tv Meet the Press NBC February 17, 2019 10:30am-11:31am EST
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>>is sunday, national emergency. president trump makes that declaration to build a wallr afngress refuses him the money. >> we're talking about an invague of our country with drugs, with human traffickers and with all types of criminals and gangs. >> themove unites democrats. >> this declaration of an ergency is completely necessary. there's no rational reason to do this. s. and splits republic some for. >> trump's only sayings that he's enforcing the law. >> and some against. >> the realat concern t have is the president has done this himself. >> what will republicans who say they're oppose dodd wn it come down to vote. >> i'll talk to republican senator rob johnson of
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wisconsin. >> amazon ditches its new york city plans after protests by progressives. >> everyday americans still have the power to organize and fight communities. >> but amazon's decision exposes a split among progressive democrats. >> i'll take on any progressive anywhere that thinks it's a good idea o lose jobs and revenue because that's out of touch what working people want. >> that could play a beg role in 2020. new york mayor bill de blasio and the head of the democratic committee tom perez. joining me for insight and analysis are. amy walter, national editor of the cook political reporter. national political reporter f politico and jonah goldberg,to senior eat national review. welcome to sunday. it's "meet the pre." from nbc news in washington, the longest running show inte
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vision history. this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning. when president trump declared a national emergency on friday revealed ather emergency for the president much closer to home, his own. it's a political emergency and one of his own making. . trump has united democrats against him and set up a court battle even he suggests he being lose. mr. trump seemed to admit that the emergency is more about protectioni protecting his base when he said he didn't need it to declare his emergency. he just wanted to build his walt . you have a democratic party that outpolled republicans in six of the last sevenresidential elections by winning back centrist voters. it now finds itself though, challenged by an emerging progressive wing that is eager to push the party sharply to the le and the republican party cce defined by free trade, strictnstitutional principles and caring about the national
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debt has now tethered itself to a president who mocked all of those traditional conservative nos. mr. trump meanwhile has tethered himself to his base which he sees as critical any re-election chances, but what is emerging is a picture of a president who e refuses ton lead his base and instead is admitting he is beingy lead b it. >> we will have a national emergency and we will then be sued. >> president trump after the biggest legislativehi defeat of presidency announcing he will bypass damage to divert billions of dollars from projects and build his wall. >> they will sue us from the 9th circuit even though it shouldn't be there and ten we will possibly get another bad ruling and another bad ruling and then in the supreme court and hopefully we'll get a fair shake and we'll win in the supreme court. >> with ille border apprehensions down 76% from a high in 2,000 thoush
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seemed to undercut his own argument. >> i b couldild the wall a long time, but i didn't want to do but i can use it much faster. >> he could, subvert the constitution of the u.s. he his own benefit because he's unableeo negotiith congress. >> it's not the way the country is supposed to be run and you're supposed to go through congress and make a deal. >> some republicans aree callin deal extra constitutional, a a mistake. and >> tats is not wh the national emergency act was intended to be used for. >> what about if e somebodye thinks climate change is a national emergency. what will they do and how far will they go? >> it is not clear how many v republicans wie on his emergency declaration. just two weeks ago. >> national emergencies that have beenssued in the past have not been contentious. m pretty sure that this one
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would be. >> but now -- >> i'm going to support national emergency declaration. >> you are watching mitch mcconnell eat manure sandwich in this whole process. >> democratir have the own challenges as the centerof gravity shifts leftward and republicans dust off an old line of attack. >> that's called socialism. soalism is on trial. >> on thursday amazon announced it was abandoning plans to build a new corporate campus in new york city after protests from progressives. >> i think it's incredibli ink it shows that eve americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in thisn country t world. hest man in the >> new york mayor bill de blasio is calling amazon's decision disrespectful. >> i'll take on any demywrat re that thinks it's a good idea to lose jobs and revenue because i think that's out ofto
