looking guy that i would never be with. >> six years later, a cnce encounter changed their lives forever. troy was living in texas at the time and back home forhe holidays, but he ran into lisa at a local shop. soon after lisa took a leap of faith and wrote him a letter. >> dear troy. i bet this is a surprise i'm tha person you would think would send a letter. actually i'm a little embarrassed by it. i hardly know you but would lik u. >> he called me the day he got the letter. >> when you got that call -- >> i tried to hold it together, but i screamed and cried when i hung up. i just could not believe he called me. it was veryex ting. >> the first five months of dating were filled with long distance calls and mail sent dail >> she's a writer, i'm more of a vocal-type person. caat's why i ed. when i did eventually write a few letters, they had to be tip
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top. it took several drafts. i'd be writing the stuff down, then tearing it up, that doesn't sound good make some kind of impression. >> and he did. troy moved back to mityland to be lisa and he took her on their official first wadate. >> i such a fabulous time. >> and you knew. >> i knew. >> i knew. i wd. >> you k at that first date? >> oh yeah, yeah, yeah. >>ereven months l they were engaged. and on a beautiful day in april, lisa and troy were married.he >>ooked beautiful. she s absolutely going to be my wife for as long as i live. >> your mom made your dress. >> my mom made my wedding dress, all the bridesmaids dresses. >> you still have that dr>>s? oh, yes. i can put my hands right on it. continued ve story with the birth of their baby girl shelby. it was a joyful time for the new family, but two yearsater devastating news.
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lisa at just 28 years old wasag sed with a very rare uterine cancer. >> the only treatment was to have a hysterectomy. troy did not falter. we'll get through this. it's okay. >> troy, when you think about that time, it must have been really terrifying for you. >> i couldn't believe it was happening to us. >> lisa r aovered the family, stronger than ever, was truly grateful. a year and a half later, lisa received a phone call that changed everything. a baby boy up for adoption who would soon be theirs. >> i bet that was also one of the best calls of your ilife. >>t was a little frightening at fit, ye but looking back, it changed our lives trever. tittle family of three grew to four with sean, completingheir love story. a life fled with letters, sealed with a kiss and precious moments cherishedforever. >> you all still have your wedding video that you watch
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couple times a year holding hands. is that right? >> yes. >> why do you rewatch it? >> just to remember. it was fabulous. it was. >> it waslo fa. it was the true beginning of us. >> how lucky are we because we have lisa andwiroy her us. >> like a movie. >> i got home and i said -- i gave all of your words of wisdom to my husband. why do you think it's endured so long, this love? >> troy and are really good friends. because we lived apart, over 1,000 milesor apart five months, we had to build it on friendship. i think that's if most importa part to friendship, evaluating the person you're with and seei the wonder in them for who they are, not just the love. >> and you still think he's cute. >> i do. >> i love you took tha first leap of faith. a lot of people wouldn't have written that letter. dt youe in and everything
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is a result of that one day, that one moment. i guess you had no idea how pivotal that letterould end up becoming. >> very surprised. i was encouraged by friends. i would tel folks to listen to the folks around you that love and support you and take their advice. >> we have one person who wanted to wish you a happy valentine's day. that's al roker. >> happy valentine's day. >> a little something,f you like to open that up. >> what is it? g>> there might be somethn that box. >> it happens to be a trip toth ashford castle in island. >> oh my gosh! >> it's opening its gates to accommodate you guys. look at thisthing. wow. you'll be rolling around in there for a enwhile. g its gates, you'll be there for four days, three nights, thanks to the nice folks atorwegian air, round-trip flight for a romantic and royal
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getaway. >> lisa, what do you think? >> this is so wonderful. troy, you don't get to go. >> oh, my goodness. thank you so much. >> we are so excited for you 25 years married and now a trip to ireland. >> oh, my goodness. this is aom dream true. thank you so much. >> you may want to stick around. we have the great tricia yearwood who will be singi a love song. maybe you'll do a little slow dance in the studio. odfirst this iay" on nbc. on c. on c. ♪nb s ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads.
