tv News4 at 11 NBC February 17, 2019 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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taking you live outside of our studios here, storm team 4 acking rain and sleet tonight and a winter storm in the coming days. and new reaction from church sex abuse survivor of thedefrocking on the former cardinal. why they fea the decision won't lead to reform. >> good evening, thank you for ining us tonight. i'm erika gonzalez. this storm targeting our region tonight. we have a wintereather advisory now in effect and some of you are seeing freezing rain th evening, maybe even sleet as well. the roads are kin of slippery out there and this is video of the rain in tacoma park. more on the coming storm and the weather situation, rightnow. >> a lot going on and a lot to come. we did get reports of freezing rain. right now most of it justll g as rain.
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let's go ahead and take a look at the radar to see where all the action is. we're looking at washingtond.c. right now. howard county had the most sleet mixed in a little farther nor and as i zoom out here you can see, this is a winter weather advisoryin that is sta to diminish throughout the overnight hours. it's looking like rain event tomorrow night. he do have a gusty start to our week but big talker is going to be the winter storm moving in on wednesday. i have all the details coming up, stick around. >> w he the guy who always had a smile on his face. he was theituy that up the room. >> devastation tonight for a mother andre two chi who lost raymon to a tragic crash this weekend. a drunk driver going the wwang on maryland 42 near fort meade struck and killed him.
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darcy spencer with thedo s emotional interview and very important message. >> for natalie mccarter it was love at first sight when she met her husband ray in college. they got married 11 years ago and were raising a son and a daughter in their home. >> he was a hard worker. he was a family man. he was somebody that you wanted to be around. his spirit was infectious and people loved him. >> but now she'll have to raise their children on her own. mccarter was killed early saturday morning when pice say ape sed drunk driver driving the wrong way crashed into his car nearly headon. he had been at a friend's house. >> imagine being called and being told i'm on my way home i'll see you soon, i love you. i can't wait to see you and the kids and then have your life being taken away. >> police identified the driver that allegedly hit him, christopher thomas.
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he has beenharged with manslaughter and driving under the influence. he walked away from the crash unharmed. >> i'm happy they charged him. they should charge d drivers. you should not get behind the ewheel. you h uber and lyft. her message to others, this tragedy wasle prevent and their loss was irreversible. >> my two children will never have their father again. he's completely irreplaceable and his life is >> his widow says being a father was so important to him. his love donstrated when their son was diagnosed with a condition that caused his hair to fall out. >> my husband cut all his hair off just to say it's okay, you're notn alone this. we can be bald together. >> mccarter doesn't know how she will be able to move forward but she'sbe trying t strong for her kids. they have hopes, dreams, and plans. >> he was a loving father, a loving husband, a loving friend, a loving son.
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he was everything. >> dar spencer, news 4. >> there's a way that you can help out the family during this difficult time. you can pull up our nbc washington app and search mccarter to learn more. we'll switch gears developing out of baltimore, inv ttigators aring to learn more about a bizarre death outside of mmt bank stadium where the ravens play. a man ran out a of portable bathroom engulfed in flames. stadium tors say a security guard saw a man running from the portable bathrooms this afternoon. two other bathroo were also on fire. yhe man collapsed and died. police say t may look at adium surveillance video to try to figure out exactly what happened. >> new tonight, church sex abusu ivors are speaking out about the vatican's decision to frock the former arch bishop of washington.e according to vatican, the oncerc powerful chuh leader sexually abused children and
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adults and solicited sex while hearing confessions. survivors say they are worried whether the church is making real progress in addressing sex abuse by priests. >> i worry that this is not going to be anything more than the equivalent of the pope tossing a bone to placate his critics. to placate the survivors. >> pope franc has summoned bishops from around the world to the vatican this coming week to discuss sex abhee. as news of his removal sinks in, catholics across the country went to sunday. ma we spoke to some of the faithful celebrating mass at the nationa shrine of e emaculate conception. there's a sense of betrayal that's hard to overcome. >> it's hard to be a catholic now and i struggle every >> it gives us hope that they're
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going to be disciplined by the hierarchy. >> mccarrick is the highest ranking catholic church official to be defrocked. stay with news 4or continuing coverage of the mccarriccan dah scandal. >> jussie smollett is fighting ack against claims that he orchestrated the attack. but police want to talk toim again. we're following all the twists tid turns in this baffling case. >> the investigaon into a possible hate crime against empire actor jussie smollett continues this weekend. a lawenforcement source telling nbc news the chicago police are looking into whether he paid twe men to f an attack against him.
