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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  March 4, 2019 2:30am-3:30am EST

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ochael cohen tells congress what he thinksf president trump. >> he is a racist. hes a con man and he is a cheat. >> and provides new areas for investigators to look at, from jarednd ivanka to mr. trump's tax returns. republicans attack cohen. >> you lied. >> he lies. >> you are a liar. >> liar, liar, pants on fire. and president trump tells a conservative conferehat he thinks of all the investigators. and you will of a sudden they're trying to take you out with [ bleep >> i will talk to the intelligence committee, democrat markth warner and t ranking republican on the house oversight committee, jim jordan. ps democrats and activists are arguing over impeaching the president. >> ieachment of this corrupt and lawless president is a first
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step. >> impeachment is a divisive issue in our country and let us see what the facts are. >> debating purity tests forat democr members of congress and disagret'ng over whas more important to them in 2020. a candidate who shares their views or one who simply can beat president trump. and finally, no deal. the president walks away without an agreement with kim jong-un on nukes and sanctions. >> sometimes you have to walk and this was just one of those times. >> s what happens now? joining me for insight and analysis are helene cooper, pentagon correspondent for "the w york times," matt bai, national political columnist for yahoo news. nbc news national political reporter heidi przybyla. >> and john podhorretz. welcome to sunday, it'ses "meet the " >> from nbc news in washington, the longest running show inst y, this is "meet the
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press" with chuck todd. good sunday mornaig. to be we've lost count of the number of times we've been tempted to say that this or that week was the most consequentiru of the presidency. but this week certainly is worthy of consideration. consider we saw president trump's former lawyer and fixer miesael cohenfy before congress about alleged illegal activi by mr. trump as president. we saw house republicans ignore ll of cohen's charges and fiercely attack cohen's credibility. we saw the hanoi summit with kim jong-un fall apart with no agreement. we saw an emerging controversy over how jared kushner received his top secret security clearance. we saw the house vote toeverse the president's national emergency declaration. yesterday we saw a president whe ed both energized by his crowd at a conservative conference and simultaneously unnerved by everything that's happening around him. theec longest s of his presidency before an according cpac audience mr. trump was eager or maybe desperate to recount every success, every
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controversy andvery grievance of his presidency. >> crowd size. negotiating with china. i'm building the wall w ane got rid of the individual mandate. religious liberty. lying james coy. socialist. the collusion delusion. those caravans. national emergency. we're being invaded by drugs, by people, by criminals. phoney charges of russia. russia, russia, russia, russia. >> the manic perfo wance compleh expletives seemed like a fitting end to a week ike few others in mr. trump's presidency. >> what i heard this morning, fesident trump is waiti the mueller report. >> with mueller's report expected any day, president trump delivered an agitated 122-minute speech to conservative activists on saturday, railing against the special counsel. >> now, robert mueller never received a te. >> and his own justice department for leaving mueller
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in place. >> and as you know, the attorney general says i'm going to recuse myself. you put the wro people in couple of positions and they leave people foron a time that shouldn't be there and all of a suddenhey're trying t take you out with [ bleep ]. okay? with [ bleep ]. >> he also attacked his former lawyer, michael cohen. >> he is a stone cold killer. he ista b man. >> but i am no longer your fixer, mr. trump. >>n a riveting public spectacle this week cohen turned on his former bossnd signaled a new phase in the russia probe. cohen alleged that president trump paid hush money to adult film actress stormy daniels, a crime while in office. >> there are checks that i received for the year. >> he has alleged that roger stone alerted mr. trump ahead of time in july of 2016 wikileaks e-mails were coming. >> roen na graph yelled out to roger is line one.
