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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  March 5, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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reports the trouble swirling around evans and theouncil is far from over. >> reporter: after days of refusing to comment this morninf r a breakfast meeting, council member jack evans apologized. >> in retrospect i would have done things different.ce ainly made mistakes. >> reporter: his apology came minutes after a press release was put out asking the d.c council to reprimand the longest serving elected officl in d.c.'s history. >> we're able to act immediately with regard to the issues of the e-mails about which it is clear there was a violation of the code of conduct. >> reporter: the reprimand is for having his chieff staff send out business proposals to law firms from her government account. it touted his influence a a council member and chairman of the metro board of directors. he's also comeinnder scr in
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matters related to a digital sign company trying to do business with the city. subpoenas in that investigation have been issued to the city and some of evans' clients. it's legal for council members to earn outside co, this council member believes evans crossed the line. >> he peddled influence with the finance and revenue committee. he should no longer be in charge of that. >> reporter: as for evans while he apologized and said he made mistakes he wou not say what he was apologizing for. as reporters tried to ask, evans walked>>away. that's all i have to say. >>av what would you h done differently? >> are you talking about the e-mails or the other matter? reporter: through his attorney evans has maintained he's de nothing illegal. mark segraves news4. jack evans is also the chairman of the metro board of directors, the ethics office for
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metro has launched its o review of this matter to see if he violated its code of ethics. the d.c. council is set to vote on the repmand in two weeks. we have a clear picture of how destructivesuay's deadly tornados were, 90 people believed to behurt. 23 killed, confirmed so far. those who lost their lives range in age from 6 to 93. the storm left a track of about 24 miles of our leon harris is at the live desk with news thaum president is planning to tour that damage there. >>e st learned the president is going to be heading to alabama on friday. he's likely to visit with people there who have lost everything, their homes, pets, family members. between now and friday it's possible the death toll youne ment could rise. several people are still missing and search crews are out looking for more victims' bodies. they have their work cut out for them. the national weather service
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confirms an ef-4 tnado ripped across alabama sunday chewing up and spittingut everything in its path. still neighbors remain hopeful they can ver. >> the neighbors back here, down here, everybody's dead. >> it's destroyed right now but we'll get it back up to the way we want . >> the associated press is reporting at least 20 tornados touched down across the southeast onay su chief meteorologist doug kammerer is live in the weather center. those iges just help us realize how powerful mother nature can be. >> it is amazing to see those tornados in alabama. if you look at the past couple years here we've had a lot of t deadlynados in alabama, alabama becoming more of a tornado alley now. they've seen more tornados than oklahoma has. we've talked about that tornado
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alley shifting. for us a different story, the storm system allowing cold air in behind it, bringing the cold down to the deep south for us wind chill 37. look back to the west, 3 in pittsburgh, 11 in morgantown. the mountains helping us, behind the 4,000 foot mountains here, it is much colder to the east side of this. it helps keep it warmer here. but we are going to g colder tomorrow. the coldest day of the week cmorrow. stild thursday into friday. we'll talk about that as well as a chance for rain or snow friday. and watching the weekend rain chances, i'll have the updated forecast for you in about 15 minutes. thank yo doug. a hyattsville principal admits to saying the n word several times during a black history month assembly. now month reserved as a teaching moment for children has become a bigearing moment
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for this educator. tracee wilkins with the story you'llnly see her on news4. >> she referenced it three times throughout her speech. >> reporter: this mother does not want to be identified. she saysshe's upset after her child's white principal ud the n word while addressing students. >> during h speechhe referred to the n word but she didn't say the n word. she said the word full out. >> reporter: the comments were made by principal joy morrow during the school's black history month program. she admitted to using the word during a phone conversat me.ith she told me she did not mean it maliciously and was using it to make a point explaining the racism she witnessed growing up. she told me, i've apologized. i look at it and think i cou have handled it differently. my approach may not have been the best, but am a passionate
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ed educator, please don't miss what i was trying to say. >> what would you l to see happen with the principal? >> in a perfect world she would see that's totally unacceptable, it may be time to retire and get new leadership in. >> reporter: no word at this point about her future at the school. while she spoke to me by phone, she did not agree to go on camera, but she submitted a statement explaining wt happened that day. to read the statement, go to and readnc pal racial slur. >> she's one of the school's founding members. dr. lewis fereebee is now officially school he c to the district from w indianapolre he served as school superintendent. he also worked as chief of staff of schools in durham and holds a mastersrom gw.