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they're firing back saying jussie has now been further victimized by clas attributed to these alleged perpetr ors thatjussie played a role in his own attack. nothing is further from truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying. >> this comes after police questioned and released two men seen in surveillance photos near the scene of the alleged attack which he described in detl to abc news. >> this maga country [ bleep ] and punched me in the face and i noticed the rope around my neck and started screaming. >> the note was purchased at a hardware store by the two men involved in the alleged attack. the search of their home revealed a black ski mask, bleach and empire script. one of the men worked as an extra on the tv show. chicago police said in a st nement sunday while we' in a position to confirm, deny, or comment on the validy of what's been unofficially released, there are some developments in thisn investigatnd detectives have some follow ups toet compl
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which includes speaking to the individual who reported the incident. eources tell nbc news that investigators ho motive as to why smollett would make up the sty. >> you d such a disservice when you lie about things like this. >> the new developments are sparking a heated debate on social media. the white house is digging in for a fight over president entrump's national eme declaration to fund his border wall. democrats arenn pg to introduce a resolution disapproving of the dlaration and several republican senators already signaling they'll vote against the president. today white house senior adviser steven miller said the president is prepared to issue his first veto if coness tries t block the president is vowing to take the fight all the way to the supreme court. >> new at11:00, the former acting fbi director andrew
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mccabe offered alistering critique of president trump tonight. he layed out how he says hga obstruction of justice and counter intelligence investigation of mr. itump. happened shortly after the president fired former fbi director james comey. mccabe said he knew that his time within the fbi was coming to and end but what he didn't know is that he would be fired 36 hours before he could collect his pension. becausess i should ha the president spoke about it publicly. he made it quite clear that he wanted me gone before i cou retire. i believe i was fired because i inened a case a the president of the united states. >> mcbe also spoke about the detailsro surunding possibly removing president trump under the 25th amendment. mccabe says deputy attorney general rodrosenstein brought
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it up under a conversation. it has never been invoked. >> ahead, a shocking surprise a fo prince george's county veteran tort went to wk as a social worker even though she was furloughed during the government shutdown. the knock on the door that she will not soon forget. plus we are serving up story that you can really sink your teeth into. a local bakery dishesn how it plans to beat the britts at uteir own game once again. >> you're mines away from a sports final that covers all the bases. where is bryce harper? the other f te ofhe franchise and the team's managerreacts. >> the most emotional day at a racetrack. >> and you'll hear maryland's new head football tach. allt and more on sports final right after the news right
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what's tougher than winning an international baking contest? row.g it two years in a that's what they're going for. they make britishie pas filled with meat and vegetables. more on how the bakery is getting ready for the worldam chpionships in england. >> so i'm going to start on this. >> when you're defending your title as a world champion bakero not only d have to dish out your finest food. >> put this in the fringe. >> but you also have to serve up some humble pie to your competitors.
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>> oh, that' really nice, isn't it? >> mike burgess is the owner of the company in vienna. in just a few weeks he and hundreds of other bakers from around the world willravel to britain for a bake off. he already had a brush for hccess. last year barbecue chicken took home the top prize. >> we'll see what will happen this year. whether we can defend a impress. >> this year going in we worke really, really hard on our flavors. we thought we would do something really different. it's like homeworking here. >> they're judged on looks and but if you ask the team what their recipe for success is -- >> it's top secre and we can't allow you to know that. >> and as they try to stay a cut above the rest. >> i have been practicing. >> burgess says he's not too worried about folding under pressure. >> not nervous at all. will be what will be but we'll have fun doing it.
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news 4. >> maryland governorar hom homan -- he attended from 1970 to 72 before his family moved out of state he served manager of the babble team even. he took in today's game as well. >> a soldiersurprise inside o a kansas home. staff sergeant arrived home after his wife delivered twin girls. >> are you ready. >> okay. >> oh m god. >> the emotional reunion was too much for his wife to handle and she just burst into tears there. staff sergeant cooper wast expected home until this spring. his wife went into prematureit labor the flu and she had an emergency c-section a week before this video was taken. >> iad no idea. he can't surprise me ever. that was the first time that
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ever panned for him. the girls are doing fine andth video has been seen four times already. he posted it on social media so his mother couldee the reunion as well. >> real life bird drama playing out in the bald eagle's nest. she laid her second egg last night. she's trying to catch a few zs there. it takes or a mon for the eggs to hatch but this story has takenwi new with a bird named justice. he's liberty's mate but hasn't en seen in more than a week and now there's a new guy in the nest named aaron bird that hasa rived and even attempted to mate with liberty. so, there's all right. >> that's heavy, man. >> that's heavy.