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>>e alleg attorneys for the president as well as jared kushner reviewed his false testimony to congress last year about the trump tower moscow project in advance. >>ecause mr. trump had made clear to me through his personal atements to me that we both knew to be false and through his lies to the country that he wanted me to lie. >> cohen also said federal prosecutors in new york are looking at what the president said to him after they searched his office last year. >> this topic is something that's being investigated right now by the southern dtrict of new york and i've been asked by them not to discuss it. >> and cohenec dd congressional investigators toward potential key witnesses, including the president's former ployees and family members.e democrats wer quick to seize on the president's alleged crime. >> we s evidence really of a crime spree. >> but while some democratic activists press for impeachment. >> impeachment of this corrupt
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and lawless president is a first step. >> top democrats are putting th brakes, insisting that for now they will continue existing investigations, but stopped short of calling them impeachment hearin. >> not one person, not one person on our side even mentioned the word impeachment. not one. >> instead it's republicans seeking to energize their base who areca enthusiasy embracing the "i" word. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> yesterday was all about michael cohen bei --aying the predicate for the democrats and their crazy impeachment plans. joining me now is the vice chair of the senate intelligence r of ttee mark war virginia. welcome back to "meet the press." >> thank you, chuck. >> you also interviewed michahi cohen week, i think you had him the day before his house testimony. >> nine hours. nine hours. fair enough. and we had a pretty much an eight or nine-hour public hearing. how was the exchange behind closed doors different than what the public saw on wednesday? >> well, firstf all, let's realize this is a guy who was back befores because he had
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lied to our intelligence committee about the fact that the ongoing negotiations on a tower to be built in moscow went way beyond what he said and frankly what donald trump said. i do think it's curious that mr. etrump had spent mhan a decade trying to build a building in moscow, didn't get much traction, suddenly he a become candidate for president and he's got all kinds of offers on the table. >> is that the only tng he lied about what you know of right now? >> again, we've got -- the three thin that are in the public domain that i think we need further investigation, how long were the negotiations going on for a trump tower in moscow, obviously beyond january, did they go beyond even the convention, the president's lawyer, rudy giuliani, said they may have gone on allay through the election. i think most voters would have liked to have known that piece ofy information before t voted. secondly, this allegation -- >> is that a crime, though? >> well, it's not -- not
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necessarily a crime. i will let lawyers make a determination on that. tut it would be sure as heck a relevant fact t candidate for president was trying to negotiate with a foreign power, russia, offering the leader of that feign power, putin, a $50 million free penthouse. i think most americansou say that's a relevant piece of information. the other two pieces fs informeion i think we need m on, mr. trump has said he didn't know anything about the wikileaks dump of information detrimental to clton. mr. cohen says that he was in the office when trump took a call from julian assange right a day or two before the dump of the information. we need to find out if that's true or not. we also heard testimony that donald trump jr. at least indicated to donald trump about the infamous now trump tower meetinghat included his -- the president's son, the president's son-in-law, the president's campaign manager.
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again, that meeting was not about russian adoptions, it was about offering dirt on hillary clinton. we need to find out if all those things are true. >> was your entire focus ofour portion of michael cohen only about the russia portion oro di you apend time on the trump organization and the various outside of russia parameters that you've been focused on? >> well, some of those fac came up, some of the tawdry and appropriate behavior of some of the payoffs, but that was notme ing that we focused on. our investiga ton is only bipartisan investigation that is still focused on nt counteligence. what happened in 2016, what level of collaboration, d collusion, h we make sure it doesn't happen again in the future. >> why do you believe michael cohens suddenly tellingou the truth now when he lied to you the last time? >> this guy does not have a lot of veracity, we need to get documents, we are receiving additional documents from him to pr oe disprove, but i'd also say donald trump doesn't exactly have af great record telling the truth as well. >> i want to play sometng that