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he's the third chancellor under mayor muriel bowser, her two previous chancellors resigned under scrutiny. a leesburg communityn alert for a teenager who has been exposing himself. at least i sixidents have been reported in recent weeks at the sick more hill neighborhood, that's just off for evaroad. this is af urveillance photo o the suspect from the most t rect cat occurred on sunday. a man convicted of kidnapping and killing a ol 14-yea maryland girl is set to walk free today. dna evidence linked matthew bethea to the murder of nia ens. this was in 1996. bethea has served fewer than nine of his 15-year sentence, but is getting out early for good behavior. the top prosecutor said she's disappointed by this early release but due to state law
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she's unable to stop it. a second dna specimen was found on the victim and has been puth into data base. civil rights groups will use a case you probably remember as an example on how cases are reviewed. chris gordon has why robert white's death is the centerpiece of the hearing. >> reporter: police say robert white was acting aggreively and the officer felt his life was in danger. we learnede acted for a season in the series the wire in baltimore. but a friend tells me he fell on hard times, walng the street, in need of heca. this policm video show the eventso leading upthe shooting of 41-year-old robert white last ju. a montgomery county police
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officer thoug white was armed and was reaching for the officer's gun. >> i do not want to shoot you. >> reporter: white reportedly hit the officer and yelled do it,o it again. the officer shot several times, killing white. >> he says theoe video't show the robert white he knew foe 35 years. >>s the god father of my child and she has a life in which it was enriched with everything that he did for her. he was a preacher's kid and he ha morals and respect for everyone that h came across. >> reporter: the policenvolved shooting was investigated by the montgomery county police who turned the edence over to prosecutors in howard county. the officer was cleared of a wrong doing. now the montgomery county council is considering bill that would require an independent police department investigation ony police-involved shootings and issue a report on their findings for transparency. >> this is to promote public trust inpo cing.
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i think we have a crisis around th country of confidence i policing. we have a terrific department in montgomery county but we can make improvement. >> reporter: marvin whitfield will testify for the bill becade he s the family of robert white was kept in the dark during the investigation and this bill will bring the facts to life in a ooting. >> once the investigations are completed, then the public has a right to know what went on in the investigaon and this is a way for that to happen. >> reporter: now it turns out that robert white was unarmed when he was shot to death. night the aclu and the naacp will be here at this montgomery county council hearing to testify in support of independent investigations of police-involved shootings. that's the latest fm montgomery county. jim back to you. >> we're sure to have mor on news4 at 11:00. a high speed crash, smash, and grab. that's what it ts supposed do, at least.
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but the burglary attempt turned into a comy of errors. why police say this may be part of something bigger. i'm adam tuss, look at the memorial bridge. the side of it basically opened up and the work to fix this structure goes well beyond just fixing the bridge. i'll take you inside a unique tourg com up. we're working for your healthn this evening, dor gentzler explains what doctors are finding when examining the eyes of young peoe who spend hoursooking at the lir p
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smartnes and tablets have now been around long enough for doctors to see what kind of impact they can have on your children's eyes ophthalmologists say they're seeing an increase in conditions like dry eye a nearsightedness in children and the damage cannot be reversed. doreen gentzler working for your health with a story that every parent needs to see.
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>> for the first time in history, seehese gland literally disappearing in young people, it's making us very nervous. >> reporter: it's getting hard to find a child who isn't glued to some type of device. doctors worry this technology is taking a serious toll on their eyes. dr. sandra crammer is an ophthalmologist in rockville, maryland. >> we found screen time is the biggest culprit of why young children a losing their glands at record place. >> chances are y haven't heard of your m eibomian glands but they're crucial. >> theland is key to helping with the vision. they're priceless. >> the top pture ishat the glands should look like. >> they should look like white piano keys. >> reporter: this is what doctors are seeing mor and more of and in younger patients. >> the bottom patient is a
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17-year-old who's on the screens on average eight hou a day. >> reporter: part of the problem too much screen time and not enough blinking. >> we discourage fortnitet becauseas an amazing ability to trap a child and they'll only partially blink. when you don't blink you don't milk this oil gland. it's similar to a cow, if you don't milk it, it dries >> reporter: if it dries up and disappears, it can lead to blurry vision, pain, itching, blurring, and scar tissue. worse, it can't be undone. >> aging will make those glands disappear. >> reporter: there are things can you do to help prevent this eye damage, like the 20, 20, 20 every 20 minutes you and your child should look away from the screen and lookut a window or at an object that's 20 feet in the distance for 20 seconds.