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h with what working people want. >> earlier, i caught uanwith republenator ron johnson of wisconsin, the chairman of the homeland security committee. he's attending the annual gathering of world leaders at the munich securitetcongress. >>e start with the declaration of a national emergency. i'm aware there have been dozens them since the law was passed in 1976, but by ouresearch and reading and our understanding this is the first national emerncy that has attempted to spend money that congress specifically said no t hows that not presidential overreach? >> think your research is probably correct. i thinmany of us are concerned about this. i think past congresses have give then administration way too much power and this is an expansion of the per. this now, the better way to have solved this problem would be for dem depps to support when they supported in the past and give
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this president funding for better barriers which we need. we need to secure ourd border we need to fix our horribly broken legal and illegal immigration system and hopefully after this impasse now is over inrms of funding the government we can sit down on a tapartisan basis and solving these problems and fix our systems. >> isn't this an issuethhen for president, and i say this because, senator, congress, this is the way it works, right? it's dividing government. you came to a compromise. they gave some money. the president himself admitted he could go back and ask for mohi is the way how things work between the executive and the legislative, but he decided he didn't want to wait. is that an emergency? >> well, again, my question is how much can we actually spend in the remaining eight months of this fiscal year? my preference would have been, let's not shut down the government and let's do this through the legislative process' and l start fixing all these problems. i know my staff gave yu a
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chart. >> yeah. >> of unaccompanied family and children in this country. this is not a manufactured crisis, chuck. 120,000 unaccompanied children and families came in 2013 and president obama called that a humanitarian crisis. last year 150,000 unaccompanied children and family, in thisea fiscaland we're at 2014 levels just in the first four months of this year. so it's a problem. it has to be solved.o it will have solved on a bipartisan basis. divided governments when you sometimes can do big things and hopefully we can do big things and fix this? >> is the president'sove unconstitutional in your view? >> i don't think so. it's certainly an expansion of authority congress has given past presidents. this president has the same authority. i wish he wouldn't use it in
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this case. >> where does he have the authority on this? where double ve you bele has th authority on this? >> from what i can see it comes from different places, therg national ecy act, and putting up better barriers is part of the effort to combat that flow of heroin, for example, that's poisoning our cities. so listen, this is a real problem. it's way more than just a policy crisis. it is a humanitarian crisis. president obama cald that a humanitarian crisis in 2014. we're at that level just a third into the year. >> so you believe his use of the national emergency act, i want to clarify this, constitutional. you believe it will be upheldn the courts? do you want the courts to uphold this power? >> listen, i regret that pastes congreave given the president, any president a lot -- the congress'
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constitutional authority.e it's d many cases. we should have threeo-equal branches. right now it's the most powerful and the congress has really diminished and we should start taking back th congressional authority and return the balance, but that's the way it is and again, particularly when congress has given thes presiden authority and it's even stronger than what's written in the constitution. >> are you going to vote to disapprove of thpresident's use of this -- of the national emergency act when it comes sto theate? the house is likely to vote on a resolution of disapproval that will come to the senate? where would you vote on that? >> i'm going to take a look at the case the president makes, and i'm also going to take a a lo how quickly this money will be spent versus where he's going to use. if he's not going to spend it veryis early in t fiscal year, and i'll take a look at it when itu aly have to vote on it. do you share the concern that
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other conseatives have thif this is allowed to become precedent where a presid thwarted by a congress that he disagreed with can end run congress this way and declare national emergency t take appropriated money and spend it anywhere, climatechange, gun, you name it. >> absolutely,e i share th concerns which is why we'll take a careful look at what he's is doing here in instance, but again, i have to stress, this prident has been thwarted in his attempt to keep this nation safe and secure, to secure ours bord let's face it, if this president can claim a mandate on anything he ran on it's on exactly this issue, better securing our borders and democrats and congress have supported this in the past and they won't support it now -- > it's an easy solution and just have them stop being hypocrites. >> understand you want to blame democrats. >> let me ask you this, republicans control the house and senate for the first two years of this presiden.