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the chair of the committee said not too long ago, richard burr take a listen. >> well, i'm not sure how to put it any clearer than i said it before. we have no factual evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and russia. >> what does that mean, no factual evence? >> well, again, richard burr and i have worked together very well, we will continueo work together. i think there is enormous amounts of evidence. whh you do what evidence, whether it leads, i'm reserving judgment until we finish the investigation. >> is it fair to call it circumstantial right now? let's just go through the litany of what we know. the ongoing negotiationstr abou p tower well into the campaign, i believe the fact that mr. trump knewbouthe dump of the wikileaks material, the fact that clearly the meeting t atmp tower meeting which was not appropriately in terms of offering dirt. the president's campaign manager sharing information, polling information, with the russians. the earlier instance where
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russians were offering through one of the campaigns papadopoulos information. to me that's all evidence. where that evidence leads in terms of a conclusion and we've still got some of those key people to come back, i'm going to reserve judgment until i'm finished. there's no one that couldua fay say there's not plenty of evidence of collaboration or communications between trump organization and russians. >> there is a report in the "washington post" t indicates that your committee and the house intelligence committee that one other angle to michael cohen's tesmony has to do with a pardon or pardon shopping. what more a can you tell ut this issue? are you iestigating whether a pardon offer was serious or not to michael cohen? >> chomk, i cannotnt on what went on in a classified setting? >> i say this because at some point it's starting to become, you know -- it comes across as innuendo when you can't say certain things and yet we see reports about it. >> when we receive information in aif clad setting we will
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investigate things that come up in classified settings, there ll be an appropriate time to have the reveal, but when we hear things in a classified setting, you know, that's the duty i took on as vice-chairman of the intelligence committee. >> so you won't say whetherhe "washington post" sorry is correct or not. >> i'm not going to comment on the stor t >> i want throw a sound bite at you from the president yesterday. take a. list >> if you use your rights, if you use your power, ifouse article 2, it's called obstruction, but only for trump. r nobody else. >> so he's basically saying his firing of -- i mean, this is about the firamg of comey, that you cannot interpret under any way as obstruction. is that fair? >> well, again, i will let lawyers make better judgments, but i will tell youthis, an investigation into the president and his organization, his
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campaign, involvement with russians, a foreignr,po a foreign adversarial power, a power that this h preside said nary a negative word about, a russian des pit that he franklyowtowed to in front of the whole world in that hearing -- in that public testimony, public hearing in helsinki, i think that's all inappropriate. and the notion that this president has done everything possible to undermine that ginvestigation from firomey to trying to undermine mueltr, to me t does not seem appropriate. >> do you believe that a russian conspiracy without an actual evidence of a crime being committed, of a crime being committed, is enough to oust him from office? >> you're goingnto get me those conversations where i have not reached a final conclusion what i do know this, i've been around politics a long time, just as you have. >> . >> i have never in my lifetime
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seen presidential campaign from a person of either party have this much outreacho a foreign country and a foreign country that the intelligencey communnd our committee has validated intervened masvely in our election and intervened with an attempt to help one candide, donald trump, and to hurt another candidate, hillary clinton. >> sounds like you have made your conclusion.o you're close a conclusion. >> those are the facts that we bave all agreed to on a bipartisan s. >> okay. >> what level of collaboration, collion, cooperatio we've cleared got repeated efforts from the russians we clearly have evidence from d ald trump's own son saying he would welcome that information, but, again, i'moing to reserve my final judgment until we collect all the information. candidly some of the key people that we want to see are still i caught upthe mueller criminal investigations and those criminal investigations need to conclude before we get a chance to talk to them. >> mark warner, the top democrat on the senate intelligence
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committee,nhanks for coming and sharing your views, sir. >> thank you. at that michael cohen hearing o wednesday republican members of the house oversight committee defended president trump largely by attacking cohen who assad committed to lying to congress and no one was more o message than the ranking member of that committee, jim jordan. >> you have a history of lying over and over and over again and frankly don't take my word f it, take what the court said. take what the southern district of new york said. cohen did crimes that were marked by a pattern of de pption and thmeated his professional life. a pattern of deception for personal greed and ambition. d you justot 30 minutes of an opening statement where you trashed the president of the united statesf america. >> republican congressman jim jordan of ohio joins me now. congressma jordan, welcome to "meet the press." >> good to be with you. >> why do you think preside trump hired somebody like michael cohen as this close confidant for a decade. >> mr. cohen said it was some l real estate d 10, 12 years ago.