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also avoid watching tablets and computers inrightly lit areas to help protect against eyestrain. doreen gentzler news4. the blue light e the smart phones, tablets, tvs, that could be the problem. there are special glasses and screen protectors that can block out thate b light. just another reason to avoid the screens aaybe go outside. a british man has apparently become only the second adult worldwide known to have been cleared of hiv. now the unidentified patient cceived a transplant of bone marrow stemls three years ago from an v resistant donor. now doctors say highly sensitive tests cannot detect any of his previous infection. an american man became the first adult to be cleared of hiv after pdergoing a similar treatment.
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experts say this nient is proof that scientists will one day be able to endaids. you can learn more about the break through on our nbc washington app, search hiv. it's going to be a bumpy ride along the clara barton parkway. they were set to do repairs one holes but the equipment they use tose fix thootholes broke down. it's one ofany areas desperatel needing rfacing. the national park service says they're not sure when the machine will be fixed or they'll be able to reschedule this work. you probably walked across the memorial bridge in the past but you have never seen a bridge like this. itself is in ge the middle of a major repair project, the thousands of granite pieces along the bridge are also getting much needed attention.
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our transportatio reporter adam tuss got an up close look today athe repair process. >> reporter: a nondescript stone yard is holding a lot of history right now. this ishe memorial bridge, if you can believe it, pieces it, carved up so it can be set aside and repaired. >> we don't want it to be brand new, that wasn't the point of any of this cleaning. >> reporter: she watches over these pieces carefully. >> here's a good example -- >> reporr: she's the architecture conservator with the park service which means she knows where each of these pieces of granite goes.y and t will go right back in specific locations on the ge br >> the granite is in really good condition for almost being 90 years old. >> reporter: the bridge opened in 1932. it cost over $7 million to build it. right now it's in the middle of
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. $200 million reh it's going through surgery at this point, that surgery has openedp the bridge but important pieces like the granite have been removed from here along the banks of the potomac. and they come here to a yard in upper marlboro where they're getting new life, refurbished and piece by piece each one will go back on the bridge. as the park serelce will you this bridge does more than carry traffic, it's a memorial to the veterans. >> they're here just for a short period of time and hopefully they'll be rig back. >> reporter: the south half of the bridge getting replaced, it'll be put back in the fall and then the north side gets its turn. adam tuss news4. now the entire bridge rehab project is expected to be complete in 2021. so the united states is the world's only industrial country that doesn't guarantee
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paid family leave. just ahead,he new push that would change that and why the chances are better nown t ever. plus we have a colder blast of air coming our -we're doing karaoke later, and you're gonna sing. -jamie, this is your house -i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? ids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you didn't tell me your friends were coming. -oh, -this one is tiny like a child. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to bsurrounded by what matters most -- a home and auto bundle from progressive.