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your fellow home state republican paul ryan was speaker of the house. is this not on congressional icans and the president that were in this situation in the first place? >> you said we controlled both chambers we didn't. we had a majority in the senate. you don't control it. we need democrats to support us and they've been unified in trying to thwart thi president's number one issue in the campaign to secure the border. op never had cation from democrats which is regrettable. >> you're in munich. it's an important security onference, and i also know there was a big moment that honored john mccain for this conference. nt to play something that the late senator mccain said to me the last time he was in munich two years ago. here it is. >> they are puzzled and they are concerned. they realize that the lynchpin of thewestern alliance is the united states of america they worry particularly when they see increasedng tes of
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this union that's being conductedby vladimir putin as we speak. >> my understanding is there are still concerns from european leaders that they're nervous the united states isn't as solid with nato, isn't as solid with europe when it comes p totin as it once was. this is an important, i know you share an important subcommittee this issue. are those concerns sti being expressed by our european allies. >> let me first say john mccain is missed. his presence is missed, but there ar a recordumber of house senators and members here over 50 and we're making that point that we value nato. we realize nato has been crucial keeping europe whole, free and at peace forver 70 years and it's crucial now in its support in afghanistannd iraq for our foreign presence and really trying to thwart president putin's aggression into eastern ukraine so, no, we are her supporting nato, and i think our
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european partners and nato allies are hearing that loud and clear. >> senator ron johnson, i appreciate you. ti know outdoor street there in munich, i appreciate you giving me a few minute was your time. >> have a good day. >> redefining what i means to e a conservative these days, progressives, their scuttling of amazon'splans andhe 25 to 40,000 ons and a larger tax base it would have brought with them. senator elizabeth a warrenng others cheered the news. she tweeted that amazon walked away all because some elected officials in new yor't sucking up to them enough and a majority of new yorkers and democrats supported themazon deal. the episode exposed a growing rift between the democratic progressives and the traditial centrists and bill de blasio who he would argue is --
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>> i'm a progressiveou and d to be progressive and are about jobs and working people. >> i read your op ed in "the new york times" and y seem to blame amazon for walking away, but let me ask this, you also argue that it was a fair deal. why did fellow progressives not trust you that you had come up with agood, fa deal and you called it on solid foundation. >> chuck, it's a democracy. i have no problem with my fellow progressives critiquing a deal or wanting more from amazon. ori wanted from amazon, too, but the bottom line is an abuse of corporate power and the majority ofli new yorkers ed in it. they wanted the jobs and the revenue that would help us to create more affordable housing sand better m transit and there was a consensus in new york city. there were some people that stood apart, that's fine, and amazon just took their ball and went home and what they did was confirm w people'sst fears
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about corporate america. here is the 1% dictating to eryone else even though we gave them a fair deal, and i think it will frustrateereople all his country to see a company treat a neighborhood and n city like that. >> well, if you're amazon's shoe, the deal that was offered to them they ta it and now you want to change the deal. is that -- if you're in their t' shoes, twhat it might have looked like to them, did it not? how did it ok like oh, it looked like they want to change the deal, how ng do you wan to do that and at some point i have 20 other cities in america. >> no. you have to be a good corporate neighbor. >> think working people rightfully are demanding their fair share and they look at a situation where health and power de concentran the hands of the 1% and they don't like what they see and they're danding more back. we said to amazon, this is a fair deal. bring us 24,000 jobs. >> and they took it. >> ultimately when you give us the bargain you'll get some
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objectives, but we need to work together on ehalf of the community and they said they wanted a partnership and the minute there were criticisms they walked away. what does that say to working people that a company would leave them high and dry simply because they raised criticism and they had a clearit maj on their side. they were more concerned about their corporate image. >> do you think they were afraid of new york politics and the pr? >> theyuldn't handle the heat in the kitchen is what it looked like and they let a lot of working people down in the bargain. i want to play you something from congresswoman ocasio-cortez because i'cure use to see if there's some factual divide, if you will, on h this deal worked. take a listen. >> if we were wlling to give amazon -- if we were willing to give a billion for this deal, we could invest thine $3 billio our district ourselves if we wanted to. we could hire out more teachers. we could next our subways and put a lot of people to work with wanted to. if we