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why i hired him i don't know. what i do know is what i saideat theng and that is michael cohen is going to prison in two months for four distinct federal crimes, one of which is lying to congress and yet the democrats made him their star witness, their first announced witness of a guy who ongress is is going to prison for lying to congress. he came in last wednesday and did what? lied t congress. six different times. >> the president of the unit states the lead attorney for him and essentially unofficial political adviser for ais decad his person you just described. >> i don't know about a political adviser. us >> you described. we could -- >> you know he took credit for launching the trump campaign handedly >> does it bother you that donald trump surrounded -- kept this man as a confidant? for everything you've described him as, why did he keep him as a confidant? >> you would have to ask -- >> does that bother you? >> not really. why? >> it just doesn't. what i know is what the president has done as two yea as president of the united states. the democrats -- the press never seems to want to talk about
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this. think about the two years unden prestrump's leadership, taxes reduced, regulations reduced,conomy growing as an unbelievable rate. n the h and kavanaugh court, out of the iran deal, embassies in jerusalem, hostages home from north koreand there is a new nafta agreement coming just to name a few things. that's what i tend to focus on is the amazing record under the leadership of president trump anan you guys want to yout that about a lawyer that worked for him for ten years that came in and told all kinds of lies, six of which he said -- six lied which he s on the witness stand just last wednesday. >> do you believe michael cohen wh said there was no collusion with russia. >> i believe a few things michael cohen said like h said in the hearing my name is michael deen cohen, i believe that. there's probabl a few other things we can pro of. >> do you believe he has never been to prague. >> that's something you can verify. so that undermines this whole dossier which, remember, was the basis for this whole crazy investigation to begin with. >> that's not -- i mean, that isn't the facts. >> it's a big fact. >> it is something that you - >> we have had this debate
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before. >> it's something that you believe but it has not been proven. >> it's the lead thing they took to the fisa court to get the warrant to spy on the trump campaign that was paid for b the clinton pain. you know that's the case. > when you got these papers released to the public you found out that that wasn't the truth. >> yes, it is, and theyidn't tell the court that the clinton campaign paid -- the clinton campaign paid the law firm who fired fusion gps who fired are ner. >> you left out the republican donor who began the whole thing. >> our fbi used to get the warrant he spy on trump campaign. >> why do you not want this investigation concluded by robert mueller? >> i want it concluded. i want it over with. >> but you continue to question and interfere with i so how is it ever going to end if you question and interfere with it? >>ni i'm not quest or interfering with it. it can be public, the president sa he wants it t continue, he allowed it to contin at some point will there will be some investigation and the attorney general will follow the law and release wt he wants to
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release or maybe release the whole thing. that's going to happen, we all know d that. you want it all completely released? donald trump jr. does. >> i'm open to whatever the attorney gheeral decides. hould follow the law and regulations. if they release it all -- i tend think we should err on the side of transparency. i want the fisa applitions released, the 302's from bruce oregon, all that released so thp americple can know exactly what happened when they launched this thing. >> do you believe the russians inteered with the 2016 election? >> everyone said they thought they were trying to impact the ee will ex- >> do you believe it? >> yeah, i mean,thf course 's what the intelligence community has told us, but there is -- >> do you believe they did i to try to help donald trump win? >> who knows why they did but there is zero evidence -- >> do you think that is -- it sounds le you believe it is possible that russians for their own foreign policy reasons wanted trump not clinton. >> i don't know. i mean, they can do whatever w they -tever they're trying to do, who knows what their motives were. what i know is there is not one bit of evidence to know anyype
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of coordination, collusion, conspiracy wtsoever between the trump campaign and russia to impact the election, but there is allinds of evidence to show that the clinton campaign worked with russians to impact the elections, via that whole thing i just described where they fid the l firm who hired fusion who hired christopher steel who communicated with russians and put together the fake dossier. >> why do you think donald trump hired someone like paul manafort, why do you think paul manafort decided to work for ee for the trump campaign? >> i have no idea. >> does any of that bother you considering all of his ties with the russian government? does thatnyeserve scru >> and it's getting all kinds of scrutiny, foroodness sake. mr. manafort has been indicted. >> do you believe it deserves scrutiny? >> that's what counsel is doing. that's his call, not my call. yeah, if they're looking at that that's fine, but that's not what this wednesday was about. this was a guy coming in who has zero credibility and who has lied and is going to prison fore
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lying, of those lies of course was lying to congress previously and he came in front of cgress and told at least -- at least six different lies. >>er you are concerned about a lot of the line. does it bother you that paul manafort, george pa dopoulos, michael flynn, michael cohen, all these people around the president, all these people around the president has all been convicted or pled guilty to lying to either investigators or congress. there is a lot of liars around the president, why? >> here is what bothers me most, jim comey director of fbi fire annie mccabe fired. >> you're upset that he was fired. >> ld three times under oath, andy mccabe is under investigation, jim baker chief counsel at the fbi demoted thenr left, unvestigation by the justice department. peter struck deputy head of counter intelligeeemoted then fired. lisa paige fbi counsel demoted and fired. >> two of those people kicked off theueller am. >> why does the president surround himself with people who can't tell the truth to law