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all right. so let's talk a little weather this evening. we're starting to see sleet, rain. it's a cold messy night for us. >>eah and theood news is we're changing all over to rain. we are goi to be in for some wet conditions through the overnight hours and i think the bigger story is going to be this winter storm on the way. before then i want to bring you up to date. we still hav the winter weather advisory in effect. so it's not getting worse from him. it's getting better. but we uremainer a winter weather advisory anddi inc montgomery county into howard county as well into 1:00 a.m. and thas because we're seeing sleet and freezing rain mixing in farther north. washington d.c. just rain right now. big picture ds showhat we got a little bit of a refreeze
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farther north wre they were seeing some moderate rain coming down there as well as sleet. freezing rain in loudoun as well. it's going to beni slick ovt but we see this move out by tomorrow morning. here's 7:00 a.m. on the futu futurecast. hr're starting to see more sunshine breakinggh for your monday. monday afternoon also quite. snow to our west along i-81n the higher elevations but for us we're staying dry. tuesday morning, plenty of sunshine so it's d not just on tuesday but it's going to be glorious and beautiful. waking up tom morning, i'm leaving the chance for an am shower sh will be pushing out to the west but a few lingering especiallyn southern maryland. by 6:00 a.m. maybe clouds or 70 a.m. we'll be seeing plenty of sunshine and dry at that point. temperatures still in the 30s. temperatures will be in ther
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up 40s near 50 degrees. it looks like it's going to be a talker. tuesday king lik night. delayed with the model. pushing it more toward early. accumulating snow, most definitely. 3 plus inches in the district. ice could also be an issue especially farther north and west of the district. we could get some glaze in washington d.c. scho closures that's also a pretty good possibility, especially delays with thione. is it turning to rain? yes. that's going to help b us out we have to keep a close eye on street flooding.
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storm team 4 ten-day outlook. the next couple of days, what you ,n expeig winter storm impacting us wednesday so we'll probably be weather alert and then a few rain chances through thursday and friday. so something to keep an eye on.e this is changing. >> all right. thank you so much. er feel like you just can't keep up with all the stuff in your life? it's the closets, it's the cabinets, even our e-mail boxes? rtarts to feel overwhelming? well sg tomorrow on news 4 today we're working with you for tips on cleaning out clutter. whether it's a messy bedroom or your desk, maybe, that you can't seem to declutter? we'll have a few simpl solutions to help you get on track. join us every weekday morning starting at 4:00 a.m. >> still ahead, alex ovechkin >> still ahead, alex ovechkin scor his way into an choosing my car insurance was the easiest decision ever.
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switch to geico. do you think this is fun for me? you think i'm having fun? [man on other line] it certainly wasn't much fun to..... y have eyes on the target? is it her? [man on other line] i can't tell fr.. this photos... need better shots. thank you for flying turkish airlines. taxi! you waiting for someone? no. just... looking.
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it's the super bowl of stock car racing today. emotions running high for legendary redskins coach joe gibbs at today's 61st running of the daytona 500. gibb's son died at age 49 and they had a historic race that saw drama, tears, a c 21 carsh and lots of flames. j.d. wore number 11 when he 1 ayed football so on lap today, nascar honoring hismo me. ten laps left. the big one. thatretty much takes out everyone. look at this. 21 cars involved in the wreck. the dvers austin dylan, chase elliott among the many drivers involved in this one. sparks, flames everywhere. the number 10 car on top of the number 38 car. scene. crazy 12 cautions and five wrecks and
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the race's fina 20 laps as you can oksee. everywhere. and amazingly, no major ri inju. no one was hurt and the race went into overtime. den denny hamlin in the lead. e gibbs racing finishing 1, 2, 3 wit hamlin getting his second win. daytona 500 >> now alex ovechkin and the caps still on the road, tonight visiting the anaheim ducks. they get it back. over to ovie. 40th goal of the season. 10th time he has done thathin s career which ties him for second most all time trailing only wayne gretsky. to the second period, ducks up 2-1. the puck out to john carlson. finds itself way in. is one is credited to carly
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but went off of ovechkin's body. but the ducks just added two quick goals and they're currentl up 4-2. bradley ba bradley beal making his seco. appearance on top. that is how you get up. team lebron taking over in the 4th quarter. how about that? 7 three-pointers in the quarter and kevin durant withhree of them. 31 points for him. it's team lebron wins 178-164 and kevin durant is your mvp. plenty more of that coming up on sports final after thenews. s thank you
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a social worker that w furloughed during the government hutdown just got the surprise of herlife, curtesy of ellen. >> yes. >> yes. >> are you a fan of the ellen show? >> yeah >> her reaction is priceless. when ellen picks up the phone, calls her, you can hear her and then check out what happens when the show sent the former pro football player to her house. that excitement just kept growing as she was playing a round of dollars from door boss. >> you served in the air ifrce. ou were to land a plane, what country would you be >> >>laysia. he is a social worker who helps veterans and active duty service members.
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she stillent to work without pay. malaysia won $20,000 thanks to ellen and you can see her story on the ellen show at 3:00 right here on nbc 4 and following the show, don't miss news 4 at 4:00. >> thank you for joining us thin g. that wraps things up for us. sports final is coming up next and then wake n up withs 4 today as we start at 4:00 a.m. good night, everybody. does your customers connecting to the wifi ever slow down your business? yes, it does slow things down. aggravating. it's a nightmare. so our gig-speed network is fast. and we go beyond fast by making it easy to create
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right now on sports final. >> i don't think it takes a genius to seehi that sometng is going on. >> calls delay of game on the were hahh harper sweepstakes. >> you mow your y lawn before do your neighbors. >> plus marching order from maryland's big boss. >> we have to keep the top talent here at home. >> tell them wt to do coach. >> i'm head coach at the university of maryland and sports final starts now. >> welcome to sports final. legendary redskins head coach
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