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>> if seems when you give out a tax incente that somehow that's money you had over here and it was going over there. onthis is that didn't exist this $3 billion. >> correct. >> do you feel as if this is a problem in trying to explain how this deal worked? >> this was aha dealwas going to bring $27 billion in revenue to the state and city for things like public education, mass transit and affordable housing and that was going back in taxes and it was only after getting the jobs. >> it's not getting $3 billion. >> exactly. here is the bottom line. i think people were looking for ss here. they were looking for a positive outcome for everyday people. that meant jobs and that meant revenue to improve their lives. we saw amazoal make that d and turn away. in the terms of the progressive movement. i'm a proud progressive. we have a city that's working and we're the safest big city in
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america. progressives can govern and also give back to working people. that's why we have paid sick leave and that's why we an tunced a plan for weeks paid vacation for everyone that works in new york city because working people deserve more. we can do that in th contexof a thriving economy. that's where progressives need >>would you have done to go. differently about this deal if you could now? now that y know they've walked away? would you not have endo in hindsight? >> i think you can't do hindsight because i s's particular. the powerful people and the ultimate members of the 1% got together in aar oom? seattle and made an arbitrary decision and i am a proud progressive and what progressives need to do is show g people that we need more for them, that we will stop this horribleeality of concentration of power in the hands of the 1%. we had a chance to do something very positive for our city and way, ng people and by the not minimum wage jobs which we all believe in $15 minimum wage.
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these will be higher paying jobs, that folks who went to our public schools could get and it would have been transcendent. it needs to be about equality and opportunity for working people. >> a who you working for here? it sounded like you were trying to explain to the progressive movement how economics works? >> it does seem asf that's the disconnect. >> i am representing 8.6 million peop and thos people believe we need more fairness in our economy and think, we need jobs, growth, revenue. progressives can do both. we're ing it in new york city every day and it can be done ane this is wh we will resonate with the american people if we make clear we are on their sde d we'll produce for them. >> progressives sometimes argue too much over how to divi the pie and not how to expand it. do you think that is still the case nh the progressive movement? >> i think the challenge is to show we can do both and in new york city we are doing both. we have 4.5 million jobs, we are
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raising wages, raising benefits and giving people universal healthcare. we're proving that progressives can achieve those things. >> amazon is not one of these companies that has thought of as a total, you know, they just race throughlaws and they raised minimum wage and they raised voluntarily to $15. if you chas away an amazon, re you worried it will chase away -- >> no, no, let's be clear. no one chased away. we had an agreement and if i had an agreement with you and there were issues that came up and wouldn't call me in the dead of night and say we're takingur marbles and going home. when you have so much wealth and power in the haews of very it does not work for working people. i say there is plenty of money in this world and plenty of money in this country, but it's in the wrong hands. amazon is making the argument for me. >> are you run for example president? >> i have not ruled it out, and
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this is an urgent moment and there is an inequality in this country that is threatening to tear us apt. i feel an urgency. people do not feel they're tting rewarded f their labor so when i say something like we'll mandate new york city two weeks and paid time off for every working person. our country doesn't do it and we're the only industr country on earth that does not grant paid time off for workinge pe. what does that say to working people? despite the fact that theg workople produce it. that's what i want to talk about. >> does the amazon decision make it hard for you to run for president? >> i decision affects the debate that if we don't address the income inequality the security and stability is threatened and i'll talk about this all over the nation. >> mr. mayor, i'm running out of time. good to see ntu. >> presirump's national emergency declaration, why he may feel like a winner. what if he loses in court? the panel
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welcome back. the panel is here. eddie jr., amy walters, the national editor of the cook political report. and jonah goldberg, editor at national review. welcome to you all. happy sunday. let me start with president trump's national emergencyat decln and let me give you a financial breakdown. according to the white house, here's the money from where the proposed wall would come from. he gets $1.3 from the homeland security appropriations bill and from the national emergency. 2.5 billion from the drug ro interdiction pam, and the last two bucket, not tech nick technically not part of the national emergency act.