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-oh, sweetie, please, play for us. -oh, no, i couldn't. -please. -okay. singing in spanish ]
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we thought today was ld, but we ain't seen nothing yet. the hump day is going to be it, huh? >> tomorrow is going to be a chilly day. for this time of year it's supposed to be in the low to mid
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50s. tomorrow we'll maybe make it to freen some areas, and the wind chills t 2ns ands. >> we'll be sleeping in our puffy coats. >> wind chills will feel 30 degrees colder than the average high temperature for the day, about 52. right now, plenty ofns ne, it does look beautiful today but we have a cold front making its way our way. current temperature 42. winds out of the west 8 miles per hour with sunshine. these are the wind chls, 22 in winchester, 32 in gaithersburg. huge, the mountains have a impact on our area.en look what's hag here, along and west of the blue ridge -- to the east, 30s, to theest 20s. to the west of the appalachians, single digits and teens. the cold air can't make it over the needs a front to come throh and we have a front on the way. you can see some snowhowers on
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the pittsburgh area. you can see the clouds right here. see how ey'rehifting down towards our area. that's the arctic air mass making its way down. look how cold it is behind us. it's already cold across much of the nation. behind this, 4 in cleveland. 5 in chicago. these are current wind chills. our wind chill in atlanta is 35 degrees, 37 in d.c. we're warmer than atlanta this afternoon. amazing how much of the country is on the cold side and it's going to stay this way for a while here. for the next two weeks we're going to be on the colder side of average. wernight low temperatures, let's talk aboud chills, 11:0017 d.c., 5 martinsburg. once the sun goes down it's going to be frigid. tomorrow waking inup, chills between 0 and 10 degrees with the exception back to the west. martinsburg 1 below, 2 below in
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got his first vaccine. siw he's on capitol hill r awareness and raising a message, why he had to get himself i knock lated. >> this isn't what you imagine when you hear about building up e conversatineighborhood. the conversation against the neighbors. >> reporter: you're a a nabe thief, you're set up for a big play for big bucks when all of a sudden you realize your driver has gone away. the bungled
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right now at 5:30, d.c. council member, jack evans, facing aofficial reprimand for pushing for political gain, this comes as he facing scrutiny on a separate issue. > a hyattsville principal admits to using the n word during a black history program last week. tracee wilkins brokehis story. principal joy morrow at the new hope academy says she did not mean for it to be malicious. she apologized in a statement. she said she used it to make a point while elaining the racism she witnessed growing up. police trying to track down a group ofho thieves bungled
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this burglary as they tried to eal an atm at a seven eleven in montgomery county. investigators say it may not be the firime they have tried and failed at doing just that. what a mess. >> news4's pat collins is live this evening with the story of what kousounds like a couple knuckle heads, pat. >> reporter: indeed. police are out looking for a group o wannabe atm eyrobbers. ay they're up to no good and it appears they're not very good at what they're up to. see these b yellow pipes here? they're brand new. they're filled withre conc. they're set in concrete. when you hear this unstory, youl rstand why they're here. it was fruary 15th, the day after valentine's day. some guysal s a pickup truck and set out to steal an atm.
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aey come to the seven eleven on bladensburg roa bam, back that truck into the store. they try and try and try again to pick up that atm machine. nothing. so they take off. so you know what they say, if at first you s donceed, well, these guys should have just given up. ut two days later, same kind of pickuptruck, same m.o. seven eleven on new hampshireavenue, boom in goes the truck. boom, down goes the atm. out come the ieves. then things go sideways. they lift and they pull and they push that money machine trying to get it onto a hand track. >> it appldrs they ct get their act together as far as what they wanted to do and how they wanted to pull o this theft. >> reporter: the driver of the pickup, he gets impatient, so he
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takes off. >> the getaway car got away. r orter: finally the three suspects muscle the machi out the store but the atm tips over and falls on the leg of one of the guys. then they realize their getaway is gone. wordsre said. the suspects lea o foot. but wait, the hand truck. we may need that again. better get it. if -- they're not going to try it agai i mean, they're not going to try this again. but if they do try it again, chances are eye not going to do back to that seven eleven ond bladensburg wendy, back to you. >> i don't know. there's -- it seems like there's a lot of gray matter between these three, you know. who knows what they're going to do next. thank you, pat.
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an elementary school pe teacher is facing child porn charges this evening if montgomery county. police arrested damon dartuzoay earlier t in his home in counts of, facing ten child porn possession. he teaches gym a ash burton elementary school in bethesda. they do not believe any images in this case involve students of the montgomery county school system. membersf congress in our area just reintroduced bill for paid family leave for federal workers. jennifer wekston is one of the democrats pushing f. reform this would allowor paid leave up to 12 weeks for illness, care ging and a new baby. president trump wants six weeks for family leave. some democratic lawmakers sayey e doing what they're proposing. >> new parents need toit bond