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enforcement or congress? >> when havyou ever seen an agency where the top five people who by the way, chuck, ran the clinton igation, launched and ran the russian investigation, have either been fired, demoted or left the fbi, the top people? >> again, it doesn't -- you haven't awered the question i asked. why does the president has surrounded himselfe with peo who cannot tell the truth to law enforcement or congress? >> the president is surrounng himself with people that maybe he shouldn't, i don't know, but his campaignunning mr. manafort was there, part of the campaign, had been involved with republican politics fore. why h selected him i don't know. what i'm most concerned about is what took place at the highels le- our committee is supposed to be the government oversight committee, we are supposed to look the abuses when government agencies do the kind ofthis i think so t think they did at the top levels of the fbi, that's what we're supposed to be focused on. >> i'm auto curious what you thought about this one comment by michael >> i'm responsible for your silliness because i did the same thing that you're doing now for ten years and i can only warn people the more t peoplet follow mr. trump, as i did re
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blindly,oing to suffer the same consequences that i'm suffering. >> a you at all concerned, you're blind to something?he >> not at all. o my focus is on getting to the bottom oings, go he get to the truth. that's my focus as i've said the record under the president's leadership the last two years iy si amazing. the things that have been accomplished for this country both cconomically on therts and in a host of areas, foreign policy as well. do you concede that the president has not always told the truth on russia. >> i don't think the president has liedsi about r at all. >> not once? >> there has been no collusion -- >> not about the trump tower moscow project? he didn't mislead the country on that. >> >> even james comey when we deposed him said up until the day he was fired, may 9th20 , said there was no -- they were doing this investigation while. no single bit of evidence to show any type of -- >> why do you think the president didn't want to tell the country that he had a trump tower moscow deal in the works? >> the president said one thing and
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you have michael cohen saying something else. >> jim hejordan, top republican in the oversight committee, i'm guessing we will do this e again. >>ll. >> thanks very much. all right. when we come back, the fallout from the cohen hearings and how serious are democrats about impeachment? the panel is next. ♪ ♪ ignition sequence starts. 10... 9... guidance is internal. 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ♪ so we improved everything. we used 50% fewer ingredients added one handed pumps and beat the top safety standards the new johnson's®
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world and what shere saw. what she writes on the cone hearings. what is amazing, thoug such a rebuke and such an attack on the essential nature of a president and by an intimate has no equal. he didn't say richard nixon was the cancer. j. p? >> okay. so michael cohen, if th fdny, southern district of new york or whatever hadn'ke bdown the door of his hotel room in the regency hotel, you know, in the summer of 2018, would he have said these words that he said this week? of course not. he threw himself on the the world that hates trumppe having ten years doing nothing but defending trump. so his, you know, his moralistic attack on trump has to be taken with, you know, not a grain of salt, but a mountain of salt.
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having said that, the weird thing ithink about the cohen jim mony is that despite jordan saying he was a terrible liar,n some ways he helped trump on the larger question of russia and impeachment by saying that trump did not formally -- did not say i want you l to to congress by saying that he had attempted to purchase th videotapes mentioned in the dossier and had decided from that experience that they did not exist so, you know, that and a couple of other things as somebody who said i hate trumps now and h terrible and everything is terrible, and if he is such a confirmed liar, why didn he say trump told me to lie? if he'd said it, trump would be subject to the possible charge of o subornati perjury, but he didn't say it. >>eidi, michael cohen's credibility increased because he
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helped trump out of a few things. >> he did. to john's point there were a number of casewhere he actually defended the president accusationsty nasty sharp thrown around like the elevator tape, the rumors that he had somehow hit melania in the elevator and he built up his edibility because he was 100% trashing trump and especially on the collusion poin and he said he didn't see evidence of collusion. so he wasn't 100% trashing the president and that made him more credible on the new things d th bring to the table which was the news here that there had been hush money payments and not just one, that were made throughout the entire course of this presidency. he also suggested that there is another separate criminal investigation going on at the fdny. he said there were things he couldn't talk about and iz tantgly, he mentioned the final conversation with trump as something thop was in that and that he couldn't talk about. >> that was that, matt, and
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maybe a pardon. letme ask this. impeachable? is he john dean? john dean brought the end of the nixon presidency. did michael coh? look, i agree and he's a liar and you have to take that at face value and i thoughtand i agree with peggy noonan on this, it was the portrait of the prident heainted particularly in his opening statement that i thought perhaps is more damagin in the end than any particular thing on which he exonerated theresident. talking about the president looking at him and saying if i was going to to vietnam, do you think i'm stupid? the president who he says never ind he loved the country or wanted to make it better. ent years guy who s and years at his side. i think there is a lingering, cumulati impact of that intimate portrait and damning a portra someone so close to the president. g i do think we' to impeachment at some point because i don't think democrats will hold themselves back before k it and i don't th matters and nothing will drive
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this president from office and you have to think of him. he's not nixon. he's marion barry. a guy who loves -- he loves it, right? he wants the fight. >> he does. >> helene, this was great, washington post on wednesday, why did house republicans just attack cohen and not defend trump? here is what a white house republican said,fu truy it is tough to ignore some of the gross and immoral behavior by the president said one senior house republican, but there was no defense. gs that was one of the extro d extraordinary thhat came out of the michael cohen hearings, no, you didn't hg r people sayump isn't a racist and you didn't hear people saying let me defend the president and you heard him doing a consord -- a concerted effort and to break down his credibility is clearly the republican strategy. i used to cover buddy seancy.