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jonah goldberg, i'll start with yoll from the s government conservative view, this seems to be anything but, but i found ron johnson twisting himself into a pretzel, he is passionately concerned about something he not want to be committal on. i don't like these enabling acts which is what these national emergency laws are. i didn't lih it barack obama acted on it unilaterally, thing.s is a next level there's never been a national emergencyok i as an excuse to deliberately do an enron around c hgress. congre spoken here and if you listen to the pro-trump caucus, what congress passed isu outrageous b it's going to make illegal immigration worse in some ways, but he signed it. >> right. >> and then he said i'm going to
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do all of this other. st that is monarchial and it's against the spirit of th country and i don't care if the congress approved this, it is still terrible because it is simply a violation of how the system is supposed to work? in he's hg for court approval he may have harmed himself at the rose garden press conference and it is with this sound bite in>> particular. could do the wall over a longer period of time, i didn't need to do this and i want to do it much faster. i'vealready done a lot of wall for the election, 2020 and the only reason talking about this is because of the election. >> with the lead of the aclure presss. >> absolutely. he obviously doesn't understand the meaning of the word emergency because he didn't have to do it, right? an emergency needs urgency to it, and this takes me to a basic point that all ofhis is predicated on a lie, and what i'm interested in is how the
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machinery of government is being moved to act on a lie. everything that he'saying, senator johnson became complicit in it. this is a manufacrredis. if there is a crisis at the border and it has something y do in the that the trump administration has in some ways enforced immigration law, the way the trp administration has separated families, the way the trump administratiohas lost babies, right? so the fact that the -- that we're movg and responding to what is at root a lie isco cionable to me. the second real quick point is that this is an absolute break t of conional rules. we've been talking about the constitutional crisis on the horizon with therump administration. it's here. it's just small, but it's here. politically. >> ileana and amy, it seems as t if the presi decided it's better to lose in the courts and rail against and have a foil than work with congress. >> that'sos ately true. i know, i think that in the
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courts what this isoing come down to is what they defer to the president on what the efinition of an emergency is, we all know what it isal colloq speaking and he decided to do this early on in his administration to do it with the wall. ational had dozens of emergencies declared, but they all have to do with two thingse er international crises, jimmy carter declared one ten days into the iran hostage crisis or natural disasters. this one is neither.ha the presidenthe power to do this we're not going to emergencywith what an is or isn't or they can get involved in this which they really haven't done at this point. braking up of president trump and congress can override this or the courts will get themselves involved in this. >> it ishe also central reality of the trump administration and trump focus
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which is it's all about is base, right? the wall, unilaterally is unpopula the emergency declaration is more unpopular than the wall. the moving funds around from doing projects that people like will beery unpopular. that's not a concern of the president. as been at no point a concern about growing his base. it's about keeping that base that he already has happy, and so he worries much morebout subtraction than he does about addition and to win in 2020. he said this isn't about 2020. it is absolutely about 2020 because this isn an iss that's going to get any other currently in n't his coalition to vote for him. >> the logic thing. i have to put this up for you. and jonah you'll appreciate it more. mick mulvaney, his quote from friday talking about the emergency. it creates zero precedent. this is aec pent given to the president. it's not as if he didn't get what he wanted and he's waving a
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magic wd and taking the money. i thought that was exactly hat this i >> precisely. one of the things i find frustrating and if you loo at the people that are the most ju jubilant doing this, it is political for the president rather than dealing with thi emergency somewhere. right? there's no one saying finall we'll deal with this emergency, and they're saying trump got another one over on them and that is the real, real problem. >> that fines the new right, eddie. it's just sort of, like, you're unhappy. eddie's unhappy, therefore, congratulations this is a victory for america becaus you're unhappy. >> we are in bizarro world for d.c. comic fans. everything has been turned upside down. this is the imperial presidency gone amok. we have been debated itince nixon and we debated it all of the way back from lincoln and