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their children and establish routines. this is the policy my office. this is nothing new for us. it won't affect us because we already do this. >> at the state level six states and d.c. have passed pd family leave laws. in d.c. there is eight weeks for parental ave, six weeks for family care and two weeks for a seriousealth condition. today a montgomery county council member introduced legislation that wod close the gender pay gap. we told you about this yeerday. an glass says there is alarming data that showsif siant pay disparities among men and women among the county employees. his bill would prevent thety co from asking job applicants about their salary history orng it to determine their starting pay. he's me national headlines for defying his own mother who doesn't believe in vaccines. and today a high schooler from itio testified on c hill talking to lawmakers about the n
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miptions among so-called anti-saxers and where they're getting their onformation. arris is in the news room now with a closer look at today's thhearing. >> lindenberger says that his mother is among those who thinks vaccines can lead to autism, cause brain damage and don't benefit the general public. he said just asro dan as those beliefs is where she and many other develop their opinions on them, social media. he said he wentf much his life without getting vaccines, he says as he older he started to kquesti his mother's reasons and got himself vaccinated when he turned 18. he said his mother loves her family but had been manipulated by things she read online. she wouldo turn evidence from sights like facebook for information. >> it wasn't that she didn't have the information, she was
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manipulated into disbelieving it. people resonate better with stories. myfamily, my mom was reaffirm her condition was correct because she knows peopl a she's seen stories. when you convince parents that not informati c isrect but their children are at risk that's a more substantial way to causee to change their minds. >> today's hearing came as our country faces an outbreak of measles, a preventable disease which had been eradicated in the year 2000. while most kids areimmunized, pockets of thosean that aren't spread to others. public healt officials are putting out an alert about a suspected case of measles in st. mary's county, additional testing is required to confirm the diagnosis. but anyone who visited the emergency a department med star st. mary's sunday between 8:00 in the morni and 1:00 in the
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afternoon may have been exposed. a hot line has been established to answer concerns. we have the number for you in the nbc washington app, search measles. an amazing scene when an avanche swept down a mountai and onto a highway. up next we hear from the driver whose car was pushed off the road from this sl oe. >> everynce in a while you think about wow we just lived through an avalanche. and tornado alley we typically think of it in the midwest. the destruction left behind by tornados absolutely jaw ng droppi, especially from this week's outbreak on sunday. we're starting to see tornado alley shift. so whe
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i know what it means to have reliable support. i found a company who believes in me.oo theyout for me. and they help me grow my career. at comcast it's my job to constaly monitor our network,
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prevent problems, and to help provide the most reliable service possible. prmy name is tanyaand to help i work at the network operations center for comcast. in we're working to make simple, easy and awesome. your favorite restaurants now it doesn't matter dash. where you are. ♪ it doesn't matter what you're hungry for. it doesn't even matter how many you are. ♪ restaurants me to you. de licious at your door. download drdash. first order, no delivery fee.
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new today, government teams surveying the damage confirmed that at least 1tornados hit across four states in this weekend's deadly thtbreak. national weather service says twisters hit alabama, florida, georgia and south carolina. amelia draper is here now with a closer look at what aears to be a shifting tornado alley. amelia? >> when we talk about tornado alley it's whereou in ourry we have the most number of tornados. pically textbook tornado alley is right here, the areas dn through texas as we get cold dry air from canada we have warm hot
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y air from mexico and the moist warm air from the gulf. all those different air masses come together here in the middle part of the country and give the perfect set up for twisters. however we're starto see it shift to the east. we're seeing an orupward trend the areas in red. this is mainly the southeast up through icago. and this is for the number of ef-2 tornados or greater. we're not only seeing the shift to the east but the intense storms are more likely to developo e east of tornado alley here you see in tornado alley a downward trend of ef-4 tornados. this is what we call dixie alley meteorologists but could this be theew tornado alley as we see tornado develop in these
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regions? the ships about 140 miles off to the east. but why are we seeing the shift? the reason is unclear? is it man made? a change in the whclimate? we are sure about is dryer air is moving farther east and allowing those tornados to develop mainly in the southeast and in the southeast compared to the midwest we see more destruction. you have larger population size in the southeast compared to the midwest. you have a lot of trees there and also you he more mobile homes. so those when tornados are moving through areel compl obliterated with a strong enough tornado versusereas out in midwest. so tlldoorey a shiftta off to t east. something we'll continue to track and will be of interest as we get into severe weather season, guys. >> amelia, thank you. code word name flying aroun clairendon.