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you completely blew me up, that's a great comparison. one of the things that i thought was a little out sad athe reaction to the cohen hearing is that the united states -- people in theow united states are so in their respective camps. you have the left way off to the left and nobody is listening to facts or anything like that that's presented. people are not coming out and saying, wow, he said this, he said that. it's all been baked into the process and people hear what they want to hear. >> i think jim jordan set out the course for the republican party from here on out which is i don't want to talk about any of this. i want to talk about tax cuts. i want to talk about the economy. i want to talk about foreign approximate policy. what we have here beginning in 1998 when bill clinton got into so mouble, polling started separating out the rspresident' al job approval from his work job approval, remember? clinton's numbers wentay do on his personal job and stayed
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there, but his work job approval was high. this is the tra to re-election for trump if there is a track to re-election r trump and if the nations were convinced that the news is good and trump'ste charhas nothing to do with whether or not he is managing e country effectively they will have a case to make for his re-election and that requires to talk say i don't want about any of this. >> final point. >> when it comes to impeachment, just listen torr nadler, the chief democrat on the judiciard committee they have to say point-blank, we need more bipartisan support. we've seen it with niksxon and clinton. >> which means they're not going to impehmentntil they have evidence to impeachment. a progressive, and a candidate better positioned to beat better positioned to beat thatident trump?
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we will enact a federal jobs guarantee to ensure tert ne in this country is guaranteed a job. t[ cheering ] t was bernie sanders in brooklyn yesterday. so the accent really fit. his first piece since launching his 0 campaign. on friday it was washington state governor jay inslee who got into the race and tomorrow it will be johnr hickenloo officially announcing. so whoever wins the democratic a nomination wil a president with a loyal and resilient base ofsupport. in o latest nbc news/wall street journal ll taken, he stood at 46%, the second highest
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showing since he was president and 52% disapproving and he's on the higher end of what's been a trading range in the low to mid-40s. last month we had him at43 with 54% disapproving. so is that good enough for re-election? joining me now are our gurus, the nbc news/wall street journal pollingle partners. me put up generic ballot, always, we know and it's justge ric ballot, but a generic democrat has 48.t presidump has 41. bill mcinter, is that aeow, flashing yellow light or red light? , you'rea yellow lig behind and so is bill clinton in the nbc news/wall street journal the other thing you remember, last month that was a minus 14 down to this minus seven a year ago and it was minus 16 and it's ndtting closer and i think that
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that's a good positive thing for the president. >> flashing yellow light, but that a mons he has to do everything to win it and it m not be enough, and one of the hallmarks of the trump presidency is he really hasn't expanded his support beyond the basef people who elected him in 2016, and yes, he did win the electoral college, but he only got 46% of the popular vote, and then in a two-person race which we still may have, 46% doesn't probably win youhe presidency. >> it's interesting then. what do democrats want? this is one of the qutions we ked here which is among primary voters, they want someone that's closer to their views and someone who has the best chance to beat donald trump. 56-40. a majority want someone closer to their views. believe it or rsnot, four ago, nearly 80% wanted someone a bit more pure while penth20% we pragmatic wing.
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does that surprise you? >> no. this is esident trump enormous democrat intensity against him. if youhowed theepublican numbers four years ago or eight years ago about obama theyt looked jike that. 40% want to beat obama and majority i want someone in my views and primy voters and both parties are idea logs and they want to see someone they're exciild about. >>would say it all of the time. republicans aren't looking for e most electable. they're looking for the most electable conservative. is that what they'reoking for? not necessarily the most electable purely, but t most electable progressive. >> i think from other polling data, and i would have to say that's a fair characterization. i would also say that it's not just a binary choice with so many different candidates running on the democratic side and even if you're taking the progressive issue, there are so manydifferent progressive issues a candidate can try to get a hold of.