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how we executed after the war. >> so this is the imperial presidency gone amok and we hava presidency with no regard with no constitutional normsis that some ways occupying an executive >> for the record lincoln was the only one who had a good excuse. >> okay.e we will le it there. up next, the democratic party is becoming increasingly progressive, bu how can a party for the 250k service members who transition out of the u.s. military every year... of the toughest parts is the search for a job that takes advanta of the skills you've gained while serving. you can now search with the phrase 'jobs f veterans' directly on google... ...andhen enter your militarycu. google brings together job openings from across the web that match the skills you gained in your military role. just click to apply
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ome back. if it seems that the 2020 democratic field has become very crowded very early, that's because it has. nive major candidates h either filed paperwork or announced bids igou, far more democrat or republican than in any other year ever. n first wi be on the nbc networks, msnbc, and telemundo inenglish and in spanish. tom perez is the c chairman and he's with me now. welcome back. >> always great to be with you, chuck. >> you're obviously organizing
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the debates and explain what you viewo your is. are you a referee? what is your role for the 2020 presidential primary? what do you see it as? >> our roleis to make sure that every candidate who runs gets a fair shake. i welcome a large field because i've had the privilege of working with almost all of them and they are great candidates and so our job at the dnc is to make sur we give them that opportunity and the debate will do this to show who theyre and that we also build an infrastructure whoever wins to hit the ground running. that's why we've spent so much time focusing on rebuilding data infrastructure and this debate s pr i'm excited about it because again, we're not going to be talking about hand size. we're going to be talking about health care. the debate will be focused on issues. >> i am curious, when you are trying to figure out when to
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step in -- reince priebus when he was chair of the rnc, donald trump, if insulted john mccain he put out a release. ouwhere is the role that have to play in policing the candidates' statements. at what point doou feel you have to step in in the name of the democratic party to say x? concerneankly not about this for the following reason. all of our candidates understand th we have to defeat donald trump. it's not about them. it's about something bigger than them. it's about making sure we coa together ation. if we have 15 candidates in the race, 14 aren't going to maket to the mountaintop and our job at the dnc is to make sure that all of the candidates and theirl followers like they have a fair shake and i am confident that every single candidate understands that we have to focus on the task at hand and building a positive vision of inclusion and talking about how we'll h tacklealth care and talking about how we'll build a good middle class wage and
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that'sot why we have af confidence that we will talk with the primary process with the wind at our back. >> this weekend is essentially still holding off on announcing it and then sa he was speaking to a european audience, we start our election process too early. he wisheshis process hadn't started this early. >> it started in the past. s we looked back 30, 40 yed there were debates that started in february of the year before the election. we are kind of in the mid evaluate pack and what we learned from the last cycle is people have a real thirst f learning what our candidates are thinking about, what their ision for america and so i think we have found a sweet spot, and the fact thathese debates in june will be on consecutive nights and that will be drawing the names through random selection. i think what the american people are going to see and i think
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we're going to have a robust audience and probably the largest ever and what they're candidates who are focused on their issues and that's what it's about. >> i wt to put out some headlines and recent headlines that get in this new divide in the democratic party and usa today will increasingly progressive democratic party become more antisemitic with omar's comthnts. new yorker with the green new deal, democrats pressent a radical problem for climate change. are you concerned the perception is goingmocratic party to move too far to the left in order to scare away those swing voters you've won over to win control of the house? >> listen, i think we must never confuse unit and unanimity. we have unity on the fact that heal care is a rightor all and not aiv prege for a view. thanks to democrats, we have 90% coverae.