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it's aimed to curb sexual violence at restaurants. i'm cor
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problems popping up literally in one d.c.od neighbor developers working to build up homerea, but there's a new under construction that is upsetting some of the long-time residents. cory smith along kendy street in northwest d.c. >> reporter: in a city full of row hom one developer has decided to build a pop up. it isot n going down well with neighbors in the area. one of these things is not like the others. >> it looks really awkward. >> reporter: one of these things doesn't quite belong. >> it's an eyesore. >> reporter: in the 1200 block
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of kennedy street homeowners are taking notice of the size difference between their homes home. s >> i would prefer it to be a one-family home. >> reporter: his neighbor feels the sachl. >> it does not fit in the neighborhood. it does. it's really an injustice to the neighbors. it is. who would aerove something l this? >> reporter: the city did. we captured someone from the department ofonsumer and regulatoryff aairs on site this morning, the designs have beenp ed and reapproved andni zong laws allow for the home to reach 50 feet into he air. >> it's a bad decision. >> reporter: you don't build a home like this without upsetting a few neighbors, whether it's trash, excavation, foundation repair. i spoke to the developer and said he's done everything by the ok trying to mitigate those concerns as best he can. >> it's always going to be that
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house on the block, hard to get used to. >> reporter: the developer snts things dif. kennedy street is sprinkled with similar structures he built. this is a sign of the time you ink you're going to start seeing more of this? >> absolute lly. that's just the beginning. >> reporter: weeached out to e department, and they are well aware of the complaints surrounding the construction site, we asked theirresponse, and we are still awaiting that response. they did not retur our calls. >> boy does it stand out and up. >> and the guy in e -- or the people in the big tall house they have to look down on the roofs of their neighbors -- >> their angry neighbors. >> yeah, it's not like that's a beautiful view. especially when they put trash up there. interesting. thanks, cory. the d.c. council taking time today to honor the tuskegee airmen, theam
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african-american aviators and support crews who served our current during the world war ii, several surviving airmen were on hand today for the honor. one of them iss 98 ye old. the other is celebrating his 94th birthday today. >> to receive such anonor before this council member, it's really exciting moment for me. >> it's been an honor a a privilege to serve with some of the intellectually abled people the tuskegee experience. >> we sthute . you see former congressional thagate walter frontroy in group, he was representing his brother. the dash cam video says it all. cars driving on interstate 70 near vail, colorado and this happened. an avalanche flying down the hill.
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snow eclipsi the roadway, drivers unable to avoid the impact. let's look at it again. this evening we're hearing from a couple who had their truck pushed off the road by this. >> she was like, mommy, mommy, oh, my gosh. i was like, what, wh l. iked to the right and i saw it coming. t was like, shawn, shawn, avalanche. >> when the impact hitus, it was loud, it was complete white out, we couldn't see i let my foot off the gas and coasted and tried to predict where the road would be a hoping i wouldn't hit a car in front of me >> a plow truck had to dig the family out. it took about six hours aft that to get home. authorit es say no onelse was trapped or hurt in that avalanche. >> timing is everything. right when that happoued. >> is the one that loves snow, by the way. >> yeah. >>in colorado. i love that area. i've driven that road many times. they doet avalanches out there
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constantly, seldom do ty hit i-70. blot of times it's higher passes that cloause of snow. they've seen so much snow, you guys, a couple of feet over the last couple days, that's one reason why we saw that avalanche just tthe wes of copper mountain, to the east o il. vail pass, right around that area. out there right now we're looking pretty good. sunshine earlier. sun making its way down now. you can see what's happening, temperature wise, 42 now but we're going to drop to 36 by 7:00,1 by 11:00. it's going to be a chilly night tonight. a not a lot of wind out there right now. the wind is going to be a major factor as we head into the night tonight and into the day tomorrow your wind chill, 5, 10, 15 mile per hour, that's it. 35 in manassas, 4towards culpepper, 28 down towards the river. back to the west, that's where
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the cold air is. 42 d.c., 33 hagerstown, pittsburgh at 17. the cold air making its way our way overnight. and it's going to a very cold day tomorrow. let's think spring. let's talk cherry blossoms amelia draper. we have a phase going onthere. phase number one. >> out of six. the national park service today saying that the cherry blossoms are in officially stage one of six. and tomorrow right around this time we're going to be releasing when we think peace in the middle eas blook i-- peak bloom going to be this year. typically it happens late march, early april. i'm going to be at the tidal basin tomorrow freezing but i love this time of area. at the bus stop, kids will be freezing, 24 degrees we'll have wind chills in the singletoigits rrow morning with the wind