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>> announcer: tciti concert >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> tricia yearwood is a country music superstar at well as h of a popular cooking show. it's been over ten years since you've released a new solopr ect. now the award winning musician
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ithsan wk" covering some of her favorite sinatra hits.e she's her to perform a special song from that album. you aig frank fan? >> i was born -- he did all thes songs so well. >> your hub bin tweetede min ago and wanted me to tell you this. just tell my queen that i love her. >> what is he doing awake? >> he'ss watching rl. >> ah, i love you, honey. >> take it away, tricia.
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♪ god knows i've loved some lovers in my store read past ♪ ♪ buthose and all the others they just didn't last ♪ now i know why, t for first time i'm in love for the last time ♪ ♪ my love is like a lyric with no melody ♪ ♪ and words are only words if there's no poetry ♪ ♪ now i found my ride ♪ for the first time i'm in love for t last time ♪ so many bdges burned without a lesson learned ♪ug ♪ i t that i had earned this road alone ♪
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♪ but through ggod's savingce and the beauty of yr face ♪ ♪ my heart has found a place to call my own ♪ ♪ i never thought forever would ever be for me ♪ ♪ i could only guess that happiness wasn't meant to be ♪ ♪ and now for the first time i'm in love for the last ti ♪ ♪
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♪ so many bridges burned without a lesson learned ♪ ♪ i thought that i had earned this road alone ♪ ♪ but through god's saving grace and the beauty of your face ♪ ♪ my heart has found a place to call my own ♪ ♪ i never thought forever would ever be for me ♪ i could only guess that happiness wasn't meant to be ♪ and and now for the first time i'm in love for the last time ♪ ♪ for the first time i'm in love for the last time ♪
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>> thank you for that incredible accompaniment as well. >> i kind of want to weep a little bit. you got to that moment. >> i was thinking about my husband and i got reallymp verk >> we're back in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc. hi garth. >> hi garth.
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wasn't that areat song? >> oh, my god.l. beauti >> the great tricia yearwood. >> great show. >> we' about out of time. you can find more stories at >> we'll explain the viral videos of a natural wonder,
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so-called ghost apples. the clear apples not apparently an optical illusion. >> from the "today" parenting team, as we as parents can be day.ook ends of our kids' >> we'll continue sharing the love on valentine's day. our lovees lessons and r to make it last. rst, your local news. 8:56e is your t now on this thursday, february 14th, g.19, valentine's day. good morn i'm eun yang. let's start with a check on the roads with melissa mollet and 4 your fir traffic. how is it looking? >> brand new crash southbound 270 before montgomery village avenue. we are seeing slowdowns now. taking a look elsewhere, southbound bw parkwayetween
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198 and 197, right lane blocked due to pothole repair work. beltway looks typical for this time of y. as we zoom in, inbound new york avenue at montana, single lane getting by. eun? >> we'll take a break and then check your forecast next da d: "life is complicated.chor doesn't have to be." molly: "that's why i choose a nurse practitioner for my family's primary care." david: "my np is accessible and takes the time to listen. i love my np." molly: "our np orders tests, makes the correct diagnoses and essepribesnphe."at tedic mio wes molly: "my name is molly and we choose nps." np: "consider an np. visit we choose to learn more."
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8:59 am
> sunshine to get your thursday started. temperatures are climbing comfortably through the 30s 38 in washington. already 37 in quantico. 37 in frederick, maland. highs today near 5 degrees in downtown. tomorrow. way colder over the weekend. that sltd sno chance is still there, but more in the one to two range. >> get the latest news and weather any tim on the nbc washington app. have a great day. a
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>>ouncer: from nbc news, this is "today," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. me. good monday -- excuse gosh. >> how about thursday? >> i know. thursday morning. >> thursday morning. >> long week already. >> you want to start all over again? >> good thursday morning. craig melvin .he mr. roker is re. sheinelle jones. look who we have, jenna bush hager. >> happyinvales day. >> dylan is away today. >> a lot of celebrating in the earlier hours. like that surpriseon proposa the rink. did you catch this? >> i i was , say yes. >> we were really wanting a yes. >> in the moment, you're shocked, so you're not thinking, oh, i better hurry up and say yes because people are listening and waiting for it. she was in the moment. >> it is a gutsy


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