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we h a conversation to get from 90% to 100%. they're talkin on the republican side how to eliminate coverage for pre-existing condveions. we bellimate change is real and not a hoax. we're having a discussion on how cwe build thisean energy economy. the other side denies that climate change exists. so we're having a discussion about the mean, but our values, the values that i believe command the respect of the vast majority of the american people. >> and you've expressed your valuss. you've exp your values of someone to say hey to th governor of virginia that these folks have to go. what happens if they don't respt the values that congresswoman omar seemed to accept criticism and apologized. what happens when the democrats sort of don't accpt punishment, don't accept the fact that they're not representative of thdemocratic values you espouse and they don't leave and they still want to represent democratic party, what do you do? >> i am heartened that congresswomanmar apologized because what she said was wrong
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and it was>>ivisive. re you worried that she is -- >> no. what she said was wrong and what she said was divisive and speaker pelosi and others including us, i ink appropriately called her out, and what we have to do. the difference between democrats and republicans is when we see people within our own ranks do things or say things that are antithetical to our lues we are not reluctant to call them out. on the other side, unfortunately, they are enablers. look at senator johnson with this national emergency calisthenics that he just did. he undstands it is know constitutional, but god forbid he sething against donald trump. >> i'll go back to the amazon deal, are you worried that there's a perception, progressive democrats are not pro-business. they'll be antithetical thatsc es business away? >> you will hear fro so many
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democrats in this campaign that have an unbelievable record of -- barack obama left with the -- what we're fighting for is prosperhy is shared. a capitalism that understands that when we all succeed we all when the middle class is succeeding, when people striving to g into theiddle class succeed, then everybody succeeds. >> youmo pay atic socialists for moral capitalism or -- don't forget, when ronald reagan was railing against medicaid -- medicare in 1963 he said dicare, this say quote, will lead to socialized medicine and will lead toocialism in america. this socialism thing, medicared has le to security for our seniors d so some people want to try to useabels and misuse
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labels. here's what democrats are about. we're about results and we are about making sure you have a right to health care if you work a full-time job y ought to be able to feed your family and reduce gun violence. we have people acros the country who will be marching tomorrow talking about this fake emergency and making us o foc the real emergency and people who are diabetic who don't have access to health care. >> t perez, i have to leave it there. chairman of the dnc, we will leave you forward and play referee in the presidential primary. when we come bhik, it's stroyear. that's been good news for president trump, but what about next year? next year? that's coming up.
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cluds on t clds on the horizon? how worried should we all be? it is unemployment rate has been tovering between 4.1 and 3.7% since of the las year and that's the lowest it's been since december of 2000, by the way,that is near full employment and just as important, people are feeling good about the economy as well. 69% of americans think this time next year they're going to be better off financially. that is the highest rate of optimism that we've seen since 2002. and that's the number the president himself tweeted out thisek. low unemployment. people feeling good. those things matt to voters on election day, but what about the gray clouds i mentioned? announced thatfed 7 million americans are at least 90 days late on their car payment? ho important is that number? that's a record amount of people. skipping carnt payis not something consumers typically do casually this could also mean trouble ahead for the automobile industry ifme con are less
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able to afford new cars. so the amount of revolving debt, usually credit card debt held by americans is also at a new record over $1 triion. it's been over 1 trillion since september of 2017. before hat, the lastime the number was roughly this high, nuary2009 with people relying heavily on credit cards during the great recession. finally, this week, the census released data showing retail sales declining 1.2% from november to december, the largest drop in more than nine years during the holiday season, no less. does all of this mean the d economy is hea south? that's a big leap. some analysts are skeptical and there are a lot of good economic news out there, but after 116 igraight months of growth there are warning emerging that could play a role in the 2020 election. when we come back, endgame. are we about to see a couple of big-name democrats finally enter this race? coming up, ""endgam