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chilre ss will feel like we're in the teens and 0s. at pickup, temperatures around 35 degrees. we're almost 25 degrees below normal tomorrow. n high thursday of 42, with a breeze it'll feel about 30 degrees outside. 44 on friday, feels about 35. speaking of friday, some rain is in the forecast. andga it's still going to be cold out there, running 10 grees below normal onfriday. the best chance for rain is later in the day, maybeet snow mixes in north and west. no accumulation. over all, friday looking like a low impact event and in th weekend we have more rain in the forecast. >> yes. we have one dry da that being saturday. today wn't too bad, thursday will be a carbon copy of today. chance of rain andnow on friday, not a big deal, 44 52 on saturday dry under mostly
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cloudy skies. set the clocks forward one hour. sunday aem highrature of 64. moving in the right direction, right? that comes withea rain and rain, too. half inch to an inch of rain and then we cl things back down below average next tuesday, wednesday, and into the weekend when by the wa another chance for rain. >> wouldn't you know. > we get an hour less of the rain, right? >> yeah, that's right. because we move forward an hour. so we lose an hour of rain. >> there you go. >> nicely done. i've always liked you, wendy rieger. this is a neighborhood that is bustling with nht life and now there's worries about crime. >> when we come back at 5:00, the new way some restaurants and bars in arlington
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people aren't talking about how much money they saved buying giant-brand chicketa they're noing, because they're eating. oh, hello. at giant, it's the little things that make mealtime easy, so you have more time with the people you love. for low-price leand stone, comfloor and decor.ide the prices are the lowest you will find. not only did we find lots of options, but we were like, oh my gosh, it's so affordable. it's affordable no matter what your budget. i saved a lot of money at floor and decor. we came in under budget, way under budget. yeah. it's really the best pricing. you're getting an incredible product for an amazing price. why wouldn't you want to save money and make your house look great? i love to save money. who doesn't like to save moneyde floor and cor. you have to see it to believe it.
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myland is a step closer tonight to becoming the first state to ban styrofoam food containers, the bill passed the senate today now it moves to the house. supporters say styrofoam is bad for the environment because it's not biodegradable. opponents sayesearch shows it recycled. half of marylanders live in areas with styrofoam bans, many in the d.c. area. but this makes it a state-wide rule. in montgomery county it'll
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be illegal to smoke in most restaurant and bar patios. the county council approved an outdoor smoking ban. this also businesses will be allowed to designate roof top or balcony areas for smoking, if they choose. this law should take effect this summer a violators can be fined 50 bucks. there's a code word floating around bars in arlington. >> part of an effort to keep pele safe and prevent sexual >> reporter: arlington county might be the first place in the entire country to implement ask for angela. participates bars have this flyer posted. if at any point you're feeledg threatr uncomfortable, you can t kboo the bar staff and say is angela working tonight. thatets the bar staff know
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they need to pull you aside, get you away from any threat and there thell ask if you need help. >> it's a discreet way of letting the bartender know or the waitress know that something is not right. >> reporter: autumn jones works with sexual assault victims. today she's training staff at spirit of 76 in clarendon on how to approach potential sexual assault situations. >> we want businesses to be successful here. part of that is creating anre atmosp where people feel safe. >> reporter: bar goers can ask for angela in any situation bey're uncomfortable. the staff is training on how to respond to that, which is simply offering thero p the option to get away from that situation or even calling police if the patron requests it. >> the restaurant staff should prome it, should let everyone know we're an ask for angela establishment. and you should feel safe walking
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in thatsh estabnt. >> reporter: to see a full list of bars participating with this program look on now at 6:00, search and recovery in alabama. >> unbelievable. >> sunday's t deadlnado was a monster. it killed three children. and seven members of the same family. tonight, the next phase of recovery before a presidentia visit. targeting trump. the white house responds to democrats launching new investigathens. >> wheny look at it, they just say presidential harassment. a deadly police shooting at struck a nerve. the push to change local law kicks into high gear later tonight. well, the searches are winding down for now the death toll remains the same, 23 dead in eastern alabama from sunday's
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>> the toll on human life devastating, the victims range in age from 6 to 89. authorities say they have notified all the victims' familiars. president trump set to visit on friday. jay gray starts us off in alabama. >> reporter: this is the kind of devastation that so many survivors are coming back to across the strike zone, entire neighborhoods like this one ripped apart, unrecognizable after the storm here. the scars clawed out by a string ofs tornado stretched for miles, splint erred wood, twisted metal and broken glass all that's left. >> when y see the devastation, it's hard to fathom something can be this powerful. >> reporter:athe national r service confirming an ef-4 twister with winds


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