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so many people and one important thing, there will be one more super bowl before there is a vote. there is a long time to go. >> iwant to say there was a headline that to me was better than pulling up the and a week of divisiveness and both parties, and he said democrats, h headline, democrats are having w badk and howard schulz is having a good one. >> howard schultz thinks that's his opening and they think they'll go with a sanders like and trump is over here wh his committed base and is this a week that's a reminder that democrats can give an opening to a howard schultz? >> there is so muchfttime because there isn't a nominee that coalesces and we'll haveer dit groups, you know, different issues sectors fighting for influence, but in our poll, whether you wanted to defeat trump more or you wanted someone who is closer to his issues, nine out of ten were voting for donald trump agast democrats.
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i think our party comes together next year. >> there is a poll number from nbc, wall street journal. 38% say they want a third party nd that's the highest in a 16-year track. so obviously, a country where guess what? since 1989, democrats have become more liberal and all-time record and republicans have become all-time record and more moderate and there iai cey an impulse in the middle of the country that sees someop other on between the two parties. >> it's funnypu yoit that way. >> i want you to put you guys a bit on the spot here.p president tr you've been honest and truthful on the russian investigation and we had it split upy where people get their news on television on the cable front. >> well, let meer put it up the president had been truthful or honest on russia. among fox viewers, 4%f fox viewers until the president has been truthful among msnbc viewers and cnn viewers, that's
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1%. these are small samples and we can debate that, but that does tell you somethior m what does it is a to you, fred? >> it tells us that you get yout refrom what channel you watch. >> what does that mean for how this d --es that mean that the michael cohen hearing while as signifant as it was, bill, as far as maybe the legal case and everytng that we're worried about here that the country's made up their mind or that t partisans have made up their mind? >> i hate to say this since you do aeekly show, but one of the main things you know as a pollster is, please, our country comes to ae steady st and it's very hard to change. all of the russia news and all of the korea and a of the stuff, i think we can do the same survey and the numbers will be within a point of each other, and you just have to in some ys ignore everything that happens and look at longer term trends and the longeren term t is the country sort of said they've sort of decided what they think about russia and until there's a heck of a lot
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more fact. >> right. >> this country isnowhere near where it needs to be. >> like cooper said in the prevegus nt, i think most partisans have decided what the truth is rightat now and in terms of the cohen and mueller report, we'll ha to see what ttually happens in the mueller report for peoplhave a reaction to the mueller report. >> there is a group of people that ignore social media all week long. both pollsters, thank you very much. much. later in the broad cast, the ron! soh really? going on a schwab. thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab.
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them have some reservations or r uncoble about a certain candidate? we'll do other characterist beings next month and throughout this election season. across the board democrats were enthusiastic or comfortable wath candidate who is african-american, a woman candidate, a white male, someone gay or lesbian. on the flip side only 33% ofre democrats comfortable with someone over the age of 75 as their nominee and only 45% were comfortable with a potential socialist president. i can think of a few democrats running for president or thinking about it that fit one or two of those descriptions. emocrats are in line with voters overall on those questions. so wre are the splits between democrats and everyone else? 67% of democrats enthusiastic or comfortable with a muslim president compared to just 49 overall. only 37% of democrats are okay with an evangelical christian versus 54% overall and only 31% of democrats want to see a
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business executive, and i wondet wht's about. overall, that number is 56%. look, as we get further into this process, keep close attention to what democrats and we country overall have said. they don'tnt someone over 75 and they don't want a socialist. we'll be testing others characteristke people who are hispanic and an asian-american president, woman of color, military leaders and yes, billionaires. they'll be coming to a dataea download you. when we come back, what the president said about the death of student otto warmbier. is he really taking kim jong-un at his word? >> coming up, "endgame," brought to you byboeing, continuing our people are managing type 2 diabetes with food family, and the pill that starts with "f." farxiga, along with diet and exercise helps lower a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. although it's not for weight loss it may help you lose weight. do not take if allergic to farxiga. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash,
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endgame brought to you by boeing. continuing our mission to connect, protect, explore and inspire. back now with "endgame" and an awkward end to the north
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korea talks, and i say an awkward end. i want to set aside -- walking away from talks could be a good thing. so let's put that aside, but it was the otto warmbier stuff that ally sort of left a horrible taste in the mouth of a lot of people. here was the president on thursday talking about otto warmbier, the now deceased student who diedal essen in the hands of the north korean govern t government. here is the president on said hais in hanoi. >> i don't believehe would have allowed that to happen. it just wasn't to his advantage to allow that to happen. he tells me he didn't know about it and i will take him at his word. >> here's the president yesterday trying to explain those comments. >> i'm in suc a horrible position because in one way i have to negotiate. in the other way i love mr. and mrs. warmbier and i love otto.