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inspire. back now"e witgame." basically, as i said at the top of the show it seems both sides haveid their own d in the republican divide we've seen for two straight years. ampoon has d the democratic divide under the front pages. the newspaper of long island "news day" on the decision. reflexive, anticorporate, anti-busess has r ramifications. the democratic party and the leaders of new york will have to address that issue before they tip so far to the left that our economy topples over. income inequality must be addressed, but rejecting capitalism is not the answer. eddie? how do you slice this line tween this ris progressive movement and basically the center left of the democratic party? >> well, i think part of what's happening is the traditional spectrum of our politics has changed. and oftentimes the categories, progressive, conservative, centrist might not actually map on the at's happening ground. it's much more complicated and
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much more fluid. i think the idea expanding the pie and dividing the pie that you used in -- in earlier segment, most of the time, most progressives, quote, nquote are thinking the expang of the pie is the top 1% taking all of the expansion. so we have to addressen fundlly that the economy is not working for everyday ordinary folks in the way that it should and so markets don't determine when we value. the markets reflect what we value and so it's not about rejecting capitalism as such. it's abo building a society that reflects the value of everyday, ordinarf people our society and i think that argument has to be had, right? so quickly, the age of reagan is collapsing. what wil itake place? that's the question that we're grappling with now. >> that does seem to be the fight. that's a fair way of putting it. >> the divide on the right preceded trump. it began with the tea party in 2010 with the obama era and the
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democrats have been getting their own tea party. is that going to happen to the democrats and now we're seeg all-out battle between leftist and left-wing and centrist democrats and socialists. >> we have to come up with a different lane and everyone is trying to figure it out. there's more diversity on the left. >> and this amazon battle certainly put it into release. what i found interesting is alexandria ocasio-cortez won her fight by saying the incumbent in the district joe crowley was neglecting his constituents and she called this a victory for ordinary people when ordinary constituents in her district upported the amazon headquarters by extraordinary margins. 56% ofvors and 60% of those in queens where this would have been located and meanwhile, the new york times piece which she has yet to set up a district
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eroffice. if o socialists fall on her foot steps and place m emphasis on building a national profile rather than constituent services and how that will play in the longun. right. her ability to move the discalsion from presiden candidates has been re, maable. the christian science monitor had a breakfast with wh senator brown, and the most contentious answer was the green new deal. >> after being asked this question 73 times, 73 different ways, i don't need to respond to every bill that somebody drops on the floor, right? >> there will be a lot. >> that's exactly, it's exactly like t which is, i'm a senator? i'm running for president of the united states and i have to react to something that a ss is an member of cong talking about, but you're seeing that already. we're having this discussion about medicare for all, green new deal and not based on necessarily what the grassroots are saying, but it's really
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about what the elites are saying and that's what's fascinating about that poll in new york city. the only group thatidn't like it were liberals anthey were evenly divided and moderates supported it. >> those are the people that african-americans and hispanics are the majority of the district -- >> and i think that's in terms of the questions that were asked. >> it's also not just reflective of political reality. >> it's not reflective of facts. aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez doesn't do her homework. she thin we now have this $3 billion to spend on something else which is just it's just fake math. and what i find fascinating out this is i don't like these crony capitalist race to the bottom, sweetheart deals for o stadiur any of this stuff,
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but they're a fact of political life and do we have tim ryan on your cable show the other day and he was, like, look, iink these are the problems here, but i would love for them to come to ohio and if you think that the green new dealdn wo look like the amazon deal on steroids with the government leaning in and giving away subsidies to steer the company you're kidding yourse.. >> thank y this is a debate that is obviously going to continue. that is all we have for thank you for watching. we'll be back next week, i prise, because if it's sunday it's "meet the press."
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