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a lot of what i do with respect to north korea and any success that we hopefully have, and we've had a lot we're given no credit. >> we have been respectful during the summit process. kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son otto and responsible for cruelty and inhumanity and no praise can change that. you know, helene, it puts a spotlight on human rights is just not part of this president's foreign policy. >> it's not part of his dna, and i think that's -- that's unfortunate. i was so prepared, you know, i think overall trump in vietnam on this north korea summit did okay. were was a lot of fear before he went that h going to again, at the pentagon in particular they were terrifi that he waing to talk about pulling troops out of south korea, that heny could put number of things on the table. he did not. his north korea policy, if you take out all of the tweets and
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if you take out all of the inflammatory staples a inflammatory statements and rocket man is sound and a lot of people buy into that national security experts and he does shis otto warmbier statement which skcompletely preposterous and it sounded familiar to him standing in helsinki talking about the american intel community and he talked about vladimir putin whhad nothing to do with interfering with the american elections and of course, he believes them ad he believes mds on khashoggi and one after another. one thing you have to do as an cautocrat is haveversation with him and he is quick to, you know, there is a level of -- of understanding, of kind of the personal pain that he might be inflicting that doesn't seem to be there. >> there was a timee on conservative side of the hen ican political divide the republican party in particular was -- was split
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between peop who believed in fighting a moral foreign policy ch you talked about the west values versus saying the soviet union's and human rights and pushing for human rights and the other side of the right which was a rail policy right, and you have to deal with the world as it is. dot be a fanticist andou have to deal with the bad guys and you take them as they are. the rail politickers would hiver --was a real fight they would never have gone out and said that the russians didn't know that they were torturing andre sokerov or throwing people in the gulog. these were tough people,le real pend you have to deal with them in a cold eye fashion. trump has completely obliterated this, so he goes and says nice things about evil people which
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doesn't help unless you believe that flattering them, flattering people who are beyond the reach of flattery, i would imagine is the way to get them to do what you want. >> that's what works with trump. >> right.if >> flattery works with him he assumes flattery works with others. >> tjohn's point, we all politique and that is how he's talkedbout muhammad bin salman. he was taken strategically because if you look timing of it, it was three days before kim jong-unstas about to missile for the first time in three years. this is a well-knnactic of the koreans which is -- north koreans which is strategic hostage taking. count this a yet another time where this president is not just trying to butter up dictators and strong men, but doing it in defiance of our own
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intelligence. >> presidencies, take on the personalities of the president always, and i agree to something. there is nothing inherently wrong with walking away from a negotiation. i don't think that's a problem and this is going to sound and this is a presidency entirely without empathy because he seems to be for all appearances, a person who is entirely without empathy. whatever his strong suits or weak suits, he does not have the ability to feel personally and deeply the suffering of ohers. he never exhibits that, and i think that's what cohen was getting at in his testimony and it's what comes across in moments like this in north korea. >> david brook, the theme of his column, who didn't love donald trump when he was a kid? that's all for today. thank yofor watching. we'll be back next week because if it's sundait's "meet the press." ♪ ♪
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i wouldn't wish this on anybody. you know, i've seen eaowhquakes, you - like i said, we had a fire last year, me and my fami j. but thisust came on so quick and changed so many lives. >> dozens killed and many still unaccounted for as tornados ripped through the south. first responders and residents searching for loved ones overnight. we'll have the latest. in other parts of th nation, torrential rains and heavy flooding. plus blizzard conditions with many schoolclosings, delayed openings, even an ominous avalanche caught onst camera. ock markets seeing signs a u.s./china trade deal may be near. >>s uber eats the wav


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